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dreams diary 2012



13th february 2012

there were three distinct dreams last night

the memory of the thoughts that caused the themes for the dreams during the previous day are still clearly remembered

there was also some strong emotional content during the day

the emotional content during the day was greater than the emotional content that accompanied the thoughts which prompted the dreams

it is concluded from this that thoughts are a more influential in a persons life than emotions

the dreams themselves...

one was sexual

the next was a world where everyone was rich beyond belief

the third was a world where our man shaped dinosaur cousins were as visible as clouds in the sky

are multi themed dreams only ever a manifestation of desires?

this will be borne out if it is a common experience amongst all people

if multi themed dreams that have undesirable content are commonplace then it is reasonable to assume that the person needs to evaluate their outlook and/or lifestyle

see dreams and dream theory

upon waking and thinking about the dreams a new realization occured which is going to make bringing soul partners together a lot easier than had been thought

however; it does mean world wide cooperation

(the writer is not going to encourage the group/clique/cult mentality by putting essential information on this web site when the vast majority of the population don't have access to it)

more life available this undulation and only 70 visitors a day !

it's sheer madness

12th january 2012

listened to the news earlier in the day in which iran called israel liars and israel called iran liars

for some minutes after, the currently held view of evolution and devolution was overidden by a whole gamut of possibilities of other ways it might be happening

the dream that night was set in the deepest, densest jungle scene that the writer had ever seen, dreamt or visualised

all manner of deadly creepy-crawlies were out for a kill

the emotion in the dream, which was initially a mild form of panic, was quickly replaced by a determination not to allow killer instincts to gain sway

when the determination to best the killer instincts had established itself the threat of danger, and the creepy-crawlies, faded and the dream ended

this dream highlights the delicate and subtle nature of love/life

how a calm mind that lets its imagination run amok will pay for it

the lesson learnt from this dream is... keep thoughts and feelings towards all man shaped devolving beings as generous as possible

the lover is giving such beings as gentle and as gradual an exit from existence as circumstances and reality allows