that moment in heaven when everbody's love is equally balanced and which then produces an increase in the numerical quantity of life


this is love/life's real power

the abilty to bring into existence beings who will exist forever

some people think that power is being able to end the life of another person

some people think that power is being able to end the life of many people

some people think that power is being able to fool most of the people most of the time

some people think that power is being able to use phyical force to subdue someone

some people think that power is military might

some people think that power is being able to manipulate others through fear

some people think that power is being able to manipulate people by bribery and corruption

some people think that power is being able to manipulate people through sexual exploitation

some people think...

such thinking is as far off the mark as it's possible to be

note the difference in time scales...

one second to end a life and 1 ^83 000 years to move evolving beings one second or one minute or one day or one week or one month or one year or one decade or one generation or one century or one millennium or all or part of a lov-lee, or all or part of a li-len or all or part of a lov-len closer to fulfilment

get into the writers slipstream of ethical behaviour (ethical parameters) and come to know the unimaginable pleasure of bringing into existence other beings who can live forever

some people think the pleasure of sex or drugs is the greatest pleasure

if they only knew