19 th october 2009

impossible love

the desire to change inanimate substance into life

it's possible this feeling came before compelling-inventive/sacrificially-creative love



compelling and sacrificially-creative love

when the overwhelming urge to share something good becomes so great

( in 1 ^80 000 years or so )

it will be recognized that the only way to get more beings to heaven will be to begin a new undulation

(love is the eternal victim of its own success)



necessary love

the inability to put self before others

this is the love that keeps us in perpetuity while traversing infinity and the love characteristic of an evolving being



intellectual love

recognizing that practicing necessary love is a requirement for straight line action

it's possible that this comes before necessary love

see ethics, space dream evolution, ethical parameters, ethically orienting, fulfillment


personality love

the appeal of a persons character that makes us want to be in the persons company continually


protective love

the hormonal response that makes us want to make sure that no harm comes to them as in the case of our children or parents


cellular love

the feelings associated with the pleasure receptor cells


instinctive love

the basic sex drive


these different types of love are placed in order of importance from an eternal point of view

chronologically they will have a different order

these are the meanings of the word love that are used here in endic

no doubt other distinct types of love exist

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20th september 2009

it (impossible love) is a strange characteristic of life

not the love that accompanies the feelings that are associated with hormones or the pleasure receptor cells

the characteristic that is trying to be described here is completely unglamorous, dull, a plodding chore-like characteristic

the opposite of pleasure but not painful

putting oneself after others is an easy thing to do

impossible love goes a lot deeper than that

it lies somewhere between the absolute indifference that anything should happen and the ability to enact unmitigated motion that generates a qualitative texture

it’s like a tacit agreement between sentience and the absolute that requires an attempt be made to bring life to substance itself

as though reality is saying… now that you’ve got a qualitative state all of the substance in that state must experience it too

it’s possible it represents one of the lovers periods of attunement to flat space

still not completely understood but a real requirement for our continued existence

impossible love, like the inaccessible quantum world that exists below planck’s constant, underpins our reality

10 000

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22nd june 2009

were the lover to vent to his ability to move in heaven we'd never see him and would be left with our own meager feelings of love to keep us going

sure, even without his love influencing us transcendental time scales could be achieved before our own feelings of love became depleted but those time scales would be but blinks of an eye compared to what is available

his love is intimidating and the thought “we’ve got eternity to try to match him… we’ve got eternity to…” keeps this person trying

each new day starts with the resolution “I’m going to try a little bit more today”

and when acts of love start to falter “we’ve got eternity to try to…”

if everything goes as it should for you

you can look forward to becoming ethically thick or ethically stupid in the fullness of time

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