2nd october 2009

of the affairs of the man shaped being there are three main bodies of influence

these three party’s are to be regarded as occupying varying positions or degrees of the conjugate of love/life and the sub conjugate of life/death

the three party’s are…


a german-japanese liaison

its strategy is the creation and distribution of wealth

the conjugate of love/life is in evidence


a russian led coalition of oligarchies

its motivation is nothing other than to control people

it will soon be known if it is able to redeem itself


a jewish group who call themselves sanhedrin

it has an elitist perception of itself and sees people outside of its clique as inferior

this outlook and way of life doesn’t come into existence like a bolt from the blue

it has to be reaffirmed time and time again, undulation after undulation

once it has started it looks like it can’t be stopped


take note those of you who are only a "little bit" out of ethical parameters

catch it in its early stages


the lovers terrible love has ensured that the worst things that can happen have already happened

never again will their be a breach in the parameters of the conjugate of love/life that could produce a failure of life’s own objective of mammal man completing earthly evolution

(in the next one or two thousand years)

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