capital letters = link


1 x 1 and 1 + 1

2nd generation (yourselves)

beings conceived through collective love in heaven and brought into being through earthly evolution

this is love/lifes real power

some people think that power is being being able to end the life of another person

some people think that power is being able to end the live's of many people

some peolpe think that power is being able to fool most of the people most of the time

some people think that power is being able to use physical force to subdue someone

some people think that power is military might

some people think that power is being able to manipulate others through fear

some people think that power is being able to manipulate people through bribery and corruption

some people think...

such thinking is as far off the mark as it's possible to be

note the difference in time-scales

one second to end a life and one raised to the eighty-third thousandth power (1^ 83 000) years to move an evolving being one second or one minute or one hour or one day or one week or one month or one year or one decade or one generation or one century or one millennium or all or part of lov-lee or all or part of a li-len or all or part of lov-len closer to fulfilment

get into the writer's slipstream of ethical behaviour (ethical parameters) and come to know the unimaginable power and pleasure of bringing other beings into existence who will live forever

some people think the greatest pleasure is sex and drugs

if they only knew

(see also Link) utility