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INFINITIES endlessness times all things that can be endless
numbers highlight, or perhaps represent, the nature of the counting numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, etc. go on forever there can be an endless numercal value between each of the counting numbers... 1.123456789101112114 ad infinitum then there can be an infinite variation of the numerical value of the structure of the decimal between each of the counting numbers... 1.112233445566778899 etc. also.. so within our flat space reality there are endless variations for weight, size, shape, pleasure, emotion, motion.. and they can be combined and permuted
each and every thing that can exist in our reality can extend to the extremes of the infinite... weight can become infinitely light the size of something can be infinitely large or infinitely small there are an endless number of shapes that can exist something can move infinitely slowly... however we know from the uncertainty principle that there can't be two absolutes at the same time...