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that of all things that exist there also exists a size to numerical ratio, in that for any given thing there will always be more of the smaller and less of the larger

this can be seen with  people, mountains, clouds, planets, wavelengths, fish, suns...

and for the invisible... galaxies, micro organisms, viruses, molecules...

it also applies to numerical sructure... pi, phi...


averages and ratios


for every person over 2 metres tall there are ten people who are under 2 metres tall which would make the ratio 1:10

for every person over 1.9 metres tall there are nine people who are under 1.9 metres tall which would make the ratio 1:9

for every person over 1.8 metres tall there are eight people who are under 1.8 metres tall and so on which would make the ratio 1:8

with people there is a descending ratio that break downs as the limit of the smallest size is approached

the average therefore is that point of measurement when this axiom can be applied in either direction and both size and numbers remain consistent

for inanimate objects the ratio factor is consistent as can be seen with mountains, clouds, planets, wavelengths, fish, suns...

it is also consistent for invisible things... galaxies, micro organisms, wavelengths...

and also for mathematics

derived from planck's postulate

there are so many variations that can occur, when this axiom is applied to the undulatory process, it's difficult to know which way love/life will use it