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the pressure of the blood against the walls of the veins as it moves through the body

the moment after the heart beats is when the pressure is biggest (systolic)

the moment before the heart beats is when the pressure is smallest (diastolic)

see also blood pessure


an immediate challenge in overcoming the limitations of the heart is understanding why blood-pressure rises as we get older when experience tells us that as we get older all the other muscles in our body become weaker

from this observation it should be the case that the blood pressure falls as we age because the muscle itself is getting weaker and is less able to do the work

the only bit of knowledge that this website has that explains why this is the case is that the blood-pressure rises because of too much salt

this website is not going to do any research on the subject

it is hoped that common sense approach, not a scientific inquiry, to this problem will produce results

let's see if it does...


two possibilities present themselves


the first reason that comes to mind is the unethical trends in our society

does it makes sense to you to think that if something produces unnatural death removing that thing from a lifestyle cannot help but go towards removing its affects?

see ethical parameters

see also the heart


the ability of the physiology to function reduces because we are not keeping pace with the changes that we have to incorporate into our physiology to keep pace with evolution


the first purpose of the heart is to get sufficient blood to the furthest part of the body

blood pressure is set by the strength of the heart

minimum effort to get the blood around the body will result in the lowest possible diastolic pressure