death-outcome assertions

                           a thought that has become part of a persons genetic structure 


all death outcome assertions have at least two aspects

1 strength

2 structure

e.g. "jump off cliff"

each aspect is a variable

"jump off cliff" "fall off cliff"

"jump from tree" "fall from tree"

the strongest death-outcome postulates/assertions will be able to

accommodate all other lesser postulates and assertions

e.g. the postulate "drop dead" can encompass the assertion

"jump from cliff" but not the other way around

jumping off the cliff will not necessarily result in death whereas

dropping dead must

a weak assertion cannot encompass a stronger one

a man who killed in self defence does not want to share a cell with a

child murderer

a child murderer does not want to share a cell with a cannibal

cannibals have to be isolated                                                            


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