was in a room with a woman who had just become an acquaintance
s00000ly graphic
this dream was the result of meeting someone earlier on in the day
two sleeps and two dreams today
the first scene or two of the second dream today vanished from the
memory almost instantly
it would probably have explained what caused the dream
the theme of the dream was a woman and myself striking up a
relationship and beginning a film project
the idea of the film was to portray the real meaning of life
our shared emotions was the key factor of this dream
they produced some sublimely touching moments
one in particular was getting a robot to feel and appreciate life and
exhibit love
another was the excelling harmonies that flowed from an impromptu
duet as we took it in turns to originate lines and sang them to the tune
of "where have all the flowers gone"
the dream ended, while we were still singing, with the sun shining over
a hilly area the size of a county
. . . . . . .