same-day-experiences influenced dreams / delayed-theme dreams
was getting things prepared to do a discotheque for an
evening wedding reception a few days hence
a helper who had been looking forward to doing the djaying
had become weary that we would ever do one and was voicing
his reservation's that it wasn't going to happen
"you've seen the request" i said, indicating with a look to a
letter, as i was getting the equipment ready
he became convinced as i continued with the preparations and
got into helping getting things ready
two causes for this dream
1 earlier on in the day had all but finished getting my pad
ready for receiving visitors
had been making half-hearted attempts to get it ready for the
best part of a year but just couldn't bring myself to make it a
priority with all that's been going on since the start of
2 was spurred on to start thinking about getting a discotheque
going as a result of dream 05092014
this dream has brought about two new categories of
1 same-day-experiences influenced dreams
2 delayed-theme dreams