the deadlift

                                                                                              our motto "to be growing the day we die"


        METABOLIC MAINTENANCE: WEIGHT TRAINING; THE DEADLIFT                                                                                 THE SQUARE ROOT OF YOUR BODY WEIGHT

everyone, regardless of weight, is assigned with a value of 10

examples of the square root of your bodyweight as a value of 10...

30 kilograms body weight = 10kgs

40 kilograms body weight = 13kgs

50 kilograms body weight = 17kgs

60 kilograms body weight = 20kgs

70 kilograms body weight = 23kgs

80 kilograms body weight = 26kgs

this Ö is the symbol for the square root

the square root of a number is a smaller part of any number which, when multiplied by itself, becomes the number

1 is the square root of 1

1.41... is the square root of 2

1.73... is the square root of 3

2 is the square root of 4

2.23... is the square root of 5

2.44... is the square root of 6

2.64... is the square root of 7

2.82... is the square root of 8

3 is the square root of 9

3.1622776601683793319988935444 ad inifinitum, is the square root of 10


there is much to say about the deadlift

like the squat, there is an inexhaustible number of variations

this entry was prompted by yesterday's (11112014) workout

simply bending the knees so that the whole of the body went down another 2-3 centimetre was enough to turn it into a completely different exercise in terms of what part of the body it affected

between the squat and the deadlift the only part of the body that doesn't get "hit" are the shoulders


use a broom handle to start with to get the feel of what parts of the body you can expect to be working

you should be ready to use the square root of your body weight within a couple of years


there is complete agreement that breathing out should start as you begin the upward motion of the exercise


the deadlift offers variation of whether to place both hands over the bar or under the bar and whether to have one hand over and the other under

 the squat doesn't

will explore the variations over the years 


the toes and knees should be aligned throughout the movement


     toe       toe       knee     knee     or      toe     toe      knee     knee

      |          |           |         |                  /          \        /           \     

but not...

     toe      toe      knee      knee      or      toe      toe      knee      knee

      |         |         /            \                   /          \         l            l

if an individual finds that her or his stance feels most comfortable doing it in the ways that are thought to be wrong for the skeletal structure, as indicated above, it may be that several years of gradually altering the toe/knee stance to those that are thought to be correct may realign the joint