see d-man
the links of films which show... "this account closed & this account has been removed by youtube and..." are in the compilations
single clips
2012 december california (2'35)
michigan (2'29)
turkey (2'11)
santiago (2'41)
mexico (1'56)
ohio (3'43)
canada (4'00)
los angeles (0'44)
croatia (1'11)
kentucky (7'57)
colorado (4'56)
michigan (1'11)
los angeles (2'45)
kansas (2'14)
sri lanka (1'21)
france (2'39)
puerto rico (0'35)
brazil (1'25)
san francisco (1'37)
germany (1'32)
u.s.a. (13'20)
u.s.a. (10'04)
japan (1'04)
france (0'45)
mexico (1'22)
mexico (6'29)
chile (1'28)
british t.v. (0'33)
texas (5'00)
hawaii (1'31)
u.s.a. (1'26)
antarctica (2'24)
upper atmosphere (5'29)
texas (2'00)
russia (2'04)
brooklyn (1'52)
u.k. (2'44)
u.s.a. (0'16)
u.s.a. (1'00)
vietnam (1'46)
russia (0'36)
tennessee (2'24)
washington (1'36)
hawaii (3'20)
november u.s.a. (3'20)
new york (1'40)
argentina (5'33)
germany (1'15)
colorado (3'43)
u.s.a. (8'00)
switzerland (6'38)
scotland (2'10)
germany (1'56)
texas (1'27)
mexico (4'00)
unknown (0'48)
u.s.a. (1'24)
various places (2'09)
u.s.a. (1'27)
argentina (9'43)
mexico (6'33)
texas (3'40)
los angeles (3'30)
los angeles (0'37)
lake erie (2'53)
scotland (2'12)
colorado (1'43)
abu dhabi (0'34)
mexico (1'36)
u.s.a. (2'23)
croatia (3'39)
maryland (0'42)
chile (1'34)
mexico (3'59)
miami (1'35)
u.s.a. (3'20)
unknown (3'24)
borneo (2'11)
mexico city (2'28)
by the moon (1'17)
u.s.a. (1'13)
spain (1'16)
texas (3'21)
australia (0'57)
los angeles (0'37)
slovakia (0'03)
japan (0'17)
florida (1'06)
china (0'36)
texas (3'40)
denver (4'56)
albuquerque (10'49)
india (1'54)
u.s.a. (1'23)
u.s.a. (0'56)
u.s.a. (1'08)
chile (1'20)
adriatic sea (1'31)
in space (1'03)
san diego (8'13)
u.k. (4'57)
u.s.a. (0'31)
new england (2'18)
san antonio (2'24)
upper atmosphere (1'10)
u.s.a. (1'04)
haiti (1'16)
near the sun (1'02)
arizona (2'32)
mexico (1'13)
poland (0'12)
near the sun (0'20)
germany (1'10)
new york (1'20)
u.s.a. (0'21)
u.s.a. (0'54)r
october wisconsin (1'53)
georgia (2'11)
u.s.a. (0'24)
spain (1'24)
u.s.a. (1'04)
mexico (3'48)
u.k. (2'28)
kentucky (2'46)
croatia (1'45)
hong kong (2'09)
unknown (1'05)
u.s.a. (2'50)
unknown (1'48)
u.k. (1'14)
argentina (1'00)
russia (0'35)
arizona (2'57)
arizona (1'16)
u.k. (1'27)
florida (1'44)
u.s.a. (0'25)
japan (0'17)
u.k. (3'08)
pennsylvania (1'05)
oslo (1'11)
u.s.a. (1'21)
unknown (1'12)
mexico (7'22)
australia (2'02)
upper atmosphere (1'22)
ukraine (1'27)
u.k. (6'21)
argentina (1'13)
chihuahua (1'33)
scotland (0'54)
florida (5'03)
russia (8'19)
u.s.a. (0'55)
mexico (0'48)
russia (0'12)
texas (0'13)
russia (1'05)
india (1'36)
california (1'38)
u.s.a. (2'53)
canada (0'54)
unknown (2'43)
tijuana (3'51)
switzerland (0'26)
u.s.a. (0'13)
germany (0'52)
u.s.a. (0'42)
vancouver (5'15)
australia (1'17)
southampton, england (4'32)
u.s.a. (0'39)
crimea (2'53)
mexico (1'21)
unknown (5'32)
by the sun (2'26)
baltimore (0'24)
mexico (5'01)
mexico (0'43)
moscow (1'38)
canada (2'23)
canada (0'51)
u.s.a. (0'30)
mexico (1'46)
spain (2'07)
brazil (1'10)
texas (0'38)
moscow (0'10)
virginia (1'56)
india (3'03)
lousiana (0'37)
u.s.a. (1'17)
russia (2'21)
september sweden (0'56) brooklyn (2'17)
peru (0'27)
argentina (1'43)
russia (0'52)
u.k. (2'49)
hong kong (0'28)
syria (1'41)
romania (0'50)
england (2'31)
russia (1'10)
u.s.a. (0'20)
italy (2'25)
u.s.a. (0'37)
arizona (0'59)
unknown (0'30)
in space (0'27)
amsterdam (5'36)
compilation (3'42)
brooklyn (1'26)
california (2'21)
u.s.a. (2'56)
u.s.a. (2'04)
brooklyn (8'03)
houston (0'21)
u.s.a. (13'1)
cologne (2'21)
beirut (0'53)
china (0'56)
austria (1'17)
japan (5'49)
england (2'37)
kennedy space centre (7'59)
phoenix (3'11)
poland (1'52)
moscow (5'30)
phoenix (7'31)
israel (5'45)
u.s.a. (1'13)
by the sun (2'52)
new york (0'31)
japan (0'19)
phoenix (6'13)
moscow (0'41)
greece (0'26)
atlanta (1'12)
u.s.a. (8'06)
australia (1'10)
england (40'42)
england (3'14)
mars (1'48)
u.s.a. (0'27)
england (0'56)
england (1'07)
greece (7'45)
international space station (3'08)
italy (0'53)
u.k. (2'09)
massachusetts (1'18)
near the sun (8'13)
france (0'19)
italy (2'22)
melbourne (0'26)
carolina (0'31)
u.s.a. (2'57)
pakistan (1'40)
india (0'18)
u.s.a. (1'30)
mexico (6'07)
the moon (1'08)
antartic (1'53)
malaysia (5'21)
mexico (1'32)
south america (0'59)
croatia (3'50)
japan (3'30)
michigan (1'27)
u.s.a. (1'01)
the moon (2'25)
pennsylvania (0'15)
u.s.a. (0'42)
italy (3'50)
near space (0'55)
madrid (0'20)
germany (0'44)
paris (1'48)
california (0'46)
near the moon (2'25)
england (2'37)
south carolina (0'51)
poland (0'58)
germany (1'39)
near space (3'17)
canada (1'27)
spain (0'39)
wisconsin (1'01)
u.s.a. (0'33)
u.s.a. (4'39)
near the sun (2'56)
mexico (0'42)
england (1'00)
london (3'48)
u.s.a. (0'56)
norway (1'15)
australia (3'11)
u.s.a. (0'34)
pittsburgh (6'45)
texas (4'51)
italy (0'56)
jerusalem (0'50)
china (0'39)
u.s.a. (0'16)
russia (0'02)
italy (1'48)
u.s.a. (3'20)
russia (0'08)
mexico city (6'54)
u.k. (2'27)
holland (0'22)
u.s.a. ()
u.s.a. (0'06)
tulsa (3'49)
texas (1'55)
california (2'03)
amsterdam (4'39)
colorado (7'01)
u.s.a. (3'39)
illinois (3'25)
tokyo (0'23)
bosnia and herzegovnia (0'57)
u.k. (2'40)
taiwan (0'27)
brooklyn (1'43)
international space station (1'14)
japan (0'50)
puerto rico (1'25)
hollywood (2'06)
india (1'14)
south korea (1'24)
arizona (1'52)
middle east (4'33)
california (3'20)
unknown (5'31)
tulsa (6'25)
italy ('37)
chile (0'57)
sarajevo (0'34)
germany (0'31)
switzerland (4'41)
taiwan (4'20)
mexico (0'48)
brazil (0'33)
taiwan (1'12)
u.s.a. (1'14)
mexico (3'03)
u.s.a. (0'59)
greece (0'45)
lake erie (8'56)
colombia (4'39)
detroit (1'28)
u.k. (0'41)
argentina (1'28)
italy (2'28)
u.k. (1'52)
madrid (7'05)
mexico city (2'27)
arizona (1'07)
illinois (2'21)
mexico (0'48)
u.s.a. (5'10)
germany (1'54)
mexico (1'44)
michigan (1'23)
holland (3'02)
mexico (1'44)
mars (0'45)
ecuador (3'15)
mars (0'22)
brooklyn (1'50)
england (2'25)
russia (1'18)
england (0'45)
england (1'46)
los angeles (2'45)
near space (2'38)
u.k. (0'35)
u.s.a. (1'33)
russia (1'14)
japan (0'22)
u.s.a. (0'41)
russia (0'38)
deep space (0'32)
moscow (5'55)
nebraska (2'39)
australia (0'32)
argentina (3'00)
peru (0'14)
albania (1'05)
australia (3'07)
iowa (1'00)
australia (2'36)
u.s.a. (1'00)
germany (1'44)
russia (0'37)
in space (1'07)
u.s.a. (0'31)
in space (1'55)
poland (0'18)
in space (0'49)
chicago (5'13)
arizona (6'20)
mars (1'48)
california (0'22)
moscow (1'28)
u.k. (4.25)
alabama (2'47)
antartica (1'57)
arizona (2'15)
new york (1'25)
unknown (0'49)
germany (1'15)
new york (3'38)
various places (2'12)
vancouver (11'19)
quebec (1'58)
denmark (0'21)
near space (5'28)
new jersey (1'46)
connecticut (2'37)
germany (0'22)
u.s.a. (0'30)
near the sun (1'06)
germany (0'36)
u.k. (1'54)
washington (0'47)
scotland (0'42)
russia (0'56)
near the moon (0'26)
lake erie (5'25)
texas (0'24)
russia (0'37)
france (0'36)
u.s.a. (0'57)
brazil (0'55)
on and near the moon (2'59)
washington (3'49)
sweden (6'22)
unknown (3'40)
australia (1'47)
madrid (2'39)
poland (14'11)
california (1'06)
london (0'31)
new york (2'11)
france (1'06)
england (4'39)
indiana (1'32)
las vegas (2'25)
deep space (1'32)
ecuador (1'03)
in space (1'31)
lake erie (0'15)
u.s.a. (3'16)
england (1'31)
germany (0'21)
los angeles (3'03)
north carolina (1'29)
arizona (3'31)
los angeles (0'53)
maryland (0'22)
czech republic (1'47)
illinois (2'47)
los angeles (2'03)
indonesia (1'46)
russia (1'17)
italy (0'28)
los angeles (0'57)
europe (0'40)
over the moon (0'40)
italy (0'12)
taiwan (0'24)
the bronx (1'09)
northern ireland (2'46)
u.s.a. (3'36)
u.s.a. (0'48)
u.s.a. (1'17)
switzerland (4'54)
japan (1'13)
connecticut (5'21)
london (1'54)
moscow (0'47)
istanbul (0'17)
mexico (6'08)
tokyo (0'32)
arizona (2'12)
germany (0'52)
japan (0'40)
near the sun (1'05)
guam (1'14)
u.s.a. (4'06)
japan (1'47)
near space (1'30)
upper atmosphere (1'05)
near space (3'18)
near space (6'20)
isreal (0'40)
north korea (1'03)
london (0'52)
near space (1'08)
cologne (3'31)
near space (3'11)
u.k. (3'09)
near space (0'15)
england (0'57)
los angeles (4'07
upper atmosphere (1'47)
australia (1'29)
france (7)
ontario (7'30)
turkey (1'06)
amsterdam (3'32)
u.s.a. (1'47)
moscow (1'37)
japan (0'28)
by the sun (0'25)
michigan (0'45)
hawaii (13'40)
england (2'02)
russia (2'52)
london (5'03)
poland (0'39)
england (0'23)
in space (0'59)
south korea (1'08)
michigan (5'30)
russia (0'12)
hollwood (2'02)
in space (1'43)
u.s.a. (1'02)
u.s.a. (3'06)
holland (1'02)
u.s.a. (0'20)
holland (1'11)
taiwan (0'22)
san francisco (3'01)
england (1'09)
italy (1'26)
slovakia (1'20)
u.s.a. (1'03)
canada (2'19)
scotland (1'16)
mexico (0'21)
argentina (9'11)
melbourne (1'43) belgium (2'58)
holland (1'21)
france (1'13)
new york (3'08)
england (28'01)
italy (0'27)
unknown (5'06)
illinois (4'12)
england (0'35)
europe (7'46)
tulsa (4'19)
u.s.a. (2'57)
near the sun (0'56)
middle east (4'17)
england (0'29)
england (0'28)
u.s.a. (4'03)
iran (1'20)
poland (0'16)
brazil (1'18)
pennsylvania (1'14)
california (1'43)
california (10'58)
u.s.a. (2'19)
new york (2'20)
peru (1'45)
florida (1'25)
italy (3'17)
utah (0'46)
australia (1'06)
ohio (9'53)
poland (0'27)
new zealand (2'03)
massachusetts (0'59)
unknown (0'31)
england (0'08)
england (0'39)
japan (1'53)
brazil (0'43)
chile (0'36)
england (2'07)
ontario (2'22)
madrid (1'09)
near the sun (0'13)
spain (0'51)
england (1'00)
arizona (6'21)
portugal ()
u.s.a. (0'50)
france (10'29)
hollywood 2'25()
italy (1'26)
spain (1'57)
spain (0'45)
germany (0'43)
germany (0'57)
california (3'37)
australia (0'23)
colorado (0'29)
ireland (1'29)
argentina (0'34)
u.s.a. (0'06)
sicily (0'24)
australia (1'29)
england (0'38)
milan (3'15)
bonn (1'12)
austria (0'59)
france (2'28)
texas (0'33)
england (0'34)
los angeles (4'05)
italy (1'03)
unknown (1'11)
russia (1'53)
u.s.a. (2'23)
near the sun (2'44)
florida (1'15)
belgium (4'51)
british columbia (2'48)
japan (1'16)
u.s.a. (0'17)
moscow (0'30)
mexico (1'51)
colorado (1'55)
colorado (1'11)
wales (4'44)
u.s.a. (0'14)
los angeles (0'39) june
argentina (9'11)
germany (5'14)
manhattan (1'23)
u.s.a. (0'54)
russia (0'09)
london (0'47)
czech republic (0'32)
germany (0'55)
outer atmosphere (2'29)
detroit (0'03)
england (9'46)
u.s.a. (1'26)
germany (2'01)
u.s.a. (5'23)
conneticut (1'03)
u.k. (0'46)
u.s.a. (4'15)
italy (0'57)
seattle (0'31)
peru (1'28)
russia (3'35)
rome (0'31)
australia (5'39)
u.k. (3'06)
taiwan (2'07)
carolina (0'36)
italy (1'44)
u.k. (1'09)
bucharest (1'19)
st petersberg (10'26)
romania (5'18)
mexico (0'39)
russia (0'21)
u.s.a. (6'11)
china (4'33)
mexico city (5'17)
bucharest (0'54)
toronto (5'44)
london (1'21)
british columbia (1'23)
kazakhstan (0'56)
u.k. (0'55)
near the moon ()3'38
moscow (3'00)
atlanta (0'42)
u.s.a. (1'35)
buenos aires (4'26)
utah (2'08)
u.s.a. (2'47)
u.k. (2'12)
dallas (1'17)
france (0'47)
russia (4'20)
australia (2'21)
windsor hill, u.k. (1'25)
san jose (3'42)
arkansas (1'14)
vienna (1'44)
surface of the sun (2'26)
greece (1'43) san jose (0'49)-
arizona (2'10)-
australia (1'31)
over the moon (3'10)
germany (0'58)
amman (0'56)
mexico (0'50)
u.s.a. (2'19)
rome (6'18)
mexico (1'07)
montreal (0'20)
california (0'13)
chicago (2'15)
minnesota (0'32)
near the sun (1'40)
colombia (2'00)
new jersey (3'46)
ohio (1'33)
california (4'21)
california (7'01)
ohio (0'15)
california (2'09)
massachusetts (0'49)
peru (1'28)
u.k. (1'05)
kursk (3'27)
u.s.a. (0'51)
oklahoma (2'41)
lake okeechobee, florida(4'50)
switzerland (3'34)
arizona (1'21)
florida (1'28)
russia {0'49}
france (2'07)
u.s.a. (1'12)
turkey (4'09)
new york & new jersey (2'14)
hungary (0'43)
kansas (2'26)
japan (3'46)
brazil (1'05) new brunswick (0'43)
california (0'52)
zagreb (0'20)
u.k. (0'21)
germany (1'28)
indiana (1'23)
brazil (0'50)
california (1'06)
u.s.a. (7'35)
near the sun (1'08)
illinois (4'14)
near the sun (0'45)
near the sun (1'55)
mexico (0'39)
mexico (0'34)
mexico (0'37)
london (1'27)
portugal (1'55)
england (5'21)
near the sun (3'20)
israel (3'13)
austria (0'45)
france (0'34)
texas (5'36)
sweden (5'00)
russia (0'57)
missouri (0'52)
azerbaijan (0'40)
kazakhstan (1'26)
jordan (0'11)
armenia (0'48)
azerbaijan (0'35)
florida (4'22)
holland (1'59)
australia (1'34)
portugal (0'04)
st. petersburg (2'30)
colorado (0'55)
u.s.a. (0'41)
california (9'43)
new york (0'41)
u.s.a. (0'45)
indiana (0'44)
canada (0'34)
england (0'19)
canada (1'54)
u.s.a. (2'11)
auckland (3'57)
colorado (2'03)
atlanta (1'03)
england (0'47)
florida (0'22)
u.s.a. (1'38)
sweden (1'23)
philippines (0'08)
china (1'12)
canada (0'35)
orlando (0'26)
london (1'18)
france (1'11)
taiwan (0'05)
england (1'04)
england (0'05)
russia (0'42)
virginia (0'35)
chelyabinsk (0'48)
japan (2'26)
san francisco (4'40)
new york (1'53)
poland (3'57)
california (1'16)
russia (1'14)
u.k. (0'33)
japan (0'34)
tiijuana (5'26)
u.s.a. (5'27)
hamburg (4'54)
italy (7'03)
florida (0'57)
alberta (2'17)
melbourne (1'08) may
u.s.a. (1'13)
munich (0'59)
new york state (1'53)
vancouver (2'59)
u.s.a. (1'26)
u.s. (3'19)
moscow (1'57)
tiijuana (2'43)
japan (0'25)
u.s.a. (2'24)
u.s.a. (2'17)
arizona (1'15)
germany (0'16)
florida (2'40)
japan (0'17)
wisconsin (3'25)
japan (0'20)
japan (1'22)
holland (1'21)
sao paulo (2'54)
croatia (1'23)
california (2'04)
international space station (4'19)
u.s.a. (8'26)
tacoma (0'37)
denver (2'17)
texas (1'31)
ohio (1'48)
zurich (1'08)
santa fe (2'20)
russia (0'56)
brooklyn (1'00)
new mexico (1'33)
new york (2'18)
u.s.a. (3'41)
georgia (0'51)
missouri (2'41)
new jersey (3'28)
mexico (1'43)
texas (1'43)
holland (1'50)
new mexico (7'04)
not known (0'33)
upper amosphere (13'09)
near the sun (0'35)
u.k. (9'39)
turkey (2'06)
u.s.a. (8'31)
canada (1'54)
ontario (0'43)
far east (1'39)
holland (0'51)
melbourne (1'30)
holland (0'21)
japan (0'18)
florida (1'05)
u.s.a. (0'31)
mexico (5'10)
brussels (0'28)
turkey (2'14)
san antonio (2'07)
new zealand (6'07)
new zealand (1'47)
in space (0'56)
moscow (1'29)
san francisco (3'36)
russia (1'05)
bologna (2'00)
michigan (0'06)
near the moon (1'15)
mexico (2'48)
china (1'37)
australia (0'14)
italy (5'27)
upper atmosphere (2'12)
in space (0'54)
arizona (0'38)
cadiz (10'14)
russia (1'37)
new zealand (1'47)
melbourne (1'30)
colombia (1'17)
colorado (2'18)
switzerland (3'49)
italy (2'11)
italy (2'15)
korea (0'54)
massachusetts (1'02)
malta (1'51)
shanghai (0'56)
texas (1'00)
russia (1'12)
brazil (1'03)
texas (2'29)
osaka (1'56)
michigan (4'05)
u.s.a. (1'12)
russia (0'51)
germany (0'21)
las angeles (1'23)
nevada (0'56)
slovakia (0'39)
ontario (2'15)
moscow (3'45)
u.s.a. (4'32)
toronto (1'20)
canada (2'01)
new york (2'13)
upper atmosphere (1'06)
mexico city (2'29)
israel (2'19)
hanoi (7'15)
italy (4'59)
brooklyn (0'16)
italy (3'41)
bulgaria (0'42)
new york (0'22)
mexico (0'56)
the philippines (1'10)
london (1'33)
belgium (1'28)
italy (2'34)
u.s.a. (0'34)
belgium (1'47)
belgium (0'30)
slovakia (2'06)
texas (1'02)
houston (2'56)
costa rica (3'47)
california (2'19)
u.s.a. (7'02)
u.s.a. (7'40)
california (2'38)
missouri (0'27)
montana (8'16)
in space (1'33)
russia (2'46)
florida (1'25)
san francisco (9'56)
japan (0'51)
kazakhstan (2'29)
spain (8'44)
moscow (4'59)
u.s.a. (2'52)
new jersey (4'58)
moscow (1'38)
moscow (2'56)
anchorage (2'18)
u.s.a. (7'22)
u.s.a. (2'07)
tennessee (0'38)
in space (2'49)
chicago (6'16)
china (1'31)
switzerland (3'34)
hong kong (2'46)
washington (1'08)
u.k. (1'08)
england (6'08)
moscow (1'12)
switzerland (3'34)
brazil (2'25)
england (2'12)
texas (0'12)
san francisco (0'36)
mexico (1'02)
france (1'03)
new zealand (2'53)
saint petersburg (2'16)
san francisco (0'10)
ontario (0'42)
italy (0'05)
japan (0'16)
germany (1'05)
sweden (0'29)
new mexico (0'03)
romania (4'42)
russia (2'16)
france (0'41)
ohio (0'48)
london (1'00)
u.s.a. (0'52)
upper atmosphere (1'53)
canada (5'37)
new york (0'37)
tennessee (2'58)
u.k. (0'18)
singapore (1'37)
florida (0'54)
madrid (2'39)
russia (2'48)
canada (0'23)
tokyo airspace (1'31)
unknown (0'41)
arizona (0'54)
spain (1'09)
los angeles (4'17)
new zealand (1'02)
scotland (0'54)
madrid (1'36)
vancouver (4'35)
virginia (0'31)
turkey (1'54)
moscow (1'44)
lithuania (1'10)
israel (1'15)
japan (6'26)
portugal (0'11)
near the sun (1'02)
rome (4'29)
germany (3'13)
indonesia (0'10)
spain (6'08)
russia (10'25)
u.s.a. (1'00)
in space (3'17)
san francisco (1'27)
florida (2'51)
warsaw (0'22)
moscow (0'21)
france (0'25)
minneapolis (6'17)
cologne (1'12)
cologne (0'17)
u.s.a. (0'42)
germany (0'20)
wisconsin (0'35)
france (1'29)
south korea (1'56)
cologne (6'33)
near the sun (0'47)
houston (1'44)
oklahoma (1'18)
australia (1'07)
london (1'38) washington (1'37)
arizona (3'07)
russia (7'09) copenhagen (1'24)
england (1'34)
netherlands (2'51)
california (2'13)
cologne (4'42)
holland (1'18)
germany (2'51)
australia (1'03) algeria (0'28)
u.s.a. (6'04)
brazil (0'51)
new orleans (1'10)
russia (0'29)
delaware (1'48)
queensland (3'21)
russia (0'05)
sydney (5'39)
las vegas (0'31)
nsw australia (0'44)
north carolina (0'58)
australia (0'40)
moscow (3'09)
hong kong (1'28)
vietnam (0'10)
norway (3'42)
sweden (3'05)
u.s.a. (4'31)
u.k. (0'40)
sweden (1'02)
england (2'20)
china (3'34)
colorado (4'11)
u.s.a. (2'21)
england (0'33)
russia (3'03)
palm springs (2'12)
canada (1'40)
sydney (4'30)
london (1'23
texas (9'16)
u.s.a. (0'47)
spain (1'09)
russia (0'21)
australia (2'10) april
mexico (2'28)
u.k. (1'29)
wisconsin (1'01)
mexico (1'34)
delaware (0'235)
u.s.a. (0'13)
new zealand (0'53)
colorado (0'20)
tennessee (1'27)
austria (3'31)
melbourne (3'00)
sweden (0'16)
italy (0'45)
chile (5'06)
germany (0'30)
russia (3'38)
argentina (0'22)
japan (0'46)
bolivia (1'11)
u.k. (0'23)
japan (0'11)
russia (1'03)
china (0'27)
kazakhstan (0'55)
florida (1'24)
italy (0'45)
russia (3'26)
oklahoma (1'09)
outer atmosphere (5'45)
africa (1'27)
begium (2'58)
scotland (1'27)
u.s.a. (5'23)
england (0'43)
france (3'32)
nevada (1'12)
texas (1'32)
arizona (2'02)
florida (1'57)
italy(2'09) russia (2'45)
new york (1'01)
california ('049)
california (3'24)
france (4'01)
poland (2'55)
turkey (1'16)
zagreb (0'56)
england (1'23)
france (2'20)
florida (4'32)
mexico (1'35)
taiwan (0'15)
st. petersburg(4'25)
st. petersburg (2'34)
texas (0'35)
england (2'58)
houston (4'54)
california (0'38)
russia (6'46)
upper atmosphere (2'44)
texas (2'11)
california (0'35)
oklahoma (2'07)
istanbul (0'36)
japan (1'55)
in space (3'46)
chelyabinsk (3'36)
colorado (1'42)
south korea (0'52)
canada (9'54)
singapore (1'04)
san francisco (2'27)
peru (0'57)
england (1'15)
santiago (3'23)
india (2'25)
new york (1'17)
florida (5'34)
california (0'41)
new zealand (5'08)
italy (0'25)
france (4'01)
madrid (1'32)
usa (1'38)
england (0'37)
italy (0'53)
florida (2'29)
texas (0'24)
u.s.a. (1'13)
madrid (0'17)
france (0'42)
australia (0'14)
usa (0'08)
mexico (1'23)
illinois (0'09)
england (1'53)
colorado (2'17)
in space (4'12)
michigan (2'09)
russia (3'00)
arizona (4'13)
china (1'24)
california (6'35)
alaska (1'08)
u.s.a. (4'23)
in space (0'14)
england (0'13)
england (1'04) march new york (2'35)
england (0'25)
naples (1'06)
england (0'44)
france (1'13)
u.s.a. (3'08)
england (21'03)
u.s.a. (0'15)
virginia (0'43)
washington (2'02)
florida (0'54)
brazil (0'53)
england (0'49)
china (2'56)
new york (2'18)
spain (8'01)
japan (3'00)
moscow (1'13)
england (0'54)
las vegas (7'33)
usa (2'54)
sweden (2'23)
ireland (1'08)
kazakhstan (1'23)
arizona (0'30)
mexico (0'27) germany (3'07) chile (2'00) brazil (0'45) france (0'38) tijuana (4'59)
virginia (0'34)
germany (0'31)
mexico (3'50)
sweden (5'52)
australia (0'41)
arizona (59)
mexico (3'38)
bulgaria (0'46)
england (0'21)
munich (1'53)
russia (5'10)
argentina (6'40)
mexico (3'45)
u.k. (1'20)
russia (3'33)
england (2'48)
china (1'05)
france (3'32)
italy (2'23)
ukraine (1'58)
england (0'52)
illinois (1'21)
los angeles (0'32)
istanbul (0'52)
ireland (2'38)
sicily (2'06)
upper atmosphere (1'10)
belgium (5'24)
madrid (1'10)
england (0'51)
russia (0'56)
russia (0'17)
england (4'11)
mexico (26)
london (0'45)
siberia (1'36)
russia (1'50)
florida (2'01)
colombia (1'25)
minnesota (2'49)
australia (0'21)
florida (2'46)
murmansk (0'53)
cheybalinsk (0'48)
england (0'48)
indiana (1'54)
brazil (1'56)
guyana (0'50)
chile (1'02)
brazil (0'43)
russia (1'43)
chile (0'24)
mexico (0'47)
germany (3'16)
italy (1'30)
spain (2'18)
u.s.a. (1'22)
the moon (4'57)
new york (3'07)
california (9'33)
england (0'29)
arizona (0'45)
france (0'56)
england (3'50)
england (6'50)
arizona (1'10)
u.s.a. (1'41)
florida (0'22)
in space (5'45)
nepal (0'44)
lithuania (3'02)
toronto (3'38)
golden oldie: paris (1'06)
russia (1'44)
russia (0'57)
switzerland (1'49)
peru (1'05)
beijing (0'46)
france (2'00)
sweden (7'11)
australia (2'56)
u.s.a. (0'19)
u.s.a. (0'47)
location not given (2'06)
illinois (1'44)
cologne (0'22)
germany (0'33)
germany (0'51)
ussuriisk (2'57)
chile (4'48)
england (0'49)
china (1'14)
u.k. (2'46)
california (0'21)
mexico (0'20)
u.s.a. (0'54)
near the sun (5'12)
madrid (2'16)
kiev (6'10)
kosova (1'06)
england (2'12)
brazil (0'14)
russia (1'27)
pakistan (0'42)
u.s.a. (0'39)
u.s.a. (2'14)
valparaiso (1'16)
international space station (1'35)
international space station (7'50)
peru (0'17)
canada (2'11) february china (4'48)
spain (1'38)
colorado (7'15)
russia (2'01)
moscow (0'59)
germany (1'59)
germany (0'36)
france (2'39)
bulgaria (3'18)
u.s.a. (7.58)
manhattan (1'57)
germany (1'00)
spain (0'10)
poland 1'41
ireland (2'56)
germany (1'30)
brazil (1'04)
tijuana (1'07)
the moon (2'25)
germany (1'16)
australia (2'05)
spain (1'11)
kartaly (1'44)
japan (2'34)
johor (0'47)
february (2'55)
turkey (1'01)
utah (1'51)
the moon (1'27)
sweden (9'29)
germany (1'07)
sweden (6'52)
germany (1'05)
moscow (0'29)
germany (1'23)
oregon (3'29) canada (6'50)
tijuana (0'31)
belguim (0'31)
australia (9'02)
london (0'53)
u.s.a. (2'28)
mexico city (4'00)
italy (2'23)
texas (2'28)
southern russia (1'01)
california (0'50)
ohio (10'00)
japan (3'21)
utah (0'45)
argentina (1'24)
germany (2'00)
mexico (3'21)
brazil (1'04)
chile (2'27)
canada (2'49)
arizona (1'56)
russia (1'05)
russia (0'48)
peru (2'47)
russia (1'34)
russia (1'14)
australia (0'12)
australia (0'06)
england (3'43)
kazhakstan (2'15)
chile (2'47)
san fransico (5'10)
tijuana (2'17)
world wide (1'43)
portugal (0'43)
31st: spain (0'38)
31st: spain (1'28)
31st: massachusetts: ( 0'56)
31st: new york (3'32)
31st: california (0'36)
31st: florida (1'11)
russia (4'53) 29th: moscow (1'11)
golden oldie (10'38)
29th: moscow (14'27)
28th: russia (1'39)
28th: mexico (4'10)
28th: holland (2'03)
28th: Bulgaria(4'32)
colombia (1'10)
arizona (1'10)
27th: israel (2'08)
brazil (14'12)
ireland (1'48)
china(2'18) golden oldie: (0'04)
27th: argentina (3'14)
japan (2'10)
27th: new york (1'00)
26th: mexico (12'40)
26th: mexico (1'31)
italy (1'15)
mexico (1'56)
france (2'39)
25th: los angeles (0'23)
ireland (2'16)
china (2'18)
24th: wales (8'00)
24th: russia (0'21)
24th: irkutsk, siberia (1'19)
oregon (1'48)
spain (0'24)
24th: argentina (0'21)
mexico (6'07)
israel ()
china (1'18)
france (1'01)
arizona (6'01)
2011 california (0'39)
china (1'10)
u.s.a (4'54)
new jersey (3'11)
bejing (2'55)
spain (1'15)
unknown (0'25)
england (2'04)
england (0'34)
jerusalem (2'51) mexico (1'42)
san antonio (0'52)
u.s.a. (3'10)
turkey (2'03)
florida (2'44)
new zealand (0'58)
mexico (3'20 - biological)
brazil (1'55)
london (2'19)
los angeles (9'05)
turkey (2'03)
bogota (13'17)
u.s.a. (2'51)
moscow (3'08)
brazil (4'12)
russia (6'26)
2010 spain (2'07)
belgium (2'02)
sweden (2'49)
mexico (3'10)
turkey (2'24)
france or belgium (3'36)
santiago (2'34)
2009 santiago (3'20)
england (2'13)
mexico (2'29)
saudi arabia (2'03)
unknown (3'41)
china (2'34) mexico (3'22)
2008 u.s.a. (3'03) santiago(6'51) in space (5'35) 2007 santiago (6'42) 2005 phoenix (0'52) chicago (0'58) not known (1'01) 2004 golden oldie: (2'00)
arizona (1'20)
phoenix (1'03)
california (4'00)
2001 new york (0'30) 1998 u.k. (1'00) 1997 mexico (1'31)
mexico (6'36)
1992 mexico (2'46) 1991 mexico (4'07) canada (1'57) ottowa (0'26) 1989 belgium (16'27) 1975 switzerland (0'44) 1977 switzerland (8'07) unknown where they were taken 1970 -1980 unknown (0'34) 1968 unknown (2'48) unknown when they were taken |