love  / life                                                                    quantum / inanimacy


 we; by growing larger and heavier                                           that which gets larger and lighter

    or                                                                                         or

          smaller and lighter                                                                smaller and heavier

         or both                                                                               or both

     e.g. pregnancy / birth                                                                e.g. supernovae


this axiom is the tool for alleviating the pain from the three naturally occurring painful experiences...

baby's first breath , teething and the labour of birth itself

29th september 2009

it has been the dream of generations past that life could be lived without war but the thought of life without pain hasn’t been talked about at all

once men have gone through teething they could, theoretically, live the rest of their lives without experiencing pain again

for women they haven’t had time to get over the trauma of menstruation before the thought that pain is a part of the continuation of life becomes lodged into her psyche

perhaps it is a woman’s experiences when becoming a mother, witnessed and understood by the husband, which has produced the outlook that pain is a part of life and we have to resign ourselves to it

women, and men, it is time to tear up your resignation papers

the future is here

 7th december 2009

what the extremes of becoming larger and heavier and smaller and lighter are when enacting straight line action isn't known

what weight actually is has to be considered

when we are using technology in a way that allows the general public access to conversations that give an insight into this type of mystery all will be revealed

the unravelling of love's winning ways will go hand in hand with the removal of man generated unnatural deaths from our societies

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