introduction: 2 - 13102024 added the dominant colour of the dream to the addenda the latest realisation is that black-and-white dreams are memories from that stage of coming-to-be when our composition isn't yet sophisticated enough for colour - 20092024 * awake-time conscious and dream-time conscious the second most mind-blowing insight was that the awake-time conscious/memory is subservient to the dream-time conscious/memory our awake-time consciousness/memory can span one hundred years our dream-time consciousness/memory spans our entire genetic line - for mammals; it can be two or three hundred million years into the past in your dreams, you will share the habitat with dinosaurs like stegasaurus - if he can see you, you are in his territory, and he will charge at you in your dreams, you will meet beings who are what we will be in a few million years * seven or eight years ago, the writer was visited by three females from the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings they have been evolving for sixty-five million years - there is an awake-time memory of them, still fresh in the writer's mind; ladies, you won't believe what you will be like in a few million until you see it * isn't it just like love/life to put a hugely important piece of knowledge in plain view, yet we didn't recognise it axiom 4: the sleep-time memory is more accurate than the awake-time memory and has access to at least a hundred-thousand million more memories that dream-time memories are more accurate than our awake-time memories, is highlighted in dream no. 276 _ the things we will be experiencing over the next thousand years are aready in our DNA - predestination there is a difference though, it is a little better for us this time than it was last time and it will be a little bit better next undulation than it is this undulation see undulations - _ the writer's favourite categories of dreams are - x-dreams, kissing dreams, babies and weird and wonderful introduction: 1 dreams diary is not meant to be read methodically like a book it's meant to be a fun thing as well as informative e.g. the film starts in ten minutes you decide who gets the tea, coffee, sandwiches and cake by putting a name or colour or any word or number into the search box the person with the most accurate results stays seated while the other half goes into the kitchen if you decide to read methodically, it is suggested you start at the beginning with dream No. 1 doing so will give the reader a "feel" for a myriad of abilities ready to be tapped the first of the new abilities (think-read dreams) to reveal itself was dream No. 71 professional card players are familiar with the odds what the odds don't do is take into account the "quality" of the deal (ta, cath) types of dreams - that dreams serve a purpose, and an understanding of what that purpose is will result in an enhanced quality of life we will put dreams into two groups: 1: remembered dreams and 2: unremembered dreams to begin with, we focus on unremembered dreams the most common reply to the question, "what sort of dreams do you have?" is, "i don't have dreams" as surely as you breathe, you dream things you can do to remember your dreams during the day, say to yourself as often as you feel necessary, "i'm going to remember my dream tonight when i wake up in the morning" when you are in bed and about to drift off, say with determination, "i am going to remember my dream tonight when i wake up in the morning" persistance pays off there is a division in thinking some maintain that it is possible to experience pain in a dream the writer's experience of pain in a dream - dream no. 74 the experience of pain in a dream may have significance the initial thought is that any person who feels pain in a dream may be changing their conjugate position of love/life - see axiom 3 if it is the case that pain in a dream represents a change in the conjugate position of love/life, a person can be aware of this possibility and take steps to correct their lifestyle the bulk of the content of most dreams is, for the writer, formed by his p.d.e's (previous day's experiences) however, external events can influence the dream so can food: see dream, No. 1971 the feel-good content in a dream is a direct indication of a person's orientation to love/life it is thought that it is not possible to have a feel-good dream that contains murder, torture, rape etc. if such circumstances do exist, they are to be assigned as being a serious breach of an individual's attunement to love/life a person thinking and acting ethically by love/life can expect vivid, feel-good dreams regularly the more intense the feelings of love the person has, the greater the feel-good factor of the dream will be a person at the wrong end of the conjugate position of love/life can also have vivid dreams but of the wrong type e.g. while in an open prison, the writer shared a dormitory with 7 or 8 young males in the bunk to the right of me was my partner in crime (name withheld) he would, while asleep, jump out of bed and dash for the door a giant snake was chasing him! 25th May 2009 notes - the combinations and permutations of types of dreams run into the hundreds of thousands perhaps dreams will come to represent points of transition from universal reality to straight-line-action reality in a future environment, unremembered dreams may become a reason to see a doctor when the dreamer started posting on the internet, he discovered that people found it easier to read the text when sentences are separated by a line of space it also dismissed the need to use a capital letter to signal a new sentence the next novelty was to use a capital letter solely to denote a link to another page i hope you will give the writer this latitude use the PDF format for ease of linking to other URLs the term "the dreamer" is used instead of "i" because not all dreams are the experiences of the person having the dream to understand how this can be, we only need to think of watching someone else's video of them on holiday another way of looking at it is to realise that you-know-who has "been there, done that" in every conceivable circumstance that evolving and devolving man-shaped beings can find themselves the dream of 20022024 revealed that the term "the dreamer" makes the writer an observer (i.e. the dream is not a personal or unique experience but someone else's experience) while "i, me, my, and mine" suggests participation in the dream it needs to be understood you-know-who didn't partake in activities that resulted in the death of other beings he did, however, experience those actions that resulted in the death of evolving beings - see terrible love for evolving men, some of my dreams are the experiences of you-know-who and will become your dreams and your awake-time experiences dreams of women may be the experiences of you-know-who as a female, or, more likely, the dreamer as female first generation was a man-shaped scenario - see "picture pages 4" femininity, it is thought, is the time's factor or the second act of multiplication - see "femininity" below for the first act of multiplication, see "picture pages 4" below: the only circumstance which enables us to express our true individuality is via "straight-line-action" - see url below as evolving man-shaped beings, we can hold the view that we are treading the path already trod by you-know-who also, we can, while man-shaped, see ourselves as the essence of an impression left by his presence as he enacted every variable for the first one hundred thousand million beings we can consider our experiences, memories and dreams as imprints of the essence of his presence for evolving man-shaped beings, some of the writer's dreams will be your dreams as you move further and further towards fulfilment the feelings of mutual pleasure in a x dream are because we are complying with the law - see - x is an aspect of "expand" the vividness rating of dreams changes as of 14042024 before that, the vividity rating was .1 to 5; this gave 50 ratings the new vividity rating system goes from 1 to 100 - the new vividness ratings give a better indication of the vividity the vividity of a dream is, it seems, the representation of the dreamer's current state of mind if the dream is 3-D, the rating will exceed 100: also see the dream no. 1251 it appears that the mind can take experiences from all the tenses of time and combine them to make a dream make sense - fractals? tenses of time - 09052024 - started, "last food before the dream" the purpose is to familiarise ourselves with those foods that affect or determine the quality, vividness, and perhaps, other things not yet associated with dreams this is a big step towards making dreams theory a bona fide science the most significant influence on the details of a dream's content, vividity, desirability, etc., is, in the writer's experience, the summation or overall theme/tone of the person's experiences the day before the dream e.g. you find a ring you thought you had lost months or years ago can produce a memorable dream likewise, if your mood is buoyant throughout the day equally, something you see, read or hear makes you think about harming someone or causes you to form a moody attitude towards them or when something you see or hear about puts you in a bad mood a single fleeting thought can influence or create a dream it would be nonsense to expect to eat only the most expensive and nutritious food and have nothing but out-of-this-world dreams 30052024 - added "hours slept" to addenda 12062024: specialised words - montage - see also types of dreams: DREAMS DIARY 15102024 - 2117 the name of the dream: bacteria a black and white dream that lasted for about one-minute presents yet another variation of both awake-time conscious and sleep-time conscious an awake-time/dream-time combination dream that shows the movement of bacteria and the activity of the various parts of it within the structure of the cell there are three, four or five moving entities of different sizes within the membrane of the cell it is as though the images are being viewed through a microscope at one point in this awake/sleep-time dream, the dreamer feels hesitant as he witnesses one cell, in particular, incorporate another, smaller cell into itself: cellular cannabilism? addenda - vividness - 80/84 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: bacteria (1) - black and white dreams (9+) - the dominant colour of the dream: shades of grey - last food before sleep - two buttered toast with bacon and two eggs - hours slept 7/8 14102024 - 2116 the name of the dream: his sensitive side some decades ago, the dreamer is steve's best friend steve is a few years older than i am he is an irish man who was brought up in the school of hard knocks and was quick-witted when the occasion called for it to give you an example: he and his sister are about to leave the church after the sermon their parents are devout catholics, and not going to church on sunday would not be tolerated on the way out of the church he and his elder sister come up with a way to line thier pockets steve started crying the minister saw him crying and went to see what was wrong his sister took over she said, "he was sent a pound note for his birthday and their mother would think they had spent it if they returned home without it" the minister believed them and knew it would mean they would get physically punished the minister didn't hesitate; he took the note out of the collection box and gave it to them we don't know if it was him or his sister who thought of the scam, but either way, he played his part to perfection the writer was both puzzled and touched, therefore, to see steve in a conciliatory and tender state of mind his speech has lost its confidence, and he is apologetic as he explains it is an issue of trust something that happened years before that he thought was forgotten has surfaced i was his closest friend, but that didn't come into it; he needed to let his feelings out; he was close to crying i didn't know or heard of the person he was talking about it was someone from before i knew him and had trusted implicitly that the person he had confided in mentioned it to someone else and it changed the structure of steve's outlook on people steve would never be the same again addenda - vividness - 80/82 - participant - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintances (30+) steve 3+ - the dominant colour of the dream: grey/white - last food before sleep - two buttered toast, with hot milk, malt and collagen - hours slept 7/8 13102024 - 2115 the name of the dream: natural v's ai a lengthy, think-read dream with the dreamer narrating the text as it appears the limitation of a lack of emotions are brought to our attention it is pointed out that love, the most important feeling of all, is a voluntary, self-instilled characteristic that is entirely at odds with the mechanical production of inanimacy reality is expansive but indifferent the matter of homosexuality is used to exemplify the fatal flaws that appear when we disobey the naturally expansive nature of eternities' production of physicality this dream, it is believed, is a timed-to-occur dream we are at a crossroads notes 1 adding the colour of the dream to the addenda addenda - vividness - 88/89 - participant - the category of the dream: think-read narrated dreams (2+) - the dominant colour of the dream: orange - last food before sleep -multi-veg soup with collagen - hours slept 8/9 12102024 - 2114 the name of the dreams: the house-sitter - out of the blue the dreamer lands a job to live in the house of a wealthy couple while they go on a sea cruise i say house, but it's more like the fantasy building that disney use, or used to use, at the beginning of their films it is in the middle of nowhere and the building itself shouts out, opulence the dreamer is two or three days into the house-sitting when his ex-girlfriend turns up how she knew what i'm doing and where i'm doing it was a piece of detective work sherlock holmes would be proud of the moment i open the main door, she barges past me and goes on the prowl the next time i see her, she has a soft shoulder bag bulging with goodies it is a serious situation for me, i will be held responsible for the missing items at best, i can expect a massive fine; then, there will be the loss of credibility that will accompany me for the rest of my life my ex-girlfriend is relying on my feelings for her to let her keep what she's stolen the situation is just too damaging to let her keep the items and tell her she can't keep them her response is to turn off the power in the house now i'm trying to find her in the dark i eventually find her and explain the trouble i will be in if i let things stand as they are she sees reason, and in the last scene we are in bed second dream a high vividity (90/91) think-read dream in orange from amazon that read, "your book is ready for publication - "please contact the purchasing department and pay £500" addenda - vividness - 80/83 - participant - the category of the dreams: think-read dreams (25+) - unusual situations (22+) - last food before sleep - one buttered toast with malt and collagen in hot milk - hours slept 7/8 11102024 - 2113 the name of the dream: me and no one else the dreamer is living in an upstairs flat in a large house that has been converted into bedsits my bedist is on the first or second floor the dreamer strikes up a friendship with another lodger, he is in his sixties or seventies, and he is a lot less mobile than the dreamer we are getting along swimmingly his character is such that when he suggests we sleep in the same bed, it makes sense we can talk to each other until we feel sleepy on one occasion, while we are lying together, he tells me he is hungry it will only take minutes to cook him something simple it is obvious he is hungry; he gets downstairs and into the kichen before i do in the next scene, i join him in the kitchen on the ground floor i remember his meal has mashed potato in it, but i don't recall what else was in his meal, i had chips and salmon i wake feeling like i am missing something, i am on my own again (boo hoo) addenda - vividness - 74/78 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintances (22+) - last food before sleep - bacon sandwich - hours slept 8 10102024 - 2112 the name of the dream: a new level of awake-time consciousness in dreams the writer is in the company of a couple of girls the girls are trying to decide what clothes they will be wearing for the night out i ask the girls what their dilemma is one of them said, "i've got cash flow problems" it is while i am thinking about what she said that i realise i am awake there is a knock on the door; one of the girls goes to answer it, i hear the door opening and closing the girl returns to the dream and says, "i'm sorted, i've got an eighth" thinking it was monday i said, "didn't you get paid today?" i then realise it isn't monday notes 1 without a doubt, this is by far my most vivid awake-time dream i spoke twice in this dream, the first question was answered, but the second wasn't this awake-time dream is a new level of awake-time dreaming the writer is confident in asserting that this new level of awake-time dreaming is due to the high concentration of protein in the last food before sleep this in turn, takes us into the realm of establishing that food plays more than just a peripheral influence in the forming of a dream it has become a science notes 2 some will be aware that it is acknowledged by science that it was our ancestor's inclusion of meat into our diet two and a half million years ago that provided the protein necessary for our brains to develop the reader's can test this for themselves notes 3 it was dinosaur-man who recognised the value of the protein in birds' eggs and made sure that birds survived devolving beings' attempt to end all life on earth notes 4 it looks like the eggs don't raise the vividity of a dream, but it does expand their scope addenda - vividness - 79/85 - participant and observer- the category of the dream: awake-time dreams (3+) - last food before sleep - a five egg-white omelette, grapes and an orange - hours slept 8 09102024 - 2111 the name of the dream: sleep-time blues the dreamer is working on his website he is convinced he is awake it isn't until he goes to save the changes that the old problem of not being able to press a specific button on the computer causes him to wake addenda - vividness - 75/78 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computers (8+) - last food before sleep -cereal and milk - hours slept 8 087102024 - 2110 the name of the dream: the film we didn't see the dreamer is in bed with his girlfriend we are about to watch a film that has been hyped up to saturation point only a hermit with no t.v. or radio, doesn't read the papers or can't read, wouldn't know about it my girlfriend is asking me to explain this and that, and the other is it a true story or make-believe? my explanation doesn't satisfy her the film begins my girlfriend asks me to turn the sound up, i comply the dreamer asks her two questions, but she doesn't reply when she doesn't reply the dreamer realises he is waking up and is feeling dissapointed that the dream ended when it did notes 1 things happening between sleep-time and awake time are becoming a regular feature there may be the option for the dreamer to intervene and prolong the dream; time will tell addenda - vividness - 78/79 - participant - the category of the dream: dreams without a conclusion (24+) - last food before sleep - home-made beefburger grapes and half an orange - hours slept 7 077102024 - 2109 the names of the dreams: the sprinter - the time traveller a man is sprinting around a four-hundred-metre athletics track as we are watching him, he accelerates to his flat-out fastest he is a world-class sprinter, easily good enough to be on the podium at the olympic games we didn't see him as he began running, nor did we see him finish it is a demonstration of how fast a man can run at a guess, he is running between thirty and forty kmph second dream you-know-who makes in a rare appearance in a dream (fourth or fifth) in this dream, he is hopping between time there is criticism from one person, apparently, he is depending on whether it is forward or backwards in time, time is either shortened or lengthened the man is criticising him for having reduced the time he will live he has lost a few weeks of life notes 1 both dreams have a high vividity addenda - vividness - 88/92 - observer in both dreams - the category of the dreams: food-influenced dreams (100+) - last food before sleep - grapes and an orange - hours slept 7/8 06102024 - 2108 the name of the dream: a wronged woman the dreamer is one of a growing crowd at the bus stop near where he works expecting us to form a single line is pure fantasy, it would stretch about fifty metres most of us work for the same company the scene changes to about fifteen people on the opposite side of the road on the opposite side of the road and facing into the oncoming traffic is a police car in the next scene, two or three policemen enter the bunched-up queue they are looking for and have found the girl they want she is about seventeen there is nothing polite about the way the police treat her; she is being man-handled worse than that, the police gag her and cart her off in the next scene, the girl is at my place with my girlfriend it turns out that in the police car, there was a child the child was abused in a semi-violent way we don't get the details of the abuse but it is one of those categories of abuse that stir our emotions and irks the police it affected the polices judgement the pendulum swings the other way when it comes to light that the child in the car pointed out the wrong woman notes 1 another brief dream with a male friend staying with me we had to share the same double bed as i was coming out of my sleep, it kept crossing my mind that i couldn't place who it was it then struck me the someone wasn't anyone i knew but someone who had conned me into thinking we knew each other the dreamer is becoming agitated i rolled over onto my left side and was about to say, "who are you?" only to find there wasn't anyone else it tickled me no end there's nowt queerer than things that happen between the transition from sleep to awake-time addenda - vividness - 82/83 - observer - the category of the dream: mistaken identities (1+) - last food before sleep - two poached eggs and chips - hours slept 7 second dream x-dream without conjoiment addenda - vividness - 83 - participant - the category of the dream: x-dream (20+) - last food before sleep - two poached eggs and chips - hours slept 7 05102024 - 2107 the name of the dream: the baby face dealer the dreamer is living in a small town he is at the door of his supplier, the person on the other side of the door knows me well, and he knows he can trust me he has a young face, the girls love him he seemed a bit embarrassed with the attention he got he looked as innocent as driven snow (been dying to include that phrase in dreams diary for ages) he was the last person you would have thought of as being shady for the first time, he wants me to go to his supplier and get his usual amount for him it felt good to know that he trusted me unreservedly, and it would also mean he would give me enough to last for days for doing the errand addenda - vividness - 81/83 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: acquaintances (11+ ) - last food before sleep - two poached eggs and chips - hours slept 7 04102024 - 2106 the name of the dream: rivalry the problem with organised crime is that sooner or later, the different syndicates vie against each other; this is the basis for this dream an advertisement that reads, "your omega is the bedrock of your health", is the slogan that starts the dream the leading members of the two gangs have a head-to-head scrap we see the loser crumpled in a doorway, looking up at his opponent he is defeated, and it shows on his face his eyes are dripping tears, a punch or a kick in the goolies has rendered him helpless (stand out visual) even though he is in excruciating pain, there is a look of defiance in his eyes he's a tough guy, alright, too tough for his good there's will be another confrontation in another part of the dream, one of the leader's of the gangs is negotiating the release of his kidnapped daughter notes 1 fairly sure this dream is due to the bacon sandwich as the last food before sleep also, the dreamer read an article about a film star who refused a lucrative deal and go along with the peado's in the rank and file of hollywood may be the basis for the dream notes 2 dreams with violence seem to crop up too frequently for my liking one dream in forty would be acceptable, given our current state of affairs the problem is, of course, that the general thrust of grabbing people's attention through violence is a devolving beings ploy/policy to denigrate and lower the overall tone of society the trick is to recognise what causes the poor quality of a dream we can say with certainty that exposing oneself to violence in any form will affect the quality of your dreams a rule of thumb is to make a note, mental or physical, of your state of mind upon waking if you wake feeling groggy on a regular basis, your dreams need to be addressed when you wake feeling o.k., you're on the right track when you wake up laughing, you are on top of your game addenda - vividness - 80/82 - observer - the category of the dream: crime (9+ ) - last food before sleep - bacon sandwich - hours slept 6 03102024 - 2105 the name of the dream: another tragedy a freak storm at sea is so violent it disables the crew's ability to manage the boat (it looks like it may have been a trawler) the sheer force of the waves crashing into and over the vessel breaks everything except the hull the crew are at the mercy of the storm the storm carries the boat to the mainland against all the odds, what's left of the boat is carried up a river about two miles inland the coordintes have the letters a,b, or a,c it has been gutted over the years by the locals, taking bits and pieces as momento's consequently, all that's left of the boat is about three-quarters of a splintered hull there's no mention of the crew addenda - vividness - 84/85 - observer - the category of the dream: tragedies (8+ ) - last food before sleep - hot mik malt drink - hours slept 8 02102024 - 2104 the name of the dream: tragedy a two-scened dream of a mother and infant in which the first scene shows a newspaper with the headline, "mother and child killed by a fallen tree" the second scene is a picture of the scene that shows a squashed pram pinned under a fallen tree notes 1 there is nothing in the pde's that explains the reason for the content of this dream perhaps it reflects the overall tone of the previous day's emotions that carried the frustration of not receiving a replacement bank card that would enable the writer to begin the publishing of the dreams diary in book form will categorise this dream as dreams reflecting the previous day's emotions, of which there have been many over the years then again, it might have been because of the pork in the last meal of the day pork and cheese are known to produce less than desirable content in a dream addenda - vividness - 80/81 - observer - the emotional content of the previous day (7+ ) - last food before sleep - beans and sausage - hours slept 7/8 01102024 - 2103 the name of the dream: a new venture a dream about a man who wants to become the manager of a laundry business the dreamer is going to help out initially and will take ten per cent to begin with the dream ends before we discover whether it is successful or not addenda - vividness - 77/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business (10+ ) - last food before sleep - cornflakes with cold milk- hours slept 7/8 30092024 - 2102 second sleep the name of the dream: barbarism and war it is with reluctance that the writer presents this dream, but when you-know-who prompts you to do something, you know that somehow, somewhere, sometime it produces an outcome that results in an increase in the quantity, and, as often as not, the quality of life - see the law - the dream a medical research centre is overrun during a war the first of the advancing army consists of a battalion of the most ruthless, barbaric, blood-thirsty man-shaped beings imaginable the research centre consists of about a dozen people of mixed genders, they are wearing the tell-tale white lab coats the writer is not going to describe the gruesome details if you're inclined, imagine the worst acts of violence you have come across or can imagine and intensify them notes 1 this dream stems from watching the first thirty minutes of the film "the last samurai", when tom cruise graphically describes how indians scalped people listening to the radio play "neuromancer" in which the description of a thouroghly perverted man's preferences are laid bare dwelling on the incident at the beginning of the ukraine war when the ukrainians tried to kill their own captured soldiers because the russians intended to make their trial a show trial (available to the public) link for more on this - addenda - vividness - 77/84 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prison dreams (9+ ) - last food before sleep - egg on toast - hours slept 5/6 first dream the name of the dream: home from home the dreamer is in prison; he is in a privileged position he is working out of his cell; i am not sure what the work is it means i get the run of the wing; the wing has the better part of two hundred inmates i'm the first person in the line for food and the last person to get "banged up" at the end of the day the day staff are waiting for me to get into my cell so they can go off-duty the prison guard says something to the inmate in the next cell to me he is my partner in crime and friend on the outside and expects me to get things wrong he opens his mouth and is about to ask me why i'm holding things up before he gets the first word out of his mouth, i snap, "it was raining" addenda - vividness - 79/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prison dreams (9+ ) - last food before sleep - cornflakes with hot milk - hours slept 7/8 29092024 - 2101 the name of the dream: self-generated sequences no.4 a seven-second sequence of a man holding up a shop with a gun notes 1 there were two other sequences, but this was the longest and most easily remembered this sequence may have been influenced from watching clips on the alex jones show - url for the alex jones show - addenda - vividness - 90/92 - observer - the category of the dream: self-generated sequences (4+ ) - last food before sleep - beef burger sandwich and lard-fried egg - hours slept 9/10 28092024 - 2100 the name of the dreams: oh boy, what a kiss - invasion of the party-goers - panic attack - misinformation at home when a visitor calls, the visitor is an ex-girlfriend it's been months since we last saw each other the dreamer can't help himself, he goes to greet her as i walk toward her, she says, "don't do it" she is referring to me kissing her she doesn't try to stop me as i hug her and then start a kiss there is no resistance from her as our lips touch she, more so than the dreamer, responds eagerly to the sensation of the magic of a kiss after five to seven or eight seconds of dream-time, we have satisfied the compulsion to kiss second dream: invasion of the party-goers again at home, people who know the dreamer leaves the door open come in the same girl as the girl in the first dream comes in with three friends, a boy and two girls they are bursting with an energetic enthusiasm they say things like, "we appreciate you - we like you" they start taking items out of the bags they have with them the items are food and drink it all happened so fast i was taken aback they are impressed with my large tv. i will put something on the screen that fits the occasion they are still bringing things out of the bags when the dream ends third dream: panic attack after entering the two dreams above the writer did a few exercises and pottered around in the kitchen for a while the exercising tired me out, so i lay down for a while and put on a radio play i fell asleep while listening to the play in the dream, the dreamer went to the park and took his laptop with him it was a nice day; the computer would come in handy and give me the opportunity to do some refining or, watch something on youtube or play music the park had a hedge row that marked the end of the park and was about a hundred metres in diameter there are five or six people in one part of the park nestled next the the hedge, so i went and sat to the extreme left of them and about eight or nine metres to the nearest people the dreamer fell asleep, again fourth dream: misinformation when he woke the dreamer went into panic mode, someone had half-inched my computer i began walking along the hedge looking down at the other peoples bits and pieces two of the people had also brought their laptops; a quick glance told me neither was mine irreplaceable information and files were, i thought, gone forever my feelings of panic changed to despondency it was then that i woke and the feeling of despondency turned to relief fourth dream: misinformation today in awake-time, the writer sent a phone message (SMS) to a girl he was concerned about, asking her if she was alright he didn't receive a reply five to ten minutes of exercising after coming back from shopping produced tiredness the writer lay down and fell asleep and had the following dream... the girl in question is at my place, beavering away on a laptop she seems withdrawn, almost sullen; she hasn't yet spoken to me the dreamer asks her if she is alright she looks up at me and says, "you killed helen" a little chuckle accompanies my retort of, "who's helen ?" she doesn't say anyhing; she then closes the lid on her laptop, gets up from her seated position and leaves the dream the dreamer wakes up and tries to make sense of the mini-dream one day, it might make sense, but as of this moment, the only explanation i can come up with is that someone is trying to turn her against me addenda - vividness - 79/83 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: kissing dreams (7+ ) surprise parties (1+) - multi-themed dreams (10+) first and second dream- last food before sleep - egg on toast - hours slept 7/8 third dream - the category of the dream panic in dreams (1+) - last food before sleep, a thick cup of white coffee notes 1 it is thought it was the cheese sandwich before going to sleep that produced the dream addenda - vividness - 80/83 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food-influenced dreams (10+ ) - last food before sleep - cheese sandwich - hours slept 1/2 27092024 - 2099 the name of the dream: boys will be boys it is the end of the autumn term for an all-boys school for some of them, it is the end of secondary school forever, thier next stop is either university or straight into a job a group of fifteen or so of them decide to hire horses for a day and play a game of catch me if you can they have been planning a game of catch me if you can for months when a rider of one team is caught, he automatically becomes part of that team the rent-a-horse stable insists they follow the guidelines of their do's and dont's of horse riding things like, don't take the horses onto smooth, hard surfaces as there may be a frost on the ground and cause the horse to slip, not feeding the horses as they are on a strict diet and especially not racing them they agree to follow the guidelines but have no intention of following them there is the matter of deciding which group is the alpha's to consider they split into their two groups, and the game begins after the first group is out of sight addenda - vividness - 65/75 - observer - the category of the dream: competions between males (2+ )- last food before sleep - egg on toast tinned- hours slept 5/6 26092024 - 2098 the name of the sequence: prolonged, self-generated scenes this is different from a montage in that a montage presents the scenes independently of the observer, whereas the scenes in this sequence are generated by the awake conscious, although the themes of the sequences are not - this variation should become available eventually the writer is on the verge of going to sleep when the sequence occurs there are about ten different scenes, each with a different theme the vividity of all the scenes is 90+ with the greatest clarity at the beginning of the sequence the writer drew immense satisfaction from being able to prolong the scenes the details of the scenes are not remembered because the writer went back to sleep after the sequence url for montages - the category of the sequence: self-generated awake-time scenes (1) 25092024 - 2097 the name of the dream: two girls, one man the dreamer is being interviewed by two female reps for a magazine one of them is overly friendly, while the other one is a bit pushy, otherwise, the interview is going well the friendly rep is letting me know she is amenable to being asked out on a date by continually and deliberately leaning into me our faces are so close together it is an easy matter of just leaning another couple of inches, and our lips make contact she pulled back a little, the kiss shouldn't be too intimate in an open environment the next kiss is a quick and tender addenda - vividness - 75/78 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kissing dreams (11+ )- last food before sleep - two eggs, tinned tomatoes and two buttered toast- hours slept 7/8 24092024 - 2096 the name of the dream: water and menace took the train to a nearby town i had been meaning to visit for years outside of the train station, i went to buy something only to find i had lost my wallet with all my cards in it things start going from bad to worse in the next scene, it is now evening time and a couple of young men, both bigger and older than me, begin stalking me the one thing i mustn't do is turn into a street with poor lighting the men know the area well, and in the next scene, they are in front of me not wanting to show i was scared, i kept walking towards them in the next scene, they stop me and demand i give them money i tell them i have lost my cards and can't get any money from an atm (automatic tilling machine) theyr'e not buying it; their faces start contorting in an act of sheer desperation, i look beyond them and shout out, "mark" they fell for it they both turn to see who it is before it registers, there's no one there, i run between them the dreamer gets a head start and puts about five or six metres between us the dreamer is both a representative in the school relay sprints team and school cross-country champion there's no way they're going to catch me the anxiety of the attempted mugging is replaced by despondency in the next scene, i am drenched through to the skin whatever the word is that describes the most voluminous downpour of rain there can be applied to this scene the rain quickly exceeds the sewer's capacity to move the water through the underground tunnels, and in the next scene, the rain is about six or seven centimetres deep on the pavement and deeper on the road addenda - vividness - 70/77 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mixed-theme dreams (10+)- last food before sleep - butter-fried mushrooms on toast - hours slept 8/9 23092024 - 2095 the name of the dream: a very odd dream a nomadic people, we don't know where on earth they are, decide or are forced by circumstances to migrate they speak in an ancient english tongue the dreamer hasn't come across before it becomes a think-read dream as the group takes stock of their livestock an inventory of their animals, including cows they have a ledger that proves the chattel belongs to them, it may be the first-ever legally-binding manuscript the think-reading in the dream contains sentences like... "he did place the cattle before they are listed, misrepresents the true ownership" the think-reading goes on and on the dreamer decides to break away from the dream notes 1 a new ability began asserting itself a few weeks back they are mini-scenes and last about 1 to 2 seconds they are of montage qualty (90+) film-montage 1 today's film is of a boy and a man they are in a living room, the man is sitting in a comfy brown chair the boy walks over to the man and kisses him on the cheek and then moves out of the film this is caegorised as a film-montage 1 addenda - vividness - 72/77 - observer - the category of the dream: people migration (1+)- last food before sleep - cornflakes with hot milk - hours slept 8 22092024 - 2094 the name of the dream: christmas came early this year a christmas-themed dream with shapes, colours and sizes and an atmosphere so impressive you want to be a participant and not an observer one scene is an aerial view that shows giant reindeer, christmas trees the size of trees, running lights, chasing lights, blinking lights, a building-sized father christmas one or two scenes are borderline 3D notes 1 all in all, it is a dazzling display of the abilities of the sleeping conscious to generate realities when given the tools to do the job; in this case, it is sauces you will get an idea of just how colourful and vivid this dream was if you watch the film bladerunner (1982) for a minute, starting at 7'10" this is the type of dream we want to have regularly addenda - vividness - 90/95 - observer - the category of the dream: christmas (2+) - last food before sleep - sardine hash with ten sauces - hours slept 6 21092024 - 2093 the name of the dream: a public orgy at the cinema with my girlfriend, it isn't a sex film my girlfriend isn't a sex maniac, but you can never tell when or where her testosterone will "kick in" not sure what caused her testosterone to start flowing on this occasion, but she made her feelings known by placing her hand on my crotch and began fondling me it would be dangerous to tell her to stop, she may well have started raising her voice if i had the discreet thing to do is take off my jacket an place it across both of our lap in her mind, that is the signal to unzip me and bring my "johnson" out of my trousers and give her more scope being your average healthy young male, i responded we are no longer at the pictures but in a place where we left off a few hours before at home we all know what it's like when your partner, be you the female or the male, touches your g spot, it causes an involuntary sound to leave your mouth one or two rows behind us are three girls they put two and two together one of the three girls climbs over the seats and sits beside my girlfriend she says to her, "you're not doing that right; let me show you" before you can say, "bob's your uncle", it becomes a threesome notes 1 this dream is the result of a "fleeting thought" during the day when the writer and a girlfriend from my teenage years are at the pictures when a fully grown man and a total stranger came and asked us to join him and his wife at the back row of the cinema addenda - vividness - 76/82 - observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (12+) - last food before sleep - steak sandwich and milk- hours slept 7 20092024 - 2092 the name of the dream: insect infestation a multi-scened dream that has flys, spiders and silverfish the origin of this dream is goes back more than a decade - see dream no. 1555 the warm weather over the last few days is the signal for the insects to become active small flying insects, smaller than ants, are everywhere in the kitchen it happens every year the dreamer has been using a fly spray canister with a home-made concoction of disinfectant and soapy water as a repellant it does the job, but there are too many of them it's time to bring in the big guns bought an electronic fly trap zapper that attracts the flying insects a violet-coloured tube attracts the flys as i'm typing this, i can hear sharp cracks as the insects are zapped job done addenda - vividness - 76/82 - observer - the category of the dream: insects (3+) - last food before sleep - two buttered toast - hours slept 12 19092024 - 2091 the name of the dream: a recurring problem another dream about folders with one exception; when it comes to opening and closing folders, it's the same problem specifically, the computer isn't responding to my command when i click on the folder the result is that it brings on a state of frustration that causes the dreamer to wake up notes 1 what isn't making sense is why it sometimes responds and other times it doesn't the writer asks the reader to analyze this sticking point if you get anywhere with it, you can present it when we get going - addenda - vividness - 77/83 - participant - the category of the dream: folders (5+) - last food before sleep - sardine hash and fresh bread- hours slept 7/8 18092024 - 2090 the name of the dream: a landmark dream, possibly this dream starts with the dreamer alone in a room the room is unfamiliar to me i go to an adjoining room, and it is then that the dreamer realises he is naked there is a woman in the room lying on a bed we can't make out her facial features, but she is full-bodied it is then that i realise she could be any woman the dreamer wants her to be the dreamer goes over to where she is and begins running the tips of his fingers over her body it is going to be a sensational dream or would have been if the dream didn't change themes abruptly i am still undressed and standing on the pavement about to cross a road; there is no traffic it starts spotting the dreamer needs to relieve himself and pees into the gutter at that moment, i feel something wet on my ankles i turn to look where it's coming from, there are two males one of them is noticeably smaller than the other; he is big and looks strong he begins talking, "we will find out what your attitude is tomorrow" the dreamer wakes, he realises that the dream could have been a humdinger of an x dream notes 1 assigning this dream as a food-influenced dream and say that the milk is the stimulus for the x aspect of the dream and the beef is the macho bit of the dream it could be either or neither or the other way around will start bringing the food-influenced aspect of the type of dream into the addenda this could get complicated addenda - vividness - 78/83 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mixed themes dreams and food-influenced dreams (8+) - last food before sleep - steak sandwich, milk - hours slept 7 17092024 - 2089 the name of the dream: frustration a high vividness think-read dream that wouldn't allow the dreamer to wake up when he tried to make notes on the voice recorder two long sentences that carried a different a message it was possible to swap between the two messages, but when i tried to wake up and dictate either of the sentences, the dream went back to the other page the dreamer tried at least three times before he gave up and went back to sleep notes 1 the sense of frustration in the dream probably represents the frustration felt during the day before the dream as the latest news reports came through of the conflict addenda - vividness - 81/83 - participant - the category of the dream: think-read (13+) - orange coloured (3+) - last food before sleep) steak and egg sandwich, milk - hours slept 5/7 16092024 - 2088 the name of the dream: humour at the discortheque the deamer s one of the first through the door at a discotheque he is the same age in the dream as he is now at the ticket boothe, he says, "ticket for one please" the girl cashier replies, "you're a one alright" a girl with a sense of humour isn't something i come across very often in dreams and awake the dream moves to the next scene the dreamer standing on the edge of the dance floor waiting for the music to start he will be the first on the floor, and i intend to be last off it notes 1 interestingly, in the last few weeks and months, novel and marketable ideas have been coming through in dreams in fact, there are so many i don't know what to do with them not sure whether to include them addenda - vividness - 79/81 - participant - the category of the dream: dancing (7+) - sardine hash and toast - hours slept 7/8 15092024 - 2087 the name of the dreams: justifiable tactics - on the run a young man in his early twenties is the me in this dream i am in work, fit and full of life my downfall is the inability to keep track of my spending somehow, no matter how i try, my wages are "spoken for" before i get them part of the problem is i live on my own and i am useless at cooking my job is labour-intensive and gives me a whopping appetite being used to home-cooked food, nothing other than meat, gravy and several veg, can appease my appetite the local cafe does cooked meals that are more or less as good as mom's cooking another drain on my money is my motorcycle, a 250 BSA i remember on one occasion, i didn't even open the wages packet and handed the unopened packet to the man who fixed the bike upon reflection, it dawned on me that i had worked like a trojan for five days only to give my entire week's wages to someone who had only spent an hour fixing a problem it was a case of daylight robbery the more i thought about it, the more rankled i became a solution presented itself i had bought the bike on the never-never; it was a simple matter of stopping the payments, which i did second dream basically, i'm on the run the guys i owe money to are loan sharks they rely on people failing to pay, it justifies them giving the debtor a "going over" as a warning to others i'm on their hit list the amount is substantial, in the thousands the greater the amount owed, the greater the retribution i would have to be mauled just to dissuade others indebted to the loan shark to pay up in time plus, the sadistic debt-collecters would get to enjoy themselves in my case, it would mean giving me a permanent physical disability this dream becomes charged with tension a cat and mouse situation that would end up with me badly mauled the dreamer escapes their clutches the first time and is realising just how close he is to being permanently disfigured or even murdered the dream ends on that note notes 1 this dream was influenced by the film, "cheap thrills", before going to sleep addenda - vividness - 77/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (12+) - last food before sleep -rice pudding - hours slept 7 14092024 - 2086 the name of the dream: now you taste it, now you don't the dreamer is setting up a business delivering food locally some don't want me to succeed i am forced to demonstrate the way the food is cooked and what foods go into the finished product at first i protest, but the clique out to get me has covered all the bases, almost they won't be able to assess the amount of one food or complementary herb or spice going into the main saucepan to keep the recipe secret, i omit certain ingredients or put too much or too little of one thing or another i have a saucepan full of vegetables partly cooked and waiting for the finishing touches - herbs, spices etc. so now, all i have to do is to vary the amounts of the different herbs, spices etc. so the finished dish is a bit on the bland side but is acceptable and doesn't have the distinct taste that the finished product has addenda - vividness - 77/81 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food (8+) - last food before sleep - sardine hash and two slices of buttered toast - hours slept 7 13092024 - 2085 the name of the dreams: broken promises - hopeful a two-themed dream that starts with the dreamer feeling disgruntled he has been doing his job for some years when he started, he was promised a steady rise in the company three years later, the latest recruit gets a plum job, a job that should have been mine the dreamer goes to see the boss the dreamer brings up the promises made when he first started the boss says nothing i can forget about promotions and more money the daydreams of living the life of an executive are shattered i hand in my notice i am feeling disgruntled second dream things aren't much better for the second dream this time, it's the lack of a girlfriend that's causing the dreamer woe the dreamer hasn't got the courage to approach the girl he turns to a friend his friend agrees to talk to the girl i am waiting for a reply when i wake up notes 1 the pde's were, by and large, constructive perhaps a few stray thoughts sneaked in without me noticing stray thoughts addenda - vividness - 79/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dreams (7+) - last food before sleep - two fried eggs - milk - hours slept 12 12092024 - 2084 the name of the dream: off the hook an interesting little dream that sees the dreamer holding a book or painting he is in a police station and is being quizzed during the interrogation, the dreamer mentions that the item he attempted to steal is not the genuine article he points it out to the detective interviewing me the item, an article of clothing, had a label that read, "sewn from hemp" the detective takes the jacket to his superior he comes back and says,"we'll do a deal with you", "you seem to know what's what" the detective says, "if you help us to get to the bottom of this, we'll let you off with a caution" the dreamer explains the difference between cloths, specifically, jute and hemp the dreamer insisits that the detective gets a waiver from his boss saying the charges against me are dropped a girl joins the dream; she is dressed in mainly white and is probably a police officer she wants to find out what yours truly is all about the detective is against bringing the woman into the case a detective tries to persuade her not to get involved another person helping with the enquiry will take the spotlight off the detective the dreamer says, "no, let's keep her in, a woman's intuition can be invaluable" addenda - vividness - 79/81 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: theft (8+) clothes - last food before sleep -three slices of buttered toast - hours slept 8 11092024 - 2083 the name of the dream: something new a think-read/write dream that sees the dreamer trying to get the correct spelling for a word or term - it may have been rancourous or something to do with skunks the dreamer seeks help from his girlfriend she explains and expands on it... notes 1 another first in a new category of dreams: black and white and colour in think-read/write dreams (1) addenda - vividness - 82/83 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: black and white and colour in think-read/write dreams (1) - last food before sleep - heated rice pudding - hours slept 8 10092024 - 2082 the name of the dreams: the storage facility the idea is to store food, lots of it the stored food will feed all of society for ten years, and if the population stays at the steady rate of two children per family, they merely have to continue as they are to be able to project themselves into perpetuity one of the difficulties is that the storage bins get smaller the further we go down the column it was something to do with the lay of the land or the bedrock the columns of storage bins also house the inhabitants' living quarters each couple has three sections within their flat, living room cum dining room cum playing area and two bedrooms with a shower and a bath there are no pressing concerns addenda - vividness - 79/82- observer - the category of the dream: advanced societies (3+) - last food before sleep - fried bread sandwich and cold milk - hours slept 8/9 09092024 - 2081 the name of the dream: asleep and awake a female steward announces through the aeroplane's tannoy system, "we will be touching down shortly, will passengers..." the dreamer decides to cram his laptop with as many files of films as he can before landing after loading about five films the computer signals the memory is full we land, and from the moment we leave the terminal the dreamer believes he is awake outside the terminal we call for a taxi inside the taxi, i naively i ask, "are we going all the way to london in this taxi?" notes 1 there's something interesting going on when the sense of consciousness is felt in a dream let's try saying, the scene of a dream with a sense of consciousness attached to it is because for that, or those particular scene/s, are happening at precisely the same time across ten undulatons before and ten undulations after (speculation) addenda - vividness - 80/81- participant and observer - the category of the dream: false sense of being in awake in dreams (2+) passenger in planes (2+) - last food before sleep cereal, with warm milk - hours slept 9 08092024 - 2080 the name of the dream: auntie vi and co. the dreamer is looking through his memorabilia and keepsakes he comes across a fancy knife he remembers that one of his acquaintances took a fancy to it and decided to sell it to him the thing was the acquaintance didn't have a car and lived in a different county to drive to him and get back again will take all the afternoon it was a bit of an inconvenience, but it gave me the opportunity to take my brand new range rover for a spin the theme of the dream changes, i am at auntie vie's the father is no longer part of the family no-one seems to miss him she has two delightful daughters aged about seven with a year between them they are developing an extrovert characteristic, it suits them the iving room is something of a shamble, toys here, clothes there in one scene, one of the young girls makes a dash to get across to the other side of the room she stumbles, loses her balance and is falling head-first into a cupboard with glass panes with an instinct for self-preservation that would impress anybody; at the last moment, the girl tilts her head out of the way the dreamer leaves a couple of hundred pounds in a place where aunt vie will find it addenda - vividness - 79/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dreams (7+) in-laws (2+) auntie vie (1+) - acquaintences (8+) - last food before sleep - fried bread sandwich,cold milk - hours slept 6/7 07092024 - 2079 the name of the dream: big plane there were a few scenes too vague to detail before the remembered dream began in the first scene, the dreamer finds himself in the cargo hold of a ginourmous airplane the cargo hold is so big it can transport thousands of displaced people on a daily basis to different parts of the globe in amongst them, there is a predominance of south americans, chilean's in particular a young woman becomes the central figure as the dream moves into a sultry mood in two or three scenes, two in particular, the young lady becomes exceedingly beautiful in the dreamer's eyes the dream ends on that theme addenda - vividness - 78/80 - observer - the category of the dream: flights in aeroplanes (3+) - last food before sleep -mixed cereals with warm milk - hours slept 8 06092024 - 2078 the name of the dream: win some, lose some at an unknown location, pen in hand, crossing off numbers there's only a small chance of winning, but someone will win, and every one of us has as good a chance of winning as the next person the dreamer has already won a line; it will pay for the night out and the taxi home it's a nationwide link-up with four-figure amounts to be won a four-figure amount can be enough to change a person's life that might be the reason why the atmosphere in the room is so sombre the sound of somebody calling out "house" and an accompanying and repeating "dey diddle det, dey deedle det" sound denotes a win the persistant and penetrating sound causes the dreamer to wake -it is the morning alarm on the phone addenda - vividness - 79 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bingo dreams (1+) - last food before sleep - beef sandwich and warm milk - hours slept 8/9 05092024 - 2077 the name of the dream: is anyone listening to me? the sound of the voices on the TV. is mistaken by the dreamer as someone having a conversation with the dreamer the first sentence the lecturer says is, "if it wasn't for the extinction event sixty-five million years ago that brought about the end of the dinosaurs, we, mammals, would still be living in holes in the ground" the dreamer thinks the someone is making sense and is "talking turkey" another two statements later, the dreamer joins in the conversation he asks for clarification on a particular point her answer is a little vague but can be interpreted as a good reply there are another few questions and answers before the dreamer realises that the answers to his questions aren't right finally, the situation reveals itself as the dreamer moves into awake-time the dreamer is asking questions only he can hear for the last minute or so, the dreamer's questions and the reply to the questions just happened to be in context with what the lecturer was talking about addenda - vividness - 85/7 - participant - the category of the dream: all-white dreams (2+) - last food before sleep - beef sandwich and warm milk - hours slept 7/8 04092024 - 2076 the name of the dream: all white will assign a future tense of time for this dream the first scene sees a close-up of the dreamer he is wearing a white, sleeveless t-shirt and tight white leggings we can see the braiding of the t-shirt (stand-out visual) the kit reminds the dreamer when he was fourteen, and at school, for the gym class, we dressed in white shorts and vest anyway, the dreamer has had enough of the lifestyle of privilege; he wants out easier thought than done people leaving the clique suggests the clique is not as great as the image they paint of themselves two or three people try to persuade me not to leave, and one of them, a leading member of the clique, throws in a couple of veiled threats that done it, it makes the dreamer more resolute than ever these guys have an image of themselves that is entirely misplaced, and he tells them so notes 1 the second time within a week, the old noodle has delivered a black-and-white dream both dreams had a sugary content for "last food before sleep" definately a possible connection, and easy enough to prove or disprove notes 2 sugar, you may know, is the first food life produced a few thousand million years ago that life presented sugar food first must have some special significance we will be doing ourselves a favour to understand why addenda - vividness - 85/87 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: all-white dreams (2+) - last food before sleep - corn flakes with hot milk - hours slept 8 03092024 - 2075 the name of the dream: a lost soul the dreamer is at the computer when a woman appears on the screen of the computer she is standing in the door-frame of her home the dreamer starts speaking to her, but she doesn't reply after asking her something three or four times, she still hasn't replied the dreamer assumes she is deaf or her sound is muted the dreamer asks if she is married, and she replies, "you can keep it" i sense she is troubled about something i tell her that she will be a lot safer with me than anyone else on earth before she can say anything, the connection is disconnected addenda - vividness - 75 - participant - the category of the dream: conversations on the computer (1+) - last food before sleep - bacon sandwich - hours slept 7 02092024 - 2074 the name of the dream: behind bars again while in prison, the dreamer chooses his well-tested and lucrative "business" selling hash seems to be part of my DNA part of the satisfaction of selling is seeing the buyer anticipating the effect there are two rivals suppllying the hash: one is the africans, and the other is the influential white clique the white boys use whatever tactics it takes to be the prison's primary dealer for some reason, a new jamaican inmate chooses the dreamer to sell his stuff it is quality gear; there will be no complaints from the buyers and the icing on the cake ensures a "return buyer" is to give slightly more than the competition unfortunately, my generous streak is causing ripples elsewhere the africans "business" is falling off the dreamer's "deals" are twice as big and of better quality than the competition my supplier is identified and is persuaded by the africans to go with them naturally, his loyalty is to the africans my jamaican contact tells me he can't supply me anymore as an act of appreciation for me not "trimming" the deals, he gives the dreamer a nice chunk it is the size of a four or five-pound deal, a lot for the 1970s it will keep the dreamer going for three or four days happy days are here again addenda - vividness - 78 - participant - the category of the dream: prison (7+) - hash (10+) - last food before sleep - cornflakes and hot milk - hours slept 8 01092024 - 2073 the name of the dream: corruption and justice in america this dream shows one person's determination to highlight the corruption within one district of the police department in a large city - new york, i think his testamony clearly shows the illegal acts perpetrated against the public and how the police hide their crimes it's amazing how one sincere person with the determination to right wrongs can move mountains the proceedings reach a peak when irrefutable and damning evidence is presented against one policeman in particular addenda - vividness - 79 - observer - the category of the dream: police corruption (1+) - last food before sleep - two jam on toast - hours slept 8/9 31082024 - 2072 the name of the dream: cameo an intimate one-scene x-dream the dreamer and his girlfriend are lying naked in the "spoon" position the dreamer is lying on his right side, and the "birthday girl" is embracing him from the back their is a sense of awe as both of us realise the almost religious significance of what we are feeling we are the perfect pair nothing can separate us the feelings between us is more than just the sensations of naked bodies in contact there is a sense of purpose to our unity a sense of foreverness pervades a couple in love that recognises there is much, much more to love than physical sensations they are a template for permanency notes 1 black and white dreams are a rarity; from memory, i can only remember one other black-and-white dream the other black and white dream was a "shocker" - see the second dream of dream No. 296 notes 2 this dream has all the ingredients of a tender x-dream, but why a work of art in black and white when colour would have vaulted it into the top five x-dreams in the dreams diary? the last two meals were a fried egg sandwich an hour or so before the jam-on-toast if it is a food-influenced dream, then it should be possible to generate a similar dream by eating the same meals will give it a week or two and try it addenda - vividness - 87 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: black and white x-dream (1+) - last food before sleep - two jam on toast - hours slept 9 30082024 - 2071 the name of the dream: what did she do wrong? we are watching a weightlifting competition between girls two or three judges are looking for a fault in the contestant's execution of the exercise the "spotters", the stand and the weights on the bar prevent a clear view of the precise moment a competitor breaches the rules of the lift the dreamer sees a solution a overhead gantry with a built-in feature that detects a downward movement of the bar to within a millimetre and automatically takes the weight of the bar notes 1 this is a delayed-dream it is coupled with dream no. 2063 the writer believes that this dream could have been the theme for the dream 2063, but to incorporate it into that dream would mean the writer would need greater capacity in his ability to recall details in dreams upon waking we have to go a fair way back in dreams diary to find dreams with three or more themes in the same period of R.E.M. (rapid eye movement) the thing is, the capacity to remember the details in dreams does exist now the task is to revive the ability to remember multi-themed dreams. addenda - vividness - 80/82 - observer - the category of the dream: delayed dream (2+) weight lifting (2+) - last food before sleep -fried egg sandwich - hours slept 8/9 29082024 - 2070 the name of the dream: sounds of love in a classy auditorium or concert room, it has a small stage we are waiting for the music to start playing a woman moves away from the centre of the stage a man appears and takes his place at the front of the stage it is the conductor he moves to the podium he then taps his baton on the conductor's stand a few moments of silence precedes the first sound the music slowly builds and then subsides it reflects the tone of the theme; it is a love story addenda - vividness - 77/80 - observer - the category of the dream: orchestra's (1+) - last food before sleep -sardines and beans on buttered toast - hours slept 6/7 28082024 - 2069 the name of the dream: the shrinking man it had to happen sooner or later; the theme of a dream is also a film there wasn't any connection the day before the dream that can be linked to the film it is a case of a coincidence the dream is "softer" or more sensitive than the film the film is something of a classic among sci-fi buffs download it here - addenda - vividness - 80/84 - observer - the category of the dream: dreams of films (1+) - last food before sleep -sardines and beans on buttered toast - hours slept 9 27082024 - 2068 the name of the dream: taking matters into our hands three or four of us are the nucleous of new movement our intention is to bring the local community to act as one at the first meeting the dreamer is lying down, why that is so isn't known the community is agreed that the doctor is too far away to visit for those without cars using the buses takes all morning or all of the afternoon we agree the first tactic is to send a letter from each family of the community, about thirty in all if that doesn't get the right response we will go en mass to the doctor's surgery carrying plackards and chanting addenda - vividness - 77/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bicycle dreams (6+) - last food before sleep -sardines and beans on buttered toast - hours slept 8/9 26082024 - 2067 the name of the dream: just a matter of time got chatting to a waitress in a cafeteria; the place was empty the waitress has a pleasing disposition and a gentle voice she is warming to the dreamer and sits down the dreamer gives her a two-pound coin to get a drink we talk about covid, but not for long we are both inching toward the point where we are waiting for the other to hint at meeting after she finishes work when the dream ends addenda - vividness - 79/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream relationships (30+) last food before sleeping - flakes and hot milk - hours slept 10/11 25082024 - 2066 - word count 652162 the name of the dream: between inclines out and about on my bicycle in a rural area no traffic, winding, smooth road surfaces, it is a cyclist's idea of bike-heaven come to a steep decline and decide to freewheel down it the bike gathered speed, and within a moment or two of dream-time, the speed is about 70 kmph didn't dare take my eyes off the road to look down at the speedometer at the speed i'm going, the slightest error in judgment could result in broken bones the sensation of speed is intense at the bottom of the decline is an equally steep incline the momentum of the bike takes me a little way up the decline but nowhere near enough to take the effort out of what will be a real slog to get to the top go forward or go back? either way, it's uphill the perfect moment for the dream to end, which it did addenda - vividness - 79/80 - observer - the category of the dream: bicycle dreams (6+) - last food before sleep -two jam on toast with cold milk - hours slept 8 24082024 - 2065 the name of the dream: the chaperone agency a five-scene dream that introduces females to males the success of the business is due to the insights the originator of the business has into what women and men want and like in their partner at "pairing interviews", with the skill of a psychiatrist, he can tell from movements, inflexions in the voice and the look on the face of the interviewee, what it is a person wants from their partner the first scene is an elevated view looking down at a slightly sloping ground with tables that can seat people in two's, fours, sixes or any even number (elevated views are a regular feature in the writer's dreams) the dream zooms in on a table for two the man is more than happy with the girl he is with and is leading the conversation into the next thing they can do together elsewheere, there is a hint of devious going's on when one person attempts to blackmail their partner for the evening by threatening to tell their friends about the night out the man who founded the company saw this sort of thing happening and covered his tracks by introducing a non-disclosure clause signed by both parties the business is so successful it has become known locally as "the chapel" addenda - vividness - 79/80 - observer - the category of the dream: dating agencies (1+) - last food before sleep -two jam on toast with cold milk - hours slept 10 23082024 - 2064 the name of the dream: the missed flight in this dream the dreamer is a military man his next mission is overseas he gets to the pick-up point, only to find he is too early he goes to the office of the airline to see if any messages have been left for him the only person allowed to deal with the dreamer is a woman, and she won't be back for another ten-minutes a few minutes later time is running out the dreamer goes to the shop again then back to the office the woman the dreamer is waiting for still isn't back but there is another girl for no reason, she is hostile towards the dreamer don't know what has put her in a bad mood, perhaps the dreamer reminds her of someone the woman the dreamer is waiting for arrives she picks up on the strained atmosphere the unhappy girl tries to blame the dreamer by saying he was uncooperative a load of baloney of course the dreamer misses his flight addenda - vividness - 79/80 - participant - the category of the dream: air flights (3+) - last food before sleep - mashed potato and sardines - hours slept 8 22082024 - 2063 the name of the dream: female force in this society, the police are females the dreamer is talking to and getting along with a police officer using a length of coarse string, he shows the policewoman a way to make makeshift handcuffs with a slip knot it will be a feather in her cap when she shows it to her workmates in another scene, the policewoman is isolated by a few men and in need of help the dreamer goes to her aid between the two of us, we get them to move on without incidence notes 1 this dream is the result of watching a woman's weight-lifting competition the writer is well impressed with the strength of the women contestants three and a half times their body weight for the lighter contestants and two-plus times body weight for the heavier contestants back in the day the heaviest squat the writer could do is one-hundred and forty kgs with a bodyweight of eleven stone (43 kgs) not sure if it's right that women would want to be muscley notes 2 there were two dreams, the other was forgotten in favour of this, the more vivid one addenda - vividness - 80/82 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: societies (9+) - last food before sleep - mashed potato, sardines and toast - hours slept 7/8 21082024 - 2062 the name of the dream: dilemma the dreamer is in the company of two women, both are girlfriends one of the girls doesn't want to share and is becoming beligerent to the other girl as well as the dreamer the other girl lifts her jumper and reveals her stomach, she is seven months pregnant don't know if it is a common reaction, but i find it appealing and says, "that's beautiful" the other girl wants a decision the dreamer tells her he wont leave a pregnant woman addenda - vividness - 82 - observer - the category of the dream: relatiionships (22+) - last food before sleep - mixed cereals and hot milk - hours slept 8/9 20082024 - 2061 the name of the dream: simple is best a sombre air accompanies the opening scene, and with good reason a ward of babies and infants are fighting for their lives a bacteria or virus is the culprit laboratory's around the world are working day and night, so far, they haven't found an answer the problem is the bacteria or virus is easy enough to identify and isolate but can't be neutralised without killing surrounding cells enter the shining night the best word to describe her is cantankerous she is built like a tank and has the outlook of a simpleton life is so simple for her no one thing is any more complicated than a dismissive and often derisory, five or six-word proclamation she asks what's wrong with the babies someone tells her without thinking about it, she says, "have you tried...?" no-one had within days, science produced a way of defeating the bacteria or virus addenda - vividness - 82 - observer - the category of the dream: cantankerous simpleton women (1+) - last food before sleep - sardines on toast - hours slept 8/9 19082024 - 2060 the name of the dream: broken sleep someone playing rat a tat ginger at 04:30 woke me during R.E.M. all the writer can remember is that it was a vivid dream addenda - vividness - 83 - the category of the dream: broken sleep (4+) - last food before sleep - sardines on toast - hours slept 5 18082024 - 2059 the name of the dream: a chance encounter the dreamer is in town he is sitting on a low wall, smoking a roll-up a plump girl in her late twenties approaches the dreamer and asks for a cigarette the dreamer makes one, gives her a light, and we begin chatting the dreamer suggests we go back to my place back at my place, she explains her situation she is one girl of many who "touts" for a criminal organisation she is being treated like a dog the dreamer is dismayed and angry he's got to try and help her she goes along with the dreamer's suggestion of staying with him back at the dreamer's place, there is a scene that has the girl speaking confidently she is already regaining her identity and dignity she realises she is going to become her own master addenda - vividness - 81/82 - participant - the category of the dream: relationships (20+) - last food before sleep - scrambled eggs on toast- hours slept 10 17082024 - 2058 the name of the dream: father and son and father and son the dreamer is at home with his son a pain in the neck acquaintance calls he has his son with him his son and my son are the same age, go to the same school and are buddies the man can't manage his spending and is forever trying to sell something on this occasion, he has a jar with him the jar can hold about four litres of water in the glass jar, there are hundreds and hundreds of round objects about a quarter of the size of a small pea the round objects have special charecteristic's when the jar is given a bit of a shake, the tiny dark, grey, objects have the odd charecteristic of collecting together and becoming maleable and forming shapes (stand-out visual) the contents of the jar are very definitely special on this occassion, the pain in the neck brought something worth having addenda - vividness - 80/81 - participant - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (5+) - last food before sleep - sardines, chips and hot fruit juice - hours slept 9 16082024 - 2057 the name of the dream: - x-dream notes 1 it may be that x-dreams express a desire addenda - vividness - 70/81 - participant - the category of the dream: x-dreams (5+) - last food before sleep - sardines on toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7 15082024 - 2056 the name of the dream: the internationally famous female interior designer the young lady first became attracted to interior designing while in junior school a picture of a neat, pristine open-plan living room with winding stairs to the first floor caught her imagination (stand out visual) her first design impressed her teacher so much that the teacher used her design to show the rest of the class what she expects the dream moves on and shows her as a young adult living and working in italy by now her designs are using every shade of brown to produce dream-like designs she isn't married she is a client of a male companion agency one male, in particular, serves her needs in the last scene of the dream, the relationship becomes serious, and the male is pressing her to have children notes 1 this dream parallels the writer's life as a ten or eleven-year-old since we don't see the face of the young girl, we have to consider that this dream is the writer as a female addenda - vividness - 79/83 - observer - the category of the dream: interior designing (1+) - last food before sleep - sardines on toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 8 14082024 - 2055 the name of the dream: the mirthless man many of us are aware of the odd symptoms that people can have continuous sneezing, aversion to sunlight, seeing only in black and whiite and shades of grey... the poor sod in this dream doesn't have a sense of humour when people around him start laughing he doesn't have a clue what made them laugh he's lost count of the number of times someone has tried to explain to him why people laugh notes 1 can we say, "it's when people have used their imagination to put together a connection between two absurdities?" e.g. a five-ton elephant wakes up one morning with the testosterone positively gushing through him he heads off into the jungle, ready for anything he comes to a clearing in the middle of the clearing he sees a lion the elephant charges at the lion bellowing and raising its trunk the lion sees the monster-sized elephant with monster-sized tusks coming toward him and recognises the danger the lion thinks, "what the?" and then, eff this, i'm off" the elephant continues barging through the jungle and comes to another clearing in the centre of the clearing is an alpha gorilla seven foot tall and bristling with muscles he's so intimidating even lions give him a wide birth he sees the elephant charging towards him and thinks, "eff this, i'm off" the elephant comes to another clearing at the first look there's no one there a second look reveals a dormouse at the centre of the clearing the elephant saunters over to the mouse the elephant looks down at the mouse and says, "look at you, so small and weak and puny look at me, so big and strong and powerful" the mouse looks up at the elephant and, in a frail voice, says, "iv'e been ill" most people i tell that joke to don't find it funny addenda - vividness - 78/80 - observer - the category of the dream: ailments and illnesses due to incomplete arrangement of the DNA (1+) - last food before sleep - sardines and chips - hours slept 8 13082024 - 2054 the name of the dream: the cadaver's dream the dream starts with the observer looking, from a slightly elevated position, at a swimming pool the swimming pool is about fifteen by twenty-five metres floating on the surface of the water are half a dozen dead people wrapped in white, tight bandaging (think of a mummy) (stand-out visual) we hear a woman's voice give a command one of the cadavers gets lifted from the pool snippets of conversations give us the means to see the whole picture in the next scene, we see a pack of dogs eating a naked man notes 1 it's hard to account for this dream a world where a woman's voice carries more weight than a man's doesn't fit in with any scenario the writer has of our coming-to-be there are women with a spiteful attitude toward men, but they are too few and far between to be a dominant force as in this dream the only way the writer can think of that makes a bit of sense is if we consider that the women in this dream are all that's left of a particularly nasty genetic line of men addenda - vividness - 75/80 - observer - the category of the dream: genetic lines (1+) - last food before sleep -sardines on toast chips - hours slept 8 12082024 - 2053 the name of the dream: two workforces in one a publising company introduces a new policy it gives its staff the opportunity to become authors employees with the largest families get preference tuition, in the form of proven author's, will be provided as was expected, very few of the staff came forward with a novel story-line the company didn't expect or get immediate results it is helped along by getting free publicity from the press the dream comes to an end when one of the employees presents a draft for a story the man has a large family things are going as the company hoped they would addenda - vividness - 80/81 - observer - the category of the dream: books and authors (1+) - last food before sleep -sardines and chips - hours slept 7 11082024 - 2052 the name of the dream: science in a dish a one-scene dream showing a woman standing in front of a single stack of petri dishes there are about fifteen to twenty of the dishes the woman is looking at the observer the woman doesn't say anything it may be that it is a new way of studying or mixing cultures we don't get an explanation of what it is perhaps someone, somewhere, will understand its significance addenda - vividness - 80/81 - observer - the category of the dream: science (7+) - last food before sleep -steak pie, beans - hours slept 8 10082024 - 2051 the name of the dream: a typically ordinary dream the dreamer is wandering through the town centre (pymouth) two residents living near where the dreamer lives walk by the two people stop, whisk out a camera and take a photo of each other i offer to take a photo of them together after taking the photo, someone suggests we take a photo of the three of us together a passer-by does the honours addenda - vividness - 78/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: photography (7+) - last food before sleep - chicken soup two slices and hot fruit juice - hours slept 8 09082024 - 2050 the name of the dream: a helping hand the dreamer is a self-employed business man the dream starts, and we see the dreamer putting things in bags and intends selling them off don't know what's in the bags a polish guy comes into the dream he takes over the work of the dreamer things aren't working out he does half the work but doesn't get half of the money he is disgruntled because he has a family to keep, whereas the dreamer is unattached the dreamer explains about overheads and the rental fee for the premises the new guy doesn't take into account the overheads for his vehicle all he feels is a disparity, but he doesn't take it any further it is back to a one-person business things start gelling for the dreamer he is back in the black i need more bags to put things in it works out to perfection; every bag is in use, and every item is in the bags it feels for a moment that you-know-who is working with me addenda - vividness - 75/79 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: self-employed (10+) - last food before sleep - buttered toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 8/9 08082024 - 2049 the name of the dream: room with a view back at home from home (prison) in a prison cell with two other lads, he doesn't know there is a bunk bed and a single bed the dreamer is the top bunk at night, by shifting my body and turning onto my front, the cell block across the yard falls into sight there are conversations going on in both cell blocks, but the juiciest stuff comes from long-termers in the cell block opposite some of them are loud enough to hear there are people making triangular paper darts and setting fire to them (stand-out visual) most of them don't go any further than a half-dozen metres, but one in twenty will glide for twenty metres one in a hundred, go further and get a cheer some minutes later, the dreamer can hear raised voices there's a right old ding-dong of words going on the conversation becomes hostile, and the prisoner in the long-term cell block, shouts to the younger man in the short-term block in a clearly disappointed way "yooooou bastard" not being able to hear all of the words from the someone in my cell block, it took a long time to put the bits together, but eventually, it explained itself the reason? the younger man knows the wife or partner of the older man, apparently, as well and quite possibly better, than the older man does the younger man tells the older man she likes doing something kinky he says what it is the older man knows it's true the younger man gets out of prison imminently and promises the older man he'll do with his wife what the older man used to do with her "yooou bastard", the older man says with real venom the final scene is the following day the prison guard opens the door of our cell he gives the two other lads concessions in the form of a better job the dreamer asks if he could have a concession the guard looks at me but doesn't say anything he has a contorted face i've spoken out of turn there may be consequences addenda - vividness - 72/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prison (8+) - last food before sleep - buttered toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 73/80 07082024 - 2048 the name of the dream: everything in the garden is not rosy in this dream, mom and stepdad are not seeing eye to eye the dreamer knows why his stepdad makes strange noises while conjoined fat kisses, the slap of his hand against skin, and whooping sounds the dreamer is about ten years of age he can hear everything that's happening through the thin walls the sounds are frightening me the following day, when the family gather for the evening meal, the tension between mom and dad is noticeable mom is unhappy the dreamer suggests he and mom move away mom feels comforted, but it is an unrealistic suggestion; there are two younger children to consider addenda - vividness - 72/74 - observer - the category of the dream: domestic (1+) - last food before sleep - chicken sandwich and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7 06082024 - 2047 the name of the dream: synchronising with nature this dream addresses the minimum age either gender should be before engaging in procreation in this dream, the natural optimum age is eighteen given that nature has already imbued every individual with procreative urges, are we ignoring the built-in mechanism decreed by nature? the sensible thing to do is to assess both the physiology and the levels of awareness of each individual the problem with that is it will have to be one-on one tutoring, which is too labour intensive for the way we are currently structured the thought of procreation between children will cause much debate the writer imagines scenarios of a world in which children are as aware as they need to be to maintain the continuity of mankind we can also consider a society of "grown up's" with the characteristics of seven-year-olds - see also dream no. 1115 addenda - vividness - 72/74 - observer - the category of the dream: procreation (1+) - last food before sleep - corn flakes - hours slept 7 05082024 - 2046 the name of the dream: who or what caused it? we are looking down on a building; the building has three or four storeys and stands on its own grounds something has punched a hole through all of the storeys of the building and someway into the ground below the foundation (stand-out visual) we can only guess at what caused it my guess is it's a meteoroid the holes are about five meters in diameter, and the edges of the holes are quite neat; now i'm thinking laser beams again, for reasons we have to guess at, a petite girl aged about twenty, is seen as the cause of the mini-disaster she is on the receiving of a lambasting from an adult male nearby but out of sight the girl is a recent awake-time ex-girlfriend the dreamer stands up for the girl and wants to know why she is seen as the villain of the piece it's obvious to the dreamer the girl couldn't have done it, so why is the man shifting the blame onto her? is the man accusing the girl taking a swipe at her to shift the focus of attention from himself? is he bitter because he wants the girl, but she doesn't want him? whatever it is, the dreamer isn't happy he has singled her out and decides to stand by the girl addenda - vividness - 70/80 - observer - the category of the dream: aerial-view dreams (3+) - last food before sleep - chicken soup and one slice of buttered toast with hot fruit juice - hours slept 8/9 04082024 - 2045 the name of the dream: the return of the multi-themed, multi-scened dreams with vivid details the first part of the dream, and also the longest and most vivid, depicts over a few seconds (dream time), a man going about doing different things the different scenes are moving from left to right at a slow pace the dreamer is wallowing in satisfaction as he takes in the spectacle of crystal clear images in another theme, a couple are in the process of getting divorced both of them are convinced it is the other who caused the breakup a point of contention revolves around the ownership of something that can't be replaced or reproduced the rest of this part of the dream has the couple becoming more and more irate as the scene plays out there was also a think-read dream in this period of R.E.M. there were also other themes of dreams, but the sheer clarity at the beginning of the dream is still fresh, in the writer's mind and i don't want to chance forgetting them notes 1 lately the writer was giving in to the possibility that the ability to generate vivid dreams was gradually fading with age, and eventually, this type of dream will no longer present itself this dream has changed that line of thinking, and the writer has adopted an outlook that even more wonderous dreams than those so far experienced are waiting in the wings another possibility is that cutting back on smoking played a part in the production of this dream in which case vividity in dreams is health-related there's time enough for experimentation; stay tuned addenda - vividness - 71/89 - observer - the category of the dream: multi-themed dreams (20+) - last food before sleep - one slice of buttered toast with protein spread and hot juice - hours slept 9/10 03082024 - 2044 the name of the dream: working on a problem the working class in america are slighted by a highly influential political body for not having a literate working class the consequences are that the bulk of the population doesn't recognise the difference in the nutritional value of the food they are eating a health awareness programme put forward to raise people's awareness of the most nutritious foods isn't getting through there is commotion: the recommended foods are too expensive for working-class people in one scene of the dream, the people introducing the merits of healthy eating are interviewing people to gauge if the essential points of a healthy diet are understood; they aren't it becomes a matter of education the financial establishment has to put its objectives first: an increasing profit margin notes 1 it's interesting to have a dream that highlights fundamental issues in the wealthiest country in the world while that same country is experiencing a radical change in the perception of itself addenda - vividness - 77/79 - observer - the category of the dream: politics (8+) - last food before sleep - one slice of buttered toast and hot juice - hours slept 9/10 02082024 - 2043 the name of the dream: too high a two-scene dream that goes from a sedate children's water coaster ride in a gentle flow of water, showing three or four kiddies thoroughly enjoying themselves in a round water coaster ride, to an almost nightmarish scene in which the flow of water is taken to the nth degree the design of the ride is based on a roller coaster ride with one-hundred-metre climbs and two-hundred-metre drops we see a water carriage at the start of one of the long drops; it looks like it is scraping the upper atmosphere (stand out visual) the people in the water carriage are anticipating the sensation of freefalling the dreamer is concerned addenda - vividness - 80/82 - observer - the category of the dream: water coaster rides (1) - last food before sleep - bacon sandwich and hot juice - hours slept 8/9 01082024 - 2042 the name of the dream: in the doghouse while walking with dennis, he asks me to look after his dog for the day while he's getting hospital treatment not a problem the folowing day dennis leaves the dog, the dog's dinner and lead with the dreamer come afternoon, it is time to walk the dog while walking, wouldn't you believe it, the dog slips the lead the dreamer is still recovering from a bike accident, which means he can't run the dog doesn't respond to his name when the dreamer calls him if the dog vanishes from sight, that will be it i will have to call the police and report the dog missing i will completely lose my "cred" in the eyes of dennis, i am more of a liability than an asset it's unlikely he will invite me around his place again note 1 dennis, the dog, and taking the dog for a walk, are awake time experiences what is unsettling is that all of the circumstances in this dream, with the exception of the dog slipping the lead, happened this undulation - time tense 5 it opens up the possibility that the circumstances that had to exist for the dream to be generated will, eventually, give rise to the dog slipping the lead in awake time: time tense 8 - addenda - vividness - 78/80 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (30+) - dogs (9+) - last food before sleep - two buttered toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7/8 31072024 - 2041 the name of the dream: an inconvenience in town, going from pub to pub, trying to drum up business as a dj their must be a shortage of coins; shops are only taking coins of a specific value the dream eventually unravels; there is a shortage of a particular metal the metal in question is used in two different coins, hence the demand for specific denominations things go from bad to worse the number of coins in the change is five times more than would usually be the case the chances are the metal is for military hardware addenda - vividness - 75/79 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (10+) - coins (6+) - last food before sleep - bacon sandwich and hot fruit juice - hours slept 8 30072024 - 2040 the name of the dream: prefered way of reading the dreamer is one of a class of a dozen or more people taking a course in literature the tutor is singing the merits of AI programmes the teacher uses the dictum of "less is more" the programme uses predictive suggestions to condense the text the woman tutor takes a passage from the dreamer's story to highlight what she means the dreamer is writing a novel about robin hood the teacher feeds some of the text of the story into the programme, and the programme returns the results in a miilisecond athough the re-formed wording does present the passage more directly and with fewer words, the programme fails in the re-representation of descriptive words notes 1 this dream comes from a moment earlier in the day while feeding text through an AI programme the programme replaced a word that changed the "feel" of the emotion being expressed in the story the sentence lost its lustre and no longer conveyed emotion addenda - vividness - 78/84 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: grammar (1+) - last food before sleep - chicken sandwich and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7/8 29072024 - 2039 the name of the dream: the roller skating dream the local roller skating rink is under new management one of the first things the new owners do is to provide a buffet it's a great success or would be if only people would use paper plates to put their savoury and sweet food on instead of carrying it in their hands the new owners introduce competitions with prizes for anyone who comes up with a new design of skates two new designs, one for reducing the number of wheels from four to two and the other for simplifying the straps from three or four to two, get the prizes in another scene, the dreamer receives a monetary prize for the design of the straps in another scene, someone has the idea of making skates for cats and dogs from that, a competition of speed between a dog and a cat ensues the dog wins then there's a scandal when it comes to light that the person in charge of issuing the skates has been overcharging customers (you would think that it was obvious they would be found out, but that's the character of greed, short-term thinking) in the final scene, a lone skater, probably the dreamer, has the rink to himself and is trying out some fancy moves addenda - vividness - 78/84 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: recreational activities (8+) - roller skating (2+) - last food before sleep - two buttered toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 6/7 28072024 - 2038 the name of the dream: the status quo the dreamer needs a new position in society if he can get one, he will be able to attract a girlfriend an opportunity presents itself; he lands a job as a tax collector for the inland revenue it's better than anything i was expecting it calls for a celebration i put on my best clothes and head off for a night out on the town in the next scene, the dreamer is talking to a girl; we are getting along just fine it is just a matter of time before she asks me what my job is she slips the question into the conversation the dreamer tries to act nonchalant and tells the girl, "i'm a tax collector for the inland revenue" the girl doesn't know what the job entails, but it rings a bell with her, i represent the government my position in society is far beyond what she was expecting it will ensure she will be able to give her children everything they need addenda - vividness - 77/81- participant - the category of dream: relationships (20+) - last food before sleep - two sausage rolls and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7/9 27072024 - 2037 the name of the dream: all at sea the opening scene is an elevated view of a ship with an empty deck in the second scene, the deck is crowded with people they are listening to the captain explaining the situation through the tannoy system the engine that drives the propellers has broken down the ship is dead in the water the weather forecast is warning of rough seas the passengers are becoming fretful "we never signed up for this", shouts an embittered male voice that carries fear we are in a hazardous circumstance with no real prospect of help an ominous air of panic accompanies the last scene notes 1 this dream was generated as a result of listening to a radio show forecasting a total breakdown of society addenda - vividness - 79/82- observer - the category of dream: seafaring vessels (7+) - last food before sleep - two crumpets with jam and hot fruit juice - hours slept 10 26072024 - 2036 the name of the dream: baby's bathtime a vivid three or four-scene dream of the dreamer bathing a baby i can't tell the gender of the baby from any of the scenes the baby's face has a rounded look, a rounded face is a feature of baby girls the dreamer is having a whale of a time making sounds and making a mental note of her reaction the dreamer knows when the baby is listening to one sound or another when her head becomes still, she is appraising the sound; when her head turns to see the sound, she is interested the dreamer is working on how to get her to laugh as this delightful dream finishes note 1 the writer is currently submitting this dream diary for publication as a book, "the dreams diary of "shocked" person" i can't help feeling that there are people like myself who prefer to read a book rather than look at a screen reading a book on a phone is o.k., but somehow there's too much clutter, screen and emissions, between the word and the eye (perhaps a black background with a beige text might make a difference) will be keeping both formats, text and pdf, databases up to date, so you'll never have to pay anything who knows, perhaps a time will come when the writer spends one-third of a day, each day, composing the words and pictures of the previous night's dream even more wildly, we can have actors and cgi personnel making a film out of a dream and have it ready to view in four or five hours or so addenda - vividness - 81/83 - participant and observer - the category of dream: babies (7+) - sounds (4+) - last food before sleep - thick, multi-veg and chicken soup and two buttered toast - hours slept 9/10 25072024 - 2035 the name of the dream: wheel of fortune after a half an hour at the wheel of fortune, it became clear that the roller coaster ride of winning and losing was shifting against me as a last resort, the dreamer decides to divide the last of his money into two bets the first bet will be a third of all he has, and if he loses, he will double down for his last bet i lose both bets a scene or two later one of the employees of the casino comes over to me and says the management felt it was a bold bet he then gave me a ticket that had the option of an a la carte meal with wine or a free spin of the wheel i should have taken the meal as a consolation, the dreamer will eat as much as he can from the complimentary buffet table addenda - vividness - 75/78 - participant and observer - the category of dream: betting (3+) roulette (1) - last food before sleep - thin, multi-veg and corned beef soup and two buttered toast - hours slept 6/8 24072024 - 2034 the name of the dream: the living book with one exception, all the scenes are in shades of white the exception is a scene in which a ledger has a single word written on one page and printed in black, still trying to remember the word the word denotes an indiscretion or wrong-doing by one of the group for a moment, the ledger turns black (stand-out) visual one of the group, not the most popular, begins admonishing the man who made an error of judgement the man doing the admonishing is doing an excellent job of belittling the man who made an error you could say he is in his "element" the dreamer thinks our group would be better off without him addenda - vividness - 89/90 - participant and observer - the category of dream: - vending machines (1+) - last food before sleep - thin, multi-veg and corned beef soup and two buttered toast - hours slept 5/6 23072024 - 2033 the name of the dream: the world in the wall it is nighttime, and a man, probably the dreamer, sees what it is he is looking for twenty metres away is the white, brightly lit vending machine (stand-out visual) the machine is the height of a person at the vending machine, the man is scrolling through the menu, looking for a chinese meal he finds the meal he is looking for, sweet and sour pork in a red sauce it will take a few minutes for the meal to be cooked the man looks through the index while waiting it's all there, holidays, jobs, accommodations, a partner, taxi companies, restaurants, theatres... it goes on and on after paying for the meal, the man is trying to decide what else to buy he needs a better-paying job, and he wants a partner the lists of women looking for partners are encyclopaedic, and the women look really tasty the man is now doubly-hungry addenda - vividness - 83/80 - observer - the category of dream: - vending machines (1+) - last food before sleep - thick, multi-veg and corned beef soup and two buttered toast - hours slept 5/6 22072024 - 2032 the name of the dream: ulterior motives a man is in a relationship with a woman, the woman has a teenage daughter the man is frustrated that he can't make it to "home base" with the woman in an attempt to get to the woman, the man begins buying gifts for the girl the first thing he buys is a painting or drawing kit it wasn't cheap the mother is impressed that i chose a gift that she wouldn't have thought of the mother starts showing affection towards the man, and the girl is full of thanks the dream ends with the man still unsure of where he stands with the woman addenda - vividness - 78/80 - observer - the category of dream: relationships - (15+) - last food before sleep - fried egg on toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 6/7 21072024 - 2031 the name of the dream: the big kid a one-scene dream set on a grassy embankment a short, portly guy is the first person in the dream he is wearing a black cloak the cloak is loose; it swishes around as he moves, the movement of the cloak is aided and abetted by gusts of wind the man is a child at heart he demonstrates it by grabbing the edges of the cape and spreading the garment to arms width, which produces a billowing effect he then starts running along and then down the embankment it's just possible that the wind might lift him a little or a lot addenda - vividness - 73/82 - observer - the category of dream: one-scene dreams (15+) - last food before sleep hot milk and cornflakes and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7 20072024 - 2030 the name of the dream: cometh the future two think-read dreams back to back this is another example of a dream influenced by external events while sleeping in this case it's a radio play the dreamer is reading the script as the text is slowly scrolling downward the block of text is about the size of four addenda's the dreamer stops listening to the voice telling the story and immediately another block of text presents itself, the dreamer begins reading the script the new block of text is bright orange, the first block was in a darker shade of blue the writing is less than half as vivid as the first think-read sequence as with the first one, the second block is being read out loud, only much slower than the first one thinking that the presenter is deliberately reading slowly so i could record it, i tried to speak what i could see into the voice recorder it was at this point, while the dreamer was groping for the recorder, that he began to come out of his sleep during the transition from dream-time to awake-time, the words of the script begin forming one letter at a time it's as if someone was determined to get a message across it was then that the dream took on a magical feature the words began slowly peeling off the script and placing themselves in order for the dreamer to read or copy it was while they were peeling off and reassembling that the dreamer started waking and realised what was going on. i fell asleep while listening to a radio play the play becomes the source of the think-read dream notes 1 here comes another latent talent stashed somewhere in the mind is a mechanism that enables us to convert text into speech and vice versa while dreaming the abilities of the mind in the dream-time state are trying to assert themselves into our awake-time! addenda - vividness - 68/82 - participant and observer - the category of dream: think- read (12+) read/speak (1) - externally influenced (5+) - weird and wonderful -‚ (6+) - last food before sleep - chicken sandwich, buttered toast and hot fruit juice - hours slept 7/8 19072024 - 2029 the name of the dream: coming of age the dreamer and his brother are in the "training" room the bar is loaded in readiness for the next exercise my brother decides to go first, without asking me bleedin' nerve‚ if you ask me, the person lifting the biggest weight always goes first within minutes we are done with the weights and go and get changed ready for the big occasion: his daughter's birthday she will be thirteen for the birthday girl, it is more than just a party, it is a coming-of-age event for the previous year, the thought of being a teenager occupied her mind for the girl, it is the start of her life addenda - vividness - 67/71 - participant and observer - the category of dream: parties (5+) - children's (1+) - last food before sleep - buttered  toast and hot fruit drink- hours slept 6/7 18072024 - 2027 the name of the dream: polling night the dreamer is a campaigner with a female assistant not sure what it is i am campagning for, but i take it seriously the polls are over, all the votes are in and have been counted my assisstant explains there is a point in law that stipulates we must follow certain rules it means more work for us another woman comes into the dream she points out reasons for our less than satisfactory result more than that, she goes on to explain, in convoluted terms, where we went wrong her oh-so-proper presentatiion of the facts came down to a simple message, we didn't lock the barn door until after the horse bolted last scene soemeone throws a see-through bank coin bag with copper-coins in it onto a table? you tell me addenda - vividness - 74/76 - participant and observer - the category of dream: partial dream - (1+) - last food before sleep - bacon sandwich, hot fruit drink - hours slept 7/8 17072024 - 2026 the name of the dream: things will become smoother as we move on all i can tell you about this one scene dream is, there is a waist-up view of a girl about a metre and a half in front of me and behind her is a light-coloured bicycle propped up against a pole or fence the girls face is animated, it must be a bit of a video or film there was stacks more to the dream the reason for not including it is because i thought the phone was under my pillow, but when i felt for it and couldn't find it i went into panic mode the harder the writer thought about where it could be, the more frantic he became found the phone after five minutes, it got tangled in the sheet by then, the awake-time memory had put the dream-time memory back into the governance of the dreaming conscious, but not without leaving a snippet just big enough for the awake-time conscious to make into a one scene dream! addenda - vividness - 67/71 - observer - the category of dream: partial dream - (1+) - last food before sleep - two buttered toast and hot fruit drink- hours slept 6 16072024 - 2025 the name of the dream: double-dealing drug dealers youv'e heard the saying, "there's no honour among thieves" in the world of drugs, it's "do unto others before they do it to you" basically, anything goes when it comes to the acquisition of cash one way of keeping the money in their hands is through sexual coercion the international drug trade knows more moves to get you "hooked" than bobby fisher knows how to "check" you one of the more devious "moves" they have is to lure men, preferably wealthy and influential men, into the "honey pot" you have looked at the catalogue and the videos of world-class beauties ($100 000) for a weekend sometime during that weekend, the highly trained sex kitten, she will know precisely when you are at your most susceptible, will offer you a "line" while in your sex stupor, the effect of the cocaine and heroin will take you to a level of pleasure you wouldn't have believed possible you are "hooked" the dreamer feels more compassion for the girl than he does for the man o.k., it was her choice, but there's more than one way to steer a person into a situation girls, in my experience, you will do anything for your man and children perhaps one of her children needed an expensive medical procedure and that meant selling the house whatever the reason, and i would say in certain circumstances, most of us would "bend" the woman is bearing the brunt of the emotional turmoil, and she is losing her looks the dream starts with the dreamer on holiday in a hot country he meets a girl from england she is struggling to get out of the situation she has fallen into she is miserable and stuck with her "lot" her story unfolds her "day" as a glamour girl was two or three years before the drug parties were her happiest times, but now they are just happy memories a keen-eyed, street-level opportunist sees her as a cash machine he keeps her going with the white powder while he rakes in a handsome revenue from the "tricks" he brings her the dreamer takes the circumstances into account and asks the girl if she wants to go back home the girl does want to go away, but the thought of not having drugs is stopping her from committing herself the dreamer gets enough class a drugs to keep her going for three or four days as we head back to bligthy the dream ends as the dreamer persuades her not to have any drugs before time addenda -vividness - 67/100 - participant and observer - the category of dream: sex slaves (1+) - last food before sleep - jam sandwich and hot fruit drink- hours slept 9 15072024 - 2025 the name of the dream: jealous girl's a girl admonishes another girl for not taking care of an older person in her charge the dream takes place in a care home or private facility the girl is criticized for not doing one of her tasks in her work schedule she is, in effect, bulled, and the why is plain to see: it is because she is a nice-looking girl with an appealing demeanour everything the charge nurse is not the charge nurse doesn't like the girl, but it is clear to everyone her admonishment is way out of proportion to the misdemeanour the nurse or carer had forgotten to make her bed or something petty the dreamer can see the charge nurse is being vindictive, and eventually, the girl would have taken all she could take and thrown in the towel the dreamer did some "digging" it didn't take long to find out she had committed enough misdemeanours to warrant an investigation discreetly, the dreamer laid it out: either she treat the girl she didn't like with respect or face the consequences addenda -vividness - 68/100 - participant and observer - the category of dream: misuse of authority (4+) - last food before sleep - crumpets and fruit drink- hours slept 4 14072024 - 2024 the name of the dream: out of touch two burly six-foot-something people are standing in front of me, a woman and a man, after answering the door they have a proposition the dreamer will tell them the details of his dream from the previous night in return they will not hurt him the reason for them wanting the details? they can say it was one of them who had the dream and win a substantial prize (see notes 1) no problem, i promise that tomorrow morning i will give them the details my dream after they go, i get in touch with security security will be waiting for them when they return in the morning notes 1 somewhere on this website is the suggestion that when we "get going", one of the fun things we can do is compare dreams, and the person with a dream that comes closest to the dream writers wins a prize notes 2 there were at least two other dreams in this sleep much too vague to construct a dream from them though addenda -vividness - 71/100 - participant - the category of dream: extortionists (1+) - last food before sleep - ginger cake and ice cream - hours slept 7/8 13072024 - 2023 the name of the dream: the king is in the counting-house, the queen is in the parlour a big "do" is looming everyone who is anybody will be in attendance the dreamer is a kind of valet-cum-fixer to the queen and is a financial-fixer to the king the king, of course, is forever seeking new avenues to increase his wealth on this occasion, i am to present someone with an overdue amount the pressing issue, from the queen's point of view, is that there aren't enough utensils to do the cooking the dreamer knows better the next scene is a joint contender for the stand-out scene, as we cast our eyes over dozens of different silver utensils laid spread out over a white two-metre-square linen sheet notes 1 this dream is noteable for its clarity notes 2 the writer is sure the stand-out scene of the utensils is from a moment during the day while washing up and being struck by the clean look of the spatula addenda -vividness - 80-88/100 - participant and observer - the category of dream: royalty (1+ ) - last food before sleep - chips, four bhajis and chutney - hours slept 7/8 12072024 - 2022 the name of the dream: someone's watching me - the dreamer is in a roofless building the size of a football stadium there is low-level lighting coming from the moon and stars, the perfect setting for skulduggery the dreamer knows he is not alone, although pinpointing the other person is not going to be easy the dreamer goes into stealth mode and readies himself for a surprise the surprise attack never came perhaps the dreamer is seeing danger where there is none note 1 putting this dream into the category of food-influenced dreams addenda -vividness - 60/64/100 - participant and observer - the category of dream: food-influenced dreams (10+ ) - jesus (2+) - last food before sleep - ginger cake and warm fruit drink - hours slept 7/9 11072024 - 2021 the name of the dream: unsactimoneous? - see also dream no. 1470 a think-read/narration dream that gives an account of the crucifixion of jesus from the moment of being sentenced to being taken from the cross it is a detailed description of what happened... jesus is cursing those who have taken him down from the cross the whole of this one-scene dream is of jesus carrying the cross to his crucifixion in the dream, there is the ability to select "next" and "previous" as observers, we're on the left-hand side of the ticker-tape text as it moves from left to right the ticker-tape message is shades of orange and brown for the first time in a think-read dream, the observer can make the sequence go to the next or the previous part of the message unfortunately, to get this message or narration onto the recording machine, the writer had to open his eyes and fiddle around with a broken switch the writer had to open his eyes to get the recording option on the machine to work the writer starts recalling the dream in this one scene dream, jesus is cursing the people who bribed the soldier to get him off the cross he wanted to die on the cross: see also dream no. 1470 notes 1 there is a knack for recalling the details of a dream upon waking please enter the details of the stand-out scenes first, then use the fragments of the dream to give the dream continuity while piecing the dream together note 2 another new category of a dream, think-read/narration addenda -vividness - 80/100 - participant and observer - the category of dream, think-read/narration (1 ) jesus (2+) - hours slept 7/9 10072024 - 2020 the name of the dream: the opportunists border guards are quizzing the dreamer and his partner in crime the dreamer is the main guy of a two-person enterprise our niche is to bring fruit, blackcurrants, i think, across the border it is the end of the growing season, and the growers are selling off the last of the crop at giveaway prices the end-of-season fruit is ripening at an ever-increasing rate we have a two-day window to get the fruit to the buyer the border guards are, thankfully, open to bribes it will whittle down the overall profit for the fruit, but the "loss" was factored in when we began the illegal transportation the two of us give the border guards a well-rehearsed hard luck story about unwell relatives we throw in a line about a couple of children may suffer as a result the guards soften up a bit and accept a smaller bribe than the one they first asked for note 1 can't help thinking that the fruit juice as part of the last food of the day had something to do with the theme of this dream addenda -vividness - 74/100 - participant and observer - category of dream - business ventures (5+) - last food before sleep - corned beef hash, two buttered toast and warm fruit juice- hours slept 8 09072024 - 2019 the name of the dream: easy access the dreamer is self-employed his business is to scour the internet and find the best value for money of any given item for older people who are not computer-savvy the business "takes off", and to cope with the increase in demand, the dreamer needs a business partner he turns to his younger brother he turns out to be an excellent choice he sees opportunities the dreamer doesn't among other things, his younger broter introduces the option of collecting or delivery things are going so well we need more help we decide against bringing anyone else into the business instead, we move to new premises that are more or less at the centre of the location we serve it turns out that the majority of people prefer to collect the dream gets a little bizarre before it ends it is nighttime my brother is operating an electrically operated pole that prevents vehicles from entering the pick-up area to get into the premises, customers have to cross over a bridge the bridge crosses a moat the warehouse is a castle! addenda -vividness - 70/100 - participant and observer - category of dream - business ventures (5+) - last food before sleep -two jam crumpets and warm fruit juice- hours slept 8/9 08072024 - 2018 the name of the dream: the natural you had to see it to believe it a baby, still in the diaper stage, is sitting propped up on his baby bed he isn't concerned that people frequently open the bedroom door and peep into his bedroom, smile and occasionally chuckle and laugh out loud and then close the door again it is, from the baby's point of view, neither here nor there the chances are, the baby is as curious as the peeper-inner's as they are of him the reason for their mirth is the baby's semi-reclining position his hands are cupped behind his head; it takes some of the effort out of sitting up! the parents swear he didn't pick it up from them the only explanation is the baby with an adult charecteristic is a natural adult notes 1 the writer asserts that in a future tense of time, babies will be born laughing "the first baby born laughing made us all start to laugh, and that's one reason why you-know-who is always smiling" addenda -vividness - 86/100 - observer - category of dream - babies (3+) - last food before sleep -jam doughnut and milk - hours slept 10 07072024 - 2017 the name of the dream: most wanted in this dream, the dreamer finds himself on the other side of the atlantic he is a detective in pursuit of a british man who is the mastermind of a bank robbery it was a seven-figure number, and the bank wants the money back (they can steal from you, but you are not allowed to steal from them) he has used some of the money to buy a mansion-sized house in its own grounds in the first scene, we are at the home of a bank robber in america the expat is living alone, although there is an impression of a party atmosphere, probably from the night before the expat is dressed in swimming trunks and is using a towel to dry himself as he talks to the dreamer for a "most wanted", he is totally relaxed to the point that he finds it humorous that the dreamer would think he could pin anything on him from outside, an old english sheepdog, also affectionately known as the dulux dog, walks into the dream the dog looks wet the expat has a large bandage on the calf of his left leg he peels it off and applies a cream to the affected part of his leg immediately after, it may have been before, he lifts the dog's upper body, opens the dog's mouth and pops a pill into it the dog knows the routine and doesn't make a fuss about it note 1 the writer is becoming convinced that dreams without a conclusive ending are snippets from the awake-time continuous memory of the dreaming person across all the tenses of time - if the assertion above is true, we may well have a dream in the future that finishes where the last scene is of an english detective at the front door of a house in america another reason for keeping a dreams diary addenda -vividness - 74/100 - participant and observer - category of dream - crime (bank robberies) (1+) - last food before sleep - beans, corned beef - two buttered toast - hours slept 8 05072024 - 2015 the name of the dream: return of the kiss an african man, we don't see his face, leads the dreamer into a house he is a go-between who knows of the relationship between a girl and the dreamer from more than thirty years before he must be a sentimentalist, he wants to see if our feelings for each other are still alive when in the house, he guides me to another room and opens the door you could have knocked me down with a feather when i saw my love from more than thirty years before sitting in a partially reclining position two metres away both the girl and the dreamer come alive neither of us can believe what's happened no hello's or words pass between us the girl relaxes a little more; it is a natural response it is also an invite the dreamer accepts he moves to where she is reclining, puts his right hand behind the back of her head and lifts her head a little the dreamer lowers himself, and we make lip-to-lip contact there are only two other dreams when the sensation of a kiss was as intense as this how can i describe it? it woke me out of my sleep! here i am at 04:00, reminding you that the sensations in dreams can be every bit as "real" as the sensations in awake time addenda -vividness - 74/100 - participant and observer - category of dream - kissing dreams (8+) - last food before sleep - chicken soup - two buttered toast - hours slept 4 note 1 it should be clear to those of you who understand what's happening that putting the short here and now before the forever hereafter is borderline insanity so far as you can, steer loved ones into practising ethics - see ethical parameters / 05072024 - 2014 the name of the dream: under pressure keeping to the back streets on the way home as you can probably deduce, it's either the police or the bad guys who want to "talk" to me the bad guys found out i knew something about them that would land them in court once or twice, it crossed my mind to try and strike a deal with the bad guys, but they needed more than just a promise in fact, they have already taken precautions they break into my flat they chose carefully what to steal the things stolen weren't my stereo or the t.v they are a bit sharper than that they took every bit of paper they could find stuff that i couldn't replace photos, letters, contracts, names and addresses that will cause me more problems than i can put right the mere thought of it is enough to make me feel depressed i get my things back when i agree to their terms they want me out of "dodge" iv'e never been forced to disappear before although i'll agree to their demands, it doesn't stop me from thinking about retribution addenda -vividness - 74/100 - participant and observer - category of dream - crime- (7+) - last food before sleep - fried egg on toast hot fruit juice - hours slept 6 03072024 - 2013 the name of the dream: basement sale after living in the same place for twenty-five years i had collected a fair amount of knick-knacks decided to sell off most of them because there are too many things to itemise, the dreamer makes it known people can pop in and see what's on offer i should have seen it coming, people began haggling over the price of just about everything it makes me wish i hadn't done it it wouldn't have been prudent to give them away, but the smiles of gratitude and warm thanks would have made me richer by far addenda -vividness - 74/100 - participant and observer - category of dream - selling - (3+) - last food before sleep - two crumpets, cold milk - hours slept 8/9 02072024 - 2012 the name of the dream: dark going's on in a room the room is very dark, only a step or two away from pitch black there are at least four people in the room we sense the other people rather than see them our attention becomes focused on a pair of arms the arms belong to someone wearing a white shirt rolled up to his elbows the someone is bending over a black bag about the size of a dustbin liner very, very slowly, he reaches down into the bag his arms disappear into the bag - a moment or two later, we see a white liquid that moves like car oil, oozing up from the black bag the dream ends note 1 the temptation is to think it is a parlour trick it could be the writer's instincts tell him there is something else going on did we just see one of our dinosaur-man cousins doing something that only a being with sixty-five million years of experience can do? addenda -vividness - 5 85 - observer - category of dream - weird and wonderful (7+) - last food before sleep - crumpets and cold milk - hours slept 6 01072024 - 2011 the name of the dreams: hamsters and children - snake and mice junior school children are given the opportunity to own a hamster the hamster comes gift-wrapped in a small cage, along with a few hamster toys and, of course, the treadwheel (why do mice and the like find the treadwheel so enjoyable?). the children are bubbling with excitement; owning a living thing is a new chapter in their lives lots of colours in this dream - the second dream is a bit of a stinker to start with the dreamer is face to face with a snake; it seems the dreamer is under attack from the snake as it is trying to move toward me it only looks like that way with considerable satisfaction, the dreamer "gets it" the mices burrow is too small for the snake to turn around we realise the mice are attacking an opportunistic snake that has found the mice's burrow the mice are nipping the snake's tail end, and there's nowhere the snake can go except further into the mice's burrow then the penny drops the snake is in a situation it can't escape from it is asking the dreamer for help unfortunately for the snake, the dreamer is definately not sympathetic towards reptillean predators there is only one ending for the snake good riddance to bad rubbish vividness 84-87/100 - observer - the category of the dream: animals (25+) - mammals (hamsters and mice) (2+) - reptiles (2+) snakes (1+) - last food before sleep - beef stew and two buttered toast - hours slept 9 28062024 - 2010 the name of the dreams: addiction's the one thing that sticks out in this dream is both types of addiction result in family break-up's the person the writer is thinking of is a school chum there are a few instances when we got together socially you need to appreciate that this guy was the most popular boy in the school forever finding something to laugh about i think it was his unfettered response to people and situations that made him a magnet for both women and men alike he "fixed" me up with a friend of his girlfriend, ta' C he earned good money from his job as a tool maker, perhaps too much when all the bills are paid, he still had a couple of hundred pounds to play with it didn't take long for him to take his addiction beyond his income he lost it all, wife, chiildren, job and house i asked him what was it about his addiction that kept getting the better of him he said, "it's when you've got all your money on one horse, and there are only two hundred yards to the finish - the intense feeling of winning is an experience unlike any other " addiction's as a regular "user", he let his "habit" become the focus of all his endeavours as is the way with a class a drug, the user gets panicky when they realise there is going to be a day or two when they won't have anything they have long since lost all their credibility with friends and family all they have left is their own devices the subject in this dream has, out of sheer desperation, decided to reach out and tell his story he sets up a live stream the background is a blanket or a sheet (stand-out visual) he pleads with the audience to send him ten pounds he comes across as honest and sincere the writer imagines he will do well vividness 8.4/100 - observer - the category of the dream: addictions - betting (1) class a drugs (2+) - last food before sleep - hot malt drink two buttered toast- hours slept 9 26062024 - 2009 the name of dream: the people v's government to make sense of this vivid dream, we have to place it as a future tense of time in this dream of the future, all government services are, more or less, controlled by consent, not money the preceding decades have shown that when the government wants to influence a department, it does so for the "school tie", not money in this dream, general practitioners have mounted a campaign to bring public awareness to the situation people are dying due to the refusal of politicians to recognise that the lack of equipment designated and approved by the doctors, is not being supplied by the politicians the situtaion is bad and getting worse the doctors take it to the public the first scene, don't recall any of the other scenes, shows a man in a brown suit or jacket pleading to the camera he is the leading proponent for the doctors he is chosen for his eloquence, good looks and the unshakeable knowledge that the health service is failing to meet the needs of people not because of money but because ordinary people aren't seen as necessary the doctor is spelling it all out to a nationwide audience there are people who, quite simply, don't see the point of ordinary people in this dream, the doctor has won the hearts of the people and will be overseeing the implementation of the new procedures things are changing for the better for ordinary people vividness 80/100 - observer - the category of the dream: political (4+): - last food before sleep - hot malt drink- hours slept 6 25062024 2008 somehow, during a visit to a mobile phone shop on the 24th, all the voice recordings are deleted the writer didn't find out until he woke this morning when he went to make voice notes of last night's dream the writer dashed into town and took the phone with him, hoping the mobile repair would be able to recover the files alas, more lost dreams note 1 for what it's worth, there are two dreams for the 24th and one for today the two dreams are the extremes of feelings the first has an upbeat feel and is quite vivid it shows bright scenes of happy people in another scene, a man is talking he appears to be a host the second was of a man, (the man in this dream is a recent acquaintance) who bursts through a door into a room with a lot of people in it and uses an automatic weapon to kill everyone the writer didn't find out until he woke this morning when he went to make voice notes of last night's dream the two dreams are the extremes of feelings the first has an upbeat feel and is quite vivid it shows bright scenes of happy people in another scene, a man is talking he appears to be a host the second was of a man (the man in this dream is a recent acquaintance) who bursts through a door into a room with a lot of people and uses an automatic weapon to kill everyone 23062024 - 2007 the name of the dream: hardly worth going to sleep in a faraway place and time, there is a man the man is looking out through his window; we can't make out the features on his face the window is an upright oblong it isn't full length; we can only see down to his knees the young man is wearing a long gown; it is a red-patterned gown, more red than patterned (stand out visual) we can't see his shoes, were that we could, ten will get you a hundred he's wearing sandals to see this man in the flesh, we have to be in another place and time well, big bloody deal, so what! is the old noodle so fed up with churning out entertaining and informative dreams every night that it shows us that dreams aren't the be-all and all of existence? we'll have a better idea after tonight's dream p.s. after much deliberation, the writer has concluded that the an is self one-scene dreams of self are fairly common; three or four of self come to mind the commonality between this scene and at least one other one-scene dream of self is the "sense" there is movement, but the movement is so slight we need to zoom right in onto his chest and capture the movement of his chest expanding and contracting as he breathes vividness 78/100 - observer - the category of the dream: one-scene dreams of self: (2+) - last food before sleep - hot dogs and beans - hours slept 9 22062024 - 2006 the name of the dream: straight son, crooked father he's a man of substance they say he has a way with horses he does he can pick out the winner of the third race before the second race has started his acumen with horses is sought after he has an election coming up (we don't know what the election's for, probably political) the people sponsoring his election pass on the "request" that he pick out the winner for the third race the son of the electee senses something is wrong and confronts his dad about it but we don't know what was said we are left in the air wondering what happened to this person or that person vividness 78/100 - observer - the category of the dream: corruption - clothes (+) last food before sleep - hot dogs and beans - hours slept 10/11 21062024 - 2005 the name of the dream: not my best friend in this dream, i am the right-hand man of the person employing me he chose me as his no.2 because we knew each other at school there is plenty of work and more than enough labour to do it the business is importing clothes and finding outlets for them my employer is typical of employers in that his outlook is to allocate work to other people and pay them as little as possible the dreamer is becoming more and more aware of his skewed view of life he is a tyrant you wouldn't want him as a neighbour, you wouldn't want him as a friend, and you most definitely wouldn't want him as an in-law however, as an importer and supplier of goods, he's as good as they come vividness 74/100 - participant - the category of the dream: business: clothes (+1) last food before sleep - sausage roll and beans - hours slept 8/9 20032024 - 2004 the name of the dream: the windfall the dreamer is in the "dole" office picking up his weekly unemployment money the money comes in a sealed brown envelope one of the corners of the envelope is cut away so that the notes can be counted the amount in the envelope is also stamped on the outside of the envelope the reason for that is so we can see and count, if we feel it is necessary, and make sure the two numbers tally the dreamer isn't sure of his "standing" amount, eighteen or thereabouts this current envelope is a double-wallet there is another amount showing it is for seven-hundred and fifty the reasons for the payments will be on a slip in the envelope there's no chance it's a mistake, i'm rich a whole raft of possibilities are open to the dreamer the mood of the dreamer becomes fantasy-like the dreamer's natural "high" carries through into the last dream (above) vividness 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: money (10+) the name of the dream: the three birds the dreamer is woken by the sounds of birds looking to where it's coming from, the dreamer can see two large birds, about a third of the size of a chicken, perched on the window-ledge of the skylight window next to the main window in the living room the noticeable thing is that the birds are of a different species no sooner has the dreamer noted the difference between the two birds when a third bird joins the dream the third bird is twice as big as the two other birds from its markings and the way it's giving its attention to one of the smaller birds, the dreamer can see it's the parent of the bird another obvious thing is that the sounds the smaller birds are making are requests for food the dreamer is so delighted by their calls to him for food he decides to go into the kitchen and prepare them a treat of milk dipped in warm milk the dreamer wakes up as he makes a move to get out of bed vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: animals () dinosaurs (7+) birds (4+) 18062024 - 2001 yet another dream lost due to being woke by the phone o.k. from now on, the phone stays off until the writer wakes up 17062024 - 2000 the name of the dream: the woman who can do no wrong her problems are your problems; your problems are too insignificant to be problems if she runs out of milk, you will be only too pleased to give her some late at night or anytime during the day, she believes you will recognise that her needs have to be addressed if she called in the early evening, you know it is her and hope she will go away her rapid knocks on the door become more frequent and louder the longer she's kept waiting she then knocks and shouts your name then comes the shouting through the letterbox whatever her needs are, you are the lucky person chosen to fulfil them addenda: vividness: - 81/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: (1+): last food before the dream: biscuits spread with butter and jam, milk - hours slept 8 16062024 - 1999 the name of the dream: a backup dream from february it has been demonstrated that males in their early teens with anti-social traits respond to the company of five to eight-year-olds skilled supervision by adults or teens with a child-friendly disposition can, through empathy, bring out the natural protective feelings latent in all but the most disassociated persons intuition suggests that it should be a one-on-one arrangement with the introduction of other children as and when circumstances call for it much can be gained by monitoring the interaction between "paired" couples the dream itself was a one-scene dream that had two adults introducing a troubled teenager to children addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: child therapy (1) the category of the dream: backup (3+) 14062024 - 1997 the name of the dream: the factfinder a few enquiries soon uncovered a man who discovers the facts for a living negotiations soon followed the pay for his act was overly generous to ensure he would keep his end of the contract i attempt to phone him the day before he is due to perform only to discover his phone number isn't on my phone panic ensues when i remember his phone number was given to me by his friend but i didn't have his number there's an outside chance i will be able to find a stand-in at the gym notes 1 this dream is closely aligned to events happening in awake time - two days' difference addenda: vividness: 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: events (4+) male strippers (1) - back-up dream from 24032024 13062024 - 1996 the name of the dream: his master's voice a featureless sleep gives way to an all-pervasive voice the voice says, "my name is ........?" "i am your father" "i work with the secret services" "do not refer to me or try to find me" note 1 this is at least the third time this voice has woke the writer as with the other two, when you-know-who speaks his voice penetrates the very fabric of your being you do whatever the voice asks you to do, and you do it without pre-thought or hesitation you'll know when it's you-know-who speaking - see also dream no. 1267 you'll just know notes 2 when living in exeter, the writer got talking to a man i'd met on the street he gets gets regular prompts from you-know-who telling him to say this, that or the other his latest one was, "ask him if he has just come out of the hospital" the man he asked had just come out of the hospital and he asked the man in the street if he could read his mind 11062024 - 1995 the name of the dream: money, money, money a three-scene, one-theme dream in the first scene, the dreamer creates chaos in the high street in exeter, when, on a windy day, he throws a wad of money, a few hundred pounds, into the air while sprinting through exeter high stret it had the desired effect the sight of people bending down to pick up the money while others were running this and that way in pursuit of an individual note moving with the wind will be a treasured memory the second scene changes to the dreamer arguing with someone the someone is coming, the "old soldier" routine a hard luck story with the promise to pay he's not an opportunist trying to take advantage of the dreamer llke the rest of us, he's struggling to keep abreast of increasing inflation third scene on a table is a pile of loose notes being fed through a counting machine the buzz accompanying the sound of the machine and the sight of the piles of money contains every wishful thought we've had the only thing that can spoil it is if the economy collapses addenda: vividness: - 84/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (8+) last food before the dream: two scrambed eggs, two slices of buttered toast - hours slept 10 10062024 - 1994 the name of the dream: connecting across undulations we are in the ancient city of rome apart from the shin-length, white pleated togos of the men, the misty red hue of early evening, the blazing heat of the sun and identity cards, everything seems as is expected that everyone has an identity card tells us that this dream has incorporated a modern feel in the foreground, standing on a mound of earth, a man (he looks like the voice and film actor James Purefoy) has attracted my attention by waving his arm he then beckons me over addenda: vividness: - 81/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: ancient rome (2+) film stars (8+) james purefoy (1) 09062024 - 1993 the name of the dream: the whiz kid falls in love a boy, about ten years of age, has a two-tier abacus with about ten beads on each tier his ability to do a complicated calculation is freakishly quick both of his parents are amazed and a little apprehensive apprehensive because his parents expected their son to be an "ordinary" boy allowing guests and visitors to give him arithmetic problems to solve had long since lost its novelty as expressed, his parents are concerned about his future they are fearful that he will become a sort of sideshow at a fair all his parents wanted was an ordinary child who would follow in their footsteps and become a parent his parents need not have worried; there are more compelling forces in play the back garden is fenced off with dark brown, horizontally slatted wood unbeknown to anyone else, one or two slats are loose (stand out visual) when the circumstances permit, the young lad would slip through the fence and explore the world beyond at the front of the house, there is a road it is off-limits the youngster had been taught not to play outside the front of the house, and he never once broke the rule all his adventures took place in the back garden and beyond there is a wood at the back of the house on one of his expeditions, he came across an isolated house he is making his way there now the purpose of the visit is to see a girl of his age as of yet, they haven't made eye contact his wizardry at arithemetic doesn't mean anything in this situation the forces of nature have taken over in the last scene, the young girl enters the dream she is about seventy metres away his hormones are in control the girl gets more beautiful every time he sees her notes 1 some bits of this dream are similar to the experiences i had as a ten-year-old addenda: vividness: - 81/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: whizz kids (1+): last food before the dream: two scrambled eggs on two buttered toast, milk - hours slept 11 08062024 - 1992 the name of the dream: New York and LONdon as a person of "years", a kind of way of saying your'e passed it, the new things my generation saw come into existence were many and varied this dream takes us back to the 1950's girls and women alike are handed the key to unlock a young man's fancy it is, for females, a turning point in the "battle of the sexes" without the slightest sense of impropriatry, girls can show off their legs now a man's attention is unashamedly drawn to the legs of the female as you know, it is less than one span of the hand from the bottom of a girl's skirt to her crotch now with the tools to lure men into bed, women feel the power of being able to steer a male one way or the other the poor, testosterone-driven young male didn't stand a chance i know these things to be true i was one of those young men addenda: vividness: - 81/100 - observer - the category of the dream: innovation (2+): last food before the dream: hot milk, cereal and one slice of buttered toast - hours slept 9 07062024 - 1991 the name of the dream: an unelaborate dream two men sat at a small, square table facing each other we can't hear them talking, assuming they are talking for all i know, they might be having a staring contest notes 1 attributing this dream to the last meal before the dream will have the same "last food before sleeping" today and see what happens addenda: vividness: - 68/100 - observer - category of the dream: one-scene dream: 8+ - last food before the dream: hot milk and malt drink, two slices of buttered toast - hours slept 9 06062024 - 1990 the name of the dream: children for sale the most innocent-looking child with the sweetest character is in the sights of the paedophiles this dream shows that the abduction of children is amongst the most reviled crimes of all it is flourishing across the world our helplessness of not being able to stop it is producing friction and frustration parent's call for the politicians to form a special task force to combat the organised paedophiles one of the problems is some are addicted to child porn and will, like people addicted to heroin, addiction, do anything to get it they walk amongst us feeling comfortable because we haven't turned on the light of scrutiny in their corner of the world it's time we did notes 1 have left out most of the scenes the dream is bad enough as it is notes 2 this dream re-affirms what we already knew bacon, specifically bacon blood, produces dreams with antagonism. (what ingredient in pigs' blood causes undesirable dreams?) recommended reading... addenda: vividness: - 84/100 - observer - category of the dream: child abductions: 1+ - last food before the dream: bacon sandwiches and tomato dip - hours slept 9/10 05062024 - 1989 the name of the dream: odds and evens odds and evens is the name of a t.v. show two families compete with each other for a luxury holiday a typical family is parents and two children after three or four questions have been answered correctly by one of the families, the winners then have the chance to "double down" the winning family have to choose whether the value of the two dice will be an even or odd number if they get it right, the prize will be the original holiday and a house the dream ends with an overhead camera showing the numbers of the two dice (stand-out visual) notes 1 as a pre-teen, the writer can remember a t.v. contest game with the same format as that in this dream it wasn't a thought or recollection of the t.v. game during the day before the dream that formed this dream it's something of a mystery as to why the memory presents one type of dream over another some dreams are, undisputably, related to a thought or deed the day before the dream with this one and many others, though, there's no clear indication of why the dream-conscious presents the content the way it does at a guess, this is a "timed-to-occur" dream can it be that every second of every day of every undulation since undulations began are, or may be imprinted into the conscious, and this dream represents or, perhaps, is a summation of this day in those other eight tenses of time of long-since-passed undulations? addenda: vividness: - 80/100 - observer - category of the dream: t.v. family games (1+) - last food before the dream: chips and mushy peas - hours slept 9/10 04062024 - 1988 the name of the dream: a woman's world this little dream sees the dreamer under the supervision of two members of the oligarchy the oligarchy has the last say on everything the oligarchy is an all-woman affair the dreamer is being "put right" on two subjects: writing and behaviour the dreamer is put on a "watch list" the dreamer knows he will need to be on his best behaviour notes 1 it's about time we had a female-led society in a dream there is no sign or a hint of violence in this dream addenda: vividness: - 79/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: - last food before the dream: scrambled eggs, tinned tomatoes, sausages and two buttered toast - hours slept 7/8 03062024 - 1987 the name of the dream: another "women lead the way" dream women are pointing out they have to put up with an excess of the load of responsibility for the family the lady at the forefront of bringing society's injustices to the attention of people is making an impression surprisingly, the same woman highlighting the imbalance of the workload for women is also prominent in encouraging young males to become fathers notes 1 her endeavours are already taken care of currently, there are 101 men for every 100 women notes 2 of late, there has been a disproportional number of dreams with women as the object of the dream it is due to the writer pondering the past, present and future of a woman's role with regard to love... there is no doubt in the writer's mind that the bonding between infants and mothers will, as we become more refined, be seen for what it is: the exporting of an act of a profoundly delicate nature (imagine trying to align a million cobwebs to within 1 centimetre of each other while moving) such is the impenetrable history of the course of love/life formative epochs in summation: men, when it comes to the children, instinctively, women know best in the meantime, women have to make more than their fair share of sacrifices addenda: vividness: - 79/100 - observer - the category of the dream: procreation (1+) - last food before the dream: blackcurrant jam on scotch pancakes - hours slept 7/8 02062024 - 1986 the name of the dreams: girls' night out - food for thought a woman in a car is waiting nearby where her friend works as a security guard checking the comings and goings of vehicles they can see each other her friend will be finishing her shift as a security guard within minutes they have planned a "girls' night out" * food for thought a guy stops the dreamer and asks, "can you change a 50-pound note?" i spent a little time counting out my change and announced i was 6 pounds and 25 (it may been fifteen) pence short the guy tried to persuade me to give him my money, and in return, he would give me some money for helping him he drew my attention to a pub about 400 metres away it is brightly lit (stand-out-visual) and sits between two lanes of traffic the guy would leave my money, plus a little something extra, with the bartender or landlord this guy must have used this scam before when he saw me shaking my head, he realised he was in for a tough sell his manner changed; he had a hint of menace over the course of two or three more attempts, his character changes, and the dream contains rancour; it then becomes hostile it got worse i woke feeling depressed notes 1 i believe the last meal before the dream was too big and too close to going to bed as the cause of the ill feeling in this dream equally, we can consider what the opposite will do we make breakfast the main meal of the day and over a month or two make adjustments make a mental or physical note of the time hunger pangs start (physical note best - can be used for reference) having done so, you adapt so quickly to the new routine that you can almost set your watch to it it comes to mind that the second meal of the day ought to be an amount that keeps us going until bedtime when we feel hungry at bedtime, we can appease it with a drink designed to help us get to sleep, and it gives the stomach something to work on as our bodies do cell repair and replacement what do we have to lose by trying it? will keep you posted addenda: vividness: - 89/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dream - vintage cars (1+) -x-dreams (2+) - last food before the dream: meat and vegetable soup and buttered toast: hours slept 10 01062024 - 1985 the name of the dreams: the old jalopy - x-dream in the first scene, we see a 1920's style of car slowly emerging from behind the curtains on the right of the stage and moving to centre stage the car is on exhibition for an indoor audience it does have the look of a luxury car the interior of the car is brightly lit (stand-out visual) we ought to take this dream with a pinch of salt, though it isn't until the back end of the car emerges from behind the curtains on the stage that we see a man pushing it notes 1 a new category of dream- cartoon dreams (1) just when you think you have as big a variation of dreams as you need, a new type of dream pops up and gets thrown into the mix addenda: vividness: - 89/100 - observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dream - vintage cars (1+) the name of the dream: naughty boy there's nothing more demanding than two sex-hungry girls either up for the challenge, or you know better don't say nobody warned you last food before the dream: vegetable soup and buttered toast: hours slept (8) x-dream addenda: vividness: - 85/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dreams (20+) - last food before the dream: vegetable soup and buttered toast: hours slept (8) 31052024 - 1984 the name of the dream: the summer holidays have begun, hooray the school holidays go on for the better part of two months the dreamer always manages to find something to do the dreamer has an uncomplicated way and view of life (thanks, mom) my home life is uncomplicated but hum-drum there are two types of hum-drum: passive and active once in a while, usually while lying down and recalling memories of childhood after waking from sleep, a picture from pre-pubescence, long since forgotten, jumps into view it is akin to watching a black-and-white film that suddenly becomes a bugs bunny cartoon so it was with this dream in the dream, a middle-aged woman interrupted whatever it was that preceded her and put her stamp on the dream her face is fully animated, and immediately, the woman is all of your reality her enthusiasm for life is infectious she makes us want to do things we haven't done before, and it reminds us of things we want to do again notes 1 the refining of the genetic structure takes a long, long time currently, life's goal is to generate fifty-thousand million mammal males and fifty-thousand million females and bring them together (soul partners) love/life will, over a googol of years (10x1^100), produce 100 000 000 000 beings who will persist for 10x1^93 000 years addenda: vividness: - 86/100 - observer - the category of the dream: alcohol-related (3+) last food before the dream: vegetable soup and buttered toast: hours slept 7 29052024 - 1983 the name of the dream: a world of woe a woman leads the way in demanding greater attention for the wives and children of alcoholics the stout woman leading the campaign knows all about men who turn on their families when they return from the pub she is the ideal person to deliver a heartfelt and urgent appeal for society to grab the tail of the tiger her televised speech is the whole of the dream if you don't have any feelings, one way or the other, about those stories you heard about drunken men and the way they abuse their partner, the female speaker will soon stir them up notes 1 alcoholism is in the top three of the most destructive drugs worldwide addenda: vividness: - 79/100 - observer - the category of the dream: alcohol abuse (3+) last food before the dream: an orange and dry toast 28052024 - 1982 the name of the dream: role-reversal women hold all the important positions in this society wouldn't you know it, the world is a better place notes 1 the man-shaped being formed as you-know-who experienced his surroundings he was also subject to gravity this bit of animation, the earliest insight into the effects of gravity on sentience, can be found at this url - neither the shape nor the motion of the tadpole is accurate what form did life have before this? we may never know what came before unless "a cloudy beginning" is the spawn what was the next shape of life after this? addenda: vividness: - 76/100 - observer - the category of the dream: types of societies (10+) last food before the dream: the name of the dream: almost a re-run of dream no. 1979 the celebrity is different the mouth of a black cat is open, and its teeth are poised, ready to bite addenda: vividness: - 77/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: copycat (3+) last food before the dream: mulligatawny soup, potato mash, carrots and toast 27052024 - 1981 the name of the dream: almost a re-run of dream no. 1979 the celebrity is different addenda: vividness: - 77/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: copycat (3+) last food before the dream: roast chicken sandwich and milk 26052024 - 1980 the name of the dream: who was he? we are at a medical convention with about a hundred people attending the conference is a yearly event where the latest and most important outbreaks of a type of flu are the topic the dreamer is tasked with keeping an eye on things within minutes, i realised there was no reason for me to be there the people at this meeting are much too sensible to need watching with nothing to do, the dreamer drifts into introspection i'm trying to pinpoint the crux of an idea i'd had a lttle earlier it is about here i notice a gent standing in a queue nearby; it looks to me like he's on his own he's wearing a dark green tweed suit (stand-out scene) it was the thickest tweed i'd ever seen it was so coarse you would think it was sacking this guy needs help; now i know why he's on his own need to know whether he could become an "issue" we get into a conversation the dreamer persuades him to meet me again i watch him walk away is it my imagination, or does his gait have the look of a man sure of something? notes 1 there was a "clean" feel to this dream addenda: vividness: - 79/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: work-related (3+) last food before the dream: 2 fried eggs on toast 25052024 - 1979 the name of the dream: copycat dreams at the doctor's surgery the doctor is a celebrity (trying to think of his name) the surgery is claustrophobically small the doctor has a touch of haughtiness about him; it is a tad irritating his confidence is unshakeable as he gives his prognosis notes 1 the difference between a same-theme dream and a copycat dream is that a same-theme dream will have beaches or a park or a house or room and lots of people as well as something not in the copycat dream whereas a copycat dream will have people the reader will recognise from a previous dream, and the surroundings are familiar in this dream, the similarities are the surroundings and the doctor giving his prognosis addenda: vividness: - 77/100 - observer - the category of the dream: copycat dreams (1+) one-scened dreams (20+) last food before the dream: porridge 23052024 - 1978 the name of the dreams: right writing - wrong behaviour the dreamer's first book has been reviewed it is full of praise the book is also under consideration as a contender for another category of literary achievement note 1 two consecutive days of dreams about books! the second dream a female is reading the riot act to the dreamer his behaviour is shameful; he doesn't take the feelings of others into account, doesn't treat women right, and i lack any graces the woman reading out my shortcomings is doing so with enthusiasm and passion sufficient to start a crusade oh well, you can't win them all addenda: vividness: - 80/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two consecutive days of same-theme dreams (3+) one-scened dreams (20+) last food before the dream: sausage, chips and beans 22052024 - 1977 the name of the dream: opportunities the dreamer is looking for a book that will tell me how to build an electronic gizmo i go to a bookshop that specialises in finding books the young man i spoke to is knowledgeable and helpful he immediately spotted the problem it turns out that the difficulty with finding the book is due to a misspelling a misspelling that the translator overlooked with the new information, it occured to me that other people might be having the same problem as myself if enough people are looking for the book, there is a good chance i will make a sizeable profit addenda: vividness: - 77/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: books (4+) one-scened dreams (3+) last food before the dream: fried bread and beans sandwich 21052024 - 1976 the name of the dream: jack in the tube in this dream, we see a transparent pole with a brownish-to-red hue it's hard to gauge the width or depth of the pole as there's nothing to compare it to a jack-in-the-box type figure is halfway down the swaying, transparent tube with a brownish-red hue the bottom of the tube disappears into what is or represents a bottomless chasm as we look down the half-metre wide transparent tube with a brownish-red hue, we see toys and items that could be considered gifts partway down the half-metre wide, swaying transparent tube with a brownish-red hue, we see the familiar image of a rosy-cheeked, big-lipped jack in the box the jack in the box figure is moving up the tube the closer it gets, the less friendly it looks addenda: vividness: - 85/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (8+) one-scened dreams (1+) last food before the dream: bacon sandwich 20052024 - 1975 the name of the dream: the challenge in a bygone era, the dreamer gets challenged by the dictator to a cooking competition we have known each other since childhood and get along just fine it must be a hot climate; the prevailing dress code is to wear as little as possible the young man challenging me is wearing clean but ragged clothes, the sort of clothing we see on people who have been stranded for years on a desert island (stand-out visual) i will have to lose by as close a margin as possible if i lose by a mile, he'll know i let him win and may do something to belittle me p.s. there was another dream in which the dreamer is holding one of those "finds of a lfetime" a clear plastic bag has about three pounds of a recreational substance in it note 1 a dictator is initiating cooking competitions! the dream must be a future tense of time addenda: vividness: - 88/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: cooking competitions (1+) last food before the dream: porridge 19052024 - 1974 the name of the dream: an abundance of dreams a multi-scened, multi-themed dream that presented more themes and scenes than the dreamer can remember among them were a couple of x-related scenes a naked couple emerge from under a 5-metre square, white sheet they are flushed and a bit sweaty and look spent but well-satisfied there's another guy in a loose flowing white gown with a semi-erection* that sticks out straight in front of him (about 25cm) note 1 we've got to split dreams diary into two, children's and adult's there should be enough material for 500-plus dreams for children" addenda: vividness: - 87/100 - observer - the category of the dream: - multi-scened and multi-themed (100+) - last food before the dream - cereal and milk 18052024 - 1973 the name of the dream: memorabilia addenda: vividness: -76/100 - observer - the category of the dream: - interviews (2+) - famous people (10+) - the beatles (2+) last food before dreaming (cereal and milk) the dreamer is interviewing, or is just hanging with the beatles the conversation is about the sheer number of presents and gifts the guys have accumulated over the years there is a warehouse full of them it wasn't public knowledge, but the group would give the items away to charities and people like myself as souvenirs of their meeting john got the most enjoyment from giving things away he gave me a wooden penny whistle and offered me anything i wanted the chances are if you couldn't see it, it was buried somewhere in amongst the memorabilia, and someone could dig it out notes 1 deliberately ate a lot of cheese as the last food of the day i wanted to see what effect it would have the result? no noticeable effects at all! addenda: vividness: -76/100 - observer - the category of the dream: - interviews (2+) - famous people (10+) - the beatles (2+) last food before dreaming (melted cheese on scotch pancakes) 17052024 - 1971 the name of the dream: missing sounds upon waking, i made an immediate attempt to recall the dream zilch! several attempts later, the dream plays out in a circular frame that occupies about two-thirds of the scene we see a man's face his expression is deadly cold, his speech barely decipherable momentarily, his face becomes animated and he begins talking but we can't hear his words we can glisten from his expressions and a bit of lip-reading that he is warning us note 1 this dream is going straight into the category of food-influenced dreams we can use ourselves as pioneers notes 2 we can uncover the effect natural sugars have on ourselves through dreams we can also uncover how the two different types of sugar affect dreams this dream was influenced by the concoctions in sugary foods affecting sound and perhaps other things notes 3 sugar was the first food life produced (3 000 000 000 years ago!) addenda: vividness: -80/100 - observer - the category of the dream: -food-influenced dream (10+) last food before dreaming (4 marshmallows) 16052024 - 1970 the name of the dream: too coincidental a woman who looks suspiciously like an ex-girlfriend has made arrangements to go for what is, i think, a fortune-telling in the next scene, she has returned from the appointment and is complaining the fortune-teller only spoke in generalities, not specifics she never gave a predictions without qualifying it so that it became an opinion there were about five scenes in this dream the one scene that stands out is of the two of us standing and holding on to each other while swaying to smoochie music through our phone earplugs notes 1 never did go in for ghosts, premonitions, tarot, or anything else it must be said, though, it looks like there is more to palm reading than meets the eye two different palm readers in two different regions of the country said the same two identical things ten years apart! addenda: vividness: -79/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: competitions (10+) - t.v. shows - (4+) - last food before dreaming (ice cream and pancakes with honey) 15052024 - 1969 the name of the dream: the sky is the limit we are watching a t.v. show a male host is explaining the rules of the game "...if you get the right answer, the prize is your ten pounds times ten pounds (100)" the contestant gives the host the correct answer and now has 100 pounds the contestant gets the second question right, and his initial ten pounds now has a value of 1000 the host of the show asks the contestant if he would rather have the latest, all-singing t.v. worth 1000, as well as his 1000, or try again the contestant gets the correct answer and is now worth 10,000 the host asks the contestant if he would rather have a new home (pictures of houses are shown worth a lot more than 10,000) or if he wants to continue with the game. again, the contestant gets the correct answer, and now the contestant has a value of 100 000 the host of the show makes his last offer the picture on a screen of large boats moored off an island in clear, blue water with all the facilities to cater for thousands of guests addenda: vividness: -87/100 - observer - the category of the dream: competitions (10+) - t.v. shows - (4+) - last food before dreaming (ice cream and pancakes with honey) 14052024 - 1968 the name of the dream: the sheer cheek of it in the place where i work, a fellow female worker is showing other workers a watch; she is selling it the moment i see it i recognise it as the watch i bought for 40 pounds from an acquaintence back in 1986 the watch is a small-faced seiko dress watch, made of gold i might add, and has a smooth brown leather strap the girl is displaying it to prospective buyers by laying the watch along the length her forearm, she had got her sales pitch down to perfection the dreamer jumps in, "that's my watch; she stole it from me" the girl dimisses my assertion out of hand and goes back to selling the watch the girl is on a loser i can produce the person i bought it from and he will be able to identify it as his the police enter the dream the police can tell the girl is lying the dream ends with the girl about to confess notes 1 the dream is due to thinking about a girl i used to work with when i was living in london in the 1970's, it comes to mind quite frequently i worked as a shelf-stockist in a ground-level superstore one day, a co-worker asked me to lend her my pen (an up-market paper mate) didn't give it a second thought and handed her the pen when she hadn't returned it some minutes later, i went looking for, and found her she has the pen in her hand and is using it to fill in a list asked her for my pen she asserted it was her pen i was speechless how can a person be so blatant as to try to cheat someone of their belongings when that person can prove the items are his now i am fuming i fetch the supervisor the girl worker maintains it is her pen and bought a packet of three of them i knew different and said so, "you can't buy them in packets of three" the supervisor realised that it could become a significant incident, and the police might become involved! she did what many of us have done: walked away from a tricky situation but i still didn't have my pen within a minute, a way to get the pen back occurred to me i asked a young male co-worker nearby to ask the girl with my pen to lend him the pen to write something down the girl with my pen did what i did a little while before and handed the pen to someone without giving it a second thought the girl who took my pen was decimated when she found out notes 2 what sort of home environment does someone live in where brazenly denying a truth is accepted behaviour? does her husband or boyfriend deny an extra-marital affair when the woman in the affair has admitted it to a third party? addenda: vividness: -83/100 - observer - the category of the dream: thievery and lying (2+) - last meal (salmon and potato mash) 13052024 - 1967 the name of the dream: finishing school the end of the school year for these young women means their life has just begun they have just completed finishing school they have completed school and equipped themselves with the necessary skills and graces to confidently attend any high-society event anywhere in the world. the college headmistress gives her farewell address it is a stern speech; in it, the woman alludes to the "stickiness" of men (altogether out of touch with the atmosphere of excitement in the room) apart from that, it was a good "send-off" for the girls addenda: vividness: -82/100 - observer - the category of the dream: finishing schools (1+?): last meal (peanut butter on toast, milk) 12052024 - 1966 the name of the dream: the living brown shadow the dreamer takes his job seriously, very seriously i am a freelance bodyguard, i carry a gun my current "gig" sees me protecting a political figure we are in the reception room with a couple of hundred guests the scene changes in a part of the room or another room with about six other people a movement catches my eye a brownish-coloured shadow the size of a laptop with no identifiable features, is moving up the wall something's moving where something shouldn't be moving my instincts kick in, i draw my gun and blast off three rounds there is now three big holes in the wall the shadow takes on form it becomes a mouse or a rat climbing up the wall the dreamer goes and gets a light-brown coloured cardboard box the rodent is manouvered into the box another bout of sleep and then sleepily, i open my eyes and can see a mouse or small rat climbing up the wall in front of me the longer i watch it, the more its shape or outline becomes less identifiable it starts as a slow-moving shadow that takes on different forms, and at one point its movements stop and then restarts, only now it's movements are done in jerks it becomes a black rectangular shape lying on top of the plug as the dreamer awakes, it goes from being a brownish, rectangular shadow to a rat or mouse into a wall plug! after four or five changes it becomes the t.v. plug addenda: vividness: -83/100 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: dreams for analysis (3+) - last meal (porridge) 11052024 - 1965 the name of the dream: who's calling? in the dead of night, the sound of the phone ringing launches the faculty of hearing into action the first thing the dreaming mind has to do is alert the temporal lobe a message is incoming the unconscious nudges the dreaming conscious, and the dreaming conscious receives the message and converts it into colour, shape, size, etc. an image of a girl's face and the sound of her voice leaves no room for misinterpretation; it is the bane of my life in begging mode her enthusiasm for the latest money-saving opportunity to buy things is still as fresh as it ever was her sale pitch was bordering on harrassment unfortunately for the lass, her awake-time consciousness is known only too well, even to the dreamer's dream-conscious; she speaks with a forked tongue note 1 fairly recently, just before the dreaming-conscious began presenting the content for the dream, there have been several impressions of an "all-connected" feel to dreams note 2 each new undulation, there's a tiny little bit more quality each new undulation, there's more time each new undulation, there's a ridiculously large amount of space added to the aleady ridiculously large amount of space note 3 it's possible we only need two theorems to explain what's happening * poincare's theorem of recurrence gives us a position * bell's theorem of interconnectedness gives us characteristics * what's emerging here is the concept of a three-tiered consciousness awake-time sleep-time dream-time addenda: vividness: -78/100 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: informative (9+) - physics (1+) - last meal (bacon and fried bread sandwich) 10052024 - 1964 the name of the dream: the whipping boy as the person who heads the department of fraud, my job is to stop false coins from finding their way into circulation there are slides of coins being shown on a screen (stand-out visual) the coins are round and are made of gold and a matte-grey metal the minute differences between real gold coins and fake coins are highlighted my boss is dressing me down for not noticing the differences my boss is really laying into me he wouldn't be so hard on me if it wasn't for the possibility he could be fired from his job for not being diligent i'm his whipping boy if i suck it up and don't try to blame someone else for the lack of procedure, my job will still be there in the morning addenda: vividness: -84/100 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: gold coins (4+) - last meal - (bacon sandwich, milk) 09052024 - 1963 the name of the dream: individuality more than fifteen scenes showing a girl's competition three, four or more letters are presented to the contestant the winner is the girl who makes the most words relevant to the subject (not sure if the subject is a food or a general knowledge competition) a pre-teen girl is getting all the limelight she is one of those people who can make sense of random letters instantly, in the same way, some people can organise a rubic cube in seconds notes 1 do we understand why some people stand head and shoulders above everyone in particular situations? we can be lazy and say, "they're more intelligent" but that doesn't explain how they got their intelligence there is an answer to everything whether dreams theory leads us to enlightenmennt in crucial areas is yet to be revealed addenda: vividness: -82/100 - observer - the category of the dream: girl's competitions (2+) - last meal - buttered toast and half an orange (1) 08052024 - 1962 the name of the dream: no deal at home minding my own business when the phone rang an ex druggie acquaintence wanted to know if i wanted anything the call was an attempt to get me to "chip in" on a deal, they were organising what they were hoping for was for me to put in the bulk of the money experience told me that once my money was in their possession, it became their money all sorts of reasons would be given as to why and how they were ripped off i declined their offer to chip in notes 1 do you know that when you put money in the bank, when it goes from your side of the counter to the other side, it becomes the bank's money? addenda: vividness: -73/100 - observer - the category of the dream: drugs (20+) 07052024 - 1961 the name of the dream: profiling the body we're slowly becoming aware of the situation we find ourselves in the extremes of experience we are capable of achieving lift our spirits and produce in us a lust for a life we weren't previously capable of imagining there are those with the characteristic of unlife not to worry, for every circumstance, there are suitable outcomes in this dream, we see, as we did in dream 1959, a woman explaining things to an audience if we were in close proximity, within a metre, of the woman, we would feel her presence her presence has a "moreish" characteristic it is not until we move outside of her sphere of influence that we feel an emptiness it's as noticeable as going from indoors to outdoors when it's snowing notes 1 the woman in this dream represents a woman in an awake-time situation a couple of weeks ago a surprise visit from a young lady brought with it an insight into her personality given the right circumstances, she exudes peace and security the closer she got, the more compelling the feeling of being close to her became notes 2 so, now we have to try to understand how the presence or essence or character of a person can be experienced merely by proximity perhaps the heat from our body carries all aspects of our individuality addenda: vividness: -73/100 - observer - the category of the dream: types of auras (1+) presence (1+) 06052024 - 1960 the name of the dream: endless applications we're aware that the individual parts of the carcasses of most animals have uses the society in this dream has found an application for every part of the human body this dream highlights the nails of the fingers as being the most versatile body part its latest application is as the main compound in a "hardener" notes 1 there's something ghoulish about using the parts of corpses it may be good for the economy, but it plays havoc with our sense of reverence for love/life assigning this dream to a past tense of time evolving beings will not be experiencing this reality; devolving beings will addenda: vividness: -76/100 - observer - the category of the dream: degenerating societies (7+) - recycling dead bodies (1) 05052024 - 1959 the name of the dream: everyone's a winner a one-scene dream sees us looking square on at a woman from fifteen metres the woman has an amiable manner and a soft smile at a guess, i'd say she is in her early thirties and weighs twelve stone she is addressing the school it is both the last day of the term, and the last day anyone will use the school the school is outdated and doesn't have the latest features of a modern school the headmistress organised a raffle the highest number goes first and has the choice of two books and one item of memorabilia the writer imagines that a ruler would be the first choice for most of the kids addenda: vividness: -80/100 - observer - the category of the dream: junior schools (2+) 04052024 - 1958 the name of the dream: one can do more than two a short, stocky woman of 60 or thereabouts has spent almost all of her working life as a mental health worker she was perfect for the job she could spot situations that might turn awkward and diffuse them and was always first at the scene when a patient needed help the management knew that it was doubtful they would find a replacement for her someone suggested that the woman who was leaving might know someone who could do the job the worker who is retiring said she would see what she could do in what must be one of the most blatant acts of favouritism ever entered into the dreams diary, the retired woman brought twin girls into the hospital the girls are daughters of her brother or sister they didn't have a clue they were fish out of water it was nightmare time for the hospital administration addenda: vividness: -80/100 - observer - the category of the dream: mental health care (1) 03052024 - 1957 the name of the dream: some men haven't got balls the dreamer is the manager of a bowling alley that is part of an international conglomerate it's a good-paying job that more or less runs itself a memo warning me that three or four men are running a scam lands on my desk the gang are stealing the bowling shoes the shoes have become a collector's item and are fetching a pretty penny on the black open market addenda: vividness: -81/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: theft (20+) bowling shoes (1) 02052024 - 1956 the name of the dream: my daughter's best friend a girl of fifteen or sixteen came calling i know she wants some money, but previous loans are still outstanding she knows she won't be able to soft-soap me into lending her anything the girl can have something to eat the dream ends with the young girl and my daughter lapping up each other's company addenda: vividness: -77/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: domestic dreams (10+) 01052024 - 1955 the name of the dream: the demise of the black-cat clique the history of the club goes back centuries, and right from the start, people questioned its morality hearsay, gossip and rumours provided common folk with proof positive that perverted and unnatural sexual practices were a regular theme a girl slipped through the veil of the club's grip and told her story a lynching mob of a couple of hundred people are on their way to mete out their brand of justice the authorities could see there would be extreme violence and stepped in it was agreed the club would dissolve itself a t.v. presentation of the formal end of the club made prime-time viewing a black cat wearing a white collar or silver necklace is sitting on its haunches, looking into the camera the cat is sitting atop a 3-D onyx triangle about twenty-five metres away (stand-out visual) the object explodes into thousands of tiny black balls about the size of hundreds and thousands the black cat club is no more addenda: vividness: -80/100 - observer - the category of the dream: child abuse/murder (1) 30042024 - 1954 the name of the dream: always something new there have been some odd occurrences in dreams diary lately this dream upholds that characteristic the dreamer is a contestant in a "live", nationwide broadcast it isn't until the dreamer has answered three or four of the questions correctly that he realises he is in the studio taking a question, and then the dream becomes *"externalised" when the dreamer gives the answer *externalised is when other people can hear, see, and feel what you're experiencing as i was coming out of my sleep, there were at least three times when i heard my voice still acting it's part addenda: vividness: -87/100 - observer - the category of the dream: externalised - t.v. contestants (2+) 29042024 - 1953 the name of the dream: the taste-think generator a queue is growing for the tasting room it used to be called "the taste-think experience" in the same way as we experience appealing tastes in food, so it is with the taste-generator certain people will respond to a specific taste in a practical way e.g. a combination of herbs and mushrooms caused one man to become a comedian addenda: vividness: -82/100 - observer - the category of the dream: think-generators (1+) 28042024 - 1952 the name of the dream: was it worth the wait? the dreamer is at the computer he is waiting for a reply to a question the reply comes eventually the reply denies his free use of an app because previous comments he made were outside those allowed the dreamer wakes feeling grumpy addenda: vividness: -80/100 - observer - the category of the dream: apps and programmes for the computer: (7+) 27042024 - 1951 the name of the dream: multi-coloured writing and think-read dream "according to this dream, in the not too distant future, proof of i.d. will be our breath - this method doesn't just give the i.d. of the person, it initiates a worldwide data bank search and can pinpoint within moments and with 99.999% accuracy, the overall condition of the health from breath-print " if this seems a little extravagant - see medbeds in the link below the writing came out in multi-coloured ticker-tape form with moving disney-type characters now and then addenda: vividness: -81/100 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (30+) coloured (2?) 26042024 - 1950 the name of the dream: first, you see it, then you don't during the three seconds of the dream, two images flash on and off so quickly, it is only possible to get an impression of what they are, but it happened too quickly to form a picture addenda: vividness: -81/100 - observer - the category of the dream: uncategorised 25042024 - 1949 the name of the dreams: inoculation day - child trafficking lines upon lines of people waiting in queues for their jab if it seems like the whole world is being inoculated that's because the whole world is being inoculated in this dream, in what must be a future tense of time, a "cure-all" medicine has long been used to keep maladies almost nil we don't know if the jab is a "one-off" thing or a yearly we'll be optimistic and say it's a once-in-a-lifetime procedure addenda: vividness: -79/100 - observer - the category of the dream: medicine (1+) - innoculations - (1+) child trafficking practising abnormal xual acts with children is something 99 per cent of the population don't want to think or talk about but here we are, with hundreds, if not thousands, of children going missing daily child abduction is not going to go away until you do start talking and writing about it there used to be posters in and around the town centre with pictures of missing children perhaps we can persuade the local government to revive our awareness of what devolving beings are doing behind closed doors and put pictures of missing children in and around town if local government were to spend as much on bringing to our attention the curse of this abnormality as they do on fireworks, it might lead to the recovery of just one abducted child perhaps we should ask those who are victims of child abductions to tell their story and show it on the t.v. addenda: vividness: -79/100 - observer - the category of the dream: child trafficking (1+) 24042024 - 1948 the name of the dream: the tessa female crime syndicate at the heart of this syndicate is a woman with a genuinely cruel streak every bit as ruthless as al capone we don't see her her reputation precedes her there's something unsettling about a female gangster an atmosphere of dread and caution accompanies her name when she puts in a bid to take the job, the men steer clear notes 1 nothing in the *pde's that points to the origins of this dream *(previous day's experiences - notes 2 have come across four women with a truly aggressive streak something is unnerving about violent women addenda: vividness: -76/100 - observer - the category of the dream: female gangsters (1) 21042024 - 1945 the name of the dream: pots and pans i went into the kitchen in the community area where i live and saw that the silver pots and pans had collected dust; it made them look scraggy gave them a wash that made them look pristine and put them in a cupboard below the worktop (stand out visual) notes 1 what brought on this dream was walking into the communal kitchen thursday last and seeing eight, nine or ten saucepans and frying pans stacked on a counter against the back wall the pans on top of the others had collected dust that made them look unsightly addenda: vividness: 82/100 - observer - the category of the dream: kitchen utensils (1+) 20042024 - 1944 the name of the dream: the cost of civilisation it is the end of an era after what seemed like forever, a trio of crime busters hung up their gloves during their campaign, they broke the back of institutionalised crime it came at a cost their dedication to the task meant being away from their families for days, weeks and sometimes months at a time the wives and children of the trio felt their absence slowly but surely, their wives put pressure on their husbands to stop what they were doing and work regular hours the demands of the women served to spur the men on a happy ending to the dream comes in the last scene as we watch a celebratory re-union of all the families note 1 this dream came about as a result of watching the film "the irishman" addenda: vividness: 82/100 - observer - the category of the dream: crime (3+) 19042024 - 1943 the name of the dream: a woman's vagina/foreplay the dream begins with the dreamer lying on his left side with his body pressed against her left side the dreamer uses his right hand and slowly moves his hand from her hip across to the four outer layers of her vagina the dreamer uses the three fingers between his little finger and thumb to feel the different characteristics of the various outer layers of her vagina each layer has an individuality of moistness, softness and size slight, involuntary jerks of her body and the stiffness of her clitoris tell me waves of pleasure are rippling and bolting through her body the soft, luscious skin of her outer vagina becomes even more luscious as i press and gently move my three fingers from top to bottom of her vagina and occasionally linger barely perceptible and use my middle finger to rest on her clitoris while the two fingers either side of the middle finger continue to slide up and down, then i change the movement so the middle finger is stroking her clitoris downward as gently as i can i glance at her face she has a beatific smile and looks how i would look if she were playing with the tip of my penis when we woke, she denied she was aware of what had happened i will believe that only if other men tell me their partner is smiling contentedly when sleeping notes 1 men and women, make sure your partner cannot feel your fingernails addenda: vividness: 79/100 - observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (10+) foreplay (1+) 19042024 - 1942 the name of the dream: my chest the first eight scenes show the writer's chest as it is now and how it will be or has been in one scene, my chest is bare; in the next it is covered the scenes alternate between one scene and the other fairly rapidly (one second for each scene - eight seconds of dream-time = eighty seconds of awake-time) - see dream 137 there are differences between the scenes, but the changes are very slight too small to mention notes 1 this rapid change type of dream happens regularly of the times that come to mind, it is usually of my face addenda: vividness: 79/100 - observer - the category of the dream: weird but not wonderful (1+) - chest (1) 18042024 - 1941 the name of the dream: poops in an enclosed area about the size of five living rooms the dreamer is in dire need of going to the toilet for a number 2 there are people in the dream, but we do not see them the dreamer drops his trousers and does the "business" the dreamer excretes two lumps, both about the same size as an orange the dreamer feels a sense of relief as the second lump is excreted it lands on the shiny floor with a thump notes 1 it is at times like this that we appreciate that smells do not usually accompany dreams of poop addenda: vividness: 77/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: lavatory (4+) - lavatory (6+) 0000000 the name of the dream: examining the big guy was at the computer doing a check of the health of one person in particular the check examined every organ and all the essential processes that keep the body functioning it showed the health of the part of the body being diagnosed in colour, mainly shades of green and brown the guy being checked is a "big un." in the middle of the examination, a girl burst into the dream and began yelling obscenities it caused the dreamer to wake from the dream addenda: vividness: 73/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: medical-related dreams (5+) 18042024 - 1941 dream on voice record 29 examining big guy addenda: vividness: 78/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: 17042024 - 1940 the name of the dream: relief this dream opens with the observer looking down at a trawler-sized boat in rough seas the tug-type boat is being thrown around like a cork it's just a matter of time before it goes under we are fearful we can predict the crew and boat will be lost we are mourning for the families when our feelings of sadness are at their worst, a giant hand sweeps in from the right-hand side of the scene and scoops the small boat up in the palm of its hand and then exits out of the left hand side of the dream this dream is, of course, a weird and wonderful dream addenda: vividness: 78/100 - observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (5+) seacraft rescues (1) 16042024 - 1939 the name of the dream: the underworld exposed it is the end of an era a trio of crime busters have brought a handful of the most heinous criminals to justice the investigation took years to complete the dedication needed to achieve the outcome took sixteen hours a day for weeks, and sometimes months on end the families, particularly the wives bore the cost of completing the task talk of divorce put the investigators under even more pressure there should be recognition for the trio, but for security reasons, they remained anonymous addenda: vividness: 50/100 - observer - the category of the dream: police investigations (1) 15042024 - 1938 the name of the dream: the breast complaint relaxing at home with my partner a bit of t.v. a bit of conversation a bit of music both of us are wearing our pyjama bottoms at any given moment, without a hint of it happening, this could have become a raving x-dream suddenly, the dream i had been trying to remember since waking popped into my head a woman has initiated legal proceedings against a breast specialist she complains that the specialist is "milking" the job (it took a minute for the pun to present itself) the woman has spoken to other women with the same ailment, and it only took a few days for them to get their diagnosis the woman is still waiting for her diagnosis almost a month later addenda: vividness: 75/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: medical procedures (1) breasts (1) 14042024 - 1937 the name of the dream: the man with a scythe came calling the first scene, an eye-level view of the backs of two women and two children from this view, the women look bulky the view changes to in front of them there is an expensive-looking table-cloth with assorted foods, fruit and drinks laid out on the cloth the drink and food is in silver bowls and cut-crystal glass they are not royalty but the gentry two children aged ten or twelve are near-by one of the women asks the other if there is any news of her husband the woman doesn't say anything; she shakes her head solemnly once it suggests his death is imminent one of the children asks if he can go and see his father, and his mother says, "not now, later maybe" addenda: vividness: 81/100 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: the upper-class (1+) 12042024 - 1936 the name of the dream: an experiment the dreamer finds himself in a unique setting, a diverse group of ten or twelve individuals, each with their own unique characteristics and backgrounds the group is an experiment we live, sleep and eat together a government researcher, known as a 'boffin ', proposes a fascinating theory: a small, disparate group of individuals, lacking any prior connection, could foster a strong bond and generate innovative ideas. we join the group at the end of the day as is the tendency with small groups, a type of natural selection "kicks in," and before you know it, the person with a barely perceptible air of leadership asserts itself it was, of course, a male, and he just happened to be the biggest in the group the tension between the dreamer and the self-appointed alpha male becomes the focal point of the group it's just a matter of time before the dreamer, with a courage that inspires, challenges the self-appointed alpha male's status. in the last scene, the self-appointed alpha is relishing in his new role while the rest of the group is waiting to see what i do experimental situations (3+) 11042024 - 1935 the name of the dream: somebody elses idea of a dream the ambient light in this dream is just a shade or two brighter than the dream of 87042024 can't make out what it is i'm looking at it looks like an artist's portrait of two rows of house the two rows of houses are not in alignment to each other but at an angle of about 30 degrees comment: this dream seems to be made to delete that's why the writer is not going to scrap it don't believe for a second that love/live brings into existence things to be disposed of addenda: vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: uncategorised 09042024 - 1934 the name of the dream: more powerful than dynamite an x-dream in vivid colour with solid feelings notes 1 more than a month since the last x-dream notes 2 there are ways to remain sexually active well into old age addenda: vividness: 2.8.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dreams (30+) 08042024 - 1933 the name of the dream: not yet a seasoned think-read dreamer the writer is at the beginning of the transition from dream time to awake time the attempt to recall the dream threw up ten or so think-read messages most or all of the think-read messages are one or two sentences the messages are in red on a white background as is the case with think-read dreams, once you start reading a message, the sentence begins to form itself one of the messages read, "the last of the buses for the general public is on it's way to the bus depot" it was, again, the frustration of not being able to transfer the writing in the dream by tapping to another destination on the computer that caused the dreamer to wake it was the pressure of my finger pressing my chest that caused me to wake notes 1 it will probably be the case that we will recognise the limitations of our human bodies and will shed them like old clothes as we explore our abilities as beings composed not of cells but as big and small packets of energy things are still at the infant stage how long it takes before we can measure the time it takes to change form can be guaged to some extent by dinosaur man's abilities we can safely say the ability to interchange between corporeal and pure energy takes less than sixty-five million years then there's a massive gap of five thousand million years, which is when you-know-who will emerge in human form - see picture pages, page 5 - addenda: vividness: 2.8.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read dreams (20+) 07042024 - 1932 the name of the dream: fragments couldn't arrange the scenes in a way that made sense one scene has something which can't be stretched, being stretched - a metre-long bar of metal another scene had a black and white cat with its mouth open in a clear gesture for food the third scene is an aerial view of a red light that stands out against a backdrop of an otherwise dark and shadowy shanty town in the last scene, someone is asking for my cooperation to do something note 1 this type of dream is believed to be generated when the dreamer has unresolved choices or conflicting issues addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: themeless dreams (2+) 06042024 - 1931 the name of the dream: second best is better than first a self-employed skilled mechanic and car collector earns enough money to stop doing repairs and pursue his dream of being a racing driver the pride of his collection is a green maserati however, to participate in races costs a lot more than he anticipated he also discovered that to become a racing driver means skills he doesn't possess nor will he be able to acquire them in time he has his moment of clarity in the final scenes, he has constructed a child's roller-coaster ride it is the most popular destination for the locals on a summer's day there is only one carriage it can seat four or six kiddies the zenith of experience for the children is at the level part of the track the carriage speeds to twenty-mile per hour for 20 or 30 metres he has converted his beloved maserati for others to enjoy, and the expressions on the children's faces are his to empathise with notes 1 how many of us chase after a dream only to discover a more gratifying dream on the way? addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kiddies rides (2+) roller coasters (2+) 26032024 - 1930 the name of the dream: the magic stones and the law-keepers a highly vivid dream has the dreamer as one of the very few people, basically, one for each continent, who has the ability to get a magic stone to work the magic stone is white, about the length of a rounded usb stick, and twice as wide like a child with nothing particular on it's mind, it responds to every thought it gives the holder more power than an atomic bomb and the ability to create a meal or soothe an itch only innocent-minded people can get it to work the population holds its breath will the holder of the stone be angry about something and destroy someone or something? the first thing the dreamer does is to test his ability to fly the ability to fly in a dream is exhilerating it exudes a real feelng of freedom there is no sensation of power while hold it the stone only responds to the minds of pure innocence a finely balanced mind with an unmeasurable bias toward creativity addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wondefrul (7+) law-keepers (1) 25032024 - 1929 the name of the dream: my girl i am an onlooker, looking on from the side of the stage a young lady is auditioning for the part of a dancer-cum singer standing next to me is a chinese man he is looking at the girl doing her routine there is lust in his eyes the only thing more captivating is the girl's enthusiasm her joy of life emanates through and into her dancing and singing now and then, she deviates from the script and ad-libs new movements and words the impromptu script movements are reflected in the actions of the dance routine she is in her element the expression in chinese man's eyes tell it all will need to make sure the two of aren't left alone now, her eyes are sparkling and exuding life she is a singer she is a dancer she is my girl addenda: vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: relationships (12+) k (4) 24032024 - 1928 the name of the dream: the league of prisoner's an overhaul of the categories of crime has taken place one of the significant features is to separate the ethnicity and then divide them further into sub-ethnicity it means dozens, if not hundreds, of new prisons a competitive league of administration and production is another new feature the goods and services each prison produces increase the possibility of a reduction of the sentence of the prisoners involved we must be in a tense of time where money is more abundant than it is today addenda: vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: prisons (10+) 23032024 - 1927 the name of the dream: armchair dreamer fell asleep in the front room there are two, three or four people in the room with me now and then, the dream consciousness journeys into the awake consciousness there were at least three sojourns into the awake state in this dream two of which were replies to my responses to my awake-time replies notes 1 the writer is considering that this is the type of thing that enables controlling sleep-conscious and awake-conscious addenda: vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: both states of consciousness (9+) 22032024 - 1926 the name of the dream: apothecary set in an era when cars, planes, trains etc. don't exist what does exist is an almost inexhaustable combination of compounds, elements, herbs, and all manner of concotions trade is conducted at stalls in the open-air the length and breadth of the area the stalls occupy is the size of a small town there are thousands and thousands of stalls i am at a stall at the edge of the trading area the stall specialises in books, magazines, news sheets etc. i am looking for printed material that will give a broad outline of the uses and application of the most used remedies a man comes and stands next to me the man tells me that he has what i need at his stall in the row behind us the man has a friendly and familiar character i accept his invitation and walk with him over to his stall his stall too speacialises in paper items the emphasis on books the books take up ninety-five per cent of the space the man who introduced himself to me and the man already at the stall are smiling gently they explain what i am looking for is a handbook with suggestions of what to mix with what and in what proportions the secret is to get the ratio of the mixtures to within ten-thousandands their friendly manner struck me as being something other than their natural persona it's as though they had been waiting for me the next thing they did was to tell me to go to another part of the world and look up a man the men produced information that included what the man had achieved the man on the other side of the planet made breakthoughs in every area he had applied his talents it was the first time i had heard of him, but i knew we would be doing things together notes 1 a world without electricity but swimming in originality is something of a novelty there was no sense of trauma or drama in this dream going to assign a future tense of time to this dream it's certainly within the realms of possibility that rocketry isn't needed to become spiritual - see adrian - - and anna - addenda: vividness: - participant and observer - the category of the dream: societies (9+) future societies (5+) 21032024 - 1925 the name of the dream: sue h as the overseer of administration, i already have a full plate was given the task of incorporating a new job title and someone to fill the post there are a couple of people who fit the bill i decide to allocate the position to a middle-aged woman with a criminal record the dreamer was one of her victims back in the day if she used her position to aggrandise herself or dip her fingers into the petty cash, the dreamer would bring her act to the attention of the police they woud reveal her past crimes, and she would have the charecteristic of life-long distrust the purpose of trusting her was to get her to realise that she would have too much to lose if she tried to get "cute" and would consequently change her ways note 1 this dream is the result of thinking about an elderly lady the writer helped half a decade ago she took his helpfulness as a sign of weakness and duly helped herself to some thousands of pounds in goods and money addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: acquaintences (12+) 20032024 - 1924 the name of the dream: misplaced trust two men and one lady one of the men is sitting on the woman's left side, and the other is standing stooped on the right-hand side of the girl the man on the left-hand side of the young lady leans around the lady's shoulders and helps her take off her coat the girl looks relaxed in her lengthy, long cardigan then, the man on her right puts both of his hands inside the woman's cardigan, one on her left shoulder and the other on her right shoulder, and deftly slides both his hands inside the girl's open cardigan downward the cardigan falls off her body and reveals her breasts she looks bemused things aren't going the way she thought they would addenda: vividness: 2,6 - observer - the category of the dream: pre-x (3+) 19032024 - 1923 the name of the dream: a spoiler i am a reporter taking notes britain is contending that america is blaming britain for an outcome that caused a severe breach of protocol the dreamer goes through his papers looking for a bit of information some of the paper is brand new and rustles loudly when it is moved about the sound of the paper rustling is so loud it is picked up by microphones nearby that are feeding the bickering between the two countries it causes the word-fight between britain and america to halt all eyes turn to me i carry on and pretend i don't know what's happened addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 7 - observer - the category of the dream: bloomers (2+)- paper rustling (1+) 18032024 - 1922 the name of the dream: trapped the first scene has the dreamer trapped under a concrete structure what used to be a flyover has collapsed, trapping at least two people the dreamer is the lead actor in the t.v. series, the "sopranos", to keep him company james gandolfini is a lot bigger in this dream he is wearing a bright-coloured jacket that makes him look even bigger he is about to attempt a feat of strength to move a van out of the way and let us get from under the rubble it looks like he may do it addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: trapped in collapsed structures (2+) celebrities (7+) james gandolfini 17032024 - 1921 the name of the dream: a civilised rome a dream set in an ancient rome settings the women wear long dresses; the men wear togo's overwhelmingly, clothes are white everybody has an identity card about the size of a credit card this rome is free of violent acts notes 1 this is a future tense of time addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2,8 - observer - the category of the dream: roman theme (1+) 16032024 - 1920 the name of the dream: books and bunks i can't be sure, but this dream is most likely set in holland the reason i say this is because the hotels (converted houses) uses two-tier bunks this enables twice the number of guests to fit into the same room the room in the dream has all the hallmaks of dutch economy accommodation in the opening scene, i have just entered the room there are two end to end single bunks to my right and two end to end two-tier bunks to on my left including myself there are three or four of us in the room while i am organising my bits and pieces i strike up a conversation with the lad on the first bunk on the right when entering the room within a short time te conversation turns to the reason i am in holland amongst my bits and pieces there are two books of different sizes that have the same author and title but other subject matter one version is mine; while in holland, i intend to get to the bottom of why in another scene, i am in the top bunk of a two-tier bunk as i swing my legs over the bunk, my weight shifts into my torso my arms take the weight of my body and the thing i am holding onto slowly bends it is a precarious situation; the thing i am holding onto is my break, and i will fall bacwards there is another scene in which i am shimmying down a pipe on the outside of the building in the next scene, at the computer, the lad i first spoke to is helping me find out why two different books have the same author as best as i can understand it, in a non-english language, one of the letters in the isbn represents something other than a reference someone unfamiliar with the isbn number has, somewhere along the chain, assigned the letter to a person addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2,8 - observer - the category of the dream: holland (4+) books (1+) 15032024 - 1919 the name of the dream: two variations of a theme in marksmanship the first variation waiting to have a go at a stall at the fair it is a pellet gun stall in an enclosed area, a fan causes a balloon to move upwards erratically there is a large stop-watch that enables everyone to see what the stop and start times are using a pellet gun, the participant has three shots if the participant pops the balloon within a second, they win a prize if the participant pops the balloon within two seconds, they get a free shot if the participant doesn't hit anything with two shots, they are a pound poorer the second variation from level ground, we are looking down into a dip in the land the land dips into the sea where land meets water, we see a few hundred people in a bunch there is a marksmanship contest underway about two hundred metres out into the sea, a vessel with a water displacement the size of a ten-man raft is doing synchronised dancing with the waves the vessel is made of metal every so often, as it was at the fair, only this object is the size of a beachball that appears to rise from the water the big ball is also like the fair stall ball rising erratically into the air now and then, a crack from a gun can be heard that wasn't the case though perhaps the guns are low calibre and didn't need a big kick addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2,8 - observer - the category of the dream: marksmanship (1+) guns (1) 14032024 - 1918 the name of the dream: the wailing woman in the earlier hours of a summer day, passers-by can hear what sounds like a woman crying out in distress the sounds are coming through an open window of a classy house in the next scene, a small crowd has gathered and is trying to agree what the sounds mean the consensus is to go to the house and make enquiries a few men go to the front door that opens the moment the bell is pressed the occupiers of the house saw them coming we get the feeling that the concerned citizens at the door are not a rarity for the umpteenth time, the house owner explains that his wife has terrible dreams regularly addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: bad dreams (3+) the wailing woman (1) 13032024 - 1917 the name of the dream: fair swap what is going to be one of the most unusual advertising stunts in the history of advertising stunts has just been launched the most sought-after vodka in the world is making a bold statement the russian vodka distillery is offering three one-litre bottles of its brand for a specific make, model and year of a motor car i didn't get the make of the car, but it was from a european manufacturer we don't know if anyone swapped their car for the drink, but the attention the ad got made sure the brand name was on everyone's lips addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: advertisements (1+) vodka (1) 12032024 - 1916 the name of the dream: the time of the teenagers it is launch day for the latest and most ambitious ever space mission we are watching proceedings at home via a camera feed it feels like we are on board the ship the mission chief is doing a roll call he asks the question, and the relevant astronaut replies with a few-word sentence we don't see the faces of the astronauts what we hear through the p.a. gives us the most character-revealing voice imaginable (stand-out audio) typically, a reply from an astronaut will be, "david moore, internal communications officer" the p.a. system is so clear we can discern his age and place of origin notes 1 this dream is a future tense of time addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: spacemen 11032024 - 1915 the name of the dream: in yer face a black first scene then, there is a white face and shoulders on a black background the face comes to life the face has a contorted expression the contorted face is accompanied by sounds that could only come from someone in a rage the face changes expression over three scenes all the sounds and sights are directed at the observer/dreamer the dream ends before the man in the dream can become manifest addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: dreams of anger (4+) 10032024 - 1914 the name of the dream: the impossible ask a slightly murky visual presentation of think-read notes read through the first four or so notes before coming to hurdles the hurdle is in the form of correcting a dream from 2021 that needs correcting had already read three or four note pages and could see what needed amending managed to make one or two simple changes to the current date before having to get the 2021 date now, how am i supposed to scroll halfway down a page of ninety thousand pages, reading the dates of dozens of dreams, to get to the sought-after date and remember what needs changing? piece of cake in awake time, but doing it in dream time is asking too much perhaps this dream portends our abilities to interact with dreams in dream time in the future addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read dreams (20+) 09032024 - 1913 the name of the dream: measuring pleasure and distance the first theme of this dream has the dreamer enacting x with a young woman when her state of pleasure reaches its pinnacle she feels fulfilled and doesn't feel the need for any more pleasure the dreamer doesn't tell her she wont be achieving fulfilment this undulation there's nothing bad about her, the simple reason is her corporeal self hasn't developed sufficient pleasure points or her pleasure point aren't yet sufficiently matured to enable her to transmutate into euclidean form the second part of the dream sees the dreamer looking back at the universe, it looks like a galaxy, as he is moving faster than the speed of light onward and outward the receeding universe will stay the way it is for the next 10x1^83 000 years notes 1 the time for each undulation appears to be fixed at fifteen-thousand million years, which, if we assign 1.3 million planck times to each undulation, produces 1.3 million new dimensions each undulation notes 2 the amount of space increases (by 2?) each undulation while the amount of gravity decreases (by half?) addenda: vividness: 2.7 and 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: 08032024- 1912 the name of the dream: the treasure of pleasure the contemporary items in this dream put it in a present or even a future tense of time, or it could be a recent past tense of time there's no way of telling from the dream exactly when it is set we do have a reference to france in the form of an accent that we hear in one of the scenes because it appears to be a french endeavour, we wil keep it simple and say the treasure is in the mediterranean we have three couples in their early and mid-twenties one of the six came across a snippet of informatiion that, when projected to a particuar time and place in history, revealed the place where the inhabitants took flight with their most prized possessions because the invadng force was overwhelming just a few hundred metres from the shore we don't know if their boat was sunk due to poor seamanship or weather because it became damaged or if the boat itself wasn't seaworthy one of the treasure hunters kept a ship log in a water-tight animal skin from the language used, it is safe to say the writer is feminine there are few lines of think-reading, and for reasons along the lines of the dream of 05032024, there is one x scene we see a woman's hand smoothly masturbating an erect penis the dreamer feels the sensations notes 1 it won't be easy for most people to grapple with the idea that intense pleasure is the natural state for all evolving beings in both awake-time and dream-time notes 2 first, there was nothing then eternity expressed itself via a planck time then an accumilation of planck times became consciousness then consciousness attuned itself to forever then, almost incomprehensively, pleasure was the result of consciousness aligning itself to eternity in its most simple form - euclidean flat space geometry addenda: vividness: 2.7 and 2.9 - participant and observer- the category of the dream: treasure 07032024 - 1911 the names of the themes of the dream: violence and pop music a two-themed dream the first is an assault by the police of a male who himself perpetrated an assault the man had been sadistic with his victim the second theme i am in the queue outside a mammoth-sized building housing a music concert the main or the only artist appearing is a singer his forte is dance songs people in the queue are singing the most memorable bits of his melodies was talking "critique" with someone there was disagreement about the artist we are waiting to see i think his best song is different to the other male's song i quoted the song in the dream but couldn't recall the title when it came to writing the dream addenda: vividness: 2.7 and 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream: police and criminal brutality (2+) - pop singers (1+) 06032024 - 1910 the name of the dream: i should have known better iv'e been going steady with my girlfriend for a few months it was a mainly indoor relationship between her addiction to pop music and my lifelong pastime for films, we got along comfortably i was well off enough to buy her gifts the most expensive thing I had bought her was five-hundred pounds worth of clothes in one day as mentioned, things were going ok decided to please her with a four-figure gold watch she wasn't averse to spending her last penny on something frivolous so i bought her the watch and made her promise not to sell it to buy something out on a whim; she promised within a week, i noticed she wasn't wearing the watch fearing the worst, i asked her where it was she said nothing i asked her, "where's the watch?" she said nothing her silence told me the worst now, i was a little angry some of my anger was reflected in my voice the next time i asked, "where's the watch?" still no reply now i know for sure she has sold the watch i was so disappointed, i woke myself up when asking the question again addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream: relationships (8+) kitty (2+) 05032024 - 1909 the name of the dream: x dream the recipe for producing bad dreams, is merely a matter of having thoughts, feelings, or reading books or magazines or watching programmes and films or having conversations and writing things that contain a reduction to a greateer or lesser degree of the quantity and/or quality of life the reader can now work out how to have quality x dreams addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x dream (30+) 04032024 - 1908 the name of the dream: a seaman's story i am in the house of a man i have known for years the man i was friendly with has passed the man would talk endlessly about his favourite subject, the sea occasionally, he would allude to a fish that had a substance in its body that had magical qualities he never went into the specifics of the fish he didn't have a name for the fish or a size or a colour or a place where it lived its body contained a white paste the paste was phosphorus, sticky, buoyant and had healing qualities for just about any ailment a fisherman might get he had given me a small jarful sometime before in the course of the conversation it comes to light that the fish has become extinct as the conversation progressed, i realised that a chemist would know how to analyse the substance and reproduce it the fact that the bereaved man has given me the jar of the fish paste and not a member of the family is because he has a particular liking for my father and felt i would do the right thing with it the dreamer is looking forward to fame and fortune as the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bequeathed items (1+) - fish 03032024 - 1907 the name of the dream: the fun of the fair people in town on the busiest day of the week are handing out flyers it is the johnstone and johnstone fair never heard of them myself, but the flyer is captivating enough coconut shy, ping pong ball in the goldfish bowl, the wall of death, bumper cars, etc. what's new is tarot reading, palm reading, telling your age, etc. the piece de resistance, smack bang in the middle of the a4 sheet in coloured wording in black and white stick-man outline, two voluptous woman was the slogan eye-catching black and white sketch of two topless women with the header, "the sex kittens" it is designed to capture the imagination of degenerates and perverts like myself, it done the trick it didn't take long to find the booth it was the booth with the longest queue coupling that with extortianate prices suggests it is goung to be something special it was special alright but not in the way that i expected inside the booth on a stage three or four metres beyond the thick rope that marked the forward point a patron could be we can't see any security, but it would only take someone with an overpowering urge to touch a woman's breasts to bring naturally hard men into the dream the elevated woman is wearing a loose overgown the hem of the dressing gown lays halfway between her knee and hip the top of the gown is loose and shows her cleavage and some of her rounded breasts we feel the temperature rising, we feel the air of anticipation rising, and there are all sorts of things rising the lights dim noticeably the woman on the stage loosens the belt of her gown it falls away from her and shows her closed legs a spotlight highlights her crotch she parts her legs, and a kitten that can't be older than a few days or weeks is caught in the beam of light it frightens the kitten and causes it to turn around to avoid the beam hurting its eyes the woman's legs open wider to let the kitten burrow its face into her crotch the kitten goes one further and its head dissapears into the woman's vagina end off notes 1 the dreams diary is definately not for children the writer xpects parents to tell the children those dreams they can identify with addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: fairs and circuses (2+) 02022024 - 1906 the name of the dream: madam this dream is set somewhere in one of the lesser visited corners of happenstance where rare circumstances occur infrequently, that we, the dreamers of past, present and future realities in which everything that can, has, does and will happen, come across one of the lesser likely personalities that 10x1^100,000,000,000 x 10x1^100,000,000,000 variations of character can generate that we find ourself in the following situation i need a job it seems we are in an undulation where, with the type of exception in this dream, people give and take their labour in equal measure madam is wealthy and is at a time in an undulation that has endowed her with wealth and her version of happiness i am in the following situation, i need to be employed by way of word of mouth, the dreamer hears from another male that his employer needs another male valet the rest of the dream, apart from the think-read and think-read-talk scenes, play out in the woman's home first things first why would a woman need a second valet when she has already broken the rulea of etiquette by employing a male valet and now wants a second male valet? the answer is our built-in natural thrust into eternity has the characteristic of expansion madam has no children, and eternity is calling it doesn't cross her mind she is out of kilter with reality the think-read scenes begin there are about five of them they are easy to read and as humour enters the dream the writer realises he is awake and has the option to slip back into a semi-sleep dream state the dreamer has the chance to voice-record the dream as it is happening, i grab the mobile phone and begin recording the valet is "seasoned" to madams fickle whims and haughty ways humour enters the dream when i ask, "will madam be requiring a bath?" jeeves replies, "madam most assuredly will be requiring a bath" his resigned and dry reply also carries the best example of meloncholy i have heard in real life the anomoly says, "i will be having a bath at midnight as usual" the think-read scenes change into think-read-speak scenes after about four or five think-read scenes each message is three, four or five sentences they are in the style of a narration they are still coming as the dream ends notes 1 this dream breaks new ground in two ways 1, the dreamer can vocalise the written word (think-read-speak) 2, the partly awake dreamer can slip into and out of think-writing and think-reading (accessing dream-time and awake time alternatively) notes 2 second think-read-talk dream within a few days a new category of dreams: think-read-talk dreams addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: employment (3+) 01022024 - 1905 the name of the dream: jo's on the job for the second time a carer has accompanied me as i do my weeky shopping we spent forty or fifty quid back at my place, i emptied my pockets onto the table there was about fifteen pounds most of it was in coins, with one note i put the note into a bundle and left the change on the surface of a counter she said something along the lines of, "you're building up a good float" she was, with good reason, overly protective about what i did with money i had been conned out of goods and money by female predators in recent years i was curious but never asked her why she volunteered to help me do the shopping in the first place it was a lot more convenient all around to have the shopping delivered the upside was it got me out of the house, and her warm personality was a welcome feature in my life i knew that she knew i would jump into bed with her given a quarter of a chance we would tease each other with derogatory quips i would deliberately leave myself open to jibes and let her think she got the better of me in the war of the words there was only the merest hint of sauciness in our tease-talk to keep me honest, she alluded frequently to her male partner it was nice to know there are peope keeping an eye on me addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: home-help 29022024 - 1904 the name of the dream: diversity the dream began as a think-read dream the content of the writing in the dream was wholly derogatory towards judaism with phrases like "sexual deviants" and "fiscal tyrants" cropping up regularly this dream is the first time there has been a vocaising of the script while think-reading in a dream apart from the spoken words in the think-read parts of the dream, the dreamer is asking for answers to the apparent contradictions in the pracice of the religion pointing out the contradictions between ideology and practise was another aspect the conversation what was enligtening and caused me to separate judaism into two parts was the introduction of kabbalah and its mystic quaities point 1 - women are on a higher spritual plane than men (a notion that i subscribe to) on the one hand, we have jews who regard life with the same reverence as you or i on the other hand and speaking from my own experience, the three male jews i was acquainted or worked with for long enough to appraise their sexual acivity were sexually imbalanced one was a homosexual (men only), one was bisexaual (men and women), and the third was a-sexual (didn't have relationsips) his violent character only surfaced once notes 1 the is the first anti-semetic dream for dreams diary it can't be a coincidence that the first dream about jews happened after watching the film "a stranger among us" addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: part think-read, part think-speak (1) 28022024 - 1903 the name of the dream: flashback to exeter amor and hostility on the aqueduct first scene from a distance of about fifty metres, i was on a single-tier aqueduct and could see the following a girl, an ex-girlfriend, has just thrown her arms around a boy or a man and has begun kissing him passionately a few moments before, the girl had to make a choice two young men were vying for her attention she made her choice, and she and the boy she chose immediately began embracing. i could see the girl was in heaven the unlucky rival existed from the scene second scene, the boy she rejected is standing next to me on the aqueduct we are about four metres above the ground there is no water flowing through the aqueduct the young man is feeling rejected he knows i dated the girl in the dream and that's all he knows about me the elderly boy (19ish) is unhappy he makes a spiteful remark it's more than just possible another even more venomous remark will be following soon if i let him take his bad feelings out on me, the bad feelings will make become spiteful and he will probably do something violent before he gets a chance to do anything i push him off the viaduct third scene. he doesn't get hurt and is soon back to where he was before i pushed him i have swung under the viaduct and am clinging to the underside of it a metre or so below him he can't get to me he says, "don't you want to be friends?" i was feeling sorry for him as the dream finished addenda: vividness: 2,6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: not categorised 27022024 - 1902 the name of the dream: the wrong man the first one or two scenes are quotes from a man who is guilty of murder the first quote is about a man accused of murdering a young girl, saying, "it isn't possible to murder a drowning person" the rest of the dream is scenes of the dreamer in custody, in a police station on the first floor of a small town of small-minded people i am accused of murder two men are making sure i am executed in a few hours the two men are cheese and chalk in terms of their opinion of my guilt one of the men, a squat white-shirted man, is relishing in the task of seeing me executed the other man is calm, tall and strong and doesn't seem sure i am guilty there are then three scenes in which the two custodians accept the wishes of a soon-to-be-dead man one thing i ask for and get is a telephone call the telephone call is to order my last meal the second thing is headphones and a music player the third thing is to go to the toilet in the toilet, white polystyrene tiles are trying to give the impression they are solid and unmovable (the stand-out visual) i know better i quickly move the pretend tiles and climb through to another room the next scene has a bit of the weird and wonderful about as i cover the faces of the two men with what look like metal face masks in the last scene, i am out of the building addenda: vividness: 2,7 and 8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: police stations (2+) charged with murder (1) 26022024 - 1901 the name of the dream: new v's established while thumbing through a magazine, i came across an advertisement that claimed a revolutionary new design for a wet shave gave the closest, most comfortable shave ever it was a little bit pricey, and that suggested to me it might just be what it claimed to be reading on, an independant firm ran a comparison test of the competition that gave results that showed the latest model was better than some, but the product only came in third there were more shinanigins when the manufacturers of the new product claimed the most popular and profitable company had commissioned the test and the outcome of the test was a foredrawn conclusion there are scenes of graphs and coloured charts that make interesting comparisons the saga of the new blade wasn't over by a long shot addenda: vividness: 2. - participant and observer - the category of the dream: wet shaving equipment (1) 25022024 - 1900 the name of the dream: got the needle it was the first day of a new job there is a reason for new employees to be immunised, but i don't recall what it is to show how wise i am in the ways of the world, i took the option to do the jab myself in the surgery, a nurse prepared the needle the first problem was the jab was going to be a bit awkward for me to do there was the option to apply the jab through the buttock immediately, the logistics of sticking a needle in my buttocks hit home it was a no-go situation in the last scene, i am eating humble pie and positioning myself ready for the jab i'm sure the nurse is too professional to harbour any ill feelings towards me for wanting to jab myself. but girs can be very sensitive it may have bruised her ego when i opted for self-immunisation hoping the nurse hasn't got any form of revenge lined up for me as the shiny needle enters the dream (stand-out scene of the dream) addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: immunisation (1+) 24022024 - 1899 the name of the dream: wonder woman for the first time in the history of law enforcement, a woman receives the highest accolades for being the most effective double agent some of the world's most dangerous international crime bosses are among those behind bars as a result of her information her identity becomes known because all those with "scores to settle" are in the most secure detainment facilities, and their ties to crime are completely severed it was probably her ordinariness and unassuming character that gave her access to information no one else got she is in her mid-thirties when her work for society reaches its end time enough to become a dedicated mother addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: crime fighters (2+) women (1) 23022024 - 1898 the name of the dream: dream parade a two-themed, multi-scened dream the first theme is music living in or visiting someone in a four or five-storey block of flats on the stairs going up i go past an open door playing music with a compelling beat stop to listen an african about seventeen years of age comes out of the flat we get a conversation going things get busy as more people enter and exit this scene we're playing with the idea of doing an "anyone can come" gig this theme of the dream closes after the dreamer says i've got a thousand-watt p.a. notes 1 using natural numbers, one's, two's, fives and tens - one head, one heart, etc. - two arms, two nostrils, two eyes etc., two legs, ten fingers, ten toes we may have the basis for building a credible timeline and apply it to our entire physiology on a timeline our transmutation to ethereal beings will take approximately one-half of the time it took for dinosaurs to evolve into space-dwelling beings: see videos we are on the verge of becoming space-dwelling beings - see the lead article - the rate of change of our changing state can be measured in seconds or heartbeats 60 x 24 x 365 x 65 000 000 this dream reveals how dreams can be organised using the experiences from different undulations - we already knew that now, dreams diary also gives us an insight into how much of a time variation there is between undulations we can safely presume the continuation of experience from undulation to undulation is in minutes and seconds, possibly day-by-day we can now get an accurate figure of how long we, as mammal man, spend in man-shaped form is somewhere between 1 000 000 and 7 000 000 years at the moment it is appoximately 70 000 000 years the continuation of new experiences and abiities (evolution) can be "packeted" in time values somewhere between one breath or one heartbeat the general concensus puts dream-time (r.e.m.) at around an hour as mentioned elsewhere, the ability to switch between corporeal and ethereal form is very close we also know from videos that the first major transmutation of form occurs within sixty-five million years (it is certainly a lot less than that: see videos) second dream standing in or near a queue in the centre of town a man saunters by with a dog on a leash the couple are walking slow enough for me to reach down and scratch behind the dogs ear the dog slows and stops the dog owner is comfortable with letting me continue giving the dog a behind-the-ear rub the next scene is a baby crying the mother appeases their hunger by breast-feeding her or him the scenes after that are all of baby animals taking milk from their mothers there are domestic cats, a cheetah, and at least one more different species of animal feeding their babies addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: mixed theme dreams (20+) 22022024 - 1897 the name of the dream: tips for getting pregnant saving this for when we get going - addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: getting pregnant (1) 21022024 -1896 the name of the dream: it used to be so simple i am flabergasted and gobsmacked the couple i have been living with for a year or more have just told me that the police are no longer following me the police had been following me for the last six months because one of the people i was staying with has a relation in the police and told him that i smoke hash and go a hundred and fifty miles up north to buy it the police will not be pressing charges against me because i didn't try to make anything out of selling it, and besides, i will only be charged with possesion also, it would come out in court that the couple will have to testify that they let me use their place to smoke and can, therefore, be charged for allowing it to be used in their home then there are two close frinds who, like myself, really appreciate a good "stone" one of them is an m.i.t. student who gained her ph.d in theoretical physics to slur her would be a slur society as a whole now i've got to get back into the precarious position of getting hash "on the street" notes 1 those of us who are working it out for ourselves are fully abreast of who's doing what to who m.i.6 brings the drugs into the country, and m.i.5 has a vast street-level network for selling all the different types of drugs the poice are helpless to do anything because when they trace it back to its source, it takes them to the headquarters of the secret intelligence service in london the secret services say it is a matter of national security end of enquiry addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: hash (6+) 20022024 - 1895 the name of the dream: the newcomers amid the tranquility of the english country-side on a balmy summers day fear strikes into the hearts of a village that has never known anything more catastrophic than a burst water mains the villagers are shaken to the core when the annual fete experiences horror of a level that it could never have imagined in its worst nightmares the circumstances a family retired to the village some months before nothing is known about the family of six of the six one is an elderly lady she has a daughter the daughter is married to a man whom nobody knows very much about etiquette denies anything other than small talk among the villagers the man is strong and sturdy he could quite easily have been the captain of a ship three spirited youngsters complete the family the eldest is a boy of ten or so, and the two girl twins of about seven years of age are the very essence of vitality the entire village is in full swing getting things ready for the big day the fact that they are a christian community does not stop them from putting more energy and enthusiasm into preparing for the fete than they do for christmas the newly arrived family explain that they will be introducing an animal event that will be enjoyed by the young and old alike they defer from telling anyone what it is as they want it to be a surprise on the day the anticipation of what the new family intend to bring to the fete becomes a topic of endless speculation when the children let it out of the bag that their parents used to be performers in a circus the locals think the most likely thing the new family will present is a donkey ride anticipation is at a fever point for the few days before the event the day after the fete, two women of long-standing in the village gave their accounts and opinions of what the new family had done the reporters and t.v. interviewers are having a field day to the utter horror of the villagers, the tent housed two female lions if that wasn't the end of the world, the fact that the children are feeding the lion cubs with large milk-feeding bottles and prompting other children to have a go is we don't know if the new familwe don't know if the newcomer's were attacked and killed by the villagers but we do know the children were unafraid, thrilled and would have a story to tell for the rest of their lives notes 1 this dream has revealed that the term "the dreamer" places the writer as an observer (i.e. the dream is not a personal or unique experince but someone elses experience) while "i, me, my and mine" suggests participation in the dream addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: lions and children (1) 19022024 - 1894 the name of the dream: an apology of a dream woke up, remembered the dream but didn't make a voice-note of it and went back to sleep woke up an hour or two later and could only remember two or three scenes one of the scenes was of being in an oppressed society the second one is when shandy drinks were first introduced into our drinking habits notes 1 the shandy drink scene is the result of mixing cold emonade and cold ale earlier on before going to sleep in proportions never tried before the refreshing feeling of cold lemonade and ale on the back of the tongue was sensational notes 2 the oppressed feeling is due to thinking about the state the world is in addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mixed-theme dreams (20+) oppressed societies (12+) shandy drinks (2+) 18022024 - 1893 the name of the dream: several scenes, one theme dream it is not until the last scene of this dream that the dream becomes worthy of your attention until the last scene, which is half a dozen or so bland visualisation of going from one room or area to another in the last scene, a girl of about eighteen becomes the focal point of the dream/scene she is a bit on the plump side, but don't be deceived into thinking she is a blob of pudginess there is strength in her movements her movements are provocatively suggestive she is lying on her back with her arms lying alongside her body her hands are taking the weight of her body as she enacts pelvic thrusts it is a female blatantly demanding that a male answers her call her dress is pulled up above her waist and we see her upper thigh, the groin area and part of her lower stomach notes 1 this dream is the result of two or three highly erotic scenes in a clour-rich red hue in the film "oppenheimer" the two or three scenes are highly erotic, and there is no doubt that the scenes are, in no small measure, due to the film's popularity it is an intriguing, engrossing film without the shamefully unapologetic dip into acceptable sexual acts addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: film-influenced dreams (4+) 17022024 - 1892 the name of the dream: cats like milk and salmon in the labour exchange looking at job vacancies can do clerical and salesman jobs, but labouring pays almost twice as much have more or less settled on applying for the job as a plumbers mate when something entirely different catches my eye someone wants a male to care for his pet as much out of intrigue as necessity, the dreamer heads off in the direction of the address in the living room of the house, the occupier presents his pet it is a sleek black cat if the dreamer takes the job, he will be walking the cat on a lead i take the job the cat slips the lead it wasn't difficult to get hold of the cat, but the dreamer is surprised when the cat cowers from him as he bends down to put the lead back on him don't like to see animals in fear, so i pick him up and go to the nearest shop and buy a small tin of salmon and milk the cat responded favourably; he doesn't mind being soothed while eating and drinking the dreamer thought the pet would be a dog and was looking forward to playing "catch the frisbee" the dream didn't have an upbeat feel to it as it ends addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: animals (20+) mammals (15+) cats (4+) 16022024 - 1891 the name of the dream: pop corn people following the reasonably successful box office hit of its first film, a recently formed film company gets the go-ahead from investors for the capital for a much bigger production the first step the company takes is to whip up public interest through a highly televised public announcement for its next film it is to be a conspiracy murder thriller don't quote me on this, but there is a rumour it has the words "long knives" in it another trick designed to fuel intrigue and drum up business is the reluctance to name the lead actors of an up and coming film this will make dozens of actors get their agents to put out "feelers" to find out if they are on the "short list" in turn, the producers of the film can quote well-known actors as possible lead actors as the stars of the film, which will further whet the appetite of the public notes 1 another dream about films the reason is that the writer watches lots of them addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: films (3+) 15022024 - 1890 the name of the dream: decadence - how to love (a think-read dream) the first thing needed to love is at least two people if you don't believe me, try loving yourself you'll soon discover that when one person tries to love themself, they rapidly run out of variations; if you don't believe me, ask the lover for a being to maintain motion and play and experince pleasure for the longest of times, there needs to be thousands and thousands of beings - see picture page, alone no more for a person to love other beings, they need to be able to laugh and feel peasure for a person to love another person, they need to be able to move and feel peasure for a person to love another person, they need to be able to dance and feel peasure for a person to love another person, they need to be able to talk and feel peasure for a person to love another person, they need to be able to dance and feel peasure for a person to love another person, they need to be able to play games and feel peasure for a person to love other beings, they need to be able to be able to bring other beings into existence and extend the time to play games and feel peasure these things the writer knows to be true if you don't believe me, ask you-know-who in five-thousand-million years notes 1 the variations in the think-read dream were in the dozens notes 2 out of sequence addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream - think-read dream (20+) loving while enacting straight-line-motion breakfast (1+) rust-coloured (4+) 14022024 - 1889 the name of the dream: decadence the dreamer is two metres above and looking down at his indoor, sunk fish pool place three baths together side by side, make it a metre and a quarter deep; put a dozen or so fish of various sizes and colours in it, then add a few ornaments, and finish it off with sea plants there is a variable strength, motorised pump that keeps the fish swimming there is a fish rest-room area where there is no current to the water one of the fish is in the habit of doing a lightening dash now and then the dreamer is wondering why he spent so much on the fish pool as the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.7 participant and observer - the category of the dream - aquariums and fish tanks (3+) 13022024 - 1888 the name of the dream: gorge dog food this dream starts with a scene that depicts a man living in squalor and on the verge of dying of hunger his home is an unused wooden latrine one-and-a-half metre square and a man-and-a-half-tall a person living in filth and squalor isn't going to be too picky about hygiene, what he eats or toilet etiquette it's not too difficult to imagine that he may drink his urine or use his urine to wash his anus, or feel the warmth of his urine against his cold skin before drying himself on a chilly morning a starving man might be disposed to kill a dog and eat it to keep himself alive the man in this dream tolerates the company of a dog that is, like himself, only one day away from dying when the dog starts catching rats regularly and leaves enough left-overs for the man to appease his gnawing hunger and eat some parts of the rats, the man and the dog become a team when the man begins cooking the rats before eating them, the dog experiences gourmet food a bond between man and dog arises, the likes of which have never existed before within one or two scenes of the dream, the pair utilise all parts of the carcass of a horse and have more than enough food the man hits on the idea of bartering the cooked horse meat within a very short time, the cooked meat becomes an appreciable business in the final scene, we see a man-high pyramid of brightly labelled tins with the name "gorge" on them (stand-out visual) vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: man/dog dreams: 4+ 12022024 - 1887 the name of the dream: under pressure the agent for the catalogue company came calling he isn't a pushy type of guy, it's just that he's new to the job and wants to make an impression on the company he's quite flustered it's his third call since the dreamer made a promise to buy an item or items (still trying to recall what the item or items are) from him on the first occasion he called, his poise was businesslike and precisely what you would expect from a courteous salesman on his second visit, he is smiling and every inch a happy person on this occasion, the third time he's called, there is an air of desperation to him, and he has a "trapped" look the dreamer has shown him a photograph of an ultra-tough guy it is the dreamer's way of telling him the dreamer will be buying the item or items but in his own time the salesman is caught between a rock and a hard place he's got to get the dreamer's signature on the policy the dreamer feels sorry for him and decides to sign the agreement vividness: 2.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: buying and selling (4+) catalogue items (1+) 11022024 - 1886 the name of the dream: a man's best friend was visiting a male friend we were friends at junior school, and the friendship had been ongoing for a decade or more in this dream, he is living at home and is in his late teens his parents had a dog almost as a matter of routine, the dreamer would take the dog for a walk if his friend was out when the dreamer called to see him on this occasion, the dreamer's friend was out and he had the dog with him taking the dog for a walk wasn't usual for him his parents confided in the dreamer the dog had been diagnosed with an interminable malady it only had weeks to live the dreamer's friend came into the dream with the dog immediately after the dog must have thought it was his lucky day he associated the dreamer with a playful walk and fully expected to be going out again that the dog could give and receive friendship and respond warmly to a human being and do so without realising it may be the last time it did was more than the dreamer could accept he bagan crying the only way he could stop crying was to leave the house and the dream vividness: 2.3 - observer - the category of the dream: animal bereavements (2+) dogs (1) 10022024 - 1885 the name of the dream: combustion in the cold we are in a cold, frigid environment; try to imagine living in the ice age we can and do write we see the face of a man with a thick, black beard we see him holding what looks like a match with a black head the bearded man rubs the match against the surface of a flat object he is holding in his mouth and ignites the match the bearded man immediately uses spit in his mouth to douse the match the bearded man then uses the malleable substance he has created to smear letters or symbols or crude outlines of recognisable objects we see at least two other men doing the same thing note 1 within the next dozen or so decades, when our lifestyle and d-man's lifestyles are comfortably merged, more than 90% of these dreams will make sense vividness: 2.3 - observer - the category of the dream: pre-history (3+) note 1 within the next dozen or so decades, when our lifestyle and d-man's are comfortably merged, more than 90% of these dreams will make sense 09022024 - 1884 the name of the dream: desolation hill precise detail in a low reddish light we are looking at a mound of earth there is nothing else in the scene, so we can't assess the size of the mound of earth we can imagine the ground frozen or a metre deep in mud feelings of great sorrow accompany the sight it is the location of the bloodiest battle in WW1 of the thousands of instances of senseless slaughter of men in WW1, this particular battle and its location stand out as epitomising the futility of war soldiers who survived WW1 and witnessed such battles felt sure that the depths of despair accompanying battles like the one being highlighted here prompted all men of all nations to say, "it was the war to end all wars" the problem is that the people in suits didn't experience the depths of despair the foot soldier did and aren't able to relate to the suffering of the men in the trenches it isn't in their dna notes 1 those who make the decisions within the financial banking complex are devoid of compassion long ago an indifference to the suffering of others settled into their being notes 2 this one-scene dream is the result of the writer assessing during the say where mammal-man is within the overall picture of evolution and where we sit within undulations vividness: 2.3 - observer - the category of the dream: war and mammal-man (1+) 08022024 - 1883 the name of the dream: opening-up it is time for the dreamer to meet the crew the crew is mainly composed of women most of the women have relationships with men the dreamer hadn't disclosed until this meeting that he is in a relationship or that he has children the disclosure of his marital/family status did not go down as he had expected after the meeting has finished, the dreamer and his spouse are gathered informally with the crew and slowly break down the initial reaction to his status vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: formal associations (3+) 07022024 - 1882 the name of the dream: happy days are here again the committee's coffers are in the best shape they've been in for years there is enough in the kitty for a dozen people to go out to the beach for the day the speculation and anticipation is rife the dreamer is veering toward a collective day-out more so than a meal in an up-market restaurant we could have a bingo session we could put all the prize money into one game and have a house to rival the local bingo hall we would become a legend in the annals payouts , we could wait until christmas, by then, we would be able to out-spend sants claus vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prize money (1+) 06022024 - 1881 the name of the dreams: pulsating ratings - is luck inherent? in the company of three or four men of mixed ages enjoying a game of three-card brag but then who doesn't enjoy a game when they're winning? the dreamer's run of luck wasn't noticeable at the beginning of the game they were small winnings that didn't grab the attention it wasn't until the dreamer's stash was bigger than anybody else's that the darting looks at his winnings were accompanied by pensive and serious expressions the bigger the pile the greater the suspicion for one lad it was all too obvious, the dreamer was cheating, how do i catch him? he is going to throw everything into the pot including his underpants to confirm his suspicions the dreamer decides to explain why he's winning he won't be spending the winnings on himself, not minding losing, don't bet heavy... the real reason doesn't get mentioned... the sun always shines along the equator vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: card games (2+) three-card brag (1+) the screen of the computer or phone has six or seven white pulsating lights on it the lights are not throbbing in unison the brightness of the light denotes its rating or the length of time it has been ready to watch or the number of times it has been watched tapping a light starts the video vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: computer/phone programmes (2+) 05022024 - 1880 the name of the dreams: demanding x - thy will be done the first scene is an aerial view from the ceiling the ceiling is ten feet high the view takes in a long table that can seat ten or twelve people the table has napkins, bowls, jugs and plates and cutlery on it there is just one person at the table he is seated at the far end of the table as yet there is no food on the table therein lies the crux of the dream the male seated at the head of the table is in a quandary any food or combinations of foods and drink are his for the asking for some time he has been sitting there unable to decide what to eat now, hunger is no longer an issue what to do is the dream goes from being almost all black and white and becomes colourful to the right and below, a missile smashes through a brown wall dust and brick moving in slow motion fill the picture the dramatic moment doesn't appease the dreamer's desire for experience what to do next? the dreamer is considering the choices when the dream ends vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: unfulfilled dreams (8+) demanding x vividness: 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: x dreams (18+) 04022024 - 1879 the name of the dreams: uninvited guests - double squash a dream about a game of squash while dreaming about playing a game of squash, the dreamer had an idea and began playing a game of squash that had a variation the variation gave the person winning the game the option to reduce the area in which the ball could land a player would introduce the option to do this if he feels his skills are much better than his opponent's, and it will save his energy and increase his chances of winning a tournament notes 1 the next possibility is a dream within a dream within a dream... notes 2 this is an appropriate time to remind ourselves that you-know-who could win any game or come out on top of any competition or situation we can imagine he would no more feel the need to win a fight or win anything that you or i might feel the need to win, than you or i would feel the need to beat up a child who just called you a bad name where he does always win is when it comes to prolonging a desirable and/or expansive circumstance vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dreams within dreams (2+) games (5+) squash (1+) the dreamer is living in lodgings he is woken up by the sound of voices coming from an adjoining room the dreamer recognises one of the voices he is a friend staying at the dreamer's invitation the dreamer hadn't laid down any rules but expected the guest wouldn't be so insensitive as to invite friends the dreamer didn't know late at night the room can be accessed through one of those flimsy concertina sliding partitions the dreamer slips on some clothes, goes to the partition, slides it open and goes through into the other room the first person he sees is a bloke about five feet nine inches tall he is standing he has a full beard and weighs a whopping fifteen stone it will eventually become known to the dreamer that he is security for the landlord the dreamer walks through to the adjoining room the security guy confronts the dreamer by standing in front of him when the dreamer is within arms reach of the security guy the security guy pushes him away from him it was a "soft" push there was no strength in it the dreamer could tell that the size of the security guy was his "ace" card if a person wasn't intimidated by his size, he had as good as lost his size advantage next off, he moves in front of where the dreamer has come to a stop and squares up to him it is a "challenging" stance when the dreamer doesn't back away, the bearded man pushes the dreamer, which causes the dreamer to back up a step or two the bearded guy pushes the dreamer again, but it only causes the dreamer to lose his balance but does not cause him to step backwards the dreamer measures his retaliatory push to perfection, and it causes the bearded bloke to lose his balance and makes him stumble side-wards for two or three steps to regain his posture he doesn't try to force the dreamer again things settle down, and at the end of the dream, there is a pleasant atmosphere vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: would-be tough guys (2+) 03022024 - 1878 the name of the dreams: hands across the continent - taking measure someone has come up with a new way of measuring the volume of liquid he demonstrates his method using laboratory beakers the liquid in one beaker is absorbed by a brown-coloured material the material looks like sponge the sponge can be lifted out of the beaker, making the water transportable by hand and offers more scope notes 1 the deduction here is that the brown, sponge-like material has properties that freeze liquid vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends, family and relationships (20+) become friendly with a russian girl she is an exchange student her subject is english outside of classes she worked in a cafe or restaurant her place of work was where we first became friends her student exchange programme is coming to an end she has three, four or five days left for our last night together we go to the cinema or theatre as a going away present, the dreamer gives her an envelope with £40 in it we make plans for the dreamer to visit her in russia the length of stay was more or less open-ended vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends, family and relationships (20+) 02022024 - 1877 the name of the dream: justice makes right there are seven or eight boys, all in our mid-teens, sitting in the fifth row from the front row the view of us is from in front of the first row and three metres up we see one lad make his way along the row behind where we are sitting he stops when he is in the middle of where we are he has a giant cup of fruit juice the cup must hold at least two litres of juice he begins pouring over the heads of the boys he has selected the dreamer as the first person to be on the receiving end the dreamer reacts with lightening speed he jumps up and evades most of the liquis by moving rapidly from right to left he manages to get out of range of the liquid the prankster goes back to his chums a few rows back and revels in the congratulations of his mates the dreamer is fuming there's no way the party spoilers are getting away scot-free the dreamer is standing at the back of the cinema with a giant cup of fruit juice in his hands he is planning how to wreak havoc on them and make a run for it when the dream ends notes 1 this dream is definitely the result of watching a film yesterday in which a row of college footballers get water poured over them vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: party spoilers (1+) 01022024 -1876 the name of the dream: in hospital again on this occasion, the dreamer's malady is his ears a nurse is about to apply a liquid into his ears the dreamer asks the nurse if the inner groove of the ear should get the "trickle-down" treatment as well the dreamer goes on, "it makes sense to me to pour some of the liquid into the inner groove the inner groove collects sounds of a higher frequency than the inner groove and should be given greater consideration" the nurse replies, "that's an astute observation, and yes you're right, the lower groove is more sophisticated than the upper groove notes 1 for the first few years of the dreams diary, the most common theme in dreams is prison reader's of dreams diary of the "in-between" years may be able to glisten some useful insights into the dreamer's and your orientation to life by totting up the dreams with the same theme prison dreams reflect an oppressive trait within society dancing, music, movement and other categories suggest types of freedom it's going to be fascinating to assess the prevailing mood of society in 3000 a.d. via dreams vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hospital (5+) 31012024 - 1875 the name of the dream: someone in the bbc thought correctly that the general public would want to watch a documentary on street vendors the programme hit a winner when the producers of the programme decided to focus on women vendors the female vendors sold chips or hotdogs one of the women interviwed was jimmy savile's daughter she wasn't backward when it came to being forward she boasted that the reason she became a vendor selling chips at seventy-four pence a bag was because she heard from another young woman that the job guaranteed she would get plenty offers of x notes 1 second dream of hotdog vendors vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: street vendors (2+) women (1) 29012024 - 1874 second sleep the name of the dream: in bed more asleep than awake was staring at a computer screen moved the pointer to the top of the screen and clicked on a symbol a face appeared the face is wrapped in bandages we then see the head from the back the bandages on the head turn to strips of paper mache the paper mache is the same width the bandages were the strips of paper mache go from the hairine at the bag of the head to the forehead the strips began unwrapping themselves a head is revealed we see it from the back we see what the eyes of the head see a roomful of people in formal dress the dreamer decides not to continue with the dream and wakes up vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (3+) starting today, the reader can rename a dream for her or his own conveniance the writer will use the date when needing to refer to a specific dreams first sleep in the warmth of a summer sun, the dreamer is as busy as a beaver he is wearing a beige-coloured, short-sleeved, thick-cloth t-shirt, and is moving with the energy of a person on "uppers" as he is going from place to place and person to person three features in this dream that set it apart from dreams of late 1, the feeling of warmth, 2, the feeling of strength and speed with which the dreamer is going from place to place and 3, the amiable and constructive snippets of conversation that accompanied each of the half dozen or so scenes even more strange, and it should be borne in mind just how strange things have become since the dreamer's last visit to a hospital in november last year and try as he might, for the life of him, the writer couldn't remember any aspect of this dream the day after the sleep it occurred in (yesterday) it wasn't until waking from his sleep half an hour ago that the writer remembered with crystal clarity the dreams from the night before last night and the dream from last night in the dream last night, the dreamer is in a hospital in a ward of two or three beds the music coming through the speakers in the ward woke the dreamer from his sleep he went to the nurse's station and said to the male supervisor, "is it meant to be that loud?" the male instantly turned the music down, and the dreamer woke vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer for both dreams- the category of the dreams: two-day linked dreams (1) 28012024 - 1873 the name of the dream: my gown not for the first time after getting back home, the dreamer's girlfriend is wearing his dressing gown the gown's attraction is in its thick and soft material it kept the wearer warm regardless of the temperature the rooms she had laid claim to it more than a couple times before by muttering, "it's my nightgown" it is a subtle psychological trick to get the dreamer to accept that her claim to the gown was a woman's prerogative and that he should get another one for himself the dreamer realises that he is backed into a corner but doesn't give up the fight his ploy to get his gown back is to buy another one with the same or similar material of a different colour and give it to her if she wanted to show who was boss in the relationship and keep the dark blue gown, the only ammunition left in her arsenal was you-know-what for reasons the dreamer is too much of a gentleman to spell out, he holds the winning hand the gown hasn't changed owenership before the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (20+) kitty (2+) 27012024 - 1872 the name of the dreams: the silent sentry - a bit of magic it is the deamer's wedding day the bride and her two best friends are there, along with the dreamer's two closest friends the celebrations go off without a hitch, and the special wedding mood continues into the late afternoon in the next scene, with the exception of the bride and the bridesmaids and the best man and his best friend, everybody has gone there is an empty feel to the dream the dreamer realises he can reinvoke the circumstances that began at the beginning of the dream and does so the mood at the beginning of the dream is alive again we are aware it is a re-run of reality, and the sense of being able to repeat a desirable situation indefinately makes us dizzy with happiness the six main figures begin the celebrations all over again eventually the same situation, the guests have gone and the music has stopped, occurs again there is an unspoken consensus that reality has indulged us, and we should move on the deamer wakes vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: looped dreams (2+) the silent sentry a two-scene dream in a vivid red hue in the first scene, we see a man standing in an enclosed area it appears to be a sentry box there's no room to sit down the man does a number two the number two falls to the floor in thick flakes there is a rapid change of scene's he is not wearing trousers it looks like a thick waist-length jacket his pecker becomes visible as it flops down below the short coat he starts having a piddle the dream ends notes 1 the only reason the writer can give for this dream is the thoughts over the last few days while watching films that blatantly flaunt women's breasts this dream may be a way of trying to even out the one-sided exploitation of women's breasts vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: male genitalia (2+) toilet dreams (1+) 26012024 - 1871 the name of the dream: the king who lived long according to this dream, there will be a king of england who receives the death penalty but isn't executed using prerogatives already written into english law, he commutes the sentence every time it is imposed the sentence of death is imposed for his flagrant flouting of the law that prohibits incense there are offspring from the union with his sister and cousins the reason his determination to commit incest remains resolute is that the offspring are not only not affected but do, on the contrary, excel in sports reading and writing this dream is interspersed with five or more scenes of think-reading mainly of the courts giving the reasons why the king must be executed and the rebuttals by the king the close support of the oligarchy ensures the dictates remain ineffective notes 1 fairly sure this dream is due to watching the film "elizabeth" a few days ago notes 2 this is a mammoth dream it falls smugly into the "epic dream" category vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: monarchy (1+) incest (1+) 25012024 - 1870 the name of the dream: the incredible shot on his very first game of golf the dreamer pulls off a hole-in-one this wasn't yer ordinary hole in one no siree the ball lands about a metre from the hole it's as if the golf ball has landed in a depression-cum-channel in the ground exactly the same size as that of the golf ball the ball began its journey to the hole at a relaxed pace there was a right turn in the channel/depression that gave the impression the ball was acting as if it had a will of its own notes 1 if this happened in awake-time, which it will, would it be accepted as a valid stroke? vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: sport (5+) golf (1+) 241012024 - 1869 the name of the dream: the pool cleaner the dreamer starts his new job as a pool cleaner he is taken to the back of the house where the pool is it is an L-shaped pool leaves need scooping out of the water in the next scene, the dreamer is holding a long-handled fishing net with a bunch of leaves in it richard attenborough is in the pool he is complaining that he doesn't want to be interviewed while he is in the water he is persuaded to give the interview in the water when he discovers that the interviewer is a stunning female celebrity wearing the skimpiest of bikinis and who doesn't mind cosying up to the man she is interviewing in the last scene, the dreamer is swimming to the woman in the bikini vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: celebrities (7+) richard attenborough (1) 231012024 - 1868 the name of te dream: army procedure the dreamer, along with another twenty or so young men, are about to start their first day of training for battle readiness the notoriously intensive training camp boasts it can take civilians and turn them into fighting soldiers within two months the platoon leader makes the statement, "you will be dismissed in a minute and then what i want you to do is begin getting ready for engaging the enemy in two months - dismissed" the dreamer immediately gets into a comfortable lying position the platoon leader asks the dreamer what he's doing the dreamer replies, "i am resting and relaxing to be fully rested and ready for combat-readiness" the platoon leader speaks to the men, "this man will be the platoon's lance jack" vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: army scenarios (3+) 221012024 - 1867 the name of the dream: in the dock an amateurish attempt to denigrate the dreamer via things he has said and done is undertaken by those who can't think constructively specifically, a passing comment of a purely harmless nature is deliberately misconstrued to mean the dreamer is a drug dealer and bringing disruptive practices into society with typical shoddiness that comes from thinking only about the planned-for outcome, the result, when presented in court, reduces the evidence to hearsay the final scene of the dream is in a courtroom the judge is scolding the barrister representing the complainant for bringing such a flimsy case to court vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: smear tactics against the writer (2+) 21012024 - 1866 the name of the dreams: more than just a phone - a game of cards there are just two of us in a nowhere place it is a present time-tense - we are playing a game of cards we are playing for a biscuit the dreamer's opponent is the film star javier bardem he has just dealt three cards to each of us the dreamer looks at his cards, breaks his biscuit (a ginger snap) in half and pushes it into the centre of the table javier does the same it is the dreamer's turn to bet again the dreamer realises that he can only raise the pot one more time, after which the game will come to a halt the dreamer says something along the lines of, "we need more things to bet with" the dreamer wakes to hear himself saying, "let's start playing something else" vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: games (7+) cards (1+) the dreamer has just become the proud owner of the latest all-singing mobile phone it can't make a cup of tea, but apart from that, there's no stopping it the dreamer is explaining the virtues of the phone to another male the other male is old-school he has a phone but all it can do is make and receive phone calls and texts he is impressed with the camera and other little touches but is not persuaded to get one he's obviously unconvinced he needs one in the next few scenes, the dreamer is on the phone and trying to get out of a repeating pattern after responding to a pop-up message, the dreamer is taken to a site with unlimited opportunities the site had three or four options each one of them took the dreamer back to the page he had come from only now there is only one option which, when tapped, took the user back to the page he had just come from the user is stuck on two pages it's back to the old remedy of doing a restart there may be something in old-school tech when all is said and done vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mobile phones (3+) 20012024 - 1865 the name of the dreams: the dear departed it is the morning of a funeral we don't know who the deceased person is what we do now is no-one has arranged a hearse there's no chance of getting one in time for the service putting a coffin in a car is completely out of the question it would be "bad form" of the worst kind the dreamer offers his solution we can make our own coffin getting dark brown wood shouldn't present a problem there are enough skilled men to make dark-brown wood look like a coffin we can hook the make-shift coffin to a bicycle and have coffin-bearer's with arm-bands on either side of the bike adorn the bike with lots of funeral reefs and try and get away with saying it is the new way of putting someone to rest - see: between heartbeats: vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: funerals (1) 19012024 - 1864 the name of the dream: just the two of us following on from yesterday's dream, came this delightful multi-scene dream of a young couple endeavouring to make a cake from memory, up until this dream, all foods made in dreams are the efforts of individuals or groups of people the stand-out scene is of a table with dozens of different ingredients on it this joint effort, between a couple who have decided to pool their knowledge into the making of a cake, is turning into a complicated compromise neither person wants to put their suggestions forward as being the last word of what ingredients and/or what the proportions of ingredients should be the "other before self" vibe is keeping the cake from being started and the suggestions are keeping the cake in the planning stage as the dream ends vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food preparation (1+) 18012024 - 1863 the name of the dream: betwixt and between more than a dozen intimate scenes that made this type of dream a wholesome experience love/life relishes in the impossibility of finding the limits of its own finite character the continually surprising desirable effects that expansion produces and the pull of endlessness are something we shall never tire of or exhaust vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (10+) 17012024 - 1862 the name of the dream: journalists the dreamer is a reporter for a newspaper the dreamer is summoned to the head of the staff he has been summoned because he is not turning leads into copy the editor-in-chief is reading out the riot act if the dreamer doesn't follow through on the leads he is given and make a story out of them his job is in jeopardy the fact of the matter is the leads the dreamer is getting are too thin to build a story on a seasoned reporter can see the dreamer is being treated unfairly and takes the dreamer under his wing he helps the dreamer develop a story from the meagre facts he has been given and turns them into acceptable copy the dreamer learns the art of journalism is to turn possibilities into probabilities notes 1 this dream may be the result of a single, fleeting thought during the day about a film that portrays an awake-time true story of a female reporter who uncovers from just one sentence a major scandal regarding the exhaust of jet engines that caused and is still causing fatalities - notes 2 the distinction between participant and observer became blurred in this dream vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: journalism (1) 16012024 - 1861 the name of the dream: undue concern at home and in bed with kitty she becomes spooked about something she is convinced there is someone in the house her concern is genuine so much so the dreamer gets up and goes to the kitchen, chooses a heavy kitchen utensil and says out loud, "whoever is in the house this is a fair warning - i will not give you the chance to do anything - i will hit you before you say or do anything" the dreamer starts going from room to room before he opens the door he repeats the warning after the third door and the third warning, the dreamer starts thinking that kitty is mistaken but finishes off checking every place a person could be just to be sure the dreamer returns to the bedroom and tells kitty there's no one in the house kitty is still on edge something spooked her notes 1 picking up on someone else fears is something of a rarity in dreams vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: undue concern (1+) 15012024 - 1860 the name of the dream: no x with the ex bumped into an ex-girlfriend in town after a lengthy conversation, we arranged to meet at her place a couple of days later, the dreamer went to see her as we arranged she made me welcome later on in the evening, she told the dreamer he could stay for a few days the dreamer was hoping she would after a couple of days, things were back to the way they were when we were first together notes 1 x did not happen, nor was it implied anywhere in the half-a-dozen or so scenes in this dream vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-less relationships (5+) 14012024 - 1859 the name of the dream: a good lay it is evening we are a small community of a dozen or so families we are waiting for someone to tell us the chickens are asleep we treat chickens in a way we treat babies, we let them sleep as much and as often as they want we have discovered that it is when the chickens have had a good night's sleep that the quality and quantity of the eggs are at their greatest we are expecting two eggs from each hen each day chicken eggs are the backbone of our diet we have found ways of cooking and pairing eggs with other foods in a way not yet realised by contemporary society vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food () chicken eggs () 13012024 - 1858 the name of the dream: the facts two of us have locked horns over the date popular music was born the ever so earnest dispute was taking place in the company of people our own age but didn't have the faintest idea of the facts the person with the nerve to challenge the dreamer's knowledge of the origin of the birth of pop music was contentious he wanted to get the dreamer riled or lose his cool the dreamer had come across people with the same bent on more than one occasion would let him dig his-self further into the mire before hitting him with the facts at the moment when the people listening didn't know who was right and reputations were at stake, the dreamer laid it out "the song recognised as being the first pop song was by an american trio called the teddy bears the song was called "to know him is to love him", the dreamer said the dreamer finished off the argumentative guy with a "roundhouse" - "the song that brought in the british pop revolution was please, please me by the beatles in 1962" vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: pop music (3+) 12012024 - 1857 the name of the dream: the error of his ways a friendship that goes back to school days is shattered when the friend reveals he is an operative of the secret services the friend's activities occasionally include him having to assassinate people the dreamer is even further appalled to discover that his friend doesn't see anything wrong when an entire family is targeted his friend's bland justification for taking the lives of people is summed up with the phrase, "you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs" there's no reasoning with the long-time friend he sees his outlook as a valid way of looking at things the dreamer has contacts of his own he sets things up with his acquaintances so that his friend, the government-sanctioned hitman, believes his family has been targeted for elimination he is explaining the situation to the dreamer and pleads with him to use his influence to stop the murder of his family it is when the long-time friend is at his most anguished that the dreamer gets him to see the error of his ways and promises to change his ways vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: secret services (4+) 11012024 - 1856 the name of the dream: left behind the dreamer has just moved into his new digs it is a single-bedroomed terrace house it's so small, an eight-foot person would see it as a dolls house within hours of moving in the dreamer comes across a cubby hole whoever it was that lived here before the dreamer had something to do with catering the cubby hole is choc-a-bloc with plates, tablecoths, cutlery, jugs... the dreamer instantly sees the potential, he can offer to do nosh-ups and simple buffets for forty or so people everything in the cubby-hole is spread out on the floor in the living-room in the last scene of the dream vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: enterprising opportunities (7+) catering (3+) 10012024 - 1855 the name of the dream: on the set the dreamer is think-reading a written account of an episode of a popular sit-com the dreamer is the director or producer of the show and, as such, will spot improvements or inconsistencies and rearrange scenes where he deems it necessary it takes the dreamer two or three times more think-reading than is written so far in this paragraph to realise that he is not reading the finished version of the script but is reading an ongoing account of the scene there might be a dozen or more changes to implement in the rest of the think-read account, and time is running out it is when the dreamer understands that the scene will not be ready to shoot until he has finalised all the little touches a director wants in a scene, and it is time to give the finished instructions to the people on the set... producer... first assistant director... director of photography... cinematographer... digital imaging technician... camera operator... first assistant camera etc., that the dreamer realises he is in the middle of a think-read dream and wakes up note 1 you'll notice there are similarities with the dream of 01012024 this is probably due to the writer getting into the habit recently of reading the credits at the end of the film it makes a person wonder how a film can make a profit when there are hundreds of pay packets for staff and props and sets that need paying vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read dreams (30+) film and t.v. productions (3+) 09012024 - 1854 the name of the dream: slave to women vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (20+) without conjoinment (9) 08012024 - 1853 the name of the dream: more than enough the dreamer is going into town he will be stopping off to see some friends on the way there are two reasons for visiting friends on the way into town the first is, that the dreamer is hoping to become the boyfriend of a girl who lives there it isn't certain we will become an item the dreamer is still working on it he is confident he can win the parents over the second is, that the girl of his affection has never before had a boyfriend with a car the dreamer has an office in town from the parent's point of view, the dreamer is a good catch at the house, the family are making up parcels the dreamer has dropped around at just the right time to further impress them the family have run out of string, and they will be grateful if he buys the string in town and drops it in on his way back home the dreamer goes one better and tells them that he has a string at home and will go back home and get the string for the parscel/s then the dreamer can post the parcel/s for them when he goes into town the family are genuinely surprised and pleased if there were any reservations about the dreamer dating their daughter, they are relaxing them notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking of an awake-time relationship yesterday the girl was a nymphomaniac she didn't want to go out to the pictures or go dancing if we are indoors, we should be in bed vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (25+) 07012024 - 1852 the name of the dream: that's the ticket there was a time when the lottery didn't produce a winner every week the company that was given the nationwide franchise had to change the rules in double-quick time when disgruntled players felt they were being cheated when there could be weeks without there being a winner the company stood to benefit from those weeks when there wasn't a winner, as they would receive interest on the money in the bank the government made the company change the rules to ensure there was a winner every week the way they did this was to pull another number out of the hat every day until there was a winning ticket this however had the drawback of producing more than one winner the overall sentiment was there should only be one winner the dream starts with the dreamer at loggerheads with a woman who feels she has been robbed because she was against changing the rules if the rules hadn't been changed, she would have been a joint winner and would have won half of the millions things started to get ugly when the woman brought members of her family into the debate the men supporting the women didn't hide their belligerence toward the dreamer as far as they were concerned, the dreamer was stealing her share the pressure on the dreamer to give the woman something as a concession was becoming overbearing the issue wasn't resolved when the dream ended vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: lotteries (1) 06012024 - 1851 the name of the dream: too simple the dreamer needs a new pair of black trousers his current trousers are either too raggedy or too thin or both there is a pair of trousers the right size and price in the for sale column at the seller's house, a woman answers the door she fetches the trousers and hands them to the dreamer for his inspection the dreamer takes off the trousers he is wearing and puts on the trousers the woman is selling the woman is not offended when the dreamer takes off his trousers and reveals he is wearing white long johns it is winter the trousers are the right length, but they are too tight around the leg the woman isn't ruffled when the dreamer declines them the dreamer goes to another address that is selling black trousers again, a woman answers the door she leaves the dreamer standing at the door and fetches the trousers the dreamer takes off his trousers to try on the trousers the woman is selling the woman is taken aback when the dreamer begins to take off his trousers she mutters something admonishing and closes the door in the dreamer's face the dreamer doesn't understand why she reacted the way she did perhaps she thought the dreamer was going to proposition her vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: offended people (1+) 05012024 - 1850 the name of the dream: a very jewish ritual three or four scenes with people in them but no movement of the people voices overlay the scenes with short sentences that decry the practice of circumcision notes 1 we've become so dumbed down we're not letting common sense have its way how on earth can a person justify causing what is excruciating pain to a baby? if any one person who supports the practice was forced to undergo the procedure hisself, he would be screaming and shouting as it was happening to make it stop yet that same person has nothing to say when babies are traumatised in a way that we, as adults, don't give a second thought if someone used a scalpel and cut into your skin anywhere on your body, you would react violenly we're living in a world where brash bullish and destructive pronouncements are made on a daily basis it has become the norm surely the screams of pain coming from the baby should be enough to tell a person that what what is happening is wrong but no, we're letting ritualism of a destructive nature become acceptable the writer likes to think he is in the company of his peers or has the writer got it wrong, and he's in the company of beings who advocate pain? see also babies are born - vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: circumcision (1) 04012024 - 1849 the name of the dream: contrasts the dreamer is relaxing in the park on a sunny day the part of the park where the writer is relaxing is sloped the top of the slope is twenty-metres away there is nothing to suggest what might be over the slope when we try to imagine what we can't see, a sense of foreboding asserts itself notes 1 a dream on a sunny day with less than desirable feelings is, as far as memory serves, a new variation in dreams this dream may represent the extremes of possible outcomes for a given set of circumstances this dream is probably due to thinking about the extremes of behaviour during the day vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: sunny-day dreams (12+) extremes of feelings (1) 03012024 - 1848 the name of the dream: sammy going south x-dream spent so long replaying this dream the other dream was forgotten notes 1 it is quite common for the writer to have more than one sleep in a day a habit he is trying to break notes 2 in the dreams diary of 3000 a.d. there won't be any censorship we will be ready to act on any and all of the content of our dreams vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (12+) 02012023 - 1847 the name of the montage: 25+ - the name of the dream: a continuation of a montage the last part of the dream is fading as the dreamer becomes the writer an attempt to recall the dream resulted in an image that came and went still trying to recall the dream when another image formed for a second before disappearing then again, another image came and went in less than a second the writer realises if he relaxed into it he would be able to command a monster-sized montage so it was the consistency of the images appearing on command caused the writer to consider breaking the flow of the images and reach for the telephone and dictating a few words for each new image better not chance it, the writer thought, better to have a montage than no dream or montage as was the case of 31122023 - the year ended with a blank! over five to ten minutes a hundred or so images came and went notes 1 the images varied in their length of time, from a third of a second to two-and-a-half seconds, although the vividness was consistent the last three images weren't, strictly speaking, montage images collectively, they comprised a three-scened dream the dream looks to be in a very big and/or very busy airport the dreamer walks into an area where five or six people are watching their luggage disappear out of sight on a shiny, steel conveyor belt heading up to the next floor the dreamer thinks the conveyor belt is a moving stair that will take him to the next floor up, which is where he is headed he jumps on the conveyor belt and immediately loses his orientation when he sees there is a solid wall about half a metre above the conveyor belt three or so metres ahead of him the computational area of the brain takes over and returns the odds and the likelihood of a very serious injury with the very real possible outcome of being squeezed to death by the roller action of metal and concrete the seriousness of the situation hits home the dreamer only just manages to get off what he thought was moving stairs in the last scene, a slight, young lady is still in a state of shock as a result of actually having to pass through the small gap the deadly circumstances present in this dream are due to a lack of foresight by the designers of the airport or whatever it is, when they put the luggage conveyor belt and the stairs linking the floor below to the floor we are on close together society has become used to going from one set of conveyor stairs to the next in one or two steps when they go to malls and the like notes 2 the writer was able to keep the individual pics in the mind's eye longer than ever from three-quarters of a second to two-and-a-half seconds vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the montage: maxi-plus montage - 01012024 - 1846 the name of the dream: the limits of stardom following several high-grossing films, an actor feels his insights into the film industry give him an elevated view of what's what on the set after reading the script for his new film, the actor brings several points to the attention of the director specifically, the actor is asking for changes in the script or with the set normally, where differences arise, there would be a meeting of the minds and things would get settled amicably the new and popular film star is insistent so much so the director and producer have to get together and re-evaluate whether they can introduce the changes and keep to budget the entire film will have to be scrapped if they can't the director and producer use a method which they call the strip-board it is, as the name implies, a strip of malleable plastic that has pictures and writing along its length it is about half a metre wide the writing is the script the picture is a picture of the set for a film like this one with a big budget, it means the strips for this film are about half a meter long the board contains the entire film and script in one-hundred-and-fifty strips the board can be rolled up and put in a container that makes it easy to carry around the length of the strip is determined by the size of the budget the size of each picture or drawing is two centimetres by two centimetres there is a light built into the strip that illuminates the pictures if people want to see the minutest detail of the set fine grade film means the scenes stand out with startling clarity when it is viewed through an eye magnifier you could see a pimple on a gnat's back the director and producer have no choice they have to make the changes asked for by the actor they will show the modified scenes to the actor but will release the original the terms of his contract don't allow him to sue the company it appears he was so busy with other things he didn't read all of the details of the contract he doesn't get the changes he wanted vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: film actors (12+) film scripts (1) 30122023 - 1845 the name of the dreams: mel and me - wonderball in this dream, the dreamer is the sidekick of mel gibson mel's as slick a conman as there ever was even better than the part he plays in films the dreamer never gets all the gen on what he's planning or going to do if mel wants the dreamer to distract someone's attention for seconds or a minute or buy something, and only when he is asked for his cash or card does the dreamer change his mind about buying the item and leave the shop if he wants the dreamer to wear a paper bag over his head, the dreamer knows the rewards for doing what he's told to do means he will be rewarded with enough cash to retire when mel's got enough to start his retirement the dreamer wouldn't ask him because he knows that mel wouldn't acknowledge it, but the dreamer is sure he once dressed in women's clothes and posed as a woman on one of his scams our relationship is mutually respectful neither of us would ask questions about the details of the life of the other strictly a need-to-know arrangement with the occasional witticism the dreamer would be surprised if mel hadn't made an in-depth appraisal of the dreamer if there was an act of greed or betrayal anywhere in the dreamer's past mel would have unearthed it * one day, the dreamer is thumbing through a magazine that gives an in-depth summation of dozens of film stars a relatively unknown celebrity is using mel's avatar the dreamer mentions it to mel for the first time, he sees mel stiffen and become concerned the dreamer shows mel the picture in the magazine mel's face, for the first time, shows real concern, and he looks deadly serious after a prolonged hesitation mel says, "i need a blade as sharp as a razor, and it has to be sturdy" the dreamer produces his swiss army knife it has a blade that will do what mel needs to do for five or more scenes, we see mel cutting out the square avatar and then scraping the surface of another bit of paper we don't get enough detail in the dream to know what he is going to do but we can rest assured mel's on top of his game mel hands the dreamer a note worth 500 dollars? euros? except for one time in awake time, it is the easiest and largest amount of money he had ever got in one go vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: conman and celebrities (1+) mel gibson (1+) wonderball on a wonderfully warm day with clear blue skies the dreamer goes to the park about a third of the way to the other side of the park, the dreamer sees a boy of about ten or eleven kicking a ball around a child playing on his own is a sad thing he, like a male bird that whistles and chirps but doesn't get a reply from the female bird, wants to play, but no one is answering his call the boy doesn't hesitate to kick the ball to the dreamer when the dreamer says, "give us a kick" it immediately turns into a game of penalties (penalties are designed for people who want to score goals) it's the game where you put a jumper or coat or anything large enough to be seen from three or four meters away to represent the goalposts when a person scores three goals, they swap places simple enough an adult playing with a boy can size up how to kick the ball to let the boy save it or score a goal the look of purpose and satisfaction on the boy's face as he scores goals and saves penalties is a joy to see notes 1 this is the second dream where this sort of thing has been in a dream notes 2 this dream reminds the writer of a similar thing when, as a six-year-old, he was watching teenagers playing football on the pitch in the grounds of a large industrial company the writer was watching from the corner post the pitch had something of a slope the ball goes out of play near where the dreamer is standing and watching someone shouts, "kick the ball to us" the writer places the ball on the bottom-left corner where he is standing taking just two or three steps back, the writer runs and wallops it in the direction where most of the players are gathered the ball drops into the centre of the penalty area the writer hears mutterings the ball is kicked back to the writer a voice asks the writer to kick it to them again the young dreamer gives the ball a hefty kick and the ball lands in the middle of the penalty area again there is a bit of a confab between the players the writer can tell they are thinking about letting him take all the corners but decide against it vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: impromptu outdoor games (2+) football (1+) 29122023 - 1844 the name of the dream: the root of all evil one or two people know the dreamer has a couple of thousand pounds in ready cash one of them says something that makes the dreamer suspicious, so he decides to put his money into two different bonds it would be easy to hide the money, but if he did that would be thieves will resort to violence to tell them where it's hidden the dreamer decides to converted the money into bonds the money in bonds can only be withdrawn by the dreamer the dreamer will show the bonds to the guy who made the suspicious comments and tell him how good a deal they are the notion of robbing the dreamer has been nullified the dreamer is contemplating whether to use the bonds to speculate on the forex when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (10+) bonds (1) 28122023 - 1843 the name of the dream: grub up the world is slowly recovering from the domination of the effects of the financial banking complex the no.1 priority is given to food gigantic cafeteria-cum-restaurants are dotted around the globe the dining areas look to be twice the size of the wembley stadium upon entering, we can barely see the people at the opposite end of the building the sounds of people talking and eating creates a quiet rumble even though the shackles of the past have been broken, there are still those who seek to make a profit by smuggling out food and selling or bartering it to people who, for one reason or another, can't get to the building the dreamer is one of the food-police he's identified a couple of men sneaking out food they are the burly type they will not be reprimanded immediately but will be put on the "watch" list to see if they're up to anything else notes 1 these cafeterias could possibly be a part of the new habitation - it's difficult to assign a tense of time to this dream - tenses of time: vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food (7+) dining-areas (2+) proof-read to here xyz 27122023 - 1842 the name of the dream: those darned cats the dreamer becomes the owner of a young cat while taking things he no longer wants outside to the dustbin, he leaves the back door open the cat must have been waiting for just this opportunity the dreamer hasn't taken two steps outside the door when the cat whizzes past him and heads for freedom it disappears around the back of a house twenty metres away the dreamer gives chase at the back of the house, there is pandemonium the cat had run into the house and was darting here, there and everywhere looking for the way out the occupants of the house were startled to see the cat and their shouts and squeals only served to make the cat even more hyper the cat managed to evade the writer again as he took a few steps into the house the occupants of the house are now doubly offended the dreamer doesn't have time to explain what's happening he turns around and continues the chase as the dream ends notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking about the cat an acquaintance got from a resue-the-animals charity some decades back it did a runner the first chance it got vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (20+) mammals (10+) cats (4+) 26122023 - 1841 the name of the dream: new to the game out and about in town a young woman presents herself she is a knock-out looks, demeanour, dress sense, poise, she has it all she's in a completely different league to the dreamer from the moment we start talking, the dreamer is asking himself, "why me?" anyway, never look a gift horse in the mouth the dreamer, still cautious, accepts her invitation to visit her that night she lives in a classy, high-rise block of flats her accommodation is in line with her presence a x-scene follows we arranged to meet in town the following day we met up again, and the very-lovely young woman suggested we go to her place at her home, apologetically, she tells the dreamer she needs money the dreamer tells her she can have what little money he has it's obviously nowhere near what she wants politely she tells the dreamer that as much as she likes him, her style of living needs more than he can provide the dreamer realises he is her first pick-up there are no ill feelings between us, quite the opposite we both want things to carry on as they are perhaps in another dream, we find a way to stay together vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (11+) 25122023 -1840 the name of the dream: the warranty a fairly new item develops a fault the dreamer checks the warranty it becomes a think-read dream "you do not need to return the product or seek a refund take the card that came with the product to the nearest all-purpose shop or store the store or shop will take the item and send it back to us we will either repair or replace the item or refund the price you paid for it" the writing is in paragraphs of four and five sentences initially, the dreamer read all the message he then realised he wasn't saying into the recorder what he was seeing in an attempt to remember all of the message the dreamer began to re-read the message the first couple of lines seemed accurate but the rest of the message didn't present itself it then became a matter of composing the message as per the first-ever think-read dream of 15092014 notes 1 along with the dream of 03052021, this dream is a landmark dream it clearly denotes there are at least four different types of think-read dreams black and white, colour, self-generated and pre-composed which in turn produces 16 permutations of think-read dreams another type of think-read will be a mixture of two types of think-read dreams then, think-read dreams plus different times types of dreams - now permutate 300 the result can be considered as the start first think-read dream: see dream of 15092014 vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: mixes of regular and think-read dreams (1+) black and white (2+) 24122023 - 1839 the name of the dream: assorted images a rare black and white montage showing six or seven unrelated images there is movement in two or three of them between them they don't make a story or even constructive comment hmmm vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: black and white montages (2+) explanation of montages... 23122023 - 1838 the name of the dream: assorted images a rare black and white montage showing six or seven unrelated images there is movement in two or three of them between them they don't make a story or even constructive comment hmmm vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: black and white montages (2+) explanation of montages... the name of the dream: over the moon the women are using the common-room for an event not sure if it is a fundraiser or a knees-up whatever it is, they are throwing themselves into it with a passion, every little thing has to be just so if something has more than one way of doing it, everything stops, and they go into a huddle the confab produces a solution in mere seconds of dream-time, and they're off again even more enthusiastically than they were before the dreamer is trying to understand what it is that's causing them to be so excited one of them is getting engaged? someone is getting married? the penny drops the ladies, all in their thirties and forties, are beside themselves with anticipation because one of them is expecting a baby notes 1 for some reason that seems to be worldwide, we don't regard expectancy as a good enough reason for celebration couples tend to announce the news of motherhood with joy and satisfaction over a meal or in a somewhat subdued way just isn't good enough heaven knows, there aren't that many things in life worthy of real celebration if the circumstance that more life is coming isn't regarded as the greatest of all achievements, what should be? we can remedy this situation the writer proposes that, even more so than the formal bonding of marriage, we elevate the accomplishment of more life to the no.1 position in our lives to this end, the writer will start the ball rolling by offering his musical services free of charge for people when they find out they're to become parents you know where i am let's start getting our priorities sorted out note 2 some will be aware that marriage is the largest institution in the world what most people don't know is that the bond between men and women that lasts for life is something that goes back to before the dinosaurs - url... note 2.1 ask yourself, where did this trait come from? vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: pregnancy (1+) 22122023 - 1837 the name of the dream: over the moon the women are using the common room for an event not sure if it is a fundraiser or a knees up whatever it is, their throwing themselves into it with a passion every little thing has to be just so if something has more than one way of doing it everything stops and they go into a huddle the confab produces a solution in mere seconds of dream-time and they're off again even more enthusiastically than they were before the dreamer is trying to understand what it is that's causing them to be so excited one of them is getting engaged? someone is getting married? the penny drops the ladies, all in their thirtie and forties, are besides themselves with anticipation because one of them is expecting a baby notes 1 for some reason that seems to be worldwide, we don't regard expectancy as a good enough reason for celebration couples tend to announce the news of motherhood with joy and satisfaction over a meal or in a somewhat subdued way just isn't good enough heaven knows, there aren't that many things in life worthy of real celebration if the circumstane that more life is coming isn't regarded with the greatest of all achievements what should be? we can remedy this situation the writer proposes that, even more so than the formal bonding of marriage, we elevate the accomplishment of more life to the no.1 position in our lives to this end the writer will start the ball rolling by offering his musical services free of charge for people when they find out they're to become parents you know where i am let's start getting our priorities sorted out note 2 some will be aware that marriage is the largest institution in the world what most people don't know is that the bond between men and women that lasts for life is something that goes back to before the dinosaurs - url... note 2.1 ask yourself, where did this trait come from? vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: pregnancy (1+) 21122023- 1836 the name of the dream: something is wrong an absolute shocker of a dream the dreamer is lying on his back with his head lifted up he is looking ahead into a very, very large room there's nothing in the space between himself and the far-off distance the dreamer is scared out of his wits he cries out for help the dream ends on that note note 1 unable to pinpoint the cause of this dream it may be too much sugar vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: fear in dreams (3+) 20122023 - 1835 the name of the dreams: a finicky employer - learning, fun and pleasure the dreamer has just become the no.1 washer-upper in a chinese restaurant he has taken the place of the previous chap who left or was sacked it's not too difficult to imagine why the guy was sacked or left the boss is a stickler for detail the boss is showing the dreamer a brown spot on a glass bowl make that two or three brown spots on a bowl as he holds up the bowl to the light (stand-out visual) if the bowl hadn't been highlighted with a backlight, the spots wouldn't be visible the dreamer needs the job he produces a tennis-ball-sized lump of wire wool a quick rub with the wire wool removes the spots and the boss nods and walks away employee (7+) washer-upper (1+) the dreamer is teaching a girl how to speak english specifically, she is having trouble pronouncing individual syllables and consonants she is an eager learner and has taken a liking to the dreamer the glint in her eye tells the dreamer she would accept being kissed the dreamer has the novel idea of putting our lips together and that she moves her lips in synchronisation with his so for "put", our lips will be slightly pouted and touching for the word "how", our mouths are open at the beginning of forming the word and then contract to a pursed position this dream finishes with two people feeling pleasure notes 1 tonguing is not something the writer likes doing in the context of this dream, tongues will touch but only "in passing" try it with your girlfriend in the dream, it became thoroughly enjoyable fun vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kissing (8+) 19122023 -1834 the name of the dream: up front and behind the scenes there is an air of sobriety and deep respect at the funeral of an unnamed woman unbeknown to the general public and only known to the inner clique, the unnamed woman was a brilliant strategist it wasn't until her death that her role in guiding the activities of the i.r.a. through "the troubles" that her identity was made public knowledge at the funeral, one of the "generals", he looks like the actor jim caviezel, gives her a salute of honour for no reason that makes sense except to consider that his fingers were accidentally blown-off while making or planting a bomb, his saluting hand is missing the thumb and index finger the story becomes even more bizarre and takes on the characteristic of the film "the butterfly effect" when the same man we have just seen with two fingers missing salutes again, and this time his middle finger is missing as well vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: the i.r.a. (1) 18122023 - 1833 the name of the dream: how to waffle a think-read dream that began innocently enough with an introduction to the book, anne of green gables the reader is familiarised with the thrust of the story how a young girl finds herself in unfamiliar surroundings the reader is given two or three sentences at a time the dreamer can remember those easily enough and he feels he has this think-read dream by the tail the two or three sentences stretches into four and five sentence paragraphs the dreamer is confident he will be able to recall the details when it comes to putting ink to paper the new sentences present themselves with ever-increasing rapidity the gauntlet has be thrown down the dreamer's self-awareness is determined not to let the mind get the better of him he continues with the challenge... anne, although disoriented, adapts with the agility of a cat women appear to have the trait of being able to adjust to new situations in a way men don't the reasons for this aren't clear but will, no doubt, reveal themselves eventually the intricacies between women and men are almost impossible to catalogue it is necessary we feel our way through them feelings themselves must take on ever-new responses to the prevailing circumstances the circumstances change quicker than the weather and makes the task that much more difficult but what are we if not as adaptable as is a bird in a new forest? we yearned to fly in a way a bird cannot and consequently opened new horizon's for ourselves and those that follow after seven or eight paragraphs the dreamer has to acknowledge that the memories in the mind are the storehouse of our exstence as man-shaped beings it is not going to be possible for any one person to experience all the experiences of every individual notes 1 this conclusionless think-read dream is the result of watching the film "sphere" there was a point in the film when it became too intricate to follow vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read dreams (45+) 18122023 - 1832 the name of the dream: almost a one-sentence dream talking to cousin jim on the phone the conversation lead to dreamer asking him why he hadn't phoned him to help with converting his home jim he said he had phoned the dreamer but he was in prison vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintaces (50+) cousin jim (1) 17122023 - 1831 the name of the dream: as thick as two planks - hungry lion in an attempt to discredit the dreamer, he is tricked into a set-up by the secret services an invitation to be interviewed by a credible personality will allow the dreamer to expose a nationwide paedophile network before the interview, the dreamer has a chat with the interviewer from the dreamer's point of view, everything looks to be going as expected he starts to realise something is amiss when he goes into the interview room there is only one small bare chair in the room why is there only one chair in the room? before the dreamer answered that question, a scantily dressed young girl entered the room she is relaxed and looks confident the dreamer begins to put things together shortly thereafter the dreamer is shown the doctored film it will convince a jury it is authentic while watching the playback, the dreamer sees a discrepancy that will expose it as being an edited film with their typical arrogance and sense of invulnerability, the control freaks have overlooked something obvious providing it doesn't come to light before it is shown in court, their too-smart-to-be-caught mentality will be their downfall there was another one-scene dream after the main dream a lion is savaging a roll of something the lion must have been deprived of food for days it is attacking the six-foot-long by a third of a metre-wide long roll with such ferocity it makes us understand why we regard lions as the top predator note 1 two dreams with lions in them within two consecutive periods of sleep is unprecedented there must be a reason the writer will do something tonight that he did before going to sleep last night and see what happens vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dreams (40+) secret services (5+) lions the name of the dream: here and there some high-scoring vivid scenes in this dream the dreamer is in town he is going from bicycle shop to bicycle shop to find one that can increase the number of gears on his bike as it is, there are twenty-seven none of them can in the next scene, he bumps into an acquaintance from some years back the acquaintance used to be a smoking partner he still has his contacts in the smoking fraternity the dreamer is delighted when he says he can get him some quality hash to keep the reader abreast of what you-know-who finds acceptable in the matter of grass/hash - it is to be eaten, not smoked in the next scene, we see the dreamer in a room on the first floor of a run-down building with four or five other people from this scene on, the dreamer runs his fingers through his hair regularly (stand-out tactile) the room is as unkept as the building the dreamer recognises a couple of the males someone loads a big lump into a pipe and hands it to the dreamer the dreamer hasn't had a smoke for quite a while he knows from experience that the amount offered to him is too much to take after a year or more "on the wagon" he tells the room, "if i take all that in one go, it will make me paranoid" there are a few scenes with a lot of talking in them the problem is that dreamer is doing all the talking still, when you're high, you don't mind taking the stage one of the girls is talking to the dreamer when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dreams (40+) bicycles (5+) hash (12+) 16122023 - 1830 the name of the dream: horses, dogs, lions and women a young woman inherits her father's estate and money her father's businesses include riding lessons, selling and renting horses for the locals, providing fresh horses for stagecoaches on long journeys and a chicken farm it vaults her into the richest and most influential person in town sensibly, she doesn't liquidate the company but takes over as worker/owner one of the first things she does is bring in a professional who teaches people how to ride she has two red setters as pets in one part of the dream, we see one of the dogs licking the long snout of the other the hair of the dog being licked covers part of its face and eyes the dreamer isn't being fanciful when he says the dog using its tongue to re-arrange the other dog's hair is doing so to produce a hairstyle in the last scene of this part of the dream, we see a distinct look that was the fashion in the 1990s when boys draped a long wisp of their hair over the left side of their face it gave the dog the distinct look of being a young boy-dog in another part of the dream, there are three or four scenes of an adult female lion with a cub struggling to keep up with her in the first scene, the cub is trailing behind its mother in the second scene, the cub is a juvenile, full of bounce and noticeably bigger waiting for the mother to catch up in the final scene, the young lion is confronted by a fully-grown lion the young lion is so confident it causes the adult lion to give way meanwhile, back at the ranch, the new owner seems to be permanently dissatisfied with the dreamer he feels he is being treated unjustly he is doing his job the way he has always done it what's the matter with her? it takes a few scenes but the writer eventually twigs it the dreamer hasn't shown any interest in her he waits for the next criticism from her the writer then says, "if you had spoken to your father the way you speak to me he would have taken down your pants and spanked your bare bottom" the young woman fixes her gaze on the dreamer and studies his expression to make sure she understands what the dreamer is suggesting he smiles mischievously she isn't sure how to respond the next time she asks the dreamer to do something, the dreamer will say, "i'll do whatever you ask me to do" the next few scenes are variations of a female's bottom being spanked vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: multi-themed dreams (25+) livery stables (2+) dogs (7+) lions (3+) sauciness (4+) 15122023 - 1829 the name of the dream: she knows what she wants - a knowledgeable man in her eighteenth year or thereabouts, this girl's life is dominated by her hormones she has blonde hair, slightly plump, full-bodied, scantily dressed in a grey, two-piece suit and is wearing a loose, white t-shirt or jumper the best way to describe how her face looks is that it is alive instinctively, she knows whether to flash her breasts by pulling up her jumper or pulling up her skirt from the side, front or back every one of her alluring tactics is accompanied by a captivating smile (stand-out visual) unfortunately, the dreamer is an observer in this dream vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: man-hungry women (5+) pre-x dreams (3+) a barely-remembered second dream is of a woman admiring the dreamer's recently acquired thirty-volume encyclopedia the encyclopedia looks like it is bound in red leather 14122023 - 1828 the name of the dream: in australia and waiting to go through customs at an airport the writer is unsure if the dreamer is going into or leaving the country sure enough, while in the line of people waiting to go through customs, the dreamer is asked to leave the line by a customs officer It just as well it is a test run note 1 customs officers have an uncanny ability to recognise what's going on in a person's mind by looking at their face vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: airport scenarios (2+) 13122023 - 1827 the name of the dreams: what did i do wrong? the first theme has the dreamer in the company of a couple he knew in his early twenties the girl shows the dreamer a twenty-pound note in mint condition she thinks it is toy money she hands it to the dreamer it feels like thin cardboard as he is handling it the dreamer realises it is not a single note but many notes that are pressed together as the dreamer begins to separate them each note can be separated to reveal more notes the mood of the dream becomes hostile both the woman and the man start scathing the dreamer their hostility intensifies the dreamer senses they are on the verge of attacking him in the next scene, the dreamer is wading through a muddy swamp the swamp is infested with crocodiles or alligator's they are so closely clumped together that a movement by any one of them sends the rest of them into an open-jawed posture the dreamer is in another life-threatening situation the next dream is a public announcement telling people not to take a lsd tablet that is in circulation it is highly toxic and will cause permanent damage to the brain and could kill them in the next scene, the dreamer is in the sea he can see land it is two or three kilometres away the dreamer starts swimming to the shore the dreamer feels he will soon be out of the water notes 1 there were no hostile interactions with people the day before this dream on the contrary, there were three interactions with people during the day and each of them was productive there may have been fleeting thoughts or feelings during the day which aren't remembered that contained death-outcome scenarios the dreams could have been the reaction to a food that had harmful bacteria vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: multi-themed dreams (18+) life-threatening situations (10+) 12122023 - 1826 the name of the dream: the power of pre-pubescent hormones the dreamer is about twelve years of age a girl of the same age gives him a flashing smile it is enough to make the dreamer dizzy with excitement the dreamer decides to get her something and win her affection unfortunately the dreamer doesn't get pocket money there is a family-run grocery store near where he lives they have converted the downstairs rooms into a shop the people who own and run it are friendly and trusting people if a regular customer needs items to get them through the week, the shop owners are more than willing to take payment at the end of the week the dreamer's first thought is to steal something from the shop his second thought is to ask the shop-owner for something and hope his parents don't get wind of it the problem with that idea is mom or dad might go there to buy something and find the dreamer had bought something and they would have to pay for it the sense of guilt is enough to make the dreamer change his mind vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: young love (1) 11122023 -1825 the name of the dream: every cloud has a silver lining this little gem of a dream is set in spain the dreamer and his wife or girlfriend are living in an extravagant beach house don't know how we are so well-off, perhaps we won the lottery perhaps the wealth of the world is enough to provide such luxuries for everyone one of our favourite rituals is to go swimming at dusk we are donned with snorkels, buoyancy jackets and flippers (if you haven't tried them, flippers take all the effort out of swimming), for reasons that aren't in the dream, the woman's buoyancy jacket becomes water-logged we ditch the jacket, and the dreamer lies on his back he manoeuvres his wife into lying on top of him the woman is now lying on top of the dreamer and is facing down the dreamer closes his legs, and the woman spreads her legs the beach and a row of lights coming from the other beach houses look to be about a hundred metres away normally, it would take us mere minutes to get ashore from where we are the new way will take a full ten minutes the dreamer's leg movements are sufficient to propel both of us through the water and back to the beach mini-emergency or not, nature kicks in, and it stimulates both of us in the final scene, we are conjoined in the position described above and wriggling more than swimming our way back to the beach one of our favourite rituals has just moved up a few places in our favourite-things-to-do list vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: swimming (2+)x while swimming (1) 10122023 - 1824 the name of the dream: what! again? this is the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time the theme of this dream has been dreamt for the three-hundredth and twentieth time in awake time and for the 2nd, 3rd or 4th time in dream-time, the dreamer is patiently explaining to people, in this dream it is a boy and a girl, about what's going on in the world the boy and girl recognise the dreamer knows what's what, but they, like the majority of people in the world, watch the news on the telly and they believe that the news on the t.v. is telling them the truth, consequently they haven't got a clue as to why there is so much trouble in the world they are mr and mrs average the dreamer is going to try and explain the last six thousand years of history and do it in one-and-a-half minutes the dreamer's strategy is that if only one of the things they hear rings a bell, it may get them to connect the dots to other bits of information they know for certain are true the dream always starts with the dreamer telling people about the cradle of civilisation (sumeria), and it finishes with the war in ukraine the dream finishes with the dreamer coming out of his sleep and listening to himself speaking the words in the dream (externalised) notes 1 url for sumer - notes 2 the link above links to other url's that have incorrect and misleading views the url's were written before the writer fully understood who was doing what to who will leave them as is it will give future generations an understanding of the chronology of the writer's learning curve vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: externalised (12+) world affairs 09122023 -1823 the name of the dream: the mind's eye a poignant, colourful and complex dream that relays the mindset of an adult male who is struck blind by a virus but refuses to accept the circumstaces using the computer colouring system, fffff to 00000 and his mind's-eye, he instructs budding artist how to fill in pictures of the, colour of hair, skin etc. his programme segments with lines the shape, size, colour etc, of the head, hair and faces of people or anything, with sufficient detail to give a youngster or anyone a finished product that can be displayed on the wall of their bedroom a head and face is presented in the dream vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: art (2+) 08122023 - 1822 the name of the dreams: the intruders - a good dresser the dreamer is living in a house that has a large cellar the cellar is big enough to have a band in it and a few dozen people initially, the dreamer sees it as the ideal situation for a newly forming band to practice in in the next scene, the band and their friends, numbering twenty or more, are in full flow playing a bit of one song and then another as they build up their repertoire in the following scene, some heavies are leaning on the band and the dreamer in particular, to take musicians of their choosing into the band the money for nothing mentality is imbued in the psyche of some people they can smell success/money and intend to cash in on it the dreamer knows a few people with plenty of clout in the last scene, the cellar is full of music and dancing this dream is brought to fruition notes 1 the mixture of good guys and bad guys is a familiar theme of this website's dreams the reason being the global situation we are currently in is a mixture of good and bad endeavours the whys and wherefores of the push and pull of the different factions are always near the surface of the writer's mind this dream and the next one are the results of the pde's - vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: music (7+) skulduggery (6+) the dreamer is in a large department store he is looking for a cardigan and a silky white shirt to go with it he chooses a brown-buttoned cardigan with white speckles (stand-out visual) the scene switches the dreamer is wearing the new clothes while the people he works for are being quizzed by the secret services they want to know about the dreamer's state of mind they conclude he is of sound mind and has a good dress sense vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: see pde's - 07122023 - 1821 the name of the dream: it's a man's world set in the wild west the dreamer is in prison he is accused of murder the murdered man has an extremely good-looking wife the man who committed the murder is prepared to confess to the act the judiciary stipulates that the severity of his sentence is dependent on him agreeing not to pursue his interest in the woman in effect, he will not hanged for the murder of the man the dream ends there so we don't know what sentence is handed down vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: acts of murder (1+) 06122023 - 1820 the name of the dream: a day in the life of the greens we have just moved into our new home it is a first-floor flat in a newly-built block of flats one of the flat's most appealing features is a family-sized veranda it's big enough to host ten or twelve people we are expecting our first visitors that evening ma green is busy getting things organised surprisingly, there are no children in the dream that may be the reason why ma green is ready to accept the dreamer's advances the dreamer knows exactly what buttons to push he begins pushing them vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (12+) me green (3+) 05122023 - 1819 the name of the dream: assassinations it's a truism that those closest to you are those most likely to be in the position to do the most damage it doesn't take much to compromise a person money, threats to your loved ones, blackmail etc. in this persons case it was... so too it was with an assissination plot against the dreamer without going into detail it was to be a character assassination things are so balanced as to thwart either type of assassintion the dreamer only has to go along with the initial thrust of the plot so far before revealing names and times of the planned assassination and the chain of events to nullify the action vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: assassintion plots (1) 04122023 - 1818 the name of the dream: did they or didn't they good-natured, with a dash of mischievousness comments, are popping up on social media that the dreamer is having an affair the woman is slightly pudgy, has white hair, is smaller and a decade or so younger the dreamer first hears about it from two young men the young men are fishing for the truth they quote remarks that ask a telling question at the same time my response to all questions is the same, "a gentleman doesn't comment on his private life" the last two scenes of this four-scened dream are of the dreamer standing in the all together in a bath with little or no water in it a slightly pudgy woman with white hair, is smaller than the dreamer by nine or ten centimetres and is a decade or so younger than the dreamer, has her hand covering her face her middle-three finger part, and we see her eyes peering through the gaps in her fingers notes 1 a delightful little dream that deserves an entry into the dream diary notes 2 the writer has just begun checking the text from a decade or more ago can't believe how many mistakes there are in the grammar it'll probably take a year or more to make them easy to read vividness: 2.8.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (10+) 03122023 - 1817 the name of the dream: full of wonder there is an air of anticpation the launch of a new t.v. service is imminent it is going to be a game-changer the screen can be split into twelve segments with the click of a button we can watch one or two or three or four or more of twelve channels at the same time big t.v. screens are going to become the new vogue the last scene is a hip-chic walking away from the door next to the dreamer's home her long aubern hair reaches down to and a little over her shoulders she exudes confidence she is every inch a professional she is in high-heeled shoes and tight black trousers she has marylin monroe's hip-sway down pat she walks about ten-metres away, stops, and then turns around and walks back a little slower we don't see any cameras but we know she is being filmed vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: technology (2+) split t.v. screens (1) 02122023 - 1816 the name of the dream: support files there are hundreds of films all in the same folder robert de nero is the most featured actor with more than one-hundred films to his credit he is flattered by his kudos he is dissapointed with the film that has been chosen to exemplify his talents so we decide to show dozens of snippets instead vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: folders (10+) films and film stars (5+) robert de nero (1+) 01122023 - 1815 the name of the dream: thirsty work a group of mixed genders, about ten or twelve of us, are being forced to find the limits of the physiology with regards to fluids we are nothing more than lab-rats we have just been taken through admission and are getting ready to begin the experiment the experiment starts when the first of us begins to get thirsty or hungry drinking the blood or urine of other people is the only way to survive our only chance of survival is to escape notes 1 this dream was brought about by watching the film "lifeforce" before going to sleep vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: life-threatening situations (7+) 30112023 1814 the name of the dream: frustration 2 an otherwise placid man turns into a crazed man unfortunately, the dreamer is the only person around he is too big and powerful for the dreamer to beat the reason for his outburst is that someone has beat him to the punch with information and posted it on the internet had he been a day or two earlier he would have become a celebrity as it is, he will remain anonymous for a while he knew the joy of success even though the dreamer was being assaulted, he couldn't help feeling sorry for him the dream ends in that vein vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: lost chances (1+) name witheld 29112023 - 1813 the name of the dream: the egotist the dreamer is handed a "flyer" while walking through town on the flyer are two questions the answers are to be one-word answers the dreamer puts his replies and hands the sheet of paper back the man says the dreamer's answers are what they are looking for and asks if he would be interested in being recruited during the conversation that follows one statement the recruiter makes is so obviously biased to seeing things his way it makes the dreamer realise this guy is on a "power trip" he's one of those people who are on sure ground providing you see things their way vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: people with insular outlooks (2+) 28112023 - 1812 the name of the dream: the wrong response the dreamer has visitors, a girl and a boy they might be an "item" or they could be brother and sister there's nothing in the dream to indicate what their relationship is the three of us sit on a couch the girl is in the middle, the male is to her left while watching the t.v. the girl puts her hand inside the dreamer's jumper and rubs her hand up and down her rubbing makes the dreamer chuckle his chuckling causes her to stop rubbing getting te dreamer to laugh isn't the response she wanted (have a faint memory of this circumstance occurring in another dream) she stops rubbing vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: awkward situations (7+) 27112023 - 1811 the name of the dream: gorge city this period of r.e.m. contained three different themes of dreams the writer concentrated on the gorge theme for so long he was unable to remember enough detail from the two other dreams to make meaningful entries the dreamer visited it in his mid-teens cheddar gorge is almost, but not quite, a sheer drop it is at least three-hundred metres to the bottom there is a slope which might entice a daredevil-minded person to slide down it from the dreamer's perpective it was an invitation to die when the dreamer visited it in the early 1960's he was appalled by the circumstance that once a person had pushed through a bit of bush another two steps would have sent a sightseer to his death there is no definitive number of the deaths due to misadventure this circumstance suggests that the local authority would face criticism if the figures were revealed vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: natural geography (3+) cheddar gorge (1) 26112023 - 1810 the name of the dream: three's a group a mini-epic dream that starts with the dreamer out of town he bumbs into two young lads there is the better part of a generation seperating them that doesn't stop us from striking up a friendship the dream moves to where the young lads live soon after arriving at their place the dreamer suggests we go into town where an event is scheduled the event is near to where the dreamer lives the dreamer suggests to the lads we take a portable 20 watt music system with us a fair bit of this dream is taken up with us trying to adapt the output of the portable music player to the input connections of the speakers vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: instant friendships (2+) males (1+) 25112023 - 1809 the name of the dream: the eternity game the idea is to construct a universe using known facts give a nuetrino a different value and the program will construct the universe according to the new parameters notes 1 it is possible to imagine that a planck-time is made up smaller amounts of time vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: computer games (2+) modelling universes (1) 24112023 - 1808 the name of the dream: as snug as a bug in is rug the dreamer and his girlfriend are in a shop buying carpets for their new home we have shaggy pile carpet in mind we settle for a two-tone carpet that changes its colour from from green to blue across its length it is not inexpensive another little luxury we indulge in is a thick sheepskin rug for the side of the bed on those cold winter mornings it's either that or hot water bottles notes 1 have you seen the price of icelandic quilts - £10 000+ vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: shopping (2+) carpet (1+) 23112023 - 1807 the name of the dreams: fantastic deals give away services and products available for a twenty-four hour period the only restriction will be when all of the products and services have been sold as it was when the dreamer first came across the offer, so it is currently the products and services will be sold out at any moment if the produce wasn't from a reputable coompany it would be regarded as a scam the dreamer gets his order in and receives his invoice immediately others are not going to be so fortunate vividness: 2.7.7 - participant - the category of the dream: online sales (2+) 22112023 - 1806 the name of the dream: what lies beneath? while excavating the ground to lay the foundatins for a large project an underground chamber housing gigantic sloth-like creatures is uncovered the new species, it is discovered, have never see the light of day it becomes a world-wide topic the construction company versus pubic opinion there is little doubt that public opinion will win the day vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: animals (8+) mammals (8+) subterranean animals(1+) 21112023 - 1805 the name of the dream: mistaken identity came across a tortoise in the back garden put it in the outhouse with a disposable dustbin bag forgot about it for a few days went to check on it while feeing for it amongst the bag was slightly startled when a baby turtle tried to make a run for it it wasn't a tortoise it was a pregnant turtle a sense of responsibility took hold the dreamer was going to have to create a mini-environment was thinking what to put in the outhouse when the dream ended vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (7+) aquatic (1+) turtle (1+) 06112023 - 1804 the name of the dream: down and out - the name of the montage: white snow, white water the dreamer is living in london he is down on his heels he strikes up a friendship with a girl in the same situation as his no money, nowhere to live, hungry etc. we decided to go to the kensington/earls court area there are lots of streets in the same place that use large victorian terraced houses as hotels and bedsitters one of the houses has its front door open we walk in the dreamer is looking around for a reception or a door that has an office sign on it the girl walks ahead of the dreamer in the next scene, the girl turns a corner and leaves the dream a small, bald and sturdy man takes her place before the dreamer can say anything, he says, "the rooms are nine pounds" it takes the dreamer a second or two to realise what's going on we've walked into a knocking shop the man thinks we want a room to have x the dream ends, the writer wakes up vividness: 2.6.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: homelessness (2+) we go from a dream to a montage an ultra-vivid two or three-scene montage set in an arctic environment there are just two iridescent colours, white and blue the white is dazzlingly vivid the blue gives shape to the edges of the images first, there is a torrent of water the size of a river that spills over a ridge of ice directly in front of us and a few hundred metres in the distance then we see a badger-type animal and its young in a burrow it is regarding us cautiously there was more to this montage... vividness: 2.8.4- participant and observer - the category of the montage: arctic environments (1+) 05112023 - 1803 the name of the dreams: maintaining a balance - nearly a perfect dream we are at the dreamer's abode he has five guests two mothers and their children there are three youngsters one is a toddler, one is an eleven-year-old girl, and the other is a twelve-year-old boy only one instance of discord in this dream the dreamer has a "sweets corner" in the living room it is a twenty-five-compartment display the compartments each have a different type of sweet dolly mixtures, smarties, chocolate raisins, chewy gums etc. (stand-out visual) the boy digs into one of the compartments with his fingers and causes some of the sweets in it to spill into another tier the dreamer makes him put the spilt sweets back into their original compartment it makes him sulky the dreamer tells him he can eat as many as he wants but if he gets them mixed up again, it's only fair that he should put them back in their proper compartments he accepts the instruction and loses his sulkiness with everything back in order, the dreamer and the mother's carry on talking our conversation makes more than just a few allusions to the adult activities we will be indulging in when the youngsters have gone to bed vividness: 2.7.7- participant and observer - the category of the dream: sweets, children and adults (1) in the car park of a pub the car park is on a steep decline it is crowded the dreamer is seeking instructions to get to his destination the destination is hundreds of miles away the next city in the journey is about eighty miles away he has a new idea for a floating barge that will launch inter-continental ballistic missiles the dreamer knows someone in the north who can get the information to the russians the dreamer is travelling on a motorbike it is a large-engined motor-bike very much like the honda goldwing motorbikes of the seventies and eighties it doesn't have footrests like a typical motorbike it has small platforms for the feet the next few scenes of the dream are of the dreamer is having a conversation with another biker the biker is with a group of seven or eight other bikers the dreamer confides in him and tells him why he's going up north "the west has a more advanced offensive capability" "the new idea will maintain a balance" the dream ends as the dreamer rides out of the car park vividness: 2.7.7- participant and observer - the category of the dream: military-related (2+) 04112023 1802 the name of the dream: not a regular hospital the dreamer is in a hospital we don't know what for in this hospital, the nurses make notes of the patient's behaviour along with their other usual duties the dreamer has some odd traits among other things, he carries around spare socks and underpants the dreamer makes an issue of others thinking it is not normal to carry around spare socks and the like we have to presume it is a hospital for people with an abnormal mental condition vividness: 2.7- participant and observer - category of the dream: hospitals (4+) mental hospitals (1) 03112023 - 1801 the name of the dream: a beautiful mind woke to the sound of a voice explaining a situation it wasn't until the sixth or so sentence that the voice and the story began to sound familiar an innocent man is being framed for a murder he didn't do it was just after that the writer realised that the voice explaining the story was, in fact, the voice in a radio play that is still running the writer fell asleep while listening to it the dreamer's awake-time mind was converting the spoken word into a dream-time think-read dream! note 1 it's going to be many a generation before we are able to exercise the god-instilled abilities of the mind notes 2 it's probably the case that every dream that has ever been dreamt by any living thing is a representation of awake-time happenings vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: improvisation of awake-time situations into the dream state (1) voice to think-read dreams (1) 02112023 - 1800 the name of the montage-cum-dream: bullseye a montage-cum dream that began with the writer trying to throw an object at a circular board on the wall a few metres away, positioned level with his head it is the same size as a dartboard and, like a dart board, it has segmented areas the segments are coulored with l.e.d's. again, like a dartboard, they have outer and inner segments there are words and sentences within the segments there aren't any numbers anywhere on the board a question is asked if the player gets the answer right, a segment of the the board lights up the player has then to hit the highlighted area the fastest answer and correct hit is the winner a game of intellect and physical coordination vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: indoor games (2+) 01112023 - 1799 the name of the dreams: they know all the angles - repetitive experiences woke by the phone during the dream roughly, it was a think-read dream that highlighted the likenesses, similarities and themes in dreams and how they span across undulations ( vividness: 2.7.5 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category: think-read dream (30+) undulations (3+) on the dance-floor dancing with a girl she is smaller than the dreamer there are three or four strands of her hair that reach down to below her eyes it gives her a cute look (stand-out visual) there are two scenes of it happening it makes the dreamer feel attracted to her both times, the dreamer can feel himself smiling her semi-kiddish look is having its desired effect the dreamer's betting she spent more than just a minute or two practising and perfecting the image of herself in front of a mirror vividness: 2.7.5 to 2.8 - participant and observer - category of the dream: enticing women (2+) 31102023 - 1798 the name of the dream: the discontent's five or six men are having a confab we are not achieving our goals our intentions are noble but we're not making much ground we're trying to figure out why perhaps our method of communication needs to change handing out 4-page sheets should be having some sort of impact but next to no one is asking questions we are on the verge of calling it a day the scene changes it is the same men talking about the same thing the dreamer realises what we're doing wrong we haven't included any women in our endeavours vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category: group endeavour's (1+) 30102023 - 1797 the name of the dream: overhead view a birds-eye view from about five-metres above of a circular area about five-metres in diameter on a concrete ground at the edge of the scene we see a shiny empty metal dustbin with no lid notes 1 vividness: 2.8.5 - observer - category of the dream: one-scene dream (3+) dustbin (1) 29102023 - 1796 the name of the dream: variations this awake-time experience had it all montages, zoom-in sequences, a think-read dream, a dream that alluded to x, insects on the wing with the exception of the zoom-in sequence that began the experience, the order in which things are presented is not in the sequence they happened the dreamer woke from his sleep and began sifting through his memory for the dream whatever the dream was, if there was one, it took second place to what happened next a montage began the first two or three scenes, without a prompt from the writer, zoomed in from a waist-up scene to a shoulders and head scene of a man the scenes are live - have a little movement in them that happened another once or twice when it didn't happen automatically, the writer managed to produce the zoom-in effect for himself the zoom-in didn't fill the frame as it did on the first zoom-in the second and third attempts produced smaller and smaller images the same thing happened with the two subsequent images before things changed again the zoom-in phase of the montage finished there was a short dream of two or three scenes with a girl there was a think-read dream the crux of the think-read dream was a line from a book the quote was in large letters it is meant to be remembered alas, don't remember the quote precisely think the name aldous huxley was mentioned in which case, it may have been from the book "brave new world" - there was a sequence of two flying insects that began fighting while in flight notes 1 this awake-time experience gives the writer the opportunity to analogize the experience of straight-line-action do you, as a child, remember the excitement of a christmas morning when there were several brightly-coloured boxes to open? can you still recall the excitement and anticipation of what will be in that box you are opening? straight-line-action is like that - every passing moment, you will be in a new, more intense state of exhilaration vividness: 2.7.7 to 2.8.4 - participant and observer - the category of the experience: montage (20+) think-read (20+) awake-dream (1+) 28102023 - 1795 the name of the dream: once upon a place it is evening the dreamer is well off his beaten path he comes across a pub the pub is almost hidden amongst trees and bush the dreamer enters the pub it is empty the lighting is subdued it's got chairs and tables and a small bar in the next scene, the bartender appears the dreamer is experienced with people he can weigh them up more or less straightaway one look into his eyes tells the dreamer this guy needs to be treated with kid gloves it's as though the mind behind those eyes is a blank sheet he will respond in kind to whatever stimulus he receives he is built like a brick shit house, his physique is straining to get out of his clothes beneath his jacket is a barrel-shaped chest again from experience, the dreamer knows that men with a barrel-shaped chest are in the ultimate hard man category the dreamer realises why the pub is empty a few jars of ale tend to loosen men's tongues it is not unusual for men who get tipsy to say things they wouldn't normally say the bartender isn't a nutter, it's just that he has a limited view of what and how people should say what they say he will confront and challenge anyone with outlandish talk or behaviour within days of him becoming the landlord of the pub one of the locals went beyond what the bartender considered reasonable behaviour and he "put him right" the police were called but decreed he hadn't broken the law even though the man on the receiving end of his fists was badly hurt the locals began using the next nearest pub the only people who go to the pub are people like the dreamer who happen on it by chance the dreamer doesn't order his usual drink he looks at the bottles on the shelf and orders a drink from a bottle that is half-empty cautiously, the dreamer asks cautiously if there is a jukebox it gets an enthusiastic response from the bartender he says, "it's in another room" the bartender comes from behind the bar and walks to another part of the pub the dreamer follows him we go into a small room in the room is a record player and a few dozen LP's the bartender says, "it isn't working properly" the dreamer detects a plea for help in his voice the bartender lifts the lid of the record player and puts a record on the record starts playing as he raises the lid the music gets louder and louder until the lid goes beyond the upright position at which point the music stops he lowers the lid and the music gets quieter and stops playing when the lid is shut the bartender doesn't understand it the dreamer hasn't come across the mechanism before either but knows there must be some way of turning the volume up or down scrutinising the knobs and switches of the record player reveals there is a button that, when pressed, locks the lid at any given position the bartender hadn't read the instructions he assumed, as did the dreamer, that all record players have common features when the dreamer explains the mechanism the bartender shows the other side of his nature he sees the dreamer as a friend worth having and begins treating him as such within a scene or two, we are at the same pub but everything has changed there is music playing and female voices are the most common the dreamer is the resident d.j. and has a girlfriend the dreamer catches the bartender looking at his girlfriend with a longing look the dreamer is doing alright and brings in a "working girl" the bartender is a different person the bartender is now fully integrated with the dreamer's way of doing things the sky's the limit vividness: 2.7.7 to 2.8.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: opportunism (3+) 27102023 - 1794 the name of the dream: message on a packet the dreamer is anxious about his ex-girlfriend all accounts of her are that she is going from bad to worse she is stealing and lying to get what she wants the dreamer feels responsible he doesn't know where she lives or who to ask for her whereabouts there is one possibility, albeit a slim one the society we live in is geared to help people who are least able to look after themselves his ex is in this category as such she is entitled to a package the packages are about the size of an a4 piece of paper and as thick as a cushion they contain basic items, clothing, food and information on where else they can get support and a little money most crucially, they have the name and address of the recipient the dreamer gets a volunteer job of putting the parcels coming along a conveyor belt into the district shown on a label on the package the highly improbable happens in the next scene, the dreamer espies what he hoped he would find a package with her name and address now he can attach a message to the parcel and/or go and see her also on the package, there is a label stuck on it the label has a six-word comment on it it reads, "this dream deserves a happy ending" vividness: 2.8.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: searching for people (2+) 26102023 - 1793 the name of the dream: the purpose of drugs in the first scene, we see a person in severe distress the distress the person experiences from the severe side effects is troubling the dreamer he or she is begging someone to give them an injection our first reaction is to believe that he or she is at the mercy of a sadist getting pleasure from someone suffering after we see two or three different people going through the same thing we see clinicians in white coats the dream starts to make sense we realise the dream is about volunteers subjecting themselves to addiction and withdrawal symptoms the medical team is scrutinising what chemicals the body produces as a natural reaction to the physical stress the team of clinicians are hoping to discover a new natural chemical compound that will compensate for the drug that our bodies have become dependent on the final scene is of the volunteers in an upbeat mood recovering with food and drink of their choice notes 1 this dream is the result of reflecting on the addictive nature of class-A drugs before going to bed why did nature produce the poppy and cocaine plants? there are two possible answers for both of them, we have to go way, way back both answers are tied into the mistake - somewhere back there, when some chose not to exist, the implications of non-existence meant that every undesirable thing that could happen would happen drugs, specifically opium-cum-morphine-cum-eroin can be seen as a way of "cushioning" the worst of the sensations that accompany devolution - we can go a step further and consider that those who choose not to exist are to be given the opportunity of having the drugs heroin-cum-opium and cocaine (the writer is not as familiar with cocaine as he is with heroin-cum-opium and needs to be educated on its ins and outs) the chinese solution of making it freely available to addicts has merit but it also has drawbacks the reader will also notice the difference in the way the east and the west manage the availabilty of opium-cum-morphinecum-heroin china makes it available to addicts free of charge meanwhile, the west uses the drug to make money by making it an illegai substance while, at the same time, distributing it to the genearal public via m.i.5. in the u.k. and the c.i.a. in the u.s.a. breaking the chain of procurement and supply may well cause the banking financial complex to collapse the writer proposes that when those who have chosen not to exist are identified in childhood, they be allowed to live the way they want to live with others similarly inclined and when violence and pain become a problem for them the drugs mentioned should be made available we have to acknowledge that those characteristics that accompany a violent nature have to be separated from those with a loving nature this is but one of the many issues we have to resolve when we get going - vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: drugs (24+) heroin and cocaine (1) 25102023 - 1792 the name of the dreams: hot food - extremes while out and about on a mild day, the dreamer gets hungry the first place that come across that sells cooked meals is an open-air restaurant it is a wooden building with a wooden fence around its perimeter the tables and seats are slatted at the counter, a man says, "wer'e just about to close" the dreamer says, "i don't want anything fancy, just a hot meal" with a hint of reluctance, the man says, "take a seat" the meal came in the next scene the dream ended before the writer took a forkful vividness: 2.7.4 - observer - the category of the dream: food (7+) cooked meals (3+) in town in an unknown location the dreamer asks a girl on the other side of the road for directions the girl is wearing a two-piece suit the skirt is about six centimetres above her knees she is a handsome, make that gorgeous, girl she looks like a go-getter with a smile on her face, she answers that she doesn't know we exchange a couple more sentences one of her answers was, "wish i could help you" saucily, the dreamer replies, "so do i" she picks up on the dreamer's meaning and her smile gets bigger vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: conversations in dreams (28+) by way of complete contrast the dreamer asks a male for instructions not sure if the man was already in a bad mood or if it was something about the dreamer, but every time he spoke there was venom in his voice this guy was a snake on legs, sheer antagonism notes 1 how there can be such extremes in a dream is a bit of a mystery vividness: 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: dichotomic (1+) conversations in dreams (29+) 24102023 - 1791 the name of the dream: the brazen hussy on holiday in aamsterdam staying at an affordable "hotel" in the reception-cum dining area the dreamer starts a conversation with a malaysian girl straight away we hit it off in the next scene, the dreamer and the girl are sitting at a table after making a suggestive joke the girl responds by putting her hand on the writer's crotch sometimes it's like that the girl is more "forward" than the boy not wishing to embarrass her, the dreamer responds by putting his hand under her jumper and begins fondling her breasts (stand-out feeling) in the next scene, a male younger than the dreamer joins the dream they begin talking to one another they are an "item" the dreamer is taken aback not even he would be so brazen as to fill a minute of waiting time with another girl if he was expecting his girlfriend at any moment the dreamer listens to them as they begin talking about what they will be doing later on to make matters even worse, the girl keeps looking at the dreamer while she is talking to the boy the boy becomes suspicious the dreamer exits in the dream note 1 for some time after beginning the dreams diary, the writer was convinced that the sensation of touch, hot, cold, taste etc. are not present in dreams this was due to reading a "scholar" pronouncing that the thalamus couldn't relay the sensation of touch or taste to the memory someone may be inclined to sift through dreams diary and discover when smell, touch and taste first occur vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: fleeting flirtatiousness (2+) amsterdam (4+) 23102023 - 1790 the name of the montage: women leading the way woke from a dreamless sleep and straight into a montage - the theme of the montage is naked women four or five scenes with minimal motion the sequence of dreams isn't an indulgent dip into the xual appeal of women this montage is intended to bring to our attention the role women should be playing... an instructive approach to our perception and practice of what it is we haven't taken into account when it comes to x a couple of the scenes depict in the clearest way possible how to initiate the feelings in a woman that lead to the procreative act the writer has in mind a way to present the theme of this montage in photo-image form he has the camera all he needs now are the models notes 1 two consecutive montages! vividness: 2.8.5 - observer - the category of the montage: mini montage (2+) naked women (1+) pre-procreational procedure (1) 22102023 - 1789 the name of the montage: always something new at the start of this montage, the images are coming and going so fast that the mind is pushed beyond its capacity to assess the content after half a dozen or so scenes, things slow down and the images can be evaluated it emerges that the subject of the montage is earthworms the earthworms are not your common-or-garden earthworms, far from it these earthworms have the characteristic of being able to generate original thoughts and activities they can secrete fluids that make the soil fertile in a way that has never been witnessed before the discovery is a game-changer the person, a young lad, realises the potential of his discovery he has hit the motherload the world is his oyster the next part of this montage-cum-dream becomes a think-read montage it has two sentences the two longish sentences of instructions are how to maximise the results of the earthworm's activities the writer reads them twice but forgets the details as he becomes engrossed in other parts of the think-read dream-cum-montage the colour of the montage-cum-think-read montage is a consistently rust-red vividness: 2.8.5 - observer - the category of the dream-cum-montage: invertebrates (1) worms (1) 21102023 - 1788 the name of the dreams: recuperation - comfort and security a two-themed dream, with the first theme in an hospital the walls are white, as are the blankets, pillow and walls the dreamer is standing at the foot of a bed facing toward the patient the patient is sleeping on the wall above the back of the bed there is a hand-written message that reads, "do not wake patient" obviously, the patients recovery is bound-up with rest and sleep vividness: 2.8.2 - observer - the category of the dream: hospitals (4+) patients (2+) second theme in this dream we get the same sensations a toddler or baby gets when she or he is picked up and clasped to a full-bosomed woman, comfort and security vividness: 2.8.3/4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: women's breasts (2+) 20102023 - 1787 the name of the dream: panoply first theme the dreamer is getting frustrated because either a book or a catchy slogan is not being taken seriously enough the book or slogan has merit but is deliberately sidelined second theme three seconds worth of two luminescent green stick figures of man-shaped beings undulating rhythmically they appear to be dancing third theme two people are encouraging the dreamer to try a gizmo that has become the latest craze the user blows through a contraption fashioned along the lines of a handheld telescope it emits a pellet with an irregular shape and the size of a marble the pellet moves as fast as the eye can follow and is eerily accurate it may have mind-willed accuracy notes 1 to get the full flavour of these dreams, we need cgi personnel doing the imaging vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: multi-themed dreams (12+) 19102023 - 1786 yet another dream lost due to being woken during the dream 18102023 - 1785 the name of the dream: not artistic enough a young lady con artist is "trying it on" she tells a fairly elaborate story involving another girl unbeknown to the con artist, the other girl is known to the dreamer the dreamer says he will ask her friend if she will make good on the amount the con artist borrows if she doesn't repay on time the con artist realises the jig is up and goes back to pleading with the dreamer that she will not let him down the dreamer feels for her, but he has had enough of her and other people's broken promises vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: con artists (2+) 17102023 - 1784 the name of the dream: mary summons me it is the era of the 1960's the dreamer gets a visit from john mills he has come to ask me to visit a girl that the dreamer knew from schooldays some years before john mills has a friendly disposition and is dating the dreamer's/writer's sister probably the reason he is used as a go-between in the dream, the dreamer is seventeen mary (trying to recall her surname) has links to the underworld when mary wants to speak with you, it is not a request besides, the dreamer/writer is curious to meet her and find out why she wants to meet the dreamer/writer she wants to meet the lad who refused to let the son of the most notorious gangster family in the city into a party and didn't suffer any consequences and will be a full-blown gangster himself within a few years don't recall if the party was a birthday party or just a party the son of the gangster heard about the party and decided to invite himself when the party is in full flow, the windows are open to let in fresh air from the gangster boys' point of view, coming in through the open window makes a statement the dreamer/writer sees a leg coming through the window the dreamer/writer's sense of right and wrong causes him/the writer to do something about it it becomes a push-pull contest the dreamer/writer wins the day, and the would-be intruder backs off mary wants to meet the boy who didn't back down when it came to a confrontation with the son of a gangster the simple truth is when a male is seventeen testosterone calls the shots notes 1 in the early to mid-sixties, the government took action to disperse rivalry between gangs in the gorbals in glasgow the solution was to re-house rival families in other cities notes 2 why these specific events and the ensuing meeting have found its way into a dream is something of a mystery unable to offer an explanation vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: replays of awake time events (1) 16102023 - 1783 the name of the dream: everyone's a winner this dream is set in the future we live in mega-cities half or a million people occupy the city's there is a merit system it allows people to move closer to the ground or closer to the sky the most sought-after accommodation is those closest to the ground one of the most popular games is called "the frisbee flip" it began with a regular-sized frisbee the game is to hit a bullseye four-metres away the frisbee kept its shape but mutated into the size of a disc that fitted snuggly into the palm the bullseye was moved from four to three metres away everyone got near enough to the bullseye to make scrutiny necessary it was more difficult to register a miss than it was to hit the centre, hence its popularity notes 1 two successive dreams about games? think this is due to stressing to someone the playful nature of you-know-who the day before the first dream vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: indoor games (6+) frisbee (1+) 15102023 - 1782 the name of the dream: unscrupulous partner the dreamer is in the changing rooms of a squash court, getting ready for a game of squash when he puts on his trainers, they feel loose he checks for the reason they feel loose he notices that the laces are thread through the eyelets in a way he doesn't recognise slowly, bit by bit, the dreamer figures out what has happened the dreamer's partner is a fair bit bigger than the dreamer he must have forgotten to bring his trainers and used the dreamer's trainers for a game of squash between the last time we played and this time his partner realised that the dreamer may notice that the trainers felt bigger so he threaded the laces in a way that took up the slack the dreamer doesn't want to lose him as an opponent he will get his own back by beating his opponent hands down vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: indoor games (5+) squash (1+) 14102023 - 1781 the name of the dream: squandered money it is after-hours at the bank the dreamer is waiting for the bank manager to do the last of his chores for the day the bank manager and the dreamer are good friends we may be related we will be going out for the evening when he has finished while moving things around on the desk the manager moves a large folder it uncovers three, four or five plain white envelopes the flap of one of the envelopes isn't inside the envelope we can see there is money inside it a quick assessment tells us the envelope has five hundred pounds in it the dreamer realises that the envelopes are the ones he gave to the manager some months before to keep safe for him and had forgotten about them he knew that in total there should be two thousand and five hundred pounds notes 1 this dream is the result of the writer thinking during the day about how easy it is to get through a few thousand pounds in a short time notes 2 there was another dream in last night's dreams not for the first time, the writer has not entered another dream from the same sleep sometimes it's because it didn't have content that said anything on this occasion, it isn't entered because of its vile nature the writer thought he knew of every sickening act a person could do to another man-shaped being in this other dream, a forensic scientist discovers there is ***** ** *** ****** ** * **** the writer has never read or heard of this happening before this dream if we had a catalogue of every vile act that has been perpetrated by animals against other animals, this act wouldn't be in it this act must be the extreme act that a mind with free will can imagine notes 3 we were all brought into existence with a bias toward expansion necessarily, our imagination has to be able to conceive of the extremes of experience there is no way we can ascribe expansion to this act vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the first dream: money (10+) 13102023 - 1780 the name of the dream: breaking the law in this dream, we witness the way the security of a nation is managed three different categories of crime, money laundering, international drug smuggling and identity theft are highlighted the way a url can, by changing one letter after the dot, divert information, money etc. into the wrong hands is an eye-opener the almost clinical precision used by the prosecuting bodies when presenting evidence is impressive notes 1 the average joe hasn't got the time to delve into international crime for those who do have the time, an in-depth analysis of money laundering is here - vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: international crime (8+) money laundering (1+) 12102023 - 1779 the name of the dream: flabbergasted the dreamer has entered a lift it is a stainless steel lift at the moment when the occupier of the lift is expecting the doors to close two, people come through the doors the doors close the two people are a woman and a man they look like they could be brother and sister they both have a pale complexion and black hair the woman says, "hello john, you don't remember us, do you?" the dreamer says, "yes, you said hello to me in the street ten or fifteen years ago" the girl is flabbergasted her next question would have been, "what made you recognise us?" the dreamer anticipates her question and says, "i rembember you now because of your white skin and black hair" there are a couple more sentences, then the girl says, "? has ?" (she is refering to her partner) the woman goes on to say, "? has (she says a long medical word)" the dreamer takes another look at the male his face is swollen it then dawns on the dreamer that the reason they have sought him out is because they are hoping that the dreamer can perform a miracle if he were to do a "hands-on" about his head that will relieve his condition the dreamer is thinking about how to go about it when the dream ends notes 1 over the years, the writer has done things that seem magical when he has suggested doing this or that when it comes to physical maladies most recently, a young lady complained of a headach about her temples the writer gently smoothed his fingertips across her brow for less than four seconds and the aching stopped she looked at the writer with surprise bordering on incredulity and said, "are you a magician?" the thing we call psychic healing may have a foundation in reality vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: psychic healng (1+) 11102023 - 1778 the name of the dream: an awake dream after waking up and beginning to recall the dream from when asleep, another dream starts it is not a montage ( it is an awake-dream an aerial view from about three metres above where the participant is sitting we are in a shop that sells plants the view slowly pans from right to left, zooming in on the participant as it does so the participant is talking to someone the person is out of sight and to the left of the participant the participant is the writer we see the writer in profile he is left-side on there is no mistaking it is the writer what he says is perfectly clear it is his own voice there is no mistaking the sound of his own voice furthermore, he is speaking with confidence neither is there any doubt that it is the writer we are looking at the colour of his hair is as it is at the moment, and the style of his hair is the same as it is at this moment that the writer is seeing himself as he is now it startles him the dream before waking is forgotten as is, unfortunately, the words that he speaks in this awake-dream the writer is replaying over and over in his mind's eye the four or five seconds of this awake dream notes 1 strictly speaking, this awake dream belongs to the day before at one point while replaying the awake dream, the writer looked over at the wall clock, both hands of the clock are on 12 notes 2 there are at least two possibilities... will let the reader have a go at figuring it out notes 3 the closest the writer comes to having a dream like this is the dream of 13062019 notes 4 the variations coming through in regular dreams (dreams we have while sleeping - r.e.m.) are extremely varied the permutations are in the googols of googols now we are into yet another variation of our mental abilities - awake dreams all dreams as man-shaped beings do have a calculable figure their finite value is limited by the amount of time we exist in man-shaped form when we move into abstract (geometric shape), the time we spend in the heavenly state is truly transcendental we would not be exaggerating to compare the time we spend as man-shaped beings as one planck time of a lifetime, currently eighty years or so notes 5 this awake dream is as vivid as they come nearly, but not quite, 3d vividness: 2.9.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dreams of self (1+ - see dream 13062019) 10102023 - 1787 the name of the dream: visiting friends who used to live near where the dreamer and his girlfriend live vividness: 2.9.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: 09102023 - 1786 the name of the dream: tokers on a dark evening at a bus-stop a female joins the dreamer we begin talking it doesn't take long for us to discover we both like a smoke we agree that the dreamer bring the money to her and she will go and get it something rings her alarm bells and she decides she doesn't want to do it no matter what the dreamer suggests she finds a reason for not going along with it vividness: 2.7.6 - partipant and observer - the category of the dream: one-off acquaintences (7+) 08102023 - 1785 the name of the dream: the missing woman in the living room of my current address sounds coming from outside need investigating leaving the living room and stepping into the hallway can see two or three figures through the corrugated glass of the front door four metres away the dreamer assumes they have come to speak to him although he is wondering why they didn't ring the bell open the front door to find two gents in their thirties they are dressed raggedly they want to know about the woman living next door specifically, they want to know if the dreamer knows if he has seen her and if she is alright we chat for a bit a third man joins the dream he too is dressed in clothes that look like they could have been bought at a down-market jumble sale he has a pot belly he is also on the "pushy" side the things he says are statements of facts, not to be questioned he steps through the doorway and plants his foot on the carpet the dreamer realises he needs to get a grip on the situation he presses the lower part of his right arm against the man's belly the dreamer's arm sinks a good ten centimetres into his belly before it reaches a solid bit of his anatomy the dreamer follows through with a forward motion sufficient to get the man to step back out of the hallway the men keep pressing the dreamer to tell them whatever he can about the woman next door things settle down and the tone of the voices becomes friendly the dreamer hits the nail on the head when he offers to get them something to eat cornflakes are mentioned the dreamer says he can do better than that and suggests an egg sandwich one of the men mutters something about toast the dreamer becomes the hero when he suggests marmite on toast when he hands the toast to one of the men, the man says, "do you know how much that would cost if you bought it in a cafe?" the dreamer thinks he is going to say a few quid the man says, "a couple of bob" a woman joins the dream she is the sister of the woman everyone is concerned about she is crying she is desperate to know the whereabouts of the woman who lives next to the dreamer she must have been inside the woman's home sometime before because she says the woman had taken her clothes with her the woman is holding a child-sized suitcase she opens it up and brings out a little, round furry thing the dreamer thinks it is a key fob it only makes matters worse it reminds the sister of the missing woman her crying is unsettling the dreamer and he is wondering if he should invite her into his home and console her when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.8 - partipant and observer - the category of the dream: missing persons (1+) 07102023- 1784 the name of the dreams: supportive work-mates - outlandish realities the dreamer and an unidentifiable man are sitting in water the water is lukewarm and we are supported by what feels like thick seaweed (stand-out sensation) all of the dreamer's beliefs are shattered when the man says, "we are at the south pole" the dreamer asks, "how can the water be warm if we are at the south pole?" the man then goes on to say something along the lines of, "do you think other planets are cold at the poles?" it isn't making sense it's reasonable to think that other planets may have lukewarm water at their poles but why isn't it general knowledge that the planet we live on has a continent-sized patch of water that is warm and shallow when everything the dreamer knows about the south pole shows it to be solid ice to believe what the man is saying, and it has to be mentioned that the man is one-hundred per cent sincere and truly believes what he saying, the dreamer starts thinking of conspiracy theories the dreamer knows there are some whopping conspiracies that totally destroy the truth about one thing and another but why would anyone or a group of people want to hide the truth about the south pole? can it be that there are people who enjoy getting people to believe the most outlandish distortions of facts? the dreamer wakes and is considering whether there can be warm water at the south pole vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: outlandish realities (1+) warm water at the south pole (2) a female reporter is under pressure from her male boss she hasn't produced ant new copy for some time her job is in jeopardy a male colleague comes to her rescue and gives her a story she can't thank him enough the woman feels safe again and wants to show her appreciation the man doesn't think she owes him anything she is a fellow reporter going through a "dry" spell vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: journalism (1+) colour (red) 06102023 - 1783 the name of the dreams: the jimmy limus review - more than a grain of evidence this dream is a full two years out of sync (precisely?) we are on board a tanker-sized ship the ship has a cargo of wheat and is diverting it away from where it is supposed to go those on board the ukraine ship are completely unaware that counter-intelligence personnel are sending every detail of what's going on back to russian intelligence the counter-intelligence is so well organised they can anticipate every move the officers take the information is fed back to russian intelligence denials from the west that it is happening are blatantly false the evidence is plain to see vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: topical (11+) ukraine conflict (1+) wheat (1) a professional booth boxer is singled out as one of the greats of booth boxing the only thing standing between him and a world title is his preference for the style of boxing he relishes and can only get in booth boxing his most notable fight was with dick tiger (a world title holder) dick tiger beat him but acknowledged him as the hardest man he ever fought the writer spent an evening with him at his house playing cards what happened took the writer completely by surprise if asked, will tell you about it when we get going ( god only knows why this think-read dream came out of the blue vividness: 2.7.9 - participant - the category of the dream: think-read (15+) boxing (3+) jimmy limus (1) 05102023 - 1782 the name of the dreams: here, there and everywhere - not quite what she wanted there are three of us, two males and a female the girl is not the dreamer's girlfriend not sure if she is the other male's girlfriend we are lying down watching something on a big screen at the bottom of where we are lying down the girl has her hand underneath whatever it is the dreamer is wearing she is running her hand up and down the dreamer's back the sensation of her hand is barely noticeable the sensation becomes more and more acute eventually, it feels like a tickle the tickling sensation increases and causes the dreamer to laugh out loud with enjoyment the girl hurriedly removes her hand causing the dreamer to laugh out loud was not the effect she was trying to produce the dreamer is hoping she will replace her hand on his back again when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.7 - participant - the category of the dream: failed arousals (!+) female to male (1+) the dreamer is moving things around from here to there one of the things he is doing is taking a cd disc out of the cd case and putting it into the disc drive of the laptop with the disc in his hand, the dreamer remembers to do something in the kitchen in the kitchen, the dreamer realises that he will have to place the disc somewhere while he does the task in the kitchen the chore in the kitchen is going to take a while to do knowing he may forget about the disc and do something that will cause him to touch the disc with something greasy or wet and damage the disc, the dreamer decides to put it in the airing cupboard the only place in the airing cupboard where it won't rub against something is to rest it on a pipe at the top of the heater having placed the disc on the pipe the dreamer gets on with doing the thing he has to do in the kitchen while doing that, it occurs to the dreamer that the hot pipe may warp the disc he stops preparing to get a meal ready and goes back to the airing cupboard he's back to the original dilemma of damaging the disc it's all getting too much to cope with the best way to deal with it is to end the dream which is what happens vividness: 2.7.6 - participant - the category of the dream: domestic situations (3+) doing more than one thing at a time (1+) 04102023 - 1781 the name of the dream: an average family the number of dreams lost due to the doorbell ringing has become significant this dream is an un-entered dream from 11062023 in an advanced society, adults without children are as something of an oddity the dreamer is an oddity constructive and caring people set the ball rolling they have arranged for the dreamer to meet a woman in the same position in the next scene, the dreamer, wife and baby are in a cafe-cum-waiting room at a station parents and daughter are sitting at a table the dreamer slips out of sight and calls her name our baby girl starts looking around for the face she associates with the voice other people are aware of what's happening there are smiles and chuckles vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family scenarios (30+) parents and daughter (2+) 03102023 - 1780 the name of the dream: boldly going where no mind has gone before you may have heard of the ditty that starts, "their building a pub down the road" (everyone cheers) "it's only got one bar" (everyone boo's), "the bar's a mile long" (everyone cheers). "there's only one barmaid" (everyone boo's)... the dream: in this dream prisoner's are allowed conjugal visits now you have to think of scenarios where things get worse then get better for as many times as possible the writer was on his fourth or fifth construct as he woke if the writer were to give the details of the scenarios he conjured up in the dream he would be banished from the internet vividness: 2.7.8/9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (10+) prison's (8+) 02102023 - 1779 the name of the dream: thinking about her not for the first time, the dreamer took his dream into awake-time on this occasion, things went a little further than usual he has composed an email that is replying to an unanswered phone text it wasn't until he had reached the point where he needed to access his mobile phone to get the woman's name that the frustration of summoning a mobile phone into a dream woke him out of the dream notes 1 again, we are pushing the ability to do things in dreams that require the use of the awake-time conscious the writer has no doubt that it is something we will be able to do eventually vividness: 2.7.8/9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think/do abilities in dreams (7+) composing emails/phone texts (1+) 01102023 - 1778 the name of the dream: a number and numbers the dreamer is handing out papers he is at a junction of the pathways that connect a mall there is a board nearby that says, "the biggest number there can be" he is talking to someone who wants to know what it's all about the dreamer explains, "we know that within the first billion numbers of pi, patterns are emerging" "within the first one-billion numbers of pi, the number 8 has three instances of 8888888 (seven 8's)" "it seems reasonable to presume that if we increase the number of one billion to a billion billion there will, in the numerical structure of pi, be instances of the number eight having nine or more instances of number 888888888's (nine 8's) "we can further presume that if we have a computer that can process 1000,000,000,000,000 digits (the most powerful computer that exists currently can process tw0-trillion digits) there will be patterns of the number 8 that have thousands of 8's" "i assume that the only true number is to be found in the numerical value of the volume of space that increases with each new dimension of space" vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: numbers (1+) 30092023 - 1777 the name of the dream: the errand at home it is sometime after 6 p.m. one place the dreamer lived in awake time was on the edge of a city the nearest shop was a hundred-and-fifty metres away the shop is a family business it closes at 6 p.m. the next shop nearest to where we lived is more than a kilometre away it stays open until 9 p.m. being the eldest of the children, the dreamer gets the job of going to the shop the scene changes from the home to being in the shop the shop has four or five wooden chairs placed against the wall that houses the glass front of the shop the dreamer is sitting on one of the chairs two or three girls come into the shop the girls are older and bigger than the dreamer one of the girls flops into a sitting position on the dreamer's lap everybody except the dreamer starts laughing the only way to get on top of the situation is to go on the offensive the girl sitting on the dreamer is wearing a loose coat or jacket the dreamer lifts the back of the coat and manages to squeeze into the jacket with her so now, both the dreamer and the girl are facing into the shop the dreamer puts his arms around the girl and says, "i'll do anything to be in contact with a girl" the dream ends with the sound of laughter vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: responsibility and girls (1+) 29092023 - 1776 the name of the dream: an omen? a couple living near where the dreamer and his partner live move to another part of town we have been good friends for some time the couple invite the dreamer and his partner over for sunday lunch in the next scene we are at their house looking through the window, we can see and hear the rain (stand-out scene) things turn dramatic a lorry skids off the road and into the house we barely see the movement of the wall of the house as the lorry comes to a standsill against it we go to the door to get out of the house the door is jammed we are in a precarious situation the dream ends vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: accidents (2+) lorry and house (1) 28092023 - 1775 4 or 5 months ago the heart, after taking a tablespoon of syrup of figs, a much larger than usual no.2 caused the writer's heartbeats to become eratic over a period of about 36 hours instead of consistent beats and rests taking place the heart took the permutations of 4 beats and 4 rests there was no physical discomfort at anytime the writer settled on the idea it was a "reset" the same thing is happening with the writer's sleeping routine he hasn't felt sleepy enough to go to sleep for the last two days hence, the absence of dreams he's not sure what's happening as his routine has been as usual 26092023 - 1774 the name of the dream: sweeties a mish-mash of scenes that defied cohesion no matter what sequence the scenes were in, they didn't make sense in its place is a dream from 11052023 the very serious matter of allocating sweets equally to an eagerly waiting group of children is underway the tension is palpable one sweet too many or even worse, one sweet less, going into a bag could quite easily cause a break in the adult/child relationship the counting is ongoing as the dream ends notes 1 counting the number of sweets going into a jar or bag that is to be given to a child may well be a constructive way of getting a child to learn to count notes 2 did you know that sugar is the first food life produced? vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: sweets (1+) children (8+) 25092023 - 1773 the name of the dreams: yes, but only one at a time - it's getting windy a female comedian is "warming up the audience" before getting down to making them laugh she is talking about the syrian empire in her first bit of humour, she holds the forefinger of her left hand with her right hand and gives it a tug she emits a slightly wet-sounding fart with three or four "blasts" we don't hear the audience laugh, but she is thoroughly pleased with the effect for an encore, she tries again there is no sound she then goes on to tell us that there is a french "artist" who can perform the la marseillaise using the technique she just demonstrated notes 1 didn't know there was a syrian empire before this dream notes 2 this dream is the result of watching the film "the babe" the day before, when john goodman, playing the part of the babe, does what the female does in this dream vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: humour? (4+) farting (1) thirty or forty metres from where he lives the dreamer is spoken to by a girl the girl is only vaguely familiar she tells the dreamer that the girl who lives in the house where we are standing accused the dreamer of impropriety he moves to the front door with more curiosity than foreboding and knocks on the door, he may have rang a bell or buzzer, and within a few seconds a girl answers the door a few words are spoken and the girl says out loud, "that guy you were talking about is at the door" a girl's voice replies, "send him in" the dreamer goes through the door the first door on the right is partly open it is the living room the dreamer goes into the room he is mildly shocked and more alert when he sees two girls cuddling each other wearing only their underwear he aspies something sexy is "going down" the girl, the dreamer has seen her out and about but never spoken to her, says to the dreamer, "is it true you can do it ******** **?" it is true the girls want the dreamer to demonstrate the more forward of the two girls move towards the dreamer the dreamer is recalling the one and only time he did as he wakes vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: allusions to x (2+) 24092023- 1772 the name of the dreams: deleted at the computer it was doing an auto-delete the screen is showing five sections at a time the middle one is deleted, fades and disappears as it reaches the top of the column after two or three deletes, the middle file catches fire and diminishes as it reaches the top of the column the next one in the middle really catches fire the flames seem to burst out of the section while being deleted it looks like the flames that come bursting out of a window when the heat breaks the glass of a burning building for that moment, it seemed the computer had caught fire it happens again, but not nearly as fiercely as the previous one the files go back to fading as they are deleted the dreamer assumes the burnt-out-of-existence files were badly or dangerously corrupt, and the flames are warning to the user the dreamer is trying to remember what file/files it was that were burnt out of existence when the dream ends notes 1 this dream was brought on while still trying to think why thousands of files were actually deleted a few days ago vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: computer (10+) deleting files (2+) 23092023 - 1771 the name of the dreams: troubling times - the lost and not found - the name of the montage: saucy going's on after eight months of no montages, two vivid xual montages on the trot! both of them are in shades of brown and beige vividness: 2.8.1 - observer - the category of the montage: xual (2+) about twelve scenes (not pictures) the dreamer has returned to holland within a short time of having come back from there on holiday not sure what it is that has to be re-acquired, all we know is that he has left important items there the dreamer is familiar with some of the streets but not familiar enough to get to where he needs to be from memory asked people where the most popular area for short-term hotels are one or two people gave instructions but they weren't the place the dreamer is looking for at one point the area looked familiar so the dreamer went into a cafe and told the proprietor the problem hoping it would jog his memory the dreamer asked him to name some of the hotels he named a few but none of them rang a bell the proprietor sensed the dreamer was short of money and said he would look in left-property he produced a box about the size of a laptop in the box, among jewelery and passports there are two small rolled-up bundles of money he handed me one it was enought to get the dreamer back to blighty vividness: 2.8.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: lost property (2+) in a troubled time in a troubled world the police are seen as a part of the trouble a man approaches and speaks to a policewoman dressed in black on a police motor-bike in a menacing tone he says to the woman, "get away from here while you still can" it is obviously a threat on her life the woman gives him the "once over" but doesn't say anything and turns away from him the man was expecting she might ignore him killing a woman would provoke too great a backlash he has prepared an alternative course of action while she's got her back to the man he pulls out of his pocket a piece of tissue paper the size of a large handkerchief he pours a liquid on it and with great deftness places it on her hair we have to speculate as to what effect it produces notes 1 another more vivid than usual dream vividness: 2.8.3 - observer - the category of the dream: troubled societies (3+) 22092023 - 1770 the name of the dream: there's riding a bike and there's riding a bike an extraordinarily vivid dream we are given the rider's view of riding a bicycle we get sight, sound and motion via a device built-in or attached to the biker's helmet the only thing that's missing is the exertion felt by the cyclist otherwise, we get the "full package" notes 1 this dream would be quite an experience when using 4dx technology there's no reason why 4dx technology couldn't be applied to bicycles vividness: 2.8.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: immersive dream (4+) riding bicycles (3+) 21092023 - 1769 the name of the dream: ron leaves the scene - the name of the montage: water babes a two dozen or so scenes of xual activity underwater notes 1 it's been eight months since the last montage had forgotten about them the distinguishing feature of montages is that the person knows they are awake see a full explanation of montages at vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the montage (xual) - colour (distinct brown tinge) a regular visitor in awake-time from some decades ago drops in to see the dreamer in dream-time when it's time for him to go, he starts monkeying around he says things like, "shall i put the kettle on?" and, "i think i should lie down for a bit" and, "was it you at the door the other night?" he keeps it up to the point where the dreamer starts giving him stern looks and then says, "you'll have to make me go" this guy is older than me, ten or more centimetres taller, is leaner than dreamer and could have me for breakfast actually, he is a bit on the non-compos mentis side the writer has made acquaintances and friends with five or so males who you wouldn't want to marry your sister more than equally, they were guys you wouldn't mind being your brother-in-law this guy belongs to the first option in the final scene of the dream, he has the dreamer pinned against a wall and is in the dreamer's face and mocking him (stand-out visual) the dreamer brings his foot up and rests it against his goolies his facial expression changes to that of a worried person he hadn't reckoned that he could get hurt he backs off, and the dream ends vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: odd friends (2+) ron (1) 20092023 - 1768 the name of the dreams: tiered societies - cronyism in the military - the dog handler - a normal guy in the last dream, the dreamer is trying to give the impression that he isn't disabled by walking at normal speed along a path used by everyone else the path is uneven and has small craters here and there one crater is as big as a large sink everybody else is placing their lead foot on the bottom of the hole to gain balance and then covering the distance over the hole with their trailing foot the dreamer is feeling relaxed and confident until his trail leg is unable to stretch far enough to cover the distance over the hole down he goes he feels a right div determined to save face the dreamer springs up and out of the hole in what can be described as a natural movement it surprises the dreamer and replaces the notion in the minds of others that the dreamer is more or less normal vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: physical disabilities (3+) the dreamer (3+) the dreamer is a dog handler one of his tasks is to feed the dogs he is given a few dozen rashers of bacon and hard, round biscuits, for their next meal he is assured that feeding the dogs without cooking the meat isn't unhealthy the dreamer's first thinks that the best way to serve the food is to form the rashers into balls he then realises that if the meat is served as small round balls any one of the dogs could wolf it all down in seconds he opts for shredding and then mashing the bacon and biscuits together and smearing it around the sides of the bowls the dogs won't be able to gulp it down it will take minutes rather than seconds for the dogs to eat it, and it will give the impression they are eating lots of food vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (16+) mammals (10+) dogs (9+) the second dream highlights the consequences that lead to the massacre of an entire army when cronyism is allowed to flourish the decisions he made on the battlefield earned him a place in the hall of infamy as the most incompetent general in the annals of warfare vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: militaristic (3+) cronyism (4+) in the next dream the world is split into two factions some live by strict ethical codes the ethicity of their outlook include an ethical diet the other people don't have a special lifestyle their way of life is constantly changing the people who live "by the book" are the ones in charge the dreamer is in the other camp we are seen by the other group as outlaws when it comes to food, we consider the greater the variety the greater the range of nutrients the dream becomes focused on the notion that there is no real difference between the two the strict ethical party has set too many precedents to make big changes vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: societies (5+) 19092023 - 1767 the name of the dream: strangers in the night at about 8 p.m. on a late september night, the dreamer is walking along a street the street has a shallow decline and is a couple of hundred metres long he notices a young man the same age as hisself the young man is looking into the living rooms of houses with their lights on it is obvious he is looking for someone the dreamer asks him if he can help up close the man is identified as someone from the middle-east the man says he is looking for someone he knows the man knows the name of the road but doesn't know the number the dreamer knows only one person on the road as coincidence would have it, the man he is looking for is also from the middle-east the dreamer asks him if the name of the person he is looking for is mohammed hassan the man is hesitant the dreamer has got the words in the name right, but it they are in the wrong order he should have said hassan mohammed the dreamer tells the young man that if he comes with him, he can take him to the house where the person he is looking for getting the name wrong has made the man unsure of the dreamer in a very apologetic way, he declines the dreamer's offer to help him vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: declined offers of help (2+) 18092023 - 1766 the name of the dream: dirty tactics the dreamer is on holiday it is a bit of a rarity for a dream to portray the dreamer as a family man with a toddler and wife we are are abroad, probably spain the area we are staying in is well-known as a "brit" destination it takes no effort at all to make friends with english-speaking people within a couple of days, we become chummy with another family they too, are a family of three we agreed to take it in turns to babysit each other's children on this occasion, the dreamer and his wife are going out for the night there is an air of excited anticipation as we get ready to go out unfortunately our child "picks up" on it too he starts letting his feelings known we know if we walk out without him, he will start crying there's no way around it, we will have to trick him into playing a game of football and make sure he does a lot of running it takes less than twenty minutes for him to run himself into the ground and needs to go to sleep vividness: 2.7.6 - observer - the category of the dream: family holidays (2+) 17092023 - 1765 the name of the dream: the wrong sounds this dream is set in a church the church is one of those old gothic-style churches it is made of bricks the size of a pouffe the bricks have to be big the church is humungous it seems bigger on the inside than it does on the outside there are iron stairs that wind around two or three times every so often, we come across a landing we are at the top of the stairs, in the belfry the bells were removed some decades before the belfry is the size of a large living room a young homeless lad has permission to stay there from the vicar he is not the first person to stay there previously to the young lad staying there, there had been a young couple with a child in fact, the church has a history of people finding refuge there apparently, it has been a tradition of the church going back centuries the acoustics of the church are such that people who stay there are asked to be as quiet as possible the sounds carry far and wide the scene changes the vicar comes through the entrance to the church and makes his way up the stairs when the vicar is in the belfry, he tells the boy he mustn't play his radio anymore vividness: 2.7.6 - observer - the category of the dream: churches (1+) 16092023 - 1764 the name of the dream: the meeting of minds a woman who is believed to be mentally deranged turns out to be telepathic (can pick up other peoples thoughts) notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking about the wholly empathetic character of you know who during the day vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: telepaths (1+) 15092023 - 1763 the name of the dreams: a wrong move - kiss me not in the company of an elderly couple someone suggests a game of chess a spindly table, that may or may not have been a genuine antique, is brought into the area where we are no sooner are the board and pieces put on the table than someone brushes against the table and knocks the board and all the pieces onto the floor the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: mishaps (1+) a newly-formed friendship between the dreamer and another male crosses the boundaries of the dreamer's sensibilities when the man tries to kiss the dreamer on the lips when they meet for the second time the dreamer manages to lean backwards and out of range the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: male-to-male lip kissing (2) notes 1 two poor excuses for dreams to think, in the calculable future, what we do in dream-time is so far from the mundane and the regularly drab day-by-day of our current lifestyles it will make today's activities seem boring boring, boring 14092023 - 1762 the name of the dream: giuseppe the d.j. a think-read dream that is the most pumped up, over the top, over-hyped, raving, ranting, hysterically-presented review of any artist there has ever been since a connoisseur of art appraised the mono lisa some centuries ago is doing the rounds on the social media "guiseppe has risen, guiseppe is back, guisepee has returned, guiseppe is coming, giuseppe... oh, by the way, giuseppe is russian vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read dream: (30+) giuseppe the d.j. (1) 13092023 - 1761 the name of the dream: big and small living things a trial or study is ongoing two of the largest predators in the world were introduced to each other just after they were born a fully grown lion and a black bear are snuggled together in a see-through environment the bear is freakishly large, larger than a polar bear a third predator, an infant cheetah, joins them in the next scene the cheetah is accepted by the bear and lion they are being fed as the theme of the dream changes the dreamer is standing by the kitchen door when his attention is drawn to something down by his feet a large spider is moving at a break-neck speed away from the dreamer its eight legs are propelling it along sideways like a crab the spider, without breaking its speed, does a ninety-degree turn and heads for cover of a cupboard vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: animals and insects - lions (2+) black bears (1+) spiders (2+) 12092023 - 1760 the name of the dreams: the vendor - the benefactor the dreamer is trying to get financial backing for a business he is losing hope of getting any support as he leaves the bank after several other possible investors have said no an elderly gent wearing a white raincoat, walks with a stoop, has a full head of white hair presents himself (stand-out visual) the dreamer had never seen him before but had heard about him he is a legend in the police force and is best known for his unwavering, straightforward approach to every type of crime and matters of the heart he is a stalwart of the community he questions the dreamer about his business idea the tone of his voice and his benevolent interest in the dreamer signals that he wants to help after a few questions it dawns on the dreamer he is going to help in the next scene, he pulls out a crumpled large white envelope he opens the envelope and shakes it a wad of ten-pound notes, slips from inside the envelope the dreamer knows what's coming the man he had heard of but never met is going to give him some money he divides the bundle of notes into two and hands one of them the dreamer (2nd stand-out visual) it looks to be between £200 and £300 the dreamer is genuinely grateful and promises to repay him he says, "you don't have to do that" he smiles a kind smile and walks away notes 1 this dream is due to thinking about... will explain it sometime vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: acts of kindness (7+) money (10+) walking through town it is late evening the pubs closed ten or twenty minutes earlier stragglers are thin on the ground a street vendor selling half-chickens is packing up for the night the vendor is pulling thick, black plastic bags out of a contraption with wheels that looks like an uprighted, old-fashioned, cylindrical hoover the portions of chicken are covered in a brown sauce can't be sure, but the smell suggests it might be a spicy indian sauce the vendor knows a potential customer when he sees one, he says, "i'll let you have one at a giveaway price" the dreamer stops and says, "i haven't got any money" the vendor's face takes on a surly look, and he turns his back on the dreamer it is instant dismissiveness the vendor relies solely on his trade to keep his life together he has to put up with jibes and taunts from inebriated passers-by he has to put up with wet and freezing winter weather he has to put up with an ungrateful wife he can't do any of the things he thought that he would be able to do when he invested the last of his wealth in his current trade the one thing that irks him most are people who rely on hand-outs they're in the same category as thieves and tramps the dreamer knows better than to appeal to his good nature that went out of the window some years before the dreamer starts speculating the chances are that the vendor has to give the unsold food to the dog or throw it away the chances are if he throws the food away, it will still be in the plastic bags the chances are the bins are nearby the dreamer goes around a corner and waits until the vendor is on his way the dreamer follows him for two or three turns of corners he disappears and re-appears in the next scene the dreamer moves in the dreamer has just got a bag out of the bin when the vendor re-appears the vendor is looming towards him a voice says, "where's my garlic sauce?" vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food (7+) chicken (1+) 11092023 - 1759 the name of the dream: it's raining mobile phones walking alongside of a river on a sunny day the breadth of the walkway is about twenty-metres the scene is choc-a-bloc with people the only thing there is more of than people is mobile phones they're everywhere even toddlers have one the dreamer spends most of the scenes in the dream wondering why there are so many mobile phones in the world it bothers the dreamer that there are so many disposable phones in the world, it must be a terrible waste of resources notice there is a mobile phone on an empty bench to the right walk over to it and pick it up after fiddling around with it for a couple of scenes a picture of a woman shows on the screen it is a head-to-toe picture of a japanese woman dressed in a green dress or suit the dreamer looks around way off into the distance, about a hundred-and-fity metres ahead of him, the dreamer can see the woman on the phone the colour of her dress matches the colour of the dress on the phone exactly another man comes into the dream we start talking he agrees with the dreamer phones shouldn't be dispoasble notes 1 was thinking about the cost of sealed mobile phones during the day why are they so expensive? vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mobile phones (1+) 10092023 - 1758 the name of the dream: continuing progress at the computer tidying up and moving files around in folders of dreams diary no less was going along great for five or so scenes, renaming and moving things around before things ground to a halt after deciding to half the size of one of the files still, the efficient part of the dream is a shining testament to the overall competence of working with folders in dreams vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computer files and folders (12+) 09092023 - 1757 the name of the dream: from bad to worse in what can best be described as an act of petty petulance, the post office decreed that envelope mail is to be redirected from through the letterbox to emails the cover story is that strike action by the unions is disrupting the efficiency it will, of course, backfire on them people not connected to the internet have been given a year's notice to adjust to the new way problems such as senility, illiteracy, and physical incapacities, not to mention the cost of the computer and getting connected have been disregarded the lengths the financial/banking complex will go to control people via money knows no bounds vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: structural changes in lifestyles 08092023 - 1756 the name of the dream: the economics of drugs the dreamer is an established supplier of hash the bulk of his sales comes from ordinary people things changed, as they do, and the bulk of his customers become students you would expect that students would have their act together and manage to live within their budget not a bit of it they become part of the "live now, pay later" brigade the dream is centered around the dreamer explaining the economics of how things get done in the world of drugs "when was the last time you went into a shop and expected to get things you wanted and pay at the end of the week?" the dreamer says worse than that, they began bringing in items to act as collateral even worse again, they expected to get the amount they paid for the items as the swap value the dreamer learnt at the beginning of his dealings not to go down that route the students are having a hard time seeing things from the dreamer's point of view vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hash (10+) students (1) 07092023 - 1755 the name of the dream: thinking big the announcement of the largest reserves ever to be stock-piled leaves the international community in a state of mild shock every major commodity, food, oil, gas, paper, copper, etc. will be housed in city-sized silos on and under the ground it will need an area the size of the u.s. to house all of the needs of the world for a generation the proposed site straddles half a dozen countries notes 1 this dream was generated by the announcement from turkey that it would be investing twenty billion in a humungous gas storage facility vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: large projects (2+) consumable products (1) 06092023 - 1754 the name of the dream: alan's girlfriend the dream starts at alan's home the dreamer is a regular visitor on this ocacasion his latest girlfriens is there while alan and the dreamer are talking between themselves his latest flame makes three and four sentence comments every one of her comments are directed at the dreamer and every one of them is either cynical, or derogatory, or... alan doesn't say anything to her if he does she may walk out the dreamer is wondering what he should do when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintences (15+) alan (1+) 05092023 - 1753 the name of the dream: misunderstanding meet the girlfriend in town we go out of town to a rural community we go into a small shop that sells albums, cd's etc. the dreamer goes into an alcove the size of a sentry box where the records are kept there's barely enough room to turn around can see the edge of the albums with the name of the artist and the name of the album the dreamer sees two albums by an artist he likes and decides to buy them both because the albums are so tightly packed on the shelf that the dreamer pulls on them, one of the other albums gets pulled out as well it is going to be too much trouble to get them back in amongst the others he takes the three albums to the counter and expects the woman to take the one he doesn't want and put it back the dreamer puts the albums on the counter and tells the woman at the counter the price of the two albums he wants the woman reacts furiously she accuses the dreamer of trying to steal one of the albums she thinks that i think she is gullible enough to give me all three for the price of two the dreamer says, "i would have to be some sort of dimwit to think that i could get away buying three albums for the price of two" vividness: 2.7.5 - observer - the category of the dream: vinyl records (1) 04092023 -1752 the name of the dreams: alan's girlfriend - the writer's ex-girlfriend at home with the current girlfriend when janet comes around she wants the dreamer to help her out she needs to buy something and hopes the dreamer will help her get it the dreamer's girlfriend doesn't see it as an imposition and is content for the dreamer to help her out janet is the least demanding girlfriend the dreamer ever had she is reticent, or at least used to be something has happened in her life she has become confident and assured the difference in her her is appealing janet and the dreamer leave for the corner store on the way there janet makes comments about what is happening at her home she wants the dreamer to ask her out so she can say no she wants the dreamer to know that she is happier without him than she was with him notes 1 janet was an awake-time girlfriend of the writer in his mid-twenties we broke up suddenly due to her infidelity rumour had it that janet gave birth to a baby of the writer's making notes 2 this is the second time janet has appeared in a dream in the way she does in this one - there is something at play here vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: ex-girlfriends janet (3+) (cameo appearances) (2+) the dream starts at alan's home the dreamer is a regular visitor on this occasion, alan's latest girlfriend is there while alan and the dreamer are talking between themselves his latest flame makes three and four-sentence comments every one of her comments is directed at the dreamer and every one of them is either cynical, derogatory, or... alan doesn't say anything to her if he does she may walk out on him the dreamer is wondering what he should do when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintances (15+) alan (1+) 03092023 - 1751 the name of the dream: legalities another think-read dream this one concerns the aviation industry a ruling by a judicial body overturns a decision of a previous ruling it was the finding of the original investigation that the airline was responsible for injuries caused to a young boy saying the injury occurred due to a lack of foresight by the company a counterclaim by the firm produced a reversal of the original decision the court listened to a heated debate that included the value of decisions based on common sense and held by parents everywhere as a valid way of determining right and wrong the law firm that brought the claim didn't have the legal right to investigate one particular part of the investigation because it relied on the laws of another country force majeure and acts of god vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: court proceedings (2+) 02092023 - 1750 the name of the dream: not in the pink the dreamer is a patient in a hospital he is either a new patient or has mental issues it must be one or the other because he can't find his bed in the next scene, the dreamer is talking to a woman by her bed a mutual feeling of friendship/admiration asserts itself we go for a walk in the next scene, her daughter comes into the dream and begins "ticking off" her mom the dreamer senses the girl is trying to take the attention from her mother and draw my attention to her he leaves the woman and goes to his bed he starts looking for a jumper he brought into the hospital it's in a crushable plastic bag it could be in a drawer or under the pillow or bed it's small enough to be just about anywhere the dreamer checks everywhere and then starts looking further afield still looking when the dream closes notes 1 not sure why dreams about hospital have an above average vividness rating vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hospitals (5+) patient (2+) lost items (2+) pink clothing (1+) 01092023 - 1749 the name of the dream: chicken farm and dogs the dream begins with an aerial view it is about eighty metres above the ground it shows a fairly large expanse of the ground, approximately 400 metres square it then zooms in and shows approximately a hundred-metre square of ground we can see activity on the ground but can't make out what it is things become identifiable at about thirty metres it is a chicken farm with about a hundred or so chickens in the next scene, still looking from above only closer in again, about twenty metres it turns into mayhem when two or more dogs start chasing the chickens the view changes again a lot more of the ground is visible there is a port with three or more ships made of wood harboured with their sails furled up note 1 nothing in the pde's to suggest the reason for this dream vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: aerial-view dreams (3+) chickens (1+) dogs (10+) 31082023 - 1748 the name of the dream: finicky people the dreamer is at a market stall that specializes in men's clothes he is looking for a long-sleeved denim shirt that has a stiff collar, it's called the classic style denim shirt? no problem "have you got a denim shirt with a stiff collar?" a look of patience settles on the salesperson's face, up until now it has been a good day a slow shake of the head says the salesperson hasn't "can you cut a hole in the back of the collar and put in a thin, stiff bit of plastic?" he thinks about he could make a bit of a killing with this one it would take a lot of work (will charge him triple the price of the shirt) the dreamer knows the look, he changes his tac "if you cut slits in the collar at the back near the collar i could find something to put in it" the salesperson is there to make quick, easy money mucking about with shirts isn't in the salesperson's resume the salesperson moves his head sideways one way, then sideways the other he does that two times he does it quite quickly it's time to let the dreamer know he has better things to do than waste time on him he looks away from the dreamer the dreamer goes into pensive mode as he tries to come up with something while in his pensive state two, three or more people join the dream among them is a customer wearing a brown shirt and trousers the customer has better half with him so now there are at least six people in the dream the customer knows the dreamer and the newcomers can hear him he cares not "i'm fed up with people looking at my genitalia area and thinking iv'e got a bunch of grapes in my trousers i want you to make me a pouch the size of my penis that will allow me to lift it away from the rest of my genitals" now there are at least three male sets of eyes and one female focusing on his groin area we can see his problem there are oohhs and aahhs the customer's other half shows no concern the salesperson looks at the dreamer the dreamer is as non-plussed as the salespersons he can see it is not a gag the salesperson was having a good day before the dreamer arrived on the scene the dreamer was in a meddling to mediocre mood at the start of the dream he's now having a good day vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: collars (1) groins (5+) 30082023 - 1747 the name of the dream: battling the bugs a young woman comes to the dreamer's door she is distressed she doesn't know what she is going to do to beat an infestation of bugs the dreamer goes for a look-see he is taken aback it's not so much an infestation it is more like an invasion in a room two metres by three metres, there is only a space the size of a bath that isn't covered with black bugs even more disturbing, the bugs are spreading like water spilling over the rim of an already full bath it is alarming the solution comes by way of the dreamer's hoover it is one of those small, round "goblin" hoovers with a two-speed function the dreamer dashes back to his place and is back with the hoover in the next scene on the high setting of the vacuum cleaner, the bugs are being sucked up faster than they multiply man wins again vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bugs (2+) 30082023 - 1746 the name of the dream: lust and laughter the dreamer begins a relationship with a girl he met on a dating site our first get-together is at the dreamer's home the second meeting is at her place the woman's daughter comes the following day the dreamer senses she admires him in the following scenes, the woman, her daughter and the dreamer are discovering ways of giving and receiving pleasure in ways the dreamer and the mother and daughter had never imagined vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream: threesomes (2+) mother and daughter (1+) 28082023 - 1745 the name of the dreams: dirty deeds - there's wealth, and there's a wealth of love this dream starts with a boy aged about thirteen looking at the observer he is looking at the observer with a gentle smile the smile could be misinterpreted as mischevious his hairstyle is that of a woman's it is bunched at the front and tapers as it goes to the back he is wearing a nightgown it is an attempt to get the observer, his younger brother, to see him as a woman, specifically, his mother we think the dream is going to have a homosexual theme the scene changes it becomes nighttime with a dull moonglow a male adult wearing a sheriff's uniform is addressing a small crowd of people "ladies and gentlemen, we are here tonight to applaud what can be considered a modern miracle if tonight's events hadn't happened, we wouldn't think it could happen a slight, seven year old boy performed an act of unbelivable bravery when his younger brother and father fell through the ice near their home the icy chill that run up his body as he put his legs in the water so his younger brother and father could climb up him is an intelligent but futile attempt to save them that such an unselfish act of love from a young lad of his age (the boy is seven), wearing only a nightgown, defies comprehension his persistence, as time after time he tries and fails to lift his father out of the water the father realises that his son could lift his younger brother out, but the young lad is focused on his father the father, in his frozen stupor, is unable to tell him to lift out his brother the young lads determination becomes more and more frantic as his unbridled love urges him on it dawns on the man that both he and his youngest son are going to die if things carry on as they are the appaling situation stirs his soul and an instictive, we have to guess how it got there, mechanism kicks in he takes a deep breath, let's himself sink a few metres and then kicks his arms and legs with all his vigour so as to give himself enough momentum to get his head and part of his chest out of the water he digs the nails of his fingers of his strongest arm into the ice and uses his other arm to press on the body of the young lad this gives him enough of an anchor to heave himself, bit by bit, out of the water it is a simple matter for the man to lift the five-year old boy out this act of love will become a thing of folklore we see in this child what we think we are fearless people who don't know what selfishness means were accolades a measure of love, this young lad would walk away with all of them driven by a single thought, the continuation of life for others it is hoped you will take away with you the sheer magnificance of his deed tell others of this act of love so they may be emboldened, and do likewise it is proposed we act boldly and erect in the centre of town a statue of the young lad let us remind ourselves daily and others occasionally that america has within it the spirit of the foundation of life tell others we are not ashamed to admit that we live with a humbleness that was borne from the actions of a boy that we have at our core a natural instinct for the preservation of life" notes 1 what's noteworthy about this dream is that it is, in one sense, a continuation of last night's dream in that it gave the writer the opportunity to get the recorder going immediately upon waking and recall verbatim some of the sentences vividness: 2.7.6 - observer - the category of the dream: manifest love (2+) another dream that starts out in regular dream format then becomes a think-read dream a man meets a woman he has charm and charisma he persuades the woman to go with him to where he lives following a mutually agreeable "romp", his character changes he becomes a different person and indulges in aggressive x the woman is physically overwhelmed and has to endure his twisted tastes they leave his house and go back to where they first met the woman doesn't know it but she is fortunate to be alive the next part of the dream is the same man with a different woman they are at his place there is no x in this part of the dream the man lays out for her the idea that between them they can earn more money than they can ever spend the thought of wealth entices the woman to go along with what the man suggests she targets single men, and he snares women the woman has second thoughts and goes to the police the police realise they have a tiger by the tail and set up a task force a policewoman becomes the target and goes back to the house once the man begins to molest her, the police move in the dream becomes a think-read dream notes 1 the difficulty with think-read dreams is remembering the text after waking a few years back the writer had some success by leaving a microphone on the pillow in an attempt to catch "externalised dreams" - dreams that have the dreamer speaking out loud while dreaming it presents a contradictory situation in that it takes, at the moment, the awake-time consciousness to initiate a deliberate action on this occasion, the writer turns on his voice recorder as quickly as possible while trying to stay sleepy the following represents his current abilities "there is a situation where the victim is drugged... the man who drugged her is part of a large organisation when his m.o. is checked against other statements, similarities arise he is jovial, kind and gentle, was one of the woman's sentences while making a statement an undercover woman volunteers to be a "pick-up" she will act naive and be compliant if the man suggests she do something an ordinary person wouldn't she will have a microphone somewhere on her she will be observed and/or listened to every step of the way the police move in and arrest him the moment the man reveals his intentions among other things, the abductors are international and occupy all levels of society it becomes a necessity to bring other organisations into the equation a special investigator is assigned to oversee the entire operation notes 2 this dream is due to hearing the sentence, "the trade in child trafficking is greater than the drug trade" from someone on a social platform the writer's understanding of the top three most lucrative trades are... interest on loans, weapons manufacturing, the drug trade the writer won't feel aggrieved if someone corrects him vividness: 2.7.6 - observer - the category of the dream: abductions/people trafficking (1+) 27082023 - 1744 the name of the dreams: community party - claims and counter-claims three men are having an earnest discussion about which arm of the army deserves to be known as the most effective it isn't an argument each unit has a genuine claim and instances are cited by way of merit one man ceded to another's point of view the debate came to an end when it was realised that each of them was a part of a functioning whole when news came through that one branch of the army not mentioned in the discussion had just thwarted a major confrontation vividness: 2.7.6 - observer - the category of the dream: military matters (2+) debates (1+) the usual people were there helen had a wedge of soft sponge cake in her hand and was gesturing that the dreamer should try it he is scared to accept the offer because she might bring the cake over as is i.e. in her hand he hoped she would realise it wouldn't survive a four or five-metre journey and pop it on a plate and remember to bring a serviette as well it's kind'a uncouth to be seen licking creamy crumbs off your fingers beryl was busying herself with arranging and organising, as were the two members of the staff dorothy was observing while waiting to chat with someone ron was observing the activity there were half a dozen people who weren't regulars the dreamer was ready to enrich the atmosphere with some dance music from buddy holly pity the average was above sixty in the writer's experience, it's the people who are dancing people who enjoy themselves the most vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: parties (5+) hurrell court (1) 26082023 - 1743 the name of the dream: the company man working on the nightshift the company the dreamer works for is extremely security-conscious not sure what it is they do it will be something like cutting-edge technology or weapons development the company employs tens of thousands of people in several countries there are two ten-minute breaks one ten-minute break halfway between the main break and one after it is a ten-minute break employees are expected to stay at their place of work for the ten-minute break a person can if they want to chance it, leave their place of work and get to a vending machine and back within ten minutes the dreamer gets hunger pangs and decides to chance it he leaves the factory floor and crosses the open ground between the building he is in to the building with a vending machine he gets what he wants and heads back wouldn't you know it, a security guard is standing near the exit door the chances are the security guard saw the dreamer enter the building and decided to wait for him the dreamer is in trouble and he knows it it will probably result in being sacked the dreamer attempts to soft-soap him the security guy isn't interested he's going to "nick" the dreamer it will tell his superiors he is doing his job it will be a feather in his cap it will push him up the company ladder the guard asks the dreamer his name there's only one way out the dreamer waits for the guard to get out his notebook and start writing the dreamer says, "johnson" the moment the guard is ready to start writing, the dreamer makes a bolt for the door the dreamer can tell from the shape of the man he's no runner and wont be able to catch the dreamer it's unlikely the firm will start a company-wide search for a man who broke protocol for a bar of chocolate besides, before then, the dream will have ended notes 1 it's possible that another dream will begin with the dreamer running into a building holding a bar of chocolate notes 2 can we consider that a time will come when all dreams become a single, smooth story? notes 3 dreams diary was twenty-four years old in may looking forward to its thirtieth birthday notes 4 somewhere, while transferring files from one computer to another, have managed to lose hundreds of dreams from the years 2009 to 2014 vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: at-work dreams (6+) engineering (2+) 25082023 - 1742 the name of the dream: addiction a dream that brings heroin out of the black market and makes it an issue in the same way society views pollution governments make it available daily for addicts trials have shown that group sessions with a mix of addicts and those who do not use any form of drugs steer people away from drug abuse vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: drug abuse (1+) 24082023 - 1741 the name of the dream: three-themed dream - x dream - the message - a business opportunity x-dream details withheld 2nd theme at the computer a message jumps on the screen it fills the screen the message is in red within a black backdrop it is an "in yer face" message the visual impact is alarming it was so vivid it was the type of message that you might expect if an air raid was imminent it was like being hit in the face the message read, "battery is low" 3rd theme the third theme is a business opportunity it suggests buying in bulk buying in bulk will lower the price for individual items and give the buyer a sense of having a long-term product vividness: 2.8.4 to 2.8.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: multi-themed dreams (21+) x-dream (20+) computer screen (17+) business (20+) 23082023 - 1740 the name of the dream: filling the coffers according to this think-read dream, brics added thirty-billion dollars to its overall wealth last month not a lot in a trillion-dollar world taking unto account it is increasing exponentially, over the coming year it will exceed a trillion notes 1 the writer is interested in knowing what the actual figure is if it was less than thirty-billion a month, then this dream is a past tense of time if it is thirty-billion a month, then this dream is the present tense of time it is a future tense of time if it is more than thirty billion a month vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: topical (4+) money (1+) 22082023 - 1739 the name of the dream: the purple party it falls on the dreamer to organise a party not, it should be mentioned, for the first time it's time to assert, to a greater degree, the theme of the party after considering various options, the dreamer stipulates that everyone should wear something purple it is going to be more difficult than he realised to get people to go along with it the solution is to buy purple decorations as the decorations are placed around the room, a novel and pleasing effect is generated the amount of purple people are wearing is just enough to highlight the colour what is missing is silver tinsel paper vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: parties (7+) themed parties (1) purple (1) 21082023 - 1738 the name of the dream: the treasure stairs on a flight of stone stairs with twenty or more steps, it has a carpet on the top half-a-dozen or so steps the dreamer notices that there are slight bulges on the first few steps lifting up a bit of the carpet and taking a closer look reveals small packets wrapped in white tissue paper in the packets, there are either jewels or paper money after unwrapping three or four of the packets, the dreamer realises he has discovered a treasure trove a woman with a young boy in tow comes into the dream the dreamer encourages her to lift up one of the carpeted steps she does so and is rewarded with what is obviously high-class jewellery she hurriedly leaves the scene the dreamer has no doubt she will tell others the dreamer has more than he needs to live an opulent life and is making plans as the dream ends at some point in this dream, there are three or four scenes that have the dreamer drawing a sketch using a fine-pointed pen, scratching out a moon on a substance that reveals a white under-body when scratched notes 1 the stairs are the stone stairs that lead from bell court up to the next level under the iron bridge in exeter vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: found riches (4+) jewellery and paper money (1+) 20082023 - 1737 the name of the dream: kitty's favourites kitty is picking and choosing folders from the dreamer's favourites playlist and putting them into her favourites playlists she isn't familiar with the difference between copy and pasting and cutting and pasting several of the dreamer's favourite video clips are missing from his favourites folder he sets up a favourites folder for her and copies and pastes all of the dreamer's folders she has cut and pasted to her folder back to his favourites folder notes 1 this dream is noteworthy for it being the first time the dreamer can cut and paste and copy and paste folders with ease notes 2 the last half-a-dozen or so of the transferring of the folders is done in awake-time before the dreamer realises he is in awake-time notes 3 the reader will come across more than just one or two instances in this dreams diary where the inability to copy and paste and cut and paste has been the source of much frustration and has caused him to wake from a dream vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: cutting and copying folders (5+) kitty (3+) 19082023 - 1736 the name of the dream: a small party a.k.a. hectic from the start of the dream, there is the presence of a girl, but she doesn't figure anywhere in the dream three guests arrive a girl and two boys the dreamer snaps into organiser mode he places a square wooden board the size of a laptop onto a solid surface then he whips a small tin the size of a snuff box with enough hash to make two respectable-sized spliffs onto the makeshift table it won't be enough to keep the party going for very long he'll have to make a phone call for a delivery he says to the girl, "we'll be using that for a seance later" the girl replies, "oh, good" vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: parties (3+) 18082023 - 1735 the name of the dream: sam calls the dreamer has an unexpected visit from sam sam is sitting up in bed she has great breasts she is counting out money it is money she already made before she got to the dreamer she must have had a busy day it is a fair-sized amount it is obvious she doesn't need whatever she will be getting from the dreamer her sense of security is such that she doesn't pay the dreamer any attention the dreamer realises it is going to be a lacklustre session a lacklustre romp is not what the dreamer had in mind in the next scene, the dreamer is out of bed and standing at the end of the bed in white briefs he tells sam that she owes him money she is not phased by his reminder the dreamer wakes up as he is trying to work out how much she owes him notes 1 not for the first time, trying to do mental arithmetic in a dream causes the dreamer to wake vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: call-girls (1+) sam (1) 17082023 - 1734 the name of the dream: competitors showdown the annual competition for the best dream of a house is looming surprisingly, it has whittled down to two males the dreamer's main rival is feeling confident the dreamer does the honourable thing and deliberately makes his dream bland there's definitely a feeling of well-being to be had by letting another person win notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking during the day about the suggestion made a few months ago of having a daily competition for similarities of dreams vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dream competitions (1) homes (1) 16082023 - 1733 the name of the dream: thank the maker for pushy women the dreamer is sitting on the floor with his back resting against a sofa his girlfriend is reclining on the sofa she is becoming impatient she is "ready", but the dreamer isn't responding she says something that alerts the dreamer to her feelings the dreamer becomes aware of what it is that she wants before he acts on her prompt, she says something else that suggests she will take matters into her own hands the idea of being seduced by a woman appeals to the dreamer he decides to play possum his girlfriend leans over and runs her hands over his body the dreamer can feel himself reacting to her touch the novelty of the woman initiating love-making is new and exciting she does it in a way that is irresistable the dreamer has found a new way of experiencing the most alluring feelings in the world vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: preceptual x (1+) melanie (1) 15082023 - 1732 the name of the dream: gangsta guys the day before, the dreamer breached gangsta etiquette specifically, he borrowed a cylindrical-shaped hoover without asking from a "protected" woman the dreamer didn't return it quickly enough that was reason enough for the "guardian" of the woman to seek "justice" it didn't help matters that the dreamer was "popular" within his own circle the dreamer suspects that this was the real reason the woman's guardian decided to reprimand him the dreamer didn't see him coming all the dreamer remembers is a solid something connecting with his face it was one of those punches that resonate with the core of a persons being it becomes part of a person's genetic make-up it wasn't painful - there has only been one dream that contained pain (22092014) it was a "warning" experience letting the recipient know that some experiences can change a person's character for the worse by anybody's reckoning, it was over and beyond what was called for by way of "justice" it made the dreamer become sullen and withdrawn the change it caused in the dreamer came to the notice of other people somehow it came to the notice of the top alpha male of the gangsta fraternity he "summoned" the gangsta who had hit the dreamer he addressed him in a way that let him know that he had stepped over the mark the dream then turned into a think-read dream as the spoken word of the alpha male became readable as he spoke "don't forget johnny, a time will come when your face is beaten" "someone will fix that face of yours johnny" "if it comes to light that you're stacking the deck against him johnny, someone will beat on your face in a way that will make it so you don't need to wash again" "it will be your turn one day" "you'll get what you deserve johnny" "you haven't been worked on until you've been worked over by my boys - they're the best and you know it" "and leave my girls alone johnny" "they've decided they don't like you" "or should i say, i've decided for them" "you'll have to get your fun and games some other place johnny" "it won't bother me where you do get it as long as you do get it" "you know what i mean johnny?" vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: gangsters and the underworld (3+) 14082023 - 1731 the name of the dream: where's the other fiver? from mememory, for the fourth time, the doorbell rang while having a dream the only fragments of the dream remembered are of someone handing the dreamer two ten-pound notes and a five-pound note in the next scene, the dreamer is questioning why there aren't three ten-pound notes vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (8+) 13082023 - 1730 the name of the dream: a helping hand the theme of this dream is not completely unrelated to yesterday's dream, nor is it unrelated to current topical events the dreamer is talking to an african man he lives in a part of africa that is under the influence of the british empire he is an "activist" that recognises the reason for unrest in his country is its resources among other things, the man explains to the dreamer that when negotiations are held the british do not hold up their end of the deal the man specifies a typical breach in the negotiations is the british resuming hostilities on an hour or less than the agreed-upon time the dreamer suggests he take a page out of the british "war manual" and beat them to the punch and resume resisting after negotiating not to vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: political manoeuvres (2+) resources (1) 12082023 - 1729 the name of the dreams: the gambole - an act of compassion the dreamer takes in a family of four polynesian refugees, a mother and her three children, the husband was assassinated within days a "loophole" in the law is discovered and the family are returned to their country of origin note 1 those who have access to the writer's personal history know that a similar set of circumstances prompted him to do something along these lines thirty years ago vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: political manoeuvres (1+) a running, jumping dream the highlight of the movements was when the dreamer came to a three-meter drop from the edge of a concrete wall to the concrete ground was moving too fast to stop the momentum as the dreamer came into contact with the ground he was going to fall front-down his instincts kicked in and he allowed himself to fall forward and roll over letting his shoulder take the force out of the contact with the ground it resulted in a sesnsationless forward gambole note 1 this dream was the result of experiencing improved overall strength from exercising vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: running and jumping (4+) 11082023 - 1728 the name of the dream: a day out a peaceful, sedate dream that has the dreamer running out of petrol in a rural area someone gives him the telephone number of the local bobby, known for coming to the aid of people in situations like the one the dreamer is in the helpful bobby turns up with the petrol, and the dreamer continues with his exploration of rural england vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: rural areas (3+) england (2+) 10082023 - 1727 the name of the dream: the name of the dream: first contact this dream starts off with the dreamer coaxing a somewhat reluctant young lady or girl to become intimate with the dreamer we are lying on a bed or couch we are both naked another naked young lady or girl and a boy in his late teens enter the dream the girl is not unlike the girl already in the dream the young male has pale skin and cropped jet-black hair they are watching what is going on with the dreamer and the girl he is laying with the girl already with the dreamer is encouraged by the two observers and becomes compliant she allows the dreamer to "enter" her - the first of the two stand-out visual and tactile scenes the girl observing comes and lies down with us the dreamer "disengages" with the girl he is with and begins kissing and caressing the girl who has just laid down the girl from which the dreamer has just separated from tugs at the dreamer she wants to conjoin again the dreamer kisses and fondles the second girl as he separates from her he will be back he lays on top of the first girl she takes the lead and positions herself ready to receive the dreamer she lends a hand in helping the dreamer to re-conjoin the feelings accompanying "re-entry" are more sensational than the first time - the second stand-out visual-tactile scene the xual feelings begin to subside as the dreamer considers the situation notes 1 the second male who enters the dream is not an evolving mammal man-shaped being he belongs to another class of being there is no doubt that new classes of being will, in 4.5 billion years and 5 billion years from now, be appearing daily - keep reducing by half the value of 65 million years for 4.5 billion years this dream is an extract of that future undulation - notes 2 the subject of pleasure will be covered more extensively in the coming years pleasure isn't a stand-alone experience it is that state of being necessary to cushion the overwhelming reality that is infinite space - 65 million, 32.5, 15.1, 7.5, 3.2, 1.7, .85. etc., vividness: 2.8.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dreams (32+) inter-class x (1+) 09082023 - 1726 the name of the dream: a flu of the future china provides billions of vaccines for an outbreak of a lethal form of flu anyone who wants it has only to click on a button on the website and it will be delivered to their home there's something to do with a cat at the end notes 1 a short and snappy vivid dream this must be a future tense of time - one or two - this dream is set in a time when the address of everyone with a computer is known to everyone else with a computer vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: pandemics (8+) flu (1+) 08082023 - 1725 the name of the dream: my mate norman back in prison one of the dreamer's awake-time mates is already in the prison he's not the gentle giant the dreamer knows from the past he has an aggressive attitude he's in the bed to the right of the dreamer's he stretches his legs out and rests his feet on the dreamer's bed it is a provocative move while the dreamer is talking to somebody, his now provocative, long-standing friend starts moving his feet around it interrupts the flow of the dreamer's conversation with the person on the bed to the dreamer's left the dreamer asks him to stop moving his feet around he stops for a second or two and then starts again it's time to confront him the dreamer jumps onto his feet, ready to "start" something he asks him if he wants a fight he says, "no" looking past him, the dreamer sees the eyes, forehead and hair of a girl looking over his shoulder what a girl is doing in prison isn't making sense maybe it's something other than a prison in dreams, just about anything is possible anyway, with the confrontation dissolved, the dreamer decides to celebrate and piss off his old mate the dreamer produces some hash the word gets out, and the dreamer becomes popular vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prisons (8+) acquaintances, friends and family (25+) norman (2) 07082023 - 1724 the name of the dreams: evil intentions - a house call the dreamer gets an unexpected visit from his doctor after a while, the doctor asks the dreamer to go with him to a cafe the doctor orders beans, bacon, eggs and bread and butter the dreamer doesn't have anything he watches the doctor eating scoffing is a more appropriate word the doctor is really hungry in one shovelful, the doctor manages to get some egg, beans, bacon and bread and butter onto the upturned fork at the same time (stand-out visual) the dreamer is taken aback to see a human mouth can open so wide vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: doctors (1+) house-calls (1) it is nighttime the dreamer is walking along a leafy road on his way home after a night on the town as he approaches a t-junction, a car passes him, and the driver gets out the dreamer can see the man he is in his mid-twenties he looks stronger than the dreamer the driver asks the dreamer if he would like a lift home the dreamer looks at the car and sees there is another person in it the driver of the car encourages him to accept the offer of a lift the dreamer senses something is wrong he thanks the man for the offer and says, "no, it's alright" the driver becomes pushy and says, "come on, it's no problem" the dreamer says, "no thanks, you're alright" the dreamer is now alert he won't be able to able to get the better of the man in a struggle but he will be able to outrun him the man recognises it too and gives up and goes back to the car notes 1 this dream was brought about as a result of thinking during the day about a recent campaign by the local council to bring to the attention of the public that one-hundred and nineteen-thousand people went missing in the u.k. last year no-one has brought up the subject of missing people with the writer notes 2 a situation too like this one to be a coincidence happened to the dreamer as a teenager late at night, while walking home from a dance, four burly men in a car pulled up alongside the writer and offered the writer a lift to his home the writer was "in-tune" with life sufficiently to recognise the danger and declined the men tried to lure him into the car three times it's not possible for love/life oriented beings to get a "feel" for the frame of mind that gets satisfaction from killing people? notes 3 this dream also highlights the mind-boggling variations that you-know-who had to enact, and thereby nullify, to ensure that we are in the position we are in at the moment, on the verge of being united with a hundred-thousand-million love/life-oriented dinosaur man-shaped beings vividness: 2.3 - and participant and observer - the category of the dream: life-threatening situations (20+) 06082023 - 1723 the name of the dream: who did it? steve came to see the dreamer the dreamer opened the door before the dreamer said anything, steve, in a voice that was profoundly sincere and carried an urgency the dreamer had never heard from him before asked, "who was behind 9/11" vividness: 2.4 - observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintances (100+) steve (6+) caught the taxi home after a night in town got to the front door and and saw that the number on the door was 21, not 22 knocked on the door the occupier answered the door the dreamer apologised profusely for knocking the door he explained to the man that opened the door that the taxi driver had brought the dreamer to the wrong house the owner of the house offers to take the dreamer home the dreamer accepted his offer, and the dreame ended vividness: 2.4 - participant - the category of the dream: wrong addresses (1+) 05072028 - 1722 the name of the dreams: men-hungry women - my new watch - wrong address at home the dream is set at the flat in exeter the living room is twice the size of the flat that the dreamer lived in this undulation five unexpected guests appear in this exceptionally vivid dream, four women and a man the couple who are an "item" they look to be in their thirties or forties the women are in their fifties the three women are unattached and are there specifically to meet the dreamer he shakes hands with each of them and then puts on some music everybody begins moving to the beat the couple are "giving it some" one of the women is right in the dreamer's face (first stand-out visual) her intentions are crystal clear she is going to "have" the dreamer the dreamer hasn't got a say in it he doesn't stand a chance the dreamer stipulates, "i don't go with women who already have a partner" the woman doesn't say anything she embraces the dreamer and kisses him hungrily the dreamer looks at the other two women they are resigned to waiting for "their turn" while we're dancing, the dreamer says, "it's great to have a place big enough to dance in" the dream moves from the flat to the city centre the dreamer is in town to ask a watchmaker whether the clear liquid slopping around in his watch it is meant to be there his initial thought is the liquid acts as a lubricant the watch is round and a little larger than a fifty-pence coin (second stand-out visual) the weight of the watch suggests it is solid gold the watchmaker tells the dreamer the liquid should indeed be there, but it has to be changed for a thicker liquid vividness: 2.8.5 - observer - the category of the dream: two-theme dream (50+) 04082023 - 1721 the name of the dream: homeland and home underground documents come to light showing that american indians have a legal right to large swaths of land russia reveals it has an underground cave/cavern network that can facilitate millions of people vividness: 2.7.3 - observer - the category of the dream: two-theme dream (50+) 03082023 - 1720 the name of the dreams: a woman and cowboys - ukraine note 1 the extracts from the dream are in quotation marks a think-read dream of monstrous proportions the current ukraine militarists concede donetsk, regroup and re-arm and use every weapon in the west's arsenal except nuclear with a fresh attack in case you still haven't realised... washington takes orders from the military strategists in britain, and the financial headquarters of the jews are in the city of london were there to be a nuclear exchange, which there won't, "the brown earth turns grey, green vegetation turns brown" "food shortages will reach the point where societies crumble" "armed gangs turn to looting and it becomes the norm" in the meantime, the people that started the war retreat to underground facilities notes 3 scenarios that resulted in a nuclear war in undulations past are just that, the past picture page - war-room hostage - will reveal the physical characteristics of one of the genetic lines that did initiate a nuclear war in past undulations you will see that they are quite thin on the ground, about one in every couple of hundred of the population the intensity of violence lessens, by a degree not known, every undulation notes 4 to stress a point... you-know-who HAS to comply with reality he can't wish things away, he has to enact things away imagine you are a mountain climber it takes ten-thousand steps to go from the bottom of the mountain to the top at every step, there are at least three things that can happen... 1) a person can trip and fall over 2) a person can trip and hurt their-self and abandon the attempt 3) the person takes a step successfully there are five members of the team now run the permutations for five people for ten-thousand steps how many attempts does it take before the team of five reaches the top without a mishap? the number of ways things can go wrong is in the quadrillions however, a successful outcome can be repeated forever eventually, there are no mishaps all the people in the world can be sure they will get to the top of the mountain without anything going wrong so it is with the current situation, all the ways things that can result in death for people are slowly being enacted and eventually it goes from a war between millions of people to a fight to the death for two beings there is a steady increase in the number of people who go on indefinitely the law is being upheld notes 5 zelenski is a jew don't forget, it was zelenski who called for a pre-emptive nuclear strike on russia at the outbreak of the war he's probably still in the same frame of mind today notes 6 this dream will be treated as an entry in a webpage and will be amended as we go along vividness: 2.8.8 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (15+) current affairs (5+) if the scenes in this dream had the same theme, it would be an epic dream the two stand-out themes are... 1 a topless woman with a dazzling smile, she looked like jane russell 2 a parade of men wearing cowboy clothes with guns and holsters vividness: 2.8.2 - observer - the category of the dream: topless women (10+) cowboys (3+) 02082023 - 1719 the name of the dream: his sense of humour a fifteen-second zoom-in dream that starts with a young woman with long brown hair lying in a reclining position the scene slowly starts zooming in her hair covers her face and upper-torso through the gaps in the strands of her hair, we see her gentle smile in her her left hand, she is holding a cigarette the zoom-in continues we see the tip of the cigarette almost simultaneously, we see the tip of the cigarette, it's resting half a centimetre above her nipple the scene lingers for a couple of seconds before the dream ends notes 1 the writer may be wrong, but he believes he's right when he says that if weren't for this dream, it would have broken a month-long run of a dream every day this belief will be validated if this dream marks the beginning of a very long run of a dream a day from here on vividness: 2.8.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: timed to occur 01082023 - 1718 the name of the dream: shady dealer jewellery, books, antiques... just about anything no weapons or drugs though there are several precautionary steps to take... (leaving them out - don't want to give would-be criminals ideas) costly experiences has given the dreamer the instincts to see those who would try to pull a "fast one" this is the case and the theme of this dream their manner and "pushy" attitude alerts the dreamer to their intentions o.k., there's no honour amongst thieves but these two guys needed to get a taste of the consequnces of trying to be too clever it would take them ten minutes to get from their place to mine the dreamer is near where live he waits for them to leave gives them a minute and breaks into their place and leaves a "calling card" by way of taking documents when they get back and see they've been violated they will be hopping mad they will be heading straight back the dreamer's abode to take their revenge when they break in they will realise have been double-duped it will be a week or two before they realise the dreamer has left town vividness: 2.8.4 - participant - the category of the dream: professional thieves (4+} 31072023 - 1717 the name of the dreams: improbable - the grotesque show yet another vivid dream that has smut as its theme adult men and women dressed as babies bonnets, pink frilly dresses, white knee-high socks and thick, skin-coloured make-up the people portraying babies think they look appealing by way of relief the last scene contained images of three real adult "babes" notes 1 several dreams come to mind that have a degenerate theme 03092021 is the most disturbing one the writer would have thought that distasteful content in dreams would be the furthest away of past undulations this and other dreams like this must be time tenses 7, 8 and 9 vividness: 2.8.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: adults in baby drag (1) this dream starts with a group in a huddled conversation there are eight or ten people in the group four or five women and the same number of men the group is having an outdoor meal the dream goes from sedate to dramatic they "get wind" of an impending natural disaster a natural disaster is either a tsunami or an asteroid or an earthquake or a volcanic eruption or a deadly disease or... it is agreed that the outcome will be a mass extinction for all species the group, led by the dreamer, begin making plans they might have to cross oceans or trek hundreds of kilometres the first thing they agree upon is that whatever area of the world they choose, it will, eventually, have to be done on foot the obvious choice is backpacking pack backs the tool-making tools are sufficient to make necessary items for things like foundries, weaves, gardening etc. it becomes a race against time it may mean having to forge documents to gain entry to certain countries they are a closely-knit group that "feeds" off each other's ideas between them, there's not much they can't do they arrive at a consensus on solutions to different problems very quickly if it's a tsunami, they will be thinking of an elevated area of the world if it's a meteor or volcanic eruption they will be looking for large caves if it's a disease they will head for uninhabited areas of the world if it's an earthquake they will go to flat, open spaces there are probably other such like-minded groups across the world when it comes to the survival of the species, there's not much that's "not on the table" ten backpacking backpacks will hold much of what they need to start a new civilisation there are other things that they need but can't take close to the day of departure, the consideration of weapons comes up since the issue of whether eating meat and/or bone marrow made us the we are is not resolved, the ease of killing animals for food plus defence against marauders and other predatory animals favoured weapons the planning has to take into account the possibility of a "run" of only one gender being born the accepted solution is to change partners after each new birth where the vote is even, the dreamer has the casting vote notes 2 the vividness of the scenes ranges from 2.5 to 7.8 note 1 this dream is due to going to sleep listening to the soundtrack of the film "when world collide" vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: epic dreams (3+) natural disasters (2+) 30072023 - 1716 the name of the dream: jelly and custard the dreamer's girlfriend arrives as the dreamer is preparing custard and jelly in aluminium jelly pots the sweet treat is for a reception - think it might be a wedding the dreamer asks her to lend a hand food-preparation wasn't what she had in mind when she left her home her disappointment is obvious a tickle here and tickle there softens her mood there would be plenty of time for that later vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (30+) 29072023 - 1715 the name of the dreams: the duet - the organiser the dream is a future tense of time it is set either in an oppressed society or a prison fifteen or more young men are wearing loose, white t-shirts, trousers and jackets in a clean environment the men are discontented the dreamer gives each of them a see-through, re-sealable bag the bag is about twenty centimetres square inside the bag are a pen and paper the men are instructed to write down anything that pops into their mind that will make a constructive change or improvement to their lives or work or anything at all everyone has access to everybody else's notes within a scene or two the men are reaping the benefits of the suggestions they are ready to let the dreamer choose what changes are implemented the dreamer is waiting for the moment when the men become insistent that changes are made vividness: 2.8.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: oppressive situations (20+) societies (5+) the most unlikely set of circumstances brings steve and the dreamer back together we make a force to be reckoned with we are so elated that we have "found" each other after so many years apart we start singing the song "i got you babe" we are in full flow as the dream fades vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintances (3o+) steve (4+) 28072023 - 1714 the name of the dream: the white gizmo a white gizmo half the size of a laptop and about the same thickness is in view (stand-out visual) there are two or three metal contacts less than the size of a womans little finger-nail on the sides there's no obvious way of connecting anything to the metal contacts there are three scenes as the dreamer turns and swivels the gizmo looking for a usb or a headphone socket the conclusion is the gizmo must fit into a larger unit vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: gizmo's (2+) 27072023 - 1713 the name of the dream: where there's a will the dreamer's girlfriend is in hospital she gets word to the dreamer for him to go to see her he gets to the hospital only to find that visiting times have come and gone he arrived at the hospital at the very minute they finished in the next scene, the dreamer is pleading with a non-uniformed member of the hospital administration to let him go and see his girlfriend the woman is adamant and stands her ground the dreamer has to resort to lying he tells the woman that his girlfriend has the keys to his home it will only take seconds for him dreamer to get the keys it wouldn't be reasonable for the woman not to give the dreamer permission to be on the ward for a few seconds considering the circumstances the woman administrator relents and gives the dreamer the go-ahead the dreamer is now free to do what his real reason for wanting to be with his girlfriend is... vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hospitals (4+) 26072023 - 1712 the name of the dream: happy birthday it is the dreamer's birthday we don't know how old he is we do know it is closer to one hundred than it is to fifty whether the number of guests, one hundred, is significant or not isn't clear dieticians and nutritionists have the challenge of preparing fifteen different courses each course will have three or four forks or spoonfuls likes and dislikes are taken into account when several of the dreamer's suggestions are dismissed he protests he puts his foot down and gets his way when it comes to the music the dream starts filling with people and a festive atmosphere is mounting as the dream ends vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: birthdays (1+) 25072023 - 1711 the name of the dream: the idea thieves the dreamer is complaining to a man that businesses are unscrupulous when it comes to launching new products and making dosh from other people's ideas in this instance, the dreamer has the idea of injecting globules of jam into rock cakes the dreamer is explaining to the man that it is necessary to keep new ideas to oneself until every aspect of the production of the cakes has been notarized when the key aspects of production have been designed, it is necessary to submit them to the patenting office even then there's nothing illegal about someone else claiming they had the idea before you suggested it the trick is to break the manufacturing process into several parts and get production up and ready to go before putting in the claim for a patent the idea is sound enough once the product is presented to the public, a company cannot claim credit for it first, new machinery will be needed to inject the jam into the dough at just the right moment as it is being baked notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking about an instance a few decades ago when a woman presented a company that made round, light chocolate balls with a catchy idea for a t.v. advertisement the company used her idea in a new advertising campaign and claimed they had the idea before the women submitted the idea to them the woman was naive enough to believe she would get the credit and an ensuing financial reward from the company her grievance made the news a smug representative for the company knew she didn't have the "clout" to make a legal issue of it and dismissed her out of hand vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business trickery (1+) 24072023 - 1710 the name of the dream: adventure dream was smack bang in the middle of a boys-own adventure dream when the doorbell rang the four of five minutes it took to put the food in bags and the frozen food into the freezer was enough to push the memory of the dream from the awake consciousness the dream would have been the best entry for dreams in weeks never mind there are bound to be some exceptional dreams in the near future 23072023 - 1709 the name of the dream: a satisfactory outcome a meagre existence can be eked out of the surrounding environment there is mineral wealth but it means hacking a tunnel into a mountain it is a dangerous task it means learning how to shore up a tunnel the dreamer has no understanding of engineering out of desperation, the dreamer feels he has no option but to risk his life it's not just food that's at stake the dreamer won't be able to attract a woman and become a family until he is in the position to provide for a family the next scene shows a rounded tunnel three metres in diameter that burrows thirty or so metres into the hill or mountain at this point, another man, chinese, is ready to join in the endeavour between the two of us, we establish a flourishing enterprise in the last scene, a woman enters the dream and is hovering in the background it has worked out as was hoped vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: caves (2+) 22072023 - 1708 the name of the dream: the stuff at home the dreamer answers the ringing phone a voice says, "did you find the stuff?" recognise the voice and what is being referred to the caller says, "i'll be up in a bit" the dreamer goes to the most likely place he can expect to find the "stuff" it is a white shelf in the kitchen can see a few crumbs of the stuff realising the crumbs of stuff are too small to be of use, the dreamer checks below the shelf sure enough, there are more crumbs on top of the microwave between the two small amounts, there is enough to make a "single skinner" vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: drugs (4+) weed (1) 21072023 - 1707 the name of the dream: hints of death-threats the latest comment on a social media platform in awake-time two days ago... "russia Will prevail, the jews Will be vanquished, the new day Will dawn and the forest Will echo with laughter", irritates the controlling clique they let it be known the dreamer is in their hair-sights there are certain things not known to the clique that controls the flow of money the writer continues with his verbal and written criticisms vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: current affairs (3+) ukraine (1) 20072023 - 1706 the name of the dream: savagery and sweetness an enterprising local council hits on the idea of staging a wildlife theme-park one of its showpieces is a white tent that has a tiger or lion attacking a zebra (stand-out visual) - have the impression of a memory of this circumstance as a young boy the lion or tiger is clinging to the zebra as it is biting into its body while going from place to place, a girlfriend from a couple of years back gives the dreamer a nod of recognition her look and posture suggest she would accept an invitation to a date the dreamer suggests we walk around the theme-park together we enter one enclosure that has a forest or wood in it at this point, the dreamer put his arm around her waist as we walked and chatted as we passed one of the trees, there is a snake in the fork of the tree it is so realistic it startles the dreamer that's the dreamer 's cue to wake up vividness: 2.8/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: theme parks (2+) jungle theme (1) 19072023 - 1705 the name of the dreams: guns galore - no place for a bicycle on a bicycle moving along at a fair speed in the next scene the dreamer is looking for a quicker way to get from a to b a shorter route is found there is one problem though the terrain is known to have potholes just below its surface more than that, the ground is known to have a labyrinth caves if the dreamer can mark out a path for others, he will be something of a hero the dreamer decides to "give it a go" sure enough, on the very first try, the front wheel of the bike gets stuck in a slit there is a scene where the dreams goes undergrond back above ground, a couple of girls appear in the dream the girls are sympathetic and want to know what they can do to help vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bicycles (4+) underground environments (4+) guns galore this dream is a consequence of watching the first half of the film "the road to perdition" before going to sleep in the dream, the use of guns isn't suppressed, on the contrary, a person not carrying a gun and being prepared to use it is considered abnormal the dreamer is an abnormal he is under pressure to carry a hand-gun the pressure to get a gun is great enough for the dreamer to comply in the next scene, there is a shoot-out involving several people the only way to avoid killing someone is to shoot to miss the dreamer's tactic isn't spotted by the others he remains murder-free vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: gunfights (1+) 18072023 - 1704 the name of the dream: hide and seek at the bazaar this exceptionally vivid and colourful dream takes place on a sunny day the bazaar is about a one-hundred metre square there are hundreds of stalls a girl is wearing a beige-coloured head-to-toe paper costume and a head and face mask that has a triangular shape the dreamer is captivated by the girl's personality as much as her costume we "hit it off" our way of cementing our liking for each other is to play a game of hide and seek the girl stays where she is until the dreamer gets lost in the crowd the dreamer goes to the bottom end of where the stalls are the girl is a lot smarter than the dreamer realises she doesn't attempt to find the dreamer instead, she gives the dreamer 's description to a detective in the last scene, steve mcqueen appears in front of the dreamer the dreamer says, "how did you find me?" vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bazaars (1+) costumes (2+) steve mcqueen (1) 17072023 - 1703 the name of the dream: gala day it s a wonderful summer day it is also the gala day for a school or university the most sought-after viewing area is a stand that can seat two hundred or so people the stand is in front of the start/finish line of the four-hundred-meter track the catch is, only those who are prepared to "strip off" can get a seat in the stands the dream starts with the dreamer walking toward the entrance of the stand a little cheer goes up as the dreamer takes off his clothes and walks naked through the entrance and into the sealed-off and enclosed stand obviously, the best vantage point to ogle the girls is the middle of the row halfway up the stand no matter what direction the dreamer looks he will be able to ogle naked girls the problem is of course other people can see whether a male is in a state of "readiness" vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: sports events (2+) nudity (5+) 16072023 - 1702 the name of the dream: on the run the dreamer is held responsible for comments that caused embarrassment to the government the government let it be known that the dreamer will be incarcerated the dreamer decides to go into hiding the dream ends before the dreamer is caught vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: anti-government (4+) 15072023 - 1701 the name of the dream: inexplicable a two-scene dream that has a whiteboard the size of a living room in one scene and the mention of mozart in the next haven't got a clue what the connection is vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: meaningless dreams (1+) 14072023 - 1700 the name of the dream: inventive x in the seven to ten scenes in this sleep, the dreamer enacts the variations of positions that present themselves with one male and two females the number of ways is in the dozens the limited number of variations that one man and two women can enact as man-shaped in three dimensions is the equivalent of producing pleasure in a three-person straight jacket note 1 will leave it to your imagination to recognise just what scope there is for variations in the millionth dimension vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x dream (15+) threesomes (2+) 13072023 - 1699 the name of the dream: the killed man this dream is the result of thinking about a news item yesterday or the day before the original news item, from a couple of years ago, was about an afghanistan man taking a captured english-speaking man into captivity the afghanistan man was pushed off a cliff while being taking into captivity yesterday's news item said that the afghanistan man was a prisoner being led into custody by a soldier of the sas regiment the afghan government wants the sas soldier to face justice the dreamer woke while trying to figure out how such a contradiction could exist vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: war prisoners (1+) 12072023 - 1698 the name of the dream: the saved woman the characters in this dream are a woman, the woman's husband, a fireman and the dreamer the local paper decides to turn the saving of a woman from a house fire into a public relations event the dream is set in what is left of the woman's house the fireman arrives he is donned in his fireman's outfit in the next scene, we see the woman on her knees with her lips pursed the fireman is to pick her up into his arms in his arms, she throws he arms around his neck and kisses him there's no mistaking the woman's enthusiasm the woman is man-hungry the woman's husband is present and becoming agitated he is expecting a quick peck on the cheek that his wife is turning it into a snogging session reflects badly on him he is on the verge of pulling her off the fireman the dream ends before things start getting ugly vividness: 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: media events (2+) fires (1) 11072023 - 1697 the name of the dream: a lost cause the dreamer is an active member of the resistance he has the task of trying to persuade a woman of the controlling clique to change her outlook the woman is elderly she speaks softly and has a glint in her eye she has an appealing nature the whole of the dream revolves around a conversation with the woman within a minute, the dreamer realises that the woman considers it normal that there should be a "masters and servants" society her "feel" for the lives of others is non-existence the dream ends with the dreamer trying to understand how an otherwise nice person can be devoid of feelings for others vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: secret services (2+) 10072023 - 1696 the name of the dreams: a read-speak dream - happy on his own this dream is set in the open spaces grassland from horizon to horizon with small mountains thrown in for effect it is a one-street town it looked like it could be set in a cowboy film the population must be the better part of a hundred people the dreamer is the town's odd-job man his first task of the day is to give the horses a rub down with a stiff-bristled scrubbing brush the owner of the horses and stable is the wealthiest man in town his sense of his own importance gives him license to be cantankeous and occasionally moody his attitude towards the dreamer hardens, he becomes hostile the dreamer has to be within talking distance of him for only a few minutes a week in the next scene, the dreamer is in the stable rubbing down the horses the dreamer senses that the horses are enjoying the rubdown unfortunately, there are no eligible girls in town the dreamer makes his plans he will borrow one of the horses to get him to the next town the dreamer will save enough money to keep him going for a month or two until he is working the dreamer is feeling relaxed, really relaxed he will be starting a new chapter in his life vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: working environments (12+) horses (1) this mini-epic dream starts with the dreamer speaking he is saying out loud the words he has just read the words he is reading are from a script running through his mind as he read the script, the words moved in a curved angle over his left shoulder and out of sight what took the dreamer by surprise was the unrecognised creative ability to introduce an emotion or theme while still dreaming that changes the wording of the script to fit the meaning of a new theme the dreamer had done it twice and found himself looking at words he had never seen before notes 1 can't wait until the cologne auditorium is up and running when we put the sounds and sights in dreams into film format, we'll have wholly original realities vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: read-speak (1) 09072023 - 1695 the name of the dream: a number 2 in this one-scene dream, we see a male doing a number 2 his pants are pulled down to the ankles he is in a squatting position the faecal matter ends up in a cone shape about a quarter of a meter high end of dream the dreamer wakes from the dream every message to the brain is saying the same thing... get to the loo, NOW the writer gets to the bathroom in record time the amount of faecal matter the writer excretes is greater than the amount in the dream notes 1 now we've got to try to understand why a person would, while sleeping, need a prompt in the form of a dream to go to the toilet one possibility might be that when we are sleeping and wake with a dire need to go to the toilet we DID have a dream before waking up but don't remember the dream because the overriding need to go to the toilet smothers out the memory of the dream another possibility is that as we move into the future our dreams and awake-time become exactly matched and we enact in awake-time the previous night's dream/dreams vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: toilet (4+) no.2 (2+) 07072023 - 1694 the name of the dream: the theme park a dream full of flavour romance in one scene, embezzlement in another the dream unravels and goes something like this... an enterprising man hits on a winning combination he envisages a snow and ice theme-park the two main attractions are "the downhill slope" and "speed skating" the theme park's popularity is further enhanced by the unusually large amount of the receipts it puts back into circulation, through the prize money from competitions it is a lot more than one-half of its net takings notes 1 it is unlikely that any theme park will be giving away money as mentioned above if there is an individual somewhere in the world who owns and runs a theme park along the lines outlined above then this dream can be time-tense 5 (the present of the present undulation) and time-tense 2 if we get our act together (the future of the present undulation) vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: theme parks (1+) snow and ice (1) 05072023 - 1693 the name of the dream: the matter transmitter the first scene shows a transparent ball the ball is about two metres across it is not resting on anything but is hovering half a metre off the ground the object can synchronise sounds with movement and vice-versa someone at a console taps in a command inside the transparent ball, it crackles and emits little bolts of lightning the little bolts of lightning get bigger and eventually take on a form in the next scene, the end result is another transparent ball the size of a basketball a voice says, "be careful, it's easy to overload the transmitter" in the last scene, a voice is complaining the transmitted object is not exactly the same as the object it was copied from we only have to see the female in this - - video to realise that man-shaped beings can take on different forms vividness: 2.7.6 - observer - the category of the dream: different forms we can take (1+) 02072023 - 1692 the name of the dream: the clown's clothes we are at a jumble sale the room is ginormous the dreamer comes across a pair of trousers with a shirt attached to it there are large pockets around the front and back of the trousers and also in the lining of the shirt a nearby female sales-person explains... the clothes were part of a clowns paraphernalia the pockets attached to the clothes are air-pockets when filled with air, it enables the wearer to fall flat and, with a bit of practice, fall in such a way that the momentum of the fall will cause the wearer to bounce back into the standing position the oufit has endless potential for parties and fun events the dreamer is trying different ways of falling and rising when the dream ends vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: clothes (1+) jumble sales (1+) clowns clothes 01072023 - 1691 the name of the dream: dougie this dream is the result of thinking about an acquaintence from a few decades ago, the day before the dream the person in mind is in his mid-twenties he was a "hustler" he was so confident of winning he would take on a player with no money in his pocket he told the writer of one occasion when the person he was playing had surrounded the only ball he could play there was no direct route for the ball to come into contact with the ball he had to play his quick-wittedness gave him the solution... a trick shot ( - ) his trick-shot was to send the cue ball along the cushion and exit it off the cushion at just the right point and knock the ball he needed into the pocket, which it did (as it does in the video above) in this dream the balls are being "trick-shot" into pint glassess there are four or five glasses each glass is about half-full with beer the person doing the trick shots is going to place a different ball in each of the glasses and do it without any splashes of water jumping out of the glasses we see the first ball enter one of the glasses it causes the water to well-up against the glass and nearly, but not quite, spill over (stand-out visual) we don't need to see it happen again to know it will happen at least ninety-nine times out of a hundred vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintences (20+) dougie (1) snooker (2+) trick shots (1+) 29062023 - 1690 the name of the dream: crinkly potatoes in this dream, the dreamer works as a quality inspector he monitors baked potatoes coming off the production line the potatoes are in individual, see-through, square cooking containers the potatoes have deep and long creases all over them the problem is due to the heat the potatoes are cooked at it is too hot in the final scene, we see a conveyor belt with potatoes that are being steam-cooked (stand-out visual) vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food (10+) potatoes (1+) work-dreams (8+) conveyor belts (3+) 22062023 - 1689 the name of the dream: the cheat in this vivid three or four-scene dream the dreamer is the charge hand of half a dozen or so builders of a building site a part of his duties is to assess whether the worker's work chits for expenses are accurate there is resentment from the workers that one of their work-mates is claiming for and receiving payments for non-existent work the dreamer is aware of the man's false claims in the final scene, the dreamer has exposed the cheat's excessive claims and is dressing him down vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: work dreams (7+) building sites (2+) 20062023 - 1688 the name of the dream: moms know best imagine, a domestic scene two twenty-year-olds they are in the living room she is sitting in a single armchair the girl is doing something with her hands the male is reclining across the sofa, watching the t.v the relative tranquillity is broken with a single burst of a baby's cry the girl looks at her husband with a bit of reluctance, he gets up and makes his way to the baby's room he returns with the baby in the next scene and hands the baby to her mom the mom gives him a sharp look dad takes the baby out of her arms the baby lets out another sharp, short cry mom takes the baby from him the baby immediately becomes quiet there are then three scenes as the baby gradually goes from being fully awake to closing her eyes, relaxing into a comfortable position, and her face changes back to being fully asleep there are another two or three scenes as we see mom adjusting the baby's clothing, repositioning the baby and her hand stroking and touching the baby's cheek the baby's mom, her complexion is exceptionally smooth, almost glistening, is young, but she has the instincts born of generations past and knows exactly what the baby needs the father is third in the family hierarchy vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: domestic (4+) parents and babies (3+) 19062023 - 1687 the name of the dream: creepy in this dream, the dreamer is sleeping and is then woken from his sleep in the dream the first and only thing the dreamer sees is a pair of eyes the eyes belong to a man his gaze is firmly fixed on the dreamer it stays fixed for two or three seconds of dream time his gaze exudes a sense of responsibility the dreamer senses that the mind behind the eyes is conveying to the dreamer that he is not being as responsible as he should be vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: eye contact in dreams (2+) 18062023 - 1686 the name of the dream: eastern delight in the far east the dreamer is penniless, homeless and desperate for food and shelter a young lady offers the dreamer some work the work will cover his immediate needs the young lady isn't acting out of compassion she is acting out of passion the dreamer "twigs" onto her real motives he helps things along by looking meaningfully at the young lady a couple of eye contacts later, the stage is set for work and play vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: romance and work (2+) 16062023 - 1685 the name of the dream: the crossroad hotel things are moving along nicely the dreamer has just received his share of money following the sale of a hotel cum restaurant cum bar the hotel is one of three buildings situated on one corner of a crossroad the crossroad is set in an expanse of an arid area in the middle of nowhere the first thing the dreamer buys is a mountain bike there is then a few scenes of the dreamer riding the bike back at the hotel there is something of an argy-bargy going on it has come to light the money hasn't been shared equally when investigated, it turns out the discrepancy is just coppers and not worth making into an issue vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business in open spaces (2+) 13062023 - 1684 the name of the dream: who's a daddy then! in a family-oriented society, the dreamer is an oddity along with one in every thirty or so males, he has yet to become a father it's not that he doesn't want to be a father, on the contrary, he is doing his best to find a partner but isn't getting anywhere unknown to the dreamer, one young lady decides to lend a hand she has an "eye" for spotting compatibility between women and men in the next scene, the dreamer is in a waiting room it has seven or eight rows of chairs each row has twenty or thirty chairs the dreamer, now a daddy, has his bundle of joy in the form of a baby girl he is lying on the floor between the seats of the large waiting room in the previous scene he passes the baby to a woman sitting in the row in front of where he is the baby is old enough to recognise the sound of the dreamer's voice the dream ends on a high note as the baby responds to the dreamer's voice and is squiggling around, trying to match the voice she can hear to the faces of the people she can see vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: babies (5+) 08062023 - 1683 the name of the dream: the sage the dreamer wants information about a species of dinosaur specifically, he wants the lomgevty of troodons extensive search terms fail to show the information the dreamer hears a whisper of newly-launched website that might have the data a hop, step and a click later the website called "the sage" jumps on the screen it has all the relevant information vividness: 2.7.1 - particpant and observer - the category of the dream: internet searches (1+) dinosaurs (4+) 04062023 - 1682 the name of the dream: on your marks couldn't resist not publishing this entry four scenes of a naked couple lying facing each other in each of the first three scenes, we see the male in a different "starting" position in the last scene, we see the couple on the bed in the missionary, "under-over" position note 1 we know we can faint from the heat of the sun we know we can lose consciousness in a car accident but did you know that both genders can faint from natural pleasure? there are at least three different reasons why we lose consciousness as a result of too much natural pleasure it is within the writer's remit to explain how to get to your starting position... vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: x-related dream (4+) 12052023 - 1681 the name of the dream: the hot seat we are trying to find the most comfortable position every new position produces a hightened sensation but each new position places too much weight at one part of the dreamer 's body the edge of the chair is digging into the dreamer's flesh within seconds the discomfort demands relief a new position needs to be found there are five, six or seven such scenes vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (15+) seated (2+) 09052023 - 1680 the name of the dream: a mouse called kitty last night a mouse dropped by we don't know how the mouse got into the room where the dreamer sleeps the mouse is shuffling around looking for something we don't know what the mouse is looking for the sounds the mouse makes wakes the dreamer he turns over, spies kitty the mouse and then turns back into his sleeping position and goes back to sleep sometime later, kitty, a five-foot-tall female mouse asks the dreamer where something is the dreamer says, "keep looking, you'll find it" soon after, the sounds of kitty the mouse moving things around wake the sleeper again she is becoming agitated she asks the dreamer to get the thing she is looking for kitty is the dreamer 's friend she is friendly and the dreamer would never hurt her he tells her not to wake him again or he will put her outside the dreamer goes back to sleep vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: female man-shaped beings represented as animals (1) (mouse) (1) 042023 - 1679 the name of the dream: excuse me in the dream the dreamer is half awake and half asleep wakes from his sleep a message from the bladder has been sent to his brain the message is telling him to get to the toilet in double-quick time or it won't be responsible for its actions the dreamer is feeling stiffer than usual probably due to a more intense than usual "work-out" during the day the dreamer is sleeping on the side of the bed against the wall his latest partner is lying between him and the floor he swings his right leg over his partner as he attempts to lift his-self over his partner, his left arm gives way and he lands full-square on top of his partner his weight causes his partner to wake it takes her a micro-second to realise what's happening "you bastard", she exclaims, and then says with total disdain as she begins pushing with all her might to get the dreamer off her, "you're trying to mount me while i'm sleeping" the dreamer starts laughing uncontrollably his girlfriend doesn't find it funny she is furious the dreamer wakes up between breaks, as he breathes in, the dreamer blurts out the reason for being on top of her she begins to see the funny side of things and begins chuckling vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: partners (25+) bed and bedroom situations (3+) 23042023 - 1678 the name of the dream: a very civilised war undoubtedly a future Time-Tense ( a war is in pogress we don't know one side from the other on one side there is a tank and on the other side is an anti-tank gun we don't know who fired the first shot the side that wins the war will be the one who destroys the other sides weapon the sides are taking turns at shooting at each other after many attempts neither side has managed to destroy the other it wasn't making sense the law of averages says one side or the other should have hit its target the dreamer is called in after a few more rounds the dreamer realises what is happening the tank is repositioning to where the last shell landed a courier is dispatched to the enemy he has a message that states the tank will be hit the tank with the next shot the enemy has made its point it could have hit the anti-tank weapon but chose not to the war is over vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: war scenarios (2+) tanks and artlliary (1+) 23042023 - 1677 the name of the dreams: a devious boss - anyone got a light? the dreamer is the manager of a shop that sells second-hand medical equipment it is getting toward the end of the working day the dreamer uses the end of the day as a tactic to put pressure on the staff to make a sale for reasons unknown, the end-of-the-day sales always come out on top when the figures are analysed vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: jobs (5+) medical equipment (1) the dreamer is one of four or five people we are being given a "walk-through" of where we will be working within the science block our guide is a female she is the definition of poise and tact it is a very thorough "walk-through" and it is taking forever the dreamer needs a smoke he becomes the straggler of the group he lights a fag and takes a puff when the guide has her back to him as a non-smoker, she is acutely aware of the smell of the smoke and can smell the smoke from a fag from a mile away in the last scene of the dream our guide stops and says, "mr millington, you may not be aware that the company has the policy to choose a non-smoker before a smoker when it comes to promotion when all other things are equal" vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: employment (4 or 5) - scientific research (1) 22042023 - 1676 the name of the dream: a short stay it is a past tense of time the dreamer is in a hospital the hospital reflects the state of society as it is now all decisions are taken by an unseen, unaccountable bureaucracy many a life is lost as a result the dreamer is in good health the beaurocacy errs on the side of caution and decides to keep the dreamer as a patient it could be weeks before he leaves the dreamer rebels and manages to get out of the clutches of the hospital note 1 this dream is the result of a recent spell in hospital vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hospitals (2+) 21042023 - 1675 the name of the dream: two hands vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream + (5+) 20042023 - 1674 the name of the dream: her and me vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream + (4+) 19042023 - 1673 it is the official opening of a hotel or apartment block it is the ultimate in luxurious living the block is about twelve storeys with just two or three apartments on each floor on the ground floor, a reception is ongoing after the reception, the new one hundred tenants will go to their respective apartments and will find there the most expensive meal ever served to more than fifty people at one time the price of the food catches the imagination of a gang of thieves the dreamer is part of the gang the utility lift will drop off approximately ten meals on each floor a total of around one hundred meals with five or more courses comes to about £10 000 000 we join the dream as the gang is burning through the top of the lift with oxyacetylene sparks are flying everywhere (stand-out visual) with typical short-sightedness rich people never thought to fit the utility lift with security men or cameras a bit of squabbling breaks out among the gang as some of them decide to sample the wares vividness: 2.7.4 - observer - the category of the dream: food (8+) exotic (1) colour (white) (3+) 18042023 - 1672 the name of the dream: the white sports car in a rural area, the dreamer comes across an abandoned, white, open-top, two-seater sports car the car is in disrepair the windshield is broken among other things to the dreamer 's surprise, it jumps to life when the ignition key is turned even more surprising, the engine is really gutsy and sounds in tip-top condition (rare occasion of the sound of a car in a dream) the dream moves on to a scene in a filling station the dreamer is talking to a male about how much it's worth the male is hesitating about giving a figure the fact that he's thinking about it tells the dreamer it has value the haggling begins whatever the offer is the writer will accept it although, of course, the salesman mustn't get wind of that fact the offer is pitifully small the dreamer doesn't know the difference between a sports engine and a lorry engine he does know the sound of a powerful engine which is what the car has he decides to keep the car he tells the man to put petrol in the car vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: usable finds (1+) cars (1+) white sports car (1) colour (white) (2+) 17042023 - 1671 the name of the dream: old testaments a wonderfully complicated dream that has the dreamer discovering a dark metal slab the size of a sheet of a4 paper and about a centimetre thick (stand-out visual) the dreamer is rummaging through the remains of an abandoned building the building is the size of a supermarket it could be a medieval there are large blocks of reddish' stone that had been shaped into cubes much of the ceiling was missing and most of the walls are missing it looked like it had been bombed out centuries of exposure to the elements has weakened its sturdiness in one area of the building the dreamer finds hisself in a room with three sides and a roof in parts of the room it is dark the dreamer uncovers from just below the surface of the rubble a heavy slab of what feels like caste iron the metal slab has a v-shaped chunk missing from the top of the slab that accounts for about one-fifth of its size on the front of the slab, there are about forty lines written in raised hieroglyphics when it is translated a science fiction story unfolds the dreamer recognises the story-line is intriguing enough for it to be made into a film he contacts a well-known nationwide chain of cinemas and explains the story enthusiastically the cinema company agrees to do it the dreamer 's lack of business skills enables the cinema company to make the film without acknowledging the dreamer 's part in discovering the story or having to pay any royalties the dreamer is seething mad in the next scene, the dreamer finds another metal slab fully intact it allows the missing information on the first slab to be filled in as well as continuing the saga the dreamer has got the film company by the goolies and is savouring squeezing them when the dream ends vividness: 2.6.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: finds that produce wealth (5+) films (1) family dreams (5+) colour (light shade of black) 16042023 - 1670 the name of the dreams: chaos at the banquet - family harmony - family disharmony a family dream that depicts two sisters aged about ten years of age doting on their baby brother the ease with which the girls care for the baby boy highlights the natural superior skills of love females possess there are two long scenes that show the baby boy responding to the girls anticipating the baby's actions and the baby in turn exhibits boyish movements the balancing of new movements guided by love is an achievement of oustanding prowess that came from you-know-who as he ingrained the two traits into his being we will forevermore be attmpting to equal his ability to move in a loving way vividness: 2.7.5 - observer - the category of the dream: family dreams (5+) patricia (1) colour (white) a follow-on dream in total contrast to the above dream shows the mother of the same children addicted to a class a drug the children are neglected and traumatised they remember a loving mother and are unable to understand why things have changed notes 1 the woman and children are a family the writer lived with in his twenties a baby boy was the result of our relationship these two dreams seems to be presenting the two extremes of the ways the boundaries of experience can occupy without tipping into unnatural death outcomes there must be thousands and thousands of variations there are millions and millions of people we get a glimpse into his Terrible love - the name of the dreams: chaos at the banquet - family harmony - family disharmony a family dream that depicts two sisters aged about ten years of age doting on their baby brother the ease with which the girls care for the baby boy highlights the natural superior skills of love females possess there are two long scenes that show the baby boy responding to the girls anticipating the baby's actions and the baby in turn exhibits boyish movements the balancing of new movements guided by love is an achievement of outstanding prowess that came from you-know-who as he ingrained the two traits into his being we will forevermore be attempting to equal his ability to move in a loving way vividness: 2.7.5 - observer - the category of the dream: family dreams (5+) patricia (1) colour (white) a follow-on dream in total contrast to the first dream shows the mother of the same children addicted to a class a drug the children are neglected and traumatised they remember a loving mother and are unable to understand why things have changed notes 1 the woman and children are a family the writer lived with in his twenties a baby boy was the result of our relationship these two dreams seem to be presenting the two extremes of the ways the boundaries of experience can occupy without tipping into unnatural death outcomes there must be thousands and thousands of variations there are millions and millions of people we get a glimpse into his Terrible love - vividness: 2.7.5 - observer - the category of the dream: family dreams (5+) patricia (2) colour (white) a well-intentioned but poorly planned event goes awry for its organisers the plan is to use the good weather to enable the country hotel to line the outside wall of the dining room with tables and chairs (stand-out visual) this will more than double the number of people who can have a sit-down meal what wasn't known was that less than a hundred metres from the hotel a colony of yellow and black striped wasps had laid claim to the territory some aeons before it wasn't until the event was underway that the scent of the food drew the attention of the aforementioned flying insects mild panic turned into pandemonium when a scorpion the size of an adult hand was spotted under a table we don't know where the scorpion came from that's one of the problems with dreams, the inexplicable is a regular feature vividness: 2.7.3 - observer - the category of the dream: insects (3+) colour (brown, silver and white) 15042023 - 1669 the name of the dreams: peep-o - arabian delight - the new recruit it is the dreamer 's first day in the army we don't know if the dreameer has been drafted or enlisted no sooner has "lights out" been called when the dreamer is called to the main desk the main desk is at the end of a long corridor the corridor has a marble floor (stand-out visual) at the desk the dreamer is ordered to walk down the corridor and back again part-way down the corridor a different voice calls out for the dreamer to return to the desk back at the desk the dreamer is told to stay where he is in he next scene, the dreamer is asked by the first person who ordered him to walk up and down the corridor why he hadn't the dreamer replies, "when two different are given always carry out the last order" the dreamer has passed the test of a basic rule vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: army dreams (3+) (1+) colour (speckelled white) it is warm to hot the dreamer is in the middle of a town/city he is new to the area the buildings are all at ground level he goes to the building that is playing slow dance music inside the building, there are more than two four-post double beds the beds have drapes and luxurious bedsheets and blankets one bed has three or four girls reclining on it the other has one girl the dreamer joins the girl on her own on the bed we are both moving slowly to the music parts of us are touching each other our movements aren't in sync another girl joins us on the bed she has long black hair and is wearing tight, black courderoy slacks our movements are in sync the dreamer clasps his hands on her hips the girl responds to the slightest variation of the dreamer 's movements to start with, we are both on our knees we occasionally sit back on our feet there is next to no noticeable difference in our swaying and single and double hip movements another girl joins us she too mirrors our movements for a moment, the music stops both the girl lie on their backs their heads are close together as they lie there motionless the dreamer studies their faces (stand-out visual) then looks at their eyes once, twice, three times there is very little difference between the shades of the brown of their eyes although the depth of brown is more pronounced in one of them all of us will be in agreement with whatever any one of us suggests the dreamer is smiling one of the girls asks, "what?" the dreamer replies, "i'm pleased" notes 1 before we enter heaven, all of us will, as adults, have the characteristics of children you know how easy it is to persuade children to do something, especially when it contains fun or otherwise has appeal that's how it will be between first and second generation - First generation Second generation first generation is so familiar with love/lifes ways we can interact with second generation in the same way adults interact with children you will do whatever is asked of you don't baulk everything we do always results in an increase in freedom of motion and pleasure eventually, as the second generation, you will be in the same position as the third generation as the first generation is in now with yourselves - vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: suggestive dance movements (1+) colour/s (brown) a holiday is over the dreamer is sitting on the back seat of a coach as it makes its way to where he lives in front of the dreamer are the seats that run down the left of the coach two young children aged three or four are in the seats the dreamer begins playing "peep-o" with them the dreamer peeps over the seats and then around the seats the gap between the bottom of the seat and the floor is big enough to do a peep under the seat the children become fixated as they try to understand how a living being can be anywhere notes 1 a month-long break has been rewarding it may be repeated next year vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: children (8+) colour/s (green) 15032023 - 1668 the name of the dream: the party-pooper at a gathering of one sort or another there are fifty or so people it has an upbeat atmosphere (stand-out visual) it occurs to the dreamer that music wouldn't go amiss he spots a music centre by a pillar in the middle of the room (stand-out visual) a quick look at the records tells him there are enough records with a party feel to them to enrich the already semi-party mood in the room the dreamer chooses a popular dance track the mood of the room changes immediately people's heads begin nodding and swaying people will sing along with the words of the well-known song when it gets to the chorus before it gets to the chorus, a young lad comes over to the dreamer and says something along the lines of, "this is my music player, i don't want anyone to touch it" the dreamer is non-plussed the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: social gatherings (12+) colour/s (brown/red) 06032023 - 1667 the name of the dream: the prospector meet a stranger, and we get into a conversation he tells the dreamer about himself he is a professional prospector he asks the dreamer to help him with his latest venture the dreamer agrees it means travelling some miles to the location where he expects to find ...? in the next scene, we are in a moutainous area he needs help getting through a narrow crevice first we go downward and then have to go up in order to get to where he has to place the dynamite, it means the dreamer has to go ahead of him, and when there, the dreamer secures his position then reaches down, and we grasp each other by the wrists, and the dreamer pull him up (stand-out tactile sensation) the equipment is the next thing that has to be lifted lifting the equipment up to where we are is definately needs two people if this guy knows his onions, and by now, the dreamer is convinced he does, there's going to be a fruitful payday the dreamer is thinking about what he's going to buy when the dream ends vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prospecting (1+) colour (the colour of rock) 05032023 - 1666 the name of the dreams: go for it - don't believe it a man best known for his involvement in the acquiring and restoration of antiquities diverges from his speciality and becomes an animal conservationist his first animal, and the reason for his surprising change of tac, is a gopher his first interview with the press seems suspiciously like a "photo op", and has him opening up his coat or jacket and revealing the head of the gopher we see the twitching nose and the prominent white front teeth peering up at us (stand-out visual) it would be a heartless person that didn't feel their emotions going out to the animal vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: animals (20+) mammals (15+) gophers (1) colour (white - the teeth) another news item dream a daring robbery takes place in the heart of moscow a think-read dream that announces that a fully-fuelled and armed anti-tank carrier has been stolen while on exhibition after the initial disbelief has settled down the rumours begin the prominent one is that it's an exercise in how a news item can throw a nation into confusion vividness: 2.7.8 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (18+) news flashes (1+) 04032023 - 1665 the name of the dream: sunny day blues - the pervert the school the dreamer attends has over a thousand pupils it is a mix of girls and boys on one occassion two of us are showering after gym we are the only males who like a shower regardless of whether we need one the dreamer isn't a friend of the other male in the shower have seen him around though with a gleeful glint in his eyes he shows the dreamer how it's possible to alter the angle of the silver ceiling mirror so that it is possible to reflect the image of the girls in their shower room there is a girl taking a shower it isn't a toe to head refection just her torso she has her hair bundled at the back so as to not get it wet her hair is aubern-coloured she is wearing a bracelet, earings and what looks like a rubber indentification wrist-band the gir occassionaly turns around every now and then to be sure getting all her body gets wet we can see she hasn't got any tatoos or distinquising marks anywhere on her body not on her back or neck or arms or stomach, none at all her stomach isn't completely flat but has a little bulge toward the bottom the dreamer is trying to place her he thinks he might know who she is but she keeps moving her head around while she rubs the bar of soap over different parts her body and it's hard to get a good look at her face first she washes under her arms, then around her neck and then she lifts each breast and works up a lather under each of them before she changes the bar of soap from one hand to the other and does the same thing again she seems to spend an inordinate amount of time cleaning under her breasts... the teen who showed the dreamer how to angle the mirror has left the dream good riddance to perverts vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: perversion (3+) colour (silver, aubern, skin) go out for the day it's a sunny day was over cautious and decided to wear a blue jumper over a long-sleeved white shirt the shirt is baggy but no one will see it under the jumper get to mingling with the "in" crowd compared to them the dreamer is dressed in old-fashioned clothes the others tell me to ditch the jumper go along with the suggestion only to realise the shirt is a terrible fit the dreamer no longer "fits in" with the others one of them produces a short-sleeved t-shirt it's an improvement over the one the dreamer was wearing but it doesn't suit him the dreamer hears someone ask another person the dreamer 's age her or his answer is much older than the age the dreamer is it makes the dreamer feel depressed the dream ends vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: clothes (5+) emotions (4+) colour (blue and white) 03032023 - 1664 the name of the dreams: the blockage - the stuff read about, or was told or heard on the t.v. or grapevine about the effects of a herb or plant or mineral or an extract from a fish or bird or compound or... decided to give it a try bought a bottle of the green fluid back home, and before the dreamer gets around to trying it, some visitors come calling there are at least two of them, possibly three the latest sensation gets mentioned someone wants to see it fetch the bottle whatever it is, is dark green and swimming in a clear liquid (stand-out visual) hand it to one of the guys before it gets back to the dreamer , one of the guys opens the lid and gulps it down the dreamer says, "thanks very much it only cost a tenner" there is about a tablespoon of the liquid left the dreamer swigs it down as they get up to leave, one of them says something the proclamation contains the word... word omitted instantly the word is spoken, the dreamer becomes weightless and begins floating the dreamer now realises why the drink has mixed reviews, it only works on certain people it is unlikely that people will "cotton on" to the reason why it only affects certain individuals vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (5+) liquid (1+) colour (dark green) living in a highly advanced society just about everything can be done online, which is where the dreamer is at the start of this dream the dreamer is online because he wants to get information about how to clear a blockage in the sewage pipes the dreamer 's sewage system connects to a bigger, shared-pipes complex, about ten metres from his home the pipes merge at about thirty degrees the pipes then go on to connect with more homes as the area the sewage system serves increases the dreamer is looking at a diagram on his computer screen (stand-out visual) the sewage system isn't so sophisticated it can pinpoint exactly where the blockage is, it can only suggest the most likely place the diagram on the screen chooses the initial first connection ten or so metres away it even shades in an area depicting the size of the blockage the instructions to remove the blockage are easy to follow the person confirms the location the confirmation sets the mechanics of the operation in motion we see a "pac-man blockage-remover" come onto the screen and follow its movement it gets to the junction selected the dreamer clicks on the shaded area we hear the explosion we go to the lavatory and flush the toilet we go back to the computer mission not accomplished the diagram is still showing a blockage not to worry the next step is to go through the procedure again the second attempt will be a bigger explosion it is guaranteed to clear all blockages known to man the dreamer begins to initiate the new procedure a bigger problem arises the dreamer can't apply pressure through his forefinger onto the mouse and get it to click no matter how hard he tries, the dreamer can't get the mouse to respond he wakes up notes 1 for the umpteenth time, the dreamer wakes up from the frustration of not being able to click the mouse in a dream the mouse responding on the first click but not on subsequent clicks is a common occurrence there's got to be a reason why this keeps happening vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read (20+) sewage (2+) colour (various - nothing pronounced) 02032023 - 1663 the name of the dream: to be entered 01032023 the name of the dream: personalised chat forums at the computer am scrolling through lists of the names of the people using the platform the platform enables people to type or speak their comments, messages etc. there is a strip for each user the beginning of the strip is where the user puts her or his identification and then they put their comment, titbit etc. note 1 at the beginning of the dream, it was easy to click the screen it gradually became harder to get a response by pressing the mouse vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read (13+) computer-interaction (6+) colour () the name of the dream: singalong disturbed children find a way to reconnect with the big wide world a purely accidental discovery comes about when one severely affected child responds to the sound of the voice of a singer coming through open windows of the nearby domestic houses the radio show is a nationwide favourite in an era before the t.v. the dreamer is still trying to recall the first song that brought about the response from the ten-year-old the second one is still fresh in his memory - [audio recording 28022023] the first song was more in the vein of the banana boat song neither of the songs that the young boy responded to had musical instruments accompanying them the dream became externalised during the second song notes 1 we know laughter has therapeutic applications with certain conditions this dream may or may not have applications for "troubled" children no harm in trying vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: emotionally affected children (1) externalised dreams (8+) colour (no colour comes to mind) 27022023 - 1662 the name of the dreams: an unexpected reaction - end of the line the dreamer and his girlfriend are at the train station there is a wire fence a few metres to our right that cuts across the track it is an end-of-the-line station we both have a suitcase the train pulls in it's doors open automatically we have to walk a few metres to get to the open door of the carriage the dreamer gets there first he plonks his beige-coloured suitcase down and turns around expecting to see his girlfriend but she's not there he peers around the open door of the train and can see she is still standing where we were when the train pulled in her suitcase is only a little one, it's not like her to expect me to treat her like she's royalty still, if she wants me to treat her like a lady, don't mind impressing her the dreamer goes to where she is, picks up her suitcase and say's, "c'mon" the dreamer starts to walk away, then stops his girlfriend hasn't moved he looks at her she says, "i don't want to go" the dreamer says something along the lines of..., "we'll talk about it on the train" again, she says, "i don't want to go" there are then four or five scenes of the dreamer trying to persuade her to get on the train every time the dreamer tries to get an explanation, all he get's is, "i don't want to go" it becomes obvious she's not going to budge the doors of the train close automatically the train starts pulling out the dreamer makes a futile effort to get on the train just about every important item the dreamer has is in his suitcase he thinks, and expects, that his suitcase will get pilfered he is irate he turns and looks at his girlfriend she says, "you can phone the next station" her voice is completely calm it makes the dreamer think she's been planning it but that doesn't make sense our relationship is a steady one there's nothing we kept from each other we have a "sister and brother" attitude towards each other it's like we've grown up together it's just not like her something is radically wrong between the loss of his most personal and precious things and his girlfriend's totally alien attitude, the dreamer starts crying his girlfriend tries to console him he says forcefully, "go away" he says it a few times vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (45+) bernie (5+) end of relationships (1+) colour (beige) the name of the dream: an unexpected reaction on the holiday of a lifetime it is a fantasy/reality theme park one of its many themes is to share a minute or so in the same environment as a newly-discovered beast before it was discovered, the animal had the same status as the fabled abominable snowman or yeti or bigfoot it is a semi-aquatic animal the "adventurer", anyone who had the minerals to get near it, had to be unclothed a bit of a bother because the guide is a woman it was probably the idea of being in the same place at the same time as a naked woman that convinced the dreamer to "go for it" another prerequisite is to wear a snorkel-type device and diving gloggles so as to be able to breathe when the perspex tank, the size of a tennis court, is filled with a liquid the animal is used to in its natural surroundings the liquid is the consistency of watery single cream, not quite fluid enough to swim in the guide and the dreamer are "kitted up" and waiting for the fluid to be pumped into the see-through tank what the dreamer hadn't been prepared for was the pressure he would feel when liquid began filling the tank because the tank needed to hold thousands of cubic litres of the cream-coloured liquid it had to come into the tank under pressure (stand-out sight and sensation) the feeling of weight caused the dreamer to go into a state of mild claustrophobia the female guide was there and kept the dreamer calm the fright the dreamer experienced caused his "john thomas" to shrivel to the size of a worm out of the tank and back with his wife, the dreamer is being "ribbed" by his wife the female guide told his wife that the physical reaction to the experience is a normal reaction that didn't stop the wife from bringing it up in the company of complete strangers as is happening at the dream closes vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: theme-parks (1) colour (beige/white) 26022023 - 1661 the name of the dream: what's going on? the dreamer has just go off the plane in amsterdam next scene, it's the dreamer 's turn at passport control the passport is made of two small, slightly transparent pieces of paper he hands his passport to the checker it is about the size of a slice of bread of a 400-gram pre-sliced loaf of bread it can be folded as the man takes the passport from the dreamer something moves within the passport "what was that?", he exclaims with astonishment before the dreamer had time to say anything the youngish man got out of his seat and left the scene the dreamer knew what was coming the scene before the dream ended sees the man who first handled the passport is now accompanied by other members of officialdom and experienced passport control personnel who thought they had seen it all they want answers the dreamer says' "answers to what?" "what is in the passport?", they say the dreamer says, "let me see" they produce the passport but don't let the dreamer hold it the dreamer asks the man to hold it up to the light the official holds it up to the light we are waiting for something to move within the paper pages after about one second of dream-time, the dreamer begins looking at the men who suspect something the dreamer looks from man to man with a perplexed expression they begin looking at the passport and then looking at the dreamer then looking at the dreamer again and then looking at the paper passport they had all seen it with their own eyes they can't figure it out they can't figure it out because they don't know what the dreamer knows what is it that the dreamer knows that they don't? welcome to the mystical world within dream-time, and awake-time, of the weird and wonderful vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (5+) colour (see-through light-brown) 25022023 - 1660 the name of the dream: sun and fortune the dreamer has just woken up he has had a drink and a thin "rollie" fifteen minutes after waking, he is wondering what to do he's done everything that was pressing over the last few days the harder he tries to think of something to do, the more convinced he is there's nothing to do so what to do? decide to get some hash from my contact out of town the problem with that is its sunday, and the bus schedules are all over the place might need three or four hours just to get there then there's no guarantee he'll be in then it occurred that one of the neighbours could take me there were two or three people with cars a forty or fifty-pound inducement would suffice left the house it is a lovely sunny day (stand-out visual) the first person the dreamer sees with a car is a "newbie" to the area hadn't really got to know him he is about twenty-metres away we get to chatting didn't launch into asking him straight away when the dreamer did ask him and threw in the forty or fifty-pound "sweetener" he wasn't persuaded at that moment all he was really interested in was going for a drink he considered the money and weighed it off against getting a drink he didn't want to go to the pub on his own, but neither did he want to wait for half an hour to get to the pub another man enters the dream the two men begin talking to each other the topic of their conversation is a tenant that just moved out it was a woman she left a whole load of items she didn't want anymore they told the dreamer who it was when he asked the dreamer goes to the newly-vacated house there was a treasure trove of goodies the two men had already taken some of the things the dreamer looked in places the two men hadn't, and he found the best of her "throw-aways" it would take all day to appraise them the dreamer has a distant memory of being bored vividness: 2.8.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unexpected windfalls (8+) household items and keepsakes (1+) colour (all colours associated with a sunny day and sparkling glass and shiny metals) 24022023 - 1659 the name of the dream: a double whammy an outrageous deceit is brought to light a rigged election is the basis for the people who rigged it to win huge amounts of money it is the equivalent of sending troops to kill people and charging them for doing it note 1 the dream is the result of thinking about the way people are being manipulated by devolving beings the irony of life is that it can only be lived to its fullest with an unbiased view toward all people even when it is in an environment that has people in it who want to destroy life - see " The Mistake " vividness: 2.7.1 - observer - the category of the dream: injustices (10+) voting (1+) 23022023 - 1658 the name of the dream: softer than softly, a.k.a. a woman's dream we are sharing the sofa we are both wearing dressing gowns the t.v. is on you are lying on your back on the sofa the sofa isn't quite deep enough for both of us to be lying side-by-side on our backs your partner can only rest three-quarters of his back you want me to be comfortable i am "in the mood" i take your hand and move it to my groin placing it around me your gown is open to below her waist while you are "holding" me i turn further onto my right, put my right arm under your head and your head rests in the crook of my elbow with my weight on my elbow we kiss during the long kiss, you break and ask quizzically, "it's got smaller" i want to tell you, "it's because i'm thinking of you, not of me" we kiss again i place my right arm under your head so your neck is resting in the crook of my arm my hand reaches your right breast and i begin moulding your breast to fit into my hand i can't remember your breast feeling so big and soft as it is at this moment my fingers come into contact with your nipple your nipple also has a softness that is even more responsive to my touch than your breast i break from the kiss to look at your nipple your nipple is also bigger than i remember it your nipple is also flushed and swollen it is a shade of red i have never seen before (stand-out visual) i want to feel your nipple between my lips i begin to reposition myself you sense what it is i am going to do you say in a voice that is even softer than your nipple and in a tone that is surrendering to the coming pleasure, "softly" then again as my lips are about to make contact with your nipple you whisper, "softly" notes 1 it wasn't until he woke up and was thinking about the dream that the writer realised that the girl could be pregnant and was waiting for the right time to tell him notes 2 it is thought that the reason you-know-who, having "been there, done that" in every conceivable situation, be it male or female has timed this dream to occur on this day he has put this dream into the here and now to soften the current circumstances women need to know that men are capable of constructing more pleasure than pain notes 3 the tenderness in this dream has more sensitivity than any awake-time memory in similar circumstances notes 4 the closest the writer came to producing extremes in pleasure (fainting with pleasure) was thirteen years ago the writer, applying the obvious, took the girl being referred to the greatest levels of pleasure she had known circumstances forced us apart the girl did come to see the writer where he lives now four or five years ago but by the time the writer got to the door girl had left if the girl who came to see me reads this please call again we have work to do vividness: 2.7.3 - observer - the category of the dream: timed to occur (4+) intimate experiences from a woman's view (1) colour (blood red) 22022023 - 1657 the name of the dreams: "where's the champagne?" - altercation a one-scene dream about a submarine that discovers an oyster bed vividness: 2.7.3 - observer - the category of the dream: underwater (3+) submarine (2+) oysters (1+) colour (brown) three members o the immediate family, mother, sister and eldest brother, don't see eye to eye in a three-bedroomed house, two people have to share a bedroom it makes the most sense to the dreamer that women are more suited to sharing a bedroom than males the women disagree, brother says nothing the last hope the dreamer has is to concede the women have the biggest bedroom no one is budging the dreamer decides to find somewhere else to live vividness: 2.6.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family (8+) accommodation (1+) colour (faded orange) 21022023 -1656 the name of the dreams: at the opera house - two men and a woman - the name of the montage: in the doghouse we are level with a man who is watching a stage play from the "royal box" we, the observers, are the film-crew we are to his right he is the guest of honour and knows he is being filmed he is making faces at different parts of the play as they are happening he is commentating by facial expression he is doing a great job of it he doesn't know it, but his wife, one of the actresses in the play, is in on a set-up meant to leave him speechless the man being set up is eric sykes the best expressions come from his natural expressions and responses as, little by little, bits of his life are incorporated into the play he slowly starts leaning forward as one titbit after another triggers memories the script and actors are magnificently subtle, he has "fell" for it hook, line and sinker he becomes incredulous and is genuinely taken aback playing to our film crew is no longer important to him he will have "real" facial expressions to look back on after tonight vividness: 2.7.14 - observer - the category of the dream: celebrities (7+) eric sykes (1) colour (face colour - s shade of cream) x-dream this x-dream also had a humorous theme vividness: 2.7.1 - observer - the category of the montage: a one-scene montage - a dog about the size of a jack russell enters the montage from the bottom of the scene the dog goes through a door at the bottom of a metre-high dolls house at the back of the small room the dog re-appears almost immediately through a window flap above the door the dog is wearing clothes and a hat end of montage vividness: 2.7.1 - observer - the category of the montage: animals (1+) mammals (dogs) jack russells (2+) colours (brown and sandy) 20022023 - 1655 the name of the dream: spaceship slingshot we are on-board spaceship slingshot a hardy and sturdy crew of males are doing the heavy work of maintaining a slow increase in the tension in the stretch of a rubber rope to a point that will enable them to release the energy and propel them a little faster they aren't on a mission the desire to maintain a self-sustaining habitation in space is their goal it is the camaraderie and commitment that gives the endeavour its momentum a shared single-mindedness defines their unity of purpose "what is life if it can't be fulfilling at the extremes of survivability" it has an "open-plan" interior its innards look like the interior of an immense empty hull the size of an oil tanker the biggest fixture is a long metal tube the metal tube runs from end to end of the hull, or at least it looks like it does the tube is as big as an underground subway sparks are coming from welding equipment in two or three places along its length they are building the ship and adapting "as they go" vividness: 2.6.3 - observer - the category of the dream: outer space habitation (1+) colour (shadowy-red) 19022023 - 1654 the name of the dream: animal parade a cat is the first animal to enter the dream it came through a metre-high bush, the stems are like bamboo plants the cat is oozing confidence at varying lapses of time, it is followed by four other different animals, a mouse, a bird and a small parrot or cockatiel and a juguar alas, the writer deleted the voice memo of the dream by mistak and had to rely on his memory of the dream five hours later vividness: 2 - observer - the category of the dream: animals (15+) cat, bird, mouse, jaguar 18022023 - 1653 the name of the dreams: x-dream - the professional mother x-dream vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (20+) colour (red/pink) it isn't clear if the woman looking aafter the two babies and a child is the mother of the children or the mother of one or two of the youngsters or if she is mother to any of them what is clear is she is ahead of and has anticipatory instincts of their needs there are four captivating scenes the first one is of the two babies they look about twelve months they are lying on their backs they begin crying for food in the next scene, they both have milk bottles in their mouths they are lying facing each other they are breathing in unison not just breathing in unison but the amount of milk in both bottles lowers at the same amount as they suck the milk in on their in-breath and then the milk settles to the same level as air gets back into the bottle the next two scenes are of the girl toddler the girl looks about three years she is sitting in a push-chair in a flash, she is standing up and cheering she has learnt that the best way to get attention is to emulate those times when she has seen adults in their best mood, jumping up and out of their seats when their team scores a goal or wins a point in whatever competition they are watching it is a perfect rendition of how adults react vividness: 2.7.2/3 - observer - the category of the dream: mother and babies/toddlers (4+) colour (white) 17022023 - 1652 the name of the dream: anne of the rowley's for a one-scene dream, there's a lot of detail a court case is ongoing one of the girls of the rowley's has been accosted the dreamer is the villain of the piece he isn't the one charged with the crime the rancour towards him is because he didn't accept her advances when they first met at her house if he had responded to her she wouldn't have started a relationship with the male who had done her a mischief there are about a dozen witnesses we are in a waiting room the dreamer is the last person to arrive as a witness there are no seats in the waiting room there are "stubb" coat hangers along two walls of the room each of the coat hangers has a white plastic bag hanging from it (stand-out visual) the dreamer enters the room, points to the bags and asks, "are they in the order we are called?" no-one responds to his question all he gets is icy stares one male shows compassionate initiative and begins a conversation with the dreamer the male is suggesting that after the trial has finished the dreamer takes anne out and comforts her the dreamer agrees the dream ends satisfactorily vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: courtrooms (2+) neighbours (2/3+) the rowley's (2/3+) colour (white) 16022023 - 1651 the name of the dream: intrusion was woken by the sounds of thumps and knocks coming from under the bed shortly, the sounds of knocks and thumps are replaced by the sound of sawing there was no mistaking the location of the sound could feel the vibrations coming through the bed it persisted lay there trying to make sense of it then it dawned on the dreamer what's happening people are trying to kidnap him the sawing stopped, then began again the dreamer said, "if you don't stop, i'm going to report you" (this sentence was externalised) the sawing stopped the dreamer heard two people whispering the dream was taking place in the last place the writer lived started trying to make sense of why they were coming through the floor to get to me wouldn't it have made more sense to pick the lock of the front door? that had its drawbacks though they would be visible to a dozen or more houses someone might see them that would explain why they were coming through the floor that didn't make sense though the flat the dreamer lived in, and is where he thinks he is, is on the first floor of a block of flats beneath his flat, there is a thoroughfare for pedestrians to get to the dreamer , they would need ladders and scaffolding the dreamer sees a thirty-centimetre square piece of wood pushed up and out from the floor near the end of the bed a black cat appears from the hole in the floor (stand-out visual) the cat meows the dreamer realises he's not living where he used to live but where he is living now now things aren't making any sense whatsoever the building where he now lives has a concrete foundation they would need a pneumatic concrete drill his bed is made of metal there is a t.v. at the bottom of the bed the dreamer is waking up to his surroundings vividness: 2.6.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (5+) cats (1+) sawing (1) colour (black) the name of the dream: for sale the dreamer is in the moving business he is moving to new premises and changing his home the equivalent of two housefuls of items have to be moved confusion reigns he accumulated so many items over the years he can't remember which of the items are his and which things were bought from people his insurance only covers items that belong to him that, in turn, means proving his ownership with receipts the filing system became less and less detailed over time, and he is unable to show receipts for most of the items it comes to light that pilfering has been going on reorganising everything is going to take forever does anybody want to buy a lorry-full of household goods? vividness: 2.6.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business (4+) second-hand goods (1+) no distinct colour 15022023 - 1660 the name of the dreams: the dreamer - best kiss - the smile - farm life living and working as a farmer the farm is mostly vegetables the exception is the three cows and three collie dogs at its furthest parts, the grounds extend about five-hundred metres the grounds aren't fenced off anywhere we can see the cows seem to know where the boundaries they never stray in one scene the dreamer is playing with the dogs there is snow on the ground the dogs are chasing the dreamer every so often he throws a piece of cloth onto the ground and one of the collies picks it up and takes it back to the house and comes straight back into the "game" vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: farm dreams (1+) colour (white) this dream opens up in vivid colour a girl of about nineteen walks into our vision she is wearing a thin shoulder-to-ankle dress the dress is white with a red butterfly-sized pattern she is deliberately walking slow her deliberate slow-walking is to avoid looking ungainly her ungainliness will be revealed if she walks at too fast a pace the reason being, she is about two metres tall and weighs around sixteen stones it is not muscle weight her outstanding feature is her face and it fills the sense of sight with a different, striking experience her smile is grace and confidence her eyes are slightly slit-shaped she has a smile and poise that we only see in dreams the skin on her face is the colour of pastel-rouge while the skin of her neck and down to where her bosom starts is pastel pink/white we don't see any teeth smiles at any point her hair is white blonde there are three or four scenes of her moving from one part of the room to another we don't look her up and down we can't take our eyes off that smile in the final scene, we see a pic of her as a young teen before she blossomed talk about going from caterpillar to butterfly amazing notes 1 haven't begun to consider the way we look in heaven it's probably the sensations of touch and movements that fill our senses vividness: 2.8.2 - observer - the category of the dream: exceptional attractiveness in women's faces (4+) the colour of the dream: (pastel red and pastel pink) in a pub the interior has a "ye olde world" style there are about eighteen people in it of the eighteen, there is a group of four or five men in their early thirties sitting against the wall to the right he is sitting at the bar minding his own two luscious twenty-year-olds come to where the dreamer is sitting to order their drink the dreamer inadvertently becomes a "rival" to the group of men the men are attentive when they see the dreamer talking to the girls, they make demeaning remarks just loud enough for him o hear them the dreamer is not worried one of the girls says, "how old do you think we are?" it is obvious the girl is the elder of the two and wants confirmation that they both look the same age the dreamer says, "there's only one way to tell which of you is older" the girls are waiting for the "judgement" and waiting... with the cheekiest of smiles on his face, the dreamer purses his lips and put his forefinger to his mouth the youngest girl "goes" first the kiss lasts for two or three seconds with the second girl, the dreamer makes a meal of it (stand-out tactile sensation) the prolonged kiss is to give the impression that he finds her kiss more enjoyable, which he did, and to lessen the feeling of not looking as young as her friend after the kissing test is over, the dreamer points to the eldest girl and says, "you're twenty-one" and to the youngest, he says, "you're nineteen" it was a guess based on experience the girls are impressed, it turns out it is right vividness: 2.84 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kissing dream (11+) pubs (1+) colour (blue (the colour of the eldest girl's dress) thought i was a puppet i wasn't what i seem someone should have told me "you're living in a dream" notes 1 will try to get into the habit of giving the main colour in a dream notes 2 there were two more dreams in this period of r.e.m. vividness: 2.7.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: write-read (2+) poem (1) self (1) orange (8+) 14022023 - 1659 the name of the dream: where you going? early evening the dreamer is in his best clothes he is heading for the centre of town he is at that part of town that separates the inner from the outer of the city there is a maze of pedestrian walkways there are two different levels the walkway the dreamer wants veers down and around to the right as he begins to walk along it a voice says, "where you going?" the voice is a girl she is with another girl the other girl is with a man they, like the dreamer , are "dressed to the nines" the dreamer is quick to reply, "it depends on where you're going" they have a bit of a confab a slightly stocky man with an eastern european accent says, "do you want to come?" before the dreamer can answer he says, "come, come with us" the threesome is now a foursome the dreamer is "hooked up" with the younger and better-looking of the two girls so far, so good in the next scene, we are at the entrance to a restaurant there are two sets of doors we pass through the first doors we can now see inside the restaurant the restaurant has subdued lighting and a plush interior (stand-out visual) this going to be "pricy" the other girl and man go through the second set of doors no sooner have we stepped through the second set of doors and into the restaurant proper when an imposingly tall female holding a clipboard steps in front of us in a voice that is devoid of compromise, she says, "we're closed" stunned into silence the dreamer says to the girl he is with, "where do you want to go?" vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: first dates (3+) unfulfilled expectations (2+) 13022023 - 1658 the name of the dream: big momma the beginning of this dream is a bit vague yet another "massage" dream there is s sense of intimidation running through this three-scene dream there is a big girl let me re-phrase that, there is a BIG girl it wasn't so much a case of the dreamer offering to massage her back it was more a matter of her putting her back in front of the dreamer , pulling up the back of her clothing so that the vast bulk of her vast back was in his face in a standing position, she leant forward slightly and waited expectantly it became a massage for her and a "work-out" for the dreamer for reasons that are not clear, the dreamer is little more than a prop in the larger scheme of things within this dream what should have been a semi-sensuous experience becomes a chore perhaps the unremembered start of the dream holds the key it was something to do with money vividness: 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: male to female massages (2+) 12022023 - 1657 the name of the dream: intricacies of evolution this dream gives an insight into how love/life separates the living from the dead on an undulation-by-undulation basis imagine a microchip the size of the earth visualise a single pulse of electricity moving at the speed of light through the circuits notice how the energy is steered into one part of the circuit but not another the same thing is happening at the macro-level the dream starts with the dreamer observing the concerns of a group of four or five people coordinating their efforts to bring about a small change in the local environment the effect the group of people are trying to stimulate will enlighten people about the workings of the dead in their manipulation of information the people are gathered in a living-room they are waiting for the news to come on when the news does come on, it doesn't mention the event they are expecting something has gone wrong the scene changes we see a pair of hands moulding a substance the substance is grey and is malleable it looks like putty the putty is being moulded around what looks to be an electric junction the electric junction is the size of a fist as the putty-like substance is being manipulated, small sparks are jumping out from the putty they emit a crackling sound somehow, the putty-like substance is disrupting the flow of electricity the news item will be seen by everyone other than the people in the living-room it is a blow to them, but it is a success for others the impression is, the small group of people are ordinary people who are trying to introduce a small but meaningful change they think they have failed they haven't it spurs them on to try something else and if it is successful, it will produce an even greater victory for love/life than the failed attempt did note 1 it will take quite a bit of effort to appreciate just how precise love/life has to be at the macro-level, as it separates two thrusts of life away from each other this dream was brought about while thinking about the intricacies of the mechanism that chooses one spermatozoon over another if you can, find a calculator online that can do the permutation for 500,000,000 individual sperm and the million oocytes (eggs) the calculator the writer used couldn't get anywhere near it the greatest value it could give is 3.4879234532734E+3238 - that's thirty-two googols notes 2 the word egg is being replaced by the word "preg" - vividness: 2.6.7 - observer - the category of the dream: evolution/devolution (2+) 11022023 - 1656 the name of the dreams: foiled - up yours at the bus stop on a steeply inclined road on a clear day (it could be the road outside where the writer lives) an attractive young girl of seventeen or so is walking casually down a declining road toward the bus stop on the other side of the road the girl gives off an air of assuredness and naivety she's as innocent as the day is long a tallish male is walking a few metres behind her he, like the dreamer , knows that if the girl is spoken to openly and with a little enthusiasm, the girl will respond the stalker says something about the clouds in the sky the girl stops and turns to see who has spoken this guy might just be able to "snare" her if he treads carefully the dreamer "heads him off" by saying, "the clouds would be a good place to play hide-and-seek" the girl looks across at the dreamer she is smiling the predator reacts childishly by saying, "i was talking to her" the dreamer ignores him and says something else to the girl the dreamer is winning her over there's no mistaking the hatred on his face he is plotting his revenge the "revenge" comes in the next scene the dreamer is at the same bus-stop a bulky male of about five-feet-seven inches and wearing a bob hat with the fold high on his forehead he is wearing fatigues the dreamer expected a "backlash" but wasn't sure in what form it would take the guy in the fatigues is on the other side of the road and steps onto the road all the while his gaze is fixed on his "target" the dissuader glances over his shoulder for traffic as he is crossing the road every time he looks over his shoulder, the dreamer takes a couple of steps away from him the bulky guy realises he has lost the element of surprise the dreamer keeps the distance between us at six metres the "avenger" could easily take the dreamer apart of that the dreamer is sure now though, the dreamer has a good description of him and the advantage of a head start on top of which, he won't know that the dreamer was the first leg of the school 4 x 100-metre relay team there is no way he will be able to catch the dreamer if he tries to get to him, he is just too bulky vividness: 2.7 to 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: covetousness (1+) women (12+) at the end of this dream, there is a two-scene dream it was two close-up scenes of males engaged in sodomy all we see is about ten centimetres on either side and the top and bottom of the anal orifice and the male inserting and withdrawing his penis the vividness made it doubly gross notes 1 there are people alive today who can remember when sodomy was illegal it was/is the bribing of public officials who vote to pass laws that have sold us out led principally by the conservative party how easy it is for the jews to drag you down with them notes 2 the second dream is the direct result of stray thoughts - vividness: 2.7 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: jealousy (2+) sodomy (2+) 10022023 - 1655 the name of the dream: the dreamer is friendly with some of the personnel of a film company he has an idea for a film he asks a director or producer if it's possible to direct a film the director wants to know why he wants to do it and if he thinks he can do it the dreamer is all gush and enthusiasm and feels confident on both points the executives give the go-ahead the dreamer wants the little guy who played alongside robert de nero in a couple of films to take a lead part the fella that played alongside robert de niro isn't happy about one of the scenes in the film the issue becomes personal the little guy attacks the dreamer the dreamer resorts to fighting dirty when the small guy gets within kicking range the dreamer kicks into his groin it takes four kicks for one of the kicks to "connect" before the small fella' crumples to the floor in one scene the dreamer does some of the acting the scene is set in a bar the dreamer wants a steady beat for the entire scene the only way he can express the beat is to tap it out on the bar the producer listens for a bit and then nods as he "gets" what it is the dreamer is asking for vividness: 2.7 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: celebrities (8+) 10022023 - 1654 the name of the dream: the wanna be film maker the dreamer is friendly with some of the personnel of a film company he has an idea for a film he asks a director or producer if it's possible to direct a film the director wants to know why he wants to do it and if he thinks he can do it the dreamer is all gush and enthusiasm and feels confident on both points the executives give the go-ahead the dreamer wants the little guy who played alongside robert de nero in a couple of films to take a lead part the fella that played alongside robert de niro isn't happy about one of the scenes in the film the issue becomes personal the little guy attacks the dreamer the dreamer resorts to fighting dirty when the small guy gets within kicking range the dreamer kicks into his groin it takes four kicks for one of the kicks to "connect" and the small fella crumples to the floor the dreamer does some of the acting in one scene the scene is set in a bar the dreamer wants a steady beat for the entire scene the only way he can express the beat is to tap it out on the bar the producer listens for a bit and then nods as he "gets" what it is the dreamer is asking for vividness: 2.7 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: celebrities (8+) 09022023 - 1653 the name of the dream: talk about a mix-up the dreamer woke up to the sound of his own voice three different times during this dream in the dream, the dreamer has reunited with an old friend during our conversation, he asks the dreamer about his love life the dreamer begins telling him about his latest relationship in the dream, a relationship with two girls happened just a couple of days before as the dreamer begins going into details, the memory of the details becomes intertwined with other scenes from a recent dream with two girls as he tries to separate the scenes from the recent dream to the ongoing dream, the dreamer trys to explain to steve why he is getting muddled up "i'll have to check my diary", the dreamer says while trying to do the impossible, the dreamer is giving steve a running commentary of what he's doing "the problem steve, is that to check my diary, i'll have to put the phone down - it may take a while to do it" steve doesn't reply the dreamer takes that as an "i'll wait" again, the impossible presents itself, it means becoming fully conscious and going to the computer it is at this point the dreamer wakes up to hear himself saying something along the lines of... "will check it out and tell you" notes 1 it has been mentioned before but never has it been more appropriate than on this occasion that love/life answers or gives us an insight into the most vital aspect of our being (souls) is to be found tucked away in plain sight in our dreams the oh, so subtle nature of love/life can package vast amounts of information into the most complicated thing in the universe, our brains (did you know that the brain is re-ordering entropy faster than the universe is disordering it?) that the entire purpose of evolution, from our bacterial origins to the still-evolving man-shaped being, is still in its infancy there is no doubt in the writer's mind that the speeding up of our transition to beings of pure energy of a type yet to be understood is increasing exponentially so much so that our evolution from four-legged beings to pure energy beings takes approximately the same time as it took us to go from little rat-shaped animals to where we now still unable to say for sure if the evidence we have (insert url for ? girl) of the things we see d-man doing is the same type of energy we eventually become perhaps the shape of the soul itself is in a state of evolution one thing is for sure, by the time you-know-who is with us in 5,000,000,000 years we will have to be able to take on linear form vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends (20+) steve (5+) externalised dreams (20+) 09022023 - 1652 the name of the dream: who is this girl? the dreamer is sitting on the left arm of an armchair sitting in the armchair is a girl the dreamer has his arm around her shoulders he gently presses his hand against the side of her face, turning her face around and up the girl's eyes stay fixed as she turns her face to the right and up in readiness to receive a kiss in those few moments before our lips meet, the dreamer is trying to "place" the girl what's her name? where did we meet? when did we meet? after we kiss, the dreamer realises who she is the girl is every girl he has ever kissed the girl is every girl he has or will ever kiss the girl is the past, the present and the future of every kiss in that place beyond where our mortal bodies cannot exist, she will be there, and we will know we have always known each other in that endless playground we will play and kiss and know bliss vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: eternal relationships (1+) 08022023 - 1651 the name of the dream: deleting music files at the computer sifting out files no longer needed came across an old black-and-white clip of the rolling stones it didn't show them in a good light, so the dreamer deleted it didn't need to delete anything from the beatles folder there were two versions of the same song by the hollies removed one notes 1 this dream has a "first" in it the dream had colour and black and white scenes vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computer files (12+) music (1+) colour and black and white scenes (1) 07022023 - 1650 the name of the dream: unnamed accuser the dream is set at the dreamer 's home we are in the kitchen ab explosion occurs think it may be the microwave that's the only thing that could cause an explosion but we don't know for sure it could be a gas mains fault it causes hundreds of little spots to cover the walls and ceiling in the next scene, we are still in the kitchen there are three new people in the dream two women and a man they are social workers or council officials they have received information that the dreamer is not a fit person to be looking after someone it isn't known in the dream who the person is that the dreamer is caring for it becomes clear to the dreamer they intend to take the person into their care in the next scene, a fourth person has joined the dream he is security the situation might get out of hand when the dreamer presses them for information about what it is that has caused them to be here in the first place, they say nothing they're not at liberty to reveal sources it's becoming clearer by the minute "someone" has manipulated the social services into acting on false information it's easy to get the "machinery" to do want you to want it to do if you know what to say and who to say it to the dreamer is keeping his emotions under control but only just he will have to let things run their course, and his accusers will have to appear in court vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: domestic interference (2+) 06022023 - 1649 the name of the dream: moms know best imagine a domestic scene two twenty-year-olds they are in the living room she is sitting in a single armchair the girl is doing something with her hands the male is reclining across the sofa, watching the t.v the relative tranquillity is broken with a single burst of a baby's cry the girl looks at her husband with a bit of reluctance, he gets up and makes his way to the baby's room he returns with the baby in the next scene and hands the baby to her mom the mom gives him a sharp look dad takes the baby out of her arms the baby lets out another sharp, short cry mom takes the baby from him the baby immediately becomes quiet there are then three scenes as the baby gradually goes from being fully awake to closing her eyes, relaxing into a comfortable position, and her face changes back to being fully asleep there are another two or three scenes as we see mom adjusting the baby's clothing, repositioning the baby and her hand stroking and touching the baby's cheek the baby's mom, her complexion is exceptionally smooth, almost glistening, is young, but she has the instincts born of generations past and knows exactly what the baby needs the father is third in the family hierarchy vividness: 2.7.9 - observer - the category of the dream: domestic (4+) parents and babies (3+) 06022023 - 1648 the name of the dream: the joys of walking have been on a long walk it was a long and enjoyable walk must have spoken to four people with dogs it seems like everyone is a dog-lover now we are on the outskirts of the city and heading homeward the walk is coming to its end off in the distance, there is a supermarket as we get nearer, the details become clearer the supermarket is closed there is someone under the overhang of the entrance it is a homeless person she is laid out on a bench she is partly in her sleeping bag when the dreamer is next to her, he sees her dog the dog is skinny with long matted black hair it needs a bath the girl explains her situation the dreamer gives her a couple of pounds she is genuinely appreciative the dreamer says his farewells and begins the "home stretch" within ten minutes, he will be back home vividness: 2.4.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: walks (3+) 05022023 - 1647 the name of the dream: it is early evening, and starting to get dark the dreamer is babysitting his sister's daughter we outside where she lives it is near a curved t-junction a lapse of concentration of a second or two by the dreamer is all the time an active seven-year-old needs to get into danger in the next scene, the youngster, mandy, is chasing a pelican-sized bird the bird, of course, has less "road sense" than a seven-year-old all the bird knows is, something twice its size is trying to catch her/him it makes a "run for it" that takes it into the road as the dreamer makes haste to get to her, a car comes out of nowhere it gets too close for comfort to the girl the dreamer is still a good ten metres away from where she is time enough for another vehicle to come out of the blue the dreamer is calling out to her for the child, that means the "chase is on" fortunately, the pelican-sized bird sees the dreamer as an ally and moves towards him the child follows the bird and is now out of danger the end of the dream is a two-scene finale mandy has hold of the tips of the bird's wings and is pulling them outward the then bird seeks "shelter" from the child and nestles itself between and across the feet of the dreamer its wings are spread, we can no longer see the dreamer's feet vividness: 2.4.5 - observer - the category of the dream: children and birds (1+) mandy (1) animals (10+) dinosaurs (7+) 04022023 - 1646 the name of the dream: wedding-day chaos it is the morning of a wedding the tone of the dream was set the night before that was when the friends of the groom gave him a "send-off" he would remember in other words, get him "legless" we don't see the bride or the groom in this dream what we do see is a steady stream of young men walking with varying degrees of imbalance as they enter the room the dreamer and three or four other people slept and head for the clothes along with the reduced ability to walk steadily is the reduced ability of co-ordination between thinking and doing sizeable amounts of alcohol are still coursing through their veins most of the friends of the groom slept upstairs, two or three of us slept downstairs the dreamer is one of those who slept downstairs the room we slept in is also the changing room there is an alcove that has fifteen or more hangers with suits, shirts and trousers in it all it takes for things to go "pear-shaped" is for someone to get into the wrong jacket, suit or trousers that's exactly what happened someone puts on the wrong trousers from there on in, it is pandemonium the dreamer isn't the best friend of the groom, nor is he especially friendly with the groom the dreamer is invited because he is a friend of one of the groom's close friends and will take lots of informal photos you would be right to think he is at the bottom of the ladder in terms of being a friend of the groom the last thing he should be doing is telling people to do anything when the "scramble", and the word scramble perfectly describes the getting dressed scenes, it was like a sales rush at a superstore you had to be there to appreciate the melee between a dozen men pushing, pulling and snatching for clothes someone has taken the dreamer 's dress trousers the trousers that were left looked like windsails when the dreamer tried them on all the dreamer had to wear was the casual trousers he had arrived in the worst of it is, the trousers are beige-cloured his shirt is white, his jacket is dark there was no way the dreamer was going go into the church ceremony in an outfit like that the dreamer is pondering his lot when the dream ends vividness: 2.6.5 - observer - the category of the dream: weddings (3+) 03022023 - 1645 the name of the montage: faces a sequence of female and male faces each face lasted for three to four seconds of awake-time there were three or four faces that looked familiar only one face was distinctly recognisable, john hurt the actor the expressions either started with a relaxed face and became expressive or started expressively and became unexpressive the stand-out expressions were humour, quizzical, concerned and playful it was a fun guessing game to predict what each face that began without expression would eventually become (panel game?) didn't guess any of them correctly they were more or less equally vivid 2.83 to 2.85 remember, that 2.9 is as high a vividness rating can go before it becomes 3D - see dream 03052021 the lowest rating is .1 (see dream 19112014) is it possible to die in a dream? see vividness: 2.7 to 2.8.2 - observer - the category of the montage: expressive faces (1+) 02022023 - 1644 the name of the dreams: the danceless disco - the enraged man - the plump theresa or the normal caz at a dance with a friend we have just entered and are walking towards a spot where we can see what's going on, the dreamer is aware that his friend is getting all the attention the friend said something to someone or it may have been said to the dreamer a girl standing nearby made a demeaning remark the friend said something back to the girl she replied, "you're so right" and said to the d.j., "play something by afrinel poncho" the music had a light-classical music feel to it there is a quiet pause with no music or voices but then it picks up again the dreamer gets the feeling he and his friend are out of place there the dreamer wanders off when he gets back there are two or three coins stacked in a pile it was enough to get a drink his friend had left it there the bartender asked the dreamer what he wants, and he said, "a small coke" the scene changes the dreamer is walking in a private estate not sure what he is doing there his friend keeps dropping in and out of the dream in another scene, the dreamer is walking along the pavement the houses are of the type that when a person steps out of the house they are standing on the pavement as the dreamer passes one house the window is open he can hear a heated argument he looks in a man with a ruddy complexion is having a "go" at someone he turns and looks at the dreamer the dreamer says to the man something along the lines of..., "every time a person becomes angry the emotion becomes more firmly embedded into the person's character" the sentiment gets through to the man he nods to the dreamer and stops being angry the theme and scene of the dream change the dreamer and theresa are naked the theresa in the dream is not the slim theresa the dreamer knew as a child or when we were adults this theresa is plump come to think of it, the girl in this dream may be caz theresa/caz is sitting on a ledge her position enables coitus to take place not sure if we are conjoined or not what the dreamer is aware of is massaging caz's/theresa's back using all of his forearms, the thenar eminence, the lower-middle thenar and the hypothenar eminence of both hands, and very nearly all his strength, to massage outward from the middle of her back to her hips (stand-out visual and tactile 8.2) the dreamer can feel her relaxing every time he takes the pressure off her back she say's, "i love it when you massage my back" vividness: 2.7 to 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: disco's (5+) strong, wrong emotions (10+) nudity without x (2+) 01022023 - 1643 the name of the dream: the ultimate message board this message board had some handy features the messages are in orange and red rectangular boxes the format was a two-tier, ticker-tape format that scrolled from left to right and could be freeze-framed, slowed and rewound the most amazing feature was that it only played messages that had content related to the user thirty seconds of dream-time think-reading produced a balance of praise and critisism note 1 this is a "back-up" dream from late 2022 a back-up dream is used for a variety of reasons we can go into sometime vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read (10) message boards (1) 31012023 - 1642 the name of the dream: not on your nelly due to developments in other fields of science and technology someone can define distance more accurately it turns out that there is a difference of a couple of metres between one airport and another more specifically, it is the distance between london and bristol a couple of metres might not seem a lot but when satellites are involved pinpoint precision makes a huge difference a "dummy" run is organised and the dreamer is one of those selected for the test a "whisper" begins circulating there are risks the dream takes on a hazardous "vibe" the dreamer is being put under pressure to risk his life if someone thinks the dreamer is going to risk his life to test something, that person is going to be disappointed the dream ends with threats of unemployment if it comes to that the dreamer 's wife will understand vividness: 2.81 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unnecessary risks (2+) 30012023 - 1641 the name of the dream: frustration there was a dream before this one, but it was forgotten as the writer decided to give the dream below full exposure the naked truth is the overwhelming desire to expand takes first place on the list of priorities there are no faces in this dream what there is are two people, a male and a female, with the "hots" for each other the girl or lady or woman is revealing her genitalia to the male the dreamer , being a more-life-maniac, jumps to "attention" with the subtlety of a mad bull, he begins to discard those clothes getting in the way of his objective before he gets his clothes off, the dreamer reaches down and feels the warm, moist and soft texture of her vagina he becomes the proverbial "bull at the gate" his feelings take over his common sense he can't co-ordinate the movements to unhinge the latch on his belt because his mind is ninety-nine point nine per cent focused on getting "in her" the more he tries to unhinge the latch on the belt, the more the frustration becomes the frustration builds and builds the dreamer forgets about the subtlety needed to unhinge the latch on the belt and starts using brute force to pull the trouser down the dreamer wakes up tugging at his pyjama bottoms halfway down his thighs notes 1 the eagerness for conjoinment in this dream is more powerful than any awake-time circumstances that can be remembered in awake-time this dream re-affirms the conviction that the dream-time conscious will be the dominant conscious state as a requirement to enact straight-line-action many, if not most, women and men have had that irrepressible urge to conjoin you can begin acclimatising yourself to the fact that an intensifying state of pleasure accompanies merely being what happens when we touch each other is left to your imagination what happens when a three-dimensional being is inside a four-dimensional being is beyond anything we can imagine also, bear in mind that there are more dimensions than there are stars in the sky let your mind run free there are endless dimensions in infinity vividness: 2.81 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: pre-conjoinment feelings (3+) 29012023 - 1640 the name of the dream: hot money - no, to sweet treats the girlfriend of a male friend popped in to say hello she had her seven-year-old daughter with her took the dughter into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to let her see if there was anything she wanted she made the sound of "ooooh" she is surprised by the number of things that are in it then opened the second fridge she let out another "oooh" it was the colour that took her by surprise there are some mince pies in front of her the dreamer can see her gaze fixed on the mince pie and shouts to her mother, "is it o.k. if she has a tart?" the mother raises her arm and points at the girl, and says something the dreamer couldn't make out what she said, but the tone was clearly admonishing didn't think of giving her a couple to take home until after the dream ended vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: children (7+) sweet foods (1) have just walked into a bank the walls and pillars are white it is a really flashy bank with round, broad pillars the ceiling is eight metres high it looks as clean as a new pin two bank employees and a customer are bunched around a cash dispenser when both bank employees stoop down and look up the chute, it becomes clear that the dispenser hasn't dispensed the cash after a few moments of deliberation, the three of them disappear into a room at the far end of the building the dreamer , ever the opportunist, moves as casually as possible and makes his way to the dispenser a double-check over both shoulders tells the dreamer he is, in the eyes of an onlooker, just another customer with the casualness of a sightseer, he manoeuvres his body so he can put the entire length of his arm up the chute his instincts have served him well his hand can feel something lodged at a bend in the chute a little tug loosens the stuck objects the dreamer is now looking at two white packets the two packets are about six centimetres thick by fifteen centimetres long by nine centimetres wide the scene changes the dreamer is in a moving car with three men the men are out-and-out criminals basically, they kidnapped me their comments and attitude towards the dreamer are that of a predator playing with its latest catch before killing it the scene changes again the dreamer is sitting on the leafy ground at the edge of a wood or forest the ground ahead of him is on a decline the decline ends about six or seven metres in front of where he is, there is a sheer drop of a hundred metres or so the dreamer has sought the help of an old ally the old ally looks like columbo he in turn brings his two brothers in on it that they are brothers is plain to see from the similarities in the features on their faces they're no match for the desperados physically, but they have worldly-wiseness and calm, assured confidence and the determination that the semi-psychopaths don't have it's brains and cunning v's wild animals somewhere in the end part of the dream, there is a scene which shows the dreamer , columbo and his two brothers looking at the money inside the envelopes someone says, "a quarter of a million" the dream doesn't show how the dreamer escaped the clutches of the semi-maniacal criminals the task ahead is to figure out a way to evade their clutches vividness: 2.74 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: stolen money (3+) 28012023- 1639 the name of the dream/s: double-duped - steaming potatoes a girl is staying with the dreamer she has a no-nonsense outlook on life she also has a slightly stocky physique the dreamer knows from experience that a girl that is not given to giving herself too easily gives it everything when she does the dreamer believes it is just a matter of time within a day or two, a male friend of hers comes to visit if the dreamer had known about him, the dreamer wouldn't have got friendly with her in the first place he begins "dropping in" more and more frequently he's not a problem, but the dreamer senses there is something "going on" one thing that he starts doing is making notes on an a3-sized notebook while he's talking to people on the phone one time, he deliberately lets the dreamer see what he's writing it is an assortment of pictures with a name for each picture it was yet one more thing that didn't make sense all other times when the dreamer saw him on the phone with the notepad he was writing the trick was to "play it" ultra-casually if the dreamer could convince him that he didn't suspect anything, they would drop their guard which they did a minute or two of glistening through the notepad revealed all age, name, work history, previous abodes, jobs, friends etc., it was all there the dreamer is thinking about what he is going to do when the dream ends a new setting for the next dream, but the theme remains the same on one occasion, a male friend brings a male friend with him he's an amiable enough he won't be a problem he is though, always hungry a "door-step-sized sandwich" is a heavenly treat it's only a few coppers to do a tomato and cheese sandwich with a cup of tea it pleases the dreamer that he can help him out at next to no expense the other side of his character reveals itself when the dreamer is cooking a steak the steak will be going into a long, crusty roll along with various uncooked vegetables the dreamer 's mate of his mate says, "no matter how i try, i can't cook it right" the dreamer gets the hint and takes the dreamer says, "the trick is to turn regularly" the dreamer then hand's the roll to his friend's mate and says, "try that" the guest's mouth opens and reveals a set of healthy, clean teeth as he bites into the crusty roll he manages to get about a third of a thirty-centimetre of it into his mouth this guy likes his food more than anything else he just can't be "arris't" to make himself a proper meal the last dream in this inter-locking themed dream is about a plate full of food it is a sunday lunch-sized meal on a plate we see the food on the plate about half a metre away and from slightly above the nearest food to us are the boiled potatoes they are still steaming a prolonged look at the potatoes shows the potato going from white to off-white as we watch the edge of the line of the steam as it moves to the back of the potato (stand-out visual 2.8) notes 1 of late there have been follow-on sequences of unrelated themes to the dreams in the form of montages - they may find themselves being incorporated into this diary vividness: 2.74 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: interlocking three-themed dreams: (1+) con artists (2+) - lazy people (1+) - food (8+) potatoes (2+) 27012023 - 1638 the name of the dream: whose to blame? the dream looks like it is set in america it is about a court case a young girl is killed while selling goods she stands in the middle of the road at the point where the road has a curved ninety-degree turn the road was carved out of a mountain it is a "blind curve" drivers can't see the flow of traffic until they have gone through the curve drivers are, of necessity, brought to a snail's pace the road broadens by third at the corner one-third of the middle of the road has yellow lines running sideways before and after the bend the girl sells her wares to cars that are moving slow enough to pull over if they want to buy something of course, the inevitable happens a would-be racing driver takes the bend at speed and kills the girl both sides of the argument are being evaluated by the court the girl shouldn't have been on the road the driver was driving too fast to avoid a car that had broken down the court hasn't made its decision by the time the dream ends but the general feeling is the driver is culpable vividness: 2.76 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: car accidents (2+) 26012023 - 1637 the name of the dreams: the changing face - the jogging fraternity the dreamer is commissioned by a japanese family to take photographs of the newest member of the family, a boy the infant will be one-year-old further, the family want the dreamer to take photographs of him every day on his birthday until he is ten nine-years later we have ten photographs the dreamer strings the photographs together into a five-second film showing two pics per second it produces a novel effect of a changing face the dreamer receives a bonus vividness: 2.76 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: photography (2+) portraits (1+) the latest "craze" is two or more people jogging together at a pace that enables them to converse apparently, it stimulates a dormant area of the brain that brings about greater creativity before you know it, we then have singing jogging, poetry jogging... vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: running/jogging/talking (1) portraits 25012023 - 1636 the name of the dreams: the swinging dick - gently does it we are looking at a nude male from slightly above and three or so metres away he has black bushy pubic hair his penis is "limp" it is about eight-centimetres long he isn't circumcised after a second of dream-time, his penis swings left and upward into the "erect" position it then flops down pretty well immediately after a moment or two, it swings right and into the erect position and then drops down we are left wondering how it is possible rather than say it's fancy editing, let's consider the other possibility, it was a genuine event a couple of minutes of looking at clips on youtube after entering the search term "impossible things people can do" will persuade you that the diversity of life can produce anything that it's biologically possible to produce even to the point of it not having a useable function vividness: 2.72 - observer - the category of the dream: male genitalia (2+) we are looking at a woman's crotch we are about half a metre away and level with her crotch she is naked she has sparse pubic hair a left-hand holding a small bottle enters the scene, in front and below her crotch this is followed by the right hand entering the scene from the right two fingers of the hand dip into the bottle and come out with about half a teaspoon of paste the paste is pale pink the two fingers massage the paste into the pubic hair at this point, it was thought the girl was going to shave off the hair not so the two fingers enter the vagina and begin massaging the inner-upper part of the loose skin of her vagina (stand-out visual and the most erotic bit of the dream) vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: female masturbation: (3+) 24012023 - 1635 the name of the dreams: precarious terrain - lost in transmission - the spirit of irresposibility a young boy, he looks like a miniature grown up perhaps it's the other way around he was a grown-up with a stunted growth growth syndrome an odd thing is he is wearing really bright clothes the sort of dress you would expect a child would choose for hisself or a dwarf clown in a circus whatever he is, he is totally "savvy" everywhere he goes, he leaves an imprint of his deeds it's more a trail of chaos, mischevious pranks, confusion we know where he's been and what he's done as to his present whereabouts, it's complete mystery we have to wait for his next prank vividness: 2.78 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unseen main characters (1+) precarious terrain the dreamer is set to make his next purchase of hash he places the call the go-between wants to know how much the dreamer wants the dreamer says, "a hundred, a thousand - whatever is available" the next scene, the dreamer is in an out-of-town pub it looks like the dreamer, his go-between and the supplier, with a small entourage, are the only ones in the place the supplier starts quizzing the dreamer the dreamer doesn't understand why the supplier wants to know why the dreamer wants so much the dreamer says, "it's the amount i usually buy" everybody is looking at everbody else, then everyone is looking at the dreamer one of the suppliers chums says, "you usually buy a hundred thousand" the dreamer replies, "yes, i always buy a hundred or a thousand" someone says, "when did you last buy a thousand?" the dreamer says, "about three months ago" everyone other than the dreamer looks at the go-between he nods "when did you buy a hundred-thousand?" someone asks "i bought a hundred about three months ago and a thousand a few weeks later" a relaxed atmosphere returns to the dream as everyone other than the dreamer realises what has happened vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hash (6+) a two-scened dream in which the dreamer is walking along well-trodden path on a hill or small mountain to the right it is almost a sheer decline of about a hundred metres there are trees growing on the steep decine if a person slipped it's likely they would not be able to stop themselves crashing into a tree would be the only way to stop the rolling-fall vividness: 2.67 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: feelings of pecariousness (4+) the name of the dream: overreactions living in a bed and breakfast or lodging house or bedsit woke up in the middle of the night with a desperate need to get to the toilet it was so urgent, any and every thought was directed toward achieving that goal it was so overriding couldn't focus on where the toilet is in blind desperation opened the nearest door it was a room that housed girls only a startled chorus of squeals and yelps filled my senses, momentarily overriding my mission managed to get to the toilet in the next scene, two uniformed policemen were standing in front of me they both had blood on their face they had been in an accident or in a fight it was'nt too hard to understand what had happened the person who phoned the police had, in a state of hysteria, described a naked man had burst into their room (did the dreamer forget to mention the need to get to the toilet blotted out the consideration to get dressed) thinking there was a sex maniac on the rampage, the police came rushing to the scene it didn't take the police long to figure out the true nature of the circumstances they were pissed it might have been that the blood on their faces was due to a crash because they thought the sex maniac might have violent intent and drove with such urgency it caused the crash they looked like they had been in a war the dreamer is genuinely concerned for them and says, "you need to get your wounds seen to" the one to the left of the dreamer lost his "cool" and tried to swipe the dreamer in the face with a backhand the dreamer dodges his hand things are getting ugly the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: pressing needs for the toilet (3+) 21012023 - 1634 the name of the dream: puberty for the first time in his life, a young boy sees a war film with extrema violence he asks his father what it all means his father doesn't give him an explanation that makes sense in the next scene, a shaggy-haired dog the size of a great dane opens its mouth and puts the whole of the boy's father's head into its mouth the father experiences fear in the next scene, the young boy is watching naked voluptuous women in various acts of sensuality the boy has found something else he doesn't fully understand for reasons he doesn't, it makes for more compelling viewing vividness: 2.7 to 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: sex and violence (2+) 20012023 - 1633 the name of the dream: waste not, want not wasn't going to make this an entry, but it repeated scenes from a montage from a few days before it wants to be known three or four minutes worth of a montage - different women are breastfeeding babies it doesn't stop there though there are women who, for a variety of reasons, are lactating but don't have a baby in some women, there is a driving force of maternalism that produces an irrepressible urge to give the milk in two of the scenes in the dream a woman is encouraging kittens to suckle from her, which they do it must be an urge as strong as the sex drive itself, and we all know how reason goes out of the window when we seek sex there are, it seems, women who can't bear wasting living-giving nutrients notes 1 there was a montage a few days before this one that had at least two of the scenes this one has vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the montage - breastfeeding (1+) 19012023 - 1632 the name of the dream: help from all quarters a two-part dream with all the hallmarks of a suspense-thriller film the first theme sees five or six african labourers working in cramped conditions cutting into the sides of low-level, half-round cave-shaped earthen walls it's nothing short of slave-labour there is a sense of rebellion in the air the labourers are ready to stage a coup the settings change but the suspense increases the main character in this part of the dream is the son of the man who controls events the son is the dissatisfied party he wants to change the way his ruthless father manipulates people to get things if the son wasn't related he would already be dead the son knows he won't be killed he is however under constant surveillance by a team of professional "minders" who are allowed to physically restrain him if he "tries anything" the son's first attempt to give the minders the slip is only partially successful he is back under "house arrest" almost straight away the next couple of scenes are the most suspenseful the son is in a room about three metres by four metres when like a person who believes they have eluded a predatory animal only to become slowly aware the animal is entering the room through a door behind them the predatory being moves oh, so slowly and stealthily and casually and with supreme confidence we see this happening over the shoulder of the trapped man as his face portrays the face of a man who has just realised he is about to be executed the man begins turning slowly inch by inch as he turns to face his foe as the son turns we see what he sees a lithe, man-shaped being is leaning back casually against waist-high cupboards the shape of his head is as much triangular as it is round when the son has turned fully, the man-shaped being raises his right-arm his hand has only three digits the three digits of his hand form a "v" the son sees it for what it is, a gesture of friendliness to be able to get past the wall of bodyguards the man-shaped being must have the ability to walk through walls the son realises the man-shaped being is sympathetic to his cause the man-shaped being is going to help the son overturn his father's practices the man-shaped being looks a lot like "pic 1 " on the web page - notes 1 it wasn't until the writer went to the picture to load it into the web page that it was realised that this is the only pic of a devolving being the writer has ever seen with lips vividness: 2.7.3 to 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (4+) - e.t.'s (2+) 18012023 - 1631 the name of the dreams - a serious sport - a bird that knows what it wants the dreamer is walking briskly to get home it is his turn to host an "evening in" his accommodation is unusually big for a dream the games room is the size of a badminton court only tonight it's for table-tennis one of the guests is already there we swing into action the table tennis is ready for use within one scene one of us, we are playing single, calls for clarification on a point both players think it is their point it is not a "fun" game we take the game seriously it will determine "bragging rights" for some weeks second dream the dreamer is sitting about two metres from a window to his right on the other side of the window, a pair of hands come into view (stand-out visual) whose hands?) near the hands is a cockatiel the hands are holding a flower pot about the shape and size of a "fez" the hands fill the flower pot with soil the hands press what looks like a cactus into the earth a cactus without spines no sooner has the cactus been firmly pressed into the earth when the cockatiel climbs onto a branch growing sideways out of the plant the dreamer quips, "he's claiming that perch" then three scenes show the cockatiel getting older until in the third scene, the bird has a long, thin, grey down of feathers, and its eyes are mere points looking through grey feathers vividness: 2.6.7 to 2.8.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dream - table-tennis (2+) animals (30+) birds (4+) cockatiels (2+) 17012023 - 1631 the first theme of this three-dream is the dreamer running and high-stepping in slow motion the sense of strength in his legs seems limitless high steps of six, seven and eight metres even greater distances of length the theme changes as we enter a building that houses every physical sport you can imagine we view it from a "birds-eye" perspective for a building to house every sport played on the planet, it would have to be the size of a city the last theme is set at night a troubled george seeks advice from the dreamer his problem is he "crossed the line" with people who expect unreserved loyalty the advice the dreamer gives is only of minor comfort the name of the dream: fond farewells the sounds of activity wake the dreamer as he moves from one dream to another he is now in a dormitory not sure if the room is for the military or prisoners or something else the dormitory or billet accommodates thirty or forty men the dreamer 's bunk is in the corner against the wall facing the other side of the room the wall to the right of the dreamer 's bed has the entry-exit door the door is swinging open and closed as people come into and go out of the barracks there are three men on the other side of the room getting ready to leave they are glad to be going the three men are held in high esteem by the rest of us the dreamer swings his legs out of bed and sits watching as the men gather the items they will be taking with them one of those leaving looks up, catches the dreamer looking at him, and comes over he extends his hand the dreamer says, "we'll meet again" he knew what the dreamer meant we had talked about the possibility of life after death he went back to packing his belongings one of the other men getting ready to leave comes over we shake hands the dreamer says, "our destinies are intertwined - we'll be seeing other again" he too, understands the deeper meaning the men leaving have left the dream the dreamer turns to the person in the bed to his left, "shall we move into their beds?" the final theme of this dream a song starts playing it is a psychedelic song the song is coming to an end the dreamer says something to the person listening to the song he says, "shhh" within moments the instruments stop playing after a brief pause, the song fishises with a voice that says in two separate sentences the words, "i" and then "alone" the last two words of the song, coming as they do after a melancholy instrumental, have a penetrating effect vividness: 2.6.7 to 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: three-themed dream (floating movements) (4+) - sports (10+) personal advice (3+) george (1) male-only dormitories (4+) 16012023 - 1630 the name of the dream: seeking justice the dreamer lives on the first floor of a block of a dozen flats of the people the dreamer speaks to regularly, all are, without exception, either top of their profession and ridiculously wealthy, or both and/or are well "connected" in the first scene, the dreamer is outside his flat a young man living on the floor above is letting the dreamer know that he has been burdened with a particularly tiresome task the young man say's, "first, i've got to go to france, and then i've got to go to canada" the dreamer replies sardonically, "it's a hard life for some" the young man doesn't pick up on the dreamer 's sarcasm two men on the ground beneath where the dreamer lives do they laugh quietly the dreamer has got "real" problems to deal with a friend of his, a woman, has a heart "condition" the injustice of it is, her problem stems directly from her working environment her employers are not going to have any problems dismissing any claim for compensation all the "angles" were straightened out when the company's legal department took out their insurance policy the woman is beside herself with anxiety the treatment the woman needs requires a specialist it so happens that one of the residents in the residential flats is a solicitor he hears about the woman's plight he tells the dreamer to tell the woman not to worry the chambers he's aligned with have top-of-the-line professional barristers amongst them is a man who specialises in "industrial" claims the grapevine has it a new tenant is moving into the flats within the next few weeks it wouldn't surprise the dreamer at all if the next person who moves into the block of flats is the circuit judge for our area vividness: 2.8.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: ordinary people and the legal system (1) 15012023 - 1629 the name of the dream: axiom 1 leads to a chase had been having a confab with a young man the informal conversation was about axiom 3 - the young lad was having a little difficulty grasping the idea he "got it" eventually he became confrontational and tried to disprove it his way of "disproving" it is to let the dreamer walk away when there are about fifty metres between us, he sprints towards the dreamer his intention is to catch the dreamer unawares he is about ten metres away when the dreamer becomes aware of him the dreamer is out of the chair (we first began talking when we were close together in a pavement cafe) and sprinting away from him in the next scene, after two or three seconds of sprinting, the dreamer looks behind there is a gap of about five-metres after another few seconds of sprinting, the dreamer looks behind again the gap between us has increased he is now ten-metres away the scenes speed up after a few more scenes, we are running down a street with a fairly steep decline the gap has increased to forty or so metres the young man will not be catching up with the dreamer he has left the dream in the last scene, the dreamer is sitting on the ground of a street with a "stoney" surface the dreamer wraps his arms around his legs and tries to get by rocking backward and forward four or five times until he has gained enough momentum in the forward rock to lean forward and stand up straight he gauges the momentum wrong and has to sit back down quickly, or he will fall down backwards end of vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: axiom 1 (2+?) running (7+) 14012023 - 1628 the name of the dream: lip-sensations walking along the hallway of a house the hallway is five or six metres long and easily wide enough for two people to walk past each other without having to turn sideways a girl is coming from the opposite direction the dreamer blocks her way, so she has to stop the girl is carrying something the thing she is carrying is bulky but not heavy it is a delicate item the girl is forced to stop the dreamer kisses her the supple feel of her moist lips is enjoyable the dreamer wants more, the girl is smiling, but it's not the perfect occasion for it she tries to get around the dreamer he blocks her, again and again, and kisses her the dreamer could go on for another half a dozen times, which he does it's just as well the girl is his girlfriend notes 1 don't know how many of us men have noticed it, but, regardless of the situation, a girl/woman does, almost every time, responds affirmatively to an invitation to kiss vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: fun/kissing dream (1) sarah (4+) 13012023 - 1627 the name of the dream: life's priorities in a tragedy of epic proportions, a woman is looking for her husband it seems like the whole world has been scorched burnt vegetation, ruined buildings that stretch out to the horizon every face portrays a different form of suffering the woman looking for her husband is single-minded in her determination to find him she ignores pleas for help all she can think of is finding her husband notes 1 if you-know-who was ever in a situation of this type, he would assess which person was most in need of immediate help this dream was caused by watching a film where a woman is looking for her husband in a hospital with hundreds of people in need of life-saving treatment and is prepared to let a baby die to find her loved one vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: people suffering (4+) 12012023 - 1626 the name of the dream: one touch - two touch a powering of numbers think-read dream with underlined links in the text which allowed the dreamer to touch them and go to the url (a first) two scenes of male and female masturbation vividness: 2.7 and 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dreams (100+) 3D (2) masturbation (4+) dreamer to computer touch-response (1) 11012023 -1625 the name of the dream: in the thick of it in one way or another, the dreamer is involved with an international drugs gang these guys aren't "fly by night" criminals, they are connected to governments' they are organising importing the greatest "shipment" of heroin there has ever been the dreamer sees the opportunity to expose them the dreamer lures the "boss" of the section of the operation into a conversation in front of other people during the conversation, the dreamer raises his voice with a combination of feigned/genuine show of anger at his "boss" says, "don't you realise there is so much money involved and so many people who know about it there is bound to be corruption" the dream ends notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking about the way the "west" pays for and imports heroin the u.s.a's "panicky" withdrawal from afghanistan that resulted in the taliban coming into possession of $8 000 000 000 worth of arms is, this website claims, to pay for heroin supplied by the taliban that will be re-sold via the c.i.a. to the american public for a handsome profit that's typical jewish thinking vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: arms and drugs (1) 10012023 - 1624 the name of the dream: 3 out of 4 ain't bad 1st theme two of us are on our holiday and have just returned to our chalet after a night out we get into our single beds, but we are nowhere near ready to go to sleep we decide to play a game of "numbers" one person says a number, and the other person has to give it significance it can be anything... a joke with the number in it, the size of the cc of a bike or car, the age of something or someone etc. 2nd theme two of us are in a cafe or restaurant that has about forty tables we are the only people in the room we are discussing what to order a couple more people come into the dream someone suggests we make a kitty (second kitty within two days!) and let the average price of the kitty determine what we order it sounds like a novel way of doing things, and we all agree to do it the idea gains momentum, and before we know it, most of the people in the room join in there are a few gripes afterwards as a few "freeloaders" are identified as not "chipping in" the "freeloaders" are cornered and begrudgingly "cough up" the cash the only "sour point" in an otherwise uplifting dream 3rd theme walking past a house the dreamer sees a neat little idea the occupant/s had made a wire mesh enclosure that enabled their pet birds, cockatiels? to gain access to the mini-aviary via the small window at the top of the kitchen window the mini-aviary jutted out from the wall of the house to about a meter and a half away from the wal of the house and stretched about three meters across and was embedded into the earth o.k., the birds weren't able to take long flights, but then they didn't have the hassle of having to go scavaging for food either they were making a lot of noise the noise they were making was that of birds in the mating season they were definitely not unhappy 4th theme the dreamer is living on the top floor of a building the building is in a maze of buildings the flat the dreamer lives in has two french doors that open onto a flat roof the amount of space is more kitchen-sized than a living-room sized not that the size of the roof made a difference in how the dreamer used it at best he wouldn't need more than enough space for four or five people on this early summer evening, it was perfect for lounging in a deck chair and having a smoke the ledge of the rooftop was two-thirds of a meter wide as was the ledge of the roof of the nearest house the gap between the ledges is about a meter narrow enough to jump if the necessity arose the dreamer becomes aware of a "tinny" sound a concentrated focus on the sound takes the dreamer 's look to the source a young girl is doing a "sound check" with a microphone taking in more of the scene, a stack of speakers, professionally arranged, are strapped on top of the buildings ventilator there must be at least two-hundred watts of speakers the "scratchy" sound of the girls' microphone is due to the quality of the microphone it is one of those "cheapo" mics you get with one of those home-karaoke kits it was awful the girl doesn't understand why it is nothing like her voice the dreamer is going to be her hero when he fetches a shure microphone from his disco equipment the dream ends there vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: four-themed dreams (5+) 09012023 - 1623 the name of the dreams: the girfriend - across the generations the dreamer is at home he has female company we are getting along really well we talk about music it turns out we both like a particula artist the woman hasn't got her favourite tracks of the artist or group but the writer has before we leave the house the dreamer records her favourite tracks onto a cd in the next scene, the dreamer is lying on top of the woman kissing her a man appears in the dream and sees the dreamer lying on top of his wife or partner or latest "fling" while we're kissing he is holding a white paper bag it is a bag of sweets he is the woman's husband or partner or the woman's latest, now last, "fling" the dreamer expects an argument or a fight but that doesn't happen, the man looks despondent dreamer says to him "alright" the man whispers, "alright" as he nods that's the last time he appears in the dream the next scene is at the home of the family they live in a terraced house the dreamer has brought a cd in white cd case it is music that one of the females likes and wants but hasn't been able to get it the dreamer meets all of the family... the grandmother, wife, and daughter all three of the females, the dreamer notes with some delight, have, unlike the man in the dream who seems subdued, an extrovert character the ages of the women are... 60's grandmother, late twenties, early thirties mother, seven or eight daughter it is the grandmother's hairline that draws the dreamer 's look the hairline of her blonde hair is more than a third of the way to the back of her head (stand-out visual) we have a meal afer the meal the grandmother says to the dreamer , "right, where's the ribena?" her way of saying, ""next time you come bring some ribena" it is after the daughter and grandmother have gone to bed that the dreamer and the woman have another "session" of kissing notes 1 notes 1 of the dream "double-bluff" on 07012023 can now be entered the less than optimum quality of the dreams of 05, 06, and 07 for this month were, as the writer suspected, due to eatng too much bacon the latest bacon slices were twice as thick as the previous packets twice as thick bacon means twice as much blood pig's blood, as is mentioned elsewhere, has got some "anti-life characteristic's" in it lesson learnt: keep bacon/ham to a minimum vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (20+) at the computer when the girlfriend walks in from the bedroom "what are you doing?" she asks the dreamer says something along the lines of "explaining to people what a googol means" beore she has time to say anything else, the dreamer says, "it amazes me that a few letters can represent such a big thing" beore she has time to say anything else, the dreamer says something like, "do you realise that a googol is a number so big you would need thousands of life times to write it out?" the reader should understand the dreamer 's girlfriend isn't "thick" she, along with more than half of the world's female population, is yer typical girl satisfied with her life and loves her partner she wants to be on a par with her partner and is willing to spend time learning thing he knows that she doesn't "let me get my phone", she says she is going to bring up the calculator on her mobile and follow her boyfriends instructions the dreamer says something iike, "the phone won't be able to show the number because it's too big" she says, "why not?" the dreamer tries to explain why not in as simple a way as possible the dreamer tries to explain it she doesn't "get it" a googol is like that it can take several "runs" at it before a person "gets it" the dreamer understands people's frustration at not "getting it" he was one of those people vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: girlfriends (20+) a googol (1) 08012023 - 1622 the name of the dreams: food/hash and a load of cash the dreamer is living on his own but is intimate with caz she visits regularly circumstances not dissimilar to those we are living in now are coming into effect prices are rising at an unprecedented pace it is time to spend all "idle" cash on items that will become too expensive, especially food one to two thousand pounds is used to buy food and other ongoing essentials there are still a thousand pounds left in the kitty it occurs to the dreamer that hash will have exceptional versatility as a form of currency the dreamer doesn't have the contacts to make a bulk purchase, but he knows someone who does he re-opens channels with bernie she is in her usual buoyant mood she becomes eager to help when the dreamer promises to give her a regular weekly supply for free until it runs out our initial contact, after a year or two of not seeing each other ignites the sparks that will lead to occasional and perhaps regular "hot" evenings caz is broad-minded enough to accept a situation where both parties have the freedom to "see" other people if they want to the dream ends with the dreamer in an increasing sense of anticipation vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: geopolitical influences (4+) personal relationships (15+) caz (3+) bernie (4+) 07012023 - 1621 the name of the dreams: double dialogue - double-bluff a trusted friend had been "got at" by the bad guys his attitude towards the dreamer and little snippets of conversation alerted the dreamer to the situation could have nipped the conspiracy "in the bud" by taking him to one side and whispering in his ear, but decided instead to "play him along" with it and teach those who have coerced him into it a lesson what he was going to do was ask the dreamer to let him stay at my place for a few days because of a rift between him and his long-time girlfriend it would only take a quarter of an hour for two or three men to steal everything dear to the dreamer my now, untrustworthy and ex-friend, knew it would be the end of our friendship and there would be consequences for him the dreamer couldn't help but feel sorry for him his morose manner was deepening by the minute early in the morning of the second day of his friends stay, the dreamer told him he had something important to do that night and might not be back until the following day the stage was set the dreamer spent a while getting his overnight things together he left the house, walked around the block and returned within two minutes the dreamer entered the flat and said, "are you alright?. had this funny feeling telling me something was wrong and to go back home" the dreamer 's enemies would now have to contend with the idea that the dreamer has a "built-in" alarm system that alerts him to their goings-on notes 1 dreams of less than desirable nature over the past few days would normally be associated to "stray thoughts" - but there haven't been hardly any on the contrary, the writer has been on a natural high composing "the googol index" - a quick cross-check with the diet diary may have revealed the reason will report back in a day or two vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: interferance from the oligarch's (3+) am a liitle hesitant about even trying to explain this dream but here goes... there are two things going on at the same time a dream in which the dreamer is giving step by step instructions over the internet to an unknown person, and a telephone conversation, also to an unknown person three or four times throughout the dream, the dreamer's instructions externalise - that is, he hears himself saying what he's telling one or the other of the people in the dream the dreamer comes into full awake-time as he is repeating for the second or third time an instruction to the person on the phone the dreamer in a state of mild anxiety and can't cope with the complexity of the dual-conversation and ends of the dream vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-pronged conversations (1) internet and phone (1) 06012023 - 1620 the name of the dream: a dog's life met a stranger he was a little older than the dreamer he seemed o.k. we go back to his place he has an alsation dog the dreamer 's opinion of the man completely changes when he realises how he treats the dog he never takes the dog for a walk the man has got the dog for one reason only it is to stop anyone from stealing from him when he goes out all the dog will ever know is the inside of a house at the first opportunity, the dreamer steals the dog for a dog that has never been out for walks, it behaves perfectly it walks on the inside of the pavement and adjusts its walking speed to the dreamer 's a policeman stops the dreamer and wants to know why it's not on a leash the dreamer tries to bullshit his way out of it by saying the dog has been trained the policeman isn't satisfied the dreamer knows that at any second, he will be asked a question he can't answer the dreamer starts to feel panicky he is desperately hoping the policeman will be distracted by something the dream ends on that note note 1 two days of dreams about dogs... hmmm vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (15+) mammals (16+) dogs (9+) alsatians (1+) 05012023 - 1619 the name of the dreams: dig a hole and let me hide in it - top dog we, the dreamer 's dog and the dreamer are locked in battle for the dog, it is a battle between his obedience to his master and his instincts for the dreamer , it is a test of his pet's recognition of him as lord and master the dreamer 's hand is hovering just above a juicy bone the juicy bone is the dog's ultimate idea of a heavenly feast it is fresh and has bits of red meat on it we are almost eyeball to eyeball if it wasn't for the thirty or so centimetres between our eyes, we would, literally, be eyeball to eyeball the dog has longish, glistening light-brown hair he almost stock-still he is waiting, with all his will, for the dreamer to take his hand away from the bone the bone, it should be mentioned, is in the dog's mouth the slightest movement of the dreamer 's hand fills the dog with expectation the dreamer isn't teasing the dog he is testing the dog's patience the longer the wait, the juicier the bone the dog is waiting for the signal he knows will be coming he has passed the test the dreamer says, "go on then" as he lets go of the bone vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (14+) mammals (9+) dogs (7+) an old flame appeared out of nowhere the dreamer couldn't ask her to wait at the door while he tidied up the place and made it befitting for a woman had visited her place dozens of times it was nobody's idea of a palace on one occasion, the writer felt he had to do something to get a semblance of order into the kitchen knowing that some people would get offended if you were to volunteer to clean up, the writer asked if it was o.k. to re-arrange things the young lady positively embraced the idea seem to remember there was a tone of enthusiasm in her voice when she agreed back in the dream, the dreamer invites her in the priority was to make sure there was nothing in the toilet that would give her cause for concern it was while the dreamer was putting a few eye-appealing touches to the toilet that his jaw dropped to the floor he has got so used to not having visitors that he has slipped into "slovenly mode" there is a habit he has picked up that saves a lot of hassle it would be offensive to a woman, but as the dreamer hasn't had female company for what seems half a lifetime, it never occurred to him to change a particular habit the unexpected visitoress was talking to the dreamer while he's in the bathroom a sudden stunned silence from the young lady in mid-sentence told the dreamer she had seen what he hadn't wanted her to see while in mental panic mode, the dreamer is trying to think up a plausible reason for his bachelor habits that the dreamer awakes and thanks his lucky stars it is a dream notes 1 it is totally feasible that this dream could be played out in a future time-tense vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: embarrassing situations with females (1+) caz (6+) 04012023 -1618 the name of the dream: happy christmas persuaded the caterer of a christmas meal to let the dreamer play christmas songs during the festivities he was hesitant to begin with, but the dreamer managed to bring him around when he said he would pay for the eggs and mince pies vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: catering (3+) christmas (1+) 03012023 - 1617 the name of the dream: butter fingers an x-montage - a two to three minute narrated montage of different ways for males to masturbate females a typically vivid montage with both males and females wearing white over and undergarments the use of small suction devices that looked like eye droppers to collect fluids accompanied many of the scenes the narrator explained the remedial uses for the fluids although the girls and women made the familiar sounds, facial expressions and movements associated with pre and post ejaculation, what kept crossing the writer's mind was the way the unseen men used their fingers to masturbate the women men still haven't figured how to produce maximum pleasure using their fingers vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: fragments of drea 02012023 - 1616 the name of the dreams: sometimes, it seems the lips are more suited for eating than kissing - a chore easily done what are the odds? two days on the trot i've been woken out of a dream by people calling both times the callers were gone by the time i got to the door was deep in dreamland for today's caller so much so that the dreamer shouted out to the person in the dream, "it's your turn" (to answer the door) two fragments of the dream are remembered... a mother is feeding her baby the baby is supported by an unseen something the baby, looked like a girl, is facing her mother a forearms-length from her mother they are sharing the food the two-scened dream ends with a magical touch as the mother sticks out her forefinger with some food on it the baby girl leans forward, sucks it off her mother's finger and then leans back into her reclining position (stand-out visual of both dreams) in the second part of the dream, the dreamer is observing an elderly woman mowing her lawn the lawn has a slight incline not sure if the lawnmower is mechanical or powered the ease and smoothness of the way she is doing it suggests she has done it many times before and will be doing it many times to come notes 1 both segments of these dreams had a surreal look to them vividness: 2.7.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: fragments of dreams due to broken sleep (3+) mother/baby (3+) feeding (1+) - elderly women (3+) lawn-mowing (1) 01012023 - 1615 the name of the dream: subject/observer a three or four-scene dream with two themes the first scene shows the dreamer is disabled he is accompanied by a deceptively big-small guy the carer/helper/bodyguard and friend are in a petrol station the dreamer 's friend-cum-assistant and chauffeur becomes concerned about something he tells the dreamer to hold on with an instinct to protect overriding everything else, from a standstill, he mounts the quarter-metre high curb that elevates the petrol pumps and does a 90-degree turn we speed away from the petrol station in the next scene, it is the driver from the previous scene who is disabled, and it is the dreamer who is passing on the learnt habits from when he was disabled female home help is changing the bed-sheets she spends three seconds of dream-time closely examining the sheets before she replaces them with fresh ones (stand-out visual) vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: disabled people (4+) self (2+) others (1+) 01012023 - 1614 the name of the dream: subject/observer a three or four-scene dream with two themes the first scene shows the dreamer is disabled he is accompanied by a deceptively big-small guy the carer/helper/bodyguard and friend are in a petrol station my friend-cum-assistant and chauffeur, becomes concerned about something he tells the dreamer to hold on with an instinct to protect overriding everything else, from a standstill, he mounts the quarter-metre high curb that elevates the petrol pumps and does a 90 degree turn we speed away from the petrol station in the next scene, it is the driver of the previous scene's who is disabled, and it is the dreamer who is passing on the learnt habits from when he was disabled a female home help is changing the bed-sheets she spends three seconds of dream-time closely examining the sheets before she replaces them with fresh ones (stand-out visual) vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: disabled people (4+) self (2+) others (1+) 31122022 - 1613 the name of the dream: in his dreams every now and then, he said something derogatory about the writer to gauge his "tolerance level" in this dream, he has decided the time is ripe to "have s go" a third person is nearby, keeping discreetly innocuous if things go horribly wrong for the would-be "bother boy" he might come to his aide he comes charging like a bull from the other side of the room he tries to get a neck-hold on the dreamer the dreamer ducks under his arm and uses the bother boy's momentum to twist him and throw him to the ground while he's still lying on the floor the dreamer taps him on the shoulder and says, "good try, but you're not ready yet" notes 1 the main dream was ruined by a knock at the door vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: harmless trouble-makers (2+) (name withheld) 30122022 - 1612 the name of the dream: external influences the writer went to sleep listening to a radio play not for the first time, the writer forgot to reset the playback option after resetting the t.v. the default setting for playback on the t.v. is "play-all" all radio plays, there are about fifty of them, are in the same folder the t.v., dutifully, played all the plays after the one that the writer selected to "crash-out" to the dream-time conscious, bless its little heart, done the best job it could do with marrying the pde's into a dream while it was receiving information from an outside source the result was... the dreamer is in the foyer of a cinema he has arranged to meet his home help there together they will be meeting sherlock holmes sherlock holmes will be instructing them on how reveal who the bad guys are note 1 during the seven-hour sleep there were eight plays the sherlock holmes play was the one that is playing upon waking note 2 the writer clearly remembers thinking about the home help during the day note 3 as d-man knows only too well, the dream-time conscious is the best time to interact with mammal-man it enables them to get a minimum adverse reaction from the inter-action note 4 almost certainly, we will find there are therapeutic remedies that can be incorporated into the dream-time consciousness vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: external influences while dreaming (1+) sounds (1) 29122022 - 1611 the name of the dream: x-dream the dream doesn't start with us meeting, so we don't know how we first met the dream starts with us at the dreamer 's place of residence we are in a bedsit on the second floor the bedsit is as big as bedsits go it's a biggie four-seater table, two-seater settee, and enough space in between for a dozen people to dance in the bed is the room neatly out of site behind a partition the new-found girlfriend asks the dreamer if he has a film she likes the film is one in a series of films the series was a scary one it was either the amytiville horror or final destination she is impressed that the dreamer has all the films from both series we're off to a good start in the next scene, now we are in bed watching a film between us talking and the sounds from the t.v., we are disturbing the people who live to one side of us the house doesn't meet the minimum standards for sound insulation the dreamer has an arrangement with the landlady if the sounds in the dreamer 's bedsit are an intrusion into the adjoining bedsit, the dreamer can use the bedsit across the hall the girlfriend is impressed yet again when the dreamer takes the film out of the player, and we both go into another bedsit and continue watching where we left off in effect, the dreamer had two bedrooms in the next scene, we are lying down facing each other (stand-out visual) she has plain good looks we have most of our clothes off all she has to take off is her panties (why do women expect the man to remove their panties?) anyway, the dreamer removed them in the next scene, we are in the conjoined position at one point, the dreamer says, "it's the nicest feeling in the world" abruptly the girl separates us the dreamer is gob-smacked it eventually comes to light she thought the dreamer was about to climax the girl didn't want to chance getting pregnant vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (12+) 28122022 - 1610 the name of the dreams: the way it is - treasure found at the edge of a town or city looking away from the town, there is what seems to be an endless expanse of hills and desert the dreamer heads for the horizon the town from which the dreamer started has dipped below the horizon it could be fifty kilometres away some way ahead of where he is, the dreamer notices protrusions from the ground up close they become the remains of houses or a wall the protrusions are about half a metre high, vary in length and thickness and are spread apart from each other by metres and tens of metres in the next scene, the dreamer is in the remains of a building with one wall taller than himself other smaller walls define the shape and size of a basketball court something glitters, and the dreamer 's eye turns to look he drops to his knees and pulls the object from the ground it is a gold ring using his foot, the dreamer scuffs the ground immediately other objects become visible every new scuff on the ground reveals more objects we must be in what was a treasure vault for those who originally lived there in the next scene, the dreamer has collected so many objects he needs to find something to put them in another man enters the dream he is a lot bigger than the dreamer he is also relaxed, with a satisfied smile on his face he walks the dreamer to where his "stash" is he has three one-hundred-weight sacks two are filled to the brim the third is about one-tenth full he motions the dreamer to put his things in the nearly empty sack we are both in the same boat we have more treasure than we can carry it looks like we will be dragging the sacks back to town vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: treasure finds (5+) gold and jewels (1+) a job was in the "offing" the pay and perks are extra special the boss of the company is jealous of the dreamer 's status his jealousy comes through in his attitude to the dreamer the "air" of the dream becomes thick with resentment vividness: 2.6/5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: employee (7+) 27122022 - 1609 the name of the dreams: how not to win someone over - all in a morning's work got friendly with the owner of a cafe over the course of a few months, we began talking to each other as you would with a member of the family his business provided him with a sustainable income, but the cafe was never going to be a ticket to the "good life" the dreamer began thinking of ways that would change all that the ideas came thick and fast a dozen or so ideas later, the dreamer goes into the cafe with the sure confidence the owner, a greek man, will see the merits and potential of the ways that would change everything for the better to his disbelief, the cafe owner "shot down" every idea worse than that, every new idea the dreamer suggested made the cafe owner more irate by the sixth or seventh idea, the cafe owner was on the verge of becoming violent the dream ended with the dreamer feeling thoroughly despondent vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: acquaintances and businesses (2+) the dreamer is self-employed he has just walked through the door of where he works he goes over to the farthest part of the room from the door and begins doing something the telephone rings the dreamer can't get to the phone in time there is an automatic device that rings when someone opens the door it sounds off the dreamer believes he knows who it is and says, "will you plug the jack into the plug board" there was no response to that the dreamer says, "i can't get to the plugboard, will you please plug in the jack" still no response the dreamer says, "hello" again no response as the dreamer says hello again, he realises he is awake vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: self-employed situations (5+) 26122022 - 1608 the name of the dream: my shiny black shoe talking to a couple with their new baby the boy-baby is four or five months the dreamer asks if he can lift the baby out of his lying position the mother nods her approval the dreamer puts his hands under the baby's arms and picks him up the baby's head lolls back as he is lifted the dreamer let's out a sound of self-admonishmnt he repositions the baby in his right-arm so his right-hand is suporting baby's head the baby and the dreamer are seperated by about half-a-metre of space the baby's face is epressionless the dreamer lifts his left-foot so it comes to within the baby's sight the baby expression doesn't change the dreamer then lifts his right foot so that it comes into the baby's field of view the shoe is either patent leather or highly buffed (joint stand-out visual 2.8) the baby turns his face to the dreamer he has a half-opened mouth-smile on his face (joint stand-out visual (2.8) don't know why a shiny black would trigger the response it did but we are both delighted vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: babies (5+) 25122022 - 1607 the name of the dream: kissing-rooms/booths - montage/dream over the last six months a new faculty has emerged the definition of a montage is - what is happening now is that dreams are happening for the first minute or so after waking that's after having regular dreams while asleep as of this writing it's not known why this happens or what it means or where it's going these new category of dreams are being called "montage-dreams" yesterday's montage dream in an area the size of a small bedroom a leopard jumps onto what looks to be someone completely wrapped in a brownish, thick blanket we don't know, exactly, what's under the blanket all we know is that whatever it is, it moves the leopard, having leaped onto the moving blanket, sinks its teeth into the blanket the leapards front claws are dug into the blanket, pulling whatever it is under the blanket into within reach of its mouth the leopard bites into the blanket and uses its back legs to push the thing under the blanket away every time it moves the co-ordinated push/pulling is a leopards way of subduing its prey every time the leopard bites and kick-pushes, the blanket stops moving whenever the leopard isn't biting into the blanket, the blanket moves this happens over over over is this going to be a horror dream? whatever is under the blanket, it has limitless resilience it becomes comical the view zooms out we see a child behind a one-way mirror mirror enjoying himself watching the leopard he is pushing a button and causing whatever it is under the blanket to move the child will take the leopard to the point when it loses its strength vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: montage-dream (1) leopard and manipulation (1) 25122022 - 1606 the name of the dream: kissing rooms/booths the cologne auditorium is up and running - we are planning how much space should be allotted for recreation, relaxation, exercising, dining, manufacturing, sleeping... under consideration is whether people who want to kiss should be able to do so whenever they want, taking into account that there are people who want someone to kiss but aren't and feel dejected seeing others kissing the best kiss i've ever seen - vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: auditoriums (1) 24122022 - 1605 the name of the dream: h, t, t, p, m on several occasions the writer wondered if he would get dreams like ths one it is not possible to enter the details of this dream without some people recognising the person in the dream it can't even be hinted at vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unpresentable (1) 23122022 - 1604 the name of the dream: - i.o.b.n the dream is set in a society where people are assigned with a category of ethicity there is confusion about the way a person, or any animal, is assigned its level of ethicity it is so chaotic that one interpretation puts insects at the top of the list amongst homosapiens it is relatively straightforward the dreamer is ranked as an i.o.b.n. an i.o.b.n., it turns out, is the highest-ranking it gives the person the right to wear light-blue clothes he goes into a tailor shop to get a light-blue suit the taillors are from india they show the dreamer jackets and trousers in shades of light-blue it is three scenes before the dreamer realises that the men are trying to sell him clothes "off the peg" when what he really wants is a suit made-to -measure when the men realise that the dreamer wants to see different rolls of cloth of shades of blue, the dream ends vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: ethics realted to clothes (1) 22122022 - 1603 the name of the dreams: not narcissism - you can't win them all - generous to a fault the dreamer takes a couple of young lads under his wing, intending to let them earn some money from one of the dreamer 's projects from the get-go, one of the lads starts pilfering the dreamer drops him but tells the other lad he can work if he wants to more or less straight away, the dreamer catches him half-inching he is openly blatant about it and informs the dreamer he has half-a-dozen men as back-up the men are looking at the dreamer as he looks them over the dreamer says to the young lad, "let's take this outside" the young lad and his "backup" lose their enthusiasm when the dreamer introduces them to his "backup" one look at them tells the protagonists they are in for a "hiding" they back down vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: confrontations (3+) groups of males (2+) invite a girl back to my place she thinks she is too good for me we get into bed, and due to the size of the bed are bodies are touching it triggers an outburst from the girl, and she puts a pillow between us vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: the dreamer is looking at himself in the mirror the reflections span undulations all the reflections show the dreamer in a good light one reflection, in particular, stands out the dreamer 's facial characteristics change from o.k. to appealing as his eyes and face take on the look of a handsome teenager (stand-out visual 2.8.4) vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: reflections from mirrors (3+) self (2+) 21122022 - 1602 the name of the dreams: over my dead... - avoiding eye contact - medication - how to win over a girl - a matter of interpretation staying with friend the dreamer is one of seven or eight guests his house is big the owner of the house, the friend, hasn't got the mindset of a person who knows how to make money the friend has inherited the house the house has a basement the size of two large living-rooms the house has a basement, a ground floor, a first floor and an attic the dreamer is in one of the bathrooms the rest of the guests, it is thought, are sleeping he has just filled the bath with water and is about to get in when there is a knock on the bathroom door the dreamer puts on a thick, white flannel bathrobe thinking it may be a jokester, the dreamer asks, "who is it?" a girl's voice says she wants to talk the girl's voice is recognisable as the girlfriend of the friend who owns the house the dreamer is a little sceptical but the tone of the voice is sincere he opens the door it is the girl the dreamer thought of she has a letter poking out of an envelope the girl pulls the letter out of the envelope, points to a line on the letter and asks the dreamer to read it the dream turns into a think-read dream after reading the sentence, the girl wants to know what the dreamer thinks the sentence means the sentence is open to more than one meaning the girl presses the dreamer for his interpretation of what it means he asks her what she thinks it means she doesn't reply he asks again and again but she doesn't say anything the image of the girl begins to fade the dream is ending vividness: 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream: girlfriends of friends (1+) the final dream of this sleep sees the dreamer talking to a two-metre-tall, big-boned and muscular young woman in her mid-twenties the tone of her voice is somewhat defiant the dreamer causes her to pause by saying, "in that case, we should go out for a night together" we are waiting for her response when the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintances (32+) (females) (24+) bigger than average (1+) the dreamer is walking past a stall-cum-boothe there are two burly men in it the one on the left is giving the man on the right an injection it isn't one of those syringes we see in films with a long needle and a long body it is one of those "stubb" syringes we see when a diabetic injects it into the stomach vividness: 2.6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: syringes (1+) the dreamer is in an indoor market (possibly in the city where he lives) for reasons that aren't clear, the dreamer is wearing a "hoodie" the hood of the hoodie is longer than a typical hoodie so much so that a girl trying to talk to the dreamer has to bend her head down to his waist to see his face while speaking she does so three times (her facial colour and bright, friendly face is the stand-out visual of the dream 7.8) vividness: 2.7.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintances (31+) a pub, once the main attraction, has lost its way over a year or two, it has become an almost derelict building even the gloss of the surrounding buildings has lost their sheen it has become a hub for the rough and ready the dreamer sees an opportunity for a relatively small amount, it can be revived the plan is to offer substantial meals with drinks the meals will be simple and nutritious - bangers, sausage and mash - vegetable soups with corned beef and bread, rice pudding and jam... etc. at rock-bottom prices the food is targeted at families the moment money starts being invested it becomes a magnet for the "get something for nothing" brigade the first scene is of the dreamer "squaring up" with one of the "lads" of the "get it for free" brigade jack the lad thinks his size and reputation will get him what he wants the dreamer is not in a conciliatory mood the dreamer launches a verbal attack "any spare food goes to babies first, pregnant women second and then children" the dreamer says it with such force and conviction that jack the lad knows he has hit a brick wall in another scene, the dreamer gets wind that a small group of the "lazy and crazy" intend to "muscle him out" the dreamer is not inclined to gather forces together and enact a "fight at the o.k. coral" neither is he inclined to let the "force wins" mentality get their way with a sense of defeat, in the middle of the night, the night before the "take-over", the dreamer goes to the premises and trashes all the fixtures and fittings, pours away all the beer and has a taxi-driver friend fills the taxi with most of the food vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: thwarted businesses (2+) pubs (1+) 20122022 - 1601 the name of the dreams: floating dreams - who is the female? an x-dream with full feelings vividness: 2.7.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (20+) talking to a girl and her boyfriend at my place we are talking about how to get super-buoyancy from a mattress one idea is to make a "wafer" mattress four square pieces of wood for the top and bottom of the mattress these will be the corners of the matress they are also the principal support - springs or perhaps a hydrolic mechanism for the rest of the mattress the springs will be more responsive than the main support - adjustable the distance between the top and the bottom of the mattress is determined by the weight of the sleeper's keeping the mattress "square" within the frame shouldn't be a problem vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: innovation (3+) beds (1) 19122022 - 1600 the name of the dream: big numbers on a bus talking to a man about numbers, big numbers at first, he didn't "get" the idea of powering numbers specifically, he couldn't see how half-a-dozen numbers could represent incomprehensively large amounts he "got it" when it was applied to small numbers - 10^2 = 100, 10^3 - 1000 etc. we then went on to talk about football notes 1 wasn't the final one of the most exciting games of football ever? vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: numbers (4+) powers of numbers (1+) 18122022 - 1599 the name of the dream: hypocrites walking past a large plate glass window on the outskirts of town looking through the window, it looked like it was the reception it was quite bare no tables or chairs or even a desk a message on a white background towards the top of the room caught the dreamer 's attention it conveyed an all-embracive notion of a philosophical nature the message on the banner suggested that any person can lead other people, and the organisation would allow them to put the idea to test it twigged the dreamer 's imagination and caused him to go inside in the next scene, the dreamer is talking to a well-dressed man the man is a little over six-foot with a slim build the man invites the dreamer to come back later on in the next scene, the dreamer is at the back of the building he has returned on his bike we go into the building there are other people there they are expecting the dreamer we get to the nub of the visit the dreamer makes a statement the small group of people are amazed at the insightfulness of his proclamation and dutifully begin enacting it the man who spoke to the dreamer initially is smarting up until that moment, the group of people had been following a proposal he had made in the next scene, the dreamer is standing by his bicycle it has been stripped of just about everything the slim, tall man is sympathetic to the dreamer and offers his condolences his condolences aren't sincere it is obvious he had something to do with it there are any number of things the dreamer can do to "get back at him" the dream ends vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: devious people (2+) 17122022 - 1598 the name of the dreams: the telepathic cat - a world record - kissing dream - getting away with murder we are in the dreamer 's place of abode the dreamer is in bed there are two or three other people in the dream two of them have brought their pets a black cat begins walking over to the dreamer it is walking with a limp the cat is in a sorry state a metre or so from the dreamer , the cat telepaths its thoughts it says, "can you help me? i've hurt my leg" the dreamer decides the first thing to do is give the cat some salmon the dreamer leans out of bed and tries to stroke the top of the cat's head as his hand touches the top of the cat's head, the diminishes in size the dreamer attempts to stroke the cat's back as his hand makes contact with the cat's back, the cat gets smaller still the room is darker than it is bright the cat becomes a shadow the dreamer decides not to try and touch it again he feels the cat may vanish vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (6+) cats (1) there are two people in this dream we have just broken the world record for one-hundred meters the dreamer 's time is 10.1 seconds the other person does it in 10.2 seconds we are trying to work out the time/distance/speed in feet and yards when the dream ends notes 1 it's going to be constructive to discover who can and can't do arithmetic in dreams the writer's success rate is -100% vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: athletics (2+) sprinting (2+) the dreamer and his girlfriend are in bed we are wearing our birthday suits the woman is upset she is on the verge of crying it turns out the woman took something the dreamer said in the wrong way the dreamer explains what he said the woman understands what was meant and is soothed the dream ends with the dreamer 's left arm under her head and resting on her shoulder as we begin kissing vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kissing dreams (5+) the dreamer is livid he is listening to jewish-controlled mainstream media headline one sentence, in particular, is a blatant lie he decides to take a stance and take the media company to court he remembers that the lies have already been exposed by the people's court - vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: politics (5+) 16122022 - 1597 the name of the dream: doomed to failure a conspiracy is underway to frame the dreamer for murder three brothers are the witnesses for the prosecution the conviction was doomed from the start for a while after the charges were brought, it gained a bit of momentum but it soon fizzled out the brothers didn't have the wherewithal to pull it off they were the only people the conspirators could find who would receive "favours" for perjury the charges were dropped vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: frame-ups (2+) murder (1) 15122022 - 1596 the name of the dream: ways of breaking the ice the dreamer meets two girls while he is on his own we go back to their place one of the girls is my height and a lot less in weight the other girl is a good 12 kilogrammes heavier we start getting acquainted the dreamer bends his legs, grabs the girl around her waist and picks her up he then tells her to put her arms around his neck and then lifts her up from the front and begins swinging her backwards and forwards between his legs after a couple of swings, the dreamer tells her to put her legs around his waist and then rocks backwards and forwards the rocking turns into swings and thrusts there's no doubt in anyone's mind about what the motions represent after that, the bigger girl asks the dreamer to kneel on the floor she then tells the dreamer to put his knees into the shoes she turns on the music and tells the dreamer to dance to the music while he is kneeling in the shoes the girls are going to take a phone video of it after this sequence of the dream, there are a couple of vivid scenes of the dreamer transferring information from one phone to another vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: fun dreams (3+) girls (2+) 14122022 - 1595 the name of the dream: fed up with folders dreams about folders are starting to bug me can't figure out why they occur in the first place yet again, the frustration of not being to complete a folder operation brought about awake-time this one was a five-task operation done the first four parts of the task ok it simply wasn't possible to complete the last task without moving the pointer onto the folder and double-clicking it it was at the point where the sensation of a mouse would have allowed the task to be completed perhaps this dream is the groundwork for introducing a tactile sensation that represents a mouse there's got to be a reason for having dreams about folders vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: folders (7+) 13122022 - 1594 the name of the dream: my russian mate as the national champion of the town and street speed cyclist, the dreamer gets selected automatically for a contest the "meet" is against a russian team the dream starts with the captain of the russian team familiarising the dreamer with the course we get into a chat we are talking about tyres and their compounds, the best grip for the streets and roads we are talking about suspension and braking systems which make of gears is best, and so on the promoters want to present the race as boxing promoters would a boxing match they want us foaming at the bit, trying to get at each other the promoters want rancour, threats and jibes neither the russian captain nor the dreamer wants to go along with it the promoters are livid it will be the end of the dreamer 's career if he doesn't play ball and do things their way both of the captains are in agreement it is to be a good-natured contest there is a scene where the two of us are eating russian fayre ladies are hovering at the edge of the dream, waiting to make an entrance the dream ends notes 1 fairly sure this dream was, in part, the result of watching dr zhivago before going to sleep vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bicycles (5+) racing (2+) 12122022 - 1593 the name of the dream: into the lion's den a way to infiltrate the secret services presented itself whether it succeeds or not depends on the dreamer being able to act normally when he is in the lion's den a slip of the tongue, a sign of nervousness and other tell-tale signs will mean certain death for the dreamer failure will set things back, and a new wave of oppression will begin the stakes are so high it causes the dreamer to begin having doubts about his ability to carry it off it means staying cool, calm, collected, and, most of all, convincing the dreamer expresses his doubts about being able to succeed to those around him the thought of anyone else doing it is not an option either the dreamer does it or things carry on as they are with equally disastrous outcome the dreamer says the only way he will be able to get away with it is if he maintains a relaxed manner the only way he will be able to stay calm and relaxed is if he is calm and relaxed the dreamer turns to a long-standing male acquaintance he tells his acquaintance what's what and asks him to get either opium or heroin there is then a new set of surroundings both of the drugs are on a table the acquaintance of old and his drug supplier are in the room the dreamer says to the supplier, "my acquaintance tells me your product is of superior quality" the supplier starts talking the dreamer is taken aback by the tone of confidence in his voice it is deep, level and almost therapeutic he explains how much of each drug to take and when to take it the dreamer starts to think he can succeed in his task there is another scene when the dreamer is making a "single skinner" with opium something happens, and it ends up on the floor vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: secret services (5+) 11122022 - 1592 the name of the dream: cronyism the dreamer is working for a big company it's one of those companies that's so big it's an institution think walmart or shell or toyota the company is so big there is a section that allocates what names can are to be used for folders on top of that, add family cronyism the woman who heads the company in the dreamer 's part of the world is as fickle as they come she has put a friend of her's as the big kahuna of the folders section in the office block where the dreamer works fortunately, she is so not capable she welcomes advice and suggestions from the employees the dreamer latches on to her modus operandi she is susceptible to complimentarity remarks, especially those that flatter her looks in due course, the dreamer persuades her to adopt his folder-naming system the dreamer knows she will get the credit for the improved efficiency initially but that doesn't matter to the dreamer he also knows that sooner or later, it will come to light that he is the person behind the throne of the folder-filing system and it will secure his continued employment vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: work-related (8+) folders (18+) 10122022 - 1591 the name of the dream: touch and go the dreamer has been busy all day and is tired he decides to lie down for a while he goes into the bedroom, and to his complete surprise, his love is asleep on the bed he is surprised because some days or weeks before, she said she wanted to think things over between us she is on the bed and not in it she still has her clothes on she is wearing grey corduroy trousers but doesn't recall what her top is the dreamer, still in his clothes, lies down beside her our thighs touch through the clothes her left arm rises, and her hand flops onto the hips of the dreamer he thinks it is a voluntary movement and clasps her hand it wasn't, it was just her moving in her sleep she pulls her hand out of the dreamer s and gets up off the bed the dream ends vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: brief dreams (4+) relationships (20+) 09122022 - 1590 the name of the dreams: a complicated dream - sweet girls and chocolates a man did a job for the dreamer think it was a repair or modification to a bicycle the bill for the work broke down the amount for the time it took for each modification or repair the amount wasn't in question, it was the way the bike mechanic worked out the time-to-labour ratio one thing in particular became the focal point of the dream he had included the time the supplier charged him for doing his part in the process it included his waiting time the nitty-gritty of it became a matter of the third-party man claiming tax relief or concessions the point of contention causes the dreamer to protest he is paying tax to the government for the supplier's part in it the dreamer becomes exasperated he complains, "it's the banks, at every turn, it's the banks" it is for the man who did the repair to claim costs from the tax collector and not for the dreamer to pay for the bike-repair man for those costs he incurred there is an amicable end to the dream when the bike repair man concedes to reduce the costs to the dreamer the theme of the dream changes the dreamer is sitting at a four-seater table in a well-lit cafe at the table in front of him are two girls facing him after a few smiles, we get to talking there is a scene in which the dreamer produces a small box of chocolates the dream ends as we are joking and having a laugh fighting over who gets which type of chocolate the second dream is the most vivid 7.8 note 1 for those of us who find dreams intriguing... in the not-too-distant future, instead of the latest tweet being the hot topic, the "must-see" video is someone's dream the url at the end of this line is a sci-fi film of a future when it becomes possible to "see" someone's dream ( ) vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: two-themed dream (8+) 06122022 - 1589 the name of the dream: the spirit of america the dreamer is talking to an unknown male we touch upon the subject of america the dreamer gives him his assessment of america "what makes america great is the entrepreneurial spirit", the dreamer says, and continues with, "the spirit of america was at its greatest just before the outbreak of the war with korea" "if i could be anywhere in the world at any time it would be when america was at its most vibrant in the early 1950's" "america lost its way when the financial institutions realised there is undreamt of wealth to be had by fermenting wars and enriching itself through the production of weapons" ( ) "all that's needed is to create conflicts - easy to do when you control the media ( ) "even now, the capitalist mechanism, starting a business, bringing the business to the point where it is self-generating and then moving on to the next endeavour, is still evident" "on many occasions, the writer has gone on youtube and come across a single organised man who is creating products that i thought to be coming out of factories" the writer woke to the sound of his own voice and said several more sentences before becoming fully awake vividness: 2.7.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: externalised (7+) 05122022 - 1588 the name of the dream: lesser people the dreamer is looking for premises suitable for business in one of the offices, he views the previous business left behind cupboards and a filing cabinet in the cabinet are assorted folders, paper clips and other useful office items that will come in handy the folders are quality, some are made of leather in the folders are photographs and individual sheets of paper that look like business contracts there is also a round, silver canister the photographs (10 x 8's) are the work of a professional they are oozing quality and style the dreamer is looking through the photographs and is becoming more and more impressed with the way the photographer has managed to take the space between the photographer and the model out of the picture the grain of the paper brings the models face to life the scene changes the dreamer is viewing the film in the canister the first bit of the film, again, the quality of the footage is first class, is of a man holding a dildo with testes in his left hand he is wearing a lopsided blonde wig and is waggling the dildo with testes from left to right in front of his mouth he then puts it in his mouth the camera goes in closer and frames the view so that it looks like he is giving someone a "blow job" it looks very realistic a person watching it would be convinced that it is what it looks like the man looks familiar to the dreamer he looks like bruce dern the scene changes we are now viewing a social event the quality of the film "puts the observer there" 2.8.5 nearly, but not quite, 3D dozens of people are coming and going in an outdoor environment all of them look healthy and are dressed fashionably the coming and going changes to a one-way flow the people are going to a specific place naked children enter the dream this film, the dreamer realises, is leading to paedophilic activity, possibly worse why did this film get left behind when the previous tenants moved out? it's as though someone wanted it to be found then the dreamer "twigs it" someone did want it to be found for the person who left it, it is a death sentence perhaps that's what it was the person who left it knew they were about to be killed the person who left it hoped the person who found it would pass it on it would be easy to identify the people in the film and photographs the problem is, of course, people who are organised in the practice of paedophilia and are wealthy have ways and means of avoiding prosecution not least murder the dreamer realises that handing it over to the police would put him on the firing line the people in the film would have "contacts" who would have no trouble finding out who had viewed the property the dreamer wakes while thinking about the problem notes 1 this dream is so very clearly the result of the thoughts and emotions of the pde's vividness: 2.8.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unnatural x (2+) 04122022 - 1587 the name of the dreams: prequel to x - outnumbered and out-sized - out-sized the dreamer is standing close to a tall and strikingly good-looking woman she knows the look somehow the woman generates in the dreamer 's mind a picture of an erect thirty-centimetre ****s it is an alludiation to what she expects a man to have vividness: 2.6.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: implications of x (1) waking down a slope into the centre of town in spon end on a corner, a biggish car is parked in the driver's seat sits neil in the front passenger seat is an african man of slight build the dreamer walks around the car to speak to neil before the dreamer can engage him in conversation another african man enters the dream he enters the dream from the same position as the dreamer did the latest entry to the dream is anything but small along with his imposing physical size is his extrovert personality he can see the dreamer is trying to talk to neil whatever it is neil is engaged in it is more important than talking to the dreamer the latest addition to the dream says to the dreamer , "one minute" emphasising the point with his forefinger the dreamer knows when he is being dominated he starts to move away from the car neil says i'll see you in an hour the dreamer can tell he is being "fobbed off" he, like the overly real extrovert african, uses his finger in up and movement and says, "you've said that before" vividness: 2.6.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintances (30+) neil (2+) from the moment three women and two men decide to have an x-night, it is a vivid, music, food and fun dream a single and a double bed in the bedroom and a couch in the living room gave the dream privacy and scope there was so much good-humoured banter as we were getting organised the dream ended before we got to "it" a white-covered two-seater table with the cutlery, wine and glasses neatly arranged ready for a takeaway delivery should anyone want the evening to have the romantic touch of a meal or get hungry don't recall what music is playing the entire dream is dominated by the increasing to and fro of quips and suggestions the final scene is when the dreamer and one of the girls open the door of the bedroom, and both are impressed with its spaciousness the dreamer says, "see, plenty of space" notes 1 not reaching the "finale" of the dream didn't disappoint the writer at all the sheer good-naturedness of the tone of the dream was the stand-out aspect of it it's just a matter of recreating the pda's and finishing the dream vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: pre-x activity (2+) 03112022- 1586 the name of the dreams: is anyone here? - easy come, easier to go the dreamer is at a fruit and veg fayre what should have been a "payday" for dozens of fruit stalls fell flat it was positioned close to the town or city centre on a clear day the problem is there are too many stalls or there aren't enough buyers they hadn't done enough advertising! the dreamer sees an opportunity it doesn't take him long to nip into town and back he scrounges some wooden boxes and plastic containers and scribbles a few colourful words on a paper-lined board and puts together a makeshift stall he has enough ice cream and cones to make a couple of hundred ice cream cones his crowning touch is to offer a choice of fruits to go into the ice cream strawberries are, as was anticipated, the most popular his instincts served him well he made a sizeable profit eventually, the stalls begin closing up shop the dreamer is moving through the stalls as he makes his way out of the fayre he is asking the vendors how their day was without exception, the vendors are thoroughly miserable earlier on in the day, the dreamer had spoken to a young lad might have gotten a wooden box from him being a "young un" he wasn't too dejected, but his disappointment was plain to see he might have been expecting to earn enough for something he wanted, or perhaps he was empathising with his mother the dreamer gets the envelope with the money in it out of his inside pocket there is the better part of three hundred quid he hands a tenner to the woman and says, "give him a fiver of it" it crosses the dreamer 's mind that if it weren't for the vendor's he wouldn't have had the windfall between that and the appreciative look from the boy and his mother, the dreamer goes into "generous" mode he hands out fifteen or twenty fivers and tenners to other stalls on his way out in one scene, he whips out the envelope with the money in it and has to sift through the notes to find a fiver a man looking over the dreamer 's shoulder says, "you're doing well" he has a glint in his eye that could be suggestive of just about anything the dream ends vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: entrepreneurial (4+) food fayre (1) the name of the dream: is anyone there? it is back in the day when shops closed on a sunday have run out of baccy a similar situation happened a few years earlier the dreamer remembers being told there was a shop in a town nearby that opened on a sunday think the town is called "mandham" got off the bus at the stop that looked like the centre of the town remembered that the last time it meant having to go to the street that ran parallel to the street the bus stopped at and walk a few hundred metres the dreamer takes the street that runs parallel to where he is standing get off the bus at a t-junction it looks like it is the right place a quick look to the right tells the dreamer it isn't ask a girl with bushy, shoulder-length hair if she knows where the shop is she does a "weird and wonderful" on me in one second she spins around about four times her spins are so fast that she becomes a blur when she's still again the dreamer asks her, "why did you do that?" the girl replies, "it helps me to get my bearings" she points and says, "the shop is over there" looking in the direction she is pointing the dreamer can see a village in a valley a couple of kilometres away that is definitely not the place he remembers the dreamer becomes despondent he decides to head back home he looks for but can't see a bus-stop anywhere in fact, he can't see anyone anywhere even more factually, he can't see anything moving it's time this dream ended, which it does vividness: 2.7.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (6+) 02112022 - 1585 the name of the dream: the interviewee two young ladies from somewhere in the corridors of "power" have been dispatched to, and are intervewing, the dreamer one of the ladies is asking questions and writing down his answers the other is an observer she is making mental notes and probably had a say in what questions to ask the lady asking the questions, will omit a description of her (people in dreams are people who have, do, and will exist) is brief and to the point there is a hint of irritability in her voice at one point, the young woman is asking questions that refer to one dream in particular it was a dream in which the dreamer encourages people to act or respond in awake-time to their values and feelings in dreams the interviewer reacts to the idea that a person could/should base their morals or outlook on the content of dreams the dreamer replies to the question by suggesting that it makes a certain amount of sense to take dreams seriously because the content of dreams are not fettered to the extent they are in awake-time he starts to make another point about applying the known rules to awake-time can be instructive... the interviewer cuts the dreamer short by saying, "stop it" the dreamer asks, "what?" the young lady says, "acting superior" it causes the dreamer to laugh softly vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: interviewee (1+) 01112022 - 1584 the name of the dream: cowboys and cowgirls there's not enough detail in the dream to suggest whether the family portrayed is subservient or if they represent the pinnacle of society in all, there are a dozen or so people in the dream they have a horse ranch with three or four stables housing twenty or thirty horses their clothing does not reflect they are gentry, but it may be that the culture and circumstances of this period of another undulation did not produce a society with a class structure the man of the house is a man of few words, a stoic if ever there was one he exudes an air of calm a sense of mild apprehension enters the dream one of the young males is vying for the attention of a girl the young man is either a work hand or the girl is he has competition it is his brother or a work hand it all rests on the man of the house we are waiting for the ranch owner to make his opinion known when the dream changes its location we are now in or near the stables a girl and a boy are pleased to be together vividness: 2.6.8 - observer - the category of the dream: relationships (25+) 30112022 - 1583 the name of the dream: a category above sleeping rough on holiday because there are signs that have the words "le" and "la" in them it must be france there is no other reason for thinking this as the entire dream uses the english language it is becoming a matter of urgency that the dreamer find somewhere to sleep although it's warm enough to sleep outside, in an unfamiliar place it isn't recommended in an accommodation agency, the desk clerk is shaking her head the woman says, "there is only one place available - i don't recommend it" it's obviously a "last resort" but it's got to be better than a bench at the boarding house, the dreamer is "weighing up" the place it doesn't look dirty nor is there anything that suggests it's "the pits" the boarding house is run by a woman her clothes, hair and posture are raggedy she leads the way up a flight of stairs on the first floor, there is a twenty-rung vertical window cleaner's ladder perfect for practising mountain climbing manoeuvres in the attic room, the ceiling is sloped there is one bed the legs of the bed are about fifteen-centimetres a perfect place to put your shoes elsewhere in the "room" two, three or four mattresses cover what's left of the space on the floor a young male enters the dream he seems a nice young chap the dreamer 's opinion of him changes radically when we are downstairs and a young woman with a baby comes into the building she, like the dreamer , feels blessed to have found cover for the night it soon becomes apparent that the mother and child are destined to be given a mattress to sleep on the dreamer makes a remark to the young lad that we should help her get to the attic he makes a joke out of it the dreamer says sternly, "if you were a man you wouldn't say that" in the last scene, the mother and baby are in the attic-room the young woman has an alluring character vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: holidays (4+) france (2+) 29112022 - 1582 the name of the dream: seaside and chips a family of four or five are sitting at a table they are on holiday how do we know they are on holiday? because the table they are sitting at is in a booth shaped like a carousel chair, only it's a fair bit bigger the only reason a parent would consent to eat in such a ridiculous seat is that they are on holiday, and holidays as everyone knows, are more for the children than the adults the children are, of course, in child's heaven alas, all is not well in this particular heaven namely, the portion of chips is nothing like the photo of the chips posted on the outside of the restaurant quite simply, there isn't enough of them to appease the appetite of a family that has been breathing in fresh sea air all morning for the first time in their life the man they are complaining to is in a double quandary if he gives them more chips, his profit margin is affected if he doesn't, there's every chance the customers will leave and thirdly, other customers might get on the "bandwagon" he gives in and gives them more chips a second scene ensues with the same circumstances at this point of the dream, the dreamer goes from observer to participant and "weighs in" he is not on the side of the restaurant manager vividness: 2.7.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: holidays (3+) food (8+) chips (3+) 28112022 - 1581 the name of the dream: the moderator in a community of two hundred in a city of hundreds of thousands, the dreamer is no one special however, as is the case of communities within cities, some want to be the "leader of the pack" this is the scenario for this dream the alpha male has assumed his position and is confident of being recognised as such his word will be taken as the last word in all matters of policy and right behaviour one or two people don't think he should be the "main man" one canny lady knows how to upset his apple cart she mentions to someone close to the man that the dreamer may be a better choice she says it knowing it will get back to the "main-man" in the next scene, the "king of the hill" is at the dreamer 's door he wants to "size the dreamer up" to his horror, he realises the dreamer has got a vocabulary with an easy manner that makes him acceptable to any reasonable person not wishing to become embroiled in a messy clamber for the "top man" position, the dreamer tells the "kingpin" he has no aspirations to be a "policy maker" the dream ends just after the dreamer hints to the man that he has no ambitions to get "in his way" unless, of course, his "pronouncements" don't meet the dreamer 's sense of fairness the man will have to take the dreamer into account when he makes decrees vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: communities (2+) 27112022- 1580 the name of the dreams: the confidant - another bicycle dream you've seen the tour de france and how the cyclists lean over whe going round a corner at thirty-kilometres an hour you've seen the cyclists going down mountain roads at seventy-kilmetres an hour this dream is nothing like that it hasn't got any movement in it to speak of no scenic views just two blokes talking about their bikes and how their going to do this, that and the other notes 1 it's the sort of dream you have when you want to be able to say, "i had a dream last night" it's the sort of dream that would cause the person you told it to to say, "yea, what about it?" "i think so" is the answer you give when someone asks, "did you dream last night?" putting this dream down to sleeping when not really tired vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bland dreams (1+) bicycles (4+) a girl gets in touch with the dreamer he is the only person she knows and trusts to help her the situation is the girl wants x with a "hot" boy the young man, one of the dozens offering his "charms" on a dating site, looks the part his good looks and adonis-type physique is impressive he doesn't come cheap money isn't a problem for the girl her problem is she doesn't know how to present herself to men hence, the dating site she hasn't used a dating site before, and she doesn't know what to expect they are going to meet at her place she is going to leave her phone on during the date she wants the dreamer to be listening in it will provide her with a sense of security the dreamer agrees the dream ends while we are talking via the phone before her date arrives vividness: 2.7 - phone participant - the category of the dream: friends of girls (1) 26112022 - 1579 the name of the dreams: a lax, closed mixed prison - the boy toy-fixer a dream about a young deaf and dumb boy his joy in life is mechanical toys by the age of ten, he has mastered the skill of being able to mend any toy that gets broken he gets his wish of being a shopkeeper in the village of his birth his reward is seeing the delight on the faces of children when her or his toy is returned in working order he develops a sense of humour that is so entertaining people have been known to deliberately break the toys of their children because the child wanted to be in his company the dream ends as another customer enters the shop vividness: 2.7.1 - observer - the category of the dream: disabled children (1) deaf and dumb (1) this dream is close to being an epic dream (10+ scenes with the same theme) as closed prisons go, they don't get much more easy-going than this nor do prisons come any bigger than this it looks like it can house tens of hundreds of inmates the start of the dream suggests it is going to be the opposite a man wants a gun the man who wants the gun is negotiating with another man about what specifications he wants the gun to have the man who will be building the gun works in the engineering workshop he has the skills and the materials to make a gun as elaborate or simple as is required the man who wants the gun wants it to be made in a way that allows it to be easy to assemble and disassemble the gun is wanted for an escape the gun doesn't have to be able to fire a bullet as long as it looks like the real thing the gun is intended to be used in a bluff they agree on the design the scene changes to the dreamer being presented with two piles of clothes the prisoners in this dream don't wear uniform clothes the clothes are sent in by the prisoner's wives and girlfriends on the top of each pile is leather trousers, one pair is black, the other is brown before the dreamer can make up his mind on which colour to have, both pairs of trousers are snapped up by other inmates at the end of the scene, the dreamer ends up with a grey, mottled polo neck jumper and non-matching trousers there is a large dining area women do the cooking and the "over-the-counter" serving the women also do the washing and the mending and altering of clothes the looks and comments between the men and women tell us there is many a relationship between the women and men, and there are plenty of opportunities for them to get together this prison is every inmate's dream of a prison notes 1 a lowish vividness rating in such a relaxed atmosphere suggests a future tense of time in a past undulation (time-tense 7) vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: prisons () closed () 24112022 - 1578 the name of the dream: the spoiler a prestigious building is completed and ready for use it is the morning of the day it opens officially there is going to be something of a ceremony among the fanfare and other things, there is going to be a race the building has been designed with a stretch of road that encircles the building the shape and size of the building is such that the shape of the road that encircles it is precisely the shape and size of an athletic track it has been designed specifically to enable track athletes to compete for the opening day, a float carrying dignitaries, press and celebrities is to set the first official time the float won't be trying to break any records it is merely a "showtime" time it is will do the 400 metres in a minute the dreamer is one of the spectators he is among the crowd of hundreds he has cycled to the event the float is in position when the float gets the signal to go, the dreamer cycles to where the float is and follows it around the building fifty metres from the end of the track, the dreamer puts on a spurt and completes the 400 metres four or five seconds ahead of the float although history will show that the official account of the event will put the first time as one minute, everybody will know that the first record was set by a bloke on a bicycle vividness: 2.8.2/3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: public events (1+) inaugurations (1+) new buildings (1) 23112022 - 1577 the name of the dreams: his first love - a whale of a time - prison brutality the dreamer is looking through a peep-hole the peep-hole is built into a prison door it is used by prison staff to check what's going on in the cell there are two people in the cell we are drawn to look through the peep-hole by shouting looking through the peep-hole we see two "screws" holding an inmate while a third is repeatedly slapping him hard across the face and then shouting, "talk to me" we see that about five times as in the whale dream below, one of the four men interrogating the inmate turns and looks at the dreamer three times as the brutality is underway in another scene, the dreamer calls over his cellmate and says, "see those cells above the archway - i used to be in one of those" his cellmate is aghast the cells being pointed out housed the most serious criminals his cellmate doesn't know that the "most dangerous wing of the prison" is also used for shock treatment of non-dangerous inmates who have got an "attitude" problem toward the screws notes 1 the writer was serving "time" in winson green prison when the birmingham bombers were being held there in 1974 the writer was appaled by the sounds men make when innocent are being brutalised the second biggest problem after the control-freaks (jews, especially jewish bankers and non-jewish militarists) are those people who are asleep to what's going on (sleeple) vividness: 2.7.7 - observer - the category of the dream: prison (5+) prison brutality (1+) another aerial view dream from about one-hundred-and-fifty metres it takes in a pier about thirty metres long, twenty metres of shoreline on both sides of the pier and an expanse of clear-blue ocean about two-hundred metres across and a hundred metres out into the sea what is assumed to be the rim of a crater the diameter of the crater is about seventy metres and it is clearly visible through the water a whale with seating and harness is carrying four people the person nearest to the head of the whale has a pole with whale-food dangling down to just in front of the whale's mouth the person behind the person baiting the whale is steering the whale a whale bit in the same a jockey steers a horse with a horse bit there is a significance between the rim of the crater and the whale but it isn't clear what it is on three occasions the person at the back of the whale turns around and looks up at the dreamer vividness: 2.8.2/3 - observer - the category of the dream: animal entertainment (2+) whale (1) the first time we meet we are both six years of age the memory of it is still fresh in the writer's mind she had blonde hair, pink skin, blue eyes, red lips and white teeth it was like an animated painting the writer had never seen such colour in a face he is entranced the next time we meet we are both sixteen it is at a "gathering of the clan" at auntie g's house at the end of the evening, the different families are to be transported to our respective homes by members of the clan with cars the writer, his love, another young man the same age as the writer, and an adult are squashed into the back seat of a car the other young man sat on the right next to the door, his love sat next to him, the writer sat to the left of his love and an adult is sitting to the left of the writer both the young lad and the writer are strongly attracted to his love for the writer, it is his first physical contact with his love the writer's hormones are in overdrive neither of the young lads knows how to "break the ice" and speak to his love it may have been a bump in the road or it may have been as the car turned a corner that caused the weight of our bodies to become more firmly into contact with each other our hands touched her hand clasped mine our relationship began when our relationship is some months old an "initiative" between the governments of canada and britain gives a monetary incentive to families to take in students the inevitable happens the eighteen-year-old student "falls" for the writer's love his love shows the writer a letter she received from him after he returned to canada it is a moving letter the writer says something along the lines of, "he loves you - you should love him back" his love says, "i knew you would say that" perhaps the writer should have fought for his love the letter was so touching it stirred the writer's emotions he expressed in words more than the writer had felt for his love the next time the writer and his love came together was, again, at a gathering of the clan at auntie g's three years later as his love walked past him the writer said, "you're looking trim" (when she was sixteen she was plump) his love completely "blanked" him the writer is bemused one of the aunties saw my reaction and said, "he doesn't want children" over the years the writer has reflected on what could or should have been that a man would marry a woman and not tell her beforehand that he didn't want children must be a breach of the contract of marriage (is it?) if it were up to the writer there would be provision for men who want x but don't want children - pair them up with women in the same frame of mind but to trick a woman into marriage with the intention of not becoming a parent is wrong, wrong, wrong the dream the dreamer is in bed with his love we are both undressed we are both past our physical peak and his love has resigned herself to a childless existence theoretically, his love could become a mother the dreamer might be able to persuade her to try but the years of regret have hardened her his love doesn't respond to the dreamer 's subtle advances perhaps in a year or two, the dreamer and time will be able to re-instil in his first love the desire to procreate (expand) vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: relationships (30+) theresa (2) 22112022 - 1576 the name of the dreams: an oppressive society - 3 a one-scene dream a colourful visual presentation of the number 3 the visual is accompanied by a voice saying, "number 3 is the most important number in science" the writer went online to check it out it turns out it isn't the most important but it comes a close second notes 1 most of the dreams in the last couple of weeks have been both vivid and colurful vividness: 2.8.1 - observer - the category of the dream: numbers (1+) number 3 (1) the first of the three scenes is angled birds-eye view from about twelve-metres it takes in three detached houses it looks like your typical middle-class american suburb the three houses have sloping drive-in garages the houses are elevated a couple of metres above street-level the odd thing is the four or five mailbox-type structures in a line going up the slope each structure has a red-eye glowing at the top a quotes banner appears at the top of the scene each banner has a quote one of the quotes reads, "every movement of the household is to be monitored" another reads, "each person believes close monitoring is necessary" at first, the dreamer thinks he is watching an episode of the outer limits until that is, a sentence that contains the words, "must believe the lying" shows we are watching a docu-film that's for training the "up and coming" in the ranks of the control freaks notes 1 a vivid dream it puts this dream in the category of the future of a past undulation or the past of the future undulation notes 2 fairly sure this dream is the result of listening to a programme that detailed how oligarch-minded, ancient-greeks planned to run a society the outlook of today's control freaks will, eventually, be the last remnant of ancient civilisations notes 3 compare the stifling manner of control freaks to the utter restriction-free activity of the free-will you-know-who has fashioned vividness: 2.8.2 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (20+) societies (4+) 21112022 - 1575 the name of the dreams: singing for your cuppa - a better bit of butter the dreamer is on his first-time visit to the family of his wife or girlfriend he is given a pastry with his cup of tea the pastry has a likeable distinctive taste he makes a remark about it to his wife or girlfriend's friend the friend of the wife or girlfriend says, "we buy it by the box" she shows the dreamer the butter in its gold wrapping (stand-out visual) the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own voice saying, "can you buy me some next time you buy it" vividness: 2.7.5 - participant and observer - category of the dream: food (12+) butter (1+) there are intricate and striking melodies with harmonies filling the emptiness of the dark recesses here and there wealth is generated by giving money to anyone who busks the money earnt from busking is, in the main, spent on food and drink no one thinks people are lowly if they sing a verse or two to get enough for a drink and a sandwich or doughnut it is the accepted way the tone of the dream and the buoyant mood of the people in it suggests it's not a society that is ill at ease with itself on the contrary, there is an air of confidence some people have got singing-busking down pat a minute or two of singing or reciting verse or literature guarantees a person will get enough for a drink and a snack after a verse or two of singing a well-known song ,the dreamer receives enough for a drink and a "bite" he is sitting in a busy cafe when a young lad comes in the young lad looks around his attention falls on the dreamer he is going to "tap" him he is about three metres near when the dreamer says, "i've just had to busk for this drink" a sloping-mouthed wry smile forms on his face he turns away before he gets to the dreamer he hasn't yet latched on to the way of the world it is a world where receiving comes after giving vividness: 2.7.7 - participant and observer - category of the dream: types of societies (4+) busking (3+) 20112022 -1574 the name of the dreams: the sneaky way - the way of the world the second dream is from a (just got another fly) past tense of time the depth of colour suggests it is the past of a future undulation it is a combination being both vivid and a think-read dream there is a column of men wearing "ye olde worlde" armour from head to foot the armour is a sparkling silver it doesn't look used each man is carryinng a banner atop of his lance every banner has a different word on it the last word of the statement is on the first banner in the dream it means waiting for the last man in the column to come into the scene with the first word of the sentence to be able to read the sentence as the scenes are being re-run the scenes condense into a single scene that takes in each previous scene and enable the dreamer to put the sentence-statement together the sentence/statement reads... "the living dream can't detain we who go war to defeat the evil byzantium" notes 1 from memory, this dream marks the first think-read dream in which the dreamer is able to move the scenes backward and forward notes 2 the writer hasn't searched the web for the spelling or history of the word byzantium he will let the reader do that and discuss what interpretation to give to this dream with the first person to bring it up vividness: 2.8.2 - observer - category of the dream: think-read (20+) war scenarios (1) two colour-rich dreams the first is an orange-coloured dream it shows an orange-coloured plastic shopping bag crumpled into half its size there is a swarm of tiny fruit flies crawling in every nook, cranny and crease of it notes 1 the writer is, finally, getting the better of a two-year-long battle with an infestatatiion of fruit flies after trying sticky fly-paper, disenfectant sprays narrow-necked fruit-juice bottles smeared with orange juice concentrate the solution is to lure the flies into a folded orange-coloured shopping bag by putting segmants of fresh oranges on the inside of the bag then, when the flies are busy gorging on the traces of orange, the writer slowly moves to the shopping bag with another orange-coloured shopping bag the bag the writer is going to snare them with is fully open the trick is to move the bag and his-self in slow motion so as to not to alarm the flies to the writer's presence at about thirty-centimetres, just as the first of the flies spots the imminent threat and makes a "dash" for it, the writer moves at lightening-speed and cover the flytrap with the bag he is holding one or two, or three get away but the overwhelming majority get caught yesterday was the first day of the mopping up stage the last of the stragglers are being dealt with using the dienfectant spray the writer has honed his shooting skills to the point of being able to shoot them down as they are flying hang on, the writer can see one the blind to his left yep, got it, really vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - category of the dream: insects (7+) fruit flies (1)e past of a future undulation it is a combination of being both vivid and a think-read dream there is a column of men wearing "ye olde worlde" armour from head to foot the armour is a sparkling silver it doesn't look used each man is carrying a banner atop his lance every banner has a different word on it the last word of the statement is on the first banner in the dream it means waiting for the last man in the column to come into the scene with the first word of the sentence to be able to read the sentence as the scenes are being re-run they condense into a single scene, that takes in each previous scene that enables the dreamer to put the sentence-statement together the sentence/statement reads... "the living dream can't detain we who go war to defeat the evil byzantium" notes 1 from memory, this dream marks the first think-read dream in which the dreamer can move the scenes backwards and forward notes 2 the writer hasn't searched the web for the spelling or history of the word byzantium he will let the reader do that and discuss what interpretation to give to this dream with the first person to bring it up vividness: 2.8.2 - observer - category of the dream: think-read (20+) war scenarios (1) two colour-rich dreams the first is an orange-coloured dream it shows an orange-coloured plastic shopping bag crumpled into half its size there is a swarm of tiny fruit flies crawling in every nook, cranny and crease of it notes 1 the writer is finally getting the better of a two-year-long battle with an infestation of fruit flies after trying sticky fly paper, disinfectant sprays narrow-necked fruit-juice bottles smeared with orange juice concentrate the solution is to lure the flies into a folded orange-coloured shopping bag by putting segments of fresh oranges on the inside of the bag then, when the flies are busy gorging on the traces of orange, the writer slowly moves to the shopping bag with another orange-coloured shopping bag the bag the writer is going to snare them with is fully open the trick is to move the bag and his-self in slow motion so as not to alarm the flies to the writer's presence at about thirty centimetres, just as the first of the flies spots the imminent threat and makes a "dash" for it, the writer moves at lightening-speed and covers the flytrap with the bag he is holding one or two or three get away, but the overwhelming majority get caught yesterday was the first day of the mopping-up stage the last of the stragglers are being dealt with using the disinfectant spray the writer has honed his shooting skills to the point of being able to shoot them down as they are flying hang on, the writer can see one the blind to his left yep, got it, really vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - category of the dream: insects (7+) fruit flies (1) 19112022 - 1573 the name of the dream: what's right and what's wrong two men are having a conversation both men are the fathers of boys the boys are the same age, about twelve the topic of the conversation is how to instil in boys behavioural traits, values, outlook etc., that will stand them in good stead it's not that they agree or disagree on what characteristics are of value rather, it is that one believes that the character of boys ocurrs naturally through the home environment and the inter-action with his peers, while the other is trying to point out that certain values have to be introduced one of the men takes the view that certain traits need to be instilled into his boy the other man takes the stance the peer-pressure and the home environment will do the same thing notes 1 think this dream was generated by watching the film "quiz show - 1994" beore going to sleep notes 2 we (evolving beings) all agree, do we not, that it is a bad idea to expose young minds to pornograhic material "porn", of course, shouldn't exist in the first place given that it does is another issue notes 3 as a sixteen-year-old, the writer went into a pub to meet someone or use the toilet a narrowish hallway entrance meant the writer had to turn his body sideways to let a mother and her daughter pass the girl is thirteen or fourteen as they pass, the young girl said, "what's he like?" the mother, it is presumed is her mother, is in her late-thirties, stiffened and her face took on a serious expression the tone of the girl's question and the reaction of her mother puzzled the writer for some reason the memory stuck it was days or years before the writer grasped the significance the mother was prostituting her daughter vividness: 2.7 - observer - category of the dream: scruples (4+) 18112022 - 1572 the name of the dream: super-hero the start of the dream, sees the dreamer coming out of a building the building might be a cinema there's a group of seven or eight young males milling about on of them tries to provoke the dreamer with a jibe the dreamer responds with, "you know, you will receive everything you give - your attempt to goad me will be what someone has or will to you" he doesn't reply another one of the group has a "go" at the dreamer a reply similar to the one the dreamer gave to the first person doesn't cause him to make another remark when another of the group says something ,the dreamer loses interest in them a young man who is not with the group of youths and is unknown to the dreamer enters the dream a member of the group of youths slight him the newcomer in the dream becomes withdrawn his body slumps a little his feelings have been hurt the dreamer realises that he is someone who is used to taking verbal abuse the newcomer to the dream isn't the type of person who responds in kind to denigrating slights, it isn't in him a lifetime of negative experiences has made him introverted a person might conclude he is a bit "slow" the dreamer says, "take no mind", in an attempt to soothe him he says something that makes the dreamer smile the dreamer throws him an admiring look the group of youths are "all at sea" as it dawns on them the person who they think is retarted has the character to make the dreamer smile non of the group have that ability the dreamer notices that the latest addition to the dream has a dark spot near his hairline above his left eye the newcomer doesn't doesn't pull away when the dreamer puts one of his fingers on the spot as the dreamer rubs the spot to remove it, it goes from being the size of a tealeaf to the size of a small smudge there are then four or five scenes that occur in "stop motion" - each scene has two, three or four frames of stop motion it starts getting bigger and bigger and begins changing shape it becomes green with four of five sides the size of a crumpled sheet of paper about the size of a tennis ball then it takes on the shape and size of a large cucumber then it takes on the shape of a slug that has eyes and mouth the slug broadens and elongates it is now the size of a five year-old it then becomes the size of a man the dreamer becomes concerned whatever it is, it could quite easily consume the newcomer the dreamer plunges both hands into the "thing" to take it away from the newcomer it comes away from the newcomer and turns into a "captain marvel" with a grey-coloured costume the newcomer is now the theme of the dream his outfit even has the stars on when it is fully formed, the newcomer has gone from the dream he has become a super-hero notes 1 possibly caused by the previous days thoughts weird and wonderful (5+) super-heroes (1+) 17112022 - 1571 the name of the dreams: the mind-mall - 299 of 400 the dreamer is asked to compile hundreds (400?) films the films are for familty viewing at the computer have put 299 films in a folder when the dream ends notes 1 this dream could be related to the first dream notes 2 highest vividness for 50 dreams vividness: 2.8.3 - observer - category of the dream: computer-related (15+) we are in a mall this mall isn't in the city centre this mall IS the city centre i kid you not it's the size of a town it has a life of its own there are no signs or notices didn't see any writing anywhere there must have been a team effort between all the main branches of science and technology psychology, time and motion... the result is subliminal-steerage by that it is meant using the known patterns in the brain a person is automatically steered themselves, through colour, the shapes of the goods on display, the positioning of the goods, whether a person is right or left-handed, left or right footed, peronality... amazingly it works imagine that? you go out to by a pair of shoes you arrive at a window and see a pair shoes that are the style you wanted, the colour you wanted, the fabric you wanted etc. there are square three-metre by three meter pillars twenty metres the pillars have a light reflective glass, not mirrors, that generates an amount of light equal to a bright, sunny day the pillars might be holding up other storeys the mall might be underground the temperature in the mall is balmy (the same temperature as your skin) notes 1 highest vividness for 50 dreams vividness: 2.8.3 - observer - category of the dream: malls (3+) 16112022 - 1570 the name of the dreams: wanted the dream starts with an air of apprehension "they" have had enough of the dreamer it's time to get him out of circulation the dreamer gets "wind" of what's afoot it's time to get out of town if he can get to another city, there's a good chance the dreamer can lay low and stay out of "their" clutches indefinitely the dreamer hasn't even got enough money to catch a bus to the outskirts of town he has an old 250cc b.s.a. motor-bike the battery is flat, and there's only a cup-full of petrol in the tank the dreamer gets the bike onto a stretch of road that has enough of a decline to enable him to free-wheel the bike until it gains enough momentum to jump-start the bike once enough momentum has built up he puts the bike into gear and disengages the clutch the bike jumps into life things are starting to go the dreamer 's way a feeling of relief enters the dream, but he's not out of the woods yet there are a couple of scenes of the dreamer going a fair bit faster than the flow of the traffic in one scene, he overtakes the traffic in front of him only to find he has gone over into the lane of the oncoming traffic there's a moment of panic before he gets back into the right lane the dream moves on now we're in the parking lot of the main shopping complex on the outskirts of the city the car park is huge, four times the size of a football pitch there are barely any cars in it it must be a sunday the dreamer must have been spotted leaving town there are police near the entrance to the buildings the car parking area is on quite a steep slope at the top of the slope, there is greenery if the dreamer can get over the ridge of the slope, he will be out of town and in the country he can stick out his thumb and hitch a ride to the next city it will be easy to find a menial job that no one else wants vividness: 2.7 - observer and participant - category of the dream: brushes with the law (5+) 15112022 - 1569 the name of the dreams: everyones a winner - petite girl in red the first dream is a ten-scene dream ten people have been assessed on their skills artistic, cooking, writing... their scores were announced in reverse order needless to say there was mutterings of protest from those with the lowest scores even the person with nine out of a possible ten had something to say the fact is they are all outstanding the dreamer 's affinity for one skill or another did figure in his judgement being in the contest was prestigious in itself there wasn't any losers vividness: 2.7 - observer - category of the dream: contests (6+) practical skills (1+) a slightly built young lady is standing just inside of the door of where the dreamer lives she is wearing a matching two-piece red jacket and skirt (stand-out visual) her black hair is neatly fashioned she wears glasses she speaks three sentences after the third sentence her head turns slowly, almost reluctantly to her left as she begins to exit the dreamer is on the verge of saying something that will give her cause to begin a conversation when the dream ends vividness: 2.6/7 - observer and participant - category of the dream: missed opporrtunities with women (2+) 14112022 - 1568 the name of the dreams: the attack of the bears - roger crane - home-hospital the dreamer has come in through the front door and makes his way into the living-room it has been transformed into a hospital room there are three nurses dressed in white and wearing masks while tending to a woman on a full-sized hospital bed (standout visual 2.8) there are monitors and tubes, a trolley with instruments and medicine on it the patient is on a respiratory equipment one of the nurses pulls the dreamer to one side the woman is dying, and her last wish is that she dies at home the dreamer is "moved" by the trouble nurses will go to give a dying person what they want vividness: 2.7/8 - observer and participant - category of the dream: dying people (1+) compassion (2+) a guy from secondary school days is the focus of the dream his surname is crane he is the second biggest male in the school the dreamer has something "on him" the dreamer is the only person who knows his prestige as a tough guy, other than his aggressive manner when he'd been drinking, due to his claim that he duffed up two guys as he was walking across a narrow bridge over a stream the whole school was talking about it the truth of the matter is he tried to bully the person the dreamer was with the night before he swung at him and missed and then tried to kick him in the crotch, lost his balance and nearly fell into the water his drunken state told him that if the two people decided to fight him, he would lose he knew the dreamer could blow his story apart he sided up to the dreamer at lunchtime and talked about nothing, in particular, to find out if the dreamer had anything to say about the night before his size intimidated the dreamer , but it was his earnest plea not to wreck his image that made the dreamer feel sorry for him vividness: 2.6/7 - observer and participant - category of the dream: bullies (3) we are under siege not an army, not a vigilante group, not a civil war it is a species of bear not your ordinary run-of-the-mill bear oh no, this species of bear is intelligent it has a crude form of language its face has expression it thinks humans are the scourge of life on earth the dreamer 's home is the focus of its attack two of us are hunkered down we have guns the other person has a fully automatic, big calibre machine gun the dreamer has a big gauge shotgun the bear is almost upon us our habitat is brick and cement it can't quite get through the doorway it is stuck part way an extremely violent scene has the person with the machine gun ripping the bear apart with bullets half of its face is blown away the dreamer becomes the focus of its attention the bear is only two metres away the dreamer "unloads" the first barrel end of bear notes 1 yet another dream brought on by watching violent scenes in a film vividness: 2.7 - observer and participant - category of the dream: violence (12+) bears (1) 13112022 - 1567 the name of the dream: flying on a bicycle - keeping oneself entertained a girl of about eleven dressed in white in her bedroom the bed, the blankets, the curtains, the door, the wardrobe and the clothes in it are white and the ceiling is more or less the same shade of white there are about eight scenes bouncing on the bed, trying different clothes on, jigging about, laughing, teeth-smiles, running from one place to another was waiting for the "punch line" of the activity but it never came notes 1 that a child can get so much enjoyment from her own company needs to be evaluated notes 2 does an all-white environment produce expansive behaviour? vividness: 2.8/8.2 - observer- category of the dream: child behaviour (1+) there are about eight scenes in the first scene, the dreamer is cycling on a 2 lane road in the country there are no cars the road is a continuous series of brows and troughs that wind to the left four or five scenes are viewed from the brows of hills all but three of the scenes show an expanse of the road of about a kilometre the scenes viewed from the brows of the hills give an aerial view of the road ahead and give the dreamer the impression of being able to fly the temptation is to "let loose" the dreamer gives in to the temptation the sensation of smooth movement at speeds of between forty and fifty kilometres happens three times (the stand-out feeling in the dream) of the three scenes that aren't panoramic, one is of the dreamer having gone too fast into a bend and has to slow down to almost a stop the second is as he passes another cyclist he recognises who it is it's ray the third is when he goes too fast into a bend and finds himself on the other side of the road and has to slow down and swerve to avoid half a dozen cyclists coming in the opposite direction at the end of the dream, all we cyclists have arrived at our destination the rider the dreamer recognised is getting out of a car the interior of the car shouts out wealth vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer- category of the dream: cycling (2+) ray (2+) 12112022 - 1566 the name of the dream: good times the dreamer is out and about he gets to talking to a guitarist doing some busking it doesn't take the dreamer long to persuade the busker to let the dreamer accompany him with his harmonica in another scene, the dreamer bumps into a lad we "hang" together for a while before he takes the dreamer to the house of somebody he knows it is the home of a dealer of hash the lat is one rung up from being a squat the dreamer whips out a couple of small lumps of hash the lad who brought the dreamer to the house comes over and picks up the largest lump and takes it back to where he was sitting and "puts one together" the dreamer doesn't mind, he has plenty of money and hash there is music playing while "stoned", people can be hyper-sensitive about the music they're listening to the dreamer recognises that the people in the room are of that ilk decide to be impish the dreamer whips out his harmonica and says something along the lines of, "this track sounds better if there's a harmonica in it" two or three people stiffen one of them is about to chastise the dreamer for having the impudence to consider he could make the song sound better the dreamer turns his head away to hide his smile they realise they have been "had" vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - category of the dream: music (7+) hash (5+) 11112022 - 1565 the name of the dream: lost in time - springy stuff the dreamer lives on the ground floor in a terraced house the row of terraced houses extends seventy-five metres or so to a break in the houses across the other side road of the break, there are three or four shops the dreamer is about to go the shops outside the house is a road the road is only wide enough for one vehicle the springy stuff is on the surface of the road all the way down the road and then for another seventy-five metres past the shops to a factory wall it isn't snow if it was it would be on the pavement as well as the road the dreamer bends down and prods the substance it is halfway between hard and soft he then manages to get his fingers under the substance and lift it up it is about five centimetres thick the substance feels as light as paper and has a paper mache-cum-rubber feel to it haven't got a clue who put ut there or why the dreamer begins walking on it the feel of it underfoot gives it a "springy" quality it didn't take the dreamer long to realise it would give him momentum and help him with walking it took just a fraction of a second of dream-time for the dreamer to decide to take a run on it it gave the extra momentum that it was thought it would the dreamer was in and out of the shops without there being a scene in the shops the dreamer turns left out of the shops and is against the factory wall seventy-five metres from the shops in the next scene the assisted movement of the springy stuff gave the dreamer the belief and confidence to sprint all the way back home he set off by the time he was passing the shops, his "puff" was flagging it would have to be a four-hundred-metre pace from there are in the springy stuff is going to be a great aid in speeding up his recovery it's as if someone had put the springy there just for the dreamer vividness: 2.7/7.1 - observer and participant - category of the dream: weird and wonderful (4+) health issues related (1) in a mall the dreamer sees a lady in her thirties she is dressed in clothes that denote she is leaning more toward being "well-off" than poor something isn't quite right every move she makes has a "hesitancy" to it the dreamer moves in closer to her her facial expressions change with her movements she goes to adust her clothing, then stops she goes to move in one direction, then stops she appears to go say something, then stops the woman is vulnerable the dreamer is considering taking her "under his wing" when the dream ends notes 1 is this a rare condition? does it exist? vividness: 2.7/7.1 - observer - category of the dream: mental and physical afflictions (1+) 10112022 - 1564 the name of the dream:s the "royals" indicted - his true colours the first scene appears to be in a barracks room it is clean and has more amenities than any barracks we've seen in films possibly it's an officers' lounge the dreamer is with a man he cares about the man is about two metres away from the dreamer he is wearing a shirt and trousers he is a good man and a friend unfortunately, he is prepared to carry out or gives orders to others that will lead to people being killed the dreamer is desperately and earnestly trying to get him to be aware of the consequences of what he will do or tell others what to do it seems he can't grasp the essential point of being equally responsible for deaths even if he didn't actually commit the murder the thought of him losing a place in heaven is more than the dreamer can bear it reaches the point when the sense of loss causes the dreamer to start crying the man reaches into his shirt he slowly lifts something out of his shirt-pocket when the entire gizmo is visible, it takes the dreamer three seconds of dream-time to recognise what it is it's a microphone it's about the size of a mobile phone and more than twice as thick the dreamer regains his composure as he realises what the "score" is the man is a double agent for the good guys the dreamer "latches on" to what is happening and is about to pretend-berate him when the dream ends vividness: 2.7/7.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: double agents (2+) another think-read dream an extraordinarily revealing indictment of the way the "royal" infrastructure maintains its grip on the way the general public sees them the whole can of worms is opened when a jockey or horse owner exposes some of the ways that the "royals" horses get to win more than they should especially on those occasions when winning a race carries more prestige than the prize money it is revealed that brittle plastic with jagged edges is put under the saddle when the jockey wants to get an extra "burst" of speed, he presses his body into that area of the saddle where the plastic is it is imagined the rear end of the saddle, being closer to the hind quarters, will produce the "best" response you will have probably noticed that jockeys use a crop (whip) to induce pain to make the horse giddy-up one of the people making the claims of brutality speaks out publicly he announces he has been threatened with death if he persists he ignores the threats and continues to express his feelings that happens when people with a thread of ethical fibre in them reach a point where the repercussions of the circumstances which are known to be false are so blatantly obvious it's less of a worry to die than it is to live a lie the surprising revelation is that some members of the "royal" family know they are devolving beings (taking your eye off the future and living for the moment) further, they have known for the better part of two thousand years vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read dream (15+) the royal family (1) 09112022 - 1563 the name of the dream: easy breezy, nice n'neasy if it takes on, then we shall know if the next round of easy-peasy n'easy can get going into the next round of easy peasy we shall see that the go that the we could get an account of the way things go for the next round of easy-peasy notes 1 the dream had about five sentences each sentence has between five and sixteen words in it notes 2 if you think think-reading is difficult wait until it comes to doing sums in a dream: see 23112017 vividness: 2.7 - participant - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (12+) orange-coloured (7+) 08112022 - 1562 the name of the dreams: the impenetrable folder - the chreily folder don't remember any details of the dream before it got to the scene showing a paper folder, the kind used in offices the folder had the words "the chreily folder" on it notes 1 the fact that it is the theme of a dream means it has significance it may have relevance in a future dream vividness: 2.7 - participant - observer - the category of the dream: paper folders (1) at the computer, tidying up and moving things around there is a folder with the word covid on it a quick look in the folder reveals there is a crucial bit of information missing tried three times to re-name the folder and failed woke up feeling frustrated notes 1 is there anybody out there who can change the names of folders in their dreams? vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computers (12+) re-naming folders (6+) 08112022 - 1561 the name of the dream: three's company, fours' a crowd - am at the computer the computer is next to the window the window is slightly open there is a brisk breeze the brisk breeze is making the roller-blind move the bottom of the cord of the roller-blind has a metallic bobble the metallic bobble keeps banging against a metallic heater the sound it makes is distracting it is amost jarring that happens five or six times an unseen voice says, "it'll stop in a minute" the clanking sound stops instantly the voice is soft, it also has a penetrating, all pervasive quality the dreamer thinks that you-know-who has just made her/his prescence known notes 1 as is mentioned in the proloque, the prescence of you-know-who accompanies every evolving being throughout her or his passage on their way to person to person contact with her/him met a girl a week ago who is in touch with her/him you've got to experience her/his prescence to appreciate and revel in it dreams are but one way of doing it vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: the prescence factor (7+) the first and second scene four of us, a female and three males, are on our way to the car park - from whence we came, we know not at the car park, a male wearing a white jacket points to a car and says, "i've got us a lift, it's only twenty quid" the dreamer says, "i'm not paying £20 when a taxi is £10" the guy in the white coat veers to the left and out of the dream as he realises he won't be "fleecing" the dreamer tonight the third and fourth scenes the three of us are entering the market near the main shopping area inside the market, the dreamer hands over a couple of notes to the girl and boy and says, "get yourselves something to eat" the fifth scene we have all got our arms full of shopping the sixth scene we get back to my place our spirits are high the dream ends vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends, family and acquaintances (25+) 07112022 - 1560 the name of the dreams: a great kisser - the digger and the forklift within fifty metres of where the dreamer lives, road construction is underway one of those dinky toy-type diggers is gauging out a trench to get at pipes or cables two of us go to watch the goings-on during a conversation with the construction team, it turns out they have another job to do when they are finished with the current repairs they have a problem though they can't figure out how they are going to get the digger up a steep incline and into position to begin the next job without bringing in large and expensive trucks to move the digger back home, the dreamer suggests a way it could be done to his companion the dreamer has the idea of winching the digger up from the lower to the higher ground full of good intent, the dreamer thinks it would be a feather in his cap if they surprise the work-men and get the digger into position when they turn up the following day we do so and are rewarded fresh on the back of that, another problem of logistics crops up with a dinky toy-type forklift again the dreamer and his companion decide to move the digger and have it ready to do the next bit of work the following day it means laying down planks across a two-metre gap we lay down the planks and get the digger to where the planks are it's then that the precariousness of the manoeuvre becomes highlighted the dreamer isn't certain the planks are sturdy enough to take the weight of the digger the distance from the planks to the ground below is about twenty metres if the planks break and the machinery goes crashing to the ground, it is certain death for the dreamer the dream ends as the dreamer realises the danger vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: construction sites (4+) was at somebody's house there are about a dozen or so people couldn't see any chairs there are bean bags and scatter cushions around the walls a happy face with black hair sits down next to me the room is so crowded our faces are only a few inches away after a couple of sentences, we are kissing her mouth and lips are the wettest the dreamer has ever experienced (stand-out feeling) she takes the lead it becomes an x dream at one point, she sits the dreamer up and speaks over his shoulder to someone she then lies us back down again girls don't come any more relaxed with boys than this girl vividness: 2.7/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x dream (7+) 06112022 - 1559 the name of the dream: paul and i it is about half-past dusk the dreamer is in the dip of town near the bus station the gaumont cinema is at the top the road to the dreamer 's left he is headed for the centre of town a voice asks for directions the dreamer recognises the face the moment he looks at him it is paul mccartney not sure which of the two of us is the more thrilled the dreamer pours praise on the band the dreamer says, "your melodies are right up there with beethovan" the dreamer begins singing "i wanna hold your hand" paul latches on to the "vibe" and joins in we sing all the lines of the song and the first chorus (stand-out part of the dream) tried a couple of times to take the falsetto, but we didn't quite sync "it's easy to tell who wrote which songs", the dreamer says the dreamer continues, "i think "things we said today" is my favourite of yours" the dreamer doesn't hide his belief that john wrote the best melodies paul isn't "phased" he's too famous to let it bother him vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: celebrities (7+) paul mccartney (1) 05112022 - 1558 the name of the dreams: 1st class - two lifestyles - the kamikaze green fly a one scene dream the dreamer has the overriding thirst and is about to drink a half-pint of an unknown liquid the moment the dreamer initiates his arm to bring the glass to his mouth a green fruit fly dives into it the fly lands with one or two of its left legs in the water the dreamer thinks to scoop it out with a finger before he can do that the fly slips into the lquid proper the dreamer is weighing up whether he still wants to drink the iquid with the fly on the other side of the glass he is considering that when the greenfly starts sinking it has sunk below the level of the liquid that is visible in the dream when the dream ends without the dreamer having quechced his thirst vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: flys (2) watching a group of four or five women they are wading in the water at the beach the water is lapping around their ankles they appear to be doing something the dreamer is trying to figure out what it eventually becomes clear they are waiting for the tide to go out when the sea has receded, it reveals rocks the size of "under the counter" refrigerators clinging to the rocks are colonies of whelks the scene changes, although the theme stays the same from an elevated position we are viewing an area four or five kilometres by four or five kilometres of what could be the artic or antartic some rocks are poking out of the ground at the bottom of the mountains of snow it is dotted with one or two groups of people somehow the people are eking a lifestyle out of the apparantly barren land a half-a-dozen scenes of this vast expanse dominate the visual aspect of the dream vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: someone "in the know" gets permission to hold a party in the fuselage of a plane the plane has been decommissioned, and its wings have been removed it is a jumbo-sized fuselage there is ample room for people to walk and dance in the aisles the dreamer is the host he decides to start things going with some meditation music - that didn't work out quite right the music is being fed through the plane p.a. system the planes p.a. is in mono, and the effect is lost via the planes p.a. the dreamer apologises for the lack of effect not to worry to the rescue comes the ever-popular track "in the music" - people begin nodding and swaying the party is underway in one scene, the dreamer does a nerdy thing while standing to the left of a girl while she's looking forward, the dreamer stretches out his right arm and taps her twice on the shoulder there's an automatic response from the girl she turns around to her right to see who it is when she sees an empty space, she automatically turns to look at the dreamer the dreamer anticipates she will do that and has started talking to someone in the next scene, we hear a male explaining to the girl what happened in the next scene, we see the girl doing it to someone else food enters the dream the party is ongoing when the dream finishes vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: parties (7+) 04112022 - 1557 the name of the dream: dogs "to order" this dream starts off as a think-read dream and changes into a regular-type dream in terms of time, the think-read dream took up most of the r.e.m. - the theme of the two types of dreams is the same it is set in the darkest days of the covid lockdown the words in the think-read dream are highlighting one of the more bizzare crimes people are turning to in order to get money thieves are breaking into peoples houses not to steal the family silver but to steal dogs of a particular breed small dogs are in demand chihuahuas are fetching £200 the think-reading then goes on to say how heinous the crime is the dream becomes a "regular" type of dream the way of combating the crime is to have an "identity/locacation" chip inserted into the dog it costs a few hundred quid but what's that compared to knowing where you dog is? a new service is born more money that can be taxed notes 1 lord denning... "it is every english mans duty to avoid paying tax" notes 2 have you noticed that the mainstream media will make a big thing of what one person or another said but never brings to our attention the "real" crime of abductions? vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: mixed categories (4+) think-read + regular (4+) animals (19+) mammals (11+) dogs (8+) 03112022 - 1556 the name of the dream: the past of the future an ultra-violent dream gargoyle faces, sadistic personalities and skin flayed to the bone must have been eight or ten scenes of extreme brutality cause of the dream? watched the film "the passion of christ" before going to sleep in the not-too-distant future, when we have separated from beings with death-outcome tendencies, everything that is not in harmony with love/life will have been expunged from our environment and memories with this type of content will not surface the hollywood characteristic of presenting the general population with ultra-violent realities is that facet of america the world can well do without notes 1 third consecutive day as an observer! vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: violence (8+) 02112022 - 1555 the name of the dreams: the wordsmith programme - the reader can give this dream a name - the swarm the dreamer is at using his mobile phone he is going through his files and deleting the ones he no longer uses he comes to one file that he can't even remember using the file is in a folder that has the picture of an orange on it - see also 24112017 the bottle starts to crawl with flying insects (stand-out visual) the insects are as small or smaller than ants the dreamer is disturbed it seems the insects are in the real world and not in the dream notes 1 the story behind this dream starts about two years ago the writer is in the bedroom sorting out his belongings it has to be mentioned at this point that the belongings he is sorting out haven't been moved for years and years one boxful of items has about fifty different things in it some of the tins have got rust on them we can safely say that the tin that is about to be opened is more than five years old, perhaps longer the tin is about the size of a bar of soap i open the lid and a cloud of flying insects, about the size of a clenched fist, headed straight for my face the bodies of the flying insects are smaller than ants by far it startled me anyway, that, i thought, was that back to today earlier today i opened the lid of the waste bin in the kitchen to put something in it as soon as the light got into the waste bin, it triggered a mass migration of the aforementioned insects out of the bin and into the kitchen there were everywhere before i could react it was disappointing up until yesterday had been winning the battle sticky flypaper was doing its job it will take three or four days to whittle down their numbers again you gotta hand it to them though they put us to shame when it comes to proliferation notes 2 how did they manage to survive for years in the dark without food? notes 3 an orange-coloured dream vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: insects (3+) fruit flies (1) there is an ongoing local or regional or national or continental or worldwide competition every day or week or month or year that produces the most liked sentence it is an all-inclusive, ongoing competition in which participants rate their favourite sentence there could be a top ten for each language! the programme is a more sophisticated version of the word prediction program in a mobile phone for e.g. the person starts a sentence, the programme then constructs and completes the sentence based on the word or words typed in let's say there are twenty-two thousand words (there are a lot more) in the english language following the simple rule of a subject, predicate and object (the cat sat on the mat) for any and every sentence, there will be millions upon millions of possibilities there are a couple of scenes of the programme constructing sentences then there is a scene where we see seven or eight marble-sized bits of rock being spilled from a hand onto a surface it is thought that the purpose is to form a recognisable object vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the1 dream: word programmes (1+) the second dream is, mmmmmm, well, let's say it's "earthy" it is three or four scenes it shows women standing up and peeing with their knickers on! notes 1 where this dream came from is anybody's guess notes 2 the writer is sure the reason the dreamer responds lustily to the sight of sensuously-shaped buttocks and upper thighs is that it is built into our being it is believed, more than hoped, that a males response to a woman standing up doing a no. 2 would be different notes 3 two consecutive days of observer-only dreams! vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: reader designated (1+) 01112022 - 1554 the name of the dream: m.r.d. from memory, it's the first x dream as an observer vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: x dream (18+) 31102022 - 1553 the name of the dreams: the running man - acid rules two lines of the song "rock around the clock" are playing over and over the dreamer is waiting for it to change it doesn't the "anti-repeat" mechanism of the mind kicks in and varies the beat it gives the dreamer an idea for a new format of acid music vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: music (9+) rock n' roll (1+) the dreamer has to be somewhere, fast he hasn't got a car can't afford a taxi he starts running the running is almost effortless the running continues for about a mile and a half he is pleased that he has got his running legs back he starts to come out of the sleep he realises he hasn't got his running legs back he feels despondent there is still time to get up and running notes 1 time will tell if this dream is the future of the present notes 2 this is one of two or three dreams of running in the last couple of weeks didn't write them in at the time as they, like this dream, didn't have a theme to them vividness: 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream: running (5+) 30102022 - 1552 the name of the dream: doicosagon dice a vivid dream set in the future society is ultra-well organised every individual is on fixed credit/allowance the first scene sees the dreamer at home and alone (stand-out visual) he is completely satisfied with his life his accomodation status is single the apartment blocks may house married, married with children there may be baby/children/parents/grandparents accomodation as well as well as "singles" in the apartment block we don't know from the dream a single persons apartment is small but is designed to give the impression of space the flat has a hallway, a kitchen, living-room and bedroom the bathroom/toilet don't feature in the dream when the kitchen and bedroom doors are open and, along with the hallway, there is a real sense of space the living-room can seat six or seven people in the first scene, the dreamer is on his own alas, all is not well in this utopia in the next scene there are two of us we are discussing the plight of someone known to the the dreamer 's friend/acquaintance but not the the dreamer the male we are talking about has got his-self into a mess with his credit/allowance a credit is twenty units a unit is the equivilent of a penny or cent, the smallest value of the credit/allownce this utopia is wealthy the basics, food, clothes, energy etc., are amost given away what people do for recreation and work isn't in the dream there is enough wealth for people to get a substantial amount of credits on demand a figure of ten or eleven thousand is available however, failure to comply to the strict repayments conditions brings harsh repurcussions* this is the issue we are discussing in the next scene we are in an hospital-type setting and meet the chappie not able to manage his credits it is immediately obvious to the dreamer young man is "flighty-minded" put simply, he hasn't go the capacity to "do arithmetic" he needs an assistant it emerges that he is using his credits to play a game of 22-sided dice (doicosagon) the solution is to "cap" his credit card so that he can only draw out an amount too small to be of concern of his daily "allowance" there are twenty two units in one credit the game is universally played for one unit a game the goal of the game is to predict the outcome of the doicosagon dice the chance of getting two dice of the same number is 21/1 having come to an uncomplete but workable solution, the dream and the dreamer move on the dreamer is off for a game of doicosagon dice he has two credits and has got a "thing" about the number twenty-two note 1* it is the "freedom to do" or free-will theme being highlighted in this dream vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: betting (1+) dice (1+) 29102022 - 1551 the name of the dreams: the 208 - uncompromisable - exercises to follow the dreamer is in the company of four or five young men we are in the army the dream is set in the camp's gymnasium we are not training because we are part of the gymnastics team we are there for fun there is a pommel horse, gymnastics rings, floor mat etc. the dream ends before anyone does anything vividness: 2.67 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: gymnasiums (1) this dream may be connected to the previous one the dreamer works for a company that makes high-tech equipment for satellites and the like the manager of the department the dreamer is attached to, is connected by blood to the top echelon of the company the manager wants the dreamer to say something on his behalf the manager has done something wrong the best thing he can think of is to "rope" someone else into it and divert some of the attention from him the dreamer realises it will affect his entire working life if he does and says no to the manager the manager says, "if you don't help me, i'm going to tell everyone that you smoke cannabis" the dreamer says, "there's one problem with that" the manager says, "what?" the dreamer also knows people who have influence and says, "people are more likely to believe me than you" vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: the workplace (8+) hi-tech companies (1+?) the dreamer is awake at 01:00 when the phone rings it is two girls they are regular visitors they want to come over the dreamer says, "absolutely not, i'm not that sort of person" (joke), and then, "i'll leave the door open" in the next scene, the doorbell rings the dreamer gets up and goes to the door on the way to the door the dreamer is wondering... why they didn't walk in at the door, the two girls are with the landlord the landlord has two "heavies" in tow the dreamer 's quizzical expression prompts the landlord to say, "i've come to collect my 208" haven't got a clue what he means without so much as an "excuse me", the three males walk past and into the living room to the dreamer 's amazement, they begin hacking into one of the walls the dreamer asks, "are you going tell me what this is about?" no reply again the dreamer tries to get an answer, "will you please tell me what you're doing?" no reply so, the dreamer thinks, their not going to tell him anything there's nothing he can do whatever it is their after, it's sure to have an illegal "vibe" to it the dreamer considers telling them he is going to call the police then realises it would be a bad idea the dream finishes vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dreams without a theme (1+) 28102022 - 1550 the name of the dreams: the muscle and bones man - hot stuff - a business opportunity the dreamer gets access to a new building in a holiday resort the building is on "stilts" in the first scene we see a room about twenty by twenty metres and three metres high the walls are a shiny salmon colour (stand-out visual) a thick, clear polythene is hanging loosely against the walls the word that describes the scene is pristine the dreamer knows the agent who is leasing the rooms for the owner the agent can "swing" a favourable deal for the dreamer each room is independant of every other room each room is sound-proof the scope is endless a large photographic studio, a small cinema with tiered seating, a conference room, a keep-fit gym, luxury apartments, restaurant... renting two rooms would be a sound investment vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business (10+) there's cold going around it seems as though everyone is getting it it was thought one way of tackling it is to turn up the setting on the water heater the dreamer "bought-in" to the idea what he didn't realise was just how hot the water would get when the dreamer turned on the tap to do something, he simultaneously jumped back and yelped as he pulled his hand away he still had the "subroutine" in his noodle of the water being hot but not too hot there are two other people nearby who are aware of what the dreamer has done one of them says, "go on, you big pussy" someone has challenged the dreamer 's "manliness" the dreamer says, "you couldn't keep your hand in the water for two seconds" that was it as quick as a flash, he was at the sink and ready to show the dreamer what being a man is all about the stream of water wasn't giving off steam so it couldn't be that hot he stuck the back of his hand into the flowing hot water with lightening fast speed, he pulled his hand from the water he says, "i didn't know it was that hot" he discovered what the dreamer discovered a minute before water doesn't have to be giving off steam to be able to cook something note 1 this is the writer has experienced pain in a dream, albeit for only a fraction of a second taking a broader view of it, the writer thinks that dreams with pain in them is a dimishing circumstance e.g. a hundred this undulation, ninety nine in a ten thousand undulations from now, ninitey eight in in twenty thousand undulations from now etc. vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: hot water (1) in town and on the way to a "watering hole" in the pub, there is a mini-event about to "go down" it is an exhibition arm-wrestling challenge there is this guy who is about 170 centimetres tall he is rough-hewn and as rugged as the face of a mountain his bunched muscles, easily seen through his clothes, are extensions of his bones when it comes to strength in a small package, this guy is it he has an aide who is doing all the talking the aide has a chalkboard giving the odds to anyone who wants the challenge the writer is game not sure what odds his aide gives the dreamer , but the fact that there are not three numbers on any side of the backslash doesn't reflect the reality of the outcome the dreamer does a bit of heavy breathing and loosens up with shoulder shrugs in the next scene, we are seated at a table facing each other the command, "go" is given the dreamer tightens his grip and pushes then the dreamer swings sideways and, using his left-hand, grabs the hand of the person nearest to him then the dreamer indicates with his head to the person nearest to the person whose hand he has just grabbed to hold onto the first person the dreamer held hands with if the dream hadn't ended there, there is a strong possibility one or both arms could been pulled out of their sockets notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking about an awake-time incident from about six months ago the writer is in a pub and in a playful mood he challenges a man twice his size to an arm-wrestling match the man went along with the writer's suggestion we sit down, and the match commences within a couple of seconds, the writer reaches out and grabs a solid wooden fixture then, still clasping the man's hand, he stands up and beckons other people to help him vividness: 2. 7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: arm-wrestling (1) 27102022 - 1549 the name of the dream: playing with fire the dreamer is physically-handicapped and needs two walking sticks to walk he is practising using them in the house it is a tricky business balancing and using maximum strength at the point when the dreamer needs just a little more effort to get into the standing position, his balance is at its most precarious determined to stand, the dreamer concentrates more on the effort than the balance the dreamer loses his balance and falls to his front it must be winter an open fire is burning the dreamer 's head goes into the hearth fortunately, it is a small fire the dreamer 's reflexes are not impaired he manages to push himself backwards and out of the hearth before the flames have time to have an effect in the next scene, the dreamer 's younger brother is having fun with the walking sticks he is playing in the same place as the dreamer was in the first scene he makes the same mistake as the dreamer did in the first scene and falls forward into the fire being younger, smaller and more agile than the dreamer , he's out of trouble before he gets into it that's not the point the situation could easily have resulted in serious injury the dreamer scolds his brother with the words, "that's exactly what happened to me - don't you ever, ever touch those sticks again" vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: potentially dangerous outcomes (3+) fire (2+) brother (3+) 26102022 - 1548 the name of the dreams: a penny short - who nose? a male lion is balanced on its nose it looks at ease it may be a stuffed lion it may be a live lion doing its "party-piece" in a zero gravity circus in space your guess is as good as mine vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: one-scene dream (10+) animals (14+) mammals (12+) lions (2+) the dreamer is in the local "corner" shop he buys items that cost eight pounds and-fifty pence he digs into his pocket, brings out all the money he has and puts it on the counter there is one note the rest is coins using one finger, he pushes the money across the counter, counting it out as he does so five pounds... six pounds... seven pounds... eight pounds... eight-pounds-twenty... eight-pounds-forty... eight pounds forty two... eight pounds forty four we don't know if the shopkeeper let's him off with a penny notes 1 a present tense of time vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: shopping (5+) 25102022 - 1547 the name of the montage: maxi-plus montage - this montage went on for about twelve minutes in some ways, it would be easier to say what wasn't in this montage - the longest ever montage, about fifteen minutes (2nd longest ever montage, about 8 mins - 04052019) could, at the start, initiate what theme to have the colour is predominantly a light rust colour - a cross-check against the diet diary and see if it possible that food may have a bearing on the colour of a dream it included... to start with, it was possible to initiate the theme slightly more moving scenes than still scenes females males females and males groups an animal or two indoors outdoors sounds friends black and white scenes 200 - 300 images and scenes about thirty different themes notes 1 this montsge went on for about twelve minutes (the second longest maxi-montage went on for about seven minutes this dreams analysis thing is getting more complicated by the day according to this website there are about another three-hundred-million (300 000 000) categories of dreams and/or montages yet to emerge! vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the montage: maxi-plus (2) business (8+) audio equipment (3+) low-lifes (20+) steve (4+) 24102022 - 1546 the name of the dream: the scam-man - the name of the montage: what a biggie the anti-scam artists in this dream, the dreamer 's line of business is p.a. hire and djaying on the first day of business a stocky, ginger-haired and smartly-dressed young man arrives at the premises (stand-out visual) the dreamer 's stock-in-trade opening line is, "i have three thousand watts of speakers and five-thousand watts of amplifiers" the second boast is, "i have a five-hundred-watt orange valve amp that powers a pair of bose 800's for smaller venues that produce the most mind-penetrating sounds you have ever heard" the young man isn't moved by either statement he wants to see the equipment somethings amiss his disinterest and lack of enthusiasm put the dreamer on guard he's waiting for a response to his request to see the equipment the dreamer lies and says, "i don't keep the equipment here, it's in storage" the man gets frustrated and stresses his request to see the equipment the dreamer concludes the reason he wants to see the equipment is to know its location it's time to turn the tables on this would-be thief we arrange a time and a place to see the equipment what the dreamer is going to do is move the equipment to a different location a friend, a savvy, tough irish man, will put the equipment in an empty garage the friend will be there for the viewing he will get friendly with the "scam-man" and find out enough about to give to his "connections" this will in turn, provide the dreamer and his friend with critical information about the scam-man... address, job, "straight-up" or crooked... if he doesn't come up clean, then... the dreamer is thinking about what he will do to the scam man if he turns out to be a snake several possibilities present themselves as the dream comes to an end vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business (7+) audio equipment (3+) low-life (20+) steve (4+) 23102022 - 1545 the name of the dreams: an opportunity - dogs that died and dogs that didn't the dreamer is on his way back home there are six or so scenes in which the dreamer comes across and touches dogs each dog responds sightly differently to his touch with one exception, all the dogs respond warmly the one that doesn't respond warmly barks in a non-aggresive way the bark is more like a statement of recognition the dream then becomes the dreamer out and about with his dog he takees th dog into an abandoned building the dog discovers a fluffy bag there must be something in it which the dog wants to investigate the dog gets its head stuck in the bag before the dog gets its head out of the bag the dream becomes a six or so scene montage each scene of the montage is in colour the scenes depict different ways dogs can cause their own deaths by sticking their heads into different things the last scene of the montage shows a dog with its head stuck in a cellophane bag the dog has the intelligence to use its front legs and paws to pull the bag off vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (28+) mammals (20+) dogs (15+) unnatural deaths (1) came across a way to make a lot of money within a very short time the returns became a lot more than was expected the problem is the opportunity to "cash in" only crops up while the dreamer is out and about making sure the information is acted upon quickly enugh meant finding someone who could operate the dreamer 's computer whenever he was away from the house whoever it is will have to be able to follow the dreamer 's instructions over the phone the big worry is the money-making scheme meant the person at the computer would have to have access to the dreamer 's bank details someone who is savvy enough to operate a computer could take out as much money as they wanted there is only one person who can be relied on to keep quiet unfortunately he is a drug addict the dreamer knows him well enough to know that if push comes to shove, he will help himself to whatever amount he needs the dream ends with a vivid scene of a computer screen showing how much money is in the dreamer 's account it is a lot vividness: 2.6/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computer-related (18+) money (10+) 22102022- 1544 the name of the dreams: eight's company nine's a crowd - the non-paying customer - drunk on the job - it just ain't right on a desert-hot day, the dreamer is sitting on the ground next to a stony and dusty path that has been hewn out of the ground by the general public a young boy of about eleven years of age is the guardian of his three or four sisters and brothers the children in the boy's charge are aged between four or five to seven or eight the youngest child, a girl, is the straggler it's not just her size that is causing her to be at the end of the group she has lost the shoe from her right foot the dreamer is watching her as she is trying to avoid stepping on jagged stones (stand-out visual) the dreamer 's heart goes out to her he stands up and goes to the eldest boy the dreamer is going to give the young lad money the dreamer says to the boy, "will you take money and buy shoes for the girl?" "i'm not allowed to take money", the boy replies the dreamer starts thinking about the injustices in the world as he begins to wake vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: poverty (3+) children (1+) am in a shopping mall it is a narrow mall, wide enough for about five people the dreamer is loking into the window of a woman's fashion shop the dreamer isn't sure why he went into the shop it may have been because it was so colourful walked through the door and to the left almost immediately, an african woman with a beautiful "beamer" came from behind a rack of clothes and said, "hello" her expression is that of a woman who is full of fun it was so captivating the dreamer 's reply of "hi" has a stuttered laugh in it the woman retreats back behind the clothes rack now the dreamer is feeling awkward the woman was too eager to engage a potential customer the dreamer gets the feeling she is desperate to make a sale there's nothing he wants as the dreamer starts to wake, he thinks he should say to the woman, "i was thinking that if there was just one item in the window, it might capture the imagination of passersby more than lots of items do" vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: shopping (2+) in a shopping mall it is not the same mall as the first one this one is five times bigger than the first one the dreamer is looking through the window of a chemist's shop he sees an item, shaving blades, he wants the dreamer goes into the shop and makes the purchase the cashier say's, "your card has been declined" the cost of the blades is less than two pounds was the amount too small for the shop to make a worthwhie profit? the dreamer asks to speak to the manager a man in a shiny, grey suit with small black-speckles enters the dream the dreamer wants to know why his card has been denied the dreamer doesn't hear the words the manager speaks because the dreamer catchces a whiff of his breath within two words of what he is saying and is taken aback when he smells alcohol on his breath the dreamer then notices he is swaying then further still, his eyes are glazed over to make things even worse, the manager gets on his high horse and starts verbally demeaning the dreamer it's too much for the dreamer the dreamer turns to two women within a metre or two and says says in a raised voice, "this man is drunk" one of the two women says, "yes, we know - it's disgusting" the manager starts backing off vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: shopping (3+) declined card (1) not sure if the dreamer has moved to a new town or has decided to change his regular saturday night out for a new one the dance finished about eleven o-clock in the next scene, there are about eight of us in the car park the dreamer follows the main body of people to where the cars are parked he notices that a doube-door with push-down metal bars is open the dreamer has figured-out by now who the main-man is and says to him, "is that door meant to be left open?" the elderly man in his thirties looks to where the dreamer is looking the man stops dead in his tracks he has made a serious gaffe and double-times it to the door and closes it the dreamer is not trying to impress the man and goes on to say that it may be an idea to have a couple of cars and drivers to take the regular ladies home at the end of the night the man realises the dreamer is not just a "hanger on" but has got his wits about him the man tells the dreamer to go to one car in particular, they will take him to the "after hours" party they are going to at the next place, the dreamer is sitting with the eight or so people that were in the car park one girl isn't with a male the dreamer sees his chance and offers to get all the ladies a drink the dreamer gives the girl without a partner special attention and gets her a double of the drink she asked for the dreamer 's "move" on the girl does not go unnticed by the rest of the group smiles and suggestive remarks are the closing images of the dream vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - time-tenses: 1, 4, 6 - the category of the dream: socialising (7+) - three-themed dream (7+) 21102022 - 1543 the name of the dream: the latest thing the latest fad sweeping societies is a health/nature fad it is not a fun fad like a yo-yo this fad has, and is, to be taken seriously specifically, it is shoes made of a black material that looks like foam with small mounds that taper to a point the points are about the same size as the bottom end of an ice cream cone there are about a dozen mounds evenly placed on the bottom and sides of each shoe the benefits of the shoes are to be had at night it is hinted there may be a connection to a natural event like a full moon, although that isn't emphasised in the dream what is emphasised is that the foam-like shoe comes into contact with a natural surface... sand, grass etc. the user is advised that they will get the full benefits when no socks are worn the dreamer 's girlfriend swears by it the dreamer knows better than to call into question her belief-system on the contrary our relationship will be more harmonious and pleasurable if the dreamer goes along and enthuses with her the dreamer is hiding his true feelings the fad has all the hallmarks of a media-fuelled advertising campaign that has a "latest-discovery-of-natural-circumstances" feel to it the fad will continue to gain popularity until people realise they still catch colds vividness: 2.7 - observer - time-tenses: 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 9 - the category of the dream: fads and fashions (2+) footwear (1) the tenses of time 20102022 - 1542 the name of the dream: survival in a world where staying alive is a feat comparable to a miracle, small bands of people somehow eke out a meagre existence in this dream, the dreamer is an observer he is observing how a group of ten or so do it patchwork and makeshift clothing a slither of fish or meat, and a "coin" of carrot is a banquet they are looking for anything that can be eaten without being cooked scavaging for food is only allowed during daylight hours at night they have to return to where they slept the night before nighttime is when the devil-worshippers gather-up people their "home" is a prison cell it is the size of a bedroom the bars of the cell are about twenty-five centimetres apart the secret of their ability to survive is revealed in the last scene of the dream a man from india enters the dream he brings food and other necessities he walks up to the bars of the cell and begins pushing himself against them the harder he presses his body against the bars, the more the bones of his body "mould" into a shape that enables him to squeeze through the bars it is a startling sight that causes the dreamer to wake notes 1 there is only one dream that comes to mind where the people are more oppressed (2402018) notes 2 we really are in a time of global oppression oddly, there will be ordinary people who go through these turbulent times without feeling the inconveniences or restrictions notes 3 is there a condition that allows a person to change the structure of bones? vividness: 2.7 - observer - time-tense: 9 - the category of the dream: oppressive societies (20+) 19102022 - 1541 the name of the dream: cloning this dream begins with the dreamer talking to someone who wants to know what cloning can and can't do the dreamer has mixed emotions and contrasting conclusions the dreamer is trying to soothe a young male the tone of the conversation suggests he is unsure as to what his fate will be he wants to know if the person he is now will be the same if he is cloned a second time the defining characteristic is the memory the dreamer is hesitant when it comes to the theme of continuity of memory if the person is cloned a second time and doesn't have memories of his first cloning then cloning is a dead-end procedure the dream ends when the dreamer decides not to mention the "litmus test" of the continuity of memory notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking about the continuity of evolving and devolving beings during the day notes 2 there's a telephone-book-sized entry that could be devoted to explaining the variations inherent in cloning notes 3 films that examine the issue of cloning - and notes 4 another vivid dream - three consecutive higher-than-average vivid dreams! vividness: 2.8/2 - participant and observer - time-tense: 7, 8 or 9 - the category of the dream: cloning (1+) people (1) 18102022 - 1540 the name of the dream: the computer newbie the dreamer is online explaining via a type-chat how to download programmes and films to a newbie to the wonderful world of the internet the nebie, is having real difficulty following the procedure after several "runs at it" the dreamer decides to do things the easy way the dreamer gives the newbie his username and password for the programme that will enable her or him to download the films the sense of excitement and achievement of the newbie as the newbie sees a file downloading onto her or his computer is palpable the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own voice congratulating the newbie on her or his achievement notes 1 the vividness of the screen in this dream is moving towards being 3D vividness: 2.8/9 - participant and observer - time-tense: 8 - the category of the dream: computer-related (14+) 16102022 - 1539 the name of the dream: as sweet as candy the dreamer is in the foyer after he has bought his ticket and now has the serious task of getting sweet treats to accompany the film in the next scene, the dreamer is wheeling a large wire shopping basket into the stalls in the basket are thirty or more packets and bars of sweeties obviously, the dreamer won't be eating all the sweets the extra sweets are for the people who didn't get any sweets when they bought their tickets and will realise part-way through the film they forgot to buy sweets the dreamer wheels the shopping basket down the incline of the aisle on the left side of the room because it's on an incline, the dreamer puts the brakes on at an appropriate moment during the film the dreamer goes to do "the rounds" and starts on his journey to offer the basket of sweets to the other people the braking mechanism of the trolley is slightly jammed and is so tight the dreamer has to push extra hard to get it to move the trolley shudders and stalls as the dreamer pushes it it takes more and more effort to get the shopping basket moving it becomes so stiff it makes a grinding sound as it 's moving the sound it makes takes on a life of its own it's like a rhythmic beat in the next scene, a couple of the staff in the cinema are "on my case" between the sound of the trolley, the beam of the torches and the staff talking, it is impossible for the audience to watch the film the film will have to be stopped the staff realise the dreamer isn't being deliberately disruptive but is a simpleton of some sort with a minimum of fuss, the staff escort him out of the viewing area note 1 you can expect childishly simple actions like this from the writer a few lifetimes further on into this undulation vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - time-tense: 8 - the category of the dream: misplaced good intentions (1+) cinemas (1) the name of the dreams: you can lead a horse to... - cartography a four or five-scene think-read/write dream that sees the dreamer reading and amending the boundaries of the fir trees of an area of russia in the last scene, the dreamer starts to wake up when he realises that after making a change to a line of information the newly-entered data is placed in the middle of another sentence e.g., "five babies makean apostrophe here a quintet" the frustration of not being able to move the mouse into the position and delete the new wording becomes too difficult and causes the dreamer to wake notes 1 a rust-coloured dream... vividness: 2.7 - participant - time-tense: 5 - the category of the dream: on a verbal and written chat platform an energetic, although the word heated would describe it better, conversation is ongoing the dreamer is on the receiving end of a barrage of messages and verbal as things progress, it becomes clear that the bias comes from the american war of independence and still infects a large swathe of the american psyche in an attempt to impress upon the people in the talk what's going on, the dreamer tries to point out that the amercans are still being taxed by the british as much as they ever were, aren't getting through the arguing went on and on the dreamer realises that their bias has infected their thinking to the point of incoherence he wakes up to the sound of his own voice saying, "surely you're not going to let something that happened hundreds of years ago sway what you're thinking today" notes 1 the american chat platform, paltalk, has the most dogmatic and unreasonable collection of people the dreamer has ever encountered notes 2 unfortunately for the american's, their inherent determination to reject anything british is affecting their verbal ability to express themselves clearly it's not "the cat sat on the mat" anymore but "the cat on the mat sat" the american degradation of the english language first became noticeable some fifteen or so years ago a programme pointed out that one food, in particular, was "the best food source" for the animal... when it is spoken, the term "food source" becomes more recognisable as the notion of "a sauce for food" it wasn't until the writer watched the programme for a second time that it was the misleading phrase that caused the confusion tracing it back leads to the culprit the people who wrote the script for "star trek" back in the 1960s deliberately used the phrase "to boldly go" instead of "go boldly" that's how a powerful medium, the telly, can change the perception of an entire society every sentence in the english language follows the simple rule of subject, predicate and object even the smallest sentence, "i am", in the english language, follows the simple rule of "subject, predicate and object" has the writer has discovered, the american contempt for the british is "dumbing down" the average americans ability to express themselves in a way that doesn't leave room for misinterpretation vividness: 2.7 - participant - time-tense: 5 - the category of the dream: online chat platforms (1) paltalk (1) 14102022 - 1538 the name of the dream: uncle les in this one-scene dream, uncle les is at his unruly best never a one to shun the limelight on the contrary, he shone best when he was centre stage he was infamous for his rendition of "the silent sentry" the silent sentry is something only an army veteran will know about thankfully, the time when he was urged to perform his "showpiece" at a gathering of the clan at auntie graces', he decided not to he was the division or regiment boxing champion in his weight category by all that's holy and for reasons unknown, he gave the writer his stamp collection when he should have given them to his son jimmy two thick, a4-sized hardback folders that contained hundreds of mint penny black stamps looked them up online a moment ago they'd be worth a small fortune if the witer still had them (the reason why the writer hasn't got them is due to a break-up with a girlfriend) jimmy and the writer had two memorable times together one of them was when we both had motor-bikes one night out in the middle of nowhere on a deserted a4 road, we passed each other several times at a moderate speed the riding position on each "pass" had to be different to the one before side-riding, lying down riding, one-legged riding, standing on the seat,.. a bond formed between us that night vividness: 2.6/7 - observer - time-tense: 8 - the category of the dream: one-scene dreams (8+) family, friends and acquaintences, (32+) uncle les (1+) 13102022 - 1537 the name of the dreams: possibilities - punk makes an appearance the owner or manager of a high street cafe gives the dreamer the green light to play music until it closes at about midnight the dreamer sets up his mobile equipment the equipment fits into a large backpack the dreamer plays a mix of music the predominant genre is punk surprisingly, it gets a good response the mobile p.a. kicks out punchy, raw mid-range frequencies that grab the attention of people on two occasions, the dreamer has to go from where he is sitting at the bottom end of the cafe to the serving area to adjust the volume on one of the occasion, he crawls along the top of the adjoining benches against the back of the wall rather than walk at the end of the night there are more people in the cafe or restaurant than there were at the start of the dream vividness: 2.7.5 - participant - time-tense: 1 or 2 - the category of the dream: music (11+) punk (1) the dreamer is living where he lives now there are three people in the dream the dreamer , the dreamer 's girlfriend and the dreamer 's brother in the dream, we are talking about how good it would be if we knew now what things will be happening in a future undulation we speculated that the situation could be that the dreamer 's girlfriend might be the girlfriend of the dreamer 's brother vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - time-tense: 7 or 9 - the category of the dream: conversations of a speculative nature (2+) undulations (1) 12102022 - 1536 the name of the dream: prisoner-release day am one of a coach full of prisoners of about forty-five we are crammed in like sardines in a tin we are on our way to the hub of the county-wide rail and coach stations the dreamer is on the extreme left of the back-bench seat there are two on/off doors, one at the front and one next to where the dreamer is sitting the dreamer speaks to the person next to him he responds aggressively when the dreamer doesn't give back with something equally aggressive, he takes it as a sign of weakness he starts telling the dreamer that when we get off he wants my transport ticket and the spending money that every prisoner gets the dreamer keeps playing the part of the person the aggressive thinks he is, occasionally saying things in an apologetic way while the aggressive person is working out how much money he will get for selling the dreamer 's ticket and what he's going to do with the extra windfall, the dreamer is looking forward to seeing his face drop when the dreamer shows him he can be even more aggressive than he is the bus gets to its destination the door to the dreamer 's left opens a crowd of young men move towards the coach they intend to do what the person sitting to the right of the dreamer intends to do the dreamer gets off the coach and stays tight to the body of the coach as the guy next to the dreamer gets off, the dreamer grabs him and pins him back against the coach ten to fifteen people from the coach are being accosted by the local bullies they see the dreamer "shaking down" the aggressive person and move on to someone else a nice finishing touch to the dream is the dreamer telling the aggressive person to keep his money and ticket notes 1 the reason for prison dreams is not because the writer has done something wrong on the contrary, they exist because the writer feels constrained or "hemmed in" vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - time-tense: 9 - the category of the dream: prisons and prison-related (9+) prisoner-to-prisoner altercations (3+) 11102022 - 1535 the name of the dream: confusion am in a police station the reason for being detained isn't known the dreamer suspects it is harassment he is eventually released when the dreamer collects his jacket on the way out of the police station his phone or credit cards or notebook and pen are not with it he becomes agitated and gets vociferous when no one is concerned the dreamer is on the verge of becoming belligerent as he starts waking from the dream the realisations that my credit cards are on the desk where they usually are - my notebook and pen are on the desk where it usually is, and finally, as the dreamer become fully awake, the dreamer realise my phone is on the desk where it usually is notes 1 the practice of taking a person's coat or jacket from a person when they are detained is something the writer has experienced this undulation that makes this dream a 4, 5 or 6 time-tense mobile phones were not in use any of those times the writer has been detained by the police this undulation this makes this dream a 1, 2 and 3 time-tense the time tenses of this dream are both past and the present this dream is assigned as being a mix of tenses of time more precisely, the past of the present undulation (6) and the present of the present undulation (5) notes 2 we're aiming for are dreams that portray a future time-tense of this undulation (8) without checking thoroughly, seven or eight such dreams have occurred so far most importantly, we're trying for dreams that foresee a reduction in the quality and/or quantity of people we are, of course, able to foresee a possible calamity in many, many, situations seeing disasters in dreams is different it is believed that precognitive dreams are specifically generated the writer uses the term "timed-to-occur" currently, there is so much chaos that giving credence to dreams and acting on them isn't given an airing it will be one of the things that we can incorporate into our lives when we "get going" - vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - a mix of time-tense: 8 and 2 - the category of the dream: police stations (2+) 10102022 - 1534 the name of the dream: his last request at home (coventry 2) the dreamer 's stepfather is close to passing his stepfather gives the dreamer his credit card and asks the dreamer to get £20 cash and twenty cigarettes he stresses that he wants the "blue ribboned" variety of the cigarettes back from the shop, the dreamer isn't sure if he said blue-ribboned or red-ribboned the dreamer shouts up to him in bed, "did you want blue-ribboned?" his stepdad doesn't answer the dreamer shouts it again, a bit louder "did you want blue ribboned or red ribboned?" "did you want blue ribboned or..." the dreamer doesn't finish the sentence the dreamer awakes from the dream mid-sentence to the sound of his own voice notes 1 this dream has mixed tenses of time following the dream of 08102022, the writer believes that the time has come to assign the tenses of time to dreams the dreamer 's stepfather stopped smoking at least ten years before he passed in this, the current undulation that makes the time-tense of this dream a past time-tense (time-tense 8 - the present of a past undulation) vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - time-tense 8 or 9 - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintences (32+) stepfather (2+) 09102022 - 1533 the name of the dream: money, sex and power in an ancient rome type setting, three legal suits are ongoing the first is for bribery and corruption the second is for over-spending on the public purse the third is for debauchery the three different factions are equally confident of not being held to account proposals and counter-proposals between the three factions ensure that a one-sided outcome against one or the other of the interests of any one of the parties will not occur bribery and corruption, excessive spending of the public purse and depravity continue to flourish vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: ancient history (2+) 08102022 - 1532 the name of the dream: the party that nearly was the dreamer bumped into a girl called judy tench near where he lived judy and the dreamer are in the same class at school judy mentioned that a small group of friends had a weekly mini-house party of about eight people in a block of flats within a hundred metres of where the dreamer lived as a teenager she invited the dreamer the dreamer told her he would bring music and crisps she hesitated and said that they would be playing disco music she said martha reeves typified what they like to listen to and dance to she also hinted that they wouldn't be playing the music very loud the dreamer knew exactly, what sort of music would be appropriate and convinced her that he would play only that type of music at a sensible volume the dreamer also mentioned he would bring crisps and sausage rolls judy left the dream before the dreamer realises he didn't get the address notes 1 an interesting mix of tenses of time in this dream the writer didn't start playing music for other people until he was ten years older than he is in this dream notes 2 judy was the boyfriend of a friend from school called chris clements she, chris, self and another girl did have a double date at one of the girl's houses in the 1960s tragically, judy was killed by a lorry during a protest in the wood-end district of coventry in the 1960s or 70s vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintances (31+) chris clements (1) judy tench (1) 07102022 - 1531 the name of the dreams: an ownerless dog - the times they are a changin' as the new world order gains momentum priorities become defined surprisingly, hygene takes centre stage the most popular product is a soap called dove it becomes the norm for a woman's handbag to contain a credit card-sized, wafer-thin bar of the soap the design, patterns and colours of the soap are as varied as the people who use it the second most prioritised issue is the accuracy of information historians are agreed, the defining point of the last battle in europe was the seige of mariupol the doctrine of the law is applied extensively all in all things are on the up and up a mood of optimism pervades the dream vividness: 2.7/6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: world affairs (4+) within a scene or two, a black dog, the same as the one the t.v., comes into view to the right of the dreamer unlike the dog on the telly, the dog in the dream is wearing a red collar this dog too has a subdued m manner it's tail, like the dog in the programme, is curled between its legs it is moving cautiously toward the dreamer the dreamer throws a bit of food toward the dog the dog senses the dreamer will not harm him the last bit of the dog's tail wags while the rest of its tail stays fixed between its legs the dreamer starts to consider taking the dog with him the first thing will be to get a leash is there a name and/or an address or number on the collar? if not, the dreamer will advertise a "dog found" ad in the local paper if a person responds and lays claim to the dog, the dreamer will want to know the name the dog responds to how it came to be lost in the first place? if the person sounds like a "heel" the dreamer will say something that doesn't match the description of the dog as the dream ends, the dreamer is wondering if the person who lost the dog sees him out and about with the dog, will the dreamer have cause to challenge him in court using the argument that he doesn't or can't claim ownership of the dog by virtue of not keeping the dog on a leash notes 1 this content of this dream, was again caused as a result of watching an episode of a drama series within an hour of going to sleep in the programme the writer notices a black dog the dog's tail is curled under its body the writer wondered how the producers of the programme got the dog to act in such a subdued manner vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (10+) mammals (7+) dogs (5+) 06102022 - 1530 the name of the dream: big mouths a gruesome scene of a male lion with a snake the size of the lion's mouth while its mouth is fully open we can just about see the tip of the snake's head at the back of the lion's mouth the hindquarters of the lion are in the mouth of another, larger black snake there's some think-reading that occasionally shows during the scene the scene itself pretty well stays the same the repeating scene is due to the dreamer trying to see the whole of the black snake notes 1 never was the cause of the content of a dream more obvious during the last meal of the day, the writer was watching wildlife snippets of african carnivorous animals notes 2 this dream tells us that the trick to producing the desired content of a dream is to let your thoughts, sights, emotions etc., dwell on the subject you want to dream about during the day especially over a meal shortly before going to bed doing so will allow you to discover the extent of your genetic line in all the nine tenses of time via dream-time memories reference: tenses of time ( ) vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: carnivorous animals (3+) lions (2+) snakes (1+) 05102022 - 1529 the name of the dreams: problem solved - unresolved had to go out the dreamer decides to remove excess crockery from the cupboard under the kitchen sink one item that seemed to have been there forever without being used as a large dinner plate didn't have a bag to put it in the supermarket was only a minute away the dreamer could carry it in his hand and get a bag from the supermarket at the supermarket, the dreamer went to two or three checkout counters and asked if he could have a bag to put the plate in they all said no nor would they sell a bag on its own went to the floor manager he thought something "fishy" was going on and shook his head the only way to get a bag was to buy something now it's getting ridiculous getting rid of the dinner plate is becoming the main task of the day refused to "bin" it it was nicely decorated someone somewhere must want it the plate should have a better fate than being binned vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unwanted items (1+) plates (1) had to go somewhere and buy a heavy item am in a hurry didn't have enough to get a taxi had no option but to use the car the reluctance to use the car was because the tax disc was out of date all things considered, the car was the only option the second problem with the car was the petrol hadn't used the car for weeks but could remember it was low on petrol left the house and headed for the shop/store came to a t-junction had to turn left the road had a steep incline within a short distance after turning left, the engine started spluttering the gravity-fed petrol was not getting to the engine couldn't let the car come to a halt on a busy road it would block the traffic and bring unwanted attention couldn't reverse back into the road had just come out of, a car might be coming no use in turning right it would only take the dreamer further away from his destination on the other side of the road, there is a five-metre grass verge that separates the houses from the road managed to get the car onto it almost immediately a police car came into the dream going down the road pretended not to notice them and went to the boot of the car and began moving things around to give the impression of doing something purposeful if the police noticed the colour of the tax disc, it would tell them it is out of date things could get awkward, to say the least the dreamer did what any other self-respecting dreamer would do if they were in a sticky situation... he ended the dream vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: problem situations (12+) cars (1+) 04102022 - 1528 the name of the dreams: divide and conquer - 8 a.m. and 12 a.m. the dreamer 's brother said he would call at 8 a.m. don't know what we are scheduled to do two heavy thumps on the door woke the dreamer the dreamer shouts out, "wait" the dreamer 's brother is a stickler for punctuality he doesn't like being kept waiting knowing this, the dreamer decides to make him wait for knocking on the door so hard for a second or two the dreamer is revelling in the thought of his brother feeling the annoyance of being kept waiting the dreamer is about to get out of bed when his brother knocked again, only louder now the writer is really annoyed the dreamer gets out of bed and is going to give his brother a piece of his mind the dreamer gets out of bed and realises he is in the place where he is curently living it's not his brother, it's 12 a.m., it's the delivery man! notes 1 without doing a thorough check, this is only the second time confusion or fusion of the two states of time have inter-twined the other one is 19052021 vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: betwixt and between sleep and awake (2+) in a newly pioneered part of the world where eking out enough land for farming had been a source of animosity and violence for generations the best news possible threw the entire area into a mood of celebration a surveyor discovered that what the original settlers thought to be land that was too soft to hold the millions of tons of water needed for irrigation was, in fact, covering a vast sheet of bedrock it meant that a freshwater river a few miles away could be channelled into the immense valley of forest and pasture there would be fish, vegetables, crops and livestock in abundance even conservative estimates put the number of people who would be able to sustain themselves in the transformed landscape in the tens and even hundreds of thousands of people at the height of the speculation of the land-to-water ratio a figure of one million came into the reckoning there is no doubt, if organised properly, it would become one, if not the most populated area in the country or region the outlook kept getting better from day to day unfortunately, there are those who are more concerned with feathering their own nests to the detriment of others came into play land-grabbing became the big threat it had the potential of throwing the entire area away from jubilation into small and large collections of rivalry the dreamer identified the main culprits a small clique of about five men, each with an entourage of about a dozen men, think nothing of using violence to get their way are the people causing the turmoil of those five only two represented the spearhead of the disharmony and had to be removed the dreamer spread the rumour that he would fight one of the men on such and such a day at a place and time to some of the people who represented one of the men and spread another rumour to fight the other man amongst members of his gang there had to be an hour or so difference between the confrontations the dreamer had more than enough men ready to help him in case one or both of the men resorted to dirty tactics they would be discreetly placed at the two places it was known that both men were "dirty fighters" and the dreamer knew he would have to do the same the details of the fights are too gruesome to detail suffice to say, they were bloody and short notes 1 this dream is the result of watching too much of the news about the ukraine conflict vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: disharmony in society (2+) 03102022 - 1527 the name of the dream: twenty-thousand million years am in the process of organising all belongings two males call on the dreamer in amongst the dozens of book-type containers, each holding about twenty-five cd discs, were three or four sets of stanley knives with a complete set of blades still in their original packets the dreamer sees one of them pocket one of the sets when he thought the dreamer wasn't looking it irritated the dreamer he tried to get them to see past the immediate present and look to the future "in twenty-thousand million years, what's happening now will be less than insignificant", the dreamer said "in twenty-thousand-million years, this won't even be a memory", he added it did, of course, fall on deaf ears notes 1 the figure of twenty-thousand-million appears to have significance how far into the future is the quantisation of evolution fixed? vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: the far-off future (1+) 02102022 - 1526 the name of the dreams: harmony - my new girlfriend - the break-up had just woke up to get out of bed it meant "climbing over" my girlfriend while climbing over her was kissing her face and neck she woke up fully as the dreamer was sitting on the edge of the bed was about to stand up when she spoke to me "i'm going to leave", she said it was tone of voice that told the dreamer she meant it "there's another man", she added we hadn't been together that long but the time we had been together seemed to stretch back forever our relationship was fairly brief but the natural feelings she showed during the time to this point were undoubtedly sincere she felt it necessary to explain she had another boyfriend in another country "wer'e too different", she said and added, "you're a bit of an odd one" it was difficult for the dreamer to grasp up until this moment she had managed to keep her secret lover a secret it wasn't until now that the dreamer remembered she had mantioned she had a boy child at the time she told the dreamer she never expanded on it the dreamer concluded her mother was bringing him up plus the fact that she always said she was determined to settle down with the dreamer in this country was thinking things through whe she said, "have you got a sheet?" didn't know what she wanted it for and at that moment didn't care the dreamer said,"no" the dream ended notes 1 this dream, the writer is sure, was produced because the day before, he dwelt on an awake-time circumstance that ocurred at the beginning of the summer the circumstance... while in town shopping the dreamer needed... (details deliberately omitted - my ref: tapers) in the first shop he tried the shop had the product the saleslady wasn't the manager and and the writer cncluded, wrongly, that the saleslady wouldn't know the price, so he didn't ask her he knew where the manager was and would go and ask her the saleslady struck up a conversation we began talking completly enexpectedly, the saleslady mentioned that she never went out the saleslady stayed on that theme and was dropping hints that she wanted to go out but didn't know anyone to go out with it was obvious she was inviting the dreamer to invite her out the writer didn't respond immediately before the writer left the shop, he decided he would ask her out when he got a quote from the manager he left the shop and went to get the the price of the product he wanted from the manager the manager told him that the woman in the other shop knew the price the writer went back to the other shop and asked the saleslady the price the quote was more than twice that what the writer thought it would be he said he would think about it he thn started talking about other things to the saleslady at the opportune moment he asked the saleslady if she would like to come out with him she immediately said, "no" the writer stopped trying to fully understand women many moons ago it isn't the first time the writer has come across this attitude on the contrary, he comes up against regularly notes 1 whatever it is, those pde's which enhance or detract from the overall quality of the soul determine the quality of the dream is the soul more keen to enhance itself or maintain a balance? perhaps there is an automatic adjustment mechanism perhaps food is the main influence vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: acquaintences (12+) female (12+) 02102022 - 1525 the dreamer has just begun courting his new girlfriend she is, the dreamer is sure, his "mrs right" there's no way on this earth he's going to spoil the chance of making her his he is at the girl's home for the first time when the dreamer asks if he can take her for a night out, the girl's father begins asking the dreamer probing questions the dreamer can sense the father is concerned about the way the dreamer will treat his daughter after several questions, the dreamer 's face portrays a quizzical expression he feels he is being "grilled" the father can see the dreamer is becoming anxious the father explains his daughter was treated poorly by her previous boyfriend and the girl's mother want's to make sure the dreamer will treat her right the dreamer takes the initiative when the moment is right, he suggests to his new girlfriend we go into the kitchen and make a meal while the dreamer is in the kitchen, he asks his new girlfriend to lay the table in the adjoining dining room those times when the dreamer is in the kitchen and his new girlfriend is in the dining room he asks, in a louder than necessary voice, to make it audible to the parent's in the living room, where something is or if one thing is prefered over another or... his new girlfriend has to raise her voice to ask her mother or father in the living-room now the parents are attentive and are listening to what is being said between their daughter and her new boyfriend it is now just a matter of talking about what we should do or where we should go when we go out together for the first time keep the tone of the conversation between us light give the impression we are already an "item" the dreamer can already hear the pitter patter of tiny feet note 1 this girl in this dream is, in part, based on the writer's first-ever awake-time relationship with a girl vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, relationships and acquaintances (20+) girlfriends (12+) the beatles are doing a live concert it's a worldwide broadcast it's as much as a media event as it is a musical event)everyone but everyone is there the dreamer asks if he can join the band and sing along with the harmonies on two of his favourite songs he gets the go-ahead it might have been his imagination, but he could swear the songs sounded better when he joined in on the harmonies vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: music (11+) the beatles (1) 01102022- 1524 the name of the dream: adam and eve the dreamer makes friends with a woman and a man on the internet they are both biblical literalists (biblical literalists believe that the first people god created (adam and eve) did so about ten-thousand years ago. consequently, they do not believe dinosaurs existed) the dreamer 's explanation of current events persuades them we are in that phase the bible calls the "end of days" they travel to england and stay at the dreamer 's home further discussions in england convince them the possible imminent introduction of cards as the sole means of transactions represents the trigger for passing into "the new day" somehow, their logic tells them that the trigger which will begin the transition is if the dreamer turns off the lights in the living room and flicks his credit card against the far side of the room the dreamer obliges them when, after a few moments of palpable expectation, nothing happens, they aren't "phased" at all they reinterpret the scriptures and say, "we have done it too early, there are still a few days to go" vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: biblical literalists (1) 30092022 - 1523 the name of the dreams: the ups and downs of a varied life - the young lad the dreamer befriends an african lad down on his luck we go back to my place in the kitchen the dreamer opens the cupboards and drawers and shows him what's where the dreamer tells him to make himself a meal and leaves the kitchen in the living-room the dreamer can see the young lad from where he is sitting his curiosity is triggered when the lad opens the door of the deep-freezer and takes out something the dreamer had showed the lad where all the tinned and packeted food was there was nothing in the deep freezer he needed to make the meal in the kitchen, the dreamer goes and stands behind the young lad while he is at the sink the young lad is using a small pair of scissors to open a frozen packet of fruit the dreamer then sees that the young lad has got two piles of frozen fruit stacked up either side of the sink the young lad has put them there to thaw out there was obviously too much to eat there's no way anybody could eat all that fruit he probably didn't realise you shouldn't re-freeze defrosted food or he might have thought the food would stay fresh the dreamer is smiling to himself as he is about to explain things to the young lad vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintences (30+) food (10+) frozen food (1) fruit (1) the dreamer is on his bicycle he is in a rural environment it is an "a class" road an "a class" road usually has a tarmac surface the road the dreamer is on isn't an exception the bends and cambers of the road enable the dreamer to maintain speeds of 50 kmph "a class" roads usually join up with dual carriageways or motorways this road joined up with a "b class" road it then joined up with a lane the lane terminated when it came to a field at this point, an adult male with his ten-year-old son appear in the dream we are both going in the same direction the field we enter is a ridge and furrow field it is a few hundred metres long and has an even wider width it has a decline it is a dry day and the ground is firm we start talking the dreamer proposes that the young boy sits on the crossbar of the bike his dad says ok the young boy is having the thrill of his life, it is as if we are on a fairground ride as we are going up and down at differing speeds we start to leave the adult behind he is soon a hundred metres behind us we stop to let him catch up the adult is concerned that we might fall and injure his son he doesn't want to spoil his son's fun and proposes he would feel better if he rides the bike if there is a mishap he has only himself to blame the dreamer takes his point and lets him use the bike the final scene is the man and his son disappearing into the distance and out of sight note 1 this dream is the dreamer 's comeuppance for being a sneaky bastard yesterday vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bicycles (2+) fun and misplaced trust (1) 29092022 - 1522 the name of the dream: sneaky bastard - the name of the montage: ethnicities ethnicities first montage for a while the opening scene, looking at a wall the wall is about three metres square it has a large window frame that occupies the centre of the scene but there is no glass below that is more brick between the brick wall and the earthen ground, there is a gap of a third of a metre something crosses from the right to the left of the gap it moves too fast to be identified there is then a zoom-out of the scene it looks like the building has been abandoned for years people enter the montage the first is of a woman carrying a child they are dirty and dishevelled their clothes look like they are made of sackcloth the image typifies the expression "forlorn" the montage moves on we see the torso of a man his face is familiar but can't place him we then see a close-up of his face he looks like john voight we then see a young woman she looks like the girl who presents the details of the progress of the conflict in ukraine on euronews we then see elvis presley or his double there are then a dozen or so scenes showing people with the same facial features the writer can replay and freeze the scenes the montage is resolving a question that has been playing on the writer's mind lately which is the newest and most numerous ethnicity to have evolved? so far, and this is subject to change, it appears to be africa man, peking man, india man or ethopian man and quinary man vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the montage: mega montage (3+) rust-coloured (2+) ethnicities (1) quinary man (1) the dreamer is one of a gathering of thousands at a "super-gig" we don't know who the band or bands are it is a well organised event the queue is four or five people wide and goes on and on the dreamer is somewhere in the middle the path leading to the entrance of the town-centre-sized building has many twists and turns the dreamer is on that part of the path that slightly inclining forty-metres ahead the path twists almost a hundred and eighty degrees two or so metres above and to the right of us there are people walking up a steeply incling path in an impressive atheletic feat of agility the dreamer jumps up and graps the handrail above him and swings his body in a way that takes his feet over the rail he has just moved forward in the queue by several hundred people at the top of the incline the path levels out and turns to the left we can now see the building it is at least three-hundred metres away it's going to be more than half an hour to get to the entrance the dreamer has another queue-hopping trick up his sleeve he whips off his jacket, takes the entrance ticket out of the inside pocket and places the jacket on the floor he waits a moment or two and then asks the people in front of him if they know whose jacket it is they don't, of course there are murmers and curses coming from those people who see what he's doing but aren't inclined to do anything about it he does the same thing two or three more times he then abandons the ploy and walks to about twenty metres in front of the entrance and mingles in with the queue vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: cheating (1) queue jumping (1) 28092022 - 1521 the name of the dream: frustration in the first scene, the dreamer is looking forward into a room about three to four metres wide and four to five metres long including the dreamer , there are five people, two women and three men, in the room one of the men is in a wheelchair another woman enters the room she is carrying a four-pack of beer the beer is for the man in the wheelchair the woman carrying the beer apologises for not being able to organise a table-tennis table for the man in the wheelchair he throws up his hands resignedly the reason he is there is that the only thing he gets enjoyment from is table-tennis he is recognisably disappointed in the second scene, it is the same room and the same people again, a woman walks into the room with beer and tells the man in the wheelchair she couldn't organise a game of table-tennis the man is more than just a little disappointed he is agitated and voices his disappointment, "the only reason the dreamer has come here is that he was told he would be able to play table tennis" his carer says nothing but he too is dissatisfied with the outcome the only thing that gives the wheelchair-bound-man a sense of movement comparable to an able-bodied person is table-tennis it is the only joy in his life in the third scene, we are back in the room again same people, same place and the same woman with the beer for a third time, the woman with the beer says she couldn't get the table and bats the man in the wheelchair looks to be two and a bit metres tall he has an athletic body and weighs about ninety-kilos he explodes the way he moves his arms and body and almost comes out of the chair while doing so is intimidating more than intimidating, it is frightening this man, like an animal of the wild, could take a smaller person to pieces in seconds the dreamer realises he has to do something to calm the man down the dreamer is about to ask the woman if there is a computer on the premises he intends to buy a table tennis set-up and organise a game for the man in the wheelchair as the dream ends vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: disabled people (1) table-tennis (1+) 27092022 - 1520 the name of the dreams: the happy hotelier - sensational - the brown-shaded skin face - the miracle twins the first four-scened dream since i don't know when! the dreamer is the barman and general dogs-body of an up-market hotel that is set in its own grounds the owner/manager of the hotel relies heavily on the business that comes from the bar the second most item in demand is the coffee and tea have been working there for a long time the owner/manager gets his moneys-worth, the dreamer is worked non-stop there are plenty of perks though prestige in the local community, good pay, girlfiends... there are several elderly ladies who are long-term residents the dreamer organises tea-parties, birhday parties, bingo, day's-out the locals in the surrounding area attend many of the events it's a busy but rewarding job the years are flying by in one scene, an elderly lady tips the dreamer with valuable siver coins he kisses her on the cheek don't know who is more thrilled, the woman or the dreamer the locals also use the dreamer as a baby-sitter for kids of five-years plus in another scene the dreamer produces an assortment of games... monopoly, cards etc in another scene the dreamer is showing pre-teen girls how to play "five stones" (using the original metal, four-prong and stem type) vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: employee (7+) hotels/bar (6+) the second dream is an x-dream vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream a three-scene dream a full-face shot of girl in her early twenties she is a bit scruffy brown and slightly ginger-coloured hair her skin gas has "dirty" look to it her hair looks like it has been left to form its own style, it's straggly in some parts and neatly laid in others the really odd thing about her is the hair growing up her throat and under her chin the dreamer is thinking he should offer to shave it off using a hair-trimmer no words are spoken during the dream vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: girls faces (8+) the next dream is about twin girls twins as babies, then as twelve-year-olds as babies the girls are involved in a train crash the crash got full international media coverage at the time the injuries and deaths were so shocking the crash was given a name which became a part of the language "it was a almost as bad as the miracle-twins crash" they survived the crash without a blemish as twelve-year-olds they developed an unusual condition there are then three scenes in which we see the girls they have what look like smudges of make-up on their left cheek one the girls becomes the focus of the dream she lifts her left hand and places two or three of her fingers so they are level with, but not touching, the top of the smudge she slowly lowers her fingers down her face as she is doing so, the blemish disappears at the same pace as her fingers go down her face there are a couple more scenes of the same thing because the incident was so notorious the legal team who brought the litigation knew they would have public opinion on there side things started getting messy the government are stuck between a rock and a hard place the lawyer's representing the girls are asking for amounts of compensation never asked before the unprecedented amounts being mentioned will set a trend that will cost all future litigations, big time the counter-offensive starts the girls have been "schooled" as to what to say we don't get an outcome as to what the result is (maybe that's for another dream) vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: litigations (1) injury compensation (1) weird and wonderful (5+) 26092022 - 1519 the name of the dream: alien attack the whole world is prepared for the attack we know to the minute when it will begin we are expecting fleets of spaceships the attack comes in the form of asteroids that are steered through the atmosphere the family are together, waiting everyone in the neighbourhood understands that someone near them will have an asteroid crash into their house we are all waiting in suspense, it could be anyone within the neighbourhood what hadn't been anticipated was the volume of the crack as it hit the atmosphere (if the reader has experienced a flash of the lightning flash directly overhead and the accompanying crack above them you will appreciate just how loud the sound was) - it was the sharpest, loudest sound the dreamer has experienced in a dream we could hear the gushing of the air as the asteroid compressed the air we were looking through the living-room window and saw it crash into the front garden of a house about seventy metres away the attack had begun now we knew the severity of what to expect the dreamer went outside he was armed it was an extremely cold night a man was folding paper and handing it to us while telling us to put it into the shoulder of our jackets and coats we were assessing the lie of the land and identifying the best positions to take that would give us a direct line of fire when the dream ended vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: aliens (3+) alien warfare (2+) 25092022 - 1518 the name of the dream: poor judgement met two lads in their late teens they are down on their luck and homeless they come across as genuine guys the dreamer invites them to stay at his place a table-tennis table appears in the dream the two lads are engrossed with it and spend all day playing it doesn't take long for the table-tennis ball to find its way to where the dreamer is sitting the dreamer throws the ball back to them picking up the ball and throwing it back to them becomes a chore it sees to be happenng every twenty-seconds or so the dreamer suspects the two lads are doing it on purpose it is obvious they are "pissing about", the dreamer decides it is time for them to move on the dreamer can't be "arrist" to become confrontational he calls a friend in his friend is about five-foot six inches the friend is the no-nonsense type and lives by the rules of fair-play and common decency the young lads mistake his small size and fair-mindedness as weaknesses it takes but one fixed look and a sentence or two said in deadly earnest for the two lads to realise he is not to be "messed" with the two lads are getting readying themselves to leave when the dream ends vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: confrontational situations (3+) 24092022 - 1517 the name of the dream: the copyright straitjacket while at the computer, a message displays on the screen the dreamer remembers downloading a programme a few days before and recognises the name in the message the message says that by using the programme for political reasons, the dreamer had breached copyright and that a lawsuit had been initiated note 1 two consecutive days of computer-related dreams! vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computer-related (8+) copyright infringement (1) 23092022 - 1516 the name of the dream: of mouse and men at the computer using a 32" laptop a notification pops onto the screen it is the latest proclomation from the government concerning covid the dreamer clicks on the notification the message goes into the detail it clarifies a point that the dreamer 's aunties didn't understand the dreamer takes it to show his auntie's he can't get the video clip to play he tries tapping the notice on the screen it is realised immediately that the computer isn't of the touch-screen type a message is showing on the screen it reads, "the video will not play until the sound is turned on" the aunties are waiting the dreamer becomes flustered he begins explaining to his aunties why he can't play it they don't know about enabling sounds or anything like that all they know is their nephew said he could solve a point of some urgency but isn't delivering out of sheer desperation the dreamer keeps tapping the notification hoping against reason the video will start playing he has to eat crow and says he will go and get a mouse the dreamer realises the aunties think he's going to get a mouse even his tech-illiterate aunties know a mouse has got nothing to do with t.v. screens he's losing credibility by the second it will be best to say nothing and go and get the mouse note 1 two consecutive days of dreams of relatives! think-read computer messages two consecutive days of dreams concerning relatives vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: computer-related (7+) relatives (7+) think-read computer screens (3+) 22092022 - 1515 the name of the dream: the holiday altercation two brothers and five women and their respective wives and husbands take their respective families of the same on holiday together four or five cars and a twelve-seater van are needed they are headed for the seaside within a scene or two, a difference of opinion arises as to which is the best route the atmosphere becomes a tad strained the decision to settle the matter is taken thus... every person, female and male, from the youngest to the eldest, will raise their hand when asked if they want to take route 1 or route 2 within a scene or two, we are on the move again vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: holidays (4+) inter-family (2+) 21092022 - 1514 the name of the dream: ethics wins in this dream, the writer's dreams diary is a daily publication the dreamer is being taken to task by his publicist or agent specifically, it is pointed out that dreams that are categorised as "degredadion-to-life" are in least demand the dreamer is being urged, no, not urged bullied into keeping to the "meat and bones" themes of dreams the dreamer 's counter-argument is that it has to be pointed out that before people do things that can lead to the death of other's they predispose themselves to such outcomes incrementally namely, through degradation to life acts the dreamer insists and gets his way and will continue to publish dreams that contain degradation to life outcomes vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: ethics (2+) degradation to life (1+?) 20092022 - 1513 the name of the dream: fish and something fishy we are in a time when no self-respecting person or business, particularly hotels, are without an aquarium aquariums come in every size and shape a top-notch aquarium will have the most exotic, most sought after species the oceans have given rise to the fish in the aquariums are not for effect they are for eating the dreamer is a client staying at a hotel in one scene, the hotel is caught representing one breed of fish as a new breed and has priced them accordingly it is something of a scandal when it is shown that the "new breed" is in fact, a hybrid vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (25+) fish (2+) 19092022 - 1512 the name of the dreams: up and running - the art of pleasure 19092022 three of us, all males, are making our way to somewhere or other we are walking along the pavement with a road to our right just ahead of us there is a break in the pavement for a road coming from the left on the other side of the break in the pavement, three girls are stepping into the road by the time we reach the break in the pavement, the three girls have crossed the road they look to be in their late twenties to early thirties we meet up with them as they begin walking on the pavement in front of us the girl in the centre catches the dreamer 's eye he knows when a woman is asking with her eyes and smile she wants to be "approached" the dreamer makes an introductory remark the dreamer says, something along the lines of, "those lips need to be kissed" the girl says nothing, nor does she do anything when the dreamer embraces her and they kiss for a full five seconds of dream-time after the kiss, the dreamer looks to the nearest girl to the girl he has just kissed she is smiling he kisses her for a shorter period than the first girl the dreamer doesn't know why his chums don't make advances on the other girls perhaps there should be a p in the word chums the stage is set the dreamer suggests we go to the home of the person with the biggest bed it turns out to be the dreamer on the way back to his place, he explains to the girls how he approaches pleasure he points out that women have five pleasure points whereas men have only two the dreamer is setting out how to get maximum pleasure when the dream ends note 1 to reiterate... the amount of pleasure that we experience at the outset of straight-line-action is at least five-thousand times greater than the pleasure we feel during x vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kissing dream (10+) foursomes (2+) the dreamer finally found a pub landlord who was prepared to let him have a regular spot playing music the room could hold about sixty-people it had a low ceiling (about two-and-a-half-metres) four bose speakers with a total of three hundred watts was more than ample to generate the right volume for individual tracks two strings of about one-hundred egg-sized christmas lights with slowly-changing colours gave the room an intimate feel people began arriving with about thirty people in the room, it was time to turn off the main lights and turn on the coloured lights turning off the main lighting threw the room into darkness then disaster, the coloured lights didn't come on when they were switched on could feel the apprehension of the people in the room there were emergency red lights which gave off just enough light to see an outline of the people and tables spotted the problem more or less straight away a plug near the ceiling wasn't pushed in far enough to make a connection standing on a chair and giving the connection a quick back-hand thump brought them on a little cheer went up in one scene, the room was so crowded there wasn't enough space to dance and in another scene, a blonde security guard wearing a two-tone khaki-coloured uniform was leaning against a wall looking into the furthest reaches of the room his relaxed stance and easy smile told the dreamer he wouldn't be needed vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: music (10+) pub discos (3+) 18092022 - 1511 the name of the dreams: soft skin - the wrong side of life was going door-to-door trying to drum up business as a handy-man tried my luck in an area of terraced houses of the edwardian-style mistake without exception, it was dimissive, derisory and disinterest two people in particular disheartened th dreamer to the point it woke him out of the dream the upside is it gave the writer another novel idea if things get really bad vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business ventures (10+) home services (1+) an x-dream without conjoinment vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-dream (20+) without conjoinment (10+) 17092022 - 1510 the name of the dreams: two types of hunger - too loud was scanning the fm stations for melodies and dance music it took a while but eventually found a station that was playing a beaty, danceable track found myself moving with the music and turned it up after listening to the song for about four seconds of dream-time the dreamer realises the music would be so loud it would be heard by the upstairs tenant he reaches over to his left-hand side, picks up the remote control and presses the volume-down button it doesn't alter the level of the sound at all he looks to see why it's not responding and finds he's pressing the wrong button on the remote he opens his eyes to see he has been trying to turn down the volume of the music in the dream with the t.v. remote vividness: 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: music (10+) remote control units (1) two of us are pulling out of a petrol station two women pull into the petrol station as we are pulling out there is no mistaking the look they are man-hungry two women-hungry men and two men-hungry women it was fate throwing us a bone as the distance between us grows the dreamer , the passenger turns and returns the same pleading look he is looking at them for the better part of fifty yards before their faces lose definition we two men are under pressure we are the support crew for the main crew of film-makers the film-makers are only twenty minutes behind us we two men have to be at the film crew "pit stop" some twenty miles further along the motorway the film crew will be expecting their refreshments ready to eat the moment they pull in a small room has been set aside within the motorway cafe/petrol station for them to grab their food and drink in the room, there are two large stainless steel platters with covers we two support crew have to get the tea, coffee, and soft drinks ready for their arrival the film crew arrive they demolish the food and drink within minutes across from the motorway, there is a dance hall the weekly dance for the locals takes place there for reasons unknown, there is an air of anticipation at least one of the two woman-hungry men feels he will meet a man-hungry woman there vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: work (7+) film-crew support (1) 16092022 - 1509 the name of the dream: he who hesitates a quick look at his bank statement tells the dreamer he is on top of his finances with a surplus of the better part of a thousand pounds he is hungry the most expensive meal imaginable at the most expensive place he can find is a strong possibility find someone with a car who will take him around the country to visit all his relatives is appealing a week in holland could take a chance and bring back some "smoke" no, too risky start a business venture several possibilities present themselves a few lavish items for the wardrobe maybe a car nah, couldn't afford to maintain it went back to the holiday abroad idea am in a restaurant/bar, ready to head for the airport or train station an unusual request makes the manageress or waitress irritable she becomes hostile and completely awkward toward the dreamer the holiday abroad idea is dropped for the second time thought of buying new items and gizmo's for home entertainment treat someone, female or male, to a memorable night out hadn't made a firm decision to do anything as the dream ended note 1 a vivid dream it could/should have had a better ending vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: unfulfilled dreams (8+) money (10+) 15092022 - 1508 the name of the dreams: the dermatologist - the trapped fly - a tidy fit the dreamer 's bicycle fits in the space in the hallway like a book on a shelf it enables the dreamer to walk through the hallway without having to turn sideways, as is the case now vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: bicycles (3+) the trapped fly the dreamer is washing leafy food in preparation for cooking while washing it a fly crawls out the fly is a "big un" its wings are wet it can't fly away, so the dreamer finger-flicks it out of the window the flick made a solid connection with the fly it travels about a metre into a bush the fly lands in the strands of a spiders web the vibration brings out the insect it's not a spider but a cream-coloured caterpillar or centipede the efficiency with which the caterpillar or centipede, about the length of the distance between the knuckle and the tip of the little finger, spins the cacoon around the fly is alarmingly speedy the fly is "toast" note 1 those who have chosen to tread the devolutionary path are going to experience every possible type of death vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: insects (2+) fly and a centipede (1) the dermatologist the dreamer is in contact with someone who uses a lotion to treat a skin problem he persuades the person taking the lotion not to take it as it is he puts half of the lotion into another bottle, fills it with water and splashes it over the affected part of his body the results are positive vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: medical treatment (1+) skin (1) 14092022 - 1507 the name of the dream: a thank you a think-read dream that is a message from the parents of two boys "thank you for your bonnie and clyde presentation of love/life this morning it helped slow down our two boys and gave them a new perspective on life thank you so very much" notes 1 two consecutive days of think-read dreams! vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read dreams (20+) messages (2+) 13092022 - 1506 the name of the dreams: petty theft - paradise regained a think-read dream of about ten sentences it asks the dreamer , "milt, what if somebody lost her/his ability to experience joy/wonder or love of life? then, towards the end of the message, it read, "and were to get it back again?" note 1 the writer knew of "paradise lost", but didn't know if there was a "paradise regained" went online and found it in seconds it was more than just a surprise to discover that it was written by john milton (some will know the writer's surname and make the connection) what very few will know is that "millt" is the writer's nickname on paltalk there's more than just coincidence at play here vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read dream: (20+) poetry/literature (1+) the name of the dream: petty theft at home and am being arrested it was the flimsiest of charges the money value of the crime, what the crime is isn't clear, is just a few pounds it's such a small amount the law allows for crimes that might result in a custodial sentence of the arrested person, she/he is allowed to take her/his most valuable possessions with her/him to the police station the cost of the police having to move the dreamer 's possessions from his place to the police station is several times more than the value of the stolen item or items, again we don't know it is that's been stolen the police are complaining moving the dreamer 's belongings is more trouble than it's worth the police in the property department see the irony of it and find it amusing the dreamer is collecting his belongings together and getting ready to leave the police station with them when the dream ends vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: brushes with the law (2+) 12092022 - 1505 the name of the dreams: the demure girl - the inexcusable bad manners of hungry dogs at a friends house he makes a roast meal it has all the trimmings the friend doesn't have a dining table so we have to eat it on our lap the stand-out viual momoment of the dream is looking at the meal before getting "stuck in" before the dreamer knows what is happening, his friends dog helps itself to a tongue-full off the dreamer 's plate the dreamer is too hungry to let it put him off eating the rest of it there then follows a discussion in which the dreamer suggests to hs friend that in future he boil the bones down and serve them to the dog his friend has reservations the bones may stick in his throat the dreamer replies that with chicken bones it is just a matter of boiling the bones to the point where they become too soft to be a problem vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food (10+) dog food (1+) the name of the dream: the demure girl x dream without conjoinment vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x dream (11+) without conjoinment (5+) 11092022 - 1504 the name of the dream: hot-hand in the cinema the cinema is about the size of two living-rooms the dreamer is the whole of the audience on a good day, there will be two people in it it shows only one type of film, pornography the bug in his life has become those people who come into the cinema for the sole purpose of masturbating he knows, as does the owner, that without that sort of clientele the cinema would go bust the projectionist, after showing tasteless porn for a few years, has become cynical he doesn't blame himself for taking the job, he sees the fault as being people who come to the cinema to watch pornography occasionally he takes the law into his own hands there is enough light coming from the projector for him to see if a person's jacket, or more likely his raincoat, is covering his waist and thighs at that moment in the film when the action is at its "hottest", he stops the projector and turns on the lights and announces that masturbating is not allowed the dreamer was just about to achieve climax he is fuming he didn't pay good money to have the film turned off when it was at its crescendo note 1 this dream is the result of the feeling of frustration felt during the day because of not being able to create more life vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: masturbation (1+) 10092022 - 1503 the name of the dream: the man in a wheelchair we see an elderly man in a wheelchair in front of a large plate-glass window of a store he is wearing a white-patterned, two-peaked sherlock holmes style hat he looks scruffy a couple of shoppers ask him to look after their dog while they go into the store they drop some coins into his money box and leave the scene the same thing happens again with someone else on the third time, two large dogs with long black and white hair, they are about the size of afghan dogs become part of the menagerie that happens again with a different breed of dog then a couple of parents ask him to look after their children while they go into the store that happens a couple more times in the next scene, the man has a three-metre python wrapped around his neck and body he's now got the attention of people passing by the snake looks like it could swallow a child or squeeze the life out of an adult the number of passer's-by grows they can see the danger still more people leave their children with the man in the chair the concerned onlookers are trying to point out the dangers to the parents the parents aren't concerned and leave them anyway it becomes a matter of public concern it will just take one dog-fight to break out and mayhem will follow people start taking matters into their own hands and begin preventing adults from leaving anyone or anything being given to the man in the wheelchair the man in the wheelchair isn't in the slightest bit concerned we find out why in the next scene three or four people carrying film equipment and microphones on extended poles present themselves they are the crew of a candid camera or "just for laughs" type programme the dogs are well trained, the snake is as tame as a kitten, probably sedated, and the children know what's going on vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: humour (3+) children and animals (2+) 09092022 - 1502 the name of the dream: my nymphomaniac walking along the street in a fairly "well-to-do" area a woman is standing at a partly-open window looking out she's got a satisfied smile on her face the dreamer says something to her she says something back the dreamer walks across the lawn to the window within a sentence or two, she explains the situation she is locked in the dreamer is appalled what sort of man would lock his wife in the house when he goes to work? she obviously needs rescuing this is a job for the police the dreamer climbs in through the window her knight in shining armour has come to save her in the room, standing within arms-length of her, the woman's smile is even more alluring she moves closer and now we are face-to-face the dreamer does the natural thing and embraces her he looks into her eyes she is beckoning him, no, not beckoning, she is begging him, love me the woman's outpouring of emotion is irresistible they become lover's in the next episode of this dream, the woman, her husband and the dreamer are all in the same room the woman is in a bed the bed is against the wall at the back of the room, the husband is sitting on a chair against the back wall and the dreamer is sitting on a couch in front of them watching the t.v. the dreamer occasionally turns around and speaks he looks at the husband and his wife as he talks the husband's resentment of the dreamer comes through in his face but he doesn't voice it the woman is sitting up in bed with a wholly satisfied look of pleasure on her face in the next episode, the husband's hostility toward the dreamer makes the dreamer realise the husband is scheming to do the dreamer a mischief possibly to "do away with him" the dreamer decides it is time to act the next time the husband goes to work, he will elope with the woman and give her the life she and the dreamer want note 1 episode 1 is for 07092022 - episode 2 is for 07092022 and episode 3 is for today 09092022 vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: three-day serial dreams (1+) relationships (40+) female (35+) 06092022 - 1501 the name of the dream: the young old geezer the dreamer has "come of age" it is the first day or two of his retirement he is now living in a retirement home the retirement home is one of many within society the retired person's "living room" is her or his personal/private area the room is the size of a small living room it has a bed, settee and a closet toilet it is as clean as a new pin there is an incentive scheme it gives people rewards or points for contributing to the running of the retirement home for instance, a person who can cook a meal for someone else while cooking for her or himself two will get a merit point or reward of some kind persons who are active to the extent that they could continue to live as they were before retirement have the best of both world's they get to choose whether they eat in or eat out don't misunderstand, the meals provided are perfectly adequate but many amongst us, like the dreamer , like a "nosh-up" although the dreamer is in the "sell by" age group in society, he still fancies himself as a stud he likes the look of that bit of crumpet in the lounge area vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: retirement (1) retirement home/s (+) 05092022 - 1500 the name of the dream: disrespect an acquaintance or a member of the family asks the dreamer if he can use his computer the dreamer says o.k. a few days later, when the dreamer checks his bank statement, he sees one payment has sky-rocketed the person who used the computer a few days earlier had used the computer for games or phone calls the programme he used was set on auto-renewal the dreamer is hopping mad he will see the person sooner or later by then the dreamer will have calmed down the best he could expect was to be "sent to coventry" note 1 almost certainly, this dream is the result of discovering, the day before the dream, that skype had not discontinued the writer's auto-renewal payment for its phone facility if the writer's auto-renewal hasn't been discontinued, the chances are there are probably thousands of others in the same boat 100 000 times £6 times 12 months = more than £5 000 000! vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (8+) computer bills (1) (skype) 1 04092022 - 1499 the name of the dream: filling the vacuum it seems that everything is on hold someone should be doing something but no one is the dreamer realises that by coupling two bits of unused hardware and software together a musical event can take place in the next scene, everything is set up and ready to go a "buzz" is in the air the sounds of music are drifting through the dream there are a few people but they are too thinly spread on the ground for it to become an event an unknown male looks at the set-up and asks the dreamer a few questions he was picking the dreamer 's brains in the next scene, the unknown male has created his own event he didn't make the same mistake as the dreamer he set up his event in a smaller area the same number of people in a smaller area gives the impression there is more "going on" in the last scene, the dreamer 's event hasn't "taken off" whereas the other guy has built up a fair number of people he had succeeded where the dreamer hadn't the dreamer is peeved but the dream has come alive vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: music (10+) events (2+) 03092022 - 1498 the name of the dream: a new society? in this dream, we have a clique of deities running things the deities are visible to the population they look insubstantial not unlike a misty ghost they appear quite regularly at a fixed place a person only has to be at the portal where they appear for a few minutes for one to show itself we don't know where they come from or how they got here it is their mystifying history and their ability to appear and disappear that captivates the population we join the dream as one of them is making a pronouncement we know before it speaks the announcement will introduce a dictate that will further limit our already limited lifestyle they are not popular away from where they are, there is a wind of change afoot a new type of deity is ready to take over although of the same substance and the same abilities as the current deities they bring a different message there is a thing called happiness some people have engaged with them and are telling us they will be taking over from the current deities we do what they tell us to do to help them do it within a scene or two, the previous bunch have been ousted and the new lot is running things there is indeed a thing called happiness we all begin experiencing it it is perfect shorty thereafter a problem comes to the fore the new deities are, due to their complete absence of being able to introduce any limitations whatsoever, hopeless at organising a society so now basic things like food clothes and water are the main issue they are not in plentiful supply anymore the happiness factor becomes tinged can the new way persist? vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: aliens (2+) stand-out moment: the scenes of happiness 02092022 - 1497 the name of the dream: missed opportunity not sure what the opportunity is it was a loss of some sort but don't know what exactly the lack of detail is due to not entering the dream upon waking vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: missed opportunities (1+) 01092022 - 1496 the name of the themes of the dreams: baby mimicking adults - chatting on the go a two-themed dream at an unknown person's home a female has a new addition to the family a baby within the first six months of her life is the object of the dream the mother lets the dreamer hold the new-born he remembers something his mother used to do when she held a baby namely, mom would put the fingers and/or the whole hand of the baby in her mouth and open and close her mouth as if she was chomping on it it got a favourable reaction from the baby the dreamer does what his mom used to do both the mother and the dreamer are delightfully astonished when the baby begins opening and closing her mouth in the same manner 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: babies (3+) - the stand-out moment of the dream: baby's mouth opening and closing second theme found the paltalk app for a mobile phone extremely versatile while out and about p.s. you can find the writer on paltalk - url... vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: mobile phones (2+) - a stand-out moment of the dream: the colours of the screen of the phone 31082022 - 1495 the name of the dream: life finds a way a two-man police force in a rural village finds itself the centre of attention of the world's scientific community more specifically, the pharmaceutical industry one of the two men had an affair with an extremely attractive married woman she has the drug company by the goolies she can prove that she was taking the "pill" the "bobby" is also at an advantage it turns out his sperm has found a way of secreting a chemical that neutralises the anti-nuetralising compounds in the pills huge figures are being mentioned the woman's husband is talking lawsuits, as is the bobby he wants the baby, he is also facing charges of breaking the law by using his position of trust several pharmaceutical companies want his sperm the scientific community want his sperm the pharmaceuticals also want the pregnancy covered-up the woman is under pressure from her husband will the baby be female or male? some of the interested parties want a female, others want a male so far, the media doesn't know about it it's just a matter of time... vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: pregnancy (1) 30082022 -1494 the name of the dream: accolade it's amazing just how much this country has given to the world vividness 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (12+) 29082022 - 1493 the name of the dream: sneaky the dreamer , along with others, is a new recruit to the latest hi-tech submarine its specialty is sonar the capabilities of the sub are so advanced it could only happen in dream-time it can pick-up the voices of the crew of other submarines and ships over kilometres unbeknown to the dreamer and others of the same rank (able-bodied) he is fed wrong information the idea is thata surface-ship ship with the same tech-specs as the submarine will eavesdrop on what they are saying the dreamer deduces what is happening and takes things into his own hands using a stethascope-type device pressed to the hull, the dreamer twists the story he has been given and causes the surface ship to make a manouvre that wasn't planned before a full-scale enquiry is begun the dreamer reveals what he has done the immediate reaction is to reprimand him, severely when the dreamer points out he done it to show that if some or all of the tech was deliberately leaked to the enemy the wrong information could send them somewhere at a critical point in a battle instead of the brig the dreamer receives a commendation stand-out moment: the moment when the dreamer realised he could do what he did vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: submarines (1) 28082022 - 1492 the name of the dream: raunchy had been out with three or four of the lads for the evening back at the house of one of them, the ladies are getting snacks and sandwiches ready the living room is L-shaped the girls decided to wear seductive and daring clothes on our return every so often one of the girls would come out of that part of the room we couldn't see carrying a plate or drinks their nipples and crotches are covered there are four scenes when each of the girls comes into the living room, lay down the food and drinks and then disappears back into the kitchen each of them highlighted a different or a combined part the female form a pervasive, educated male voice captures the dreamer 's attention the dreamer can hear him but not see him the dreamer has to wake to identify him his voice is coming from the radio raunchy is the best one-word description of this dream women have almost limitless ways of revealing parts of themselves vividness 2.67 - observer - the category of the dream: women (100+) raunchy dress (1+) 27082022 - 1491 the name of the dream: 4 kisses (aka bernies back 2) just returned home think it was morning went upstairs to go to the toilet at the top of the stairs, my girlfriend was dressed and on her way out to go to work as we manoeuvred to let each other pass, our eyes meet we never said anything before we embraced and kissed the kiss was different to usual the dreamer couldn't quite put his finger on what it was he had to do it again to find out on the second kiss, the pleasure increased but so did the curious nature of the quality of the kiss the dreamer looked at his girlfriend, she is smiling, she knows the dreamer wants to kiss her again she moves in closer and leans her head back the kiss increases in pleasure the dreamer gets an insight into the character of the kiss we both move our heads back momentarily before our lips join again the kiss takes on intent the dreamer is about to find out something he didn't know before note 1 it crosses the writer's mind every now and then as to why it is that the lips, the largest portion of the body with pleasure receptors, deliver the least pleasure? remembering his first kiss at a dance organised by the secondary school and how it sent his head reeling got him thinking again, why don't the lips produce more pleasure than they do the prefered option is that the lips do, when we are fully oriented to love, become the most sensitive part of the body the almost overwhelming sensation of ejaculation does, it is thought, represents that moment in heaven when you-know-who has taken us to the maximum level of pleasure we can experience and it gives rise to an increased numerical value which results in the "big bang" see also link vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: kissing dreams (3+) bernie (4+) 26082022 - 1490 the name of the dream: the old dog the dreamer and his wife are in an interview the interview is taking place at their residence their residence is is fully-monitored with discreet micro-cameras at the first signs of ill health, medical staff appear the camera crew have their own filming equipment the room looks like a film set both the dreamer and his wife are of advanced years the dreamer 's wife is older by ten years one of the female interviewers asks the dreamer if his love for his wife has changed over the years he answers wryly there is a brief moment of emptiness before the people present started smiling the dreamer has alluded to x vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: interviews (2+) dreamer and wife (1+) 25082022 - 1489 the name of the dream: the egg with a hole in it the dreamer is moving things around in the fridge there are three eggs in a box he decides to put them in a clear bowl he puts the first one in he realises that the bowl has water in it the thought occurs that if the egg is cracked it will ruin the egg the egg isn't cracked but the shell does have a pinhole in it the egg slowly seeps through the pinhole the dream lasts for as long as it takes for all of the yellow to drain from the egg approximately ten to fifteen seconds of dream-time (around one and a half minutes of awake-time) vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: one-scene dreams: (4+) food (9+) eggs (1) back-up dream 24082022 -1488 the name of the dream: ...cannot enter the kingdom of heaven the media is in turmoil three homosexuals have been pardoned and let out of prison they obviously have friends where it matters the public is outraged the three men give an interview the result of the interview is that their mental and physical conditional will be examined the physical examination is first the writer will spare you the details vividness 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: homosexuality (1) 23082022 -1487 the name of the dream: the origin of the aliens (part 1) we are in a corridor on a spaceship a column of creatures is slowly making their way away from us imagine a black crab without legs their outer body is leathery soft they move using a skin that ripples under their body it is a hopelessly slow way of moving they must have evolved in an environment where they didn't have any natural enemies what they lack in speed they make up for in stealth they take over a person's body through transference when they come into contact with the forehead of people they attack when a person is sleeping now read yesterday's dream vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: aliens (3+) 22082022 - 1486 the name of the dream: skulduggery and drama at the checkout (part 2) the dream is set in the future earth is under attack a species of extraterrestrials have managed to disguise themselves as humans they are mingling amongst us the dreamer is one of a group of nine or ten new recruits being "briefed" just before the start of business on the opening day of a mega-store the store specialises in home electronics and related hardware and software it will be a magnet for those engaged in espionage we are being briefed on what tell-tale signs to look for the floor manager is "filling us in" one of the counter-espionage agents, a girl, will be posing as a shopper it is her job to spot aliens she is also the daughter of the floor-manager the floor manager becomes very earnest when he spells out the number one priority do not "hit" on the girl she is his daughter to make a "move" on her will bring on repercussions worse than death in one scene, the dreamer believes he has identified two extraterrestrials they have two bones sticking out of their shirts on either side of their shirts just above the collar in another scene, an alsatian dog starts barking and snarling and is pulling on its leash to get at someone boring this job is not going to be vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: jobs/employment (7+) mega-stores (3+) aliens (2+) 21082022 - 1485 the name of the dream: high profile people not entering this dream it throws a bad light on a person with high profile vividness 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: high profile people/celebrities (8+) 20082022 - 1484 the name of the dream: mega-structures and hope the dreamer is at the top of a mega-structure it has hundreds of storeys the dreamer is on a sloping surface if he loses his footing or balance he will slide down the smooth slope and off the building to certain death this part of the dream ends there in the next part of the dream, the dreamer is at the top of another mega-structure this one is about half as high as the first one he is standing on an iron grill he can see through the grill again, the ground is so far down certain death awaits if the dreamer fails to clamber down this part of the dream ends while the dreamer is trying to figure out to get to the next floor down the theme of the dream changes it becomes a feel-good dream notes 1 fairly sure the uncertainty in the dream stems from a period during the day when the writer felt global circumstances may change for the worse before they get better vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mixed-themes dreams (20+) mega-tall structures (3+) hopeful-themed dreams (50+) 19082022 - 1483 the name of the dream: at the check-out was at the check-out with about £15 worth of groceries took everything out of the basket and placed them near the check-out woman dug into my pocket and brought out all the change and placed it in a line standing the coins on their side (stand-out visual) after a little while, when the check-out woman hadn't begun scanning, the dreamer looked up to her she in turn looked down at the groceries following her gaze led the dreamer to see she was looking at the coins the coins are still lying neatly on their side it takes the dreamer a moment to realise the check-out woman wants the dreamer to pick up the coins and hand them to her things weren't resolved when the dream ended vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: shopping (2+) supermarket check-out (1) 18082022 - 1482 the name of the dreams: developing films wasn't going to enter this dream and consequently the details were forgotten it was to do with developing films vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: developing films (1) 17082022 - 1481 the name of the dream: two good x dream vividness 2.7 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x dreams (15+) threesomes (2+) 16082022 - 1480 the name of the dream: by the light of the silvery moons in the opening scene, the dreamer is sitting in a neighbour's house he is sitting next to the window a movement outside attracts his attention it is a security man he is wearing yer typical security-type uniform... dark-blue trousers and thick, dark-blue wool neck-jumper his communication device is above his left-breast the dreamer turns to the neighbour and says, "did you know we have security here?" then, by way of complete contrast, a full moon shows in the top-right of the scene it is twice as bright and three times as big as a super-full moon the next odd thing is its speed it is moving at about the same speed as a helicopter it takes five to ten seconds of dream-time to cross the horizon it is so bright it lights up the ground outside in the next scene, a man is standing where the first security man was standing he is another security man only this one is wearing a bulky bullet-proof vest and has a machine-gun he is holding the weapon across his upper-chest the dreamer turns to the neighbour and says, "did you know we have armed security here?" then, as before, a full moon appears this one is twice as big and twice as bright as the first one it is occupying the centre of the scene momentarily, it comes to a halt it's as bright as the sun (stand-out visual) note 1 the simple fact is, the writer hasn't got a clue as to the symbolic meaning of these types of dreams it is thought that the in-betweenies (those generations between now and 3000 a.d.) will have made sufficient progress in the field of dreams and dreams theory to say precisely what's what in dreams we'll see vividness 2.7 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: symbolism in dreams (6+) the moon (2+) 15082022 - 1479 the name of the dream: of wimps and men working in a scrapyard it dealt in metals, plastics, wood and paper it was as big as a factory house-sized mountains of paper and metal ready to be processed it must have had at least a hundred workers one of them, a lad about my age, tried to intimidate me his smug smile and his glance behind him towards a group of "heavies" gave him a confidence he wouldn't otherwise have don't you just hate wimps who have a false sense of bravado because they have back-up the dreamer 's chance to take him down a peg or two came in the last scene of the dream it was after working hours when a skeleton crew were getting things ready for the next day that the dreamer got his chance the dreamer hid behind a pile of rubble and waited for the wimp to walk straight into the dreamer the dreamer 's look of contempt as he began walking toward the wimp was enough to cause him to become fearful he wouldn't be bothering the dreamer again who knows, we may have become friends vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: wimps (2+) 14082022 - 1478 the name of the dream: the snake in the sewer the dreamer is one of a small commitee that has been called together to deal with public concern about the action the council suggests to deal with a highly unusual situation namely, a giant snake was discovered living in the sewer system it had a psychedelic-patterned skin which gave the impression it was even bigger than it was the initial public reaction was controlled panic the thought of it popping its head up through the "lav" was in people's minds due to a cartoon picture of it doing just that the media decided to turn things around and come out on the side of the snake it was the person who had decided to flush it down the toilet in the first place who was to blame the snake was just doing what any animal would do, trying to stay alive the general public agreed the best course of action was to capture it and ship it back to its natural habitat when the planning of capturing it got into the details of capturing it was realised that someone could get killed trying dilemma: how to appease public concern and not get anyone killed the dreamer 's proposal was to stuff the carcass of a sheep or calf with poison the story would be that the snake died from food poisoning due to deadly bacteria that were part and parcel of any sewer system everyone was happy except the snake vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: situations of public concern (2+) snakes (1) 13082022 - 1477 the name of the dream: files, files, files for the third consecutive day, sorting files has been the theme of the dream it is a result of categorising files in awake-time vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: consecutive days of same-theme dreams (3) sorting files (1) 12082022 -- 1476 the name of the dream: a lotta lotteries the dreamer is disappointed he laid out three hundred pounds on the lottery he thought that he would get something he would have been content with a fraction of his outlay, but not a sausage he suggests to the organisation that they introduce a word lottery the idea is that instead of numbers four or five four-letter words be used bonus prizes can be awarded for sentences that have literary or poetic or insightful merit the words generated by the word-generating programme will, sooner or later, produce such sentences the dreamer spends the last third of the dream composing examples vividness 2.8 - participant and observer- the category of the dream: lottery formats (1) - word lotteries (1) the name of the dream: solo football just ain't much fun the dreamer and another person, possibly his brother, have just entered the park it is a perfect summer day they are going to kick a football around they head for space against the fence about fifty metres to their left nearly where they are headed for they pass a child of four or five "toeing" a ball around the ball is about half as big as a regular-sized football it is made of a soft plastic the child is at sixes and sevens there's not really that much a child that age can do with a ball we can see he is confused as to what it is he's supposed to do it produces a tinge of sadness in the dreamer after he kicks the ball one time the dreamer moves away a metre or two with the ball, then turns and kicks it to him the dreamer tells him to kick it back he kicks it back we do the same thing again and then again now the child understands how to play football you need at least two people he is visibly enthused and happy the dreamer decides to play "penalties" that's the game in which you put a jacket or jumper in one place and put another jacket or jumper a few metres away the idea of course is to get the ball past the goalie the dreamer puts the ball about two metres in front of the "goalmouth" he tells the child to try and kick it past the dreamer the child understands what he's supposed to do the child kicks the ball it heads for the right-hand "goalpost" the dreamer dives for the ball and makes sure his out-stretched right hand is forward of the ball and fails to save it (stand-out visual and motion) the child has just scored a goal the child's face lights up the child has just become a boy vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: games with children (2+) football (1) 11082022 - 1475 the name of the dream: scheduled to happen this dream is a repeat of the second of yesterday's dreams (not entered) the dreamer is organising audio and text files into blocks of fifteen, thirty and sixty minutes segments it works out that 400 mgb is about thirty minutes the whole of the dream is spent honing the length of each file into fifteen-minute segments successfully, it should be added fairly sure this dream stems from the decision to launch a new format on paltalk vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: computer related (10+) audio and video files (2+) 10082022 - 1474 the name of the dream: greedy is greedy does the dreamer is re-organising the files on his smartphone about a hundred files to be moved after transferring two or three files, he notices a small hole in the screen he taps another file and another hole appears in the screen within another scene or two, there are about five holes in the screen he is both appalled and bemused that the manufacturers of phones would use such flimsy materials makes him even more cynical and concludes that profiteering has reached a new low he shows the phone to the other two people in the dream they too are aghast they fear the same thing will happen to their phones vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: technology (5+) mobile phones (2+) 09082022 - 1473 the name of the dream: here and there the dreamer is in a virtual meeting it is a virtual meeting with a difference a big difference the dreamer can be in either location almost simultaneously when he is asking a question or making a point, he is at home and observing via the virtual set-up when he is having something explained he is in the room with the sales-person the sales-person is a girl in her late teens she is wearing a long black dress the dress looks to be a couple of sizes too big her hair is black and has a "straggly" waft of hair going down to her chin on the right-hand side of her face the rest of her hair is cut evenly just below her ears she has a reluctant or reticent manner she wants to conclude the sale as quickly as possible and get back to socialising what the product is isn't clear we do know it's a fairly big commitment the girl occasionally says something to another girl we hear the other girl speaking but don't see her the sales girl in the black dress says she's going to kiss the girl we can't see after she's made the sale the dreamer jumps in and say's, "if you kiss me i'll buy the product" the girl in the black dress says she will the dream ends with the dreamer in a state of mild frustration as he tries to kiss her the girl in the black dress knows that the only way we can make physical contact is if she "calls or invites" the dreamer into her reality vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (5+) virtual reality (1) the dream was followed by a montage of swirling bodies 08082022 - 1472 the name of the dream: broken sleeps was in a police station talking with two policemen the reason? was trying to establish what constitutes a breach of the peace the reason? for the hundredth time, the dreamer was woken out of his sleep by the sound of an ice-cream van announcing its presence it turns out that, outside of an emergency, there is no justification for someone to cause another person or persons to be woken out of their sleep notes 1 an alternative would be for the vendor to drop a leaflet through the door of all houses on his route that gave an approximate time of when he would be on the street or, an envelope with a return envelope, asking the vendor to call when he is on the street notes 2 in essence, it's the old jewish problem of getting what you want without having to work for it vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: intrusions (1+) sleep (1) 07082022 - 1471 the name of the dream: the longest sentence in the world the dreamer has been "wronged" by a group of hell's angels-type dudes no indication in the dream what the "wrong" is whatever it is, it's bad enough for the dreamer to want to "get back at them" the dreamer could stake them out and do something to each of them one at a time but that would take ages and he doesn't want to spend weeks and months in a state of vengefulness he turns to a local "tough guy" who seems to know everyone with a bit of "clout" he knows someone who used to be in the military and was part of a "special ops" unit they were so secret they never had a name they agree to teach them a lesson the dreamer doesn't know exactly what they did the word on the street is that the clique who wronged the dreamer dispersed that should have been that however, the ex-military men weren't doing favours without some sort of gratuities they visited the dreamer when they realised he didn't have any money they helped themselves to his belongings the dreamer was o.k. with that it wasn't until he went to use his bicycle that he discovered that the back wheel had been taken a nine-gear back wheel was going to cost more to replace than the dreamer could afford he needed his bike he went to the man who knew the ex-military and asked him to get it back he said it wouldn't be possible the dreamer really needed his bike, his lifestyle depended on it he had no option but to go to the police within a few days, the dreamer received a legal document he would be getting his wheel back providing he signed the document the dream turned into a think-read dream - ( the document contained more phrases that contained the word that than anything the dreamer has ever come across or heard about... "that the" and "in that" and "so far as in that" and "should it be that"... the document was at least fifteen lines long there wasn't a full stop or a comma any where vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: mixed types of dreams (5+) think-read (15+) confrontational (7+) 06082022 - 1470 the name of the dream: another reality the dream starts, and finishes, with an aerial view of about five metres three men are walking through a narrow street they are wearing robes the buildings on both sides are one-storey they look like they are made of clay they have an amber tinge to them we sense it is a hot climate two of the three men are more or less shoulder to shoulder one of the men is admonishing the other "i wanted to die on the cross", he says, "why did you keep me alive?", he asks there is then a point and counter-point exchange of two or three sentences as the man being admonished explains and tries to justify his reasons the man criticising him insists it wasn't what he should have done it becomes obvious we are witnessing an undulation when jesus was saved from dying on the cross notes 1 although jesus was prepared to die on the cross you-know-who sees things differently wherever and whenever there is the option for more life, love/life occupies it to make the point that there is life after death jesus didn't need to survive cruxifiction jesus's recurrences are written into the fabric of reality, as your reading of this is it is probably the case that jesus knew how qualitative the future would be life under roman-rule, by comparison, wasn't worth having vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: jesus () 05082022 - 1469 the name of the dream: e and me a truly immersive x dream high visually and higher tactilely vividness 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x dream (20+) e (1) the name of the dream: lesser men it is early morning the dreamer has just come off an "all-nighter" still feeling fresh, he decides to catch a taxi into town and walk the rest of the way following a friendly chat with the taxi driver, the dreamer decides to give him a bigger tip than the two-pound tip he was going to give him we arrive in the centre of town the taxi fare comes to eight-pounds after giving the taxi the driver a tenner, the dreamer tells him to keep the change and hands him a twenty-pound note mistake what he should have done was take the tenner back off the taxi driver and tell him to give the dreamer seven-pounds change from the twenty-pound note the taxi driver is now holding thirty pounds of the dreamer 's money from the way the taxi driver is behaving (it's strange the way people become when it comes to money) the dreamer can tell he wants to keep hold of all of the money the dreamer sees someone who looks like an authority-figure talking to another man on the pavement he is tall and is wearing a white shirt under his jacket with big lapels as was the fashion some years back the dreamer tells him about the taxi-driver he goes over to the taxi-driver this dream ends there notes 1 this dream was the result of becoming agitated while thinking about two instances of late when two people let their attitude to money turn them into thieves vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (7+) thieft against self (2+) 04082022 - 1468 the name of the dream: underestimated it is the first morning of a new two-man venture the dreamer has opened a cafe-cum-restaurant it is offering basic meals (fish and chips, steak pie and veg etc.) but the new angle is a small menu of "posh" dishes (mediterranean vegetable salad, Salmon and avocado, etc.) the dreamer knows he will be fraternising with the customers as much as waiting on them the chef takes his job seriously the dining area is made up of two or three four-seater tables and four or five two-seater tables all the tables have a plain white cotton tablecloth on the first morning and the second scene, there are two or three customers seated their orders have been taken and the dreamer is moving between them doing his "verbal entertaining" thing everything is going as envisaged within two more scenes, it has gone from easy peasy to a complete "cock up" the restaurant-cum-cafe has seven or eight diners the "personal" touch, which is known to be the main attraction, becomes impossible the dreamer can only apply the "personal touch" to one or two people at the expense of neglecting others the "crunch" moment comes when one gent, dressed in a formal black suit, white shirt and black tie and dark-rimmed glasses glasses "blows his top" for having to wait too long for his order he gets up from his seat and leaves both the chef and the dreamer have completely under-estimated their ability to cope with more than three or four people at a time the only way to give the service originally envisaged is to hire two more chefs and one more waiter vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business ventures (4+) restaurant/cafes (2+) the name of the dream: woofterism the first scene is an elevated view looking down from just below a male head the male is dressed in white the camera moves down the male's body just below his belt the camera stops and shows the male's right-hand pocket it shows the male has a pocketful of change there are about two-dozen coins about the size of fifty-pence pieces in a line across the bottom of his pocket the view pans up and out and reveals the male's face, it is burt lancaster burt can see what is showing on the camera on a preview screen he adjusts his "change" so it isn't showing the cringing truth becomes obvious a "woofter" camera-man let his lust override his professionalism vividness 2.8/9 - observer - the category of the dream: celebrities (6+) (burt lancaster) (1) 03082022 - 1467 the name of the dream: ladies' first A girl of about eighteen is walking on the path next to a road she's walking very slowly it is an invitation to males she is approachable in the next scene, that is what happens the girl responds to the young male positively providing he doesn't do or say something stupid, they will become an "item" the dreamer wants the girl he is more experienced than the young boy who is, like most males his age, testosterone-driven and, as such, is not thinking of what the girl wants but is being driven by his instincts it isn't fair the dreamer believes the girl should have more than a mainly one-sided experience "hey", he shouts, "what are you doing with my girlfriend?" it throws the young lad off balance his confidence has gone he doesn't want a fight he walks away from the girl the dreamer introduces his-self and gains the girl's acceptance in the next scene, we have walked about a hundred metres and are at the dreamer 's place he explains to the girl that intimacy is a "girl-first" experience he understands that the five pleasure areas of a female need to be stimulated and not just one, two or three the girl is not sure what he's getting at the only way she'll understand is to be the recipient of the dreamer 's beliefs vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (20+) female (20+) 02082022 -1466 the name of the dream: not even a kiss preamble the writer doesn't post all dreams some x dreams and dreams containing violence (the extremes) can be off-putting the dream from last night is a follow-up to a dream the day before last in that dream, a woman in her thirties or forties took the initiative and the dreamer by surprise, when she pulled him to her and kissed him ferociously the dreamer said, "i'll close the door and we'll pretend we're asleep" the woman agreed and the dream ended in the dream last night we are both fully dressed and lying down the dreamer says, "i'll put wedges under the door so it can't be opened" the woman didn't say anything and the dream ended another type of dream that just about makes it into the dreams diary is bland dreams bland dreams may be useful as reference points vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of last night's dream: bland dreams (2+) 01082022 - 1465 the name of the dream: the dreaming man at a neighbour's house we are talking about this that and the other the neighbour uses words and meanings that are incorrect the dreamer explains the proper meanings of the words and phrases the neighbour begins asking for the meanings and definitions of words and ideas the conversation becomes a defining-of-words session after several words have been defined, the dreamer continues the chat with his eyes closed it takes longer and longer for the dreamer to answer questions the dreamer falls in and out of sleeping between questions the neighbour says it's time for him to go to bed the dreamer is too tired to reply or move the neighbour's voice becomes increasingly forceful as he tries to get the dreamer to respond to what he is saying the dreamer can hear his voice but is too tired to respond it is like listening to someone talking to the dreamer while he is dreaming vividness 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dream within a dream (2+) dermot (3) 31072022 - 1464 the name of the dream: the wave machine at a seashore entertainment amusement centre looking at the screen of a games console it's one of those consoles that have shielding on the top and sides, presumably to keep the light out and make the screen clearer there is a choice of gradients with options of ten settings for each of the four gradients the dreamer sets the machine at 4.2 at this point, the dreamer doesn't know exactly what the machine is going to do the word "wave" is part of the name of the game the activate button is big, round and yellow the dreamer presses down on the button not knowing what to expect he is looking at the screen waiting for another prompt to do something without warning, the floor of the room undulates it is exactly the sensation we get when we are in a boat that gets lifted and lowered as it encounters a wave big enough to make us lose balance the dreamer manages to keep balance, but only just amazed, he goes into an adjoining room and asks the three or four males in the room playing billiards if they felt it one of them nods another one says, "was that you", obviously making reference to the building moving "yes", the dreamer says, "shall i do it again" "no", one of them says, there is irritation in his voice they had done it so often the novelty had worn off the dreamer is still in a state of amazement notes 1 the dreamer has experienced many different types of movements in dreams this one though was the most pronounced could feel all of self-rising and lowering it was as if it was the first time such a movement had occurred vividness 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: movement in dreams (15+) wavy-motion (1+) 30072022 - 1463 the name of the dream: the nub of the matter the dreamer is "laid up" and is more or less house-bound not sure what the malady is he has just put "one" together when sarah calls the dreamer is talking "ten to the dozen" sarah is eagerly attentive to what he is saying the dreamer has almost finished the "j" when he realises that sarah's attentiveness is not focused on what he is saying but is a form of anxiety the "j" is almost down to the roach and she's too polite to ask he passess the "j" to her but it has reached the nub he will mak things right by putting another "one" together and passing it to her after lighting it vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: sarah (2) 29072022 - 1462 the name of the dream: all good things... the dreamer 's dream girl is pleasant towards him but that's as far as it goes she, along with most girls and women of this dreams time and place, need security above all else that's something the dreamer can't offer the circumstances arise that lead to the dreamer being re-assessed to establish his position within society the results of the test vault the dreamer into a position whereby he gets a job that places him firmly in "secure" bracket in another scene, he is talking to his dream girl and persuades her to keep him company for an evening during the date the dreamer poses that they should be more than just friends the girl thinks things through she arrived at the conclusion that it was improbable she would get the man who could give her the security she and as any mother-to-be would, had accepted her fate of having an uncertain future and accepted the dreamer 's advances the dreamer was waiting for the perfect moment to tell her the good news and see her momentary disbelief and happinness when the dream ended vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships (25+) female (20+) 28072022 - 1461 the name of the dream: militarism is bad for the blood a think-read dream about julian assange 1 if there was or wasn't orange juice in vodka 2 whether he slept through a train journey or not 3 that he would die in prison notes 1 the writer has no way of knowing if any of the details in the dream are true to life the animalistic character of the american army demands death for anyone who exposes their blood-lust the writer is still semi-traumatised by the massacre in the "road to baghdad" atrocity one of the ten most barbaric slaughter's in the annals of warfare did you know that one division of the british light infantry flies the skull and crossbones flag into battle? the reason for the attack? there were combatants amongst the civilians the reason for the war? oil again, chiefly the british and american military doing the jewish banker's bidding vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: think-read (12+) julian assange (1) 27072022 - 1460 the name of the dream: skilful seducer the dreamer is in a department store or a large ground-level store he goes to the customer services desk a girl of about twenty with a rounded face, and blonde hair that is styled in small pigtails is at the counter the dreamer says something in a light-hearted way the girl is in no mood for fun she scolds him so effectively the dreamer becomes depressed he walks away in the next scene, the girl at the information desk is talking to a girl of about fifteen or sixteen-year-old the much younger girl also has blonde hair they are at ease with one another talking energetically with lots of teeth-smiles the girl with pigtails is steering the conversation their friendliness moves on a bit there is an air of intimacy the difference in ages tells the dreamer something isn't quite right the dreamer is still stinging from the unnecessarily harsh "put down" he got from the twenty-year-old the dreamer follows his hunch in the next scene, the view is of the two girls about three metres from the observer the dreamer is looking at them through binoculars the elder of the two girls is talking to the other while she is talking she is moving the fingers of the left hand of the smaller girl up and down and back and forth with the fingers of her right hand they are close to hugging and kissing the scene changes the view is from about twenty metres and we see into an open-space large living room again the dreamer is looking at them through binoculars the living room is awash with unopened presents, clothes with labels still attached to them strewn all over the place and an alladin's cave of glittering gold and silver objects it is what the dreamer suspected the elder girl seduced the wealthy younger girl into an illegal sexual relationship the dreamer 's testimony alone is enough to convict the elder girl upon reflection, the dreamer decides to avoid giving testimony in court the elder girl will almost certainly get a prison sentence there is no doubt that the dreamer will become the target of her revenge she's the type of girl who will go to greater lengths to bring about a bad outcome than she would a good one vividness 2.7/8 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: bad people (20+) women (1+) 26072022 - 1459 the name of the dream: natural affection in a car, a mini(past time tense) early afternoon, motoring through a rural area it isn't clear where the dreamer has been or where he's going a sign advertising a holiday camp catches his eye why not, he thinks in the next scene, he's on the ground's following the road to the end leads him to an area of grass dozens of families are picnicking the dreamer drives the car onto the grass as he is walking through the throng heading to a space, the dreamer walks by a family of four or five a young boy in the family says something the dreamer smiles back at his chosen spot, the dreamer settles into a comfortable lying position in the next scene, the young boy comes over to him we say a few things to each other the dreamer is taken by surprise when the young boy side-kisses him on the corner of his mouth the dream ends vividness 2.7 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: affection (5+) young boys (2+) 25072022 - 1458 the name of the dream: the girl at the chalkboard update to the dream a catnap during the day revealed more details of this dream the dream is a youtube post the name of the post is "making a picture" this dream spanned three consecutive sleeps! preamble to the dream this dream is not totally disconnected from looped dreams an insight or connection or the cause of this dream occured within the previoius twenty-four hours of the dream the inability to pinpoint exactly when the first memory of the dream happened could be due to the first memory being the first of two dreams, which makes this dream a repeat dream of the same dream in the same period of r.e.m. the writer thinks it is more likely there is a period of awake-time between the two the variations or highlighted parts of the two dreams or the dream and awake-time memory is thought to be the reason or purpose for the dream the dream the dreamer is observing a girl there is a lengthy moment of eye contact with the dreamer the girl is about twenty she has blonde hair her top is dark-blue or black she is standing in front of a metre-square chalkboard holding a finger-length piece of chalk in her right hand the implication that she is poised and about to write couldn't be more obvious she is looking pleased or satisfied she begins writing alas, there are only two bits of detail that are remembered of the three different scenes of her writing in the first one, (it's at times like this that the writer wishes he had the skills to draw as easily as he can write - perhaps we can consider introducing into our education of children the skill to describe through pictures) there is writing above as she draws a square she keeps the chalk to the board after drawing the aquare and takes the line at the top-left of the square and makes a semi-circle so that the end of the line finishes slighly left of off-centre and writes the name "peter" underneath the second scene, there is writing above and below of what looks like a smudged drawing of a circle of spikes what the drawing is or was can only be guessed or surmised it is a shade of orange in the third scene, we see another picture of a woman it could be the girl in the first scene if it is, the girl or waman in this scene is in her thirties in the fourth scene, there is an elderly woman on the board she looks about sixty the woman looks thoughly defeated she might be at death's door there are two other scenes one shows something being rubbed out and re-written the other is of a word being emphasised as the person chalks over a word three or four times notes 1 the priority of dreams is remembering them the second most important thing is remembering the detail the third is understanding their meaning - see pde's vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: consecutive same-theme dreams (1) informative (4+) 24072022 - 1457 the name of the dream: in the loop the dreamer is to do an indoor gig he gets to the venue and begins setting up the equipment the dreamer has barely got the leads and speakers connected when the manager or owner of the premises asks the dreamer to do a sound check the dreamer duly obliges the manager or owner listens for a few seconds, then walks away without saying anything in the nexr scene, the dreamer is still setting up when the owner or manager re-appears and asks again for another sound-check the owner or manager listens for a moment or two and then leaves the dream the scene changes, the owner or manager of the building is back asking for another sound check the dreamer regards the man with some concern is he a stickler for detail? is he being awkward? before the dreamer has reached a conclusion, the owner or manager is back and asking for another sound check it is then that the dreamer latches on to what's happening for the first time in years the dreamer 's having a looped dream notes 1 have no solid theory as to the reason for looped dreams there undoubtedly is a reason for them perhaps it reflects a monotonous or repetivive awake-time routine it may have been a result of watching the film "millenium" before going to sleep vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: looped dreams (2+) gigs (1) 23072022 - 1456 the name of the dream: the jack in the box while out and about, a mystery person handed the dreamer two tickets the mystery person had a sincere smile as he handed them to the dreamer the tickets were the size of a credit card they weren't your typical tickets the tickets are a soft, bendable paper the same as you get for a receipt from a shop the invitations are for that night the venue is at a place called the jack in the box the dreamer's girlfriend or wife gets excited about going out for the night she gets her hair done and decides to wear a long, cream-coloured dress she looks fetching with her hair up the jack in the box straddles the corner of two streets that diverge from each other at an angle of twenty degrees it means the premises are triangular a good arrangement for a big stage there is a queue of about twelve people, mostly couples, dressed in a mix of dress-codes two couples are in formal dress, long gowns and black jackets the bulk is wearing smart-casual as we get nearer to the entrance, the dreamer reaches into his pocket for the tickets a scene follows that has the dreamer frantically checking and rechecking his pockets for the tickets only a dunder-head would make that mistake of not transferring the tickets from one jacket to the other it's too late to go back home the dreamer leans forward and asks the couple in front of him if it's possible to pay to get in it wasn't the door attendants must have seen the dreamer searching for the tickets because when he gets to the door, they believe he has forgotten them and lets me in inside the club, there are about twenty or thirty tables of different sizes the table we get shown to seats a dozen or so people instinctively, the dreamer pulls out the chair for his girlfriend or wife one of the staff is impressed a little while after ordering and receiving drinks, a voice announces that the buffet is open again, the dreamer is on his feet and pulling the chair out from behind his girlfriend or wife again, one of the staff is impressed it appears the dreamer is the only one doing it the dreamer's girlfriend or wife joins the queue the dreamer is right behind her the buffet is a hot meal served by chefs wearing floppy chef hats if the entertainment is as good as the buffet, it's going to be an excellent night's entertainment it is a few seconds before the dreamer becomes aware that the people behind him are agitated with him it turns out that his girlfriend or wife joined the queue halfway along it it was an innocent mistake, there was a break in the queue both the dreamer and his girlfriend or wife thought there were two queues as he looked at the people behind him in the queue, there was one man who was giving him the "evil eye", he was glaring angrily it is too late to go to the back of the queue, we are being served someone on the staff must have seen what had happened and realised that a situation might develop in the last scene of the dream, the man who was furious with us is being escorted unceremoniously out of the room back-up dream from 052022 vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: social events (5+) 22072022 - 1455 the name of the dream: the x-factor in a society where the economy is based on whim and fickleness, the latest product is always a winner regardless of its inherent value so when a product is what it says it is, it can comes on the market, it's guaranteed to become a best seller when the product generates an irrepressible desire in either gender to engage in x you know you have a game-changer the aphrodisiac is in liquid form it is in small glass phials the dreamer has a tray of them there is about thirty in the tray the demand for the aphrodisiac far exceeds the supply the dreamer is well aware of their value he knows the longer he keeps hold of them, the more they will go up in value the dreamer always has, and always wiil, put x before money there is a girl across the room with a hungry, willing expression on her face she is waiting to receive one of the phials the sense of anticipation in this scene and the thought there will another thirty such encounters is more than the dreamer will be able to can contain vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: x-themed dreams (1) potions (1) 21072022 - 1454 the name of the dream: the imposter a male about the same age as the dreamer presents himself as the dreamer's brother he claims he was fathered by the dreamer's dad, within a year of the dreamer physically, it is plausible there are similarities between us what is all wrong about it is that he has traced his lineage to the dreamer just when the family estate is being finalised there is a considerable value attached to the estate, not the least being a house the dreamer consults his step-brother we both become convinced that he is an opportunist of the worst kind the dreamer's step-brother wants to "call him out" the dreamer wants to teach him a lesson the dreamer plans to go along with his claim and expose him at that moment when he thinks he is about to receive his part of an inheritance it's not going to be too hard to collect information and evidence that exposes him the dreamer is hiding his feeling of satisfaction that the imposter's overly confident smile begins to crumble into a heap when the dream ends vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: conmen (1) family (1) 20072022 - 1453 the name of the dream: the poker game after several years of double-dealing with the established financial institutions, four or five of us have made enough to live on easy street the money arrives in large envelopes in a cardboard box we're savvy enough to know we have to carry on living as though nothing has happened one new thing we do is have a game of poker once a week we do it to explain to our wives how we occasionally come home with a big win we arrange things so each of us "wins" every month or two the women accept their man's story of being "lucky" at cards once a year, a big "win" is enough to go on holiday somewhere exotic the children and wives are healthy and happy, who wouldn't be? in the last scene, the dreamer 's wife turns up with some chips in her hand where she got the chips, how she discovered where we played and what happened next may be revealed in a future dream vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: card games (2+) poker (1) 19072022 - 1452 the name of the dream: robbed the mystery isn't who did it, it could have been anybody, the real mystery is how anyone's abode could be stripped bare without anyone seeing or hearing anything surprisingly, the dreamer is not stressed out the more he dwells on it, the more the situation presents interesting possibilities the chance to start over afresh a new location a new direction in life the dreamer signs off on the dream looking forward to his new life vividness 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: theft against the dreamer (2+) all property (1) 18072022 - 1451 the name of the dream: a healthy tune the most respected and influential health organisation in the world highlights the literacy and knowledge of the american people specifically, it points out that the poorly educated don't have a basic understanding of nutritious food a survey shows that a significant number of the population get their education about food through the advertisements on the jewish-controlled telly to exemplify the differences between spoken american-english and spoken british-english and how it affects a persons perception, the world-renowned health organisation shows clips of interviews with people of all ages and genders from both cultures the difference is as plain as the difference between chalk and cheese the americans haven't got a clue they can only recite the "catch-words" and phrases from the advertisements the english-speaking british people interviewed can cite some of the vitamins in bread, vitamin b-12 is mentioned to further highlight the situation, the health organisation goes to an british school they suggest that one way of heightening people's awareness would be to introduce a song with a catchy melody which youngsters could latch onto to prove their point a class is chosen at random one of the children, guess who is to sing the carol "12 days of christmas" - the dreamer begins waking to hear himself singing the song and manages to recite the first three lines but can't remember any more notes 1 this dream coincides with a report presented by euronews today (coincidence or something else?) the report shows that food manufacturers have increased their wealth by almost half a trillion (500 000 000 000) dollars in the last two years again, we see the profit-driven jewish religion, aided and abetted by those amongst us who place the acquisition of money above all else, causing amounts of unnatural death that make the death toll in the war in ukrainian to seem like a car crash notes 2 the introduction of a hard currency by the jews some five thousand years ago is coming home to roost with a vengeance vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: health (2+) nutrition (3) 13072022 - 1450 the name of the dream: impatience the dreamer , along with eight or so other prisoners, are under escort we are about to be released we are taken to a shop to buy food for our train journey to freedom we are in a single file, lined up and ready to go into the shop after a bit of wait, no one goes into the shop the dreamer , about third in the queue, takes the initiative and walks passed the couple of guys before him and strides up the three steps into the shop at the entrance and about to go into the shop, he comes face to face with a man in a suit coming out it's then that the dreamer realises that the reason no one is going into the shop is because our escort has kept us waiting to allow the person already in the shop, not a prisoner, to come out the dreamer apologises to the man in the suit and goes back to his place in the queue our escort comes up to the dreamer and says, "good lad" notes 1 it crosses the writers mind that there is a "randomly generated" section in the mind that "fills in" periods of r.e.m. when there is nothing in the p.d.e's of significance vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: randomly generated dreams (30+) 12072022 - 1449 the name of the dream: inbreeding in ohio according to this dream, there was a time, it could be any one of the nine tenses of time, when e.t.'s began inter-breeding with mammal-man or, e.t.'s begin manipulating the genetic configurations of mammal man why it is, was or will be ohio isn't in the dream, although there probably is a reason among other things, what came from the gene manipulation is the highly erotic heightening of the sensations in the buttocks it produced pleasurable sensations as great as those produced by the genitalia of both genders although dubious of the claims, the silky, shiny sight of the buttocks did produce the desire to touch them the dreamer "goes for it" it was every bit as moreish as the claims said it would be the dream finishes with the dreamer handling a handful of soft, malleable part of the body he is in the throes of a "pleasure trip" whe he wakes the writer suspects this dream is the result of watching a game of football there were eight goals in the game notes 1 may the writer remind you, eventually, every cell of the skin will have pleasure receptors it works out that the amount of pleasure a person will eventually be receiving will be ten-thousand greater than what we currently experience the writer will never be able to come to terms with the outlook that forsakes the future for the oh-so-short here and now vividness 2.5/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: pleasure (50+) 11072022 - 1448 the name of the dreams: the swinger - the essayists the dream starts with the dreamer in a large classroom there are three rows of desks each row has about eighteen desks all the seats are occupied there is a teacher at the top of the scene facing the students the dreamer is sitting in the right-hand row of the room, third from the front we are all writing the dreamer is the only person at one of the desks who is not a student he and the teacher are both adults someone thought it would bring a productive theme to the classroom the dreamer is a "stabiliser". it is a marathon test it is over seven or eight hours with no breaks there is an air of "elitism" in the room the task is for each student to bring a unique perspective to a set theme the student's essays will be reviewed by an academic the evaluation of the academic may well determine the path the student takes for the whole of their professional life the room has an intensely serious atmosphere there isn't a cough or the sound of the leg of a chair moving or a murmur or a sigh it isn't the case for the dreamer occasionally he stands up and silently walks down between one row and up another one time, he goes to the supervisor's desk and whispers, "i'm going to stretch my legs" he is going for a smoke the dreamer returns to the classroom, at that point, begins to wake note 1 the smooth, seamless transition from dream-time to awake-time was the second-longest to date: the first longest..19052021 vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: classrooms/schools (4+) the swinger this side-view of a one-scened dream is of a naked and tanned young lady enjoying swinging from a rope swing attached to the branch of a tree it lasts for about three seconds of dream-time ? vividness 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: nudity (3+) 10072022 - 1447 the names of the dreams: loose change - when de geek? d.jaying a gig played the deep purple song "child in time" both the party-goer's and the dreamer are surprised when the track finishes about three minutes later one of the party-goers comes to the dreamer and asks, "why didn't you play all of it?" the dreamer says, "i didn't realise it was a shortened version" in the next scene, the dream becomes a think-read dream in the next scene, the dreamer is searching online for a review of the sheet music in the next scene, the dreamer is looking at the sheet music of the song sure enough, the sheet music has abbreviated the song the review was as critical and infuriated the party-goer's and the dreamer the review reads "since when the geek did "child in time" only last for a few minutes?" "who the geek do they think they are?" "who the geek is green valley (the name of the company that printed the sheet music) anyway?" the dreamer had just pulled up the sheet music of stairway to heaven from the same company and realised that the penny-pinching company abbreviates the sheet music to save money when the dream gives way to awake-time vividness 2.6/8 - participant and observer (reader) - the category of the dream: music (12+) rock (1+) loose change the dream opens with the dreamer walking towards the centre of town he has just got off a coach and is looking forward to visiting his old stomping grounds the centre of the city is about two hundred metres away a girl, about eighteen, comes up to him and asks him if he has any spare change on the scrounge she looks too well dressed to be on the scrounge the dreamer digs into his pocket and hands her all he's got, it was about fifty pence "you won't be able to do much with that", he says the girl says, "thanks, that's alright" the girl leaves the dream the dreamer decides the first thing he's going to do is buy a new pair of shoes notes 1 the writer is reasonably sure the origin of some of this dream came from the previous days experiences when he thought about whether he would be able to find shoes as comfortable as the ones he has vividness 2.5/6 - participant - the category of the dream: visit's to coventry (2+) 09072022 - 1446 the name of the dream: balancing feelings three or four of us are playing at a full or three-quarter size snooker table there are four balls on the table they are all white the "cue" ball is where the brown ball is in a game of snooker the three other balls are placed in the pink position, the blue position and the brown position an automatic win is to pocket all three balls with in one shot the other players take their turn first one or two pot one ball while the other doesn't pot one with two shots the dreamer pots three balls, one of which is the cue ball the cue ball is then replaced on its cue spot after the first round the dreamer is ahead on points in the second round the dreamer does abysmally and doesn't pot any balls the points are evenly balanced in the third round the dreamer does another three-balls-down shot the other two or three players aren't happy and dagger-looks and contorted faces tells the dreamer he should let them win vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: games and sports (9+) snooker table games (2+) crime (10+) identity theft (1) 08072022 - 1445 the name of the dream: dennis's dog dennis asks the dreamer to look after his dog for the day, he has to go to the hospital in the next scene, the dreamer is out walking the dog wouldn't you know it, the dog slips the lead the dog, a jack russell terrier, doesn't respond to the dreamer 's calls it could be anywhere if the dreamer doesn't find the dog before dennis gets back, the dreamer 's credibility will drop to zero dennis might even shun the dreamer forever still looking for the dog when the dream ends vividness 2.5/6 - participant - the category of the dream: animals (10+)mammals (15+) dogs (10+) jack russell terrier (1+) 07072022 - 1444 the name of the dream: the fall guy somehow someone got hold of my passport and was using it for an online scam not just any old scam, oh no, it was a well-oiled and sophisticated scam involving muchus dinero the scam crossed both borders and language the police were on my case in no time it became clear to the police more or less straight away it isn't the dreamer who is behind it it didn't take long before th real culprit was discovered his name is ian mcleland his connection to the deamer goes back to secondary school the dreamer has only one memory of him it was in a maths lesson the teacher posed a question to the class and mcleland came up with a novel way of solving it the teacher remarked, "when you start work, your boss will tell people to ask mcleland, he knows the easy way around things" unfortunately, the writer didn't retain anything at all from maths lessons what is the square root of minus one? note 1 upon waking and thinking about this dream, it crossed the writer's mind that memories play a crucial part in our evolution memories that are the "triggers" that manifest themselves within a particular set of circumstances and are part of the basic template that all man-shaped beings would follow the introduction of numbers for instance, may well be the result of you-know-who laying down specific times when numbers would steer evolution along a particular path it also follows that the evolutionary template, from amino acids to geometric form, will take on and automatically enact those traits/actions necessary to complete evolution at specific times across a five-thousand million year period seeing the bigger picture? vividness 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream: crime (10+) identity theft (1) 06072022 - 1443 the name of the dream: the coffee and cake and tea and sandwich cafe the first view in this dream is from a slightly elevated position, about a metre it is of an elongated room of about twenty metres it is about two and a half metres wide a long padded bench of the "chesterfield" style goes from end to end of the room there are ten or twelve half-metre square tables spaced evenly along the length of the room, so there are about two metres between each table there are no chairs at the tables the lighting is subdued and even seven or eight of the tables have patrons every patron is reading or writing or musing all the customers are sitting on the padded bench we don't see the proprietor or manager the dreamer is the observer in this dream it 's not known how it happened not unlike being unable to single out an individual moment of the growth of a plant and say, "it just grew a bit" indeed, we would have to go into atomic theory to specify a particular moment of expansion let us be fanciful and say it was an alignment of the stars to continue with how it all started... it may have been that someone remarked to someone that referred to something he had read or heard that had been by one of the men it resonated with the person who heard it the person who listened to the remark heard, a week or a month later, a comment from the same man, and again got him thinking the next time he saw the man, he asked him where he heard or read it the man didn't know the name of the man who wrote or said it it was told to him by an acquaintance of the man who wrote it when the man who had become curious heard a third remark which again gave him food for thought, he wanted to speak to the man who wrote it to cut a long story short, he eventually tracks him back to the cafe the curious man doesn't know which man it is he buys a drink and eventually another drink and a cake or sandwich he is getting the "feel" of the cafe eventually, and without being intrusive, he talks to the man to his left he recognises immediately that this man could be the man who originated the remarks or views that pricked his imagination within the short time of a few weeks, the curious man has spoken to most of the men he comes to realise he is in the midst of moderate men with great minds he persuades the men into giving him copies of their papers between them, the writer's work covers all the main topics twice a week, the most relevant points, which pertain to societies, are read to a worldwide audience they are rarely, if ever, contested the thing is, because it isn't in the dream, we can't figure out how the men "happened" to find themselves doing what they're doing in the same place at the same time we just don't know the dream only shows us the men in the cafe writing and someone reading out the latest decree/s outside the cafe notes 1 when you hear the expression, "it's only a dream" bear in mind that dreams are, in the main, your very own memories of this and the future and past undulations everything you have ever done, are doing and are destined to do, is already "scheduled" to happen the minutest variation of the most inconsequential thing you enact has already been factored into your destiny, be it evolving or devolving vividness 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: informative (6+) 05072022 - 1442 the name of the dreams: hash party, betting on gold, model body, a hash party is just starting, and the guests are still coming a slightly-built host is handing people lumps of hash from a brick-sized lump it must have weighed four kilograms the dreamer was handed a piece off the block that was at least four ounces before the dreamer could start consuming what he had, he was given it in two or three different ways the dream went on like that the only way a person could use it all up would be to eat it as the party was coming to an end, the dreamer realised that his piece hadn't and wouldn't be needed the dreamer thins it out and wraps it in silver foil in the morning, the dreamer would be the hero when people were ready to start smoking again, but no one had any, that is when the dreamer would produce his untouched piece note 1 in case you haven't come across the latest thinking on hash elsewhere on this website and think the writer would condone indulging in the way in the dream, the dreamer must pass on to you the latest from you-know-who it is ok to take marijuana in drinks and food, it can effectively release blocked sinuses, smoking it in whatever form, is not what you-know-who wants you or the dreamer to do it has harmful effects over time vividness 2.6 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: hash (7+) betting on gold the dreamer is listening to two women talking one of them is trying to get the gen on which nation is likely to win the most gold medals at the winter olympics the woman going to bet will bet on the advice she gets from the woman she is talking to both the dreamer and the woman who is going to make a bet find it hard to believe israel is most likely to scoop most medals "it's a given", says the knowledgeable woman notes 1 a quick check of the medals table for three different winter olympics shows israel nowhere in the medals perhaps the knowledgeable woman was referring to isreali's representing nations other than isreal this dream may have been the result of thinking about the film "molly's game" in the last week or two vividness 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: isreali sports persons (1) model body a one-scene dream in the centre of town on a bright day the centre of the town or city is in a dip in the land the dreamer has just turned a corner and is about to walk up an incline the dreamer is wearing trousers and a shirt the shirt highlights his upper-body muscularity it shows his lats and pecs with impressive effect the dreamer is in a confident frame of mind vividness 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream: body shape (2+) 0407202 - 1441 the name of the dreams: an abundance of energy and an abundance of cash, corrupt america this dream starts onboard a plane it is coming into land in the next scene, the aisle is a mixture of chaos, activity and anticipation as everybody is gathering their belongings and getting ready for the newness of something different in the next scene, the dreamer is reading from a newspaper while reading, ideas and suggestions present themselves following through on one of them leads the dreamer into an area of four or five people the dreamer is enthusiastically organising them into doing something finances become an obstacle no problem we make our way to the nearest atm (automatic tilling machine) after handing out cash, new ideas and opportunities present themselves it becomes a self-generating mechanism there are seven or eight scenes in the same vein things are happening so fast it's hard to keep track at the current pace, we'll have changed the world within a few more scenes vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: adventure dream (4+) second dream: corrupt america a mentally "challenged" young man is used by a predatory-minded individual to further his career without realising it, a young man tresspasses into an elderly womans garden the woman calls the police the attention the woman is getting makes her emphasise the trauma the intrusion is causing her it becomes a news item the predatory-minded individual sees the opportunity to capitalise on it he visits the elderly woman with the use of innuendo and suggestion, he gets the woman to dramatise the event one of the things she suddenly "realises" is that she thought she was about to be attacked she thinks the the young man is going to murder her the predator moves in for the kill he gets a truama specialist to recognise the woman has developed life-long symptoms that will probably shorten her life at the trial, the young man's mental condition does'nt get mentioned the young man isn't sufferering from any recognised mental disorder he is, in fact, a predator looking for a victim the judge is "in" on the set-up he is a menace to society and sentences the young man to three life sentences the predatory oppurtunist and three or four others advance their careers notes 1 every time the writer tunes into an american channel, the lies and corruption jump out of the screen vividness 2.5/6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: politics (3+) 03072022 - 1440 the name of the dream: political manoeuvres the dreamer 's father is in prison using fabricated evidence, he was sentenced to life imprisonment a decade or so before for exposing the illegal activities of the son of a leading political figure (perhaps this dream draws its substance from the situation between Biden and his son) that a leading political figure has a wayward son who has denigrated his character and standing it is something that turns the father of his besmirched son into a vindictive man one of his "comforts" in life is knowing the dreamer 's father is languishing in jail a golden opportunity to get his father out of prison comes about this is where it gets a bit vague the dreamer gets presented with information that is causing a "logjam" in international cooperation a situation which, if resolved, will restore, to some extent, the political bruising that came from the exposing of his son the dreamer presents part of the information to an intermediary he recognises its value immediately and has no doubts something can be worked out with bitter reluctance, the vindictive politician pulls the necessary strings that lead to the decree that the dreamer 's father is to be released three years hence note 1 some of the intricacies of the dream are vague the vagueness is due to not making the dreams diary a priority item it will seem, given the current circumstances, that a person's dreams are insignificant what do a persons dreams have to do with real life? , "a dream is just a dream" as mentioned elsewhere... in time, dream-time memory and awake-time memory become "fused". that is, what we dream about is what we will do in the period of awake-time that follows the dream and what we do in awake-time becomes part of what we dream about the next time we sleep dreams are significant alas, it will take many a millennium for their significance to be realised and longer still for them to be acted upon (see dream 09022018) vividness 2.5/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: political (2+) 28062022 - 1439 the name of the dream: potato-heads we are three we are at my place in the next scene, one of the guys is in the kitchen he is frying potatoes that have been cut into smaller pieces he is frying them in butter they look delicious (stand-out visual) it gives the dreamer the idea to make some mashed potato, add some plain flour and shape them the same as the guy who is frying the potatoes in butter the excitement is building as the dream ended vividness 2.5/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food (potatoes 2+) the dreamer is in the company of a woman and a man in their place their not paying much attention to the dreamer they have a problem specifically, the woman has a splinter in the forefinger of her left hand it's driving the woman crazy she can feel exactly where it is but she can't see it neither of them can up with a solution to remedy it in the next scene, the dreamer has a paperclip at hand he configures the paperclip so that it fits tight to his finger upon relieving the pressure of the paperclip, momentarily it turns the skin white the dreamer shows the woman does what he has just done the man poo poo's it the woman says something derogatory to the man the dreamer , like the woman, know how uncomfortable a splinter can be and suggests that the woman does the same when the skin is white the black splinter becomes visible placing the finger in hot water will soften the skin it is then a matter of using a sterilised pin to loosen the skin and expose the splinter note there was a time when the writer was a young man he did exactly what was done in the dream only in his case, he didn't use hot water or a sterilised pin it was a bit painful but the nagging throbbing every time the finger touched something was worse vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: application of awake-time experiences in dreams (1+) 20062022 - 1438 the name of the dream: a bed of zzzzz's a regular caller to the dreamer 's pad was sitting on the sofa the dreamer let the caller in a few seconds before before he had a chance to say anything the dreamer said, with obvious cynisism "i'm broke" the dreamer knew that after the caller had said something banal he would launch into his "pitch" he would make a promise that the dreamer would get something for nothing if the dreamer lent him some money the dreamer 's initial comment broke his momentum in a flash, he introduced a new angle to get the dreamer 's sympathy "i've broken up with my girlfriend" the dreamer wasn't going to fall into the trap the dreamer countered with, "you'll get by, your a survivor" he was looking dejected when the dream ended vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintences (20+) 19062022 -1437 the name of the dream: a bed of zzzzz's the dreamer finds himself on a bed it is a big bed a double bed plus a single bed in width the head-end of the bed is pushed up against the wall the wall is made of marble a third of a metre above the bed the wall goes back about twelve centimetres in effect, it is a shelf that runs around the room the dreamer is "cat-sitting" at least a dozen kittens the kittens aren't quite ready to settle down for the night they are all over the bed, on the pillow, burrowing under the blankets, about the pillows, everywhere in an attempt to bring order to the chaos the dreamer puts three, four five of the kittens in the reccess above the top of the bed for a few seconds, the dreamer is beginning to feel as though he is winning the battle some of the kittens are going to sleep the kittens elevated to the shelf don't like the cold, hard surface of the shelf they begin diving onto the bed there are now half a dozen kittens on and around the pillows the situation isn't improving much as the dream ends the kittens are replaced by babies in nappies there are about five of them the dreamer is in his element we're having great fun the mothers of the babies are in the room they're smiling that the babies are happy but they want the babies to be sleeping before going out in the next scene, two or three of the babies are sleeping but two or three aren't the women have left the dream two or three of the babies aren't vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: baby's (4+) animals (20+) cats (6+) kittens (1+) 16062022 - 1436 the name of the dream: everyone's a winner a solution to the problem of gambling addiction is being implemented on a world-basis the odds of winning were, unbeknown to the gambler, fixed the gambler is assured of winning at a rate of a little more than fifty per cent of the time the gambler has an "aide". the aid encourages the gambler to use her/his winnings to channel the winnings to people who needed it it turns out that when a person is on a "winning streak", she or he is generous with their booty vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: gambling (2?) 12062022 - 1435 the name of the dream: full moons there are three dreams for today am entering this one for now full moons the dreamer , along with cousin jim (the younger) and his girlfriend or wife, have just stepped out of the front door of their home jim says something which suggests that the dreamer finds his wife/girlfriend appealing, which he does the dreamer is sure his girlfriend/wife has put him up to it his girlfriend/wife is all eyes and and ears she wants to know what the dreamer thinks of her the girl/lady has smooth skin, sleek hair, body and dress the dreamer is up against the ropes he can't say he does like her, and he can't say he doesn't a bit of fancy verbal side-stepping produces the reply, "i'd have to change beyond all recognition" the dreamer continues, "i like being a bit of a loose cannon,i don't want to change" there is a silence as they are both thinking about it a movement above and behind the house draws the dreamer 's attention there are three objects in the sky the biggest and closest is what looks like a gigantic air-balloon if it is a balloon it the size of a stadium at a hundred metres it has siimilar pockmarks and craters like the moon it is also a shiny silver-moon it is moving slowly, almost imperceptibly beyond that is the regular moon in its full moon stage as with the closest moon, features of the uneveness of its surface are visible about one-third of the regular moon is obscured by the big moon beyond that is another round body about one-half of the size of the second nearest moon there is a white cloud just in front and at the bottom of the gigantic moon the picture of the three moons and the wisp of white cloud looks like the face of a clock at three-thirty the dreamer , looking above and behind jim a nd his wife/girlfriend says, "it's three-thirty" they both look up the dream ends as all three of us are looking at the spectacle note eleswhere at the website, poincares theorem of reccurence dictates that the configaration of the earth and moon is always a set-circumstance it's within the range of possible that the earth can be moved before the sun becomes a red giant? see the film "wandering earth" or, is it possible that googoled beings keep their man-shaped status and use other solar systems with an earth/moons arrangement, as described in the dream, to extend the completion of genetc lines that would otherwise have given rise to other beings that would therwise would have achieved fulfilment but were thwarted by circunstances beyond their control? the only other interpretation is that this dream is a mish-mash of influences over the past week or so looking at this picture (dreams pics 1 12062021) for a minute or two four or five days ago could be the influence vividness 2.7/8 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (4+) planets and moons (1+) 06062022 - 1434 the name of the dream: unnatural x vividness 2.4 - observer - the category of the dream: x dream (20+) 01062022 - 1433 the name of the dreams: magic-mover, pre-apocalyptic writings, at the disco at the disco the dreamer is one the first to go through door at a discotheque he is at the cashiers kiosk the dreamer says, "ticket for one please" the cashier, he looks more like a bouncer than an admin person, looks at the dreamer for a long second he then says, in a way which doesn't want any smart arse replies, "your'e a one alright" the dreamer is too old to be going to disco's seated with a drink, the dreamer is thinking about being the first one to start dancing the place is filling up when the dream ends not much of a dream at all interestingly, has as happened before in recent dreams, at the end of this dream an idea comes to mind that has awake-time applications it is an idea that has marketable features perhaps it is the dream-time conscious "opening up" the inventions, insights, formulations etc. of our history, that, although enriching in most ways, sre only scratches on the the surface of those things that are to come let's not forget, our soul has within it not just all the memories of all the things we have ever done but, more significantly, the memories of all the things those of us who have experienced all the future times to come while man-shaped vividness 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream: discotheques (7+) - future memories (3+) see pre-apocalyptic writings in the aftermath of nuclear war the dreamer is going from one community to another he is looking for survivors before he finds anyone, he sees instructions written on stone and other material whiich would still be there after the explosions the dream becomes a think-read dream they were written by those who went underground or sought safety elsewhere some gave their reasons for how things got to where they are some offered solace, some lamented the striking thing was they all gave instructions of where to find things that people who survived the explosions could use to keep alive the dreamer is moved by the fact that even in the face of impending death people are thinking of how they can help others to survive the theme of the dream changes from nuclear post-apocalytic to bio-war post-apocalyptic there is no evidence of there being any explosive effects, craters, bombed-out buildings etc there is though the same type of messages as with the nuclear apocalyptic theme this dream was long enough for it to be classified as an epic dream - see vividness 2.5/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: epic dream (5+) post apocalyptic (1//+) magic-mover the first half-dozen or so scenes has the dreamer in an playful state of mind he is one of only a handful of people worldwide with a weird and wonderful gizmo the reason only about one in a million people have one is because the gizmo has the potential to harm if not in skilled hands the gizmo is the size of sandwich made of six slices of bread it feels like a firm sponge and is brown in colour using two hands, the harder it is squeezed, the greater the weight it can move further, once it "locks on" to the person it is pointed at, it can move the person left or right, up or down and in a curve the skill is in knowing how slow or fast to move the person from one point to another its has an unlimited range, from centimetres to beyond the atmosphere basically, to any place within the user's field of vision it doesn't work on inanimate objects whatever it was designed for isn't known in this dream it is being used as a party trick its greatest fun-value is to point it an unsuspecting girl or boy boy the roar of laughter that comes from the surrounding people as the unsuspecting girl or boy is lifted into the air is the highlight moment everybody wants to be lifted up and feel the sensation for themselves it's a great feeling to be in demand to give people pleasure vividness 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (4+) p.s. about one-hundred dreams yet to be entered 18052022 - 1432 the name of the dream: the female wanderer the dreamer and a young lady join the back of the queue of a take-away bakery shop at the same time we get to talking the girl, aged about twenty, is touring the country in a van the van is a converted 20cwt van we eat our cake and savouries sitting in the driver and passenger seat the dreamer is slowly winning her around to the idea of letting him travel with her when the dream ends vividness 2.6/8 - participant - the category of the dream: relationships () female () 17052022 - 1431 the name of the dream: x-dream: melanie; the brief girl decided to include the details of this dream for reasons only known to melanie, she enjoys conjoinment most sitting astride and facing the dreamer she reaches fulfilment surprisingly quickly, within three or four seconds of dream-time at the most intense moment, she clasps the dreamer with all her strength the sensation for the dreamer is a mixture of softness and firmness it feels as though we are welded together and will never part note melanie was an awake-time girlfriend when the writer was in his early thirties our intimacy never included the details as described in this dream therefore, am assigning this dream as a future time-tense hope she reads this vividness 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream: melanie (1) x dream relationships (20+) 15052022 - 1430 the name of the dream: the would-be billionaire in the early morning light the dreamer is heading for the casino the temperature is cool to cold the dreamer is wearing a grey crombie coat for reasons unknown, he is carrying another full-length overcoat the coat is peach-coloured it is exotic it is also eye-catching the dreamer enters the casino two or three stunning-looking girls give him the once-over the girls are high-class professional hookers the young women know their game they don't see the dreamer as a potential catch they are right, the dreamer has about forty pounds in his pocket one of the girls sees the label on the coat she gasps out to the other women something like, "it's a ........? coat" the dreamer is now in the wealthy class and worthy of their attentions the dreamer knows better than to "lead them on" if the dreamer takes advantage of their "hospitality" and doesn't start "shelling out" drinks and tips almmost immediately, there are men on call who know how to deal with freeloaders the games room in the casino is empty except for one player the dreamer asks the floor manager to open up a blackjack table in the last scene of the dream, the dreamer is striking up a friendly conversation with the female dealer if the dreamer stretches the game out he may start winning if that happens, there's every chance she'll accept the dreamer 's advances note fairly sure the coat in this dream is a coat the writer picked up from an up-class jumble sale in kensington when he was in his late teens it was a fawn-coloured camel-hair coat vividness 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream: clothes, girls and gambling (1+) 14052022 - 1429 the name of the dream: it is the end of the working week the dreamer gets handed his wages for the first time, he receives his wage in a brown envelope usually, it's counted into his hand opening the envelope, he sees the money is in two separate groups one of the amounts he recognises as his weekly wage the other amount is three or four times bigger than his regular wage and is held together with a band in with the unexpected windfall are two photographs the first one is of a bride dressed in a traditional white wedding dress she hasn't got her headdress on she is sitting in the back seat of a limousine her lips are in the shape of the expression of a playful O the ceremonies are over she can relax the other photo is also of a young woman at first, the dreamer doesn't recognise her then, the memory of who she is comes to mind the dreamer first started taking photographs in his late twenties he can recall several occasions when a passerby "caught his eye" and asked them if he could take their photograph the second photo in the envelope was one of those times the girl/young lady was wearing a thickly-woven jumper it suited her it captured her inner self she was pleased that the writer noticed it "brought out" her personality and enthusiastically gave permission for the writer to take a photograph why had she sent the dreamer money and, even more perplexing, how did she know where to find me? it was while musing on that question that another similar awake-time circumstance came to mind* the writer awakes to hear himself say, "who else knows about this?" notes *the writer asks the reader to refer to the dream of 23112015 that dream is also interwoven with a mix of awake-time and dream-time circumstances like the 23112015 dream this dream connects awake-time and dream-time across years * this is the beauty of keeping a dreams diary it allows us to piece together the memories of dream-time and awake-time into a meaningful whole part of the process that will happen before Transmutation ( will be the ability, possibly a requsite, to remember all awake and dream-time memories vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: awake-time/dream-time connections (2+) 13052022 - 1427 the name of the dreams: fight dream - think-read/write geneology compiling the current family tree... things are going swimmingly with sisters, brothers aunts and uncles the table has a dozen or so boxes the problems began when it came to divorces, re-marriages and births not related to both parents referring to and changing the boxes became took too much mental effort the effort needed to remember, and go back to boxes already compiled, caused the dreamer to wake up note from memory, this is the second most difficult dream to complete and which caused the dreamer to wake up the first was the dream "back to school" of 23112017 it brings up the question "what, are the limitations, if there are limitations, of the brain/mind's ability to recall?" we know from regression ( that it is possible to regress a hypnotised person to a particular day of her//his past, but to be able to remember every moment across trillions of lifetimes! links for regression 1 ( links for regression 2 ( again, the notion of fractlizing ( presents itself we also get an expanded insight into the complexity of the workings of the man-shaped being as we begin to unravel our various parts as the possibilities of what we are capable of thrust themselves itself into our conscious state vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: think-read/write (4+) genealogy (1) a fighting dream vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: fight dreams (3+) 23042022 -1426 after waking this morning, the writer laid in bed for 10 to 15 minutes watching a montage play out the theme of the montage was mother and baby all of the scenes had the same tone of colour, light beige this montage is published for two reasons 1 it is the lengthiest ever montage 2 it is the beginning of the long sought after ability to be able, by will, to extend the length of a montage the name of the montage: mother/baby delights 12022022 - 1425 the name of the dream: unnamed 2+ a two-scene x dream vividness 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream: x dream 12022022 - 1424 the name of the dream: boxed in imagine a bedroom five metres wide, seven metres long and three and a third-metres high now imagine see-through plastic boxes that are twenty-five centimetres wide by forty-five centimetres long by five-thirty centimetres high there is less than a clenched fist of space between the top box and the ceiling to walk between two rows of boxes means turning sideways most, if not all of the containers are choc-a-bloc with the dreamer 's accumulated possessions over more than sixty-five years the dreamer is searching for something he knows he has it but doesn't know which box it is in there is a mild sense of claustrophobia the dream ends before the dreamer finds whatever it is he is looking for this dream is based on the writer spending thirty minutes yesterday looking for, but not finding, a length of wire vividness 2.7 - participant = the category of the dream: manual searches () see-through plastic containers (1) 07022022 - 1423 the name of the dream: lucky me walking through the shopping centre in the middle of a city, it looks like plymouth the dreamer is on his way to a cafe for something to eat and/or drink he comes across a small crowd of eight or nine people grouped around someone or something he stops to see what's going on a man is claiming he can tell a person what the oldest coin is in their change he is betting his loose change against your loose change he has more change than any person would normally have, that's the lure the dreamer is curious he can't possibly know what dates are on the coins in the dreamer 's pocket the dreamer accepts the wager the man says, "1940" the dreamer looks through his change he has an older bronze coin the dreamer says, "1930" the man paid up the man must have done his homework the central bank had recalled all pre-1940 coins months before something neither the dreamer nor the average joe wouldn't have been aware of it was thousands to one against a random passer-by having one of only a handful of the recalled coins still in circulation vividness 2.6.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money (7+) betting () 06022022 - 1422 the name of the dream: the queen wore slacks the headline on the front of the daily mail read, "the queen dismisses her dressing assistants" (the stand-out visual) it is a concession to the public mood the public is struggling to make ends meet it will give the average person a sense of justice the dreamer knows it won't change anything certainly not the oligarch's it's just another bit of media hype vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: the royal family (1) 05022022 - 1421 the name of the dream: choose your friends carefully someone the dreamer knows shows his true colours we are out and about together we come to a road without looking right or left he steps out into the road an approaching vehicle swerves to avoid him the car steers clear of him but crashes into another car and causes a fairly serious injury to the driver the dreamer loses contact with the person he was out and about with a while later, think it was a few months, the dreamer receives a summons to appear in court to give his account of the incident in court, you could have knocked the dreamer down with a feather when the solicitor or lawyer accuses the dreamer of leading his client into the road it never occurred to the dreamer that the person with him on the day of the accident would blame him why would he? why would the person he was with on the day do it? his solicitor or lawyer said that it was the dreamer who stepped onto the road first and because the person with the dreamer was looking at the dreamer while he was talking to him, he assumed that the road was clear as the court proceedings proceeded it all fell into place the dreamer knows the parents of the person with him on the day of the accident are well-off it was essential that their son should not have a blemish on his character and is only too ready to pass the blame onto a "working man" the dreamer is angry and stunned and is thinking about what to do when the dream ends vividness 1.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: pseudo friends (1) 04022022 - 1420 the name of the dream: tuning into the computer another foray into computer skills in dreams the dreamer is splicing and joining a music file it was going smoothly for the first four or five scenes at the moment when a sense of satisfaction entered the dream, things started falling apart the old problem of not being able to get a response when pressing a key was back woke up feeling a little frustrated still, the first four or five scenes of the dream were the most successful and intricate of any dream so far vividness 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream: operating computers (7+) 03022022 - 1419 x dream 02022022 - 1418 the name of the dream: the pug dog a woman lays a 2 x 2-metre sheet of stiff white paper on the ground she then gives the dreamer a partly-deflated, soft, coconut-sized, light-brown ball and invites him to play with the dog the dreamer is all for it the dog is seated on his haunches in the middle of the sheet of paper the dreamer rolls the ball a little to the right of the dog the dog moves its head as it follows the ball going past on the second roll of the ball, the dreamer rolls the ball so it comes to a stop in front of the dog the dog doesn't look at the ball but is looking at the dreamer the same thing happens twice more when the ball is rolled the dog doesn't "get it" a ball, a person, so what two perplexed people don't understand why the dog isn't interested this dream came about as the result of speaking to a woman holding a pug dog in the dustbin area two days before vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: animals - mammals () pug dogs (1) 07122021 - 1418 the name of the dream: the girl wearing a white blouse not for the first time, the dreamer 's sister is playing cupid again her friend is a biggish girl she suits the white blouse and dark jacket the dreamer is not sure why his sister is determined to partner her brother with someone our mother has the same trait like mother, like daughter the girl gets the go-ahead in the form of a nod and makes her way over to where the dreamer is lying in the sleeping position on a sofa in the next scene, the sofa becomes a bed the girl wearing a white blouse slips under the blanket the dreamer is lying on his left with his back to her he says something completely inappropriate it was along the lines of "relationships are easy to form". it wasn't what the girl was expecting to hear the moment he says it, the dreamer realises it is a "mood-killer" he tries to put things right and says something more fitting it gets things back on track, but it may not be enough it's touch and go the writer wakes up to the sound of his voice desperately trying to win a girl over vividness 2.6/2.65 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships () female () 06122021 - 1417 the name of the dream: pushing my luck it was one of those occasions that crop up every couple of years the dreamer needed tobacco the nearest shop was more than two miles away the dreamer didn't have enough money to catch a bus and get the tobacco nor did he want to use the car because the tank was nearly empty and he didn't want to chance running out of petrol the thought of walking two miles was even more daunting though his craving for nicotine got the better of him he decides to take a chance with the car the shop he had to get to was one of half a dozen shots in a built-up estate it would only take a minute to park the car near the shops, get the tobacco and get back to the car before the car became an issue for other drivers the problem was the road at the point nearest to the shops was on a long bend which is not a good place to park a car there weren't any traffic wardens to post tickets but, it was an obstacle for other vehicles the absence of other cars in the dream prompted the dreamer to think he could be back before any traffic came by again the dreamer decides to push his luck and parks the car on the bend as was thought, it only took moments to go to the shop and get back to the car the dreamer kept an eye on the car while walking to the shops and while in the shop all that he needed now was for the petrol to hold out the petrol ran out within twenty metres the dreamer decides the car is not worth it with reckless abandonment, he abandons the car vividness 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream: cars () tobacco () 05122021 - 1416 the name of the dream: hot chocolate the dreamer is in a shop that is renowned for its luxury chocolates after a while of careful deliberation, it comes down to two both are delicate wafer chocolates the salesperson opens one of the boxes the box has about twelve finger biscuits two of the biscuits have slipped out of their containment place with a practised, delicate touch the salesman moves them back into place with his forefinger he then opens the second box two of the biscuits are broken the dreamer can sense the salesperson's tension the box with the broken biscuits then breaks into flames note fairly sure the flames are the result of watching a film (terminator: genisys) with more explosions in it than ww2 see also the dream of 25112021 vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: weird and wonderful (3+) food () luxury chocolates (2+) 03122021 - 1415 the name of the dream: the downside to lending just made it on to the bus went up upstairs the person the dreamer had lent money to at the beginning of the dream was in the seats closest to the stairs "have you got the money", the dreamer asked the young man didn't say anything he was looking at the dreamer as he went his right hand pocket he pulled out of his pocket notes folded in half and then folded in half again it didn't look like the amount that had been agreed he said, "it's a hundred" he had borrowed a thousand and promised to give it all back and a "little something" by way of thanks the dreamer began pressing him for an explanations while the young man began trotting out the excuses the dreamer could see the young man looking at something or someone behind the dreamer turning around to take a look, the dreamer nearly bumbed into the person the young maan was looing at he was a well-groomed "heavy" two and a quarter metres tall, fourteen stone and all of it was meat he asked the dreamer to go downstairs and get off the bus with him the young man had turned rat/fink on the dreamer the dreamer was weighing up his options when the dream ended vividness 2.6/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: money () strong-arm tactics () 02122021 - 1414 the name of the dreams: over-anxious, red spiders the dreamer is having a dream about children the dream about children is replaced by a dream about spiders the spiders are red there are two of them they are confronting each other they may be a female and a male enacting a mating ritual the dreamer gets the impression they are about to fight the dream ends, the dreamer wakes he's lying on his right side his face is within five or six centimetres of the wall on the wall about twenty-five centimetres above the dreamer 's face is a red spider it is the same as the ones in the dream you work it out vividness 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: animals () insects () spiders (2+) note a google search of five or six sites says the same thing the u.k. doesn't have any red spiders, as are in the dream or on the wall, native to the u.k. * is was back in the late 1980s when the writer was woken out of his sleep two or three times over a period of a week or so a nasty, boil-sized poisonous sac had developed behind his right ear it started to ache it became the writer's number one priority his heightened sense of purpose to figure out what the boil is was the last thing he was thinking about when he went to sleep in the middle of the night, about ten days after the writer first became aware of the poison-sac, he woke suddenly the sac of poison was so sensitive it sent signals to the brain whenever it was touched the writer lifted his head rapidly and turned to look at the pillow it was then he saw the spider its body was about the size of a ten-pence coin it had bright colouring the writer reached out and grasped it in his hand instinctively the writer dropped it when it bit into his skin the spider had pincers at the front of its mouth the pincers were strong enough to break through the skin of an adult hand it was obviously an exotic spider the writer put on a loose washing-up glove picked the spider up and threw it into the grass at the front of the flat the writer began thinking about the circumstances which led to it coming from a tropical country into his bedroom it must have been in with the bananas (a couple of bananas a day were a part of the writer's diet at the time) it's easy enough to imagine it was in a bunch of bananas when they were cut from the tree the problem with that conjecture is that a blood-sucking or meat-eating spider isn't likely to be in a fruit tree leave out the way it got into a shipment of bananas for the moment so, it's in the crate, then it's in a ship, then the harbour in england, then it's in a distribution centre or warehouse then a lorry, then a store, then a shelf, then the writer's bedroom the more it is thought about, the less likely it becomes that it should end up in the writer's bedroom it was years before the writer put it together... an acquaintance, an ex-army man, had run over and killed a german while on "tour" in germany no charges were brought against him on the contrary, to kill a german is a feather in the cap of the british military he was seconded by the military for "use" in civilian life shortly after the writer met him he began a relationship with a girl who was the daughter in a family which owned a pet shop the pet shop specialised in snakes, parrots and the like the memory of the night the person being mentioned and another man came to visit presented itself it wouldn't have been remembered if it hadn't been for the ex-army man insisting that the writer go with his friend to make a phone call in the laundry-room the reason given for accompanying the other man to the phone isn't remembered at the time there was no reason for the writer to suspect the ex-army man of ill-will toward him it wasn't until the writer began to criticise the government that the writer began to experience "difficulties" in his life the "difficulty" mentioned above is just one of the dozens of instances of "difficulties" between nineteen eighty-six and nineteen ninety-six the writer was astounded that men could stoop to such petty vindictiveness this dream has given the writer the chance to say to them what he's been wanting to say ever since he realised what had happened, "when you get to the insect world watch out for the spiders" over-anxious the dreamer is lying on his back a friend is with him he is waiting for a doctor his friend called for an ambulance before the dream started the dreamer doesn't know how the accident happened the injury is a neck injury it is similar to the dreamer 's current situation but nowhere near as bad (in fact, this dream may be the current situation of a future undulation) the friend who phoned for the ambulance must have described the dreamer 's physical state accurately the person he spoke to on the phone recognised the symptoms and diagnosed the injury the medic he spoke to on the phone knew he didn't need to go to the hospital they would be sending a doctor the doctor arrives it is a young woman the woman is a person from awake-time (the writer is still trying to remember the where and the when) the doctor is wearing day-to-day clothes a hip-length, light brown suede jacket and skirt she produces a roll-up cigarette and says, "is it alright to smoke?" we say it is she doesn't examine the dreamer the dreamer is starting to relax he doesn't need to go to the hospital he doesn't need medication or treatment "i thinks i have bruised my neck bones", the dreamer says the dream ends vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: personal physical injuries (2?) 01122021 -1413 the name of the dream: sooty takes a shower a four or five scene dream an assortment of toys are sprawled in a square metre of the floor two or three of them are puppet-sized animals one of the puppets is sooty as in the tv programme, it is an orange-coloured sooty an adult hand props sooty up against the back of a doll-sized comfy-chair in the next scene, a hand produces a doll-sized shower-head in the next scene, a trickle of water flows from the shower-head within two scenes the trickle becomes a deluge sooty is drowning get help someone vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: children's tv character's () sooty (1) 30112021 - 1412 the girl wearing a beige coloured skirt-suit team up with a woman she is wearing a dark-beige, two-piece skirt-suit we go back to her place she lives on the first floor of a two-storey block of flats we are getting along alright there isn't an intimate air to the dream the writer thinks the dreamer and the girl do become involved but haven't been able to recall the rest of the dream vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships () female () 29112021 - 1411 the name of the dream: part experiences, part dream-time memories zebras the dreamer is looking at a lorry that has been converted into a cage the cage has eight or nine zebras in it the zebras are eating hay the hay is wedged into a wire netting half a metre outside of the cage the gap between the bars of the cage is only wide enough for the zebras to get their heads through the zebras are extremely relaxed in the way they are eating, almost human-like a lot of the hay is being pushed out of the wire and onto the ground where the zebras can't get it the dreamer is tempted to tell the driver that he could save the lost hay by putting an angled bit of wood at the bottom of the wire next theme in a supermarket a woman has just put her two-year-old daughter into the built-in seat of the shopping trolley the baby girl responds to the dreamer when he speaks to her he gets the baby-girl smiling and almost laughing the mother is pleased the baby is happy the writer detects a tinge of jealousy in the mother the dreamer leans his trolley against the wall to get closer to the baby girl there is enough of a down-slope leading into the supermarket for dreamer's empty trolley to feel the tug of gravity the trolley has gained enough speed to be of concern the dream ends as the dreamer is setting off to get the trolley the baby/mother dream and the pub dream are an amalgamation of awake-time experiences over the last several days next theme came across a dog in size, it was twice as big as a whippet and half the size of a greyhound it was standing perfectly still as though posing next theme in a pub was feeling unusually thirsty it was a crowded it took a space-age before being served ordered a cider shandy the first swallow of the cold drink was a stand-out sensation equal to any awake-time memory vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: multi-themed dream (20+) animals (25+) mammals (15+) zebras (1) dogs (10+) babies (10) drink (15+) cider-shandy (2) 28112021 - 1410 the name of the dream: somebodys' watching me there's no doubt about it the dreamer is being watched, closely he is also being followed it is easier for the dreamer to see the people following him than it is to see those keeping an eye on him on two occasions the dreamer makes unexpected turns into streets that were off the beaten track turns which were so diverse it couldn't be a coincidence that two different people would make them at the same time on one occasion, the dreamer turns two corners in rapid succession and waits for the person following him to walk straight into him it was satisfying to let the person following him almost bump into him the dreamer was tempted to start a conversation with him the oligarch is so structured that they have to let you know you are being scrutinised it enables the person being watched to say and do things she or he wouldn't normally do things that are so contradictory it so steers their thinking into spending time and effort to discover their following a red herring this dream came about as a result of the writer noticing a man looking at him while the man was talking on his mobile a few days ago it's easy for the writer to see a devolving being in action the dream was further stimulated as a result of watching the film "gemini man" yesterday - vividness 2.6/7 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: spies and spooks (2+) 27112021 - 1409 the name of the dream: humour saves the day waiting for a male friend waiting at his place he's due momentarily his girlfriend is there she doesn't dislike the dreamer it's just that she doesn't rate him the dreamer decides he will try to change her opinion of him the next time she says something the dreamer will add a humourous or sober factuality to his reply e.g., his girlfriend asks, "how long have you been friends?" the dreamer replies, "ever since the first time he lent me a tenner". e.g., his girlfriend says, "it was ron who taught you to drive wasn't it?" the dreamer replies, "yes, did you know more people learn to drive through a friend or relative than with a driving instructor?" about ten q and a's later, she is taking a shine to me the dream ends before ron returns vividness 2.7 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: friends, family and acquaintances () unknown friend (2+) 26112021 - 1408 the name of the dream: a piece of cake the dreamer is sixteen or seventeen he is down on his heels nowhere to live, no job and hungry it is early morning, about seven o'clock from the road he sees a school standing on its own grounds the school is about thirty metres from the road it looks inviting the dreamer enters the grounds he goes around the back of the school out of sight of the road the school looks like it is a secondary school it is about a hundred metres square the dreamer is looking for an open window there is a recess on part of the building the recess is about eight metres deep and a metre-and-a-half wide his intuition tells him if any door is open, this is the most likely candidate it is open inside the building, there are thirty to forty-metre hallways good for seeing people coming, but equally, other people can see you the dreamer takes the first smaller hallway he comes across the first door the dreamer opens is the ablutions nothing in there to steal and sell the scene changes to another room, it may have been a room used for cooking classes for the girls the dreamer concluded this because there is a plastic, see-through cushion-bag sized container hanging from the wall in the bag, there are about twenty pieces of cake the pieces of cake are about a quarter of the size of a loaf of bread before the dreamer can help himself a grown-up comes into the room he ignores the dreamer and washes his hands he must have thought the dreamer was an early-bird pupil the dreamer says, "do you think anyone would mind if i had a piece of cake?" the grown-up shakes his head the dreamer wakes up before eating any of the cake vividness 6.6 to 6.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: schools (3+) 25112021 - 1407 last-night's dream was ultra-violent it was brought on by watching an ultra-violent film during the day it has been mentioned at least twice before that dreams with violent content have an unsettling effect on the mind consequently, it affects the quality of dreams it has also been mentioned before that hollywood knows that violent films have an adverse affect on people which type of being do you think would wantonly produce violent films, evolving or devolving? p.s. the writer closes his eyes when he anticipstes an explosion sometimes it catches him by surprise 24112021 - 1406 the name of the dream: bard the dreamer is struggling to get by the dole is nowhere near enough the dreamer decides to call on a friend, who becomes a business partner, will get the dreamer out of the house everyone calls him bard no one knows how the name stuck he had a grammar school education he didn't trust banks he was the first acquaintance the dreamer had who voiced that opinion didn't know why a person would not trust banks we trust them with our money, why shouldn't we trust them? he must have excelled at mathematics at school he was one of those people who could align all the colours of a rubic cube faster than you could follow with your eyes for reasons unknown, he trusted the dreamer completely he made a handsome wage fixing cars which had failed their m.o.t. and doing them up one evening while playing cards, smoking hash and listening to a grace jones L.P., bard told the dreamer where he kept his money never could understand why the dreamer knew his routine an honest days' work, finish about tea-time and down the pub he wasn't a big drinker, about three pints, but he did enjoy them his mood changed noticeably after the first pint he knew that more than three in a night would spoil the effect if the dreamer timed it right, he would catch him half an hour before he went out the dreamer knew bard would pay for the dreamer 's drink (half a larger) the dreamer could "nurse" half a shandy for hours if the dreamer drank a pint, it would be a record the dreamer doesn't understand why people like the effect of alcohol never has, never will bard always had good quality hash he "scored" the quality hash from bikers it was another thing the dreamer didn't understand he was as far away from being a biker as the average family man anyway, after leaving the pub and about a third of the way back to bard's place, we come across a gang of workers doing some overnight work on the surface of a road it was a busy bit of road doing the work during the day would cause major traffic-flow problems a couple of sentences of conversation between bard and the charge-hand produced the sentence, "will give you £50 if you work through the night" the gang were "short handed" if the job isn't done by the time the morning traffic started, the charge-hand would be the person held responsible the bard knew a "sitting duck" when he saw one "a hundred", he parried back in the mid-eighties, £100 would buy you a half-decent ready-to-drive-away car the dream ends as we are labouring away vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: family, friends and acquaintances (60+) bard (1) 23112021 - 1405 the name of the dream: it all works out in the end the dreamer is living in a large two-storey house the corner-house has been converted into bedsits the dreamer lives on the top floor there are two cupboard-sized bedsits on the top floor there are three bedsits on the first-floor he doesn't know it yet, but the dreamer will soon be moving into the biggest of the bedsits on the first-floor a couple move into the other cupboard-sized bedsit next to the dreamer 's the dreamer is explaining to the couple how things work each bedsit has its day for using the bath on the first floor the resident caretaker gets the mail first behind the slit, there is a shoe-box-sized metal-mesh container that holds the mail there is a shoe-box-sized metal-mesh container that holds the mail the mailbox does not do what it is supposed to do occasionally a letter will slip through it and fall through a gap in the floor it's a bugger of a job trying to pull a letter out of the gap the caretaker keeps our dole money cheques until we collect them the caretaker who has, as part of his job description, the responsibility of making sure residents get their cheques the caretaker is overweight and well past his prime he was a force to be reckoned with in his day nowaday's though, he wields a baseball bat when he has to lay down the law with the youthful residents he bangs the bat on the sturdy oak table we eat off when he wants to emphasise a point the caretaker doesn't know it yet, but he will be leaving the dreamer a handsome windfall when he quits the job a month or two and leaves dozens of books behind the dreamer is the only resident to appreciate the value of the books and gathers about twenty of them within a few days, a book-collector appraises them and pays the dreamer £60 for just four (still have one of them) you could do things with £60 back then the dreamer 's life has been full of little windfalls like the one mentioned here the trials and tribulations of the writer's life have been cushioned by incidents like this it all balances out in the end vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dwelling places (2+) 22112021 - 1404 the name of the dream: a nation of drinkers a nationwide challenge is a regular event in this dream every established pub offers it once a week people have the opportunity of winning free drinks for the night to win a person has to drink half a pint of concotion of drinks the drink isn't so strong it sends a person doolally on the contrary, it is a quality, "moreish" drink which would be too expensive to drink all night the dreamer is trying to explain to a woman how the competion works "you pay for the first drink if you guess the right ingredients straight away, the rest of the night you can drink as much of it as you want near-miss guesses get the chance of having another try", he says there is something about it the woman doesn't understand and presses the dreamer to explain it again, and then again, and... the dreamer is slowly breaking through into awake-time for three or four sentences an exasperated dreamer hears himself saying the last sentence as he becomes fully awake vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: competions and games (10+) drinks () 181102021 - 1403 the name of the dreams: food grab - friendly "heavy" - bernie is back: part 3 in the market buying vegetables it was the end of the day or, there was a shortage of food as fast as the dreamer could single out and gather vegetables ready to buy, hands and arms with unseen bodies were taking them from my pile the dream ends with the dreamer with two brussel sprouts and two long runner-bean pods this may have a connection to the previous dream vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: food () sprouts (1) runner beans (1) the name of the dream: a friendly "heavy" woke from sleep feeling hungry mulled over getting something to eat and then going back to sleep decided not to have something to eat and went back to sleep a dream occurred... went into a sit-down fish and chips bar was still in the queue before the meal had been ordered when a friendly and slightly overbearing guy the dreamer knew barged his way into the dreamer 's life it was either buy him a meal or be on the receiving end of his "cold shoulder" from there on in he wasn't what you would call a bad guy he would stick his neck out for those who had done him a favour the dreamer bought him a meal and we ate together the dreamer woke from the dream strangely, wasn't feeling hungry anymore vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: acquaintances () food () fish and chips (3+) the name of the dream: bernie is back: part 3 the x is as good as ever her enthusiasm for life isn't quite as strong as it used to be she is still has a playful outlook at one point in this four or five-scene dream, she says, "you still think you're fourteen and a half" the comment might reflect the most vibrant time in her life vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: relationships () female () bernie (3+) the name of the dream: more events per person than stars in the heavens walking through the edge of the water of a beach came to a part of the beach which had rocks jutting two or three metres into the water stayed in the water was now following the rock-line not the water-line one time as the dreamer leant onto the rock, a part of the rock moved a little as his weight pressed against it the dreamer had come across something which made him curious by pushing and pulling the loose bit of rock it became looser eventually, it became free of the rest of the rock the rock is an irregular roundabout twice the size of a basketball it then revealed an odd characteristic it floated the dreamer assumes it is a clump of compressed shells somehow, the air in the shells had become trapped, or perhaps the dead animal matter converted to a gas it wasn't just light enough to float, it was sufficiently buoyant to take the weight of the dreamer when he held onto it and used his feet to propel himself along the dreamer found he could sit and rest his upper body on it as well after motoring along on it for a while, came across two lads they are both in the water too one of them has a wooden acoustic guitar the other has a hollow, tubular rod the tubular rod has a length of thick string attached to the top end by keeping the string taut he could get a variation of tone depending on where he twanged the string it takes on the role of a bass guitar the dreamer begins tapping on the rock he has tapping at different places produces either deep or shallow thumps we are now a trio of guitar, bassist and drummer the dreamer wakes to hear his own voice singing along with the sounds we are making the unlikelihood of these three circumstances coming together in awake-time is in the millions to one against try extrapolating every variation of things that can happen at any moment in every day of your life we're treading a fine, endless line vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: music (8+) 11102021- 1402 the name of the dream: part-meal in town shopping felt hungry and made for the cafe of a large store the cafe was in the basement the dreamer parked himself in the middle of the room of the twenty or so tables, only four or five are occupied a waiter arrived at the table he was wearing black trousers and a white shirt he was pushing a trolley with water and glasses gave him the order and asked for a drink of water in the next scene, a waiter brought the dreamer soup without asking him, the dreamer takes a roll of bread from the trolley while eating, another waiter came to the table and asked the dreamer if he had paid yet the dreamer said, "no" the waiter scribbled on his notepad it wasn't until he had gone that the dreamer see's that his half-eaten, first course, had been cleared from the table the dreamer leaves the restaurant without paying vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: restaurants/food (10+) soup () 10102021 - 1401 the name of the dream: a wrongful assumption a friend/acquaintance who lived across the other side of town has a bee in his bonnet about something the dreamer has done the person, john, thought the dreamer had been spiteful john never mentioned it for years then, one day when we're in disagreement about each other's shortcomings, he brought it up he accused the dreamer of being slyly vindictive when he asked the dreamer to make a compilation of music he liked and put it on a cassette he thought the dreamer had deliberately mucked around with the tape so that the sound kept slowing down when the dreamer denied doing what he said, he produced the tape within seconds the music was playing as he described it sounded awful especially so when it is music a person has a genuine liking for after racking his brains the dreamer realised what had happened he remembered a cassette player from that time that was on the blink the tape would slip and stick when playing the recording the dreamer had done for john was done before noticing the problem with the recorder but not before the dreamer had made other recordings, not just john's it just goes to show how minor oversights can have damaging consequences vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: mistakes and oversights (1) 09072021 - 1400 the name of the dreams: in my car - brief encounter - fathers and babies - now you see it, now you don't - the vanishing soup have just become the owner of a brand new, automatic, light-green coloured car (stand-out visual) while sitting in the driver's seat he notices that the window of the front passenger seat is wound down on cue, a bloke sticks his head through the window he making belligerent threats my first instinct is to hit him in the face decide not to hit him, instead, the dreamer leans across and winds the window up that stops him from putting his hand inside the car and opening the door start the car and drive off in the next sequence, take the wrong lane in a part of the road undergoing repairs and am now driving into oncoming traffic (joint stand-out visual) luckily, there is a slip-road to the right of the oncoming traffic the dreamer steers into it and avoids a collision a little further on the slip-road joins the original road the dreamer is now back into normal driving conditions he is relaxed and enjoying the movement and thinking how wonderful it is to drive a car vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: vehicles () cars (4+) brief encounter on the morning commuter train the train reaches the stop the dreamer wants there is a small crowd of people at the door on my right further away to the left is another door with just two or three people ready to get off the dreamer prefers a jostle-free exit from the train and joins them walking along the platform and come to a cafe that is still getting ready for customers go to the counter and say, "tea please" there was no movement from any of the people who worked there that indicated they were about to get a cup of tea after waiting a reasonable amount of time said, "can you hear me?" they never looked my way or said anything the scene changes, back on the train (probably the return journey) catch a woman looking at me gave her a slight smile she never reacted to it she then said, "are you really ever-ready?" the dreamer says, "pretty well most of the time" the woman then says, "are you ready now?" the dreamer says, "partly" the woman says, "can't i feel?" the dreamer says, "if i can feel you at the same time" the woman and the dreamer clasp each other's crotches while standing side by side with our backs to other people the woman then says, "do you want to do it?" the dreamer says, "i don't fancy doing it standing up" the dream ended vividness 1.6 - participant - the category of the dream: xual () clothed (1+) fathers and babies on a fairly crowded train the dreamer becomes aware that everyone looking in his direction are fixated on something behind him he turns around to see what they're looking at there are two men each holding a baby or child what is unusual is that the men are dressed like tramps the small children are also dressed raggedly the children look totally relaxed and we can see the children have affection for the men holding them it is an unexpected combination we expect to see the children looking hungry or downtrodden there is no mistaking the love the children have for their father's vividness - 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: babies with fathers (1) the vanishing soup in a large store go to the restaurant/cafe to appease a hunger pang it was a while before anybody got to the dreamer the feeling of hunger was replaced by a sudden need for water a waiter wearing a white jacket and black trousers and pushing a trolley gets to the dreamer 's table he asked if my order had been taken, the dreamer says it hasn't and asks for water the waiter places a glass and water-jug on the table shortly thereafter, another waiter comes to the table he too has is pushing a trolley he asks if the dreamer has given his order yet the dreamer says he hasn't the waiter places a soup bowl on the table and puts a ladleful of soup in it within a minute or so another waiter comes along, not pushing a trolley, and asks if the dreamer has placed an order the dreamer says, "no" before the dreamer realises the waiter has gone and taken the barely-touched soup with him the dreamer is debating with himself whether to go or not when the dream ends vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: unfinished meals () 08072021 - 1399 the name of the dream: crime and punishment on a cold, snow-laden ground we have an aerial view of an abandoned cement works a small convoy of seven or eight vehicles is on its way to the plant at the cement plant, five men are busy hiding themselves the five men were part of a gang that was caught red-handed in a major theft they were offered, and took, the opportunity to become witnesses for the crown and avoid a long prison sentence the convoy is transporting twenty or more "heavies" the men who became witnesses for the crown are wanted by major players in the underworld the heavies have been instructed to cause as much injury as it's possible to afflict on the men at the plant without killing them we see two of the men at the plant squeezing into a pipe even if they are discovered their attackers will have a problem getting to them the other three men intend to hide out in the open we see them pushing and scrambling their way into the thick brush just inside the entrance to the plant the men in the vehicles arrive we see the men in the pipe being discovered at the entrance, three or four men from the convoy wait at the entrance to the plant without realising it, they are within spitting distance of the men in the thick brush it's touch and go as to whether they are discovered there is an air of suspense as the dream ends vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: crime () retribution () 07102021 - 1398 the name of the dream: gender identity am in bed in a hospital ward there are five or six beds on each side of the ward all the beds have women in them they are all wearing the same type of gowns all the gowns are the same style the garments used in judo also like judo gowns, the garments are loose about their bodies one woman’s garment is wide open her breasts are exposed there isn’t any need to use the imagination to see what their breast look like a woman appears at the end of the dreamer ’s bed she begins asking the dreamer questions every time the dreamer answers, the woman who asked the question becomes infused with enthusiasm the answer the dreamer gives after the third or fourth question causes the woman who asked it to jump onto the dreamer ’s bed and hugs onto her/him her gown is loose the dreamer can feel her breasts on her/his chest/breasts the scene lingers for a longish time before the dream ends note 1 the dreamer may be a female in this dream from here on, where the context of the dream suggests it, an f will be placed after participant vividness 2.8 – participant (f) and observer – the category of the dream: hospitals (5+) patient (2+) 06102021 - 1397 the name of the dream: the end is here having a confab with jared harris he harbours the notion that the end of the world is possible the dreamer refers him to the entry, “the end of the world“ further, the dreamer asks him to think about life in terms of the anthropic principle further still, the dreamer presents him with the notion of a pain-free existence as outlined in axiom 3 vividness 2.6/7 – participant – the category of the dream: conversations (3+) 05102021 - 1396 the name of the dream: getting to know yourself people take it in turns to take a test there are prizes worth having for those who come out on top various organs of the body are monitored as individuals say or eat something the readings are shown on a graph on a monitor in front of them it soon becomes apparent to the contestants how easy it is to influence the results the purpose is to educate people on what has the most effect on blood pressure, pulse, emotions etc. this dream was more of a think-read dream than anything else as the results showed on the dreamer 's "master-screen" he had to group the results into their various categories (stand-out visual) it was rewarding to be able to keep abreast of the think-reading there was one new reading every second vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: think-read () computer screen information 04102021 - 1395 the name of the dreams: a bee in her bonnet - puppy love after becoming acquainted with one another, an unknown male invites back to his place his wife or girlfriend is there the dreamer says something to the girl, don't recall what it was it wasn't anything provocative or anything like that she then lets loose with an admonishing tirade the dreamer is dumbstruck he has met this type of female before she didn't get the man she wanted, and it was the man's fault for not wanting her the dreamer fitted the description the dream ended vividness 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream: dissatisfied women (2+) puppy love woke from sleeping the dreamer has a puppy dog she or he is about four months my right hand is resting heavily but comfortably between the shoulder and neck of the dreamer 's puppy dog the dog has golden hair, the puppy dog's head is a round mound (think it is a labrador) the puppy dog is lying on its front, stretched out along the right-hand ribs of the dreamer it's head resting in the dreamer 's' armpit the dreamer assumes the puppy dog can feel the weight of the dreamer 's hand he lifts his hand off the puppy-dog and rests it across his chest two black, sleepy eyes open slowly and look at the dreamer are we getting up? the dreamer 's half-closed eyes tell the puppy we are not the puppy-dog closes its eyes and goes back into slumber the dreamer wakes for real vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals () mammals () dogs () labrador's (2+) 03102021 - 1394 the name of the dream: the sharp lad and the not so sharp lad the character's in this dream (in order of appearance) the sharp lad the dreamer dave 2 mr plod the dream get a phone call from the sharp lad he tells the dreamer he can organise a summer of festivals over the summer months, he can arrange all-night discos' every weekend he has the contacts he tells the dreamer he will be getting five-hundred or more of the "take" every week (this dream is in a time when five-hundred a week is a middle, bordering on an upper-class, wage) all he needs is a d.j. and his equipment the dreamer is all for it he will rake in more cash in four months than he would in a lifetime of weddings and birthday disco's it's going to be his "turn" to be someone will need someone to help with "humping" the equipment dave comes to mind dave is a big lad, strength is his middle name the dreamer explains what's what to dave dave, like the dreamer , sees the potential women, money, fun, dancing... dave throws himself into it he gets a van he plasters the midnight-blue coloured van with stick-on words and pictures he does a great job of it it looks super-professional we have a great time doing the first gig after the gig, the sharp lad hands the dreamer fifty quid there is no mention of another gig the sharp lad has contacts alright contacts with organised crime it was a one-off "sting" operation the chances are that he has another twenty d.j.'s lined up to do what dave and the dreamer did dave is livid when the dreamer explains what has happened and gives him twenty-five he doesn't blame the sharks who set us up, he blames me he wants all the money and regular payments from the dreamer to cover his costs the dreamer can't possibly repay him dave is so upset he calls the police there is a scene in which dave talking to a policeman in uniform can tell from the policeman's posture and gestures there's no chance the police will be doing anything about it vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: con-jobs (3+) discotheques (1) 02102021 - 1393 the name of the dream: a class jalopy not sure which member of the family is moving every male in the family agreed that the dreamer 's car would be the best car to use when it came to transporting the people moving from one part of the country to the other the car is justly rated as a class car although the model is twenty years old the bodywork and its v8 engine put it in a class of its own what the family didn't know was that the dreamer hadn't kept it well maintained the car was burning up oil it needed tuning the tyres were worn to cap it all, the m.o.t. had run out that meant the insurance was invalid and made the car illegal to use the dreamer was too embarrassed to admit he wasn't doing as well as everyone believed his car is proof-positive he is a success the dream goes from bad to worse the dreamer 's cigarette lighter has too much fuel in it when asked for a light, the wind-guard catches on fire the dreamer uses his handkerchief to smother the flames, only for the handkerchief to catch fire enough is enough the dreamer wakes up vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: transport () cars () 01102021 - 1392 the name of the dreams: the glove thief - an engrossing lecture in a multi-storey car park found a pair of black patent gloves the gloves had orange finger pads (stand-out visual) the pads gave the gloves extra grip down on the ground floor, the dreamer took the gloves off to do something before he had finished doing what it was he was doing, the guy who worked as the car-park attendant picked up the gloves and put them on the dreamer protested strongly the person who put them on realised the dreamer was going to make an issue of it the attendant didn't give the dreamer the gloves back but gave him a pair the same only without the orange finger pads the dreamer settled for second best vividness 2.5/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: gloves () black patent leather (1) an engrossing lecture the dreamer enters an auditorium it has seats for about three hundred people all the seats are taken the seating area is fan-shaped with two aisles all the seats are taken the speaker captures the dreamer 's attention the speaker is talking about science the dreamer walks slowly down the aisle on the left-hand side he doesn't want to distract anyone or miss anything the speaker says the dreamer stops and stands where the seating ends he stands there for a quarter of a minute or so before it occurs to him he must be locking the view of some of the people the dreamer walks to the wall on the left he has a rolled-up something in his hand it is the size of a hand-towel that has been rolled up it is in a plastic bag the dreamer puts the rolled-up something on the floor and sits on it the dreamer notices that the two end seats closest to him are empty he is about to get up and go and sit in one of the empty seats when two people enter the dream and sit in the seats the person closest to the dreamer is smartly dressed and well-groomed we begin a conversation about the subject of the lecture he has an american accent vividness - 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: auditoriums () lectures (1) 30092021 - 1391 went to sleep listening to a radio version of the “day of the triffids” was awakened when the play was at its noisiest (three, four or five people talking urgently in loud voices) a black and white scene began and lasted for about three seconds the people are walking through an area that is closed in it could have been a corridor the motions of their bodies are in sync with what they are saying shortly after, the writer put two and three together and made four the brain distinguished between women and men and synchronised their voices to the movements of their mouths or every scenario that can exist has existed the radio play and every variation of the words in the script have been enacted in undulations past getting a feel for the depth and breadth of our experiences of eternity past? vividness 2.7/8 – observer – the category of the scene: abilities of the brain () generating images to match sounds as they happen (1) 29092021 - 1390 the name of the dreams and awake-time/dream-time events: barren lands full of sounds - must have been you-know-who - a thoroughly disagreeable person this dream is in a hot and barren land it is though well-populated there is singing the singing has an operatic structure and quality to it choruses with dozens or more people there are no visual sights during the singing the melodies are appealing easily good enough to be famous in today's world vividness 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream: music () operatic (2+) must have been you-know-who why did you throw the vegetables and potatoes away? you're only dreaming what makes you think it was me? vividness - awake-time vividness - participant - the category of the event:? a thoroughly disagreeable person the dreamer is on a coach destined for the seaside he is sitting in the second seat from the front on the left-hand side a burly, flat-nosed bloke come onto the coach and sits next to the dreamer the dreamer says something the big bastard says something in return his voice has a menacing tone to it the dreamer gets out of his seat to get something from his bag in the luggage rack above the seats when he goes to sit down, the big bastard is sitting in the dreamer 's seat next to the window the dreamer says, "you're sitting in my seat" the big burly bastard says in a manner that has a note of finality to it, "this is my seat" the dreamer is seething in the next scene, the dreamer gets out his tobacco and stats making a roll-up the dreamer hopes the big, burly bastard asks him for one so he can tell him to piss off vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: sociopaths (2+) 28092021 - 1389 the name of the dream: dreaming of dancing was at a house party it could have been where the dreamer lives but not certain there are three of us, all males, dancing in one of the rooms the room has a hard floor now and then people look in it's a fact, the act of observation affects that thing which is being observed - bit by bit, our foot movements become faster eventually, it got to the point where the fastest foot movements were attained only when the heel and toe of the dreamer 's shoes made contact with the floor the other two lads are lifting the whole of their feet off the floor and aren't doing as many taps with their feet as the dreamer is at the fastest point of the dancing, the two lads are doing three taps of either their toes or each second while the dreamer is getting four taps each second because the two other guys are lifting their feet off the floor their dancing is more energetic they will tire before the dreamer does all of the dreamer 's movement is going through his ankles his feet feel separated from his body the speed at which the dreamer is doing his heel/toe taps means he is unable to control the direction his body is going being right-footed, his body is slowly turning to the right it gives the illusion of someone sliding in slow-motion the dreamer 's girlfriend/wife enters the room she comes to the dreamer and gives him a big hug the dancing scene changes to the dreamer and his girlfriend they have just woken up the dreamer says to his girlfriend, "i've just had a great dancing dream" the dreamer is about to tell her about it when he wakes up note 1 from memory, this is only the third dream within a dream have yet to understand the significance of dreams within dreams no reason why someone else shouldn't beat the writer to it vividness 5.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: dreams within dreams (3) dancing (5+) 27092021 - 1388 the name of the dream: honey for our honey the dreamer and his wife or girlfriend are trying to coax our daughter into eating a quarter segment of an orange for reasons only known to the child, she refuses to try it the dreamer remembers that his daughter likes honey the dreamer has toyed with the idea of smearing honey on a quarter of an orange making sure our girl is within hearing distance, he says to his girlfriend or wife, "orange is good for you if you eat it with rosehip honey" then the dreamer asks our daughter, "do you like honey?", knowing full well she does it should be a simple matter of getting her to try it note 1 the writer is going to eat a quarter of an orange smeared with rosehip syrup after finishing this sentence four minutes later... after trying three segments... the trick is not to put too much honey on the orange vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: food () fruit () oranges with honey () 26092021 - 1387 the name of the dream: two's company had about eight-hundred-and-fifty pounds in english currency and about two hundred in european currency intended going abroad and have a jolly good holiday a woman advised the dreamer to use a particular company and get the best exchange rate we soon became involved with one another and are planning to go abroad together when the dream ends note 1 the two different currencies tell us this dream is of a present time-tense vividness 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: money () relationships () female () holidays () abroad (8+) 25092021 - 1386 the name of the dream: things can only get better the dreamer has just gone through induction and is now in grey trousers and a blue and white pin-striped shirt he is on the first floor of a two-tier building it is a closed prison the ground floor has about a dozen prisoners, those who need watching and those who have a job in admin, interview room, hospital, library etc. the first floor holds about eighty inmates the dreamer has put "his foot in it" twice so far and is getting "attitude" from the turnkeys for his "smart remarks," the dreamer becomes the "ward" of the macho man of the first tier all muscle and attitude, with a free hand to cause pain it's time to play it smart in the last scene of the dream, the dreamer is talking to a turnkey and gets him to smile the dreamer says, "you and i could be friends", pauses for a second and then says, "if i wasn't a thief" vividness 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: prison (10) closed (5) 24092021 - 1385 the name of the dream: easy pickings a makeshift wardrobe long enough to hold twenty or more pairs of trousers and an equal amount of shirts and jackets is the opening scene of this dream a quick shifty through them reveals that one shirt is exactly the same material as a jacket (stand-out visual) the clothes don't belong to the dreamer he is staying with a couple of lads they have told him to choose whatever clothes he wants to wear the dreamer 's relationship with the young men in business the lads want to tap the dreamer 's inventiveness the young lads are too obvious in their efforts to get the dreamer to go into details whenever something novel gets mentioned the dreamer leaves out crucial points that leave the ideas incomplete if they think they're going to milk the cow without feeding it they've got another think coming the dreamer is on top of his game vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: business acquaintances (3+) the theme changes the dreamer is making himself comfortable he is getting ready to sleep when the dreamer looks above where he is lying, he sees a leafless bush there are four or five sparrows in the bush one of the sparrows is two metres above and directly in line with the dreamer 's head the dreamer thinks that if the sparrow is to "let loose", he would get it in the face no sooner is the thought completed when the sparrow answers the call of nature the dreamer only just manages to get out of the line of fire the dreamer is resigned to not going to sleep immediately and wakes from his sleep vividness - 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals (12+) dinosaurs () birds () sparrows (2) 23092021 - 1384 the name of the dream: the queue in a very large store the dreamer is one of hundreds of people in a queue the queue snakes out of distance in both directions it isn't clear what the dreamer or the other people are queueing for the queue has stalled there's a bit of argy-bargy when some people leave the queue and then try to reclaim their position a minute or two later the dreamer steps in and helps calm things down by and large though it's a fairly orderly affair the children are getting restless and start to explore the immediate environment before you know it they are running here, there and everywhere to start with, the children are a nuisance humour enters the dream the scenes become hunourous as the dream progresses by the end of the dream the queue becomes the "in" place to be vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: stores (2+) queues () 22092021 - 1383 have reached new heights of dream-time/awake-time fusion with today's dream dreamt the dream as is the writer's habit, he entered notes of the dream into the voice recorder on a mobile phone later on in the day he turned on the phone and went to the latest voice-recording the latest voice recording was dated for yesterday the dreamer entered the notes into the phone alright, the problem was he had entered the notes for today's dream into the phone in the dream!!! don't call for the men in little white coats just yet the writer is hoping others will join with him in the fantasy-reality which is dreams and dream theory and make this sort of blunder commonplace 21092021 - 1382 the name of the dreams: river patrol - living on a prayer at the end of an unsuccessful night at the dance trying to "pull" a bird, didn't even have the bus fare home the dreamer asked at least three people he didn't know for a "hand-out" the feeling of rejection after hearing the word "no" compounded the dreamer 's sense of dejection the end of the dream was the best thing about this dream vividness 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream: night's out (7+) river patrol it is a bright day the dream opens with a view of a small harbour the harbour is in the middle of a town or city the dreamer is in a motorboat he turns the ignition key the sound of the v8 engine always evokes a sense of power (the stand-out bit of the dream) this dream is no exception after a quick "gun" of the engine, the dreamer chugs slowly away from the mooring after leaving the centre of town we can see the river stretching away for about a kilometre we come to a y-junction and take the right side the right of the junction leads to where the greatest number of people are gathered the sense of importance and the motion through the water compliments the warmth of the day the dream ends as we leave the city centre and head out into the country vividness 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: motorboats (2?) 20092021 - 1381 the name of the dream: kenny's list there is disquiet in the family mom's long-standing and last love was called kenny kenny wasn't short of a bob or two he intended to give mom a lavish wake three or four member's of the family hadn't received an invitation to the wake the dreamer agreed with his decision about one of them but not necessarily the others kenny was a fair man and a gentleman he was much too sensitive to reveal why he had excluded them the chances are there are "ghosts in the cupboard" only kenny knew about no one, including the dreamer , thought to ask what they were vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream; wakes (1) mom (1) 19092021 - 1380 the name of the dreams: the great wall of ice - a disturbed man - the name of the montage: clouds of images a colourful and pleasant montage with a new variation after the first half-dozen pics or so, the pic or animated pic/scene occupied about one-eighth of the field of view around the pics or scenes were ten or twelve or more, brown, irregular oval-shaped objects made up of rectangles with splodges of beige (will need to use a drawing programme to show their odd shape accurately) it was possible to animate one of them by concentrating on it after it was viewed it faded and then choose one of the other ones a touch of humour was when one cloud was animated and the shape of a little dog formed it was looking at the dreamer in a quizzical, impatient way it was conveying a look that said, "about time you got here" vividness 2.7 to 2.9 - the category of the montage: cloud images (1) (may have to change the name of the category a disturbed man the dreamer has two people his place dave r and martin c dave belongs to another time he doesn't see life as having any restrictions when he does something it is because he has just thought of doing it he needed a pee he went to the window and pee'd out of it when he walks through the front door he leaves it open behind him martin thought it funny the dreamer didn't when dave was admonished he thought the dreamer was being finicky it was water off a duck's back the dreamer told martin not to laugh when dave done something unacceptable after two or three of dave's indiscretions and with martin laughing, the dreamer has had enough he tells them both to go they both look a bit surprised but didn't argue one of them picked something up as they left the flat whatever it was worth it to see the back of them vividness 2.5/6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: friends and acquaintances (30+) martin (2) dave (1) the great wall of ice this one-scene dream begins and ends as an aerial view we are looking down from about four hundred metres the view of the terrain is about four hundred metres by four hundred metres we see about two hundred metres of settled snow to the right of the construction site the snow occupies about two-thirds of the whole scene the extreme left of the scene is a forest that stretches from the bottom to the top of the scene a little more than halfway up from the bottom-left of the scene is the construction site the construction site is on rollers or tracks it is about a hundred metres long and goes up above the height of the trees it has a medieval look to it the scaffolding against the wall of ice looks like it is made of wood the scaffolding has pulleys and stairs there is a flat platform on the top of the mobile construction this is where most of the activity is taking place the wall of ice hugs the contours of the edge of the forest vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: construction sites (3+) ice (1) 18092021 - 1379 the name of the montage: relaxation the first few scenes are of two lions a pregnant female is lying on her left-side the view of her is from the back a male comes into the enclosure have never seen a male lion looking as relaxed as this one it shows clearly in his walk and on his face he places himself in front of the female the female lion licks his mane just below the chin it is a slow, casual lick the next scene is of two tigers they are looking straight on at the observer from about five-metres they don't look as relaxed as the lions nor are they looking like they want to attack the final scenes are of women and babies some of the babies are sleeping again, an air of contentment and a sense of ease pervades the scenes about eight or nine scenes in total vividness 2.8 - observer (all montages are observer only ) the category of the montage: states of relaxation the name of the dream: the awake-time and dream-time cyclist on the cycle machine begin slowly and gradually build up the speed at the fastest point, the dreamer 's left foot slips off the peddle and then the peddle goes through a revolution and is stopped by the back of the lower part of the left leg resume the peddling the dreamer sustains the top speed long enough to experience the sensation of blood filling the calves, more so in the right leg than the left note 1 it is worth mentioning that the feel of both the peddle against the back of the left leg after it slipped off the peddle and the sensation of blood filling the calves in the dream is precisely the same as those memories of it happening in awake-time vividness 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream: exercising (4+) cycle machine (1) 17092021 - 1378 the name of the dreams: the pool of delights in a swimming pool the pool looks to be about five by seven metres the swimming pool is at the back of a house the houses are detached it may be that all the houses have swimming pools there are only four or five people in the pool mostly children a couple of children with air-filled "wings" go past the dreamer in another scene, a young lad approaches the dreamer the dreamer tells the youngster he's coming after him the youngster begins moving faster away from the dreamer the dreamer pretends the youngster is going too fast and lets the young boy put distance between us he is laughing with delight he can swim faster than a "grown-up" in another scene, the dreamer is holding a baby or toddler the dreamer is singing to her or him the song is "all i really want to do" (the byrds version of it) as the dreamer sings the falsetto part of the chorus it resonates within the dream and the dream takes on a qualitative feel as it ends vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: swimming pools (3+) children (8+) singing (4+) 16092021 - 1377 the name of the dream: the batter brunch in the kitchen the dreamer is cooking what looks like a scallop the saucer-sized dish has all the ingredients a person needs in a single meal no other foods are needed the dreamer thinks that a lettuce base would be a nice touch the batter is just the right colour the dreamer says to someone out of sight in the dream to come and get it if the food doesn't come out of the pan the batter will take on a dark colour and lose its visual appeal vividness 2.7 - observer and participant - the category of the dream: food () food in batter 15092021 - 1376 the name of the dream: the other computer operator at the computer the dreamer is putting his favourite radio plays into folders there are three categories the "best of" has the fewest also, the "best of" has a sub-folder the sub-folder has those plays which need editing the most common bit of editing is boosting the volume the bulk of the plays are in the second most listened to category the third folder are those plays on the verge of being deleted the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own voice giving himself instructions on what to do note 1 definitely making progress with operating the computer in dreams there wasn't a single instance of having to correct anything it was also a vivid dream vividness 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: operating a computer in dreams (10+) moving files into folders (2+) 14092021 - 1375 the name of the dream: the vanishing dog the dreamer has a chihuahua dog he lets the dog off the lead in the park the dog is energetic but doesn't go far from the dreamer another dog-owner enters the dream he has two doberman dogs the colour of the coats of both breeds of dogs is the same the owner of the doberman dogs agrees to let the dreamer introduce his dog to them the dreamer picks up his dog and moves towards the dobermans when the nearest of the doberman dogs sees the chihuahua dog, it lies on its side it looks like a sign of acceptance as the dreamer lowers his chihuahua down towards the doberman dog, his chihuahua starts to growl (stand-out sound and sight) the dogs growling may cause the doberman to go on the offensive the scene changes the dreamer can't see his dog there are no bushes his dog can be exploring there are no corners in the park it is grass in all directions the dreamer calls the dog he also tries whistling the sound of a whistle doesn't come from the dreamer 's mouth the dreamer wakes while trying to produce a whistle whistling in dreams isn't something the dreamer has mastered yet vividness 2.6 to 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: animals () mammals () dogs () chihuahua () doberman () 13092021 - 1374 the name of the dream: with acquaintances like this who needs enemies at my flat in exeter a teenager (an awake-time acquaintance) from down the street is with the dreamer we are deciding which equipment to take to a house party the living room is floor-to-ceiling with amplifiers, speakers, equalisers, lights, leads, stands... another lad, a friend of the acquaintance, joins the dream within another two scenes, about five more lads had come into the dream one of them went into the kitchen and helped himself to something to eat was going to have to watch everything they do was feeling on edge when the dream finished note 1 fairly sure this dream was due to thinking about an awake-time incident from twenty-seven years ago some guys wanted the dreamer to d.j. a house party when the writer arrived at the address with the equipment the first noticeable thing was the absence of girls when one of the lads suggested moving the party to another house the scam became obvious the equipment would go missing between the two places knew one of the lads "in" on the scam and told him the equipment stays with me the writer would pay for a taxi to move the p.a. he "weighed" the dreamer up stealing by force wasn't the plan he left the room vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: musical equipment (3+) 12092021 - 1373 the name of the dream: two's a choir a girl aged nineteen with a great singing voice starts off the dream she has a grammar school education and talks with a commanding clarity that keeps everybody's ears pricked she begins singing her singing voice is even more dynamic than her talking voice she engages one of the young boys in the audience the boy joins in the song is "bless your beautiful hide" it was a joy to see how confident the young boy became as the girl lifted and lowered her voice to let the young boys' voice match her volume (stand-out sound) the girl occasionally changed her harmonics, which gave the song an added dimension awoke to the sound of my voice singing along with them vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream: music () voice harmonies (2+) 11092021 - 1372 the name of the dream: my mate steve showed my mate (steve) how to buy and sell on the stock exchange he, however, had other ideas on how to make money he wasn't interested in doing things my way he asked the dreamer to loan him the money for a motorbike he got his way and in the next scene, he is disappearing into the distance like a bat out of hell (stand-out visual) he must have been doing a hundred-and-twenty kmph when we next met up, he hadn't made his fortune steve lived in the moment, he was that sort of person vividness 2.6 to 2.8 - participant and observer -the category of the dream: friends () steve (4+) 10092021 - 1371 the name of the dream: infidelity a long-standing relationship becomes a joint business enterprise the dreamer and his girlfriend have a photo studio and an office in the same building the dreamer 's girlfriend takes care of the bookings and the money side of things the dreamer coaches the models and builds their portfolios a twenty-year-old girl with long, dark hair becomes the most popular model we've ever had on the books she brings in so much business the dreamer and his girlfriend decide to make her a joint partner on one occasion, when the dreamer 's girlfriend is out of the building, the dream turns into an x dream the sound of the front door of the office opening and closing alerts us to her return she doesn't go into the office as was expected but makes straight upstairs to the studio where we are the sound of her steps coming up the stairs is enough to make the dreamer a coward there are too many tell-tale signs in the studio for us to pretend nothing has happened there's one possible way out of it the dreamer goes to the door of the studio room the lock on the studio door is one of those bulky, old-fashioned dead mortice locks the dreamer gets to the door and turns the key just before she gets to the door alas, he doesn't turn the key all the way around the door is opening when, thankfully, the dream ends vividness 2.6 to 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream: business () photography relationships () female () x dream () 09092021 - 1370 the name of the dream: the reclining deckchair the dreamer has a small windfall the dreamer uses the money to buy a semi-luxurious collapsable chair the chair is advertised as a deckchair for use in the garden on sunny days the chair has a soft seat and a canvass back it occurs to the dreamer that the chair could, with a few minor alterations, become a beach-mat a scene or two later, the chair has a softback to compliment the seat another modification is to separate the chair into three parts one of the parts becomes a flat base that a learner-swimmer can hold onto while propelling themselves with their feet the multi-purpose chair becomes a "must-have" item for the beach or outdoor pool vividness 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream: innovation (3+) chair (1) 08092021 - 1369 the name of the dream: skyways construction in a small group of men are being shown around a construction site we are standing at the central point of a junction that brought together two or three elevated highways the highways were a hundred metres above the ground and were wide enough to accommodate a dozen lines of traffic the lanes turned and sloped down over a distance of kilometres which stretched off into the distance they must have been suspension roads as there weren't any support pillars in the scene in the last scene of this dream, the dreamer wanders away from the group of four or five people showing him around the site and goes to the bottom of an incline that shows all of the construction from horizon to horizon its scale was so impressive the dreamer threw out his arms in a gesture of intimidation indicating it was too big the only dream with a grander scale was 15062017 addenda: observer and participant - the category of the dream: construction sites (4+) elevated (2+) 07092021 - 1368 the name of the dreams: murderous beings - bedfellows the opening scene is at the edge of a pool-cum-swamp the dreamer has come to the pool/swamp to feed an animal the animal looks like an aardvark, the food is half a loaf of bread the aardvark is wading through the pool to get to the bread as the aardvark is about to come out of the pool/swamp a crocodile or alligator grabs hold of it and pulls it under the water the dreamer is appalled and angry if that wasn't bad enough, the alligator or crocodile sees the dreamer near the edge of the swamp/pool and comes out of the pool/swamp to get him the dreamer is more enraged than scared the alligator/crocodile hasn't eaten the aardvark, merely drowned it it will eat it when it feels hungry in the meantime, the crocodile/alligator decides to keep the larder full and add the dreamer to his cupboard the dreamer is now feeling homicidal towards the alligator/crocodile he picks up a solid bit of wood the piece of wood is the length of a truncheon, three times as thick and weighs about ten-kilograms the dreamer whacks the alligator/crocodile as hard as he can on its snout the crocodile/alligator hesitates, it felt it it begins to move towards the dreamer again the dreamer is about to hit it again when a python, about the width of a wrist and two metres long, propels itself out of the water towards the dreamer the dreamer catches it with both hands just behind its head when it is half an arms-length from the dreamer 's face with the strength that comes with anger, the dreamer squeezes so hard its eyes start to come out of its sockets before he needs to do anything else the alligator/crocodile grabs the snake and takes it into the pool/swamp note 1 this dream is due to thinking about those man-shaped beings who think nothing of killing other people vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: murder () bedfellows in a police station talking to a female detective the reason for being there is because the dreamer was in the house of a friend when the police came to arrest him the friend is a drug addict he does not consider it wrong to steal to feed his habit he doesn't try to hide the fact it was him who stole what he is accused of stealing he's a hopeless case the dreamer isn't in any sort of trouble the conversation with the woman policewoman isn't about doing right and wrong it turns out we both are "into" music the policewoman tells of her aspirations and interests in music the dreamer in turn tells of the most difficult thing he had to accomplish to become musically proficient "i found maintaining the beat while singing a melody the hardest thing to overcome", the dreamer says the woman detective is nodding in agreement as the dream ends vividness - 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream: drugs () police () music () 06092021 - 1367 the name of the dream: cherry red an extremely wealthy young man, the same age as the dreamer , invited the dreamer to be a live-in companion the dreamer is slightly apprehensive within a scene or two, it becomes clear it is a case of a wealthy young man wanting to have someone around him he can be at ease with the young man tells the dreamer that the best way of merging in with the general population is to familiarise himself with the area he tells the dreamer the best way to do that is to visit the town's museum it's not the way the dreamer would have gone about things, although it made sense the wealthy young boy suggests he takes his car in the next scene, the dreamer is in a cherry-red coloured "roller" in one of the towns main streets (stand-out visual) the problem is the museum is in a cobbled street that has nothing but imposing house any one of which could be the entrance to a museum there are a couple of scenes where the driver/dreamer thinks he may have gone past the museum and reverses the car the dreamer is fully expecting to hit one of the other cars parked along the road he allows himself a self-congratulatory pat on the back for handling the big car so well when he doesn't it is now dusk the dreamer comes to the entrance of a pub and decides to ask someone for directions it would be less than a minute to get directions the dreamer parks the car and goes into the "ye olde world" pub he comes out with the directions half a minute later the dreamer 's mind goes blank for a moment he can't see the car in the half-minute, he was out the sight of the car someone had "half-inched" it in his haste and being in a confident frame of mind, it never occurred to the dreamer to take the keys with him he thinks the thought, "he's going to kill the dreamer for this" with his tail between his legs, the dreamer heads back to his new home the dreamer "hits" his new friend with the news to the dreamer 's complete surprise, his wealthy new friend says in a way you might say don't worry to a child who just dropped her ice cream, "it's alright, my insurance will cover it" how much money does a person have to have not to be "phased" when someone steals their gleaming new rolls royce? vividness 2.5/6 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships () male () cars () "rollers" (2+) 05092021 - 1366 the name of the dream: love is ageless living in a large, shared house two other people are living there the dreamer has two rooms the others have three or four returned to the house after going into town through the front door and into the hallway one of the other people, a woman of about thirty-five, has a small crowd of five or six people visiting two or three of her visitors are standing in or near the doorway to her living room there is an air of celebration the mother of the woman is back home after being away the daughter of the mother is over the moon now that her mom is living with her she sees the dreamer as he's making his way to his rooms she asks him to meet her mother the dreamer gets caught up in the party atmosphere and is happy to oblige he walks into the room the woman's mother is slight but not frail the dreamer moves towards the woman's mother the moment her mother sees the dreamer she throws open her arms she is beckoning the dreamer to give her a hug not wanting to be a party-pooper the dreamer plays along he bends over her and gives her a hug she clasps hold of the dreamer around the neck and leans forward her grip is much too tight to be a simple hug the dreamer realises she wants him to stand up with her holding on to him the party atmosphere still prevails the dreamer straightens up when she is clear of the chair she wraps her legs around his waist it could turn into a catastrophe if she loses her grip she could fall backwards the dreamer has no option but to take her weight by intertwining his fingers and putting his hands under her thighs he then sits down on the nearest chair for both of us to sit in one chair, she has to let go of the dreamer with her legs she is now sitting astride the dreamer in what can't be seen as anything other than an intimate position the dreamer wakes up he is not in a relaxed state vividness - 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: love across the generations (2+) 04092021 - 1365 the name of the dreams: revelation - ever the entrepreneur a woman realised that there was a living to be made by selling milk and sandwiches her shop was in a great spot nestled, as it was, between two schools one of the schools was for juniors the other was a secondary school it was so popular you could find yourself late for school if you joined the end of the queue five minutes before the bell rang for the start of classes the entrance to the junior school was a mere fifty metres away the secondary school was the better part of four-hundred-metres from the shop (pic) at the time of the dream, the dreamer was a working lad once in a while, three or four times a year, he would pop in the shop for a sandwich in the dream, there was this one occasion when he got chatting to the shopkeeper she found the dreamer an amicable person she told him she was closing the shop it was time for retirement the awake-time shop, it should be noted, was the front room of the house she owned and lived in the house was a semi-detached it was a pre-ww2 semi-detached pre-ww2 semis were a bit of a mansion compared to yer typical semi-detached council house one bit of the conversation led to another it wasn't long before the dreamer saw an opportunity he suggested he would be willing to pay rent for the franchise that particular idea hadn't crossed the woman's mind a quick mental calculation told her she was on a "winner". she agreed there and then the dream moves on the business is running smoothly it is doing nicely, thank you the dreamer "hits" on the idea of introducing pre-packed one-minute-to-cook take-away meals things start aking off before you can say "bob's your uncle" there are delivery vans people are clamouring for a job women are offering their "favours" for a taste of the honey pot (it wouldn't be right if the dreamer doesn't have at least a hint of x in a dream) the dream ends the dreamer wakes and spends a minute or two thinking of things he could, and should, have incorporated into his business when he was self-employed in awake-time note 1 think this dream may have its basis in an awake-time shop that was situated as described in the dream the awake-time shop sold sweets vividness 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream: business (5+) food (2?) (it's too time-consuming to search this database for matching categories) revelation in a small living room with four other people, a woman and three men at one point in the conversation, the dreamer saw the opportunity to make a point he said, "what's the one thing god can't do?" there was a silence the dreamer said, "there's one thing god can't do - it will make you cry" it is one of the things the writer realised following Comprehension something which makes him cry with happiness when he thinks about it anew one of the men, medium-sized, white hair neatly trimmed, joined white moustache and beard, is wearing a light-grey with a white shirt and tie it gave him the look of a clean man the man of about thirty-five started walking towards the dreamer he walks resolutely, his eyes fixed on me the man's walk conveys a physical presence his walk is saying, "you've crossed the line and one way or another i'm going to make you step back" the man is a "devout man", recognised as such within the church-going community he is the last word on the character of god that a nobody can make statements of a blasphemous nature gets what he deserves the dreamer isn't in the slightest bit worried he knows the type the dreamer calls his bluff the dreamer says, "try anything with the dreamer and i'll kick you in the balls" that done it the man stops dead in his tracks the dreamer is obviously a violent nutter and should be under supervision the atmosphere needed for the dreamer to make his sublime point has gone note 1 this dream may have its origins in the character who plays the inquisitor in the film Goya's ghost it depicts a pious, smug, self-righteous man who can do no wrong vividness 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: undisclosed revelations (1) 03092021 - 1364 the name of the dreams: pigs banquet at a table that seats more than twelve people everyone is naked male and female alike are probing every orifice of their body with their fingers they are also eating with their fingers note 1 because the dream was so vivid, the writer has assigned to this shocking dream the present of a past undulation (time-tense 6) the writer has tried to get insights into the level of violence in undulations past on several occasions on the last occasion, you-know-who jumped in with, "you have no idea" there must have been a time when every man-shaped being (devolving) believed and acted in accordance with the dictum, "the purpose of life is to end all life" note 2 the writer was, at first, convinced that this dream, along with the dream of 29082021 and at least one other dream, can be associated with eating red pig meat as a cause for less than appealing content in dreams a quick search cross-referencing red pig meat in the diet and the colour orange to dreams did show a connection though it is not conclusive on at least four occasions, it has been the case that there is a tie-in between red pig meat and undesirable dreams there is, possibly, another factor yet to be recognised (04092021 - it's possible the missing factor is that an orange colour-scheme dream is very close to the present of a past undulation (time-tense 6) ongoing... note 3 dreams theory is in its infancy most insights and revelations into our dream-time memories/consciousness will likely come to the fore between now and the year 3000 the next thirty to forty generations will have the time and means to start joining the dots vividness 2.9 to 3 - observer - colour-scheme, shades of orange - the category of the dream: eating etiquette (1+) x dream not madly passionate, gently becoming the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own voice saying the words of the name of the dream and three more sentiments of a similar nature vividness 2.9 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream: x dreams (20+) x dreams without conjoinment (3+) tactile pleasure (3+) externalised dreams (20+) x dream not madly passionate, gently becoming the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own voice saying the words of the name of the dream and three more sentiments of a similar nature vividness 2.9 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream: x dreams (20+) x dreams without conjoinment (3+) tactile pleasure (3+) externalised dreams (20+) 01092021 -1363 the name of the dreams: the three birds - the windfall - the two sisters the two sisters walking through the streets of an unknown place a girl comes into the dream she is walking in the opposite direction to the dreamer the girl is nineteen or so she's a little shorter than the dreamer the dreamer is attracted to her the moment he sees her our eyes make contact her expression tells the dreamer she will respond to a smile he pushes his luck and says something which needs a reply the girl is even more responsive than anticipated she replies in a tone of voice that is receptive to further conversation without her knowing it, she has a physical characteristic that the dreamer looks for in a girl physical characteristics that some men don't find appealing some men it off-putting within half a dozen sentenced being exchanged the dreamer finds out that the girl is on her way to see a man with a frankness that makes the dreamer emotionally happy, she says she is going to get paid for having sex with the man when the dreamer asks how much she will get the girl says, "twenty-two" (the denomination {euro, pound, dollar etc} doesn't get mentioned in this dream or the one before it) the dreamer says he will give her the twenty-two if she will keep him company and not go to the man the girl's face shows perplexion the dreamer says, "you're special" she still looks perplexed the dreamer uses the index fingers of both hands to ram the message home he points to his eyes and says, "i see" and then points both fingers at her and says, "you as special" the girl is taken aback the girl changes the direction she was walking in and heads back home the dreamer starts talking ten to the dozen the girl and the dreamer get back to her place the door closes behind us before anything else occurs her sister comes running down the stairs and throws her arms around her her sister is younger than she is by about four years never was there a better example of sisterly love the girl couldn't have been away from the house for more than a couple of minutes yet to her sister it had been a lifetime it is the dreamer 's turn to be taken aback within moments he realises he is about to change the lives of both girls he knows how easy it is to become financially secure more than that, he knows how to bring out the child in the girl the dreamer is explaining the details of how he intends to change things when the dream ends notes 1 the girls in this dream are, the writer is reasonably sure, the girls from an awake-time relationship vividness 2.7 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: relationships () female () the windfall the dreamer is in the "dole" office he is picking up his weekly unemployment money the money comes in a sealed brown envelope one of the corners of the envelope is cut away so that the notes can be counted the amount in the envelope is also stamped on the outside of the envelope the reason for that is so we can see and count, if we feel it is necessary, and make sure the two numbers tally the dreamer isn't sure what his "standing" amount, eighteen or thereabouts this current envelope is a double-wallet there is another amount showing it is for seven-hundred and fifty the reasons for the payments will be on a slip in the envelope there's no chance it's a mistake, i'm rich a whole raft of possibilities are open to the dreamer the mood of the dreamer becomes fantasy-like the dreamer 's natural "high" carries through into the last dream (above) vividness 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream: money (10+) the three birds the dreamer is woken by the sounds of birds looking to where it's coming from the dreamer can see two large birds, about a third of the size of a chicken, perched on the window-ledge of the skylight window next to the main window in the living room the noticeable thing is that the birds are of a different species no sooner has the dreamer noted the difference between the two birds, they are joined by a third bird the third bird is twice as big as the two other birds from its markings and the way it's giving its attention one of the smaller birds the dreamer can see it's the parent of the bird it is concerned with another obvious thing is that the sounds the smaller birds are making are requests for food the dreamer is so delighted by their calls to him for food he decides to go into the kitchen and prepare them a treat of milk dipped in warm milk the dreamer wakes up as he makes a move to get out of bed vividness 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream: animals () dinosaurs (7+) birds (4+) 31082021 - 1362 the name of the dreams: the land of the free - the eye-worm a pandemic has taken root everyone is required to have an examination the examination is in the form of an eye-test it is a quick check using an ophthalmoscope the nurse is looking for a worm-like creature the images of the worm are getting exposure via the media the creepy little bastards are white and easily big enough to see with the naked eye the nurse doing the examination doesn't seem to realise that the weight of her body is going through her hands the dreamer is first moving his sole, then his heel to adjust his balance the nurse gets impatient and tells the dreamer to keep still the dreamer says, "i'm losing my balance" the nurse must have had the same problem with other people she stops putting her weight through her hand vividness 2.8 to 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream: pandemics (6+) medical procedures (2+) eyes (1) the land of the free this dream has the dreamer living in america he doesn't know how long has been there it must have been a couple of years at least living in one of the sunshine states the dreamer is not well-dressed he doesn't need to be most of the time not a lot of scenes, about five the scenes there are were lengthy each scene was vivid and colourful the minimum regulation and the easy-going attitude of the people made it easy to "work" the system the dreamer realises all he needs is a fake social security card, a receipt or two and one or two character references and some mail with bonafide addresses to become a "real" person in a couple of years the dreamer had been there he built up a handsome income and had more than one place he could live money seems to be as available as freely-running water he has settled into a way of life that enabled him to live on the streets or at overnight or short-stay accommodations his favourite way of life was to stay in one town for one or two nights and move on when sleeping outdoors would wash with face-wipes or a small bottle of water and hand-flannels and use an electric toothbrush this sets the scene for the first scene of the dream the dreamer has come from wherever it was he had spent the previous night and is seated with his back against the concrete wall of the boulevard by the beach a family of three or four with a baby come and sit by the wall two or three metres to the dreamer 's right as he uses the electric toothbrush the baby starts to look around to see where the sound is coming from the baby is facing the opposite way to the dreamer she or he can't manoeuvre all the way around to see where the sound is coming from the baby is determined to identify the sound she or he is struggling to turn around the mother realises the best thing to do is turn the baby around and let her or him satisfy her or his curiosity the mother gives an apologetic shrug and smiles as she turns the baby to face the dreamer the dreamer is on the verge of laughing in another scene, the dreamer is in a brightly lit office he is using his fake i.d. to get a loan the dream ends when the dreamer decides to go "legit" and start work or get an enterprise going his first venture has something to do with push-bikes vividness 2.7 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: america (4+) 30082021 - 1361 the name of the dream: hope to enter this dream one day for reasons you would understand, can't put the details of this dream into the public domain vividness - 2.8 - observer and participant - the categry of the dream: externalised (20+) 29082021 - 1360 the name of the dreams: men with a conscience - we both like salmon the last, and next, president of america is at a table the salmon on the plate in front of him is not small the ex and future president has separated his first forkful and is about to lift it to his mouth when he notices something (stand-out visual) he says something criticising the fish the fork is slowly being lifted to his mouth when the dream ends vividness 3 - observer - colour-scheme gold and light red - the category of the dream: one-scene dream (20+) celebrities (8+) donald trump (2+) four down-to-earth northerners, yorkshiremen or lancastrian's, (is there are distinct differences in the accents?) who work in a machine tool factory, figure out that the parts they are making are for weapons worse still, the men discover the weapons are illegal under international agreements the men are savvy enough to know that the newspapers will not run the story they decide to steal or accidentally on purpose lose the parts it doesn't take long for a crack team from m.i.5. long to uncover them now the establishment is in a quandary the powers that be can't prosecute them without causing an international outcry the men are offered, and take, an early retirement plan providing they sign a non-disclosure agreement they are sitting pretty a generation later the dreamer is talking to one of the men the man won't confirm or deny anything the dreamer is asking or suggesting but smiles whenever the dreamer hits the nail on the head the dreamer awakes to the sound of his own voice vividness 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: externalised dream (10+) secret services (2+) 28082021 - 1359 the name of the dreams: titillating cheerleaders - other-worldly - the smooth computer operator first scene, a girl with short, bunched hair, dressed in a skimpy orange one-piece cheerleader outfit is looking at us (could find the style but not the colour and could find the colour but not the style) she lifts the front of her dress and we see something written on her underwear change of scene and change of theme a jet fighter coming towards us then we see a larger area of the clear sky now the first plane is being "dogged" by another, even sleeker jet the chasing jet has something attached to its under-carriage the dreamer 's first thought is that it's an odd style of radar it is semi-circular at the front, the rest of it is square it is about two-thirds of the size of the plane as we watch, it detaches from the jet and begins "dogging" the first jet it moves at speeds five times faster than any jet and changes direction in the blink of an eye it is not within the scope of current technology it begins to mirror every move the first jet makes after half a dozen different manoeuvres by the first jet the detached part of the second jet, in one immediate movement catches up with the first jet and before our eyes, it absorbs the first jet it then returns to the jet it was attached and re-attaches itself then there is another scene in which the same thing happens a commercial jetliner is at the distant horizon again, without any noticeable time-lapse, the device is behind the jetliner and absorbs it that's the clincher it's obviously not earthly technology the scene changes, we are back with the cheerleader she is trying to attract someone's attention she certainly gets the dreamer 's attention when we see her standing and get her view of her briefless crotch with a wispy amount of hair the scene changes to the dreamer downloading files the files are being clicked and re-located into their specific folder ( the dreamer is overcoming the difficulty of moving files around in dreams all is going swimmingly the files related to the dream about jets is all but completed when a file labelled "the average wage of a rockstar" presents itself how did that get in with jets and saucy girls? no matter how he tries he can't get the file to respond to a single-finger click on the laptop keyboard and wakes from the dream in frustration note 1 the cheerleader and the downloading at the computer is yet another two dreams in orange (the downloading has black lines defining shape, whereas the cheerleader has colours - it may become an important distinction) we're on a roll with orange/brown and orange/black dreams here's to hoping it doesn't carry a health warning vividness 2.6 to 2.9 - participant and observer - colour-scheme, orange/black - the category of the dream: cheerleaders (1) jets (2+) computer-related (8+) files (5+) 27082021 - 1358 the name of the dreams: too vague - the diet dreams we learn through this dream that we will, eventually, be synchronising dreams to the following day's awake-time activities when the dreamer 's dream contains details of food, others have the option to have the same food the day after the dream there are no prizes for guessing the correct meals or the order they are in however, it does indicate that we are all on the same page in respect of what is best for us in terms of food the dream the dreamer is talking to a girl he asks the girl what meals she had chosen for today's meals before the details of the dreamer 's meals were posted she says, "the same" she then forms the word "exactly" with her lips and mouth she feels that because she chose the same food as the dreamer she is in sync with evolution notes 1 it is thought that dreams that have the same colour scheme have other things in common as well as of this entry, it isn't known what the commonality is from now on, the addenda of dreams diary will incorporate the colour scheme of dreams that are the same brown/orange dreams have been regular over the past couple of months this is another brown/orange dream addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - colour-scheme brown/orange - the category of the dream - food (7+) the name of the dream: too vague the dreamer has just walked into the cinema and is standing in the area where a film is being shown he is standing at the back looking down at the rows of seats it is the only scene he remembers clearly in this period of r.e.m. as the writer tries to remember the rest of the dream he realises he is remembering scenes from other dreams of being at a cinema it's possible that in the future all dream-time memories become one single sequence that portrays the dream-time / time-line of every individual that is, the discontinuity that separates one dream from another becomes joined in the same way our awake-time memories keep things in order addenda: vividness: 2.5 - observer - the category of the dream - same-theme dreams (10+) cinemas (3+) 26082021 - 1357 the name of the dreams: aggro-merchants and muggers - mom's first son is back - the one track disco someone recommends the dreamer for an event after being told where it was the dreamer accepted it was his secondary school he knows how big the playground is and knows how many people will fit into it comfortably the dreamer decides he needs just one two-hundred-and-fifty watt speaker on the day of the gig, the speaker is placed facing down into the playground on a ledge outside the window on the first floor the people in the room with him are waiting for the dreamer to play something the dreamer hasn't been given any instructions the dreamer looks at the people in the room, all males, and concludes from their dress they like rock he plays an a.c./d.c. track after a couple of seconds the dreamer shouts out of the window to the people in the playground, "can you hear it?" "no", is the chorused reply the dreamer looks at the volume dial of the main amp and sees it's only on 1 a quick clockwise turn to number 5 and we can feel the vibrations coming through the walls as well as being able to hear it the dream comes to an end while the dreamer is debating with himself what track to play next he decides on "winds of change" by scorpion addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream - d.j. (2+) after a gap of a couple of years, had been in prison or borstal, the dreamer is only ten or twenty metres from the front door (pic of almond tree avenue) of where he grew up two or three metres from the door the back of a car becomes visible it is a white lamborghini it is an older model than today's cars (pic) when last at the house there was a third of a metre step down to the level the house from the pavement the step has been removed and there is now a concrete slope that allows the car to be driven into the gap that separates the semi-detached houses the gap between the houses is about three metres for the car to get in the gap, it has to use some of the space of the next house, our house it is no longer easy to get to the back door or garden in the next scene, the dreamer is in the house in the company of mom, sister and another woman they are giving the dreamer a homecoming an aunt arrives with her baby the baby is in a pram, sleeping the aunt decides to leave the baby asleep it begins to rain, it is a light "spitting rain" a couple of the women insist the baby be brought indoors it doesn't take long for the dreamer to bring up the subject of the car mom, being generous to a fault and always eager to please, permitted for the next-door neighbours to re-structure the ground between the houses the dreamer will be acquainting himself with the neighbours it is suspected they may be the selfish type with no man to deal with, they would easily be able to ride slip-shod over mom the dreamer senses mom is feeling as though a weight is being lifted off her shoulders the woman with the baby has problems the problems are serious the women are making suggestions someone suggests they come and live with us the dreamer doesn't let on that he has money he will wait until the cost of moving the furniture of the woman with problems moving comes up and will then offer to cover the costs the dream takes on an upbeat feel notes 1 this dream has implications dear to the writer mom outlives her second husband at the time of her death, mom is younger than her second husband implications???? addenda: vividness: - 2.7 to 2.9/3 - the category of the dream - family, relatives and friends (7+) mom (4+) muggers and agro merchants an epic dream with fifteen to twenty scenes of fighting with muggers and agro merchants it is nighttime after the pubs are closed everybody knows that it's the worst time to be walking in places that are poorly lit (has the dreamer deliberately placed himself in the situation?) they came in one's, two's and three's in a couple of scenes, the dreamer has to run for it or hide, but not before he manages to get in a kick or hit one of them stole money from one or two of those that were easy to get the better while they were lying down and unable to put up a fight on one occasion used the money to ward off a potential fight between a tall guy and his mate his mate was about ten metres away (they didn't need the two of them to get the better of me) instead of running from him or hitting him and running away, gave him a tenner he was well pleased he was waving the tenner in the air as he returned to his mate he said, "now we can get...?" it's not the first epic dream where violence is the theme addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - epic dream (4+) violence (2+) 25082021 - 1356 the name of the dream: taken by surprise a girl is staying with the dreamer we're not in a relationship though she's pleasant enough but the dreamer isn't "drawn" to her we smoke hash together and watch films and like similar songs there isn't any spontaneous conversation to speak of in the last scene of the dream, i'm lying down or stretched out on a sofa she comes into the room and sits on the floor (stand-out visual) her complexion is shiny she's dressed ultra smartly her hair is brushed back with a parting almost at the top of her head for the first time, the dreamer finds her attractive the dreamer doesn't know if it comes through in his expression nor can he think of anything to say he is mesmerised the fair-haired girl says, "iv'e got an appointment but it's not for a while" " the dreamer don't know what to do" the dreamer is still can't think of what to say when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - uninitiated relationships () 24082021 - 1355 the name of the dream: cameras and the law in the bedroom, it may have been a bedsit, with an unknown girl not sure if we are in a relationship we are talking about cameras there isn't an air of intimacy the girl works in a camera shop and is telling the dreamer about the latest phone/camera the shop sells the dreamer is persuaded to buy it the girl makes a phone call and places the order we will go into town in the morning and get it another girl enters the dream she is either her sister or flatmate the new girl's face exudes life alert, confident, purposeful in her movements and bright-eyed she gets straight into the bed where we are sitting and talking without saying anything after more conversation, the first girl gets a phone call her boss has phoned to tell her that he can give the dreamer an even better camera for just a little bit more than the one just bought after hearing what the extra features are, the dreamer jumps at the offer the girl says, "it will be eighteen-pounds fifty for eighteen months". it doesn't occur to the dreamer he was manipulated what the dreamer is aware of is that he can feel the buttocks of the girl already in bed the first girl in the dream gets into the bed too now the dreamer can feel both the girls bodies through the eiderdown either side of him the dreamer is no longer thinking about cameras the dream ends notes 1 upon waking, the writer is trying to figure out why the dream ended when it did it might be that the reader's of this dreams diary may feel that the writer is too oriented to x forget ye not, the pleasure associated with x represents the desire for the expansion of life the natural impulse of beings oriented to eternity's dictum - see the law - notes 2 the price of the camera's in this dream is about half the price of the latest phone/cameras in the shops today it gives the time-tense for this dream the present of a past undulation - time-tense 6 - see tenses of time addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - cameras (2+) 23082021 - 1354 the name of the dream: frontiers and dream-time dexterity was on or practising to be at a space station the environment is dream-clean bright, stainless steel and and see-through lockers and cupboards was at a person-sized refrigeration unit with a single door which automatically re-sealed itself and expelled all the air when closed, the door was open there were two columns of shelves in the unit a row of six, seven or eight shelves in the left-hand column of shelves and five, six or seven shelves on the right at the top of the right-hand column of shelves there was another self-sealing compartment that took up the space of two shelves the cupboard within a cupboard had small, flexible steel Table Leg Storage Clips ( affixed to the back of the cupboard which clamped hold of the tablets as they were pushed into it there was a black tray below the fixture with clips that had half a dozen blue pills on it was in the middle of putting the loose pills on the tray into the individual clips the automated single door of the refrigeration unit was programmed to close after a few seconds there was no effort needed to keep the door open when it began to close but it imparted a the little nudge to the arm before the sensory mechanism of the door met resistance and stopped closing the problem was the little nudge to the arm was enough to break a delicate tablet if it was pushed into the clip too hard after a few attempts to time the placing of one of the tablets into its clip before the door came back into contact with the arm failed and frustration entered the dream which aroused the dreamer 's awake-time conscious the dreamer was now straddling dream-time and awake-time while in the dual-state of consciousness he manufactured a built-into-the-door bar lever that made a hissing/whooshing sound when it was pulled up or pushed down (quite a common bit of kit in sci-fi films) the bar-handle needed two hands to pull it up or push it down to turn on and off all the pneumatically ( operated devices in the room the dreamer woke as he was trying, unsuccesfully, to lift the handle upward with one hand addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - space habitation (2+) 22082021 - 1353 the name of the dream: dancing comes first three or four of us are at my place one girl and two or three boys a compelling dance song gets us dancing it wasn't a track the dreamer had heard before it was "catchy" though the melody was easily good enough to be a best-seller (alas, the writer was too slow to make voice-notes and the melody had faded from the memory before he could record it) it wasn't exhibitionism that drove the dreamer to dance naked it was the spontaeous reaction to a compelling dance track no one raises an eyebrow we are too immersed in the music to take notice it appears dancing is higher on love/lifes list than etiquette addenda: addenda: vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - dancing (5+) nudity (5+) nude dreamer (2+) 21082021 - 1352 the name of the dreams: a misplaced sense of importance - the godfather - natural curiosity the dreamer is in a building that houses the workings of government some of the proceedings are open to the public to get access to the proceedings the public have to sign-in the man who oversees the procedure is standing at a wooden plinth on the plinth is a large, thick, leather-bound book the dreamer goes to the plinth the man in charge of signing in is wearing formal dress and is well-groomed he points to a point on the page with his finger the dreamer is confused he has pointed to a part of the page that has twenty or thirty signatures on it each signature occupies a line there are no empty lines the dreamer makes a comment that queries if the signature is to go in between two of the signatures it upsets the man he then points to the bottom signature on the opposite page the page has room for a dozen or more signatures the dreamer saw the half-filled page when he first looked at the signing-in book if the man had said, "please sign in", without placing his finger anywhere, the dreamer would have done the obvious thing addenda: addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - officious people () the godfather preface to the second dream many moons ago, a woman with two children asked the writer if he would be godfather to her children the writer felt pleased that he should be asked and agreed a couple of days ago, while watching a film, the words, "i wlil do what every godfather does and look after her children" the mother of the children had "passed" - (see between heartbeats it was a bit of a shock until watching the film, the writer was thought being a godfather was just a title the writer thought that being a godfather meant going to their weddings or helping them out financially if they got stuck ordinary everyday things looking after them like a father never entered the writer's mind the following dream is the result of the thoughts and feelings since watching the film the godfather the dreamer has located the family he intends to "make an entrance" he is in the concrete complex where they live the ground floor of the building is for cars there are no cars in it it is about the size of a tennis court it is big enough for a game of five-a-side football the scene shows three lads playing a ball game there are stairs and lifts to the left of the scene there is an ice cream van on the road nearby the dreamer has a twenty-pound note he is going to spoil the children he has come to see the man in the ice cream van has sold out of everything and shakes his head when he realises the dreamer is about to buy something when he hears the dreamer ask for twenty-pounds worth he gives instructions to someone in or by the van to go and buy it from the nearest shop addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - in the execution of responsibilities () children (3+) natural curiosity on the bus the dreamer is on a bus sitting on a long seat that looks across the bus, not down it the seat has three young boys on it the boys look like they are brothers there are about two years between each of them the eldest is eight or nine the dreamer is sat next to him the youngest looks five or six he is furthest away the dreamer reaches down to open his gladstone briefcase when the holding latch is slid to open the case it makes a click out of the corner of his eye, the dreamer sees the boys head turn to the sound the dreamer also sees an "opportunity" as he is rummaging through the contents of the case his right foot is inching the case closer to the boys seated to the left of him it works like a charm the boy next to the dreamer only has to lean slightly towards him to see into the case the boy in the middle has to lean and straighten up to take a gander the boy on the end has to lean in further, straighten up and stretch his neck tantalisingly, almost imperceptibly slowly, the dreamer moves the case a little closer second by second the mother, sitting to the left and looking down the bus towards us "twigs on" to what the dreamer 's doing three or four times she lets out a belly-cum-guttural laugh the youngest boy is on the verge of standing up the dreamer can't suppress his reaction either he starts laughing and wakes up laughing addenda: vividness: - 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - laughing dream (4+) 20082021 - 1351 the name of the dream: boy meets girl boy meets girl two long, soft and moist kisses later they have become an "item" girl takes boy home to meet her mom and dad mom is stand-offish to boy "who does he think he is that he's good enough for my daughter?" boy is fearful mom will turn him away mentions it to girl boy is invited for sunday lunch mom has completely changed her attitude towards boy she is genuinely pleased to see boy boy sees mom in kitchen mom is preparing something special mom is working flat out it crosses boy's mind to offer to do the washing up girl and boy go into town on the bus on the way back, the journey is one long curve to the right boy is unfamiliar with the scenery boy goes to the front of the bus where the conductor and driver are seated boy asks conductor which stop is nearest to where girl lives conductor says, "yours is the next stop" as girl and boy are getting off the bus, the conductor says, "you look contented" boys says to conductor, "if i knew you better,i would tell you why" conductor smiles addenda: vividness: 2.8 participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 19082021 - 1350 preface a month or two ago, hung a bird feeder outside the kitchen window ( it was gratifying to see six or more birds (sparrows) on the feeder regularly took note when the hatchlings were guided to it by their parents could have written a book about their habits the name of the dream: all's not well in the garden opened the door day on a sunny summer day two dozen or so birds were in the air and on the ground near the door you might have thought you were in an aviary they weren't frightened away when the dreamer stood within feet of them feeling pleased that all was well in the world, the dreamer decided to let his pet mouse play in amongst the birds the mouse had no qualms about joining in with the activities and moved towards the birds the next scene turned the dream into a horror show one of the sparrows attacked the mouse a graphic scene of a sparrow pecking out the eye of the mouse caused the dreamer to wake from his sleep the sparrows weren't intent on eating the mouse they only wanted to kill it addenda 1 initially, the writer wasn't going to publish the dream because of its violent nature however, it serves to remind us all there is a reason why so many animals cannot evolve into, and remain, a man-shaped beings more accurately, it serves to remind us of the stages devolving beings go through as they devolve imagine if you will, instead of lips, you had a beak you have no recollection nor will you ever experience a kiss beaks come in all shapes and sizes ( for our purposes, we will divide the shape of the beaks into two categories 1 conical 2 curved we will further consider that conical beaks represent vegetarian birds and curved beaks represent carnivorous birds we will further enlighten our understanding of birds by recognising that of the ten-thousand species of dinosaurs, (see dream 24042021) only birds survived the mass extinction event sixty-five million years ago ( this website asserts that the reason birds survived was due to the intervention of dinosaur-man ( why?, the nutritional value of eggs ( addenda: addenda: vividness: 2.8/9 - observer - the category of the dream - animals () dinosaurs () birds (4+) mammals () mice (2+) 18082021 - 1349 the name of the dream: from pillar to post the dreamer 's boyfriend has introduced the dreamer to one of his acquaintances he is refined and polite an an-easy-to-speak-to young man with fair hair he is relaxed and is well-off the person who introduced the dreamer to him leaves the dream it is just the two of us chatting and getting acquainted after a while, he leaves the room while he is away the dreamer looks around the room in the third of a metre gap between the wardrobe and the wall, there are items piled on top of each other the dreamer has a rummage through them in one of the carrier bags, the dreamer comes across an orange the orange has been cut into quarters there are two quarters each quarter is the size of a quarter of a pumpkin the dreamer takes one of the quarters and is impressed with its colour and succulent looks (stand-out visual) the dreamer is eating it when the young man re-enters the room when he sees the dreamer eating the orange, he has a look of disappointment he intended to surprise the dreamer with it himself notes 1 what the average reader won't know is that the writer can be either gender throughout evolution: see: ( y po this point had been overlooked until this dream in this dream, he is a female there have been, and probably will be, more dreams with this feature in it notes 2 the days of the nefarious manipulation of the writer's genetic line have come to an end from here on in, we begin separating the wheat from the chaff addenda: vividness: 2.5/6 to 2.9/3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - female gender (1+) food () fruit () oranges (1) 17082021 - 1348 the name of the dreams: who stole the ki-lee? - the tufted style an air of foreboding accompanies the opening scene someone has made off with the ki-lee what, you may be asking yourself, is a ki-lee? join the club neither the dreamer nor the writer doesn't have the foggiest either we do eventually discover that a ki-lee? is one-half of the expression a "moo-lee ki-lee" as far as can be gleaned, it is a food that is given to a youngster as an introduction to adult food along the lines of a biscuit or rusk dipped in milk or tea it makes the most sense to assume that the moo-lee (moo-cow) is the liquid part of the food why it has become a crime of unspeakable proportions isn't known this dream may be the result of the dreamer considering buying and experimenting with baby foods the day before the dream addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - baby food (1) a one-scene dream not sure if it is a prolonged view of a pic or a short cine clip we are looking at the face and the hair of a young man he is straight-faced he has a full head of hair his hairstyle is something ken dodd would have been proud of most of his hair lies on his head above that, his hair has been separated into eight or nine different parts the end of the tufts are pointed and are pointing to all parts of the compass this dream is probably due to the writer shaving his hair off the day before the dream this is one of the dreamer 's many faces of himself across the undulations the dreamer is not sure if he likes the look of himself in this dream he has looked happier and better in both awake-time and dream-time addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 observer - the category of the dream - facial pics of self (7+) 16082021 - 1347 the name of the dreams: the whoopie girl - nice pace, grubby place the first scene shows a girl who looks more like twiggy than twiggy she is wearing a one-piece dress it just about covers the lower part of her buttocks it doesn't look like she is wearing underwear her mouth is wide open her expression is, "oh my gosh, just look at me" she takes a short run and vaults herself onto the saddle of a piece of keep-fit equipment her momentum causes her to slide off the seat for an instant, we see her bare backside from the side on there are two or three scenes in which she demonstrates her agility all the while she is making high-pitched sounds and squeals of delight in one scene, we see the crotch area of a woman she is sitting on a machine it looks like a lathe for fashioning wood the woman is seated her buttocks are pressed firmly against the wooden stop used to brace blocks of wood at the far end of the lathe we don't see her face, it is probably the same girl at the beginning of the dream a highly and delightfully xually suggestive dream this dream was almost certainly the result of watching the first half of the film "the wolf of wall street" addenda: vividness: - 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - xually suggestive (3+) 17082021 - 1346 the name of the deam: the opposite of sobriety the dreamer is walking away from the centre of town after a night out he is walking like a champion gliding as much as walking (stand-out part of the dream) he goes into a toilet it is dark and dank a drunk man is on the floor, slouched against the wall the wall is where men pee against at the bottom of the wall, there is a gully that takes the urine to a drain the drunk man doesn't realise he is sitting in the gully which transports waste the dreamer is deciding what to do when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - movement () walking () toilets (2+) 15082021 - 1345 the name of the dream: the balancing act what looks like a seagull has made its nest in the rafters of a disused building the dreamer sees there is a chic in the nest the nest is as wide as the rafter it is on the chic isn't strong enough to maintain balance were it to leave the nest it would undoubtedly fall to its death in this one-scene dream, a parent of the chic has just flown into the building carrying a fish for the chic both birds are making a lot of noise the chic is hungry the parent is anxious the chic will leave the nest to receive the food whether the chic realises the danger isn't known nor is known if the sounds the parent bird is making are warning sounds addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream - one-scene dream (10+) animals () dinosaurs () seagulls (1+) 14082021 - 1344 the name of the dream: baby-adult liaison mother and baby are on the bus mother is standing, her baby is in a hooded push-chair baby is asleep mother taps the baby twice on her forehead baby wakes the baby is momentarily disorientated she-he acclimatises to her surroundings the baby realises her playful mother caused her-him to wake a smile forms on the baby's face the smile is that of an adult addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream - baby-mother () 13082021 - 1343 the name of the dream: the long cat-nap after a gruelling five and a half-hour stint at the computer the writer is ready for a catnap during his time at the computer, he downloaded a radio play the last thing the writer does before settling into his sleeping position is to start listening to the play the play is in six episodes the story is a science fiction play the first five or six sentences is a male voice introducing the play the play begins the voice-actors have a dramatic tone if the play maintains its dramatic characteristics it will go into the sci-fi plays favourites folder within a minute or two the writer becomes the dreamer within a short time of dream-time the first episode the story ends abruptly it is immediately replaced by the same voice which introduced the first episode, only this time he is introducing the second episode as with the first episode, the play ends abruptly in the middle of a sentence the same thing happens once or twice again the dream-time conscious is a no-nonsense, smart little cookie it is not going to permit disjointed continuity the dream-time conscious has a trick or two of its own for dealing with discontinuity the play now becomes the subject of a panel show the format of the panel show is that one of the panellists stops reading the script of the play at a point of her or his choosing, preferably at a point when the theme of the story is getting too difficult to ad-lib to the next panellist, an off-the-cuff, sharp-witted comedian, takes the story and makes it even more difficult for the next panellist to keep the dialogue in context with the story so far it takes no time at all for the panellist's to turn a serious sci-fi play into a hilariously funny nursery story the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own laughter notes 1 what makes this dream even more notable is the fact that the day before the dream the writer thought that it had been a while since his last laughing dream notes 2 after waking the writer played the episodes of the play five of the six episodes ended abruptly in mid-sentence the total listening time of the plays came to about two hours the length of the sleep was about two-and-a-half hours in this dream, there's plenty of data for in-betweenies (the people who will be living between the time the the writer dies to the the next time he makes an "entrance") to formulate dreams theory addenda: vividness: 2.8/9 - observer - the category of the dream - laughing dream (3+) panel games (1+) 12082021 - 1342 the name of the dream: magic mushrooms they were first recognised in prehistoric times the two silver-coloured, mushroom-cap-shaped metal objects presented the man-shaped being with his first exposure to symmetrical form the objects are a metre and a half across and half a metre high fifty-thousand ago language was struggling to find words that gave them a description across the millennia they took on a mystical, and eventually, a religious significance the dream moves forward to recent times how it happened isn't revealed in the dream, the two mushroom-cap shaped objects have become four the mushroom-cap shaped objects are mounted on square pillars about half a metre across and two metres tall they are no longer visible they are covered in earth with grass covering the earth their shape is still clearly discernable a group of five or six men dressed in black and white are gathered near the mounds of earth for them, they have a religious significance addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - prehistory () symmetrical objects () 11082021 - 1341 the name of the dream: vegetarian or omnivore a dream about the best way to slaughter a cow a bit too distressing to detail this dream was brought on while thinking about eating meat during the day addenda: vividness: 2.5 - observer - the category of the dream - animals (20+) mammal (15+) cow (1) 10082021 - 1340 the name of the dream: french fries a nephew in the family is to be the best man at a friend's or colleagues wedding as is the decorum for weddings, the best man can invite members of his family the dreamer is one of those invited the bride is french and, consequently, the ceremony will be in france it is to be a semi-formal wedding the bride has a trailing white gown the gown seems to be as big as a tent two or three men are wearing formal dress, grey trousers, black jackets with long tails and what looked like starched shirts at the banquet, the dreamer gets his first taste of french fries, french style he has never seen chips this colour before, golden brown and glistening like jewels (joint stand-out visual) he has never had chips that had a crunchy outer body like the ones he is eating the taste, well if there were eating in heaven, which there isn't, these would be on the plate it was a revelation in food it had such an impact on the dreamer he decides to leave the british isles and live on the continent there are then three scenes that show the dreamer looking through a hard-back book the book is about half a metre tall and around a third of a metre wide, and three to four centimetres thick it shows all of the countries of the world in full colour (joint-first stand-out visual) it might even be the book of the world the dreamer has in another set of scenes, about fifteen people from both sides of the family are gathered and getting to know each other the dreamer is in an exuberant mood he is talking excitedly about how he intends to go about making a new life for himself on the continent the only "off" part of the dream is a man with a ruddy-coloured complexion he is big and is looking at the dreamer with a hint of resentment twice the dreamer says something to him, and both times he doesn't reply on the third time, the dreamer asks him a question which demands a reply he is still silent but now it is he who has shown himself to be rude one more time, the dreamer addresses the man and again he doesn't reply the dreamer wakes to the sound of his voice saying, "oh well". while awake, the writer tries to understand the man's attitude some grown men don't like other grown men showing exuberance a child-like manner in an adult doesn't sit well in some peoples view of the world this dream is of a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 2.5 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - weddings (4+) food (7+) french fries (3+) 09082021 - 1339 the name of the dreams: across the road/titillation it is dusk the dreamer is sitting alone on the top of an embankment the twenty-metre embankment looks down onto a dual carriageway on the other side of the dual carriageway is another embankment that too has people gathered on it the straight-line distance from embankment to embankment is about twenty-five metres there is at least one group of five or six people gathered on it someone comes and stands by the dreamer he says, "?" is over there" the dreamer waves his fingers the person across the road waves back he then says, "?" is over there" this time the dreamer waves his arm the somebody does an arm wave back the person next to the dreamer says, "martin crook is over there" the dreamer stands up and peers intently into the darkening evening he can recognise martin's stance and build it definitely is martin martin is a friend from decades back some of the things we did together in awake-time are still vivid memories the dreamer thought he would never see him again couldn't wait to be speaking face-to-face with him again consider going down the embankment and shimmying over the barrier in the middle of the two-metre grass verge separating the two carriageways the constant flow of traffic dissuades the dreamer there is a pedestrian bridge to the other side of the road forty or so metres to the left without saying anything else to the person who pointed martin out, the dreamer heads for the bridge the moment the dreamer starts walking he is aware he is not wearing shoes neither is he wearing slippers he is barefoot he can feel the different degrees of cold as he goes from grass to concrete to tarmac on the other side of the carriageway, the dreamer decides to take a short-cut to get to martin quicker the short-cut leads to a dead-end to make up for lost time the dreamer takes another shortcut it leads to roads and houses the dreamer is hopelessly lost this dream sequence ends with a blonde-haired stocky girl in her late teens letting one and all feel her ample bosom her delighted look tells us she is enjoying it more than the males the dreamer thinks of a way he can get as much and more pleasure from the experience than the girl he has it all worked out as he waits for his "turn" addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () martin crook (1) - titillation () 08082021 - 1338 the name of the dreams: the hunt - a game of darts there is a gathering of about thirty males they are gathered to watch and are being interviewed by detectives the place is a men's toilet the toilet is in a mall or a major railway station the hunt is on for a serial killer the police are hot on his trail he is proving elusive the public is eager to see him caught the police have a dna sample the toilet attendant produces all the property that has been left there by users among other things, there is a box with a dozen pairs of shoes in it one of the pairs is patent leather they become the focus of attention statements of possible sightings of the killer mention a man wearing glossy shoes also, a pair of light-brown heel-boots are among the shoes they too fit some descriptions of the killer the size of the shoe also indicated his height if the police send out a message immediately to all police on duty to question any man wearing either type of shoes, they may catch him note 1 of course, the biggest murderers of all are the bankers addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - observer - the category of the dream - crime () murderer's () the dreamer is in a pub playing a game of darts he needs one-hundred and thirty-seven to win the dream ends before the darts are thrown addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream - games () static () darts 07082021 - 1337 the name of the dreams: table for sale, x for free - a slippery run a female acquaintance, not a girlfriend, asked the dreamer to let her know (look for) if a rectangular dining table came up for sale within a day or two, a table matching her requirements was advertised in the local newspaper using her car we headed for a small town or large village about seven miles away it was a bungalow the woman of the house opened the door we see her hubby just once after we enter the bungalow the woman is talking more or less continually for this part of the dream for reasons unknown, she becomes quiet, almost sullen the scene changes, the dreamer and the woman who lived in the bungalow are in the act of x in the back seat of a car a few vivid and pleasurable scenes later, the sound of the sirens of a police car invade the dream the dreamer says, "please don't tell me they've seen us" the dream ends note 1 another quick reminder the pleasure of x is because we are complying with the law x is an aspect of "expand" note 2 it has now reached the point for the dreamer that x dreams in dream-time are more real than awake-time memories addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () - tactile () a slippery run was running here, there and everywhere te dreamer is running in his slippers the slippers lived up to their name must have slipped off at least four times it didn't affect the overall theme of the dream though had to jump over and off walls was exceptionally nimble throughout the running sequence, three-quarters of the entire dream ended up in a pub somebody in the pub knew the dreamer the dreamer didn't know him or how he knew the dreamer the stranger said, "kay's here". it took a while for the dreamer to realise who he meant kay was a brief relationship and businesswoman from many years before she came into the barroom she wasn't the relaxed and confident woman of years before she looked a bit dire she hardly said anything the running part of this dream is due to greater feelings of mobility as the result of exercising addenda: vividness: 2.7 participant - the category of the dream - running (6+) ex-girlfriends (2+) 06082021 - 1336 the name of the dream: the gourmet sandwich company the dreamer knows a family and is talking to an enterprising young couple of the family they have just started a business in tailored-to-suit sandwiches they are selling to the local community the sandwiches can be made of white or brown bread or rolls, crusty or plain, pitta bread... the business wasn't as busy as they hoped it would be what the couple didn't realise was the way businesses were run the dreamer explains that giving "back-handers" here and there would make all the difference getting mentioned or being "plugged" in the right places would have a greater impact than just relying on word of mouth they went along with the suggestion the last the dreamer heard about them was that they were on the up and up addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream - business () food delivery (1) 05082021 - 1335 the name of the dream: thwarted the dreamer is the guest of prisons younger brother; borstal we have just come from induction and are in the sleeping quarters it is a small, square dormitory that sleeps a dozen young men there are nine beds, three of which are bunk beds there is not enough space between the bunk beds and the ceiling a person can kneel but that's it two of the bunk beds have been claimed it is known to the dreamer , and most of the other lads, that the two lads who have laid claim to two of the bunks are homosexuals they are hoping that a naive, fresh-looking chappie will take the vacant bunk they will go to "work" on him and probably corrupt him the dreamer mucks up their aspirations by taking the third bunk bed if the two devolving beings try to "diddle" each other in the middle of the night, the dreamer will call them out they will have to do what others of their ilk do in borstal squeeze into a single toilet cubicle an unusually vivid dream for the subject-matter probably a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - incarceration () borstal (1+) homosexuality (1+) 04082021 - 1334 the name of the dream: the girl of my dreams x dream addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () c (1) 03082021 - 1343 the name of the dream: tea and coffee but no buns or biscuits the dreamer is a new guy on the job the job is as a waiter it isn't as a food waiter though, it is for tea and coffee only, mostly coffee the area for the people sitting and drinking is massive, five-hundred plus the dreamer , along with all the other waiters, is down at the front of the room by the stage there are people on the stage dancing the dreamer begins to tap his feet and sway to the music the room starts to fill up time to do the job get a laminated wooden tray with a lip around the edges the organisers hadn't thought through the logistics of the waiters' job to get to the kitchen meant going to the oppsite side of the room where the metal barriers allowed people through to the seating area the barriers were only waist-high the deamer is tall enough to stretch his legs over the barrier failed on the first attempt but got it on the second it would be tricky with a trayfull of cups though dream ended addenda: vividness: - 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - work () waiter (3+) 02082021 - 1342 the name of the dream: my impish girlfriend in bed and trying to get to sleep the old bod wasn't ready though swung my feet over the side of the bed and sat up rolled a cigarette and went to light it (it should be mentioned here, smoking in bed or before getting dressed is something the writer never does - this dream must be a past time-tense) every time the flame ignited it went out almost immediately tried half-a-dozen times before realising my girlfriend has a spray or something which produced a jet of air and was having a good old giggle at my expense the dreamer isn't in the mood for it and says, "that's a childish thing to do" my girlfriend said, "pick up your phone and look at it" the dreamer says, "let the dreamer finish my roll-up in peace" fell asleep in the dream and woke into awake-time addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 01082021 - 1341 the name of the dream: the other person at the computer playing a game with an unknown person the game is to get an object to the far end of the other person's territory (think it was a gladiator-type game) the dreamer made his move after the move, if the person didn't block the dreamer 's next move the dreamer will win the game in two moves the object was played back it was miles off-target the game was nearly over waited, and waited, and waited for the other person to make her or his move after waiting for bleedin' ages the dreamer began thinking that the rules should be changed a time penalty or a reduction in points sent a message to my opponent, "wakey-wakey, the games not over". the person never responded then spent half a minute of dream-time composing a message containing suggestions of how to make the game more fluid it was while the dreamer was immersed in composing the message and was becoming impatient that he realised he was in dream-time addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - computer () games () think-write dream () 31072021 - 1340 the name of the dreams: poignant dream - home from home a fluffy white cat occupies fills all of our vision the dreamer gives the cat a few smooth rubs with his palm the dreamer then offers the cat a tasty piece of food that cats like (don't recall what it was) the cat moves its mouth toward the dolly mixture-sized bit of food it knocks the food off the dreamer 's finger with its nose never before saw a cat misjudge where to pick up a bit of food the dreamer looks at the cat's owner "she's blind", she says emotion wells up inside of the dreamer and continues to build after waking up this dream, the dreamer is sure, comes from running through the words of an english lament during the day it's part of a song which starts... the darkest cloud that passed my life was also of my darling wife spent a while online looking for it couldn't find it addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant and observer - the category of the dream - animals () mammal () cat () blind cat (1) back in home from home (prison) it is a tightly run regimen sharing a cell a female member of staff comes into the cell she is wearing the regulation dress, blue, knee-length skirt and white blouse we enter into a conversation she is telling the dreamer what classes and activities are on the prison program one program, o.c.l., she believes, wouldn't be suitable for me she is on my side the dreamer rapidly agrees again, the theme of this dream probably comes from thoughts and feelings throughout the day addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - prison () closed () 30072021 - 1339 the name of the dream: twice, nearly thrice x dream addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream - x dreams (30+) two-dream x dream (1) note 1 things are definitely looking up for the writer in a couple of different ways this dream may be a reflection of those changing circumstances note 2 for the majority of people, the most intensely pleasurable feelings are the feelings accompanying ejaculation to get an insight into the pleasure felt whilst enacting straight-line-action you need to multiply the pleasure factor of x by ten-thousand that is the starting point for the pleasure of straight-line-action the writer is happy to tell you, the state of pleasure you-know-who is in when beginning a new Undulation has a "cushioning" effect like when we leave the warm environment of the home and step out into the cold, it takes a little time for the cold to start "biting" so too will it be for you-know-who as the time spent enacting straight-line-action increases, so also does the cushioning effect when she/he begins a new undulation, the increased pleasure is cushioning the pain eventually, it will be barely noticeable for her/him see also "the art of pleasure" 29072021 - 1338 the name of the dream: "day of dreams" the name of the dream: dream five of the "day of dreams" in the first scene, the dreamer is filling a jar with liquid after putting the cap back on the jar, the dreamer turns it upside down to make sure it is on tight in the next scene, the dreamer has something else in the meantime and when he looks again the liquid is seeping out of the jar this two-scene dream is the result of doing the same thing with a jar with liquid in it during the day note 1 there were two more one or two-scene dreams in this sleep the name of the dream: dream four of the "day of dreams" got an invitation to a social event the event was for the rich and powerful powerful in the sense that those who headed the list had a gangster status their code of behaviour was extremely rigid in a skewed way the wives of the "dons" were queens, while the husbands took the decisions and gave the orders a person could get away with a personal joke with the husbands but not with their wives if nothing else, it would give the dreamer the chance to see how the other half of a corrupt society lives the convention-cum-gathering turned out to be even more formal than had been envisaged if anything the dreamer is under-dressed the sit-down banquet is scheduled to begin in an hour or so time enough to make a good impression or get the dreamer into "deep shit" the wife of the king don approaches and then stands in front of me after brief hello's, she leads the dreamer to the roof-garden the scene changes, we are walking down a wide staircase the balustrade leads down to the main hall where most people are gathered at the seventh or eighth step before the bottom of the stairs, she grabs hold of the dreamer and kisses the dreamer full on the lips the tone of the dream changes the woman has decided she wants the dreamer dead, the dreamer didn't show affection towards her when we were alone on the roof the kiss is a deadly sin she could say whatever she wanted to her husband and he would believe her no if's and but's an indiscretion of monstrous proportions had been perpetrated a levy would have to be paid but not there and then if people were shocked they didn't show it we are walking through the throng of guests a waiter offers the dreamer a platter with round chocolates wrapped in silver paper the dreamer takes two there is a bowl with large crisps in it the dreamer takes one the woman tells the dreamer not to eat it yet and asks the dreamer to give it to her after handing it to her she drops it can't tell if it was a deliberate act or not the woman asks the dreamer to pick it up he picks it up and hands it to her she then said, "eat it" the tone of her voice is not humourous, it is a command that has menace in it for the dreamer to say he is bewildered is an understatement, he is flabbergasted what's happening? the dreamer says, "no" the next thing the dreamer knows is that two short and ultra-stocky "heavies" are by my side they are going to force the dreamer to eat it the dreamer runs away from them out of the building, the dreamer is on concrete the heavies will be arriving soon the dreamer drops the crisp on the floor and grinds it into pieces with his foot the dream ends there this dream was, in part, due to thinking about the way some women have reacted to the dreamer over the years addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream - social events (3+) threatening behaviour (3+) the name of the dream: dream three of the "day of dreams" strictly speaking, this visual extravaganza should be called a "dream montage" half-in, half-out, of dream-time and awake-time unusually for montages, it has a two-tone colour scheme, yellow and black the images are portrayed in thin, black lines with black shading to begin with, the images came thick and fast, two, three and four a second for each pic much too fast to take in the detail for more than one here and there it breaks new ground in more than one way it contains more images than any other montage it wasn't just single images for the last tenth of the dream, there were colour motion sequences some of them could have found themselves as an entry in dreams diary because this montage contains awake-time and dream-time states of consciousness it is difficult to assess we'll say it lasted for two minutes one hundred and twenty seconds at two frames a second of awake-time comes to one-thousand two-hundred pics of dream-time (see the Carmen dream) let's even it out and say approximately one-thousand individual pics the only other montage with this sort of number of pics in them is the "box-montage" dream of 14022018 each of the boxes in that montage contained about fifty pics however, they are not individual pics, although each pic could be isolated, freeze-framed and re-run a "box montage" has the potential to have vastly bigger numbers of pics than this dream notes 1 until the writer gets the exposure necessary and can present his encounter with the three females who visited him about ten years ago, the reader will not be able to fully appreciate the connection between dream-time and away time addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - dream-montage (1) dream two of the "day of dreams" back in holland staying with a "crew" of five or six guys the crew are buying and selling hash the dreamer is not involved with the "business" am living the "party" life the crew are making more money than they know what to do with the police decide it's time to "take them down" the "raid" occurs in the middle of the night when we are asleep don't have time to hide my "percy" will be charged with illegal possession leave the police station and head for the dance where everybody who is anybody hangs out have on pants and a t-shirt the doorman won't let the dreamer in unless he can search him protest at being searched but the dreamer takes off his t-shirt the doorman is giving the dreamer a long, hard look before he decides whether to let him in or not the dreamer looks at the doorman straight-faced and serious and says, "i'm a man,i don't lie" go into the club sat down and get distracted by something before the dreamer knows what has happened a girl has nicked his t-shirt trying to get her to give it back without getting "macho" about it the girl will only give it back if the dreamer buys her a drink she's already half "sloshed" tell her we'll get some blow and drink and go back to my place addenda: vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream - holland () hash () relationships () girl () the name of the dream: dream one of the "day of dreams" am living in a flat with two other guys one of them is paul price knew paul from secondary school days he is as friendly as they come he went on to become a session guitarist he is a well-respected person who carries a lot of weight the other person is unknown to me something the dreamer said causes paul to say to him, "let the dreamer show you something" he goes to one end of the room, starts running and when he is at sprint-speed does a forward somersault and lands on a table on his feet the dreamer says, "i am impressed" he goes on to say, "are you making a statement", and, "what's the point (you are making)?" he didn't reply the dreamer says, "my area of expertise is to come up with solutions for seemingly unsolvable problems" the scene changes, am now in a big bed with luxurious linen and a fluffy eiderdown somebody knocks on the front door or it might have been a bell that rings one of the lads answers the door a girl walks in and asks, "is such and such a person here?" before anyone can say anything a bloke in his mid-thirties comes through the still-open door in a hurry he is five or six centimetres short of two metres tall, wearing a flat cap with a shiny peak, a donkey jacket and carrying a half-metre square flat black satchel that straps over his right shoulder and is resting on his left side he could have been the postman he had come to get something though, not deliver it he said, "which one of you is so-and-so" his eyes fix on the dreamer before anyone says anything, he must have been given a description of the dreamer he pulls out a gun it's not a revolver it has a silver sleeve the length of the nail of the little finger stuck into the barrel of the gun the dreamer surmises it shoots or injects something into the skin the dream ends there addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - intrigue () friends and acquaintances (30+) paul price (1) 28072021 - 1337 the name of the dream: star trek script a think-read dream which reviews the script for the next start trek movie there is talk of bringing in william shatner this dream is due to falling asleep while watching the film "galaxy quest" addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - think-read dreams () films (1) the name of the dream: the strong swimmer out for a walk along by the river at a point of the river where it widens to about twenty metres, there are three or more people swimming two-hundred metres further downstream there are cafes and outdoor activities looks like one or two hundred people take off my shoes and pants, jump in and start swimming towards them immediately, the feeling of great strength is noticeable in the dreamer 's legs the speed at which the dreamer is propelling himself is the same as that we see when watching olympic swimmers going for gold it reminds the dreamer of the time he first used flippers the flippers doubled the speed when using the crawl stroke even better, the pace is increasing as the dream ends this dream is due to the feeling of strength the dreamer felt during the day after doing standing cycle peddling - see exercise diary addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - strength dreams () swimming (1) 27072021 - 1336 the name of the dream: the unwelcome guest have just woken up the flat is silent sounds are coming from the street it sounds like mid-morning a friend and his girlfriend are letting the dreamer stay at their place until the dreamer gets his place the dreamer doesn't expect he will need more than a day or two to get his accommodation the front door slams it is my friend's girlfriend she is letting the dreamer know she doesn't want the dreamer there her footsteps are deliberately heavy, she bangs things down in the next scene, her boyfriend is in the dream she says. "i've only got pie and chips" the dreamer gets the impression there's only one pie she asks the dreamer what he wants with a mixture of sarcasm and playfulness, the dreamer says, "the left-overs will be fine" addenda: vividness: - 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () the name of the dream: easy peasy a dream about editing and cataloguing dreams the dreamer is enjoying the ease with which he is able to copy and paste whole dreams from document to document it has never been so easy addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - using the computer in dreams (5+) editing dreams (1) 26072021 - 1335 the name of the dream: the trilogy of rings each ring is slightly bigger than the next the rings are made of what looks like jade there is a single white gem in each of the rings in the first scene, we see the left hand of a person it could be female or male we don't see any faces in this dream she or he is wearing two of the rings one is on the ring finger, the other on the middle finger the person is taking one of the rings off her or his hand the dreamer says to someone, "i knew what it meant when i gave it to you" one of the rings changes hands whenever the person wearing one or more of the rings meets a person who enacts an act of exceptional love (a woman or a man stands aside when she or he sees that another woman's or a man's life would be fulfilled by another person who would adore her or him for life in a way the current person doesn't), or generosity (a woman or a man gives the money she or he had saved to buy a house for the person they intended to marry when a woman or a man are in the position of not having enough money to start a married life in a home which had those things a new family needed) the person taking the ring off their hand in the first scene has witnessed an act of love or generosity even greater than the act she or he enacted to merit getting the ring all three of the rings will at sometime, end up on the hand of the person who persistently enacts the greatest acts of love or generosity we all know who that will be this dream must be the future of every future Undulation in which only those who can attain heaven walk the earth addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream - extreme future undulations (1) 25072021 - 1334 the name of the dream: 'tis better to have lived and loved... a think-read dream exposing the jews for what they are, a money-making organisation note 1 there are a couple of white jews somewhere in the world who is the definition of a couple in love they have everything they want they are happy and healthy unfortunately, they have a jealous and vengeful god ( addenda: vividness: 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream - think-read dream () the jewish conspiracy (1) link for think-read ( second sleep, first dream in a crowded area a man hands the dreamer a ragged-edged envelope it has thirteen-hundred pounds in it no one notices the hand-over just as well, we are in a prison second dream on a coach the coach is stopped people are getting out of their seats and getting off it is as though the dreamer is one step ahead of everyone else am making my way along the aisle without stopping third dream walking through a compact park two girls make some comments the dreamer suggest we play a ball game didn't notice at first, they have a dog with them when next to one of the girls and talking to her she calls the dog it is a behemoth of a dog it easily outweighs me it has the coat and markings of an alsation noticeably, it has black fur around its mouth like the girls, it has a friendly disposition offer the back of my hand for the dog to sniff the dog, like the girls, is ready to play addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream: money () coach () girls with a dog (1) 24072021 - 1333 the name of the dreams: resolution - sexy goings-on - attraction to a lizard - attraction to a puppy a dispute over the ownership of a pair of speakers has been going on for years the situation was, the dreamer overheard two people talking about how they had bought an expensive pair of speakers for loose change the two males having the conversation knew the dreamer could hear what they were saying but shady deals were part and parcel of our lifestyle the two males were delighting in the circumstances they had in effect robbed the robber within a month or so, the opportunity for the dreamer to rob the robbers who robbed the robber came along the dreamer took it the dreamer would, he knew, be a prime suspect it was just a matter of brazening it out a close acquaintance was visiting the dreamer he didn't know anything about it the dreamer had to go out for a minute or two he told his acquaintance not to let anybody in while he was out the people who the dreamer stole from concluded it was the dreamer who stole from them they knew the dreamer wouldn't let them in his premises, so they sent someone he did know to the dreamer 's place of work to have a look-see for them my acquaintance knew the man they sent very well and didn't think he fell into the "anybody" category he let him in he was still there when the dreamer returned the dreamer knew there was no point in asking him not to say anything it now meant having to move everything worth stealing what the dreamer didn't know was that the people who bought the speakers had promised them to someone else the person expecting to receive them did know people who would recover them by force they were out-of-towners there were weeks when, by sheer circumstantial luck, they kept missing the dreamer by minutes their frustration grew and grew in the end, they left a "message" with my brother they set fire to his car in the middle of the night moving forward a few years the person who was supposed to receive the speakers and the dreamer cross paths (let's not forget he knows the speakers are stolen) he is still smarting about it the dreamer is doing well he is in his prime, has a quality car and girls aplenty he gives him one of the speakers and offers to sell him the other one for a song the person promised them feels he should be given both of them for free he agrees, begrudgingly addenda: vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream - sexy goings-on (8+) ray appears from my right he is in a rush, almost flustered he is enthusiastic about a great job with lots of potential a newly-opened nightspot called the buzz-bar is looking for waiters the job is more of a passport to the jet-set than a job celeb's and high-rollers are flocking to it it is going to be the new "in" place the dreamer 's all for it we head for the buzz bar with a purpose we get there and are now in a bedroom-sized room two girls are conducting the interview after a bit of chit-chat, one of the girls, the smaller of the two, is oozing salaciousness in both her face and speech she says to ray, "lower your pants" the dreamer is more than just a bit surprised when ray complies without a moment's hesitation the same girl gives out an involuntary, quiet squeal as ray reveals his all the dreamer realises he will be asked to do the same thing it then dawns on the dreamer this is a setup within an hour or so, pictures of both our genitalia will be in circulation the situation is the women run the business the pictures of us will be available to the other women almost immediately the women will choose their waiter for the night based on the attractive qualities of the male's personality and genitalia if they think they're getting a look at mine without the dreamer getting a look at theirs, they're mistaken going for the jackpot, the dreamer says, "a true test of attraction can only be established if the woman and the man fondle each other" the salacious girl is up for it her companion is mulling it over when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - xually-related dreams (4+) friends/acquaintances (ray) (3+) attraction to a lizard from somewhere, a green, flattish lizard appears it is about the size of a modern mobile phone a lot thicker though it emanates a demure quality the dreamer senses it wants to be cuddled he picks it up and places the lizard against his neck and throat the dreamer then lies down with the lizard nestled comfortably between the gap between his neck and the surface of whatever it is the dreamer is lying on the lizard is motionless except for its barely perceptible movement of breathing whether it was a female or male isn't known what the reptile wants is the warmth of the dreamer 's body addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - animals () reptiles () lizards () attraction to a puppy the dreamer is asked by a passing stranger if he wants a puppy and opens his jacket the dreamer can't resist the puppy-dog-eyes and agrees to take it the puppy senses that he is about to have a new owner and jumps out of the coat of the passer-by and onto the chest of the dreamer the passer-by brings up the subject of money the dreamer has to open his coat to get to the money he goes into his pocket and brings out a note the passer-by is satisfied and walks away the dreamer then realised that he doesn't have the puppy and the passer-by has gone from the dream the dreamer becomes panicky as he looks around on the ground the dreamer 's attention is drawn to the roof of the car parked next to where the dreamer is standing the puppy is looking dejected his eyes meet the dreamer 's eyes as with the first time we made eye contact, he jumps onto the dreamer 's chest the dreamer determines that the puppy will never feel abandoned again this dream is based on an awake-time instance when a young lad offered the writer a puppy dog as he was a few hundred yards from home the writer bought the puppy-dog this dream almost certainly came about as a result of thoughts of getting a dog during the day before the dream addenda: vividness: 2.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - animals () mammals () dogs (7+) 23072021 - 1332 the name of the dream: the hors d'oeuvre trolley the dreamer is not sure if he works in the restaurant or he has been invited by the owners or clients as the dream starts, we are seated at a round table the table can seat eight or ten in the first scene, there are four or five of us we expecting more people two or three people have something from the hors d'oeuvre trolley the dreamer goes against his desire for food and decides it would impress the others at the table if he joins one or two of the others and declines anything from the hors d'oeuvre selection as the trolley is being wheeled away the dreamer is on the verge of calling it back the dreamer is famished the feeling of hunger accompanies his waking addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - food (10+) hors d'oeuvres () 22072021 - 1331 the name of the dream: the unfinished conversation a trio of callers, a girl and two boys, are at the door after the dreamer answers the bell the dreamer invites them into the hallway he will not be inviting them into the living-room the callers are all around the twenty-years of age bracket they say they are visiting the dreamer on behalf of a neighbour the dreamer asks them to make the conversation as quickly as possible they agree with nods one of the boys wants to know if the dreamer will compile a musical collection for a house-bound neighbour the dreamer tells them that he did make a compilation for him some while back again, there are nods the dreamer is trying to make sense of their visit why would they ask the dreamer to compile music for the neighbour? he could tell them what he likes and they could make a compilation it comes to light that they belong to a religious organisation the dreamer suspects it is the jehovah's witnesses their visit is to find out about me the dreamer is about to ask if the girl's name is evie when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - unfinished dreams (10+) 21072021 - 1330 the name of the dream: fly in the fridge the writer's diet has gone through some major changes of late one of the changes was to eat at least four or more fruits a day after a couple of weeks, the dreamer changes his fruit diet he goes from four or more fruits a day to only oranges it was during the day before this dream when the thought, which is clearly remembered, to incorporate grapes into the diet occured the dream, a two-scene dream, has the dreamer opening the fridge door, then moving things around the dreamer sees, then reaches for, the see-through carton of grapes before his hand gets to the carton, he sees an insect standing on the grape closest to him it had two very small eyes, four legs, and two feelers coming out of its head the feelers are longer than any other parts of its body being as it was in amongst fruit, the dreamer thinks it is a fruit fly even though it doesn't have wings (non of the pics in google images for "fruit fly" came close to what this insect loks like) there is a momentary staring-match between fly and human the scene changes, the dreamer is looking into the carton of grapes he sees a grape that has been knawed it puts the dreamer off wanting to eat any of the grapes addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - animals (10+) insects (2+) note 1 the grapes in the dream are easy to explain how or why the fly got into the dream is mystifying theories' to explain it are too wild to proffer 20072021 - 1329 the name of the dreams: the photo portrait company - a night at the theatre was going around from person to person and place to place drumming up business for a new venture the idea is to have a video interview with a person, family, friend, business colleague, etc. the dreamer would then watch the video with the person who engaged him at their home or a place of their choice the client would indicate, at various points of the video, that or those expressions which "caught the essence" of the person's personality the dreamer would then freeze-frame the video, for a second or a few seconds, looking at which frames best captured the client's view of her, or his character eventually, the client would settle on one frame the chosen frame could be painted by an artist or, and this was the main novelty, be given a computer programme which rendered the image into a geographical map, the same as in ordnance maps, which lays out the terrain in uneven concentric circles ( the programme was dirt-cheap cheap enough to give away the client would save himself the expense of hiring an artist to fill in the colours her or himself a lesser and more expensive novelty was to give the coloured picture substance with a "paper texturising-machine" which gave it the look of an oil painting addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - innovation in dreams (3+) a night at the theatre the dreamer is connected to an actors' guild by way of his musical connections they invite him to a mens' night-out at the theatre the dreamer gets the o.k. to invite members of his family-friendly he persuades four or five relatives of the family to join him for reasons not featured in the dream, the members of the family can't get to the theatre until about twenty minutes after the curtain goes up in the theatre, it is dark the dreamer can see there are two hundred or so people the nine or ten men the dreamer is with are all seated at the back row wasn't able to concentrate on what was going on on stage as the dreamer wanted to be aware of his relatives the moment they walked in the members of the family come into the theatre at the time they said they would the dreamer 's hand shot into the air the moment he saw them they made their way to him and sat down the dreamer says, "will introduce you to my colleagues at the intermission felt pleased that my relatives had entered the theatre and made the way to their seats with complete anonymity addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - theatre-related (2+) family, friends and acquaintances 19072021 - 1328 the name of the dreams: poor judgement - a dead-live big cat was living at home with mom we headed into town on the bus, mom asked the dreamer if a friend of mine had a key to let himself in the dreamer had, on a couple of occasions, given him the key to let himself in mom went on to say that some of her things had been moved one or two things had gone missing mom wasn't getting senile, far from it if things had been moved and gone missing, things had been moved and gone missing thought about the possibility of him stealing things the circumstances meant he must have had a key cut for himself the dreamer had misjudged him would have to buy new lock and keys when we were shopping addenda: vividness: 2.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () at someones home it was a three-people home their child, a young boy of about ten years, had a wrap-around leopard skin complete with the head a first-time visitor to the house didn't know about the leopard skin he had walked into the boy's room and had frozen with fear the dream became one of laughter as the dream ended this dream was caused by watching the film "sammy going south" ( addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - film-influenced dreams (5+) 18072021 - 1327 the name of the dream: ufo compilation at the computer am putting together clips of sightings of ufo's the first two clips seemed to know where to go on their own compiling video clips had never been easier on the third clip, the dreamer -computer liaison started to break down in came the old problem of clicking open folders and then moving the files into the folder things ground to a halt completely on the fourth clip no amount of finger-tapping on the folder icon opened the folder woke out of the dream in a state of frustration addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream - ufo's (4+) computer limitations (4+) note 1 there's obviously a limitation of accessibility between dream-time/awake-time which isn't available at this point of time of evolution 17072021 - 1326 the name of the dream: x dream addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () 16072021 - 1325 the name of the dream: 3D audio another "first" fell asleep listening to a radio play of the science fiction story "foundation" in the first scene of the dream, the dreamer becomes either the person speaking (participant) or an observer, i.e. listening to the characters in one scene in particular the voice "carried" from one place in the scene to another imagine, you are in a room, someone says something, the stereo faculty of our brains pinpoints the position the sound came from, we look to where the voice is, we observe the face of the person speaking, the person stops talking, someone, somewhere else in the room, replies to what the first person said, our gaze goes to the person replying we become the person replying (participant) or are observing the person replying imagine that happening three or four times it was just two months and two weeks ago (03052021) when the writer had his first 3D visual dream there was depth in the first scene of this dream but not enough for the dream to be categorised as a 3D visual dream it is just a matter of time before we are able to access the full range of all senses in both awake-time and dream-time addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - 3D audio (1) 15072021 - 1324 the name of the dream: cat and mouse a lorry-full of vital items destined for the general public is seconded and the items are to be scrapped because the military needs the specialised container of the articulated lorry to transport a military device the self-employed owner-driver of the lorry gets wind of what's happening and takes matters into his own hands he intends to make sure the goods reach the people for whom they are intended the driver of the lorry is a lifelong trucker he knows the dirt-track back roads, gulleys and roads through forests which aren't on any maps it becomes a cat and mouse-type dream in one scene, the trucker takes cover in the maze of roads of a "spaghetti junction" ( there is one place in the junction which is big enough for two or three trucks that are only known to truckers the dream ends as the goods reach the people they are intended for addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - vehicles () lorries (2+) 14072021 - 1323 the name of the dream: the white room a highly vivid dream set in holland a hostel houses two hundred plus guests the dream is in the ablutions of the guest house or hostel there are ten or more rows of sinks each row has about twenty sinks in, it the bright lighting, white sinks, silver taps and the mirrors on the wall give it the illusion of it being the size of a football pitch (for a small country, holland certainly thinks big) the dreamer is almost alone in the area a tall, black-haired, well built, proportioned and retiring young man of about twenty comes to a sink near me he is irish it soon becomes obvious he has come to holland for x the dreamer offers to show him how to go about it the ablutions begin to fill up the women have no qualms about taking their bra's off to wash the dreamer tells him not to look directly at them the trick is to pretend to be shaving and look at the girls via the mirrors that run all the way along the walls the young man becomes flushed it is to be the dreamer 's fun-filled duty to make sure he loses his virginity addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - holland (5+) 13072021- 1322 the name of the dreams: buddies - out of sync one of those dreams that are not uncommon in awake-time you meet someone for the first time and immediately become long-term friends was sitting on a wall across the road from the gym the gym was in a shopping centre a passer-by asked the dreamer if he knew where the gym was it didn't take long to get him talking about the merits and the exercises of keeping fit went with him to show him where it was in no time at all, we were "working out" together he was soaking up very bit of information the dreamer fed him among other things that we talked about was the benefits of having a training partner after we finished exercising, we walked off into the day together and began planning for what we would do that evening addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () male () keep-fit themed-dreams () got up and dressed with nowhere to go in particular went to see a friend at his place, the dreamer persuades him to go out to a dance he is enthusiastic about it one slight problem, the shoes the dreamer has got on aren't dancing shoes no problem, he has two or three pairs of shoes my size he puts the shoes down by my feet for reasons unknown, the dreamer isn't wearing socks the innards of the shoe are soft and thick the slightly moist feet of the dreamer doesn't enable him to slip the first pair of shoes on easily the theme of the dream changes from a "going out" dream to a "keeping him waiting" dream no matter how he tries the dreamer can't get the first pair of shoes on there are then four to six scenes of the dreamer trying to get shoes on can get the right foot of one pair of shoes on but not the left then can get the left shoe of another pair on but not the right it gets ridiculous try to get two different styles of shoes that fit each pairing looks more stupid than the last the dreamer 's friend has become impatient he says he will wait for the dreamer outside the frustrated dreamer is still trying shoes on as he wakes up this dream represents a feeling of frustration the writer had during the day we are twenty-one, going on twenty-two years behind schedule it's anybody's guess how many Undulations it is going to take to synchronise our evolution to the year 2000 addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant and observer - the category of the dream - emotions () frustration (2+) 12072021 - 1321 the name of the dreams: sorry - birds, again a three-scened dream a girl is reading out her written apology it is a sincere, almost touching, explanation of why she deceived me think she had stolen from me the letter was from the heart the dreamer dismissed any thoughts of compensation addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - spoken think-read (1) during a sleepy lie-down, a vivid Montage with about seven scenes played out all the scenes were of budgerigars in motion think they were all in cages addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the motion-montage: animals () dinosaurs () budgerigars (1) - 11072021 - 1320 the name of the dreams: sensible people - fruits for my sweet a company has reached the point when it is obliged to go public and offer shares there are those within the company who can see there is a fortune to be made by selling cheap and re-buying unbeknown to the dreamer who is trying to warn people what is going on the dreamer is shunned by most people because they are in on the scam there are two scenes that show the documents have been re-written to stop the company from going public this, in turn, enables just a few people to reap most of the rewards the dreamer is frustrated that he can't get some people who should know better to see what is going on it becomes clear that the dreamer is going to be dismissed then there is another couple of scenes showing documents on the day of the floatation, the company is saved by a few people who want the company to remain in the employee's hands and they slip in a few clauses which enable the company to stay with the workers there are furious recriminations from those who wanted to sell when they realise what has happened addenda: vividness: 2.6/7 - observer - the category of the dream - business () fruits for my sweet my girlfriend has come round for the evenings am going to surprise her with a fancy fruit salad go to the fridge to get the ingredients the envisaged scene of her being delighted with the presentation is dashed when the dreamer sees the fruits they have been in the fridge for too long some have mould on them others have gone soft attempt to separate the usable from unusable the dreamer 's best efforts aren't good enough my girlfriend looks at the fruit on the table she can see the fruits aren't fresh she goes to the fridge one look tells the story the dreamer is left with mud on his face addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () food () fruit () 10072021 - 1319 the name of the dream: fire in the night two of us leave a house in the wee hours of the night think we had been playing cards there seemed to be an unusually lot of activity for the time of night first, one or two cars whizzed by at the bottom of the street then, a male went sprinting by from left to right at the same place as the cars looking in the direction they were going, we could see a soft, red glow it was a fire, obviously then the words "plane crash" sounded out it wasn't the sort of thing that got my companion or myself excited we would hear about it in the morning addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - plane crashes (1+) 09072021 -1318 the name of the dream: a healthy dream in town walking along have a walking stick in my right hand it's as much for style as it is an aide it gives that little bit of added security which enables the dreamer to walk normally next scene, on a drop handlebar bike on a dual carriageway of an inner ring road (looks like coventry) there is next to no traffic must be moving at forty k.p.h. someone else on a bike passes the dreamer as we are approaching a fifty-metre decline that leads to a roundabout have gathered too much speed the roundabout, although a large one, is too small to manoeuvre the speed the dreamer is going am approaching the roundabout too fast a vehicle could come out of the blue from the right keeping his left hand on the top of the handlebars, he applies the brake on the right-hand side of the handlebars the sensation of speed and deceleration at this point of the dream is one of four or five of the stand-out moments of the dream the dreamer is on his way to see steve he is living in an upstairs flat of what looks like a factory floor or a warehouse ask a man in a white coat if he knows him he does he tells the dreamer he lives across the other side of the building the dreamer says, "no, he lives on the first floor of where we are" steve emerges from a door to my left he has a bushy, full head of hair he sees the dreamer and completely ignores me the dreamer says, "o.k. i'll leave you alone" next scene away from the factory and walking in a spacious environment with wide walkways walking with a stick it's more for style than an aide for walking the dreamer 's steps are sure, he can feel the firmness of his feet on the ground a young lad of about twenty steps off the road and onto the pavement next to the dreamer can tell from his face that he is a friendly person we begin talking as we are walking he puts his hand and arm between my right arm and body he is too friendly for his own good a predatory male could easily take advantage of him we go to where he lives he shows the dreamer the body of a home-made guitar it needs strings and pick-ups the dreamer tells his father or carer that her can finish it and make it playable the young lad shows the dreamer his record collection they are in a cardboard box about a metre square and a third of a metre deep there are about a hundred 45's in it the dream closes at the end of this scene addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream () 08072021 - 1317 the name of the dream: tubes and tanks what started as an average-sized fish tank that connected one fish tank to another by way of a see-through cylindrical tube became more and more elaborate over three or four scenes eventually, a four by five-metre living room was a blaze of colour and movement as fish swam through the tubes from tank to tank, that went from floor to ceiling and wall to wall this dream was due to the idea of a single fish tank connecting to another fish tank by way of see-through tubes some months ago this dream was the fulfilment of that idea addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - animals () fish (2+) 07072021 - 1316 the name of the dream: dressed for the occasion the dreamer finds out that a girl who lives near him and he fancies goes dancing the place she goes to isn't a disco but a live "big band" dance hall although it is a big band and plays popular songs the music isn't contemporary popular dance music the desire to become acquainted with the girl overcomes his preferences he gets his friend to come with him to the dance the dress sense is not casual as would be the case at a disco but semi-formal, shirt, trousers and jacket the dreamer has got it covered he has clothes he likes wearing which are formal on the night, the dreamer is wearing black velvet trousers and silk or silk-like shirt his friend is wearing brown trousers and a white shirt at the dance, the dreamer is watching others dancing it is definitely not the sort of dancing he would do normally he finds out that the band stops playing about halfway through the evening, and it becomes a disco the girl is enjoying herself dancing with her friend is already smiling as he asks her, "will you dance with the dreamer later when the disco music starts?", she says, "yes" the writer is thinking about how things will go with her when they are on the floor together when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () girls () 06072021 - 1315 the name of the dream: a rat and two spiders the dreamer is living alone no girlfriend no friends the dreamer is at a low ebb in his life, and things are about to get worse a large plain, grey/brown spider decides to set up home in the dreamer 's, bare one-room bedsit as a countermeasure, the dreamer gets a rat to "sort it out" the spider shows its face again the dreamer hits it with his pillow the spider falls to the floor, stunned the rat makes short work of it another spider with a big, coloured body appears in the dream (stand-out visual) it is more like a tarantula than any other type of spider that comes to mind the dreamer doesn't want to witness its demise the dreamer leaves the two antagonists to battle it out the rat will obviously be the winner the spiders in this dream are the result of watching a video of three or more people discussing their feelings about spiders addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - animals () mammals () rats (1) insects () spiders (3) 05072021 - 1314 the name of the dream: life is but a dream won a competition the prize is a very small rowing boat the boat is delivered to the nearest mooring to the dreamer go along to where it has been delivered at a push, two people can sit in it one of the things the dreamer intends to do is go to a nearby river with sandwiches and a flask of tea and photograph the birdlife the spot the dreamer has chosen is at one of the widest parts of the river it has bullrushes that extend for fifty or so metres along the banks at one point, the growth narrows the river to little more than a stream it won't be possible to get close to the bank using oars the dreamer will need paddles there is then a couple of scenes when the dreamer buys and then tries to use paddles it's a little tricky to start but it soon became easy to use them the dreamer makes plans to take his girlfriend with him she is happy to try it the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - competition prizes (1+) rowing boats (1) 04072021 - 1313 the name of the dream: pies, pasties and claustrophobic places the dreamer is the undisputed king of pies his pies define the word pie an envious upstart is attempting to take his glory by introducing a meal-in-one pastie credit to the upstart, it is a scrumptious pastie there may even be an ingredient or two in the pastie which could find its way into the dreamer 's pies in an effort to gain popularity, the upstart comes up with the snazzy name of "the gingy pastie" (yes, the writer is aware of a brand name that has a similar sound to it) into the dream comes the adjudicator his unbiased judgement will settle the matter the upstart is desperate to take the crown he cosies up to the adjudicator he fails to understand the adjudicator will see his approach as a transgression of fair competition the dreamer becomes aware of what the upstart is doing and intends to catch him red-handed trying to influence the adjudicator's opinion to get to the adjudicator means having to squeeze between two tall, smooth walls the dreamer is having trouble moving through the narrow space of the walls a feeling of claustrophobia comes over him he can see the adjudicator and upstart at the end of the enclosed space the sight of them together spurs him on if it hasn't already, the fact the adjudicator and the upstart are in conference will turn public opinion against him the dreamer is no longer worried about being dethroned addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - food () pies and pasties (1) 03072021 - 1312 the name of the dream: a nighttime dream a late-night meal at a sit-down fish and chip shop is the last thing the dreamer does before heading for home as he walks past a house, a black dog comes through the gate it wants company the dreamer strokes the dog the dog then lies down and exposes its stomach the dreamer scratches its stomach the dreamer takes a liking to the dog and decides to become its new owner the dreamer takes a few steps away from the dog and beckons it to come to him the dog stays lying on the pavement in the last scene, the dreamer is approaching a t-junction as he is about to cross the road a sleek sports car enters the dream the dreamer waits for it to pass the car stops a couple of metres to the right of the dreamer the unseen driver is, it appears, being courteous the dreamer isn't sure what the driver's motive is and feels unsafe about the idea of walking in front of the car both the car or the dreamer is stationary as the dream ends addenda: vividness: - 2.6 to 2.7 - the category of the dream - nighttime dreams: food () fish and chips () animals () mammals () dogs () cars () 02072021 - 1311 the name of the dream: ambition without understanding this one-scene dream is of a monkey the monkey is the size of a boy of twelve or thirteen we are looking at the monkey from a metre or so above it the monkey is attempting to cross a bridge it is not using the wide footpath of the bridge but the supporting iron structure underneath the bridge the bridge straddles a river the distance from one side to the other is about fifty-metres it is at least eighty metres to the river below the monkey becomes stricken with a severe attack of vertigo it loses its sense of orientation and lets go of the metal above its head we see the monkey falling it doesn't look scared mercifully, it is no longer aware of its situation addenda: vividness: 2.8 - observer - the category of the dream - deadly outcomes () animal () mammal () monkey 01072021 - 1310 the name of the dream: pioneers the dreamer is a young boy he is about ten years of age he is in a shop buying sweets getting the right sweets is taking too long the dreamer wants sweets that have different centres in them the shop doesn't have the ones the boy wants what the store-keeper does have is marble-sized sweets that have a shiny two-toned shell the shells are brown/gold, yellow/pink... (the stand-out visual) the boy-dreamer is enthusiastic about them he looks through the store window he sees his family and some close relatives, about twelve people, stretched out over a distance of about forty metres, are waiting for him the boy-dreamer realises he is holding people up he steps outside the members of the family are just the tail-end of a much bigger group of people stretching over a distance of a hundred and fifty metres there are about fifty people most are on foot five or six are on horses they too are waiting for the boy-dreamer momentarily, he feels guilty for keeping everyone waiting at the furthest point of the scene are small mountains the terrain is mountainous and the ground is parched more desert than fallow ground we are about to embark into unknown territory in search of habitable ground addenda: vividness: - 2;7 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - 30062021 - 1309 the name of the dream: should have been an x dream under the eiderdown lying down in bed having a conversation the person the dreamer is talking to isn't seen in the dream a girl is listening to us talking she has long, bunched up auburn-coloured hair she is wearing black slacks and a black top the slacks and top are a different shade of black the dreamer says something to her the girl immediately joins the dreamer under the covers the dreamer is not naked, he is wearing pyjamas the girl doesn't get undressed she turns her back to the dreamer now we are in the "spoon" position the dreamer places his right hand on her shoulder his forearm is resting on her upper-arm he says to the girl, "it's great to have a girl close to me" the girl can feel parts of the dreamer through her clothes the dreamer knows the next thing he says will determine what happens next before the dreamer has thought of what to say the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 29062021 - 1308 the name of the dream: about-turn accusers a think-read dream about a woman the woman is incorrectly accused of wrong-doing before she is cleared of doing anything wrong, she is persecuted and condemned it's amazing how quickly people come up with reasons for not taking the blame when they are wrong addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - think-read (10+) 28062021 -1307 the name of the dream: more about love the dreamer has an audience of three or four people he is laying out how it works and why things are happening the way they are "because our destiny is both qualitative and endless we are bound to be magnanimous" "it would mean nothing if we were to make our way into the future and pay no heed to those who could also experience it if they knew how to but didn't do anything to guide them" "what sort of joyousness is it that ignores others who don't realise what's available?" "there is a special type of satisfaction that only occurs when presenting the way it works to others" "there is a wholesome characteristic to a love that starts last and finishes joint first" "everything that can be done will be done to make every individual realise and expand their potential" the dream goes on making analogies using different circumstances black and white a room filled with objects made of silver there are at least two more dreams like this elsewhere in the diary one is on the 09122014 will categorise them as reflections of love addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - reflections of love (3+) 27062021 - 1306 the name of the dream: my father was an astronaut first scene, man in a astronauts suit the suit looks the same as the ones we're used to seeing on the telly the difference was the backpack went right down the calves only the face was visible it was a little eerie the words "I'm your father" sounded out the dreamer followed him into a tight corridor two or three other people entered the dream the dreamer said "what's it like?" was referring to living forever he never responded but walked through a wall and out of the dream addenda: addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - you-know-who (1) astronaut (1) 26062021 - 1305 the name of the dream: dreams and dreams theory am at the computer have decided to re-index the categorising of the category of the dreams it meant re-reading every dream with viv and verve unmatched in the history of a dreams diary, the dreamer applies himself to the task after the third dream has been re-indexed, the magnitude of the undertaking starts to make itself felt don't get the dreamer wrong, the writer likes a good Think-read/write dream, as much as the next person ( but there are limits it was while the third or fourth dream entry is being re-indexed that the hopelessness of finishing the job of re-indexing in one "go" hits home it's going to take years somewhere in his being, something revolted the dream is about columbo it gets the dreamer thinking he watched part of an episode of columbo before going to sleep so that's it the dreamer is merely trying to remember the details of the episode he watched before going to sleep the dreamer is a bit annoyed with himself now he hasn't got a dream to enter into the diary still dreaming, the dreamer is trying to remember the details of what happened in Dream-time before the decision to amend the indexing ( if he concentrates hard enough, the details before the decision to re-index the diary will emerge, and the dreamer will have the material to make it into an entry the dreamer starts to wake up there is a sense of satisfaction when the writer is fully awake and realises the convoluted nature between awake-time and dream-time is the essence of the dream addenda: vividness: 2.7/8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - dreams about dreaming (2+) think-read/write (5+) computer (2+) notes 1 way off into the future, our dream-time memories are, then as now, a mix of the present, future and past experiences our dreams will, then as now, be about the influences in awake-time it is proposed we call the amalgamation of all experiences our soul it will include all the awake-time experiences from the beginning of our evolution to Transmutation (not later than five thousand million years from now) which brings up other points at what time in our evolution did we start dreaming? are our experiences the fulfilling or perhaps the realisation, that every endeavour we embark on is a part of the soul in its entirety? in the future, some bad dreams will be of memories of this time the writer has more than one memory of a predatory dinosaur trying to turn him into a meal will make one of them into a Picture Page ( will call it, "a true-to-type Troodon" ( notes 2 there's probably a useful application in assessing the time-tense or "mood" of a dream by the colour in the dream this is another brown/rust-coloured dream 25062021 - 1304 the name of the dream: the eligible bachelor modesty prevents the writer from putting in the details addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships (38+) female (29+) 24062021 - 1303 the name of the dream: a poke in the eye to the establishment it is a society run on whim and favouritism every so often, everyone is re-assessed there are three lines of people at a guess, about seven hundred people moving slowly two columns of people moving one way and the third moving in the opposite way when at the front of the row the person is allocated their new work i.d. while shuffling forward hear two people talking in the row next to me the row they are in is moving much slower than the one the dreamer is in one of them mentions his name it occurs to the dreamer that the way things are run is so sloppy it's just possible that if he gives someone else's name by the time it comes to light the person who discovers it won't be bothered to run checks or initiate an investigation it works like a dream the dreamer is given a position that enables him to leak bits of information uncovering the true nature of the people calling the shots it won't bring big changes immediately it will, however, sew the seeds of discontent and revulsion a final scene, a bird flies into the kitchen and perches itself on the top of the open window addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - society/work (2+) 23062021 -1302 the name of the dream: a glint in the night, a.k.a. some people are a jinx after all the preparations had been made for a night out with a neighbour, at the very last moment, it fell flat when the neighbour said he'd changed his mind am fairly sure he was prompted to do it by another neighbour who was in the room and had done the same thing to the dreamer on more than one occasion the dreamer told the neighbour who was meant to be coming out with the dreamer not to expect the dreamer to organise another night out and stormed out of his house outside and walking away, a glint on the floor drew my attention and looking closer look it turned out to be a coin as with other dreams of this type, finding one leads to seeing another and then another and so on there were about a dozen coins of gold and silver in my left fist when the neighbour, the person who persuaded the man who had wanted the evening out to change his mind, was standing nearby and seen what was happening he made a casual remark and the dreamer told him to f' off it didn't stop him from coming over and grubbing around on the ground alongside the dreamer and saying things aimed at placating me after a little while, he hadn't found anything and my run of luck ran out as well addenda: addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - finding money/valuables (3+) 22062021 - 1301 the name of the dream: a lucky guy a male friend came to visit for the evening at the end of the visit, he asks the dreamer if he knows where he could buy a particular item he was one of those people who point blank refuse to get a computer but don't hesitate to reap the benefits of the versatility of the computer within a minute the computer located the item and the nearest place he could buy one the computer highlighted the shop on a street map which was, as it happened, within a hundred metres or so of where we were he asked the dreamer in a way that suggested it would be a big favour to him if the dreamer would walk him to the shop even though it was evening and the shop was closed it was an easy enough thing to do and we both got ready to leave when his back was turned to my girl and said, "will give you a big hug when i get back" she leaned forward and said with uncomplicated emotions, "i want a hug now" her red cheeks and lips highlighted her clean young looks and the dreamer thought how lucky he is to have a girlfriend with such a captivating personality (stand-out scene) shook my head though the hug, the dreamer knew, would involve a kiss and, as we all know, kisses have the nasty habit of not knowing when to stop didn't want the friend to get ebarrased for a minute upon waking, the writer lay still luxuriating in the feelings of being fully rested while still on the boundaries of asleep and awake when another dream played out had come across an eye which had been in a doll or a teddy bear it not only looked like an eye but it had the look of being alive in the dream, had placed the eye between the fingers of my clenched fist and put hair above and below it a split second before she saw it said to my girl, in a way which suggested it was a cute pet, "found this little thing" her brain filled in the blanks and she was seeing a living thing as big as a head inside my clenched fist she recoiled instinctively for a split second before realising she had been "got", again addenda: addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (35+) female (25+) male (15+) 21062021 - 1300 the name of the dream: talk-through tuition at the computer watching a programme which walked people through the steps of building a website it was an "idiot-proof" procedure that didn't allow the person creating the website to make a mistake whenever the person made a mistake the programme auto-initiated a return-to-previous-step procedure and wiped that or those commands which led to the mistake the mistake was highlighted with an explanation of why the error occurred and explained how to avoid repeating the mistake notes 1 this procedure is similar to the way think-write dreams are composed addenda: addenda: vividness: 3.1 - observer - the category of the dream - computer (3+) website/page construction (1+) 20062016 - 1299 the name of the dreams: cashing in - high tea - the magpie and the black cat a local newspaper has as its headline, "company ? is bringing its opening date forward by three months" the soon-to-be-opened shop specialises in kiddies items the company intends to take advantage of the announcement that a rare breed of a bear will be on exhibition in the town centre in a few weeks the paper notes that the company is resorting to cheap tactics cheap tactics are the grist of newspapers so they should know meanwhile, somewhere in holland, a cafe has a notice in its window saying, "it comes on slowly and stays with you all day" the notice has a drawing of a steaming cup of tea it is referring to hash tea meanwhile, looking out of the kitchen window and into the back garden... a magpie "calls out" a cat the dreamer's attention is drawn to the excited squawking of a magpie as it hops in quick, jerky movements near a bush a smallish black cat emerges at speed from out of the bush in an attempt to catch the bird with the help of a flap or two of its wings, the magpie jumps neatly up onto a branch of a nearby tree the bird is about one-and-a-half metres off the ground the cat weighs up the situation and decides not to enter the bird's territory the magpie is taunting the cat with sounds that have a mocking characteristic the cat slinks away utterly demoralised at about three metres from the bush, a sound, or a movement or a thought causes the cat to swivel its head around and look back at the magpie the look of homicidal intent in its glaring pale-green eyes is only too easy to interpret addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 - observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dream (40+) animals (40+) (20+) animals (40+) dinosaurs (10+) birds (4+) cats (3+) hash tea (1) birds (3+) cats (2+) hash tea (1) note 1 the next class of beings are due to emerge in about twenty-five million years this website feels confident that in twenty-five million years the birds will still be around, whereas mammals will have become, as all species except the birds of the dinosaur class did, extinct see also part eight of This page - 19062016 - 1298 the name of the dream: peeved a new girlfriend invited the dreamer to her home she liked the dreamer and the dreamer likes her we both fully expected we would "cement" our new relationship that night the dreamer wore a suit in case she wanted to go out she didn't want to go out and wanted us to watch a film the dreamer was sitting on the sofa and expected her to come and join me she didn't, instead, she sat on her own why didn't she come and sit next to me? the black and white film lasted for ninety minutes and we watched the engrossing film without saying anything the film finished she stood up, turned off the t.v. and said, "take your jacket off" the dreamer shook his head and said, "no" "why not?", she asked the dreamer looked her up and down, "because", i said she had a pained look on her face and the dream ended addenda: addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (37+) female (28+) 18062021 - 1297 the name of the dream: a narrow escape and a narrow doorway in the town centre a young man latched onto me then he was joined by someone he knew they were up to something they tried to get the dreamer to go somewhere with them but the danger signals were flashing could sense their frustration when the dreamer made an excuse and left them in the next scene, there were two girls and another young man on a bike one of the girls left the dream and the remaining one let the dreamer know she was interested the three of us made off to her place she lived way out of town now we are in the country and walking along a narrow dirt path with low hedgerows at the top of a brow, a village in amongst trees came into view there are at least two steeples in the village in the valley it was taking too long to get there and the dreamer said, "if we don't get there soon i'm going back" then the dreamer became aware that the pushbike was motorised and was perfectly suited for the path were walking along the young man would occasionally give the bike the "gun" and make like a dirt-bike racer and disappear and re-appear the dreamer asked again when we would get there and he pointed to my left and said, "just there" in the next scene, the dreamer is following the girl up some narrow spiral stone stairs we are in one of the steeples at the top of the stairs, the girl has to turn sideways and squeeze through the doorway to get into the accommodation when she is through the doorway her young daughter of about five greets her the two of them retreat into the room the dreamer begins to squeeze through the doorway but it's too narrow and the dreamer gets stuck and has to pull himself back out the dreamer calls out to the girl but she doesn't re-appear and the dream ends addenda: vividness:: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - low-life men (3+) unfulfilling relationships (2+) 17062921 - 1296 the name of the dream: the programme we are in a time when technology rules everything that can be known about a person is known have moved into a new place to live the first thing that the new-dweller has to do is sync her or his biology to the all-encompassing programme having done that, the first order of the day is a meal the first food that the dreamer considers is rejected by the programme because it has one particular substance that is incompatible with his physiology the programme gave the reason, it would throw a more important biological process out of balance it gave equally convoluted reasons for the next four or five foods that the dreamer thought of the programme corrected the pronunciation of one of the words the dreamer used it was fun to vary a syllable here or there and get the programme to speak with a foreign accent the thing is, it gives reasons for not eating or reading or watching this that or the other but, annoyingly, it doesn't give suggestions or recommendations of what is suited to the person it must be that when no negative advice is suggested it is alright for you this dream is a similar theme to the dream of 11062021 the main difference is the colour the colours in this dream had more texture or substance addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - future technology (5+) in the home (?) 16062921 - 1295 the name of the dream: the mouse and me a dream about computer folders the folders contained drawings and photo's there were instructions on how to sort and assemble them used the mouse to initiate changes and move the pictures from place to place this is the first time that using the mouse didn't present problems addenda: addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - computer-related (15+) mouse (1) folders (8+) 15062021 - 1294 the name of the dream: too casual about earning a wage got the sack from a job in a factory because of irregular attendance wasn't too bothered, jobs were aplenty, it wouldn't take long to get back into work the most immediate concern was to get something to eat went to the canteen and asked one of the women server's if the dreamer could have a meal and pay when the dreamer gets his wages the women said o.k. but it meant having to wait until the rush was over a female from admin came to the dreamer and told the dreamer to go and pick up the bits and pieces that had been in my locker and were now in one of the offices there was a scene in the office with my items on a desk, gathered them up and the dream ended without getting a meal addenda: addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - work (7+) unemployment (1+) 14062021 - 1293 the name of the dream: magic in dreams a tale of a top-down society the main figure in this dream is a "jolly-giant" type man he is friendly and brash for someone with unlimited credit, his clothes left something to be desired they are too tight he is in a generous mood with a gesture and a pronouncement, and a bit of dream-magic, he transforms people from the confinement of a restricted money supply to that of princess and prince status he could do this by placing his hand over the crotch of a person they instantly became a celebrity their clothes changed into tight-fitting, silver-coloured, one-piece garments the jubilation of the girl he had just transformed became infectious everybody's spirit was lifted he could transform lots of people in minutes how many more of us could he transform before the dream ended? addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 - observer - the category of the dream - weird and wonderful (7+) 13062021 - 1292 the name of the dream: the all-purpose indentification and purchasing offer while surfing came across a fantastic offer it was an introductory offer for a new way of both buying software and hardware online through a universally recognisable identification it seemed too good to be true the new customer could try out the service free of charge before signing up for it decided to buy something to try it out it worked without committing myself to buy it, an order for a technical programme was downloaded onto the computer tried using it for purchasing goods again, confirmation that the item was on its way came up on the screen as soon as the "confirm" tab was clicked it didn't take long for the dreamer to realise that someone, somewhere had made a monumental blunder could load up the computer with dozens of programmes and then unplug the computer there was no way the people offering the service could take them back staggered by the implications, brought someone else in on it excitedly, told the person what was happening and to bring his laptop over we filled in the purchase form confirmed the order but it wasn't accepted after trying to get something else for him and that too was declined, we realised the introductory offer was for my computer only never mind, the dreamer could order hardware for him what business in its right mind would let you buy things you always wanted, use them for a while and then send them back? there is one possibility in the dream of 08102014, an awake-time situation occurred not unrelated to this dream a "give away" offered by mitsubishi, which on the surface of it seemed too good to be true, turned out to be an exceptionally good deal (ten space pens that could write in zero gravity, on wet paper, at minus 40c and upside down, with ten spare refills and a retracting pencil for a tenner! within seconds after placing the order the writer realised just how good an offer it was and went back to the website to place a repeat order only to find the webpage had been taken down the writer had landed at the page on a specific time a bit like a lottery win someone at mitsubishi with a generous sense of fun and the status to do it, had put the page up for as long as it took for the first person to place an order still, i'de got the space pens and refills looks like they will last a lifetime this dream may have its origin in the Pde's - think about my good fortune with pens regularlly addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - purchasing online () hardware and software (1) 12062021 - 1291 the name of the dream: columbo's indiscretion this is an epic dream - vivid scenes with lots of detail in each scene several of the scenes had enough detail in them to complete a page-full of info in the first scene, the crew and cast are having a break between shoots the dreamer recognises a certain interplay between columbo and one of the female characters it is an exchange of words, looks and body movements that the dreamer is only too familiar with the inability to hide feelings of admiration for another person although it is obvious to me, no one else seems to be aware of it the dreamer catches columbo's attention just after he has had a dialogue with the woman he is drawn to and smiles a knowing smile at him columbo blushes a bright red someone else knows he has strong feelings for the woman from this scene onwards, columbo and the dreamer are in every scene cocktail parties, press conferences, shooting on set... it is in the writer's make-up to encourage feelings of love wherever it shows up the problem is the unbreakable bond between the t.v. columbo and mrs columbo is one of the wholesome traits of the character of columbo for columbo to "two-time" his wife would completely wreck the public perception of the character he plays it would be more catastrophic than an actual extramarital affair off set whether he knows it or not, columbo's secret is safe with me in the meantime, the writer is having a whale of a time as the crew and cast go from location to location this dream was the result of watching an episode of columbo during the day why it turned into an epic dream is anybody's guess addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - celebrities (12+) peter falk (2+) 11062021 - 1290 the name of the dream: the quora quotient the quora quotient is a measurement of a person's qualitative nature the mechanism of the measurement is too complicated to explain the method for taking a quora measurement is for a person to sit in front of "a field of sentience" the field of sentience senses the persons physical and mental state it becomes physical via the sentience machine it forms at the top of the apparatus as solid black blocks the blocks fall into position as a single line and are suspended at head-level in front of the person at the machine they are continually changing, in line with persons thoughts and feelings the delicacy of the line and the smoothness of the way it forms represents the persons' closeness to those things deemed correct the sentience machine keeps copies of every "read-out" and the read-outs are a sum of all of them everybody gets a turn at being at the helm of the machine the dreamer is next in turn addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - mind-reading machines (2+) 10062021 - 1289 the name of the dreams: drink - dreams of love it is a hot day the dreamer needs something to drink he wanders into a village and then into the village hall there are three women dressed in black taking orders for drinks there are no drinks on the table near them the dreamer tries three times to convey what it is he wants it's as if the women don't speak my language he writes down what he wants it doesn't work the words the women speak after looking at what is written down aren't the words on the paper the desire for drink is getting acute other people are getting served without any problem the dreamer listens to what the others are saying someone gets a drink which is more or less what the dreamer wants the dreamer finally gets a vodka and orange with ice the dream turns into a female relationships theme the girl of my affections isn't seen in the dream but her presence is felt we are taking it in turns to express our feelings for each other our sentences are on the short side we are deeply in love addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () thirst () love () 09062021 - 1288 the name of the dream: why don't birds smile? the dream starts with the dreamer in a room the room is about 4 metres square there is an abundance of colourdrea did the dreamer imagine it, or did the colours move? it took another two "takes" of the scene for it to fall into place the moving colours were birds it took another take or two to realise they were moving in sync with me every time the dreamer moves, crosses his legs, scratches his nose... the birds take a step or two towards him the dreamer has a bit of fun he makes disjointed, non-rhythmic and pretend movements the idea is to get them to stop in mid-stride don't recall seeing any of the birds standing on one leg the final scene is an in yer face still pic of the yellow head and blue neck of a cockatiel he doesn't look amused, why don't birds ever smile? addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - animals (80+) dinosaurs (6+) birds (4+) 08062021- 1287 the name of the dreams: investments - the mind's of children woke up with the memory of a vivid dream fresh in my mind the moment the writer began to recall the dream a mixed-theme montage began, and the dreamer does mean mixed everything, from a display of hats to gardening tools to titillation in the form of a hand going down the front of a woman's jumper fell back into sleep after could no longer generate a flow of images a dream began in which the theme was the dreamer being invited to invest money in a new product or scheme it had all the hallmarks of being a winner alas, the amount of money the dreamer has isn't enough to buy him into the venture the dreamer is feeling into the pockets of his clothes in the next scene he discovers a wad of notes in the pocket of a pair of trousers more than enough to buy a stake in the scheme a voice comes from the radio the female announcer says, "next we have a play about a young boy who believes jesus is buried in the hill near where he lives" woke up and began musing about the minds of children addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - investments (4+) children theme (7+) montage - addenda: vividness: 3.2 - the category of the montage (mixed-theme) 07062021- 1286 the name of the dream: screwed a blockage of the underground sewage system was causing serious health problems and needed to be fixed the dreamer is given the task first scene, in a tunnel under the ground appraising the situation the sewage wasn't being moved along the tunnel with water in a stream as was imagined the water had been separated from the solid and the solid was finding its way along a turning corkscrew mechanism about a metre in diameter the screw was encased in a tubular housing and couldn't see how long it was the problem quickly became apparent metal objects which looked like cans had become wedged in the grooves of the corkscrew and were blocking the flow of the matter next scene, the top half of the tubular casing surrounding the corkscrew mechanism had been removed the screw was still turning when the casing was removed it turned out the screw wasn't made up of a single long screw but was a collection of single screws about a metre apart and turning at different speeds it meant getting between the screws and rocking each screw back and forth until it became loose and using a metal bar to loosen the compacted matter the dream had become dangerous and the dreamer was starting to get claustrophobic one by one the screws were cleared and a sense of accomplishment accompanie the finished job addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream - enclosed areas (2+) underground 06062021 - 1285 the name of the dream: a life saved, a life lost set in ireland two men are the central characters in this dream they are couriers of life-saving medicines it becomes known to them that the medication they move from place to place is a placebo they agree they should expose the scam somehow, the people supplying the false medicine find out what the two men are going to do the two men are unaware they are under surveillance and have become a "security threat" to the establishment the machinery to assassinate the men is set in motion in the next scene, the two men are on a boat it is in a crowded harbour the two men discover the bomb that is meant to kill them one of the men jumps overboard with the bomb the next scene is underwater, we see the bomb explode it looks like a grey cloud that has been released from a pressurised container the man who jumped overboard with the bomb is killed the man who lives reveals the deceit addenda: vividness: 2.8/9 - observer - the category of the dream - topical (4+) hoax diseases (4+) 05062021 - 1284 the name of the dreams: the newcomer to hobbitsville - the intruder the pic above is the closest to the scene in the dream except there was only one large building set in front of an imposing rock-face, and a viaduct sixty metres in front of the large building that led to a fifty-metre pool of water in front (the breadth of the scene didn't show how far the water went either side of the large building) of the spiralled large building a festivity was underway everybody would be attending when the dreamer gets to within about a hundred metres of where the celebrations are taking place he becomes perplexed to get to the building it means having to swim through a three-channeled viaduct other people are going through, although the dreamer is hesitant the dreamer weighs things up if others are swimming through, the dreamer doesn't see any reason why he shouldn't be able to the dreamer gets into the water and baulks at what he sees there is no space visible between the level of the water and the bricks of the viaduct to do the crawl stroke as the dreamer watches others going through, he notices that they turn over onto their backs when they need to breathe this enables them to gulp down enough air to swim more metres before taking another breath the ones doing it get through the viaduct in three or four breaths the only way to make progress underwater is to do the breaststroke if your lungs are big enough you may be able to get through with one big breath the dreamer goes for the one big breath technique he gets to the mouth of the viaduct and takes in as much air as he can part-way through the tunnel, all his breath has gone there is momentary panic got to keep a grip of the situation it's a matter of life and death a calm head prevails the dreamer rolls over onto his back and rises the five-centimetre gap between the water and the bricks seems enormous suppose it would be if you thought that you're a goner the dream ends with a sense of relief for the dreamer you would think there would be at least one scene at the end of the dream which has the dreamer dancing and eating and generally making happy none of it definitely ain't going to hobbitsville again if i've got a say in it addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - fantasy scenarios (3+) swimming (2+) near-death dreams (3+) note 1 the combinations and permutations of the number of categories of dreams must be in the thousands of thousands of millions (,%20permutations%20and%20combinations.%20basic%209th%20march%202010.html) perhaps dreams diary comes to an end when there is at least one dream of each category how many years must there be to have one dream a night for thousands of thousands of millions of dreams? the intruder am lying low may have offended somebody or owed money didn't turn the lights on until the curtains are drawn didn't put on the t.v. or listen to music occasionally heard voices as people walked past where the dreamer is became aware that someone is inside the house while in bed stayed still and listened need to know if there is more than one person it becomes clear, it is only one person start to get dressed can hear the sound of water it is the shower the gall of this guy he thinks whoever lives here is out he's taking a big risk, the occupier could return at any time listen long and hard to the sounds he is making music starts playing it is a david bowie type of voice the person in the shower begins to sing along with the song (the stand-out part of the dream) now he's really pushing it the dreamer has got the edge, the intruder in the nude and can take him by surprise take a long, thin knife out of a drawer (stand-out visual) if this guy tries to take the dreamer on he's in trouble how did he get in without the dreamer hearing him? he's so casual anybody would think he owns the place then it hits me i'm the intruder the dreamer wakes up addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - intriguing dreams (1+) 04062021 - 1283 the name of the dreams: no name, the two-tone dog four or five people come to visit they all have dogs on leads one of the dogs is ginger with a black tuft of hair on the back of its neck she or he wants to be friendly she or he responds to my playful movements dream ends as we are playing addenda: vividness: - 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream - dogs (8+) no name night-time walking away from home turn right at the t-junction at the bottom of exe street the above three lines are from memory the entire voice recording was distorted sorry about that 03062021 - 1282 the name of the dream: nowt queerer than folk nature brings together, as it does, the unlikeliest of couples the couple in this dream is in the unlikeliest category she is built like a tank, brash and forceful he is softly spoken and his manner is mild the couple have a poor opinion of me my latest indiscretion is opening further the already open window of a neighbour and speaking to him to be accurate, the window was open three centimetres or so and had to pull the window opens to be able to speak to the neighbour face-to-face could hear the condemnatory mutterings of the couple coming through their open window while talking to the neighbour through his open window people talking about others in a poor light is one of those things we have to put up with in life was hugely gratified, therefore, when, while in the kitchen, with a view that took in both of the neighbour's homes, to see the male of the couple trying to talk to the neighbour through his slightly ajar window he encountered the same problem the writer encountered when he tried to talk to the neighbour on the day of his "indiscretion", his mouth wouldn't fit in the gap between the window and the window frame the dreamer watched, and it has to be revealed, got a degree of satisfaction, as the male tried two or three times to angle his jaw so that his lips were between the gap if he had asked the writer, the writer could have told him that the only way to talk to the neighbour without raising his voice was to open the window addenda: vividness: 2.7 - observer - the category of the dream - neighbours (2+) 02062021 - 1281 the name of the dream: i'm back, almost at the dancing "hotspot" in town mobility is nowhere near back to normal however, enough momentum has built up and has propelled the dreamer to see if he has found his dancing feet the first "move" was to lie on my back and swivel around got it down pat on the first go managed three swivels on the first attempt a piece of carpet, about a third of a metre square, appeared between putting the carpet side on the floor and lying on the adhesive side, the grip allowed the dreamer to use the weight of my legs to get enough momentum to swivel a full circle then it was possible to either do another swivel with no noticeable stops or swivel back the way the first swivel come from one of the true-blood girl dancers came over to "check the dreamer out" she wants to know how the dreamer moves when he's standing she starts dancing she is good tapping her feet between steps, bouncing up and down twice as fast as the beats the dreamer simply hasn't got back into that good a shape he says apologetically to the dancing girl, "give the dreamer a couple more years and we'll see what we can do" * haven't had the fluidity or range of movent or enjoyed a dance dream this much since the dream of 23102014 this dream was due to re-starting the cycling exercise without any resistance on the wheel the idea is to concentrate on the ease of the range of movement made the mistake, again, of thinking that building up muscles was the key to improvement the dream was also influenced by half-a-minute of a young woman freestyle dancing to the charleston in one of the episodes of the original series of the twilight zone here ( it buoyed up the belief that any style of dancing is enhanced with original, impromptu moves incidentally: the five loves of my life are... 1 babies'/children 2 women 3 music 4 dancing 5 walking addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - dancing (8+) 01062021 - 1280 the name of the dreams: a vague dream - she was looking at me a one-scene dream of a girl the girl has just stepped onto the pavement outside of her house the front door is halfway to being closed her right-hand is pulling the door closed as she moves away from it the girl has light-brown hair, is wearing a light-coloured, plain dress with a tight belt that pinches-in her waist and flares at the bottom she has half-heel high-heel shoes before the door has closed we are locked in eye-contact she has an intense look that says,"i'm a girl and you're a boy" the man has to initiate any advances amm just about to do just that when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream - eye contact (1+?) another dark and moody dream (three dark and moody dreams in a row) a dream with no theme plenty of detail though each scene or theme of the dream came through as an impression each scene/theme could have been the result of a single, fleeting thought of the pde's - none of the scenes/themes connected to the previous scene or theme a carpet that needed hoovering and a hoover that made no sound as it sucked up the bits from the carpet a trip to an idustrial site in a canvas-covered lorry driven by a woman the woman spoke but don't recall what she said seeing the scenery passing by as the lorry headed to its destination; a site that had a high but flimsy wire fence around it a room that was square and receeded twenty metres into the distance different activities, evenly spaced, happening along the entire length of the room an interview with a psychiatrist thinking there may be a connection between a persons the low tone of a dream and blood pressure, took a measurement of my pulse it hovered around fifty-nine to sixty-one (there may be mileage to be had by connecting blood pressure to the quality of the dream) addenda: vividness: 2.5/6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - unconnected-theme-dream (1+?) 31052021 - 1279 the name of the dream: all is not fair in work and play two dreams with the same theme, work-related cum position in society this dream is dark and moody there is tragedy and death there is also camaraderie and goodwill the dreamer is befriended by a couple who are happy with life and the way society is run they make sure the dreamer gets a "fair shake" still, a sense of foreboding accompanies all the scenes except one in the last scene, fortune smiles on the dreamer he is elevated to a coveted position he feels a little bit guilty that he is "sitting pretty" while others are still in the same rut the dreamer was in at the start of the dream addenda: vividness: 2.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - society (7+) work (10+) 30052021 - 1278 the name of the dream: under threat a sense of foreboding accompanies the first part of this dream upstairs in the bedroom am in a state of vulnerability can't move properly due to a lower-back problem, a slipped disc or something like it a snake so big it's too big to see all of it in the room it looks to be about half a metre in diameter it isn't moving one way or the other but can see its body moving as it breathes in and out the snake is replaced by a lion the lion is ready to attack the lion is replaced by a snarling tiger the window is the only way out looking out of the window can see a giant eagle it may be the fabled roc of legend it is too far away to reach the dreamer without moving the dangers receded the dream becomes a ravenous x dream addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - threats from predatory animals (6+) x dream (20+) bernie (5+) 29052021 - 1277 the name of the dream: naked laughter a one-scene sequence of a male comedian standing naked he is covering his genitalia with his cupped hands without realising it, his "member" slips around the side of his hands he thinks everyone is laughing at his entertaining monologue the scene where he realises the real reason people are laughing is missing from the dream addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream - nudity (7+) male (2+?) 28052020 -1276 the name of the dream: shark v's mom and me mom and self are in the property-buying business mom is happy to let the dreamer do the negotiating the seller is yer typical money-grabbing individual the dreamer recognises that the seller is "sweating" he is in a rush to sell the seller maintains his stance of "no compromise" on the asking price the dreamer emphasises he is eager to purchase the property immediately the shark can smell a kill his confidence is soaring his expression changes to despair when the dreamer says, "will accept the asking price if you replace all the fixtures relating to the heating" a "speedy" sale is no longer likely can see a compromise on the price coming addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream - property (3+) mom (4+) 27052021 - 1275 the name of the dream: the cure-all there is an illness going around perhaps plague would be a better description a preventative cure, in the form of a liquid, is the most sought-after commodity the amount taken is a variable twenty-five per cent of the recommended dose produced a twenty-five per cent level in improvement etc. addenda: vividness: 2.5/6 - observer - the category of the dream - pandemics (3+) 26052021 - 1274 the name of the dream: a visit to the rowley's it is a special day in the christian calendar it is not cold which means it is probably easter the dreamer will, as usual, be generous towards the children of which there are more than six nothing like a ten-bob note or half a crown to transport a child's imagination to alice in wonderland territory the dreamer is still eating a custard cake he bought from the baker's shop that is in a row of shops the row of shops is a main alighting stop for three or four buses the shops are about thirty metres from where the rowleys live it is one of those cakes made of a mixture of crispy and soft layers of pastry it is rectangular it has icing on the top and a custard filling it is something of an accomplishment if you can bite into it and not cause the custard to squirt out of the side and onto the floor a seasoned scoffer of a custard cake learns early on to lean forward on the first bite to avoid getting any spillage onto your clothes, it's a bugger to clean off the trick is to bite into it slowly and deliberately with just enough pressure to cause an amount of the custard to come out of the sides and then scoop it into your mouth with your tongue am standing at the front door with another couple of mouthfuls to go when the front door opens someone must have seen the dreamer coming through the gate or walking along the four or five-metre path that leads to the door their front door opens into the living room it is even more clustered than it was on the last visit two armchairs, a table, a t.v. and six or seven youngsters ranging in age from seven or eight to fourteen or fifteen it is vibrating with youthful life for the first time in a visit to the rowley's they have a dog a puppy beagle (yes another beagle-dog-dream) the puppy automatically comes to investigate the new life form the dreamer is seated by now he straightens his legs to allow the puppy to run up him and onto his lap the puppy gets halfway up the dreamer 's legs before falling flat onto it's chin in the final scene, the dreamer is stretched out and almost in a lying down position the puppy's stomach is resting on the dreamer 's stomach wallowing contentedly, in a state of semi-sleep as it goes up and down with the motion of the dreamer 's diaphragm addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - family, friends, neighbours and acquaintances - animals (20+) mammals (12+) dogs (8+) beagles (3) 25052021 - 1273 the name of the dream: money first, please homeless and penniless in london went to a lodging house in a built-up area which, the dreamer was told, would take in lodgers who didn't have the money to pay beforehand the lodging house was run by a couple who had partitioned three of the rooms and let them out for boarders the couple were in their fifties they did indeed let boarders in who didn't have money all they expected of the boarder was that he went to the dole office and ask them to assure they would pay for the rent when that was done the dreamer went back to the boarding house the woman and man then phoned the dole office to verify the dreamer had made a claim when they were assured the claim had been made they knew they would be paid they accepted the dreamer as a boarder knew that a bed and a breakfast are mine for an indefinite period am no longer down and out the room itself was as meagre as it was possible to be no light shade, no cupboard, no carpet, a classroom type-chair, sheets, a single blanket and a pillow tomorrow would try to get a little venture going, it had the potential to go somewhere it all depended on meeting the right people addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - boarding rooms (2+) 24052021 - 1272 the name of the dream: the ghost-lover stops it x dream addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream:: x dream (15+) the ghost-lover (3) 23052021 - 1271 the name of the dreams: ultra-smart meter - he's all wrong, almost - stereo fixation those readers with smart meters will know this dream is credible the first smart meter bill has arrived the family is enticed by it the dreamer is pissed the dream becomes a Think-read dream - a black and white bill with more than six categories is showing in the dream the categories are, "individual times and totals of the amount of electricity used, when first used, last time used, the device used, which member of the household a device belongs to . . ." different members of our house are not happy that everyone else can see what devices they are using all we need now is smart water meters and we can tell when mom or sister is having her periods notes of course, the argument can be made that a person shouldn't want or need to hide anything try telling that to the secret services the secret services want to know everything about everybody to be able to control them what the secret services really want to know is how much we know about what they're doing the cry of "national security" is the mantra of those who have lost control of their destiny and now seek to control others this intrusion into your domestic life is yet another tool through which the secret services can "muck" us about this dream was due to realising that smart meters can interfere with the mechanism of a device it was only yesterday when an expensive sharp microwave went haywire the microwave wouldn't respond to the cooking commands the commands were being accepted but the microwave was not executing them or, the commands flashed onto the display screen and either flickered on and off or didn't display at all, or, the commands showed on the display screen but didn't execute them, or, nothing showed on the display screen when a command was entered . . . a smart meter can be a boon the writer was both appaled and pleasantly surprised with the rate of consumption of some devices this website advice . . instal the meter, turn on your electrical devices on one at a time, write down or memorise the consumption of each device, unplug the meter addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - smart meters (1) think-read (25+) he's all wrong, almost the male in this dream has appeared in other dreams he is not known as an awake-time person, although he is surely an actual person this guy is all wrong he dress code is non-existent sloppily dressed in dark, creased trousers and creased shirt and casual jacket, drawls his speech, his stance suggests he wants to lie down you get the impression he is fed up with life to his merit, he has an appealing face the dreamer is sitting on an armchair the wife of the man is in an armchair on the other side of their small living room the man sits on a stereogram that has a t.v. on it the table breaks under his weight he is on the floor with the table and t.v. across his chest and legs he gets up and does something with the legs of the table in the final scene, the t.v. is back on the table for some reason the t.v. and table look better than they did before breaking addenda: vividness: 2.6 - observer - the category of the dream - dream-time personalities, who is he? (1) (2+dreams) stereo fixation a few friends and acquaintances stopped over for the night we were up until the small hours among other things, we planned the details of an "all-nighter" disco-cum-party left the music on when we eventually "crashed" was using a pair of sony shelf speakers they were placed facing each other at the furthest points of the rectangular room the music woke the dreamer about seven o'clock it was just a bit too loud the neighbours wouldn't say anything, but the dreamer would have lost some brownie points a young lad was seated on a chair in the middle of the room he was stock still for the first time, he was hearing music in stereo the stereo sound was pronounced in the dream the track playing was the byrds singing turn, turn, turn -!_turn!_turn.mp3 (stand-out part of the dream) notes 1 yet another first stereo sound in a dream notes 2 it's just a matter of time before all the sensations we experience while awake find their way into our dreams the exception will be the absence of pain the montage of 03052021 is edging toward 3D in dreams the writer's awake-time memories are not recalled in 3D plus, the dream of 12112017 demonstrates that the accuracy of the details in dreams is greater than the accuracy of the awake-time memory again, the writer is bringing it to your attention that it is looking more and more likely our dream-time consciousness becomes the dominant state of awareness in the future sleep tight lovers addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - music (10+) stereo (1) 22052021 - 1270 the name of the dreams: the girl with the million-dollar smile - the foot jugglers have dropped in to see liz she has a friend with her unusually for liz, she doesn't have any hash she asks the dreamer if he has any he does he has almost a "quarter" he cuts off enough for liz to make a joint he knows liz will need all he has within an hour will have to make my excuses and leave as quickly as possible note 1 as a photographer, have seen some pretty dazzling smiles, both at weddings and in a studio environment liz's smile outshone them all her teeth-smile would have held its own at a miss world contest or a hollywood premier alas, her weakness was the demon booze it took her from us when she was in her mid-thirties few people were aware of her demise the lives of those of us who knew her darkened that day addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream - hash (12+) family, friends and acquaintances (30+) liz (2+) the dream is set in a park about fifteen of us are waiting for the team managers to come out of the changing rooms someone is using a golf ball like a football he places the golf ball under his foot and rolls the ball backwards the momentum of the ball is sufficient for it to roll onto his foot he lifts his leg fast enough for the ball to go about a metre into the air he catches the ball on his shoe between his toes and the arch of his foot (you've probably seen footballers doing it ) he does it again on the third time, he passes it to someone near him the person he passes it to does the same thing within a scene or two, three or four people are involved the dreamer becomes involved when you get the knack of it it isn't that hard to do occasionally someone gets it wrong but most of the time it gets passed two or three times without a mishap on one occasion, someone flicks the ball to me it is sent too forcefully and goes over my head without turning around, the dreamer leans forward and with good judgement makes contact with the ball with just the right amount of force to send it back into "play" over another four or five scenes, the dreamer uses the move another two or three times someone says, "good one" the dream ends without us playing whatever game it is we're there to play addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - impromptu activities (1+) 21052021 -1269 the name of the dream: john and the goliaths there is great concern about the pollution of the seas pollution is of no concern to the armed forces the dreamer is in a single-seater rowing boat in an expanse of water that occupies all horizons the sea is calm two ships, a battleship and a submarine, english the dreamer thinks, are performing naval manoeuvres the battleship fills the furthest areas of the scene it is humungous occupying the forefront of the scene is a submarine again, like the warship, it is a behemoth the sub is coming towards me it is moving at a snail's pace it nudges my rowing boat out of the way and there is a sound as it does so a young man is standing on the deck of the submarine five metres above me he has a mocking smile on his face as he say's, "sorry about that" the dreamer is thinking about what might happen if the sea becomes restless he wakes before it does addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - one-scene dream (4+) sea environment (4+) 20052021 - 1268 the name of the dream: marriage on a shoestring close acquaintances asked the writer to help with the organising of their wedding they didn't want the dreamer to do much mainly, they are relying on the dreamer to provide fruit and pastries for the guests the reception is to be at the house of the couple the couple have been living together at the home of the bride for some it is going to be a meagre affair the writer will only have to make two visits to the shops the total value of the food will be less than forty pounds something prevented the writer from getting to the shops two days before the wedding it meant getting everything the day before the wedding what should have been a relaxed, almost casual bit of organising over two days became a "rush job" if the local shop didn't have all the items needed, it would be necessary to go into town it is late afternoon the money earmarked for the items wouldn't be enough the extra costs needed for taxi fares would take us over our budget it could easily turn into a disaster if the main stores had sold out of the goods we wanted the writer is getting worried he becomes relaxed when it occurs to him that all he will have to do is to dip into his savings after all, the couple are friends addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - weddings (4+) 19052021 - 1267 the name of the dream: the unlikely lads a pre-dream event, in the form of a profoundly pervasive female voice, penetrates the dreamer 's soul and causes him to become calm says, "love, wake up, it's ten-past seven" the voice is so real it causes the dreamer to get out of bed and start thinking about and looking for things to do it takes a full ten seconds of awake-time before the writer realises he is acting out the voice-prompt get back into bed and spend one to two minute trying to make sense of what has just happened before going back to sleep still not sure, probably you-know-who the dream starts the first scene is of an italian man, his accent is unmistakable he has a toddler with him the toddler can't have been out a pram for more than a few weeks the man makes a snide remark it causes the dreamer to become angry my impulse is to hit him the toddler shouldn't be witness to an act of violence it is noticed the man is standing by a stone barrier about a third of a metre high the stone barrier runs around a large pool that contains many varieties of fish the pool is an irregular shape it is approximately fifty square metres the dreamer walks towards the man when the man is within arms reach, the dreamer extends his right arm and uses his open palm, pushes against the man's chest which causes him to lose his balance the man tries to steady himself but the stone barrier behind him prevents him from moving either leg backwards the man falls back-first into the water there are then ten or more scenes of a similar nature in every scene, the dreamer gets the better of his antagonist's in novel and painless ways at the end of the scenes that contain hostility, the dreamer is teamed up with a young man of twenty-three or thereabouts physically, we couldn't be more different he is three or four stones heavier than the dreamer , has a beard and moustache, is dressed like a biker and has a demeanour that exudes a person who is discontented with everything and everybody and is ready for anything before we speak for the first time, the dreamer can see he is ready to jump down the writer's throat the moment he finishes speaking to his surprise, he doesn't find a fault with anything the dreamer says, on the contrary, his prolonged pause is inviting the dreamer to carry on speaking after making a few points about the state of the world his silence is replaced by an eagerness to hear more before you know it, we agree about the best tracks made by different rock bands our conversation returns to world politics we both agree on who the "niggers in the pile" are further, we agree on what course's of action should be taken we are "feeding" off each other in a way that neither the dreamer nor the biker-bloke had experienced before we begin our campaign after a mere seven or eight of the most influential men of the Oligarch's structure have been nullified, the way looks open to implement a lifestyle free of murder in the last scene, the one and the only use of force looks like it is about to be enacted we have an aerial view of a sniper lying on his front on top of a building his "target" is in one of the well-lit offices on the top floor of a high building forty-metres away since murder isn't permitted, it is assumed the sniper intends to wound the person in his sights in this dream, two men with resources and determination can produce world-changing events you-know-who had to do things of a vastly greater magnitude without any help addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3 - participant and observer - a new category of dream: pre-dream prompted (1) politics (5+) note 1 this dream was, in part, due to the feeling of strength and surefootedness felt by the writer for the first time in twenty-five years the day before (the result of exercising on a cycling machine) the thing is, the writer knows it's there, it's a matter of coaxing it out note 2 the only thing that makes sense is that the dream the writer would have had would have been different had there not been a prompt in which case, the dream is a prompt for other people second sleep walk into the office a colleague is sitting in the darkened room talking to Boy George they are smoking the dreamer remains standing, and referring to the song Do You Really Want to Hurt Me, says to boy george, "it was amazing the way just about everybody was influenced by that song, it seemed to calm everyone down" and, the dreamer continues, "the one that i liked most was time" note 3 can a pop song change the mood of an entire nation? 18052021 - 1266 the name of the dream: 245y had put a lot of time into making sure my end of the deal went through smoothly the supplier arrived on time after a few pleasantries we got down to it the dreamer had to give the dealer a thousand the dreamer is using large denomination notes so he only needs half a dozen or so notes the arrangement was the dreamer would pay six-hundred for hash and the supplier would give him four-hundred in small denomination notes the dreamer handed over the money the dealer put the money in his pocket he then pulled down the sock on his left foot his lower left leg had a slither of paper just above the ankle he slid the paper up his leg and handed it to the dreamer the supplier was waiting for the dreamer to read it it read, 245y was trying to figure out what was happening when the dream ended a sesnse of apprehension accompanied the dreamer 's awake state addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - hash (10+) hash deals (2+) 17052021 - 1265 the name of the dream: loud and deadly while out and about found a gun it was obviously a real gun was it loaded? how could the dreamer find out? went to an enclosed area pointed it away from the dreamer and pulled the trigger knew it would be loud but it still didn't prepare the dreamer for just how noisy it would be it was deafening was being quizzed by the police in the final scene addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - lethal weapons (3+) guns and rifles (2+) 16052021 - 1264 the name of the dreams: all alright - bernie's back james purefoy and a female actress are on set ready for a "take" someone out of sight to the left throws him what looks like a bust from the way it moves it looks like it is made of cardboard he is expecting it but isn't quite prepared for it he attempts to catch it but it bounces out of his grasp and goes over his shoulder the female actress deftly catches it it makes him seem a bit of a div he is looking peeved when the dream ends bernie's back the dreamer 's favourite girlfriend has turned up out of the blue a change of scene has us in bed wearing pyjamas it's been a while since we were last together the most voracious, moist/wet-lipped kissing scene, in dream-time or awake-time memory, takes place the dreamer can't seem to satisfy his need to experience her lips she is "ready" before me the dreamer asks her to pull down his pyjama bottoms the dreamer is so firmly pressed against her she is having difficulty pulling them down go to her aid wake up trying to pull down my pyjama bottoms in the next dream, dennis, an ex-neighbour, is at the dreamer 's home offer to take him to the pictures the dreamer is wondering whether to take cash or a card when the dream ends in the next dream, a girl who looks like an ex-girlfriend is in the living room another woman, a home-help cum carer, is busy doing things in the background the dreamer is lying down on the sofa the unexpected girl is looking down at me she is close enough for the dreamer to be able to stretch out my foot and place it between her breasts gently rubbing the sole of his foot up and down between her breasts the dreamer says, "any chance i can see you later?" she smiles that smile it's looking good addenda: vividness: - 2.5 to 3.2 - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (50+) 15052021 - 1263 the name of the dream: five into one doesn't go at home there are three visitors during their visit, the dreamer receives a phone call the dreamer is in the habit of recording and cataloguing his phone conversations after the phone call, the dreamer sets about putting the recording into its particular category one of the visitors becomes interested in what the dreamer is doing the dreamer explains what he is doing as he's doing it at one point, the voices on the recording, the visitor's voice and my voice explaining the procedure, are occurring at the same time my thinking becomes muddled while trying to cope with five different aspects at the same time it's more than the dreamer can cope with the way the dreamer overcomes the overload of information is by ending the dream the dreamer awakes to what is probably the longest externalised sentences of any dream as he compounds all the relevant points the person in the dream has asked him into one dsentence addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant - the category of the dream - externalised and semi-externalised dreams(25+) 14052021- 1262 the name of the dream: a productive dream at the computer screen the screen is full of folders (about fifteen) looking for a folder that has the word "sacrificial" in the header find the folder and click it using the pointer and clicking open a folder has never been easier go to the page within the folder have to use the keyboard to do the edit this is when the dreamer 's dream-time abilities and the dreamer 's awake-time abiities find their limit wake up from the dream and go to the computer and do the edit see the fruits of the influence of dreams and awake-time endeavours Here addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - Think-read (20+) computer-related (10+) 13052021 - 1261 the name of the dream: the redundant man the summer is coming to an end and the coffers need replenishing the dreamer sets off from home with his work tools . . . a hedge cutter, a twenty-five-metre extension lead and black rubbish bags it wasn't just the hedge cutting that brought the dreamer work after finishing a hedge and if the customer was happy, the dreamer would mention that there are other things he can do in and about the house it was a tactic that had brought him other work, like putting up shelves on a couple of occasions all in all, my income wouldn't be enough to keep a family, but enough to buy clothes, and more importantly, other tools to expand my services my first stop was a large detached house had trimmed the hedges the year before and the house owner was pleased with the work unfortunately for the dreamer had left starting work for the year too late and the house owner employed two men to do an electrical job and asked them to do the hedges as well the electrical job was a voice-responding device that could be set from between one second to hours, days or weeks it was being tested a woman's voice would say, "now, now, now", at a fixed or variable rate the electricians were obviously on top of their game and had made the dreamer redundant didn't feel bitter or resentful it was time to "up" my game addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - self-employment (3+) hedge cutter (1) 12052021 - 1260 the name of the dream: internet issues a girl is having trouble submitting a form on the internet it is a two-step prcocedure she asks the dreamer to open the form and submit it for her only too glad to oblige her have the same problem opening the file as she had felt foolish not being able to open it was clicking away trying open the file when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - computer protocols (10+) 11052021 - 1259 the name of the dream: stuck up a tree it came to the dreamer 's notice that someone was stuck up a tree at the scene, there were, in fact, several people in a predicament but they were in different trees in a group of about ten trees the lowest branch of any of the trees was too far away from the ground for anyone to drop down from without getting injured the dreamer becomes aware that he is one of the people stuck up a tree the lowest branch of the tree the dreamer is on is no lower to the ground than any of the branches of the other trees the lowest branch of the tree the dreamer is in slopes to the ground at its lowest point, the branch is about two metres closer to the ground than any of the other trees the dreamer doesn't need prompting he is the only person with a chance of not seriously injuring himself when hitting the ground hooking both arms around the branch he can keep his grip as he moves arm-over-arm and he makes his way along the branch he lets go of the branch and lands on the ground the distance to the ground was big enough to cause him to hurt his lower right ribs on landing in the next scene, the dreamer has a laptop and is using the pointer to navigate along the path from the trees to a built-up area using the 3D map on the screen as is known, with google 3D maps, the user can tilt and swerve and do all manner of fancy moves the dreamer is having a wonderful time as he accelerates and slows the feeling is enhanced as the dreamer realises he will reap the plaudits and have his "five minutes of fame" addenda: vividness: - 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream; weird and wonderful (7+) in-the-computer realities (2+) 10052021 - 1258 the name of the dream: the hitman the dreamer is living where he lives now he is sleeping on a mattress in the hallway the mattress fits like a glove between the sides of the hallway he awakes he is aware of the presence of another person the person is behind him the dreamer lifts and turns he is resting on his left elbow a narrow-shouldered man, about 5'8/9", about eleven stone, with a dark complexion wearing a tight-fitting, grey/blue boilersuit and a thickly-woven grey polo neck jumper and tightly cut short hair is looking down at me don't notice if he is wearing gloves or not his eyes are riveted on me "who are you?", the dreamer asks challengingly the intruder doesn't answer his eyes are fixed on mine he has the eyes of the hitman in the film no country for old men the dreamer asks him twice more, "who are you?" still, he doesn't say anything, nor does he move closer he's looking into my soul, searching for my character his eyes stop looking into my eyes for a third of a second and flick to the front door the dreamer turns to look at what has diverted his gaze through the frosted glass upper-section of the door, a dark shadow is filtering out more and more of the light coming through the glass section of the door as it gets nearer the dreamer hurriedly scrambles to his feet and opens the door a man six-feet two or more has brought a delivery the item isn't on his person it means the item is big and/or heavy, and he wants to make sure i'm in before he exerts himself the delivery man is weighing up the situation the dreamer is in sleeping attire his bed is in the hallway the hitman man is poised stealthily behind him the dreamer turns around and asks the man in the boiler suit, "who are you?" and "how did you get in?" the delivery man echoes my question, "who are you?" for the first time, the hitman moves slightly backwards he's confident he can "take me", but two people to deal with isn't in his plan he looks down at me, and with all the menace of a bad dream says, "i'll see you again" addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - life-threatening situations (4+) 09052021 - 1257 the name of the dreams: what are the chances? the first dream yesterday was of a Beagle it was more a pic than a dream the dog was obviously alive the dog was standing still nothing more happened addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - one-pic/scene dreams (1+) animals () mammals () dogs () beagle (1) second sleep, first dream the name of the dream: the return of the beagle the first dream in the second sleep was, as with the first dream of the first sleep, of a beagle in this dream, there was a scene in which the beagle is in someone's arms the same pic/scene in different dreams has never happened before for some years now the writer has been at a loss as to what to do and/or say/write to move things along or, the writer hasn't got a clue as to what to do, say or write it is believed you-know-who is coming to the rescue and taking a hands-on approach we'll soon find out addenda: vividness: 3.1/2 - observer - the category of the dream - one-pic/scene dreams (2+) animals () mammals () dogs () beagle (2) 08052021 - 1256 the name of the dreams: youtube 15+ – bloody head – peeping queens the first dream was a vivid red and black, ticker-tape message which went from left to right of the scene it read, “youtube – 15 shades of grey – youtube – 15 shades of grey – youtube – shades of grey 15+- youtube – shades of. . . “ it was a variation of the title of a post uploaded to youtube in february 2018 (above) it showed thirteen different types of devolving beings from the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings, one of them may be a female (have only come across one clip of a male with genitalia) this dream was the result of thinking yesterday how obvious it is that the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings exist the addenda: vividness: of the dream suggests the post above will, in a future Undulation, have fifteen examples of devolving man-shaped beings addenda: vividness: 3.1 – observer – the category of the dream - d-man (1+) bloody head my head is bleeding from two different places, one from the skull, the other from around the cheekbone had a sore scalp during the day and gave it a vigorous rub it made my scalp feel worse addenda: vividness: 3 – participant – the category of the dream - injuries to self (2+) peeping queens in the last dream, had to go to the toilet for a number one two girls followed the dreamer to the bathroom they kept the door open so they could get a good look their brazen inquisitiveness intimidated me addenda: vividness: 3.1 – participant and observer – the category of the dream - brazen hussies (3+) 07052021 - 1255 the name of the dream: then there was one in town with a couple of friends the city centre is bustling it may have been christmas unusually for me, am wearing a blue suit my two friends aren't happy with it it is in sharp contrast with what they are wearing the real problem is it looks really good on me it makes them look like vagabonds in the next scene, they have gone three youngsters are nearby they are sitting on a knee-high wall one of them, a girl, loses her balance and falls backwards her body takes most of the impact, but the momentum flicks her head back the sound of her head hitting the floor causes the dreamer to let out an involuntary "oooh" the knock on her head doesn't phase her at all it happens like that sometimes, it either really hurts or it doesn't register there is a scene in a shop with a paper copying machine the scene is brightly lit but there are no details of anything happening addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - crowds of people (5+) 06052021 - 1254 the name of the dreams: prisoner of war - bangers without mash am a prisoner of war sitting down with my back against a wall my legs and wrists are tied one of the "enemy" comes and sits down next to me recognise him as a neighbour he lived across the way from the dreamer some years back he engages the dreamer in a conversion not sure if he knows i'm a good guy or not put forward my case for doing what i'm doing he listens to as the dreamer explains about world war one he doesn't say a word after a dozen or so sentences he gets up and goes don't know if he understands my position he is on the "other side" he may or may not know what's what the dream ends i'm feeling unsure addenda: vividness: 2.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - war situations (3+) family, friends and acquaintances (32+) bangers without mash a consignment of pork sausages being imported from europe is found to be contaminated the english mainstream media milks it for all its worth chat shows, topical programmes, lead story for days on end after two or three days the english public is convinced europe is the devil's playground you may remember the saturation coverage on t.v.when Terry Waite ( was freed from lebanon it went on for weeks no other news got a look in that was the idea at the time, turkey, a nato ally, was bombing the hell out of syria even the dullest of people would have realised that the "good guys" were the bad guys addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - europe v's the british empire (1) 05052021 - 1253 the name of the dreams: over-reaction - all the right moves the first dream of these extremes of themes is when a regular visitor called at this point in our relationship, we are taking each other for granted either one of us could call on the other unannounced and get a warm welcome was sitting on the couch eating a meal out of a bowl on this occasion put the bowl down by my side when he knocked let him in he entered into the room ahead of me it was meant to be funny when he gave his dog the leeway to approach the bowl he didn't gauge the distance right it allowed the dog to put its nose into the bowl beyond the rim of the bowl the dreamer exploded a tirade of four or five sentences streamed out of him among others, one sentence was, "now iv'e got to get all of my things out of your place" he fell silent and became sheepish it was then it dawned on me, he had deserved a rebuke, but the one he got was too severe began feeling guilty would have to apologise in the sincerest way possible to undo my unwarranted reaction addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances (30+) dennis (2+) all the right moves was in a small ballroom high ceiling, slatted wooden floor, fifteen or twenty metres square there were just two or three couples on the dance-floor was standing on the edge of the dancing area a woman asked the dreamer to dance the dreamer said he didn't know how to dance in ballroom style she said, "i'll show you", and led the dreamer onto the floor found it easy to follow her lead in the next scene, was finding following her easy she knew the dreamer is ready for the next bit of dance decorum and put her left elbow under my right arm and lifted my arm to ninety degrees to the floor now we were "cooking" in the last scene, we are in the altogether in bed like the dancing, everything is prim and proper we are cuddling addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - dancing (6+) relationships (30+) 04052021 - 1252 the name of the dream: a welcome addition have scored an eighth of squishy black three of us begin the "sesh" a fourth person, nobody knows who is, says a few words he is not pushy or in anyway objectionable accept him as an enhancement have rolled and smoked one on the second joint it is realised it wont be long before it's all gone when no one is looking i break about a quarter of it off using my nails and put it in my shirt pocket on the next joint, have taken a puff or two when the dreamer realise the last person to join us is not getting a fair share of the smokes it's partly my fault the dreamer is smoking the last joint before he makes the next one sense of fair play kicks in wake up to hear myself saying, "sorry, didn't realise was hogging the smoke" addenda: vividness:: (addenda: vividness: ratings have channgecd - see 03052021 - the demarcation point between future and past is, 2.5 is a past time-tense, 2.6 is future future time-tnse) 2.8 - paarticipannt and observer - the category of the dream - hash (15+) 03052021 - 1251 the name of the dream (montage): what a montage! the writer had woken from his sleep and was lying relaxed on his back when the montage began it was of a neighbour, (terry) he was climbing into the front seat of the car from the passenger side the drivers side was closest to me the car must have been no further away from the window/wall than a third of a metre he was wearing a white shirt it was the white of the shirt that set the vividness of the montage the car was parked outside the front of my flat he appeared to be so close, it would have been possible to reach out and touch him it was at this this point, the montage had most clarity, 2.9 it is not an exaggeration to say, the first four or five scenes are in 3D the depth between the viewer and the car was an arms-length this montage produced a new category of montage, a 3D montage there was no sensation of movement or weight or temperature, nor was there any sound, but apart from that, this montage could be a memory of the awake-time consciousness that's how vivid it was the only way it could have been more vivid was if one or more of the sensations of, sound, weight, temperature, touch or smell, taste or emotion were present then we will need to have to leave another seven variations which could accompany montages… repeat, loop, serial, black and white,, etc. which can, and have, been present in other dreams and montages the writer can see where this going so... the lowest rating is .1 from experience, the worst dream the writer had was as a child - (see dream 19112014) even today the memory is clear it is the most traumatic asleep experience the writer had it was a type of nightmare in which you know if you don't wake up something dreadful will happen on second thoughts, we will need to give this a rating of 3 a vividness rating of 3 automatically makes it a 3D dream or montage this will allow us to incorporate as many different new variations as needed as new sensations accompany 3D who knows, by the end of this millennium it could reach a rating of one-hundred! addenda: vividness: (4.3 is old way of rating, 3 is the new way of rating) – observer – the category of the dream - 3D (1) live births (1) family, friends and acquaintances (31+) 02052021 - 1250 the name of the dream:-time montage an array of girls/womens hairstyles head and shoullder pictures of about seven women in fairly quick succesion this dream sequence would have been categorised as a montage if it wasn't for the fact it happened while in a deep sleep will categorise it as a dream-time montage addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - dream-time-montage (1) womens/girls hairstyles (1) 01052021 - 1249 the name of the dream: living at home it is a three-bedroomed house mom, sister-in-law and self share the house mom and self both have a double-bedroom mom has got a great sense of humour everything is going great going great that is, until it is announced that my brother-in-law is coming to stay with us it means having to share the my double-bedroom it doesn't take long before our first serious disagreement crops up "there's no way", the dreamer tells him, "i'm sharing my bedroom with another grown man" sharing the bedroom with my brother while we were growing up was o.k. but as grown men, it simply wont work for the first time ever mom looks sad not a good ending for a dream addenda: vividness: 3.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances (30+) 30042021 - 1248 the name of the dream: four of us, two girls and two boys, are in a celebratory mood we have discovered a way of fixing a problem with a tooth we have averted having to go the dentist one of us says, "lets dance" we dance in a waltzing style to a salsa beat my girlfriend says something which alludes to our being in bed together wake up to hear myself saying, "are you feeling fruity?" 29042021 - 1247 the name of the dream: at home alone at my current address there is a knock at the door standing two metres back from the door is an african girl she is wearing an eager, happy smile she says, "iv'e come to help you" opened the door as far as it can go and stand back to let her in when she has passed me, the dreamer goes to close the door, four or five more girls are standing more or less in a line they, like the first girl, are wearing simple clothes and the same smile "what have the i let myself in for?" is the thought in my mind as they start moving torwardme 28042021 - 1246 the name of the dream: the sound of a forceful hailstorm wakes the dreamer up it is accompanied by the feeling of coldness the weather has been erratic lately cold winds giving way to to warm days sit up in bed and get ready to meet the day 27042021 - 1245 the name of the dream: a trip to holland a trip to holland was well overdue bought a train ticket but don't remember the journey in holland, headed for the area familiar to me the entire layout and feel of the area was different gone was the thriving atmosphere as were the buildings it looked as though the area was under construction, but there wasn't any building equipment an area the size of a football stadium housed just three or four stalls went to a cafe that looked more like a market stall it had a comprehensive menu the dreamer intended to buy something and then approach someone in the cafe/stall who looked as though they could get the dreamer some hash the customers were elderly people not one of them fitted the bill asked the man behind the counter if he could get some hash he shook his head he then told the dreamer to go and stand away from the stall and he would come to me he came over and handed the dreamer a nugget he asked for six euros gave him the money and went off in search of somewhere which had the sort of atmosphere where the dreamer could enjoy it still in empty surroundings when a friendly guy joined up with me we would find somewhere where we could enjoy ourselves we walked in a neighbourhood filled with teens we were on their "patch" and subject to their rules two or three of them confronted us and wanted everything we had not sure how it started but a fight broke out it was only going to end one way during the scuffle, a passing single-decker coach filled with japanese tourists entered the dream they came to our rescue in a dramatic way when the coach smashed through a three-metre-high wire fence to get to us the tables had turned the trouble-makers dispersed one of the japanese tourists handed the dreamer a purple hoodie as a memento (stand-out visual) it was time to leave holland was making my way back to the station when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - holland (4+) 24042021 - 1244 the name of the dream: our beginnings and the start of the endless this is the third or fourth dream from which the writer has been jolted out of his sleep here are the details… we see an area that has meagre vegetation the area of the view is about half a kilometre by half a kilometre there are a few gentle slopes that rise and fall over hundreds of metres in the next scene, the area contains a river or a pool the land has marshes the first animal life to appear is a biped because the animal's upper limbs are so bulky, the animal would, if it used its upper limbs to lower itself to eat, look every bit a quadruped in the next scene, there are at least seven other different species the thing is, none of them is recognisable as anything that has been extrapolated from the bones in the fossil record they are similar to those that are known, but equally, they look completely different (we have to consider that our current knowledge of the fossil record is woefully incomplete) in the next scene, a biped, recognisable as an early man-shaped being, captures our attention now the dream takes off we whizz forward through time to where we are now at a break-neck speed, we see scenes of recent and contemporary life big buildings, traffic, the hustle and bustle of a metropolis then we are habitating space, again, crammed with activity beyond that, we know there will be Transmutation and Straight-line action what has come to light as a result of this dream is that we haven't taken into our view of the future the consideration that straight-line action isn't the be-all and end-all of endlessness no siree, straight-line-action is just one of endless phases of what's waiting every point in space has to be utilised and brought into the equation picture page pre-pi the is the culmination of this in the second dimension before we move into the fourth dimension we will have to “use up”every point (11' 59" ) in the third dimension to fire your imagination, consider… if memory serves, for every new dimension weight decreases by half? and the amount of space increases doubles? the one and only picture of us has of us as two-dimensional entities in euclidean form (made up of straight lines) it is as two-dimensional beings it is now realised, the reason it is available to the memory is that it is of the past the implications of endless dimensions are fantasy-like for every new dimension, gravity decreases, while space increases* as if there isn't enough space already *from memory, spent ages looking for the figures but couldn't find them, gravity decreases by one-half, while space increases by one-half 23042021 - 1243 the name of the dreams: a girl and three cars - mack's in town on the top tier of a car park in the centre of town have just been quizzed by two policemen in a police car walking away from them when lee mack appears he has the most joyfully impish smile on his face he extends his arm and points to a gizmo in the direction of the police car the "beep, beep" of the gizmo sounds out clearly it turns off the engine of the police car lee mack turns and runs into the stairwell behind him after a small gap of time, the police car starts back up again the policemen don't get out of the car they may not have seen him the car has only one way to go down it will pass by the dreamer on the way don't know if the policemen saw lee mack if they didn't they might think it was me if they think it's the dreamer they will search me i'm in a bind if they believe it wasn't the dreamer he will have seen who it was and will have to give a description the prank will have made the police angry they might vent their frustration on me there's a small chance the dreamer can get out of the predicament there's a metre-wide pillar a few steps behind me the pillar is quite close to a wall if the dreamer times it right, he can hide from view behind the pillar and then move around the pillar as the car approaches and go all the way around the pillar as the police car passes by the police car has passed by me i'm out of the danger zone the look of sheer delight on lee macks face when he used the gizmo to turn off the engine of the police car kept the dreamer chuckling for minutes after waking up looking forward to constructing dreams and presenting them as two, three or four-minute sketches when we get going, when we get going addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant and observer - the category of the dream - celebrities (10+) lee mack (1) humourous (2+) a girl and three cars another one of those dreams when, upon waking, i'm thinking about what has to be done during the day is interspersed with the memory of the dream by the time the two states of consciousness are identified, the beginning of the dream has become too vague to recall the details what is remembered is, we are on an important task the day will be fully occupied fulfilling it my companion is also a friend he has to speak to his girlfriend before we get started we are at his girlfriend's house he and his girlfriend are talking in an animated way the girl realises her boyfriend isn't going to see her point of view she leaves the house in a bit of a storm my friend chases after her she gets in her car and is no longer in the dream by the time the dreamer gets to the street to my complete disbelief, my friend is disappearing down the road chasing after her in our car by the time i gets outside the job at hand has become insignificant in his frustration, the dreamer knee-kick a dark blue car next to him a dent about the size of a coconut appears to the left of the front wheel (stand-out visual) so now we've not only lost the important job but will have to fork out for a repair not expecting to be able to push the dent out of the car, the dreamer puts something heavy in his jacket and swings it under the car so it catches the edge of the car and swings upwards and hits the dent to my surprise, most of the dent comes out a couple more swings and the dent has completely gone i'm thinking that manufacturers are making cars flimsier and flimsier to improve profits when the thoughts in the dream merge with the waking thoughts addenda: vividness: 3.2 to participant and observer - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances (20+) ray (3+) 22042021 - 1242 the name of the dream: organised chaos in a financial position which enables a complete redesign of the house a young lad, not a professional builder, but keen and fit, will do some of the preparations before the builders move in bad organisation on my part brings them all together on the same day there are eight to ten men all told the hallway is narrow and short it's causing all sorts of problems as the men go about the construction two men can't pass each other in the hallway some of the new materials are too long to bend around the corner of the hallway it's a terraced house it means taking the materials around the back of the house thirty or forty metres is added to bringing in and taking stuff out in the middle of the hustle and bustle, the young lad has, without consulting me, brought a couple of his friends to help the dreamer thinks he's trying to "put one" over on me can feel my blood start to boil "how much are we charging for them per hour?", the dreamer asks "one-pound-thirty", he says "is that all?", comes out of my mouth at that rate, it works out at less than the tip the dreamer was going to give him it calms the dreamer down, although the frenzy of activity is growing as the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3.6/7 - participant - the category of the dream - home improvements (1) 21042021 - 1241 the name of the dreams: not the time of the season the reason for being there isn't in the dream but i'm back in my home from home in dreams the dreamer is in an open prison it doesn't take long before it becomes drudgery the opportunity to do a "runner" presented itself in the form of a wad of notes and change the dreamer took it back in my home town, was on my way to buy a car when a familiar face appeared in the dream it took several seconds of dream-time before it sunk in and a sense of resignation came over me it was one of the prison staff asked him, "how did you find the dreamer so quickly?" "the prison service is a large organisation, it didn't take long", he said was taken to a building, and shown into a room there were a dozen other recaptured escapee's there to a man, we are demoralised christmas it wasn't addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - prison (7+) open(3+) 20042021 - 1240 the name of the dreams: a night out - the job seeker apart from myself, it is an all-african cast two women and two men are at my place before this night they didn't know each other one of the males asks the other, "what do you smoke?" "malawi", the other says whatever else happens, i'll be nicely stoned we are going to a dance or a gambling casino one of the girls isn't satisfied with her clothes my suggestion is she looks through my wardrobe a tight-fitting synthetic black jacket catches her eye (the same jacket that is the subject of the dream of 24012021) she tries it on it enhances her shape, and now she's ready to go we all head off into the night can tell the girls are not particularly happy that the dreamer is tagging along addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - african acquaintances (4+) job-hunting need money and am desperate for a job in the next scene, on the first floor of a publishing house it is an established business the dreamer will be paid a decent wage if he can land the job the proprietor is spanish he speaks with a gruff voice he needs more staff but is not going to take the dreamer on unless i can sell myself my first pitch is, "i'm good with numbers" that doesn't impress him he says, "everybody is good with a calculator nowadays" my next pitch is, "i can translate from english to spanish" he replies, "there are plenty of good english to spanish translation programmes" my reply is, "yes, but those programmes tend to lose some of the writer's individuality" he nods in agreement the dreamer can feel the job could be his press home my advantage "will work for two weeks without pay", now he's listening "if you don't want the dreamer after that,i won't feel bad about it" he's mulling it over when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream - job hunting (2+) 19042021 - 1239 the name of the dream: the pleasure park the dream opens with an aerial view of an area of desert we are looking into a ravine one area of the view enlarges as we zoom-in the zoom-in stops at about thirty metres above the ground we see an entrance to a cave the scene changes we can now see half a dozen fairground stalls the front of the stalls are covered a chopper bike with a girl passenger and boy drive into the scene more couples on bikes arrive we anticipate a bustling fairground scene instead, we see the faces of the girls the dream becomes a montage seven or eight pictures show variations of girls faces in ecstasy they are in the act oddly for this type of dream, we don't see anything other than the girl's faces their faces are showing intense pleasure as we move from picture to picture lots of colour in this dream-cum-montage when fully awake, the writer tries to project the feelings of pleasure in this dream-cum-montage into his one and only picture of the heavenly state (first mention of this insight into the experience of heaven) imagine you are moving forward the sensation of pleasure increases in proportion to your speed you want to experience greater pleasure you can't put yourself before others, so... as a straight-edged mathematical entity, you "connect" by aligning and touching one of your edges with the edge of the being not moving as fast as you your desire to experience faster motion "rubs off" on the other being, which in turn "incentivises" her/him to move faster there are at least one-hundred-thousand million other beings on the move in heaven the permutations for a deck of cards (52) is 80658175170943878571660636856403766975289505440883277824000000000000 you do the arithmetic for 100 000 000 000 addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.1 - observer - the category of the dream - dream-cum-montage (3+) girls experiencing pleasure x (1) 18042021 - 1238 the name of the dream: nothing if not a trier on an overcast day, the dreamer is walking alongside a stretch of level ground the ground is sodden white lines mark out the boundaries of a football pitch two young ladies are kicking a ball around a third person, slightly older, joins them if another person joins them, they can have a game of two-a-side football they call out to the dreamer to play with them why not? the impromptu game gets underway there are five to seven scenes of the dreamer chasing for the ball the young lads know the moves their throw-ins always land at the feet of their team-mate their passes land near the feet of their teammate those rare occasions when we do have the ball, my passes, in particular, leave more than just a little to be desired in another scene, a determined effort by yours truly to get to the ball first ends up with the dreamer sliding on the soaked grass on my knees the young lads are full of it my puff is giving out in the final scene, the ball is thrown to my feet didn't realise it was a free-kick and say, "what do i do with it?" the others concluded the dreamer is a "div" still, we all like a trier addenda: vividness: 3.4 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - outdoor contact sports (2+) 17042021 - 1237 the name of the dreams: horror show - a great laugh near the reception desk of what looked like a youth hostel apart from self, it is all girls a girl standing nearby asks the dreamer for a light for her cigarette from my fag strictly speaking, it was a roll-up thinking it would be more intimate, the dreamer holds his roll-up against her cigarette she presses her "tailor-made" too tightly against my roll-up and it almost bends in half she's apologetic but we both see the funny side that was the introduction for the start of a bout of laughter of the slapstick comedy kind a few puffs of my roll-up gets the end of my "rollie" glowing red the problem is the roll-up is too thin a second try only douses the red bit of the roll-up produce a match with the intention of igniting it and lighting her fag the matches are damp instead of igniting the match it throws off a few sparks and fizzles out the next attempt causes her to drop her cigarette we both bend to pick it up and we bang our heads together another attempt broke her fag as each attempt ends in failure each failure causes us to laugh harder we are both laughing so hard we become weak and have to prop ourselves up with our hands or we would, have been rolling on the floor laughing was laughing hard for ten seconds upon waking more likely, it was the physical effort of laughing loud which woke the dreamer up there have been three incidents of uncontrollable laughing in the writer's unillustrious life the first was while waiting to be called into the interview room at the jobcentre while living in london sat next to a scottish lad about the same age don't remember any of his punch-lines do remember losing balance while sitting and having to hold onto the seat of the chair to stop the dreamer from keeling over the second time, in a room attached to the dormitory in an open prison six or seven of us are having a hash party we are well under the influence when a guy called danny suggests we have a seance in that state, anything sounds like a good idea what started the dreamer "off" was the deadly earnest way danny said, "is anybody there?" the writer was expecting a fun game of some sort it never occurred to the dreamer it was going to be a serious attempt to communicate with the departed the sudden realisation that danny really believed in ghosts and that it was possible to summon one to the party cracked the dreamer up up until that point, he was yer typical no- nonsense likeable bloke every time he said, "is there anyone there?" my laughing became more uncontrollable by the third or fourth time the writer was on his hands and knees it was getting difficult to breathe the dreamer had to crawl away there was a very real chance of hyperventilating out of the room and in the corridor one of the prison staff was walking past a day or two before we had a sensible chat he regarded the dreamer as a good person he looked down at me the writer sensed his disgust he never spoke to the dreamer again this was the hardest the writer had ever laughed the dream was the second hardest addenda: vividness: 3.8 - participant - the category of the dream - laughing dream (4+) externalised dream (15+) the two dreams are from different periods of sleep horror show the dreamer is listening to a conversation the conversation may have been coming over the airways, or it may have been people talking within earshot the subject being talked about was a community that had been infected with an unknown chemical or virus the dream didn't go into the origin of the outbreak as the commentators gave their opinion, the scene turns to the affected people a group of twenty or thirty people are walking from the bottom-left of the scene and away from the observer the effect of the outbreak causes deformities as the affected people walk by the deformities become more and more grotesque the stand-out scene of the dream is when one man looks in the direction of the observer try to imagine a sculpture of the head of a person made out of firm putty now imagine the sculpture is an exact likeness of someone you know now imagine the head and face of the person have been flattened on one side the right eye is at the front of the face where the nose would be the flattened side of his face is elongated the dream ends with the picture firmly embedded in the mind's eye it is accepted that the content of dreams are memories of events that have occurred in one of the Tenses of time the addenda: vividness: of this dream suggests it is the present of a past Undulation this dream was due to listening to a radio play called the "Midwich cuckoos" ( before falling asleep addenda: vividness: - 4.5 - observer - the category of the dream - human deformities (1) 16042021 - 1236 the name of the dream: stranger and stranger in the first few scenes, the dreamer is in a spacious, well-lit setting am talking to a guy the writer has been generous with in awake-time he had never been in a position to be generous with me he is standing back against a wall three-metres away he looks pleased with himself it's as though he's about to tell a good joke he digs into his pocket and then throws something brown to me it is wrapped in cling film it is the size of a gobstopper free of the cling film, it becomes recognisable it is more than a quarter of an ounce of fresh "leb" he says something along the lines of, "it's your turn to be on the receiving end" the dreamer assumes he hasn't got any for himself and says, "what about you?" his half-smile becomes a full smile as he whips out another gobstopper-sized ball of it he says, "it's all turning out alright" the next sequence of the dream starts with the dreamer in the middle of a city (coventry) it's a warm day, which is just as well, the dreamer is as naked as the day he was born being undressed doesn't strike the dreamer as being odd, nor does it phase the dreamer in the slightest partly because he is lying on grass, but mainly because he is completely at ease what does concern the dreamer is not having the hash from the first part of the dream a dark blue dressing gown, the one that is hanging over the corner of the living room door as this is being typed, is next to me with a certain amount of anxiety, the dreamer puts the gown on and goes into the pockets of the dressing gown the hash is in the second pocket he feels in now my mood is buoyant looking around, it is the centre of town but with only half a dozen people immediately near me three elderly women thirty metres away are looking at me justifiably, they look concerned the man they are looking at has obviously escaped from the nuthouse it's quite possible the man may charge at them it's time for the dream to move on put the dressing gown on and decide to put "one" together to make the three-mile walk less of a trek can't feel the smoke in either pocket it must have dropped out of the pocket while sitting on the grass go back to the patch of grass and look for it it's not to be seen anywhere there is a stiff cigarette packet though look into the packet the ball of blow had gone but there are two smaller bits it was then that the dream wasn't making sense how did the dreamer get into the situation where he isn't wearing clothes? couldn't work it out the dream ends it wasn't until fully awake that it became possible to make sense of the dream the subtlety through which the transition from dream-time to awake-time occurred caused the dreamer to think that the memory of the dream had its basis in awake-time it took a while to realise that the dream had ended and it wasn't parts of memories of awake-time this dream is on the 16042021 it explains why the writer didn't think he had a dream yesterday his assumption yesterday, that the memories after waking were from awake-time, it is now known, was, in fact, the dream again, the writer asks the reader to consider... the awake-time conscious is the inferior state of consciousness and we will, in the course of time, come to understand that the dream-time conscious becomes the dominant form of consiousness and we will, before going through Transmutation, be living permanently in what we now regard as dream-time our current experience of awake-time gradually diminishes as dream-time consciousness becomes the prevaillng sense of consciousness addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 4.6 - participant and observer there is a scene in the dream in which the dreamer has a joint the feeling of being "high" is, with two or three exceptions, clearer than awake-time memories of it 14042021 - 1235 the name of the dream: "now that's what i call a dream" the dream opens as the dreamer becomes aware he has just woke he is in a room about five metres by seven-metres the scene changes the room has become larger the dreamer is in a large double bed next scene, two women enter the room one has black hair, the other girl's hair is auburn they come to the bed and lie on it in the next scene, the women have undressed and are lying side by side on the bed with the dreamer the dreamer 's sense of being unbiased assets itself he clambers over one of the girls and is now lying between them the next scene, we are touching and kissing the opportunity for the dreamer to introduce the girls to his brand of threesomes is thwarted when the girl with black hair manoeuvres herself under the dreamer the scene changes, the auburn-haired girl is off the bed and standing (if the girls had let the dreamer have his way, it would have been a pleasurable time for all) the dreamer is so relaxed he is having trouble becoming fully aroused the black-haired girl takes matters into her hands and places the dreamer 's genitalia at her "entry" point it is a simple matter of a gentle movement to attain conjoinment there are four scenes of slow-motion activity the next scene, the girl with auburn-coloured hair has left the dream the room has become even larger it is now about eight metres by eight metres there is a large couch against the wall to the right of the bed with a girl and a boy in it, they are both dressed and looking our way also, there is another large double bed in the far corner with two or three people on it they too are dressed meanwhile, back at the centre of the action, the dreamer is still not fully aroused even when conjoined it feels just fine for the dreamer , but the black-haired girl is not a hundred-per-cent happy she maintains her friendly disposition but is not getting what she was expecting the scene changes, one of the three people, a male, in the other large double bed is filming what's happening the dreamer says to his partner, "is he filming us?" she doesn't say anything someone filming our goings-on isn't conducive to the dreamer 's efforts eventually, the girl says, "it isn't going to happen" she says it again the dreamer is about to say something along the lines of, "it will be alright next time" when the dream ends notes 1 the cause of the dreamer 's poor performance is understood he simply isn't active enough during the day this dream reached new heights in terms of Awake-time awareness in Dream-time it was so, so close to the dreamer realising he is dreaming we may have a new category of dream before we're finished... montage dreams in its addenda: vividness: in both sight and touch is on a par with awake-time sensations the distinction between Sleep-time and Awake-time continues to lessen while we're there... the day before yesterday, during a cat-nap in the day, the writer entered into the Montage state a brown wall had a rough circular design on it while taking in the detail, about one-twentieth of the design crumbled through the gap where it had crumbled a bright, white shaft of light came through (the same as is in the intro of the 1982 film "the thing" over the course of two seconds or so, about a dozen more gaps appeared each gap also let in a shaft of light before the dream-scene-feel, cum-montage finished, approximately one-third to one-half of the design on the wall was letting through light a sense of anticipation gripped me the sense of anticipation was cut short immediately after it occurred the writer believes he may be able to experience and interchange between both states of consciousness within this lifetime thinking about it further, the writer thinks the addenda: vividness: of the shafts of light represents the fully awake state that fits in with this dream addenda: vividness: 3.8 to 4.7/8 - participant - the category of the dream - xual (10+) 13042021 - 1234 the name of the dreams: the charge of the children - the right sounds a four or five sequence dream in the first scene, thirty or forty children coming over the brow of a hill they are moving with a purpose we are viewing them from a slightly elevated position they are coming towards us and slightly to the right as they pass below us and before the scene changes, we see a second wave of children of a hundred or so catching up with them in the third scene, children are everywhere and more appear the longer this scene goes on the impression is, it all the children in the world they have been given free-rein to assert themselves adults have concluded that total freedom for children will produce a natural, optimum progression of order which adults can model themselves on addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.2 observer - the category of the dream - children (4+) in the second dream, the dreamer is taken to a hanger-sized building it is to be used as a communal centre the dreamer has been brought in to recommend a p.a. system someone is making notes as the dreamer points out where to place the speakers can feel the place coming to life addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - p.a. systems (3+) 12042021 - 1233 the name of the dreams: hesitation, park people, gliding on the ground the first dream is set in a brickyard or a cement works there are large piles of brick or cement rubble in two or three places there is an air of foreboding, although what form the menace is in isn't clear it is thought this dream is the result of falling asleep while listening to a dark and moody version of a two-hour radio play of Bladerunner (do androids dream of electric sheep?) the second theme, it is a sunny day we are looking at the entrance to a park that has tall white gates people are going into a park in large numbers the word large doesn't convey the actual number of people going through the gates into the park it would be more accurate to use the word multitudes in the third dream, we are experiencing a gliding feeling possibly ice or roller-skates not sure what brought on this pleasant sense of movement the last scene of this bit of r.e.m. is of my step-brother and step-father in a room where we live this dream is an all-white dream with splotches of dark walk into the bedroom and can see the tools and the bits and pieces of sawn wood false walls have been installed both of them are looking pleased the dreamer is impressed it is a very professional bit of d.i.y. both of them, it should be noted, are as honest and as the day is long they have built the false walls in their eagerness to please me they know the dreamer deals in drugs and are letting the dreamer know they are going to help and not hinder the dreamer the dreamer is furious it should be noted that both of them are as honest as the day is long the last thing the dreamer wants to happen is to get them involved from memory, this is the only dream which contains a smell it was the distinct smell of wood and plaster three times the dreamer asks his step-brother, "did you do this?" he never answered the dream finishes the last dream is the most vivid dream for months addenda: vividness:: 2.9 to 4.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: foreboding (5+) flying/gliding (5+) family (6+) stepfather (1) step-brother (1) 11042021 - 1232 the name of the dream: return of the montages a ninety-second, one-hundred-plus pictures Montage most scenes lasted for between one-third to one half of a second every scene is in colour in amongst them, a white horse, oliver hardy and barbara windsor every pic/scene contained movement one scene is of a canvas portrait of a man's face the grain of the painting is clearly visible the picture started as a still scene while taking in the detail, the man's face becomes alive as he turns to face the observer, a smile forms the smile gets bigger his gaze lingers for a moment before the scene is replaced by another the portrait scene was the longest of all the scenes, lasting about three-quarters of a second addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 - observer - the category of the montage: multi-themed montage 10042021 - 1231 the name of the dream: whoops-a-daisy the new american democratic party in the america is having its first major policy conference the dream starts with yours truly in the foyer after the doors were closed two or three armed guards are in the foyer the doors have padlocked, heavy-duty chains going through the handles on the outside think i'm a photographer or perhaps a newspaper reporter there will be a couple of hours to wait until the convention finishes fifteen metres across the way there is another building much like the one i'm in there is condensation on the inside of the glass of the building the dreamer is a movement inside the foyer of the other building causes the dreamer to look can't quite make out who it is go the the window and rub away the condensation can see him more clearly, but it's raining and stiil can't make him out the person in the foyer of the other building comes closer to the window for a second he becomes recognisable it looks like joe biden he looks lost first going this way, then going the other think this dream is linked to a clip on Infowars of joe biden falling up the stairs, not once, not twice but three times while boarding a plane he looks a complete div addenda: vividness: 3.4 - observer - the category of the dream - topical () politics () joe biden (1) 10042021 - 1230 the name of the dream: 52d the first theme in this dream is to do with the dreamer needing to go to the toilet didn't get to a toilet in time and soiled myself fairly sure this dream was due to taking a large dose of vitamin c during the day and feeling the need to go to the toilet shortly after the second theme while walking along a street, a girl presented herself to the dreamer and let the dreamer know she was prepared to be intimate a little further along the street, we came to a t-junction we turned left ten metres ahead was a railway crossing then, a young man of twenty came up to the dreamer and said, "so-and-so wants to see you at 52d" wasn't familiar with the name or the address the tone in his voice suggested it was more of an order than a request the dreamer became cautious he said, "i want you to come with me" the dreamer said, "i'm not going anywhere with you" another young man appeared in the dream no sooner had he appeared, when a car pulled up at the kerb the back-seat door of the car opened the two lads grabbed hold of the dreamer and started forcing the dreamer to the car there was a prolonged struggle during the struggle, the dreamer turn through one-hundred and eighty degrees my movement was so quick it threw one of the young men into the middle of the road there are then two scenes that contain violence (am leaving the details of scenes of violence out of dreams from now on) it meant the police would be showing up soon the would-be abductors knew they had failed and drove off addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - attempted abduction (1+) 07042021 - 1229 2nd dream the name of the dream: the sea farer was in a two or three people dinghy the dinghy was dark grey and black didn't have a paddle the dreamer didn't think he would need one the water was only metres away from where the dreamer is living the flow of the water would take the dreamer to where it met the open sea the last time had been there, the open sea was only one or two-hundred-metres across to the bank on the other side in another scene, had reached the open sea it was completely different the open sea had gone from being one or two-hundred-metres across to seven-or-eight-kilometres the current would take the dreamer all the way out to sea panic gripped me had to get back to the bank, but quick without a paddle, the only option was to use my hands was wearing heavy-duty plastic and cloth gloves my hands would get cold had to paddle like billyo to beat the current was winning the fight against the current when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - open waters (3+) the name of the dream: pre-heavenly activity: freedom-fever at home in bed had woken a minute or two before was thinking about what we would be doing in future Undulations while man-shaped then, like bolt from the blue, it revealed itself it seems all of the matter in the universe is being organised into a Life-Friendly environment there are glistening silver structures from where we are now that seem to stretch out to the end of the Observable Universe in all directions the whole thing is buzzing with activity huge, moving craft carrying other huge structures craft transporting people and other smaller structures a feverish sense of purpose accompanies our activities the scope of the task is all-consuming we incorporate our interaction with one another as we build work, love and play merge they are indistinguishable from each other we know we will accomplish that which has to be done and complete the task, but there isn’t a scintilla of complacency the scene lasts for two or three seconds of Dream- Time, after which the dreamer jumps out of bed and dashes into the living-room two or three people are waiting for the dreamer to get out of bed in the living room, my gaze finds cathy the dreamer says to cath, “i knows what we will be doing for eternity” (while man-shaped) the dreamer is about to begin explaining the dream to cath when the dreamer wakes for things to fit together properly, this dream must be somewhere between a million years from now and no further into the future than five-thousand-million years from now for the picture “Heavenly Bodies” to be accurate it is the most exciting insight into the future of the activities of the man-shaped being to date addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 4.4 – observer – the category of the dream - future undulations (5+) cath (2+) 06042021 - 1228 the name of the dream: more fool me offered a couple of casual acquaintances a tenner if they could come up with a business venture which would return a profit on a thousand pounds the dreamer knows he is taking a risk telling them about my finances, but thought they would think of the long-term benefits not sure how they found out the dreamer had a thousand pounds stashed and was robbed of it knew where to find the two lads, and decided to put up a fight loaded a shotgun with blanks and went to confront them caught up with them at their hang out they are fifteen people in the room where they are, every one of them is committed to a life of crime spoke loud enough for everyone to hear would give a thousand-pound reward if the money was returned delivered my ultimatum and waited for a response they carried on as though the dreamer wasn't there lost patience and fired a shot into the ceiling it created a black gunpowder smudge on the ceiling the group of men stopped talking and they began sizing the dreamer up the dreamer had crossed the line was thinking what to do when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - criminality () 05042021 - 1227 the name of the dream: new accommodation and new friends the council has built two new eight or nine-storey blocks of flats within three-quarters of a kilometre of the city centre have been allocated a flat on the first floor it has an L-shaped living room the kitchen occupies the rest of the floor-space the kitchen has floor-standing cupboards when seated in any part of the living room, the rest of the flat is visible it gives the impression of being a lot more spacious than it is can seat ten or twelve people, more if people sit in the kitchen its nearness to town makes it easy for people to get to it soon became the gathering place for friends and friends of friends in the dream, there seven or eight people sitting and chatting the underlying theme of conversation has a political theme in one scene, a friend of a friend tried to rubbish the definition of love he didn't get any support from anyone else in another scene, someone pointed out that in the other new block of flats, a man was looking into our flat using binoculars at first, the dreamer felt peeved then a feeling of gratification that someone thought our lives were were snooping on x material followed the scenes in the flat the xual content brought the writer to the realisation that the most intense natural pleasurable feelings we experience, (ej*******on), is the bare constant of the heavenly experience addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - socialising () 04042021 - 1226 the name of the dream: politics, food and tasty anatomy's two themes and one scene arnold schwarzenegger has a role in government he is trying to get support for a policy his manner is surprisingly uninsistent he is talking to another man but is alluding to the dreamer when he says, "if someone was to support it, it would probably get accepted" the next theme is food someone is eating a large, juicy chicken pie he bites into the pie he bites too energetically and some of the white gravy squirts onto his shirt there is quite a bit more to this period of R.E.M. the last four months have seen a noticeable reduction in the detail in dreams this is due to smoking too much green should see an expansion of details within the next few months the scene shows a woman lying on her front she is dressed her skin-tight slacks leave only the colour of her skin to imagine the eye is drawn to her buttocks buttocks don't come anymore voluptuous the dreamer wakes in an aroused state addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 4 - observer - the category of the dream - celebrities () arnold schwarzenegger (3+) food () chicken pie (1+) the female shape () buttocks (2+) 03042021 - 1225 the name of the dream: soon to be a two-theme dream this dream is solidly based on the pde's in part, from a conversation, and in part from watching a couple of episodes of "would i lie to you" we are living in a post-covid world there is more than enough time for fun and recreation am a guest on an episode of a quick-fire comedy show another guest panellist, a woman, determined to throw the dreamer off-guard, says earnestly, "the rumour is you're a lousy lover" my reply is, "that's a bit rich considering it's coming from a woman whose hymen is still intact" she doesn't have a comeback the second dream is a conversation that details the run-up to, and the demise of, the covid hoax in this dream, the world is free of financial tyranny addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - topical () covid (3+) financial () 02042021 - 1224 the name of the dream: bad influences this multi-scened dream contained violence have decided not to enter dreams with violent content/themes will, however, make a note when one occurs the reason... a few weeks back the writer hit an emotional brick wall while watching a film that had violence in it it produced a depressing feeling the feeling re-emerged every time violence occurred in the film it went even further... even a small amount of animosity was enough to produce a bad feeling am now only watching films and programmes that are family-friendly that is, a child can watch them this entry is also to tell you, films with explosions have an adverse effect on the minds of people of all ages with just one or two exceptions, explosions do not occur in nature the sinister side to this is, there are people in the film industry who know explosions have a detrimental effect on the minds of people keep your children away from films that have explosions in them the writer knows from experience, violent content produces ill feelings in dreams (see 31072014) it's more than just possible it affects the awake-time conscious state as well 01042021 - 1223 the name of the dream: you can lead a horse to water six or seven scenes in which the dreamer is making a determined, almost feverish, attempt to persuade people to incorporate ethics into their lifestyle most resistance came from a man he has a booming business he isn't denying that ethics is important, but can't bring his-self to let go of a succesful business the dream ends as it is realised he wont be persuaded addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - ethics () 30032021 - 1222 the name of the dream: nothing fishy about her it is the end of the school year at our primary school a group of us have volunteered to help a teacher organise things which will need attention while the school is closed the teacher is a young woman she is supervising as we go from classroom to classroom in one classroom is a one-metre by half-a-metre by a half-a-metre fish tank the teacher is sitting on one of the classrooms desks one of her feet is resting on the floor, the other is propped on a desk she is wearing black, ?corduroy trousers and an orange blouse with patches of black her face isn't in the dream as the teacher is instructing us what to do, the movement of the fish catch my eye every time the teacher speaks, the fish in the tank change the direction they are swimming because the writer is in a "sceptical" frame of mind of late, his initial thought is the fish are trying to flee from the source of the sound the dreamer thinks the teacher is the same woman who physically (not xually) abused some boys at junior school she was bad news it didn't make sense though the teacher in this dream is relaxed and dress-conscious not at all like the awake-time teacher from junior school gave the dream a different interpretation the teacher is a modern, caring person the fish aren't fleeing from the sound of her voice, but are trying to move toward it it's within the realms of possibility that a female man-shaped being with a "love attitude", may indeed give-off a quality that would attract any form of life addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - junior school (2+) evolving beings () female () 29032021 - 1220 the name of the dream: how not to remember your dreams s dream about two people who cooperate to make a website one of them has the skills to do just about anything with a website the other has unbounded enthusiasm which will carry it through in one scene, the one with the skills to create the website tells the other one that the terms entered into the search box is the key to bringing up the information sought the dream finished and the writer did the same thing as he did with the dream of 27032021 he think-read the details of the dream upon waking but then slipped back into a borderline awake/sleep state that was enough for details to re-bury themselves back into the dream conscious the writer will now have to try and instil the habit of waking from sleep with the dream fresh in his mind it will probably mean adopting an "early to bed, early to rise..." routine this dream was the result of coming across a website yesterday which used databases within a database it pulled up the info with pinpoint precision it also had something to do with my website needed to give a sentence the reference to a page from a few years back which made an important point, but couldn't bring it up using the search box addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - forgetting the details of a dream (2) 28032021 - 1219 the name of the dream: good things happen to those who do good a young lad breaks into a mini-sized mansion before he has finished gathering the "haul", he comes across a girl who is being held captive the lad listens to her story and realises he has stumbled upon a hornets nest the girl cautions the boy about her captor it is obvious, the person is a pyschopath he has no option but to get her out of there (even thieves have standards) he knows he is on the edge it is now a matter of life and death, quite possibly for both of them they manage to get out of the house and clear of the vicinity the girl is so grateful she invites the lad to conjoin with her the dream turns into an x dream addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 4 - participant - the category of the dream - female abductions (2) 27032021 - 1218 the name of the dream: confusing states of consciousness it was a six or seven-scene dream took notes which covered the main thrust of the dream would elaborate when it came to typing it into this database it felt good to be remembering dreams with so much detail relaxed and went into a light slumber woke and went to the notes it then became clear the notes taken immediately after the dream were taken in the dream the light sleep was sufficient to erase most of the details can tell you, it had similarities to yesterday's dream people were helping someone to write something addenda: vividness: 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - taking notes of a dream in a dream (1) 26032021 - 1217 the name of the dream: feigned feelings three of us are practising songs to add to our portfolio one of the guitarists had composed a new song after he had sung it, he waited to hear our comments there was no doubt in my mind, it was a hit the other member of the group agreed the person who composed the song wasn't sure he didn't think it was good enough and dismissed the idea at one point, the dreamer 's comment was, "i know a good song when i hear one, and your song is a good one" still, he wasn't persuaded for two or more scenes, the composer of the song kept shaking his head and dismissing the idea it was good enough whenever we tried to encourage him to recognise the potential of the song as the dream came to an end, his reluctance to accept our opinion was still present it was then it became clear to me the lad who composed the song wasn't disagreeing with us because he thought the song wasn't good enough he was shrugging off our enthusiasm because he wanted to keep hearing us saying how good it was addenda: vividness: 3.7 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - music () 23032021 - 1216 the name of the dream: cheats it is the end of the school term the exam results have just been released there was a tradition at the college which went back to the year dot students would leave a remark about the test on the test paper it was discovered the comments were in fact instructions to the examiners the code contained the students' preferences for his working life the examiner would then suggest the student showed aptitude in a particular subject and should be given a new curriculum when the cheating came to light the entire staff were sacked those of us who aren't part of the scam will now get a fair chance in life despite its glum tone, this dream was clear and bright addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - education () 22032021 - 1215 the name of the dream: the daughter of a dog my working buddy has saved his credits he can now use as many or as few of his credits as he wants for a partner he makes the classic mistake of skimping on how many of his credits go toward a partner by only using one-half of his buying power, he will have enough for a different girl if he doesn't like the girl he is allocated the girl he gets is a girl who spits venom every time she speaks my work-mate is despondent it will be a long time before he has accumulated enough credits to get back into the position where he can try again the girl in this dream is a young lady the writer encountered in town a couple of decades ago the memory comes to mind now and then... walked into a bus shelter there were three women already in the shelter speaking to the woman nearest to me, the dreamer asks, "is the number ? due?" the girl in question took the dreamer aback when, from the furthest end of the shelter, she said, "you missed it" the ill-will accompanying her utterance was palpable have only come across three females with a truly aggressive bent there's nothing more off-putting for fair-minded men than a woman with a violent trait this slightly-built girl was all wrong had something happened which made her the way she was? even more disturbing, is the girl exhibiting her natural character? addenda: vividness: 3.9 - observer - the category of the dream - undesirable women (1) 18032021 - 1214 the name of the dream: june revisited the second dream of this young lady the first, 01042018, explains our coming together unlike the first dream, in this dream, the writer is aware of the motives of the men she lives with have persuaded the girl to leave her brother and father there are hectic scenes of us moving from place to place we will have to stay in hiding until the girl feels we have given her family "the slip" when the young lady has regained her confidence and when she is sure she will not be back in the custody of her brother and father we will confront them a highly vivid dream it suggests a future time-tense in a far-off undulation, when her brother and father are not in her reality, she will become her natural self the dreamer will have to stand in the queue while men more skilful in the art of wooing women try to win her heart her brother and father will have been shuffled into the past she will be in a normal environment and will know the joy of natural feelings addenda: vividness: 4.4 to 4.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () women () june (2) 17032021 - 1213 the name of the dream: skulduggery the low addenda: vividness: of this dream suggests it is set in a past tense of time the heart of the centralised system is based on the seasonal reports from teachers teachers note aptitudes and skills of the pupils throughout the junior and senior schools the scope to change jobs is built into the structure as long as the people swapping jobs had a minimum number of similar traits they are deemed interchangeable the dream starts with a young lady giving up her coveted job to another person it produced such showing of gratitude from the person she swapped jobs with, it prompted the dreamer to do the same in the next scene, have given my job to a young lad it wasn't the job he wanted it was the location he wanted to be close to a girl he had a crush on unbeknown to me, the young lad had been coerced into getting my job so he could give it to someone else in the next scene, the person who would end up with my job reveals his motives for wanting to change jobs he walks past where the dreamer lives he is trying to hide his face he has heard about my goods and he is "casing" my home the dreamer sets-up a hidden camera it catches him walking past my place on more than one occasion if he does rob the dreamer while i'm away, he will have to explain why he's so interested in my place addenda: vividness: - 3.2/3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - social structure () 12032021 - 1212 the name of the dream: the engineers the dream centres around one scene a group of men are trying to detect where a leak of semi-precious fluid is coming from frustrations are mounting the chief engineer is unable to pinpoint where the leak is a white cloth is tied around a ninety-degree bend in a pipe if the joint is leaking from there it will discolour the cloth it occurred to the dreamer that blotting paper would show the fluid with greater accuracy the suggestion was acted upon there was still no sign that the joint was the source of the leak it then struck the dreamer the loss of the fluid was due to evaporation the suggestion was being debated when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - work (6+) engineering (2+) 11032021 - 1211 the name of the dream: no better way to celebrate life dusk has come and gone it is early night three of us, a friend, his girlfriend and self are ready to commit a burglary the house sits on top of an elevated and isolated plot of land we are standing near the imposing iron fence and about to enter the grounds the girl is the most casual of us it's as though she is there for something to do she has no sense of wrong-doing at the moment the dreamer concludes from her movements she is nimble, she starts dancing the theme of the dream changes we are now at a dance with hundreds of people the party is in full flow as the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - criminal intent (5+) burglary (2+) dancing (6+) 10032021 - 1210 the name of the dream: attraction has no bounds went to sleep listening to the audio version of the original "the day the earth stood still" film the dream was a vivid dozen or more scenes of the film the dream stayed faithful to the plot, characters and script of the film it was faithful with one exception... the last few scenes have the lead female actor and alien ambassador kissing the addenda: vividness: of the film was 4.5 in a future undulation, the plot of the film will have the lead woman and klaatu walking off into the sunset hand-in-hand this dream, the last of three themes in this period of r.e.m., was more montage ( than dream addenda: vividness: 4.5 - observer - the category of the dream - film-based dream: the day the earth stood still (1) black and white (2+) 09032021 - 1209 the name of the dream: the heist 2 and the heist 1 dozens of cases of vodka and a couple of thousand in cash looked easy pickings the delivery would be intercepted as it was being delivered two of the three-man "crew" were hiding inside the building in the attic and would drop down into the delivery area, pick up the boxes and pass them to a man in the attic we would leave the drink in the attic until the delivery was completed and pick them up when the coast was clear it wasn't that simple of course one the "crew" wasn't as strong as he thought and didn't have the strength to lift the cases to the man in the attic which meant only half the consignment could be stolen (there was only a small window of time between them being hidden in the attic and the people who they were meant for coming to pick them up) it wouldn't take long for the people who had been robbed to figure out how they had been robbed also, one of our men, who was in it more for the fun than the rewards, brought some tarantula-sized spiders with him and was going to leave the spiders in the attic and scare the "willies" out of the "rightful" owners who would eventually look there the spiders would incense the people we stole from even more we took the cash with us and the dreamer "divvied" it up the dreamer hid the money in various locations at my place and gave one of the locations to each man for them to collect after a suitable "cooling off" time things turned nasty when someone got greedy and had searched for and found one of the other men's stash the dreamer was tied up and being roughed up to tell where it was the penny dropped when the dreamer remembered that one of the people who had been with the dreamer on another "job" in another dream from a few days ago (didn't enter the dream into the diary and had forgotten about it) spoke to the dreamer in the scene before where the dreamer is tied up with a mischievous glint in his eye he knew how the dreamer paid people and had gone to his place and stole the money the dreamer asked his interrogators, "has ...? been doing any spending lately?" addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - thieving (8+) drink and cash (1) 08032021 - 1208 the name of the dream: new talent was made the section supervisor of a mega big international company my promotion was due to coming up with an idea that became the standard operating procedure a new employee joined to firm he showed promise he was put in my section familiarised him with his job "hat" by giving him an example of the sort of thing that he could do to streamline efficiency the example was quite a complicated formula it took the dreamer by surprise when the new young employee came up with a new streamlined procedure the next day others had scrutinised his new formula before the dreamer and were agreed he was talented was more than a little pleased with my discovery of the new talent that the dreamer had spotted new talent could only bolster his position it should have been a giant stride forward for the new employee it should also have been a giant feather in my cap talking of feathers... you could have knocked the dreamer down with one when, as the dreamer began reading the formula everybody was talking about it was a point-by-point copy of the example he had been shown by the dreamer the day before now the dreamer is in a quandary it meant letting the new guy take the credit for the idea if it came out that the new employee had used an example of mine it would turn everything on its head my cred would take a massive dent the beauty of it all is that the new guy wasn't being deceitful for reasons known only to the new chappie, he thought the example he had been shown the day before was the way it should be done addenda: vividness: 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - work () management () 07032021 - 1207 the name of the dream: a lucky guy a male friend came to visit for the evening at the end of the visit, he asked the dreamer if he knew where he could buy a particular item he was one of those people who point blank refused to get a computer but didn't hesitate to reap the benefits of the versatility of the computer within a minute the computer located the item and the nearest place he could buy one the computer highlighted the shop on a street map which was, as it happened, within a hundred metres or so of where we were he asked the dreamer in a way that suggested it would be a big favour to him if the dreamer would walk him to the shop although it was evening and the shop was closed it was an easy enough thing to do and we both got ready to leave when his back was turned the dreamer said to his girl, "will give you a big hug when we get back?" she leaned forward and said with uncomplicated emotions, "i want a hug now" her red cheeks and lips highlighted her clean young looks the dreamer thought how lucky he was to have a girlfriend with such a captivating personality (stand-out scene) the dreamer shakes his head the hug the dreamer had in mind would last longer than a second for a minute upon awaking, the dreamer lay there luxuriating in the feelings of being fully rested while still on the boundaries of asleep and awake when another scene relevant to the dream popped into my mind had come across an eye which had been in a doll or a teddy bear it not only looked like an eye but it actually had the look of being alive in the scene, i place the eye between the fingers of my clenched fist and put hair above and below it a split second before she saw it the dreamer said to his girl in a way that suggested it was a cute pet, "found this little thing" her brain filled in the blanks and she was seeing a living thing as big as a head inside my clenched fist she recoiled instinctively for a split second before she realised the dreamer had "got her" again addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (35+) female (25+) male (15+) 06032021 - 1206 the name of the dream: the skyways construction company in a small group of men being shown around a construction site we were standing at the central point of a junction which brought together two or three elevated highways the highways were a hundred metres above the ground and were wide enough to accomodate a dozen lines of traffic the lanes turned and sloped down over a distance of kilometres which stretched off into the distance they must have been suspension roads as there weren't any support pillars in the scene in the last scene of this dream the dreamer wandered away from the group of four or five people showing him around the site and went to the bottom of an incline which allowed him to see all of the construction from horizon to horizon it's scale was so impressive the dreamer threw out his arms in a gesture of intimidation indicating it was too big the only dream with a grander scale was 15062017 addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - construction sites (4+) elevated (2+) 05032021 - 1205 the name of the dream: meat and vegetables a curious dream about food in this dream, a future time-tense, the most popular food is a prepared vegetable meal a new recipe for the food has been introduced the company that produced the food is under investigation by the most powerful newspaper in the land the paper iss known for its championing of human rights it demanded that the meat recipe be kept separate from the rest of the meal the consumer would decide if they wanted meat with the meal or not the paper showed a picture of the meat straight out of the tin the meat and the juices stayed the shape of the tin when the meat and gravy is eased out of the tin the paper pointed out that the meat meal must have artificial ingredients in it for the meal to stay firm out of the tin the paper done such a good "hatchet" job on the product, the company has to "eat crow" and take its new product off the market think this dream came about as a result of my reaction to seeing the gravy and meat in a frozen meal two days before addenda: vividness: 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - food () soup () 04032021 - 1204 the name of the dream: elites living in a society that has extremely tight standards am waiting for the results of my test the result determines a person's position in society a score above sixty-per-cent meant a person was in the mainstream of society the higher the score, the greater was the standing of the person the dreamer needed a slightly higher score to get above seventy-per-cent above seventy-per-cent and a person was considered an "elite" an "elite" could adjudicate on disputes she or he could send a person to prison could change a person job the elites were expected to help people find their niche in life the dreamer thought he had discovered a mistake in the marking of his test brought it to the attention of one of the elites the elite, after a quick study of the question and answer under dispute, found there were reasonable grounds for a challenge if the result was in my favour, the amended test result would put the dreamer in the elite class the person who was assessing the situation for the dreamer felt sure there was a case and it would be in my favour he was telling the dreamer what my responsibilities and rewards are when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - types of societies (2+) 03032021 - 1203 the name of the dream: loneliness in a military base the scene which dominated this dream was a natural formation of stones the stones were layered in tiers, it was possible to imagine the initial flow of lava reaching the point where it finished and then seven or eight smaller flows had followed it there was nothing in an "images" search which came close to depicting the look being described the formation was two hundred metres across and each layer was about two metres in depth at the top of the formation was a road there was a point on the road where men, in an act of symbolism, would throw things onto the rock formation the formation of rock, being smooth and tiered would enable the object thrown to slide down to the bottom of the formation and out of sight usually, a man would throw away photo's or keepsakes of family and loved one's as a statement of commitment to put the unit they belonged to above the family alternatively, men would throw their rifle into the chasm of rock as an act of resignation it was evening and in the dusk somewhere at the bottom of the mini-canyon came the sound of a baby crying some baby-cries are distinctly different from others this one was a cry for companionship, the loneliness echoed and resonated in that part of the dreamer which defined humanity it took a while to locate the baby it had been left in a structure of bricks, it wasn't clear if the structure of bricks was meant to house him or keep the child imprisoned the dream ended when enough of the bricks had been moved and the silhouette of the baby showed she/he had stopped crying addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - militarism (2+) babies (5+) 01032021 - 1202 the name of the dream: the trouble with tweeties at home lying down on the sofa having a "kip" was woken by sparrows making a lot of noise and the beak of one of the sparrow pecking into the corner of my mouth had been feeding the sparrows for so long they had lost any fear of the dreamer and thought nothing of coming in the house to forage for titbits or when they fancied something different or if the bird-feeder, their concept of a larder, was empty on occasions the living room was your regular aviary, sometimes there was ten of them this dream was one of those times in fact, if it wasn't for their chirping and squabbling and nibbling the dreamer wouldn't have woke at all and wouldn't be relating this snippet of a bedtime-story on this occasion, it wasn't obvious what they wanted the bird looking for something in my mouth suggested they were very hungry but they were quick learners and may have "cottoned on" to the dreamer being awake meant food would be arriving soon at first, the dreamer could always tell when they were famished, they would be pecking into the corner of my mouth for a grain of something too small for my senses to be aware was there another thing they had learnt to do when they were truly hungry was to nibble at my ear until the dreamer woke they were doing both in this dream they had woken the dreamer up on many occasions when times were desperate sometimes it wasn't being hungry which made them wake the dreamer up they had learnt that if they turned their noses up at a bit of bread it would result in them getting something else, their particular favourite was suet pudding too tired to get up and go to the pantry the dreamer tried to fob them off with crumbs on the coffee table which was just within arms reach they were after a "treat" and crumbs weren't it the room cleared surprisingly quickly addenda: vividness: -3 - participant - the category of the dream - animals (16+)dinosaurs (6+) sparrows (1) 28022021 - 1201 the name of the dream: the boss's yardstick became part of a "loan" company yes, it was the disreputable kind the reason the boss found a place for the dreamer is he wanted to clean up his "image" threats and brute force made his reputation to gain "cred" with officialdom he would have to shift his "collection" techniques he saw the dreamer as a "friendly" collector someone who would persuade people to see the "companies" point of view rather than use "silent-force" there was one person, a young male, who was having trouble repaying it wasn't just that he didn't have the money he made it, clear he would repay when it was convenient to him a picture of the boss's face penetrates the dream he is flushed red with frustration and anger the boss is making it clear, let the young male know he is playing with fire in the last scene, the dreamer is explaining the situation to the young male addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - loan sharks (2+) 27022021 - 1200 the name of the dream: swimming pools and playing tools a sunny-day dream self and a male friend are in an outdoor public swimming pool with just two or three other people in the water with us a young lady of seventeen or eighteen, and a bit overweight, comes into the dream with a younger person they began playing at being whales in the next scene, my friend has left the dream and the scene has changed although the theme is the same a girl and self are at a pool that fills and empties with the tide the girl wants to know about the dreamer and begins asking about this, that and the other my response was, "why has it got to be a serious relationship. why can't a girl and a boy have a day together having fun and enjoying the companionship of each other ?" trying to make the point the dreamer suggest we count the fish the scene changed, at home relaxing and the girl from the previous scene comes through the door carrying a baby she lets the dreamer take the baby from her sat the baby on the floor and put a toy in front of her it was a mechanical toy about a metre long that had an outdoor scenery recognisable animals popped up in one part of the scenery, made the sound or a movement characteristic of the animal the animal sank out of sight and was replaced by another, familiar animal, in another place in the scenery the dream ended as the toy/game was playing addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (35+) female (30+) baby's (8+) toys (1) 26022021 - 1199 the name of the dream: lingering dream-time memories beavering away at the computer was composing and correcting a think-read dream as is the case with "think-readers", it was proving to be a test of concentration (it should be noted; composing and correcting "think-readers" has become a breeze compared to the first one [15092014] ) this think-read dream was more colourful than usual 4.6 (rust-colour again) in r.e.m. or dream-time, this think-read dream took about eighteen-seconds which means it lasted about three-minutes in awake-time after putting the entry into the database went back to sleep upon waking, was thinking about when to do what first "at least", the dreamer thought, "dreams diary had been updated" funny thing was, couldn't remember actually sitting at the computer and doing it was about to go to the computer and check it had been entered when it hit me the memories of completing the entry and the feeling of satisfaction that accompanied it had resonated and produced such a deep feeling of satisfaction, my mind had closed-off the machinery needed to make the effort to get out of bed after waking the addenda: vividness: of the dream was such that it enabled the dreamer to recall the important details of the think-read dream and enter the dream now (eighteen-hours after the dream) the writer is beginning to think that the application of awake-time and dream-time dreams will produce dramatic results throughout this coming millennia addenda: vividness: 4.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - assisted memories (1?) think-read (30+?) 25022021 - 1198 the name of the dream: give and take the management of a company which manufacturers metal goods are at a loss as to what to do pilfering is affecting the profit and loss sheet the management's solution is to reduce wages unfortunately, it produces another problem to make up for their loss in pay the workers have to pilfer more was pointing out that if management reduced their pay, the problem would get solved, when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3,1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - business () wages () 24022021 - 1197 the name of the dream: people who need help a young man felt he wasn't part of society the simple reason being, he didn't have a bank account it was a touchy point with him he felt awkward when he was with people and they used their card to buy things think it was because he couldn't read or write or, it may have been because he was arithmetically challenged one day, the lad under discussion produced a chequebook and offered to pay for things if the dreamer ever needed to borrow money couldn't help but feel sorry for him the lad desperately wanted to be accepted as normal woke up to the sound of my own voice explaining the advantages of having an overdraft this dream is before atm's and therefore belongs to a past time-tense addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - illiteracy () 23022021 - 1196 the name of the dream: the draw it is a repressive society there is no freedom to speak of most of us live in the shadow of persecution it is serfdom, only in a different era a "get out" clause exists in the form of a regular draw the prizes vary a different country hosts the draw each time it is the turn of france france is known for handing out prizes which give the winner a way out of the repression the person who wins tonight's prize will become a "free" even though it was the dreamer who won, there was a sense of dissatisfaction upon waking addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - suppressive societies (5+) * note 1 the dream of 02012021 highlights an extremely unlikely incident it wasn't until yesterday when the writer watched the film "supercop", that the writer realised that seemingly impossible situations are not uncommon at the end of the film, there is a sequence of outtakes that show gaffs and incidents while making the film one of the outtakes was, almost exactly, the same as that in the dream of 02012021 the likelihood of it happening once all are almost nil that both women would beat the air with their fists out of embarrassment brings about a realisation... if it can happen it will you can bask in the knowledge that all the worst things that can happen have already happened and will not happen again 20212021 - 1195 the name of the dreams: children and the environment a public enquiry is underway to discover how it was that a young boy had drowned in a disused swimming-pool the first scene shows the swimming pool empty of people but full of water the pool is about six-feet at the deep-end we can see large, metal pipes, presumably for the water supply the pipes are sticking through the sides of the wall of the pool and clearly be seen on the screen the news presenter tells us that this is the second time a child has drowned in this swimming-pool there had also been at least one near-miss footage of the pool at its heyday was being shown on one occasion, someone had been videoing the pool when an emergency happened it showed a woman diving into the pool fully-dressed her clothes became full of water and she laooked like the "michelin-man" it made the rescue twice as hard against the odds, the woman struggles and eventually saves the child * this sort of thing is happening on a regular basis when this website had new, pull-down shades installed a few years back he got into a conversation with the fitter the fitter said that the chords used to pull up and lower the shades in houses was responsible for fifteen child-deaths by strangulation the year before this is exactly what we should be looking out for in our surroundings we all have the capacity to foresee life-threatening circumstances by not fulfilling our parental or adult responsibility we have allowed ourselves to let death-outcome realities into our lifestyle our first responsibility is to keep our children alive at the moment it is not addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 4.2 - observer - the category of the dream - accidental children mortalities (2+) sea/water (2+) 20212021 - 1194 the name of the dreams: sewage - supernatural took the job in sewage management because the dreamer was told t would be a good career move the dreamer wanted to be a public servant he got "togged" up in a sewage suit heavy-duty, knee-high black "wellies" a one-piece, rubberised yellow overalls unwiedly, thick gloves that were tightened around the forearms the dreamer looked like a spaceman in a bad 1950's space fiction film think there was another scene that had the accompanying smell of sewage thankfully it didn't come to the fore of the awake-time memory supernatural an imposing high marble hallway, completely bare of fixtures, fittings, windows or paintings there is a white, slightly ruffled eiderdown against the wall five metres away to my right it moves half-a-metre towards me a pang of fear grips me unfamiliar objects start whizzing around in the air the dreamer 's apprehension deepens and he wakes there's nothing like a scary movie when you're in the familiar surroundings of the home snuggled under the blankets when you're alone in a dream, no thank you they are genuinely scary addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: jobs/work (7+) sewage (2+) - scary dreams (2+) religious theme (1+) 19022021 - 1193 the name of the dream: a fair society is a wealthy society finally, was elected as the person who controlled the purse strings some would take only so much of a reduction in their budget before rebelling the group with the most to lose were keeping a close eye on me they were letting the dreamer know they would resort to "dirty tactics" if needs be the trick was going to be to implement an all-around reduction while plugging the gaps that use corruption and cronyism as the standard business model was riding high in the popularity stakes providing the dreamer didn't go too far too fast he wouldn't derail the long-term plan things were already getting better for ordinary people was feeling confident there would be a smooth change-over when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - politics () finances () 1802202 - 1192 the name of the dream: the eight-metre-wide rubbish sorter two of us are seated at a circular, eight-metre wide, slowly revolving rubbish-sorter not sure if it is paper or cloth that is being churned ocasionally, one of us comes across a solid metal object we hold it up so a couple of unseen people can put a price on it the total price of valuable items on a workers work-record determined the worker's take-home pay addenda: vividness: 3.4 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - employee () rubbish-sorter (1) 17022021 - 1191 the name of the dream: it shouldn't be allowed - drug lord teamed up with another lad and between us, we had the biggest stash in the area the new partner brought a twenty-eight-lb bag of white powder to the enterprise my contribution is a fifty-six-pound bag of white powder the new partner was a bit peeved that we started using his bag first he felt his "stash" was more of an investment than mine to him it probably was he'd soon see the sense in keeping the largest amount in reserve it shouldn't be allowed in a car with my girlfriend know not where we have come from, nor where we are going what my girlfriend does know is that it is time for x it is very distracting for a man to drive while the female in the next seat is re-arranging his clothing it shouldn't be allowed all that's missing from this dream is rock n' roll come to think of it, there hasn't there been a single dream where music accompanied x-dream addenda: vividness: - 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - drugs () foreplay () 16022021 - 1190 the name of the dream: teddy's hair snippets of the hair of well-known people were being used to stuff a teddy bear it was a fundraising event for what was considered to be the most worthy of all the charities the scene which sticks out is of a circular quiff of hair the teddy bear is in the background both the hair on the outside of the bear and the quiff of hair were a shade of the colour of rust this must be the beginning of my rust-coloured period addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.3 - observer - the category of the dream - colour and symbolism (2?) 15022021 - 1189 the name of the dream: the devil's advocate am the host in a twice-daily talk show the show is called the devil's advocate the subject of the second show is whether homicide is justifiable in certain circumstances a well-dressed, highly motivated woman is presenting the case for justifiable homicide she wrong-foots the dreamer and succeeds in parrying my initial argument there is a prolonged and detailed conversation of about ten sentences the details of the conversation are too detailed for the dreamer to remember upon waking a sense of dissatisfaction is present when fully awake addenda: vividness:, 3.2 to 3.7 addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - t.v. talk show host (2+) homicide - substitute dream from 16053020 14022021 - 1188 the name of the dream: the big bed this bit of r.e.m. started off alright a feeling of warmth someone is nearby, a girl a suggestion that adult activity has or is about to take place now there is a full-bed view with the dreamer sprawled out on the bed two or three pillows against the headboard the walls, ceiling, floor, headboard, sheets, mattress and my underpants are white the off-white colour of my skin becomes the focal point of the dream a zoom-out of the scene begins my size reduces in proportion to the whole scene in the opening scene, the bed and self make up more the eighty-per-cent of the content within a few seamless moments of zoom-out, my size is that of fly contracting further as the white in the environment expanded addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 4.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - spaciousness (4+) 12022021 - 1187 the name of the dream: doing and being there are bright silver balls, about the size of balls on a christmas tree, in a large jar one person would throw as many balls as she/he could at another person the person who throws the balls is special in some way, partner, family member... to the person the balls are thrown at the balls stick to the body on contact in the first action-scene, the balls land spread surprisingly symmetrically across a boy's body a favourable pattern meant the person would know more than if the balls had no distinct pattern the newly-gained knowledge would give the girl or boy knowledge that put her or him at genius-level the next dream is strikingly similar this time, there are vaguely frog-shaped objects spread-out on a mattress-sized object with this initiation, the person falls onto the objects the number of objects stuck to the person determined where she or he could go * just what changes we go through to achieve Transmutation ( is one of those things this website contniually thinks about the only insight that can be passed on (three female e.t.'s dropped in on the dreamer in the middle of the night about eight years ago) is that our eyes make contact with the environment by sending out light through the eyes it's not too difficult to imagine how objects are formed in "the mind's eye" we know from This Clip, ( that the "self" can take on a non-corporeal form dream-on dreamers addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - weird and wonderful (7+) abilities () 10022021 - 1186 the name of the dream: a dream about how to turn dreams into illustrated stories at the computer composing the latest dream the dream had been typed and was pasted into a programme the programme presented the entire text as a picture story when there was speech in the dream a picture of a person's face saying what had been said in the dream came into the page as a speech balloon ( the person was facing left on the right of the page as the page was being composed where there was a reply the person replying was a little further on down on the left of the page facing right the page incorporated the paisley style ( into its layout, was in shades of brown with the speech balloons in white the faces of the character's are fixed, i.e. no variation of facial expressions the most difficult thing to do in this dream was, as usual, altering the text in the balloons the dreamer pastes the text of the dream into the "template" page of the website providing the service as a part of its programme, the dream template can recognise the text and selects the theme of the dream to be illustrated from the submitted text into subject, predicate and object and automatically generates images that fit the text ( it wasn't part of the dream but more accuracy will be attained if there is a facility in the template which enables the uploader to choose the theme by "fine-tuning" the dream with a simple sentence or sentences that contain more details the dream it could be called "the visual construction" feature example: a girl and boy kissing in the park on a sunny day... to get a face which fitted the person... mid-thirties, sun-tanned, brown hair, brown eyes, round face... girl and boy kissing in the park on a sunny day while the children are playing etc. it could have multiple themes... it could have a mix of still pics and action scenes... it could have 2-D or 3-D... it could have speech... the programme recognises quote marks and builds a still or moving scene from the words inside the quote marks... addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream - think-read (15+) illustrating dreams (1) - oos 09022021 - 1185 the name of the dream: awake-time and dream-time collusion there are two of us at the shops fulfiling the shopping list the shopping list is on a hand-held device the list is written on white squares which more or less filled the screen of the device each square had our or five items on it as each item is put in the trolley, the dreamer uses a screen-pen to put a line through the item was scrolling up and down the list on the screen with the speed of an automated machine shouting out each item suddenly, there was the sound of glass breaking looking around, a small window-pane, still in a fraglle frame, is being crushed by an unseen force from behind now there are men's voices shouting out the voices get louder looking in the direction of where the voices are doesn't show men but their voices are still audible to see the men it means opening my eyes the men are wearing dark uniforms it is a battle sequence in the film started watching before falling asleep what's interesting about this dream is the way the dream incorporated the exterior sounds in the room into the dream addenda: vividness: 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - gizmo's (1) awake-time circumstances and dream-time events merging 08022021 - 1184 the name of the dream: unread message yet another phone txt message as the subject of the dream addenda: vividness: the details of the message didn't imprint itself in the dream-time memory addenda: vividness: 4.1 - observer - the category of the dream - mobile phones (3+) txt messages (2+) 07022021 - 1183 the name of the dream: w.c. and me as a personal assistant to w.c. fields part of my "hat" was to negotiate prices and payments w.c. had recently spent a thousand on reconditioning it, but it wasn't the same anymore and he wanted to sell it the seller of the car he settled for was looking for a part-exchange the dreamer would do the haggling and he would yey or ney the propositions at one point w.c. joined in without talking to anyone in particular he bent to the floor, cupped his hand to the side of his mouth, and said to the pavement in his famous drawl "does the man know about the engine?" that's it, the dreamer thought, if the other man realised he was buying a car from a celebrity the value would go right up it was my turn to say something in w.c. fields speak like a 'nana, the dreamer done exactly the same thing and bent down and cupped my hand and spoke something into the pavement the dreamer sensed rather than saw the man becoming apprehensive it was time to forget hints and innuendo's the dreamer said to him: "i'll get gracie to pose for a picture with you next to his car" if only the dreamer could get the man to recognise it was "w.c" the dreamer knew that would clinch the sale a deal hadn't been struck when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - celebrities (7+) w.c. fields (1) 06022021 - 1182 the name of the dream: this and that first theme, cast-iron waste bins they are the type that has square posts at the corners two of us are given the task the bins are getting a fresh coat of red paint it's not any old type paint, oh no, this is dream-time magic paint with each new coat of paint, the red took on a richer, deeper hue we are toying with the idea of using the slightly different colours to denote the value of the goods therein when the theme changes now we've got a giant wooden pallette we're trying to stack it on the top of a small pile of already-stacked pallettes somewhere in amongst the small pile of already-stacked palettes is something which is causing the stacked palettes to lean over it's preventing us from doing the job we are unstacking the already-stacked pile when the dream ends third theme, get a txt the first few words of the text message tells the dreamer who it is and the theme of the message he's on the bleedin' scrounge again as it happens the dreamer was hoping he might call got a job for him i'm in wheeler-dealer mode the sky's the limit addenda: vividness:: 3.2 to 3.6 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (50+) 05022021 - 1181 the name of the dream: wordplay an embarrissingly simple crossword-type wordgame is the national rage it is obvious what the missing letters for the words are the word is deceitful a little bit of digging around explains what's happening it's a game for people with learning difficulties addenda: vividness: 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - wordgames (1) 04022021 - 1180 the name of the dream: swimming pools and playing tools a male friend and self are at an outdoor public swimming pool with just two or three other people in the water with us a young lady of seventeen or eighteen, and a bit overweight, comes into the dream with a younger person they began playing at being whales in the next scene, my friend has left the dream and the scene has changed although the theme is the same a girl and self are at a pool that fills and empties with the tide the girl wants to know about the dreamer and begins asking about this, that and the other my response was, "why has it got to be a serious relationship. why can't a girl and a boy have a day together having fun and enjoying the companionship of each other ?" trying to make the point, the dreamer suggest we count the fish the scene changed, at home relaxing the girl from the previous scene comes through the door carrying a baby she lets the dreamer take the baby from her sat the baby on the floor and put a toy in front of her it was a mechanical toy about a metre long, it had an outdoor scenery recognisable animals popped up in one part of the scenery, made the sound or a movement characteristic of the animal, sunk out of sight and was replaced by another familiar animal in another place in the scenery the dream ended as the toy/game was playing addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - realationships (35+) female (30+) babies (8+) toys (1) 03022021 - 1179 the name of the dream: toy soldiers four of us, two girls and two boys, make up a squad of four we are playing spy v's spy it is a knock-out competition it may only be a game, but to us it meant everything if we win this round we go through to the final four we have toy guns which shoot malteser-sized plastic balls we have just been trounced by another team they wiped us out without losing any of their team we are inconsolable as now the best we can do is come fifth one of our team stood out as being "a-team" material he was explaining what tactics to use to win the next round when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - spy games (2) 02022021 - 1178 the name of the dream: pensioner's rights two sleeps two dreams there were some amazing visuals of 3-d triangles in motion; again, another shade of a rusty-coloured dream in the second period of r.e.m., a woman who looked like she was in a see-through, deep-sea, diving suit that flowed like a gown a concentrated look at her told the dreamer we were or recently had been, more than just friends the feel of a woman's body is well-remembered weaving its way through the dream was the sense of humour for a little while now, have been trying to think of a name for the dream there shouldn't be more than one line, and, think short, more than less of half of one line second dream this will tell you everything about me... this part of the dream is either a future or past time-tensse the power has gone right to my head my one and only, no-nonsense, one-line chat-up line to women is, "if you don't have x with the dreamer i know someone who can stop your pension" vividness 3 to 3.5 participant and observer - the category of the dream - humour (4+) 01022021 - 1177 the name of the dream: up yours an unidentifiable acquaintance and self live in a wooden annexe we are visited by two school-friends, dave and pete before we leave to go into town we "put one together" offer the joint to dave he says, "no, had a smoke at home" he was alluding to solid hash, as opposed to the crappy grass that most of the rest of us smoked it was annoying had asked him on several occasions to get some for me he never said he would, but still, it didn't sit well with the dreamer and other people he knew it would have been better if he didn't refer to it all my retort was, "how come you don't arrange it so we meet the people you know? would make sure you got something out of it" that was the thing of course it was the sense of being better "connected" and gave him a sense of one-upmanship dream due to thinking about the sense of superiority that one group of people have over another group when they think they know something the other's don't addenda: vividness:: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - one-upmanship() cannabis (8+) 31012021 - 1176 the name of the dream: right motives, wrong person doing a one-on-one guidance course in ethical behaviour it was free at the request of someone who knew the dreamer personally, took on a young lady friend he knew the counselling was tailored to suit each person in this young ladies case, the first session was us seated on school-type chairs we are seated at the junction of a crossroads in a quiet part of town it is early evening with a clipboard in my hands to take notes, the young lady is giving her response to the people that pass us or walk nearby during the "session" one of her comments suggests to the dreamer that we need to become more elaborate in our approach it means having to purchase a voice-recorder/player the moment it is mentioned the young lady becomes obstropolous it was if she was waiting for a reason to become awkward although my time is free, it is stretching things a bit far to expect the dreamer to have to "shell-out" for something that is for her benefit further, she starts in with derogatory remarks towards me it dawns on me the only reason she wanted to be with the dreamer is to let loose with abuse fold the collapsable chairs and walk away from her the young male who introduced her to the dreamer comes to see me he is apologetic he says sorry on behalf of the girl he introduced and asks to give her another chance the dreamer knows her type sooner or later something similar will happen decline his request wake up feeling depressed this dream due to things going wrong during the day and leading to Stray Thoughts - addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - difficult people (2+) 30012021 - 1175 the name of the dream: we both like to laugh though woke up in bed with the girl i'd met the night before she had a jolly nature she was a bit on the plump side she was wearing a black dress she had white hair she didn't like freestyle dancing the dreamer loves freestyle dancing the dreamer likes a smoke she didn't smoke she liked a drink the dreamer doesn't drink upon waking, the dreamer felt luxuriously warm and said, "i feel lovely and warm" she said, "i don't like feeling hot" the dreamer sai d, "what do you want for breakfast?" she said, "i never have a breakfast" the dreamer said, "i can't get over how much we've got in common" she laughed and was looking at the dreamer affectionately as she gave the dreamer a lip-kiss addenda: vividness:: 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (30+) 29012021 - 1174 the name of the dream: national emergency - a "wrong un" the country is asked to stay at home for three days the reasons for the stay-at-home emergency aren't evident in the dream (it's nothing to do with covid) we were given some notice it was coming many people weren't prepared for it and would run out of basic necessities people like myself who had savings gave as much as we could to help others in my case, had sufficient funds and resources to give two families the money/resources to see them through a couple heard about my generosity and came to my door the dreamer told them all his reserves had been allocated the couple then said, "if you are putting other people before yourself, you would give us what we needed" this couple hadn't made any effort to prepare for the three-day stay-at-home crisis instead, they would plead poverty and rely on the generosity of others they would now "spread it about" that the dreamer puts hisself before others addenda: vividness: 3.2/3 - participant - the category of the dream - lazy people () the theme of "empty of people", stayed in the dream as the scenery changes am standing on a landing waiting for the lift to the left of the lift are concrete stairs the width of the stairs are wider the lift a man in his twenties comes bounding up the stairs inside his loose, open jacket is a torso that emanates great strength he hesitates when he sees me he wasn't expecting to see anyone his hesitation tells the dreamer he is "up to" something he recognises my reaction in the next scene both the man on the stairs and self-care in the foyer of a cinema the man who was on the stairs is watching me he is waiting for the dreamer to give tell-tale behaviour of what i'm going to do there is no doubt in my mind now, he is a "wrong-un" have to alert someone to get the police point to the posters on the walls to a member of the staff pretend to be asking about the films when the male who works there is facing away from the man on the stairs, inform him there is a man in the cinema who is a killer tell the member of staff not to look around and look at the person the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - murderer's (4+) 28012021 - 1173 the name of the dreams: sinister b****** - over and under the first of two dreams have three of us at my place one of the two men is big his demeanour gives off a sullen trait he doesn't say a word after a while, he goes shortly after, something crops up and have to go out gather my things when ready to leave go to get a pack of cigarettes they're not there there was a carton of two-hundred and a couple of unopened packets of twenty the big b******* had taken them it soon dawned on the dreamer it wasn't an act of theft it was an act of provocation it was meant to rile me it worked wasn't feeling suicidal so there is no point in fighting him on front on there were then several scenes of the dreamer imagining what to do ashamed to say they weren't very pretty each new imaginary situation was more violent than the last happily, temperance won the day would play the long game sometime in the future, was prepared to wait years, the perfect opportunity would arise as a calm state of mind took over the dreamer the theme of the dream changed it is the dead of night at the side of a row of shops, there is an alcove a biggish woman is in a sitting position can't see what she's sitting on up close to her can see she is masturbating stand within a metre or two watching her she doesn't pay the dreamer any attention move close to her still, she doesn't pay the dreamer any heed can't stand it any longer it's time to go from observer to participant try to get her to stand up she wants to stay seated "it'll have to be an over and under", she says never heard the expression before given her seated position there was only one way of doing it a sensational scene or three is followed by awake-time notes 1 three consecutive days of x dreams! things are looking up addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - provocation to violence (2+) x dream () 27012021 - 1172 the name of the dreams: bernie's back - only in england on the bed with our pyjamas on was telling her things from my heart "we make such a good team, we never should have parted", going to make you happier than you've ever been" the dreamer knows he can fulfil the promises we were happy the first time we had a relationship since then had learnt new things about women boy, was she going to get a surprise when it comes to x she'd probably heard sweet talk from other men she could feel the conviction in my voice placed my hand on her leg just above her knee it was not a "move" on my part it was a reassuring gesture was in no rush for x her personality was as enjoyable as x she was the only girlfriend the dreamer ever had with a sense of humour could have had a completely rewarding relationship with her based solely on her winning teeth-smile and her personality she was ready for intimacy it will be the first time we slept together was going to introduce to my hew-found brand of intimacy the hair-shaver was somewhere nearby addenda: vividness: - 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () bernie (3+) only in england got friendly with a male about my age didn't know it at the time but he was from germany he needed money to get his english girlfriend back to his country was thumbing through my finances on a mobile phone checking the amount of cash in hand showed had enough to help him out transferred an amount to his account immediately a voice came through the phone and at the same time it came from a building nearby swivelling around to where the voice came from, caught a glimpse of the lens of a camera it was on the top floor of a three-storey building twenty-metres away pointed it out to the person with the dreamer where the voice was coming from the voice had said, "it is illegal to lend money to a member of the german parliament" the message sent us both into a stunned incredulity you could have swiped us off our feet with a feather this dream is Time-Tense nine addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - oppressive societies (2+) 26012021 - 1171 the name of the dreams: the opening of the floodgates - president trump refuses to budge x dream addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - x dream president trump refuses to budge was having a difficult time persuading trump (he's still the president in this dream) that a love-motivated society is more productive than an entrepreneurial one modesty prevents the completion of detailing this dream addenda: vividness: 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - types of society (1+) 25012021 - 1170 the name of the dream: the big-bed bedsitter living on the first floor at the front of a victorian house usually, a bedsitter is just one room this one had two a dolls house-sized kitchen made it two rooms the bed was ridiculously big there would be room for three people without anyone touching someone else it looked like it may have been a four-post bed originally next to the bay window was an armchair that wouldn't accommodate anyone weighing more than fifteen stones anyway, it suited me a young lad had latched on to me he was personable enough the problem was, he turned up at all times of the day and evening sometimes, three times in one day an ex-girlfriend turned up out of the blue we arranged a get-together cum stay-over for that night she liked a drink was in the middle of getting things organised for the evening when the amiable young man showed up made the mistake of telling him that a girl was coming he wanted in on the "action" no amount of subtle hints suggesting he leave got through to him well, they did, but he ignored them had to become stern with him it broke the bond between us felt a bit guilty about it but shoot, friendship only goes so far was in bed waiting for the girl, expecting the dream to turn into an x-dream, when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - accommodation () 24012021 - 1169 the name of the dream: a nice jacket that as is the case in awake-time, so too, it is in dreams quite regularly, the writer comes across items which strike him as exceptionally good value and he buys four or five of them after a couple of years, it becomes obvious to the writer that the multi-purchases will outlast him it was about eighteen years ago that he bought half-a-dozen shiny black jackets from primarks the jacket was popular he saw people wearing it on many occasions within a couple of years, the jackets became less and less evident after about ten-years the jackets only existed in the memory so much so, that when he wore the jacket, people who had not seen the jacket when it first came out, commented on its style and asked where it was bought obviously, they were thinking of getting one for themselves occasionally, someone will show a genuine appreciation of an item an excess of them allows the dreamer to be generous and make a present of them my "payment" is the satisfaction and the genuine surprise and gratitude he gets from the recipient in this one-scene dream, the item is a shiny black jacket someone is wearing one that had been given to him by someone the writer had given it to it's nice to know the writer's taste in clothes is shared by other people addenda: vividness: 4.2 - observer - the category of the dream - clothes 22012021 - 1168 the name of the dream: the wonder ball according to this dream, there is such a thing as a wonderball the object is the size of a volleyball in the hands, it feels like glass it has no weight to speak of its applications are only limited to the mental state of the person or persons using it therein is the wonder if two people are of the same state of mind it responds accordingly the writer is being cajoled by another male into letting him use it fair enough, his eagerness tells the dreamer he is in the right frame of mind for it reveals its wonders we decide to play football in the next scene, we are in a field that stretches from horizon to horizon the dreamer kicks the ball into the air when it reaches a certain height, a hundred or so metres up, it transforms the environment a rusty colour it then produces a birds-eye view of us on the ground depending on which of the two of us is more attuned to life, the ball will move the person to where the ball will fall the ball senses that the dreamer wants the ball to reveal its magic to the person with me the ball causes my companion to glide to where the ball will fall he is mind-struck he is now "in tune" with the ball the ball can reveal any part of the world and transform the surroundings to whatever the user chooses there are several more scenes in one scene, someone other than the first person in the dream tries to "possess" the ball the ball turns into a lifeless ball of glass to him, it will never be anything other than an ornament with the ball, the first male in the dream and self can put the world to rights addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - weird and wonderful (4+) 21012021 - 1167 the name of the dream: the religious festival a gathering of the world's christians is about to take place the event was to last several days and was going out live a huge park and fine weather ensured tens of thousands of people would be attending each representative of the hundreds of variations of christianity would have the opportunity to address the others each had a tent which could accommodate about a hundred people all the tents were the same design round, about three-metres tall with a spiked top with a flag in it to denote the country one them was ten times bigger than the others (possibly the refreshments tent) the end of the festival was to be marked with a speech by each representative of the dozens and dozens of denominations there were of course fees to be paid at a pinch, a couple of thousand-pounds would secure a tent and seats for the duration put it about that the dreamer intended to have a tent it was known to me, a move was afoot to take the dreamer to court and discredit me the basis of the charge was to accuse the dreamer of illegal sexual activities the grounds for the legal action are based in fact in their eagerness to sully peoples perception of me, it was quite easy to drop a hint or mislead them with deliberately designed slips of the tongue it was simply a matter of saying things to people connected to the oligarch's what they wanted to hear the idea was to see who used the misleading information could then pinpoint who was at the top of the oligarch structure someone who supported the dreamer advised the dreamer that it would be bad to do it what he and everyone else didn't know was that the charges to be brought against me, would when seen in a particular light, actually enhance my standing said to the man who supported me, "hasn't it occurred to you, what happened will set a precedent that will enrich future generations?" addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - religion (1) festivals (3+) 20012021 - 1166 the name of the dream: deadly prank a news item, worthy of being news, was being given a lot of "air-time" the hourly and ongoing live coverage, concerned a man in a life and death situation a workmate of a co-worker closed the door on his co-worker while he was inside an industrial deep-freezer the deep-freezer was huge as big as a grain-storage facility whatever it was that was being deep-freezed it would supply the needs of a nation the prank became a matter of life and death the electric supply went down while the co-worker was in the giant deep freezer it was impossible to open the electrically operated door a news crew were on the scene relaying the incident live the shouts of the man inside the freezer were plain to hear he sounded scared a welding crew were on the way not that it was any comfort to the man inside the freezer at forty-degrees below, cold is painful the man who pulled the prank was in deep trouble the freezer was about to be ruined the freezer looked like it cost millions addenda: vividness:: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - life and death situations (8+) deep freezers (1) - out of sequence - substitute dream from 09052020 19012021 - 1165 the name of the dreams: men-only, the singer winner an enjoyable short dream about a hundred-metre sprint it is the olympic games it is an all african final hussein bolt is the favourite a famous singer had qualified for the final can see his face and recognise him but can't put my finger on his name (otis reding or someone like that) we think the singer has been allowed to run to give the race novelty value at forty-metres all the runners are level at about fifty-metres, the singer has edged ahead by a metre he throws up his arms in a gesture of winning he's a sensational runner but not so good he can win with his hands in the air bolt catches up with and begins to pull ahead the singer/sprinter drops his arms he gets level with bolt and begins to pull away from the rest of the runners we don't see him pass the finishing line he obviously wins addenda: vividness: - 4 - observer - the category of the dream - sprinting (2+) celebrities (hussein bolt (1)) men only a mish-mash of themes naked men, thievery, politics it's a sad fact, men assert their will and get their way purely because of being physically superior women are taking a back seat at the moment which is how it's been throughout our history it doesn't occur to men that society could take a giant leap forward were women given the reins women are an extension of the lover's love the way the mammary glands seal the bond between mother and child is pure magic the reason dinosaur-mans evolution was so violent is that they didn't have this bonding the next class of being to evolve will have one or two more physical features which enhance even further the bonding between infant and mother a trend which will continue for all subsequent classes of being try to imagine what physical features could be added to the shape of mammal women which would make them even more appealing stay onboard The Train and you'll find out for yourself in about twenty-five-million years addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - male dominance (1+) 18012021 - 1164 the name of the dream: the runaway being educated at a boarding school wasn't top of the class on the contrary, it was coming through in the attitude of the staff that the dreamer is below the minimum acceptable level of achievement one of the staff said he wanted to have a "serious" talk knew what was coming the teacher was going to tell the dreamer that the school couldn't keep me the school had its reputation to consider they only wanted "star" pupils not sure why it was so important to the dreamer to stay there but to me, it was even more important to stay at the school than it was for them to get the dreamer to leave decided to run away it would be my way of saying the dreamer didn't want to go at the end of the day when we were in the dormitory, the other lads became excited when they saw the dreamer filling a pillowcase with belongings and food it was the sort of thing that the other boys would like to do the scene changes, away from the school and am on the verge of being caught double-back to the school and get into bed it was unlikely they would check the dormitory the following morning would try to carry on as normal morning the hope was, my determination to stay would become clear to them and they would be sympathetic towards me addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - boarding schools (3+) 16012021 - 1163 the name of the dream: unseen adjudicator looking down into the street from several storeys up there wasn't any activity on the ground (fairly sure this scene is from the film that was watched before going to sleep [out of time]) second scene, the dream is now at street-level with people coming and going some sort of skullduggery is being scrutinised we are waiting for the person who will analyse the situation and then pronounce what to do when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3.5 - observer - the category of the dream - drama (10+) 15012021 - 1162 the name of the dream: friendly women and men of officialdom a package for the dreamer was delivered to the naval base by mistake it meant going to the base and collecting it at the base, a surprisingly helpful officer wrote a note for me (it came as a surprise because the last thing that was expected at a nuclear base was a relaxed atmosphere) with the note in hand, set off in the direction the officer told me the first person that helped the dreamer was a woman when she read the note and saw who had signed it, she suggested she accompany me we began heading for the "in-mail office" on the way, the young lady spoke to another woman the other woman, it turns out, was the lady in charge of recreation she too read the note and immediately invited the dreamer to a regular social event it got better, the social event was "girls night" the women decided which male they wanted to be with for the night even better again, it was a "no-frills" girls-night as soon as the woman had chosen the man she wanted, they want off to a private place so now, there was a note and an invitation the girl with the dreamer spoke to someone else she read the note and saw the invitation she told the girl with the dreamer that it wouldn't be possible for the dreamer to go to the girls night she did, however, hand the dreamer a "special invitation" to another social event that event too was promising but not obviously xual never did get the parcel something unexpected is happening with dreams the visuals of dreams are imprinting themselves with such addenda: vividness: into the memory, that when a thought occurs during the day that has the merest connection to the content of the previous night's dream, scenes from the dream jump into the awake-time conscious with greater clarity than they did in the dream upon waking, spent a full minute thinking about what to wear and how to act at the "night with the girl's party" before realising it was awake-time addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream - armed forces (2+) 14012021 - 1161 the name of the dream: end of patience the first scene of the first dream sees the dreamer on board a ship looks like it is a cross-channel ferry am heading for the restaurant while going through one of the compartments come across four or five lads can see they are not european being testosterone-driven, one of them stands in my way he expects the dreamer to go back or walk around him not in the mood to do either my physical state is the same as now pretend to raise my hand to hit him he moves quickly to one side lower my hand and begin smiling he realises it was a feint three or four scenes are showing similar situations it becomes obvious he won't be "starting anything" in one of the scenes, the dreamer points his forefinger at him and places his thumb so there is a small gap between them he gets the message his face is beginning to take the form of a scowl the second dream is also of hostility looking down onto a poorly-lit street below me two groups of lads are confronting each other first, a boy from one group provokes one from the other group then, one of the boys from the other group throws a punch after two or three one-on-one fights one group makes a run for it the last scene, the tail end of the chasing group in pursuit of the retreating group never was it more obvious that dreams are formed from the PDE's ( called in on a neighbour the lady is in her nineties she opened the front door remotely she was standing at the top of the stairs asked how she was she didn't say anything asked if she wanted the dreamer to come up she said yes as the dreamer is climbing the stairs he said, "you don't have to worry about me, i've had it" in an instant, her face dropped and changed to a lighter shade of pale "no, don't come up" she said the dreamer tried to explain about immunity she didn't understand again the dreamer tried to soothe her "i'm scared", she said at first, the dreamer iss frustrated then he becomes angry notes 1 your pretty good at scaring old and vulnerable people, mr and mrs oligarch bags i be the one who turns the key of the prison door addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - violence and the threat of violence (10+) 13012021 - 1160 the name of the dream: end of an era after boarding at the same holiday-house for several years our parents decided it was a time for a change of scenery over the years my parents had become "chummy" with the next-door neighbours of the "holiday home" on a few occasions, the next-door neighbours asked the dreamer to help them out by lending them a couple of photographic accessories the car was packed and we were ready to go as usual, the writer had left everything until the last minute and was keeping his family, who would be "tutting" by now, waiting as the family gadgeteer, it was expected of the dreamer to come up with the relevant item which was needed to fix the occasional mini-"crisis" a final cast of the eye around the room said it was all done and went down the stairs and out the house the next-door neighbours were standing in their doorway to see us off a friendly farewell from the dreamer would be the "cutting of the strings" to a place that would no doubt be referred to in future family gatherings the wife of the next stood neighbours brought my attention to a couple of the items they had borrowed and which the dreamer had completely forgotten about, a tripod was one of them the dreamer is grateful they hadn't forgotten and had them ready after saying his goodbyes' the dreamer gathers the items in his arms and starts to move away "that's mine," the woman said, gesturing to the tripod the dreamer knew it belonged to hisself and tried to be as tactful as possible fond farewell's aren't the time for upsets "no", the dreamer said courteously, " the dreamer can remember when the dreamer bought it" she came back at the dreamer with... "yes, it was yours, we bought it off you" the dreamer asked how much she paid him, "five pounds", she said that got me, obviously, she was telling the truth if the dreamer stood there for a month of sundays, he wouldn't have been able to remember the time when he sold it to her back in those days, a "fiver" wasn't an amount to be sneezed at the dream ended while trying to think of how he could pay her addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - money holidays (5+) photographic equipment (2+) - out of sequence 12012021 - 1159 the name of the dream: frontiers and dream-time dexterity was on, or practising to be at, a space station the environment was dream-clean bright, stainless steel and see-through lockers and cupboards was at a person-sized refrigeration unit with a single door which automatically re-sealed itself and expelled all the air when closed, the door was open there are two columns of shelves in the unit a row of six, seven or eight shelves in the left-hand column of shelves and five, six or seven shelves on the right at the top of the right-hand column of shelves there was another self-sealing compartment that took up the space of two shelves the cupboard within a cupboard had small, flexible steel Table Leg Storage Clips ( affixed to the back of the cupboard which clamped hold of the tablets as they were pushed into it there was a black tray below the fixture with clips that had half a dozen blue pills on it was in the middle of putting the loose pills on the tray into the individual clips the automated single door of the refrigeration unit was programmed to close after a few seconds there was no effort needed to keep the door open when it began to close but it imparted a the little nudge to the arm before the sensory mechanism of the door met resistance and stopped closing the problem was the little nudge to the arm was enough to break a delicate tablet if it was pushed into the clip too hard after a few attempts to time the placing of one of the tablets into its clip before the door came back into contact with the arm failed and frustration entered the dream which aroused the dreamer 's awake-time conscious the dreamer is now straddling dream-time and awake-time while in the dual-state of consciousness he manufactured a built-into-the-door bar-lever that made a hissing/whooshing sound when it was pulled up or pushed down (quite a common bit of kit in sci-fi films) the bar-handle needed two hands to pull it up or push it down to turn on and off all the pneumatically ( operated devices in the room the dreamer woke as he was trying, unsuccessfully, to lift the handle upward with one hand addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - space habitation (2+) - out of sequence 10022021 - 1158 the name of the dream: serfdom and scissors a dream set in the nineteenth century working for a family of the landed gentry discovered a talent for cutting hair the master of the home heard about it and called for me he was satisfied with the finished result it didn't get the dreamer an increase in wages but it did give the dreamer more leeway around the estate one of the girls who worked there stole a horse and headed north unless fate led her to someone savvy enough to cover her tracks she would be apprehended in a very short time if caught, her fate wouldn't be anywhere near as pretty as she was suspect she was being abused by the master of the house in one scene, my ability with scissors sees the dreamer cutting the out the knots in a carpet addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: 08022021 - 1157 the name of the dream: his own boss living and working in a large city was part of a successful crime syndicate the success of the syndicate was due to its emphasis on being generous with its workforce providing none of us tried to get "cute", we could earn an above-average wage it was a good position to have my job was one of the delivery boy a novel and inconspicuous way of delivering goods was to use powered pedal-bikes the bikes had pannier bags draped over the back wheel the panniers weren't large the dreamer is of the opinion they are too small they could carry one or perhaps two pizzas in the opening scene am being praised by the boss he hinted that an even better position was likely to be mine soon the thing with the dreamer is don't like being subservient, nor does the dreamer like telling others what to do the opportunity to strike out came to mind would be delivering hash and not goods a dozen or so people like myself would be able to supply a city with hundreds of thousands of people over a five-mile radius was feeling confident that it would work thinking about the details when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - crime () stolen goods() 07022021 - 1156 the name of the dream: all at sea on a ship the ship is one of a flotilla of warships we are on the boundary of international waters to go any closer would be seen as an attack a plan is devised to draw the enemies attention into looking away from where the attack will come from the biggest threat to the success of the plan are submarines two non-ranking men are going to draw the enemies attention away from where the attack will start the two men aren't told they're going on a suicide mission it leaves the rest of us feeling estranged why weren't they told? it could happen to any one of the non-ranking crew a sense of unease enters the dream as it finishes addenda: vividness: 3 - the observer - the category of the dream - war () at sea () 06072021 - 1155 the name of the dream: the dreamer and me a one-scene-dream of a picture of my face the picture of my face is still my eyes are closed looks like the dreamer is sleeping you wouldn't think the the dreamer in the dream and the the dreamer in awake-time is the same person look about forty * this is the third or fourth dream of my face they all show the dreamer looking younger can pinpoint the thoughts during the day which produced this dream * can make sense of this dream by considering that this, and the other pictures of self, are of a future tense of time my eyes are closed in this dream they are open in one of the others addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - one-scene dream (15+) face (3+) 0402021 - 1154 the name of the dream: a dream about how to turn dreams into illustrated stories at the computer composing the latest dream the dream had been typed and pasted into a programme the programme presented the entire text as a picture story if there was speech in the dream a picture of a person's face saying what had been said in the dream came into the page as a speech balloon ( the person was facing left on the right of the page as the page was composed where there was a reply, the person replying was a little further on down on the left of the page facing right the page incorporated the paisley style ( into its layout, was in shades of brown with the speech balloons in white the faces of the characters were fixed i.e. no variation of facial expressions the most difficult thing to do in this dream was, as usual, altering the text in the balloons the dreamer pastes the text of the dream into the "template" page of the website providing the service as a part of its programme, the dream template can recognise the text and selects the theme of the dream to be illustrated from the submitted text into subject, predicate and object and automatically generates images that fit the text ( it wasn't part of the dream but more accuracy will be attained if there is a facility in the template which enables the uploader to choose the theme by "fine-tuning" the dream with a simple sentence or sentences which contain more details of the dream it could be called "the visual construction" feature example: a girl and boy kissing in the park on a sunny day... to get a face which fitted the person... mid-thirties, sun-tanned, brown hair, brown eyes, round face... girl and boy kissing in the park on a sunny day while the children are playing etc. it could have multiple themes... it could have a mix of still pics and action scenes... it could have 2-D or 3-D... it could have speech... the programme recognises quote marks and builds a still or moving scene from the words inside the quote marks... addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream - think-read (15+) illustrating dreams (1) 03022021 1153 the name of the dream: the little loaf looking at the menu in a restaurant the menu was on a screen it showed the meals in colour it also gave information for each of the different foods of each dish the scene changed, now i'm looking at a screen the screen shows a "mini" loaf of brown bread had ordered freshly-baked brown bread to go with a soup when the meal was served the bread had a "gooey" texture asked for it to be replaced the picture of the bread on the screen when the dream ended observer - addenda: vividness: 2.9 o 3.4 - the category of the dream - food () restaurants () bread () 02012021 - 1152 the name of the dream: how embarrasing the dream begins with a woman and a man standing side by side the woman is quite a bit smaller than the man standing on her right they are about to read a news item, it may have been a weather report they are waiting to be "cued" the announcers must be standing on something which isn't fixed to the floor it moves and throws them both off balance the arms of both the woman and the man reach out instinctively to try to grab onto something the scene changes, now we see the man laughing uncontrollably the woman is beating the air with a mixture of futility and embarrassment although she is smiling a teeth-smile and is enjoying the moment she is wishing the moment would pass the last scene of the dream is a zoom-in the zoom-in stops at the point which shows the hip to upper-thigh of the woman she is wearing dark-blue slacks in her crotch area, a neatly formed indentation, the size and depth of a man's forefinger goes into the woman's body notes 1 the writer is becoming convinced that some dreams, this one in particular, are "stock-in-hand" dreams memories, from any time-tense, are "on tap" to the dream-time conscious, and are used to inject a different, enhanced feel, to indifferent dreams addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - observer - the category of the dream - emotions () embarrasment () 29122020 -1150 the name of the dream: t.v. debut on the set of a t.v. studio was scheduled to have my debut t.v. appearance on a morning show had bought a new suit for the occasion a light-grey, two-piece suit (a picture of the suit wrapped in a clingy, cellophane is the stand-out visual) at this point, the villain of the piece enters the dream the producer of the programme is an extrovert and camp he's used to getting is own way in a deliberate act to stamp his control on the show and take the shine out of the interview, the producer decrees the dreamer should be dressed casually so now, it's not the dreamer as he sees himself that's being interviewed but the producer's perception of who the dreamer is felt grieved for a moment realised how easy it would be to assert my will and have the producer's orders countermanded besides, the clothes chosen for the dreamer did have a certain appeal addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - t.v. studios () 27122020 - 1149 the name of the dream: queen of mom's it is the queen mother's birthday the mainstream media is making a meal of it it dominated the lead item on all the media outlets every milestone in her life is detailed there were people who, like me, felt the presentation missed the point one man went viral when he gave his take on another mother, his own the simple touches a mother has when her child needs comforting mother's patience as she encourages her children to live and learn day-by-day like true acts of heroism that people never hear about mothering takes love and sacrifice mother's as a whole are to be seen as the gatekeeper's of a stable society addenda: vividness: 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - mothers (5+) 24122020 - 1148 the name of the dream: dream-time/awake-time liason for the last ten days have launched a full-frontal attack on getting organised it's been a bugbear for more than twenty-years not enough room to arrange everything and produce a finished effect two days ago, having received dozens of newly-ordered items coupled with two trolley-fulls of christmas fayre, the living-room, hallway and bedroom looked like chaos unleashed it was depressing after throwing myself into the task for three or four hours yesterday a glimmer of hope appeared could see things taking shape still, there is more to do than has been done to date last nights dream was a two-scene dream * first it showed the bedroom light was glistening off the walls and ceiling (stand-out visual) at first, it looked empty lingering on the scene, revealed a room full of items, yet somehow, the room looked empty the cubby-hole got a face-lift too it was empty and looked big enough to hold twice as much as before someone was standing in it he was dressed with a smidgin of flamboyance he had a jubilant pose he lifted his glass and toasted to something * an intriquing dream a dream which encouraged a determination to get something done in awake-time is new this dream opens up the possibility that tucked away, just out of reach, is the answer to all our problems trillions upon trillions of lifetimes of memories going back to the moment of inception to draw upon * fairly sure this dream rests on that moment in the day before when it did look as though the rooms could be made to look appealing the feeling of accomplishment and satisfaction in the dream told the dreamer that the result would be worth it addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 4 - observer - the category of the dream - precognitive () home-improvement () 23122020 - 1147 the name of the dream: where did he go? for years, the same face and profile were visible through his living-room window with the exception of an afternoon kip, from eight in the morning until ten at night, the torso and head of the person mentioned was visible two or three scenes passed each scene showed an empty space where the man used to be in the final scene, at the bottom of picture, the man's face became clear he waved to the dreamer when he noticed me it turned out he had moved his furniture around he was now sitting a metre to the right and was closer to the floor addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () dermot (2+) 22122020 - 1146 the name of the dream: uncheery-lessons a five-scene dream looking down at squares that are moving away from me they look to be a metre along any edge the squares and whatever the squares are laid upon are slightly different shades of brown as the third scene is being shown it becomes monotonous it looks like a roll of film slowly unwinding at the fourth scene, and just before the decision to stop looking at any more of the scenes occurred, a square with writing appeared a voice instructed us to write down the words as they were spoken to me, the first two syllables sounded like, "kir-ray" addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - educational (2+) dictation (1+) 13122020 - 1145 the name of the dream: who's the daddy then? this dream, is, as far as can be glistened, a spot quiz on toilet etiquette a vivid dream a prolonged one-scene dream the dream, in a spotlessly clean classroom, adorned with shiny-brown, classic style furniture an unseen adult male is calling out questions children's voices are responding: end of the dream you're much too sophisticated an audience to show even the meagrest interest in matters of the toilette however, for no reason that can be proffered, a completely uninvited, unwelcome topic has the nerve to show up in dreams diary we've got to deal with it try to imagine... since the beginning of time all you've ever known is a totally indifferent reality a reality which can't experience despair or joyfulness you are firm in the belief that you will, for eternity, be alone the bone-chilling thought of being doomed to eternal isolation is your accepted outlook over time, something happens which reverses all previous notions about reality realities of what can and can't be it turns out that there is, for one-hundred-per cent of the time, a reality which is rich in emotion which can be shared, which has to be shared what's more, time is no longer a constraint the opposite all actions performed in previous undulations are neatly imprinted into our souls we will rapidly arrive at the point where we "left off" the last undulation then, the refreshing experience of an endless stream of new experiences experiences which are becoming deeper and richer every new undulation the more we do it, the more we want to do it we're laughing all the way my guess? this dream is the lover making his presence known our god has got a sense of humour addenda: vividness: 4.3 - observer - the category of the dream - timed-to-occur (3+) humour () 12122020 - 1144 the name of the dream: a helping hand here's one for the books in awake-time, am currently doing an inventory of all my worldly goods it meant buying a hundred sturdy, see-through plastic containers to take the place of a similar amount of cardboard boxes the advantage now is it is possible to see what's in the boxes a written inventory will come in handy but it's no longer necessary to go into detail about the contents a rough memo-type list will suffice... box 18, letters to and letters from, box 27, music dance and music listen... still, though, there is a difference between how one person uses one word to express or explain something, which introduces ambiguity it is on this point the dream began there are two of us the room we are in is obviously a stockroom boxes from floor to ceiling the flaps of a dozen or more of the cardboard boxes were up that meant i'm working on that box at the moment yes, yer typical small-firm stockroom only it isn't it's my bedroom for years i've been meaning to create a super-efficient index system which, in turn, means doing an inventory the problem always returned... too many small items but now, with the aid of an efficiency expert... that spare, big black button in a soft plastic pouch goes with one of the jackets matching the button to right jacket would only take moments...any one of five different types of tapes at a glance... spare cutlery and crockery, again, at a glance a man, friendly, calm and an expert in efficiency was holding up a glass jar the jar had a piece of brown paper in it it was an envelope it was torn that it was in its own jar told the dreamer it was something extraordinary "what do you want to call this?", the expert asks "check contents", is the dreamer 's reply * the thing about this dream is the way the need for help in awake-time came through as help in dream-time the dream of 05122020 produced a change in the definition of the pde's a case of a dream-time situation coming through into awake-time whereas, in this dream, an awake-time situation came through, with a resolution, in dream-time it allows the dreamer to remind you that one of the most outrages claims made by this website; the dream-time conscious has in fact got the potential to be the dominant form of consciousness in the far-off future, you'll be living in what we call today a dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - cross-consciousness (2+) awake-time to dream-time (1) dream-time to awake-time (1) 11122020 -1143 the name of the dream: a passion for words an educated man was appraising the work of a writer the man was wearing a blue serge suit, white shirt and a matching blue tie his admiration for the subject of his presentation knew no bounds as he quoted and explained, as he highlighted nuances no one had fully discovered... it couldn't help but be noticed that as he was explaining this or that passage, he was discovering a new variation of an accepted interpretation he is a man at the pulpit delivering a message that says, "all things can be equal when words are used" addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - literature () 10122020 - 1142 the name of the dreams: where did she get it?, the joint-maker first scene, in bed with a girl looks like she's from the middle-east we are in bed her father is close by he looks at me he has a grave look on his face think he may be about to fight with me he wants us to be together but the dreamer may have broken a tradition it turns out the girl may have a venereal disease the dreamer is waiting for the symptoms to start showing when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () the joint-maker still in the middle east sitting at the far end of the cafe away from the street there are four of us "i'm putting one together", the dreamer says there's an excess of paper at the end of the joint tear it off and say, "that will save us one-millionth of a penny" another man asked someone what the dreamer had just said addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - middle-east () hash () 09082020 - 1141 the name of the dream: indexing an internet-friend gave himself the task of indexing everybody it could mean having to use every character on a keyboard he began the task with a blank computer screen the characters are typed on the screen, 0a0 0b0 0c0... the characters on the screen are a brown/reddish colour in square boxes the characters began on the top-left of the screen and go down the screen in another scene, the boxes are across the bottom of the screen there looked to be twenty-five or thirty going down the screen and a dozen or so along the bottom not sure if it was a rectangular or square screen it is going to be a mammoth undertaking feel as though he could use a hand and offer to help by starting at the other end of the spectrum can tell that he doesn't want to be interrupted begin typing within two or three inputs of individual characters, the mental effort became too great, and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - think-typing () computer () steve 2 (1) 08122020 - 1140 the name of the dream: family treasures a man discovers the cup he has been using to drink his tea turns out to be a collector's item its value meant the owner could retire at the auction, the man became greedy and kept rejecting bids even though the bids exceeded the valuer's estimate the thought of "being done" was clouding his judgement the cup still wasn't sold when the dream ended second dream a woman had a wooden machine that weaved cloth in the same vein as the previous dream, it was a valuable collector's item the only thing was there was a bit that was missing the missing part, a handle which fitted into the cogs, made the contraption worthless the last scene of this dream portrays the woman trying to convince people the part she made will make the machine worth something * think this dream was due to assessing the value of some of my goods during the day getting sasabab ready for spring addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 observer - the category of the dream - heirlooms () auctions () 07122020 - 1139 the name of the dream: the dash a birds-eye view of a straight-line sprint that took eleven seconds eight or so cars representing all the current formula one manufacturers are in it there was no more than a cars length between the first and last car addenda: vividness:: 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - racing cars (2+) 0612200 - 1138 the name of the dream: too hungry to wait in my late teens was part of an athletics team we are on a strict diet we are given a food-pack at the beginning of the day the instructions of what to eat and when to it eat it came with the pack couldn't contain my hunger and began eating the food hours before the allocated time the coach found and was uncompromising he threatened to expel the dreamer from the team if it happened again again, the dreamer ate before meal-times, and the dreamer gets caught gain the coach wasn't as furious this time he knew there was nothing he could do about it we both know he needs the dreamer to complete the team addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - sports and diet (1) 0512200 - 1137 the name of the dream: we're not buying it the differences between the mainstream media's presentation of the covid situation and independent sources have become glaringly obvious it is both hilariously funny and deadly serious the funny side of things is experienced by those of us who know just how undeadly the virus is, and those who express their "take" of the situation in a manner that is almost hysterical "we are facing an "end of the world" scenario" it is a classic case of someone believing their own hype it's like someone rushing into a crowded building and shouting, "fire", when the fire is paper that has caught alight in a waist-high, metal cigarette ashtray and clearly, it is contained the sort of reaction a child would demonstrate the woman expressing herself in the dream is red-faced her "blood is up" in both a figurative and literal sense i'm wondering what her reaction will be when people she trusts and believes in explain the situation to her when the dream ends * the writer will make this dream into a comment Pde's see today's dream addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer - the category of the dream - topical () covid (3+) 0412200 - 1136 the name of the dream: the squire's security guards living the life of the squire of the manor didn't see the building as a whole but could tell from the surrounding terrain it stood in its own grounds the main scene of the dream was the "sentry" room for a cat and s dog the room was fan-shaped the room was about eight metres at its widest and tapered down to three or four metres the door that led to the outside has four flaps in it an out-only flap and an in-only flap for both the dog and the cat anybody who tried to get in through the larger dog flap would have to go through head or feet first either way, the teeth of the mastiff would be his first experience of the inside of the manor the woods at their nearest are about forty metres away another scene is a night scene the woods look ominously threatening addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.6 - observer - the category of the dream - middle ages scenarios (1+) animals () mammals () cats and dogs (1+) 0312200 - 1135 the name of the dreams: girlfriend extraordinaire, x dream (endoscopic) my partner in a newly-made relationship is beside herself with impatient as we conjoin the dreamer gets an inside-the-womb view of what's happening it was a brief five-movement scene no sooner had we finished when, over my left shoulder, two white horses begin mating the dreamer says to his new partner, "we can do it again whenever you want" addenda: vividness: 4.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - x dream () animal x (1) mammal (1) horses (1) girlfriend extraordinaire we both worked in the same office the office is spacious and bright (most vivid part of the dream) we are both insurance clerks it looks like there are about twenty of us in the dream our job is to find creative ways of managing our clients' portfolios my girlfriend likes the dreamer for my sense of humour the dreamer likes her for her gentle femininity the relationship loses some of its lustre other people in the office notice it there are even thoughts the relationship might be over one of the girls from the office is walking alongside the dreamer in the next scene she is leading the dreamer along a dusty path on a sunny day while walking, she is telling the dreamer it would be a tragedy if we didn't stay together six-metres ahead, a girl is doing on-the-spot cartwheels the girl is not only doing them fast, (she looks like a human catherine wheel) but she is doing the cartwheels at an angle my amazement is compounded when she stops it is my girlfriend the girl who was talking to the dreamer said, "there may be other things you don't know about her" in the final scene, my girlfriend is reassuring me she's more than the dreamer deserves looking forward to rediscovering her addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream{ relationships (12+) flexibility of the body (2+) 0212200 - 1134 the name of the dream: the lodger "scores" lodging in a two-up-two-down house it is nine-o'clock'ish have just watched a film in the downstairs front room there is someone asleep in a lounge-chair the landlord has a box in his hands and movs towards the t.v. inquiring what it is, he says, "it's a video game, i play it every night" not being tired, the dreamer asks if two can two play it he get's the hint "i always play it on my own", he says an impatient voice from upstairs says, "is that t.v. going to be on all night?" between the landlord's video game and the upstairs lodger my fate for the evening is sealed an unsatisfactory end to the day as the dreamer leaves the room and heads for the upstairs the thought of the person in the chair and the commanding voice upstairs causes the dreamer to quip, "sometimes the dreamer thinks you like being mucked about" the landlord probably agrees with the dreamer and expels a short laugh get to the top of the stairs and notice the door of another room is open not able to get to my room without passing the door and seeing in, the details of the room come into focus a scantily-dressed, full-bodied woman is lying in a double bed wearing a bra under a see-through nightgown there are chocolates and a book on the bed (stand-out visual) she has obviously been waiting for the dreamer to come upstairs and had become impatient to think, the dreamer nearly spent the night playing a stupid video game there was a dream about the london underground before the above dream the recollection of the dream is too vague to make it into an entry addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - lodger (2+) scantily-dressd women (2+) 01122020 - 1133 the name of the dreams: restrictions a think-read dream notifying the general public about two companies reducing their ferry services to the continent one was called, "", the other was "iceland" second dream, a long-standing girl-friend was more than a little surprised to find out a family nearby had given the dreamer the key to their door could come and go anytime day or night it didn't occur to the dreamer to mention it to her the freedom to come and go was stopped because a girl in the family had made a new boyfriend he was quietly outraged by the arrangement and didn't hold back his feelings about it he couldn't grasp there could be that level of genuine trust between people sensed he was going to be covetous of his relationship with the girl the girl was about to experience restrictions in her outlook of life * two dreams that contained restrictions of one sort or another this dream was due to watching mews items about the covid vaccine about to be thrust down the throat of british people addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant - the category of the dream - think-read () travel () - neighburs () 30112020 - 1132 the name of the dream: a pain in the neck online reading about a male who was having difficulty overcoming an injury similar to mine decided to create a web page explaining what worked and didn't work for me sent him the url and suggested we swap notes and experiences mentioned that my experiences were similar to his to begin with, nothing seemed to be working for the dreamer either what had been discovered was to leave the most affected part of the body alone instead, concentrate on moving those parts of the body that were least troublesome first also suggested he take a three-pronged approach massage, movement, and diet addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - mutually-beneficial interchanges () 29112020 - 1131 the name of the dreams: two-themes too interwoven to separate, wasteland without a reliable contact, my search for some "good grass" took the dreamer to a patch of land used by homeless people it had about twenty "regulars" there was a small derelict building which keeps the rain off when sleeping in the winter though, it was completely open to the cold still in the wasteland, managed to "score" some half-decent grass and got stuck into it while basking in the warmth of the "stone", was moved to do something about getting a basic meal together for the "residents" it wasn't that difficult to rustle up a bucket-sized container it would feed twenty or more people the first meal was to be a meat and veg soup with bread the meal was a roaring success the word, or, perhaps it was the smell, spread, and people begin migrating to where we are one or two "i am's" tried, and failed, to assert their authority the general mood of most people was live and let live with a little organising, a clean, new bucket, and more ingredients, a meat and veg meal would become the mainstay of the daily diet ten quid by today's values would easily feed twenty or more people the next thing was music it was as good as up and running in my mind a hundred-and-fifty watts would be ample to generate a "camp fire" atmosphere it still looked like a wasteland but, with a bit of camaraderie, it had the makings of becoming something more addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - basic living (2+) both dreams had think-read scenes in them both dreams maintained a brown-beige colour throughout beatles related in a telephone call, steve guessed (his nickname on paltalk) sent the dreamer the link to the url which referred to the latest revelations about the beatles it contained a lengthy think-read scene it was easy to read john lennon mentioned two songs, sung by paul mccartney, as brilliant (the names of them are just out of reach of my memory) he also gave paul more credit to his talents than he did this undulation you may remember he lambasted him just after they broke up covid related an excited voice said, "too close to call in the wisconsin recount" * addenda: vividness: 3.2 t0 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dreams, () the beatles () topical (5+) covid (4+) 28112020 - 1130 the name of the dreams: spy v's spy, too late wife or girlfriend and self have to attend a meeting twenty-plus-miles away the train is running late it means we will get to the meeting twenty-minutes late there is a scene on the train when we are checking the time it is too dark to see the face of my watch use a lighter to throw more light onto the dial of the watch the flame isn't big enough to produce enough light to see the face of the watch ask people the time no one knows tell the wife or girlfriend to attend the meeting without me the dreamer will catch the next train back and do something that needs doing urgently back at the house * think this dream reflects the sense of urgency surrounding our current circumstances addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - senses of urgency (2+) train journeys (3+) wife/girlfriend (20+) spy v's spy it is a bipolar world ''m an agent a deadly scenario is being played out in a ruined cathedral the person trying to kill or subdue the dreamer is somewhere above me he or she has the advantage the dreamer has to take the high ground and gain the advantage it means having to cross open ground waiting for a sound or movement that will pinpoint the location of my adversary the dream freezes the moment and ends * dream due to thinking about the Oligrach's during the day's.html addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - secret services (3+) 27112020 - 1129 the name of the dream: my new friendly friend a recently-made new friend called on me he was as friendly as they come he didn't have a worry in the world it seemed the only thing that mattered to him was his girlfriend the best thing he could do for her was to take her with him whenever he had to go somewhere to that end, he bought a six-fifty motorbike and sidecar the bike was parked outside his warming character is too appealing for the dreamer to say no when he invites the dreamer to go with him it turns out he has also persuaded another male friend to come along it means i'll be in the sidecar off we go the heavy chugging of the engine is somehow comforting in another scene, he asks the dreamer if he wants to have a go at driving the dreamer is all for it the scene changes again with the dreamer driving, we are going along a wide two-lane road the road goes down and slightly to the left then it curves sharply to the right and begins to incline to the right the image as described stretches over a four-hundred-metres or so the other side of the road is empty the sense of space invites an increase in the speed there are two or three vehicles ahead of us on the other side of the road overtaking the first vehicle when it becomes apparent, the dreamer has to get in between the vehicle ahead of the one he's overtaking or else we'll be going into the curve at the bottom of the decline blind by the narrowest of margins, which brings loud gasps of relief from the other two, manage somehow to squeeze into the gap between the vehicles the next scene is the dreamer as an onlooker looking and listening to someone dressing down my new friendly friend to get the motorbike he had borrowed the money from loan sharks one of the sharks was grilling him my new friend had missed the very first repayment as mentioned, my new friend didn't have a care in the world he was completely unconcerned at the threats being made one of the sharks said in exasperation, "you want to go to war with infinity" * two buddy-buddy dreams in a row hmmm the new friend in this dream is an awake-time friend from my late teens he did acquire a bike and sidecar, we did go for a ride in it, he did have a girlfriend he was always referring to why he should find his way into a dream umpteen decades later is beyond me addenda: vividness:: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () motor-bikes (2+) 26112020 - 1128 the name of the dream: down-to earth millionaire made frinds with a young fella we had a natural affinity didn't know he was fabulously rich to begin with it wssn't until he invited the dreamer home that it was realised just how rich his family is an edwardian mansion, twenty rooms across and four or five storeys tall it was in a built-up area a high, wrought iron fence with spikes on top ran along the entire street even in amongst other grandiose buildings it stood out inside the house, we played a game one of us would name a band the other had to sing a bit of it the one that sticks out in the dream is "fat larry's band - zoom" addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () music () 25112020 - 1127 the name of the dreams: alligator, job hunting for reasons completely unknown, the family had an alligator as a pet it wasn't a monster-sized one but easily big enough to overwhelm anyone below a certain size it was fed when the family had there meals it was used to being fed when the smell of food was present on this occasion it didn't get its meal quick enough it attacked mom managed to turn it on its back, grab hold of its front legs, splay them apart and kneel on its chest area mom was seriously but not critically recriminations were abounding as the dream ended addenda: vividness: - 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - mom () animals () reptiles () alligator ) job hunting while job hunting met a reporter or she may have been a t,v, or radio presenter she was unhappy her report of an event had been re-shaped it no longer carred the theme or description of the story she was so disgruntled, she was going to cahnge her job spent some time with her suggesting what she could do addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - incidental occasions () 24112020 - 1126 the name of the dream: the office job the first day in a new job working in an office the office wasn't anybody's idea of what an office looks like the room was square or rectangular it had adjoining bench-seat against two walls each bench-seat could seat three or four people a computer at each workspace there are two girls on both bench-seats make my way to the nearest free space in the next scene, there is just three of us the seating space between each worker was tight so tight that the shoulders of the two girls and mine were touching the girl on the left is wearing a black shoulderless dress with straps the girl on the right is wearing a loose white jacket stretching out my arms place my hands on the furthest shoulder of the girls there is a moments pause before the dreamer says, "two attractive girls sitting next to the dreamer - the dreamer likes this job" start speaking to the girl on my left out of the corner of his eye, the dreamer see the right hand of the girl on the right moving to his crotch when her hand is full of the dreamer she begins gently massaging me woke from the dream notes 1 the more than usual number of x dreams of late leads the dreamer to think about the x drive built into us it is, of course, the god-instilled qualitative feeling of what would otherwise be an indifferent experience you've got to amazed beyond belief to realise that the time between the reproductive ("expansive" is the correct word) act in heaven is far exceeded by the recoprocating motions of individuals, pairs and groups while traversing the straight-line all of us will come to acknowledge the overwhelming advantages accompanying the sacrificially-creative act of the big bang our Local Space environment will always be the same it will always be the same galaxy it will always be the third planet from the sun it will always have a moon the earth will always have the amount of water one of the things that will be different is the amount of time we spend enacting straight-line-action it is, and always will be, increasing so much so, that the amount of time we spend traversing the straight-line this undulation (estimated at one raised to the eighty-third-thousandth power (1^83) will become one to the eighty-third-thousandth-millionth-billionth-trillionth (1^83 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000000) years further on into endlessness let's hear for the lover see also noteworthy notes addenda: vividness: 3 .3 participant and observer - the category of the dream - work () offices (2+) 23112020 - 1125 the name of the dreams: car boot sale - youv'e made your point x dream vivid and prolonged addenda: vividness: 4.3 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () car boot sale at the computer something was making it run slow a check of the folders revealed the problem the car inventory was using up masses of bytes it took a while to open the folder (at least can now access folders in dreams) there were only ten or so folders to delete (stand-out visual) deleting folders was also easy a long-forgotten item came to light a pair of speakers could sell them off and bring in some much-needed cash addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - insignificant dreams () cars () computers () 22112020 - 1124 the name of the dreams: getting going this dream tells us that in previous undulations we "get going" during the festive season a flurry of five dreams in this R.E.M. had to do somethig else on the computer before entering dreams and still trying to remember them each dream carries the same theme-content; the festive season first dream organise two groups of girls and women one group each side on the street within earshot following a rousing arrangement of a carol, the two groups sang in unison (it wasn't in the dream but if it becomes a reality will have the groups singing at different pitches) we don't ask for money instead, we ask for christmas fayre food, sweets, drinks, crackers, party hats, party blowers etc. they will be distributed to retirement homes, hospitals etc. second dream for a gag, we stage a fake abduction we wait until the fake news has got a bit of momentum the dreamer is stripped to his underpants and socks and, my hands are bound get out of a car in a busy area in twn and stand motionless have a message on a bit of cardboard strapped around my neck let people make a fuss of the dreamer before letting them in on the gag third dream three people, a woman and two men present themselves they are dressed impeccably one finds a lump the size of half a pea on my upper-back he exclaims, "it's nothing" the other man then shines a light in my eyes and then in my mouth he says, "you have...?" the dreamer knows what he's referring to it's a cough that sounds serious it was brought on by a poor grade of tobacco the dreamer tells him it will go in a day or two he's not interested in excuses he says something like, "it will only compound. you have to stop smoking" the dreamer says, "alright. reduce the number of cars by half and i'll stop smoking" addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: christmas (4+) getting going (2+) 21112020 - 1123 the name of the dreams: selling time while doing time, a family of knives was back in my home from home yes, the one and only, the ever-popular, prison nothing in the dream, to suggest what the crime was the prison is an open prison which suited my prison hat as a wheeler-dealer the latest tools of my trade are watches including the watch he is wearing the dreamer has three to trade the dreamer 's favourite watch is a Seiko the most expensive is a woman's watch the least expensive is a working watch not a brand name like the other two but solid and reliable the most expensive watch was on loan to a big guy he probably hoped it would become his eventually unfortunately for him, a member of the prison staff took an interest in it again, the dreamer is guessing but, his is he wants for a female that meant the price, in goods or money, had just gone up it was common knowledge that the best returns on goods are to occur with deals with staff members would keep the big guy happy with "a half an ounce". or an ounce if the buyer wanted it badly enough the dream ended as the dreamer is talking to the prison officer with the big guy in the background addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - wheeler/dealer () prison () open () a family of knives walking along with my new girlfriend we're both in the first half of our teens it's late afternoon a road to the left of us there is an embankment to the right notice a silver object on the muddy grass it's a utility knife with three tools the blade tool is slightly bent give it my girlfriend she has a go at throwing it she impresses the dreamer when the blade sinks all the way into the ground a bit further on we find another multi-tool knife it is the same design as the first one only this one has five tools have a go at throwing it into the ground. the blade sinks into the ground as hers did give the new one to her and have hers. a bit further on we find another knife the same colour and design as the first one the third find is a seven-tool knife it looks brand new (stand-out visual) the dreamer throws the latest find into the ground and the blade penetrates into the ground the dreamer 's girlfriend throws her knife into the ground again, and again the blade goes into the ground then the dreamer throws the first find into the ground and say, "they've had a baby" my girlfriend had a more enlightened upbringing than me she wants us to give her knife back to the owner the dream continues and we enter a housing estate we start knocking on doors a man opens the front door of his house we explain the situation they belong to his son addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6/7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - finding things on the ground (6+) relationships () 20112020 - 1122 the name of the dream: a simple lie is more effective than an elaborate one was in a foreign country it is a country controlled by force sitting upstairs on a double-decker bus the bus gets stopped by men in military uniforms they are armed it is a spot check they are arresting people who don't have a ticket the dreamer doesn't have a ticket the dreamer take half-a-dozen postage stamps out of his wallet they are worth more than the ticket the dreamer places them in his mouth when he sees those people in front of him getting off the bus without being told to the dreamer stands up, puts his hands in the air and begins walking to the stairs as the dreamer goes to get off the bus the dreamer looks to the back of the bus a friendly face is smiling at him in the next scene we off the bus and the dreamer is next in line to be questioned the dreamer still has the stamps between his lips the dreamer 's story is going to be that he dreamer thought the stamps were bus tickets the person in the shop must have thought the dreamer wanted to send something through the mail actually, the dreamer wants to send his-self somewhere the man didn't speak the dreamer 's language and the dreamer didn't speak his language the dreamer calculates that if he became awkward and generally annoyed the soldiers he would be arrested and taken into custody they would think the dreamer was someone who needed taking down a peg or two and take the dreamer to the detention building what they wouldn't think is that the dreamer is an undercover agent doing a recce of the inside of the detention centre and wanted to be arrested one of our operatives has to be "sprung" addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - secret services (2+) 19112020 - 1121 the name of the dream: street volleyball and up in the atmosphere early evening two of us set off to go somewhere our first encounter is with a couple with a dog the dog isn't doing what the owner's want it to do a quick instruction from the dreamer and the dog comes to where we are the couple thank us a game of volleyball is being played in the street the ball is heading out of play it is coming towards us the dreamer hit it back into play the side it goes to counts it as still in one of the opposing players gets uppity he becomes antagonistic one of the players knows me he tells the person who is having a "go" at the dreamer i'm alright we begin a bit of a confab while we're talking a ufo with four lights appears it is moving quickly the dreamer points it out to the young man he's talking to he only glimpses it for a second not long enough to get a good look but long enough to be convinced "seen one earlier on as well", the dreamer tells him there was a scene between these two scenes which had ufo's in it still trying to recall sufficient details to enter it addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () u.f.o.'s (4+) games and sport () volleyball (1) dogs (5+) 18112020 - 1120 the name of the dream: my mate norman at the home of norman's mother the occasion was the retirement of his mother's brother it was a small gathering four or five people it was something of a privilege for the dreamer to be there they were a tightly-knit rural family their history went way back into medieval times her isolated cottage was hundreds of years old the cottage made national news some decades before a newspaper came to cover their claim that they had a ghost for a family with a colourful, historic past they had a small family it struck the dreamer as odd being me, large families was a healthy sign thought it would liven the conversation by saying, "when is norman going to get married and start a family" norman thought the dreamer said it in an inoffensive way it went down like a lead balloon managed to recover from it by congratulating norman on his long-term relationship with a girl called julie but the dream ended on a despondent note addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () norman (2) 17112020 - 1119 the name of the dreams: doublespeaker, barbell and stepladders, the damsel and the dog, big and too serious at my place there are three of us the two men in the room with the dreamer are tall and solid know one of them well enough to be able to pull his leg during conversing do a pretend sneeze the man the dreamer doesn't know shoots the dreamer a serious look the dreamer begins smiling "people are altogether too serious about covid", the dreamer says the dreamer goes on and give his version of events thinking about the way the big guy looked at the dreamer starts the dreamer laughing my laughing wakes the dreamer up addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () the damsel and the dog in the park was sitting or lying on one side a girl comes into the dream she has long black hair her hair is loose on her head she is wearing black trousers and what looks like a waistcoat over a light-coloured blouse she has a dog on a leash as they pass the dreamer reaches out and stroke the dog she stops now the dog is getting more sugar from me we begin talking in the next scene, she is sitting close to the dreamer on the grass a vivid image of the dog prompts the dreamer to ask her, "is he a cocker spaniel" she is impressed that the dreamer knows the breed and says, "yes" we are even closer together in the next scene our heads couldn't be any close without touching the dreamer puts a little weight on her head with his head the dreamer says, "now we are touching" she doesn't say anything the dreamer holds her hand she is relaxed i'm doing all the talking tell her the story of "typhoid mary" how she was isolated for life with only a dog for company notes 1 covid is in yet another dream it's amazing how the mainstream media can manipulate our thought processes addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - women and dogs in the park (2+) barbell and stepladders this dream is set in the flat in exeter and is a future time-tense had recently bought an olympic bar getting used to using it an unidentified innovative person was beavering away for a couple of scenes making it into a bar which could be dropped without it making a noise he achieved it by putting a weight inside a tyre and putting a weight either side of it it could now be dropped from any height without doing any damage to the bar or wooden floor was deeply impressed and grateful found myself playing around with the bouncing effect the dream stayed in the room there was a problem finding somewhere to stash a two-metre step ladder it was a sturdy ladder painted with a coat of white gloss paint its height was just right to stand it upright but the width was too wide to stand it in the only place in the room with that much unused space the only other place for it was under the home-made, two-seater, wooden-frame settee under the settee, it looked too obtrusive and took the feel out of the room being a living room the room looked like a workshop a solution presented itself when the dreamer woke up addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - locations () exteter (10+) doublespeaker it is a covid-infested world have a moderately successful blog am not aware of the conspiracy surrounding the disease someone from the controlling-clique invites the dreamer to write a regular comment they will give the dreamer the theme of the articles it is for the dreamer to present the themes in my style the inducements are appealing within a few posts become aware of the underlying motives my first reaction is to break away from them and write an article exposing them decide to beat them at their own game introduce subtle undertones in the articles some people will pick up on what's being written addenda: vividness: - 3 participant - the category of the dream - topical () covid (3+) 16112020 - 1118 the name of the dream: bargain buy in a busy city centre mild to good weather passing a chemist, a promotion stand had the latest cheapo camera it was the colour of the camera which caught my eye it was coloured light blue and white (first stand-out visual) the length of the camera was the height of a twenty-pack of cigarettes while the height was twice the thickness of the packet the features of the camera were mind-boggling infinite, digital enlargement thousands of pics of memory an unhingeable bottom with a mini-usb built-in variable-rate pics per second coulour or black and white pics l.e.d. eye-viewer the icing on the cake was the price it was so low, three or four-pounds by today's prices, it caused the dreamer to think it was disposible in the shop the salesperson was running the dreamer through the features of the camera it was every bit as good as advertised the dreamer snapped it up left the shop the weather seemed to have improved was trying the camera out a girl the dreamer knew said hello she was waiting for her boyfriend something she said, it may have been a deliberate caculation, made the dreamer think she and her boyfriend didn't have enough money to do what they wanted to do in my mind, the camera was worth a hundred-pounds was a hundred-pounds better off giving her a fiver was neither here nor there killed two birds with one stone by asking her to go and buy the dreamer a pastie and tea was eating and drinking when her boyfriend and his friend turned up he was a really nice guy was still on a high with the camera-man decided to be generous again asked her boyfriend if he had anything on him worth a fiver he produced the return section of a train ticket (the second stand-out visual) only had tenner's on me was humming and aahing a tenner was too generous was going to ask the girl to give the dreamer the fiver back and give her boyfriend the tenner but then her boyfriend would be holding her money woke up to hear myself saying, "okay, give the me the ticket" * the zoom-in aspect of the camera was due to watching the film "syriana" before going to sleep addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - camera's (2+) family, friends and acquainances () 15112020 -1117 the name of the dream: deliberate misinformation election fever was rampant everyone was talking about it the phone rang the opening sentence of the person on the phone was, "are you voting for trump or biden" after three or four carefully crafted sentences that were designed to lead seamlessly into the true purpose of the call, the voice said, "wouldn't it be a good idea to take out insurance to be sure?" was thinking about what to say to show my contempt when i woke up addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - solicitous phone calls () insurance () * this dream comes from the pde's a recently-bought product was completely unsatisfactory the advertisement for the product blantantly misrepresented two of its features it used sophisticated photographic trickery for one the other plainly said it done something which it didn't if the writer wasn't engaged in more important matters he could make a living by taking businesses to court 14112020 -1116 the name of the dream: the dream bed, moving day it was moving day wasn't going far the place the dreamer is living in is too small an extremely obliging woman neighbour offered to help didn't need a large van a twenty-cwt would do it a twenty-cwt van didn't need a special licence the new place became available a day earlier took some personal things with the dreamer for the night the woman neighbour thought the dreamer had moved everything she told someone to ask the dreamer if the dreamer wanted any help was trying to contact her to say he did when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - females () neighbours () the dream bed at the time, what the dreamer thought was one of the best things he'd ever bought turned out to be a burden it had a hand-held, electrically operated device which enabled three different segments of the bed to be adjusted independantly or all together it soon became apparent that the sitting up position was the most uncomfortable of the five possible positions no matter what the dreamer tried, the result was always the same the base of my spine took the weight of my upper-body within ten or fifteen minutes it became too uncomfortable decided to sell it at least the dreamer could recoup a couple of hundred quid tried to sell it to neighbours, no go advertised it in the paper, no go tried to give it away, no go arranged for it to be collected by a charity when they arrived to collect it, the chief guy said it wasn't the sort of design that could sell the only way to get it out of the house was to get someone to take it to the tip a phone call from an interested party saved the day, or so the dreamer thought arranged for the person who wanted it, to come and get it he duly turned up in the next scene of the dream it wasn't until he arrived that the dreamer realised someone had come and took it away some weeks before the man who wanted the bed wanted to see it he wasn't going to be pleased when the dreamer told him he had disposed of the bed worse than that, he may well think the dreamer was deliberately mucking him about the situation could easily turn ugly there was only one way out of it brought the dream to an end * this is not the first time the dreamer has wilfully ended a dream to get hisself out of a "sticky" situation am getting adept at it this dream is based on awake-time situations and people and items addenda: vividness:: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - wilfully ending dreams (3+) 13112020 - 1115 the name of the dreams: children soul partners, the come on was in the home of an ex-girlfriend we are in her bedroom the dreamer is in day clothes she is wearing a dressing gown the belt of the girls dressing gown isn't tied occassionaly the gown falls open it happens two or three times she wants the dreamer to touch her she has a condition with her hands her fingers are stiff her fingers become flexible when the dreamer places the palm of his hand on the palm of her hand she encourages the dreamer to touch her breasts addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - girlfriends (10+) sarah (1) soul partners a truly touching dream of child-love the children are about seven or eight with the skill of an artist, the dreamer manipulate the circumstances to bring them together this dream finishes when the girl holds the hand of the boy the emotional content in the final scene of the dream is palpable * in the future, adults recognise the "special" interaction between youngsters in the future, bringing children together will be one of the most rewarding tasks adults have enabling the feelings between children to grow will be a simple circumstance to create or achieve either of the two futures in the Lead Article will facilitate it addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream: soul partnerships () children () 12112020 - 1114 the name of the dream: the wannabe manager after listening to a reggae band was inspired to become the manager of a band in my estimation, the first person needed to form a band was the singer in the next scene, a young black lad was in my crosshairs we started enthusiastically enough hired a small room in a pub for the first practice the p.a. system was my own it was about five-hundred watts good enough for pubs got the lad to sing along with popular tracks it went great at one point the dreamer joined in with the singing, accompanying him in falsetto the dreamer is pleased with the effect things started going downhill in the next scene we had got a bit of a polished act he thought the best way to pass his genes on would be if he had a car it was a completely unrealistic request it was in the era of the sixties for the dreamer , investments are twenty and fifty pounds a decent car is in the hundreds when he realised a car was out of the question he decided to go his own way the next attempt to get a group going was with two young girls one black, one white again, it started off great the black girl was the first to drop out the white girl was willing to keep going the problem was she was always short of money it meant giving her money every time we got together the first time there was no cash incentive she would be gone the dream ended, but my aspirations didn't addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - music () 11112020 - 1113 the name of the dream: anyone for tennis? walking through an endless residential area there was a mixture of terraced and semi-detached housing came across one street that had the novel idea of using the road as a tennis court was impressed with the skill of some of the players in another area, there was an air of a community they were open to the idea of playing games in the street the road was too narrow for a game of doubles of tennis but using tennis bats and a tennis-ball it was perfect for playing to the rules of table-tennis in the next scene, a net was across the road and a game was in progress since it was the dreamer 's idea, it was only fitting that he play in the first game the onlookers are impressed when the dreamer won a point by diving for a ball the game was ongoing when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - games and sport () tennis {) table-tennis (2) 10112020 - 1112 the name of the dream: a bad future time-tense this dream straddled dream-time and awake-time in the heart of a futuristic city now add beige-coloured tubes two-metres in diameter the tubes are full with running water they are on the outside of every floor and run the length of the streets at junctions, they cross over to the other side of the street a woman and a man in the "act" in the tube during the act, we see a man with a phial in his hand there is a zoom-in of the phial we see the word "penzone" on the phial he has a compact contraption strapped to his wrist then we see the man use the contraption to intravenously inject some of the liquid into the woman the woman doesn't know she has been injected with it the woman begins swimming through the water in the tube her eyes are wide open she looks scared she tries to scream air bubbles leave her mouth but no sounds come from her we assume murder has occurred the scene changes the scenes aren't that colourful, but they are very vivid next, we see a man at street level he is wearing blue denim jeans and a black leather jacket he has a determined manner we assume he is police the dream goes on and on amazing visuals scene after scene it must be a full two minutes of dream-time at one point it goes into awake-time i'm waiting for a resolution to the crime there is no sound in the dream the graphics are detailed and intricate all my attention is on taking in the detail the city is full of intricate architecture colourful scenes follow one after another it is obvious now this dream is going to go on for the length of a two-hour film about three minutes of dream-time has elapsed equivalent to twenty or thirty minutes of awake-time could have turned this into a lucid dream ( it got to the point where the detail of the scenes of the dream, although clear, didn't seem to be leading anywhere ended the dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - the observer - the category of the dream - extensive dreams (1) futuristic (10+) 09112020 - 1111 the name of the dream: the way of the bottle opening scene, in the passenger seat of a car a girl in her mid-twenties is driving she has average good looks she lives on the edge by that the dreamer means she doesn't know where her next meal is coming from her priority is petrol with a full tank she can run errands and earn petrol money she knows enough men who will let her sleep over she can get a meal from any one of a dozen people of either gender her "buzz" in life is meeting someone new someone who will have a slightly different slant on life someone with something that gives life variety i'm the latest bit of spice in her life we are on our way to get some hash she's a little bit impatient with me my priority is not getting "ripped-off" the dreamer keeps alluding to the person she's going to see the dreamer needs reassurence from her that he's reliable, not likely to give us the run around her response to my concerns is casual dismissiveness it turned out o.k. in the next scene, we are back at my place the dreamer is singing the praises of the effect the blow it's leb the stand-out sensation of the dream is just after doing a "bag" a bag is the technique where you take the bottom off a glass bottle then, using a sturdy rubber band or cellotape, affix a plastic bag around the bottom of the bottle using the bowl of a hash pipe, or any suitable metal convenience, put that over the mouth of the bottle (use blu-tac to make sure you have an air-tight seal) push the bag into the bottle put the desired amount of hash into the bowl then, apply a flame to the hash while pulling the bag out of the bottle having expelled all the air from your lungs you are now ready for the "bag" start breathing in gently (the art is to run out of breathe as the last bit of hash is glowing red) the smoke cools sufficently in the bag making it "gentle" on the lungs it intensifies the effect in her experience of life she had never tried "the way of the bottle" she is impressed there is admiration for the dreamer in her bloodshot eyes it makes the dreamer feel sexy the dreamer says, "i'm ready if you want some" in a perfect world this dream would have become an x dream destiny has other plans for me the dreamer wake up he's ready for x but there's no one there addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - hash () women () 08112020 - 1110 the name of the dream: good bed, bad boy employed a carpenter to advise, buy, and cut the wood to make a bed it had reached the stage where we only needed to make a custom piece for my sleeping position a small block of wood the size of a pillow was added the next scene, the carpenter had an elderly teenager helper the teenager had only been with the carpenter for a few days he wasn't with him when the bed was first commissioned the carpenter wanted him to finish the last of the work the warning bells sounded when the suggestion that the young male finish the work at a time when the dreamer wouldn't be at home the teen had a face and manner which told the dreamer he was not to be trusted spoke to the carpenter and told him to order the wood, get it delivered to my home and let the dreamer finish the work the teenager was with him when we made the new arrangements he knew why the dreamer suggested making changes in the next scene, the teenager was giving the dreamer the "evil eye" could see him thinking bad thoughts addenda: vividness:: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - employers and employees 07112020 - 1109 the name of the dream: recklesness and melody three of us are on the move in a car the driver turns into a petrol station he deliberately drives into the forecourt at a speed it is also in a curve that is sufficient to turn the vehicle onto its left side the other two go into the kiosk and leave the dreamer pinned in the car they expected the dreamer would stay there until they returned it was there idea of fun the dreamer is pissed, to say the least managed to get into a crouched standing position if the dreamer knew if he rocked the car sufficiently hard enough it would fall back onto its wheels succeeded on the second attempt the other two get back in the car they were unhappy that the car wasn't still on its side one of the says something which causes the driver to say, "that's why i'm wrecking it, it wouldn't pass the m.o.t." the song "and i love her" sounds out in the dream it is a house version and has a strong, compelling, dance beat listen to the first verse and chorus begin singing along with it on the second verse my voice is quiet and croaky was expecting the other two in the car to tell the dreamer to shut up but they seemed to be touched by the soulfulness of the song * some the beatles songs were transposed into classical form by george martin one classical musical scholar said of the beatles, "they are best composers since schubert" might have a go at puttiing them into house music form one day addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - music () reckless people () 06112020 - 1108 the name of the dreams: moon of fortune, air patrol the dreamer lost what little money he had betting on penny shares had no choice but to resort to going out and looking for money it was mid-to-late-evening the moon was the main source of light the light of the moon shed an eerie brown light all around walking along an earthy path with fairly thick and tall grass on either side straight away, due to the nature of the light, it highlighted three or four penny-sized coins in the next scene, there was a coin the size of an old fifty-pence piece (stand-out visual) in the next scene, had an over-the-shoulder satchel which had two or three compartments was putting different sized-coins into different compartments when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - money on the ground (4+) air patrol was flying around in a jetson's-shaped craft it felt great flying (stand-out sensation) the feeling of flying was moderated by a feeling of responsibility flying police patrol? addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - flying (4+) 05112020 - 1107 the name of the dreams: age isn't a limitation, all dreams should be this enjoyable x dream too modest to give the details addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream all dreams should be this enjoyable on my own in town doing this that and the other whiled away the monotony of the time between shops by getting a smile and a laugh from children and toddlers addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - children and toddlers (7+) 04112020 - 1106 the name of the dreams: the balancing act, the mountain pass this dream has the dreamer balancing a fork and a salt cellar on top of a piece of cloth everso carefully, it was the second time, it didn't stay balanced the first time, positioned them so one of the prongs of the fork wedged into one of the holes of the salt cellar at a particular angle, the effect was quite impressive decided to take a photo of it got the camera for a few seconds, the dream gradually moved into awake-time as the dreamer realises there is no way he can pull the blankets off the dreamer without the structure falling down addenda: vividness: - 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - balancing acts (1+) the mountain road it was for the dreamer to assess the logistics of industrial-sized lorries getting their loads through mountain roads the dream centred around one part of the road where it appeared there was an impasse the vehicles couldn't go forward or reverse the dream ended without a resolution addenda: vividness: - 3.7 - observer - the category of the dream - logistical planning (1) 03112020 -1105 the name of the dream: levity was on a panel show the panel show was a send-up of topical issues the issue in the dream is covid changed the meaning of a sentence by taking the second word out of the sentence and placing it at the last but one word of the sentence still trying to remember the exact wording of the sentence as this is being typed addenda: vividness: 3.6 - participant - the category of the dream - quiz shows () topical (3+) 02112020 - 1104 the name of the dream: the treasure is mine had figured out where the fabled lost treasure of a known civilisation had buried its treasure it was at the bottom of a shallow, clear-water sea (stnd-out visual) the most vivid scene of the dream, is an overhead view of the treasure chest, the size of a tea chest, with gold and jewels in it in another scene, the treasure was back at my home am in bed the treasure is in another room as far as the dreamer knew, no one else knows about it that didn't stop the dreamer from being cautious to the point of paranoia hear someone in the room the treasure is in the dreamer shouts out, "oi". the dreamer jumps out of bed and rush into the room where the treasure is am fully expecting to have to fight the person trying to steal some or all of the treasure there's no one in the room the treasure is still there the most vivid scene of the dream, is an overhead view of the treasure chest, the size of a tea chest, with gold and jewels in it addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - treasure (1) 01112020 - 1103 the name of the dream: confidence was walking along with my hands in my pockets totally relaxed and feeling great i'm wearing a soft-cloth suit the suit is close to being dark-blue the shirt is a dark-tan, the shoes are biege and have upper the shoes are, the dreamer knows, are a bit on the garish side, but the comfort factor overrides all other considerations there are two other people walking ahead of me the closest is twenty metres ahead the other is sixty or so metres distant they too are walking casually in the next scene, a young man of about twenty enters the dream he is dressed scruffily and his face is far from handsome he starts trying to goad me he dissatisfied with himself and thus with life it is obvious to the dreamer he is physically superior and won't have any problem getting the better of me in a fight he probably realises he is smaller than me he is hoping an aggressive manner will intimidate me if the dreamer says nothing it will only encourage him decide to call him names "maggot, half-wit, snake-face, tramp, scruffbag..." it was enough to get him to retreat back into his miserable world addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - walking () aggressive people () 30102020 - 1102 the name of the dream: another breakthrough in being able to edit folders it became necessary to phone the helpline for my internet provider the problem was the volume of a screencast recording wasn't playing back as loudly as the recording the dreamer knows it was something he is doing wrong but is frustrated at not being able to correct it the girl on the other end of the phone spoke with an irish accent she was annoyed at my lack of knowledge about computers and didn't try to hide it it was more of a scalding than a polite talk-through (perhaps she'd a bad day with her boyfriend) was trying different ways of correcting the volume while talking to her then, for the first or second time only, it became possible to edit the folders in a dream the sounds coming through in the dream became clear and loud in response to the dreamer turning the volume knob on a pair of sony shelf speakers (the ones in use at the moment in awake-time) the sensation of touch while turning the knob of the speakers was 4.4 (stand-out touch sensation of any dream outside of an x dream) in one scene, the volume was so loud and clear it started bringing the dreamer out of the dream (again, the clarity of the sound was as vivid as any dream that comes to mind 4 to 4.8) the operator told the dreamer to turn the volume down as it was uncomfortably loud then she said something along the lines of, "there will be a charge because this is a shortfall call" the dreamer said, "shouldn't you have told the dreamer there would be a charge at the beginning of the call?" went on editing and playing with the volume for another couple of scenes was feeling dead chuffed at being able to edit folders and modify the volume of sound in a dream this dream was due in part to an awake-time problem of the same nature about ten days ago the dreamer knew it was something his end but was at a loss to figure it out addenda: vividness: 3.6 to 4.8 - participant - the category of the dream - computer () folders (6+) 29102020 -1101 the name of the dream: helpful and friendly girls was settling into my seat before the film started the sweets and drinks were laid out all that was needed now was a few roll-ups calamity of calamities, had no cigarette papers the dreamer thinks he dropped them while organising things was looking on the floor and under the seats a girl in the row in front and to the left of the dreamer became aware of the dreamer searching for something she asked what i'd dropped the dreamer told her as luck would have it, she had some and gave the dreamer three a girl in the row behind the dreamer became involved and offered to go and get some at first, the dreamer said there was no need then realised she was being more than just helpful was thinking of how to word taking her up on her offer when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - cinema dreams (2+) 28102020 - 1100 the name of the dream: imagine that there are four of us two of them are brothers we are my, or my best friends house the conversation dried up we get to watch the telly first, we watched a game of football then we watched snooker finally, we watched a table-tennis match we decide to have a pretend game of table-tennis we organised the chairs into two pairs of two, so they are facing each other the game would start with someone serving the first ball he would say where the ball would land on the opponent's side of the table "bottom-left, bottom-middle, bottom-right, middle-middle, middle-left, middle-right, net-right, net-middle, net-left" (net meant the ball landed close to the net on the opponents's side) three of us burst out laughing when one of the brother's asked, "how will we know when it goes off the table?" addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - games and sport () table-tennis (1+) 27102020 - 1099 the name of the dream: christmas time is here again it is the festive season a prolonged drought was broken when my supplier turned up he had not one but two types to choose from both were soft both were half-ounce deals one was "leb", the other was "black" chose the leb they were in soft, grey pouches the pouches are the same as the pouches that came with sony mini-discs (stand-out visual) christmas was underway the above two or three scenes were followed by another two or three scenes an awake-time female acquaintance from the near past turned up with a young child she too had blow with her she had a single pouch hers was also in a grey pouch the same as the first part of the dream asked her how much she wanted for all of it she would only sell the dreamer a "teenth" the price she asked was a bad joke about three-times more than the dreamer had already paid it was obvious what was going on she knew as many "tokers" as the dreamer she intended selling it off in small amounts and make a "killing" it was also obvious she didn't know that the dreamer knew where it had come from given the circumstances surrounding our ten-day whirlwind involvement, it was the opportunity to get "justice" was thinking of ways the dreamer would muck her about when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - hash () family, friends and acquaintances (h) (2) 26102020 - 1098 the name of the dream: daniel and me daniel craig was coming to britain from america received a request that he wanted to go to an english football game there was a scene in which we are in an almost deserted stadium in the next part of the dream, his wife is with him we go for a meal after we have finished our meal, the dreamer paid for the meal by card he insisted on giving the dreamer the cost of the meal the notes weren't english currency it looked like toy money, barely any writing on them looking at the numbers on the notes, it came to about seventy the meal had come to more than a hundred-fifty his wife also spotted the shortfall and pointed out that the note with number forty on it was a diamond note and was twice it numbered value (stand-out visual) daniel felt he was getting the "short end" of the stick it was daniel who paid to get into the football match all in all, it almost balanced out, with a slight advantage to me think this dream was, in part, due to watching "in cold blood" a week or so ago addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 participant and observer - the category of the dream - celebrities () daniel craig (1) football () restaurants () 25102020 - 1097 the name of the dreams: the snarling dog auntie vie and uncle john had been allocated a multi-bedroom house it was a giant step for them the move was to accommodate the rapid expansion of their family the new housing estate is built on and around a hill they are near the top with a great view a large sloping lawn and an extra bedroom above the first floor there was an air of celebration uncle john is known for his rumbustious character, especially when it came to women not the life and soul of the party but a welcome addition which made sure things never got too quiet the topic became, as everyone knew it would, about women "they should wear different underwear", he quipped the dreamer joined in, "we should petition the queen to announce a decree that women are to wear seventeen layers of undergarments" after a while, the party atmosphere had gone, as had most of the relations three or four grown-ups and the children was all that was left without it being mentioned the dreamer was to stay for the night my bed was to be on the settee settling into a semi-lying position, tiredness was creeping up on me there was a family dog, a little white dog about the size of a jack russell unlike a jack russell, it had a long body and snout it was encouraged to come to me it came and settled near me it had a bit of a snarl on its face by now the dreamer is tired and ready to fall asleep as the dreamer began to fall asleep the expression on the dog's face changed into a permanant snarl (stand-out visual) not a picture you want to take into your dreams unfortunately, in my dream it was addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () dogs (4+) 24102020 - 1096 the name of the dream: the incident at the greek restaurant was out and about in an exeter-type city was enjoying walking got to feeling hungry in the next scene, found myself in a greek restaurant perched on a small hill it was furnished sparsely (have you noticed that? meagre furnishings seem to be a characteristic of greek restaurants) it was quite busy it needed three or four chefs to cook the meals most of the tables, about ten, were occupied decided to eat at the counter got chatting to the young man next to me he was extremely friendly, with a glint in the eyes of his jovial face there was a bloke who had just received his meal sitting on the other side of the right-angled counter the meal was a solid block of something it was a white-cream colour (stand-out visual) it was one-quarter the size of a shoebox capable of holding a pair of size nine shoes, e-width made a comment about it to the jovial, slightly rotund, chappie next to me the dreamer told him what foods he fancied he placed the order of four or five different dishes the food was duly delivered in the next scene the food was presented on oval stainless steel platters couldn't help but notice that the platters were placed around the friendly chappies plate assumed it was his order and my order was on its way we were chatting away as he was eating the time passed quickly it seemed no time at all when he had polished-off his food we made our farewells and he left the dream now time was passing slowly it seemed a space-age and still my meal hadn't arrived what must have been a full ten minutes passed before asking one of the chefs how long it would be before my meal was ready he explained in a terse and dismissive way that he was still waiting for the dreamer to place my order he wasn't the slightest bit sympathetic when it was explained that the bloke who had been sitting next to the dreamer had ordered for me it was nothing to do with him that there had been a "balls-up" like it was my fault for not speaking greek and realising what the friendly chappie had ordered surely he must have realised that i'd been sitting there for ten or fifteen minutes without ordering anything must have told him what was what not a bit of it he became cantankerous, even enjoying my predicament and revelling in my frustration there were heated words and his face became red with anger he threw a twenty-pence piece on the counter and said something the dreamer didn't understand it was the final straw in a bout of fury, the dreamer swept his hand across the counter where the coin was the coin travelled into the cooking area it made a sound when it bounced off something (stand-out audio) the tone of the dream changed in the next scene, was outside walking along an uneven surface noticed that my footing was sure and strong (stand-out tactile) next scene, was explaining in detail to two boys what had just happened in the restaurant one of them said something sensible which made the dreamer feel conciliatory an adult, he may have been the father of the boys, suggested that there was a mini-event happening in town and that the dreamer would be a welcome guest addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - food/restaurants () 23102020 - 1095 the name of the dream: compressing evolution it appears there is a procedure which can vault a person through time and space this dream is in a similar vein to yesterday's dream this dream though brought the writer out of dream-time with a jolt as far as can be understood, within a micro-second, a being can go from one point of evolution to another if the writer is interpreting this dream correctly, a period of a thousand-million-years transpires in less than the blink of an eye even more fantastically, within that moment, a being acquires or becomes imbued with those abilities and traits that took, in undulations past, milliards to achieve try to compare the things we knew fifty-years ago to today imagine going to sleep and when you woke up fifty years of progress had occurred overnight your physical self is the same, as is your level of mental awareness the ability to press buttons and manipulate objects is the same weather patterns are virtually identical the night sky looks the same it is the same world as the one that was there before you went to sleep what has changed are the barely noticeable physical changes due to two generations of evolution it is assumed in a thousand-million-year,the then physical and mental attributes won't vary significantly over the next thousand-million years the dream is in the far-off future the dream the dreamer is stationary in an endless void, there may have been stars in the environment, and then being jetted through time and space within a micro-moment, the dreamer comes to a stop with an accuracy of one micro-metre the sense of precision was a strong feature of this dream that so much can be accomplished in so short a time is yet another insight into the abilities of love/life what also came through in this dream was a sense of impatience imagine you have worked all day doing a physically demanding task you choose not to stop for a break it will mean you will finish sooner when the works is finished you will be sitting down to a meal with your family after you have eaten, you basque in the family atmosphere with your wife and children the children have played themselves into tiredness and are in bed the pleasures of love are imminent... it shouldn't be too long before people in general start to understand the mental and physical sensations which accompany straight-line-action and this time, we do NOT stop note 1 for an insight into how precise technology will become over the next fifty-million years, see HERE for an insight of what forms we will be able to take, see, HERE addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - insights into the far-off future (2+) 22102020 - 1094 the name of the dream: diet diary from the previous few days the entire dream of four or so scenes was spent re-writing the diet diary of the last three or four days a look at the previous three or four days of the diet diary shows it contains a dozen or so lines with a couple of hundred characters nearly, but didn't quite finish the previous third or fourth day the sheer mental effort of the dream-time conscious trying to recall events from the awake-time conscious caused the dreamer to wake again, we are considering the unappreciated capacity of the dream-time conscious the ability to interchange between awake-time consciousness and dream-time consciousness if this dream is the start of a trend which enables the dream-time conscious to tap into the awake-time memory continues, we may eventually reach the point when recalling awake-time experiences while in dream-time becomes as easy as remembering the details of dreams in awake-time yet again, we are seeing the interchangeability between awake-time consciousness and dream-time consciousness is a dream diary something other than just a superfluous pastime? see also 23112017 addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream; think-write () re-enactment of awake-time experiences (1) writing (1) 21102020 - 1093 the name of the dream: mac and me came out of retirement to do the wedding photographs for a well-known and well-to-do social-climber being a household name, it meant if the dreamer did a good job it would lead to mucho money from knock-on work thinking about it further, decided to bring a young lad who had his wits about him and had helped on previous "bookings" without telling the couple who were getting married, he would video the occasion while the dreamer did the photos it went off without a hitch picked up the photographs the following day was dismayed to find the helper had given the negatives to a company which branded the negatives with their name on each and every negative (first stand-out visual) no doubt the company recognised the faces of the newly-weds and figured a way to cash-in on it the watermark on the negatives wouldn't be on the photographs of course but was really miffed to think that the company was so sneaky took the photographs to the newly-weds they lived in a high-rise block of flats that reached up into the stratosphere the building was in pristine condition on the outside it would be fantasy-level interior furnishings spoke into the intercom outside the main entrance and was put through to the couple the design and function of the intercom was a bit of forced snobbery it was grey and half-moon-shaped, six or seven centimetres wide across and half-a-metre in height(second stand-out visual) it had a flat square at the top of the half-moon which had to be pulled down to reply to the voice that asked, "who is it?" the further the square-shaped lever was pulled down the louder the voice became in the next scene, lee mack answered the small door built into the large door the dreamer said, "we'll have to go fifty-fifty" (think the dreamer is referring to the added cost that would accompany using a "rip-off" company) woke up singing "nights in white satin" have a sneaking suspicion the reason lee mack was in the dream was due to watching a couple of episodes of "would i lie to you" before crashing out the underhand tactics of the company in the dream was due to the re-scheduling of a payment of two-hundred-and-fifty pounds earlier on in the day it meant the company got the money two months before it was due addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - weddings () celebrities () lee mack (1) 20102020 - 1092 the name of the dream: brazen hussy two young girls came back to my place one of the girls had done some shopping for me she had paid for the items with her own money had the money put to one side for her it was in a wall-cupboard in the kitchen along with two or three other sums of money for other things after handing the girl who had done the shopping the seven-pounds owed to her the other girl reached into the cupboard and took a twenty-pound note she did it so casually the dreamer thought it was for something she had done for me couldn't think what it was though the twenty-pound note had been on a piece of paper looked at the piece of paper and saw it was the bill for a repair to a white radio (stand-out visual) the amount to be paid was seventeen-pounds something by then the girls had left the house had to chase after them caught up with them and showed the girls the receipt she knew the dreamer wouldn't have anything to do with her again addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - theft against the dreamer () 19102020 - 1091 the name of the dream: novice nurses the first scene of this dream has two of us, both males, lying flat on our backs on separate tables about two-metres apart we are both fully clothed from his lying position, the dreamer can see the street one or two floors to the right the other male is being tended to by a female nurse in the next scene, there is a nurse on my left both nurses are wearing classic style uniforms stiff white head hats, white knee-length uniforms and black stockings my nurse lays the palm of her hand on my stomach with her fingers pointing down she then runs the flat of her hand down my stomach and over my crotch she says, "why is it i can't feel anything between your legs?" she couldn't feel my genitalia because her hand didn't go far enough down was thinking of how to exploit the situation should the dreamer hold her hand and move it into position? do the dreamer suggest she puts her hand down my trousers? woke up giggling as various other possibilities were running through my mind addenda: vividness: 3.8 -participant and observer - the category of the dream - nurses (2+) 18102020 - 1090 the name of the dream: in the groove gave up using busking as a way of earning money changed from busking to street-dancing used a portable p.a. which produced about one-hundred-and-fifty watts danced to home-made rave-beat rhythm's the tracks were between 100 and 120 bpm( it was about eight p.m. the last fifteen minutes of blue twilight was on the horizon set up outside the brightest spot in the street a fast-food restaurant there was a bit of a crowd, about twenty people, mainly girls, milling around played the sounds and began dancing to the music people began watching they became intensely curious one young man asked."are you...?", he said my full name "yes", the dreamer replied danced for another twenty bars of the music no one had joined in dancing as the dream ended this dream was due to three things 1 stopped weight training as the route to mobility and replaced it with a five-minute stretching routine (noticed increased mobility after three sessions) 2 while composing a new entry for endic "the mighty concept", got a sense of freedom 3 watching a girl dancing in the film "carlito's way", 30:36 addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - dancing (5+) 17102020 - 1089 the name of the dream: too casual about earning a wage got the sack from a job in a factory because of irregular attendance wasn't too bothered, jobs were aplenty, it wouldn't take long to get back into work the most immediate concern was to get something to eat went to the canteen and asked the women server's if the dreamer could have a meal and pay when he gets his wages the women said o.k. but it meant having to wait until the rush was over a female from admin came to the dreamer and told the dreamer to go and pick up the bits and pieces from in my locker and was now in the office there was a scene in the office with my items on a desk, gathered them up and the dream ended without getting a meal addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - unemployment (1) 16102020 - 1088 the name of the dream: my mate norman knew the best time to catch him at home was about ten minutes after the pubs have closed got to his place before he got back while waiting, tried to get out of the complex through a narrow space between two buildings tried to force myself through the gap the gap narrowed the further the dreamer went into it realised by pushing harder would trap me had to struggle to go back heard the voice of the person to see by the time the dreamer got to where the voices are they had gone indoors could clearly hear normans voice through an open window knocked on the door the person who answered the door wasn't the person the dreamer wanted to speak to the dreamer said who it was he wanted to speak to expected the person standing in front of the dreamer to let the him in he didn't made a funny remark he didn't laugh or smile he said something something which conained the words "a tenners worth" handed him the note he left the door open he came back with my tenners worth now he was smiling (it took a while for my comment to register) never did speak to norman addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - hash (8+) 15102020 -1087 the name of the dreams: the third protocol, beware the dog a raging debate erupted concerning the validity of covid testing once a person had tested positive via an antibody test, the "official" (the controlling cliques') line was that the antibody test was valid proof of infection the distinction between diagnostic tests and testing for antibodies is deliberately distorted the upshot of this was, a person who had generated antibodies against covid-19 was considered positive addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - observer - the category - of the dream: topical () covid () beware the dog a delightful and concerning short dream about a months-old dog not sure how we came to be together, but together we were its coat was a blended-brown its face resembled that of a pug dog though its face was nowhere near being off-putting quite the contrary, it had the puppy dog eyes that we find so appealing was sitting in an armchair doing a bit of scoffing the dog managed to scramble up my legs, onto my lap and gave the dreamer the look never was a look so easy to interpret it said, "can i have some?" was eating a toasted corned beef sandwich there was a slither of corned beef the size and thickness of a quarter of a credit card handed it to the dog the dog ate the meat by holding it with its lips and chopping rapidly while moving the food through its mouth it reminded the dreamer of a machine which chopped something as it moved along a surface it looked speeded up the thing was its teeth they weren't puppy dog teeth they looked just like the false teeth of a human the dreamer may have felt a little bit concerned even as a puppy this dog had adult characteristics addenda: vividness:: 3 to 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - animal () mammal (dog) 14102020 - 1086 the name of the dream: the mystery choo choo the first half of the dream took up three-quarters of the dream it was a think-read dream was looking for one destination in particular if the service was still operating, it meant the dreamer still had a job the second part of the dream was a discussion with someone about the time-table of trains if the train left at a suitable time, it meant the dreamer could be somewhere or do something important to me addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - think-read () trains () 13102020 - 1085 the name of the dreams: perfunctory x, they're still after me x-dream addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () they're still after me an old beef, gong back half a lifetime, was the theme of this dream these guys were intent on getting me had armed myself and barricaded myself behind reinforced doors was shocked when, while braced against the front door, the sound of breaking wood caused the dreamer to look down a foot was protruding through the bottom of the door one of the attacker's managed to kick through a solid front door it would mean having to use even more violence than had been imagined to repel the attackers the theme of this dream must be due to the pde's this is the second time a theme of guilt and violence has occurred in a dream after watching this film (automata - 10122015) vivdness 3 -parrticipant and observer - the category of the dream - violence in dreams (7+) 12102020 - 1084 the name of the dreams: the lucky-two ranch, the alladin's cave of second-hand shops, a just litigation a woman won a draw which gave her a pair of breeding horses incredibly she also won the lottery in the same week when asked what she was going to do with her good fortune replied, "open a ranch" when asked what she was going to call the ranch, she still hadn't decided "the double-lucky or the lucky-two", she mused addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - winnings () lottery () lucky draws () the alladin's cave of second-hand shops at the bottom of a sloping street just out of the centre of town came across a recently opened second-hand shop it was on the junction of three roads the window on the side of the street the dreamer is on is large two-and-a-half metres high and about four metres across the goods in the window were laid out with the precision of a finished jigsaw puzzle the goods were predominantly electrical, musical and jewellery inside was equally impressive guitars hanging from the ceiling looked like sides of meat stacked and ready to be dispatched the gap between one category of items and the next wasn't more than a centimetre (stand-out visual) was interested in buying an all-singing pocket radio there were dozens to choose from a red one caught my eye one of the salesmen said, "hello john" we had been acquaintances from three or four years back the dreamer commented in a congratulatory way about the range and quality of the goods on display "i could spend weeks looking around", the dreamer said we spoke about this and that before the dream ended and before buying the radio that had caught my eye addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - shopping () second-hand goods a just litigation it was satisfying that a court ruling had weighed the facts fairly and had come out in favour of the defendant in this case, it was a company that supplied goods a woman felt the goods had been deliberately misrepresented the wording didn't accurately describe the goods to my way of thinking they did usually, the dreamer would champion the consumer but on this occasion his sentiments are with the manufacturer the woman wasn't overly disapointed with the ruling nor was the manufacturers especially pleased the complaint shouldn't have been allowed in the first place addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - judicial process () 11102020 - 1083 the name of the dream: the long weekends work had finished for the week three of us were on a "night out" as teenagers, an eleven-o clock deadline for socialising was too restrictive we are ready and able for an "all-nighter" at seventeen, it was within our capacity to stay awake through the weekend one of us had film star looks which opened doors closed to others he had a complimentary pass for three people to an "after hours" party at the premises we are currently in it was one of only two or three such places in the city we knew about the after-hours party but it wasn't until two of us were resigned to going home when the night was still young that the person with the pass surprised us with it it got even better the pass gave us access to another all-nighter at the same place the following night as well the weekeend was about to start addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - socialising () family, friends and acquaintances () 10102020 - 1082 the name of the dream: addam's cure-all a miracle, cure-all, bottled-medicine, was advertised in the paper it was a family brand-name called addam's the thing was, it never became a runaway best-seller or a household name the reason being, no one could understand why it only worked its magic on one-in-ten-thousand people the liquid was in an unglamorous brown bottle the label was as old-fashioned as it could be the smiling faces of a family in dull colours of shades of brown were something out of the thirties or fourties for those it did work for it had a mythical status the name lingered on through the generations it was the equivalent of the fabled penny black stamp in philately it had become legendary in a few households teenagers from generations before could remember its effects teenagers who were now grandparents and great grandparents had kept the name alive they never forgot how it had allowed them to get on with their lives when the rest of the population was "laid-up" with a "bug" for days it wasn't just the "bug epidemic" from decades ago which gave the medicine its status in the thinnest vein of the population their hair glistened, their skin and eyes became clear the general, all-around sense of well-being was part of their genetic memory the mind doesn't forget a gift from nature no, for sure, they never forgot that awake dream now, here it was back on sale at this point, the dream, if it wasn't already, becomes quirky in keeping with the air of mysteriousness surrounding "addam's cure-all", the bottled-medicine could only be dellvered to a specific address on a specific date the dreamer ordered a casket of a dozen bottles went to the address on the day of the delivery there were several people already there a "to let" sign was in the window the price of the rent was affordable and considering the health implications, still well worth it but the motive behind the procedure seemed zany were we supposed to start outbidding each other? what was going on? a sense of mischievious skulduggery entered the dream it disappeared and became replaced with a sense of purpose the dream concluded when the actual motive became clear the addams family wanted to remain anonymous it was for us gathered there to discover why it worked for so few people and disseminate it to other people with the same physiological attributes as ourselves the few people gathered at the house were to amalgamate and become the distributer's of the product assigning to this dream the present or the past of a future undulation tense of time addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - medicines (1) topical? () 09102020 - 1081 the name of the dream: credit where it's due the supergroup of the time had, without realising it, plagiarised a song of mine the group, cream, must have been given the song by someone who knew me he didn't expect it to be linked back to me the dreamer got wind of it when the song was in the early stage of being promoted the group who were going to release the song, are being interviewed by the media two of the three members of the group give an impromptu presentation of the song the song had been composed to have a double harmony for the verse and a triple harmony for the chorus it became clear the dreamer knew the melody when he joins in with the singing of the first verse the dream becomes externalised when it got to the chorus, the dreamer sang it in fourth harmony falsetto it gave the song an added dimension addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - music () externalised () 08102020 - 1080 the name of the dream: the restauranteer's four of us had visited the relatives of one our group we decided beforehand we would go to a "ye olde" style restaurant for a meal after we hadn't planned on walking but the evening was just right for a walk it was quite a hike about two-kilometres the walk is along the side of a main road due to the hour traffic was sparse it was sevenish there are fields and bush for the first kilometre which gave it a scenic feel the next five-hundred-kilometres is an expanse of fields we bump into three oriental people one of them is quite a bit taller than any of us he must be almost two-metres it surprises the dreamer that our male friend knows them they don't look chinese taking a guess, the dreamer asks if they are from malaysia they weren't the tall one says to me, "you have a very nice country" even in dreams i'm a "britain basher" and say, "we've got plenty to be ashamed of" he doesn't say anything in return in the next scene, we are in the restaurant there are four-seater tables throughout five or six tables have been placed together in the middle of the room they run the length of the restaurant we ask for one of the tables standing alone in the corner on the right of the restaurant as we walked through the entrance it is reserved we take our seats about half-way along the long table in the middle of the room two of us sit on one side, the other two sit opposite not sure how it happened the dreameer is sitting facing his male friend, while his girlfriend is sitting next to the dreamer and facing the dreamer 's girlfriend the dreamer s's male friend is uncomfortable with the seating arrangement and asks the dreamer to change seats with him the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - family, friends and acquaintances () restaurants () 07102020 - 1079 the name of the dream: an amphibian calls it was one of my regular unannounced, unscheduled visits to mom when the dreamer first saw it his first instinct is to "run for it" it was the size of a small crocodile grey in colour had the physical characteristics of a newt when it opened its enormous mouth, there was enough room in there to swallow a young child whole the thing was it didn't have any teeth all of a sudden it didn't seem so dangerous the opposite we began to realise that it was warier of us than we were of it whatever it was, it was a youngster it had got into the house through the open front door how it had got from the river almost a hundred metres away into our house, the third or fourth house in the street, is anybody's guess what to do about it became the main point of conversation someone wanted to keep it as a pet the more the dreamer watched its behaviour, the more he felt sorry for it it wanted its mom it tried to get into a small cubby-hole away from us my heart went out to it my pronouncement that we should let it go became the overriding sentiment mom, reluctantly agreed she had "taken to it" to keep the sentiment of freeing it going, the dreamer suggests we take lots of video footage of it first mostly everybody agreed someone wanted it as a pet there was then a scene of the dreamer filming it (stand-out visual) it would be a topic of conversation for life it looked familiar racked my brains trying to remember why it looked familiar it eventually came to me it was an ichthyostega ( addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.6 - the category of the dream - animal () amphibian (2+) 06102020 - 1078 the name of the dreams: the hangar incident, the courtroom incident enter the courtroom from the opposite side and level with top-tier of the public seats there are five or six rows of seats for the public the seats are split into two sides with an access aisle in the middle at the bottom but one stair of the steps on my side of the court the dreamer trips and plunge head-first to the ground with the ease of a professional stunt-man, the dreamer twists his upper-body so that the back his shoulder comes into contact with the ground first the momentum of the fall causes the dreamer to roll over and he ends up standing on his feet the dreamer is allowed to sit in the public seats, presumably to allow him to gather his-self the dreamer takes a seat in the row below and to the right of where seven or eight family and friends are seated the last person in the row behind the dreamer has a year-old baby in her lap no one objects when the dreamer reaches backwards and places one of his fingers in the palm of the baby the baby grasps the dreamer 's finger now the dreamer is relaxed and feels as though things are going his way addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - courtroom () family, friends and acquaintances () babies () the hangar incident looking down from about thirty-metres into an area the size of a hanger it has the fuselage of a plane in it it has gaps along its body the fuselage is in the process of construction there are twenty to thirty people in the hangar some are wearing dark-blue jumpsuits others are wearing white doctor gowns jets of liquid are squirted into the hanger and onto the fuselage the scene changes, the jets of liquid have become like a downpour of rain the dream becomes one of panic and pandemonium people are running everywhere the scene changes, a fiery explosion occurs addenda: vividness: 3.7 - observer - the category of the dream - explosions (3+) plane hanger (1) this dream was due to watching films with vivid explosions the day before see also 09072009 05102020 - 1077 the name of the dreams: you tell me, that bloody food there is the sense of trying to achieve something the only means open to the dreamer is to use the tips of his fingers using a knife, one by one the dreamer cuts the middle, ring and little finger off both hands note 1 as with yesterday's dream, there was no sensation of pain while preparing the last meal of the day yesterday, noticed that when thawed, the stiff, silver container the faggots were in had about three tablespoons of blood in them assigning both this dream and yesterday's dream (the dentist's chair) as being food-induced see also (28092014) addenda: vividness:: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - food-induced dream (3+) blood in pig meat (3+) you tell me four or five triangles hanging in the air in a random manner the triangles are transparent they are the diameter of the circle you make when you touch your forefinger to your thumb they have a red tint to them think they have red led's inside them there is an unknown something inside them it looks like an origami addenda: vividness: 3.6 - observer - the category of the dream - oddities 04102020 - 1076 the name of the dreams: the steal, in the dentist's chair first dream, sitting in the dentist's chair being readied for the extraction of a tooth in clear view ahead is a screen the screen is about half the size of a laptop screen on the screen, a line is moving along to the right and occasionally the line moves slightly up the upward motion of the line indicates pain, and, to some degree, anxiety, nervousness etc. at the moment of extraction, the line jumps toward the top of the screen there was the mildest sensation of a prick but not what would be called pain the dentist has a tooth in his extraction-tool and shows the dreamer the tooth was evaluating what was happening when the dream ended this website has only experienced pain once in a dream once (22092014) the experience of this websites' only nightmare ( was far, far more traumatising than moments of pain addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - technology () second dream the name of the dream: the steal three of us were walking along a hallway the carpet under our feet was plush that is plush with a capital p at the end of the hallway was the lift the lift would take us down three-floors to the foyer the foyer, exquisitely furnished, as was to be expected it was one of the classiest hotels in the world in less than five minutes we would be home free ready to begin a life of luxury we were feeling on top of the world just to think, fifteen minutes before... we were becoming more miffed with every passing second we had booked into the hotel the day before the room alone had cost an arm and a leg as did our whistle and flutes as did the information now there was going to be the hassle of getting our "information-money" back no doubt, the guy who gave us the information would try to get out of giving us the money back that meant more hassle we had the reputation of being a violence-free crew if the guy who took our money simply refused to pay it back it would mean having to come up with a way of coercing him into giving us the money back without shedding blood after two hours of waiting for our "client" to show it was time to abandon the plan as we were about to leave the sound of people outside in the hall lifted out sprits back to their previously elevated state our "clients" were late we go back into hiding and will make our move when they have been in the room for a minute or two a minute or two later we come out of hiding we use dark-beige coloured rubber tubing to bound the hands and feet of our "clients" it will take them at least five minutes to get free and raise the alarm by which time we will be gone the "haul" was every bit as fabulous as we had been led to believe this was it the motherload a small fortune in jewellery addenda: vividness:: 3 to 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream - crime () theft () jewellery (!) 03102020 - 1075 the name of the dream: the genuine article a fifty-watt, compact speaker-player wasn't working (not going to mention the manufacturer's name, bose get enough good press as it is) took it to the shop the man in the shop told the dreamer the circuit board needed replacing it was going to cost as much to replace the board as it would be to buy a new unit typical business mentality there was money to be made he was hoping the dreamer didn't have a clue about electrics and would splash out on a new, improved model it was tempting the new model worked using an app on a mobile phone didn't have the money to buy a new one exited the shop with my tail between my legs took it to another shop a genuinely helpful bloke opened up the unit and discovered the problem immediately there was a break in the circuit board all that was needed was a fine-tipped soldering iron he also mentioned that he could make the modification which would enable the unit able to be controlled by phone it would cost about a tenth of a replacement he got my business addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - electrical goods (1+) 02102020 - 1074 the name of the dreams: trump plays his card, the hot dog incident second dream, a think-read dream it was printed on a piece of white paper the paper went below what was visible in the dream think the paper was a list of ultimatums the first ultimatum was "if the chicken/egg industry didn't stop incubating chicken eggs with the coronavirus, there would be a full presentation of the facts surrounding extraterrestrials and u.f.o.'s" first dream, walking back home after being out about in the city centre the dreamer is going to catch a taxi home but there wasn't one available (a few decades ago it was like that - it was hit and miss as to whether you got one) came upon a hotdog van a girl comes into the dream could have had one of three things in with the hotdog a heated debate developed about what was and wasn't the best things that go with hotdogs settled for onions addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - topical () covid-19 (3+) food () hotdog (1+) 01102020 - 1073 the name of the dream: multi-themed dream (50+) first dream, this dream was about the coronavirus there wasn't anything exceptional in the dream and soon forgot it second dream, sitting at the computer screen watching a live debate viewers had the opportunity of asking questions those debating could invite people to join the debate on the telephone got my chance a question formed in a condensed and to-the-point way in the dreaemer's head by the time it was my turn to speak deviated from thd scripted sentences as a result, what was supposed to be an incisive and relevant one-sentence question had to be turned into a three-sentence explanation by the third sentence had lost the original thrust of my point the dream finished with the dreamer coming to a dead stop without finishing the third sentence third dream, at the fair with a few mates bought a bag of sweeties had them in my hand and was stuffing one in my mouth every now and then the bag of sweets was in my hand for the rest of the dream at the rifle range was hoping to win a teddy bear and hand it to a stranger with a child woke up to feel my hand moving to my mouth with a sweet addenda: vividness: - 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - topical () covid-19 () internet interaction () live debates () fairground () 30092020 - 1072 the name of the dream: a female's delight; an ever-ready male x dream addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.4 29092020 - 1071 the name of the dream: never trust an ex-lover in the nick in a european country it is the day of my release have got a white substance in the heel of my shoe there will be no problem getting it out getting it in is the difficult bit out of prison and still close to it, a mild panic grips the dreamer when the heel of a shoe comes loose and the white powder is exposed have arranged for kate, a call-girl and one-night lover, to meet the dreamer with the money she made from selling drugs for the dreamer while inside she's not at the train station as arranged there is a scene in which i'm walking up and then down the connecting stairs between platforms wearing just shoes and trousers hoping against hope, go to the left-luggage office on the chance she left it there of course, it isn't still grasping at straws, go to the nearest collection point place to the station it wasn't there either thoroughly depressed, vowed never to trust kate again a sense of satisfaction runs over the dreamer upon waking and it is realised it is just a dream a dream composed of instances of mixed tenses of time addenda: vividness:: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - crime () drugs () prison () kate (1) 28092020 - 1070 the name of the dreams: pink-bodied girls, magic families x dream magic families the sequence of the scenes may be out of order in a low-light environment the faint, scratchy sound of voices are coming from the ground look down the ground is pebbly using two hands, scoop up eight or so of stones of varying sizes and colour little, crooked lines of static electricity begin exchanging between them (stand-out visual) the crackling of the electricity fades the sound of voices comes from the stones put the stones in my jacket pocket go through the front door and hang my jacket on a hook on the clothes board and go into the living room the voice comes back go to the jacket hanging up, take the stones out of the jacket pocket and begin a conversation with them the stones begin giving off smoke the smell of the smoke is curiously pleasant begin breathing the smoke in while walking along the  hallway turning to go into the living room a figure appears at the end of the hallway by the clothes board it is a young teenage lad he is walking with a limp a quick glance reveals most of his toes and part of the left foot is missing my first thought is that he has a club foot it is then realised the that smoke and its pleasant odour is his body in a different form apparently, the dreamer have consumed part of him in the next scene, he is whole again and we are talking the dreamer asks him, "do many people pick you up and start talking to you?" he says, "a few" what the dreamer assumes he means is that the rest of family, come into the dream a fully-grown man with an impressive shape to his physique, a girl about the same age as the boy and another being unable to ascribe a description to the fourth figure the dreamer assumes it's the partner of the man and the mother of the children dream ends love these weird and wonderful dreams they stimulate the imagination into thinking what is possible addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - magical dreams (5+) families (1) 27092020 - 1069 the name of the dream: good-natured 1, good-natured 2 good-natured 1 in the company of alan crawford and his life-long partner they never did get married he was the second-longest of my male friends (eleven-years) his devastating good-looks ensured he was never without a girlfriend the only thing missing in his life was laughter he smiled only infrequently strange that the only thing he found slightly amusing is when the dreamer called him by the almost ananagrammatic name, crawfy alanford his partner was tickled by it and laughed when the dreamer used it on this occasion, she must have been in a good mood and laughed longer than usual the smile on alan's face lasted longer than any other smile the dreamer can recall with a little push, it was ready to turn into a chuckle good-natured 2 in the company of colin and his girlfriend as with alan, never heard him laugh life was a serious business he expected others to keep within strict bounds of behaviour and talk the dreamer got more latitude than others the dreamer uses his privileged position to bait him enough to get a warning remark when his girlfriend was there the dreamer could really push my luck in response, the dreamer would say things like, "you'd better keep talk like that for your dreams", and, "you might get away with talking like that to your wife but i'm no man's wife" again, his girlfriend laughed and again, as with alan, he maintained an elongated smile that was on the verge of a laugh addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.9 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () alan (3+) colin (2) humour () 26092020 - 1068 the name of the dream: pictures and pockets it was pictures night the cinema has several screens the dreamer would decide what to watch when he got there on the way, he withdrew six-hundred pounds from a cash machine at the cinema and before buying a ticket, two thoughts occurred to the dreamer the first is taking off his coat and the other is the possibility of needing to go to the toilet it was not impossible that the dreamer may forget to pick up his coat when leaving it was also possible, if the need to got the toilet did arise someone might steal the dreamsr's coat decided to split the money into two amounts one for spending, the other he would give to the cinema cashier to keep until he dreamerleft gave her the money the girl cashier didn't know if she could do it she called for assistance a security man came into the dream in the next scene the dreamer told him he wanted the cashier to keep three-hundred pounds for safe-keeping hadn't counted exactly how much was in either of the two amounts the dreamer said three-hundred because that was half of the total the actual amount given to the cashier was more like five-hundred the security man asked the cashier to pass him the money he spent a few moments assessing how much was there and then put it somewhere on his person he then began talking to someone on his walkie-talkie asked him what he was doing he ignored the dreamer and kept talking as the dreamer began to get more insistent he began walking away now the dreamer was angry a nobody had asserted his petty authority and was basically saying, "the money is mine until i say otherwise" the dreamer "lost it" he wrestled the security man to the ground and began searching him it was when the dreamer realised that he would have to touch his buttocks to check his back pockets that the dreamer stopped searching him went back to the cashier, pulled out my mobile to call the police can trace this dream to thoughts and feelings during the day addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - petty authority (2) money () 25092020 - 1068 the name of the dream: a state of mind made a new acquaintance he gave the dreamer his address and said to call on him sometime called in on him in the next scene he wasn't in the person who opened the door was friendly enough and took him up on his offer to come in and wait we went into the living-room the burly young man sat in an armchair he had been watching the telly when the dreamer called he sat in silence and continued watching a programme he didn't respond to a couple attempts to start talking the dreamer felt awkward the programme changed it was the programme the person who opened the door had been waiting for the programme-presenter suggested the viewer join him as he did things the first prompt the host gave was for the viewer to stand up and walk in side-steps the young lad stood up and copied the t.v. host as he mimicked the t.v. host, he began commenting on how easy it was he was thoroughly enjoying himself the young man, the dreamer realised, is mentally challenged was reflecting on his state of mind when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () 24092020 - 1067 name of the dream: abduction attempted to buy a ticket for the circus online there are three or four scenes of filling in the date, time, price, personal details again, couldn't initiate the purchase by clicking the "buy" button could click the buy button but nothing happened decide to go to the fair instead at the fair, there a couple of scenes of a fairground nature a girl of about six or seven is being dragged, crying and screaming, by a boy of about twelve it could have been her brother, my instincts said otherwise it could have been her brother, but my instincts said otherwise went to the police-crime tent to report it inside the tent, there were four or five other people waiting if it were a crime, the young boy and girl would be gone by the time an investigation got underway went back to where the girl and boy had been they were, of course, gone dream due to thinking about child-crime during the day addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - child-crimes (2+) 23092020 - 1066 name of the dreams: remember not to criticise a woman's cooking or her hairstyle, gangster game dropped in to say hello to a lady who owned a woman's hair salon she was hovering around one of her client's putting the finishes touches to her client's hairstyle the woman in the chair had said how she wanted it to look it looked ridiculous imagine a hair bun at the back of the head the bun is the diameter of a jam jar now elongate the bun to a third of a meter the rest of her client's hair is thick and naturally wavy and goes all the way around her head the dreamer stood for a second or two looking at it before saying, "a little curtain of hair along there", pointing to the side of her head the woman in the chair was in no mood to compromise with what she thought suited her she snapped back, "i couldn't give a frig with what you think" the dreamer knows better than to say anything else addenda: vividness: - 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - women () hair salon's (1+?) gangster game sat at a long table with about seven or eight men on either side of the table the game was run by gangster's for other gangster's the room was bright, too bright for a relaxing game it was strictly business the organiser of the game sat at the head of the table to my left his apeman enforcer stood beside him there were five men on my side of the table between him and me the organiser lived to be outside of the law don't recall what game we were playing the game, whatever it was, was, as it always was, going my way the problem is if the dreamer is always winning, no amount of protesting would pacify the organiser he would assume the dreamer was cheating and, if necessary, rough the dreamer over to get the dreamer to admit it he would know who was winning and losing, and by how much he wouldn't, however, be keeping track of how much time each player was at the table the trick was to make myself conspicuous when losing and go ultra-low profile when winning it was a simple matter of doing the sums the time it took to win money would be equal to, or greater than, the average amount of money made elsewhere addenda: vividness: - 3.8 - participant - the category of the dream - card games (2+?) 22092020 - 1065 the name of the dream: out of time a new, deadly germ is discovered a photograph showed a microscopic, featureless black dot in a petri dish the next image, it is a life-size black dot the next image is of a saucer-sized entity that looks like a black, puffy chapati its nucleus is clearly visible in the next scene, it is monstrously big the size of a flying saucer it has a metres-long tube the same colour as its body the tube/extension is at least a metre wide the mouth glistens and moves as it probes the surroundings the extension bends and sways as it supports the mouth it is obviously seeking food the mouth of the monster attaches to a living thing the area around where the mouth of the tube is affixed to the body of the living thing starts to turn black it is truly fearsome alas for the monster, is out of step with evolution it should have first seen the light of day when life first came out of the water instead, contemporary man is extant it is a lumbering giant it is so slow a walking pace will put distance between it and a person half a dozen ways of capturing it or killing it present themselves in a different time, it would be the dominant life-form addenda: vividness: 3.2 - observer - the category of the dream - primordial life (1) 21092020 - 1064 the name of the dream: feelings for females my heart went out to a girl child she lived in an impoverished east european country her parents or parent lived in poverty and didn't have the means to take care of her the theme of the dream, feelings for females, stayed the same but the circumstances changed in my late-twenties and meet a girl in her late teens we go to her house to meet her parents the difference in our ages makes the father weary of me he is also out of work he doesn't have a trade or skill he has resigned himself to a low standard of living his wife is in the background of the dream she has a subdued demeanour the dreamer realises he can help the father the dreamer tells him that he still has the tools of those trades from his early days as a self-employed man he becomes enthused when he realises he can become self-employed not only can he earn a wage, but he also has a choice of jobs he can become employed as a window cleaner, photographer, wedding organiser, or in garden-management he laughs at the idea of being a disc jockey the last theme in this dream is, again, a woman/man relationship the woman is in her mid-to-late-thirties she has thick, dark hair, is slightly plump, about five-feet-two and has a light-red tinge in her cheeks it is easy to see, at first glance, why a man's gaze might not linger if a man looked a little longer, he would see what the dreamer saw a woman totally at ease with herself there was an assured pleasure hidden in her countenance she still had the outlook of a childhood that was so well balanced it had formed in her an unshakeable view of the world life, and everything about it, was good she might have never known a man the thought of being intimate with her thrilled me the chance to fulfil that childhood love the dreamer felt for girls as a boy the dreamer will know the moment our eyes meet if she would accept the dreamer as a childhood friend our eyes made contact addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () women () 20092020 - 1063 the name of the dream: the new ratio the first two or three scenes depicted our enhanced ability to concentrate and evaluate as a result of our new sleep/awake routine several people were in a well-lit room it was the equivalent of a classroom it may have been an exam or a demonstration of our newly-developed faculties a question was posed the answer to a question was arrived at by deduction and association given one fact, everything worth knowing became known the answers to questions were too fast to remember this dream allows the most radical idea in dreams and dreams theory to be highlighted the dream-time conscious eventually becomes the prevailing conscious addenda: vividness: 4 - participant - the category of the dream - future abilities (2+) 1909202 - 1062 the name of the dreams: disappointment 1, disappointment 2 four or five had arrived at the pub unbeknown to us, a new system of paying for the drinks was in effect credit cards had been supplanted unreusable vouchers were needed for all transactions the vouchers were in denominations of one-fifty or two-fifty the vouchers could only be used once no change was given but bartenders could make a note of the difference this kept things more or less in balance the problem was the vouchers weren't available at the pub the vouchers had to be purchased in notes from dispensing machines in shops it meant going back home for notes then going to a shop one of us had one note at home but that was it between us, there wasn't enough to get a round of drinks it was then remembered there was a stash of dozens of notes worth hundreds of units at home more than enough for all of us by then though, we had disbanded and gone our separate ways didn't fancy drinking on my own addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () topical? () disappointment 2 a not totally different situation arose in the second dream had "pulled" two girls it may have been that two girls had let the dreamer "pull them" one of them was my size the other was a much bigger girl from her point of view, there wasn't enough of the dreamer to "go around" for the two of them nevertheless, she lay down with us could sense the disappointment in the bigger of the two girls realising the success of the moment depended on getting her involved, the dreamer gave her all his attention at this point of the dream, we are still dressed she was wearing skimpy, white shorts placed one of my hands across the lower part of her buttocks and gently drew my fingers together, squeezing and caressing her mounds of flesh three-scenes of heightened sensations of buttock-caressing filled the dream just as the dream was going in the right direction, it ended addenda: vividness: 4 - participant - the category of the dream - women () intimacy () 18092020 - 1061 the name of the dream: the creed the conflict between good and evil had been going on since time immemorial no one knew its beginning the spirit of right was the message of the creed the creed was a cloth parchment the parchment is an embroidered material the words are in blue the background is silver it has a black border the creed was a dictation, so legend has it, by a man who was immobile from the neck down the creed reflected the sentiments of the man in five or six sentences when circumstances produced despair, as in this instance, men would read the creed for inspiration the wording had a rhythm to it it was in a point-counterpoint style the creed imparted the determination of a man when all had left to fight with was words this dream is a think-read dream it is, of course, a reflection of our present situation it has a high-addenda: vividness: rating it is an insight into a critical moment of this point of time in another undulation the creed itself was the only visual aspect to this dream the dream was thick with sentiment a sentiment that bolstered an eventual outcome the writer didn't recall the dream until some minutes after waking by which time the exact wording had slipped from the memory addenda: vividness: 4.8 - observer - the category of the dream - think-read dream () topical () 17092020 - 1060 the name of the dream: nearly an epic kissing dream an ex-girlfriend called we hadn't parted on amicable terms and didn't expect to see her again she too wasn't expecting a warm welcome not sure what prompted her to visit the dreamer is energised and motivated to do things he is in too good a mood to turn her away within a scene or two, we were touching hands, patting each other and leaning into one another it was the dreamer who began the pecking kisses she returned in kind she became infected with my feelings and began kissing the dreamer on the face, neck and forehead throughout the dream there music at one point the need to sing overpowered everything else and the dream became externalised she didn't know the song (van halen - dance the night away) but knew it was apt for the moment soon she was joining in the chorus and emphasising the "baby, baby," we were kissing during talking while making plans for what we would be doing together fun kisses on her lips between words while she was talking the light-hearted nature of the kissing made the kisses fun as much as anything else as you know, kisses can lead to or reach a crescendo kissing as a way expressing a good mood has a different character a mood, especially a good mood, can be an enduring thing and last all day, or as was the case here, throughout a dream which would have taken up several minutes of r.e.m. unable to pinpoint what had happened in the day or days before this dream to say what caused it most of the nine or ten scenes of this dream had kissing in them not quite an epic dream addenda: vividness: 4 - participant - the category of the dream - kissing dream () externalised dream () singing (2+) a timed-to-occur dream? 16092020 - 1059 the name of the dream: until proven guilty had been arrested the dreameer is in the back of a car outside of where he lives and is about to be transported to a police station before the car began moving asked if my back-pack was amongst the items that had been confiscated there were things in the back-pack which would be needed to gt back home wasn't protesting about having been arrested it meant it was a "fair cop" or a trumped-up charge and there was no point in trying to protest at the police station was put on a lie-detector, the sensation of the sensor pads on my head was the stand-out tactile sensation of the dream the woman operating the lie detector walked into my field of vision somebody asked if the test was ready to go-ahead the dream ended there addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - crime () 15092020 -1058 the name of the dream: name that tune was in a customers house delivering the photos of their daughter's wedding during the conversation, the mother of the newly-wed daughter mentioned that one of the songs played at the disco at the reception was a song she had always liked and wanted to know who sang it it didn't take long to establish who sang it it had strong harmonies in it it was one of my favourite songs as well it was on a cassette player the dreamer carried around with the dreamer (this dream is before mobile phones became common) to the mother's delight, it would be possible for the dreamer to play it onto her cassette recorder/player the thing was, a lead with a 3.5mm jack on both ends was needed there were then several scenes as we tried to connect two leads that had one 3.5mm on one end and something other than a 3.5mm connection on the other the problem was neither of us could bring ourselves to cannibalise one our leads in the end, promised to make a copy and send it through the post addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - business () cassette players (1) 14092020 -1057 the name of the dreams: humour in an institution, violence as a means to an end a highly vivid dream which takes place in the dining area of a young men's penal institution the dining-area had about one-hundred-and-fifty inmates seated at tables for four both the inmates and the sole staff supervisor is dressed all in white the staff member has bright ginger hair the dreamer is a table or two from where the member of staff is seated an inmate is standing over him the inmates is angered by something or other and is letting loose on the member of the staff the inmate is airing his frustration at not being able to get the food he wants or isn't getting enough, not sure exactly what his complaint was it goes on for quite a while decide to get involved and go and stand behind the inmate remonstrating within seconds of dream-time, the inmate walks away the member of the staff looks at me, a signal to speak the dreamer shuffles a bit and says, "well he's gone now, i was going to suggest that you let the dreamer order for him" the staff member chuckles three times it felt good to see him happy addenda: vividness: 4.7 - participant - the category of the dream - humour () the above dream was due to eating fresh, hot bread before going to bed violence as a means to an end the controlling cliques (see lead article) instigated a campaign of violence because too many people were becoming aware of the organisers of crimes against children the campaign of violence was a warning to the organised opposition to them that the controlling cliques would bring about even greater anarchy if the opposition didn't stop exposing them the dream turned into a think-read dream there is evidence that the untited nation's organisation was involved in criminal activity with children addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - topical (4+) crimes against children () this dream was due to watching podcasts during the day which explained the depth of the involvement of the "establishment" 13092020 - 1056 the name of the dream: the american connection went to "score" some grass from my dealer he handed the dreamer a letter the letter was two pages of a school notebook; the type with staples holding two, a4 sized pages together the front two pages had a cluster of half a dozen photos halfway down the page and diagrams in a half-moon crescent at the bottom of the page it was written in pencil, in longhand and wasn't easy to read it would have taken several minutes of awake-time to read it however, nothing if not a trier began the gargantuan task managed the first half-a-dozen lines but that was it the tone of the letter was friendly, too friendly it was more of an introduction about the state of play of the availability of grass in america the guy that handed the dreamer the letter showed the dreamer the box of his last "shipment" it would hold at least an ounce a lot more if compressed there was no denying it was a bargain whoever intended sending the "gear" was doing it as an act of good-will all the dreamer had to do is read the letter and follow the instructions it was an impossible task my brain, which, it is assumed, is something close to the average brain, simply isn't capable of taking in that much information in a think-read dream why the brain presented the dreamer with so much written information in one go is not understood the interesting thing about this think-read dream was the ability to scroll the page the dreamer did this several times one time to look at the pictures a couple of times to see how much more of the page there was to read three or four times purely to experience the novelty of being able to scroll it is noteworthy, that scrolling down and up happened at an awake-time pace perhaps this dream is an introduction to a new level of sophistication what we will be able to do as think-read dreams become a regular part of our dream-time state see also dream (18012018) addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - think-read () scrolling (1) 12092020 - 1055 the name of the dream: a nicely-timed windfall a stranger approached me he was smartly dressed and well-groomed he was holding a sturdy briefcase he gave the names of a couple and the place and date of a wedding and asked the dreamer if he remembered doing the photographs for the wedding the dreamer only had a vague recollection but gave a confident, "yes, i do" he said, "you won't know me, my name is ...?" "i'm here to give you something", he said he put the briefcase on the ground and handed the dreamer a wallet-sized item the size of the wallet told the dreamer it was money the dreamer accepted it he then opened his briefcase and gavethe dreamer a package the size of an a4 sheet of paper and as thick as mobile phone he started walking away his briefcase was still on the ground the dreamer picked it up as the dreamer picked it up the briefcase opened slightly the latch of the briefcase was faulty and popped open if it was jerked-up by the handle my impression was, he was a go-between a girl wearing a white, puffy jacket was nearby she had heard and seen what had happened her estimation of the dreamer had just gone through the roof she was ready to be approached... a coincidence that the i has a briefcase with a faulty latch? addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - money () 11092020 - 1054 the name of the dreams: tiers of men, threesome a girl let the dreamer know she was available she already had a boyfriend and it was someone the dreamer knew had total respect for him and wanted to spare his feelings knowing it would devastate him if he found out about it her boyfriend lived in a men's hostel the hostel had four or five floors each floor designated the characteristics of the men who lived there the dream then turned into a think-read dream it was a description of the men each line of the think-reading painted a bleaker picture of the men the man referred to lives on the top floor by the the fourth line men living on the ground-floor had extremely anti-social and even homicidal tendencies addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of dream: women () friends and acquaintances () think this dream was due to not washing the blood off pig liver before cooking it the name of the dream: threesome x dream addenda: vividness: - 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream this dream led to a prolonged formulation of activities enacting straight-line-action 10092020 - 1053 the name of the dream: x dream 09092020 - 10052 the name of the dream: christmas day in the morning the first part of the dream is in dermot's living-room on this christmas night we'de been up all night three of his carers called at about 7 am dermot went to let them in as he walked along the hallway to the door was surprised at how well he could walk he was walking spritely there was a conversation for a scene or two before the dreamer announced that, "dermot's walking has improved one-hundred and fifty-per cent" the carers agreed and were pleased in the next scene, the dreamer is outside and walking down the curved, downsloping tarmac path to my place it is dark there is a family of four on the pavement five or six metres behind me the dreamer is carrying a skateboard and say, "merry christmas" one of the two boys is carrying a skateboard we to decide to have a bit of fun and skateboard down the slope on our belly a little bit of teasing from the dreamer in which the dreamer claim victory as the winner prompts the father to say his other, older son, would be able to beat the dreamer if we were standing on the skateboards he has thrown down the gauntlet the dreamer accepts the chalenge we toss a coin to see who gets to choose the inside of the curve the dreamer wins looking at the lay of the path reveals that at its sharpest there is a dip the dip is deep enough to throw the dreamer off balance tell my challenger's that they can have the inside part of the path the dream ends before the race starts addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () dermot (4) christmas () skateboards () 08092020 - 1051 the name of the dream: food for favours met a girl who gave the dreamer a "hard luck" story the dreamer helped her out by buying her a fast-food meal she had two friends in the same position as her they all lived on the same floor in the same block of flats one of her friends had a young child now the dreamer is roped-in they realised the dreamer is a soft touch and couldn't say no to helping the young mother it wasn't long before they were knocking on my door on whenever they needed food they sense the dreamer is starting to hesitate when they called on me they began hinting that the dreamer should come to one of their homes and we could enjoy a meal together food for favours isn't my style when children are involved an air of awkwardness entered the dream in one scene, the pizza had been so over-cooked the pastry was too hard to cut with a knife someone produced a pair of scissors the size of hedge cutters one of the blades had a jagged edge it sawed through the pastry with ease in another scene, two young men were standing at a door in a row of houses they look familiar the dreamer becomes excited when he realised it was the everly brothers and began pointing them out to people addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - women () food () celebrities (the everly brothers) struggled to remember this dream upon waking points that needed to go into the main page of the website kept asserting themselves 07092020 - 1050 the name of the dreams: the carmarthenshire crash, dancer of the year a two-line think-read dream it described a crash involving two vans seven people died in the accident there was only one survivor the accident happened because in one of the vans the exhaust had been moved close to the body couldn't read all of the message because every time the end of the first line had been read and the dreamer went to the second line it took him to a part of the first line he'd already read that happened three times the detail of the dream allowed the dreamr to do a custom search when he got to the computer no results had the words "seven" and "dead" and "carmarthenshire" in it concluded the crash was either from the past of a past undulation or from future of this, or a future undulation the addenda: vividness: suggests a future tense of time addenda: vividness: 3.2 - the category of the dream - think-read (12+) road accidents (1) dancer of the year on the dance floor it wasn't a big dancing area it was about eight-metres by eight-metres there were about twenty girls dancing it was a new style of a discotheque compiled a few hours worth of dance tracks joined the tracks together so they would play without any silent gaps now the dreamer could join in the dancing would make a voice-memo of requests while on the floor halfway through the night, it would only take ten to twenty minutes to compile them it was non-stop dance music thhe dreamer is thoroughly enjoying his-self even though he is dancing solo near the edge of the dance-floor nobody minded in the next part of the dream the dreamer found out had been nominated dancer of the year someone from the media was interviewing me said to her, "still feeling a bit stiff from an accident, hope to be back to normal in about three years" this dream was due to two things had compiled four-hours worth of dance music a week or so before and had enjoyed dancing to them a feeling of strength returning after beginning a new exercising routine the day before addenda: vividness: 3.6 - participant - the category of the dream - dancing () innovation () 06092020 - 1049 the name of the dream: the return of the entrepreneur the country is in partial lockdown the pubs are closed but the beaches are open decide to mix the dreamer a drink of vodka and milk and take it with the dreamer to the beach in the right ratios, it has a nice little taste put the mix in a metal container that has a variable nozzle at one extreme of the setting, it makes a fine spray at the other extreme, it produces a continuous, fine stream try the various settings on the nozzle to find out how many squeezes it takes to make the equivalent of a single-shot a girl is in the room watching the proceedings she wants to know what it tastes like she opens her mouth give her a spray "taster" she is impressed she asks if the dreamer can do it with other types of alcohol it gets him thinking... with enough of a selection, the chances are it could be popular with a sufficient mark-up, i'm not greedy, it could be a handsome "earner" one limitation would be carrying the weight of a few dozen bottles who does the dreamer know that could carry thirty or forty-gallons around with him?, how much would he want?, would more than one "carrier" be needed?... addenda: vividness:: 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - entrepreneurial (3+) alcohol (1) topical (4+) coronavirus (2+) would m 05092020 - 1048 the name of the dream: go, baby, go this dream is the third "sighting" of its type outdoors it is nighttime the temperature is balmy it is thin or sparse white cloud or completely clear my attention becomes drawn upward (see The Act of Observation) my gaze goes to the brightest object in the sky it is the moon is about the size of the button of a blouse or shirt there are a dozen or so stars in the immediate vicinity of the moon the stars are one-tenth or less of the diameter of the moon one star starts moving slowly then the star begins to gather pace over the distance of ten to twenty diameters of the moon, it continues gathering speed as it moves faster, it gets brighter towards the end of the "display", it looks like a meteor skimming the upper-atmosphere at its brightest, it becomes a quarter or a half or even as bright as the moon it disappears completely straight after it has "burnt out" then another one of the "stars" does the same thing only it does it faster or slower or dimmer or brighter over the same or a greater or a smaller distance the mind "takes" to the sight the mind is thrilled with the spectacle a sense of wonder signals that faculty in the mind which declares it an enhancement the word "go" fills my mind a girls voice sounds out, "go, baby" my mind feels her sentiment the object is still accelerating after the first chant of "go, baby" there is time to add another go before the object brightens and disappears another object starts moving both the girl and self chant, "go, baby, go" the chant lasts from the moment the object begins moving until it fades out by the fourth time, a third person, someone not visible in the dream, joins in the chant three people chanting out, "go baby go" brings people to their windows another girl, again, not visible in the dream, lets out a two-syllable chuckle the "display" ends we are not disappointed we are feeling fulfilled in the not too distant future, when the writer is surrounded by "helpers", dreams will be accompanied by videos which will capture the sights and sounds in dreams addenda: vividness: - 3.4 to 3.5 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - ufo's () go, baby, go (3+) 04092020- 1047 the name of thea dream: move over mr lovell an acquaintance took the dreamer to see a couple of males the young men were keen amateur astronomers the two men wanted to attend a seminar they were hoping to find someone with enough savvy to make accurate notes of what was coming through the telescope while they were away for the evening one asked if the dreamer knows where mars was in the sky at that moment went to the window and pointed up and to the right it was of course on the other side of the sky got right some of what they asked the dreamer knew its closest and furthest distance from the earth and its mass compared to earth managed to win them over would probably get paid was more interested in using the equipment than anything else addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - astronomy (1) mars (1) 03092020 - 1046 the name of the dream: the malaria man an effective way of reducing malaria was making inroads in areas where it is most abundant man-shaped matchstick men with dozens or hundreds of letterbox-shaped slits all over its body are the front line the size of the models isn't clear in the dream a favourite food of the mosquito is used to entice the fly in through the slits inside the man-shaped models are wasp-traps designed for mosquito's this attack on the mosquito was so successful, an industry grew out of making the models, replacing or reusing them, disposing of the dead bodies etc. a nice little touch in the dream was those who do the recycling, renewing, repairing etc. of the dummies also act as home-help, children-carers, doctors and even as possible suitors for the ladies in the dream, the job was a much sought-after position there was this one woman in particular addenda: vividness: 3.2 - observer - the category of the dream - innovation () mosquito traps (1) 02092020 - 1045 the name of the dream: modern vestal virgins? a group of a dozen or so women they had an anticipatory, excited and confident air about them all of the women looked in their early twenties all of their clothes had the same theme, white and near-white dresses some had loose sleeves, others half-sleeves and others had split sleeves some didn't have sleeves some of the women wore blouses, some had belts around their waists, most of the dresses are loose fitting some wore chiffon the breasts of three or four of the women are visible the women are clustered together they stood about three-metres away each one of the women had a unique appeal peering towards the back of the group, my gaze singled out one who was different she didn't have the good looks of the others, nor did she look confident she looked troubled it was to be the dreamer who would change her outlook on life and change her countenance the odd thing about this dream was the white biplane close behind them addenda: vividness: 4.3 to 3.4 - observer - the category of the dream - women () 01092020 - 1044 the name of the dreams: the car check, happy woman two of us have finished our shopping in town we are on the top floor of an open-air, multi-storey car park in a car i'm not familiar with, it takes but a minute or so of dream-time to get the hang of changing the gears not sure why it's the dreamer doing the driving the owner of the car leaves the dream so now i'm on my ownsome on the ground-floor, someone wearing official-type clothing gestures the dreamer into a particular spot it takes some nifty driving skill to steer into the spot a woman and a man come to the car they want to do a spot-check on the roadworthiness of the car a pressing need to go to the toilet occurs they have no problem with my request the dreamer leaves the car, and the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3 - the category of the dream - cars/car-parks (2+) happy woman the dreamer woke still feeling half asleep in my ultra-relaxed state, a mini-montage began first, there were three scenes of women two of the women are in bedroom attire it was hard to tell with the second and third women whether it was before or after, such was the sensuous body language with the first woman, it was different she was a naturally happy person not sensuous but her naturally happy state was something i wanted to understand without willing it, she reappeared after the second and third scene her peculiar disposition was even more evident she was one of love/life's naturals there are states of consciousness that transcend pleasure addenda: vividness: 4.3 - observer - the category of the dream - mini-montage () women () there was another dream in this sleep it was something to do with responsibility 31082020 - 1043 the name of the dream: babies are good for the soul in a clean, bright room the room has twenty or more babies in it going from baby to baby and getting a response from each of them by adjusting my smile every baby smiled back at me one or two turned their head away as they began to smile a sign of shyness the dreamer thinks each response was a little different some were open-mouthed smiles most were closed we can start getting used to the idea of living an entire lifetime without a single undesirable event happening it'll be here quicker than you think addenda: vividness: 4.5 - participant - the category of the dream - babies (5+) move over d.t. had a ridiculously thick and wavy head of hair five-centimetres at the side even more on top no matter where the dreamer tried to place the parting it wouldn't stay put the hair knot re-arranged itself and the parting went back to where it had been addenda: vividness: - 4.4 - observer - the category of the dream - hairstyles () mine () can an hairstyle be inherited? 30082020 - 1042 the name of the dream: walking the dog turned a corner and entered a high street the street had trees with metre-high metal tree guards around the trunks lining the edge of the pavement four or five scenes of dogs on leads two of the scenes stood out two chihuahua's crossed paths one was dark-brown with black patches, the other was a coffee-cream colour all over the excited way they both ran-out the length of the leads and the heighth their momentum took them as the lead pulled them back as they tried to get to each other they were yapping continuously the other stand-out scene was of the all-brown chihuahua and a boxer dog the boxer dog assumed the stock-still position as the chihuahua ran at it barking and jumping the owner's let them come into contact momentarily as they passed each other addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - animals () mammals () dogs () chihuahuas and a boxer dog 29082020 - 1041 the name of the dream: the lodger "scores" lodging in a two-up-two-down house it is nine-o'clock'ish have just watched a film in the downstairs front room there is someone asleep in a lounge chair the landlord has a box in his hands and moves towards the t.v. inquiring what it is, he says, "it's a video game - i play it every night" not being tired, the dreamer asks if two can two play it he gets the hint he says, "always play it on my own" a voice from upstairs says, "is that t.v. going to be on all night?" between the landlord's video game and the upstairs lodger, my fate for the evening is sealed as the dreamer leaves the room and heads for the upstairs the thought of the person in the chair and the commanding voice upstairs causes the dreamer to quip sardonically, "sometimes i think you like being mucked about" the landlord probably agrees with the dreamer and laughs get to the top of the stairs and notice the door of the other room is open not able to get to my room without passing the door and seeing in, the details of the room come into focus a scantily-dressed, full-bodied woman is lying in a double bed wearing a bra under a see-through nightgown there are chocolates and a book on the bed (stand-out visual) she has been waiting for the dreamer to come upstairs and had become impatient to think, the dreamer nearly spent the night playing a stupid video game addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - lodger (2+) scantily-dressed women (2+) there was a dream about the london underground before the above dream the recollection of the dream is too vague to make it into an entry 28082020 - 1040 the name of the dream: big working in a large international store in birmingham get the opportunity to go to new york and learn american sales techniques the sheer size of the branch in america is mind-expanding the atmosphere is that of a carnival it's as though life is experimenting with mixing expansion with trade trade is incidental there's something more important than trade going on the concept of big minimises the dreamer to the point of insignificance but the sense of adventure counteracts the feeling it will take a while to become oriented to this way of life will have to take care not to get lost in life addenda: vividness: 4.3 - observer - the category of the dream - spaciousness (4+) new york (2) trump trumped a vivid three or four-scened dream have a head of wavy, light-brown hair that would make donald envious for the life of the dreamer can't get the parting straight addenda: vividness: 4.4 - participant - the category of the dream - hair (1?) 27082020 - 1039 the name of the dreams: coal, lights, knickerbocker glories living at home being the strongest male of the house it was my chore to fetch a bag of coal used the frame of a pram to transport the coal at the coal merchants, my complaint is that the bags don't keep the dust from the coal getting my hands and clothes smudged with dust a women chimes in and tells the dreamer for a little extra the coal can be processed into a form which is free of dust the woman can see i'm curious and produces a lump of coal the lump of coal is the size, and close in shape, to a coconut the woman hands it to me not only does the coal not smudge my hands but, amazingly, it is malleable it has the consistency of stiff a dough the extra cost was only pennies, well worth it addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - coal (1) next theme, am living on my own a couple of friends are at my place the room we are in is about three metres by two metres the room is brightly lit too brightly lit there are five lights each light is giving off about seventy or eighty watts of light each light has its own on/off switch what could be a comedy scene is an exasperating annoyance to turn off all the lights means having to press the off switch of the lights in a set sequence one-off at a time, then one-off and two-on then three-off and then... with five lights there are over a hundred different combinations each of us has a go at getting the sequence right nobody gets it in exasperation, one of my friends says something like, "leave them like that and let's go" we leave my place with two of the lights still on addenda: vividness: - 4.4 - participant - the category of the dream - lighting (2+) third theme, at my brothers we are in his kitchen the kitchen is white throughout and looks sleek it has every mod-con known to man and then some it is white throughout on the surface underneath the cupboards, there are a dozen or so dishes waiting to be ravished among the delectables, are two large glasses the size of a flower vases in the vases of glass are different layers of coloured ice-cream, fruits, and, of course, a large, crispy, thick triangular wafer hadn't tucked into a knickerbocker glory since childhood addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - family () phil () food () knickerbocker glories (1) maintaining the run of vivid dreams 26082020 - 1038 the name of the dream: keeper of the stone opening scene, in a pub it is not your typical high street pub again, as in a recent dream, it is about eight by eight metres and three metres to the ceiling it has a cornered bar, four metres by two metres classy, dark-brown, square tables and hard chairs, plush carpet and soft lighting the clientele are the type of people you would find in a pub in the city or at westminster, two and three-piece suits and well-groomed to a men a couple of men had a colourful handkerchief or a flower in the top pocket there are a dozen or so people, all men, sitting in one's and two's one man has just left the waitress is at the table almost immediately to clear the bevelled glass tumbler the waitress clears the table on the table is what looks like a diamond it caught my eye it is the size of a cube of sugar it is clear on all the sides except one which looks like frosted glass there was something about it that got the dreamer thinking my first thought is that it was a diamond that had been left as a tip but if that is the case, the waitress would have picked it up the waitress might have thought it had been left by mistake and left it on the table if it was precious, the man would be back for it the only thought that made sense was it was a piece of quartz the owner had lost interest in the dreamer goes with the the thought it is quartz i'd always wanted a piece of quartz to play around with, being that it can split a beam of light the dreamer picks it up and puts it in the pocket of his jacket thus started a dream of intrigue and the worst type of skulduggery the first man has a rustic complexion, a farmer's body and doesn't look quite right in a brown-red, two-piece tweed suit he says something his accompanying gesture tells the dreamer he wants what i've just picked up he isn't demanding it but he is suggestively indicating there is something in it for the dreamer if the dreamer give it to him there is an air of menace about him don't like the look of him and shake my head while looking at him with a steady gaze he knows it's not for sale now the dreamer knows it's worth something it might be a diamond after all next scene, another man with a lean body, also in a suit and tie presents himself to me he has a pleading look on his face he tells the dreamer he is from holland the dreamer decides to deal with him while we're talking, he looks over my shoulder his face drops there is fear in his eyes turn around to see a man wearing a black mask, like in the film "v for vendetta" two or three shots of a gun with a silencer sound out don't need to turn around to see if the man from holland is dead, the dreamer know he is the masked-man doesn't say or do anything now the dreamer realises he's to be allowed to decide who gets the diamond the masked man will, like a second conscience, be somewhere nearby to make sure it doesn't go to the wrong cause the next scene is a woman with a stunning shape and she is using her bodily wiles to prise the gem from me that she is trying to seduce the dreamer into giving it to her tells the dreamer that if the dreamer gives it to her it will mean she dies the dreamer will have to be careful not to hint that she can have the stone, or whatever it is, while the dreamer pretends he might if she treats the dreamer right whoever ends up with the quartz will hold the destiny of mankind in her/his hands at the moment it's in my safe, and excessively procreative hands notes 1 it's beginning to look as though hot bread before bed is leading somewhere see diet diary addenda: vividness: 4.2 to 4.3 - participant - the category of the dream - cloak and dagger (2+) this, the fouth dream in a row with a high addenda: vividness: 25082020 - 1037 the name of the dream: it's not a bad old life a wealthy somebody took an interest in my physical condition his friendly manner and suggestively helpful voice convinced the dreamer he had nothing but my welfare in mind he projects an air of safety he persuades the dreamer to let him get professional carers for me we go to his home there wasn't a scene which showed the building from the outside judging from the size of the room we are in, it's about eight by eight metres and three-metres to the ceiling, it is a mini-mansion there is a couch and an electrically-adjustable bed in the room and nothing else the room looks empty that changes in the next scene my benefactor and four nurses wearing mid-to-dark-blue dresses are in the room each of the nurses has her specialised equipment with her the room is starting to look cramped the subject of visitors comes up the dream takes on a serious tone the nurses are looking toward me for reasons not known to the dreamer steve is a taboo subject for all of them realising what the situation is, the dreamer 's comment is, "he's one of the strongest men i know of" the atmosphere in the room becomes charged steve's strength is part of their reluctance to accept him the dream resumes its calm texture when yours-truly agrees not to invite him to visit the assessment of the dreamer by each of the nurses has finished, and the girls are ready to leave two of the nurses and self are sitting on the couch the other two are two-metres away looking on the couch looked big when it wasn't in use with a nurse either side of me, we are squashed the nurse on my left kisses the dreamer on the cheek my response is to kiss her cheek the nurse on my right kisses the dreamer on my lips the dreamer returns her lip-kiss the two nurses standing, are looking on the nurses will be gone in the next scene of the dream they, their equipment and their charms will be back i'm feeling better already addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.3 - participant - the category of the dream - physical condition (3+) nurses (3+) benefactors (2+) in terms of colour, this dream is more vivid than last nights dream although dream 24082020 is more vivid in terms of detail dream 23082020 was more colourful than this dream the last meal of the day yesterday before this dream was with bread baked that day but was cold there appears to be a distinction between hot fresh bread and cold fresh bread 24082020 -1036 the name of the dream: 3-d zoom-in a three-scene dream first scene is of two women and the dreamer entering into where the dreamer currently live second scene, two women and self exiting from where the dreamer lives third scene, as we are leaving the dreamer 's attention is drawn to a neighbour's flat his flat is twenty-metres away in awake-time, the neighbour flat isn't directly opposite mine, which means he can't see my front door in the dream, his flat is in line with my flat and he has a clear line of vision to my front door the dream stays on the image of the neighbour the image is crystal clear the scene then zooms in slowly for two-seconds of dream-time his room and the expression on his face takes on a clarity which only those of us who have watched a film in 3-d through a virtual reality headset will be able to fully appreciate addenda: vividness: 4.3 - observer - the category of the dream - 3-d zoom-in (2+) neighbours (5+) d (2+) was hoping that the combination of hunger and freshly baked bread before bed would produce a truly stand-out dream like yesterday's this dream was almost on a par with the addenda: vividness: of the most vivid part of yesterday's dream the difference between the dreams may be due to not being hungry enough and/or the bread was from the day before however, two highly vivid dreams in two nights of sleep are noteworthy sticking to the notion that hunger and freshly baked hot bread within twenty-minutes of going to bed is productive in causing vivid dreams is a valid notion will try again tonight stay tuned 23082020 - 1035 the name of the dreams:sunburnt, glorious x, speed king, who?, think-read dream sunburnt three or four scenes of close-up views of mans body the individual is being examined by a doctor the doctor is giving a running commentary as the scenes are changing "this person thought he could expose himself to a fierce sun without consequences", the doctor says cynically each new scene shows a different part of the patients body all the pictures are ninety per-cent red areas addenda: vividness: 4.2 - observer - the category of the dream - male torso () sunburn () glorious x full colour, full feelings this is the sixth x dream with this young lady, who is, by now, in her early thirties a female who appreciates my style of extended activity addenda: vividness: 4.5 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () caz (5+) speed king it was one of my regular visits to see yvonne she and her hubby are getting ready to go and see someone not having anything to do, asked to go with them go out to the car and wait for them after a little while it is realised it could be a twenty-minute wait get out of the car a push-bike materialises (think it was strapped to the back of the car) it was a top-of-the-line, drop handlebars, lightweight racing bike jump on it and go for a ride my hands are on the top of the handlebars to start with immediately, the ease of producing speed take over there are then six or seven scenes on the bike the sensation of leaning into long curves at speed it was ultra-responsive to being re-positioned, there might have been a touch of mind-willed motion in it its manoeuvrability at speed cropped up a couple of times when the need to avoid crossing onto the other side of the road or pass close to a powered vehicle or being close to the curb on a slight decline on the right surface could get to fifty or sixty kmph the ease with which it was possible to increase and maintain speed was the stand-out sensation addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant (80%) observer (20%) the category of the dream - self-powered motion (7+) push bike (3+) family (12+) yvonne (3+) who? a fella' not known to the dreamer comes up to him and asked if he knows...? the name didn't ring a bell don't recall what my answer was next scene, am at my mothers mom asks rhetorically, "you live with...? don't you?", the dreamer did she then said, "when you see her will you ask her to speak to...?" the dreamer doesn't recognise the name and asks her, "who?" still didn't recognise the name and asked her again woke up to the sound of my own voice as i am asking her again addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - mom (3+) strangers () went back to sleep after voice-memoing the above dreams and went into the dream below the memorable dreams above may have been due to, for the first time in over a decade, eating half of a four-hundred-gram loaf of home-made bread before going to sleep (see diet diary) will keep myself hungry during the day and do the same thing tonight and see what happens think-read dream "this is the back of an individual who thought he could do what no one else could do, get a natural suntan from a fierce sun in the middle of a densely populated park in the centre of a city he didn't apply anything to his back and thought he could get away with doing it naturally being of this mind he thought he could do what no one else did, which was to do it naturally this is the result" addenda: vividness: 3.8 to 3.9 - the category of the dream - think-read dream () narrative from a dream (1) sunburnt the think-read dream above is the first think-read dream which the writer voice-memoed upon waking aiming for accuracy it wasn't until this think-read dream was being typed from the voice-memo that it was realised it is the narration of the first dream (sunburnt) 22082020 - 1034 the name of the dreams: in-store heist, blindingly funny working as a cashier in a store various departments would bring their takings to my booth when there was a certain amount it would be collected by security had hooked up with a dring thief he would get a signal from the dreamer when to "stick the dreamer up" he had a gun at the appropite time, gave him the signal he then robbed the dreamer at gun-point what wasn't known to the dreamer was there were armed private security guards he hadn't got more than a couple of metres with the money when they revealed themselves my accomplice knew better than to fight it out with them my only prayer was he would keep the dreamer out of it this dream was due to watching a double-heist in the film "valerian and the city of a..." before going to sleep addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - thievery () money () second dream blindingly funny several celebrities are getting ready to run a hundred-metre race blindfolded a few of them do a bit of practising beforehand it is going to be hilarious the dream ended before the race began addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - observer - the category of the dream - fun dream () sprinting () blindfolded () 21082020 - 1033 the name of the dream: hand-ball billiards the first scene, imagine a lane in a bowling alley the bowling lane is two-thirds of the length make the lane three times as wide take away the gulleys either side of the bowling lane cover the wooden lanes with a green, soft, smooth cloth, like a billiard table make the bowling ball the size of an orange and add two more the dreamer enters this dream and sees two young ladies at the far end of the bowling area the players are, like billiards, trying to knock either or both balls into an area at the end of the rolling-lane without leaving the balls in an advantageous position for their opponent yours truly joins the game taking the bowling ball, he splits the balls and makes it almost impossible for either of the next players to win with one roll on his next turn, he predicts that he will win the game the girls scoff the dreamer says, "if i lose, it will be the dreamer who has to forfeit something" "if the dreamer wins, it will be you who have to forfeit something" with my next go, the rolling ball goes the length of the playing area, rebounds off the bottom and knocks both balls into the win area it was a "mind-willed" shot only available in dreams the girls have a good idea of what their forfeit will be 3.2 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - games () balls (2+) 20082020 - 1032 the name of the dream: old friends and new things was allocated a flat on the first floor in a new block of flats the dreamer is more than surprised when he discovers that steve had also got a flat on the corner of the same floor went inside his flat he had next to no furniture, no curtains or kitchen equipment he did have a new girlfriend though his girlfriend had a three-year-old son we went into town bought things for the child one of the items was a black water pistol (stand-out visual) without telling steve, purchased several essential things for him would get a visit from him later on in the day to thank the dreamer for the items when they delivered to his door a satisfyingly good-natured dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - friends, relations and acquaintances () steve (5+) 19082020 - 1031 the name of the dream: flash bastard in a school for wayward boys one member of the staff, extremely athletic, was known for his violent tendencies there were two scenes which had the dreamer accidentally bumping into him in the second scene, he began talking out loud to himself he was letting the dreamer know the next mistake would have painful consequences in the next scene, his personality had changed completely he had become like a friend realised what had changed next, we are walking along the top of a ridge on our right the face of the ridge fell away to the ground twenty or so metres below the face declined at an angle for six or seven metres at the bottom of the face was soft textured earth providing a person jumped in a way which brought them into contact with the face within three or four metres, he would slow down enough as he slid and fell and make a safe landing on a soft, thick mattress of peet the man mentioned went first to show the dreamer how to do it he made it look easy as he readied himself for the drop/slide and then launched himself, the dreamer says, "what people don't realise is that god has experienced every conceivable variation of..." ever the exhibitionist, the dreamer decides to make the jump looking into the face halfway down, swivelled to face outward, crossed my legs and landed in a sitting position to cap it all, the dreamer finishes off the sentence which he had begun as the other man jumped addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - exhibitionism () falling/sliding () 18082020- 1030 dichotomies a dream with five themes highlighting those things which divide us christian and non-christian, covid infected and those who aren't, evolving and devolving and those in ethical parameters and those who aren't addenda: vividness: 3 - mostly participant the best things come... a small, delightful woman didn't ask if she could, but acting on compulsion, came and sat on my lap the moment we made eye contact addenda: vividness: 3 - participant : the category of the dream - two-themed dream () contrasts between lifestyles (1) x dream (12+) 17082020 - 1029 the name of the dreams: the antagonist, perks of a cabbie, pitch-black the antagonist set in exeter specifically, the stone stairs leading from the iron bridge to bell court a man in his early twenties is visiting a resident daily it came to be known the man was from france for reasons which never revealed themselves in the dream, he gave the dreamer a poisonous look every time he saw me had no intention of talking to him about it, nor was his look acceptable my countermeasure was to let him start the climb up the twenty or so steps as soon as he started to walk up the steps was my cue my to run to the steps and single or two-handedly vault over the hand railings onto the fifth or sixth step and walk in slow motion this gave the dreamer the advantage in two ways, 1, it would tell him his adversary was agile and strong and 2, give the dreamer the advantage of the high ground there were four, five or six scenes, with slight variations, of the manoeuvre the crunch time came when, with all my strength, performed a single-handed high vault which bent the railing out now the advantage was with him he could report me another manoeuvre was out now the only thing left to do is go up the stairs at an excruciatingly slow pace if he was going to do anything, now was the time as was thought, he had to eat crow and eat it in front of the person he was with addenda: vividness: 3 - participant perks of a cabbie had been booked to take two passengers they turned out to be girls they were in high spirits, giggling and moving around a lot occasionally glancing into the rear mirror, it became obvious they were showing the dreamer their underwear... addenda: vividness: 3 - participant pitch black there are two of us are in a room within an office within a building a power fault has thrown the room into complete darkness the only way to go from one place to another is to feel the way the person the dreamer is visiting is best described as an "occasional" business associate the visits to him are infrequent, once every one or two months he is yer typical money-grabber he only wants anything to do with people who will make him money his attitude comes through when he talkd dismissive of any talking which doesn't have a profit outcome the infrequent and meagre business that comes from the dreamer is the only reason he tolerates me the guy really rankles me to get "at" him, the writer half-inches something when the opportunity comes up nothing major, a pen, a stapler, sellotape...etc. as long as it's something the profit he makes from my business with him covers the cost of replacing the missing item, he puts up with it he almost, but not a hundred-per-cent sure, it's me and without proof... from this point of view, the current situation is a serious matter can sense his intense presence not having a torch or candles or fag lighter he can't see what yours truly is up to the dreamer could "nick" anything and he wouldn't find out until the lights came back on there no way he's going to leave the dreamer alone and go out into the street to get something both of us have our ears pricked to catch the sound of where the other person is the intense concentration gives the blackness substance my movement is the more difficult to hide as it means moving and feeling to find something to steal one of my movements gives the dreamer away an arm, borne of panicky strength, grips the bicep region of my right arm (the stand-out part of the dream) his grip is surprisingly strong, yours truly isn't going anywhere the category of the dream - multi-themed dream () contentious (5+) x dream () no visuals dream (1) 16082020 - 1028 the name of the dream: too loud popped in to see uncle les he was raving about the mini- speakers he had got from the dreamer on my last visit the speakers were slightly smaller than a twenty-pack of cigarettes he played something through the speakers, pointing out the clarity and volume unfortunately, the sound troubled the dog and the dog would whine by the door to be let out their accommodation didn't have a back or front garden so the dog had to be let out onto the street the dog was now in danger of the traffic went outside to keep an eye on the dog it was cold outside went back inside the house and told uncle les that he must lower the volume, which he did addenda: vividness:: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - audio equipment () speakers () animals: () mammals () dogs () 15082020 - 1027 the name of the dreams: nicknames, three on a bed a male friend and our respective girlfriends are indoors and chatting the subject of nicknames comes up we relate our experiences and thoughts about nicknames "sometimes we don't have a choice about what nickname we have", the dreamer says "at school, the smaller kids used to call the dreamer flash", the dreamer continues "when the dreamer was fully-grown girls called the dreamer millie", the dreamer concluded three on a bed had just laid down on a bed in a motel before thinking or doing anything a couple come into the room it is burt reynolds and his female partner he is the definition of extroverted happiness he takes off his shirt and pulls the girl he's with on top of him and they fall squarely on the bed their combined weight causes the dreamer to rebound upwards into a sitting position they are oblivious of me is the dreamer a figment of their imagination? addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: surreal situations () celebrities () burt reynolds (1) and - conversations () nicknames (1) 14082020 - 1026 the name of the dream: the game have just been admitted into a hospital go into the all-male ward a couple of patients are playing a game the game is built into the floor (stand-out visual) the visualisations of the game cover an area about four metres by three metres there is room for three or more players there are images of small discs about the size of saucers at the edge of the playing area a person places their fingers or palm on the saucer and slides in their saucer the direction of a country on a map of the world it's an odd mechanism which controls the speed the saucer moves the harder you slide the saucer the slower it goes and it goes faster if it is slid gently join in the game while the dreamer is taking his position he say ,"watch the dreamer make a hundred-thousand on my first go" a patient on the far side of the game mocks my declaration of winning by saying the same thing in a dumb way the dreamer 's reply is, "i take it you're in here to cure your sociopath tendencies" addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - hospital () games () 13082020 - 1025 the name of the dream: it's no fun being on the run people were after me the reason for the pursuit isn't clear, the consequences are would get a beating of the hospital emergency-room kind if and when caught treated the situation as a matter of life and death this dream is another epic dream with more than fifteen-scenes in it the dream is set in a town every one of the scenes was of the dreamer running or fighting you name the circumstances, it was in this dream forceful, evasive, sharp and innovative tactics my favourite defensive move when cornered was a kick in the groin there were at least three times when it was needed mainly though it was running it's amazing how the brain works when it's a life and death situation jumping from heights, running through traffic, shimmying up drain-pipes... my pursuer's pulled knives on me on one occasion found shelter in a hostel for males took a young lad into my confidence he leant the dreamer a hoodie and a cap and as a thoughtful gesture, gave the dreamer his i.d. card it is now possible to move around with a much greater degree of safety it felt as though my pursuers were no longer a threat addenda: vividness:: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - life-threatening situations () 12082020 - 1024 the name of the dreams: the girl on a bench, aunt grace, the horses' field, x dream, robert and me the girl on a bench a girl was sitting down to my left the writer was standing next to her it was going to be our first kiss leant over and put my left hand on her left shoulder as she was turning to face the dreamer , he timed it so that her face would be close to hers when she was fully turned knowing that her face would automatically turn upwards to look at me our lips touched before our eyes met her lips were full lips with only a little difference in size between the top and bottom lip the dreamer 's lips seemed to sink into hers an involuntary surprised sound of pleasure escaped from my mouth as our lips lost contact this kiss goes into the top ten kisses of both states of consciousness over the last few years, dreams and awake-time experiences have become equally vivid when remembered the thought that the dream-time conscious eventually becomes the dominant conscious re-asserts itself the horses field standing next to a wall about a metre-and-a-half high the wall was made of stone with jagged-edged stones on top there were spaces between each stone which made it difficult to climb over beyond the wall was a short-cut grass field that extended to the horizon within a couple of metres on the other side of the wall were two brown horses to the left of the horses stood a man he was subtly goading mgoading the dreamer in a subtle way into getting over the wall he was probably the landowner it was a bone of contention with him that people walking along the lane would cross his field and save walking the extra miles to get where they were going the dreamer was hoping after climbing onto the wall he would lose balance, fall or land awkwardly and unsettle the horses it was possible the dreamer 's sudden presence would startle the horses and they may feel as though they were under threat and kick out at what might be an attacker looking at the muscularity of the back legs of the horses (the stand-out visual) told the dreamer a back-kick from either horse would seriously injure me was veering towards not to going over the wall when the dream ended at auntie graces' this one-scene dream had the feel of entertainment about it the dreamer thinks it was something he said or done popular patient in hospital lying down on the bed in my room the door opens and a woman aged forty to fifty comes in and stands in the centre of the room she doesn't speak or move get up and go and stand in front of her still, she doesn't say or do anything after a few moments of scrutinising her face the penny drops she wants the dreamer to "take her" put my hand around her shoulder and kiss her we remain in the kissing position eventually, she leaves am now lying down again the door opens and another woman comes into the room she comes in and, as with the previous woman she doesn't move or speak robert mitchum and me unusually for epic dreams, this one had accompanying with unrelated themes the dream, like the scenes on the bike, speed along at breakneck pace the first scene, robert is sitting and very relaxed, almost lazy he is due to leave for america within a day or two he has a lot of things to do before he leaves to ggo back to america something the dreamer says causes him to the dreamer if he would help him to do those things he must do couldn't believe he would ask the dreamer to help him the dreamer jumps at the invitation the glamorous notion of being his chauffeur driving a limousine went out the window when we went to where a motor-bike and sidecar was parked robert was doing the driving there were at least three scenes of us having to deal with troublemakers "mitch" was in his element in a "scrap" my involvement in the fights was minimal robert was a genuine tough guy he "sorted them out" in double-quick time on one occasion he didn't have enough cash to pay for something it felt great to help him out the dream, like the scenes on the bike, speed along at breakneck pace he settled his bill with his landlady and paid for the day after just in case he needed another day again, my money came to the rescue in another scene, we had to go through the centre of coventry a small group had set up a tennis match we had to drive too near to them for their comfort one of the men playing tennis put himself in front of the motorbike robert showed his skill at driving a motorbike and scared the person holding the racket by swerving close to him robert was concerned he didn't have enough money asked him to show the dreamer how much he had there were two scenes when we both checked our money we both had loose change and both of us had dozens of shiny three-pence coins which comprised the bulk of the coins (stand-out visual) he had much more than was needed assured him he had more than enough and suggested getting something to eat robert didn't want to eat but he did want to go to the pictures asked him if he has seen chernobyl, he said he hadn't a new version of it was on release the reviews of it were good on the way to the pictures we got waylaid...another poor recording has meant the rest of the dream was lost addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 participant and observer - the category of the dream - epic and non-epic dreams mix (1) celebrities (4+) robert mitchum kissing dream () x-dream () animals () mammals () horses friends and relations (35+) aunt grace (3+) 11082020 - 1023 the name of the dreams: anyone for space-travel?, a little white mouse at home a little white mouse, a young, little white mouse scampers into view the mouse becomes transfixed a couple of metres away with the aid of the zoom-in faculty of the dream-state, it is possible to see what it is that has captured her/his attention it is a little brown pile of something another zoom-in allows the dreamer to idendify what it is it is a pile of poop her/his nose can be seen twitching as it tries to decide what to do the mouse mouse turns and retreats from it the dreamer deduces the mouse is hungry and settles on getting the mouse hot milk and bread was mustering the will to get out of bed and get the mouse the food when he woke hope the mouse found something to eat anyone for space-travel? at a football match it was the semi-final the match was between plymouth and ? the staduim holds one-hundred-thousand people (staand-out visual) a voice comes over the tannoy it is the voice of the actor who played roj blake in the t.v. series Blakes 7 he says he has a ship which can transport people off-world and asks if anyone wants to come there were a couple more scenes but they were muffled on the voice recorder sorry about that this vivid sound and visual dream suggests a future time-tense there's hope for plymouth yet addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () animals () mice (2+) football (2+) celebrities () gareth thomas (1) 10082020 - 1022 the name of the dreams: cell zero, a celebration of form, not a serene dream, janet's delivery, freebies freebies while out and about, walked past a building that used to be where a business plied its trade it had gone out of business in a gesture of generosity, it had left dozens of unwanted items on tables outside the entrance took as many items as one person could carry and make for home janet's delivery there is a knock on the door at the door is are delivery man and janet the item was for janet but she couldn't receive it because the terms of the delivery stipulated the item had to be handed to the person who lived there janet and the delivery man came into the house the delivery man wanted to know what it is the dreamer has done not a serene dream the setting for this dream has been in other dreams walking along a path that kept close to the side of a small river at one point, the lay of the land allows the river to form into a circular shape giving it the look of a pond it is about twenty-metres in diameter the brush between the path and the river has a small opening through the brush on the bank of the river is what's left of a fallen tree it is partly in the water and there is enough of the trunk on the bank for one or two people to sit immediately upon lowering into the sitting position there is movement beneath me looking to where the movement is coming from, the head and ten-centimetres of the body of a snake is visible with a hint of panic, the dreamer stands up and picks the snake up and throws it in the water the water is clear looking into the water, what was originally going to be a relaxing, reflective view turns into a horror show the pond is full of snakes of all sizes from grass-snake size to python size is the dreamer imagining it or are they looking at the dreamer as their next meal the next scene is of a newly-born crocodile sill in the egg with its mouth open ready to eat the final scene is in black and white but is vivid it brings this dream to a welcome end a weeks-old baby tightly bound in white crepe bandage with only its face showing the baby is crying with such distress it brings the dreamer out of the dream-state this dream was due to listening to reports on the Alex Jones ( show of what devolving beings do to children and babies a celebration of form a new category of dream: montage-dreams (each new scene is the same length as a scene from a dream, not the rapid changing of scenes as in a normal montage sequence) a gloriously vivid montage-dream (twenty or so scenes exhibiting the fabulous form of females) although most of the scenes were of unclothed women the scenes weren't meant to, nor did they, cause arousal the theme of the montage was an appreciation of the female form the first scene was of a young woman aged twenty-two or thereabouts she is standing without moving on a rotating pedestal her's wasn't a fantasy-type shape when dressed she could be any one of half of the women we see while out and about compact and strong her gentle smile exuded confidence ninety-nine out of a hundred men would find her attractive another scene which stands out is of another young woman with long dark hair she is more slender than the first woman as we view the scene, the woman is looking to her left and is moving smoothly from left to right as though on a conveyor belt we have only her shape to look at for a-second-and-a-half to her left and a metre away on a wall or partition, our eyes meet as we see her face in a mirror she too is smiling her smile conveys fun the moment when our eyes make contact via the mirror, was both unexpected and delightful in its delivery it lifted this dream-montage above and beyond other naked women dreams it was a brilliant touch it will be remembered for life how the dreamer loves dreams note let us not forget, in the next class of man-shaped beings to emerge (in about twenty-five-million years), the women will have one or two new features added to the mammal form cell zero a top security prison in a dungeon-type setting four cells with top to bottom bars with two prisoners in each cell it is morning roll-call the width of each cell is less than that of a man the depth of the cells is the length of the two-tier double bunks seven of the men are out of their cells waiting to be counted they are wearing white shorts and t-shirts in the third cell from the entrance to the cell-block, the eighth man is still lying on the lower-bunk he is not fully awake and is in no rush to get up he is deliberately stalling he knows the guards will find a way of making him pay for what he's doing very slowly, he stretches and stands up and then drags himself to the frame of the prison door but doesn't step out of the cell nick nolte; defiant to the last this dream is definitely not from a film : multi-themed dream - addenda: vividness: participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream: prison () celebrities () dream montage (1) the female form (3+) animals () reptiles () snakes () crocodiles () janet (3+) free items () 09082020 - 1021 the name of the dreams: the diner, pigeon pie the missus and self break our journey and stop at a diner from the outside, it looked like your typical tea and bun/coffee and cake diner a neon light outside, well-lit, white lights inside once inside, it was a different story it was partly furnished with the no-frills table and chairs we are accustomed to, and part soft-seat, padded, two/three-seater lounge-type sofas with low tables the tables and chairs were matched but the two sofas weren't one was synthetic brown leather with matching chairs, the other was a mix of coloured, square patches it looked garish all in all, the furnishings were acceptable providing you weren't expecting too much we headed for the brown sofa the diner was the idea of a man/wife team the couple had decided they could build a thriving business on a thick shoestring, more power to them for trying unfortunately, the couple were more enthusiastic than competent four or five of the tables were occupied, all were couples an altercation broke out between two customers what happened next was so farcical it might have been staged two men began shouting absurdities across the three-metres that separated them each had one of the no-frills tables and were holding them by the legs of the tables the top of the tables was out in front of them then, like jousters using tables instead of lances, ran at each other the clash of the tops of the tables resounded around the diner and may have been what woke me pigeon pie a controversy arose concerning the merits and disadvantages of pigeon pie for reasons no one could fully explain, pigeon pie became the "in" food to eat it had become the nation's favourite meat the beef industry weighed in acceptable reasons to eat beef were presented the debate was not settled before the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () eating/drinking () 08082020 - 1020 the name of the dreams: the thing before this dream became vivid in the third scene, there were two scenes of the dreamer talking to different people the tone of the first two scenes was, by and large, upbeat in the last scene were two people, one was two metres behind the person who was in my face and confronting me the person "in my face" was a twenty-one-year-old irish man he was half-a-metre in front of the dreamer and had a deadly serious look on his face his voice was every bit as challenging he was quizzing the dreamer about the last time we had been close to each other, some days before he wants to know if the dreamer has given something to him the dreamer 's memory is clear, the dreamer hadn't and said so his voice became menacing, and he asked, "you never gave the dreamer anything, nothing at all" it wasn't something that needed thinking about, the dreamer 's head shook no as my voice said no couldn't make sense of what he was getting at he recognised my sincerity and delivered the coup de grace "you don't know anything about this?", he asked, unbuttoning the bottom of his shirt my eyes took in that part of his body which became exposed my face dropped, think my body automatically recoiled as well as the reality of the image hit my brain a twelve-centimetre diameter portion of his belly, his belly button had vanished, as a three-clawed living thing began to open up like a three-petaled flower opening for the morning sun the "thing" was dark-brown and it reminds the dreamer of a giant shark as its mouth opens to take in food someone had either "micky finned" his food or drink, or in these covid-paranoid times, someone had transmitted it through their breath there was no way it could be removed from his body without killing him he was as good as dead already and he knew it he was hoping to find his murderer before he died we both knew it was just a matter of time "that's murder", the dreamer exclaimed in these times of genetically modified food and animals, have you seen that pic of the mouse with a human ear growing from its back?, the type of horror in this dream is well within the bounds of possibility and through interest and taxes wer'e paying them to do it! addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - human parasites (2+) 07082020 - 1019 the name of the dreams: public school, the dandy, the building site labourer, think-read dream last day of term for thirty or so pupils at an exclusive public school we are in a room with approximately eighty people; students, teachers and parents we pupils are wearing thick-woven checked jackets the decor is of the eighteenth century shiny oak chairs, tables, doors etc. everyone had achieved distinction in their particular field in one way or another mine was innovation there is an air of accomplishment and the promise of a full, productive and lucrative life ahead in one scene, there are s hundred or so fifty-pence pieces (stand-out visual) watched by four of the other pupils, tried to pile them into a single column; it might have been a bet or a challenge managed to get about fifty of them into a single stack before they collapsed two tables away from my table, a woman keeps "clocking me" she has plain looks; she is the definition of unglamorous her face has a look which is familiar to me, she is hungry for x it is for the dreamer to make the first move am thinking of when the chance of standing next to her will arise when the dream ends the dandy working in a busy pub my clothes are the subject of this dream a light-blue leather cap and light-brown, sleeveless waistcoat and black trousers the dream didn't have any other scenes the building site labourer a bundle of steel reinforcing rods fell on my upper-back and floored me it completely paralysed my left side was trying to move away from where the accident happened by using my right arm to lift and push myself it was the frightened reaction of someone in shock the second scene is of the back of a man rushing off to call for an ambulance think-read dream an eight sentence think-read dream about a man who had won thirty-thousand dollars by cheating at poker he crossed the wrong people when he plied his trade at a game comprised of policemen one of the policemen smelt a rat and investigated him he got four years in prison the dream gave the name of the town, county and state in america of this dream but didn't voice-record it and couldn't recall it when typing looked on the internet but there were no returns that fitted this dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (7+) 06082020 - 1018 the name of the dream: the big man and me an archaic first scene a two-metre wide hallway about seven-metres long with three doors on either side three or four people spread out along the floor the people were either sitting, propped up against the wall or lying on the floor against the walls it looked as though they had fallen where they had been standing was trying to understand what had happened president trump came into the scene he criticised the dreamer about something it was a valid point not wanting to make an issue of it but not wanting to accept it either, the dreamer looked behind him to give the impression he couldn't possibly be talking to the dreamer said, "are you talking to me?" he never replied as he walked past addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - high-profile people (3+) 05082020 - 1017 the name of the dream: x dream` 04082020 - 1016 the name of the dream: connected living on the second floor or higher ray arranged for the dreamer to meet someone he knew who would supply the dreamer regularly with quality black hash the bell rang we both went to the window to check it was him in sight was a car that had been in a crash it looked so badly damaged it didn't seem as though it could go the driver entered the room he looked and acted like he was still reeling from a crash it soon became apparent he was in a drug-dazed state the goods were every bit as good as was hoped another delivery was arranged the same guy in the same state and in another crashed car returned it didn't take long to realise; the goods were so good and available ray's contact must have been connected addenda: vividness: 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () ray (2+) hash (5+) 03082020 - 1015 the name of the dream: lows and highs married and living in the orient, probably china our home is in a hamlet of six, seven or eight detached wood houses the hamlet is about thirty metres by thirty metres her husband wanted to live in the city but gave way to her secure feelings of orientation a country upbringing had instilled the terrain of our very small community is extremely uneven the difference in the lay of the land the homes occupy is the height of one of the homes with at least one home built on a slope; the wooden supports of the house embedded in the slope is one of the stand-out scenes of the dream a couple of kilometres away is a small town from the elevated position of the hamlet we can see the lights of the town two-kilometres away twinkling in this, mainly, low addenda: vividness: dream we have been robbed my wife is devastated and becomes introverted in terms of wealth, we are middle-class before the robbery, we had a fridge, washing machine, t.v. my wife believes we are now poor my wife doesn't know that her husband didn't reveal that had a lot more money than we had spent putting our home together her husband fetches the briefcase-sized box from its hiding place and shows her the money a nice mixture of incredulity and ecstasy forms on her face tomorrow, we will go into town and do the shopping the final scene of this dream is of a narrow, brightly coloured, bustling street addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 3.4 - observer - the category of the dream - married life () 02082020 - 1014 the name of the dream: holidaying it is twilight with alan in an unidentifiable country we have left the train station and are walking along the embankment of a river there is a two-metre high concrete wall to our right beyond the wall is a slope with tall brush can't see beyond the brush looking ahead, it is hundreds of metres of the same we were expecting to be in a built-up area by now we climb over the wall and clamber through the brush onto a road with houses in the next scene, alan has left the dream the door of a building opens and yours truly asks if there is a room vacant the next scene, in an area about ten-metres by ten metres there is a two-metre wide opening in the wall to the left the top of the opening stops a metre below the ceiling beyond the opening leads to the dining room and the hotel rooms there is music playing the music has a classical arrangement and has a beat to it the beat is sufficiently compelling to cause three or four of the half-dozen people in the room to sway and rock back and forth a sprightly, lean woman comes through the opening in the wall she is dancing as she moves she has an active smile on her lit-up face and heads for me taking her hand we start Jiving ( to the sound there is at least a generation and-a-half between us, but this young, old lady, is sending unmistakable signals we can dance to the music but it could be even beatier asking someone near the music player to put Baggy trousers ( on doesn't get a response tell my dancing partner that my telephone has lots of dancing music on it and that it can be connected to the p.a. produce the telephone immediately am rummaging through my backpack for the leads when the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - holidays (3+) dancing (5+) alan (3+) 01082020 - 1013 the name of the dream: the end is nigh a combination of a set of circumstances gave rise to what was the perfect opportunity to implement one of several possible plans which would bring about the end of the financial structure the situation was ripe to begin the push back and once the pushing back began it would be impossible to stop in fact the longer it was delayed, the easier it would be one of the circumstances, a building which was the symbol of economic strength, had been vacated the first action scene of this dream was a humongous lorry the lorry was one of those intimidatingly big vehicles which has a Lorry-sized, barrel-shaped, cement-mixer ( turning behind the drivers cab as the lorry is on its way to its destination the lorry was moving at speed towards two imposingly large doors which were about ten-metres wide and four-metres high the doors represented about two-thirds of the width of the stand-alone building the building was eight to ten-metres tall it was obvious the laden thirty-ton cement-mixer would push through the doors effortlessly it was also possible the building would collapse in on itself it must have had the desired effect because in the last scene two of us are hugging and have joyful faces the last scene contained so much elation and happiness in it the next dream was an x dream which raises an interesting speculation the lover's discovery that the necessity to obey the Law ( of expansion qualitatively produces a greater degree of expansion than the absolute of nothing demands addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - topical (4+) covid-19 (2+ )feel-good dreams producing x dreams (1) 30072020 - 1012 the name of the dream: nothing like a party to bring people together hassan told the dreamer he was having a party at his place the following day he asked the dreamer to do the music and to start at eight-thirty in the next scene is in the centre of town hassan is talking to a group of three africans, two females and a male, in the street hassan has left the dream as the dreamer approaches the small group hassan had just been talking to on the hunch hassan had invited them to the party, as the dreamer gets within talking distance of them he says, "see you at hassan's at eight-thirty tomorrow night" they look at me, then at each other, then at the dreamer again they are bewildered how come a honky they've never seen before know what they'll be doing tomorrow night? laughing inside, the dreamer can't help but smile as he walkd past them notes 1 all people need to get to grips with the situation every man-shaped being has a soul when a person allows themselves to believe she or he is more important or has greater value or is better or more advanced than another man-shaped being they have opened the door to devolution look at the current situation and history all the major wars were instigated by caucasian's from the point of view of love/life, it's "whitey" who is the savage addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant and observer - new category of dream: repeat dream (from within the last few weeks or months) (1) hassan (2+) 11072020 - 1011 the name of the dream: her maj was trying to do my best with a new acquaintance in some matters she was brilliantly incisive, those times made her an attraction in and of herself problem was, she wasn't given to listening to a second opinion on three occasions, an animated "telling off" asserted itself in an unfriendly manner it was so bad, on the last occasion the dreamer said, "if we're going to quarrel, i'm walking away" but that was just a minute-and-a-half out of two-hundred-and-forty in what was an otherwise exceptionally enjoyable time, in which we... danced in the street ...laughed hard and loud and got "high" for minutes on end before the initial flood of endorphins became an imperceptible trickle... were stolen from... an unnaturally high number of coincidences of things bought, sold, wanted, given... numbers... subtle connections between words and phrases which caused us to glance at each other at the same time... the scene at end of this period sleep was of her maj mildly rebuking the dreamer for not standing on a "social-distancing" marker which is odd, because her maj had already asserted to the dreamer earlier in the day that she believed the quarantine measures were a fraud! addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - friends/acquaintances () female () susan holland (1) 10072020 - 1010 the name of the dream: uncle les and frank have just entered the local pub and taken a seat at the end of a bench-seat against the wall it is an extra special occasion frank sinatra is "dropping in" the story is, somehow uncle les and frank sinatra crossed paths during the war (ww2) an act of bravery by uncle les avoided frank from being captured or injured frank showed his gratitude by coming to england to see him frank's visit had been kept secret from everyone except his closest friends and family the women were, of course, over the moon they are about to "rub shoulders" with the most famous "crooner" of all time get out of my seat to go for another "round" by the fourth step, a woman had jumped into my seat it was downright liberty it made the dreamer furious all the other women began laughing began to say something to the seat-thief one of the other women said, "it's alright, you can have it back. she's just keeping it warm for you" the dream ended there without frank appearing difficult to place the tense of time for this dream frank sinatra did perform in england in a working man's club not sure if mom was in this dream addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - family/relatives (5+) uncle les (3+) 09072020 - 1009 the name of the dreams: the brook - dogged - dark times would be aged eleven or twelve in this, the first dream two of us don't have anything specific to do we head for the brook a hundred metres away when we are a couple of years older, we take sturdy poles to the brook and test our daring and athleticism by pole vaulting over the widest and deepest parts of the brook on this occasion though, the brook is a variation in our bland lives demons of the deep lived in the brook as an even younger person, where the water in the brook was at its deepest (about half-a-metre), the dreamer witnessed a bulky teenager take on, and get the better of, a shark someone called it a pike dogged the first scene in this dream is of an encounter with a young boy with a white dog the dog is sleek and small, like a whippet the dog responds enthusiastically to the attention it gets from me could, no doubt, have taken the lead and led the dog away with me then, either the scene changes or the dog morphs into a grey, smooth-haired spaniel again, there is an instant rapport with the dog the desire to have a dog as a pet asserts itself dark times the third theme/dream is set in the future of a past undulation in a queue with eight or so people in front of the dreamer and an unspecifiable number of people behind me we are waiting to have our internal organs checked the check is made by machine the scan doesn't use deadly radiation, like an x-ray machine whatever its mechanics, it produces crystal clear pictures there's nothing about the person it doesn't highlight if a person checks clear they get to carry on with the life they were living if the person doesn't test healthy it is a completely different story the person in front of me, think he was an acquaintance, is beside himself with fear he knows what the "examiners" will soon know what he knows, there is something wrong with him the rumours about what happens to unhealthy people are the stuff of horror stories the person in front of the dreamer is ready to have a breakdown we live in severely harsh times under a callous regime punishments for violence is always a lot more severe than the act of violence itself tell the person in front of the dreamer what i'm going to do and what he needs to do start a fight with the person behind me the person in front of the dreamer joins in the fight, it's more of a wrestling match than a fistfight the hope is the three of us will be punished with imprisonment and the "scan" will be forgotten addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 3.4, highest addenda: vividness: dog dream, lowest addenda: vividness: dark times - participant and observer - the category of the dream - three-themed dream () prepubescence () animals () mammals () dogs () oppression () 08072020 - 1008 the name of the dream: a profitable idea working in the offices of a well-known airline company demand for passenger flights far exceeds their capacity a few discreet inquiries revealed that a firm which made coaches could convert unused cargo planes into service as passenger planes after working out the cost of converting the planes with the coach company the plan was presented to one of the executive's of the passenger-plane company in the next scene, an ultra-smart dressed man comes to see the dreamer he has a glint in his eye and an admiring smile on his face the dreamer asks which division of the company he would he like to work in the new job will take the dreamer into the upper-class financial bracket there was an x-dream in this sleep untypically, it was forgotten and the above theme and scenes are the remembered dream/theme addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - innovation at work (2+) airlines (1) 07072020 - 1007 the name of the dream: first prize am a participant in a quiz show the prize money for the winner is one-hundred-thousand pounds the second prize is half that there is a paltry amount money for third place the final question is to name which of three types of rock was the first to form one is five-thousand-million years old another is two-thousand-million years old the dreamer named iron as the oldest and won the competition addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - quiz competitions (2+) 06072020 - 1006 the name of the dream: yet another new category of dreams this dream began as a Think-Read dream on a chartered or privately owned train in this dream we are attendants we are attending to school children we are travelling through a mountainous region, similar to, but not the same as, the dream of 26062020 we are reading to the children from a book as the book is being think-read, the description in the book turns into a moving scene we are now looking out of the window watching the scenery as we move along at an ambling pace (about fifty kmph) the think-reading is resumed the words are now accompanied by picture-scenes in the book as we read on, the pictures turn into stand-up characters and objects, the same as in a "pop-up" picture book the dream loses its lustre, when, after the reading three or four pages, the same pop-up pictures began repeating note 1 imagine having a different type of dream every night start thinking in terms of endless variation addenda: vividness: 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - words changing to 3-d content (1) train journeys (4) 05072020 - 1005 the name of the dream: therapy ? woke from last nights sleep with a vague recollection of a very large, rust coloured box there may have been a momentary attempt to recall the details of the dream but before being able to focus on it a Montage ( began a sequence of about ten pic/scenes, each of which could be zoomed-in on they could also be lengthened in terms of time it took two pic/scenes to realise what was going on women were masturbating men in hospital beds as the pic/scenes continued, the men's penises became grotesquely large the women were wearing dark-blue, one-piece button-up dresses addenda: vividness: 4 - observer - the category of the dream - montages () masturbation (2+) 04072020 - 1004 the name of the dream: camaraderie at work it was my first day at a new job the job description would be "conveyor belt labourer" the dreamer is one of a crew of five or six there were three men either side of a half-a-metre wide and two-metre long conveyor belt the conveyor belt was mounted on the top of a two-storey high scaffolding the scaffolding went to the face of a cliff the most dangerous job was those who worked on the face of the rock breaking the stone off the area which housed the conveyor belt is covered with tarpaulin that draped over the top and covered both sides (so we could keep working when it rained) the front and back of our working area had a thick material that was shredded in strips about a third of a metre wide we stood on thick planks our job was to make sure the rocks that came through to where we worked were not sticking out over the side of the conveyor belt when they left our area the conveyor belt led to a chute of the same width the rocks would slide down the chute to the ground on two occasions the conveyor belt had to be stopped because of the dreamer the first was because he placed his watch on the conveyor belt the second was to retrieve one of the heavy-duty industrial gloves we wore the men joked about the thirty seconds or so the belt had to be stopped as being a new first-day-on-the-job-record it was a great atmosphere in a lousy job addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - work/jobs () rock face labourer (1) 03072020 - 1003 the name of the dream: rainbow girls in a sunny climate, felt like spain worked in, or owned a hotel the hotel had a swimming pool the swimming pool was forty or fifty metres away down a sloping street in the swimming pool, the women are wearing dresses that reached down to their ankles the dresses combined all the colours of the rainbow the colours of the dresses melded into each other in several places the dresses were made of a lighter-than-silk material which spread out around them in the water as they moved and swam think the idea was to give the impression of looking like giant, overly adorned tropical fish the most vivid scene is the dreamer standing still in the water with my gaze fixed on a girl coming towards me the girl looked like she was her own dream there was kissing and touching and accompanying tactile sensations no x or nudity though another novelty in this dream was the sunglasses the lenses went down to the cheekbones and, like the dresses, had artistic, colourful designs some parts of this dream may have its origin from a few days ago while looking at psychedelic pictures while surfing addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - stylishly-clothed women (1+) swimming pools (2+) tactile pleasure (3+) 02072020 - 1002 the name of the dream: people trafficking the opening scene of this dream shows eight or ten girls aged fourteen or thereabouts they have just got off a train and have suitcases it isn't a train station it looks more like an end-of-the-line stop the sort of thing we see in a western film it is bright and hot and sandy there are adobes and shacks but no significant structures the girls are bemused this isn't what they were expecting four or five young males on moped-type bikes appear on the scene they are offering to take the girls to a hotel the girls are cautious and decline to get on the bikes a voice is heard to say, "we will bring your luggage later" one of the girls gets on one of the bikes in one scene, we see a close-up of a girl's face it depicts a good-looking, estranged teenager looking straight at us she has the unmistakable expression of someone pleading for help the final scene is a built-up area of adobes it is empty addenda: vividness: 3.6 - observer - the category of the dream - abduction () young girls () 01072020 - 1001 the name of the dream: exhibitionist's in a big, bright and spacious store it wasn't crowded the opposite, less than a dozen people in a scene which showed the most of the floor my impression was that the store catered mainly or exclusively for women the women were dressed stylishly there were only two men in the dream the other one left the dream within a scene or two the men were wearing white towels the towels were tightened around the waist and then folded this secured the towels to the wearer when a male wanted to signal to women he was "available", he would hook his thumb into the waistband of the towel and let his hand rest against his body got plenty of looks but no "takers" took drastic action and let the towel fall from me a woman was approaching the dreamer with a mischievous glint in her eye when this dream ended the next dream was at a swimming pool as with the first dream, there was an air of competition in this dream too males were either athletic or not those who were athletic would demonstrate their status by performing a dive there were several tiers of diving boards it wasn't the height that gave someone status it was the artistry in the dive which determined his personality my dive was a forward-facing, back somersault from a low springboard it was spoilt by my feet catching the board at the end of the somersault it wouldn't affect my status though would do it right the next time in the final scene, was waiting for my sister to come into the dream addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () relationships () xual () swimming pools () diving () 30062020 - 1000 the name of the dream: the abuser's (dream within a dream) for the recognition of the development of a phone app which gave women a list of characteristics to look for in men who abused women, the dreamer was awarded "the best app of the year" the award vaulted the dreamer 's standing in the online community to stardom status the dreamer 's assessment of men who abused women was based on just one person an awake-time person from days long gone in that women could identify the person with their own experiences suggests the young man must be a "classic abuser" (violent tendencies after drinking, and two-timing his wife) spent most of the dream think-writing a "thank you" for the award after composing and saving the written file for this dream, reality kicked in up to the moment when the "save" option was clicked, turned out to be part of the dream while think-reading the last few lines in the dream, the thought occurred that it was an easy-to-compose dream the blurring between dream-time conscious and awake-time conscious continues apace addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - dream within a dream () accolades and awards () think-writing () 29062020 - 999 the name of the dream: all unnatural death is avoidable the pandemic is at its peak the case of one woman is being followed on a day by day basis each day the symptoms and treatment is being explained we are told that some people do respond and recover some don't the dreamer challenges the procedure as not being the right procedure if it is the right procedure everyone will get better it is either an absence of knowledge of the individual's unique physiology or an incomplete procedure which is causing a breach in recovery addenda: vividness:: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - topical () life and death situations (2+) covid-19 (2) 28062020 - 998 the name of the dream: waste paper ? either came into possession of four or five boxes of a4 paper or had some spare cash and decided to use the money to buy boxes of paper decided to get the names and addresses of family and friends printed on the sheets and give them away as presents went to the print-shop to collect the first batch a few days later the girl assistant informed the dreamer they couldn't print the names and addresses on the paper because the paper had a chemical in them which wasn't compatible with their ink was thinking about what other use they might have when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - paper (1) a4 (1) 27062020 - 997 the name of the dream: a gift from the blue just after the beginning of a new relationship and without knowing why or how the dreamer came into possession of fifteen-hundred quid told the girlfriend she had brought the dreamer luck mom is in the next scene, we were talking about what to do with it put eighty-pounds behind the clock on the mantlepiece and told mom, it was hers the new girlfriend thought the amount mom was given was stingy it probably was for mom, it was the equivalent of three or four weeks wages she could do no end of things with it a hairdo, bingo, nights out, clothes... would make sure mom got more when she had spent it the girlfriend felt she should have a bigger say in how it was spent the dream was losing its sheen and ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - money () mom () relationships () 26062020 - 996 the name of the dream: the gourmet buffet had been out and about for the day decided to get a train back home instead of the bus got into the carriage it was full walked through three carriages before coming to an empty one within a few steps, the dreamer realised, it was the dining carriage it looked like ten or twenty people had been eating after taking in more detail it became clear, it had been a buffet a few more flicks of the eye told the dreamer it had been an expensive "do" we're talking haute-cuisine didn't think it could be classed as stealing if a person ate the soon-to-be-thrown-in-the-dustbin left-overs of a meal having a good old scoff in the final scene * if the dreamer ever gets married again, bags he be the the first person in the history of the world to get married on a train travelling from/to ? at 20 kmph through an icy mountain range * the image that is part of the addenda: vividness: of the dream, is of a slightly tilted, bucket-sized white and red cake (the wedding cake) with about a quarter of it having been eaten addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - train/s () food () 25062020 - 995 the name of the dream: not quite an x dream b and self are in bed we are both naked b is fast asleep i'm having trouble getting comfortable the problem is the bed is too small b is on the right of the dreamer lying on her right if the dreamer lies on his left side, the curvature of our bodies takes up all the room on the mattress and the upper-left side of my body and my knees are over the edge of the mattress if the dreamer lies on his right side it is comfortable but now our bodies are "slotted" together like two bananas the part of my body that is most sensitive is now pressed into contact with the rear of b at the top of her legs the dreamer 's brain receives the signals, which in turn sends signals back to his reproductive organs he decides it wouldn't be fair to wake up b and roll over onto my back to satisfy his feelings the dreamer places his right hand onto the most sensuous part of b's buttocks so now i'm comfortable and feeling pleasure but there's no way i'll be able to get to sleep lying on my back it's time to wake up addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () b () 24062020 - 994 the name of the dream: a feeling it seemed as though i'd been running from it all my life it felt that somewhere back there, the dreamer has perpetrated a great wrong time had covered his tracks it was so long ago, for it to be known today it must have become a generational thing it had accompanied the dreamer for so long he has come to accept it the mitigating circumstances gave the dreamer some protection from feelings of guilt but my side of the story was only known by one person, me sometimes, it seemed the best way to expunge myself of it was to write a story under the guise of a pseudonym just to unload the burden it had robbed the dreamer of unfettered happiness on so many occasions try as the dreamer did to forget, it revisited him without warning at times when it was least expected this was one of those occasions a permanent undercurrent of a party atmosphere filled the house this scene of the dream was filled predominantly by men for such feelings of well-being to exist between men without women was in itself a bit unnatural a mild feeling of insecurity, a gentle warning bell rang a door opened two men, one twice as big as me, the other, half as big as me, walked through a door to my right they looked unshaven and wore dark clothes the one in front, the smaller of the two, looked at me a recurrence of the feeling that had haunted the dreamer for so much of my life returned had he come to exact a form of justice, or was it just a feeling? addenda: vividness: 4.3 - participant - the category of the dream - emotional (5+) insecurity (3+) 23062020 - 993 a new category of dream: block and strip montage in custody with my hands cuffed in front of me except for a row of wooden chairs with a basic sitting-only design, the room is clean and bare three blue-uniformed policemen three metres away are sizing the dreamer up before roughing the dreamer up there was a clatter of chairs the next scene showed the chairs scattered around the room then, there was another clattering of chairs then. a scene of the men in blue looking like they had been roughed up then, there were three images in montage style (moving quickly from one picture to the next) the images were of men one was of someone looking like he was beaten up, the other two was of two elderly men they looked defeated think one of them was of the dreamer but he couldn't recognise his-self then. the montage became a "block montage" (eight pics high and twelve pics wide) then, it turned into a "strip montage" (five, six or seven pics in a line with a folder at the beginning or end of each strip) it was the dreams way of telling the dreamer that the images were to be catalogued managed to isolate a folder and intended to put the pics into them then, the age-old problem of naming something with the keyboard re-asserted itself between the writing and the moving pictures, it was going to take too long to do so, abandoned the task it is thought that this dream is to bring to our attention the probability that dreams will have to be catalogued if we are to develop the faculties of the mind this dream may well be leading to the recognition that the faculty of memory has the capacity to store vast quantities of information in picture form perhaps all the information we will ever need is already in us and is waiting to be accessed did the dreamer mention evolution takes anywhere up to a googol of years to achieve? vividness: 3.4 to 4.5 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - block and strip montage - block (2) women (1) information (1) strip (1) information (1) 22062020 - 992 a new category of dream: repeat/addended/extending dreams the repeat part of the dream was the last scenes/theme of r.e.m. ( it was nighttime not finding it easy to walk up a hill a girl on a bike on the road alongside the path can see the dreamer struggling a metre or two from the top of the incline the girl offers the dreamer the use of her bike with only a few more strides to go, it isn't going to make that much of a difference it was felt that declining her offer would make her feel unhappy and so it was accepted peddled the few metres to the top on level ground and enjoying the ease of movement, cycled along the pavement said to the girl, "when i get a bike, you can sit on the crossbar, and we'll go somewhere" there were breaks in the curb between the pavement and the road to give cars access to the parking space of their homes peddled the bike off the path onto the road then, along the road to the next gap in the curb, and then back onto the path again done that twice the girl was looking and smiling across the road, there was the car park of a hotel or pub the hotel or pub was my destination cycled across the road and into the car park in the car park was cycling in a circle again had to move the bike quite skilfully to let one or two cars come into the car park or leave it notes 1 this is the second, or perhaps the third, time this scene has occurred in recent weeks this dream sequence is extending the last time this dream happened it ended before crossing the road the first time this dream occurred it is only vaguely recalled; girl, bike there is undoubtedly a significance connecting the dreams to get an insight into connecting the significance may mean keeping diaries of thoughts, feelings, impressions... during the day if there are memories of heaven within us, it is thought the dreams-time conscious is the way to get to them vividness: 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - repeat dreams: () pushbike (1) 21062020 - 991 the name of the dream: wrong-doers are easy to spot my girlfriend found a new boyfriend she and her new love are at my place he is helping her to gather her things she didn't have much to move it would all go in a suitcase decided to leave them to it and go to the shops told them to close the door when they left going out the door, the dreamer lifted his finger and said, "don't take anything that belongs to me" her face dropped the dreamer knew the "guilty" look changed my mind about going out notes 1 this dream may have been the result of fleeting thoughts during the day about the experience with an awake-time girlfriend of days gone by she ran off with the rent ! addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - one-scene dreams (3+) break-ups (1) 20062020 - 990 the name of the dream: when the first baby was born laughing, it made us all start to laugh... the most delightful baby/toddler/youngster dream to date as the father of the new-born boy, it was possible for the dreamer to influence his development there are two of three scenes which are still fresh in the memory an hour after waking the first was when baby was still a baby baby and the dreamer are on the pavement outside of the house baby is in my arms, and we are facing into the living room of our house we have visitors the visitors have a baby of their own about the same age as our baby boy the three adults, the visitors, with their baby in their arms and my wife are looking at us from inside the house about four metres away the three adults are smiling teeth smiles the adults begin waving at us to my, and everybody else's, disbelieving surprise, the baby in my arms begins waving back pure magic the other standout scene is when the baby has become a five-year-old he, and the still-proud father, are outside the house, and we are about to go on our regular quarter-mile walk around the neighbourhood as the dreamer begins to say something, he lets go of my hand and says as he is moving away from the dreamer in haste, "i'm going to see... ?", her name has slipped from the memory mixed feelings fill my being something other than his love for the dreamer has been supplanted with an even greater love his love for a girl one of the more rewarding tasks have we have to fulfil is to create those conditions which allow children who exhibit young love to pursue it addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - parental love () childhood love () 19062020 - 989 the name of the dream: auntie g's pantry in my biker days, it was the dreamer who became the person to visit relatives most frequently there were three aunts', an uncle and a sister and a brother within three to twelve minutes of home the aunt most visited was auntie g it was not just because she was always stocked up with cupboards of food and a fridge full of savouries and sweets she enjoyed my company, and we always found things to talk about in this unulation, she had visitors in the backroom they were talking about matters of a personal matter and asked the dreamer to go into the front room until they had finished there wasn't a t.v. in the front room not to worry, had a portable mini-music system with me turned it on and lay down on the couch to listen to it fell asleep within a very short time upon waking and going into the back room, was a little surprised to find it empty it meant the visitors had gone and aunt g had gone to bed rather than wake the dreamer auntie g let the dreamer sleep it meant the food in the cupboard and fridge were mine to enjoy was thinking what to have, chicken, ham, pork with pickles..., when the dream ended as soon as this entry is done, will be adding chicken, ham, pork... to the shopping list addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relatives () auntie g (3+) food () 18062020 - 988 the name of the dream: once upon a dream standing in a queue about twenty deep it's a slow-moving queue as the dreamer 's position in the queue takes him closer to the entrance and the dreamer finds his-self next to a wall-mounted public phone decide to make a quick call just as the call finishes three african men join the queue it peeves the dreamer a bit that my position in the queue has gone backwards one of the three men recognises my dissatisfaction and steps back to let the dreamer back in front him and his companions the dreamer accept his offer in the next scene, the four of us are sitting and talking it's obvious they know the dreamer "what we could do, is to get ten-thousand people to hand out a4 size sheets of paper with a dozen of the major points on the website to the public in every sizeable town and city in the same day", the dreamer says, and continues with, "would love to be there to see their reaction" in another scene, walking along on my own three girls walk past the dreamer going in the opposite direction at their closest point to me, one of them says, "i think he's alright" they obviously had different opinions about my looks notes 1 you'll be pleased to know the writer doesn't look anything like the lover in fact, i don't look anything like me notes 2 upon waking was enthusiastically organising the practicalities of implementing handing out flyers on a grand scale soon came to my senses and realised it would be another futile attempt to get you organised addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - topical () 17062020 - 987 the name of the dream: the simulator it is the future of a past undulation resources are at a premium only one in a hundred people have a vehicle learning to drive the vehicle uses up resources to save precious resources people are taught how to drive using virtual technology the virtual set-up is in a room five metres wide by about three metres deep a screen simulates the angle of view a driver will have while driving everything except the sense of acceleration and deceleration can be experienced the learning module has tilt and sway built into the driving apparatus the sights and sounds are indistinguishable from what the driver will experience when she or he is in a real environment the whole set-up was the brainchild of yours truly, and he is in great demand the situation has the scope for wholesale corruption the inventor and tutor takes his position seriously only those who prioritise safety complete the course addenda: vividness: 3.1 - observer - the category of the dream - future technology (3+) 16062020 - 986 the name of the dream: big kids three of us are on the way home after a night at the ritz picture house we have spread out over about twenty-five-metres as we walked down the road that leads to alderman's green road we can take thirty metres off the walk by leaving the main road and going around the back of the houses that have a stream a metre from the back of their gardens at the bottom of windmill road the dreamer waits for the person behind him when he catches up with the dreamer he suggests we duck into one of the gardens and jump out as the last of us goes by it a bit childish really, but it makes perfect sense at the time the two of us go into the back of a garden that has left the gate open and wait for the straggler we are talking in a whispered speech about how to jump out and scare him we settle for grabbing hold him as he goes past something must have distracted the person we are waiting for, he should have gone past by now after waiting for another minute we realise he isn't coming our mate hasn't taken the shortcut around the back of the houses addenda: vividness: 2.6 - participant - the category of the dream - teenage childish pranks () 15062020 - 985 the name of the dream: the gizmo kid/kissing while sleeping at a computer screen my girlfriend is at my side as i'm assessing the merits of portable video/audio, record/playback products the content on the screen is of three different models they all have the same design and colour, but they vary in size, functionality and of course, price being a gizmo freak, have settled for the one with the most functions in another scene, am pointing out the merits of the most sophisticated model it has three audio inputs and two video inputs there is a black, fine-tuning, dial-type disc adjuster on the side for t.v. stations the promotional video demonstrates just how accurate it is it is amazingly accurate when tuning into the frequency range of any t.v. station can hardly contain my enthusiasm as my girlfriend listens to the dreamer saying what it all means second scene, the dreamer and dreamer's girlfriend are in bed she is lying on her back asleep while looking at her the need to kiss her asserts itself after four or five kisses that go from soft and gentle to increasingly passionate, she wakes up she welcomes the kisses and we are soon in a tight embrace and savouring the feel of each other's lips there is a distinct difference between the slightly firm feel to her lips while she is sleeping and the supple feel of her lips while she is awake addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.5 participant and observer - the category of the dream - gizmos () audio/visual (2+) relationships () kissing (3+) 14062020 - 984 the name of the dream: a tropical delight in the subtropics, got the impression it was south america it's hot but not humid not sure if i'm a traveller or a wanderer am eking out a living as a casual labourer, turning my hand to this and that meet a girl and we become friends she's got a girly figure but has a woman's outlook she lets the dreamer know there's a relationship if he wants it the dreamer does she wants the dreamer to come and see her at her place of work her job is as a topless hostess in an open-air seated restaurant seeing her topless and in a short skirt rams home to the dreamer just how delectable she is can feel the emotions of resentment and jealousy in the dreamer as she goes from table to table watching the men touch her she looks over at me her look let's the dreamer know this is her job her look also conveys to the dreamer that when she finishes work i'll be on the receiving end of those feelings she has for someone special to her addenda: vividness: 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 13062020 - 983 the name of the dream: a fair trade at a fair on a hot day i'm lying down on the grass in the shade two men, one of them is known to me, is making a sale to another man the item being traded is a small tube about 5 centimetres long and the hollow is less than the thickness of the refill of a biro the man who knows the dreamer is two or three metres away he knows it is something he can sell to me with amazing accuracy, the man making the sale flicks one of the tubes at the dreamer and it lands in my north and south with a couple of deft touches of my tongue and lips, it is manoeuvred into a position which enables it to be sucked the idea is to stuff the hollow with tobacco which is kept hot enough to ignite when it is sucked it did the trick but it was too short and the dreamer said to the man, "have you got a longer one?" he dug into a bag and brought one out addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - trading (3+) 12062020 - 982 the name of the dream: andy's love a think-read dream about andy, the son of a pastor, and an unnamed girl the dream is set in the grounds of the church of andy's father there are pictures in the dream the most significant and clearest being the scene when andy slips a gold ring off the middle finger of the unnamed girl as she dies of unknown causes while in andy's arms the significance of the ring scene didn't reveal itself while think-reading it is thought the ring had to be kept secret because andy had been persuaded by his father to become a celibate pastor the think-reading went on for a full five minutes it was realised that the think-reading could go on for a lot longer at which point my bodily functions demanded attention for the most part, the think-reading was betwixt and between dream-time and awake-time addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant - the category of the dream - poignant love relationships () 11062020 - 981 the name of the dream: strange events the first scene is of a fire destroying the business premises of someone known to me the cause of the fire is a mystery a set of circumstances too unlikely to be natural is the only possible answer the unusualness of the explanation gives us the idea to make a series called "strange events" the first episode is completed, and we settle down in a home cinema environment to watch the finished production was think-reading the opening credits when the dream ended upon waking, went online to see if there was a t.v. series called "strange events" there is, but the series has fictional themes the addenda: vividness: of the dream suggests this dream is a future time-tense so, will there, in the near future, be a t.v. series called "strange events" which presents inexplicable awake-time events? addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.4 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - business opportunities () t.v. programmes (2?) 10062020 - 980 the name of the dream: women, the greatest fantasy a young woman, with the sleekest body a female man-shaped being can have, is captive or in a controlled environment she has short, tight-to-the-head, white hair she is wearing a skin-tight, ankle-to-neck leotard the same colour as her hair the colour of her skin is almost the same as the leotard it is difficult to distinguish between body and clothes; the leotard might be transparent she is leaning slightly forward her stomach becomes transparent, and we can see eight or so different coloured balls inside her the balls are about three-quarters of the diameter of ping pong balls she lifts and stretches her stomach and the balls start falling from her body we see the same thing happen another two or three times with variations in the colours, size and number of balls, from different angles and at different distances explanation bearing in mind that dreams have their basis in reality, the nearest the dreamer can come to making sense of this dream is... this dream has a high addenda: vividness: rating (a future time-tense) all reasonable people will acknowledge that what we're experiencing here and now is not the be-all and end-all of experience when we consider that This type of event, which we will be enacting within the next few million years, against the equally inexplicable contents of the dream, a level of plausibility enters the assessment even so, this dream stretches the boundaries of the possible from our current perspective to repeat a point, the future isn't just different to what you imagine, it is more diverse than you can imagine see also 01122016, 14022018 addenda: vividness: 3.7 to 4.5 - observer - the category of the dream - weird and wonderful (3+) women (1) 09062020 - 979 the name of the dream: two-themed dream (09062020) at a screen taking in the goings-on of various programmes the first theme was swimming it was the world or european finals in swimming it showed people going through the turnstile to get into the spectator area of the pool due to the predominance of women in the dream, it was probably the women's finals the spectator area looked like it could house a two or three-thousand people as each woman passed through the turnstile she was handcuffed to the woman in front of her my thoughts wondered why the dream then turned into a think-read dream the sentence formed, after four or five think-reads, into, "the handcuffing is a measure to defeat the coronavirus" this dream came about as a result of thoughts during the day of how crazy the different reactions to the man-made, media-spread, life-form had become the second theme in this dream started as an aerial view of the world a world map that zoomed in at the viewers prompting it went all the way down in scale until the final expanded view showed an area of a few block (two or three-hundred metres/yards) then, the outline of the buildings became white then, a shadow overlay was superimposed over the buildings the shadow showed the shape of the fossils of land and sea reptiles and dinosaurs the last picture in this dream-theme was of a sea animal stretching across two or three blocks making it a size of two-hundred-metres or yards in length, and seventy or so in width this dream may be the answer to a long-held speculative question, "what is the theoretically largest size/weight reptiles and dinosaurs could have become" what would be the limiting factor to their size ? addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 - observer - the category of the dreams: topical (4+) coronavirus (2+) - technology () dinosuars/reptiles () 08062020 - 978 the javelin the nearest fish and chip shop to where the dreamer lived during his junior and senior school years was about two-hundred-and-fifty metres from home it was fifty-metres less if we took the "scenic route" alongside the Slough ( it was while on the homeward- bound walk that the dreamer came across a length of hollow, two-centimetre-wide, two-metre-long aluminium tube one end of the tube came to a point the other end was open half the way along the tube was a cord tightly-bound to the tube the cord was about four-centimetres wider than my fist when it was gripped by the cord it was evenly balanced someone had made the tube into a javelin there was nothing else it could be was about to run a few steps and throw it when two or three lads much bigger than the dreamer walked by a few metres to my right the one nearest to the dreamer was looking at my find with envious eyes if the dreamer threw it he would get to it first and claim it as his own pretended to be doing something with the cord would wait until they had gone out of sight before throwing it they didn't disappear though, but waited at the end of the patch of green about a hundred metres away waiting for the dreamer to throw it and would then steal it from me the dream ended while waiting for them to give up waiting and go never got to try it out addenda: vividness: 2.6 to 2.9 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - lucky finds () javelin (1) 07062020 - 977 the name of the dream: safe, at last it was the second time the girl sitting next to the dreamer had been in the same room together the first time was in the same place a few days before on that occasion, we were sitting apart from each other we are at the home of a mutual girlfriend the mutual girlfriend saw the dreamer as a compatible male for her friend the girl who had taken it upon herself to do the matchmaking had "sized up" our characters and got it dead right the girl she wanted to help to get into a relationship had a natural air of vulnerability a characteristic which is known to the dreamer from childhood a child in an adult world is acutely aware of the overly forthright it's not a menacing trait, but it is not a magnetic trait either the girl sitting next to the dreamer is getting the "feel" of me it is obvious her experience of males is that they are slightly overbearing fortunately, the feelings from my childhood days are still within my make-up, and she recognises them the girl who brought us together leaves the dream now our shoulders are touching as we are talking then, the weight of her body goes through her shoulder then, she is leaning into me my left-arm slips naturally over her shoulder she leans even more heavily into me can feel her right breast through her clothes, soft and sensual she is surrendering to me that's not what the dreamer wants at this moment this girl is a kindred spirit this is going to be something special the dreamer wants us to surrender to each other at the same time marriage is the right time addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 06062020 - 976 the name of the dream: a bland dream working as a photographer am in the premises of another photographer his main source of income comes from developing film on this occasion, it is a social visit another man enters the dream it is his first time there he has heard that the proprietor will, for an extra fee, develop film within an hour or two cups of coffee in paper sweet-beakers are served up the phone rings can tell from what is said, the caller wants to know if he will deliver the developed film out of town the caller agrees to the asking price the proprietor writes the details the dream ends told you it was a boring dream addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - business () photography () 05062020 - 975 the name of the dream: the great escapes we are a small group of seven or eight we are in our mid-teens and captives of young men the young adults are the establishment we haven't committed any crimes it is our attitude to life which is at odds with adults it's not that we won't conform to a way of life deemed correct by our elders our problem is we view life as something which demands happiness, newness and fun it is in our character to enact expansive deeds alas, our captors, though not evil, simply don't have an expansive character it's as though the freedom-loving aspect of their personalities has been "capped" we aren't under lock and key we are though, expected to live our life within the grounds of a stately home something which limits our compulsion to expand whenever we youngsters are all together, the herd mentality kicks in, and we are "off" five of seven scenes of our captor's pursuing us are remembered of this dream the most memorable scene was when we took the lids off about seven biscuit tins and placed them in a blind spot when our pursuers turned the corner they couldn't help but step into them we all got a good laugh as we looked back and saw our pursuers with the tins around their feet another escape-evasion tactic was to go through narrow passages which young males could squeeze through but was too tight for our adult pursuers being teenagers and with our pursuers being in their thirties, they didn't stand a chance of catching us we could simply out-run them every time when we had left them behind and were in the clear, we would "give ourselves up" one time we got caught by making the stupid mistake, or perhaps we didn't know, of running into a multi-floor car park another time an act of camaraderie was the cause of our re-capture one us got injured and we all stayed with him it was a light-hearted dream except for the last escape the police were called in our pursuers had run out of time and couldn't catch us they got angry with us for making them look inept note 1 this dream produced a possible explanation as to why things are the way they are when viewed within the context of The Law addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - escaping (2+) 04062020 -974 the name of the dream: big men the first dream is happening at a function or exhibition even with of thousands of people in it, the giant auditorium looked half-empty yours truly is compere for the event standing at the edge of the floor with a microphone in hand, while everybody else is seated the first celebrity is the four-times winner of the world's strongest man competition Magnús Ver Magnússon ( had watched him earlier on in the day when he practised his demonstration of strength and agility after gaining enough momentum, he vaulted through a half-turning somersault and landed facing backwards his strength and speed enabled him to do another three back somersaults without having to adjust his balance what made his exercise extra special was the three vaults were done through an arc of one-hundred-and eighty degrees (stand-out visual) in the second dream, the dreamer is visiting his auntie iris in yorkshire she owns a shop she treats the dreamer to a pair of brushed, brown trousers the trousers have flecks of white on them auntie vi fetches a clothes brush and begins brushing the bits off it was known to the dreamer that she and her husband were no longer in a relationship although they still lived under the same roof the possibility of us having a relationship had been alluded to before this part of the dream while brushing the trousers she runs her free hand around my crotch it is an obvious suggestion of what we'll being together later at that exact moment uncle eddie, her husband, walks into the dream he has changed out of all recognition whereas he was five-feet-nine before, he is six-feet-five now his face was smooth and clean before, now it is etched with dark lines from his forehead to his mouth it looked like he had just finished a shift down a coal mine his eyes though were shining bright with life and his face was animated (stand-out visual) his hair was short before, now, coincidentally? it is curled up at the back and is much thicker and longer than magnus ver's is now he can see it is a semi-intimate moment he is unconcerned and doesn't pay any heed to my comment "it is not what it looks like" the dreamer says, "you don't remember me do you?" she said, "yes, you're lil's son" the dream ends notes 1 the trend of dreams not being generated by the Pde's appears to be coming commonplace addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - observer and spectator - the category of the dream - larger than life men () magnuss ver magnussen (1) uncle eddie (1) 03062020 - 973 the name of the dream: the urine test it had been discovered that people's health could be gauged with great accuracy from two urine samples, one from early morning and the other from late in the evening the entire population was regularly examined this way it was so successful in diagnosing the health of people, longevity had increased as a result one person, in particular, gained accolades for being exceptionally healthy he had figured out that by juggling his samples and giving two-morning samples it gave even better results a few of us knew what he was doing and were keeping an eye on him notes 1 how many ways can a person be tested ? urine, blood, saliva, skin... addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - health () 02062020 - 072 the name of the dream: literature through the ages three different styles of writing were being compared without a narrative, the words clearly conveyed the era they represented the first era was greek or roman there were two or three statements which reflected a haughty, uncompromising attitude the statements were written in stone and captured the "feel" of harsh times the second style was written on coarse paper that was tinged with brown the words had a tentative style the words were reflective, suggesting rather than stating not at all like the first, dogmatic style the third style of writing may have been think-writing it was wholly exploratory discovering itself as it formed not sure what to make of this dream addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.9 - observer, and perhaps participant in the last scene - the category of the dream - literature () 01062020 - 971 the name of the dream: the light switch incident in awake-time, the writer has only known two girls with a sex drive equal to or greater than his own while there was only one in dream-time (15012018) - might be a significance in that the first girl of awake-time was overtly xually aggressive her hands would be in your pants before there was time to react the dreamer kids you not, it is a friendly male rape chances are she was banking on the boy not to complain lest he is viewed by his peers as being lacking in manliness the other girl was janet she features in several dreams she was the "quiet" type don't let that impair your appraisal of her men morning, night, in bed or out, indoors or out, she was always ready if you wanted to put her in a "bad mood", go to sleep without making a "move" the writer made that mistake once when the writer returned home in the evening the following day she had acquired a black t-shirt with the words "sex-starved" on it think mom might have had a hand in it, she was all smiles seeing the dreamer embarrassed into silence anyway, the dream... living in a large bedsit was on the farthest side of the room from where janet was in bed steve (28052020, 18052020, ...) was with me i'm trying to make a phone call couldn't make out the numbers and called over to janet to turn the light on janet jumped out of bed and turned the light on it didn't occur to the dreamer she would only be wearing underpants there was enough light in the room to see the colour of her skin and the outlines and some details of her body she lingered by the light switch after turning it on she was reminding the dreamer she was ready and waiting janet knew darn well steve, "the letch", would get an eyeful to make matters worse (for me) the switch she clicked on wasn't the light switch but the hot water switch thinking about it after waking up, it dawned on the dreamer she did it on purpose "no, the other one", the dreamer said slightly impatiently when the light was on she stood there waiting for the dreamer to say something it was then recognised that the janet in this dream is a very different janet to any other janet in awake-time or dream-time in this dream, janet is sleek, lithe, athletic a glistening skin, taller and older by five years to the eighteen-year-old janet of yore in this dream she is a fantasy-shaped young woman the dream ends while i'm taking in her shape and poise the final scene was the most vivid scene a future time-tense stroll on the future addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () female () janet (4+) male () steve (4+) 31052020 - 970 the name of the dream: not on your nelly had broken the "law" the punishment was six strokes of a cane on my bare buttocks immediately after receiving an electric shock had seen and heard about other people getting it it looked like it would have a permanent effect on mind and body when it came to the day of the punishment refused to have the electric shock the punishment relied on the person accepting it for it to have credibility to force someone to have it would mean they didn't accept they had done something wrong the administration postponed the punishment while they decided what to do a girl was looking at the dreamer and trying to understand why told her, "the caning didn't bother the dreamer but the electric shock was too cruel" the punishment was changed to a caning and a "shot" of something the rumours surrounding the effects of the shot were even more horrendous than the side effects of the shock decided to rebel forcibly when the person with the syringe appeared in the dream, wrestled the syringe from him and plunged it into his neck this dream was due to thinking about the proposed mandatory "vaccine" for the coronavirus addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - topical (3+) coronavirus (2) 30052020 - 969 the name of the dream: the too casual worker got the sack from a job in a factory because of irregular attendance wasn't too bothered, jobs were aplenty, it wouldn't take long to get back into work the most immediate concern was to get something to eat went to the canteen and asked one of the women server's if the dreamer could have a meal and pay when the dreamer got my wages the women said o.k. but it meant having to wait until the rush was over a female from admin came to the dreamer and told the dreamer to go and pick up the bits and pieces that had been in my locker and were now in one of the offices there was a scene in the office with personal items on a desk, gathered them up and the dream ended without getting a meal addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - unemployment (1) 29052020 - 968 the name of the dream: stealth by sight and sound a dream which applied sound-movement-air to two sets of circumstances the first application was with planes/jets the turbulence of the air, or more precisely, the lack of it, gave the plane a unique signature the aerodynamic design of the plane was evaluated by the absence of turbulent air it left in its wake the pilot had an onboard visual screen which showed the structure of the airwaves the plane produced the scene showed a jet which went through a curved swoop with an image of the smoothness of the air from a view ahead of the craft the second scene was the application of something with a similar theme a male guard, scantily dressed, with an oiled, muscular body and a metre-long curved sabre, walked across a balcony on the ground floor of what looked like a plush mansion or palace the view is of someone sitting in a reclining position on a stylishly designed two-seater edwardian settee five or six metres in front of the balcony watching the guard as he walks from left to right as the guard walked he occasionally disappeared from view momentarily his disappearences denoted his stealth the chances of someone getting past him and to the person sitting were nil addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - technology () planes () security () personal bodyguards () 28052020 - 967 the name of the dream: two squared except for my new girlfriend, all the characters in this dream are awake-time people sara and chris are what a monogamous couple would call promiscuous both have had extra-marital affairs sara had an affair with the dreamer but chris didn't mind because he had an affair with a friend of sara's sara and the dreamer squabbled and "fell out" sara didn't like that the dreamer took on a new girlfriend so quickly in an effort to ease things, the dreamer tells steve about sara steve said he would like to be introduced to sara sara agrees we meet at her house the dreamer 's new girlfriend, steve and the dreamer get a taxi the to sara's house in the taxi, steve is looking at my new girlfriend the dreamer knows the look at sara's, sara likes steve and steve and sara agree to see each other the dreamer writes down sara's phone number for steve my new girlfriend is as innocent as the day is long she wants to be friends with everyone my new girlfriend asks sara for her phone number that goes against sara's sense of etiquette and sara, with a controlled sense of outrage says, "you're the other woman, you don't get my number" my new girlfriend has experienced something new and unpleasant and looks hurt notes 1 my new girlfriend reminds the dreamer of an awake-time person trying to remember who when as this is being typed addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - relationships () female () sara (2+) male () steve (3+) 27052020 - 966 the name of the dreams: preferences/peace observing a girl at the computer there were twelve or so oblongs with rounded corners (stretched ellipses) along the top of the screen page the page was one of dozens that were visible below the page she was working on and the edges of more pages were visible to the right of the page she was working on the image on the screen came across as a soft folder with transparent pages she rubbed out a single image on the page, went to the far-right stretched ellipse which hard the word "preferences" on it when clicked, the options showed there were many options "erase don't+delete" was chosen the space that was left after the "erase don't+delete" option was applied left a faint smudged look on the page, the way a word or image is made with a pencil after it had been "rubbered" out the row of stretched-ellipses at the top of the screen became too long to accommodate another stretched ellipse and the added new option was "shuffled" to the bottom-left underneath the row of ellipses that were already there although it was a girl at the computer it was the dreamer who clicked the preference and the "erase don't+delete" option as is becoming the norm, the ease with which the mouse could move the pointer around the screen and the "first-time response" when right and left-clicking the mouse produced a satisfying feeling in the dream second dream, a woman was lying on her back with an infant on her left nipple the woman's blouse or pyjama top covered her right breast a man's voice asks, "is there anything i can do?" in the next scene, the man was lying down to the right of the woman holding another baby to the right breast of the woman her right arm wasn't visible the eyes of all four people were closed they looked at peace it's thought-provoking that the writer was an observer in the second dream (can you guess why ?) addenda: vividness: 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () computer () baby and mother () breastfeeding () 26052020 - 965 the name of the dream: unknown destination nighttime in the car parked at the curb the sound of metal against glass a few centimetres from my right ear startles me a mature woman is looking at the dreamer with an expressionless face wind the window down she asks the dreamer to take her home the dreamer says, "alright", must be at a loose end myself when she is in the car she doesn't give the dreamer an address but instructions during the instructions, she mentions double iron gates along with the instructions it allows the dreamer to pinpoint her destination at the iron gates a man tells the dreamer he doesn't know her the woman describes the destination again there's only one other place that fits the bill at the next destination she shakes her head when asked if this is where she means it becomes obvious she has memory-problems the dream ends after deciding to take her back to where we were at the beginning of the dream addenda: vividness: 2.7 - participant - the category of the dream - people with dementia/alzheimer's (2?) 25052020 - 964 the name of the dreams: the stylish coat and the unsavoured fruit drink first theme a neighbour had a thigh-length coat it was a faint-red colour and made of a crinkly material that looked like plastic was trying to persuade my neighbour to swap it for a coat of mine he had three or four coats, but he wasn't interested in swapping it was his favourite coat it was one of those coats that looked good on anyone tried offering him money as well as my coat it became obvious no amount of money would be enough had resigned myself to not getting the coat when he mentioned something about the colour of the coat the colour of the coat the dreamer wanted was different to the colour he said it turned out he thought the coat the dreamer wanted was his favourite coat when we both realised it wasn't, a deal was "on" and the coat was as good as mine second theme a big, juicy orange is begging the dreamer to eat it decide to squeeze the juice out of it and drink it knew there was a cone-shaped, hard-plastic squeeze-and-twist orange juice-extractor somewhere in amongst the kitchen utensils it took a long while of rummaging through cupboards and boxes but determination paid off and it came to light irony of ironies, the dream finished before the dreamer had a taste of the orange addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () coats () fruit () oranges () 24052020 - 963 the name of the dream: the wave of eternity with sis on the upstairs front seat of a double-decker bus we are on our way to see auntie g explaining to her the enormous implications of endless life "do you realise what endlessness means ?", my excitement is uncontrollable "no matter how much you can think of, it can never be more than a little bit", i'm beside myself a visualisation occurs in the dream an immense wave, so large it blots out the sky, has just lifted the dreamer up and is carrying the dreamer along in its wake just ahead, the intimidating power of the grey mass is slowly moving away it is as though a wave of eternity has just washed over me notes 1 occasionally, feelings of an indescribable size occur in awake-time the concept of size though does, as on this occasion, come through with a stark reality the mind has nowhere to go, so it diminishes verwhelming size comes through most forcefully in dreams though again, the notion that the dream-time conscious is a more sophisticated level of consciousness asserts itself see... addenda: vividness: 3.4 = participant - the category of the dream - insights into endlessness (3+) 23052020 - 962 the name of the dream: the all-female song contest there are two acts which were especially vivid in the memory upon waking a suntanned, lean woman, with her long dark hair styled in curls the way she emphasised the words of the song and the accompanying stalled movements as she looked into the camera and stressed the condemnatory line to the man who had cheated on her the song came across as being from her own experience the second act was a cutie-girl slight, vulnerable and in need of protection hers was a love song it was aimed at every male if you didn't want to hold and embrace her, you weren't red-blooded an odd twist occurred in this dream the competitors were filmed the following morning as they wake up as you would see them if you had slept with them, or it may have been a two-day music festival the thing was, they were sleeping in vehicles the cutie-doll competitor was sleeping on the back seat of a car she was still drowsy, it didn't look like she had slept comfortably one of the others was in a van the two back doors of the van were opened suddenly and showed her getting dressed fairly sure this enjoyable dream was partly due to watching the film "when we were kings" before going to sleep and partly the result of an all-green vegetable cooked meal before watching the film addenda: vividness: 4.3 to 4.6 - observer - the category of the dream - music contest () female () 22052020 - 961 the name of the dream: an opportunity taken on a train in holland making my way back to blighty start chatting with a couple they are at loggerheads the girl, in particular, is unhappy with her situation from the snippets of conversation between them, the reason for her discontent becomes clear he is unable to provide her with a permanent place to stay her glances at the dreamer during their petty squabbling tells the dreamer what she is thinking, she's ready to move on at an opportune moment, the dreamer asked her if two-thousand euros is enough to get established the composure of her face changes as she realises it is a direct offer for us to start a relationship the scene changes we are off the train and in a coach station we are catching different coaches and we are about to part by now the girl and the dreamer have established an unspoken understanding the girl's companion has got onto the coach and has disappeared into depths at the back of the coach the girl is visibly relieved when the dreamer suggests we swap phone numbers she is impressed when, in a single, deft movement, the dreamer whisks out a silver pen that is hooked into his back pocket into a writing position in front of him she is expecting the dreamer to do something similar and produce a piece of paper the driver of the coach shakes his head when asked if he has a bit of paper this is a critical junction the dreamer has to maintain his super-efficient style and keep her confidence an empty cigarette packet on the floor saves the moment with a few quick tears of the packet, there is a five by five-centimetre piece of stiff paper to write down my phone number after passing her the piece of paper the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - holland () holidays () relationships () female () 21052020 - 960 the name of the dream: bestiality watching a documentary about a man who had copulated with a dog the first three births were dogs at that point, it was thought the documentary was pointing out that nature would always favour the female when the cross-breeding of species occurs for the next three or four scenes, human traits began to emerge and the human features became more and more dominant my emotions went from pity to revulsion as nature produced more and more grotesque forms addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - bestiality (1) man/dog (1) 20052020 - 959 the name of the dreams: coconut bonanza this dream is aligned to a specific tense of time of another undulation food is the no. 1 commodity specifically, the lack of it it is a day by day struggle my situation is that food is not a problem with enough resources to adequately feed myself, it is possible to able to help the neighbours with access to a twenty-four-hour delivery service and by juggling my finances, it is possible to take the pressure off the lack of basic foods of about ten people it becomes possible to get the occasional "treat" more than one person suggests that one coconut would be sufficient to share with everyone my supplier didn't have them within a day, inquiries led the dreamer to a supplier who would be able to supply fifty people immediately told the neighbours about the "find" they were overjoyed they couldn't believe that something which only existed in their wildest dreams was in abundance one would be available the following day my suggestion of getting a years supply (fifty) was too indulgent still, they would be pleasantly surprised if in one became available now and then addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - food () coconuts (1) 19052020 - 958 the name of the dream: the hash thief in holland an entrepreneurial somebody had turned a coach into a cafe like an awful lot of holland, people were packed together this place had taken things to the limit it was was a contender for the most crowded cafe in the world forget about sitting the best you could hope for was to find a spot standing even then, it felt as though you were part of a single entity it was as though people were breathing in and out in unison got a drink and squeezed into a spot next to the counter and the side of the bus away from the door looking around in my immediate area noticed five or six plants on a shelf next to the trickling-with-condensation window something on the soil of one of the plant pots caught my eye it was 2.5 cm square and wrapped in cellophane after a few seconds of trying to make sense of it clicked, it was a lump of hash reached into the plant pot and picked it up had just found fifty-euros worth of hash became aware of the face of a girl on the serving-side of the counter looking at me it belonged to her or somebody she knew and had probably seen the dreamer looking at it she was now waiting to see what my response would be to the dreamer knowing it belonged to her or someone she knew in my part of the jungle possession is nine-tenths of the law pretended to drop it when stooping down to pick it up the cover of the counter prevented her from seeing the dreamer making my way to the door two metres away she did see the dreamer while alighting from the bus and called out off the bus and moving away, a glance back gave the dreamer the picture of two lads not far behind they didn't look happy as was mentioned at the beginning, holland is jam-packed with people the street in this scene wasn't that much less crowded than the coach-cafe was the stoop-and-hide trick had given the dreamer the time to get off the bus before the alarm was sounded, it might work again have you tried moving with haste while stooping? it takes quite some effort to move in a curve my pursuers hadn't caught the dreamer when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - holland/hash (3+) 18052020 - 957 the name of the dreams: the ribbing, a dutiful man, a delivery that could have been more inherited a large house the dining table was the length of a living room there are four of us sitting around it didn't know one of the people mom and steve were the two people the dreamer did know steve responded to the invitation, as the dreamer thought he would the invitation had been handed to him by a friend of his the dreamer had only visited him once this friend of steve's didn't have a sense of humour he was an uncompromisingly straight guy he was the perfect person to deliver the invitation along with the written invitation, there was a photo in the envelope the photo was of the dreamer lying on my front naked the invitation had been deliberately left unsealed the dreamer knew the guy well enough to know he would check the contents to make sure it wasn't something which would have any "comeback" for him it worked as planned he would put two and two together and assume steve and the dreamer were "at it" it may go "viral" and become something of a talking point steve would see the humour in it and explain my sense of humour to his mate the dreamer knew steve wouldn't let the dreamer get away with it and would have something up his sleeve equally embarrassing in store for me brought him in on my good fortune and was going to make sure he enjoyed the rest of his second dream this dream is at my current location have just returned from doing something arduous or even dangerous it wasn't something which needed doing but was one of those things which, if done, produced an enhanced state for some or many people it wasn't a shot for glory or fame it was a small dribble of water seeping through a giant dam something which was inconsequential in itself but represented a malaise alas, the dreamer failed my love asked the dreamer not to do it she was quite firm in her request it might mean our relationship would take a turn for the worse if the dreamer did inside where we lived the dreamer expected she was going to announce our relationship was over between the time of the dreamer leaving and doing that which was thought necessary and getting back home she had re-thought the situation instead of getting the "cold shoulder", she was smiling she laid the dreamer down and then laid on top of me through her clothes her full breasts dissipated the weight of her body all that the dreamer could feel was a soft, mushy pressure that had no weight third dream was asked to deliver a package on behalf of someone at the house, was invited in by the person who looked after the person the package was meant for, she was either a good friend or a relative the woman the package was meant for was chair-bound the woman who opened the door to the dreamer introduced the dreamer to the elderly woman in an extremely courteous manner it gave the dreamer the impression she held the elderly woman in esteem, almost reverence the woman in the chair was frail she could hear clearly but could only talk in a hesitant whisper the dreamer asked her if she would like to hear one of the experiences of my life neither of them said anything the thought crossed my mind to ask the elderly woman to relate one her experiences but never voiced it the atmosphere in the room became awkward addressing both the woman the dreamer said, "i'm sure that either of us could enrich the life of the other with a story" when there was no reply, the dreamer got up and left, feeling that an opportunity of sorts had been missed addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - three-scene dream () 17052020 - 956 the name of the dreams: two-ways to burp a baby/babies know what's good for them in the first scene there three adults and a baby the baby is lying slightly propped up on his back he is moving, looks like he is trying to get comfortable but is making sounds that have a note of distress in them go over to baby to see what's what mom says. "he needs burping" my impression is he can hear the sounds in the room and is trying to sit up and have a "look-see" at what's going on put the forefingers of my hands into his open palms, he clenches his fists the dreamer leans back and baby lifts up off his back, then lower him back down do it again, only the second time it's faster carry on doing that until the lowering back down movement is fast enough to cause him to rebound a bit after two or three times baby gives off baby laughs the second or third laugh comes out with some force the dreamer thinks it had a burp in it second dream the fridge door is open and baby, wearing blue dungarees, has her fingers in a small jar the jar contains food which didn't go in the last meal; multi-veg soup am keeping an eye on her as she uses two fingers and scoops out about a teaspoonful of the food of the things in her fingers, the first thing she puts in her mouth is a bit of potato the second thing is a bit of carrot the third thing is a white, baby onion mom walks by and glances at her mom sees baby is enjoying herself (since when didn't men have the sense to find out what is good or bad for a baby) and carries on unconcerned the next thing she eats is a one-centimetre-long bit of a green fine bean baby is in her element she is feeding herself and enjoying what she is eating she's enjoying eating it cold, which is more than the dreamer could do give myself a mental pat on the back know now what to give her another time addenda: vividness: 3.8 - participant/observer - the category of the dreams: babies () 16052020 - 955 the name of the dream: the collaboration at home, on my own and at the computer there are three other people, we are screensharing and communicating by voice the four of us are making suggestions on how to simplify and explain subtle changes in important points on the screen are two columns of folders the folders disappear off the bottom of the screen that meant that on the screen of the laptop there were more than sixty folders anyone could suggest a change at any time there were several times when someone suggested something which was then elaborated upon by someone else, which in turn was corrected by a third person in dream-time, the dream lasts a full minute, which translates to ten minutes of awake-time eventually, we were all satisfied with the final draft the dreamer said, "is it the left-hand column we're saving" someone said, "yes" deleted the right-hand column and said, "thank you, gentlemen, everyone contributed" my final sentence was going to be, "such are successful collaborations made" the sentence had formed in my mind but the dream ended before it was spoken addenda: vividness: 3.8 - participant and observer: the category of the dream - joint website-building (1) 15052020 - 954 the name of the dream: x dream u/f notes 1 the end of the dream became a montage scene the vag slowly sealed and left smooth skin where it had been it was exactly like a stop motion sequence in clay this scene was the result of trying to rush things with a girl who didn't want to be rushed addenda: vividness: 4.3 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () 14052020 - 952 the name of the dream the jewellery folder and the sony intrusion had a black, a4-sized folder with see-through sleeves about five of the sleeves each had about twenty gold-coloured trinkets in them the trinkets had a wide variety of themes although they were gold-coloured it was most likely they were metal with gold paint took the folder into town to get them evaluated in the brightly-lit shop, the assistant showed a lot of interest in many of the items it made the dreamer realise they were gold and worth a lot more than was thought every time she became excited about another trinket the dreamer was ticking off another item from the list of things he'd always wanted but could never, until now, afford another dream of realised riches the sony intrusion a representative from sony called he was trying to sell the dreamer the latest improvement to the sony range of home products specifically, a red cable which ran from the telephone connection to the t.v. the cable would double the clarity of the t.v. picture didn't doubt it would do what he said but the price would be horrendous let him walk the dreamer through all the positive things the cable would bring but had no intention of buying it it was obvious it was going to be beyond my budget you don't get an impromptu home visit from sony, so they can sell you something cheap didn't ask the price and left him dangling the following morning sounds from the hallway woke the dreamer up (dream within a dream) in the hallway was a sony workman wearing a crisp, clean white overall he was installing the wire there was no way he could have got in without a key the salesman from the day before must have told him what type of lock the door had and big company resources had the means to do the rest was dumbfounded and could feel a controlled outrage welling up in the dreamer as the dreamer was waking up addenda: vividness: 4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - two-themed dream () dream within a dream () gold () t.v. () 13052020 - 951 the name of the dreams: dark and dingy and bright and airy there was a running scene before these two dreams this first dream was a strange one from the start at a coach station in london on my way to another part of the country the queue for tickets had at least thirty people in it the first half of the queue was at right angles to the other half there was no queue for people paying by card had to walk alongside the paying queue to get into the coaches area and use the card people were looking at the dreamer with a mixture of envy and disdain in the coaches bay, there weren't any coaches was hungry and decided to get something to eat looked around there wasn't a single bright light anywhere (the only bright scene in this dream was the line for the queue) no vending machines, no sign for the toilets, no coaches with lights, there weren't any coaches the coach-bay looked like it could accommodate about eight coaches in the next scene, which was shades of black and dark browns, three people are moving about the nearest to the dreamer was a man wearing heavy-duty dark glasses, the type people with impaired vision use asked him if he knew where a person could get something to eat he replied with a venomous sarcasm, "do i look like i would know where anything is" went out of the coach station into the street would be able to see signs in the street so the dreamer thought in the street still no lights the brightest thing visible was the glistening walls of an alley walked through the enclosed alley into another dark street asked a passerby if he knew where there was somewhere to get something to eat he barely hesitated before he said, "you can get something at my place" in the next scene, we have entered his place something is wrong he spoke pleasantly, and, he was smartly dressed in a suit, shirt and tie but his "place" looked like it was condemned the only place to go was up all that was left of the bannister was a sturdy but wobbly bannister anchor-post the carpet was torn and scuffed as we walked up the stairs the dreamer said sincerely, "sorry to have invaded your home" just before we entered a door on the landing at the top of the stairs a girl in her early twenties came out of the room she had the look of a girl who was sleeping rough but moved spritely inside the room, and remember, you still need a torch to see yourself through this dream, the are four males sleeping on mattresses on the floor the mattresses are touching at their bottom corners and form a square space the man says something in a commanding way and the man on the mattress furthest from the dreamer stirs and begins to get up he is six-foot-four if he's an inch and looks as rough as broken bricks in the next scene, another man, another "big 'un", again, like the first man the dreamer met in the street, is smartly dressed and wearing a knee-length dark blue crombie coat is standing on my left he puts his arm across my back and applies a little pressure we begin to move to the corner of the room to a table with four or five bottles of shorts on it the dreamer mentions food he says, "let's have a drink first" the seriousness of the situation hits me i'm in the hands of a couple of street-level "wide boys" on the verge of gangsterism i'm going to be robbed and maybe worse if this dream doesn't end soon the dream ends second dream the current "pandemic" has gone a second crisis, much, much, more deadly than anything we thought possible, is about to break loose the vast majority of people have accepted the end is coming instead of going into a state of depression, everyone does the opposite everybody decides to do everything they always wanted to do before they die an air of festivity grips the world uninhibited acts of celebrations of small and large groups put everything they've got into realising the hopes and dreams the ones they love and more than that, people give their time and resources into helping other people realise their dreams the air is filled with balloons and other colourful things that float the sun is shining more brightly than it ever has a bird's-eye view of dancing and music, carnival processions and colourful costume fill the parks and streets it's as though a thousand years of raining has stopped and fine weather is how it's going to be from now on the festival atmosphere goes on and on as the celebrations go on, everyone starts to realise that, like the great hoax we are currently experiencing, the even more terrible tragedy we were told to expect was itself a hoax the worst is over it is a reminder to us all that the only enslavement we can be subjected to is that which we allow ourselves to be subjected to it the festivities were in full flow when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.4 to 4.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - extremes of category and addenda: vividness: (1?) topical (3+) coronavirus (1) 12052020 - 950 the name of the dreams: the eiderdown incident - the bigoted policeman - the find with caz we are walking alongside a house on the corner of a street the space between the house and a tall wall gave access to the back of the houses on the street we had just passed the house itself and were level with the start of its garden there was a gap in a thigh-high wall which separated the house from jetty and gave the occupants of the corner house access to the jetty that ran alongside their home on the floor just inside the low wall was an eiderdown patterned with four or five thick bands of black and white the dreamer said to c, "that would look nice on our bed" c acted on my prompt, bent down and picked it up we were almost at the corner where the low wall ended and about to turn left when the woman of the house came out she had seen us pick up the eiderdown and was furious other people came out of her house running for it was not an option the "jig" was up the next scene would have been us being apprehended and who knows what would have happened before it got to that scene the dreamer says to c, "tell them that you thought it had been thrown away and were going to give it someone you know who was hard up and needed blankets for the children's bed" the bigoted policeman two of us, a middle-eastern or indian man, were being interviewed by two policemen not sure what we had done it wasn't a serious offence and another policeman might have given us a "telling off" and leave it at that one of the policemen though, a tall lanky bloke, was a racist and wanted to cause as much trouble as possible as he could for my friend, and consequently me the dreamer pleaded his case and the second policeman said we could go the tall cop was beside himself with frustration and said to the other cop, "whose side are you on?" the food in a tube it is evening two of us are on our way home we see a white tube, twice the size of a large tube of toothpaste, on the floor we immediately recognise it as expensive paste spread the writing on the tube and the smell and the taste tell us we have made a "find" no sooner have began walking again when we see more of the tubes ahead of us they are evenly spaced out, about three or four metres between each one any number of people will pay handsomely for them this is another dream with a "mother lode" in it addenda: vividness: (3) - participant - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (20+) 11052020 - 949 the name of the dream: a gathering of the clan they were all there... belinda, liz, matthew, matthews wife and the new addition to the family, hassan... the new baby was the centre of attention then it ws me being as the dreamer is the only representative of the caucasian ethnicity had brought cassettes for the occasion had brought cassettes with dance music on them for the occasion one of the girls enthused about one track in particular the dreamer said he would be glad to make a copy of it having said that there was no way around it would have to go and buy a cassette to copy onto the obvious thing to do was give her the tape problem was there was essential music on the tape tracks that could not be replaced someone offered to go to the shop and buy one couldn't let someone else do something that was my idea once i'd committed to recording music it would mean having to go into town went off into town to get one it must have been christmas the town centre was heaving addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and family gatherings (3+) 10052020 - 948 the name of the dream: x dream (otl) 09052020 - 947 the name of the dream: who's a naughty boy then two of us have been charged with embezzlement the dreamer was the main culprit because it was he who conceived the scam and operated it from his business premises in court, the judge wanted to know where we lived the co-accused lived with his parents the dreamer lives alone the judge was weighing up whether we had a home environment which would mitigate our circumstances in terms of parental influence realising where his thinking was going the dreamer said he would be stopping the business and going to live with his mother or brother what was going trough my mind was the disastrous effects which would follow a prison sentence the dreamer hadn't made any preparations to move his belongings a prison sentence, even a small sentence of three months, would mean the council would move my belongings to who knows where, by who knows who of my thousands of items, big and small, many would go "missing" things which were crucial to my identity losses that were too great to replace the feeling of loss stayed with the dreamer for twenty or thirty seconds of awake-time addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - theft (2+) embezzlement 08052020 - 946 the name of the dream: in the mind of men at home watching the telly a news flash breaks into the programme an u.f.o. has been sighted go out into town to take a look near the top of lower-north street about fifty-metres from the house, the dreamer look skyward it is a not quite a full moon a fish the shape of a goldfish but without any fins and mainly grey and silver passes in front of the moon it is moving serenely, not unlike an airship after two or three seconds it vanishes it reappears in a different position a moment later again, both the fish and the moon are in the scene although it is larger than the moon and its details are clearly visible, decide to go home and get the binoculars to see it in greater detail back in the house, two acquaintances have joined the dream explain the situation and urge them to come with the dreamer to have a look they think it's a prank of some kind and refuse to come with me my continual imploring convinces them and we set off we are in the same spot where the dreamer first saw it they are still in a sceptical frame of mind and are waiting for the dreamer to tell them what the joke is the fish appears again "look", the dreamer says pointing skyward the two lads look and visibly stiffen they are not in awe but a mild shock in the next scene, a man is lying down on what looks like a medical bed someone to the right of him uses a flat, stiff white board to waft air over across him the man's faces relaxes, and, he smiles contentedly (it reminds the dreamer of a scene from a film where robert de nero is lying down and inhales opium from a pipe) the next scene lasts until the dream finishes for three seconds or so, the scene is superimposed over the man's face (what he is seeing in his mind's eye) it is an overhead scene, angled at about twenty-five degrees the dominant feature is a bridge it looks like the brooklyn bridge in new york the bridge is busy with traffic going in both ways there are ships on the water, fifteen and twenty-storey buildings beyond the bridge and roads and sidewalks thronging with vehicles and people the sky is blue and partly clouded then, dramatically, everything, the bridge, the buildings, the sky turns into flames underneath the carnage, the face of the man on the medical bed is visible he is smiling the way an opium addict smiles as waves of pleasure from the drug make themselves felt notes 1 this dream is the result the pde's make no mistake, there are people behind the scenes pulling the strings who are "drawn" to explosions and seeing things burn the resources they use and the lengths they go to, to implement their deceit is staggering notes 2 another dream set in exeter addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - observer - the category of the dream - explosions and fire (3+) 07052020 - 945 the name of the dream: down the uphill there is a competitive friendship with another person my age he has an electric scooter the dreamer has a super-light twenty-seven gear mountain bike each of us is determined to prove our way of getting about is the best it wasn't arranged, but on this occassion, we were both at the same place we are at the bottom of a two-hundred-metre incline of about twenty-degrees there are two tarmac paths one is for walking and the one to the right is for pushbikes this is the perfect opportunity for one of us to prove to the other he is right the glint in his eye tells the dreamer he thinks he's going to win it only stiffens my determination to beat him we're off the low gearing on my bike allows the dreamer to pedal at near sprinting-speed the incline at the top of the up-slope increases it is too steep for sprint-speed the dreamer is reduced to a slow walking pace and my legs are tiring he has almost caught up with me jump off the bike and push it the remaining ten-metres to the top the dreamer is still ahead, just am over the peak of the hill and ready to begin the descent looking down the hill the acute decline causes the dreamer to baulk it wasn't so much a sharp decline it was more like a sloped cliff (about the same angle as the one in the dream of 19032018) looking at both paths, the wider one, the one the dreamer is on, wasn't as well-maintained as the narrower path could see dark patches here and there which told the dreamer it wasn't smooth like the walking path the chances are there could be mini-potholes the size of tablespoons would be moving at the best part of fifty or sixty-kilometres per hour fast enough to break a bone or two couldn't swap paths as that would be breaking the unspoken "rules" of the race took a deep breath and began the descent it didn't take long to get to a top speed was going so fast that even the top gear on the bike was too low to add impetus to the speed the extra weight on the other person's vehicle was heavier than mine which gave him more stability the extra weight plus the pull of gravity and the increased speed gained by the other person keeping the throttle open got him to the crossroads at the bottom ahead of the dreamer by twenty or more metres didn't look at him when we were side by side waiting for the lights to change, the dreamer knew he would have a smug grin on his face addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - pushbikes (2+) and electric scooters (1) 06052020 - 944 the name of the dream: the courier and tingling fingers my landlord's rent collector tasked the dreamer with delivering a years rent to the owner of the property the money had a bankers sleeve wrapped around it didn't see the amount on the sleeve but the top note showed a hundred it was ten-thousand if it were a penny after showing the dreamer the bundle, he put it in an envelope he then said in a strict, stern way, "you must place it in the landlord's hands and get a receipt" got the feeling the landlord was a female then, something out of context with the money-theme of the dream happened there were three fixtures on the ceiling of the room a heater, a light, the light was enclosed in a semi-circular, white housing, and gave off a "soft" glow, and a bulb attached to a cord which dangled a third of a metre from into the room the bulb gave off a dull-red glow the amount of light it gave off wasn't anyway near enough to see around the room if the ceiling light failed couldn't figure out what it was meant for the dreamer reached up to touch it when my hand was about twenty-centimetres close to the bulb it produced a tingling feeling in my fingers and more than that, there were red particles falling in slow motion, a bit like fine rain the closer my hand moved towards the bulb the more intense the tingling became (the stand-out visual of the dream and the stand-out tactile of any dream except x dreams) and the more the individual particles stood out the dream then went back to being a money-themed dream another tenant, looking suspiciously like a teenage-version of alex jones, came into the room the subject of delivering the money came up he picked up the money and left the room he re-entered the room in the next scene with the money in his hand from what he said it suggested to the dreamer he had discussed the idea of how how he could work a "scam" with someone else and realised it wouldn't work unless the dreamer ended up as the culprit he made a suggestion it was risky and would mean the dreamer having to deviate from what the rent collector had said the dreamer repeated to him what the rent collector said, emphasising he had used the word "you" the dreamer then said, "it is tempting though" the dream then switched back to the theme of the light the dreamer said, "put your hand close to that", pointing to the red light he put his hand near the white light "my apologies, the next one", the dreamer said he moved his hand toward the light and lingered it there the dream ended as he was looking at the dreamer with a surprised and puzzled inquisitiveness addenda: vividness:: 2.8 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - money () visual plus tactile (8+) 05052020 - 943 the name of the dream: an acquaintance made a surprise visit to the home of an acquaintance it was the first time the dreamer had visited he was a black hole for money he wasn't in, his partner and her nine or ten-year-old daughter were bought the young girl a white shelf-radio the young girl was over the moon she went into a state of over-excitement she was too young to be faking it from there on in the dreamer could do no wrong kept the "vibe" going and gave his partner a tenner if i'd bought a bottle of something to drink, it would have been party time the acquaintance entered the dream he was taking in the situation he wasn't so happy, but there's no way he was going to spoil the atmosphere waited until it was time to go before the dreamer gave his partner another tenner it would have been "bad form" not to give him something his mood lifted when the dreamer gave him ten pounds addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () 04052020 -942 the name of the dream: conspirator's first scene about twenty people sitting at about twelve tables in the dining room of an elderly people care home one of the people sitting two tables into the room from my point of view claps his hands someone a row over to the right and a table further into the room throws an orange to the man who clapped his hands second scene my home is a ground-floor flat it has an outer see-through door with a mesh curtain and a solid inner-door my point of view in this scene is about five-metres from the doors a girl is at the door of the next-door neighbour the girl reminds the dreamer of a particularly devious woman t=he had come into contact with in awake-time when in my early twenties next scene the girl at the door of the neighbour has a cotton bud stick in her hand and is placing it into the open wound of a slit throat notes 1 it wasn't until the dreamer was in his fifties that it was realised she was aligned to the british oligarch's and had steered the dreamer into an awake-time relationship with an exceptionally appealing woman the girl the dreamer found so desirable became an awake-time girlfriend and is mentioned in the of the dream of 01042018 upon waking, a quick look through the returns of the search term "can a virus live in a dead person" confirmed that this dream has a basis in awake-time addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - topical () coronavirus conspiracy () 03052020 - 941 the name of the dream: when the cock, cock robin comes... very late at night an altercation between three or four biggish men woke the dreamer up don't know what the problem was for me, the problem was i'd been woken jumped out of bed and went onto the landing and began shouting even louder than the other people they all fell quiet next sequence, this sequence had the same feelings in it as the dream of 08112017 was hopping and skipping along in a rhythmic way and making sounds that accompanied the sound of my feet as they touched the ground two people joined in making sounds but were out of sync with me the dreamer said in an encouraging way, "no, it's not dop de dop de de dop, it's de dop dop dop de dop dop dop dop" next sequence, was making my way along a concrete channel about three metres deep and a metre wide there were young boys standing atop of each side of the channel there was an air of expectation coming from the boys stopped, looked up at the boys and began singing (the dream became externalised at this moment) the teddy bears picnic song in a soft voice the boys listened intently before the last word of the last line the dreamer stopped moving and singing looked up to the boys and hesitated slowly began raising my arms and they finished the song in unison in a soft voice... "picnic" the final sequence, wading through sludge the sludge came up to my waist the level of the substance eventually became ankle deep people came into the dream the dreamer said something reassuring the dream ended the dreamer felt really good as he began waking and let out a long laugh great dream addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - feel-good dream () 02052020 - 940 the name of the dream: double-duped researchers thought the dreamer is the best person to assess the effects of a drug the researchers wanted to know how morphine compared to another drug in terms of addictiveness in one scene, the dreamer asked, "which one of the drugs first occurred in nature ?" the reply was, "that's what we're trying to find out" wasn't keen on doing the experiment it crossed my mind there might be another reason they asked the dreamer and not someone who was a chemist or another researcher the dreamer thought there was something sinister going on when the dream ended second dream became friends with a man who lived in the next town to me he brought the dreamer to his house and introduced the dreamer to his wife or long-time girlfriend his wife had a life-long friend the new-found friend was pairing the dreamer up with his partner's friend, who, as it happened, was an agreeably nice person we "hit it off" straight away the new friend suggested we go for a night out that was o.k. by me the dreamer automatically assumed he meant the four of us the dreamer mentioned it to his partner's friend, she agreed as we were preparing to go out the dreamer mentioned to him that the girl the dreamer had become friends with was looking forward to going out for the night he said we should leave the girls at home and go out on our own the dreamer didn't take him seriously and said, "we can put her in the boot" he jumped down my throat and said vehemently, "she's" got a kid" the dreamer then realised the basis of the relationship between him and me the dreamer was to accompany him on a night out while he looked for a "bit on the side" notes 1 the drug dream was undoubtedly due to thinking about the "vaccine" that will be introduced to combat the coronavirus addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - topical () corona virus () and relationships () male () 01052020 - 939 the name of the dream: one's own opinion isn't always right this dream is set in a community centre or hospital the room has a high ceiling and is about twenty-five by twenty-five metres to begin with the room is empty if ever a room needing filling with people, this was it next scene, the musc system is set up and the people are waiting for the music to start playing there are about forty people or so a woman asks what sort of music the dreamer will be playing when she hears the word "rave" her face shows concern "they won't dance to it", she says looking around at the people in the room the dreamer realise she is right the dreamer suggest a song that was a big hit in the next scene, everybody is dancing and singing along with the song it is a female vocalist singing a song with a solid beat; like "hey margarita" as in the dream of 10052019, the dreamer knows the words of the song even though it is the first time he has heard it the dream externalises and the dreamer wakes to the sound of his own voice singing along with the song addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - music/dancing (6+) externalised () 30042020 - 938 the name of the dream: getting the knack of it a dream about computer folders the folders contained pictures and photos there were instructions on how to sort and assemble them used the mouse to initiate changes and move the pictures from place to place this is the first time that using the mouse in a dream didn't present problems addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - computer-related (15+) mouse (1) folders (8+) 29042020 - 937 x dream 28042020 - 936 the name of the dream: honoured early evening walking along the high street become aware of three girls almost abreast of me hear one of the girls coaxing one her friends to do something next scene, a girl is walking alongside me she says, "would you like to go out with me?" her tone of voice is tentative the first noticeable thing about her is her lipstick it is pink/white (stand-out visual) this is the third time she has approached the dreamer in the same way as in the previous two dreams, we go off together can sense her nervousness and put her at ease by saying, "what would you like the dreamer to make you to eat?" her sense of confidence becomes palpable and it shows in her gait she straightens up and her head lifts was trying to understand why she thought she might be rejected she was the dreamer 's type and he was looking forward to making her feel happy and secure far from feeling she wasn't good enough for me the dreamer felt honoured she had chosen him notes 1 the third time this girl has featured in a dream recently addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () anne (3) serial dream (2+) 27042020 - 935 the name of the dream: the rewards of being meticulous two of us are in the bedroom of one or the other from our vantage point, we can see rockets being launched into space the rockets look like firework rockets being set off from further on down the street the crackling sound of the rocket engines adds to the sense of realism we have a camera and we are taking notes as well the dream shows three or four of the launches the launch site is about two or three kilometres away our meticulous detailing of each launch comes to the attention of one the officials at the control centre we are honoured and are over the moon with excitement when we are invited to be at the launch site for one of the missions addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - space rockets (2+) 26042020 - 934 the name of the dream: my landlord was a conservative a long, long time ago, before there were mobile phones there were landline phones in those far-away days, technology only allowed a person to speak to another person via phones from a fixed position in space this dream was from those dark, unenlightened days was living in a bedsit the landlord point-blank refused to let the dreamer run a wire for a doorbell from the front door to my bedsit it was immediate eviction for a tenant who made a duplicate key and gave it to a friend or relative decided to put a plaque on the outside of my room with my name on it the problem was, the five-centimetres of the edges of the door which housed the lock was solid enough but the panel of the door was made of flimsy hardboard the problem didn't come to light until it came to using a hand drill to make holes for the screws the hole the drill bit made was too large for the screws a circumstance that didn't reveal itself until after the holes had been drilled had to use glue to affix the plaque to the door when the landlord found out he was furious threats of various types were thrown at me the last scene of the dream played out between the transition from dream-time to awake-time was on the phone to mom and heard myself saying, "you'll have to phone the dreamer before you come - the landlord..." out loud addenda: vividness: 3 participant - the category of the dream - externalised () voice () 25042020 - 933 the name of the dream: jungles are dangerous a guide, self and an adventurer and his son go into the jungle on an adventure the adventurer was hoping to find something in particular the dreamer 's not sure what it is, the remains of a lost tribe or civilisation he thinks it was thick jungle which had to be hacked through the dreamer is the youngest of the group the jungle was too dense for the dreamer to cut through and the dreamer could only do a few minutes at a time we had to come back after a few scenes because the son of the adventurer became ill back at the camp, the father of the boy examined his child whatever it was it was really nasty his skin was wrinkled and shrivelled as he examined the boy the diseased area of his body opened up and revealed a large parasite (stand-out visual) the parasite was the size of a small lizard it was obvious the boy was at death's door the situation was so dire we had to take the boy with us and return into the jungle immediately it was hoped a cure could be found in the habitat of the parasite the dream ended without a satisfactory conclusion notes 1 you know it's a bad dream when the stand-out scene is repellent due, no doubt, to thinking about some of the scenes in the docufilm (out of shadow) addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - pde-influenced (71+) 24042020 - 932 the name of the dream: chinese entrepreneurialism a rumour from a reliable source came to my attention a little-used chinese shop had novelly doubled up its takeaway food business and incorporated a laundry service at the same premises that in itself wasn't front-page news what was intriguing, is that the shop was, in fact, a front for the chinese secret services financial rewards were to be had if the story could be substantiated the dreamer went to investigate there wasn't anyone behind the counter when the dreamer entered there was a menu on the counter at the counter, there was what looked like an order for food picked it up and ran out of the shop with it in the next scene, someone connected to the intelligence services examined the writing he concluded there was a hidden message in it the dreamer is given a handsome reward was encouraged to try to get more information went back to the shop again, there was another note on the counter with writing on it a glance at the note said there was a man who wanted someone left-handed picked it up and ran like billy-o back to the person who had told the dreamer to get more information there were two prolonged scenes in which two people were trying to make sense of the hidden meaning in the message there were smiles and laughter when the two people "deciphering" the note realised it wasn't information concerning national intelligence the shop did have a third, undisclosed, business operating from the premises it was a "knocking-shop" the notes were orders left by males with preferences for the type of woman they wanted to have sex with notes 1 this dream was influenced by the film "out of shadow" and the conspiracy surrounding the coronavirus addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - pde-influenced dream (70+) 23042020 - 931 the name of the montage: all white this montage took the writer completely by surprise was listening to a "crash out" video with the screen of the t.v. in "picture off" mode was about two minutes into the sound of the video, as much awake as asleep, when an all-white scene filled my consciousness the sudden brightness was quite startling and it caused the dreamer to become fully awake when fully awake, a montage of about twelve pictures began presenting themselves they were all of aeroplanes the pictures, some of them contained motion, were so bright that the shape of the planes could only be seen by fine, black lines which outlined the cockpit, wings, fuselage etc. not sure if they were all in flight the shape of one plane, in particular, caught my attention with the simplicity of a will of the mind, it was possible to "freeze-frame" the image and take in the detail it was one of those planes with a double-fuselage a sense of contentment entered the dream and after two or three more images the writer was asleep notes 1 this is the second time in recent months the writer had thought to himself that he would like a montage and got it within a few days of asking this suggests to the writer that montages are a mind-willed phenomenon although there's plenty of scope for them to be timed-to-occur perhaps they can be either addenda: vividness: 4.7 to 5 - observer - the category of the montage: pre-sleep (1) freeze-frame (2+) black and white (2+) aeroplanes (1) 22042020 - 930 the name of the dream: the return of bernie the first dream, of two or three scenes, has the dreamer lying down on a patch of grass the patch of grass has sloping edges it is elevated from the surrounding grass by about half a metre the patch of grass is the length and width of a bench it is designed for two or three people to sit on the elevated patch of grass is part of a small park the park is about two-hundred metres by two-hundred metres the park is situated in the centre of a ginormous mall the mall reaches right up into the sky it doesn't look like it has a roof, if it has it is transparent the dreamer is sleepy and is changing his lying position trying to get comfortable the dreamer is lying on his right side the dreamer becomes aware of another body pushing against his back the pushing movements rouse the dreamer enough to realise it is one of two girls my lying position is taking up too much of the sitting room for them to sit without being scrunched up the dreamer gives a little ground the pushing movements continue it doesn't take long to realise the pushing movements are "suggestive" the dream changes location have just become reacquainted with bernie after being apart from each other for years we are in bed and undressed bernie is expecting our xual activity to be the same as it was, a mutually reciprocating pleasurable experience she doesn't know the dreamer has changed there is then a sequence of more than a dozen scenes among them... she runs her hands up both sides of my torso and up to my neck the dreamer says, "that tickles" that had never happened between us before she does it several times the dreamer explores the area between her rib and hip until she responds with an involuntary movement there are scenes in which we apply the lightest of touches using our lips and fingertips and the merest of pressure to all areas of each others torso there is one scene, when the dreamer have lifted his-self and is at arm's length above her the dreamer suggests she reach out her arms and hold onto the dreamer with her arms and legs and lift herself up and press herself into the dreamer in one of the last scenes we are both ready for conjoinment, but the dreamer doesn't the dreamer will have to explain his new view of life x is no longer a self or mutually-gratifying thing it has purpose above all, x is a response to the desire to produce a being that has the characteristic's of childhood my plan is to place us in the company of children and when she is enjoying their company explain... given the right influences in the right environment, a child will exhibit love as soon as she/he can walk she/he will, when... addenda: vividness: - 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () bernie (4+) 21042020 - 929 the name of the dream: the e-type method of treating the coronavirus a think-read dream of half a dozen scenes amending the first line of a new entry for the coronavirus was settling on the name given to this dream as the name for the entry as this dream ended notes 1 this dream was the result of watching an interview with david icke in the interview, he explains how the figures of the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus are manipulated to make the tally of deaths a lot bigger than what they are addenda: vividness: 3.6 - participant - the category of the dream - topical (4+) coronavirus (1+) 20042020 - 928 the name of the dream: the most convoluted, complex, intricate dream ever it is morning time am in town had a couple of thousand pounds in my pocket thought it would be enough to see the dreamer through until things changed for the better walked by an all-glass, high building inside there were more than a hundred people dining the scene suggested the diners were not short of money or restricted as to what sort of food they ate these people were close together while everybody else was on "lockdown" had to find out what was going on went to where the orders were placed and started quizzing the woman taking the orders the way things worked was... this part of the dream turned into a think-read a person paid one-thousand pounds for the first meal subsequent meals were paid for out of the one-thousand pounds until the total cost of meals reached five-hundred pounds the patron would then pay a further one-thousand pounds when two-thousand pounds had changed hands the companies banking structure would issue the person with credits the aim was to build up a reserve of credits which gave a person a stake in the company when that was achieved a person had access to the company's health care system then, housing, then holidays etc. the next part of the dream is the dreamer in hospital not sure exactly what my ailment was something to do with a skin infection was given a stiff, light-brown cardboard pouch it had flexible triangular ends and a round pouch the pouch was placed over my testicles and penis it settled snuggly against the skin the two curved triangular ends had splits in them the splits opened and closed to let a carnivorous fly inside the pouch and devour parasites that were causing an itching depending on where pressure was applied to the cardboard pouch, it would open the inside curved area and reveal the parasites inside occasionally it would close by itself it was lunchtime for the fly there were a few scenes in the dream which were especially vivid (4.4) a man appeared holding the hand of a chimpanzee the chimp was the size of a three-year-old child the man holding the chimps hand wasn't pulling the chimp but the chimp was moving in the way a three-year-old child would walk when he was walking when he wanted to be standing still, reluctantly offered my hand to the chimp but he didn't seem to notice it the second offering of my hand got the same response on the third time, my entire arm blocked his way he had no choice but to climb over it as he clambers over the dreamer 's arm it brings him closer, the dreamer exclaimed, "there you are" the chimp didn't respond to me there were dozens of scenes of different situations within the building including the perfunctory x scenes unfortunately, woke up feeling drunk-tired the voice recording settings on the microphone app weren't at their usual levels when it came to listening to the dream-notes my voice was too faint to be recognisable which, in turn, meant that lots of the details of the dream had slipped from the memory by the time it came to typing my own dictation the account of the dream here is from a second recalling notes 1 this dream was partly influenced by watching the film "the platform" before going to sleep addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - Epic dreams (5+) epic hospital dreams (2+) 19042020 -927 the name of the dream: food,clothes and topless women first scene, visiting auntie moo missed the meal there was plenty left over the dreamer the kitchen ate two plates of light-coloured greens someone commented on how much the dreamer 'd eaten second scene, in town buying clothes in a large, brightly lit store settled on a pair of trousers couldn't see a dressing-room anywhere took off my trousers, which caused a few looks of indignation, and tried them on bought them and left the shop third scene, a young woman was talking into a floor-mounted camera when she finished talking she slipped the shoulder straps off her dress the top of her dress fell to her waist and revealed her breasts was wondering why she had done that when the dream ended : vividiness 3 to 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - mixed theme dream() 18042020 - 926 x dream 17042020 - 925 the name of the dream: the census was part of a census team we worked as individuals the census asked four or five questions about personal relationships the questions on the census were too brief to convey their meaning part of the job was to explain in broader terms the implications the trick was to engage the person in conversation our remit was to relate personal accounts of our own experiences and draw the person being interviewed into friend-to-friend answers addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - work () door-to-door (1) 16042020 - 924 the name of the dream: rummaging looking through a chest of three drawers for nothing in particular came across a long silver metallic object the size of a straw it could be bent the casing was silver foil (stand-out visual) began to remove the foil inside the foil were globules of hash exclaimed the find to the other people in the dream the atmosphere of the dream became "up-beat" as more of the foil was removed some of the globules fell on the floor put a piece of paper on my lap to catch them when all the globules had been removed picked up the paper with the intention to transfer the globules onto a solid surface the paper bent as it was picked up and all but a few of the globules fell onto the floor the floor was a rough carpet which meant it was going to be too difficult to find and extract them all pressed the palm of my hand onto the carpet and managed to recover enough to get us "stoned" the mood of the dream changed for the worse my girlfriend left the building ran after her shouting out her name addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - hash () 15042020 - 923 the name of the dream: dire times resources and money is tightly controlled people can elect to "take a chance" with their weekly allowance and can end up with more than twice their weekly allowance three of us do just that the other two people in the game were friends would pool their share the amount of money to be shared was thirteen-hundred units the suit of one of the four suits in a deck of cards was separted from the rest of the pack the value of each card was equal to the number or picture value of the card a hundred unit note was handed out immediately after each hand each person would take it in turn and draw a card from the thirteen cards the first three draws went to the other people in the game then, the dreamer 's luck changed and he won two or three draws the two people who were sharing had a winning streak and took the next three cards on the "trot" while the dreamer took one then, the dreamer won the last hand with a ten (the stand-out visual) in total, the dreamer won five hands because the two sharing had won more hands with picture cards they thought they had won the dreamer began waking from the dream as the adjudicator was explaining the rules of the game to them his was still explaining as the dreamer became fully awake addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - card games (2+) money () 14042020 - 922 the name of the dream: dancing, danger and x at work in the dining area of a secluded, centuries-old mansion not sure what my job is the dining room is square and about twenty by twenty metres the meal has finished and all the catering staff have gone the tables were in the centre of the room during the meal but in this scene, all the tables have been moved from the centre of the room to the edges of the room the dining room area is a highly polished wooden floor there is music playing waltzes which have a deep, consistent beats to it the tempo is just right for freestyle dancing the dreamer finds his-self moving and swaying in synchronisation with the beat while moving furniture around people begin filling the room they are wearing formal evening clothes of black and white a couple not in formal dress take to the floor and begin exhibition dancing most of the time their torsos are touching occasionally, they will lean away from each other while holding hands other times they move away from each other completely and then move back together again with individual movements that are in time with the beats on those occasions, they are in freestyle/rave territory the dreamer begins nodding and swaying with the music after the dancing exhibition, the floor fills with people all eager to do what the exhibition dancers were doing after a few scenes, there is just one couple dancing the room has emptied to five or so people an attractive woman comes to the dreamer and takes the dreamer onto the dance-floor she must have been watching the dreamer during the evening we begin dancing without touching we mock the style of dancing of the pair still on the floor between the polished floor and the soles of my shoes, the dance-floor is perfect for sliding the woman and the dreamer dance around the edges of the dance-floor our movements blend together in a way which could only occur if we had practised them, but we had never met before the dreamer spoils our synchronised movements on one occasion when he tries to drop to his knees and slide but brush against the carpet which throws us out of sync the girl and the dreamer go to a room and have prolonged x activity unusually, it wasn't anything special (know why) the dreamer leaves the building and makes for home it isn't until the dreamer gets to the door that he discovers that the key to the door is in my work clothes back at the mansion as the dreamer nears the building the lighting in the mansion allows him to see five or six metres into the building behind two sets of glass doors the owner, a tall imposing figure, is dressed in a strange uniform the detail of his clothing becomes clear when the dreamer 'm standing at the doors it is an animal costume it is a one-piece, tight-fitting black and white costume and looks like a cat or a mouse behind the man are other people also dressed in animal uniforms the owner of the mansion freezes when he sees me i've seen the other side of his lifestyle the dreamer can see him scrutinising the dreamer will the dreamer be able to put two and two together? i'm a potential threat to the secret goings-on the dreamer can sense danger the dream ends notes 1 it's been four months since the last dancing dream is there, or can there be, patterns to dreams ? dancing, swimming, cooking, kissing, children... rotating monthly, seasonally, yearly addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.9 - participant and observer participant and observer note... participant the dreamer 's own memories - observer own and/or others memories 13042020 - 921 the name of the dream: in the money was informed that i'd inherited six-hundred million the two men who informed the dreamer and were administrating the money were gangsters in suits their advice on how to invest it sounded like ultimatums having to deal with the men thoroughly depressed me so much so, the dreamer decidee to submit to everyone their suggestions even though he knows it is to their advantage then, my fighting spirit asserted itself and the dreamer decided to push back my feelings of depression became theirs they became more subdued with every proclamation the dreamer made "divide the money into three different amounts, put two-hundred million in my current account, put two-hundred million in the bank of china and two-hundred million in a european bank" left a paltry sum of a million for them to invest in the last scene, kept ten-thousand pounds at home, put one-thousand pound in my wallet and went out and about beginning implementing a plan that i've been harbouring for a year or two * this dream was the result of looking at a list of the wealth of thirty high profile and celebrity people during the day addenda: vividness:: 2.9 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream - money () 12042020 - 920 name of the dream: the new bee was near the bus stop had a backpack and an over-the-shoulder carry bag the over-the-shoulder bag had a two-metre long butterfly net in it am on my way to an area rich in flora and fauna the reason ? the day before, the mainstream media carried an item about a newly discovered type of bee it had never been seen before it was twice as big as a bumblebee and had an orange tinge to it there was a lot of speculation about how much honey they would produce there was also excited anticipation that the nutrients in the honey would have natural beneficial applications it was the "hot topic" of the day, everyone was talking about it the dreamer intended to catch some and make a habitat they would find productive my objective was to research the benefits of the honey as the dreamer crossed the road he notices a woman and a man working on the neighbourhood transformer the man looked at the dreamer and said, "what's that for?" he was referring to the over-the-shoulder bag he had deduced what was in the shoulder bag and wanted the dreamer to say something the dreamer wagged his finger at him and made the sound "aaahh" he didn't like the dreamer not saying anything and said, "why don't you stick it up your" but didn't say the last word the dreamer replied, "if the oil is the right price i might do that" when the dreamer is at the bus stop a man who is working on his allotment three or four metres from where the dreamer is comes over and suggests in a friendly tone that the dreamer leaves the bees alone he too had figured out the dreamer was going to catch some of the bees it seemed to the dreamer that he would understand my motives but the dream ended before the dreamer had the chance to tell him aside when i was aged five and at primary school, during a spell when we were allowed to move freely within the school grounds near a hedge, the squeals of two or three girls caught my attention when i went to investigate the cause of the commotion it turned out to be a bumblebee it was probably the first time the girls had seen a bumble, it might have been mine too the size of the bee was enhanced by its colour to a young mind, it would be as large as a sparrow i moved in closer and could see from its graceful flight it wasn't a threat when it landed on a flower i put my finger in front of the direction it was moving the bee did what the i thought it would do it climbed onto my finger which, to the bee, was nothing more than a minor obstacle in getting to the flower when it was on my finger i turned around to show the girls it wouldn't harm them the girls stood in silent awe as a new perspective of life entered their minds this memory is one of only half a dozen or so vivid memories from junior school addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - insects (1+) bees (1) 11042020 - 919 the name of the dream: one way of stopping smoking nighttime the dreamer is waiting for a bus at a sheltered bus-stop his bus came into view as it slowed to a stop he notices steve sitting upstairs and goes upstairs to join him after the dreamer sits down, he gets out a packet of baccy and began to roll one he offers one to steve he accepted it should be mentioned that the dreamer is the only one of steve's close friends who smoked he classed himself as a non-smoker too he had a good method to keep his smoking habit close to non-existent, he never bought any the only time he ever bought fags, he never bought baccy, was when we went out for the night to continue... he then asked if he could have some for later on to a person who smokes "roll-ups", enough baccy to make a few roll-ups is neither here nor there he produced something to put the baccy in the something was too small to put the baccy in without losing the bits that fall off a "clump" of baccy when it's separated from the bulk of it we put a piece of paper underneath the something-that-was-too-small to catch the loose bits as the baccy was transferred from my packet to his something decided to "muck him about" a bit and deliberately let lots of loose bits fall onto the paper "catch-all" as fast as he could scoop the loose bits into an amount big enough to pick up with his fingers there was more to pick up he "twigged" what the dreamer is doing and began to laugh quietly the dreamer said, "it must be wonderful to live off other people" woke up smiling and chuckling addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances () steve (3+) 10042020 - 918 the name of the dream: whatever you do, don't play three-card brag with me it is after the pubs have closed two of us are on the way to visit friends of the person with me we get to the house and enter the downstairs flat of a "period house" there are about nine or ten people, a mixture of girls and boys all but one of them is sitting crossed-legged on the floor in a circle they are playing a variation of whist with nine cards each they are all under the mellowing influence of hash that is the reason the dreamer is there, to get "stoned" one of the males knows the dreamer and exclaims in a friendly way, "it's millie" everyone looks at me the dreamer is dressed in brown except for a garish, bright red waistcoat i'm not trying to be trendy, it's just that i've got no dress-sense "score" some hash and join in the game of cards don't join in the game straight away, being engaged in the more serious business of making a "triple-skinner" between the hash and the cards and the girls, the dreamer is in his "element" the first hand dealt to the dreamer has lots of picture cards in it, mainly clubs and spades the dreamer wins the "pot" the second hand also has a lot of picture cards in it again, the dreamer wins the pot a glance at their faces tells the dreamer a sort of weariness is setting in when the third hand has even more picture cards than the previous two hands (the stand-out visual) the dreamer knows he is on a "roll" the combination of hash and winning elevates the dreamer to a new level of "high" and he starts making with the "one-liners" "we can play snap if you'd' rather", and "does anybody want to borrow some money?" the dreamer wakes up laughing and chuckling addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - laughing dream (6+) card games (1) hash (9+) 09042920 - 917 the name of the dream: v-12 this dream is the conclusion to a dream from yesterday didn't make yesterdays dream an entry because couldn't make sense of the details the dream... at a world-famous bodybuilding gym (location unknown) the gym was aptly named the beefcake there were three or four men, all about the same size, standing around an inclined bench they were encouraging and "standing in" for another man as he did a single "rep" which equalled the world record (stand-out visual) the world record is around five-hundred kilogrammes bodybuilding is an art in this dream every factor which is known to take musculature to its zenith is common knowledge the men in the dream had applied the knowledge each of them had exactly the same personal best for the incline bench press movement which equalled the world record every man was, at first glance, the shape and size of the other it was only when the skin and shape of each individual muscle of the men was scrutinised that differences could be seen the men were "warming up" for the contest the contest would take place after an attempt of another world record had been accomplished in a different sport next part of the dream the other world record is an endurance-speed, five-thousand-kilometre solo run as with the maximum lift for the bodybuilders, so too it was for the car the record hardly varied technology had taken every aspect of car engines to their peak only increases of tenths of a second were accepted the world record averaged two-hundred and fifty kph over a five-thousand-kilometre distance, two-thousand-five hundred and fifty kilometres out and the return journey it is the culmination of a new attempt it is nighttime the view is of a lighted straight road that diasappears into the distance three or four kilometres away the road is lined with spectators the finish is brightly lit in the dark distance, the lights of a fast-moving car appear the dreamer covers the distance from where it first appears to where the dreamer is standing in seconds the dreamer begin cheering the dreamer is the only one cheering the dreamer feels a right "div" ( when it dawns on him the car is a safety car making sure there are no obstacles on the road another set of headlights appear in the distance the sound of the engine becomes audible when it is half a kilometre away the sound of the engine takes on different pitches as it gets closer at fifty metres the car has the depth of sound of a tug boat (the stand-out audio) the twelve-litre "v" engine resonates in the body and mind notes 1 the sensation of the movements we are currently experiencing in no way compares to the motions in heaven for one thing, heavenly movement never stops for another, the "feel good" experience never stops notes 2 the writer knows the addictive feeling of the sound and acceleration which accompanies a "v-8" engine having owned two v-8's in the 1980s it would be criminal neglect if the writer did not bring your attention to the consequences of murder the closest the writer came to committing murder was in a v-8 it was as i approached a t-junction the road leading to the t-junction was on a ten-degree incline one or two metres from the junction my speed was five to seven kmph from out of nowhere, three or four girls aged about twelve on bicyles, rode off the pavement and onto the road in front of me the dreamer jumps on the brakes but even at a few kmph the bike of the lead girl of the group went under the car it was only by virtue of his "terrible love" that the girl had the presence of mind to recognise the danger and let go of the bike and fall on the ground the bike was under the left-front wheel and was completely crushed the girl was in a mild state of shock she lived in the next street to the right of where we are took the girl and the bike home both the parents sat in numbed silence as i explained what had happened we all realised just how close we had come to a life-changing-life-ending incident see the Car ( there are more than a million child-deaths due to vehicles every year that's four-thousand people each day who have forfeited their place in heaven! notes 3 don't forfeit your place in heaven for the sake of the addictive feel that goes with the sound and/or sense of acceleration which accompanies driving to understand how we have ingrained into our lifestyle "acceptable" ways people can be killed we have to go back five-thousand years 3000 bc was when the chariot made its debut in those times when a person took a persons life by "accident", they would be confined to a place where they could reflect on what had happened then, along came Jehu the reckless being a commander he was "entitled" to set the "law" he chose to drive his chariot in a way that threatened other peoples lives and earnt the nickname of jehu the reckless (yet another example of the jews making death a normal event) the fact is we have all allowed ourselves to accept that taking a person's life by "accident" is not wrong part of the writer's message is to re-acquaint you with the nature of reality see The law- see Murder addenda: vividness: 2.9 observer and participant - the category of the dream - serial dream (2+) bodybuilding (2+) cars (3+) 08042020 - 916 name of the dream: the sub-agent had impressed the recruitment officer at the interview and was taken on as a freelance secret service agent would be paid according to the usefulness of the information had a few thousand in the bank and thought it would be a good idea to help out my mate steve by "roping" him in on my first assignment steve was a "thinker" he could weigh up a situation with an astuteness the dreamer didn't have and his insights were nothing less than brilliant his first "job" was to pose as a waiter in an exclusive restaurant and pick up snippets of information on the "target" the dreamer was sitting near the entrance to the restaurant, and he would come to the dreamer with whenever he heard something he thought was relevant steve was uncomfortable with the work and in particular, he didn't like having to wear the white jacket he, like me, liked being involved in the intrigue and the tax-free money was too tempting to pass by for this particular nights work he would receive forty-pounds it was enough to get him to swallow his pride the dreamer knew it had been a mistake to hire him when, in the last scene of the dream, he came over to the dreamer with what the dreamer thought was going to be something "juicy" and asked, "when do the dreamer get paid?" addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - secret services (2+) steve (3+) 07042020 - 915 the name of the dream: misplaced thoughts and feelings am on my way to visit people who usually have hash in the hope of buying some from them in the house, there are seven or eight people clustered together in twos with the dominant male of the house sitting on his own it is a very large living room with lots of space between the couples they don't have any hash for sale and no one is smoking the dreamer take out a finger-sized pipe and begin cleaning out the stem in the next scene, there are enough small balls of gooey hash tar to make a "single-skinner" the male sitting on his own comes over and takes the pipe from me the dreamer stand up and make him give it back to me the mood of the people in the room is stern, verging on hostility the dreamer says, "i've noticed there is an air of resentment toward the dreamer before but haven't said anything in case it made things worse", and continue, "people can like or dislike people for different reasons" the dreamer then relate an occasion when a likeable, open effusive male was on the receiving end of animosity from the group of males he was with because they had a sullen nature and his bright nature didn't "sit well" with their feel for life the dreamer ask the male who took the pipe from the dreamer to explain why he and the people in the room didn't like me he said something which made the dreamer ask him why had said what he said he put his arm around my shoulder and said, "let's go outside and talk" the dreamer thought there might be a fight it turned out the reason the group didn't warm to the dreamer was that the dreamer was friends with a woman who was friends with someone who had done something really nasty to one of the group anyone who had anything to do with her had to be shunned while the conversation is taking place my attention is drawn to a smallish woman in her late twenties two or three metres away she is looking at the dreamer with impatience before another sentence is completed with the male the dreamer realise the woman is my sister it's been years since i've seen her the dreamer asks the male to excuse the dreamer and go to my sister i'm thrilled we've made contact the dreamer tell my sister that we'll never lose contact with each other again and begin suggesting things we can do together the dreamer wake from the dream and continue thinking about the things we'll be doing together for the rest of our lives for more than half a minute before the dreamer realise my sister died more than thirty years ago addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () general () family (7+) yvonne (2+) 06042020 - 914 two named dreams: first dream: mice in my pocket the first dream was a delightful dream within a dream woke up, and then sat up reached into the pocket of my pyjamas and pulled out two balls of white cloth when the cloth was unravelled it revealed two tiny dark-grey mice with large beige-coloured ears (the stand-out visual 4.2) they, like me, were waking up and orienting themselves to their surroundings with the mice in my hand, got out of bed and walked into the kitchen to the shelf beyond the sink there was a cage on the shelf about twenty-five centimetres on all three sides in the cage, there were five or six miniature features and facilities the items in the cage were just the right size for miniature mice the mice were the size of the top knuckle of the thumb of an average adult hand still in their white wraps the dreamer plonked them in the cage they didn't start scampering around as the dreamer thought they would but stayed still moving their heads only slightly taking in the surroundings they looked up at me it didn't take long to realise that, like any healthy, just-awakened baby, they were hungry was deciding what to get them to eat after giving them water when the dream ended second dream: it's your life a new category of think-read dream: a "page" think-read dream the theme of the text was a summary of the current state of the coronavirus and the strategy to combat it the first two sentences read... "the government has all but admitted that the epidemic is in its worst phase it is now for the people of this country to attack the causes of the virus by getting together and preparing for the worst of the effects in the coming weeks" in terms of the "feel-good" factor this dream was a total contrast to the first dream notes 1 the entire contents of the text were available to read on one page the page was square with approximately twenty-two lines down and the same number of characters for each line notes 2 as is becoming normal with think-read dreams, it was easy to read with only three or four "returns" (going back to the end of the last sentence to maintain the grammatical and contextual flow) needed had the dreamer been a little less tired and had my wits about me, it would have been possible to dictate the entire text onto the voice recorder notes 3 had stopped reading, listening and watching the news two days before this dream following hancock's proclamation that "people weren't being requested to stay in, but instructed to", was the final straw this is the conservatives using double back-talk to blame others if it wasn't for their love of money, control and power, a trait inextricably bound up with the jews control of money and the media, we wouldn't be in the mess we're in it was the tight-fisted jews, supported by the conservatives, who decided not to put money and resources into tackling the problem in the first place but instead drummed up the concept of the "Herd" approach by the time it was realised the concept if put into practice, would result in vast numbers of people dying that they changed their minds china got it right and managed to avert a total catastrophe by throwing everything they had at the outbreak immediately china lost less than five-thousand people a few weeks ago one of those on the "management" team in britain declared "we'll be doing well if we can keep deaths down to twenty-thousand" it's difficult to decide who is more to blame, the government for doing what they're doing or the people for allowing themselves to be led to the slaughter i'm holding both in contempt addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 - observer and participant - the category of the dreams: dream within a dream (3+) animals () mammals () mice (2+) - - page think-read (1) politics () topical (3+) coronavirus (2+) 05042020 - 913 the name of the dream: the use of the dreamer 's hands in dream-time was in an argument with another male about the spread of the corona virus he maintained it had happened one way and the dreamer claimed it was another to resolve it meant to look at a map of the world because the dreamer had challenged his version of events the onus was on the dreamer to show some evidence the dreamer knew he was wrong, it was just a matter of pointing it out on a map that in turn, meant to open a browser and looking at a map with a map of the world on the screen the dreamer began looking for a discrepancy one caught my eye almost immediately now all the dreamer had to do was magnify the upper-western hemisphere and point out that his view of things was wrong that's when a new problem of the dreamer and interaction with a computer screen showed itself this new problem was clicking on the bottom slide-bar and keeping the pressure on the mouse as it was dragged one way or the other trying to maintain pressure on the mouse and dragging the slide-bar took up two-thirds of the dream as the dreamer tried again and again, about seven times in all, to magnify the area of the south-east of north america and show florida and mexico there were three people in the dream by now both were waiting for the dreamer to get to the point and the longer it took the dreamer the more convinced they were the dreamer was wrong determination alone kept the dreamer "at it" eventually, persistence paid off with the tip of south america and all of florida across to the west coast of north america showing on the screen it could be seen that the dreamer was right and the other person was wrong the dreamer had proved my point note 1 a contemporary map of the world which has north america going down to below mexico could be many time-tenses addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - corona virus () computer/dreamer interaction () maps 04042020 - 912 the name of the dream: doubly frustrated while out and about decided to have a meal walked into a restaurant, went to one of the tables and looked at the menu wanted to make sure it had a comprehensive choice of vegetables it did took a seat the waiter came for my order asked him if he was the wine-waiter as well he didn't reply to my question that told the dreamer he wasn't following a couple of awake-time instances in the past year of not getting the type of wine to go with the meal, the dreamer asked him to go and find out if they had a dry, full-bodied red wine when he hadn't returned within a reasonable time it told the dreamer they didn't rather than listen to the waiter tell the dreamer they had a good this, that or the other got up and left second dream had come into possession of about ten silver coins the coins were in three different sizes the largest of them was bevelled and almost twice the size of the smallest the smallest was about the size of the current two-pound coin the largest coin was a one-penny coin (the stand-out scene of both dreams) went to the window and asked a girl nearby to the shops for me it seemed o.k. to trust her as the dreamer knew her family the girl returned with the item but was reluctant to give the dreamer the change she knew she would be given something for doing the errand and had been thinking about how much she would get no matter how much the dreamer intended to give her she felt she should be allowed to keep all the change after the dreamer had asked her to give the dreamer the change twice but kept hold of it, her defiant smile told the dreamer she wasn't going to return it before getting fully dressed and going to see her parents the dreamer asked her one more time,"will you please give the dreamer the change", with a heavy emphasis on the please she was still smiling defiantly when the dream ended notes 1 youv'e got to be living in this country and watching the crap coming out of the t.v. at news time to understand where the frustration in this dream comes from addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 4.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dreams: food and drink (4+) money () coins () silver 03042020 - 911 the name of the dream: destitute but still in love my best friend and the dreamer are standing in a room the room is the largest room of a proper little love nest better than that, it is a brand spanking new love nest adorned with the best furniture and decorative items my limited budget could buy in fact, the dreamer needed more money than the dreamer had to furnish the flat if the dreamer was to give my pony-tailed effervescent life-loving sweetheart the perfect environment for our increasingly joyous experience of each other to continue expanding and had borrowed money to make sure she got it a fact the dreamer had kept from her there were two other men in the room with us i'd never seen before the two men were "heavies" they were there at the behest of the man who loaned the dreamer the money they had come for the first of the repayments their instructions were, "collect the money, or goods to the value of the money owed, or put the dreamer in hospital" my girlfriend, bless her little heart, didn't know about my secret arrangement my girlfriend had put half of her money into the flat and was overjoyed with the way things had turned the fact there was more than a thousand pounds leftover meant she could go out with her friend, my best friends girlfriend, on a shopping spree for clothes had explained the situation to the "debt collectors" and the four of us were waiting for the girls to return it was hoped she wouldn't have spent more than half of the money the fact she had taken all the money didn't auger well the girls turned up in the next scene sure enough, as was expected, she had treated her friend to some clothes as well that my girlfriend had spent a proportion of the money which the dreamer could call mine she knew that wouldn't be an issue no doubt there would be several items which had been bought with the dreamer in mind, see-through lingerie and the like, which would be put to use that night the girls were waiting for us, make that me, to say something it was taking too long for the dreamer to speak my girlfriend, not given to being kept waiting in conversation, spoke out "are they friends ?", she asked "you could say that my love", the dreamer replied "what are they here ?", she inquired, "do they want something ?" she inquired further trying to keep a light tone to the proceedings, the dreamer replied "yes, the little spendthrift light of my life" a couple of q and a's later my girlfriend had got the picture there was no telling what items were going to be removed the ""debt collectors" wouldn't listen to a remark like, "you could get £400 for that", or "that's more valuable than it looks" the items they would take cost four or five times what they assessed them at it would be too much trouble to take the carpet or bed or cooker the recently bought clothes would still have the price-tags on they would be worth a half or a third of what had been paid for them the saucy and seductive bedroom scene with lingerie vanished addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () bernie (6+) 02042020 - 910 the name of the dream: exhilaration two of us were in competition for the same girl it was a costly business the girl loved it she would tell us what she had done on the last date with other suitor that in turn, would cause the other to make the next date even more lavish than the last it had got completely out of hand to the point were my funds were drying up the theme of the dream changed the competitive aspect of the dream remained though the dreamer discovered a new way of sprinting it wasn't, the dreamer discovered, a matter of strength but a mental approach whereby a certain frame of mind freed the limitation imposed by muscularity the first time it happened the dreamer was on my own running along the stretch of road which connected where the dreamer lived to the centre of town the road was near where the dreamer spent the first six years of my life it was about two-hundred-and- fifty long, had a very slight slope without any roads leading off it it was pavement all the way the sensation of movement was exhilarating, riding a wave that that was gathering momentum when the dreamer thought the dreamer was at the peak of my limit it was just a matter of renewing the mental approach and gain, but only marginally, a bit more speed the dreamer challenged an african lad who had a reputation as a sprinter to a race he was ahead of the dreamer for the first fifty-metres initiated the new method and passed him woke at this point with the sense of exhilaration still swirling around in my mind notes 1 think this dream may have been influenced from watching the film "my super ex-girlfriend" before going to sleep notes 2 have left out the x scenes the feeling of exhilaration of increasing motion was as intense as an x dream a foretaste of the feelings of straight-line-action ? addenda: vividness: of sight 3, addenda: vividness: of motion 4.5 - participant - the category of the dream - running/sprinting (5+) 01042020 - 909 the name of the dream: money is tight evening time and standing by the garden gate was doing something but have forgotten what it was three young lads ask the dreamer if the dreamer know if such and such a person is in the house the dreamer asked them, "have you tried asking at the house?" in the next scene, the door to the house opens and lights up the area around the door (stand-out visual) the three lads are there in the next scene, the three lads are standing next to me the one in the middle, who is also the biggest says, "can you lend the dreamer fifty pounds ?" and then, "you'll be doing the dreamer a big favour" an involuntary sound escapes from my mouth which conveys my genuine reaction of "you've got to be kidding" the person who asked the dreamer for the loan said, "k **f then" in a belligerent tone the dream ends notes 1 this dream was caused by thinking about how the virus is going to affect the flow of money addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - money () 31032020 - 908 the name of the dream: arrested, the dreamer think was at home minding my own a giant policeman in uniform bursts into the scene and says, "you're under arrest, get your things" before the dreamer can get anything another king kong-sized policeman in uniform rushes into the room and tells the dreamer to come with him the dreamer assumes he will be spending a long time at the police station and asks, "can the dreamer get my baccy?" at first, the dreamer take his no reply as being a "no" but as he didn't say no it's possible that the dreamer can, so the dreamer ask the same question again but he's gone from the dream addenda: vividness: - 3 - participant - the category of the dream - police () second dream the name of the dream: poorly cath a single-scene dream in which cath is living in a dingy and dank self-contained flat we are in the kitchen part of the flat the painted-white walls are peeling showing the red bricks underneath there is a window near the ceiling for ventilation within half-a-metre beyond the window is the bricks of the next building cath is of a sturdy stock and isn't given to buckling in this dream she looks unwell, is showing signs of depression and looks a beaten woman the dreamer ask her what would be her preferred, ideal situation was waiting for her to answer when the dream ended vividness: 2.8 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream - cath (5+) 30032020 - 907 the name of the dream: the dreamer and my bag before there were backpacks there was over-the-shoulder bags mine was black it had the main compartment and two small pockets the main compartment was zip-up while the two small pockets were push-through clips which snapped up after being pushed through a metal sleeve the dreamer loved that bag it seemed i'd always had it life without it was unthinkable my accommodation was about a hundred metres from the high street where all a persons wordly needs could be bought there was also a two or three-aisle convenience shop directly opposite from where the dreamer was lodging the dreamer needed baccy and something else which meant having to go to the hight street there was one small problem, the dreamer didn't have any money it meant going on the "scrounge" the people the dreamer knew were more organised than the dreamer and were never "caught short" for lifes little necessities within a couple of scenes another little problem cropped up, none of the people the dreamer intended borrowing from were in a lifeline was thrown to the dreamer in the form of a friend of a friend the dreamer hardly knew him we had been in the same company once or twice and that was it don't think we'd never spoken though anyway, any port in a storm the dreamer gave out with my best phoney "nice-to-see-you" greeting and found myself at his place with three or four of his friends in the next scene the dreamer was talking "ten to the dozen" couldn't seem to stop (due to eating a packet of sugary fig roll biscuits before crashing out) every new sentence became more of an exaggeration more fiction than fact for some reason the small group of strangers were taking what the dreamer was saying as gospel the final fairy tale the dreamer uttered as the dreamer was getting ready to go was, "n.a.s.a. wants the dreamer to co-ordinate part of the space programme" one of them said, "really ?" it suddenly crossed my mind why the dreamer was there the dreamer began rummaging through my bag "where did the dreamer leave my baccy ?", the dreamer said before the dreamer pretended to discover it wasn't in my bag and would then ask them if they could lend the dreamer enough money to buy some the dreamer know the dreamer didn't have any baccy at the start of the dream, but there, at the bottom of the bag, was the familiar gold colour wrapping of a half-full, half-ounce packet of "golden virginia" how the dreamer loved that bag notes 1 the bag in the dream was an actual bag that was part of my identity for years during the 80s it always seemed to be just the right item for any circumstance think the dreamer threw it away with the advent of the backpack addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - apparel () shoulder bag (1) 29032020 - 906 x dream unusually vivid visuals addenda: vividness: visuals (4.7) - participant - the category of the dream - x dream () anne (1) 28032020 - 905 the name of the dream: a solid beat it is dark and quiet too dark and quiet an emptiness that needs filling decide to take a few-hundred-watt p.a. onto the green fifty-metres down the road from where the dreamer lived and get a "vibe" going soon, the music dispels the void and one or two people enter the dream the music is 80s rave (around 100 b.p.m.) now movement accompanies the sound the sound becomes a solid beat which reaches a peak when a vocal-free, deep-bass version of Tusk begins thumping out now there's life but no light the dreamer remember the dreamer have a 16 mm projector and go and get it from the house soon there will be bright images to compliment the solid beat addenda: vividness: of sound 4.2 - participant - the category of the dream - music () 80 s 100 b.p.m. rave (1+) 27032020- 904 the name of the dream: gangsta' man several unrelated scenes the dreamer had melded into a gangster clique because they were impressed by the way the dreamer was dressed (had just kitted myself out with a black velvet suit, black velvet bow-tie, patent leather shoes and a white silk shirt) and had made a few observations and suggestions which had impressed them in the first scene, i'm only wearing a shirt, shoes and trousers am at the "main guys" home waiting for him while he and his wife are getting ready for a dinner banquet in another scene, we are out and about when a girl wearing a beret and dark glasses walks by she lowers her glasses and peers at the dreamer over the top of them from a distance of three metres the dreamer said to him, "that's the second time she's done that" he thinks it's her way of letting the dreamer know she's interested in me that wasn't my impression it looked like a warning the dreamer am getting in too deep with the wrong people the dreamer thought so too but was interested to know where it would lead in another scene, the "second" in command asked if the dreamer had brought the lead for his daughter he had asked the dreamer to get in an earlier scene which would connect two gizmos the dreamer had forgot the dreamer had "goofed" and tried to make light of it by saying the dreamer was just going to get them he had anticipated the dreamer would forget and had bought them himself he showed the dreamer a lead in a packet and said through his smile, "will these be all right?" in another scene, at the home of the "main guy" his young son had an alsatian and was stopping the dog from going forward by holding onto the hair on its back the dreamer saw it was hurting the dog if he was to do that when he was alone with the dog it might snap at the young lad the dreamer mentioned it to the boy's father, but he dismissed the possibility it seemed a very real danger to me addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - gangsters () 26032020 - 903 the name of the dream: the morphing baby on a train the dreamer am sitting on the left of the seat closest to the aisle on the seat, opposite and facing the dreamer is a woman with her daughter of about seven sitting on her left on the floor in the aisle is a baby girl lying in a white-coloured baby car seat of the type which has a semi-circular base which enables it to be rocked the baby girl is alternating between shifting and lying still, it looks as if she is uncomfortable and is trying to find a comfortable position the mother produces a baby milk bottle, leans over into the baby's cradle and touches the teat of the bottle against the baby's lips expecting the baby would take it into her mouth the baby girl doesn't accept the bottle but moves in an even more agitated way the dreamer gesture to the mother of the baby to give the dreamer the milk bottle the mother is happy for the dreamer to try and passes the bottle to me the dreamer stoop in front of the cradle, cup my hand behind her head and lift her head into contact with the teat the baby girl takes three or four long swallows and stops then, astonishingly, the baby changes into a nine-year-old girl she reaches up and pulls the dreamer down into contact with her lips a very adult full-lip kiss scene lasts for three-seconds, after which the dreamer pull away the dreamer am at a loss to express why it happened and my mouth is open but unable to say anything (gob-smacked) the mother of the child isn't concerned from the seats ahead and to the right of where the dreamer am standing, john redwood (a british politician) immaculately dressed in a shiny grey suit and dark shirt and tie, gets up from his seat and walks past the dreamer with a determined look which doesn't show any animosity, and makes his way to the seats on the other side of the aisle to my left addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - babies () kissing () celebrities/public fugures () 25032020 - 902 the name of the dream: living by dreams it was approaching midday a large gathering of people is taking place in trafalgar square or somewhere similar within earshot of big ben everyone was anticipating the chimes for noon the noon chimes marked the start of a half-a-day of celebrations before the midnight chimes the midnight chimes were to be the start of a new way of life from that day and every day thereafter, everybody would base every new days' activities and endeavours on the content of the previous nights dream the theme could be scientific, relationships, sport, study, recreation... and, in accordance with dreams, every day the theme of the day would be different note 1 this dream is, obviously, a future time-tense in-betweener's (between now and 2215) can work out the ratio's and the quality of dreams diary in this century and they can be guaged against dreams diary in the twenty-third century at a quick guess, qualitative and "upbeat" dreams are in the majority by 3:2 notes 2 not a hundred percent sure but this dream may be the conclusion to another think-read dream from a couple of dreams ago addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - think-read () future societies () 24032020 - 901 the name of the dream: scary movie a new cinema has opened in town checked the paper to see what it was showing the film that was showing at the most convenient time for the dreamer was a scary movie it sounded half decent and left the house for the cinema it was a two-entrance cinema one of the entrances was built one side of the street and the other side of the street housed the other entrance the screens had been built across and above the gap of the road it certainly brightened up the street both entrances had bright coloured neon signs above them showing the name of the film the name of the film and the colour of the neon sign the dreamer was going to watch had slipped from the memory as of this typing but name the film on the screen on the other side of the street was called "gina" and was in a pink-red neon (the stand-out visual) the impression the name conveyed to the dreamer was that it was a teen love film with carefully crafted nudity as if the dreamer don't get enough of that already in dreams went ahead with the decision to watch the scary film addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - observer - the category of the dream - cinema and films (2+) 23032020 - 900 named dreams a couple of delightful dreams that had the promise of x a promise in a building which had tightly-packed rooms and compartments had just managed to evade a couple of trouble-makers who decided they didn't like the look of the dreamer and were going to demonstrate their violent nature next scene, was lying on bed feeling safe but it meant not going anywhere two dreamy girls came into the dream and walked towards me the closest of the two was the definition of youth and health next scene, she was standing above the dreamer as the dreamer lay there her face lowered into mine and a meaningful kiss filled the dreamer with a "hormonal rush" that brought about an intense desire for her she stood back up and said, "i'll be with you in a little while" she said it in a way that guaranteed she would be back the words "i'll be here thinking and waiting of until you get back" formed in my mind but never came out of my mouth great expectations a girl was expecting too much in the way of pleasure and had "psyched" herself into an excited state we are laying naked together her legs are parted wide open the dreamer roll over onto my left side and run the forefinger of my right hand in a circle around her crotch without touching any of her sensitive parts she let out a high-pitched yelp of pleasure as loud as a shout the volume of the sound took the dreamer by surprise living in terraced accommodation which doesn't meet building regulations in the sound-suppression department meant my neighbours upstairs would hear it too the dreamer began to feel the humour of it the dreamer said to her, "you have to be quiet or my neighbours will think something is wrong" woke up chuckling addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.9 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 22032020 - 899 the name of the dream: touch and go the theme of this dream has featured in at least three other dreams a mixture of criminals and their allies had learnt my whereabouts and were coming for me in the first scene, my girlfriend was with me the dreamer told her to leave me she reluctantly agreed it would have been distressing for her if she was with the dreamer when they got their hands on the dreamer as she would only be able to stand and watch as they "worked the dreamer over" it was a "beef" that went way back the dreamer also had friends and supporters and they too were on their way to me which group of people would get to the dreamer first wasn't known the uncertainty about which group would arrive first gave the dream its dramatic feel there was then a five-scene sequence in which the dramatic feel of the dream intensified with each new scene in the final scene of the five-scene sequence the dreamer had barricaded myself above and behind a wall of speakers a shadowy figure was getting closer to me the scene lingered on a shadowy, hooded figure right up until the last moment of the scene when it became clear he had come to help he was the first of a group which outnumbered my foes two-to-one the final scene of the dream was the dreamer explaining the situation to the police addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream - drama () 21032020 - 898 named dreams pillow talk in bed with the girlfriend we were talking was putting forward the idea that there were social advantages to bringing my friend alan into our lives told her he was a really good-looking bloke who would brighten things up and that she would not be disappointed with his character she was happy with just the two of us as we were and wasn't shining to the idea the dreamer was pressing the point but couldn't persuade her issues with the remote control in the living room of a friends house with his parents my friend wasn't there but we were expecting him had convinced his parents they would enjoy the latest star wars films and was setting up their telly ready to watch it the remote control was one of those mini-remotes, smaller than a credit card a person couldn't press the buttons the way you would with a typical t.v. remote it meant having to press one button, watch the screen to make sure it had received the right command, then move your finger away to be able to see the command symbols and look carefully at where you were about to place your finger on the pad to make the next input had tried and failed to get the combination right half a dozen times with each failure, the couple became a little more impatient the shifting of their positions with every failed attempt told the dreamer there were ready to suggest watching it another time after more a few more attempts and more failures, the dreamer was about to agree with them when the film started playing now it was just a matter of adjusting the sound... addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () and television () 200322020 - 897 the name of the dream: not quite the wild west the town was probably typical of the time there was "shoot-outs", although they were few and far between, hygiene wasn't the uppermost priority as dysentery was rife drinking and drunkenness was an acceptable pastime, prostitution was part and parcel of the lifestyle holding it all together was an underlying determination to make it work after the women, the sheriff was a major linchpin influencing the progressive trend yours truly was courting his daughter and we were regarded as an "item" my association with his daughter in effect made the dreamer a deputy, so no one protested when on occasions the sheriff wasn't there for the dreamer to quell an altercation and people accepted my adjudication one thing which wasn't part of my remit as an unofficial official was to shoot someone unless of course, it was a matter of personal self-defence; this wasn't one of those instances the first scene was one of those times when a sheriff was needed and happenstance put the dreamer at the scene two men were firing at each other didn't know what it was that caused the deadly stand-off and until the dreamer did it meant taking part in the shooting was out of the question the dreamer was six or seven metres away from one of the men he was crouched down behind a big barrel in amongst other largish sundry items of a horse stable against all odds, the man behind the barrel was shot and he was no longer able to defend himself in the next scene, there was a lull in the intensity of the dream as the dreamer lifted the man up intending to take him to a doctor the limpness in the man's told the dreamer he was dead at that moment of realisation, a big black wallet fell from his clothing in the next scene, the man who had been killed and all the other aspects of the dream had gone as the wallet was opened and it revealed thousands of dollars and what looked like high-value notes of other denominations in the next scene, inexplicably, a crumpled british ten-pound note was being uncrumpled and smoothed out by the dreamer and while doing so he was trying to explain the value of a current british ten-pound note to people in an america of the 1800s addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.1 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - america (3+) money (12+) 19032020 - 896 the name of the dream: the double double-cross a dramatic opening scene the dreamer am moving at a great velocity toward a satellite, it is a mere golden speck in the blackness of space and it is my lifeline my trajectory and velocity through the void had been calculated and the speck was growing larger (the stand-out part of the dream) there was enough air in my backpack to sustain the dreamer until contact had been made with the satellite but next to no leeway for manoeuvering with my jet-pack if the calculations were only a thousandth of a degree wrong... the vastness of space in between the dreamer and the satellite seemed as great as the space of the entire solar system (space really does bring us down to size) even after boarding the one-man satellite there would be a complete orbit of the earth to get back to the stationary space platform the dreamer had just been jettisoned from anyway, it had obviously been a success as in the next scene the dreamer am back on board the space platform the space platform itself could only hold three men which, in turn, presented another problem how could three men get back to earth in a one-man vehicle ? two men could fit in, just it would mean one man sitting on the other man's lap two lives were at stake it could be done and we would do it however, one person would be left in the space station and although it wasn't mentioned we knew it meant one of us would die two of us had a long-standing friendship and knew the family of the other the third person was a scheming weasel who wouldn't think twice about sacrificing both of us to save his own life, we knew it and he knew we knew it without saying it we knew what the outcome would be in the next scene, the two of us were in a low-level area about half the size of a tennis court there was a see-through double sliding door which separated where we were from the rest of the space station and another door in line with and on the opposite side of the room the controls which open the door to the outside of the station are on the other side of the see-through doors we intended to overpower him when he comes into the area we are in the weasel was one step ahead of us he stood just inside the area we are in and didn't move we are near the airlock doors and are too far away to get to him before he steps back behind the doors and seals us in all he has to do now is slightly open both the doors and let the air out and make up a story about what happened the dreamer feel a sense of hopelessness grip me my friend doesn't look perturbed at all he hadn't underestimated the weasel's callousness and has taken precautions for different eventualities he produces a strip of something and holds it out for the weasel to see the dreamer recognise it as part of the seal from one of the doors the weasel can't open the airlock doors without killing himself as well sacrificing himself isn't in his make-up the dream ends in an upbeat mood addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - life and death situations () in space () 18032020 - 895 the name of the dream: a walk in the park to start with, there are three of us on a coach on the outward-bound part of the journey to the mainland a friend and someone my friend had become friends with are on the coach it didn't perturb the dreamer that my friend was more pally with his new-found friend than me we got to our destination the first thing the dreamer had to do was to get "sorted" with a cup of tea the nearest place to get a cuppa was a cafe-cum-curio shop an eye-catching ring became the focus of my attention it was gold or gold-coloured ring the ring had a large, fixed clasp, which held a semi-precious stone the dreamer decided to buy it the woman shop attendant said, "i'll grind the stone up for you" she took the ring away and re-appeared instantly with an envelope with the stone, now in powder form, and told the dreamer it was worth a lot more than the ring and should keep them separate left the shop and rejoined my friend and his new companion and told them what the dreamer had just bought the dreamer knew my friend was "into" gold and would buy it from me the dreamer then pulled out the envelope to show him the powder but there was nothing it without a question of doubt the powder was in the envelope when it was handed to me, where had it gone? my friend gave the dreamer more money for the ring than the dreamer paid for it and he declared, "now we've all got enough money to go to the park" my two companions left the dream in the next scene, the dreamer am ambling about on my own when the dreamer see the entrance to a park, there are hundreds of people going into it it is a music festival the sound of "benny and the jets" is playing in the distance in the park, the dreamer begin moving toward the stage as the dreamer start moving forward the dreamer see a fenced-off, sloping circuit, about one-hundred metres around and five metres wide a horse and carriage came thundering into the scene at a sprint four metres ahead of the dreamer (the stand out visual and sound) it took the dreamer aback at first the park was big enough to house tens of thousands of people and as a novelty, a buggy and horse race was part of the entertainment addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - holidays () music (2+) 17032020 - 894 the name of the dream: out of the blue an awake-time friend from more than thirty-years ago turned up at my door unexpectedly he had fallen on hard times he had to sell his house and was penniless it was good to see him even if it was in the worst of circumstances he would be a welcome guest the dreamer assured him could stay as long as he wanted there would be problems if he had a key to the door and could be seen coming and going there was space in a storing cupboard where he could sleep although it was close to the ceiling and a bit cramped one time the dreamer was speaking to him when he was settled into his sleeping position unbeknown to the dreamer someone had entered the dream and was completely baffled that the dreamer was talking to someone he couldn't see in a little cubby-hole the dreamer said, "you're probably wondering why i'm talking to the radio?" "it helps the dreamer get my bearings when the dreamer have to get out of bed in the middle of the night", the dreamer said (it was the best thing the dreamer could think of on the spur of the moment) he half-nodded in agreement but the dreamer could see he wasn't buying it in the next scene, the dreamer was out of the house and sitting in amongst a crowd of about three or four hundred people who were looking fifty-metres ahead across a road at the featureless wall of a large building two or three people came into view with a single-door refrigerator and manoeuvred it into the centre of the scene after a few moments, the door of the fridge opened and my friend steve emerged wearing a white casual jacket of mine and walked off to the right the dreamer had to get to him before he began mingling with the throng of people in the city centre and the dreamer had to do it without revealing that the dreamer knew him in the next scene, the dreamer was at the corner of the street where steve had come out of the fridge and turned left the dreamer was looking for him but couldn't see him in the busy city-centre when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - reunions () friends () steve (4+) 16032020 - 893 named dreams unforeseen complication usually the writer "crashes out" listening to a docu-animations about dinosaurs last night,for the first time in a year, he thought it would take longer than usual to get to sleep and set the play option to play all there were six or seven films in the selected folder the first one which began playing was one of the films he has watched most times have watched it so often it is possible to recall the images in synchronisation with the narration he was woken out of his dream-sleeping in a state of frustration it was not possible to conjure up the pictures as the scenes were being described it took several seconds to realise why and went back to sleep the occasional dolt at an atm trying to follow the instructions on a sheet of paper to get some money the dreamer get so far, then a voice from the machine tells the dreamer that something or other isn't correct and to try again after three or four tries the dreamer begin making moaning sounds a woman comes over to me the dreamer gladly accept her offer of help she "does the business" with impressive efficiency she gives the dreamer the "you're only a man" look and walks away the dreamer felt pretty stupid (it's the sort of thing the dreamer do quite regularly in awake-time get something relatively straight forward completely wrong) foiled violence in a square surrounded by tall shops the surface of the gound is smooth stone or marble the substances cause sounds to reverberate the movement and sounds of two young men draw my attention they seem to be arguing one of them pulls out a gun one of the men wants to use the gun, the other is suggesting something the dreamer throw something at them and it makes an unexpectedly loud crash as it lands within a metre or so of them the loudness of the crash causes the man holding the gun to stiffen, which causes him to pull the trigger of the gun the loud sound of the bang of a gun is amplified by the reverberation of an enclosed, hard-surfaced environment people will be rushing out of the shops to see what the commotion is the man with the gun identifies the dreamer as the cause of the sound which made him pull the trigger he points the gun at me as soon as the dreamer realise he is about to fire the dreamer begin running and weaving and escape into the next dream as shots are being fired you shouldn't do that a young woman shows affection for the dreamer and invites the dreamer to lie down next to her, think we were on a sofa bed we are still dressed when she unzips my trousers and puts her hand inside my trousers and begins fondling me my body reacts accordingly and the dreamer am ready for conjoinment and move closer to her she starts saying things like... "not now... i'm not ready... in a bit... soon" the dreamer assume she wants the dreamer to try harder to get her to comply and use muscular strength she begins to yield but within a second her voice takes on a determined tone which tells the dreamer it's time to stop the dreamer ask her why she began foreplay, she never said anything the dreamer am ready to give her a "telling off" when the theme of dream changes delightful sounds have a one-to-two-year-old baby on my lap the baby is content decide to liven things up for him the dreamer make a loudish sound and taper the sound off, like the sound of an aeroplane that has lost power and begins falling from the sky, into inaudibility over a four or five-second period and finish off with a low-pitched glub, glub, glub, followed by a sudden, high pitched hiccough it gets a surprised reaction from him and another baby off to my right lets out a giggle do it again, only with more emphasis and louder both babies begin laughing their laughter becomes more delightful every time the dreamer do it was "in the groove", and with slight variations now and then, could have gone on for ages addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - participant - the category of the dreams: t.v. influenced () dinosaurs () confusion () machine instructions () guns () x () frustration () babies () laughter () 15032020 - 892 the name of the dream: biker girl x dream we had been together for a month or so was unable to put my finger on the button that triggered her compliance some women like a meal, some like the pictures, some like sweet talk, some... something occurred to me the dreamer bought a bike as if by magic, when we got back from a twenty-minutes ride she was putty in my hands notes 1 it wasn't in the Pde's but an awake-time relationship with a nineteen-year-old when the dreamer was twenty-two produced the same effect still haven't figured it out addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships () female () 14032020 - 891 the name of the dream: our mental pen this think-read dream got the dreamer really excited to begin with the message was from a neighbour somewhat feverishly the dreamer gobbled down the first meal of the day and hurried to the neighbours' house "did you have a dream about the dreamer last night?", the dreamer asked him he said, "no" it was a bit of a consolation when he said if he did have a dream he didn't remember it the dream itself read, " the dreamer counted up the number of films we watched together when the dreamer was getting better, it was thirty-three", and it concluded with..., " the dreamer would like to make it forty-five" notes 1 the second think-read dream in four periods of sleeps notes 2 this think-read dream had the characteristic's of a Crossword think-read dream in that it was in blocks and was coloured orange think-read and think-write dreams have now become so varied we have to categorise them notes 3 types of think-read and think-write dreams 1, word-by-word 2, sentence-by-sentence 3, block-wording (two or more sentences) 4 colour 5, black and white = one-hundred and twenty Permutations, and this is just for "openers" the dreamer told you it was going to get complicated notes 4 this dream was influenced in part by watching the film "infernal affairs" (a chinese film which inspired the film "the departed") before going to sleep in the film a police psychiatrist asks the lead actor to make a note of his dreams, so she can analyse them addenda: vividness: 3 7 - observer/participant the category of the dream - think-read () crossword () colour () 13032020 - 890 the name of the dream: normal baccy, wacky shop back in mainland europe went into a shop to buy some tobacco it looked like a curio shop it looked like the shop had only just begun trading a woman pointed the dreamer to where the tobacco was the tobacco was in a see-through plastic container the rectangular container had three or four pull-out drawers about five-centimetres by five-centimetres by thirty centimetres the colour of the tobacco in each drawer varied slightly (the stand-out visual) chose the tobacco that had the same colour as the tobacco the dreamer usually smoke none of the women came to serve me, the dreamer had to go to them they seemed overwhelmed with the intricacies of getting organised took the plastic drawers to one of the women, she didn't know how much to charge me the dreamer told her the price the dreamer usually paid, which she agreed to we got to talking the dreamer suggested a laundry service where people could bring their clothes and have them washed and ironed then delivered to their homes addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - shopping () tobacco () 12032020 - 889 the name of the dream: my talking cat living in the back room on the first floor of a two-up, two-down terraced house a new tenant had moved into the front room on the same floor for most of the evening, he was going up and down the stairs bringing in his belongings the opening and closing of his bedroom door was disturbing me the dreamer thought it would have been more sensible to leave the door open after he had opened and closed the door a dozen times it was getting on my nerves it was time to let the cat out for a while before settling down for the night went downstairs, opened the door and let the cat roam around the walled-in garden the new tenant was a young lad it was a narrow road and he had parked his car partly on the path without actually seeing his face, the dreamer said to him, "do you have to keep opening and closing the door?" in the next scene, he had put his dog, which was not much bigger than my cat, in the garden he obviously hadn't seen my cat being that the cat and dog were about the same size the dreamer thought they would be all right together, the dreamer even thought they could be playmates not so the dog made an immediate charge for my cat my fawn-coloured cat made a dash for the safety of the upstairs room the dreamer ran up the stairs after them by the time the dreamer got into my bedroom the dog had the cat by the throat the dreamer separated them and the cat said to me, "why did you let the dog hurt me?" the cat had never spoken to the dreamer before notes 1 another dream that had no basis in the Pde's they are becoming more common, even the norm will categorise such dreams as "uncategorised" it is firmly believed there is a reason every dream occurs when it does if the reason for uncategorised dreams doesn't reveal itself within this lifetime it is expected that someone will figure it out by 2925 addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - uncategorised animals () mammals () dogs () cats() 11032020 - 888 the name of the dream: a ground-breaking research group was using the dream-time concept in dreams and dreams theory and applying it to the space programme specifically, to maintain a degree of continuity of consciousness while the astronauts are asleep this think-read dream slipped naturally from Dream-time to awake-time during the first sentence the composition of the sentences in this awake-time think-read experience followed, almost exactly, the suggestive-predictive manner of the recently updated folders in windows 10 there were similarities and differences between this think-read activity and other think-read dreams 1 the "suggestions" were in blocks after the word not below it 2 it incorporated grammatical logic as the basis for suggestions which then formed sentences as it built on each new letter (see Here first think-read dream 3 it was in black and white the absence of colour gave it a more "business-like" feel than Crossword think-read dreams crossword dreams have a "fun" feel to them 4 the predicted words were in grey initially and gradually turned white as the next one or two words were added this awake-time think-read production went on and on and... for a full five-minutes of awake-time the ease with which the sentences formed was impressive a reference to was in every second or third sentence, unnecessarily repetitive the dreamer thought notes 1 it appears the new knowledge is coming out in to the open will test the water for a possible meaningful next step notes 2 the think-reading suggestive-predicting feature of this mainly awake-time composition is the result of getting "a feel" for the latest update to the search facility in folders earlier on in the day notes 3 the merging of awake-time and dream-time is gathering pace the generations between 2050 and 2925 should be afforded the time to address dreams for at least two hours upon waking addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - dream-time/awake-time think-read (1) 10032020 the name of the first dream: a woman for all occasions at home with a friend who has brought two guests, a woman and a man, with him the two men are at loggerheads an argument breaks out my friend's guest storms out of the dream the woman is a mature lady with dark hair her hair needs combing her unkempt appearance doesn't detract from her alluring looks she is a "career-woman" she has applied her looks and manner into ingratiating herself into the lives of men with influence and power my friend leaves the dream the woman is low to the floor reclining on beanbags as the dreamer am standing and looking down at her good looks become even more appealing she recognises my look, takes a mirror out of her bag and starts smoothing out her hair there were still a few tufts of hair out of place when she puts the mirror away the dreamer tap and pat them down and then, as if by magic, she goes at being appealing to look to being beautiful she knows my every look she says, " the dreamer could do with a drink, you wouldn't have any vodka would you?" the dreamer say, " the dreamer think the dreamer have" the dreamer stand up and start to make my way into the kitchen before the dreamer have taken two steps, she reaches up, takes my hand and pulls the dreamer back down onto the cushions as if by instinct, she knows exactly what to do and when to do it we have two long kisses it crosses my mind this could be a long relationship in the back of my mind the thought the man who stormed out might come back, there's no way the dreamer would leave a beautiful woman like this alone with another man we are now both in the reclining position the dreamer begin talking softly into her ear my lips are so close to her the dreamer can feel the heat from her ears the dreamer whisper intimately, "in my mind's eye the dreamer can see you with another man", pause for a second as the mental image becomes more detailed, and then continue... "the man is wearing a pale-blue suit, a white shirt and has white hair. does that ring any bells with you?" it is as the dreamer am saying the last sentence that the dreamer become aware the dreamer am waking up second dream there's brass in muck seven or so rows of rubbish each row is about half-a-metre by two or three metres one by one, each row disappeared and re-appeared as a whole object as far as the dreamer could tell the rubbish was being made into works of art and auctioned if it wasn't for the addenda: vividness: and the colours in this dream, it wouldn't have been entered into the diary addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - observer and participant - the category of the dreams: relationships () female () rubbish () art () 09032020 - 887 the name of the dream: extremes and humour the snake train a "bullet" train, black, fast and sleek was snaking its way through the countryside at the better part of two-hundred kilometres an hour the first view of it in the dream is an overhead view it has dozens of carriages, possibly as many as forty or fifty from the air, it looked like a snake in a hurry through the brush the on-board scenes were completely different it felt like the merest obstacle would de-rail it the dreamer was expecting it to crash at any moment it was a relief when an announcement came through the p.a. system announcing it was arriving at its destination the skyscraper a building as tall as the empire state building was the next theme in this dream it seemed to the dreamer as though it was at the boundaries of space, off-earth like the train in the first dream, it was black and sleek i'm in the topmost part of the building not your luxurious penthouse suite just the opposite, was a tiny bachelor pad it was tastily furnished though, i'll give it that being accompanied to the lift to go down someone boasted the lift could get to ground level faster than a parachutist in free-fall the dilettante diplomat international top-level talks are underway the british representative gets into a "stretch-car" where his chinese chaperone is waiting to greet him the first thing the british representative does is whisk a bottle of bubbly from the courtesy drinks cabinet and pours himself a drink he has the bottle in one hand and a glass in the other and invites his host to join him in a drink his host declines as diplomatically as he can the dreamer can see he is disgusted moms pet the dreamer was in debt to the tune of thirteen-thousand pound to my mother she was too fond of the dreamer to insist on immediate repayment the rest of the family weren't so charitable and were expecting the dreamer to make a serious commitment to repay the debt quickly the dreamer made an offer of sixty-pound a week mom was happy with that, she would have been happy with ten-pound a week, the rest of the family weren't though alpha jim toady's dreams were rounded off nicely with a laughing dream about four or five of us are in bed in a living room-sized dormitory in the next bed to the dreamer is my friend he's not beyond taking the "mickey" out of me, and given the chance. i'll do the same to him across the room from us is the "alpha" of the dormitory we call him jim as is the case with most "top-dogs" he takes himself too seriously the dreamer say to my bed-neighbour in a whisper just loud enough to carry to the other side of the room, "is it true what you said about jim, he likes men? " "alpha jim" is out of bed and standing next to my friend in bed quicker than a dream can change scenes "he's lying," my friend said alpha jim looks at me, sees the dreamer smiling and realises he's been "had" he's looking at the dreamer and thinking about giving the dreamer a thump somewhere in the mind of every civilised person, there's the room for humour he walks away and the dreamer wake up chuckling addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed dream () fast trains () tall buildings () politics () family/money () laughing dream 08032020 - 886 the name of the dream: frustration, confusion and disbelief girl scenes in bed with the type of girl the dreamer like suggestively sexy and demure we snuggle up and the dreamer lay my hand on her stomach she reacted favourably, but we never got undressed before this part of the dream ended next scene with a girl from school-days her name was julie adams she was a biggish girl with an extrovert nature and the only girl the dreamer knew who drove a motorbike just how big she was the dreamer found out when we got undressed her thighs were big the dreamer was sitting up she parted my legs and lay her hands on my crotch the dreamer began talking to her she removed her hand the dreamer asked why she had stopped fondling me she said, "touching and talking don't go" station scenes got off the train from europe the station was huge five, six or more main-line tracks beyond the tracks were queues of people and more queues of people beyond the queues of people next, the dreamer am in the area where people are queuing didn't have anything to declare and went toward where people were exiting from the station there was no obvious way to get out each time the dreamer tried to get to the main exit doors the dreamer found myself at yet another area with no direct way to get to the exit area caught the attention of a woman who worked there she came over to me by now confusion and frustration had set in the dreamer threw my hands out in exasperation and said, " the dreamer have just got off the train from the mainland and just want to get out" she motioned the dreamer to follow her we walked through an area that had several distinct functions that were partitioned by glass she was smiling, sympathetically, or so the dreamer thought she pointed and told the dreamer the way out was where she was pointing began walking in the direction she indicated as the dreamer was walking the dreamer saw a man stripped naked and standing still he looked like he was waiting for attention two women were giggling while looking at him through a peep-hole the woman who had pointed the way out had deliberately misled the dreamer and was quite possibly going to be watching the dreamer as the dreamer stripped off bedsit scenes got to where the dreamer was staying, a cramped first-floor bedsit the dreamer lay on the bed the dreamer then became aware of a dog standing on the floor to the right the dreamer put out my hand and shifted my position on the bed and gestured for the dog to come onto the bed he lay alongside me both of us felt comfortable together, too comfortable the dreamer thought, am the dreamer going to have sex with a dog? it then occurred to the dreamer that the dreamer had been away for at least a weekend and the dog was hungry and thirsty the dreamer swung off the bed and saw a three or four-tier cage with mice in it the mouse on the top tier was twice as big as the others and was moving about in an agitated way these hadn't been fed or watered for days either looked for, and found, a small glass container that was suitable for it to drink from, filled it with water and watched as the mouse began drinking it feverishly the dream ended as the dreamer was thinking to myself how could the dreamer possibly have left pets without food or water for days addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed () train stations (3+) unrealised x (2+) animals (12+) mammals (10+) dogs (7+) mice (3+) 07032020 - 885 the name of the dream: a mish-mash first theme the dreamer am the teacher of a first or second-year secondary school the latest political or social topic was a called "laptop" the dreamer asked the class if anyone could explain it to the rest of the class a girl stood up and said she could the dreamer asked her to come to the front of the room and tell the rest of the class second theme a business transaction which involved swapping my service for an item, a second-hand tablet the dreamer think, which was crucial for the following day wasn't sure the person the dreamer was depending on was a hundred-per-cent reliable and kept contacting him for reassurance he would deliver it he delivered it on a push-bike in the next scene third theme someone sent the dreamer a "thank you" message for providing him with a file called "johnson and johnson" it was the latest buzz a satirical send-up of a high profile person which was in demand but hard to get the dreamer never watched it and didn't know what its appeal was fourth theme someone shoved a black and white "crotch-shot" of a woman and a man in coitus into my field of view the dreamer had to concentrate so hard to make out what the he was looking at it woke the dreamer out my sleep notes 1 there were a lot more scenes in these dreams the scenes came and went too fast to take them all in addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - multi-themed (16+) 06032020 - 884 the name of the dream: an acceptable challenge walking along a road which ran along the edge of the sea the road was a full fifty-metres above sea level with what the dreamer thought was an insufficiently safe two-bar railing, separating the path from a sheer drop to the left came to a break in the railing which gave access to the beach below the access was a well-used path which twisted here and there the angle of the path was shallow enough for children to walk down near the bottom of the path, there was another path off to the right the path was more of a slide than a path and a person would have to free-fall almost one-and-a-half metres onto the sand at the end of it anybody with a modicum of agility and strength wouldn't find it difficult to do the dreamer chose the slip, slide, and jump path landing on my feet and springing back up from the slightly crouched position the drop imposed on the body was the stand-out sensation of movement in the dream a two-scened dream followed the seaside dream a man whose mother had just died realised he had inherited items which made him wealthy everybody held him in contempt as he began telling them what he could expect to get from this or that item addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - agility (6+) 05032020 - 883 the name of the dream: escape to a kiss the dream starts as a typical addenda: vividness: 3 dream it is nighttime, probably the middle of the night three of us decide to escape from the open prison where we are serving our sentence it must have been planned as the first thing we do is go to where a bundle of clothes have been "stashed" in the undergrowth in the next scene, the dreamer am walking through a busy street wearing an almost garish light-fawn suit the last thing a wanted man will do is wear eye-catching clothes that it is too obvious makes the dreamer invisible to my pursuer's the next two scenes are of people in pursuit of me a troop of six guards riding bigger than average horses, heavily-bridled in leather and bright, white metal passed the dreamer at a gallop the sound of the hooves on the cobbled streets is disturbingly loud (the stand-out sound of the dream) and, like a large predatory animal closing in on its quarry, they are oblivious to the fact that they are too close and are moving too fast for any and everybody's safety the next scene, six or eight "Bobbies" in two rows wearing dark-blue uniforms and those peaked hats with a silver insignia on top, are running in unison in high-knee style, like sprinters loosening up before the race they looked like mechanical toys and were funny to look at in the next scene, still, in the garish fawn suit, the dreamer enter a brightly lit, over-the-counter, ready-to-eat, hot-food shop there were three men in all-white loose, soft-clothed jackets and trousers and t-shirts of the three young behind the counter, one of them knew me his face dropped as he recognised me from that moment on he was harbouring a wanted man nevertheless, he accompanied into the next scene the location is in a flat in exeter where the dreamer used to live there are three other males as well as the young lad who knows me, making five in all another young male pulls back the thick, red curtains to look outside the dreamer tell the young man not to move the curtains as it will alert other people that someone is in in the next scene, the dreamer am explaining the circumstances to the young male from the food shop who knows me, what is going on "you won't believe what's happening", his eyes widen in anticipation of what's coming, "you are part of a live dream", and continue... "at this moment my life-timeline is in running in parallel with yours" there were more sentences, which had faded from the memory before beginning to type, explaining the situation and the young lad was soaking up the ideas the final two or three scenes: the girl and the kiss the dreamer am looking down into the face of a girl about five-feet two with delicate features (the stand-our visual) the girl has the fresh complexion of a ten or twelve-year-old girl she is though, in her late teens her eyes are darting from one part of my face to another taking in the details of my face as the dreamer talk after a sentence or two, she can't contain herself anymore and gives in to the compulsion to kiss me she reaches up with her left hand, lays it on the back of my head and presses my head down, toward her the dreamer yield to the suggestive pressure while looking at her welcomingly as we close the distance between our faces my eyes are open as our lips are nearing contact her eyes half-open for a brief moment to see if my eyes are still open she sees they are open and closes her eyes ready to concentrate on the sensations of lips touching (it may have been her first kiss) she then closes her eyes to concentrates on the coming sensations of lips touching the dreamer follow suit and close mine the dreamer press my lips into hers more and more firmly over a long two-second period both of us enter into the eyes-closed, sensation-discovery phase, as we settle into lip pressure-probing seeking to experience every variation a kiss can contain the kiss could become a minutes-long affair it was the sealing of a contract between girl and boy which both signing in to and would, no matter what path the other took, we would both always honour our contract the dreamer pulled out of the kiss and gave her the look which conveyed the commitment that said she would always be a part of my soul notes 1 this dream stands out from other dreams for its prolonged addenda: vividness:, 3 to 4.4/4.6 from the moment the colour of the suit stood out from memory, only montages had more addenda: vividness: addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - live dream (1+) kissing dream (7+) 04032020 - 882 the name of the dream: a negative request a male friend or a member of the family of a couple who employed the dreamer to take photographs of their wedding more than twenty-years ago came to see me he wanted reprints of the occasion the wedding was one of the last professional engagements of my career the dreamer thought the dreamer still had the negatives but it would take a few days to get the photographs reprinted in the next scene, the same man was listening to my explanation as to why the dreamer couldn't find the negatives he wasn't disappointed, he was looking for ways to hold the dreamer to account one of the boasts of my service was that the newly-weds could always rely on the dreamer to get reprints as it was a legal obligation to keep all of the negatives of every professional function for tax purposes my professional days as a photographer had come to an end two decades before between the then in awake-time and the "now" in the dream, major changes in my life in awake-time had brought about such significant change in that keeping negatives from many years before wasn't in any way relevant and one of two or three "clear-outs" during that period included throwing away half-a-dozen folders, each containing dozens of negatives of different types of functions from my days as a photographer the feeling of letting them down was greater than any legal, or any other kind, of a threat they may take against me it was a relief to wake up and realise it was a dream addenda: vividness: 2.9 - participant - the category of the dream - business () photography (4+) 03032020 - 881 the name of the dream: the loss of childhood a childless couple offered to take the dreamer on holiday with them, the dreamer agreed of course we arranged to meet on the forecourt of a garage the next scene is at the garage that has a quiet "a" road alongside it as well as the couple a burly middle-aged man is accompanying them in my hand is a one-metre cane about the thickness of a man's middle finger the cane is my probe and hit-stick which is used to turn over anything, an empty packet or paper bag, that could have something underneath it... a lizard, a mouse... the stick is also my putting iron which is used to direct small and large stones to my imaginary hole on a golf course the burly fella' also has a stick only his is as thick as a broom handle he moves toward the dreamer and says something like, "let's play at sword fighting" his slightly manic grin tells the dreamer he is going to hurt the dreamer accidentally-on-purpose it then dawns on the dreamer that the couple had "set the dreamer up" anger welled up inside me with impressive speed and deftness, the dreamer got within hitting distance of the burly bloke and hit him with my cane the first swipe was to his left cheek, the second on the right cheek and a third on the left cheek again he went into shock the dreamer jumped onto him with enough force to throw him off balance and clung to him as he fell over when on the floor the dreamer sat on his back, cupped my hands, put them under his chin and pulled his head back until it couldn't go back any more now he was in shock and hurting it was unlikely he would try anything else the dreamer looked over to the couple and glared at them with contempt they were jealous of my boyish mind-set they had long since lost their childhood wonder of life and wanted to take it away from me was going to say something damning but turned and walked away notes 1 the Pde's which brought about this dream are clearly remembered had been talking to a young man on a chat platform during the day the dreamer could feel my anger surging and subsiding as we shared information about the way the people in the entry the "Lead article" are killing children everywhere, every day addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - aggressive and troublesome people (8+) 02032020 - 880 the name of the dream: you're in the army now this dream opens showing a slow left to right view of computer folders as each new folder came into view a name was called out the scene changed to a man holding a clipboard he was making a note as each name was called out the scene returns to a slow, sweeping left to the right view of the folders as the surnames are called out... "peters, sanders, turner..." the person calling out the names stops abruptly the view shows a close-up of the white top of a bottle wrapped in brown paper someone had broken army rules by bringing liquor into the camp if the person who brought the drink is identified he will face charges and immediate discharge from the army the final scene shows the head and chest of a very big man looking apprehensive notes 1 the writer finds this type of dream intriguing there was absolutely nothing in the pde's which relates to drinking or the army what caused it? addenda: vividness: 3.2 - observer - the category of the dream - army (3+) drink (1) 01032020 - 879 the name of the dream: a collaboration a young man inherited or acquired a popular website he came to the dreamer for help in tweaking and personalising it like many people who begin using a computer for the first time, the learning curve is too steep and they turn to others for help my own skills with a computer are meagre but compared to a novice, as was the young man in this dream, the dreamer was an advanced user in reality (awake-time) what the dreamer know about computers and coding can be written on the back of a stamp in the dream, the dreamer am quite proficient the site he had inherited addressed financial matters, something he was knowledgeable about he knew the dreamer well enough to know ripping people off wasn't my way and the dreamer knew that keeping my fee's lower than usual would increase the likelihood of him incorporating the dreamer into his business he promised to reward the dreamer well which told the dreamer that if the dreamer played fair by him the dreamer would stand to gain more by fair means than by foul it meant working together he would suggest this and the dreamer would suggest that my first suggestion was to change as little as possible (if it ain't broke don't try to fix it) the first thing he wanted to do was change the three-word name of the website by changing just two or three of the letters it personalised the website for the new owner without changing its character every now and then something special or unexpected came to light; a contact or information which, when changed, altered the tone or feel of the website we were getting along swimmingly the dream could have ended there with a story-like conclusion, and it did notes 1 what better legacy could there be in this day and age than to leave the entire contents of all the accumulated data from all the computers you have owned photos... personal messages to the future generations of your genetic line... videos... documents that are legally valid... dreams, diet, exercise and personal diaries ...a lifetime of notes and opinions... the unique experience's of an individual's life will contain the proof of having lived before and when recurrence does occur for you, keeping a record may well trigger memories which will come through in awake-time and/or dream-time the writer has one memory from two-thousand years ago! addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - business (10+) websites (1+) 29022020 - 878 the name of the dream: perfunctary x the dream starts with the dreamer in the cinema watching a film from the front row of the balcony all that's remembered of the film is that it had a car and a train in it the film finished and before the lights came on the dreamer lay down on the floor between the seats and the balcony the dreamer didn't have a roof over my head to go to and decided to conceal myself and stay in the cinema overnight it meant having to lift up the bottom of four or five seats to lie down it was a real squeeze to find a comfortable lying position, the stand-out sensation of the dream as was thought, someone began checking for people who might have fallen asleep during the film the person doing the checking knew the front row didn't have enough space in front of it for a person to be lying down and didn't check it, in fact, he never checked the first half-dozen rows in the next scene, the addenda: vividness: of the dream went from 2.9 to 3.6 the dreamer am looking up from my laying position and am viewing a naked woman laid down the penis of a man, his torso, face and legs don't come into the picture at that moment the woman's face had a resigned look and ithought was she was about to raped that wasn't the case though the man conjoined with the woman and after three movements withdrew and left the dream the woman's face showed again and her expression was exactly the same as it was the first time, she wasn't at all moved by her experience the dream ended and the dreamer began replaying the dream as the dreamer gradually returned to awake-time then, a new facet to post-dream recollection occurred as the dreamer watched the man's penis about to enter the woman a notification caption box appeared as the act of x was replaying the box was black with white writing the wording in the box changed during the act of x it gave a written running explanation of what was happening the one bit of script that stuck in the memory after awake-time conscious fully returned was... "after the man has withdrawn from the woman, the tongue of the vagina licks the edges of the outside edges and takes any fluids into the mouth of the vagina" a small, narrow, pink tongue emerged from the vagina and ran around the "lips" of the vagina and while the caption was showing, the act and the words synchronised exactly with the movements there were four caption-act synchronised scenes one or two of the captions had descriptions which were too big to be displayed in one caption and had to be think-read like a ticker tape, as the think-read words were added to the caption at bottom-right of the caption the top-left line of the writing moved out of the caption box there were two lines of writing in every caption with about twenty-five characters in each line notes 1 the overriding feeling in this dream was of disappointment the dreamer was disappointed that a woman could be used as a thing notes 2 the sense of disappointment came from thinking earlier on in the day how the dreamer had allowed myself to treat women as the lesser partner in the act of x the dream was, in part, the result of the dreamer explaining to another person two days before the dream that we are at that point of evolution when awake-time and dream-time are merging and there is the very real possibility that the dream-time conscious becomes the dominant state of consciousness eventually in that future time the awake-time conscious will have the same status as dreams do today... non-existent or not remembered, partially remembered or fully remembered notes 3 while explaining love, encourage you children to talk about their dreams addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - synchronised acts, think-read-write descriptions (1) x (1) 29022020 - 877 the name of the dream: perfunctary x the dream starts with the dreamer in the cinema watching a film from the front row of the balcony all that's remembered of the film is that it had a car and a train in it the film finished and before the lights came on the dreamer lay down on the floor between the seats and the balcony the dreamer didn't have a roof over my head to go to and decided to conceal myself and stay in the cinema overnight it meant having to lift up the bottom of four or five seats to lie down it was a real squeeze to find a comfortable lying position, the stand-out sensation of the dream as was thought, someone began checking for people who might have fallen asleep during the film the person doing the checking knew the front row didn't have enough space in front of it for a person to be lying down and didn't check it, in fact, he never checked the first half-dozen rows in the next scene, the addenda: vividness: of the dream went from 2.9 to 3.6 the dreamer am looking up from my laying position and am viewing a naked woman laid down the penis of a man, his torso, face and legs don't come into the picture at that moment the woman's face had a resigned look and ithought was she was about to raped that wasn't the case though the man conjoined with the woman and after three movements withdrew and left the dream the woman's face showed again and her expression was exactly the same as it was the first time, she wasn't at all moved by her experience the dream ended and the dreamer began replaying the dream as the dreamer gradually returned to awake-time then, a new facet to post-dream recollection occurred as the dreamer watched the man's penis about to enter the woman a notification caption box appeared as the act of x was replaying the box was black with white writing the wording in the box changed during the act of x it gave a written running explanation of what was happening the one bit of script that stuck in the memory after awake-time conscious fully returned was... "after the man has withdrawn from the woman, the tongue of the vagina licks the edges of the outside edges and takes any fluids into the mouth of the vagina" a small, narrow, pink tongue emerged from the vagina and ran around the "lips" of the vagina and while the caption was showing, the act and the words synchronised exactly with the movements there were four caption-act synchronised scenes one or two of the captions had descriptions which were too big to be displayed in one caption and had to be think-read like a ticker tape, as the think-read words were added to the caption at bottom-right of the caption the top-left line of the writing moved out of the caption box there were two lines of writing in every caption with about twenty-five characters in each line notes 1 the overriding feeling in this dream was of disappointment the dreamer was disappointed that a woman could be used as a thing notes 2 the sense of disappointment came from thinking earlier on in the day how the dreamer had allowed myself to treat women as the lesser partner in the act of x the dream was, in part, the result of the dreamer explaining to another person two days before the dream that we are at that point of evolution when awake-time and dream-time are merging and there is the very real possibility that the dream-time conscious becomes the dominant state of consciousness eventually in that future time the awake-time conscious will have the same status as dreams do today... non-existent or not remembered, partially remembered or fully remembered notes 3 while explaining love, encourage you children to talk about their dreams addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.6 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - synchronised acts, think-read-write descriptions (1) x (1) 28022020 - 876 the name of the dream: big, bigger and biggest it is nighttime and the dreamer am walking along minding my pwn business gradually the dreamer become aware of people behind the dreamer and getting closer there are two young men two or three metres behind me one of them is my size and the other is substantially bigger and heavier than me the look on their faces tells the dreamer they intend to harm me next scene, the bigger of the two is being hit in the face and head-butted by another man who is substantially bigger than he is in the next scene, a man in a white suit, who is shorter than the biggest man in the last scene and is as broad as it's possible to be without looking deformed, is hitting the man in the last scene in the throat notes 1 not sure what to make of this dream, possibly extremes of thinking in the pde's addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 - participant (first scene) observer - the category of the dream - violence (8+) males (6+) 27022020 - 875 the name of the dreams: the presidential ball a function was taking place the room had a dance-floor about thirty by forty metres a carpeted area about ten metres deep ran around three sides of the dance floor a long bar that went from wall-to-wall was situated along the narrow side of one end of the rectangular room the balcony was accessed by a wide staircase which was wide enough to allow two or three people to be going up and down at the same time there was somewhere between three and four-hundred people on the ground floor, but because there were more people than the room was designed for it looked like there were a thousand people in the room the dreamer was on the dance-floor with a group of six or seven women, and we are thoroughly enjoying ourselves all the women were ex-girlfriends of the still incumbent d.t. one of the women didn't hide her feelings for me the dreamer was "set" for the night d.t. passed by close the dreamer heading for the stairs he was wearing his trademark long, dark coat (a crombie?) and white shirt the dreamer said, "one of the girls wants to dance with you" he had a slight smile on his face as he looked at the dreamer intently, but he never said anything notes 1 this dream was the result of talking about d.t.'s chances of winning the election for a second term earlier on in the day addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - celebrities (10+) donald trump (2+) 26022020 - 874 the name of the dream: why the dreamer ? i'd forgotten that i'd worked as an injection-moulder until this dream as some of you will know, there's not a whole lot to the job swivelling the machine over after it has pressed the mould and having a quick check to see that the product wasn't flawed in any way there was an issue about one of the moulds some joker had reconfigured the settings of one of the moulds and the finished product looked uncannily like a woman's crotch the manager was furious in the last scene of the dream, the dreamer had become the main suspect addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - employee (9+) injection moulder (1) 25022020 - 873 the name of the dream: life can be unfair a heated situation arose concerning my right to remain living in my rented accomodation it got out of hand and the police entered the dream it soon became obvious that between the policeman having the right to use force and having to side with the landlord because the landlord had the legal right to refuse, or eject any tenant he didn't want, that the dreamer was about to become homeless it was as clear as day to me, as it was to the policeman, that the landlord fancied the girl and wanted her as the tenant the girl was playing the "sex-card" and kept holding onto to the landlord and pressing herself against him it was infuriating, to say the least, that a man could get the police to throw the dreamer out onto the street because he wanted a relationship the dreamer lost my "cool" and slapped a piece of paper into the face of the landlord it didn't hurt him but in the eyes of the law it was an act of violence the dreamer knew my arrest was imminent the dream ended as the dreamer was thinking it was likely that once we were away from the "crime-scene" the policeman would express his sense of fair-play and let the dreamer go or the dreamer would "get off" with a caution can trace what caused this dream to an event in the day before the sleep addenda: vividness: - 2.9 to 3 - participant - the category of the dream - contentious issues (9+) self (2+) 24022020 - 872 the name of the dream: tomorrow's baghdad this dream is set in baghdad or any place we associate with genies and magical happenings this dream opens up with a close-up of the tip and half of the blade a sword touching the diaphragm of a man to my dismay, the blade penetrated the man's body and the next scene showed a bloodied blade happily, the tone of the dream completely changed and the dream became a colour-rich technicolour fantasy it had a depth of colour which only occur in dreams along the sides of the throughways which connected one community with the next, there were car-sized boulders that had round, spiral patterns that swirled and pulsated men in long-robes transporting someone in a hand-held conveyance with smooth red felt or thick silk curtains passed in front of me the dreamer sensed there was a beautiful woman behind the curtains this dream had the makings of being an epic dream but it fizzled out after half a dozen scenes notes 1 this dream is in the pre-wheel era the addenda: vividness: of the dream tells us it is a future time-tense, probably 4 addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.3 - observer - the category of the dream - mythical (2+) 23022020 - 871 the name of the dream: we all make mistakes there was considerable rancour between one policeman in particular and self when a large amount of food was confiscated the food was destined to feed more than fifty people at an upcoming function time was of the essence and it was running out if the food wasn't back in my possession within a few days it would mean a considerable loss of money and a severe dent in my credibility as a businessman there were a couple of scenes of self at the police station arguing the toss with different officers in one scene, the dreamer said to the arresting officer, " the dreamer bet you the dreamer get the items back" the policeman who brought the charges was left with egg on his face when the food was returned to me the food was returned not because the dreamer proved the goods were mine but an error in the procedure all of the items had not been entered into evidence in the allotted time according to law within a couple of days after the goods being taken from the dreamer and the legal procedural error came to light the dreamer had been able to establish beyond doubt the goods were mine in the final scene, the policeman who had initiated the charges was in a subdued but unrepentant mood the dreamer got the final last word in when the dreamer suggested he write a cheque for the money he had lost on the bet the policeman came close to displaying an ironic smile as the dreamer left the police station with no ill feelings addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - business (10+) food (10+) 22022020 - 870 the name of the dream: slopes and slides it is early morning the sun isn't above the horizon but there is enough light to see the buildings on either side of the road the road slopes down at about fifteen-degrees over a distance of about eighty metres looking down the road it appears to come to a dead-end people, all young boys between nine or ten to fifteen or sixteen, start filling the dream the dreamer became the focus of their attention it wasn't immediately apparent but about a quarter of the way down the fifteen-degree sloping, bending road the reason for their curiosity about the dreamer road became obvious the dreamer am an elderly gent of about seventy in a young people's environment the further down the road the dreamer went, the attention from the youngster's became more intense could feel a sense of resentment growing about halfway down the road the lads were coming out of their houses and standing at the end of the paths challenging the dreamer with their looks nearing the bottom of the road, three or four of the boys were out in the street the youngster's began showing their resentment towards the dreamer by sliding heavy objects towards me (yes, the dreamer know, how do you slide objects up something? this is dreamland, where the inexplicable is the norm) the objects were heavy if they had clipped my ankles, it would have hurt the dreamer shouted out to the lads sliding the objects, "if any of them hit me, you're getting them back" that did the trick, they stopped was trying to figure out what the dreamer was doing there the last building on the left-hand side became a shop went into the shop the two young males running the shop looked at the dreamer in the same way all the others had the dreamer said in an apologetic way, " the dreamer just want a cup of tea" am now walking back up the road if i'm still an elderly gent i'm walking with the strength of a young man in his prime (the stand-out sensation of the dream) there are two young girls walking three metres or so ahead of me they slow the pace of their walking they want the dreamer to talk to them the girls are wearing loose, clinging skirts the dreamer can see the shape of their buttocks now the dreamer am over the top of the slope and walking downhill two-hundred metres away at the bottom of the slope, there is a chute it looks like a chute that is used to fill those big cement trucks that have rotating, barrel-shaped containers as they urgently make their way to their destination the chute is forty or fifty metres long with a little bump half-way down and is being used as a fun slide there is a queue waiting to go on it excitedly, the dreamer shout out to everyone within hearing distance "i'm going to have a go on that, you'd better believe it" addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - antagonism (8+) fun (8+) alluded x (1+) 21022020 - 869 the name of the dream: coincidences was writing a message to my brother when a notification appeared which said the message hadn't been received by him because his website was undergoing a maintenance coincidentally, he had got to the computer during the maintenance as well but after the site-maintenance had been posted some of what the dreamer wrote had got through to him before the maintenance began he put two and two together and assumed the dreamer had managed to corrupt his computer somehow it was a long-standing assumption of his that the dreamer was alright in the day to day world but when it came to something technical or was a little complicated the dreamer fell short of the mark... there may have been something in it he phoned the dreamer and wanted to know what it was the dreamer had done to foul up his computer the dreamer could sense his embarrassment on the other end of the phone when the dreamer told him his site was undergoing maintenance note 1 a man who lived near the dreamer was on holiday in a far-flung country in the world and found a wallet in a cave on a beach belonging to a man he didn't know who lived ten doors away from him love/life has got everything that matters under control once in a while though the sheer number of events does throw up a coincidence addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - coincidences (1) brother (1) 20022020 - 868 the name of the dream: the pollster it is saturday and about five of us are in town we have a reasonably strong bond which, for two or three of us, goes back into childhood saturday in town has been our routine for some time there was no question that we would "stick together" in a crisis today though, that sort of situation wasn't in our thoughts or speech we were young men enjoying each others company with enough money to do those things that a steady job provides as we came out of a shop a man approached us and asked us to answer some questions a minute here or there wasn't going to make any difference to our day so we obliged him the questions the man asked led into politics the man knew he could challenge our view without us becoming argumentative after he had pointed out a couple of things which suggested we should change our minds about something the dreamer went on the defensive and threw the same rationale back at him "if we should speak out then so should you", was my opening salvo "what about the arms programme", before he could reply the dreamer continued, "what about e.t'.'s and u.f.o.'s" their just as important as what you're talking about" the man fell silent, he knew there was no defence my friends were nodding as the dreamer spurted out another sentence or two and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - politics and e.t.'s (1+) 19022020 - 867 the name of the dreams: crime scenes a man who was wanted by the police was "boxed in" in a two-storey residential block of flats the wanted man was refusing to give himself up the senior officer at the scene gave the go-ahead for the man to be shot a voice of moderation suggested using a tranquillizer gun the scene and this theme of the dream ended after the wanted man was subdued by the tranquillizer next dream and another crime scene there was a small army of policemen who had newly arrived at the scene the person or people to be arrested were very high profile personalities the news of the crime and the imminent arrests became known to the local people everyone knew it would be national news and anyone who knew or had seen something relating to the crime would want to be interviewed by the media one enterprising young chappie, it might have been the dreamer, realised he would be the most sought after person by the press if he had a bit of evidence related to the crime he made off with something which wasn't just related to the crime but was the most important bit of evidence needed for the prosecution he was in the limelight and money if he could find the right person to broker a "deal" for him addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - crime scenes (1+) 18022020 - 866 the name of the dreams: alone and trapped and in a crowd and trapped a couple of dreams better forgotten the first one was about an abandoned van the van was more the size of a lorry but it didn't have the sturdy look of a lorry there was two of us in the scene at the start of the dream we could push it back and forth and managed to move it a couple of lorry-lengths we got to a tunnel-underpass but it was too tall to go through, so we decided to lean it on its side and push it through it worked for a couple of pushes but on the next attempt it slipped and fell further onto its side it trapped the dreamer between the van and the wall with no way of being able to exert any pressure to it the dreamer is there for the duration the next theme of the dream started with two of us in an unused factory-sized building that had previously been used for repairing vehicles people started coming into the building from the far end about twenty males came in first and made their way to where we are thin, single mattresses appeared from somewhere and the people who had just come in began laying them either side of the twenty-metre-wide building once the mattresses had been laid and people were lying on them, presumably bedding down for the night that, that a portion of the building became separated and the next scene began now it was double mattresses on sprung beds a small proportion of the beds had people lying on them an uncomfortable feeling stirred inside the dreamer when it was realised the men were "doubling" up by way of light relief, the next scene showed an area that was about five metres on all of its sides with bars that were housing about twenty or thirty naked women in the final scene, the rest of the length of the building had two-tier bunks on either side, the width of the building had shrunk to about five or six metres, and was a throng of hundreds of males scrambling for a bunk a group of about thirty men began rushing past to get somewhere the impression was, wherever they were going it was an improvement on the present scene my common sense told the dreamer to join them whether it would be a "step up the ladder" to a better dream isn't known, the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - trapped (3+) 17022020 - 865 the name of the pre-sleep and post-sleep Montage sequences: a mixed bag of montages it was taking a while to "nod off" so had a quick go at inducing a montage the initial image was made up of a bundle of shreds of thick, white lines, a bit like a flat pile of twenty or thirty slithers of white paper that had been put through a paper shredder after three or four attempts the shreds began forming the detail wasn't crystal clear but considering it was the first 3-d image in a montage the faculty which produces 3-d imagery may have been a bit "rusty" the image eventually formed into an aerial view of building with half a dozen or smaller buildings annexed to it the main building was much bigger than a castle, rounded and looked like it was from a fairly recent era it was spread over about two acres (take away the surrounding buildings and This is near to it ( the addenda: vividness: of the image at its clearest was 3 after moving on from the 3-d image the montages moved into more familiar formats... regular 2-d, cartoon, pastel colours, rich colours fell asleep for six-hours and, blow the dreamer down, woke to another series of montages which the dreamer don't remember initiating, laughing mildly as the dreamer was saying, "here it comes again" as the third image of ? began taking shape notes 1 this set of montages, are, the dreamer am fairly sure, due to reading my own notes about how to increase the likelihood of dreaming by having a bread-supper before "hitting the sack" notes 2 this was the first 3-d montage-image notes 3 do we need to separate montages into before-and-after sleep categories ? told you it was going to get complicated addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - observer - the category of the montage: pre-sleep and post-sleep (1) mixed format (1) 2-d and 3-d (new category) (1) cartoon and regular (1) montages with motion (1+) 16022020 - 864 he name of the pre-sleep and post-sleep Montage sequences: a mixed bag of montages it was taking a while to "nod off" so had a quick go at inducing a montage the initial image was made up of a bundle of shreds of thick, white lines, a bit like a flat pile of twenty or thirty slithers of white paper that had been put through a paper shredder after three or four attempts the shreds began forming the detail wasn't crystal clear but considering it was the first 3-d image in a montage the faculty which produces 3-d imagery may have been a bit "rusty" the image eventually formed into an aerial view of building with half a dozen or smaller buildings annexed to it the main building was much bigger than a castle, rounded and looked like it was from a fairly recent era it was spread over about two acres (take away the surrounding buildings and This is near to it ( the addenda: vividness: of the image at its clearest was 3 after moving on from the 3-d image the montages moved into more familiar formats... regular 2-d, cartoon, pastel colours, rich colours fell asleep for six-hours and, blow the dreamer down, woke to another series of montages which the dreamer don't remember initiating, laughing mildly as the dreamer was saying, "here it comes again" as the third image of ? began taking shape notes 1 this set of montages, are, the dreamer am fairly sure, due to reading my own notes about how to increase the likelihood of dreaming by having a bread-supper before "hitting the sack" notes 2 this was the first 3-d montage-image notes 3 do we need to separate montages into before-and-after sleep categories ? told you it was going to get complicated addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 - observer - the category of the montage: pre-sleep and post-sleep (1) mixed format (1) 2-d and 3-d (new category) (1) cartoon and regular (1) montages with motion (1+) 15022020 - 863 the name of the dream: a thirsty parrot in this dream, the dreamer have a small parrot as a pet the parrot is about two-thirds the size of a pigeon and like a pigeon, it has a plain plumage of dark-grey a truly responsive-to-human-companionship bird that is happier on my shoulder than on a perch the dreamer would turn my head and speak quietly and it would respond with a tongue-nibble on my ear on one occasion, the dreamer turned my head and gave it a kiss instead of giving the dreamer a tongue-nibble on the lips it started lapping up the saliva inside my mouth the dreamer realised it was thirsty and walked over to where there was a plastic bottle of water, picked it up and put it near its beak to let it know it was about to get a drink before the dreamer could grasp the bottle with two hands and twist off the cap it stretched forward and bit into the cap of the bottle four or five times with a degree of zealousness that was bordering on savagery its determination to get to the water was so great the dreamer had to grip the bottle firmly to stop it yanking the bottle out of my hand it bit off enough of the cap to get its whole beak inside the bottle and the dreamer was further taken aback when it sucked up about one-twentieth of the water in one go (the stand visual) the amount it drank it translated to a person drinking a litre of water in one swallow the dreamer made a mental note to have a source of water on permanent tap somewhere in the room before waking addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream - animal (20+) dinosaur (5+) parrot (1) 14022020 - 862 the name of the dream: questions a two-scene dream a man is taking my details he wants to know my weight and what experience i've had that might be relevant to the job i'm applying for second scene have just started a new relationship she wants to know all about me specifically, she wants to know how tall the dreamer am and asks the dreamer about mom and then asks about my brother was wondering how she knew the dreamer had a brother when the scene ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - two-scene dream (12+) job interview (2+) relationships (49) female (39) 13022020 - 861 the name of the dream: riches and prejudice a fabulously rich couple decided to "spread" their money around by organising a free, weekly nationwide game of lotto (housey-housey, bingo) the prize money for the winner was two-million pounds two of us won in the same week and it was left the male of the couple to adjudicate, by a personal interview, who was the outright winner everyone thought the obvious thing to do was to split the prize money the male was adamant that there should only be one winner a couple of scenes followed in which it became obvious to the dreamer the man had decided to do it his way because for some reason he didn't like the dreamer and didn't want the dreamer to be rich the final scene of the dream was the man with a gleeful, spiteful look on his face which let the dreamer know he didn't like me addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - money (15+) prize money (1+) 12022020 - 860 the name of the dream: carmen re-visited at a computer in an office waiting to be interviewed a man comes over to the dreamer and we start talking my interview was scheduled for earlier on in the day but the dreamer had become so engrossed in what the dreamer had been doing at home it had slipped from my mind he listens intently as the dreamer tell him my reason for being there the dreamer was there in response to an ad in the paper which wanted people who dream prolifically to volunteer to be case studies for research the computer in front of the dreamer was showing the dream entries of my website at the moment the man began talking to the dreamer the page on the screen was showing the carmen dream (30062016) he began reading it and called over to another person that he was looking at something interesting the person he called came over and within a few moments they began acting out the part of the dream where everyone is moving in a circle the dreamer was chuckling away and trying to keep serious at the same time when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - dreams about dreams (1+) carmen (1) 11022020 - 859 the name of the dream: a big dream the scenes of the dream were, like yesterday, varied and unrelated there were ten or more scenes but the ones recalled first slipped from the memory was expecting the theme of the dream to become obvious before it was realised the scenes weren't connected scene 1 two women standing and talking they were discussing a woman's role in society they were both a little disgruntled that women seemed to be subservient to men the dreamer chimed in with, "you've got the best of the bargain" scene 2 someone proposed a database of dinosaurs should be made available to the public pubic interest and the academic need to have a fully detailed, tabulated catalogue of the where, when and what of the dinosaurs could be best achieved if any and everyone could add a sentence or idea to the database scene 3 a live recording of a woman salesperson demonstrating a gizmo of some sort her head and shoulders opened the scene the camera followed the line of her breasts down her body and just as you were expecting to see the start of a dress covering her breasts her nipple on her left side was poking over the top of her black dress her dress was too daring and she was paying the price scene 4 this scene contained the second stand-out part of the dream the latest form of camouflage was being shown the view showed the backs of three or four men as they were walking away from where we were the way they slowly faded and re-appeared against a backdrop of a wood or forest was magical hollywood has got some catching up to do if it wants to present a dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 - observer - a new category of dream: theme-less epics (2+) 10022020 - 858 the name of the dream: back into montage territory upon waking and trying to recall the dream the memory presented not a dream but individual images there were about five images kept hold of one of the images in my mind's eye and "held" it steady there was a bit of detail in the pic which wasn't clear by focusing or concentrating on the part image which wasn't recognisable the "zoom" faculty in the mind brought out the detail had varying degrees of success doing the same thing with the other pictures it's been more than six months since the last montage the montage of 14022018 is probably the most significant notes 1 we have a pretty good idea of what causes dreams but montages are taking on a different identity for the moment will keep them categorised as a recreational ability addenda: vividness: 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - montage (25+) freeze and zoom (2+) 09022020 - 857 the name of the dream: an instance of spontaneity walking out of a building after listening to a lecture or presentation, there were thirty or forty people in the room about halfway out a voice to my right said something a small woman, sitting on the the chair next to the aisle and quite a bit older than me, was looking up at me the dreamer told her my name, and she said, "can the dreamer take you home with me" the dreamer searched her face and saw a woman who needed male company the dreamer said, "have you got a car?", she said, "no" back at her home, she asked why the dreamer had agreed so readily to her request the dreamer said the dreamer never say no to a woman as long as she hasn't got an aggressive character she asked what the dreamer wanted to do and the dreamer said it was for her to tell the dreamer and the dreamer would do it the dreamer asked her if she had ever been married and the dream ended before she replied addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the cateory of the dream: relationships (48+) female (38+) 08022020 - 856 the name of the dream: the boxer in this dream, the dreamer am in my early twenties someone suggested the dreamer should be a boxer the person who suggested it had spotted something in the dreamer which revealed the dreamer fancied myself as a tough guy the dreamer didn't realise until the dreamer woke from the dream he was "stroking" me the dreamer fell for it hook, line and sinker at the gym, first, there were problems with changing into boxing attire then, had to go around asking people to give the dreamer small change to get into a cubicle in the toilets so the dreamer could change someone said it was a good idea to clear your bowels out before going into the ring the dreamer didn't know why he said that and didn't take heed anyway, got changed and climbed into the ring my opponent disposed of the dreamer quicker than you can shake a stick the dreamer got out of the ring with the dire need to go to the toilet addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - boxing (2) 07022020 - 855 the name of the dream: the measure of a man a top job for one of the salesmen was in the 'offing it was an unusual selection procedure, to say the least the criteria for suitability for the job wasn't a pleasing sales technique, just the opposite the bosses were of the frame of mind that an aggressive sales-pitch would serve them best all applicants, including self, had to be prepared to have a shot of testosterone before "hitting the road" what the brains behind the idea hadn't taken into account was that the "pushy" characteristic's it produced wouldn't remain confined to selling goods we salesmen were at loggerheads over any and everything it was no longer a matter of who could sell the most now it was a matter of who was "macho man" in the final scene, the overseer of the experiment looked like a beaten man as he realised the bosses would be looking to him as a scapegoat for the melee note 1 have you ever wondered why testosterone was built into our physiology ? addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - business (11+) testosterone (1) 06022020 - 854 the name of the dream: dirty deeds became friends with a couple of go-getters, think they were married the relationship between the two was a year or two old but their enthusiasm for doing things together was growing the three of us developed an idea for a new process not sure what it is we were actually doing the idea revolved around a roller the roller was about the length of a settee and a metre thick and coloured grey we were all sure we had opened a new market and the future looked good the project was a lot more effective than we realised and other people in related businesses were going to lose out we two males came back from somewhere and went into the development area where the roller was it was a fairly large room, about ten metres by thirteen the area had been trashed in amongst the wreckage was the young man's wife or girlfriend she was lying slumped across a desk her right arm was stretched out forward, it looked as though she was stretching for something it was obvious to the dreamer she was dead the young man hadn't seen her yet the dream ended after the dreamer decided not to bring the young man's attention to his partner he would find out for himself any second addenda: vividness:: 3 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - business (9+) murder (3+) 05022020 - 853 the name of the dream: a baby in my arms: 2 walking along a corridor, a hospital the dreamer think uncle les appears from another corridor on my right carrying a baby the baby is swaddled in white blankets and sleeping stood there looking at the baby for a moment, then uncle les passes the baby over to me the baby is cradled in my arms and uncle les asks, "is that the first time you've held him ?" my reply is, "no, the second" it crossed my mind that the baby needed to feel the warmth of skin loosened enough of my clothes for the side of his face to rest against my chest and feel the heat from my body his eyes opened for a moment the dreamer spoke to the baby and as the dreamer heard the sound of my voice the dreamer thought it probably sounded like a growl to a new mind note 1 four dreams about babies in the last month addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - uncle les (5+) babies (7+) 04022020 - 852 the name of the dream: just what we needed, another board game a board game, which needed a coloured notepad to keep track of the complexities of the options with every new move, was the latest craze and if you weren't familiar with the game you were an "also-ran" being "in on" the latest craze told people what place you occupied in society complicated games weren't in my repertoire the dreamer was on the outside looking in a confident young lad with a cheeky/superior smile was halfheartedly telling the dreamer how to play the game between my disinterest in games as a whole and his know-it-all attitude, the dreamer knew less about what the game was all about after our conversation than before it addenda: vividness: 3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - board games (1+) 03022020 - 851 the name of the dream: who were the first people to eat cheese? a group of five men had left the battlefield after their attack had been beaten back they were disgruntled, they were banking on the spoils of victory to maintain an acceptable lifestyle there was a discussion as to what to do with the three or four captives, two women amongst them, they had stumbled upon as they retreated the best outcome from the prisoners point of view would be to spend the rest of their lives as slaves notes 1 this was a disappointing dream the dreams for the last couple weeks have, by and large, been upbeat it's been two weeks since the last dream which had feelings like this in it a quick check of the diet diary points to the dream that night being the result of eating cheese in the last meal of the day notes 2 some of you will know from experience that some foods can cause unpleasant dreams we can use the experiences to our advantage the opposite effect will be happening as well, the right foods will enhance dreams it might be the case that "good" foods can subdue some of the adverse effects of what might have been to an undesirable dream into a mediocre one, and conversely, what would have been a great dream turns into a bland dream "good foods" enter into new reference page with sentence locators a consensus as to what one or the other food is or isn't good or bad has to be moderated with the understanding that the general tone or quality of our thoughts during the day before the dream are the main architects of dreams a consensus about the ethicality of foods will probably best be arrived at by all of us keeping a dreams diary and a diet diary and comparing the main points of agreement and disagreements as a mini-goal, let's try to make a dreams diary and a diet diary part of our life-routine by 2030 within ten years the global society should be aware that a progressive and evolutionary society will fare best by sharing, sharing, sharing any and every bit of knowledge there are computer programmes (databases and spreadsheets) available today which will allow us to assemble and cross-reference volumes of information in seconds a responsibility society will come to be aware of the need to consider it its duty to make every bit of knowledge accessible to everyone, for the benefit of everyone we're not doing ourselves any favours with the "me, my family, my country first" attitude to life which is (intentionally) having the opposite effect it's time to start pushing back the monsters of death (they chose it) addenda: vividness: 2.9 - observer - the category of the dream - food-influenced (10+) food dreams (8+) cheese (4+) prisoners of war (2+) 02022020 - 850 the name of the dream: epic sleep, epic dream this dream comes off the back of an eleven-hour, deep, therapeutic sleep there were as many scenes in this dream as two or three epic dreams put together, and there wasn't a single scene which linked one scene to another another oddity... there were no people in any of the dreams there was, however, voices saying things relevant to the details of the dream as they appeared just two of the sentences are readily recallable... was looking at four presentation boxes on top of each other the top box had a dark-brown see-through film on the front it had five or six soldier-figures in it there were gaps where there should have been figures a voice from somewhere said, "i'll replace the soldiers" in another scene, there was the most desirable-looking tray of chocolates ever to appear in a dream was salivating while looking at them a girls voice said, "their yours" this was a monstrously big dream flashes of some the other scenes are coming to mind while typing to do this dream justice would mean spending most of the day typing and checking the grammar an entire day on one dream! not quite ready to devote entire days to presenting dreams that's for the future addenda: vividness: - 2.9 to .3.7 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - mega epic dream (1) multi-themed (15+) 01022020 - 849 the name of the dream: the happy bus was watching the goings-on had been watching for ten or fifteen minutes a pastel green coach had been converted into a mobile mall a couple of dozen women had the idea to bring their skills to the general public inevitably, began mixing with the girls and in the next scene, the dreamer am standing by the bus asking each new arrival what her speciality is they were all there... instant hot meal chef, alterationist, health advice, family counselling, money advice, cobbler, hairstylist, mobile phone experts showing the tricks of the trade... managed to talk my way into getting my hair styled and having a chip meal the hairstyle suited the dreamer and the chips were perfect (the chips were served on a plate !) there was room for a relationship in this dream alas, the dream ended as the dreamer was eyeing the talent agenda: addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - acts of benevolence (7+) bus (1+) hair-cut (2+) 31012020 - 848 the name of the dream: isn't life just like this a poignant dream about a man who loved a woman, and a woman who loved life the dreamer only saw her once and that was fleetingly she was addressing someone even from five metres, the dreamer felt myself being drawn into her world the way the dreamer would describe her... she was alive with life he loved the woman and it was easy to see why only a naturally miserable man wouldn't be attracted to her she was a woman who was "in-tune" with life she loved every moment of it her most captivating trait was a smiling-effusiveness which pulled you into her sphere of purpose the magicalness of those childhood days hadn't left her there must have been a day somewhere back in her childhood days when one morning she woke up at that precise moment in her life when every cell was working in harmony with every other one a day when the endorphins tap had been turned on and the body decided to leave it turned on her condition had been identified although the debate, whether her condition was a "new norm" or not natural, hadn't been settled this left the man who loved her in a dilemma as much as he wanted to be with the child-woman, while the professionals weren't decided, he couldn't show his feelings for her meanwhile, a woman who had the charisma to set the world on fire was in a controlled environment addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - adults with childhood traits (2+) female (1+) 30012020 - 847 the name of the dream: the magic stone a man was holding a round gold box the size of a two-pound coin the container was a thick as three two-pound coins he took the lid off the box it was furnished with a two-shades-of-green mottled substance he placed one of his fingers on the mottled surface and pushed the green metal as though he was trying to push it out of place (he was rubbing his magical energy into the container) in the next scene, there were three, four or five life-sized man-shaped cut-out figures made out of foam the foam was about twenty-five centimetres thick and had pictures of men in pyjamas stuck on them lying in various sleeping positions the idea was to pick the position which looked most comfortable and try lying on the mattress in the position of the man pictured on it the dreamer did try it the feeling of complete relaxation it produced was the stand-out moment of the dream addenda: vividness: 3.2 - observer and participant - the category of the dream - beds and mattresses (1+) 29012020 - 846 the name of the dream: the boxer in this dream, the dreamer am in my early twenties someone suggested the dreamer should be a boxer and start training in a gym the person who suggested it had spotted something in the dreamer which revealed the dreamer fancied myself as a boxer the dreamer didn't realise until the dreamer woke from the dream he was "stroking" me the dreamer fell for it hook, line and sinker at the gym, first, had to go around asking people to give the dreamer small change so the dreamer could get a cubicle and change then there were problems with changing into a boxing outfit which just wasn't going to fit someone said it was a good idea to clear your bowels out before going into the ring didn't know why he said that and didn't take heed anyway, got changed and climbed into the ring my opponent disposed of the dreamer quicker than you can shake a stick the dreamer got out of the ring with the dire need to go to the toilet addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - boxing (2) 28012020 - 845 the name of the dream: a baby in my arms at home watching the telly two women pass by the window on the way to the front door one of them has a child in her arms the other woman has a toddler in tow got to the door just after they opened it immediately the dreamer took the baby into my arms and walked ahead of them back into the living room was keeping the baby occupied the mother said something dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (30+) women (25+) babies/toddlers (7+) 27012019 - 844 the name of the dream: contentment walked into the bedroom my girl was already in bed a song was playing began singing along with it got undressed and got into bed my girlfriend said, "you're in a good mood" snuggled further into bed she ran her fingernail down the outside of my arm was feeling warm dream ended notes 1 you can't tell the dreamer this isn't a wholesome dream addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (46+) female (36+) 26012020 - 843 the name of the dream: good at my job looking at the computer screen, at work was using the mouse to drag and drop square pictures into their designated places in a presentation box there was a round magnifying glass the size of a plate in front of the screen the programme was designed to show a black border around the picture when it was correctly aligned with the indentation in the package below it got the hang of it straight away heard someone saying something about putting the dreamer in a different job as the dream came to an end addenda: vividness:: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - work/job (20+) assembly line (2+) electronics (2?) 25012020 - 842 the name of the dream: a bag of treats am at the flat of an awake-time female acquaintance of the fairly recent past my "stash" is almost depleted she handed the dreamer a cloth pouch, one those that uses a string to tighten it (the stand-out part of the dream) and told the dreamer to take some the dreamer loosened the cord of the pouch and pushed the bottom of the bag up to meet my fingers the smell of sweet hash wafted into my nostrils, this was class stuff the moment the dreamer gripped a piece its softness told the dreamer it was oily was feeling for a small bit but there wasn't any, the smallest was at least the size of an "eighth" it made the dreamer wonder where she had got it from as the dreamer was her chief supplier was still thinking about how she could get such quality "gear" when the smoke the dreamer got her wasn't anywhere near as good when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 - observer - the category of the dream - hash/marijuana (12+) cz (6 ?) 24012020 - 841 the name of the dream: kissing babies five or six scenes, except for one scene each baby featured on its own there was a lovely little touch in the scene with two babies there were two babies close to each other one baby was awake and the other was sleeping an adult kissed the face of the baby awake and sitting up the baby that had just been kissed leaned over and kissed the face of the sleeping baby the sleeping baby never woke but it looked to the dreamer like the baby's face had become more serene the most vivid dream for months addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.4 - observer - the category of the dream - babies (12+) 23012020 - 840 the name of the dream: folders revisited a colourful but boring dream about folders, again, of the computer kind will skip the details of the dream and instead talk about the developing circumstances noteworthy notes the scope of what love/life has accomplished is staggering love/life "figured out", through the experience of time, that a discontinuous qualitative experience of life is better than a seamless, indifferent one the implications are enormous discontinuity is put at twenty-thousand million years this figure of twenty-thousand million years is the time from the big bang to now plus five-thousand million years for the time from now to the time when you-know-who is with us that's twenty-thousand million years love/life can't make it happen any quicker than that it appears to be a fixed minimum time love/life must "act out" discontinuity two things 1, the period of discontinuity is fixed but endlessness is an increasing circumstance 2, we're approximately three-quarters of the way to achieve our goal look at how fast the time between the big bang and now has gone by fifteen-thousand million years, poof ! gone, just like that no time at all really one more quarter of the time to do and then it's the time-equivalent of 1 ^83.000 planck-time units of straight-line action approximately, and in round figures, 1^50 planck-times in one year... ten years - 1^500 one hundred years - 1^5000 one thousand years - 1^50 000 the equivalent of one planck-time of discontinuity every one-thousand years let's not forget what it is love/life is doing it has created a circumstance in which any and every motion can be experienced in a qualitative way and, the more you do it the more you want to do it have you ever had a dream like that? the experiences in the dream were as good or better as an awake-time memory and you wanted them to go on love/life has achieved that heaven is an awake-dream it is best enacted through love 22012020 - 839 the name of the dream: mischievous me there was a festival going on in town there was an awful lot of drinking considering it wasn't a beer festival "bikers" had made it their festival they were the type of bikers who wore denim jackets without sleeves regardless of the weather they liked a good laugh, especially if it were at someone else's expense and doubly so if it were the law or a "straight" guy one of the bikers was someone i'd known back in the day he fancied himself as a tough guy even back then but at least you could have a laugh about ordinary things with him decided to spread a rumour that he used to be friends with a cop it was tantamount to blasphemy in biker circles... does he still know the cop ? it didn't take long for the dreamer to emerge as the culprit i'd stepped over the "line" and he'd have to do something what he wasn't going to do the dreamer when he got hold of the dreamer was nobody's business he got close to the dreamer a couple of times but he wasn't subtle enough to catch me not sure what he'd have done to the dreamer if he got his hands on me depending on his mood, it could be anything from a "gentle" roughing up to a broken arm the danger still wasn't over when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - festivals (3+) bikers (1) 21012020 - 838 the name of the dream: generosity has its bounds was on holiday on the continent although the dreamer was rolling in it decided to live econimcally and stayed in a mixed gender dormitory of about twenty people the girl in the next bed to the dreamer was having a holiday on a shoestring there were electric metres on the floor by the side of each bed which took payments of four euro's at a time reception had a console with the amount of credit of each person on a screen and were refunded whatever amount they had in credit when they left on the morning the dreamer was leaving the dreamer told the girl she could cash in my electric credit at the desk she knew there wouldn't be a lot of credit but just three or four euros would get her a sandwich and a coffee she was more "cash strapped" than the dreamer realised and immediately came over and looket at my meter to see how much she would be getting it took the dreamer by surprise when she said it was empty the dreamer checked it and saw it was showing "zil" she knew my offer was sincere and stood looking at me now the dreamer was in a dilemma the dreamer didn't have any loose change which meant i'd have to pull out my wad of money and peel off a five-euro note she would see the dreamer was carrying thousands word of my wealth would spread like widfire the dreamer would be looking over my shoulder for the rest of the holiday was thinking how to give her five euro's when the dream ended holidays (6+) money (17+) 20012020 - 837 the name of the dream: not wanted was in the company of three young men they were organising a party the dreamer said something which asked in a roundabout way if the dreamer could go the main guy shook his head one of the others thought it would be o.k. for the dreamer to go again, the main man shook his head and the dreamer turned and walked away as the dreamer was leaving the dreamer heard the main guy say, "he'll hog the limelight" addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - jealousy (1+) 18012020 - 836 the name of the dream: the company man my boss calls the dreamer into his office and tells the dreamer our company, a public relations company, has just landed its biggest-ever account another giant among companies had initiated a massive world-wide public relations' initiative to improve its image and promote itself the contract vaulted our company into a major company at a national level* my new position took the dreamer from working class to middle class my job was to organise setting up a new department within the company and coordinate every aspect, including the furnishing, of the new offices the first immediate "perk" was yards of a heavy material which was left over from the amount needed to upholster single and two-seater lounge furniture the dreamer went "overboard" and used a square metre or two of the material and had it stitched around my gladstone bag it made the gladstone bag almost invisible when it was by my side when the dreamer was sitting in one of the chairs or sofas' (first of three stand-out scenes) it was, the dreamer knew, completely "over-the-top" but it's the sort of thing a person does when the resources allow it* another thing which came out of the sundries budget was a tubular neon sign the thickness of the little finger and was about half metre long and a quarter of a metre high the sign was "mill the dreamer "and it glowed reddish/pink** when on (second stand-out scene) had the sign made because a new trend was underway houses in the street were announcing their identity/individuality with colourful murals and words which covered between a quarter and three-quarters of the bricked area the neon light was small and subtle by comparison but it was in itself a new trend within the older new trend the word "milli" would have company in the form of the word "media" in the near future went into the living room of where the dreamer live and, inexplicably, the carpet and the cloth on the gladstone were matching design and colour (third stand-out scene) the thought of upholstering our "three-piece" the same as the carpet and the gladstone bag crossed my mind but that was "over the top" notes 1 *it's possible to have a world full of stylish items it's just a matter of recycling **the colour of the laptop screen when it is in the night-light mode had turned it in on earlier for the first time in weeks addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - business (7+) stylishness/trends (2+) 17012020 - 835 the name of the dream: the dealer in the first scene, i'm on my own at home smoking a "single-skinner" listening to music and pottering about my place isn't well-furnished it's more like a waiting room than a living room in the second scene, the room has about eleven people in it the people are sitting on single chairs which are pressed back against three of the walls there were three girls and two boys along one side of the room and the others were against the other walls there were five girls in total a and about the same number of boys had only taken a few puffs of the single-skinner and was ready to take some more the dreamer asked, "do any of you girls know how to roll a smoke"? the three girls sitting together put their hands up as did the other two when the dreamer turned and looked at them it was time to re-stock was thinking what code names to assign to a "teenth" and an "eighth" when the dreamer made the call when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - marijuana (8+) 16012020 - 834 the name of the dream: the local lad in the first scene, i'm on my own at home smoking a "single-skinner" listening to music and pottering about my place isn't well-furnished it's more like a waiting room than a living room in the second scene, the room has about eleven people in it the people are sitting on single chairs which are pressed back against three of the walls there were three girls and two boys along one side of the room and the others were against the other walls there were five girls in total a and about the same number of boys had only taken a few puffs of another single-skinner and was ready to take some more but now i'd have to pass it on "if they think they're going to smoke mine for the rest of the evening they got another think coming", the dreamer thought it wouldn't take long to get some more time for a "communual" joint and then they would be getting out their purses and wallets and shortly i'll be smoking their's the dreamer asked, "do any of you girls know how to roll a smoke"? the three girls sitting together put their hands up as did the other two when the dreamer turned and looked at them it was time to re-stock the larder was thinking what code names to assign to a "teenth" and an "eighth" when the dreamer made the call when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - marijuana (8+) 15012020 - 833 the name of the dream: my lucky trousers the day out is going to be a two-hour outward bound journey to the furthest destination and then return, stopping at three other towns to go shopping and sight-seeing with twelve or thirteen hours to make the connections using the buses there should be enough time to be at each town for almost two hours there are two items which are "priority" items both are trousers wanted to match jackets recently bought in awake-time one is a formal black velvet jacket and the other is a casual brown suede jacket had bought the brown trousers the trousers are even better than was hoped not only are they the right shade but for the first time, the dreamer am the proud owner of trousers with a lace-up fly was so chuffed with the trousers decided to wear them after buying them the next scene is at a bus stop didn't thread the laces of the trousers properly and, they are loosening (stand-out visual) it was a demanding situation which needed immediate attention was struggling to re-thread them three women in the bus-shelter could see my plight one of them, and, it must be mentioned, with obvious eagerness, volunteers to help and, without waiting for my assent, begins to re-thread the lace for me, while the other two women watched she judges to perfection where certain parts of the dreamer are and deftly presses two of her fingers against one particular part of my body she was a woman who had "the touch" involuntarily, my body and feelings respond to her touch reaching down with my right hand, gently pushing her hand away, saying as i'm waking up "i'm not the sort of person who does that in public" (exception: the dream of 22022018) addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - sauciness (2+) 14012020 - 832 the name of the dream: as usual, it's my fault a big store was having a sale there was a must-have coat which had my name on it got to the store as it was closing the dreamer was the only person left in the queue when a young woman looked at the dreamer and announced there was only time for one more customer and he had already arranged to be served and was on his way the girl had a smile on her face that mocked the dreamer she was enjoying disappointing me the dreamer said,, " the dreamer know exactly where you're at" addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - troublesome people (13+) shopping (4+) 13012020 - 831 the name of the dream: time-traveller the dreamer am a time-traveller my mission is to be at a place where the dreamer will meet an elderly teenager the teenager will lend the dreamer enough money to be somewhere and do something which will enable the dreamer to set in motion a course of events which will change his and everybody elses destiny it is only a small amount (seven pounds) but the dreamer have to have that particular amount at that specific time and only from this person for it to happen the money will take the dreamer from point a to point b and when at place b the dreamer will do or say something which is, seemingly, insignificant the youngster was at the place and time predicted he gives the dreamer the money and is amazed as the dreamer explain how a simple act can change the course of events so radically there are two or three scenes of him asking questions and becoming more and more incredulous as he realises how minor events can change the future the ability to affect the course of events through simple acts gives him a sense of power several years later when the changes have occurred he meets the older version of the person whose life he changed as a result of lending the dreamer money and explains to the person, now a man, how giving the dreamer money changed his and everybody else's future in turn, the person who's life had been changed realised he could do certain things which would thwart what had become the sought-after outcome in the final scene, the person who's life had been changed, is strangling someone (think it may have been the man who had is life changed and didn't like the idea of being "interfered" with or he realised he could get way with murdering someone) notes 1 time-travel is, of course, impossible however, when a being has the inter-undulationary memory on tap the following becomes possible... the memory of july 20 1969 exists in the memory of all beings who saw, heard, felt, smelt or tasted something on that day let's say five minutes before lift-off the launch was cancelled due to an unexpected glitch and was re-scheduled for a month later in the next undulation the day before the launch, a technician has a dream which has the details of what went wrong and caused the flight to be cancelled he wakes from his dream and decides to act on it at mission control, he gets a technician to double-check a procedure or component the technician finds an error and has the time to correct it and the launch proceeds as planned this dream leads to the recognition of three things 1, the synchronisation of inter-undulationary memories is just beginning it will be millions of years before they become routinely accessible but when they are... the sky's the limit 2, in twenty-five-million years our desire to make the next class of man-shaped beings evolution as smooth as possible will demonstrate itself in many ways, to wit, The phoenix lights sighting ( it can be stated with certainty, the evolution of the next class of beings will be less than half as violent as ours was see also the Tenses of time ( 3, it also gives us an insight into the mechanism of his Terrible love ( participant and observer - the category of the dream - time-travelling (1) addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - time-travelling (1) 12012020 - 830 "the name of the dream: happy her" in this dream, i'm the owner/manager of a restaurant the restaurant is on the corner of a street the restaurant is elevated above the street by about one-and-a-half metres there are steps from the street to the entrance on one side and large double patio doors which lead to outdoor seating at the far end of the building the patio doors are open and i'm coming and going between the indoor and outdoor parts of the restaurant getting ready for the day's business my wife or girlfriend has got other interests as well as being my main support in running the restaurant her other interests take her away occasionally for days at a time this was one of those days unlike other times when she went away, this time she was more excited than unusual, plus she was wearing eye-catching clothes and her hair and make-up were meant to please our relationship was a pretty solid one but on this occasion the dreamer had the thought there was some real competition still, the strength of the bond between us was based on my often-asserted maxim that her happiness was the most important thing to the dreamer to the extent if she ever found someone who made her happier than the dreamer did the dreamer would expect her to follow her feelings as she was just about to leave the dreamer saw how happy she was; that was the main thing notes 1 by complete contrast, there was a disgustingly, too-graphic-to-detail, dream which accompanied the restaurant dream it was about determining men's health through an examination of their a-holes vividness: 3.2 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - business () catering () - relationships (45+) female (35+) bernie (4) 11012020 - 829 the name of the dream: bound but not gagged was in the back of a car being taken into custody my hands were tied or handcuffed behind my back the driver was a former friend and ally who had been used to dupe the dreamer into a position where the dreamer could easily be arrested and taken in custody there were three scenes as we were travelling to the destination when the dreamer was reasoning with him at first, he was completely convinced the dreamer was guilty of the charges made against the dreamer but in the final scene he realised the crime the dreamer was charged with was false and we had begun to think of ways of getting out of the situation addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - in custody/prison (13+) in a car (1+) 10012020 - 828 the name of the dream: what a palaver all the shops had problems the bigger the supermarket, the bigger the problem the dreamer was in one of the biggest the queuing system was in chaos and were forming willy-nilly chances are you've experienced queue-hopping yourself in this dream it was turned into a fine art anyway, got to the checkout with milk and two or three other items had the notes, a twenty and two tenners, in my hand ready to hand over a tenner the guy at the till saw the notes in my hand asked if the dreamer had any more thought it was odd he should ask the dreamer that but didn't ask why he wanted to know, the dreamer just said, no he said,, "we haven't got any small notes and i'd have to go and get smaller ones from somewhere else" everybody knows the onus isn't on the shopper to make sure they have the exact right money, it is for the shop to accept whatever the shopper has and give change no amount of protesting made any difference, the elderly teenager at the till refused to accept my money thought the best option would be to go to another till by the exit door the same thing happened there a policeman was nearby and the dreamer called out to him to tell the cashier he has got to accept my money the policeman didn't want to know and walked away the dreamer went "off on one" "that's the way it works", the dreamer said, in a loud, defiant voice and then, " the dreamer give you money and you take my money and the dreamer take the goods" and further, "the whole system relies on the dreamer giving you money and you giving the dreamer goods. if..." the dreamer could see the fella' at the till was starting to wilt and with a bit more pressure the dreamer would get what the dreamer came for addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - shopping: (7+) 09012020 - 827 the name of the dream: the eyes have it was in the company of a family with their latest addition to the family the weeks-old baby was in the arms of the mother the dreamer was in a deep-couch looking up at the mother and baby at a table a metre away the mother was talking to someone out of view the baby was looking at the person talking and holding her it was obvious to the dreamer the baby was looking at where the sound of the voice was coming from the dreamer wondered if my voice would cause the baby to turn to where my voice was coming from if the dreamer said, something the dreamer spoke a four or five-word sentence aimed directly at the head of the baby it worked ! as the baby began turning the dream appeared to go into slow-motion the baby's head turned very slowly to the direction of where the voice was coming from the baby got the right direction but not the elevation, so when the baby's head stopped turning the baby was in line with my body but was looking at my waist the dream went from slow-motion into "shutter-motion" it took four or five movements, over three seconds, for the baby's eyes to go from my waist up to my body and make eye-contact with my eyes in that second and and-a-half, the dreamer had time to anticipate precisely when the baby would make eye-contact the baby would see the broad smile that had formed on my face during the baby's last two eye-movements, and the final movement of the baby's eyes would be as the baby made eye-contact our eyes made contact there was a lingering second as the dreamer peered deep into the baby's blue eyes they were, unmistakably, the blue eyes of a girl notes 1 this dream tells us the sound-location faculty of the brain develops before the sight-location faculty notes 2 the dreamer came out of this dream and into awake-time without opening my eyes while keeping the picture of her eyes in my mind a series of thoughts occurred... is it usual for adults to be able to distinguish between infant girls and boys merely from looking at their eyes ? did she recognise the dreamer as a male? at what age do we become aware of the other gender? at what age are babies able to smile and laugh? or perhaps that should be "what is the earliest a baby can smile or laugh" ? guessing the gender of a baby by looking only at the baby's eyes might be an idea for a quiz game notes 3 it was as the dreamer pondered at what age we can expect to see a baby smile and hear a baby laugh that the dreamer recalled the time when the dreamer had just become a father... after work, the dreamer went to the hospital to see mother and baby the mother was out of the room the baby was in a baby's bed next to her bed the baby's eyes were closed but the dreamer couldn't tell if he was awake or not began telling him about what i'd been doing during the day with the inflexions of enthusiasm and weariness of events as the dreamer related them after about fifteen seconds he let out a laugh it was the hearty laugh of a full-grown boy within a second or two the door to the room opened a nurse comes into the room and looked around she was trying to figure it out the nurse had seen the dreamer go into the room and knew the mother wasn't in the room so who was laughing? when she realised it was the baby she went wide-eyed then backed out of the room notes 4 it was in the late 1980s when the audacious splendour of love/life's achievements produced overwhelming sensations in my mind which felt like like natural "highs" whenever the dreamer dwelt on the future awaiting us, that "crazy-possibilities" seemed completely feasible it was in the mid or late 1990s or early 2000s when the writer handed out a flyer which had the sentence "when the first baby was born laughing it made us all start to laugh. and that's one reason why god is always smiling" (paraphrased from peter pan) people, don't let these drab and dark times stop you from thinking "crazily-wonderful" things the future that's coming is more wonderfully-crazy that you can imagine addenda: vividness: 4 - participant - the category of the dream - babies (11+) 08012020 - 826 the name of the dream: two times twice had a problem with the battery on a camera and had to go into town to get it diagnosed or replaced the salesman couldn't replace the battery without a receipt of purchase eventually managed to persuade the salesman to replace the battery but it did so very reluctantly as he was breaking company policy to express my gratitude the dreamer bought something the same value as the battery the salesman was appeased back at the house, a quick sift-through of all saved receipts brought it to light took the receipt into the shop and the salesman was extremely pleased at the exit door on the way out of the shop, a young couple with a baby in a push-chair were on their way in the dreamer beckoned the couple in, they deferred and started to back up to let the dreamer in the dreamer shook my head and said,, "baby's first, always" he didn't move and was adamant that the dreamer should come out first it was getting embarrassing so the dreamer went through the door in the next dream, was in the company of three young men they were organising a party the dreamer said, something which asked in a roundabout way if the dreamer could go the main guy shook his head one of the other two thought it would be o.k. for the dreamer to go again the main man shook his head and the dreamer turned an walked away as the dreamer was leaving the dreamer heard the main guy say, "he'll hog the limelight" addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - cameras' (3+) linked dream (7+) 07012020 - 825 the name of the dream: the discontent was doing my job it was all the dreamer knew, is was all i'd ever knew my job was a console operator it was the most sterile environment imaginable shades of cream and white a feeling of discontent had been growing steadily since the dream, my existence, began things moved around through a see-through tube which went up and around curves and down beyond the distance of limits of what the dreamer could see the tube was easily big enough for a person to fit into there were openings in the tube which things were placed in and came out of that was my escape route in a moment of sheer bravado, the dreamer threw myself into the nearest opening to the dreamer and was immediately sucked up without touching any of the sides of the tube and with only a slight sense of movement the dreamer was shooting upward was still hurtling upward when the dream ended notes 1 this dream was borne of feelings of discontent during the day while at the computer addenda: vividness: 4 - participant - the category of the dream - surreal environments (4+) sterile (3+) 06012020 - 824 the name of the dream: caz is back was back up with c for the fifth time she had put on a bit more weight she was also enthusiastic, subduedly excited about something she was well-dressed for the first time, much more so than she ever was in awake-time she had gone out, the dreamer was busily getting stoned on some "solid" had prepared the next joint but not yet "put it together" couldn't remember where i'd put it and was still looking for it when c returned with some shopping bags she was even more bouyant than when she left it suddenly dawned on the dreamer where the joint had gone "what you 'bin doing", she asked the dreamer replied, "pottering about, at the computer" "where have you been", the dreamer heard myself asking as the dreamer woke notes 1 most featured person in diary addenda: vividness: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (52) female (42) caz (5) 05012020- 823 the name of the dream: mischievous me there was a festival going on in town there was an awful lot of drinking going on although it wasn't a beer festival biker's made it their festival they were the type of bikers who wore denim jackets without sleeves regardless of the weather they liked a good laugh, especially if it was at someone else's expense and doubly so if it was the law or a "straight" guy one of the bikers was someone i'd known back in the day he fancied himself as a tough guy even back then but at least you could have a laugh about ordinary things with him spread a rumour about that he used to be friends with a cop the dreamer should have known it was tantamount to blasphemy in biker circles, he might still know him it didn't take long for the dreamer to emerge as the culprit i'd stepped over the "line" and he'd have to do something what he wasn't going to do the dreamer when he got hold of the dreamer was nobody's business he got close to the dreamer a couple of times but he wasn't subtle enough to catch me not sure what he'd have done to the dreamer if he got his hands on me depending on his mood it could be anything from a "gentle" roughing up to a broken arm the danger still wasn't over when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - festivals (3+) bikers (1) 04012020 -822 the name of the dream: some women are more men-hungry than men are women-hungry notes 1 there was another dream about a bicycle but, as happens upon waking, spent so much time re-running the pleasure dream the memory of the bike-dream faded vividness - 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream (42+) 03012020 - 821 the name of the dream: the adjudicator this dream is set in the accident and emergency area of a hospital it was my job to assess the circumstances of an accident that involved two men one of the men had an injury to his arm and the other had injured his leg the first man gave his account of what happened and it seemed to the dreamer that even without hearing the other man's side of the story he was in the right while the dreamer was talking to the man a woman wearing a blue disposible hair-hat came to visit him she gave off, and spoke with, an air of indignation it only took a few sentences of conversation with the second man for the dreamer to change my mind and conclude it was the first man who had caused the accident addenda: vividness: 2.7 to 3.1 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - hospitals (3+) 02012020 - 820 the name of the dream: the poll a really long think-dream with twelve or more scenes the first scene of this dream showed the result of the most popular pastime of a poll of bbc viewers top of the poll got sixty-nine per cent it occurred to the dreamer that a more useful poll would be one which was rated by area there was then a dozen scenes as the dreamer ordered and re-ordered the results as a think-read dream notes 1 the unusual aspect of this think-read dream was that it was actually relaxing doing the re-ordering always something new happening in dreams we are going to find it is almost impossible to exhaust the various themes that can occur in dreams when we consider that we are drawing from our own and other peoples experience's throughout the nine Tenses of time spread over a Googol of years addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant and observer - the category of the dream - think-read (37+) polls (1) 01012020 - 819 the name of the dream: practising what the dreamer preach it really does work (see notes 1 this may be a timed-to-occur dream if it is, we're approaching the home straight addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - x dream (41+) 26112019 - 818 the name of the dream: embellished was waiting at the side of an unpaved road that was in a featureless rural area within a ten-mile radius of dudley waiting for a bus (actually, didn't know where the dreamer was but thought you might be getting fed-up with dreams that start with "didn't know where the dreamer was") a dot in the distance became a spot, the spot became a blot, the blot turned into a matchbox-sized vehicle which then became a bus pulling up at the stop (actually, the dream was just the dreamer to start with, then the doors of a bus opened) without any effort, went from a standing position outside of the bus and with a single leap sprung the better part of a metre to where the driver was waiting to take the fare (actually, the dreamer has had a black backpack that weighed thirty kilos and every time the dreamer moved further onto the bus the effort of moving became greater) the passengers on the bus were getting impatient with the length of time it was taking the dreamer to get to a seat and the dreamer could feel their icy stares (actually, the passengers were in "pantomime mood" and oohed and aahed with my every struggling step) the bus driver said "am yam gam ham" that, believe it or not, is black-country for "are you going home (actually, the driver never said a word and the dream ended as the dreamer pulled out a wallet with "tenners" in it . thought you might be interested in the variations in a dialect that can exist in a country where you can go from one end to the other on one tank-full of petrol) notes 1 this dream produced the idea to publish dreams as screencast plays* have purchased the website "" to present them will need actresses and actors will produce the "dreamcasts" at my place as long as the women don't try any "funny stuff" before, during or after the production *there's another theme to develop which is begging to be produced and "aired" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - locations (20+) rural (5+) buses/coaches (4+) 25112019 - 817 the name of the dream: the perfect package but you wouldn't think it to look at her addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - x dream (40+) 24112019 - 816 the name of the dreams: a bendy building and the field of traps had an appointment for the results of a test or it might have been an examination of a physical malady was on the ground floor of a residential building waiting for the lift the building housed so many people it had its own nurse stations and doctors surgeries every so many floors the dreamer didn't live in the building the architects had erred on the side of excess when it came to the number of doctors surgeries, which allowed people who didn't live there to use the medical facilities was talking to a person who lives there while waiting for the lift the dreamer asked him how many floors the building had and he replied forty-three the speed of the lift was a stand-out bit of the dream there was a scene when the dreamer was talking to a nurse back on the ground floor, walked out of the building and looked up to the top of the building, lost my balance and fell over there was then a scene which showed the building bending all the way over so that the top of the building almost touched the floor even more bizarrely, another scene showed the top of the building whipping through almost a hundred and eighty degrees the building was a tapered-tube shape in the next dream, a man was arguing with another man the man who was upset was telling the other man that the traps he was setting, they looked just like those round, collapsible nets a hobby fisherman uses, meant he couldn't let his dog go where it wanted the trappers was employed by the local authority and had the law on his side in the next and final scene of the dream, was walking through the field on my way back from wherever the dreamer had been (it wasn't in the dream) and had to pass through the field again there were about thrity of the fisherman's net-traps spread evenly around the field about a dozen of them had snared an animal there were baboons, lions and other animals one of the net-traps was torn, the stand-out scene initially, the dreamer thought someone had cut an animal loose but then it occurred to the dreamer the animal that had been caught gnawed its way out of the net the dreamer was out in the open the escaped animal could be anywhere "it might be watching the dreamer at that very moment" notes 1 in principle, it's possible a building forty storey's high that can bend through almost one-hundred and degrees could exist definitely a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 participant and observer the category of the dreams: tall buildings (3+) bendy buildings (1) animals (15+) mammals (10+) lions (3+) baboons (1+) 23112019 - 815 the name of the dream: celebrating the computer looking at a large screen in a mall for the first dozen scenes was trying to figure out who was behind the advertisement after another twenty rapid scenes, it became clear" it wasn't an advertisement, it was a celebration of the virtues of the internet and the computer and, in particular, the underrated feature of copy and paste still, the dreamer wanted to find out who was behind it it then became a think-read dream and even after twenty or thirty scenes of think-reading the creators or sponsors of the video never surfaced it produced a nice feeling to have a dream that praised an achievement and presented it as a product of our collective endeavours notes 1 this started out as a montage and changed into a think-Read dream (a first) addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.8 observer the category of the dream - montage cum think-read (1) computer (7+) 22112019 - 814 the name of the dream: myths, demons and minions at the beginning of this dream the name damoclese is spoken out loud, the dreamer think it's referring to me the woman the dreamer love doesn't know my identity providing the dreamer give her up by a certain time the demons of the underworld can't lay claim to her i'm not allowed to tell her the situation and if the dreamer do i've breached the code between our world and the netherworld the dreamer tell the woman the dreamer love that we can be together one more time and then we must part she doesn't understand why we must separate the time for our separation comes and she ignores my warning that we must say goodbye and stays with me the minions are nearby waiting to receive instructions from their demon the dream takes on a sinister feel of the two minions, one is especially malevolent and is demonstrating his insidious character and hinting with gleeful anticipation of what he will be doing to the girl the girl is in a telephone booth making a call just as the bewitching hour occurs the minion is hovering above the call box and reaches through into the booth, takes the phone from her and speaks to his devil god there's a glimmer of hope that she won't be taken as the dream ends : addenda: vividness: 2.9 observer the category of the dream - relationships (48+) female (38+) greek mythology (1) 21112019 - 813 the name of the dream: the sunday group an acquaintance invited the dreamer to go with him and meet some friends of his the next scene, about twenty men were gathered in a very large living room more men were arriving in one's and two's and the living room was no longer big enough, we headed for a park at the green the number of men had grown to about forty and an impromptu game of football was underway there weren't any lines which marked the boundaries of the imaginary pitch, it was played out in groups of four or five challenging another approaching group mainly it was groups of men standing and talking recognised one or two of the men from awake-time locations over the years they were good, strong, no-nonsense character's organising themselves addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances (7+) 20112019 -812 the name of the dream: sussed working in an ultra-modern, glass and concrete high-rise building found a "blind spot" in a corner of the ground floor, where, with the help of a little camouflage, was out of sight of people had built up a group of friends who would come around in the evening for socialising it was many months, may have been a year or more, when a person on the night-shift discovered me there was no doubt he was going to "grass" on the dreamer and it would be a waste of time trying to talk him out of it sleeping on the job saved the dreamer a small fortune in rent it was such a sweet arrangement wasn't going to give it up without a fight among the schemes that presented themselves as the dream was ending" get a hooker and film him "on the job" while he was on the job" use a hidden microphone and offer him a weekly income if he turned a blind eye while recording the conversation" get a "heavy" to pay him a visit" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - employment (8+) 19112019 - 811 the name of the dream: an act of honesty a dream set in dickensian times there was a stark difference between the have's and have not's of which the dreamer was one a slight, small man wearing "toff's" clothes came into the dream from the left walking in a sprightly manner he was putting more distance between us with every step he took when he was about four metres ahead of the dreamer when a piece of paper fell from his person as the dreamer neared the paper it became identifiable as a £20 note the dreamer picked it up a woman in rags saw the dreamer with it in my hand and her eyes glistened with delight at the thought of sharing the "spoils" to her dismay, the dreamer caught up with the small man and gave it to him he was genuinely appreciative with my act of honesty and thanked the dreamer in a manner which made the dreamer feel good and the dreamer was glad the dreamer had given it to him addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - money (10+) honesty (2+) 18112019 - 810 the name of the dream: residents and residencies was in living in long-stay accommodation it was a mixed-gender set-up with girls and boys bedrooms my sleeping room had three or four beds in it as far as the dreamer could see two of the beds were empty while the bed at the bottom-left of the room was occupied a girl walked into the room and went to the occupied bed only to find the boy was sleeping she then came over to my bed change of scene: we are in bed kissing and cuddling within two or three scenes the dreamer have become aroused she becomes aware of my reaction to her it's not what she wants and gets out of the bed and the dream ends the dreamer wake out of my sleep to a scuffling sound eventually, the dreamer locate that the sound is at the far end of the room and see a mouse looking at me, it appeared to be waiting to see what the dreamer would do, the dreamer sat up and waved to it a cat appeared and began prowling looking for the mouse the cat then settled into a watch-and-wait position movements by the bottom-left of my bed caused the dreamer to take my eyes off the cat and the dreamer saw a shoebox-sized box with a little triangular hole cut in it and a tiny mouse to the right side of the box, it looked like it was familiarising itself with the surroundings the next time the dreamer looked, in the triangular hole in the oblong box there was another mouse three or four times bigger than the tiny mouse, the dreamer concluded it was the mother-mouse the chances are there were several more baby mice in the box so the dreamer decided it would be easiest and best to put the cat out of the house the dream ended as the dreamer was about to get out of bed notes 1 one dream had different genders the other had different classes of mammals significant? addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - dreams within dreams (5+) relationships (47+) female (37+) mixed classes of beings (1+) cat and mice (1) 17112019 - 809 the name of the dream: the tempo three of us were walking towards the city centre knew one of them but not the other no one said anything and there was no external influence when the dreamer felt compelled to start making sounds and began moving subtly to my own sounds the person not known to the dreamer said something about bass and drum music being popular the dreamer went "off on one" "let's say the soul is the size of the brain given unrestricted circumstances the soul can take on any shape that takes its fancy it can set the speed it wants to move at and it can vary its movements to any given tempo if the tempo of a sound is an exact divisor of eternity past and the shape it assumes is a muliplier of an endless and expansive future, there could be synchronisation between two or any number of souls and they wouldn't need a conductor by becaming linear in shape we will be able to dance with any and every other soul and there can be as few or as many as you want there to be we would be able to line-dance width-ways or as a straight line or any variation between the two then there are dimensions... addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - music and dancing (10+) 16112019 - 808 the name of the dream: rainy day was at a friend of a friends home it was a medieval building, possibly a squire's home in days of yore the family and guest's had just finished a meal in a dining room that had a long narrow table with six chairs each side ( the dreamer counted them) and one place at each end there was red upholstery on the seats of the chairs, the stand-out part of the dream (4.4) it was decided we would walk into the nearest built-up area about five kilometres away within a half a kilometre it began raining the rain began increasing in intensity and in the next scene it was obvious we would be soaked through within minutes there was some sort of tradition associated with the long walk that went back into antiquity which the son of the owner of the house felt he had to uphold a smack of disdain in the form of a look and a comment came from someone when the dreamer said the dreamer was going back, it was sheer bad-sense to carry on in the final scene, the dreamer was back at the home listening to the sound of the rain trying to detect if it was getting more forceful addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4.4 participant the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances (6+) walking in the rain (2+) 15112019 - 807 the name of the dream: an electrician calls living in a small but neat one-bedroom flat not sure what the problem was but it meant specialised tools and knowledge to put it right was having a conversation with the electrician while he was working got to talking about glue and mentioned i'd tried uhu and gorilla when he finished and was about to leave he gave the dreamer a metal canister with a runny liquid in it he told the dreamer not to mention to anyone he had given it to the dreamer as it was a product which wasn't available to the general public and it could cost him his job if the dreamer did the glue gave off the odour of a food being hungry and thirsty and before the electrician could do or say anything the dreamer took a mouthful his alarmed look told me the dreamer had just poisoned myself the dreamer said, " the dreamer shouldn't have done that, should the dreamer ?" the dream ended as the dreamer was swilling out my mouth with water addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - stupidity (5+) putting glue in my mouth 14112019 - 806 the name of the dream: fate steps in the dire need for money isn't remembered but need it the dreamer did fate agreed with the dreamer and for the first time in a "finding-money-on-the-ground" dream it came packaged after picking up a fifty-pence piece the corner of a cellophane packet revealed itself pulling on the cellophane, a tube of fifty-pence coins came out of the ground there were about twenty coins in the tube of money before my amazement of the find had subsided the loosened ground revealed another tube only this time it was gold coins, much more than was needed notes 1 this website maintains that the content of dreams are drawn from actual experiences of the future, present and past when we get going you will be able to appraise picture page "full bicep" and get an insight into how this type of dream can come true addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - finding money on the ground (3+) 13112019 - 805 first dream the name of the dream: almost as real as real a mutually agreeable, slow and sensuous two-scened sex dream with unknown women there was one female onlooker in the first scene and two in the second there was also music playing, a song by the eagles the dreamer think between the first and second scene, there were eight or so seconds of awake-time consciousness in which the feelings were still present and the sights in the second scene were easy to produce apart from there being a second female present and no music, it was a replay of the first scene notes 1 in my experience, we have the ability to produce or rather reproduce, these types of scenarios in awake-time which in turn means that after the first instance of the actual experience it is thereafter "on tap" to the awake-time memory the addenda: vividness: of recall for all experiences are, if the current formulations maintain their consistency, depend on the time-tense of the experience i.e. future experiences will always be more real than past experiences bearing in mind that, unlike like the worst things that can happen have already happened and are always decreasing in time and in the memory, we can rejoice in the fact that the best things that can happen are, due to the expansive qualitative nature love/life, always increasing the clarity of sights and feelings in this dream was such it caused the dreamer to recognise that when it comes to x pleasure it's a woman's world dreams and dreams theory is thought to be the advent of the application or the opening up of these abilities notes 2 the writer is interested to know if there are women out there who have or are experiencing pituitary pleasure? addenda: vividness: 4.6 participant the category of the dream - x dream (39) second dream the name of the dream: crazy happy this feel-good dream has a stack of "firsts" in it the first dream as a youngster, seven or eight" the longest ever feel-good dream, ten or more scenes" doting and care-free parents and grown-ups" the dreamer was singing and/or dancing in every scene first scene, am on my own in a room with low lighting looking for company, the dreamer make my way into another room, stepping in rhythm with own four-beats-to-the-bar dum da dum, de de dum dum da, that has four or five adults in it the adults are talking in earnest about something my movements and sounds interrupt their conversation "we'll have to take him", someone said another scene, still humming and swaying when the dreamer asks, "why did you bring...?" without realising it the dreamer was giving them away my parents and their friends are career-criminals and were in the middle of a theft my comment caused them to abandon the robbery it was decided one of the group should look after the dreamer and in the next scene the dreamer am with a male who is enchanted with my mood and questions and singing the people who were in the original scene are in the next scene and they are talking about me, it's not their usual tone of voice two of them pick the dreamer up and hold the dreamer above their heads and begin to carry the dreamer into another room the dreamer stop humming and ask them, "are you going to throw the dreamer away?" they say "no" in a reassuring way they place the dreamer in or on the bed and tell the dreamer it's time for bed there is a wall clock on the wall facing the dreamer with a verse on it it reads something along the line of" "this is where you charge your batteries ready for another day" notes 1 that's three great dreams in two days addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - feel-good (15+) family/parents (4+) 12112019 - 804 the name of the dream: in the family janet and the dreamer "found" each other, again it was time for the dreamer to take responsibility for the relationship went to her home to meet her parents for only the second time in a relationship that was more than a year old her father expressed his displeasure with the dreamer but the dreamer could tell that behind his forced feelings he wanted to be friendly the mood of the dream became normal within a scene or two in the final scene, janet and the dreamer had settled into a regular-type relationship in a small flat in a block of flats addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - relationships (46+) female (36+) janet (4) 11112019 - 803 the name of the dream: the trials and tribulations of a film-goer in the next town from where the dreamer lived, about seven miles away had gone there to watch a film which wasn't showing near me she said it was nearby and went on to say the dreamer could get there by walking between a gap in the row of houses where we were standing in the next road, couldn't see the cinema but there was a road twenty metres to the left of the dreamer which had lots of shops, the dreamer was obviously near the centre of town went into a vegetable shop to get directions the woman there said she hadn't heard of the cinema the dreamer named the dreamer became frustrated; "how can you not know where the cinema is?" noticed bags of apples in front of the counter there were eight apples in the bags, the price was £1.38 a quick bit of mental arithmetic told the dreamer my usual supplier's price was cheaper addenda: vividness:: 3 participant the category of the dream - locations (10+) 10112019 - 802 the name of the dream: the trials and tribulations of a film-goer in the next town from where the dreamer lived, about seven miles away had gone there to watch a film which wasn't showing near me the dreamer asked a woman passer-by if she knew where it was she said it was nearby and went on to say the dreamer could get there by walking between a gap in the row of houses where we were standing in the next road, couldn't see the cinema but there was a road twenty metres to the left of the dreamer which had lots of shops, the dreamer was obviously near the centre of town went into a vegetable shop to get directions the woman there said she hadn't heard of the cinema the dreamer named the dreamer became frustrated; "how can you not know where the cinema is?" noticed bags of apples in front of the counter there were eight apples in the bags, the price was £1.38 a quick bit of mental arithmetic told the dreamer my usual supplier's price was cheaper addenda: vividness:: 3 participant the category of the dream - locations (10+) 09112019 - 801 the name of the dream: politics and partnership in the house of commons boris "walks across the floor" and joins the opposition he is shunned by his own party and is estranged in his new party he feels, and is, isolated the dreamer knew his predicament cupped my hand to use it as a megaphone and began chanting his name, "bor-is", "bor-is" the air of resentment towards him dissolves and is replaced by acceptance someone from the other side of the house gives the dreamer a thumbs up second dream with my new savvy and sexy girlfriend we rendezvoused at an expensive room in a prestigious building we planned the activities for the night left the room for something and when the dreamer returned led zep's singer was there he began playing a guitar and singing an ardent fan of his heard the sound and came into the room and was wide-eyed and star-struck had to wait until he had played the song before the dreamer could be alone with my girl when we're alone her forthright and commanding manner was exactly suited my own attitude to the female-male relationship the dreamer was physically relaxed and mentally braced for what we would be doing addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dreams: topical () politics () relationships (45+) female (35+) celebrities () boris (2) robert plant (1) 08112019 - 800 the name of the dream: reunited a five-scene feel-good from start to finish in the centre of a busy town on a sunny day bumped into my favourite girlfriend from some years before and we slipped back into where we had left off a prolonged first scene in which the dreamer challenged her to ask for something she really wanted there and then she suggested a few things but the dreamer said they weren't challenging enough we walked for quite a while without saying anything and she was a bit bemused but lapping up the looks other girls were giving her eventually, she asked for a type of biscuit which wasn't known to me a suitable challenge the dreamer thought the dream ended when a patisserie shop came into view addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - relationships (44+) bernie (3) 07112019 - 799 the name of the dream: multi-themed dream the first theme, with a new girlfriend in her mid-teens who was the gift her mother had bequeathed the father before she died the father, the girl and self were in the living room of where she lived the father was overly protective of his daughter he watched my every movement as the girl and the dreamer sat on the sofa fairly sure this girl was the first awake-time girlfriend the dreamer had as a sixteen-year-old her mother had died before she became a teenager this is the youngest i've been in a relationship in a dream the second theme, was using a standard three-pronged plug with the prongs removed as an instrument it made a shallow sound a bit like penny whistle but it was nowhere near as penetrating, nicely mellow in fact was playing it three to five notes at a time it attracted animals and children and turned the heads of people the third theme, was edging my way along a ledge that jutted out along a stone wall about five metres above the ground wasn't unduly worried about falling though as there were branches of trees within grabbing distance in front of me addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 participant the category of the dream - multi-themed (10+) relationships (43+) female (33+) theresa (2+) music (20+) precarious situations (8+) 06112019 - 798 the name of the dreams: what matters two themes for this dream the first one was jeremy corbyn being indelicately pressed by a reporter who was trying to get a "rise" out of him by asking questions about his wife the second one was about a jewish man who had lost his faith in people and the world but regained it with even greater vigour when he was directed to the truth addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - diverse themes (20+) 05112019 - 797 the name of the dream: ahead of the game a dream about post-brexit this dream contained ideas on how to bring equality to the british isles addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - topical (3+) brexit (3) 04112019 the name of the dreams: impish me was staying in an inexpensive but well-run hotel that catered for long-term residents had been there for some weeks it had a table d'hôte menu with a restaurant that catered for twenty or so people at ten tables one of the guests, a spanish lady and a long-term resident at the hotel, had invited her daughter to come and visit her her daughter was a plump young lady with an affable character her personality was exactly how the dreamer like a woman to be fairly sure her mother saw the dreamer as the perfect suiter for her daughter and had sent for her daughter so we would strike-up a relationship there was no doubt in my mind it was a "set-up" when the mother suggested the dreamer take her daughter out one evening with more than a twinge of eagerness the dreamer accepted decided to set the tone for a fun relationship when we got back from the night out more or less straight away the dreamer suggested she got undressed and lie on the bed when she was undressed the dreamer produced an a5 size drawing pad and pretended to draw her within a minute or so she became bemused with the situation and began thinking she had misunderstood my reason for becoming friendly when the dreamer could see she was about to call a halt to the evening the dreamer began loosening my tie and walking towards her with an impish smile addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships (42+) female (32+) 03112019 - 796 the name of the dream: the cost of fun was toying with the idea of buying the latest model of bose outdoor, easily-transportable speakers for fun summer parties and small professional venues mentioned it to a young-ish lad who was unemployed thinking he might be interested in making a bit of pocket money doing something he liked he wasn't just interested, he was so enthusiastic about the idea it took the dreamer aback from the moment it was mentioned and for the rest of the dream he was urging the dreamer to do it as though his life depended on it after a couple of scenes, it became clear to the dreamer what his motive was it was his chance to throw parties for his mates and gain "cred" with the women making a few bob wasn't his priority, being "the lad" was it would mean having to take out insurance on the speakers and the cost of the venture had just become unviable from a financial point of view was thinking about whether it was going to be more trouble than it was worth when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - business and fun (1) music (2+) 01112019 - 795 the name of the dreams: him and me the first scene, am in an upstairs room looking out at a brown shed, must be the back of the house the picture zooms in on the ledge of the shed a creature that looks like a mouse scuttled across the ledge, the mouse is only the size of an insect the scene changes to the front of the house the scene shows the near and far side of the road a dozen people trickle along the street in one's and two's and three's another scene, with another male he says something and the scene changes to fit the description of his words, the scene is of an item in a living room the male refers to something else and immediately the scene changes to what he mentions this dream is no longer mine notes 1 the last couple of scenes of this dream, if this interpretation of the dream is correct, will or has been dreamt by someone who will categorise the the first few scenes as someone else's dream while the last couple of scenes will be categorised as her or his dream with shared dreams, do the shared scenes of the dream come first in the dream or second, or even mixed up? addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - shared dream with unknown person (1) male (1) 31102019 -794 the name of the dream: website woes working on my website, specifically, creating new pages the first page came easy as it was a template for all pages and only needed minor modifications the second and third pages also fell into place, again, only light touches were needed to push them into use it was the fourth page that brought the flow of creativity to an end yet-a-bleedin'-gain, fingering the keyboard characters was the problem after trying four or five times to get the words in my mind through my fingers and onto the screen, and failing, gave up the ghost in frustration and woke up notes 1 as with other attempts at typing words onto the screen, woke up pressing my fingers against my body the most successful method of getting keyboard characters onto the screen was when they could be finger-touched on, as was recognised in the dream of 26052019 addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - typing on the computer (5+) 30102019 -793 the name of the dream: lucky me it is a summer's day came into possession of a well -used renault 4 car the first scene is in a car park at the back of shops in a city centre the car park was about twenty-five metres by fifteen metres and had a seven-degree slope there were about ten cars in the car park it had been a while since my last drive, but in an enclosed area it seemed safe to drive a few metres here and there around the car park there were two or three scenes of driving it to different places within the car park before the dreamer became confident with it parked the car and looked back at it as the dreamer began walking into the shopping area it was a mid-blue colour and the renault badge was under the grill at the front (one of the stand-out scenes of the dream) at that moment it looked stylish and it gave the dreamer a feeling of well-being in the next scene, seven metres away, j, an awake-time ex-girlfriend, was in the dream dressed in pale-coloured long dress and her shoulder-length hair looked straggly, all in all, she looked a bit on the shabby side in the next scene, she was reluctant to accept an invitation to spend time with the dreamer but we both knew that my persistence would change her mind, which it did we were both happy to be with each other again the car park was filling with people there were about fifteen or twenty people in the dream, there were probably men in the scene but all the dreamer could see were women, mostly in small groups wearing summer clothes suddenly, b, another awake-time ex-girlfriend came into the dream she was wearing a summer suit of shirt and shorts she was delighted to see the dreamer and was asking the dreamer without saying it to team up for the night she could see another girl was with the dreamer but she wasn't the type to let another girl get in the way of a good time could see j was apprehensive and there was no way she would be ditched on a whim but a fun night was guaranteed with b before the situation was resolved another awake-time girl, s, a working and social acquaintance from the '80s, popped into the dream b knew we hadn't had a relationship but j thought it was likely we had and was looking forlorn b was typical of a woman harmony between people was a childhood trait she had brought into adulthood with her unlike men, who tend to find camaraderie when the going gets tough, women demonstrate camaraderie between both genders as a natural trait the dreamer asked b to take the other girls and fit j up with summer clothes from a second-hand shop for the night out s coaxed j into going along with the idea in the next scene, s and b had fulfilled what the dreamer asked and then some; they had transformed j into a babe j was in a two-piece suit like b only hers was in black they had also taken her to the hairdressers and had her hair cropped to just below her ears she looked a completely different person and was still nervously adjusting to her new-self the dreamer said to the girls, "tonight's on me. whatever you can drink and eat" in the last scene with the girls in it, they had linked arms and the dreamer was linked through j's arm on the right of the trio and the three of us strode off for what would be a memorable night, the sun was shining even brighter than it was at the start of the dream the last scene, the girls were no longer in the dream the dreamer had gone to get the car when the dreamer was at where the car was parked, the dreamer hadn't noticed when parking it there were cars already in the spaces up against the wire mesh that ran around that part of the car park there were three men there waiting for the owner of the car (me) to return one of them was sitting on the bonnet of the car in the middle of the three the dreamer had inadvertently blocked in there was no doubt he was going to make trouble found a novel way of getting out of the predicament, the dreamer ended the dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships (41+) female (31+) janet (3) bernie (2) sylvia (2) driving a car (5+) 29102019 - 792 the name of the dreams: men and women the physical characteristics of two types of males were being scrutinised there were four or five males in each group all of them looked to be in their late teens both groups were wearing trunks one group had auburn coloured hair, the other fair there wasn't a noticeable difference between them in terms of physique although the fair-hair of the males made them more striking to look at someone was commenting on why the two groups looked the way they did the second dream, the young lady in this dream was also in another dream from two or three days ago didn't make it into an entry because it would only have been two or three lines we were fully clothed and lying down together the dreamer lean across and kiss her on the cheek she reacted by complaining that she didn't say the dreamer could kiss her and it had spoilt the relationship in this dream, she was altogether more amenable and was making it clear she was available although, perplexingly, she pulled away during a long sumptious kiss (the third most enjoyable kiss in the old memory bank) in the second scene, she was at a distance sitting on a chair in the next scene, she came into the picture from the right with another male it was noticeable that she had deliberately brought the man into my sight so the dreamer would see them kissing my first thought was she was telling the dreamer there was someone else in her life it became clear in the next scene that wasn't the case at all while we were lying down unclothed the dreamer became aware of another man on the other side of her the dreamer said, " the dreamer don't mind sharing you with another man" in the next and final scene, she was in sexual heaven her back was arched and her mouth was open but not making any sounds as the other man "worked" her left side while the dreamer stimulated her right notes 1 a woman has five distinct pleasure points have yet to figure out how one man can "activate" all of them at the same time if there is a woman who has sussed it out would be only too pleased to" addenda: vividness: - 3+ - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (40+) female (30+) threesome's (3+) 28102019 - 791 the name of the dream: getting connected it is a post-flood scenario only about one one-hundredth of land was above the water level we were functioning well food and all the basic requirements of housing, clothes, food etc. were functioning my "hat" was recreation, in particular, films a thick underwater cable carrying an abundance of electricity was brought to my attention the problem was it was under the water it was overcome by wading into the water, lifting the cable above the water and affixing a sturdy see-through polythene bag to the end of the sea-cable then plugging the land-cable into the sea-cable while it was above the water using a thin thread to make it watertight a slight feeling of anxiety entered the dream, no doubt a reflection of a moment of anxiety during the day, just before the connection was actually made a feeling of satisfaction accompanied the successful connection began waking just after making the connection of the two cables and was asking people what film they wanted to see this dream, as is most of this websites dreams, was stimulated by thoughts during the day the thoughts associated with both of the themes of this dream are remembered it appears that the inter-undulationary memory can connect the thoughts of the day across millions of undulations in a purely routine way we have to acknowledge with awe our composition and the way such complexity is conducted with a mundane magnificence let's hear for the lover addenda: vividness: 3 - participant - the category of the dream - post apocalyptic scenarios (2+) floods (2+) 27102019 - 790 the name of the dream: role reversal a woman and a man at their peak of mid-life maturity are at home dressed in casual-smart clothes the woman is wearing a white satin or silk blouse and the man has a tight-fitting blue shirt also made of soft, shiny material with a tie and jacket they are on the verge of leaving the house when both of them become acutely aware of each other's gender as their eyes meet, they move to embrace in the next scene, i'm lying on my back on the floor looking up at the man i'm aware of my breasts under the white blouse but the man isn't anyone known to me the man is appealing in manner, looks and form the man isn't known to the dreamer and although he could be a stranger he doesn't seem out of place in the next scene, with the man kneeling astride me, the palms of my hands are slowly running up from the man's waist to his torso savouring the firmness of his body which is made to feel even more luscious through the fabric of his shirt when my hands reach the man's trapeziums my hands go to his tie and begin to loosen it when the tie is loosened and the top button of his shirt is undone the man puts one of his hands under the shoulder of his jacket and slips the shoulder of the jacket far enough down his arm to be able to let it slide off his body on his left side as the dreamer see him from my position when he has got the left side of the jacket free of his body he then drops his other shoulder and it falls away from him he then throws it a metre or so away from where we are the dreamer say, "you had better not do that to any jacket the dreamer buy for you" my humour in the female form notes 1 whew, that was close have maintained my one-hundred per cent record of never having kissed a man addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships (39+) gender reversal (1) 26102019 - 789 the name of the dream: trolled had visited the house in the first scene of this dream twice before getting to this, the third scene it took three or four hours to get there and back and this third visit meant a whole day had been used up on a single transaction my colleague and the dreamer were in the company of two young men and all four of us were waiting for the woman of the house to arrive we said very little to each other while we waited in the next scene, we were listening to the woman's reasons for not being able to make up her mind about whether to buy the table we had delivered a week or more before it suddenly became clear to me, she never intended to buy it in the first place the reason she pretended she wanted it was to waste my time the two males were aware of what she was doing too it made sense for the dreamer to think that partly because of the way she was talking and partly because of the attitude of the two males who had let us into the house the dreamer had to keep my feelings of frustrations hidden because now a sense of revenge took over it wouldn't take long to find a way to give them a taste of their own medicine addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - business (5+) 25102019 - 788 the name of the dream: just what is the mind capable of ? fell asleep on my back wearing headphones while watching an action space-fiction film last night woke out of the sleep on three or four occasions to the thumbnail pic on the screen during those three or four times, the dreamer straddled awake-time and sleep-time while the dreams occurred all of the dream-time scenes could quite easily have fitted into the film on the t.v. it wasn't until the dreamer was fully awake it was realised that the scenes that had been generated in sleep-time were the mind using the film to furnish the subject-matter of r.e.m. notes 1 there are applications for this ability of the mind addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 observer the category of the dream - mixing dream-conscious and awake-conscious (1) 24102019 - 787 the name of the dream: the bike-boot sale in the company of a group of eight or nine people having a general chin-wag the subject-matter became motorbikes and then it turned to selling them then the topic was the lack of response from ads in the paper it turned out that three or four people knew someone who had a bike for sale or had heard of someone selling one ever the opportunist, yours truly suggested a bike-boot sale the bikers in the dream agreed it would be fairly easy to get twenty people with bikes for sale a scene or two later it was realised that the idea had plenty of potential we would need portaloos" could set up a p.a. and no doubt muster a hundred tracks of music that featured motorbikes lyrics or had a motorbike theme" we could even rig up a small stage and get a biker group to perform" one or two stalls for hot and cold drinks and snacks" could get shelter in the form of a big tent" sit-down meals with waiters" a tent with a beer-bar" topless waitresses" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - business (8+) motorbikes (3+) 23102019 - 786 the name of the dream: weighty matters we, long-time girlfriend and self, had just moved all our worldly goods to our new place she, being a slight little thing, couldn't do any more than stand and watch as yours truly did all the humping the heaviest item was a fold-up, cast iron wardrobe-type contraption that looked impressive when it was open as it was shiny, brushed metal and ornamented in brass; it made every attempt to defy gravity when the dreamer tried to move it eventually got it into the living room and the dreamer stood there getting my strength back with the wardrobe-thing balanced against another item was looking around the room taking into account what would have to be moved to get the wardrobe-monster from one place to another there was no easy way of getting it into anywhere without having to move most of the already moved items to push it across the floor had been weighing up the options for a full fifteen seconds of dream-time and still hadn't come to a decision as to where to put it when the dreamer caught my girlfriend looking at me she, my favourite awake-time girlfriend of days of yore, was looking at the dreamer quizzically her expression was saying, "what's the problem. why are you waiting?" "alright, smarty-bleedin' pants. where do you suggest", the dreamer said, challengingly like a child who couldn't find his shoes and couldn't figure out why it hadn't occurred to his brain to look on his feet as his mother pointed to his feet, she pointed to the top of a sturdy table in front of her "have you felt the weight of this thing?" the dreamer said indignantly she was looking here and there for about three seconds of dream-time now it was my turn and i let out a one-syllable laugh that expressed "yah boo" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships (38+) female (29+) (b) (2+) 22102019 - 785 the name of the dream: the trendies about eight of us were gathered in town and are babbling away we were trying on each other clothes someone gave the dreamer his light-blue denim jacket of the "destitute" style to try on everyone said it suited me, one girl said it "opened me" a couple of the others nodded there was then a scene of the dreamer looking at myself in the jacket it did do something for the dreamer and agreed to swap jackets we then set off into the busiest part of town being trendy addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 participant and observer the category of the dream - friends (5+) 21102019 - 784 the name of the dream: the dying dog just before he died someone the dreamer knew asked someone the dreamer didn't know to give his dog to me within days the dog was pining non-stop for his owner nothing could reconcile it, not playing or walks or dog delicacies as the scenes changed the dog looked more and more poorly it got skinny and became completely lethargic it was dying in front of me, the dreamer felt helpless in the last scene, the dog became alert when there was a commotion across the other side of the room investigating the noise revealed a mouse caught by its leg in a mousetrap freed the mouse and realised the dog might be brought back to health if it had the chance to vent its natural instincts spent a while thinking about how to do that without letting the dog actually kill after waking addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - animals (20+) mammals (15+) dogs (8+) dying (2+) 20102019 - 783 the name of the dream: settling the score two men at loggerheads over something decided to settle the matter by demonstrating which of them had the best chance of winning a duel each man had one shot which would combine speed and accuracy an object was placed in a tree about five metres away from where they were standing the man who went first drew his gun fast but missed the target the second man was facing away from the target the pulled out a mirror and shot the object over his shoulder while looking through the mirror his opponent was devastated and walked out of the dream saying something along the lines of" "i'd better not meet you one day when you haven't got a gun" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - duels (2+) guns (1+) 19102019 - 782 the name of the dream: the uxb still trying to recall the scenes before the first scene which got the dreamer into the situation in the first place what is remembered" was in a cellar typically, it was a dark and closed cellar with no window the walls looked black and the ceiling was low; a classic dark and dingy cellar think the dreamer was looking for somewhere to sleep once in the cellar there was a bricked-alcove immediately to the right of the door it was just the right size for a person to lie down as the dreamer was arranging things to allow the dreamer to lie down the dreamer bumped into something which knocked something else down looked to see what it was it didn't take long to realise that the wires that were attached to it led to an object which the dreamer recognised as a bomb it was clearly too dangerous for the dreamer to attempt to touch anything a quick appraisal of the surroundings suggested the dreamer should step over it to get over it though was a precarious manoeuvre in itself it would mean taking a big step which would, if the dreamer lost my balance, cause the dreamer to step somewhere in the vicinity of the bomb and quite possibly on it the dreamer managed to wedge myself between the two walls of the alcove and grip onto a shelf which gave the dreamer the ability to go over the bomb when the dreamer was out of the alcove it should have been a simple matter of stepping over the bomb but the bomb and the wires were spread over a distance which called for the dreamer to jump over it while that was do-able there was every chance the dreamer would lose my balance to the back of the dreamer and fall back onto the bomb then the dreamer remembered from a previous visit to the house that the owner had shown the dreamer there was a window at the back of the cellar which could be accessed by removing a wooden board that had been placed tight into the window frame the dreamer had just removed the wooden frame when the door to the cellar opened the owner of the house and another person came into view they must have heard the dreamer moving things around and had come to investigate they were about to step into the room when the dreamer shouted "don't come in, there's a bomb" both men looked around, took in the situation and kept still there was enough light now to see things properly the owner of the house asked me, "what should we do?" pointing to the wall where the door was the dreamer asked, "how thick is that wall ?" he realised the dreamer was suggesting that a "controlled" detonation of the bomb was one possible solution he said it would withstand the force of the bomb all the dreamer had to do was get clear by climbing through the window addenda: vividness: 2.2 to 3 participant the category of the dream - bomb/s (2+) enclosed area (1) 18102019 - 781 the name of the dreams: fun girls over indulgence the first dream of this two-themed dream was an x dream unlike other dreams with x in them, this dream was more about humour and entertaining the three ladies in it than anything else part of the fun side was a game in which the dreamer detailed a situation which may or may not have been true it would be a win for the dreamer if they got it wrong and would get the dreamer "time" with the person who got it wrong the second dream, the second waiter dream in a week the manager or the proprietor's of a one-hundred table exclusive restaurant thought the dreamer was the person who could carry off a novel idea the dreamer would organise and supervise a v.i.p. table for two the v.i.p.'s could choose to sit anywhere and wherever it was a large space would be created around them two or three waiters were on hand to help get the meal ready once the customers had placed their order two of the waiters were Flambe Waiters, as was i it struck the dreamer as being overly indulgent addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - two themed dreams (20+) fun x (1) catering (4+) waiter 17102019 - 780 the name of the dream: the perfect driver, almost my dad was a professional driver but" was with dad in the car at the last corner of the road about a hundred metres from the house at this moment in the dream the memory of what was going to happen when we came to a stop kicked in, the dreamer had lived this exact situation before he would bring the car to a stop on the opposite side the road he would then pull the handbrake up before turning the engine off when he turned the engine off the car would lurch forward slightly back in the dream" the car travelled the hundred metres, then the car came to a full stop, dad pulled up the handbrake and the car lurched forward as in the moment of deja vu the car not only lurched forward but, and this wasn't part of the deja vu, it began to slip forward due to being on a downgrade which meat he had to turn the engine back on again and reverse back a bit again, the moment of deja vu re-asserted itself when he pulled up the handbrake and the car jumped gently forward a few centimetres after the engine was turned off the dreamer said something along the lines of" "one of these days it will occur to you turn the engine off before pulling the handbrake up" in a dry and slightly sarcastic tone addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - deja vu (1) in a car (1) 16102019 - 759 the name of the dream: the crazy figure-eight race the race was set in a building with a high ceiling and was about fifteen metres wide and thirty metres long the floor was ultra-smooth and slippery, like the surface the ball rolls along in a bowling alley there were two poles in the room, one on the right, two metres away from the wall in the foreground of the dream, the other on the left at the far end of the room also two metres away from the wall the race started in the middle and in the foreground of the bare room the competitor had the option of going left or right of the poles the dreamer planned to do the entire race keeping to the right of the poles at both turns my opponent had done his homework and found that an elongated figure of eight, going into the first turn on the left and going into the next turn on the right allowed him a smoother, faster turn and it took him ahead of the dreamer a few metres after the first turn it made the dreamer realised that the dreamer would have to adapt to the way my competitor was doing it or lose the dreamer changed my style to the same as his and found that making even smaller micro shuffling steps (barely more than the length of a foot for each step) than my competitor improved my speed (the stand out part of the dream) to the degree that the dreamer would close the three-metre gap and catch him up within one or two laps the dreamer knew at that moment the dreamer was going to win the race and felt a sense of achievement addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 participant the category of the dream - competitive sport (2+) feet-shuffling (1) 15102019- 758 the name of the dream: in yer face this one-scene dream has a face that is right into the lens of a camera all we can see is the mouth moving, nose, the twinkling blue eyes and the white eyebrows there is a piece of white paper slightly bigger than the size of a five-pound note below the mouth with writing on it the blue eyes have noticeable bags below them denoting days of skimped sleep the voice though is anything but tired the voice exclaims in a celebratory pitch, "this is what a deal looks like" boris pulled it off notes 1 there will be no significant variables which will occur in a future Undulation which will make the reality in this dream any less likely for instance, there won't be a future undulation in which instead of this dream there will be a dream in which boris resigns because he failed to deliver this dream is a "trend" dream if you bet on this dream and lose you can console yourself with the knowledge that in a future undulation you will win if you bet on this dream and win" any donation you may care to make will be put into activities which have the characteristic of "expansion of the whole" see The Law addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of the dream - topical (3+) brexit (2) celebrities (6+) boris (1) 14102019 - 757 the name of the dream: a renewed acquaintance walking along the street at night a girl walking toward the dreamer asked the dreamer if i'd seen anything when she got close didn't know what she was talking about until she pointed skyward that the dreamer realised what she meant and who she was the dreamer had tried to persuade her some time before that ufo's existed and had successfully converted her when we saw one when we were out and about one night "what about you?", the dreamer asked "no", she said that she had spoken to the dreamer first suggested she wanted to be friendly in the last scene, we were talking and walking together in the direction she was walking when she first spoke notes 1 at the beginning of the dream, there was actually a triangular ufo in the dream but the scenes before and after seeing the ufo are vague addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 participant the category of the dream - ufo's (8+) relationships (36+) female (27+) 13102019 - 756 the name of the dreams: the assessor the frisbee flip the first dream, my job was to ascertain the degree of urgency the poorest countries of the world needed support there were three categories" urgent, very urgent and extremely urgent not surprisingly, the submissions contained exaggerations one in particular though was so blatantly misrepresented, it was necessary to issue a warning to the government the final scene of the dream was the dreamer talking person to person with the official of the country responsible for the false claim and telling him that if it happened again a "public notice" would be served which threatened to name the person who submitted the form which would probably result in him losing his job the second dream, walking along a metre-wide tarmac path in an expanse of grass which joined one estate to another the grassed area was about two-hundred metres by three-hundred metres as the dreamer approached the road at the end of the path a man and boy were standing under and near a tree they were throwing a frisbee to each other across a space of about fifteen metres asked if the dreamer could have a go at throwing it the man didn't mind and handed the dreamer the plastic disc in the dream, my physical condition is the same as it is now a couple of weeks ago a similar situation occurred when walking through a park a man with a bag of frisbees let the dreamer try my "hand" at it both of a couple of attempts revealed my inflexibility and it was obvious the dreamer was nowhere near my "old self" in the dream, the memory of the awake-time experience a couple of weeks ago was in my mind and if the dreamer knew if tried to throw the frisbee in the style the dreamer was used to the dreamer would look like a complete "diff" so the dreamer tried a completely different way of throwing it to my utter surprise/disbelief, the frisbee floated levelly through a seven or eight-metre three-quarter circle close to the ground with a little practise it would come back to the dreamer boomerang style at the second attempt, the frisbee maintained level flight and went through an arc but wasn't anywhere near as impressive as the first throw notes 1 as you may be aware, the writer asserts that the imagery in dreams are the experiences from the nine tenses of time a description of the style of the throw-in this dream has been left out because the style of the throw may well be a reality in awake-time (time-tense 5) will keep you posted addenda: vividness: participant the category of the dreams: government employee (1+) frisbee throwing (1) 12102019 - 755 the name of the dream: dog dream (8+) a dream about two different dogs the feel-good content in this dream was outstanding second dream the name of the dream: the bassist the merits of popular rock bands were being discussed my personal favourites, cream, came up the dream then became an electric bass soloists' virtuoso which went on for about twenty-five seconds of dream-time the speed of the notes in the dream wasn't as fast as this but more like this; about as fast as the dreamer could mentally vocalise them addenda: vividness: 4 participant and observer the category of the dream - playing the bass guitar (1) 11102019 - 754 the name of the dream: a soft touch an ex-neighbour came calling he was an awake-time neighbour from my formative years hadn't seen him for more than twenty years it didn't take long for the reason for the visit to surface, he wanted to borrow one-hundred pounds don't know how he knew the dreamer was flushed, he probably had a "nose" for it knowing he wouldn't repay it the dreamer agreed to lend him the money and said to come back and get it later on when he returned it was with his wife in the meantime, the dreamer changed my mind about lending him a hundred pounds and would reduce it to fifty pounds when it came to handing over the money the dreamer told his wife it was in the envelope on the cupboard beside her his wife picked up the envelope and exclaimed, "there's too much here" even though the amount the dreamer intending to give him was half what he asked the dreamer hadn't taken it out of the envelope where all of the money was now he knew that the dreamer had more money than he suspected it wasn't going to be feasible to deny him the full amount the last scene of the dream was of ten ten-pound notes being separated from the other notes in an envelope addenda: vividness: 2.8 participant the category of the dream - cash (12+) drowly (2+) 10102019 - 753 the name of the dream: the dummy waiter had just taken my position at the guests' entrance to the restaurant ready to receive the first guests the restaurant was a formal hotel in its own grounds a party of about twenty was filtering through in dribs and drabs it would be a full ten or fifteen minutes before they were all seated and ready to order someone prompted the dreamer to go and ask the female guest who had organised the event and was now sitting if she wanted anything if it had been up to the dreamer they would all be seated before approaching the table but being a mere commis waiter it wasn't mine to ask why sure enough, the woman was surprised that she was being asked to "get on" with the evening she became agitated and told the dreamer with a dagger-look to come back later the dreamer became timid and apologised in an unusually submissive way and hightailed it the dream ended with the dreamer feeling ashamed and annoyed with myself for exhibiting such a meek manner addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - restaurant (5+) waiter (2+) 09102019 - 752 the name of the dream: the train app and the tidal wave the first theme, the ticket inspector had just checked our tickets and the person next to the dreamer wanted to know how the dreamer had paid a few pounds less than him for the same journey explained to him that the saving came from having bought the ticket through an app the train company had recently launched the exact amount was one-pound forty for a one way ticket and another one-pound twenty-seven more for a return the topic of the conversation changed to tidal wave that was due that day it appeared that no one except the dreamer was aware that a tidal wave was due that day nor did anyone know of a previous tidal wave that was big news a couple of years previously the dreamer expressed my incredulity that no one had heard of it my impression was people thought the dreamer was exaggerating or was just plan deluded the train was rolling along near the coast, a kilometre or so from where we were about ninety-degrees of the horizon was visible through the window and we could see forty-five degrees of the sea between two elevated areas of land at each side of the scene the tidal wave appeared on cue and began coming up the natural channel made the raised land upon waking and thinking about the dream it brought to mind the swell caused by the severn bore the dreamer had seen on a school trip addenda: vividness: 3 participant and observer the category of the dream - apps (3+) train (1) and tidal waves (2+) 08102019 - 751 the name of the dream: the tracking device looking at a large screen which shows the location of objects on a map of the world the map on the screen shows three or four areas which are slightly brighter than the rest of the screen the highlighted parts of the screen are where the objects are most concentrated it is the size of the objects being tracked which is the speciality of the programme the objects are as small as micro-sim card addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - technology (8+) tracking devices (1+) 07102019 - - 750 the name of the dream: tribulations a reconciliation process was underway a determined effort was being made to persuade russia to change its course pivotal significance was placed on a national heirloom the treasured item was hair or fur there was about a sackful of it and it was placed into a wheelbarrow if the dreamer could walk the wheelbarrow along an inclined plank to a different place the proposals for a change of national direction would be adopted (the scene of walking along an undulating plank was one of the stand-out moments of the dream) unfortunately, there was a group of die-hard nationalist's who reneged on the agreement and insisted they would only honour the agreement if the dreamer could beat one of their supporters in a boxing match there was a couple of scenes of brutal fighting wearing boxing gloves notes 1 this dream was due to thinking about the state of world affairs during the day addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.2 participant the category of the dream - political (3+) russia (1+) 06102019 - 749 the name of the dream: suitability the first scene of this dream was of three people, of whom the dreamer was one, presenting ourselves in what we considered to be the clothes that best represented us each person then chose the pose he wanted to strike and the three finished photographs were put onto a screen that was large enough to show us as life-size the idea was that customers would choose the salesman they wanted to serve them the dream then turned into a bodybuilding pose-down with the three of us in trunks striking up five or six poses, again on a large screen in the last scene, the manager of the business was asking the dreamer for his opinion of one of the other men in the competition the person being referred to struck the dreamer as being a person of integrity and the dreamer recommended him the manager had reservations about him though and said he wasn't suitable because he wanted a married man in the position when the dreamer tried to persuade the manager he would fit in, completely unexpectedly, the manager said that he valued a person by his capacity to love notes 1 the unexpected aspect of the dream was due to hearing a man who decided he was going to run for mayor-ship of london say he thought love was a defining human quality addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 participant and observer the category of the dream - clothes and bodybuilding (1+) 05102019 - 748 the name of the dream: new shoes it was time for a new pair of shoes my long-serving current black ones with a little ridge around the front were made of soft leather and a broad fit, which made them luxuriously comfortable, had served the dreamer well but the shoes being broad meant wearing loose trousers and they also lacked that special something, namely; slideability got exactly what the dreamer had in mind, a highly buffed slim-fit style which was one shade of black away from looking like patent leather had to walk a fifty metres or more away from the high street before turning left into an almost deserted street to test them the street had a twenty degree down-slope which made it perfect for the "test" turned my body slightly to the left, lifted my right leg a third of a metre, pushed off with my left leg and landed on my right foot with enough momentum to carry the dreamer forward the shoes slid even better than i'd hoped involuntarily, rhythmic mouth-sounds accompanied the following three or four steps and it was obvious the shoes were going to be suitable for dancing on almost any floor addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - shoes (1) black (1) 04102019 - 747 the name of the dream: x dream too big for the dreamer but alright second dream-the name of the dream: the professionals was part of a special-ops team there were four of us the two biggest were in front while the two smallest were bringing up the rear arnold was in front of the dreamer and the leader, the other "biggie" was in front of him we were making our way down a very narrow access pathway at the back of some houses with high fences to our right and a seven-foot-high brick wall to our left there were bushes in the properties to our right with that had "creeping feelers" with spikes on them and had been let to grow to the floor on our side of the fence and were doing what they were meant to do" make it painful to go along the path they were doing their job, three or four of the barbs had "found" the dreamer and were stuck in my skin we were supposed to be "toughies" and complaints weren't part of our remit the dreamer hissed out, "you bastard" as the barbs pulled out bits of my skin when the "slack" in the feelers had been used up and were pulled taut the person behind the dreamer asked what had made the dreamer join the group the dreamer said, " the dreamer watched a film which inspired the dreamer to get involved" the dreamer said it loud enough for arnie to hear it knowing he would probably be interested and ask about it, which he did" what film was that?" he asked "like i'm going to tell you. as if your head isn't big enough already" the dreamer said the dreamer was thinking of "stay hungry" but he wouldn't know for sure what film was being referred to if he had asked my answer would have been "kindergarten cop" in the next scene, it was dusk and the four of us were walking along a crowded beach decided to try and get a "rise" out of arnie by jibing him said to the person the same size as the dreamer loud enough for arnie to hear me, "the trouble with big blokes is they always get the glory even though it's the smaller blokes who take all the risks" arnie "went" for it and turned his head around before he said anything the dreamer said to the person my size, "it's best to put them down occasionally. it saves you having to slap them around" there were a couple more "one-liners" but they had gone underground in the memory by the time the dreamer got to typing this addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - celebrities (7+) arnie (3+) special-op's (2+) 03102019 - 746 the name of the dream: popping the question the first scene, walking through town without an awful lot of purpose a young lady, about twenty-two, a mixture of stockiness and chubbiness, shoulder-length auburn hair with natural curls, a pleasant demeanour and about the same height as the dreamer asked the dreamer for a pound for the bus with a slight feel of empathy the dreamer told her the dreamer used cards and didn't have any loose change her face lost a bit of its natural easiness decided to help her out and said i'd have to go to the atm, get the minimum transaction of a tenner from the atm and get it changed in the next scene, we were talking while walking slowly had got the money and was going to buy something from a shop to get it changed before we got to a shop it was my turn to feel let down when she asked to borrow the whole town pounds and repay the dreamer the following day it could have gone either way; the dreamer was tittering on politely saying no she interrupted my deliberations and said in a way which was full of sincerity that she would meet the dreamer tomorrow and give it back to me before the dreamer could say yes or no she gave the dreamer the place and the time of where we would meet the following day again, her voice was full of sincerity and she was herself again it stirred me if nothing else she would be happy for the rest of the day and besides, the dreamer would be in town the following day anyway she did turn up and in the next scene we were sitting in a cafe talking about our hopes and aspirations at one point the dreamer said that to do what she wanted to do she should move to another town or country she chimed in with, "john, the dreamer want to marry you" it was an "in-your-face" exclamation that completely non-plussed me the words resounded in my head my thoughts and feelings were going in all directions at the same time the scene stayed the same and the topic of the conversation became the practicalities of a pre-marital relationship as my feelings were still soaring while my thoughts took direction and construction it was realised, with a little diligence, the dreamer would be happy for the rest of my life notes 1 it's amazing how a passing thought during the day which had a minimal amount of constructiveness in it, produced such a markedly rewarding dream addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships (26+) female (17+) long-term (2+) 02102019 - 745 the name of the dream: the wrong arm of the law got back home after being out and was told there was a man in the living room who wanted to see me the dreamer walked into the room and immediately saw him it was hard not to see him, he was a giant of a man who filled the armchair and most of the area above his head didn't know him and said something sensible like" "how can the dreamer help you" it seemed to enrage him and he leant forward, stretched out his never-ending arm, grabbed my wrist and in a highly practised way put handcuffs on me he then accused the dreamer of stealing some irreplaceable items from him the dreamer didn't have any idea what he was going on about and asked him to tell the dreamer what it was he thought the dreamer had stolen he gave a quick description of the items and brought an example out of his pocket it was an odd-shaped bit of silver and purple anodised steel with a hole or two in it (the stand-out visual) it then came out that the person who had stolen from him was a person the dreamer knew well and the dreamer was the only way the policeman knew who might know where he lived in two or three earnest and soulfully-sounding sentences convinced the policeman that the dreamer was in no way involved and he if he took the handcuffs off me the dreamer might be able to help him he uncuffed the dreamer and the dreamer went and fetched a tin from the odds and sods cupboard there were indeed two or three pieces of anodised steel the same colour as the one he had shown the dreamer but their shape was all wrong he shook his head and became despondent but perked up and showed interest when the dreamer said it would be possible to reshape the bits of metal by "cold pressing" them and told him to take them with him addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - suspect of crime (1) 01102019 - 744 the name of the dream: the soul singer on the phone to someone and asked her or him to play a song it may have been a phone-in radio programme or a friend on the phone the person on the other end of the phone wasn't familiar with the song there was nothing else for it, the dreamer had to sing some of it in the hope he/she would recognise the song after the first line of the song the dreamer felt in fine voice, decided to put my heart and soul into it after singing a couple of lines of the song had forgotten the rest of the words and plucked lyrics from other songs that had a similar feel to them inevitably, the different lyrics carried the tunes of the songs to which they belonged which made it impossible for the person on the other end of the phone to recognise the song which had been requested but by now my need to hear the original song had been replaced by the need to express the soulfulness of how the dreamer felt and my singing became so forceful it woke the dreamer out of the dream addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - externalised (10+) singing (3+) 30092019 - 743 the name of the dream: business and pleasure at a megastore looking at the queue lining up to be called to the pharmacist counter the young woman letting the customers in to be served was about twenty-six with a ponytail, was dressed in a grey and dark blue uniform the queue was about twenty deep and it would take at least an hour to be at the front of the queue what was bothering the dreamer was not just the wait but whether the dreamer would get what the dreamer wanted when it was my turn to be served explained my predicament to the girl controlling the flow of customers" " the dreamer want steroid cream for a reluctant-to-heal scald on my leg and i've already been turned down at another pharmacist's" the girl replied, "meet the dreamer here at eight o'clock" she intended to make sure the dreamer got what the dreamer wanted eight o'clock would be the end of the working day and there was no doubt she would be susceptible to my suggestion of letting the dreamer say thank you by asking her to have a drink with the dreamer after was considering what to get her to drink and thought it would be best suggesting we could get a coffee at a pub with the option of having a brandy with our coffee when the dream ended two successive days of a dream with a queue in a shop! addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - shopping (4+) pharmacist's (1+) 29092019 - 742 the name of the dreams: climate debate; the slovenly, sexy slider the first scene in this dream is of an expanse of trees in mountainous terrain, sweden the dreamer think the climate debate was raging apparently, the earth's changing magnetic field had not been factored into the assessment this, in turn, gave rise to a counter-argument for the wild swings in the fluctuations of temperature the new perspective was made as a t.v. presentation and had thrown a spanner into the debate about climate change the second dream, upon waking and before shaving or getting washed or dressed the dreamer went to the local mini-market within a door or two from where the dreamer was living wearing only my pyjama bottoms and slippers there was a queue of about ten women waiting to go through the checkout hadn't foreseen there would be a queue but it was too bothersome to have to go back home and do ablutions one or two the women looked with an unsure look which in turn spurred the dreamer into doing something to prove to them it was they and not the dreamer who was the odd man out still in a relaxed, sleepy state, increased the speed of my walking and without having to pause at any of the shelves, plucked the solitary item needed for breakfast from the shelf then slid as smooth as silk the last two or three metres, turning while sliding, so that the dreamer ended up leaning back on the pole that held the band of canvas that kept the queue orderly, with my elbows resting in a wholly posing posture on the red band it was easy to see what one of the women was thinking as her look went from my feet, lingered around my mid-section and came to rest looking the dreamer in the eyes notes 1 the climate dream was the result of watching a documentary about the substrata of the earth addenda: vividness: 3.2 observer and participant the category of the dreams: topical (2+) climate change (1+) and shopping (3+) 28092019 - 741 the name of the dream: light and heavy was part of the production team of a las vegas-type showgirl extravaganza barking out orders here, querying things there mostly all of the production costs were used up in the glitzy costumes and headwear looked like there were about a hundred or so girls who been broken into groups of twelve with each group having their own theme the theme of the dresses seemed to be cultures of the world one scene in particular, which had girls dressed in ankle-length, tight-fitting silver dresses with different coloured sequins glinting as the ladies moved was mesmerising don't recall any music or singing though the last scene of the dream is of the dreamer struggling to manoeuvre a six-foot barbell with about ten-kilogrammes of the weight of each end up the winding stairs of a double-decker bus one-handed as the other hand was needed to keep the dreamer balanced as the bus was moving notes 1 this is the second dream recently, and about the fifth time in total, when a completely unrelated one-scene theme has been tagged onto the end of the main-sequence dream will give this type of dream the category of an addended dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - addended dream: (5) showbiz (2+) weight training equipment (2+) 27092019 - 740 the name of the dream: men of ember we were three we were in a shop buying sweets the first one of us bought his sweets he was the youngest and he always got priority when we were in a limited situation, as we were in this dream it was my turn to buy whatever the dreamer wanted with the provision there would always be something for the third member of the trio it was a long, compartmented, glass counter with the cheapest items near where we were standing we were standing at the end of that part of the counter where the till was the dreamer had seen what the dreamer wanted as we were slowly moving along the line of the queue it was those pink, medium-hard, dissolve-in-the-mouth, quite large sweets it meant going back down the counter to where they were, making a mental note of what other items they were next to and coming back to where the cashier was, which the dreamer did do gave the young girl a description of the sweet and their location and the young girl serving went and fetched them the girl brought back the wrong sweets i'd remember what other sweets were next to the ones the dreamer wanted and directed the girl to where they were she picked up the wrong items again, poor directions it was taking too long and other people were waiting so the dreamer settled for what it was she had lifted up and shown me, a large wedged-shape piece of ginger cake with treacle on top sprinkled with brown sugar she spoke out the price of the two items we had bought the dreamer had a feeling that between us we didn't have enough the dreamer brought all the money the dreamer did have out of my pocket, an old pound note and about two-bob in change, it wasn't enough the youngster of the three of us didn't say anything when he could see the dreamer didn't have enough and brought out his change, a ten bob note and a few coppers between us, we could pay for what we had got so far but there was hardly any money left for the third member of the trio he was the least assertive of us, a natural stoic he always assumed he was the last in the pecking order he knew that we, the other two of the three of us, would never sell him short and would gladly give what we had if he asked for it or offer some of what we had if he had a disproportionally smaller amount we, the other two, cherished and felt a slight reverence for him we left the shop and went and sat on a jagged brick wall and ate our sweets the youngest of the three of us ate his first and immediately burst into flames and then into a flat pile of ash that resembled something that reminded the dreamer of him it was the dreamer who finished my sweets second and the dreamer too burst into flames and, the dreamer assume, rendered to ash my last thought was, at least the least of the trio deserved and would be spared but the last scene of the dream was him as an unrecognisable mound of ash make sense of this dream if you can addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 participant and observer the category of the dream - friends (5+) sweets (4+) death (1+) 26092019 - 739 the name of the dream: checked needed some a2-sized coloured sheets didn't have the money to buy them and thought the dreamer would be able to "half-inch" them from the university got onto the grounds all right and in the next scene the dreamer am in the concourse there are a dozen or more corridors to choose from the first corridor the dreamer walked along had a checkpoint when the dreamer got to the end walked back to where the dreamer started from that happened three or four times thought i'd "cracked" it when the dreamer saw a flight of stairs only to find there was another checkpoint at the top of the stairs i'd made six or seven attempts in total before the dreamer gave up addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - thieving (7+) coloured paper sheets (1) university (1) 25092019 - 738 the name of the dream: belligerence, real and imagined there were more themes in this dream than there has been for quite a while in one scene, was driving a rugged-looking moped it wasn't more than a hundred and fifty c.c. but it was pokey, verging on sporty was driving it with less caution than the dreamer should a policeman stopped the dreamer and it was clear from his attitude he intended to "run the dreamer in" he was an awkward bugger and the dreamer responded in kind he called for back-up and the dreamer was fully expecting to be "rough-housed" the theme changed, was in a yard that was full of cardboard boxes stacked four or five high they were too high to see over four or five men appeared from behind one of the stacks and, like the previous theme, the dreamer thought there was going to be trouble they pointed guns at the dreamer that looked like staple guns and began firing the bullets the "guns" fired were little white polystyrene balls like those used in bean bags the dreamer had been "set up", it was a gag addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - mixed-themes dreams: (10+) belligerence and fun (1+) 24092019 - 737 the name of the dream: grasslands two of us, the other person in the dream never featured in visual form but we spoke to each other throughout the dream the first scene was of an expanse of a mixture of greenery and beige the size of a county the dreamer said to the other person in the dream that if someone got careless with fire it would cause a local environmental disaster in the second scene, the dreamer think it was in africa, the beige-coloured vegetation stretched from horizon to horizon my impression was it was dead grass both of us felt there was a genuine cause for alarm it would only take a spark for the whole of the savanna to become a wildfire addenda: vividness:: 3.8 observer and participant the category of the dream - expansive vegetation (1+) beige (1) 23092019 - 736 the name of the dream: pancake day the dreamer am visiting neighbours, they are a family of nine or ten, mainly young girls they are making pancakes the frying pan they are using is too big the girl doing the cooking is using a spatula that is too small to turn the pancakes and they start to break tried using a knife and the spatula together it helped but the pancakes were still breaking told them to mix more flour and water while the dreamer went and got a smaller frying pan back with a new pan in the next scene and about to start cooking asked the family, "does anybody want strawberries and ice cream with their pancake ?" they all did, especially the mother gave one of the girls the key to my front door and told her to go to the fridge and bring one of the round tubs of ice cream she would see when she opened the deep freezer door the mother went to the shops for the strawberries notes 1 both the rowley's and the frying pan are memories of this lifetime although cooking the food at the rowley's is not at a guess, this dream extends across twenty-thousand undulations the silver frying pan (the stand-out visual) is due to pressing into use a new and shiny frying pan to cook more items than ususl for breakfast this dream is out of sequence (july) addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - food (10+) pancakes (1) and cooking (3+) frying pan (2+)the rowleys (2+) 22092019 - 735 the name of the dream: a detailed explanation was being pressed by a group of three or four people to explain why love/life, and specifically the lover, had to experience all the variations or combinations of the elements "without the knowledge of the variables, which could only be gained by experitence and thus become part of his being, there would be area's which would cause a catastrophic failure while building life-forms in the environment they would be growing into" after two or three spoken sentences the dream then became a think-read dream and the second most lengthy one to date again, the ease of constructing complex sentences became easier using the "grammatically correct and contextually sensible" method which allowed the rapid forming of sentences, of which there were a dozen or more and also again, the dream and awake conscious merged and the dream became a conscious thing for the last few sentences that the dreamer was now in the conscious state and forming sentences with ease meant, strictly speaking, it was no longer a dream and the dreamer broke away from the sentence-forming and woke why there can be almost indistinguishable difference between awake-time and dream time will become clearer soon a new update for the dinosaur class of the man-shaped beings is being constructed and it will completely blur the sharp distinction we currently have about awake-time and dream-time or the physical and spiritual state it's all happening! addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 participant the category of the dream - dream-time, awake-time dream (3+) think-read (12+) 21092019 - 734 the name of the dream: a man of few words at the doctors having a check-up he doesn't say a word no sounds of approval or disapproval, no nodding or shaking of his head, nothing in his facial expressions which make the dreamer think one thing or another the dreamer could be a beacon of health or knocking on death's door not sure if the dreamer should be relaxed or concerned he gets to my head he presses down on my chin with his thumb and my mouth opens automatically he has a flat piece of wood in one hand and a shiny metallic instrument with a mirrored or shiny, flat and round end the wooden thing is pressing down on my tongue while the metal instrument is seeing through the dark of my mouth he taps my tongue with the metal instrument and says, "a smoker" i think i detect a touch of satisfaction in the tone of his voice; he has found something wrong with me the dreamer wouldn't have thought it was that obvious, the dreamer only smoke 50 grams a week, er, a month" the dreamer says with a touch of pride the dream ended there before the examination did woke up and go to the computer turned the radio on before starting to type this entry, it was a discussion was about smoking!!?? addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - the doctor's (3+) examination (2+) 20092019 - 733 the name of the dream: the children "photo-shoot" at an awake-time friends house his partner was out and we were looking after the girls one of the girls was in a mischievous mood and wasn't interested in doing anything we suggested resorted to one of those things girls do like doing, being photographed and looking at the photos afterwards the longest part of the dream was of the dreamer sliding through the pics on the phone with the eldest of the girls and "critiquing" her postures and clothes one photo, in particular, showed her at her most appealing and she was well pleased with it so the dreamer began to re-compose it it would have been "one for the album" if the dreamer had framed it properly but from her knees down weren't in the picture still, taking photo's of her had done the trick and now she was altogether more amenable to doing something "sisterly" with her younger sister notes 1 the most vivid dream for some time in contrast to the difficulties of manipulating the computer, editing the still pics on the phone was, at times, as easy as editing in awake-time addenda: vividness: 3.6 to 4.2 participant the category of the dream - children (7+) photography (7+) 19092019 - 732 the name of the dream: weary bumped into a long-time awake-time friend in town being a tough little cookie he was on speaking terms with people of the same ilk as a result of knowing him, the dreamer come into contact with the people he knew without exception, every one of them was a different degree of unsavouriness it was impossible not to bump into them in the most unexpected or unlikely places it was just a matter of time before one of them roped the dreamer into something because they inevitably used violence in their lifestyle the dreamer knew the dreamer would find myself in a "caper" where the dreamer would be expected to use violence and it could quite easily turn into a crime of murder the dreamer explained to s why it was necessary for the dreamer not to associate or talk to him anymore he understood and the dreamer woke out of the dream feeling relaxed addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - friends and acquaintances (7+) s (3+) 18092019- 731 the name of the dream: an instance of desperation not sure what my job title was but it gave the dreamer a "voice" in the running and organising of an opera company there was a "flap" on three members of the cast had become unavailable for a presentation two or three days before an extravaganza performance it was the dreamer who became aware that the shortfall could jeopardise the entire production one of the understudies was not a member of the opera-singers union and couldn't meet the union rules of being a bonafide union member for a minimum amount of time before taking part as a professional performer another major problem was that a large backdrop was the wrong shade of grey the crisis was being explained to the manager of the production team who suggested the obvious solutions as each of the three problems was brought to her attention the gravity of the situation was slowly emerging as each of her solutions to the problems was countered for different reasons the longer the dream went on the more it became obvious that a catastrophe was imminent the dream came to an end when someone said the dreamer was a union member and all heads turned my way and someone queried in a tone of voice that was a mixture of hope and desperation, "can you sing ?" it would have been funny if the situation wasn't so serious addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - opera's (3+) 17092019 - 730 the name of the dream: the school play a primary school teacher thought there was enough talent among the pupils to do one of shakespeare's plays other teachers thought so too and a talent-spotting initiative was launched it was agreed that romeo and juliet would be the play the youngsters would be most able to relate to after a while, it emerged that except for one boy, the hurdle of remembering all the lines was just too big a task for the youngsters it occurred to someone to let the boy play the part of romeo and have different girls who could remember a lot of lines play juliet for those parts of the play they could remember and with the use of costumes, wigs and make-up present an acceptable continuity of the same juliet production was well underway and after several dress rehearsals the "buzz" grew to the point where it was realised that it was going to be successful addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - primary school children (2+) school plays (1) 16092019 - 729 the name of the dream/s: a misunderstanding and a sing-along opera the first theme, sitting on a high stool drinking a coffee, not sure if it was an indoor or outdoor cafe, reasonably sure it was on the continent a couple had been sitting next to the dreamer for a while before the dreamer noticed the man was smoking pointing to his cigarette and then at my coffee the dreamer gestured for a smoke he was smiling before the dreamer said anything and continued with his teeth-smile as he threw his cigarette into my coffee he had completely misunderstood me he thought the dreamer was asking him to put out his smoke out second theme was sitting in the "gods" of an auditorium that looked like it could seat five-hundred or more people amongst the one-third full theatre, there were three groups of women one group of the women were to my left on the "lower-deck" and the other two groups were on my level the women, and the opera, were either sicilian or italian and dressed in what looked to be traditional garb" colourful dresses and head-scarves, singing and clapping along with the performance in a rumbustious manner if there never was an opera that was composed with the intention of the audience joining in then there will be in the future which makes this dream a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 first dream participant, second dream observer the category of the dream - two-themed dream (13+) cafe's (3+) opera's (2+) 15092019 - 728 x dream the name of the dream: age no barrier. in fact" and an unpublished dream from 01072019 the name of the dream: a bit of a strain needed to change the oil in the chip pan but the metal sieve let too many bits through after trying two or three different ways the answer was to heat the oil up and use a thick paper cereal box as a strainer addenda: vividness: 2.9 o/b ? the category of the dream - cooking (1+) cooking oil (1) 14092019 - 727 the name of the dream: double-lunch at home with the family for sunday lunch children are playing in the back garden as usual, i'm famished and thinking about having a quick nibble of something or other to quell the feeling of hunger nip into the kitchen to see what stage mom is at with the meal everything is ready except for the cabbage the reason it was taking longer than usual to cook was that mom had run out of saucepans with lids and was improvising with a wok-shaped pan as the water was boiling away mom was topping it up with cold water the second dream is the same theme as the first dream, sunday lunch this lunch is at a pub that does carvery sunday roast and is famous in the area for quality and quantity the quantity side of the meal was on my mind as the dreamer was walking; the dreamer was famished there is a mini-event of a pool competition in an area adjoining the carvery walking through the pool table area several people are "clocking" the dreamer with serious looks at the serving area of the carvery, no one else is there, think it was ready to close one or two of the usual vegetables had been used up ask the woman if it's okay to have mashed potato and roast potato to make up the "vegetable-count" she says yes and gives the dreamer a generous portion of both types of "tatties" can feel them going down my throat as i'm walking to the dining table addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - food (9+) 13092019 - 726 the name of the dream: the party about forty people were relaxing and socialising in four or five different areas each area had a different flavour to it in its decor and ambience" casual standing and sitting" sitting and reclining" drinking and standing" it needed music didn't have more than a ten-watt system to hand but that was enough to turn the area that could hear it into a distinctly more lively environment the person who had the say in what did and didn't happen, it might have been the house-owner, saw the potential for turning the premises into something more than just a friendly "chill-out" gathering into a vibrant and lively social event he was enthusiastic about the dreamer setting up two or three different areas with different types of music and suggested something about the lighting addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant - the category of the dream - social gatherings (2+) 12092019 - 725 the name of the dream: the end is nigh a growing number of people were convinced that the end of the world was imminent as the predicted date grew closer the fervour mounted on the day it was expected to happen there was pandemonium everywhere so strong was peoples conviction the dreamer began thinking there may be something in it and a sense of doom gripped the dreamer as well it was the early evening of the day of doom as the day wore on various thoughts and historic indications led the dreamer to conclude the reasoning which had caused the prevailing outlook to gain a foothold were hopelessly wrong the american media machine had singled out a specific idea and made a meal out of it an end-of-the-world scenario depicted the sky filled with red hot clouds rushing through the atmosphere burning up everything below it as the dreamer was walking, a black mini-stretch limo with flags on the wings pulled up alongside me the rear door opened and a man beckoned the dreamer to get into the car the dreamer declined and told the man that if he wanted to talk we could do so as we were walking while walking and talking the dreamer explained that the catastrophe had already happened "it happened", the dreamer said "twenty-five years earlier when, over a ten year period, a feverish attempt to get everyone to realise that we needed to act immediately fell on deaf ears" "within a few years of comprehension my sensitivity or feel for life became so acute the dreamer was taken to hospital after undergoing a mild nervous breakdown as a result of wars in the middle east and the appalling loss of life "day by day, person by person, no one grasped the urgency of the situation. a blaise attitude stifled my every attempt" "shouting, berating" " the dreamer was criticised for being too intense my urgent approach was doing more harm than good, people said. eventually, the dreamer became the person the dreamer am now. acclimatised to unnatural death. a person resigned to a casual approach to matters of life and death" see also the end of the world addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant - the category of the dream - doomsday scenario's (1) fire (1) 11092019 - 724 the name of the dream: two-dreams for one in dreamland am the owner of a pet shop it is saturday, the busiest day of the week a couple come into the shop and ask what happens in this part of town on saturday the dreamer tell them there is a music festival on which lasts from friday to sunday it is a love-in type music festival and most people take a cage with a pair of budgies to the festival, pander to them for the weekend and let them fly away at the end of the festival on sunday night alternatively, they can hire the birds from the dreamer or buy them and sell them back to the dreamer or they can take them back home with them or sell them to someone at the festival the couple buy the budgie "package" and enough food and treats for the birds for the weekend and pay £4 for them business is booming here's a nice little twist" in the second half of the dream, my girlfriend and the dreamer are customers in the same shop and are being advised by the shop owner what to do for the weekend it is my first time in the shop and the owner tells us what i, as the shop owner, had told the couple to buy and do in the first half of the dream the difference is, in the second half of the dream the girlfriend and the dreamer are at the music concert enjoying the sounds of music and birds singing in the sunshine notes 1 think this dream is the result of pondering how to create and distribute wealth after listening to a radio programme a couple of days before which hosted a debate between two people who were giving the pro's and con's from the consumer and supplier's point of view addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.7 observer and participant the category of the dream - role-swapping (1) business and pleasure (3+) budgies and music (1) notes 1 the scope for variations in dreams will, when first thought about, appear to be endless, which it is in a finite way a googol of years to experience as many different sets of circumstances that can exist across /undulations without end ! this is, of course, love/life getting the most out of the circumstance eternity has thrust upon us and is preparing us for true endlessness (see straight-line-action) 10092019 - 723 the name of the dream: high seas and blatant thieves was looking out to sea from a ship on the sea the swell of the ocean had captured my attention the entire ocean, from horizon to horizon, was heaving up and then dropping down again about three-quarters of the way off into the horizon was a red light; the see-me light of a derrick the swell lifted it up and when the swell dropped the light had gone the dreamer gasped out, "did you see that?" "see what?", a voice said, and the dreamer explained what the dreamer had just seen notes 1 this dream is due to thinking about a film taken from a satellite which showed a wave engulfing an ocean-going cargo ship the clip of the film, two seconds long, showed a ship being swallowed up this is one of those memories that pop into the mind every now and then the wave seemed to act like a giant predatory sea monster that had stealthfully caught up to its quarry the wave came from behind the ship and when the wave had passed, in a matter of two seconds the ship had gone no up-ending and slowly slipping under the waves, one second it was there the next it was gone notes 2 when the writer hears of drama on the seas it occurs to him that the cause of much of the drama at sea is due to the influence of the moon sixty-five-million years ago, when the moon was closer, the seas would have been considerably rougher what tales of drama in has dinosaur-man got to tell? second dream in a large store doing a bit of indoor window shopping a man with several wads of money was offering to pay for the customers who were at the til queuing to pay for their items there had been an inflow of millions of pounds into the economy of forged ten-pound notes all business's had been instructed by the government to take the forged money that had been presented to them and not compensate the customer the store was paying for some good publicity notes 3 this dream is due to explaining to a woman a few days ago that a forgery scam a few years back was, in fact, a government scam; the brand new notes were coming out of the atm's of banks!!! yer typical british scam by the oligarch wolves knowing the population are either sleeple (people who are asleep to what's happening) or sheeple (people too meek) and wouldn't say or do anything notes 4 aren't you fed-up with hearing the phrase "financial crisis" (2007/8) let's get it straight the "financial crisis" was conceived by british financiers and implemented by their agents throughout the world's banking system "the great robbery and backlash" (THE GRAB) is more fitting addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 participant and observer the category of the dreams: rough seas (3+) theft (7+) government (1) 09092019 - 722 the name of the dream: who's the intruder for a number of reasons have been hesitant to make this entry however, in line with the spirit of being as straightforward as possible and sharing everything worth sharing, here goes . . . the first, and only scene is in the living room of where the dreamer live now (if the dreamer was asked to draw a quick rough sketch of the living room it would be the same as the room in this "dream", the dimensions are the same, the layout of the furniture is the same; to all intents and purposes it is the living room) was woken out my sleep by a sound upon opening my eyes there was a young man, five-feet-seven or eight, slightly bulky, twenty or so, wearing a dark-grey boiler suit and sneakers with what looked like an electronic tester in his left hand at this moment this dream is as real as any awake-time memory and further, i believes i am awake his presence didn't phase the dreamer at all "who are you?", i ask in a challenging tone, "blow me", he says defiantly the dreamer pause for a moment "how did you get in?", the dreamer ask, but he is gone from the "dream" am on the verge of getting out of bed and looking for him when the thought, "how did he get in?" re-occurred, and then other thoughts, "he couldn't have got in that way, but if it wasn't that way the only other was" the thing about this "dream" is that from the moment the sound woke the dreamer to the moment when the dreamer got out of bed two minutes later there was no discernible change in my conscious state, as has been the case with all other dreams within dreams to make sense of this "dream" as an awake-time event means making a preposterous conjecture" there are mammal man-shaped beings who can pass through walls (passing through walls is a well-documented ability of grey's, and if greys can do it then so can evolving beings) see this and this and this for this to be true it means that there are devolving mammal men in league with devolving dinosaur-man or, there are evolving mammal man-shaped beings who are in league with evolving beings of the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings if it was an evolving being of the mammal class then why the need to break in? if it is the case that devolving mammal-men are working with devolving dinosaur men then the ability to pass through walls would have been used by devolving beings in ways which could really throw a spanner into the works of world events or, it is a new category of a dream, an awake-dream if it is an awake dream then the boundary between dream-time and awake-time has been breached it should also be mentioned that the writer has been "visited" by three evolving females of the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings while living where i'm living now this experience could explain how they got in will present a picture of what they look like when we get going participant - addenda: vividness: 3.4 the category of the dream - awake-dream (1) home-intrusion 08092019 - 721 the name of the dream: the indifferent camp commandant in this military camp inductee's were given wrist i.d. bracelets as dog tags the i.d. bracelets were collected by the commandant either at the start of the day or the end of the day and was re-issued either at the beginning of the day or at the end of the day it wasn't until they were being collected and went to remove mine that the dreamer realised mine wasn't on me we were at attention and it would mean having to "break rank" to look for mine in a hopeful attempt to lessen the misdemeanour the dreamer slipped off my gold wristwatch and handed it over in act of contrition in another scene, at the commandant's office with the wrist i.d. to swap the bracelet for the watch in the commandant's office, he produced a collection of half a dozen gold watches, sifted through them and handed the dreamer one it wasn't mine and thinking he was an easy going man the dreamer made a light quip about it not being mine, as if the dreamer would wear something that cheap without realising it the dreamer had made the mistake of interpreting his quiet demeanour as being that of a relaxed man the callous nature of the man showed itself and he said something which let the dreamer know that to him the dreamer was nothing more than a lump of meat just how callous he was revealed itself in the last scene when the dreamer was taken to the edge of the compound where several other soldiers had received his judgement their hands were tied behind their back and were so positioned it meant they had to lift their body up and rest the weight of their upper body through the teeth in their bloody mouths as they were attempting to chew through the wire addenda: vividness: 3 observer and participant the category of the dream - sadism (4?) military institutions (2+) 07092019 - 720 the name of the dreams: a bus - crisps - a girl first theme, sitting on the upper deck of a double-decker bus something causes the bus to come to an abrupt stop causing the bus to overturn and land on its top there is the sensation of lots of movement as the dreamer go from the sitting position to being on my back second theme, having a drink in a sparsely-filled pub a man tries to strike up a conversation didn't like the tone of his voice and ask him if the pub sells crisps before he says anything the dreamer go to the bar with my drink and engage the barman in a conversation third theme, a girl in her mid-twenties is having trouble doing up the laces in her shoes and the look on her face tells the dreamer she is experiencing frustration and despair a quick appraisal of her situation tells the dreamer she has a degenerating physical condition if the dreamer asks her if she wants a hand she will say no, so the dreamer get up and when i'm within a step of her the dreamer say, "let the dreamer help" she doesn't say anything or tries to stop the dreamer when the dreamer stoop down addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - three-themed dreams (5+) 06092019 - 719 the name of the dream: ufo's galore it's dark, about 7 p.m., and the sky is half clear and half cloudy my attention* is drawn skyward, more or less directly overhead nestled between a break in the clouds about four-hundred metres up, fluctuating in brightness with individually coloured lights going on and off, is a flat, stationary object the size of a postage stamp a six-year-old boy is standing by my side pointing to where it is the dreamer say, "look, there's a u.f.o." the child's mind is exposed to a new wonder of life and he stands transfixed after a moment or two, a cloud hides it the next scene, a small crowd of four or six of us is getting the "works" new arrangements of lights of different colours, sizes and shapes are imprinting themselves into the mind at breakneck speed the dazzling display doesn't last very long but the impression does it causes the dreamer to shout out, "let's be having yu" next scene, am not aware of anybody else in the scene as the dreamer am looking up at a much bigger object, again about four-hundred metres up but its size gives the impression is just overhead the craft is moving slowly it doesn't have flashing lights but the dark-copper body of the craft is changing in hue which allows the detail of the casing of the craft to be seen in detail" first, it is smooth, then it has ripples, then it has thin ridges the final scene, my body is startled into ducking as a craft fills the entire field vision of the overhead peripheral view a mountain hoering above your head would make feel insecure too *notes 1 those unfamiliar with the act of observation" typically, if a person wants to get the attention of another person she or he will say, "excuse me, can" if the person is a distance away they might shout "cooee" more subtly, you may have had the experience that someone is looking at you and an inner-sense of location has caused you to look and you hve come directly into contact with the eyes of someone who is looking at you e.t.'s, and in particular, "good-guy" e.t's, have got the mechanism of the act of observation down to a fine art it is known that act of observation affects sub-atomic particles at the furthest reaches of the universe (bell's theorem) addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 participant and observer the category of the dream - u.f.o.'s (7+) 05092019 - 718 the name of the dream: heroism an audacious plan by a family of german patriots living in london is uncovered during world war ii the net is closing, it is touch and go as to whether they will escape the family of three or four have an equally audacious escape plan the mother of the children has been schooled by her husband in the rudiments of a co-pilot the plane they use for their escape is a huge bomber plane the plane has barely got a hundred metres into the sky when it is shelled and starts falling from the sky there were two scenes of the plane losing height and crashing through the rooftops in a built-up area, no doubt killing many civilians in the final scene, the plane has come to a stop in the rubble amongst the houses the mother is fretting about what will happen to their one or two children her husband looks across at her and says, "you don't think they're going to let us live after what we've done", and draws his pistol notes 1 this dream was the result of the effect the film "hacksaw ridge" had on the writer a week ago and has been playing on his mind ever since although the film portrays an act of heroism that surpasses any other act of heroism known to the writer, he recommends the reader does not watch the film it is the most violent film the writer has ever seen and, if you're anything like me, it will affect the quality of your dreams for days after addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 participant and observer the category of the dream - acts of heroism (1+) wartime (1) families (1) 04092019 - 717 the name of the dream: women who love life working in an exclusive and excessively expensive hotel; you know it's as up-market as a hotel can be when the chambermaids are male and their working clothes are suits the guests had left that morning and the dreamer was tidying up during my duties the day before the dreamer had been on the same floor and heard the woman occupant of the suite singing to herself further testament to the wealth of the guests was the items they left behind; it was the guest's way of tipping the staff in one of the rooms was two double caskets of wine nestled in straw in wicker baskets with artistic handles and on the bed was a sleeveless, on-the-shoulder woman's top would keep one of the baskets of wine and sell the other one as for the top: the moment the dreamer picked it up the plush feel told the dreamer it was something special, as was the woman who had the generous nature to gift it to someone who would never be able to afford one decided to give the woman's top to one of the girls on the staff she took it from the dreamer and she too could feel the quality of it and began folding it lovingly the receptionist thought the dreamer was handing in a lost item and asked for details the dreamer said it was one of the guests and she had deliberately left it behind so someone like you would have something special for her wardrobe the receptionist asked the dreamer what she looked like and the dreamer said i'd never seen her, the dreamer had only ever heard her singing the receptionist, a girl in her late teens asked, "what was she singing ?" her question was from the heart and she, like me, wanted to know more of the woman's character addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - the character of women (2+) luxury items (2+) 03092019- 716 the name of the dream: business in the "nick" in the first scene, two of us had just got to my bed in a dormitory with more than a dozen other beds no one knew, in among my belongings in a tatty folder there was a ruffled white envelope with about two-hundred one-thousand pound notes they were on my person because, as part of my security routine, they were being moved from one hiding place to another as the dreamer was pulling the envelope out of my jacket the unmistakable sound of a prison officers footsteps became audible an instinctive wave of mild panic grabbed the dreamer and it caused the dreamer to fumble the envelope and one of the notes fell to the floor the person beside the dreamer couldn't believe it his eyes widened, he bent speedily and grabbed it the threat of being questioned or quizzed by the prison officer passed but now a money-hungry inmate was the problem thankfully, the inmate hadn't seen exactly where the note had come from and as it was probably the only "thousand-pounder" he had ever seen he assumed it was just this one the dreamer had casually, the dreamer threw the envelope with the money into the locker and drew his attention to the note he was holding would have to "sweeten" him offered him an ongoing "franchise" of converting the cash into commodities between us, we would be sitting easy there then followed several scenes of initiating different ways of using the cash for various other schemes after the third or fourth different scene-scheme/theme the dreamer realised he was partially conscious as he was constructing the details of how the new themes would be implemented" once a wheeler-dealer" notes 1 to make the point again dreams of being in prison is not because the writer feels he has done something wrong prison-dreams are the effect of living in an oppressive society addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - prison (8+) open (3+) wheeler-dealer (2+) 02092019 - 714 the name of the dream: unprofessional bread pudding it is early evening and visiting an irish family, we are talking and talking we get to talking about food someone mentions bread pudding one of the couple tell the dreamer they have some and to go into the kitchen and help myself it was the worst bread pudding i'd ever seen, there were three-quarters of a slice of bread protruding from one end of it decide to surprise them and prepare some ready for cooking back in the living room the dreamer tell them what i've done and suggest we cook it it is pointed out it is too late to start cooking the wall-clock is showing eleven o'clock, the dreamer thought it was ten would make some for the dreamer tomorrow notes 1 this dream was influenced by an eat-out meal two days ago that had three-quarters of a slice of bread protruding out of the pudding addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - food (12+) bread pudding (1) 01092019 - 713 the name of the dream: ice and rain a dream of extreme weather conditions across europe it was torrential rain and sub-zero temperatures both weather-conditions were so intense it affected the day-to-day running of all countries every country was in a state of emergency struggling to keep themselves functioning an aerial view of the countries that were affected by the snow and ice was the stand-out part of the dream, the entire continent looked like a block of ice addenda: vividness: 3.5 observer the category of the dream - extreme weather (3+) ice and rain (1) 31082019 - 712 the name of the dream: an odd one in the first scene, three people" a nineteen-year-old female wearing a shoulder-strap, mid-thigh cream-coloured dress, a male sitting on a stool to the left of her and myself looking on from the front the young lady is all youth and poise her super-sleek figure puts the dreamer in mind of tinkerbell she is out to make make an impression on what she feels is her debut into adulthood at a gathering of socialites it is in her mind that she should have a cigarette in a holder and occasionally take a puff of it she asks the man on the stool to watch how she takes a puff and tell her if she's doing it right without lighting the cigarette she gives her impression of how a person smokes a cigarette in a holder after she mimics a smoker she is waiting for the man sitting on the stool to say something for some reason that isn't obvious the man doesn't say anything the dream stalls for a moment as all of the three participants in it are each waiting for one of the others to do or say something perhaps the moment is that moment the dream should have ended the dreamer don't think it should "you pulled the holder out of your mouth too quickly", the dreamer said the young lady stiffens and the dream ends addenda: vividness: 3 participant and observer the category of the dream - odd dreams (3+) 30082019 -711 the name of the dream: a young man and me a young man under the wing of his family wanted to live independently he went along with my suggestion to make the break and to come and live with me the ties with his family went far deeper than the dreamer realised the two of us were at my place when someone not known to the dreamer came to the front of the house, cupped his hands around the sides of his face, leant on the glass and peered through the window that a stranger would look through someone's window and not knock on the door meant he was out of touch with the ways of the world and it was my job to put him right in the next scene, the dreamer was herding him away from the front door and towards the gate when another two men came into the scene the three of them were demanding that their brother come out of the house and went with them when the dreamer refused one of them pulled out a gun and shot the dreamer three times he either missed or was firing blanks as the dreamer was still standing after he fired there was something about the young lad the dreamer didn't know and was thinking about what it might be when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 participant and observer the category of the dream - confrontational situations (3?) 29082019 - 710 the name of the dream: the latecomer got to the after-dinner discussion-club late the cook, a professional to the last, that is meant sincerely, rustled up a full meal of mashed spud, a green and white cabbage-mix, sprouts and something else but all the meat had gone he then conjured up a golden-brown jumbo sausage roll; it was so tasty it was worthy of being an acceptable main dish in the next scene, had joined the gang in a lounge-room, there were about ten people of mixed gender the usual suspect couldn't resist a justifiable jibe, "managed to get here in time for a meal then" straight back at him with, "yeah, was just wondering who had my portion of the meat" there were several back and forth quip and counter quip one-liners before the theme of the discussion resumed someone asked about the most common compound used in the making of" ? heard myself saying, "it may be basalt" and woke up smiling notes 1 think this dream was the result of thinking about the bus driver on the bank holiday a couple of day's ago who "took the dreamer on" when the dreamer said, "next stop please driver" and as quick as a whip he replied " the dreamer don't stop there" if this sort of thing is going to become commonplace will be ready with more cutting rejoiner's than the weak one the dreamer gave the driver addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.4 participant the category of the dream - group chat (3+) food (10+) 28082019 709 the name of the dream: not quite the wild west the town was probably typical of the time there was "shoot-outs", although they were few and far between, hygiene wasn't the uppermost priority as dysentery was rife, drinking and drunkenness was an acceptable pastime, prostitution was part and parcel of the lifestyle" holding it all together was an underlying determination to make it work after the women, the sheriff was the major linchpin influencing the progressive trend yours truly was courting his daughter and we were regarded as an "item" my association with his daughter in effect made the dreamer a deputy, so no one protested when on occasions the sheriff wasn't there for the dreamer to quell an altercation and people accepted my adjudication one thing which wasn't part of my remit as an unofficial official was to shoot someone unless of course, it was a matter of personal self-defence; this wasn't one of those instances the first scene was one of those times when a sheriff was needed and happenstance put the dreamer at the scene two men were firing at each other didn't know what it was that caused the deadly stand-off and until the dreamer did it meant taking part in the shooting was out of the question the dreamer was six or seven metres away from one of the men he was crouched down behind a big barrel in amongst other largish sundry items of a horse stable against all odds, the man behind the barrel was shot and he was no longer able to defend himself in the next scene, there was a lull in the intensity of the dream as the dreamer lifted the man up intending to take him to a doctor the limpness in the man's told the dreamer he was dead at that moment of realisation, a big black wallet fell from his clothing in the next scene, the man who had been killed and all the other aspects of the dream had gone as the wallet was opened and it revealed thousands of dollars and what looked like high-value notes of other denominations in the next scene, inexplicably, a crumpled british ten-pound note was being uncrumpled and smoothed out by the dreamer and while doing so he was trying to explain the value of a current british ten-pound note to people in an america of the 1800s addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.1 observer and participant the category of the dream - america (3+) money (12+) 27082019- 708 last night's dream is just too embarrassing for the people in it to be named instead, an unpublished dream from 29062019 the name of the dream: the hesitant medical volunteer it was while at the doctors being examined about something or other when he said mine was the right blood-type a branch of research in medicine was looking for and would the dreamer be interested in volunteering to take part didn't see any harm in it and agreed didn't hear any more about it and by the time another visit to to the doctor was necessary it had been forgotten the doctor walked into the waiting room and when he saw the dreamer he asked the receptionist to get him my medical files she gave him my health records and he then asked her for my volunteer card she couldn't find it nor did she remember issuing one to me the doctor turned to the dreamer and asked for the card couldn't remember having one but looked in my card-wallet; if a card had been given to the dreamer that's where it would be the card-wallet had six or seven cards in it but the card wasn't among them a sense of caution took a grip of me, something didn't gel had forgotten what was wanted of the dreamer as a volunteer and decided not to do it the dream ended while looking through the cards in the wallet but had no intention of producing the card even if it was there addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - doctor's surgery (2 +) 27082019 - 707 there's obviously a reason for these incidents happening in a dream hope to figure it out eventually or perhaps someone else wiil beat the dreamer to it addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - spd (6+) 26082019 - 706 x dream: all in white the name of the dream: a misplaced sense of self-importance read an endearing story about two chicks, could have been owls or eagles, who had to start fending for themselves before nature deemed they should against all the odds, the pair overcome the trials and tribulations of weather, food, predators" the ending of the story had the matured birds killing the perpetrators of their parent's demise which, for me, spoilt the overall effect of the story decided to write a letter to the author suggesting a different ending if the book went to a second edition although the email was a think-write letter it was composed in think-read style and was orange-coloured, as it is with think-write dreams it is also worth mentioning that only two corrections were needed for the short letter of fifty or so words think-reading/writing is becoming a something of a doddle lately the think-writing accounted for more than half of the dream, it was also the stand-out part of the dream in the next scene, the author of the book was talking to the dreamer on the phone he was on the defensive and spoke to the dreamer with a hint of condescension he suggested the dreamer attend a presentation or lecture of his work; he told the dreamer when and where it would be he would have known my location and thought the dreamer would think it worthwhile to spend a not inconsiderable amount of money and two days travelling for a two-hour show the dreamer is gobsmacked and let out an incredulous "bridlington!" he realised the dreamer was astonished that he would expect me, an ordinary person, to go to that much trouble to see him his sense of his diminishment was palpable through the phone-line he fell silent and didn't say anything else, nor did i addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - think-write dream composed in think-read style (2) 25082019 - 705 the name of the dream: the loan-lark was asleep when the caller's came; don't know how they got in their voices woke me from the bedroom my sleepy voice said weakly, "put some music on" it was a girl and a boy; a couple of awake-time acquaintences an auntie had send them a cheque for eleven pounds and they wanted to give it to the dreamer for the cash equivilent before the swap had taken place another girl and boy, again awake-time acquaintences, came into the dream and they too wanted to loan a tenner the feeling of needing to put a stop to this sort of thing asserted itself the dreamer said to the girl with the cheque, "i'll have the cheque" she pulled out a wallet and from amongst a small wad of notes she handed the dreamer a tenner the look on her face (stand-out bit) made the dreamer think the cheque had sentimental value they both got their tenners before the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.3 participant the category of the dream - money (25+) loan/s (3+) acquaintances (12+) 24082019 - 704 the name of the dream: beating the system had the idea for an app which initiated a new connection between a patient and the patient's bedside monitoring and diagnostic/prognostic equipment to the hospital's database the cables connecting patients to the database were already part and parcel of the design in all hospitals the novelty was in the ease in initiating the new connection via the app without needing a specialized technician in the first scene, at the hospital to find a willing patient and try it out to get into the hospital meant paying the receptionist about ten pounds the hospital used "transactional" currency while the currency in peoples pockets was another the hospital must have experienced problems with people not having transactional money because they would accept a proportion of the payment with "pocket money" didn't have any transactional currency passed all the money in my pocket-money to the receptionist/cashier through the gap at the bottom of the window of the payment booth the cashier accepted the note and three of the coins but rejected some of the coins because, she said, "we're only allowed to take three of those coins in any one payment" realising there was a "chink" in the "system", the dreamer asked for a receipt for the money she could accept and would come back and pay the rest with more pocket money when she went for lunch addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - innovation (6+) computer apps (2+) 22082019 - 703 the name of the dream: a bag and budgies met up with an awake-time acquaintance to go to visit someone he knew we missed the bus which made getting to see his friend that night impractical we decided to go the pictures instead a clear plastic bag of tomatoes weighing about five kilogrammes appeared in his hand in the second scene; it was a flimsy one-piece bag the handle of the bag had become distorted into the thickness of a shoelace and made the bag uncomfortable to carry he knew a shop where we could buy a bag walking through the door into the shop was the start of the next scene the striking feature of the shop was an absence of goods; it was a vegan or vegetarian fresh vegetables shop with the least goods of any shop the dreamer had ever gone into there were tomatoes on a one-metre vine hanging from the ceiling and that was all the vegetables visible there were two people, a woman and a man, wearing clothes that looked like they were second-generation hand-me-downs my attention was drawn to the sound of budgerigars above and to the left; it was two birdcages with a budgie in each cage made budgie sounds which got a reaction from them my friend had been talking to the shop owner's from the moment we had walked in and the bag-problem hadn't been resolved the dreamer said: "if you could wrap some paper around the handle and sellotape it, that would be fine " thinking we had imposed ourselves on the shop owners and wanting to show gratitude, the dreamer thought it would be a good idea to buy lettuce, cucumber and cress from them and experiment with an uncooked food diet for as long as the tomatoes lasted as the main purpose of the shop seemed to be somewhere for the locals to have a chinwag, additional veg would have to be bought somewhere else think we did go to the pictures though addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 participant the categories in the dream: relationships (32+) male (7+) animals (20+) dinosaur (8+) budgerigars (1) 21082019 - 702 the name of the dream: the high jumper after watching someone do a high jump was inspired to do it myself one person suggested practising on a hard surface and develop a slightly different style to the one used by world champions the variation the person suggested was to adapt the straddle style so that as the weight of the body came back into contact with the ground it should be transferred through the outside of the arm and shoulder and not by the elbow, which would mean using padding when practising on a hard surface on one of the practises my head took a bump in the final scene, got to try it in a competition and managed to clear a hundred-and-ninety metres notes 1 nothing in the pde's which relate to high jumping although my head bumped into two different things during the day, neither time hurt addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - athletics (4+) high jump (2+) 20082019 - 701 the name of the dream: a rigged romance had just entered a large pub which was a bit up-market; that was the way they wanted it there was a dancing area adjoining the main bar which could hold a couple of hundred people but it only opened once a week there was also a small dancing area in the main lounge which could let twenty or thirty people "do their thing" the working manager was an awake-time friend and he suggested that the dreamer come along on this particular night as he was expecting six or seven girls he knew this dream starts as yours truly has just walked through the doors of the pub then, walking through the main lounge to the far end where you got a better view of the "action" was wearing a grey suit and my best imitation of casualness looking and feeling good, the writer felt confident he was on a "winner" drink in hand the dreamer moves into position near, but not too near, the dance-area the worker-manager came over and after a little bit of a conversation he asked the dreamer to "woo" a barmaid working there he explained" she was a nice enough girl but didn't have the confidence to talk to men he told the dreamer what drink she liked and said he had mentioned the dreamer to her saying the dreamer was a nice person he pointed her out expecting to see "the daughter of a dog" the dreamer became enthusiastic, she looked like she was just my type the dreamer was all for it he had given her permission to get from behind the bar and dance when the dreamer asked her my friend, whose judgement in the matter of style was legendary, took off his off-white jacket and told the dreamer to wear it for the evening the jacket made of a material that others would pronounce as coarse-cloth was, in fact, made of a finely woven exotic material which only a clothes-connoisseur could truly appreciate the dreamer put it on, it fitted like a glove and gave my physique a new look the dreamer makes his "move" at the bar, the dreamer asked the girl if she would like to join the dreamer in a drink before she had time to say no, the dreamer jumped in, "mine's vodka with half a fresh orange to squeeze" she too, the dreamer knew, drank vodka only without the orange, she accepted the drink the dreamer had to ask her a few times to have a dance over the next half an hour before she said alright she could dance, it was getting better it was going to be easy to become more than just friends as the night progressed, between one song finishing and the next one starting we held hands and eventually put our arms around each other while embraced in a smooch, the dreamer cast my eye around and saw my manager-friend smiling with pure delight the people around him were also smiling, one or two of them had "beamers" everyone who knew what was going on and ther was in a great mood maturing the dreamer had "done it" the dreamer had brought her out of her "shell" and she was the happy outward-going girl everyone knew she could be if only she met the right person as the night moved on everyone became happier and happier people could be seen to be talking about us and their smiles grew even bigger my manager-friend was so overjoyed he started laughing then others let out laughs the dreamer then recognised the smile on the face of the manager-cum-friend "you bastard", my inner voice shouted, as the dreamer realised it was the dreamer who had been "set up" notes 1 this dream came about as a result of thinking about something which the dreamer know people will ask the dreamer to do when we "get going" and what to do about it be warned, if you back the dreamer into a corner the dreamer will come out throwing punch-lines addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - humour (20+) relationships (30+) male and female (1+) 19082019-700 the name of the dream: the hungry dog a knock on the door, it's my sister with a dog, my dog (the second dream within two days of the same dog) he's a two-tone brown and black in its juvenile years as in the first dream, he's here there and everywhere as though looking for something go to the fridge to get the milk for a cuppa as the dreamer reach in the fridge the dog barges past me, sticks his face into a pyrex jug and starts whooping down the contents the dog is hungry, really hungry take out a meat pie out of the fridge to heat it up for the dog and decide to give it some gravy to go with it some of the pie falls away and onto the floor when getting it out of the fridge, let the dog eat it sister has one of those extending dog leads and the dreamer ask her to show the dreamer how it works in practice on the lead, the dog is still looking for more food it's not being fed anywhere near enough notes 1 nothing in the pde's which would have prompted the two dreams what's this dream relating to? is the significance in the hunger? addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - animal (12+) mammal (8+) dog (4+) 18082019 - 699 the name of the dream: the barefoot runner the lower limbs demanded they were given free rein what the dreamer wanted came second there and then, no if or buts it was time "go" it wasn't a "flighted" sprint, as in most running dreams, it was more a four-hundred metre pace run the wide-strided steps kept the dreamer lower to the ground which enabled turning at sharper angles (it's amazing how easy it is, when moving at a pace, to avoid people and obstacles) road, pavement, and in one scene, a cobbled surface were all welcoming contacts for my feet, just so long as there was the opportunity to work the feet and thighs were the two parts of the "bod" the sensation of strength became highlighted in this style of running the running turned to a walk when the grass became the surface and the dream turned into a day in the park notes 1 can trace the origins of this dream to a sensation while pottering around the house during the day have been walking about the flat without shoes or socks since the start of the summer there was one moment during the day when a firm connection between the feet and floor made the dreamer think the dreamer would be able to run again addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - running (5+) barefoot (1) city (2+) 17082019 - 698 the name of the dream: a situation in the loo was working in a small restaurant it had six or seven tables it was always booked up thanks to a top-notch a la carte menu it was a steady job, had been there for almost a year enjoyed the work and the people, both customers and staff were sociable people alas, as is the way of the world, needed a few more pounds in my pocket the restaurant was closed down in the evening to let the locals use the restaurant bar as a pub, it too was popular it would be possible to partition the tables of the restaurant off from the bar and open the restaurant in the evening which would give the dreamer the chance to earn more money decided to go in that evening and talk to the manager about it arrived early in the evening and before speaking to the manager went into the toilets as the dreamer walked to get to the cubicles three lads were milling about at the latrine when they became aware of the dreamer they turned and looked the dreamer was exactly the type of target they were looking for, not too big and not too small, and made snide remarks to and about the dreamer as the dreamer passed them ignoring them didn't work the dreamer was seated on the toilet when the head and shoulders and shoulders of one of them appeared over the top of the cubicle the dreamer pulled my trousers up and said something abusive as the dreamer was finishing adjusting my clothes as soon as the dreamer opened the door one of the lads pushed his way into the cubicle and tried to grab me the dreamer thrust my open hand into his face which stopped his forward momentum but his overall weight sent the dreamer back and the dreamer ended up pinned against the back wall of the toilet the arm being used to stop his forward movement was locked out straight in front of the dreamer and he couldn't get to the dreamer without forcing his face harder into my unyielding locked arm in the typically self-destructive manner of that type of person, he kept on pushing as he pushed, unintentionally, my thumb slipped into his eye socket and the dreamer could feel more and more of his eyeball as he pushed himself forward it must have been excruciating but now he had gone into "suicidal" mode and kept the pain he was feeling at the maximum he could stand and still push he felt, and the dreamer knew there was every chance his eye could pop out of the socket it was just a matter of time before his "back-up" came to his rescue and when he was free he would inflict as much damage as he could on me, quite possibly killing the dreamer in his pain-blind rage actually "finishing him off" by taking his eye out wasn't an option for me it meant doing something else the dreamer let out a high pitched yell and kept it sustained for seven seconds or so the yell had an odd sound, clear, penetrating it caused his mates to stop in their tracks the dreamer had done two more yells when four or five men came into the toilet to witness what it was that could cause a person to make a sound like that it was the sound of a person who didn't want to ruin a person's life but was being forced into the position of doing so the assault had been halted and calm entered the dream notes 1 the stimulus for this dream was thoughts during the day of what the response would be from the oligarch's when they realised "the jig was up" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - violent situations (12+) personal (6+) 16082019 - 697 x dream * 14082019- 696 the name of the dream: the car driver standing on the pavement waiting for the owner of the car parked on the kerb next to the dreamer to return a man appears and, thinking i'm the owner of the car, asks the dreamer to move it because he has to make an urgent delivery the look on his face and his slightly agitated manner tells the dreamer it is urgent the man i'm waiting for had several things to do and the dreamer don't know where he is or how long he will be haven't driven a car for decades but the dreamer decide to take a risk and move the car; the man making the delivery is visibly relieved with a skill that the dreamer thought belonged to a time gone by it was easy as pie to drive the car out from a bit of a tight spot between two cars moving the car was uppermost in my mind and the dreamer hadn't given a thought of where to move it to it wasn't until the car was eight metres away from where it had been that it became obvious there wasn't anywhere else to park it o.k., would have to keep going until there was a space somewhere a gap appeared amongst the row of cars on my side of the road but upon slowing down it simply wasn't going to be possible for me, or anyone else, to park a car could see a crossroads junction fifty metres away at the junction, with the ease of a professional, a tight and speedy u-turn had the car going back up the road the dreamer had just driven down was so surprised with my own skill decided to take the car a "run" it was great to be back at the wheel addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - driving a vehicle (3+) car (2?) 15082019 - 695 the name of the dream: lay scholars and business trickery met two men who had both read all 30 volumes of an encyclopedia it wasn't until some years after they met and formed a bond they were reluctant to explain their feelings about whether they thought it had or hadn't been a worthwhile endeavour in the next dream, three different companies had failed to follow up on after-sales services two representatives of one of the companies was at my home explaining they had met the "terms" of the agreement it didn't take long to realise that the terms had been met but with typical business trickery their after-sales commitments had clauses and provisions which freed them from being legally bound to do what any reasonable would have expected they would do and what any normal decent person would do the dreamer says, " the dreamer dooesn't want to but he will do a write-up of his experiences of your company if they don't do the honourable thing " the dreamer said at the end of the dream participant - the category of the dream - two-themed dream (30+) personal endeavours (4+) unethical business practises (2+) 14082019 - 694 the name of the dream: the hot spot got there just in time the woman behind the counter said, "another three minutes and we'd been closed" even with only three minutes to go, people were still coming in thick and fast to beat the deadline the queue went to just outside the entry door and there were about twenty people in the line being served ahead of me, about thirty in all the dreamer lingered, looking at the food in the stainless steel containers to my left in those few seconds, a woman and a man-made no apology about going past the dreamer and filling the gap that had been created in a matter of seconds regular's knew what they wanted, they were in a hurry to get on with their lives the dreamer made no apology about squeezing between them and the people in front of them to get my "spot" back in the next scene, the dreamer was at the serving area the plate the dreamer picked up had a thin streak of hard-dried mustard on it, the washer-upper was in a hurry to keep on top of maintaining a constant pile of plates my changing the plate was a smear against the establishment the man who was putting the food on the plate "clocked" the dreamer doing it the dreamer was one of those fussy buggers he put two good roast potatoes on the plate and had to rummage in amongst the other potatoes to find a shrivelled up and over-cooked one people have always got time to show disdain still, the food was good value a big plate with three or four generous helpings of two greens from a choice of five or six and another two non-greens from a selection of four or five, with meat pie and gravy the dreamer woke up thinking the dreamer could do better than that a three-veg thick soup with crusty bread for a quid from a stall with a small overhead canopy would have to make enquiries to the council and get the gen on standards and a vending license this is obviously a near-future, post-brexit, time-tense addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.3 participant the category of the dream - food (7+) 13082019 - 693 the name of the dream: trouble and music got home after a morning out to find five lads lounging and milling around in my place all of them had a slovenly poise and their dress code matched their demeanour the dreamer knew one of the people (t), the biggest by far of all of them and obviously the person behind this deliberate stunt to intimidate me in the next scene, was in the kitchen when one of the lads came in he wasn't just discourteous he he was subtly belligerent with it it was the trigger that caused the dreamer to explode "weighing-in" to him with the force of a hurricane the dreamer " let go" with a tirade that caused him to curl back into his shell back in the living room the dreamer turned on the leader of the pack and gave him several mouthfuls it could have backfired but didn't after telling them to go, the biggest of the crew was last to leave, the dreamer mellowed and told come round on his own in a few days in the next scene, a similar thing happened entering the room there were three men, an adult a teenager and a boy these people were a complete contrast to the people in the previous part of the dream they were all wearing clean, light-coloured clothing and were sitting and poised in a formal manner the young lad of seventeen or so began playing music before the thought "what makes him think he can play music without asking" had fully formed the music caught my attention it had a "sixties-style" psychedelic feel to it but didn't have that slightly disjointed characteristic of the sixties psychedelic era rather, it was smooth, harmonious and melodious after listening to four tracks, each one of "chart material" quality, it became obvious this was a new genre of music if it wasn't for the fact that the writer is immersed in expanding dreams and other new projects he would be trying to recreate the sounds in this dream, and the sounds of dream 11082019, at this moment addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 participant and observer the category of the dream - relationships (30+) male (15+) adverse (5_) and, music (10+) melodious psychedelic (1) 12082019 -692 the name of the dream: the lover's way (precognitive dreams) and john's women it's been a while since this website had a dream with this many different themes and scenes in it (7) however, like an afterthought on a matter of great concern which had been evaluated, the very last scene of this dream, which came and went too quickly to dwell upon, was the most significant it was a half-second scene which showed the act of someone's hand altering a file extension by deleting the last three characters and putting in mp4 " " and the phrase "dog-tag" was spoken most of the details of the seven scenes which came before the last scene have faded as this is being typed because instead of doing a voice-memo of the details upon waking the writer was more intrigued to find out if the last scene did, in fact, solve a procedure which occupied the most intense and determined part of the pde's the pde's contained both the realisation that the lover's presence extended far beyond what this website had previously assigned to her/him and the pde's also had three or four hours of frustration while trying to change the format of one type of video file to another as a result of yesterday's realisation it is possible to make sense an event that happened in 1996 and two comments that were made by" that didn't seem to be relevant to our situation but were stressed as having great importance and reveals the mechanism of how she/he has the capacity to manifest her/his-self in concrete form in the here and now it will be explained when we get going the main body of today's dream had three different scenes of women showing affection for the writer through their smiles (two of the women were ladies of the awake-time variety) and there were four scenes which were unrelated to one another this precognitive dream was a demonstration of her/his all-pervasive presence in may 2018 the writer experienced in his dreams answers to questions on how to implement our evolutionary progression without the loss of the life of a single person sadly, they weren't acted upon, partly because of the subtle nature of dreams, and consequently this website is having to feel the dismay of unnecessary and avoidable unnatural death on every continent the writer's dreams will be acted upon by others sooner or later perhaps this dream is a way of persuading people to consider "dipping their toes in the water" while we wait for the next instructive dream addenda: vividness: 3.1 observer the category of the dream - precognitive (8 or 9) multi-themed (12+) 11082019 - 691 the name of the dream: visual and audio delights the first theme, a seven or eight-scene dream with two or three petite, fair-haired young ladies is the first theme of this period of r.e.m. a "photo-shoot" is underway it is set in a bathroom befitting a billionaire, a sunken large bath of white granite with silver fixtures and fittings tasteful nude scenes with two or three young ladies thoroughly enjoying themselves the one scene which sticks out is of when one of the girls being lifted into the air supported by a man's hands (am happy to say there was no male faces or genitalia in this dream) one of his hand's is supporting her upper-back and the other is supporting the bulk of her fifty-kilogram (eight-stone) weight at her coccyx her legs are splayed and show her laughing face and shaven crotch her "playtime" face is more appealing to look at than her shaven crotch, which detracts from her wonderfully, childishly-happy teeth-smile on cue, a hand comes into the scene and places a handful of bubbles on her crotch the hand disappears and gives the scene a fantasy-look the second dreams is an epic dream (at least 12 scenes) of a young lad half my age and myself we are at his place and are having an all-night smoking sesh listening to and talking about music we each have about fourteen grams of flat-pressed soft "leb" he produces a microphone, plugs it into his sound system, sets the delay/fade feature of his mixer to last eight-beats of the music, and begins to accompany the music with occasional one syllable sounds by lengthening or shortening the syllable, changing the tone, pitch etc. of the voice it was possible to produce millions of variations it took a few tries to get it right to start with but once it was synchronised properly it was a "mind-opener" it enhanced the track that was playing and with encouragement and appreciative attention from the writer he done it for about a minute of dream-time he handed the dreamer the mic and let the dreamer have a go it didn't take many tries to get it right and within a three or four goes he was as impressed with the dreamer as the dreamer had been with him it was addictive my turn lasted more than a minute of dream-time which means in total this dream lasted for twenty to thirty minutes of awake-time a fitting ending to this dream was the last sentence of the dream during which the writer went from dream time-time to awake-awake halfway through the comment" "i've had some great music dreams, but this is the best" notes 1 my guess is, if the sounds of the dream had been recorded, something the writer intends doing in the very near future, they would have the dreamer humming along in parts of the dream addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 participant and observer the category of the dream - female nudity (15+) hash and music (2?) externalised (12+) 10082019 - 690 the name of the dream: love, life and death was at a dance with my girl she was a little smaller than me; rounded and heavier than the dreamer proportional to her size music with a latin feel to it was playing the music brought to mind a type of dance the dreamer had seen somewhere in which the first part of the dance was with your partner and in the second part the man danced solo as an expression of his love it was a solo dance/act, stylistic and energetic it was so energetic the dance would come to an end when the man had spent all his energy expressing his love for the woman and it finished with him swivelling on his back on the floor signifying he would die for his girl from what the dreamer can remember the dance was named "the lhando rhondo" (if there's an expression in spanish which sounds like that and means a man who dies for his woman the dreamer will be amazed) the dreamer received the adulation of both the females and males after the dance which earned the dreamer extra "brownie points" of esteem no one would "top" that tonight, or so the dreamer thought the band announced that someone was going to dance the lhando rhondo biyada or something that sounded like that the biyada was the female version of lando rhondo it was so difficult to do, a girl would have to go to a special dance academy which only gave a certificate when the pupil had read the love story on which dance was based and could express through movement the feelings a woman had for her man the story on which the dance was based was about a man who had just died but his girl refused to accept it and was determined to bring him back to life the stylised energy she had to put into the dance was immense no one at the dance had seen anybody do it and everybody moved to the edge of the dance the band started playing the music and wouldn't you know it, my girl walked into the centre of the floor she was wearing a black strap dress that clung to her upper body and splayed out from the upper thigh to the knees the dreamer didn't know what to expect the more the dance went on the more non-plussed the dreamer became who was she? as in the male version of the dance, she too finished on the floor looking up at me the dreamer was stunned, there was nothing the dreamer could say without willing them to my hands began coming together in a slow mechanical clap other people began clapping too and the clapping was building as the dream ended aren't women who love their man just like that, full of wonderful surprises addenda: vividness:: 3 participant and observer the category of the dream - dancing with a partner (3+) 09082019 - 689 the name of the dream: an instance of spontaneity walking out of a building after listening to a lecture or presentation; there were thirty or forty people in the room about halfway out a voice to my right said something a small woman quite a bit older than the dreamer was looking up at me the dreamer told her my name and she said: "can the dreamer take you home with me" the dreamer searched her face and saw a woman who needed male company the dreamer said, "have you got a car?", she said, "no" back at her home, she asked why the dreamer had agreed so readily to her request the dreamer said the dreamer never say no to a woman as long as she hasn't got a flaw in her character she asked what type of flaw and the dreamer replied the dreamer wouldn't know until it became obvious she asked what the dreamer wanted to do and the dreamer said for her to tell the dreamer and the dreamer would do it the dreamer asked her if she had ever been married and the dream ended before she replied addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - female/male situations (4+) 08082019 - 688 the name of the dream: meet the foss's it had been a while since the dreamer had visited a long-time awake-time friend and his half-his-age wife they were comfortable in their relationship the three of us were in the living room watching the telly we each sat in a separate armchair after a while they got up and swapped chairs without a word being said something had happened which didn't make sense, my sense of decorum told the dreamer not to ask it was after what seemed to be a min the dreamer space-age of deliberation that the dreamer noticed that the clock on the mantle-piece was on the hour, ten o' clock somehow it was significant the dreamer had found an inroad into understanding their behaviour they knew the dreamer would be thinking about why they had changed chairs and must have been prepared for the question as to why but hoped the dreamer would just pass it off as something unusual the male of the species must have noticed the dreamer looking at the clock and knew the dreamer had found a couple of dots with which to start drawing a behavioural picture as the dreamer turned and looked directly at him to ask the question, he was now sitting in the armchair next to the dreamer on my left, the dreamer saw-cum-sensed him bracing himself to answer the question in as matter of fact way as he could; chances are the dreamer wasn't the first person to ask, and he had formed a reply with the minimum of words his partner had picked out the chair for herself, it was more comfortable than his, he had a bad back, she wouldn't relinquish the throne and the on-the-o'clock musical chairs without music was the compromise he wasn't the dominant alpha male he used to be the dreamer woke up chuckling addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - humour (10+) externalised (20+) 07082019 - 687 the name of the dream: hello everyone first scene, out in the open in an area of about a square kilometre the scene had a semi-desolate look there were about forty people spread out evenly in ones and two's, both near and far and there were railway tracks thirty metres away an ex x partner was nearby the dreamer got the feeling she was as near as she could be to the dreamer without making it obvious she wanted the dreamer to approach her a memory of us in extreme intimacy played out for a couple of seconds of dream-time the feelings it produced compelled the dreamer to go to her in the next scene, the dreamer was standing in the door-frame of a two-tier classroom and she was the teacher the dreamer stood there for a second of dream-time and watched her as she moved slowly from child to child looking over their shoulders at what was on their desk she was surprised to see me the dreamer took a step into the classroom as a gesture for her to give the dreamer permission to enter she moved away from the dreamer to indicate the dreamer could come in two or three steps into the classroom the dreamer could see all of the lower tier where fifteen or twenty children were engrossed with the papers in front of them they became aware of my presence and looked up the dreamer said: "hello everyone" and they replied in unison with a "hello" the sound of the twenty children saying hello resonated in my soul: what the dreamer would give to be a teacher in a primary school the dreamer said something else which produced another synchronised response again, my voice drew them out to the dreamer and their response enhanced my already intense feelings the third thing the dreamer said was more of a question and it would need an individualised response the reciprocating effect of the soul to souls experience faded and the dream ended notes 1 until this dream the dreamer had forgotten the wholly spiritual effect of child-group interplay it's in a completely different league to that of adult intimacy this dream got the dreamer thinking about the feelings the lover gives and gets from his "children" (ourselves) it also brought to mind the memory of the dream of 15062015 notes 2 if we all had just one dream a month of this quality the world would be a different 06082019 - 686 the name of the dream: picture this, picture that with a friend and his girlfriend on holiday we were arranging our first day out we decided to go to the pictures first there were several cinemas to choose from and the films that were showing were so good we could have spent the entire day going from one picture house to another we decided to go to the cinema which was showing two really good films the dreamer hadn't see and was running them back to back at the cinema, we found out they began in an hour and ten minutes we went to the upstairs lounge area of the cinema and after a while came back down again began talking to someone who asked the dreamer if it was possible to do something with his finger using an "i-satt"; an i-satt was a wristwatch and tablet set-up the dreamer asked him what information he wanted and typed it into search the dream came to an end as the dreamer heard myself saying "have you got the lead to connect the watch to the mini-tablet" addenda: vividness: 2.9- participant the category of the dream - cinema (3+) tech-devices (5+) 05082019 - 685 the name of the dream: a soft touch someone was looking for me it was a young lad who had borrowed money from the dreamer before he always repaid whatever he borrowed and the dreamer knew he would give it back to me it was the thought of him using the dreamer as a loan-company forever which bothered me eventually, he caught up with me the dreamer told him he could have twenty pounds, which made his face light up, but gave him forty by mistake addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - money-lending (1 ?) 04082019 - 684 the name of the dream: the six-year-old teenager in the company of a young woman and her six-year-old child the child wanted to be older and the mother or the dreamer suggested we put some make-up on her to see if that made her happy she put on a one-piece dress and as a final touch the dreamer put a wave around the bottom of her hair with a curling iron the final scene was when she was all done and looked at herself in a full-sized mirror and the dreamer said, "now you're fourteen" she was dead chuffed and everyone was happy notes 1 there have been a few instances in awake-time when i've come across a child that wanted to put on make-up my guess is, girls, more so than boys, see that special affection between parents and want to experience it as well addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - children (8+) 03082019 - 683 the name of the dream: brief love not sure what the occasion was, if indeed it was a special occasion, given the chance i'd be partying every night anyway, it's another dream with another new girlfriend like most girls in dreams this young lady is special i'd been hoping to strike up a relationship with her for as long as the dreamer can remember up until this point in the dream, about four scenes, there had only been women in the dream not nubiles fulfilling a latent lecherous intent but women of the mom and auntie type the dreamer would have to behave myself until the party finished before the dreamer could be alone with my girl the party, of course, went on and on at one point we had run out of food and the cupboards were bare it was decided we would order in cold food; breadsticks, dips and the like that of course only prolonged the party and deepened my impatience the room where most people were gathered had two three-seater settees and a double, most people though were standing one of the elderly ladies brought everyone's attention to the double-seater that was sandwiched between the two triple-seaters (the stand-out visual) while she related the fond memories it held for her the settee was white or off-white with a floral design,heavily upholstered and was made of what the dreamer would describe as canvas-cloth; a very popular patterned-material as the dreamer remember another stand-out bit of the dream was of the face of a man the picture of his face was very sharp as were the contours of his face, a thin, a long nose with a "bump" in the middle at last, all but one of the guests had gone without any further ado, the dream went to the bedroom the girl made the dreamer wait and no sooner had the loving started when someone called out from another part of the dream asking for something which needed my personal attention the working day was beginning and the dreamer was late first thing the dreamer had to do after getting dressed was to shave the dreamer was cursing and fretting because the dreamer couldn't find the electric shaver the more the dreamer tried to recall where it was the more frustrated the dreamer became the frustration interrupted the adult activity and was compounding it built up and up and" until the dreamer realised the elusive shaver was in the dream and the dreamer was back in awake-time addenda: vividness: 3. to 4.2 participant and observer the category of the dream - indoor party's (3+) relationships (30+) female (20+) 02082019 - 682 the name of the dream: three women and an elephant the dream begins in a house which is almost a replica of auntie moo's two up-two down the dreamer leave the bedroom to go downstairs for a cup of tea there was a woman there from officialdom who was going over h's (an awake-time friend of some years ago) legal position regarding regarding his application for citizenship the dreamer had to interrupt them to make a cup of tea after the cuppa, the dreamer went back upstairs a very small baby elephant which has been badly physically abused comes into the bedroom the elephant is nervous and hesitant my heart goes out to it and the dreamer smother it with kindness after a while it doesn't resist the dreamer when the dreamer manage to position into a lying position, partly resting on my lap and partly on the bed in the next scene, the dreamer am on my own in the bedroom when the girl who lives in the other bedroom comes into my bedroom no sooner has she tucked herself under the blankets when c comes into the dream and asks if she can stay overnight there was still room for the dreamer in the bed, just then, the dreamer do something chivalrous and somewhat out of character for me, by preparing a makeshift bed to sleep on the floor the dreamer am waiting for them to say to me the dreamer can share the bed with them when the dream ends notes 1 this is the second time aunt moo's house has featured in a dream and the fourth appearance for c repeat appearances in dreams of places and people and places with a qualitative nature is seen as being the consistency of" addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships (20+) female (20+) c (4+) animal (15+) mammal (5+) elephant (1) 01082019 - 681 the name of the dream: a girl, a cat, a canary and a bit of green was with my cracking new girlfriend she was eighteenish and the dreamer was twenty-eight wasn't entirely sure what she saw in the dreamer but needless to say the dreamer didn't question her about it in one scene, we were leaving a dance and walking through a car park when a young lad comes up to me he was smiling as he handed the dreamer a see-through polythene bag of loose tobacco he was smiling for the entire scene it took the dreamer a few seconds to realise he was waiting for a reaction from me the dreamer looked at him and said, "did you manage to get some?" he never spoke but kept his smile a quick look through the outside of the bag showed of neatly pressed block of grass about half the size of a small bar of chocolate in amongst the tobacco the dreamer won't bore you with the details of a tender love scene in the last scene of the dream, we were walking along and the dreamer was keeping her entertained the dreamer was telling her of the pets i'd had during the course my long, long life the dreamer used to have a black cat and a canary the dreamer never kept the budgie in a cage. they used to like play at chasing each other" the dreamer came home one day and the budgie had gone. the dreamer still don't know how it managed to get out the dreamer heard my own voice telling the story and woke before the dreamer saw her smile addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - externalised (10+) relationships (20+) female (15+) 31072019 - 680 the name of the dream: helpful people in the first few scenes, the dreamer was going from house to house in a street built of period houses terraced houses looking for a boarding house in one scene, the dreamer was talking to two elderly women who were telling the dreamer about the merits of boarding with one person over another the cheeks of one of the women had sunk right back into her mouth (the stand out visual of the dream) the dreamer kid you not, it would have been possible to put golf balls in the hollows she suggested the dreamer ask the owner of a house who didn't take in boarders but was known to be a helpful man the dreamer went to the house and as soon as the dreamer told him my circumstances he didn't think about it he took the dreamer in saying it would only take a day or two for the dreamer to find somewhere he took the dreamer upstairs to a large immaculately kept room with two or three beds in it and let the dreamer choose which bed the dreamer wanted; the dreamer chose the one nearest the door the house was one of twenty or so period houses in a half-crescent the area in front of the houses had been converted into a giant jacuzzi soaking in the water which had bubbles rising from the bottom was the second stand-out visual-cum-sensation of the dream the dreamer was getting on famously with the two young sons of the house-owner as we frolicked in the water inexplicably, there was a scene in the dream when the dreamer was asleep in bed and the dreamer dreamt the dreamer had soiled myself when the dreamer pulled back the covers to look the dreamer hadn't soiled myself but had "let go" with a humongous wet fart and stained the sheets; another stand-out visual scene there was a scene or two with feelings of anxiety in them as the dreamer got the sheets cleaned without anyone finding out several other scenes faded from the memory 30072019 - 679 the name of the dream: a big dream a multi-themed dream with similarities in some of the scenes there were two scenes which had someone standing in the middle of a road that had two-way traffic one of the scenes was an effusive, hopelessly happy young woman, one of the presenters of "just for laughs", waiting for a break in the traffic with a child in hand the other was myself waiting impatiently for the traffic lights to change at a crossroads junction it must have been winter as it was dark the dreamer was in a rush to catch the six-o-clock bus to have missed the bus would have meant waiting for an hour for the next one there were a couple of scenes where the dreamer was running one was when the dreamer was on the ground floor of a mall the sound of my feet beating out a steady thump as the dreamer maintained a sprint running through a mall on the way to catch a bus (yet another scene in a dream in which the feel of strength in my legs gave the dreamer a sense of confidence) the dreamer had a backpack and was wearing a fawn-coloured shirt and grey trousers doing a trade for something with an oriental man who had his child with him in new york and the feel of spaciousness in a thriving metropolis on a plane, journeying from new york back to england back in england, the dreamer doubled the amount of money the dreamer had in my pocket from less than fifty-pence to just over a pound it was enough to buy a paper and a bar of chocolate in a mall, the dreamer bought the paper in a retail shop well-known for selling papers it was the biggest outlet of theirs the dreamer have ever been in easily as big as a national "big name" city-centre chain store that sold clothes, food and an almost endless variety of goods while accommodating hundreds of shoppers got the paper from the store and could see the confectionery area but didn't have enough time to get to the chocolate addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - multi-themed dream ( 20+) 29072019 - 678 the name of the dream: the nightmare in a dream in this dream, the dreamer woke up in the middle of the night needing to go to the toilet because the dreamer felt sleepy and it was only a dozen steps to get to the toilet the dreamer didn't put my slippers on after three steps, a slight movement down by my left-foot caught my attention my first impression was it was a ball of fluff on the way back from the toilet the ball of fluff was still there the dreamer nudged it with my big toe and it moved the dreamer bent down to look at it closer and recognised it was a spider the thing was, the dreamer could see its legs, which looked like fine, grey glistening hairs, but not its body (this was the closest a pic came to the spider in the dream after typing in "spiders with long legs") the dreamer bent down further, at this point the dream zoomed-in and the spider became magnified to the size of a pillow, and the dreamer could see a bug or a piece of organic matter being devoured but couldn't see what was eating it the dreamer looked closer still, again the picture zoomed-in, and now the dreamer could see that whatever it was that was being eaten was being excreted immediately after it had been ingested by whatever it was that was eating it, but still the dreamer couldn't see what was eating it whatever it was, if it could eat a piece of food the size of a shirt button it wouldn't have too much trouble nibbling away at my ear the dreamer got back to my bed and lay down although the dreamer was dead tired the dreamer knew the dreamer had to do something about the flesh-eating monster first, the dreamer thought of putting it in a glass container and taking a good look at it after the dreamer had finished off sleeping that didn't work because the only glass container the dreamer had handy was a kilner jar which meant the dreamer would have to get something to scoop it into the container then, the dreamer thought to capture it in a see-through plastic container but then the thought of having it around seemed a bit ghoulish then, the dreamer thought of sucking it up with the carpet hoover, but the hoover had a noisy motor and would wake my upstairs neighbour doing something about the unseen monster, it may have been the spider that was being eaten, was becoming too much of a chore for my dream-state to cope with and it handed the problem back to my awake-state, which is where this dream ends addenda: vividness:: addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.9 participant (could feel the carpet under my feet when the dreamer got out of bed) the category of the dream - waking up into the dream (2+) animal (1+) spider (1) 28072019 - 677 the name of the dream: the old codgers three of us in a room we were all of advanced years (isn't that an endearing term, it suggests a person is actually improving as they age. whoever come up with the phrase missed their vocation as a diplomat) we weren't exactly "raging against the dying of the light" although there was still a spark of enthusiasm to do something new, daring the dreamer suggested the obvious but it immediately conjured up the sad mental image of an orgy without energy; perfunctory passion when we lose the physical ability to do cartwheels it seems as though life's shop has closed for the day still, we were in good humour and as the dreamer looked at the other two men the dreamer was determined to suggest something, if only the dreamer could think of what it was" addenda: vividness:: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - old folk (1+) men 27072019 - 676 the name of the dream: a battle a one-scene epic dream it wasn't so much a scene, rather, it was more a one-scene story the scene conveys an intensity of battle akin to two armies of ants fighting two fearless opponents fighting to the death a relish for a life/death situation an orientation to murder unremitting violence take the sky and a quarter off the right-hand side of the painting out of this picture then, add soldiers into the empty spaces then, put a figure three-times bigger than one of the soldiers doing battle in the front of the picture into the middle of the picture the new figure is looking out of the picture at you with a fighting snarl on his face and is urging you to come forward then, double the brightness of the scene, and it comes quite close to the scene in this one-scene dream the dreamer looked at the picture for about four or five seconds of dream-time and then the dreamer crossed from dream-time to awake-time and into a maxi-montage this montage had about one-hundred pictures most of the pictures in montages are less than a second but this sequence took the rapidity at which pictures changed to a new level on average there were two pics each second in two instances there were three or four pics in a second, barely long enough to take in the colour and shape nor did they have the same theme addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of dream: (new category) epic one-scene dreams (1) battle-scene (1) the category of the montage: montage (12+) maxi-montage (2+) 26072019 - 675 the name of the dream: a woman's compulsion was in the company of a young woman in her early twenties and her months-old baby she was sitting in an armchair with her legs folded up with the baby snuggled into her waist her short skirt had ridden three-quarters of the way up her thighs her thighs were full and luscious she must have seen the dreamer looking at her legs and began looking at my crotch the opportunity was there and there was no doubt if the dream had gone on for a few more scenes it would have turned into an x dream the thoughts running through my mind as the dream closed down was "why does a she want another baby so soon ?" perhaps the answer to the question will come from young women who have felt the same in the same circumstances and share their experiences in a dreams diary forum the dreamer regularly read other peoples dreams and find them as engrossing as my own a cross-referencing, world-wide database could be up and running within twenty years addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - pubs (3+) gold (7+) 25072019 - 674 the name of the dream: an expensive drink entered a pub, sat down on a stool at the bar and ordered a coffee from the young woman bartender when the coffee was in front of me the dreamer decided to have a short with the coffee couldn't remember the name of the short the dreamer usually have with coffee the dreamer asked the young woman what drink people usually have with coffee she suggested whiskey the dreamer knew it wasn't whiskey the dreamer wanted and asked her what else other people drink with coffee she was the only person serving behind the bar and she was overworked she was collecting empty glasses between serving people and didn't have the time to talk to me the dreamer still couldn't remember what drink it was the dreamer wanted then the dreamer said to her, "it's got an aniseed taste" she replied pernod at the same time the dreamer remembered the name she brought the pernod and the dreamer handed her a piece of gold the size of a cassette and the shape of the imprint of a foot; it had the number nineteen stamped into the underside (the stand-out visual of the dream) it was while the dreamer was waiting a long time for the change that the dreamer realised the name of the drink the dreamer couldn't remember wasn't pernod but brandy the dreamer would leave the pernod on the bar and order a brandy when she brought the change at first, the dreamer thought the reason the change was a long time coming was she had to find out how much change to give me then it occurred to the dreamer that the gold piece was worth a small fortune and she, or someone she had consulted as to its value, thought the dreamer was some sort of schmuck who didn't know what i'd given her and they didn't intend to give the dreamer any change the dreamer was still waiting for her to return with the change when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 participant the category of the drink: pubs (3+) gold (7+) 23072019 - 673 the name of the dream: dreaming is good for you the entire population of a village decided to do a sponsored run on the day of the run about five-hundred people turned out a group of about fifteen people in hoodies wanted to make a "name" for themselves and turn the run into a competition shortly after the start, the hoodies broke away from the main group with the intention of beating the rest of the runners to the finish line at about the half-way point of the jog, those at the front of the main body of runners turned through a forty-five-degree bend in a lane and found themselves running head-on into the hoodies everyone except the hoodies began laughing when it dawned on the main body of runners that the hoodies had took the wrong route it didn't matter if the hoodies got to the end of the run first, they had "goofed" and would never live it down notes 1 talking of goofs" the dreamer woke up from this sleep with, what the dreamer thought was the memory of the dream prominent in my mind the memory was of the dreamer or someone else using a rifle that used pellets to shoot down static metal figures at a stall in a fairground the memory was, the dreamer thought, the dream i'd had before waking it wasn't until the dreamer began recalling another memory, with the same qualities as the memories of the dream the dreamer thought i'd just had, that the dreamer realised the dreamer was remembering two instances of awake-time experiences that had a dream-like quality attached to them (notes/aside of 13122018 and notes/aside of 09042018) it was only yesterday while in awake-time that the same thing happened i'm trying to convey here, only in reverse" the dreamer was playing through some memories and it was a while before it dawned on the dreamer that what the dreamer thought were awake-time experiences were, in fact, dream-time memories the fusion of dream-time and awake-time memories/experiences is gathering pace this diary entry is a "back-up" dream from 20072019 p or o? the category of the dream - humour (7+) group run (1+) 22072019 - 672 the name of the dream: a dream-time adult farce the characters: my wife, a lecherous friend, the landlord and self my wife: a truly delightful and sumptuous being; more girl than woman her life revolves around the interplay between man and woman when she's not actually in bed with a man her mind-play is suggesting it she's not a nymphomaniac, far from it it's the personality characteristic's of men she finds so fascinating it's as though she's stuck at that point of pre-pubescence when we first become aware of those differences in gender, as the chemicals which produce those undefinable feelings of attraction and curiosity are running rampant the most fascinating man in the world is the man she is in eye-contact with my friend: the dreamer think this character is based on an awake time-time friend of three and four decades ago his sex-drive dominates his life oddly, he is very picky he will wait two years for the right woman rather than have a relationship with someone who doesn't meet his criteria both of us were friends with the sister of the woman who had captured his heart and mind when he was a much younger man the dreamer met her once in awake-time and saw in her what he found attractive he based her traits on his model of the perfect woman he wouldn't be so brazen as to flirt with my wife in front of the dreamer but all the signals were there of what would happen if the dreamer wasn't the dreamer made sure the dreamer kept them apart the landlord: he had "made it" and his self-esteem was his undoing the all-men-are-created-equal concept wasn't at the forefront of his thinking, he had "position" he wasn't so far "gone" as to not be attracted to an attractive woman he wouldn't be my wife's first choice between the three of us my friend would be my wife's first choice if the dreamer wasn't there the dream first scene, my wife, friend and the dreamer are all in the same room someone said: "two florins" two florins will buy my wife all she wants second scene, my friend was talking to my wife he's trying to be interesting while talking about nothing he's mindful, the dreamer can hear what he's saying third scene, the landlord joins the dream he doesn't do a very good job of hiding his lust for my wife the landlord was addressing the dreamer while "eyeing" my lovely wife and said: "the rent is due. you have to pay a crown" the dreamer got the impression the dreamer could interpret what he said in another way a crown pays the rent and gets the landlord off our back notes 1 it is possible to date this dream it is obviously a past time-tense not time-tense 8, probably 9 2.9 to 3.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships (35+) female and male (2+) 21072019 - 671 the name of the dream: unknown benefactor the first scene, the dreamer am at home when the mobile phone alerts the dreamer a text message has been received the message reads "your ice cream has been dispatched to 49" ? and will be arriving today at 7 p.m. the dreamer thought the number on our door was 47 and in the next scene, the girlfriend and the dreamer are outside our apartment looking at the number on our door in the next scene, we are in the living room trying to figure out who was behind it when the doorbell rang the delivery had arrived earlier than the scheduled time in the next scene, my girlfriend had opened the door about ten centimetres and we could see the face of the delivery girl in the next scene, the girl jumped through into the hallway and landed on both feet almost at attention she was dressed in cowgirl clothes" white ankle-boots, white shorts, a colourful blouse, waistcoat, red neckerchief, a cowboy hat and holding a tub of ice cream we asked her who it was from but she never answered and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - home deliveries (1) ice cream (1) 20072019 - 670 the name of the dream: not of forever this three or four-scene dream centred around a girl of about twenty the scenes showed her going from happiness to being sullen the source of her unhappiness ? she realised the consequences of her lifestyle she was a lesbian notes 1 the law is clear: anything which does not expand becomes a diminishing reality: see devolution and the law - this dream comes from thoughts about homosexuality during the day addenda: vividness: 3 observer the category of the dream - homosexuality (2+) female (1+) 19072019 - 699 the name of the dream: lack of sure-footedness on a sheer rock-face the mountain was considered to be the perfect mountain for those who wanted to climb a mountain for the first time as it was only a few degrees short of being a sheer rock-face in the first scene of the dream, the dreamer was in a party of about a dozen people being led by a professional guide we all successfully got to the top of what was the face of a mountain that had a rust-coloured hue to the rock in the second scene of the dream, a group of people with the same number of people as in the first dream had just completed the climb by the time the dreamer began the ascent by now the dreamer felt confident enough to climb the mountain on my own and got to the top twice as quickly as the dreamer had in the first dream in the third dream, the dreamer was on my own from the start of this scene about half-way up the hundred-metre cliff, the dreamer came to what was probably the most difficult part of the climb, but as in the second scene of the dream, there were two conveniently prominent bits of rock which made getting past this part of the rock-face easy the dreamer looked at the second and biggest bit of rock about a metre above the bit the dreamer was about to grip onto and thought it looked loose and might come away in my hand when the dreamer grabbed hold of it the dreamer felt he was being unreasonable and asks judgement as the dreamer had already done it twice before, as had the people in scenes one and two, and it bolstered my resolve to press on the dreamer reached up and tentatively put my weight through the fingers of my right hand sure enough, the rock came away in my fingers now the dreamer was in a life-threatening situation the dreamer dismissed the idea of letting go completely and trying to slow my fall by sliding down, grabbing at prominent bits of rock on the way down my feet might come into contact with the face and throw the dreamer completely of balance and the slide-down would become a tumbling-as-i-fell fall luckily, as is the case in sticky situations in dreams, the dream ended notes 1 the full-of-confidence to uncertainty-and-disaster themes of dreams will almost certainly reflect moments of doubt, big and little, during the day the greater the doubt in awake-time the more intense the situation in the dream the dilemma in this dream is easily traced to thoughts concerning world political events in the pde's" domestic political opinions and turkey announcing it would be receiving missiles from russia are the foundation for the doubt in this dream also consider, if only one of the two moments of doubt had been in the pde's, this may have been a two-loop dream addenda: vividness:: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - three-loop dream (2?) climbing (2+) mountain (1) 18072019 - 698 the name of the dream: the the spian the scenes this dream is two actors performing the last two scenes of a shakespearean-type tragedy play we are dressed in period clothes and have long hair in the style of the shakespearean period in the last but one scene, the person who has killed the dreamer is standing over the dreamer giving a superbly emotional epitaph-soliloquy of my personality and mourning my demise the extended monologue impresses everybody including myself and there is no doubt, it is a quality performance that is a career-making moment for him the thick silence of an attentive audience during the speech told the dreamer there was going to be thunderous applause when he had finished after the actor had delivered his speech, an impromptu bit of showmanship, in the form of him slowly leaning and lowering himself over me; he is about to deliver a farewell kiss from the living to the dying when his lips are within a few centimetres of mine and he is on the verge of kissing me the dreamer whisper to him not to kiss the dreamer or the living and the dying roles we had just played would be reversed in real life the final scene was a touch of surreality as the actor, standing above the dreamer and using just one hand, pulls the dreamer up in slow-motion (the stand-out bit of the dream) before the applause began addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - stage-acting (1+) 17072019 - 697 the name of the dream: clear waters the wife and the dreamer are a two-man team who offer our service's for a children's underwater adventure day, weekend or a week-long excursion in clear, reef-waters on a website that is highly graphical everything is going swimmingly" it was when one couple wanted us to encourage their child to take as many photos as possible during her or his "adventure holiday" that it occurred to us that we should make each each clients "adventure" a programme and add into each underwater adventure a simple story then it occurred to us to make each client's diving holiday into an adventure book composing the story-line before the dive would give us the scope to "tailor" what things to capture on film and still photography also, we could incorporate into the adventure holiday an educational angle and begin compiling a library of fish, diving skills, seabed animal themes etc. of learning and make sure the price was attractive; a little research into the costs of mass-production would be necessary we could" addenda: vividness: 4.1 participant the category of the dream - under-water (1+) business (2+) 16072019 - 696 the name of the dream: think-writing uses lots of calories after think-writing, in two separate scenes, a succinct summation of eight or ten lines expressing my reasons for being antisemitic the dreamer then began organising a meal for a group of people notes 1 this dream was the brought about after coming across a picture of an orthodox jew talking to putin which carried the caption "putin's handler" and caused the dreamer to think my previously held view, that semites don't have any meaningful influence in russia, was wrong notes 2 this website believes memories and consciousness are the same thing because the memories of think-write dreams are more lucid than the memories of text that is composed while in awake-time, it raises again the hot topic/contention that the dream-time memory/conscious is more sophisticated/superior than the awake-time memory/conscious and way off into the future it becomes the dominant form of consciousness/memory 15092014 - 695 addenda: vividness: 4 participant - the category of the dream - think-write (5+) antisemitism (1) 15072019 the name of the dream: the "show off" in the high street of a city a five or six-piece assault course had been erected for the general public it may have been a recruitment drive for one of the armed forces but the dreamer got the impression it was just for fun of the five or six pieces of apparatus, one was a two-and-a-half metre knotted rope that dangled from the end of a monkey bar the dreamer thought it would be a fun thing to do and gave it a "go" when my feet were on the second knot the dreamer could put my weight through my feet which enabled the dreamer to reach down and pick up the slack of the rope below my feet with my left hand and use the first knot to take some of my weight by gripping the rope under the armpit of my right arm and resting some of my weight against the knot now the dreamer could distribute my weight through both my feet and upper-body in a show of sheer exhibitionism the dreamer let go with my left hand and adopted a sitting, reclining position, turned to my left and waved at the people below me the dreamer felt it necessary to do something different and "showy" on the monkey bars as well instead of looking forward while moving forward the dreamer faced sideways in a narrow "crucifixion" position, let go with my left hand and swung my body around and grabbed the next bar so now my back was showing to the front the dreamer was the epitome of lithe strength all that was missing was a fanfare addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - strength (5+) assault course (1) amusement (1) 14072019 - 694 the name of the dream: money, fish and food the first theme, had been tricked into being an accomplice to steal money from a bank the dreamer didn't know who it was who had tricked me whoever it was knew the dreamer well enough to know that the dreamer knew the people who worked in the bank who trusted the dreamer enough to let the dreamer into the premises first thing in the morning before opening the doors for business and make a cup of tea for everybody the dreamer didn't remember taking any money everybody believed the dreamer when the dreamer said the dreamer didn't know who was behind it devised a plan to let whoever it was who used the dreamer to take the money think the dreamer could be duped into doing another scam for them by using some expensive equipment of mine as collateral for a loan the second dream, walking along a very narrow path that ran along the side of a canal there were three or four men fishing they were evenly spread over a thirty-metre distance the water was clear enough to see the fish the fish was a long, slim-bodied fish that looked like pike (the stand-out part of this dream) the dreamer spoke to the last one of the group; he wasn't having much luck asked him for a rod and a reel and the smallest float he had the water was so clear it occurred to the dreamer if we could see them they could see us and if the dreamer could find a spot where the dreamer could not be seen by the fish they were more likely to go for the bait the man the dreamer asked for the fishing tackle and the man said "why not, you've done one miracle. there's no reason why you can't do another" didn't know what he was referring to the third dream, a man who wanted a divorce on the grounds his wife wasn't making his meals as good as she used to she was obviously peeved about something her side of the story hadn't been revealed before the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 participant first and second dream, observer third dream the category of the dream multi-themed dream (8+) money (2+) fishing (1+) divorcing couples (1+) 13072019 - 693 the name of the dream: the riches in poverty this dream is set in africa the city in the dream was, in my recollection of the dream, called osaka but the nearest name the dreamer could find in a search that sounded like osaka the dreamer was lusaka the dreamer had got the name osaka from a tattered copy of a newspaper the dreamer came across the paper had the distinctive red and black colouring of the "the sun" and had the name "the osaka ?" the paper had some news on the front page which caught my interest and the dreamer wanted to read the whole of the story the paper was too tatty to read so the dreamer asked a young boy if he knew where the dreamer could get one the youngster, who was about twelve, said a shop nearby sold it the dreamer produced about thirty-pence in pennies and tuppences the dreamer gave the boy four pence and told him he could keep the change if there was any, plus the dreamer would give him some more when he got back he was back with the paper in the next scene and had some sweets; four pence had been enough for the paper and a few sweets ! the sweets had drawn the attention of a young girl bigger and older-looking than he was; his sister the dreamer think he must have said he would he was going to get some more money and she wanted to see how much it would be in the next scene, the dreamer had dug into my pocket and pulled out all of my change which was about fifty or sixty-five pence all the change, except for two three-penny bits, was in pennies and two-penny pieces (the stand-out bit of the dream) there was so much of it the dreamer couldn't close my fist the lad had his hand open and the dreamer dropped about eight or ten pence in it the dreamer put my hand in front of the girl she opened her hand and the dreamer put about fifteen pence in it and to even things out the dreamer gave the lad a few more coins in the last scene, the two youngsters were slowly walking towards me each had a fairly large white bag of sweets and were tucking in into them as they walked addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - africa (4+) youngsters (3+) money (7+) coins (6+) 12072019 - 692 the name of the dream: our first time the first scene: p and another person are standing, fully embraced and kissing; not sure if it is me in the next scene, we are fully-clothed and are positioning ourselves for intimacy on a bed p lays down and the dreamer lie down on my right side, leaning slightly over her we begin undressing ourselves p helps the dreamer get my arms out of my shirt then, the dreamer help her get out of her tights by laying my palms near the top of her buttocks, slipping the tips of my fingers just under the waistband of her stockings and lift and roll the accumulating material until her stockings have slipped over her thighs which then allows the dreamer to put all of both hands into the stockings and slide them down far enough for her to bend her knees and finish the manoeuvre (the feel of her skin, tight and smooth as my palms skimmed over the crown of her buttocks was the stand-out bit of the dream) when she was laid bare from the waist down she expected the dreamer to lie on top of her and begin coitus it was our first time and she didn't know me conjoinment would come later, first" notes 1 not many men give thought to the circumstance that, on average, they only need to ejaculate twice in their lifetime in the years ahead this website will lay out the reasons why it thinks there is a pressing need to be educated on this matter see also: the art of pleasure (28102018) addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 participant the category of the dream - x-dream (w/j 5+) pat (1) 11072019 - 691 the name of the dream: the jolly giant and uncle les still trying to remember the first scene of this dream in which the dreamer first became friends with the man who featured in the following scenes he was big, a six-foot-seven barn door, dark hair with a barrel-chest the dreamer assume his good-naturedness came from the confidence of never having to fear anyone or it might be the other way around, confidence had produced his prodigious size he liked to make with the one-liners we had become instant friends when he hit the dreamer with a derogatory remark and the dreamer shot back and gave him as good as the dreamer got as long as the dreamer never let him get away with a jibe he was happy in the third scene, uncle les came around with an unusual request; he wanted to borrow a pair of pyjamas if anybody deserved to be on the receiving of a barrage ribbing it's someone who comes around towards the end of the day asking to loan pyjamas in fact, if a person didn't make light of a request for jammies from a man in the early-evening we could surmise that such a person was too serious about life we gave it to him, but good "did you want striped ones or plain-pattern" "if you want to stay the night all you have to do is ask" "depends on which one of us you want to sleep with" " uncle les, being something of a stoic, took them on the chin in the last but one scene, a set of matching top and bottom pyjamas appeared the dream ended when one or the other of us had wrapped the bed-suit in plain brown paper and tied it with thin white string upon waking it occurred to the dreamer uncle les may have needed them to wear in hospital addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.5 participant the category of the dream - relations and friends (12+) uncle les (3+) 10072019 - 690 the name of the dream: the wannabe a lifestyle t.v. channel which specialised in food had devised a test which would determine in an unbiased way if a product stood up to a taste-test the member of the public who had volunteered to do the taste-test had become unavailable at the last moment (a connection between this dream and the dream of 05072019 ? [the second dream of that day, not yet entered into dreams diary]) the dreamer fancied he could stand-in for him and put himself forward the producer of the show had originally chosen a fifteen-year-old lad because a person of his age would have less exposure to all types of food and would still have him a keen sense of taste the producer asked the dreamer if the dreamer smoked the dreamer said yes but my habit was unusually small (about twelve grams a week; my actual awake-time consumption) the dreamer wanted to do the test and get the media exposure for my "five minutes" of fame and was rebutting his doubts about the dreamer almost as soon as he aired them as the dreamer was older and a smoker, the producer, a man of strict morals, was reluctant to use me the dreamer was becoming more anxious while waiting for his decision when the dream ended the sense of anxiety in this dream can easily be traced to the pde's addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.5 participant the category of the dream - food and fame (1+) 09072019 - 689 the name of the dream: robbery and consequences someone the dreamer knew convinced the dreamer that he had come across a perfect opportunity to get away with stealing a large amount of cash there was no planning needed the only thing the dreamer had to think about was where to stash the money after we had done the robbery being the cautious type the dreamer would "sit" on my money until the dreamer was sure it was safe to start spending the other person told his wife about it she was nervous about it and told a woman she knew and the woman she told called the police the dreamer was at home when the police found me the doorbell rang and as the dreamer approached the door the dreamer could see through the glass top-half that it was two men and it was sure to be the police the dreamer knew they would take the dreamer to the police station and the dreamer would be in a cell overnight so the dreamer went back into the living room and picked up my baccy, phone and something to read before the dreamer opened the door and let them in because the dreamer knew if the dreamer asked them they wouldn't let the dreamer take anything the policemen tried to get the dreamer to admit i'd been thieving the dreamer said the dreamer wasn't going to say anything until they told the dreamer what is was the dreamer had done addenda: vividness:: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - stealing (3+) money (1+) 08072019 - 688 the name of the dream: the elvis look-alike competition a four-scene dream of four different people vying for the title of being an elvis incarnation the first competitor had a grotesquely bloated face his face looked like a competent make-up artist had put an inch of make-up of every part of his face from forehead to chin and from his nose to where his jowls ended (stand-out bit of the dream) the make-up must have been on this contender for the better part of twenty-four hours because a black stubble was protruding through the make-up there was a hint of elvis about him but the dreamer couldn't pinpoint what it was this guy was the only one of the look-alike's whose features suggested he could have been a far-distant relative of elvis it went from bad to worse and by the time this dream got to the fourth pretender disbelief had turned into the realms of the ridiculous the fourth fella was five-foot-six or seven, looked haggard, and was wearing an iridescent dark-pink fez someone had kept from last years new years eve party any pretence of this being a serious competition had completely vanished and the dreamer woke out of my sleep laughing addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 observer the category of the dream - externalised (30+) laughter (6+) 07072019 - 687 the name of the dream: film democracy a cinema in which people rated the films if the film got a high rating those who liked it had a say in which of the new releases the cinema would show when a film that had been chosen in this way also got a high rating, it gave the film a greater initial audience and those who had chosen it were rewarded with a reduced price of the ticket and/or concessions of their next chosen film it wasn't in the dream but the same principle could also be applied to the concessions addenda: vividness: 4 observer the category of the film: cinema (1+) 06072019 - 686 the name of the dream: dream-time awake-time continuity in the first scene, two of us were in a small living room the dreamer think the other person was mom in the second scene, two more people had joined the dream; janet, from the dream of 03072019 and someone else who had come along with her; a well-dressed man in a light-grey coloured suit and white shirt janet, the man in a suit and myself were sitting cramped together on a two-seater sofa we were so cramped the dreamer had to lean forward to look janet in the face when the dreamer talked to her or wanted to look at her (is there any significance in being in cramped conditions?) the man in the suit was completely sympathetic towards the dreamer and was slightly amused that the dreamer had done what the dreamer had done and wanted to hear what the dreamer had to say about it janet, on the other hand, was acting upset the dreamer say acting because her voice didn't carry any anger or resentment and the dreamer think she felt she had better act upset in case it was an insult but had yet to figure out in what way it was meant to upset her what had the dreamer done to cause her consternation ? the dreamer had found a box it was in a stiff, brown cardboard box about the size and weight of a volume from an encyclopedia with a small gap between the two flaps on one of the flat sides the circumstances in which the dreamer found the box suggested it was a semi-expensive item and the thought of not opening the box and sending it to janet as the dreamer found it meant both of us would be pleasantly surprised the man in the suit in was the person who fathomed it out and wanted to meet the person who would send such an inappropriate present to someone who would never need it and, more importantly, why the dreamer had sent it what was in the box ? the dreamer asked janet what was in the box she said it's the thing they use in that type of horse racing when the rider isn't sitting on the horse but is being pulled long on a platform behind the horse; the man in the suit had obviously explained it to her the dreamer said "chariot racing" her face lit up she had never heard of harness racing and she, like me, could only identify the description "horse racing when you are being pulled along and not sitting on the horse" as chariot racing the item the dreamer had planned on sending her was a specialised bit that was part of the bridle used in harness racing when did the dreamer send it ? was the thought that kept running through my mind" the dreamer can't remember sending it" was the answer the dreamer kept giving when the question "why did the dreamer send the item ?" was asked at one point the man in the suit said: "it's not nice when someone has got leverage on you, is it ?" he was smiling when he said it and it caused the dreamer to think he had concluded the dreamer was hiding something the dreamer woke from the dream and for a full five minutes after waking kept asking myself "when did the dreamer send it " and "this would have been a good entry for dreams diary. the dreamer should have made it an entry" before the dreamer realised the dream had finished some minutes before it was the sound of my own voice asking "why didn't the dreamer make it an entry, when did the dreamer send it ?" that made the dreamer realise the dream had finished minutes before notes 1 this isn't the first time i've woke from a dream and not been aware that the dreamer was in awake-time for minutes after the dream had finished it makes the dreamer think that awake-time and dream-time are, at times, in closer proximity than is, currently, appreciated the dreamer still question my own idea that the dream-time conscious will eventually be the natural state of consciousness in the distant future am going to maintain that it will either way, the future is so appealing it doesn't really matter notes 2 the dream of 03072019 wasn't entered into dreams diary because when there are two different themes in the same period of r.e.m. the dreamer usually keep it to one entry for easier reading, and the same applies if the dreamer sleep twice in the same day, the dreamer enter the dream which the dreamer think is the most relevant there is a written record of the dream of 03072019 and other dreams which didn't become an entry on the day of the dream dreams not entered into dreams diary on the day they occurred will find there way into the database eventually addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 participant the category of the dream - dream-time awake-time continuity (5 ?) janet (2) bridle-bit (1) 05072019 - 685 the name of the dream: the basics of love the dreamer was staying in a community which brought single girls and boys together the purpose of the community was for people who wanted to find a partner to go on holiday with them it was an all-year-round community; a "tailored" form of dating it was usual for couples to have found a "partner" within days or weeks it had been the busiest time of the year and there was just a handful of people who hadn't found a suitable partner a girl had started a conversation with the dreamer on two occasions and both times the dreamer responded positively but hadn't "popped" the question my reservation was based on the experiences of the past on more than one occasion women had "ditched" the dreamer soon as they found out they were pregnant the dreamer got the impression it could happen again with this girl she had more or less given up on the dreamer and said, "i'm thinking of just getting on a motor bike and going to spain for a few days" the dreamer asked: "how much do you think it will cost to stay at a hotel ?" she gave a figure to which the dreamer replied "you could shave a third off that if we went as a couple" the dreamer began laying down the "ground rules" for my idea of a relationship the dream went on for another three or four sentences which explained my beliefs that a relationship needed to be based on doing things for other people addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships (30+) female (30+) 04072019 - 684 the name of the dream: dream-time acquaintance arrived at the home of my usual supplier of hash there had been a disruption in the supply chain and he didn't have any not to worry, the dreamer had a back-up supplier in birmingham twenty-miles away the dreamer announced the dreamer could get everybody what they wanted and by the time the dreamer had taken all the orders it was going to be the biggest amount i'd ever got from my birmingham "contact" there was a person at the house with a slight smile on his face which gave him an easy-to-approach look who didn't want anything to smoke he looked familiar and then it dawned on the dreamer where i'd seen him before, it was in another recent dream, although that dream wasn't a dream about hash the first time it has happened in a dream (a dream-time acquaintance!) it will be of considerable significance if he appears in another dream addenda: vividness: 3 participant - the category of the dream - dream-time acquaintance (1) hash (4+) 03072019 - 683 the name of the dream: the letter in this dream, the dreamer am living in a complex of about thirty homes i'm outside the door of my flat and on my way somewhere the postman shows the dreamer an envelope and asks the dreamer if the dreamer know the person named on it the address on the letter didn't have the number of the house in it nor did it have the postcode the postman asks the dreamer twice what the postcode of the flats are the dreamer can remember the postcode of where the dreamer am currently living (in awake-time) and after forming two or three letters on two attempts the dreamer can't think of the last three numbers and letters and give up in frustration the dreamer didn't recognise the name, though it would be easy to find out, the dreamer thought the dreamer went to the nearest door on the landing of where we were and knocked on the door the person who answered didn't know who it was somebody passed by the dreamer asked her if she knew who it was, she didn't the dreamer then went to the door at the end of the landing the guardrail on the landing was too low it disoriented me, the dreamer lost my balance and fell to the floor outside of the house the dreamer knocked on the door while still on the ground and an elderly man with big blotches on his face answered the door he became concerned at first, the dreamer imagine he thought the dreamer was ill the dreamer had the letter in my hand and, still on the ground, showed it to the man who answered the door, he didn't know anybody of that name behind the man, there was a young woman with a pleasant smile on her face who appealed to me the dreamer had got to my feet and brought the woman into the conversation in an attempt to get to know her she was just about to leave the house and the dreamer said the dreamer would walk with her to the stairs that led up to street level the dreamer still had the letter in my hand and the postman had left the dream about halfway to the stairs that went up to the street the dreamer suddenly realised that the woman the dreamer was trying to become involved with was a girlfriend from some time before she was smiling when the dreamer first saw because she recognised the dreamer straight away we refreshed our feelings for each other and she agreed to come to my place later and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - relationships (35+) woman (30+) 02072019 - 682 the name of the dream: fruit insect was looking after the four or five-year-old daughter of a relative or friend took her for a walk and in the first or second scene we came across a nest of large ladybirds these ladybirds didn't have the black-spot markings of regular ladybirds but were a plain red another feature of these ladybirds was their size; they were almost as big as a thumbnail the dreamer bent down to pick one of them up and as the dreamer touched it, it changed its colour into black and then its markings took on the look of a blackcurrant the dreamer picked it up and showed it to the girl she was captivated when the dreamer put it back down and it changed its markings back into a ladybird (the stand-out part of the dream) like me, she had seen both a blackberry and a ladybird and also like the dreamer she had never seen a ladybird that could change its markings and give it, at first glance, the look a blackberry she didn't have any fear of the insect and was mesmerised as it seemed to morph into a blackberry when she picked it up and change back into a ladybird again when she put it down the dreamer think she was still picking it up and putting it down when the dream ended this was an experience she would probably take into adulthood notes 1 there is actually an insect that has the camouflage of a blackberry but its camouflage is permanent not sure what time-tense to assign to this dream its size suggests a past tense of time addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3.9 participant the category of the dream - animal (20 ?) insect (5 ?) ladybird (1) 01072019 - 681 the name of the dream: character evaluation this was a think-read dream but each remark was in a box not on a line was reading an assessment of a person who wanted to be considered for a new position or it may have been a generalisation of someone's character this could have been someone's evaluation of the dreamer or it could have been my evaluation of someone or it could have been someone else's opinion of another person the last sentence-in-a-box read" "nor am the dreamer convinced that this person is a person the dreamer want" addenda: vividness: 3.1 o/p ? the category of the dream - think-read (25?) character analysis (1+) 29062019 - 680 the name of the dream: danger and benignity the first theme was a three-scene dream which had a lion on the prowl from my observation point, the lion was about three-hundred metres way and even at that distance its size was intimidating the lion was stalking along the side of a river the was a slope of about ten metres that ran alongside the river and which hid the lion from view every now and then the worry was it could be out of sight and reappear within fifty metres of where the dreamer was before it was visible again puzzlingly, after the end of the scenes that had the lion in it, there was a one-scene dream that had a closed cylindrical black umbrella stand in the scene, a black umbrella was placed into the stand and another black umbrella was taken out of it addenda: vividness: 3.3 and 3.5 observer in both themes the category of the dream - animal () mammal () lion (4?) and umbrella's (1) 28062019 - 679 the name of the dream: a passionate politician this dream was set at a pivotal time for the society in which it took place an altruistic outlook was necessary to open the doors to an equality-based society the opportunity lay in the domain of those of us who had a genuine feel for other people an impending vote which had fundamental and far-reaching consequences for the majority of people was on the verge of being cast mine was the final voice of the debate and the dreamer decided to make a short, impassioned attempt to persuade rather than a condemnatory rebuttal of the opposition's position there were seven or eight heart-felt, sentences that had ten or so words in each sentence that were aimed at producing feelings of empathy rather than trying to persuade by reason the sentences contained the words or had sentiments in the vein of" the dreamer ask you to let the feelings you have for the people you care for help persuade you" the decision we are about to make has life-forming consequences for those who trust us" how can we justify giving priority to ourselves ?" alas, the manner in which the person who the dreamer was addressing turned and walked away as the dream ended conveyed a determination not to show compassion notes 1 this dream was as a result of composing two new entries for this website during the day addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - political (2?) 27062019 - 678 the name of the dream: boxers half a dozen scenes of different boxing bouts all of the scenes had motion and, in line with the "typical" nature of montages, they were vivid there is no obvious reason for another characteristic of montages, why do most montages have the same theme for all scenes ? addenda: vividness: 4 observer the category of the motion-montage: boxing (1) 26062019 - 677 the name of the dream: toxic smoke sitting next to the window of an underground train as it came into the station no sooner had the dreamer stepped onto the platform than the words "poisonous" and "fire" were being repeated made my way to the escalator and just four or five steps up the stopped-stairs a thick white smoke was drifting up through the cracks in the next scene, the dreamer tapped hard on the window of the driver's cab when he lowered or opened the window the dreamer told him about the fire and the poisonous smoke and to get the train into open as is the case with age, as we get older an instinctive urge to protect people younger than ourselves takes hold in the last scene, the dreamer felt a stab of appreciation for the man-shaped being as the dreamer watched a young boy of ten or twelve as he was helping a couple of elderly people addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - dangerous situations (20+) train stations (2+) loving youths (2+) boy (1+) 25062019 - 676 the name of the dream: a clean dream in this dream, the dreamer am living in a boarding house or the dreamer am a long-term resident of a guest-house that has a manager or owner in full-time attendance the overall feel of the place was that it was easy going the first scene, my new girlfriend wanted a bath and it meant having to get a clean towel which in turn meant the dreamer had to go and ask the manager for one the bathroom was along the hallway three or four doors away from my door in the next scene, the manager is at my door with the towel he suggests that he takes my girlfriend the bathroom and the dreamer agree to let him in the next scene, the three of us are together in my place again the manager is standing in a doorway in my room looking and talking to us while we are sitting he said something which made the dreamer respond with, "you've had your chance, now it's my turn" he lingered, and that was my cue to say "will you close the door on the way out" the next scene, we are sitting snuggled up and facing sideways at the bottom of the bed we have the quilt wrapped around us and the dreamer can still feel the moistness on her skin from the bath her skin has lost its warmth and now she feels cool-to-cold (the stand-out moment of the dream) she was relaxed and felt secure and showed it by resting her head on my chest and putting her arms around my mid-section, her legs were folded so that her knees were pressed against my legs she began talking" "your auntie iris had ten children didn't she", my girlfriend asked rhetorically the dreamer had to think for a moment before the dreamer said "no, it was more like five" what had caused the dreamer to hesitate was my new girlfriend was very new, within a couple of days the dreamer wouldn't have gone into the details of my family that quickly in a new relationship the dreamer asked her, "how do you know about my aunt iris" the dreamer never did hear her answer as the dreamer came out the sleep listening to myself asking her, "how do you know about my aunt iris ?" addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (30+) girl (20+) 24062019 - 675 the name of the dream: art takes many forms avant-garde, interactive exhibitions are the latest form of art all the scene's of this dream except the last one is set in a museum-sized building the inter-activity included individuals, pairs and groups enacting a minute or two of the most highly regarded parts of literary works, describing how they felt as they listened to passages of music, feeling sculpted works" the last scene was a man lying on his back on a masseurs table wearing just his trousers a young woman was sitting astride the man and she too was only wearing trousers the expression on her face was of someone on a mission a mixture of determination and pleasure or a determination to produce pleasure her tits were disproportionately big for her body couldn't see the face of the male addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of the dream - interactive art (2 +) 23062019 - 674 the name of the dream: blow and go in the company of a couple of awake-time friends from days of yore the dreamer had a little hash but with no money to buy any more while they didn't have any but had plenty of money to get some considering the conversation was about "scoring" blow both friends were in a serious frame of mind it was almost a point of honour that they got some for the evening in the next scene, there were two piles of one-pound coins on a table (the stand-out bit of the dream) it was obvious what the dreamer should do smoke mine with them now and then the dreamer would be part of their plans for the evening when there would be more people and loads of hash addenda: vividness: 3.6 participant the category of the dream - hash (10+) pound coins (3+) 21062019 - 673 the name of the dream: the necklace thief in a very warm country, africa the dreamer think the dreamer had become friends with a middle-aged man during our friendship, he had shown the dreamer two necklaces (the stand-out scene of the dream) one was gold and the other was a necklace made of beads which was valuable because of its historic significance was informed of an emergency of a serious nature and had to get back home didn't have the money for the journey so the dreamer asked the man the dreamer was friends with for it he didn't have it to give to the dreamer and the dreamer took the easy way out and stole the gold necklace the dreamer left a note saying why the dreamer had done it and that the dreamer would give him the money back as soon as the dreamer could addenda: vividness: 3.9 participant the category of the dream - theft (8 ?) jewellery ( 2?) abroad (12 ?) africa (3+) 20062019 - 672 the name of the dream: a waste of time was in a squeaky clean environment designed to establish if the dreamer had a particular malady the dreamer took issue with one of the team who was doing the investigation he was someone who had an invested reason in wanting one specific diagnosis to be true it was clear to the dreamer that if it wasn't an accurate diagnosis and considering it was the dreamer who would be on the receiving end of the wrong treatment the dreamer caused such a commotion the entire procedure was called off addenda: vividness: 3.6 participant the category of the dream - medical ( 4 ?) 19062019 - 671 the name of the dream: terrible retribution it was the end of the business day the dreamer needed a pack of cigarettes and batteries no sooner was the dreamer in a shop when the first person the dreamer spoke to tried to rush the dreamer to get what the dreamer wanted and get out "right", the dreamer thought, and the dreamer began "delaying tactics" the first thing the dreamer did was whip out a twenty-pound note and made sure he and the others saw it the sight of a twenty-pound note and the thought of it going into the till would, the dreamer knew, put pressure on the salesman to make sure the dreamer spent it it had the added extra significance, and make the rest of the staff lower their opinion of the salesman, if a customer put money back in their pocket when they were so ready to spend it the bloke who was serving the dreamer bit his tongue and forced himself to act like he had all the time in the world i'd "got him" first, the dreamer asked for a brand of cigarette the dreamer knew they wouldn't sell and that drew the salesman into listening to the dreamer complaining about the amount of tax there was on a packet of fags that opened the door for the dreamer to have a whinge about political corruption which in turn" then the dreamer asked for the batteries and when he got them the dreamer suddenly remembered that what the dreamer wanted was rechargeable batteries, and the dreamer asked for a brand the dreamer knew they wouldn't stock as the dreamer began walking out of the shop the dreamer rubbed it in by saying the dreamer could get the cigarettes at another shop nearby the dreamer had kept him a couple of minutes and had got "justice" addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - shopping (? 3) 18062019 - 670 the name of the dream: three pictures somehow or other i'd managed to draw in colour and in a way that could be appreciated by the third drawing of the dream, it was possible to do long, sweeping curved strokes from top to bottom of the paper the paper or canvas was quite big, about a metre square the dreamer woke up as the dream was ending on one of the long curves and the dreamer could feel my forefinger and thumb pressed together, as though holding a pen, running down my thigh in synchronisation with what was being drawn in the dream addenda: vividness: 3.8 participant the category of the dream - drawing ( 3 ?) externalised ( 40 ?) 17062019 - 669 the name of the dream: the shopping list the colours and sizes of the packets of all of the items were a perfect likeness of the ones in my cupboard the exceptional addenda: vividness: of the dream tells the dreamer this dream is a reflection of recent pde's and also it foretells the imminent nature of this dream being fulfilled tomorrow had been meaning to place a shopping order for the last three days it was while having a cuppa after waking and thinking to place the order today that the dream sprang to mind this is another instance of a precognitive dream, albeit of a completely insignificant nature still" from little things do big things grow addenda: vividness: 4.7 observer, the dreamer think the category of the dream - precognitive (7 ?) 1806 : the packets in today's delivery weren't the coloured ones as in the dream they were however about as bulky packets of food (1+) 16062019 - 668 the name of the dream: walking with a walker using a walker and making my way along what looked to be exeter high street everybody who knew the dreamer well enough to speak to asked the same question: "what did you do ?" my answer was the same, "fell over" was acutely aware of the ground under my feet except for one scene which had a cobbled surface (the stand out part of the dream), the ground was smooth the second stand-out scene of the dream was the feeling of mild twinges along the entire length of the tendons of both legs legs felt rested and a little looser than usual when the dreamer got out of bed addenda: vividness: 3.1 to to 3.4 participant the category of the dream - walking (8+) aided (1) 15062019 - 667 the name of the dream: the photographer's photographer was paid to take photographs of people as they entered a shop and present the photo's as a slide-show with a ten-second voice-over for each photo each ten-second "slideshow", would present a slightly different slant of the company's product within three or four "snaps" the dreamer became aware of the sound of the shutter of another camera looking around, the dreamer saw a young woman wearing a bob-hat and scarf with a determined look and manner taking photo's of the dreamer taking photo's the dreamer didn't need to ask her what she was doing as it was obvious the dreamer was the subject of her interest the dreamer said something like "make sure you show the dreamer in a good light" and let her get on with it addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - photography () business (4 ?) 14062019 - 666 the name of the dream: the club in the club at what looked to be a working man's club there was a small bar upstairs that was the "in" place to be it was certainly popular, there was barely standing room there was an air of "happening" somebody wanted to show the dreamer something and in the next scene we are outside he has a green something, the dreamer think it was alive back in the "in" bar, someone the dreamer didn't know asked the dreamer to get them a drink from the bar downstairs the nerve of it, who did he think he was ? more to the point who did he think the dreamer was that the dreamer would do his bidding it was time to deflate his ego the dreamer offered to get the drink and pretended to be glad that such an illustrious person would ask the dreamer to do something for him in the next scene, the dreamer am downstairs imagining the face of the person who asked the dreamer to get him a drink it is livid with a touch of violence around the mouth addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - working men's club (4 ?) 13062019 - 665 the name of the dream: double-doppelganger day jumped into this dream and landed on my feet feeling as confident as a testosterone-driven bull elephant and as enduring as the himalayas found myself inside a spacious area about the size of a two-plane hanger it had a bit of the feel of a cavern to it and there was a glistening red-hue, smeared through the air over there the dreamer saw someone in the distance about twenty or thirty metres over to my left, he looked familiar now we were closer and the dreamer could recognise his features he wasn't just familiar, it was me the dreamer am now the size of the andes the dreamer haven't quite lost all my confidence but i'm on shaky ground "what am the dreamer doing over there when my sense of awareness is over here ?" the dreamer get to thinking, he must be the dreamer with both my sense of identity and location and the dreamer am being viewed by someone else so if that's me, who am i? after a space-age of deliberating the penny dropped the sense of boldness the dreamer felt at the beginning of this dream is the sense of being the person who recorded it felt at the time they recorded the scene ! so, whose dream it ? it could, literally, be anybody's how come ? imagine we are living in the future our mobiles show not just a pictures on a 2d screen but 3d holographic visuals plenty clear enough to give you a feeling of "being there" you take a ten-second 3d holographic video of me the sense of confidence at the beginning of the dream is (in the video was) your own feelings of confidence when you took the original movie so, whoever you are, because of the 3d gizmo we can deduce we've met and will meet in all future time-tenses note 1 this dream is categorised as an "other person's" experience participant dreams now become easier to identify and assess see also observer/participant addenda: vividness: 4 observer the category of the dream - other-person's experiences in dreams (50+) (approximately one-third of this websites dreams are observer dreams ?) 12062019 - 664 second dream: the name of the dream: much better than expected in the house of an awake-time ex-girlfriend it is early in the morning and the children are still wearing their bedclothes to a hungry child, food is the most important item of the day the mother produced small yellow seeds sloshing around in a clear bowl (the stand-out visual of the dream) ever the adventurist, the dreamer decided to try what the dreamer didn't like the look of which seemed to be mustard seeds it was scrumptiously good and the dreamer said so the kids were way ahead of the dreamer having already downed three or four mouthfuls addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - food ( 8 ?) seeds (1) taste (1 ?) first dream: the name of the dream: pals in poverty this dream takes place in a block of flats there are gates made of ten or twelve centimetre thick cylindrical bars separating one landing from the next each landing has four or five flats the people are impoverished to the point of destitution the extreme conditions have produced a camaraderie among the neighbours which lifts them above an isolated existence whilst the gates are locked everybody leaves their front doors open and everyone has access to each others home and resources the gates are locked in the early evening a young boy of six or seven has attached himself to me our friendship is based on a kinship of characters he feels safe and comfortable with the dreamer and is noticeably at ease in my company while the dreamer experience the need to love him both his and my family recognise a special bonding between us and feel the warmth between us and it pleases them often we sit and lie together; regularly puts his arm around my neck with his face close to mine and the dreamer can see he wants to kiss me an uninhibited urge to express his feelings in a way only a child can addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships (33 ?) young boy (2 ?) 11062019 - 663 the name of the dream: poised for a disaster here's a strange one" the first scene, sitting next to the window of a skyscraper on the thirtieth, or higher, floor the next scene, a helicopter with a bubble-type cockpit was hovering ten metres or so away in the the third scene the dreamer took a photo of the helicopter the fourth scene, a boulder the size of a car was poised a couple of metres above the blades of the helicopter the final scene, the dreamer was shouting and gesticulating to the helicopter to turn off its engine so it would fall and could turn its engines back on after the boulder and the copter was apart from each other it was while thinking if it would possible for the helicopter to avoid the boulder by turning off the engine that the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - high-rise buildings () catastrophe situations (2+) 10062019 - 662 the name of the dream: in a new world society had changed no longer was the pop charts dominated by those who had gained fame because they had friends in the music industry (cronyism), instead, the pop charts had a plethora of new songs written and performed by the people (talented) who wrote them the video of my song has the dreamer wearing a brown, pin-striped, brown suit with broader-than-usual lapels, brown shoes and white shirt with a tie the dreamer had a thick head of hair which was brushed back (obviously a future time-tense) this ten-second (dream-time) one-scene dream, was long enough for the dreamer to sing two lines of my song (dream tune 2) one of the lines was: "how glad the dreamer am, to be an average man" addenda: vividness: 4 participant the category of the dream - music (13 ?) 09062019 - 661 the name of the dream: moms' best friend was at moms', she was in a despondent mood eventually, she let the dreamer know what was grieving her, pat, her best friend, had received bad news it was going to be a long, drawn-out demise the dreamer suggested one or two possible things we could do" the dreamer could cook a meal for the three of us, a night out somewhere during the evening mom dropped the hint, "she's a secret admirer of you" if my best friend had been given a death sentence, the dreamer couldn't have brought myself to ask my daughter to do what mom was asking the dreamer to do men though, don't have the empathetic feelings women have for other women it wouldn't mean anything to a woman if she had to pay for a man to man be with her neither would it work if the woman felt the man was with her because he was feeling sorry for her the dreamer understood where mom was coming from and the fact she had said what she did meant she knew the dreamer would consider it because she had asked me the dream ended as the dreamer was recalling those times the dreamer had been in pats' company and trying to remember if the dreamer had felt "drawn" to her on any of those occasions addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - x in exceptional circumstances (1) 08062019 - 660 the name of the dream: working up a sweat in another time and another place the dreamer was enjoying full mobility the dreamer was out jogging with a jogger's essentials in a small backpack there was a tug on the backpack and while still running the dreamer looked around and saw a female jogger with her arm outstretched touching the backpack there was no way she was going to be able to "lift" something from the backpack without the dreamer knowing about it it was obvious she wanted the dreamer to know she was there and the look on her face told the dreamer what it was she wanted in the next scene, we were pressed together and the dreamer could feel the elastic cord of her underpants and the softness of her body through the soft material of her track-suit bottom (the stand-out moment of the dream) in the next scene, another younger girl had joined the dream and we were trying to figure out how to get out of a hole in the ground two-and-half metres deep we resorted to shouting occasionally between moments of amour vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - health (10 ?) pleasure in unusual situations (1 ?) 07062019 - 659 the name of the dream: the rebel waiter working in a hotel as a breakfast waiter the individual orders were put on a chart in the kitchen which made it easier to read and quicker to prepare the dreamer became indignant that the chef and management were allowing the orders which were only slightly different to be lumped together into the same category people who had ordered lightly-done toast or well-done toast were given the same toast likewise, those who wanted hard or soft boiled egg were given eggs that had been given the three-minute treatment the dreamer becomes doubly indignant when it occurs to him that it was affecting his tips and began to bring it to the attention of the guests the dreamer was wondering what might happen to the dreamer if the hotel management found out what the dreamer was doing when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - hotels (4 ?) waiter () 05062019 - 658 first dream: the name of the dream: the dream that didn't want to be remembered this dream had about eight different themes every time the dreamer tried to recall the details of one of the scenes of the dream it faded and vanished this dream is the opposite of all of the other dreams of late most or all of recent dreams had nothing of the pde's in them this dream was exclusively drawn from the pde's with other recent dreams the more it was thought about the more detail came to the fore of the memory not sure what conclusions to draw from this dream addenda: vividness: of the dream 3.4 observer and participant the category of the dream - mixed-themes dreams (?) second dream the name of the dream: x dream addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - x dream (12+) s (4 ?) 04062019 - 657 the name of the dream: the shoe-shaped fish in a shop that sold tropical fish it is a two-scene dream that stood out for its colour addenda: vividness: the fish tanks were about the same size; a metre in length, half a metre in breadth and half a metre in depth (slightly bigger than the fish-container in the dream of 02062019) the first scene was a tank that had one or two orange-coloured fish in it the movement of the fish contained grace the second tank had a grey/black fish in it the shape of the sole of a shoe with long straggly strands the width of the fish notes 1 the variety of the colour in tropical fish is something that caught my imagination as a boy although there was nothing in the pde's which could have stimulated this dream have concluded, with greater conviction than ever recently, that our experiences are part of a vast, finite vault of a mechanical events which means this, and all other dreams and experiences, in both dream-time and awake-time, are "repeat shows" accurate to within a number of molecules and a part of a second addenda: vividness: 4.4 observer the category of the dream - animals () fish () tropical (1) 03062019 - 658 the name of the dream: dizzying heights, babies and a stroll in the country woke from sleeping and went into montage territory the first set of pictures, some of which had motion, was of four or five different babies unusually for montages, it was possible to hold the picture for as long as desired it was while holding the image for a "good look" that motion occurred in some of the pictures (motion-montages) the first two or three pictures were wonderfully colourful and the dreamer thought how magnificent are the capabilities of the brain/mind when the dreamer recall memories of this lifetime the colour and detail are only vague outlines compared to the recallable montage images the more these types of experiences occur the more is the inclination to have the memories of experiences of the dream-time conscious "on tap" all of the babies in this montage had that innocent, blank look the montage gave way to a period of r.e.m. the dream that then unfolded was of mom, someone else and self in a dangerous terrain mom was moving with the confidence of a mountain goat along a narrow surface that was at the top of an unusual protrusion of a grass-covered peak the shape of a tower computer that had an eighty-degree curved slope on its narrow left-hand side and which at its base had a seventy-degree slope that swelled out to ground level over a two-hundred metre distance the only way down from the top of the protrusion was to slide down the dreamer didn't have the confidence to slide down the eighty-degree slope and the dream ended with the dreamer stuck on the top back into montage-land again, it was a string of pictures of babies that went on for the best part of a minute then back into dream-time there were three of us, fully-grown males, wearing barbour knee-length coats casually strolling through a terrain that had difficult-to-traverse areas way off into the distance participant and observer addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 4.6 the category of the dream/s: montage-dream mix (1) 02062019 - 657 the name of the dream: the specialist met a woman in her early twenties on a train journey the train was empty apart from us and we started talking she was highly specialised in the treatment of babies with brain trauma her method was based on monitoring one or two babies over a twenty-four hour period with twelve hours off for sleep for weeks and months at a time a one on one approach, coupled with intense monitoring, gave her a unique insight into the character of the condition of the baby or babies' the dreamer was interested in what she done with her twelve hours off the dreamer wanted to know if she slept for the full twelve hours, how long before going to bed did she eat, did she have recreation time, what did she do with it ? amongst the repertoire of novelties in her lifestyle was a very peculiar form of relaxation/therapy as she explained it a motion picture-sequence of what she was describing formed in the dream (the stand out part of the dream) it was a foot-bath; three-quarters of a metre in length by a third of a metre in breadth and depth deep in the see-through foot-bath with a clear liquid (water?) there was a living thing it looked like a tongue about the size of an ox's tongue it was moving in a slow, searching way the dreamer assumed it was searching for a foot to go to work on apparently, it had been genetically-engineered to simulate the actions of a human tongue the dreamer think she said it could do its thing while a person was sleeping notes 1 which is more sensitive, the fingertips or the tongue ? notes 2 this dream is undoubtedly a future time-tense a thirty-six-hour lifestyle is impractical today but who knows what happens off-earth ( space-dream evolution) or if the new habitation is built ? interestingly, it maintains the one-third sleep, two-thirds awake ratio addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 participant the category of the dream - medical practices (1?) (the question marks in brackets are asking if there is another dream here in dreams diary that has the same category. i've lost track) 31052019 - 656 fifth dream: the name of the dream: assembly-line ignition-tester the first scene of this dream took in a large part of an automated car production factory as with the previous dream it was at the end of the production line there was a minor problem that kept on occurring concerning the wrong ignition keys being in the wrong car nd causing the production-line to have to slow down every now and then the dreamer went to the manager's office where there were two men who had a view of most the assembly line and suggested the barrel of the ignition be kept the same until the car had come off the line one of the two men went off to talk to someone and the other one said: "you certainly have plenty of new ideas" the dreamer gave him the "thumbs up" and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - assembly-line worker (2) cars (1) fourth dream: the name of the dream: the singalong job it was my job to test the sound of portable cd players was not distorted at the end of the assembly line inevitably, the dreamer began singing along with the songs addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - work () assembly-line (1) cd players (1) third dream: the name of the dream: motorboat attendant the dreamer was the attendant of a motorboat-for-hire company on a lake about half a kilometre wide and about three-quarters of a kilometre long there were two or three boats on the lake and it was my job to make sure no one got into a "situation", mainly, not to get too close the land as with the previous dream, the boats were two-seaters with a low top speed the third scene, there was a bigger boat moored in among the others which could seat seven or eight hadn't seen or used it before it looked a bit unwieldy but decided to "take it out" without meaning to, the dreamer started it up as the dreamer got into it the starter-cum-accelerator was a discreet slide mechanism that had been built into the top side of the gunwale it took another scene of the dream to figure out how to work it the next scene, as with the previous dream the dreamer was the attendant only in this dream there were more boats the dreamer was now in a boat capable of getting from one boat to another boat in seconds as the dreamer went past one of the boats with two girls in it the dreamer heard one of them say, "let's try and find some (boys) who are more normal" the dreamer said: "i'm normal" the girl replied back at the dreamer and said, "you don't look normal" it made me laugh and i heard myself laugh (an externalised laugh) in the next scene i decided to give the boat "the gun" and slid the accelerator about three-quarters of the way along the slide-accelerator mechanism it took the boat to about seventy kmph within seconds and the dream faded out as the other boats became specks in the distance behind me addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - powered boats (2?) lake (1?) the second dream, pottering around on the river in a two-seat motorboat the boat was not a speedboat, it was designed for cruising at about five kmph the river was about six metres wide with no noticeable surface chop addenda: vividness:: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - powered boats (3?) canal (1?) the first dream: the name of the dream: auntie g's birthday party of all the family, auntie g always put on the best "shindig" one reason was she had the most floor space, another was, she was a great cook; the only one in the family who could make a wedding cake the dreamer knew it was probably going to be her most lavish "do" to date when the person who opened the door to the dreamer was wearing a chef's apron and there were two other people also wearing cooking clothing visible in the kitchen at the end of the extended hallway it was raining quite heavily and the dreamer had got wet (think this is the first time i've got wet from rain in a dream) after drying out the dreamer went into the front living room and opened his backpack and got out my video and photo equipment for a "systems check" the dreamer was the official photographer for the family on account that photography was one of the services the dreamer offered in my business package in awake-time in the next scene, another single male was sitting next to the dreamer who also happened to be a photography enthusiast his equipment was almost as good as mine and we were "checking out" each others equipment and getting along swimmingly at one point the dreamer let out a sound of partial disbelief, i didn't have enough film in my camera for the occasion and, even worse, my batteries were flat the other man in the scene had a spare film and gave it to me as a gift he couldn't help me with batteries though but that wasn't a problem as there was a hardware store at the top of road eighty metres away in the next scene, there are three of us the new arrival wasn't anyone the dreamer knew but he spoke enthusiastically when he did speak it was in a manner which suggested he wanted to get to know me in the final scene, there are four of us the latest person to join the dream was dressed out of context for one of aunt g's party's he was scruffy and sat on the floor next to me i thought he must have been a friend of a friend of someone in the family the first thing he did was to produce a "pellet" of hash and give it to me although there were only four of us, of an expected thirty or so, the party was underway addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.3 participant the category of the dream - parties () aunt g's () 30052019 - 655 the name of the dream: a dark cinema this dream has the lowest addenda: vividness: rating of any dream the first scene, walking down the slope to the front seats in a cinema, i think it was a multi-screen cinema before getting to where i wanted to sit i knew something wasn't right, it was too dark there was nothing on the screen and usually, when there's nothing on the screen there is more than enough light to see your way around there were two or three red lights but they didn't even light up any of the floor below where they were situated it was necessary to feel yourself along the wall the building had experienced a total black-out next scene, people were being steered out of the building through emergency exits the people beckoning the patrons out were doing so with stern commands and people who weren't moving quickly enough were being man-handled into a "frog marched" by burly men who should have been bouncers and not your typical cinema staff the dreamer was the last or one of the last to get out and had seen the "helpers" being overly enthusiastic and demonstrating their impatience with those exiting the building too slowly by pushing and pulling them along it wasn't a life-threatening situation and their method of evacuation was out of proportion for the situation in the next scene, a big man in a dark overcoat was in front of me and someone the dreamer knew was standing just behind and to the me side of me the person i knew brought me to meet the man at the man's request i had written my account of the incident and given it to the appropriate authorities as a complaint because of the rough tactics used by the men who in charge of the evacuation the big man in a dark overcoat was the representative of the company who owned the cinema and had been instructed to offer the dreamer money not to take the matter any further someone said something and the man in the dark overcoat turned away from me, took a lighter and set fire to my account of what had happened i said to my friend: "bear witness that he is burning my statement" the man in the dark coat said to my friend: "tell him i'll give him two-thousand pounds for every pound he spent in the cinema" even someone with my limited arithmetical skills knew i was on a winner the dreamer awoke from the dream feeling satisfied addenda: vividness: 1.3 to 2.8 participant the category of the dream - low-light environment (1) cinema (1 ?) 29052019 - 654 the name of the dream: thunder rail the first scene, in an underground railway station it was an impressive bit of architecture fifteen metres from the rail track to the roof the roof was made of girder-sized wooden beams that ran cross-ways to the tracks and the roof was further supported by square concrete pillars that looked to the dreamer as though they weren't anywhere near as sturdy as they needed be the non-stop intercontinental train appeared in the dream without any of the approaching sounds a person was accustomed to it was passing through the station travelling at least a hundred and twenty kmph a person is familiar with high-speed trains travelling along outdoor tracks at an appreciably fast pace but standing next to or near to one in an enclosed area was something the dreamer was not prepared for the ground shook, the ceiling beams rattled and vibrated in unison as the sound and weight of hundreds of thousands of kilograms of metal on metal made its presence known then, almost as quickly as it had appeared in the dream, it was a receding single carriage that had become the size of a playing card the dreamer went to the information room and asked if there was a non-stop train that went to vienna the man the dreamer asked done such a good job of ignoring me the dreamer thought he was deaf, perhaps he was the dreamer asked someone else and he said there was it was time to get back home and as the dreamer began making my way the dreamer noticed the dreamer was carrying a beige-coloured baseball bat (the stand-out visual moment of the dream) someone sucked in their breath as the dreamer walked passed them other people felt the bat was as lethal as a gun and sooner or later someone was bound to challenge the dreamer about it so the dreamer tucked one end of it into my armpit under my jacket to hide it addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - transport ()trains () 28052019 - 653 the name of the dream: the return of the cave-trolls definitely, a dream set in a past time-tense with a low addenda: vividness: this dream is set in a cold, low-light environment, where the dominant males are cave-troll man-shaped beings about two metres tall (this is the second dream to feature males with this brutish shape and character but unlike the first dream with them in it, the first was the dream of 17012019, these cave-troll beings were in control) there weren't any female cave-troll man-shaped beings the men of this time had the disposition of the men of today but unlike the women of today both genders were all muscular and stocky as big as the men were they were no match for the cave-troll males and had to live their lives in places where the trolls weren't the cave-trolls didn't make love to the women, they "had" them the women of this dream had the character of women of today but were stocky and, not unlike the women of today, they aren't "phased" by the brutishness of cave-troll men or brutish men in general the dreamer was in the abode of one of the women and we were waiting for her partner to return the dreamer thought it would be fun to dress in loose clothes and pad them up to give the dreamer the appearance of being a troll-being when the partner of the girl in the dream showed up and scare the heebie-jeebies out of him he came into the room and although he didn't baulk at the first glimpse of me the dreamer sensed he hesitated but he denied it when the dreamer mentioned it as oppressive as the atmosphere of the dream was it still had a touch of levity addenda: vividness: 2.7 participant the category of the dream - oppressive dream (12 ?) 27052019 - 652 the name of the dream: mixed-theme dream woke up into dream-time it may have been because of the sounds the young cat was making, the dog was using its weight to subdue the cat from where the dreamer was as the dreamer sat up in bed it looked like it was attacking the cat the dreamer had to act quickly the dreamer jumped out of bed and pulled the dog away from the cat let them into the hallway again the dog started roughhousing the cat so the dreamer opened the back door and let them both into the backyard it was a bright summer day and the dog left the cat alone and it came back into the bedroom with me in the next scene, the home help was tidying up while she was chatting to me she said something which opened her up to a bit of ribbing "all i've got to do is make a phone call and i'll know everything about you" the dreamer continued, "i'll know who your first boyfriend was. i'll know when you had your milk teeth" and said a few other inconsequential things in the next scene, the dreamer was in a happy mood and was ad-libbing a song that expressed the way the dreamer was feeling woke from the sleep as the dreamer was singing the third or fourth line fell back to sleep again and upon re-awakening, the dreamer thought the dreamer had forgotten the dream until the first line of the song spontaneously popped into my mind (dream tune 1) addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - mixed-theme dream ( 100 ?) animals, home-help and a song externalised dream (?) 26052019 - 651 the name of the dream: an argument for standardising files as with dream of 24052019, this dream began with the dreamer having trouble finding items when inputting commands/requests via typing in this dream though, the difficulty was to do with a film-file on my mobile phone more accurately, the film was on the phone but part of it was missing as the film was being watched it ended abruptly halfway through going back to the folder which contained the films was a finger-swipe action as the files whizzed by (the stand-out scene of the dream) all of the content on the phone showed only momentarily, but the eye-brain coordination was sophisticated enough to pick out the different categories or types of files differentiating was aided by the different size and the "boldness" of the text (although it wasn't in the dream, identifying the files could have been made even easier if the text had more variation and better still, file-favicons) when the phone arrived at the last of the files in the written master index all the films showed the film the dreamer had been watching at the start of the dream (the name of the film eludes my memory as this is being typed) was amongst the files in the film index in the master index the dreamer went to the film and scrolled through to the part where it had abruptly ended and continued watching now a new problem emerged every now and then when the film changed from one scene to another the ratio of the width and/or height of the scene was, by varying degrees, bigger or smaller than the previous one the dream ended notes 1 it occurred to the dreamer when the dreamer woke that the reason for the mixed screen-ratios was because the film on my phone had been downloaded from the cloud (other peoples phones and computers) and the size of the screen was tailored to meet what the uploader deemed was the most popular screen ratio, which itself was determined by the size of the most popular size of a computer or t.v. screen the mixture of screen ratios was due to the internet being totally open when a download was in progress and someone turned off their phone or computer the request for the file was re-routed to a different uploader who had the same film but with a different screen ratio notes 2 this dream has revealed that executing commands to the computer via finger-touching a keyboard is the reason why it is not possible to complete a command/instruction in dreams in the dream of 24052019, it was concluded that clicking the mouse was the way to overcome the problem of not being able to give commands or make requests via a keyboard this dream jumps forward and proposes finger to screen contact as THE means for interacting with the phone/computer (an l.e.d. screen in place of a keyboard) for both awake-time and dream-time computer maxim: 1 the more inanimate links there are between the user and device the less responsive the device will be notes 3 life-energy/inanimate energy addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - devices () mobile phones (1) 25052019 650 the name of the dream: mutual attraction x dream addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - x dream () 24052019 - 649 the name of the dream: a step forward as has been my routine for the last few months the dreamer have been making voice-notes of my dream first thing upon waking and before getting out of bed however on this occasion, after waking up in the dream the dreamer saw, on the computer at the side my bed, a notification at the bottom-left of the screen a message waiting to be read the message-icon wasn't one i'd seen before slightly curious, the dreamer clicked the message icon and it brought the message and a photograph onto the screen first, the dreamer looked at the photograph and took in the detail (the stand-out part of the dream) the overall impression of the picture was that it used to be a family home the width of the building was approximately seven metres, as it was a "head-on" photo it wasn't possible to see the depth it was a stand-alone building that had a wide wooden door that could have been a garage for two cars or it could have been a stable for horses next, to the wooden doors, there was an empty space the same width as the wooden doors the back and both sides of the stone walls of the empty space were painted white and there were one or two brown wooden beams which went from the bottom to the top, denoting the empty space used to be used for something or other above the doors and the empty space was the living accommodation both windows had curtains and the dreamer formed the opinion the building was currently occupied by the person who had sent the picture the dreamer clicked on the message icon and began reading the message it read" the dreamer was wondering if you would like to treat a girl and go to some of these places" there were about twelve place none of them was places the dreamer was familiar with so the dreamer decided to take a quick look at one or two for some reason, the dreamer wasn't able to type the names in the message into the computer so the dreamer decided to leave the message until after i'd made some voice-notes of the latest dream it wasn't until the dreamer had tried, and failed, to recall any part of the dream that it dawned on me, with no small degree of surprise, the message on the computer WAS the dream notes 1 yet again, the failure to get a response to typing something into the computer caused a halt to the flow of the dream this dream, however, is a step closer to bridging the chasm of being able to type and get a return of what had been typed now it has gone from not being able to get a return from a typed input being the cause of waking out of a dream to not being able get a return to a typed request and then returning to the dream this may have been the first time clicking something on the screen has produced a return perhaps clicking is THE way to go addenda: vividness:: 3 to 3.8 participant the category of the dream - computer (11 ?) issues with typing (5 ?) 22052019 - 648 second dream: the name of the dream: the female tennis instructor x dream addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - x dream () w/j (10 ?) first dream: the name of the dream: epic dream 5 the first three scenes were of the dreamer going from walking to flat-out sprinting the feeling of power in the legs after achieving top speed within four or five steps was marvellous in one case it was on a cobbled street a couple in their early twenties came into the dream, they wanted to get to know me the dreamer was o.k. with that they were from norfolk the dreamer mentioned something about the lay of the land being flat and that the dreamer had a day out on the beach there one time (an awake-time instance when the weather broke from spring to summer in the early eighties) at one point during the three or four scenes with this couple the dreamer became concerned that people who expect to get an idea of what god was like by meeting the dreamer was completely askew "i'm nothing like god," the dreamer said "we don't look alike, nor do the dreamer do things or say things the way he would do or say them" "the feminine side of god comes through in his looks," the dreamer said "he looks like a woman facially but his upper-body is most definitely masculine" "also people need to understand his compulsive nature to share" a point which we should all dwell upon is that life is a continuation of the eternal expansive nature of reality the eternal expansive nature of endlessness has only one bias" expand! the idea of a clique or cult or any form of "specialness" felt by one or many people is more alien to him than a two-headed, four-legged alien would be to us the dreamer urged the couple to do things which brought forward the idea of equality among man-shaped beings as a dominant feature of her/his character a group of three came into the dream after the first couple had departed they sought to gain an advantage through their association with me one of them had a look which saw the dreamer as a meal-ticket this group were in and out of the dream after one scene in another scene, the dreamer was sitting on a wall that had ledges in it to the left of the dreamer in one of the ledges, there was a dark-brown wooden horse about half the size of a packet of butter it looked very old ( the dreamer think this scene is from the latest version of the film blade runner which the dreamer watched two days before this dream) in another part of the dream, the same man appeared in four scenes in the first scene he subtly brought up the idea there was a meal ready for me in the second scene, he never brought it up but the dreamer could tell he was hoping the dreamer would go and eat the meal he had prepared in the third scene, the dreamer said " the dreamer know what it's like when you make a meal for someone and they don't sit down and eat it when it's put on the table" he nodded demurely, he was not in any way going to try to make the dreamer do what the dreamer didn't feel like doing in the next scene, the dreamer am eating, and thoroughly enjoying, chips, fried eggs and another item of food in the next scene, the dreamer recognise the man, it is donald trump we begin talking and the dreamer ask him if he plays a musical instrument he said "yes. the bass guitar" the dreamer replied "so do i" we got talking about pop music and how it had changed for the worse the dreamer brought up the point about the way current pop songs did not have melodies a person could sing along to was a change for the worse, he agreed (it was a humble donald trump in this dream. the complete opposite of the donald trump during his campaign for the presidency notes 1 again, the two or three sprinting scenes were due to another slight improvement felt the day before after the third or fourth time of doing sit-down stand-up exercises the exaggeration of physical abilities in dreams as the result of very small gains in awake-time may be a feature of dreams (an alluring look from a girl may come through as a full-blown relationship in dreams) addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.4 the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (20 ?) 21052019 - 647 second dream: the name of the dream: future environments this dream is set in a future time-tense society has secured ways of distinguishing between those with a disruptive/violent bent and those with a natural altruistic disposition to life at a very early age the practical result is that the two different types of people live apart from one another both forms of society still have a police presence a policeman from one of the peaceful society's was being interviewed " the dreamer love my job. seeing young and old people living together without either end of the age spectrum being aware of the difference in age" note 1 it should be noted that in a peaceful society devolving beings are as fish out of water and are easy to spot beings with a violent nature exhibit their destructive nature at a very early age come the new habitation, recognising and effectively nullifying destructive behaviour will be no more difficult than distinguishing between different colours addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer the category of the dream - future societies () first dream: the name of the dream: an emergency and getting home there was a "buzz" in the air that grew and then became an urgency seven or eight streets over there was the unmistakable glow of a fire it was in a residential area which meant lives were at stake; immediate action was needed the dreamer shouted out " the dreamer have four picks at home" someone said "they will be handy if we have to look through rubble" a small crowd followed the dreamer to where the dreamer lived the dreamer handed out the picks one of the men saw himself as a leader of sorts and became antagonistic towards the dreamer when the dreamer didn't make sure he got a pick in the next scene, we had stopped and were standing and talking or debating something the fire was still part of the dream but it was even further away than the first time the dreamer saw it and the dreamer decided to catch a bus the dreamer asked people the dreamer didn't know for instructions of which bus to get and where to get it again, and as is usual with dreams, remembering the details of instructions throws a spanner into the flow of the dream after two or three attempts at trying to follow directions, getting to the emergency was no longer the thrust of the dream the big problem now was getting back home addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant and observer the category of the dream - emergencies () fire () 20052019 - 646 the name of the dream: twinges and tickles my girlfriend and meself were checking each other's teeth we were gently applying pressure to the gums using something metal each tooth was being probed for twinges of sensitivity as an indication that we might need to visit a dentist after three scenes of testing for possible signs of tooth decay the dream changed to us testing each other's response to being tickled we used the bottom of our feet for the test area in particular, we found that the area where the toes joined the foot was the best spot it was four, five or six scenes later when we had found the most sensitive area of each other that my girlfriends tickling caused the dreamer to laugh so hard it woke the dreamer out of my sleep addenda: vividness: 3.8 participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () care and laughter () externalised 19052019 - 645 the second dream: the name of the dream: a rat in the kitchen it was the first morning of a term in prison if it wasn't for the feeling of being there against my will it could have been a new theme of a t.v. reality show there were eight of us in the room, a mix of gender with two or three women the room we were in was on the second floor the windows weren't barred or locked so it would have been easy to tie sheets together and climb to the ground but we weren't that type of criminal nor was there the accompanying feeling of oppression that usually accompanies a dream of being in prison that it was a prison of sorts became clear in the second scene when a member of the staff of the prison came into the dormitory he was wearing a black peaked-cap and a loose white jacket and shirt and dark trousers he was a solid thirteen or fourteen stone and spoke in an adequately authoritative tone "there is only one rule here. never get in the way of somebody doing their job" he began allocating us jobs something was fishy about one of the other inmates he made a joke about the prison which derided it and by implication the staff who worked there the guard talking to us wasn't the sort of person to take criticism from a "low-life" and my assessment of him told the dreamer not to rub him up the wrong way instead of "jumping all over" the dark-haired inmate with a slightly off-white complexion, the guard made a mock retaliatory comment which in no way contained hostility the inmate, the dreamer then realised, was a plant the dreamer was now on my guard and would be feeding him false info addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - prison () semi-open (1) mixed-gender inmates (1) the name of the dream: an unusual approach the dreamer think the dreamer was working in a hotel a girl ten or twelve centimetres smaller than the dreamer was "on my case" the slightest little thing became an issue there were two more scenes where the tone of the dream was the same she was looking for, and found, reasons to admonish me then, in the next scene, as if by magic, we were kissing my size meant that my body blocked the view of a woman member of the staff who was looking on and making commendable sounds she could see us kissing but couldn't see my hand inside her blouse as the dreamer caressed her nipple (the stand-out scene) the girl in my arms was yielding to the dreamer and was leaning further back the longer the kiss went on she was ready to lie down the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () pleasure () torso () 18052019 - 644 third dream: the name of the dream: amsterdam this dream is categorised as a "serial dream" of the dream of 28042019 the weather was the same and, as before, the dreamer had a backpack and was in amsterdam was in a good mood and felt amiable made a friendly quip to a bloke walking past me he smiled but it was the wrong sort of smile and it became obvious from his mannerisms he was a homosexual he realised from my reaction the dreamer was embarrassed but understood it was he who had made the wrong assumption and carried on his way went into a cafe and asked if it was o.k. to smoke was told yes and the dreamer walked through into the lounge area in the back the dreamer slipped off my backpack and swung it too energetically onto the table there were two flasks of hot drinks in it and the tops came off both of them and made a right mess the dreamer went over to the counter and saw that the bloke serving had a mop in one hand and a bucket in the other getting ready to come and clean up my mess the dreamer gestured he hand the dreamer the bucket and mop, which he did, and in the next scene the dreamer am part-way through cleaning up in another scene, the dreamer am enthusing to another male of my age about a project that could be a good "earner" he is showing an interest when the dream finishes addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - serial dream (1+) amsterdam (5 ?) second dream: the name of the dream: little boy lost walking along on the left side of a side-street which led to the main road about fifty metres further on, think the dreamer was on my way to catch a bus into town a boy of about seven with dark hair and wearing a dark suit appeared in front of me he was standing still, not looking anywhere his demeanour was unmistakable, he didn't know where he should be going the dreamer spoke to him but he shied away the dreamer clasped him by his wrists, lifted up his arms up and pulled him up so he was sitting on my left arm while he was leaning into my chest the dreamer said something and in response he threw his arms around my neck and held tightly onto me how could a child so readily give his trust and love to a stranger ? the dreamer felt his vulnerability and it stirred my soul in the next scene, still carrying him, we had entered a shop there were four or five people in the shop, two of them were young teen girls the dreamer was looking at the girls while addressing all the people in the shop and said: "does anyone know this boy ?" the girls shook their head, none of the others said anything the dreamer asked the woman behind the counter "will you call the police please" she lifted the phone and was talking into it when the dream ended notes 1 this dream was the result of reading an article which told the story of a little boy who was murdered in front of an adult (see a child's story) addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - children () first dream: the name of the dream: a short dream about shortening in the company of two other men who were about twice my age they were a couple of strides ahead of the dreamer as they were walking and talking one of the men was using a crutch to help him walk the dreamer noticed that the tip of his crutch was touching the ground a few degrees off perpendicular to his body as he was walking the dreamer told the men to stop and let the dreamer do something in the next scene and final scene, a close-up; with a single backstroke of a handsaw the dreamer made a mark on a walking stick, cut through it and affixed it to the bottom of the crutch notes 1 this dream has made the dreamer realise that a single "close-up" scene in an otherwise broad-view dream denotes a different tense of time taking this notion further it can now be conjectured that every new scene in a dream represents a new time-tense perhaps in the future, all dreams will be one-scene dreams which will last for the entire period of r.e.m. example" a person gets out of bed and feels the change of temperature as they get from under the blankets and feel the carpet under their feet as they walk through into the kitchen where they notice the change of temperature on their feet as they enter the kitchen, feel the handle of a cupboard door and feel the edges the of two boxes as they take them out of the cupboard and hear the sound of the contents of the boxes as they are emptied into a bowl and feel the coldness of a hand-mixer as they whisk the contents of the bowl the dream continues for twenty minutes of awake-time (two-minutes of dream-time) as they fulfil a notion they had while they were preparing a meal during the previous day when they thought that different proportions of two ingredients would produce an unusually pleasing taste addenda: vividness: 2.8 participant and observer the category of the dream - innovation (7 ?) walking stick (1) 17052019 - 643 the name of the dream: the day nature called twice it was a gloriously sunny day a day when the temperature of the air and skin were the same the urge to be at one with nature overtook the dreamer and in the next scene the dreamer am walking along in the nude the dreamer didn't get any catcalls or any unsociable quips thrown at the dreamer although a few heads turned about a third of the way home nature called again and this time the call was even more overwhelming before the dreamer could get to a toilet my body released the unwanted matter walking without any clothes on was one thing but walking in the nude with a dirty bottom was another and the dreamer knew the dreamer must do something about it the dreamer ducked into somebody's front garden but not quite quickly enough and now the dreamer needed something which would cover my front and back a strip of white cloth appeared in the dream which was just long enough to go through my legs and around my waist it meant having to walk holding the cloth to my right hand the dream ended notes 1 this dream is categorised as an informative dream the dreamer think this is the mind telling the dreamer that my diet is not adequate enough for the purpose of disposing of un-needed food or, more likely, the dreamer am eating the wrong things the implication is that the dreamer am eating unnecessary food or too much food it is agreed that too much protein in a diet will cause varying degrees of constipation while too much vitamin c will have the opposite effect most baby's poop daily it makes sense to think a baby's metabolism is working at peak efficiency consequently, pooping daily, or even within hours of eating, suggests that a person's metabolism is working at its best the precise needs of any individual will be slightly different from person to person expect radical changes within a few thousand years as our understanding of dietary needs become known addenda: vividness: 3.9 participant the category of the dream - informative dream (9 ?) sunny weather and nudity (1) self () a number 2 16052019 - 642 the name of the dream: some cameras are too much there are three of us, a girl and two males we are sitting on a wall our feet are touching the ground and we are looking the same way our feet are pointing behind us, there is a two-metre drop onto the pavement we are waiting for phil, a friend of the girl and boy he works in a sony retail shop in the high street and the dreamer want to talk to him about cameras he arrives in the dream and tells the dreamer to go to the shop and ask to see the most expensive camera in the next scene the dreamer am in the shop and after telling the salesman the dreamer want to see the most expensive camera in the shop while the dreamer am explaining to the sales assistant that i'm after a camera that has an audio input and will accept a programme that will let the dreamer mix sounds while i'm on a bus or train or sitting anywhere without having to be connected to the internet the salesman shows the dreamer an all-singing camera that will do what the dreamer want but the audio aspect of the camera is quickly forgotten as he shows the dreamer some of the features of the camera it can't make a cup of tea but it can do anything imaginable with still pictures and movie clips the dreamer must have it and ask how much it costs the salesman fiddles with a knob or two and shows the dreamer the top screen on the camera 4998 is showing in red on the screen (the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer said "what the dreamer should have said was" i'm looking for a quite expensive camera" the salesman and someone standing by his side were both smiling we all knew this was out of my financial league the dream returned to the original scene and now there was another couple in the dream who had taken umbrage with the original couple in the dream because they had dismissed the suggestion that we all go back to their house because it didn't have the scope to cater for everyone in the final scene, as the dreamer got off the wall the thought occurred to the dreamer that a strong gust of wind might blow the dreamer off balance and cause the dreamer to fall backwards onto the pavement behind me addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.1 participant the category of the dream - technology () camera () 15052019 - 641 the name of the dream: a prisoner freed the dreamer was one of about twenty new prisoners standing outside the gates of a prison there was a barred window to the left of the prison gates about a metre beyond the window there was another solid brick wall this wasn't so much a prison, it was a labyrinth it filled the observer with a sense of foreboding in the next scene, we were shown into a room where inmates were being taught quantum physics the teacher wasn't doing a good job of explaining it the dreamer got the attention of a young man sitting in front of the dreamer and began explaining the principle of indeterminacy the dreamer made my hand into a fist and opened the fingers of my hand wide enough to get a tapered slither of paper through as the dreamer began pushing the point of the paper through the gap between two of my fingers the dreamer said: "the closer you try to pinpoint the where of one of the particles in the atom the more difficult it becomes to give it an exact co-ordinate. the principle of indeterminacy is letting you know what the greatest degree of accuracy can be" in the next scene, the dreamer was no longer in the group of twenty in the classroom, the dreamer was walking through one of the narrow corridors of the labyrinth in the next scene, the dreamer was out of the labyrinth/prison and in an open expanse on a sunny day addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 4 participant the category of the dream - contrasting realities () prison and freedom (1 ?) 14052019 - 640 the name of the dream: the facilitator when you've got a few decent connections it's fairly easy to become a middle man the drawback is once you've established yourself everybody else gets lazy and relies on you to do everything except pay for the goods and services (my goods and service was women and cannabis) this dream was a typical day of "business" person "a" would contact me person "a" didn't have enough money at the start of the transaction to complete their end of the deal at the moment of asking and so asked the dreamer to see person "b", loan the money from them and person "a" would have the money by the time the dreamer turned up with the goods or service sometimes it wasn't as straightforward as that person "b" wouldn't be available until after the time person "a" needed the goods or service which meant contacting person "c" person "c" didn't know about person "a" or "b" which was handy because quite often person "a", "b" or "c" wouldn't have anything to do with one of the other two it was nighttime and the business day was almost over, just one more stop to make it was an elderly and frail man who's only joy in life was a joint at the end of the day the dreamer felt good about being able to do something for someone without getting anything out of it he was an easy going, easy to like and an easy to talk to person the dreamer supplied him with a "teenth" regularly every few days the problem with a having a routine is it doesn't take long for other people to latch on to it they see your car parked somewhere regularly at a regular time somebody they know knows somebody who knows someone who knows you" it doesn't take long for people to figure things out who you are and what you do when you have a routine when the dreamer got there two of the local "we get what we want" types were in the house with the elderly gent their mere presence was enough to intimidate the elderly gent he had told them what they wanted to know and now they could use it against me it was only a minor inconvenience, it would just be a matter of breaking with routine for a while as the dreamer was leaving the dreamer overheard one of the "visitors" say: "he only gave you a teenth ?. phone him up and tell him to get you an eighth" the dreamer got the call, got the eighth, delivered it and left notes 1 this dream was caused by reflecting about the way the dreamer used to live addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - wheeler-dealer () 13052019 - 639 second dream: the name of the dream: five faces of femininity awoke from sleeping try as the dreamer did, after five minutes the dreamer couldn't remember what it was he dreamt for my efforts i was rewarded with a montage of five pictures first picture, a fair-haired girl, slightly tanned and in her early twenties was seated and looking down and to the right her clothing changed for each of the pictures in the second picture, she was in formal clothing and her hair was brushed back a white plastic hair band divided the first quarter of her hair from the rest of it she was looking directly at the observer and smiling broadly the third scene shows her at her most appealing; relaxed, extrovert and smiling confidently; she reminded the dreamer of a model at the peak of her career in a photo-shoot, ready to adopt any pose and responds to the call of the photographers to look their way in the final picture, she is looking forward and down and, as with the first picture, she is apparently unaware of the observer addenda: vividness: 3 to 4.2 observer the category of the dream - montage (10+) female (2+) the name of the dream: at home with mom it was late at night, a little after midnight in the living room with mom she was on the left-hand side of the room and the dreamer was on the same side as the telly on the right we didn't usually have long conversations, we never talked about religion or economics the most likely reason we would have a lengthy chinwag was if there was something happening within the family or with a close relation she got up and went to the kitchen, filled her hot water bottle, and come back into the living room and sat back down the dreamer said, " the dreamer don't think you could get to sleep if you didn't have a hot water bottle" she replied in a sincere tone, "no, the dreamer don't think the dreamer could" she then stood up and went to the window she stood there for a few seconds and said: "do you think it's going to rain ?" i'd never heard her comment on the weather before going to bed before and it took the dreamer by surprise she remained standing, and in that silent moment the dreamer realised she was thinking of going out the dreamer said, half-jokingly "you're not thinking of going for a walk are you ?" the dreamer woke up as the last few words of the sentence were sounding in my ears addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - mom () at home () 12052019 - 638 second dream: the name of the dream: toast, thigh, matches and a dog had just toasted and buttered two slices of thin white toast broke off a piece from one of the slices and because the bread was thin the butter had soaked into the toast and gave it a succulent texture the dreamer knew on the first bite the dreamer would be making another two slices as soon as the dreamer had eaten the two in front of me second theme: a girl was writing a word, her name the dreamer think, on the upper-outer part of her thigh, the word had about seven letters and began with a q how a person could write a word that precisely and in a style of font that had as much style as it did the dreamer will never know; the letters were exactly spaced and perfectly even third theme: needed a light for a cigarette entered a garage forecourt, made my way to the shop beyond the petrol pumps and saw the boxed matches on the top shelf as soon as the dreamer got to the counter walking away from the shop a woman was smiling at the dreamer but the dreamer had passed her by before the dreamer could return the smile without thinking the dreamer struck a match and lit up the fag as the dreamer was passing the petrol pumps fourth theme: while walking, the dreamer saw a woman feeding her dog, a brown huskie, with a titbit which she had placed on her thigh the dog licked it off and looked at me addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.3 observer and participant the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (32 ?) first dream: the name of the dream: a bright future in a small room in a high-rise building the room, the corridors, the blankets and clothes i'm wearing are all white the top half of the door of the room was shatterproof glass someone was trying to pass a message to the dreamer through a paper-thin crack between the door and the door-frame he was saying something in an unsettling way which caused the dreamer to think he was mentally disturbed the building was obviously a treatment centre for people in need of treatment for personality disorders the dreamer felt the dreamer shouldn't have been there notes 1 the addenda: vividness: rating of this dream was 4.4 a high addenda: vividness: rating for a dream denotes it is a future time-tense the society this dream is set in must be an affluent one it doesn't make sense to think that in a future time the dreamer would be in an institution where the dreamer need special care addenda: vividness: 4.4 participant the category of the dream - institutional environment (12 ?) mental hospital (1) 10052019 - 637 third dream: the name of the dream: singalong a think-read karaoke was trying to "chat-up" a girl but wasn't getting anywhere a change of scene brought a five-verse song written in large words on a white background into the dream the dreamer read and sang along with the words of the song for the first two lines but didn't have to read any more than that the dreamer began singing along with a song i'd never seen or heard before but somehow the dreamer knew the tune and could sing along with it without having to read the lines when it got the third verse, which was the chorus, the girl the dreamer had been trying to woo joined in and we sang the song together to the end notes 1 it strikes the dreamer as odd that the dreamer should know the words and tune of a song in a dream i've never heard before it was a catchy little tune, not a number one, but certainly a tune the dreamer would have remembered if it was an awake-time memory this dream tells us that the dream-time memory has the same mechanism as the awake-time memory: it brings memories of previous experiences to the fore when stimulated by present-time experiences the dreamer think the song had the word blue in it addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationship () female () music () second dream: the name of the dream: connivance in the living room of someone else's house with a girl who had been a girlfriend or she was someone the dreamer wanted as a girlfriend she was friendly enough, even flirtatious, but that was about as far as it went for about another two or three scenes she then became "available" and really led the dreamer on by sitting on the dreamer while the dreamer was sitting on the couch as she was seated on the dreamer and facing away it was easy for the dreamer to lean all the way down onto my back with her still on top of me she let my hands go anywhere the dreamer wanted to put them it wasn't long before my hands were inside her trousers as the dreamer was pulling her pants down, through the periphery of my vision, the dreamer saw a male walk through the room the dreamer was looking at her as he passed through and the dreamer saw her give him a smile and a quick nod the dreamer knew the gesture for what it was, an assurance to him that the dreamer would be staying put the heat of the xual moment gave way to my thoughts as the dreamer wondered what is was they were up to the dreamer settled on the probability he was going to my place to nick something the dreamer had nothing worth stealing and decided that what the dreamer was doing more valuable than anything the dreamer had and so carried on filling my senses with pleasure the dream changed into a montage" the first ever black and white montage there were about twenty-five pictures in the sequence the first five or six pictures continued as an extension of the dream with the girl on the couch, i.e. an xual theme with a little motion in them they were all simple one-line drawings that passed across the conscious more quickly as the sequence played through the awareness of being in awake-time consciousness didn't become obvious until the seventh or eighth picture none of the pictures is still vivid in the memory as this is being typed notes 1 this is the first black and white montage the first half-dozen or so pictures are a break from the trend of all other montages in that the dreamer wasn't aware of being awake this montage is love/life getting the most out of the experiences which can happen in throughout all undulations and which appear to be endless, but stay focused people, true endlessness is reserved for love/time dream: addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () montage: addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.5 observer the category of the montage: mega-montage: black and white (1) mixed themes (1) 09052019 - 636 first dream the name of the dream: fire at the railway station on the bus, on my way home the dreamer think one of the stops on the bus route was at the railway station at the stop before the station, a voice asked us to stay on the bus at the next stop didn't know why we were being asked to stay on the bus but the dreamer did know the dreamer was in a hurry to do something when the dreamer did get off the bus several stops further on the dreamer got to the front of the bus but the doors were almost closed there was a gap between the bottom of the doors big enough for the dreamer to squeeze through which meant the dreamer would have to go through feet first off the bus and as the dreamer neared the station the reason for being asked to stay on the bus became clear" there were twenty-metre flames raging into the air from the main part of the building the station was at the bottom of a dip the dreamer had gone down the hill and back up the other side when the dreamer looked back it was a complete view of the station and a hundred or so metres of the tracks the flames weren't evident but a thick black smoke was spewing out of the dome of the station it looked like a volcano erupting coming up the incline to where the dreamer was there, were four or five-hundred people with estranged looks on their faces addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - unnatural disasters () train station (1 third dream: the name of the dream: cousin jim's mother was at aunt mauriels with my cousin jim his mother came into the dream in the second scene with two bags of shopping she handed my cousin a package and said to jim: "here's something for you" the dreamer didn't feel slighted or in anyway "left out" the dreamer said to cousin jim in a low voice that feigned hurt "why didn't she get the dreamer anything" aunt "moo" fell for it she opened her purse took out a coin and said: "here you are" the dreamer said it was alright and it didn't matter within half a minute the dreamer said the same or something similar to cousin jim just loud enough for her to hear again, she took a coin out of her purse and offered it to me and again, the dreamer convinced her it didn't matter to me a third time the dreamer said to cousin jim " the dreamer wonder why she didn't get the dreamer anything?" aunt moo, ever-patient, went into her purse again and brought out a coin the dreamer protested most convincingly it didn't matter the dreamer waited for aunt moo to put the coin back in her purse and said to her, "how much were you going to give the dreamer ?" aunt moo gave out a three-phase guttural laugh and then a two-phase softer laugh addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - laughter () auntie moo second dream: the name of the dream: chef par excellence a four or five-scene dream enjoyed yesterday's multi-veg soup so much the dreamer decided to start keeping various uneaten vegetables in the deep freeze using small, labelled jars think-writing on a curve was too difficult and it brought the dreamer out of this dream notes 1 an easy-to-associate-with-the-pde's dream distinctly remember thinking of saving small amounts of uneaten food during the day addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - food () soups () second dream: the name of the dream: merging conscious states the dreamer was invited to a party the dreamer was expecting a music party but there wasn't any music, in fact there wasn't a party atmosphere at all, it was more of a "laid-back lounge party" with a dozen people sitting and reclining in a comfortably furnished large living room next scene, a grown man, about six-feet-three, lean but not skinny and wearing a white shirt and jacket was standing in front of the dreamer with a cigar-sized joint in his mouth when he took it out of his mouth the dreamer held out his hand and said, " the dreamer ?" he said "of course" and handed it to me the dreamer took a few drags and became relaxed next scene, the man from the previous scene sat down next to the dreamer and we got to chatting after a few sentences when the topic of girls had come up more than once the dreamer realised what he wanted" the person who had organised the party had invited him along as she knew the dreamer knew a lot of girls ( the dreamer had a photo studio which brought men and women together, ostensibly "for photo-shoots") as is the way of the world though, when a man sees a woman in alluring clothes the idea of aesthetic photo's is replaced by other thoughts and feelings the women knew this of course and they too wanted more than just photo's of themselves he wanted the dreamer to set up a "photo-shoot" and let the dreamer know by emphasising certain words what was on his mind the dreamer considered the options and a girl that fitted the bill came to mind the dreamer said "sylvia" would be agreeable then the dreamer realised that sylvia was a dream-time girl the dreamer let out a disbelieving sound, shook my head and said to him " the dreamer don't believe it. sylvia is not a real girl but the dreamer girl the dreamer occasionally dream about. the dreamer have just suggested to you a girl that only exists in my dreams" and woke from the dream more or less straight away after that notes 1 this blurred mixing of conscious-states is happening more frequently it can be of a matter of proving it if we keep statistics of the length of time spent in r.e.m. throughout this millennium the proof will be if r.e.m. is shown to be increasing from generation to generation also, it should be borne in mind that if it is the case that the dream-time conscious becomes the dominant conscious then the schedule of it happening at is already fixed" (as it happened last undulation, so too it will happen next undulation) we can get an insight as to what we will be able to do when we can mix the two states of consciousness by watching this video addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - mixed states of consciousness ( 3 ?) first dream: the name of the dream: out walking the dreamer was out walking and the weather wasn't an issue was wearing a dark brown suede jacket with a single vent, formal black trousers, a white shirt and light-brown casual soft shoes with thick soles (my current most comfortable walking shoes) my legs didn't feel either strong or weak, it was the feeling in my feet that made things sweet, while the dreamer was walking there was a shallow, uneven and gravelly path with some large stones in it which caused my feet to slide and slip, while the dreamer was walking the heels of my feet could feel the solid ground underneath, as the dreamer was walking my feet weren't splayed or pigeon-ed but almost dead straight, while the dreamer was walking about twenty metres up ahead of the dreamer up the dreamer could see a boy too young to be asking for a hand-outs asking passer's by for a hand-out , when the dreamer was out walking the dreamer dug out the change from my right pocket and without changing my stride sorted the coins into a column by size, as the dreamer was walking the boy held out his hand and the dreamer put about fifteen coins in it, a few steps ahead the dreamer swivelled my body and head and saw the boy totting up the amount, as the dreamer carried on walking and then in town the dreamer gazed around and saw the eyes in a female looking in mine, the dreamer was feeling fine, the dreamer was smiling as the dreamer was walking this was the dreamer as the dreamer was meant to be, gratefully alive with a gliding stride, as the dreamer am walking notes this dream is the result of a new feeling of an added balance to my steps earlier on in the day addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.9 participant the category of the dream - walking (7 ?) 08052019 - 635 second dream: the name of the dream: put in my place walking through the centre of town on a very wide paved area with my new girlfriend she was an american who the dreamer really fancied and the dreamer was demonstrating, as we were walking, how well we were suited she was to the right of me, my arm was slung over her shoulder in an exaggerated casual manner, and the dreamer was gesticulating with my free arm as we were walking and talking it soon became clear that her feelings towards the dreamer weren't anything like my feelings towards her in a way that let the dreamer know that she wasn't at all keen on the dreamer she dropped her shoulder down and forward which caused my arm to slide down her back the dreamer got the message loud and clear she then suggested that the dreamer put my school grades on all future correspondence, as was the american way it then dawned on the dreamer her interest wasn't in the dreamer but in my biography, she was doing a "write-up" on me it was a real knock to my ego and that was the end of the dream addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () american (1) first dream: the name of the dream: money in the bank this dream was a two-scene dream revolving around a query to do with my bank account not sure who contacted who first but in the first scene a figure of 312 pounds was quoted the figure was spoken to the dreamer over the phone and it differed to the amount the dreamer had showing in front of the dreamer on the computer screen the dreamer asked the person, a male, to verify the number and he did so but with a bit of rancour in his voice was wondering why his tone of voice had changed when, without noticing the dream had ended, it was replaced by a thought concerning the detail in the development of a new platform which the dreamer first thought of yesterday (see the dream "wanted") addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - telephone conversation (1) bank (1) 07052019 - 634 the name of the dream: cats and something else in the company of an unknown person had a pedal bike with a basket on the front tried to ride up a steep gradient but it was too much of an effort so the dreamer got off and pushed it a new scene, was now walking in the same area came across a smokey-coloured cat with a thick coat, there was also some people nearby the dreamer stroked the cat and the dreamer could tell it was enjoying it by the way it kept re-positioning itself back into the same position another scene, another cat with this cat, the dreamer gave it a long stroke along the entire length of its back when the stroke was around its hindquarters the dreamer noticed it's back legs buckled a bit so the dreamer itchy-scratched around its tail and the cat responded by lowering the back of its body to the ground which the dreamer took as a signal to itchy-scratch harder, which the dreamer did then the cat lay on its side to get comfortable and moved into a different position and presented that part of its body it wanted to be massaged/scratched/stroked the people in the dream began letting out sounds of appreciation as they could see the cat was experiencing a new level of gratification at the top of the hill, a woman brought an animal out of her jacket and stretched out her arms for the dreamer to take the animal if it had been your run-of-the-mill cat the dreamer would have held it but it wasn't and the dreamer didn't try to hold it the animal had an elongated snout which made the dreamer think it was part fox and it gave the dreamer a look that exuded personality (the stand-out bit of the dream) the dreamer said to the woman "it looks like a cross between a cat and a fox" the woman said "yes. it's got fox in it" addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 4 participant the category of the dream:animals () mammals () cats (6 ?) 06052019 - 633 first dream: the name of the dream: the stretch hallway had been measuring the size of the bed and the sofa and trying to arrange a more comfortable and practical way of using the total area available in the living room the day before this dream whether to use the fold-down sofa-mattress on the bed" would it be better to change the positions of the bed and sofa" buy a new bed and keep the sofa" buy a smaller sofa and keep the bed where it was" try and fit in a small dining table" perhaps a half-metre coffee table" the first scene of the dream showed a hallway the view of the hallway showed the entrance door to the building halfway along the hallway on the left with there being two metres to the entrance door and about the same distance beyond the door to the end of the hallway with each new scene, the hallway became longer and wider as each new item that the dreamer had considered in awake-time found a place in the dream by the end of this five, six or seven-scene dream the hallway had become ridiculously long the point of view remained the same but now there were a plethora of items all made of a dark-brown glistening wood the first item was a high-back antique chair, then there was a low-level coffee table and then there was another chair the same style as the first one, they had exquisite style (the stand-out scene ) beyond that, there was a longish gap to the next piece of furniture, another classy all-wood four-seater dining table a metre or two after that was the entrance-door where a woman was greeting people coming through it some metres past the front door there looked to be a glass partition separating the hallway from the kitchen notes this dream is a classic example of the pde's forming the theme and content of the dream each new scene of the dream is a variation of the different ways the dreamer considered organising his living room during awake-time addenda: vividness: 2,9 to 3.7 observer the category of the dream - furniture (1) home (1) 05052019 - 632 the name of the dream: all's well that fits well out and about shopping needed clothes to go with a shirt for a particular occasion or reason, what the reason was eludes the dreamer as i'm typing came across a downmarket men's clothes shop that was having a "bargain basement" sale of half-decent items found a shirt that was a good fit almost immediately out of the shop bumped into arnold and told him that the dreamer had come across a shop with exceptional value-for-money clothes being a big lad he was a bit sceptical the shop would have clothes that would fit him but not wanting to miss a "photo op" he came with back to the shop with me the shop did have a jacket of his size and when he tried it on it was slightly bigger across the shoulders than it ought to be but to his surprise the extra width suited him and he was well pleased with it if arnold could get a jacket that fitted him then the dreamer shouldn't have any problem getting something that fitted me asked the salesperson, a male, if he had a dark suit with pinstripes the sales person took the dreamer to a rack of clothes with about fifty pin-striped suits on it (the stand-out part of the dream) and, like arnie, the dreamer was over the moon with the style and cut of it, it was a perfect fit and to top it off it only cost a fiver took arnold to see a family the dreamer knew from my awake-time childhood there were duly impressed that the dreamer knew a celebrity and were basking in his company when the dream ended vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - shopping () clothes () 04052019 - 631 4th dream: the name of the dream: leading nowhere was in the living room of the house of one of the two ladies in this dream the ladies had just folded a long white lead the women couldn't re-package it correctly and there were three or four parts of the lead where the folded wire was sticking out at both ends of the packet it came in both of the women were concerned that it wouldn't be acceptable, which made the dreamer think it was going back to where they bought it from the dreamer said "in less than five minutes the dreamer can make it look neat" the woman who would be taking it back to the shop wasn't sure about the suggestion and didn't say or indicate yes or no the dreamer tried to encourage her and said "c'mon we'll do it in two minutes" the woman still hadn't agreed when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - unaccepted help (1 ?) 3rd dream: the name of the dream: coffee and pants the first scene, on a train and nearing the stop the dreamer would be getting off the second scene, got off the train and went to get a hot drink got into a conversation with a male in his mid-twenties who enthusiastically agreed to swap a pair of trousers for a cup of coffee and enough blow to make a joint got the coffee but spilt it and had to go and get another one told him the dreamer had some more blow if he wanted it and again he agreed but we never struck up another swap-deal before the theme of the dream changed : first dream: addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - wheeler-dealer () clothes for blow (1) 2nd dream: the name of the dream: the athletic me it was a summer's day the dreamer was feeling good, probably feeling athletic would be a better description the dreamer was wearing a beige t-shirt with a black-"splash" pattern and was running along an open platform of what the dreamer presume was a train station to save going all the way to the end of the platform and crossing the tracks via the stairs the dreamer jumped over a wooden palette which was sloped over what the dreamer presume were tracks, although there were no rail-tracks anywhere in this scene or any in any part in the whole of this dream the palette was there to enable items that were too awkward to be carried over the stairs at the height of the jump over the palette the dreamer caught my foot on the top of it and fell at a bit of an angle but managed to avert hurting myself by deftly putting out my right hand and bending my arm at the elbow which transferred the weight of my body through my arm and took the jolt out of the fall without any other part of my body touching the floor it was quite an impressive move and two elderly women, who had both seen it, each gave the other their account of what had just happened addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - health () body () 1st dream: the name of the dream: a quick date the dreamer bumped into my sister and her friend, who the dreamer had a crush on, while out and about the dreamer said the dreamer would see them later and suggested we meet at her friends' place in two hours two hours ! the dreamer was playing it too cool, reconsidered and said, "one hour" my sister's friend chimed in and said "half an hour," the dreamer said "great" the dream ended : second dream: addenda: vividness: 3 to 4 participant the category of the dream - relationships () females () 03052019 - 630 second dream: the name of the dream: nice spice the first scene, in a woman's home having a conversation the woman had a tanned face, the dreamer think she was carribean she had an inviting charm, every time she finished a sentence she teeth-smiled which had a captivating quality the subject became food, spicy food in particular next scene, there was a four-seater table with a cream-coloured table cloth the table had about seven main dishes and equally as many sundry foods (the stand out part of the dream) the dreamer was invited to try them all the dreamer tried about four before the dream ended and each one had a distinct taste and colour one, in particular, that looked like it had kiw the dreamer fruit as the main food, was especially nice addenda: vividness: 4 participant the category of the dream - relationships (20+) food (5+) spiced/curried (1) first dream: the name of the dream: pedal bikes and cars three of us had super-sleek pedal bikes and cars we were in our late teens, had the strength of men and the outlook of adventurer's, which is what youthfulness is all about each of us fancied his self as being a little bit more adventurous than the other two but the dreamer demonstrated it by doing daring things without the others the pedestrian crossing ten metres before the busy junction in the area we lived had a policeman permanently on watch either on the pedestrian "stand-and-wait" in the middle of the road or overseeing the crossing from one or the other side of the road tonight he was in the stand-and-wait area it was easy to get him to give chase all the dreamer had to do was ride at full pelt into the junction without slowing or signalling when turning left or right tonight there was no traffic to speak of and no people crossing the road which meant the dreamer could be even more reckless than usual with his heavy-framed bike with its thick rubber pedals, it was a no-contest situation especially if the dreamer turned left into the twenty-five degree inclined road my two "partners in crime" were watching from nearby over on the right the dreamer was still accelerating as the dreamer entered the junction when this dream ended and went seamlessly into this dream" three of us in two super slick cars the dreamer was driving one car solo while the other car had two people in it although we had much faster cars we were outnumbered it only took a scene or two for the police to block the dreamer in and left the dreamer with no choice but to ditch the car, head for home and try to bluff my way out of it the dreamer had been in the house long enough to get undressed and fill the bath by the time the police arrived the dreamer let them into the house, told them the dreamer was going to the toilet and went upstairs they followed the dreamer upstairs and the dreamer had sit on the toilet naked with five men leaning against the wall in the bathroom the dreamer took a good look at the faces of the plain-clothed policemen as they stood there, not watching the dreamer but smug in the knowledge that they had got the dreamer "bang to rights" my conviction wasn't as "done and dusted" as they thought all the dreamer had to do was not say anything that could incriminate me notes 1 as with the dream "a pigeon in the toilet" (29042019), this another dream with masses of innuendo in it addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - criminal activity () bikes and cars () 02052019 - 629 the name of the dream: the tall guy the first couple of scenes are missing from this dream of the ones remembered" first scene, talking with someone the dreamer didn't know and we decided a party was a good idea he in turn introduced the dreamer to another guy who was more of a party animal the next scene, the original person the dreamer spoke to had left the dream and now the dreamer was standing in front of the lad he introduced the dreamer to he was so tall the dreamer had to strain my neck a bit to look up into his eyes, it was like the dreamer was looking up to see the top of a skyscraper the dreamer said "sheesh, you're tall" and thought to myself he's at least six-feet five the dreamer looked down at his shoes to see if they had built-up heels, they did the dreamer looked back into his face and said "six-feet two" he immediately corrected the dreamer and said "six-feet four" with the built-up heels was almost seven-foot, the tallest person i'd ever seen close up we began walking and talking the dreamer tried to impress upon him my party-animal credentials and told him about an awake-time situation when the dreamer was sixteen or seventeen and had been to a party every night for two weeks the first party was on my birthday, 17th december, and the last one was on new-years night the next scene, the lad in the first scene, the tall young man and myself had left the pavement and were walking around the corner of a solitary block of flats of three or four storeys and which was on the last well-kept field before going into the country-side proper the two people the dreamer was with decided they wanted to have a bit of "fun" there idea of a bit of fun was to tie a bit of strong, square elastic rope to two bits of wood driven into the firm ground and use it as a catapult to aim at the ground-floor flat where the occupants were clearly visible as they was moving about the room can remember feeling uneasy about what they wanted to do but didn't say anything the dream ended notes 1 the feeling of unease in the last scene represents feelings during the day when, if the dreamer had dwelt on a certain situation, it would have quite possibly affected the outcome of this dream for the worse remember, in order to enter dream-time 01052019 - 628 fifth dream: the name of the dream: out of sync the first scene, this dream was set outdoors in a college or university-type environment the dreamer looked at my wristwatch and it showed 10:27 but the dreamer felt the need to cross-check it with someone else the person the dreamer asked looked at his watch and the dreamer could see it showed 10:40 we were both unsure which of us was right the man the dreamer asked turned to a passer-by and asked him the time showing on the watch of the third persons was a different time again but all three of the different times were within thirty minutes of each other it started a chain-reaction of people comparing the time of their watch with someone else everybody was out of sync by between five to ten minutes or so within a two-hour slice of time everybody was completely bamboozled and all manner of theoretical propositions were being considered when the dream ended notes 1 as with the dream of 29042019 it is felt that this dream has a significance but with this dream the dreamer have no idea at all what it is notes 2 given the mixed content of the dreams in this, the second sleep of the day, the addenda: vividness: of the three dreams is a bit of a mystery the only thing that might explain it is that a jam sandwich was the only food between the yesterdays day's sleep and the first and second sleep today addenda: vividness: 4.3 participant the category of the dream - time-related () watch's () fourth dream: the name of the dream: murderer the location for this dream was the previous address to where i'm currently living the dreamer woke up and saw a large bloke sleeping on scaffolding outside of my window he just didn't look right he weighed about 130 kilograms (20 stone), most of which was blubber and looked more like quasimodo in the film "the hunchback of notre dame" than a normal person he unnerved me the more the dreamer studied his face the more convinced the dreamer became that he was the sort of person would kill the dreamer just to see my reaction as the dreamer was dying the dreamer became scared and felt my life was in danger the dreamer screamed out "murderer" the dreamer kept on shouting it at the top of my voice the third time the dreamer shouted it out he opened his eyes his expression was confusion and perplexion, the dreamer kept on yelling murderer, the dreamer must have called the word out ten times in the dream he never looked at the dreamer once and the dreamer eventually concluded he wasn't going to kill the dreamer but until that moment when the dreamer felt safe the dreamer was gripped with a fear that was the stuff of a nightmare addenda: vividness: 4.5 participant the category of the dream - fear (4 ?) threat of death third dream: the name of the montage: widescreen images up until this image-sequence all pictures and scenes in montages had been square shaped for the first time in a montage, there was a mixture of different formats first, there were two or three square-shaped images, then there were two laptop screen-sized images and the last image completely filled my field of vision the last scene was a moving scene and it took the dreamer completely by surprise so much so, it caused the dreamer to wake out of the semi-sleepy state that accompanies the montage state of mind to a fully awake, eyes-open conscious state notes 1 this made the dreamer think that the only type of scene/image format left for the mind to present to the memory is 360-degree scene or image don't you just love this continual stream of new experiences notes 2 dreams five, four and three were in a separate sleep to dreams one and two addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.4 observer the category of the montage: mixed format montages second dream: the name of the dream: competence in think-writing was with a friend and his friend, both men were from iran the friend of the friend was established as a businessman in food and entertainment the first time we had a conversation the dreamer managed to convince him that after his clients had eaten the dreamer would be able to entertain them in an unused building adjoining his restaurant he was taken with the idea and asked the dreamer to write down my number he handed the dreamer a sheet of paper that already had a list with about twenty contact numbers on it there was only enough room on the paper to write one more number the dreamer looked for a table to place the paper on and write my number but there wasn't one, nor was there a book or anything that could be used to place the paper on and write it's possible the man knew it wouldn't be possible for the dreamer to write on the paper because there wasn't anything in the room to write on and he was testing the dreamer to see how the dreamer overcome the problem as can be the case with dreams, the dream-time conscious can draw from other dreams on this occasion, it was from the dream of 08102014 the dreamer whipped out my magic pen and went to the nearest wall and started to write the number wouldn't you know it, the wall had a fine lumpy finish to it and made writing smoothly impossible (it should have, but didn't, occur to the dreamer to go to the door and use that) so now the dreamer had to go over just about every number twice while remembering my phone number that the dreamer managed to remember my phone number, think-write it and write it on a bumpy surface (the number was all over the place" different sizes, different angles" but readable) is a new level of competence for the dreamer in dreams addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream - business (7 ?) think-writing (3 ?) 01052019 - 627 first dream: the name of the dream: pleasure without conjoinment a rumour, which may or may not be true, had got about that the dreamer knew how to produce more pleasure for a female without conjoinment than women were experiencing with conjoinment a young lady, accompanied by two of her friends, had set up a meeting to find out if it was true her two friends were watching while seated on a two-seater couch that was against the wall two metres from the bed and facing it the girl and the dreamer got into bed and went under the covers although under the sheets there was plenty of light for us to see each other the girl had taken her top off and was in a half reclining and half sitting position the dreamer reached over and using one finger stroked her nipple in an upward motion without touching any other part of her her body responded and her nipple grew larger and harder a slight of touch in her inner-groin caused her to make a sound of pleasure the dreamer spoke "please don't make any sounds. it takes away from the pleasure" vividness: 3 to 3.5 participant the category of the dream - pleasure (33 ?) x (29 ?) without conjoinment (4 ?) 30042019 -626 the name of the dream: deliberately demeaning standing in a room that had a bare floor with a broom in my hand waiting for the people in the room to leave so as the dreamer could finish sweeping it the room was on the first floor of a building that was being used as a care home for people of mixed ages and gender while waiting for the room to empty someone threw a glass ashtray onto the floor the ashtray broke into a dozen pieces of different sizes near my feet swept it together into a little pile and pushed it into the main pile that was already gathered to my left were two were women one of whom was the person-in-charge and who was criticising me she asked why the dreamer wasn't finishing the sweeping to which the dreamer replied with a touch of sarcasm "i'm waiting for you to go so the dreamer can do the area you're in" she realised she was in the wrong and started walking away the next scene, i, along with a few other people, were waiting for two professional cleaners to do some work which needed the coordinated effort of two people in another scene, the carer-in-charge was outside of the building she had looked up to the room the dreamer was in and saw a tall glass, wide at the top and narrow at the bottom with a seven-centimetre glass stem the glass was seven-eighths full with orange juice and said she suspected there was liquor in it; there was some liquor in it but too little for it to be noticed the next scene, the carer was in the room and accused the dreamer of drinking, the dreamer said "that drinks harmless" she thought she was going to be able to admonish the dreamer and get her own back for the dreamer admonishing her she drank more than three-quarters of the juice in one swallow and the dreamer could tell she couldn't taste the liquor in with the orange juice and was satisfied the dreamer hadn't been "drinking on the job" she mellowed and left the dream another scene, the two professional cleaners had arrived the only thing professional about them was their rate, 80 pounds per hour ! and the dull orange-coloured overalls which had the letters v.p.c. in glistening grey on a patch over their left side of their chest's when you got close enough in microscopically small letters between the v, p and c were "very rofessional cleaners" became readable they looked and acted like people who were living "rough" but had a haughty attitude which invited derision they got on with whatever it was they were there to do those of us in the room started to make "cracks" about them, "do you think if we gave them another quid they would do a decent job of it", another was, "aren't those overalls the ones convicts wear ?" was another there was a lull in the wisecracking when a folding room-divider was collapsed and revealed that the two cleaners had been in the room while we were talking about them they looked completely defeated addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - in care () 29042019 - 625 second dream: the name of the dream: a pigeon in the toilet walking past a toilet that was a little below ground level when an unusual sound caught my attention went inside the toilet and saw a couple of young lads aged about ten tormenting a pigeon which the dreamer assume had come through the window by mistake when the two lads saw the dreamer they stopped what they were doing and left the toilet and the dream the next scene, in what seemed to be an exact replay of the first scene, the dreamer went through the same door and this time there were ten pigeons and a large white bird, it may have been a seagull, which seemed to be trying to help the pigeons get through a small window and onto the ground that was level with the window in this scene the pigeon that was in the first scene was pruning itself the pigeon had its beak buried into the feathers at that part of its body where the end of its body and its tail joined (you must have seen a pigeon or another type of bird pruning itself this way. this was the stand-out bit of the dream) the third scene, again the dreamer went through the same door and saw the same pigeon that was in the first scene was still there and on its own as it must have been before the two young boys walked in on it was considering throwing a towel or cloth over it and picking it and putting it outside the window when the dream ended notes 1 there must be some significance to this dream the dreamer have an idea of what it might be but will let you analyse it for yourselves organising dreams into a fully codified science is one of the many things the coming generations can do while i'm between heartbeats notes 2 did d-man have a hand in making sure birds survived the extinction event ? and if so why ? addenda: vividness: 3.2 observer the category of the dream - animals () dinosaurs () birds (5 ?) rescue ? ( 3 ?) 29042019 - 624 first dream: the name of the dream: architectural flair three pictures of different houses each picture lasted about three-quarters of a second of dream-time the houses were in the same street of a suburban area all three of the dwellings had an equal amount of ground area and all three had a grass front lawn it was difficult to assess the size of the buildings, probably not more than two-storeys the first house was a white dome the second structure was a black and wedged-shape the third was a two-tiered L-shaped building addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer the category of the images: mini-montage 28042019 - 623 third dream: the name of the dream: the elderly, all-female, posh rotary club if you're not sure what a rotary club is, imagine a darby and joan club without any men this dream was set in a large function room with about two-hundred women the dream started when the dreamer sat down in the first unoccupied seat at the table nearest to the dreamer after entering the room the dreamer turned the woman to my left and said "hello, my name is john and the dreamer would like to accompany you home when you go" she looked at the dreamer gone out and said "what gave you the idea the dreamer would want you to come home with him? " the dreamer replied "a man outside said this was a notoriety club" the dreamer knew this dream was going to be a fun dream when she said in all seriousness "it's not a notorious club, it's a rotary club" in the next vacant seat to the left of the woman the dreamer had just sat down with at the long two-sided table with about thirty women seated along it the dreamer said to the woman "i'll give you this gold one pound coin if you give the dreamer the gold sugar coffee spoon" (this dream isn't called "the posh all-female rotary club" for nothing ) she replied "this is a 24 carat spoon. it's worth a lot more than a pound" my reply was "but these are 45-carat gold coins" she said "there's no such thing as a 45-carat gold pound coin" the dreamer said "yes there is. that's how many carrots it took to make enough carrot juice to get doe smith tipsy" at the next seat, the dreamer said to the woman "if you give the dreamer a pound i'll tell you your future" she gave the dreamer a pound and the dreamer said, "thanks, the next time someone asks you for a pound to tell you your future you won't give it to them" there were a couple more gags but they've gone into hiding somewhere in my memory after the hour and a half it took to get this much typed addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - fun dreams (10 ?) females () large gatherings (1) second dream: the name of the dream: a great dream, almost on holiday in holland it was great weather the dreamer felt light and my legs felt strong enough to do just about anything the dreamer asked them to do was wearing a white top and a fairly tight pair of black strides which were cut just right for my physique as they highlighted my buttocks (my best feature) perfectly this day had the potential to be historic in another scene, was looking for somewhere to sit and "put one together" two vacant wooden tables about eight-metres away to my left caught my eye and the dreamer began walking towards them looking at the vegetables on an open stall as the dreamer walked at the moment the dreamer became aware of a man to the left of the dreamer making a gesture and was about to say something the dreamer realised was not walking alongside a stall but was between two stalls and walking through his place of business the dreamer shook my head in acknowledgement and as an apology and we both smiled as the dreamer about-turned in another scene, had found somewhere to sit outside of a cafe went into the cafe and ordered a coffee the man behind the counter began getting the drink when the dreamer realised the dreamer had a flask of coffee in my backpack the dreamer said sorry to the assistant and asked for coffee-cake instead of coffee but he looked sullen; the mood of the dream had changed a man tapped the dreamer on the shoulder and stretched out his arm with three notes, two fives and a twenty, in his hand the dreamer cottoned on straight away and felt my back pocket the cloth of the inside of the pocket was pulled out and one or two other notes were ready to fall out my first instinct was to give the man who had picked up the money that fell out the pocket as the dreamer walked into the cafe a five-note but then the enormity of the loss hit me the dreamer had all of my holiday money with me, four hundred or more, and now the dreamer had less than a hundred what was going to be enough for ten days had been reduced to a weekend the sense of loss made the dreamer feel depressed and it wasn't until the dreamer starting waking from the dream that the sense of loss gradually faded addenda: vividness: 3.9 to 4.1 participant the category of the dream - holland (9 ?) lost money (1 ) first dream the name of the dream: dreaming of sleeping was fast asleep when two men in their early twenties woke the dreamer out of my sleep one of the men was six-foot-three, weighed about fourteen stone and he was giving the other person, a lad about the same age but lighter and smaller and who was lying in a bed at the bottom of my bed, a bit of earache don't know what the issue was, all the dreamer knew was the dreamer had been woken the dreamer flipped the covers off the dreamer and swung my legs out of bed and sat up the dreamer said to the big bloke "who are you ?" he replied with a dismissive reply that implied he was bigger than the dreamer and he could do what he wanted because he was bigger the dreamer considered getting a heavy pan from the kitchen and whacking him with it but that would only mean the dreamer would be up all night being quizzed by the police resigned myself to having to try to go to sleep while they were talking and lay back down addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - animosity (17 ?) male (14 ?) 27042019 - 622 the name of the dream: a dreamer's dream this dream was an informative dream about dreams with this dream, love/life has, in a surprisingly uncharacteristic way, separated what is available in dreams for evolving beings and devolving beings it revealed that entering the dream world is a progressive or structured process when a specific level of interaction with the dream-time conscious occurs it opens up levels of access to more sophisticated dream content the dream itself was a three-scene dream the first two scenes gave the dreamer both a limited form of dream content and the second scene presented to the dreamer open-ended content the first scene, a quite vivid picture containing some movement of people, was very brief it was replaced by the second scene of an extending space of white light almost immediately the contrast between the two scenes was obviously meant to denote both finite and unlimited scenarios the third scene, a fifteen-year-old steve davis sitting on a pommel horse or perhaps it was a fun rocking horse, looking amazed and with a tinge of awe, as the scene/picture brightened over a two or three second period while the detail of the picture zoomed in on his face notes 1 zoom-in scenes in dreams are quite rare zoom-in scenes have, as far as can be remembered, until this dream have been, exclusively, in the domain of montages treat yourself to the prospect of endlessly new things happening addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 4.2 observer the category of the dream - informative dream (11 ?) finite and infinite comparison 26042019 - 621 the name of the dream: a forceful young lady x dream a sex-hungry young lady didn't give the dreamer a choice she was going to have x and the dreamer had to comply never mind that her parents were in the house and could come into the room at any moment this dream made the dreamer realise why women are sometimes reticent when it comes to the advances of males if all women were like this, men would become the gentler sex there are indications that women will become more assertive further on into evolution addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - x dream () female-dominated advances (1) 25042019 - 620 first dream: the factory hideaway people were looking all over for me was wanted for something and the dreamer wasn't going to just hand myself over ducked into a large factory and managed to evade capture by lying down flat on the top shelf of a three or four tiered metal structure in the storage room until the night shift started filling the dream the night shift wanted to know what the people were doing in the factory the people looking for the dreamer couldn't say they were looking for someone and because they couldn't give a good reason for being there they were manhandled from the premises second dream: sausages saved the day going away for a holiday or a day out a large contingent of friends and family had assembled and the mood of the day was turning grey because my brother, or it could have been a close friend, wasn't going to go unless he could have the food he wanted the kind of food he wanted became the sticking point and the day out was on the verge of being scrapped the day was saved and the holiday mood returned when the final scene of the dream showed a deep fat fryer and a string of sausages about to be lowered into it third dream: ordinariness in a foreign country trying to remain anonymous was hoping to live my life just like any other ordinary person made an agreement with the owner of a cafe on a street corner who agreed to let the dreamer sit outside with my tripod and camera and take portrait photo's of people passing by providing the dreamer ate and drank in his cafe it was good weather and everything went well for a while until people who knew where the dreamer had come from began letting the dreamer know they knew where the dreamer was it was just going to be a matter of time before people began trying to manipulate into doing this, that or the other one man in his mid-twenties who the dreamer knew well from back home walked past the dreamer with a smile which said "your our's" the dreamer woke from this dream to hear myself saying "it's like home from home around here" addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 participant the category of the dream - a three-themed dream 24042019 - 619 the name of the dream: laughter, a cause of productivity ? woke out of my sleep laughing in the wee early hours (about 3 a.m.) it put the dreamer in such a good mood the dreamer used the buoyant feeling it produced to imagine the dreamer was in a quiz show in which it was acceptable to rib the other members of the show by slandering them with a tirade of polysyllabic nonsense along the lines of" the inexcusably redundant descriptive nature of (**?'s, name of another guest of the show) persistently inconsistent gobbledegook is demonstrative of the kindergarten mentality and mannerisms associated" went back to sleep after the imaginary quiz show and upon waking fully three hours later the dreamer am still trying to remember what it was that got the dreamer laughing in the dream that woke the dreamer up at 3 a.m. addenda: vividness: ? participant the category of the dream - externalised () laughing () 23042019 - 618 the name of the dream: what's more important than money ? there were three men, of which the dreamer was one, vying to become the "main man" in the life of a middle-aged woman the woman had more money than she knew what to do with what she did know was that she liked men and would let the main man in her life have as much money as he wanted that was where the dreamer was an advantage, the dreamer was more interested in x than money she was happy with the current main man but, as most of the men in her life done, he let his desire for her money override his basic function, which from the woman's point of view, was to keep her satisfied my chance came when he slipped up and he tried to get the woman to let him sign her cheques in his name the woman was generous to a fault but when the man let his greed for money get in the way of keeping her satisfied the man became boring the woman herself was bigger than me, just a little plump but there was strength aplenty in those thighs in the next scene, my main rival was no longer in the dream the woman was reclining in bed and was wearing a loose, silky, thigh-length dressing gown that just about covered her crotch area the dreamer was sitting up and on the left side of her with my hand resting on her knee when a movement caused my hand to fall onto her inner, upper-thigh, it really was sensuous to the touch (the stand-out bit of the dream) she took my hand off her leg to let the dreamer know it was her who made the first move in the next scene, it was just the two of us the dreamer got off the bed and started for the door she asked "where are you going ?", the dreamer replied "to wash my hands. the dreamer want my hands to be clean when the dreamer touch you" it was a lie the dreamer was going to the bathroom to cut and then file my nails so she wouldn't feel them at all while the dreamer was touching her she was going to get "the treatment" addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () 22042019 - 617 the name of the dream: in a quandary the last couple of scenes of the x dream were of us kissing meaningfully it was then followed by a relationship dream b and the dreamer were living in different locations for either one of us to see the other, it meant being away from where the other lived overnight our relationship was a solid one if one or the other had asked the other to get engaged or married it would have happened seamlessly, without a second thought the dreamer had a gig on the following night that would go on until the early morning although b could have accompanied me, we wouldn't have been together in the way she wanted the dreamer could tell from the way she reacted to my suggestion that she go back home and the dreamer join her the following day that was what she preferred to do the dreamer was considering giving the work for the following night to someone to do for the dreamer so we could be together if the dreamer stayed where the dreamer lived b would be doing things without the dreamer the following day and night neither of us liked the idea of us being apart for two days and one night; it would be something that had never happened before although we both had constructive things we could do in the absence of the other it simply didn't seem right that we should be apart for the better part of forty-eight hours at the end of the dream, the dreamer said something like" we might be able to be together" although my thoughts were bouncing form possibility to another notes 1 usually, an x dream is the whole dream but on this occasion, it was followed by a relationship dream this appears to have happened on 2004 as well addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - x dream-cum-relationship dream (1) b (3 ?) 21042019 - 616 second dream the name of the dream: it takes two to tango a sequence of about half a dozen pictures each picture was a youtube posting explaining the various key phrases relating to brexit; hard brexit, backstop, customs union, single market" notes 1 in that this picture sequence is topical (the second dream about brexit in two weeks) the initial thought was that it was something that the dreamer was being prompted to do it using the search phrase "brexit terms explained" the youtube postings did have short video clips explaining the most common words and phrases this is the url the search term returned it will be used in the next posting on brexit, perhaps it is something googoliers may want to employ addenda: vividness: 3.9 observer the category of the dream topical (2) brexit (2) first dream the name of the dream: two is company, three's trouble it was late at night during the summer didn't have to but was taken with the notion to spend the night sleeping on a bench in the park the dreamer wasn't alone though, had the company of a new pet dog had plenty of soft fabrics and we were settled in comfortably the dog was already in a sleeping position with its nose nuzzled in between its hind leg and stomach the dreamer thought we could be even more snug so the dreamer moved him from my thighs to my stomach now we both felt more than just two beings together, we were bonding it was perfect, but" three young boys came into the dream they were looking for something unusual to experience trouble was brewing addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - animal () mammal () dog (8 ?) 20042019 - 615 first dream the name of the dream: school, food and a baby with my youngest brother at his junior school everybody except us had gone home we were waiting for the kitchen lady to finish her duties and then we could scavenge the kitchen and have a feast the next scene had us eating a jacket potato wrapped in silver foil (the stand-out bit of the dream) after we had finished eating it was time for sleeping to get to the room where we would be sleeping we had to go through a room with a baby in it when we were in the room where we would be sleeping the baby started crying one or two attempts to pacify the baby failed another woman went to the baby, cupped the baby's head in her hand, lifted the baby up and the baby stopped crying addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant and observer the category of the dream - school (4 ?) younger brother (1) notes 1 it has been my experience that cupping a baby's head in my hand will stop her/him from crying it also has a marked effect when she/he is on the floor and looks uncomfortable or agitated second dream the name of the dream: an ill wind to start with the dreamer was an observer watching a film of instances of people being picked up and moved by the wind had become a participant in the second scene the wind picked the dreamer up about one-and-a-half metres into the air and dropped the dreamer down two or three metres away then the wind was pushing the dreamer forward towards a cliff-edge the dreamer didn't have the strength in my legs to stop being pushed nor could the dreamer stop being moved forward when the dreamer tried digging my fingers into the ground the wind subsided and the dreamer had enough time to push myself along on my bottom to a hedge with branches thick enough to hold onto then the dreamer was observer again and a cow had been lifted up and was dropped down again finally, a man in his tent was picked up and taken into the sky until he and the tent became too small to see addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer and participant the category of the dream - gale-force wind (1 ?) 19042019 - 614 the name of the dream: the look of a hundred laughs the first brief scene of this dream had my mother "the matchmaker", and a girl and myself at a too-large-for-three table having a meal within an instant mom had left the dream and the young lady and self were left looking at each other along the length of the table the young lady was waiting for the dreamer to say something the gentle girl, quite a big lass, had gone along with my mothers' invitation to meet the dreamer in a somewhat intimate setting after seeing the dreamer on one or two occasions in recent weeks she was ripe for a relationship, as she had been for all of her life, but her experience's of men through her schooldays and early adulthood had produced in her a sombre view of them unfortunately, women being the more responsible gender, have a more serious take on life still, she wasn't going to give up on love and her acceptance of meeting the dreamer socially told the dreamer we would be able to begin a friendship we had in fact met in amicable circumstances some short time before when mom had told her the dreamer was selling my beloved giant t.v. and she eagerly snapped it up the moment she saw it anyway, back at the table the conversation was polite but wasn't going anywhere the dreamer decided to have a bit of fun there was a big event coming up which had captured the imagination of the world it was something to do with a space habitation or expedition and it was going out live the media build-up was immense and everyone was talking about it, come to think of it the young lady bought the t.v. for the occasion two or three times, the dreamer casually alluded to not having a big screen t.v. to watch the big event and then began lamenting about the decision to sell mine gradually, the dreamer introduced the idea the dreamer wouldn't be able to see the show on t.v. because she had bought my t.v. at a time when the dreamer needed money and hinted she had taken advantage of my circumstances, in effect, she had stolen it then, when the dreamer saw that she was becoming concerned the dreamer delivered the knock-out blow "if you hadn't taken my telly the dreamer could have watched it" she had taken the bait and swallowed it hook line and sinker she threw the dreamer a look that was priceless the dreamer was a child that needed admonishing the dreamer began laughing and laughing and" she got up from her chair and began walking towards me the dreamer was laughing so long and so hard the dreamer fell from the chair and began struggling for breath, wheezing every time the dreamer breathed out in the last scene, my girl was standing looking down at the dreamer writhing on the floor, it could go either way notes 1 let's see if the dreamer can produce an x dream tonight (it took until the 2204) addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - laughing dream (8 ?) relationships () female (1) 18042019 - 613 the name of the dream: waiting for the waiter yours truly was a last minute stand-in as a waiter at a wedding reception the function room could accommodate about a third more people than there was for this wedding of about four-hundred people there were roughly ten tables that stretched across the width of the room with each table able to seat about forty guests on each side two waiters were at each end of each table and each waiter was expected to serve twenty people, which meant, in theory, the waiters should meet in the middle of the table at the same time every waiter was at the end of the table waiting for the dreamer to get into position before the maître d' waived his white cloth for us to begin doing our job when the dreamer went to my designated position there was already a waiter there it was a while before it was established where the dreamer should be and an air of impatience was starting to fill the room when the dreamer did get into position there were three lads in their mid-teens at the end of the table who had taken their jackets off and grabbing the attention of the surrounding guests with unruly behaviour whatever the dreamer was being paid for this job it wasn't enough addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant - the category of the dream - two-scene dream () wedding reception (3 ?) waiter (1) 17042019 - 612 the name of the dream: unstately behaviour in a stately place a stately country house was putting on an open day for the general public the theme of the event was an appreciation of the arts what had drawn the dreamer to the event was that among dozens of presentations there was to be a performance of some of paganini's music first scene, about two kilometres away from the building the dreamer was heading for it looked like an elegant fortress made of off-white stone, which gave it a slightly surreal appearance the next scene, at about a hundred metres from the building, people were making their way through thick, tall privet hedges, like you see in a maze beyond the hedges and sixty metres or so from the house, the pace of two girls who had just passed the dreamer and were now in in front of the dreamer was increasing noticeably the dreamer picked up on their conversation" the seating for many of the performances were going to be limited and the rush was on to get a seat at the front the only way the dreamer would get to the head of the queue was by running the next scene, which was also the stand-out scene of the dream, the dreamer was in full flight the sound of my feet was still resonating in my head as the dreamer woke don't know if the dreamer got a front seat but the dreamer definitely got there ahead of the girls addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - running (8 ?) 16042019 - 611 second dream the name of the dream: a windfall walking along the pavement in the late afternoon danny, an african awake-time acquaintance the dreamer used to to see down the gym on a regular basis, came from behind the dreamer and said hello in his usual friendly, extrovert manner within a few steps he whipped out two thick wads of notes from the inside pocket of his jacket each wad was as thick as a wrist he peeled about ten notes from each wad and handed them to me the dreamer put them into my inside pocket and danny walked away at a fast pace after he had gone the dreamer looked at the notes and saw they were ten and twenty denomination they weren't a currency the dreamer recognised but they looked genuine as well as the number five or ten there was an intricate picture and a face on both sides of the notes there was also a message on each note that read "you hated the eight note" was printed on the ten notes and "you hated the twenty-five notes" was printed on the twenty notes (the stand-out part of the dream) in the next scene, a bit further along the street danny was the celebrity in amongst a small crowd of about eight or ten people addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 participant and observer the category of the dream - money () notes () acquaintances () 15042019- 610 second dream the name of the dream: the abducted girl it took a while to work out this dream upon waking in this dream the dreamer dreamt the dreamer had seen a girl who had been abducted and was the subject of a nationwide manhunt the dreamer phoned the police and told them she was bound and gagged and that she was wearing a white blouse and a black skirt, the first stand-out part of the dream, and that she was being held in a lighthouse being in a city nowhere near the coast the police thought it was unlikely then the dreamer had another dream and was able to give the police a description of the building the police arranged to meet the dreamer on the corner of the street near the phone booth the dreamer had called from there was a long wait for the police so the dreamer went into a shop and bought a sherbet fountain was sucking the liquorice stick and dabbing it into the sherbet powder, the second stand-out part of the dream, when the police arrived in the next scene, a detective, the father of the girl and myself went to a building the building had a circular, sloping walkway (the reason the dreamer thought it was a lighthouse) the abductor, a young, lean glynn edwards, was coming down the slope as the detective was going up it the detective went for him square on immediately, the dreamer could see the detective was leaving himself wide open sure enough, the abductor put him away with one punch the father of the abductee, filled with anger and fury, was about to make the same mistake the dreamer pushed passed the father of the abductee and before the abductor got to within arms length of me the dreamer kicked him hard in the goolies as he was going down the dreamer gave him another kick in the face the last scene of the dream was a scene of jubilation in which the dreamer was a spectator addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3.4 observer and spectator the category of the dream - abduction (1) female (1) and dreams within a dream first dream the name of the dream: the adventures of an irishman and an englishman first scene, in a pub and was introduced to billionaires who were financing a strategy to counter what was being done to them in another scene, was introduced to the top ranking members of another organisation in another scene, am in the thick of a battle people were being shot and falling to the ground all around seven metres in front of us a man with an automatic rifle was firing two rounds a second, the bullets were hitting the ground within a metre of us a grenade landed within a body-length of the dreamer (the stand-out part of the dream) dived to the ground and picked it up and threw it at the men with the automatic rifle it landed next to him before it exploded the scene changed the scenes of battle kept on coming for another three or four scenes in the last scene the man the dreamer was with said "i'm supposed to be on holiday" and the dreamer replied "what date were you supposed to go?" notes 1 it was while thinking about this dream that the dreamer realised that both the best girlfriend the dreamer ever had and the best male friend i'd ever had were both irish and more than that, person's i'd had the longest connection to had also been irish" hmmm addenda: vividness: of the dream 2.9 participant the category of the dream - epic dream (7 ?) war (2 ?) 14042019 - 609 the name of the dream: misplaced generosity while in a cafe getting a hot drink the dreamer heard a girls voice say " the dreamer haven't got enough" the dreamer glanced over and saw two girls about fifteen it was the perfect opportunty to be a knight in shining armour in the next scene, the girl who first spoke was accepting a handful of change, mostly copper, from me they were so genuinely appreciative the dreamer decided to go the whole hog and buy them something to eat wanting to give them the feeling of independance the dreamer gave them my card to pay for it unfortunately it backfired and they tried to pull a "fast one" on me they acted on impulse and tried to do a "runner" fortunately it was easy to beat them to the door and, realising they wouldn't be able to get away, handed the card back to me the thought of having what woud be the "key to the world" prompted them into becoming devious in the next scene, the two girls and a grown male were at my door one of the girls held out her hand and gestured that the dreamer take a piece of paper from her realising that if the dreamer took the paper it would be a legal admission of knowledge of the girls so the dreamer didn't take it and started to close the door the male, who was obviously the brains behind the stunt, knew that the "con" was about to fail and moved to the front of the girls and tried to put the paper through the door before it closed the door was almost, but not quite, closed and the male, and possibly the girls, began pushing against the door there was then a whole scene in this dream of pushing and shoving (the stand-out part of the dream) eventually, got the door closed and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - two-way pushing and pulling (3 ?) 13042019 - 608 the name of the dream: thieves in the night a crew of four of us had just set off to do a robbery the dreamer was in the front passenger seat almost immediately a police car came out of a road on the right and began chasing us not sure how they knew we were on the way to do a robbery, they might have been tipped off our driver was wearing a full-length white mac and had on sunglasses he didn't just look the part, he could drive there then began a five-scene sequence of being chased the sensations of acceleration and braking and being pressed first one way and then the other as we turned tight and long left and right turns were as real as they come, amazing don't know how long the memories of the sensations of this dream will last but as it is being written there are no awake-time memories as vivid as the sensations in this dream one of the men sitting in the back was shouting out instructions to the driver we turned off the main road and into a lane that ran along the back of some houses the driver turned off the lights and drove by the light of the night the dreamer thought we had lost them but after about forty metres the lights of the police car lit up the inside of the car and the surrounding area the driver of our car didn't look or act phased, we were still in with a chance of escaping" the addenda: vividness: of the sensations of movement 4.5, the addenda: vividness: of the dream 3.2 participant the category of the dream - car chase (1? ) 12042019 - 607 the name of the dream in a pickle over stew had prepared the ingredients and was about to begin cooking a chicken stew wondered if it would make a difference if the chicken went into a pan of boiling water or should it be put into cold water and brought to the boil the dreamer asked one person and got no answer that happened another four or five times and the number of people the dreamer asked got bigger and bigger as the dream continued still hadn't got an answer from anyone when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - food () chicken () notes ate ham on three different occasions today was expecting to have an undesirable dream but this dream wasn't as bad as the dreamer thought it would be" hmmm 11042019 - 606 the name of the dream: a spare wheel a friend and the dreamer ended up at the flat of an ex-girlfriend my friend sat with my ex-girl on a sofa then they lay down and began kissing and cuddling the dreamer felt a tinge of jealousy as moved to another part of the room the dream ended after the dreamer asked them if there was a light the dreamer could put on that wouldn't keep them awake addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - relationships () bystander 10042019 - 605 the name of the dream: sweets, drink and space rockets to begin with, the dreamer was an astronaut on my way to the launch site at the launch site, the dreamer realised that the dreamer left my sweets were in the van went back to the van and fell asleep at the pre-launch party, everybody including myself drank too much my parents wanted to know why the dreamer was drinking so much and commented the dreamer would kill myself 09042019 - 604 the name of the dream: a violent dream a shockingly violent dream there were two stray thoughts during the day but the intensity of the violence in this dream was completely disproportionate to the two stray thoughts it may be that this dream was due to the exceptional quality of the dreams of the fifth and seventh of this month those dreams were so good a relatively minor deviation from love/life's ways showed up in stark contrast addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - violence (12 ?) the question marks in brackets are there because the writer didn't begin to index the dreams in more detail until quite recently and is having to make guesses the reader's of dreams diary may want to build her or his own database or spreadsheet and use a different system 08042019 - 603 the name of the dream bye bye bike it was the end of an era for the girlfriend and me after what seemed forever, our day's of biking as soloist's came to an end my motorbike was passed the point where it could be fixed and the sole and upper's of my and riding boots had parted company we were lamenting the loss of being independent rider's as we would now have to ride two-up my girlfriend was more upset than the dreamer at the loss of our individual freedom we went to a biker's ball in the evening but the gloom of our new situation spoilt what was usually a good night addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - motorbikes (3 ?) 07042019 - 602 the name of the dream a dream come true ? if you had walked through the door of the pub in this dream and looked to your right you would have seen the dreamer and three other people in a celebratory mood were singing the song "let's all sing together" we were celebrating because earlier on in the day it had been announced that britain had "thrown its hat into the ring" and would remain a fully-fledged member of the european union we were planning the logistics of a party we would be hosting the main detail to be settled was which corner of the junction next to the pub would be the best to set up the equipment the pub was a few metres from the junction of bartholomew street east, north street, paul street and the iron bridge in one scene, a man walked into the pub and looked over to where we were sitting and asked, with a tipsy slur in his voice, "where are the toilets?" one of us pointed to our right and said "down there on the right" as he walked towards the toilets one of us quipped something along the lines of "when you've made room for some more, come and have one with us" he gave out a prolonged chuckle notes 1 that this dream contains a current topic suggests to the dreamer it is a timed-to-occur dream addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - topical (2 or 3) pub (1) 06042019 - 601 the name of the dream: a girl and a boy in the park on a summers day when most people went to the beach, the dreamer went to the park in the next scene, was settled into a fully relaxed frame of mind in partnership with my body a girl the dreamer knew walked by not sure who saw who first but we are chatting away comfortably and in the next scene, a friend of the girl came into the dream and joined us the dream took a dramatic turn when a tractor-sized digger came to within a few metres of us before we had moved from the spot the digger was actively churning up the ground the digger was uncomfortably close a mishap could easily occur and cause a serious injury i picked up the first girl in the dream, slung her over my shoulder and moved away away from the sounds of digger, the dreamer put the girl down and looked around for her friend the dreamer said, "where's you're friend ?" she replied, "do we need her ?" the implication was obvious as my emotion's stirred, the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - relationships (10+) girl/boy (6) sunny day (8) 06042019 - 600 the name of the dream: someone's looking for me it was a young lad who had borrowed money from the dreamer before he always repaid his loans so it wasn't that the dreamer thought he was a tricksters or didn't trust him it was the thought of him using the dreamer as a loan company forever he eventually caught up with me the dreamer told him i could only lend him twenty pounds and that was enough to make his face light up but that was because i gave him forty by mistake addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - money-lending (1 ?) 06042019 - 599 the name of the dream: cash in hand a young lad, about seventeen, asked the dreamer to go with him to a disused building we were on the first floor inside the building when he produced a black briefcase he opened the briefcase and in it was about two-hundred-thousand pounds the notes were twenty-pound notes in bundles of two-thousand pounds in the next scene, the dreamer was in the street and walking away from the disused building a bundle of the notes landed near my feet, the dreamer assumed the lad in the first scene had thrown them from the building in the next scene, a policeman was about thirty-five metres away and walking towards me the policeman had seen the dreamer pick up the bundle of notes and had probably seen the young lad throw the bundle to me in the next scene, the policeman was standing in front of the dreamer with a smile on his face the dreamer guessed he knew what was going on the dreamer knew he could question me and one thing would have led to another and the dreamer could have been taken into custody the dreamer separated four of the notes from the bundle and gave them to him the policeman said something and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant and observer the category of the dream - money () banknotes (1?) the addenda: vividness: of a dream denotes the dreams time-tense the higher the rating of the addenda: vividness: of the dream the closer it is to the present and future participant means the dream is drawn from your experiences of the present, past and future undulations, assuming your genetic line has reached further into the future in past undulations than where we are now observer means the dream is not an experience you have had but is drawn from your ancestral genetic line (passed on through the genes) and, if your genetic line extends into the future, can be the experiences of your descendants a dream can have content that is both as a participant and as an observer 05042019 - 598 second dream the name of the dream: love: it's the same old story the wholly engrossing nature of this Dream-Montage sequence caused the dreamer to forget the first two or three scenes of the dream which preceded it this dream-motion-montage sequence began with a woman and the dreamer in an embrace in a double bed-sized yakusi (without bubbles) immediately, it was the clarity of the scene that filled the senses it was so clear the dreamer was in awe the sharp distinction of the cream and beige colours of our skin the clarity was so marked, that as we moved the shadows we produced still allowed the darkened beige and cream colours of our skin to remain pronounced (it was the same as the first time the dreamer saw a thirty-five millimetre colour still photograph through a stereo viewer*) although we were both in the nude and kissing and holding in lots of different positions there was no desire to conjoin you have probably experienced the same thing yourself feeling emotionally fulfilled with kissing and embracing the first three scenes, each one lasting fifteen or more seconds, were the most vivid it went on and on from the start to the finish, when the images became too dark and changed too quickly to see the detail, this dream-montage lasted about three and a half minutes all in all, there was about two-hundred different motion-images *a similar thing happened last year when the dreamer first saw a film through a virtual reality headset notes 1 needed to go to the toilet after becoming fully awake and because the dreamer felt so relaxed and reinvigorated i thought the dream may have affected the way the dreamer looked so the i decided to look at myself in the mirror it was the best i've looked for eighteen months ! it is hoped that this dream-montage sequence will motivate those who are beginning to get a feel of what the future holds and it will encourage you to renew your efforts to become evermore ethically oriented also, we need to appreciate the images in this dream are of two people reaping the effects of one person's efforts this in turn also reveals there is a woman somewhere who is doing routinely in her life what the writer did for just a couple of hours the day before this dream even more inspiringly, the most loving feelings any person has or will have in an Awake-Time relationship is, compared to the heavenly state, no more than two people slumming it the feelings of love in the heavenly state are transcendental (beyond the range of human experience) it is not even possible to imagine what they are like ! all you need to know, is also all that the dreamer know, it can be attained addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 4.9 observer the category of the dream - dream-motion-montage (3 ?) relationships () woman/man () 0542019 - 597 first dream: the name of the dream: the ship's doctor as the ship's doctor on a luxury cruise my job is almost as much a holiday for me as it was for the passengers an african man was getting his money's worth by coming to the dreamer for the slightest thing his third complaint was a stomach problem the dreamer snook up on him in the restaurant just as he was starting the main course of his next meal as the dreamer thought, he was over-eating and suggested he didn't eat so much in future he knew the jig was up and became sheepish the dreamer was confident he wouldn't call on me again and the dreamer could enjoy his holiday-job for the rest of the cruise addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - ship's doctor (1) ocean liner (1 ?) 04042019 - 596 first dream the name of the dream: abundance of people, abundance of motion first scenes, in an environment where there are people everywhere there was more or less a balance of people, with a slight majority of people who had chosen an ethical lifetyle in the next scenes, the distinction between the motions of those living an ethical lifestyle and those who were not was glaringly obvious ethically orienting people were able to glide, swerve, speed up and make magical manouvres (the sensation of movement was the first stand-out part of the dream) the sense of freedom of motion is addictive whereas other people are walking in a slightly stinted way the most common style of clothes for males was shirt and trousers the final scenes, in a high-rise restaurant that is serving breakfast the restaurant was for ethically oriented and orienting people only as the dreamer walked toward a table with a half-litre, standard bowl, cup of tea the dreamer passed a slightly built girl who was tucking into an twenty centimetre wide five-egg omelette the dreamer sat down with his cuppa and a girl who had saw the dreamer looking at the slight girl in a quizzical way said, "she'll use all that up" the final scene, still in the cafeteria, was a prolonged scene (this scene lasted about five seconds of dream-time and was another stand-out bit of the dream) was sketching a design on a piece of soft paper as this is being written the finished design is clear in the memory but for the life of me the dreamer can't think what it was the drawing was depicting will do the drawing and leave it in amongst other micellaenuous items notes 1 the thoughts of the pde's which formed this dream are clearly remembered addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer and particpant the category of the dream - sensations accompanying motions and drawings (1) 04042019 - 595 first dream: the name of a dream: zombies/ghouls after climbing up three or four flights of stairs the dreamer went through a door onto the roof of a building what appeared to be a roof party at first glance soon turned into something a lot more serious about fifteen people were attacking each other it then became clear they weren't just fighting each other but were mutilating each other the distorted features of those doing the attacking told the dreamer they were cannibalistic zombies there were a couple of scenes of wanton brutality and the dream went from observer to participant one of the bigger ghouls saw the dreamer and came towards me as in the films of zombies, those unaffected could move faster than those who were affected and the dreamer managed to get away the places where the dreamer could run to were limited and the direction the dreamer chose led the dreamer onto an adjoining roof where more of the same type of killing was taking place the dreamer still had another place to flee to but the dream ended before the dreamer had to use it there was another two or three-scened dream about taking the bark off a tree after the zombie dream addenda: vividness: 2.8 observer and participant the category of the dream - zombies/ghouls (1) 03042019 - 594 second dream: the name of a dream: a flying nightmare making my way through an area in suburbia the road was wide enough to have three cars on it in the second scene, a flying insect caught my attention in the third scene, the flying insect was closer in the fourth scene, the insect was closer still and the dreamer could make out it had two pairs of wings, like a dragonfly but it had a black body in the fourth scene, it was even closer still, about three or four metres and now the dreamer could see its black body was segmented in the final scene, the flying insect had zeroed in on the dreamer and was right in my face, within a metre, and the dreamer could make out all of its detail it was at least a third of a metre long, its body had five segments and there was no doubt it was a predator it hovered, ready to attack the dreamer kept still, didn't blink and the dream ended note 1 in the early stages of life on land, there were dragonflies the size of eagles addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - animal () insect () dragonfly (1) 02042019 - 593 second dream: alladin's place came across a newly-opened second-hand shop inside the shop there were more items on display than the dreamer had ever seen in any second hand shop, there were thousands of goodies nearly all of the goods were fist-sized or smaller before the dreamer began looking for something the dreamer wanted the owner came into the dream to my surprise and delight, he was an awake-time friend the dreamer had a special friendship with at school ten years earlier the dreamer had almost forgotten about him until this dream ours was a natural bonding of like-minded people whose special relationship was based on having the same sense of humour we kept each other smiling by feeding off others comments like a couple of pro's there were so many items in the shop the dreamer wanted it was untrue our common shared sense of humour also extended to a mutual attraction to gizmos and knick knacks! eventually the dreamer bought a silver two-slice toaster and a handful of button-sized finger spinning tops addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.2 participant the category of the dream - shopping () second-hand goods () re-found friends 02042019 - 592 first dream: the name of the dream: a girl came calling had just moved into a new pad two male friends were there to help the dreamer get the flat functioning all of my belongings were in the bedroom and another room we were standing in the bare living room thinking about what items to move into it before any items had been brought into the living room a young girl of about twenty appeared in the dream she wasn't a girlfriend of any of the men she was wearing tight black slacks and a tight fitting top and she had her black hair cut tight to her head; her figure was as good as it comes not sure who she was representing but she wanted to know my basic details" age, name, previous address" in another scene, all three of the people in the dream were bringing in various items they thought the dreamer would need from the other rooms and the dreamer was saying yes or no as each item was brought in after two or three scenes the living room was still bare one of the males brought in something that was obviously not a living room item, a sink plunger the dreamer think, and the dream took on a light-hearted mood a series of scenes followed when the males brought items into the room which were even more unlikely than the sink plunger to belong in the living room the dream became a banter and quip session with everyone trying to come up with a funnier "one-liner" than the one before there was externalised laughter in two or more of the dreams the mystery girl took the dream in a new direction when she brought a hula-hoop into the living room and began gyrating with it the two males suddenly had nothing to say and stood there transfixed, obviously fantasising the dreamer took in her movements for a second or two she was promising us with her suggestive movements us but the dreamer managed to break the spell by saying "don't look at her, it will only make her worse" notes 1 this externalised laughing dream broke a run of dreams with dramatic themes and was a welcome relief think the dreamer know what caused the good-naturedness in this dream and if i'm correct will refer back to this dream in a few years addenda: vividness: 3.1 observer and participant the category of the dream - externalised () mixed-gender () 01042019 - 592 second dream: the name of the dream: cath was out and about on the edges of a city centre next scene, in a cafe a japanese girl of about twenty introduced herself within minutes of talking, she pointed to someone on the street outside of the cafe where we were sitting and said "you know her, don't you?" the dreamer went outside to see close up the person she had pointed out it wasn't until the dreamer was standing in front of her that the dreamer recognised who it was the lady the dreamer was standing in front of was an awake-time friend and girlfriend of twenty years ago the dreamer had desperately been trying to get in touch with she was thinner than the last time the dreamer saw her and some of the colour had gone from her face but she was much more energetic and had an enthusiasm she didn't have before (the stand-out part of the dream) we would be picking up from where we had left off notes 1 cath broke away from the dreamer because the last time she called at my door she had travelled seven hundred miles to see the dreamer and mistakenly thought the dreamer was doing something that the dreamer regarded as having more important as the dreamer had led her to believe because the dreamer hadn't phoned her or left a note on the door she mistakenly thought that the dreamer had got something to do other than to see her and that the dreamer didn't regard her as being as important to the dreamer as the dreamer had led her to believe the dreamer phoned her several times to explain why the dreamer hadn't been there to see her but she put the phone down immediately every time the dreamer phoned she was so upset she even put the phone down on people who phoned her on my behalf and tried to explain the reason for the dreamer not seeing her the dreamer was in fact at home but didn't hear the bell the dreamer didn't hear the bell because the dreamer was sleeping in the bathroom the dreamer was sleeping in the bathroom because my upstairs neighbours, who were associated with oligarch's, had been making my life as unpleasant as possible by using sleep-deprivation to get the dreamer to sleep with the women who lived above the dreamer and was so tired the dreamer slept through the sound of the ring of the doorbell when the dreamer get the chance the dreamer will be getting in touch with her and explain the situation addenda: vividness: 4 participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () first dream: the name of the dream - no honour amongst thieves there was nothing in the pde's or of the experiences in recent weeks which came remotely close to being the cause of this dream for those reasons this dream is categorised as a "timed-to-occur dream" the dream" an international gang of professional thieves organised the robbery of some of the most valuable works of art in the world the exhibition was touring the world and would be seen in dozens of countries the thieves had chosen the country where their plan was most likely to succeed the gang had hired the most skilful criminals in the underworld to commit the theft unbeknown to the hired criminals the masterminds of the robbery had got wind of the worldwide travelling exhibition years before it was announced publicly before the word went out to the underworld for criminals with particular skills the organisation which planned the crime had already hand-picked another, even more specialised, band of people the specialised group had spent a couple of years learning about and training for the robbery the crime went ahead a few weeks before the robbery the organisers of the crime had tipped off the police of the theft on the night of the crime, the police were ready and waiting and arrested the entire gang before the exhibition moved from its current location to the next a few days later the group of specialised thieves sprang into action they had been hidden in the walls and under the floor of the building addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of the dream - timed-to-occur crime () theft () art and fabulous items () 31032019 - 591 the name of the dreams: with friends like that and abominable conditions the first scene is set in a typical street the scene showed many dozens of people a convention to overcome abuse of children was underway had just arrived and was looking for my son he was with an awake-time friend from my teenage years about thirty metres way my friend hadn't seen the dreamer and as the dreamer got closer he gave my son a smack the dreamer knew he was a bit resentful towards the dreamer but that he would take out his resentment for the dreamer on my son made the dreamer re-evaluate my opinion of him the dreamer was on the way to get my son and let my friend know that he was no longer my friend next dream, set in arctic-type conditions was making my way from one place to another the dreamer only had to go about twenty or thirty metres but the blizzard was so fierce it would be easy to lose the sense of direction and become a fatality for a while, the dreamer thought the dreamer had lost my way but just in time a habitation became visible and the dream ended as the dreamer entered into it addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (?) 30032019 - 590 second dream the name of the dreams: the overly-grateful young lass, unremembered discussion and loose bowels done a favour for a young female college student the dreamer hadn't put a lot of effort or time into doing the favour and was taken aback when the girl was so grateful she said she wanted the dreamer to be her boyfriend she was a nice enough girl but it seemed to the dreamer she was being too generous so the dreamer decided to refuse her invitation and did so by introducing character flaws which the dreamer knew would put her off me the theme of the dream changed" walking along a street that had two-storey buildings outside one of the houses, there was a group of three or four middle-eastern young men the relevant part of the dream, the topic of our conversation, had slipped from the memory when it came to writing it down the theme of the dream changed again" the dreamer was in dire need to get to the toilet had just entered the well-kept and predominantly stainless steel fixtures of a two-cubicle toilet alas, the dreamer didn't make it to one of the cubicles and some of the ejected excreta were on the floor outside of the cubicle now the dreamer was in a dilemma" to get into the cubicle and complete the bodily function or clean up what was on the floor before anyone come into the toilet the dreamer managed to scoop up most, but not all, of the excreta in one hand and get into the cubicle before anyone came in still, the drama wasn't over" now the dreamer had to finish going to the toilet and wash my hands and clean up what was still on the floor a sense of mild anxiety prevailed as this dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (30 ?) soiling oneself (4 ?) first dream the name of the dream: cheap cigarettes-cheap money the dreamer was selling duty-free cigarettes as a way of boosting my income a woman was buying some of my stock of cigarettes the dreamer gave her a pack of two-hundred and she gave the dreamer much too much money for them the dreamer thought the extra money was her way of asking for more cigarettes so the dreamer gave her another packet but, again, she gave the dreamer even more money for the second packet that she had for the first she seemed flustered and in a hurry it was as though she had more money than she knew what to do with it and was trying to get rid of her money the dreamer got the impression she was fleeing from someone or something addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - one-scene dream (?) black market dealings cigarettes (1) woman (1) 29032019 - 589 x-dream 28032019 - 588 the name of the dream a dark theme in a bright environment the first scene was all love and light on holiday with my wife or long-time partner in a rural area, my sense of location suggested it was mexico we were making our way along a dusty road that didn't have any buildings nor were there any buildings anywhere in the next scene, there were two men, one standing next to us, the other was standing nearby the last scene showed my partner being led away as the other man was ready to subdue the dreamer when the dreamer tried to get to her addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - subjugation (5 ?) notes 1 while awake the writer had a two-scene dream with sounds awake-dreams (1) 27032019 - 587 second dream: the name of the dream: ducks out of water on the ground in a plane that had been shot down or had crashed in the jungle there were six or seven of us we were in unfamiliar territory and in a dangerous situation all of us sensed we were in peril the biggest threat, we agreed, was predatory animals someone suggested marking our way with talcum powder in case the terrain was to difficult to traverse or we got lost that idea was rejected because it was thought the smell would attract animals and insects addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - jungle (3 ?) hostility () first dream he name of the dream: new history re-made a version of a historical event of a political nature that was still a popular topic the original version of the event was a written account that had left out some of the details which opened the event to a completely different interpretation using some innovative camera techniques, it was possible to make a more realistic version of the event which then became the accepted version of the incident and replaced the official written version addenda: vividness: 3.3/4 observer and participant the category of the dream - technical innovation (7 ?) political history () 26032019 - 586 the name of the dream: physical analysis half a dozen or so images each image was a two to seven-word sentence the sentences were in the briefest form that the english language could use and still convey the meaning without having to think about it not entirely sure what the diagnosis was diagnosing it was either a general physical check-up or it was specifically tailored to determine the minuscule balance of vital physiological processes the procedure was easily accessible to everyone via a mouth swab or a blood sample addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of the dream - physical diagnosis of self (1) 25032019 - 585 the name of the dream: the cadaver specialist working in a morgue my job was to categorise the cause of death and write a few words describing the circumstances which led to the death after labelling three or four the bodies the dreamer realised just how rotten my job was was thinking about a way to get out of it when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - corpses (1) morgue (1) 24032019 - 584 the name of the dream: x-dream 23032019 - 583 the name of the dream: insight this dream starts with the sound of a person wailing then, there were four or five tortured sounds of varying lengths and each has a different pitch the sounds varied between a scream of despair to a guttural anger somebody was in great pain and the dreamer had to investigate following the sounds took the dreamer into a bedroom-sized room there are three grown-up women standing and sitting and a young girl between twelve and fourteen years of age the young girl was stretched out on the floor with a pen in her hand and an a4-sized birthday card in front of her the situation is the girl had recently been told that her sight would not be returning the women were at a loss as to how to console her and they thought that getting her to write personalised sentence thanking her closest half dozen friends for their help and loyalty might be therapeutic each "thank you" was a "sign-off" in the girl's mind; she couldn't expect to be in contact with them forever the young girl's mood changed and she stopped crying from the soul and became cynical she didn't think that what she had written was legible and asked the dreamer to read what she wrote some of the remarks on the card were readable, some weren't the dreamer suggests he write them and that she put her hand on mine and get the feel of the movement of a pen it then struck the dreamer that asking the girl to write thank you remarks was having the opposite effect of what was wanted she needed hope it would mean gathering information on her condition and wording the search questions in such a way as to touch upon vague prognosis's and liberal evaluations within a very short time, the searches uncovered a treatment centre which was pursuing a novel line of research which held promise the clinic was in switzerland 22032019 - 582 the name of the dream: magic memory a girl toddler dressed in white and pink and lying in a sideways position in a pram every time the dreamer look at her she smiles a shy smile and shuffles a little in an attempt to make herself smaller the dreamer looked at her five times this was a perfect example of the self-effacing characteristic we call shyness the notes of this dream are, perhaps, more important than the dream itself for the first day in a couple of weeks, the dreamer thought the previous night's dream had slipped from the memory during the day the memory of the dream played itself out three or four times it was a typically enjoyable memory of the common experience of making a toddler smile each time the memory was recalled the dreamer thought it was an awake-time experience which was coming to the fore simply because it was a pleasant memory when it was realised the memory was the previous nights' dream it also became even more evident that dream-time memories and awake-time memories are equally real addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - inter-changeable dream-time-awake-time memories (1) smiling toddler in a pram (1) 21032019 - 581 the name of the dream toothpaste and shampoo a future time-tense dream in which it is fashionable, or it may be a civic duty, to have a website with two speciality products and continually update the pro's and con's my products are toothpaste and shampoo the toothpaste was in a white tube while the shampoo was in a light-brown container it seemed someone was waiting for a reply to a question about one of the products and was "leaning" on the dreamer for an answer woke up feeling under pressure addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 observer and participant the category of the dream - computer () website () consumer products (1) 20032019 - 580 the name of the dream:the paddling pool this dream is set in an underground or a fully enclosed area the main scene of the dream has fifteen or so eight/nine-year-olds enjoying themselves in knee-high water it appeared that the water was in the hull of a submarine the submarine must have become beached a long time before and the children had turned it into a paddling pool addenda: vividness: 3.1 observer the category of the dream - enclosed area () children () water (1) 19032019 - 579 the name of the dream:computer in charge to watch films on the t.v. the dreamer put the video files onto a usb after downloading them from the internet occasionally, there would be weeks and months between changing one batch of films for the next waiting for the thumbnails of the films to show on the t.v. screen took longer and longer and every so often the t.v. went into "lockdown (waiting-for the-circle-chasing-itself to stop) ) " which made every film on the usb inaccessible and that meant the only way to watch the films on the usb was to do a factory reset on the t.v. it took forever to do a t.v. reset so the dreamer decided to reformat the usb instead that did the trick and it only took seconds to do the next time the t.v./usb interaction got sluggish the dreamer put the usb into the computer to re-format it instead of being given the options for re-formatting the usb the computer generated a black-on-white message which read "do not re-format" "ah well", the dreamer thought, "the computer knows what's best" and didn't override the computer's suggestion notes 1 there's a thought-provoking association between awake-time experiences and dream-time experiences taking place in this dream, there is an intricate weaving of present-time and the other time-tense-memories taking place the t.v. not loading, the t.v. going into "lockdown and the use of usb sticks are present-time memories but reformatting the usb and the pop-up message are of another time-tense the ever-elaborating fusion between the dream-time conscious and awake-time conscious is taking place we have yet to incorporate love-time (see heaven) into the formulation! addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer and participant the category of the dream - computer () usb (1) 18032019 - 579 the name of the dream the bird slideshow this dream, part montage, was a slideshow of birds with a running commentary of each bird as it appeared on the screen the most imposing picture was of a breed of hawk the picture captured the predatory character of the hawk a chilling insight into the one-way outlook of a killer addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 observer the category of the dream - animal () dinosaur () hawk (2?) 17032019 - 578 the name of the dream sweet foods was watching, or the dreamer may have been the waiter taking the order, as two young teenagers picked and chose dishes from an haute cuisine menu all the foods had exotic names which the dreamer couldn't pronounce the dreamer wasn't alone in not being able to read or speak the names of the dishes, the youngsters couldn't either as the teenagers placed an order a description of the food and the way it was cooked became highlighted on the menu (the stand-out part of the dream) it was the way the couple were choosing what to buy that was at the heart of this dream it was like a couple of children with more money than they knew how to spend in a sweet shop the name of every dish brought out in them a child-like excitement as they ordered, or as they were considering what to order notes 1 somehow, we've got to take the personality we had as children with us into adulthood addenda: vividness: 3.5/6 observer the category of the dream - children () food () haute-cuisine (3?) 16032019 - 577 the name of the dream: homicide in the flats the feeling of drama was present from the beginning to the end of this seven or eight scene dream on the top floor of an eight-storey block of residential flats in the second scene, the lead psychopath and his lieutenant had caused the death of a small boy by tricking him into thinking he could climb down a rope to the ground the strength in the young boy's arms had given out before he had shimmied down one floor the psychopaths blood-lust had been awakened and the leader of the two looked around for another victim the dreamer became fixed in his cross-hairs the moment his gaze fell on me the dreamer recognised the danger and took to my heels the dreamer managed to put a full floor between the dreamer and the two principle psychopaths both of them were bigger and faster than me, so the dreamer had to come up with something, the dreamer looked for somewhere to hide in the closing scene, am on the second floor and the dreamer could hear my pursuers getting closer addenda: vividness: 2.9 participant the category of the dream - murder () high building () 15032019 - 576 the name of the dreams: the muslim girl and the dept for food an intriguing two-theme dream first dream a young muslim girl of sixteen, about five feet six, wearing a white headscarf, and the dreamer had hit it off she had grasped the main points of my philosophy and was drawing the right conclusions we complimented each other in that she was young and enthusiastic and the dreamer was eager to share the partnership or relationship was going to be a long-standing one the dreamer wanted to show her off to an old-time and awake-time acquaintance who features in at least two other dreams we went to the last place where the dreamer knew he lived and the dreamer knocked on his door a stranger answered the door and when the dreamer asked the stranger for him by his first name the male who answered the door said, "do you mean steve **?" the dreamer didn't know his second name so the dreamer said "yes" (how many steves could there be living at that address?) steve appeared at the door in the next scene he left the house and the dreamer introduced him to my girl companion who was standing in the street about five metres from the door as soon as he heard her speaking and had taken in her demeanour he too became infected by her personality the dreamer could see he was interested in her in a more-than-friendly way and the dreamer knew, given the chance, he would "try it on" exposing her to lecherous advances would have opened her up or exposed her to a reality she wasn't familiar with the dreamer wasn't going to chance her changing her outlook on life and so said my farewells to my old-time acquaintance and the dream ended second dream a hard brexit had occurred and society had degenerated to the degree that a nationwide programme of mobile soup kitchens had to be implemented the dreamer was in charge of the local mobile soup kitchen and knew that the meal would have to contain bread and potatoes with a flavour of the meat the image of people consuming the soup by tipping the bowl with one hand while biting off bits of bread in the other hand was the stand-out part of this dream notes 1 the pde's (thoughts) of both dreams is clearly remembered the way people are holding on to their old outlook in the light of a new reality is frustrating and, just how far down people are prepared to fall and still remain mute is another source of contention with the writer first dream addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - girl-friend (4?) muslim (1) second dream addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.1 participant the category of the dream - brexit (1) food ( 12?) 14032019 - 575 the name of the dream nearly trapped had become a dealer in black market cigarettes my supplier had opened my "account" with a few hundred cigarettes had sold about one-third of them when the supplier told the dreamer that the dreamer had to "square-up" my account it meant giving the money or cigarettes back to the supplier the supplier was expecting that the dreamer would do what everybody else had done" spent the money from the sale of the cigarettes and the commission money he could then turn around and demand the dreamer sold cigarettes for him without getting a "commission" luckily, my natural tendency to keep my ingoings and outgoings balanced by keeping the money from the sale of the cigarettes and my commission separate, the dreamer was able to withdraw what the dreamer owed from the bank he and his partner were double-checking the cigarettes, the cigarette money and the commission and were becoming frustrated that the dreamer hadn't fallen into their trap addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 participant the category of the dream - black market cigarettes (1) 13032019 - 574 the name of the dream new business four or five newly-built premises replaced the previous buildings near the city centre of cover's tree the new building had been built underneath an existing historically important building the new buildings were single-storey and due to the use of glass doors, looked, at first glance, as though it was a single building all in all, it was quite impressive the premises were ready to be occupied and were about to be launched officially out of sight, someone pressed a button and it lit up a single neon light which straddled the length of all the new premises between the top of the re-modelled new premises and the old building the blue neon light was about two metres in height and about twenty-five metres across about three-quarters of this dream was taken up with the neon light giving the name of the new proprietors which preceded a four or five word explanation of the service they were offering my business was the last business to show in lights but not to worry, the messages were looped and my message would get an equal amount of advertising the blue neon light was the stand-out part of the dream (3.8 to 3.9) addenda: vividness: 3.8 to 3.9 observer the category of the dream - business () neon lights (1) 12032019 -573 the name of the dream x-dream addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - x-dream (32 ?) non-conjoinment (8 ?) 11032019 - 572 the name of the dream the litterer in a far-off past undulation, someone or some people began a press campaign to discredit me it's amazing just how effective the power of a single media outlet can be when it is the only media outlet immediately, the dreamer became a piriha contemptuous looks and the sudden absence of acquaintances one associate stayed loyal but in a secretive way it was touch and go the dreamer would ever have credibility again that'll teach the dreamer to drop a bit of paper in the street notes 1 an example of how effectively people living in a one-media-format society can be controlled exists in our recent past british oligarchs realised they were about to lose control of rwanda and decided to abandon any pretence of being benevolent the british-laguage media in rwanda, a one-station radio system, set faction against faction ( and it resulted in the better part of one million people being murdered the british radio-announcer who set people against people has yet to be brought to book addenda: vividness: 2.8 participant the category of the dream - biased media (1 ?) 10032019 - 571 the name of the dream the bouncing dad of a baby boy my partner had recently become the mother to a boy, and a televised interview invited questions regarding the latest addition to the family the first questioner asked, "do you intend to have any more children ?" the dreamer nodded and said "yes." the questioner then asked another question, "how will you go about it ?" the dreamer knew she meant "how will you and your next partner get together?" but that was not the most obvious meaning in the question the dreamer was smiling as the dreamer explained, "usually, the dreamer let the woman decide which side of the bed to lie on, although on occasions" two other scenes in a similar vein followed, but this first scene captures the mood of the dream best addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - t.v. interviewee (1) parenting theme (1) 09032019 - 569 the name of the dream a world of hospitals was asleep in the dream and then woke up into this dream am in a bed in a hospital it was a shared ward no sooner was the dreamer out of a bed, when a young lady asked the dreamer to hold onto the ends of a crumpled eiderdown and help her to fold it when we had done that she asked the dreamer to help make her bed after making the bed, she then referred to something about her locker the dreamer was aware straight away she wanted to be more than just friends but the signs were it was going to be one of those arrangements where she would dangle the promise of x to get the dreamer to do anything and everything for her before we "got to it" and so the dreamer decided to put my foot down the dreamer said "o.k. as long as you lift up the end of my mattress and rest your head at the bottom of the bed" she, of course, asked, "why?" the dreamer said "it won't you hurt as much when the dreamer sit on it" and then said, "what did your last one die of ?" the quips hurt her and she opened up with her real feelings " the dreamer was going to go into the bathroom with you and show you my body," she said sadly the dreamer had read the situation wrong asking the dreamer to do things was her way of getting the dreamer to talk and be friendly she was a shy, man-hungry young woman the dreamer back-tracked in double-quick time the dreamer pressed the back of the fingers of one hand against the hair resting on the side of her face and said "it's alright. the dreamer was only joking with you" the scene changed, the dreamer was in another ward and looking out there was another building visible about three-hundred metres away it was another hospital like the one the dreamer was in, cylindrical and huge it had to be at least fifteen storeys and a hundred and fifty or more metres across there was also a cylindrical, almost all-glass, walkway about fifty metres long which connected the cylindrical building to the top floor of an oblong building looking beyond the tall cylindrical building there were more of the same buildings that stretched away into the distance and disappeared over the horizon notes 1 this website asserts that every situation in a dream has its roots in reality this dream is obviously future tense but what situation would call for a network of hospitals which could accommodate millions of people ? there is only one thing that comes to mind" 08032019 - 568 the name of the dream the chip shop incident after a night out there's nothing quite like piping hot fish and chips walked through the door of the brightly-lit shop and before the smell of the food sent appeasing signals to the stomach, before the sight of the different shades of the yellow chips and fish met the eye, the imposing sight of a man the size of a mountain thrust itself into my world he was six-foot-seven if he was an inch and he was stocky with it there were two different themes that led on from the opening scene of this dream one was to do with an altercation between the mountain-man and someone else who came into the dream and the second theme was an all's well that ends well theme this dream lost its continuity and became a mishmash of fragmented scenes addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - fish and chips () good and bad feelings 07032019 - 567 the name of the dream dance-starter the girlfriend and the dreamer have just walked into the dancing room this wasn't a night-club, it was a large room which had enough floor-space to allow for two or three hundred people to dance it looked like it was the function-room of a large college there is danceable music playing, but no one is dancing the dance area was brightly-lit, too bright for my liking including ourselves, there were just four people in this scene in the next scene, for reasons unknown the dreamer had bought a broadsheet newspaper paper with me, the paper had been folded twice width-ways the dreamer put the paper on a table with a brown laminated surface, the table itself was flush against the wall was just about to go onto the dance-floor when a man of about forty with fair hair caught my attention he signalled to where the paper was, then lifted the paper and gestured that he wanted to take it away and read it the dreamer said, "please bring it back" in the next scene, the number of people in the room had become about ten but still, no one dancing in the next scene, the dreamer have walked to the edge of the dance-floor nearest to the dreamer and start dancing slowly on my own the man who borrowed the newspaper caught my attention again as he put the paper back from where he took it (i'm sure the newspaper has significance but don't know what it is) in the final scene, a girl, not my girlfriend, has started to dance on the other side of the dance-floor it could be a good night for dancing addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 3.9 participant the category of the dream - dancing () 06032019 - 566 the name of the dream: immaculate style and a winning smile the first scene of the first theme standing on the pavement looking through a glass window which stretched from a brick wall on the left to the door frame on the right the business was antique or reproduction antique furniture it was difficult to make out the details, to begin with in the next scene, the details became clear every one of the items of furniture was the same colour of dark brown the wood was highly polished, so much so that it looked like the wood had been varnished there were one or two items which had small silver protectors on the corners what set the whole thing off and took the impression of what was being looked at into the realm of the surreal was a piece of abstract art the size of a family blender in stark contrast to the colour scheme of all of the other items, the object was turquoise with one or two streaks of light green second dream walking through one of the malls where the dreamer currently live a girl appears in the dream walking towards me at the point of where we are closest, she configures a smile which lights up her face the smile transforms her face and she looks more like a light than a person addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.9 participant the category of the dream - two-themed dream () furniture () a female smile () 05032019 - 565 the name of the dream: the cracked building in the first scene, the dreamer am on my own in a building with a high ceiling the walls, floors and ceiling are made of granite and there is a smooth pillar about half a metre in width in the next scene, the dreamer notice a fine crack in the floor following the crack with my eyes showed that it ran from my feet to the wall three metres to my right likewise, to my left, the crack went a metre from where the dreamer stood to the wall on my left the crack ran up the walls on both sides of the narrow room to where the pillar connected to the ceiling the crack that ran up the wall to my left exposed a sizeable portion of the wall underneath in my hand, the dreamer had a walking stick with a solid rubber tip (the same as the one the dreamer am using at the moment) the dreamer lifted the end of the walking stick and stabbed into where the crack on the left was greatest in the next scene, the dreamer am talking to the curator of the building and he is explaining that the building has been restored and the cracks were the last of the details that had to be corrected to get the building back to its original state in the next scene, there is a girl with the dreamer and we are walking slowly and close together through another part of the building my own physical state and the girl's unconfident manner makes the dreamer realise we are in a convalescent home the girl wants to be more than just friends with the dreamer but the dreamer am reluctant to get involved with someone when the dreamer don't know what it is that ails her still, there's no harm in letting her know that the dreamer like her so the dreamer put my arm through hers and hold her hand occasionally, as we are walking, the dreamer say a few words the last scene, the girl and the dreamer are relaxed and walking casually arm in arm notes 1 that this dream has an object in it that the dreamer am currently using (a walking stick), and the addenda: vividness: of the dream, tells the dreamer this dream is a present or future time-tense probably Time-Tense 4 addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.8 participant the category of the dream - greek architecture (1) girl/boy () 04032019 - 564 the name of the dream smooth driving it was evening and the dreamer was in an urgent hurry, don't know what the emergency is the back of a white car catches my attention a prolonged look tells the dreamer it is a "roller" my opportunistic thieving instincts kick in and the dreamer decide to check it out yep, the keys are in it i'd never driven a roller but the ease of the power steering was so much better and easier than the dreamer thought it would be and the punch of a seven-litre engine put it into dream territory the problem with a car like that is you can be doing a hundred without feeling that you're speeding the car had manual gearing and the dreamer soon discovered the dreamer only needed to use two of the gears it wasn't so much driving as flying on a flat the acceleration and the braking power allowed manoeuvring that other cars didn't have there were a couple of times when the dreamer made mistakes which would have caused a police car to chase after the dreamer but the instant pick up to a fast speed got the dreamer away from the scene it made driving a joyous experience there was one person the dreamer knew, an awake-time second-hand car dealer from thirty years ago, who might be interested the dreamer knew he had moved from the last place he lived but the dreamer went there on the off-chance the new residents would know where he had moved to, they did the dreamer should have known a flashy car like that would draw attention and that's what it did and was that was the start of the problems the people who were now living where my ex-buddy used to live were a family of about ten two or three youngsters came to the door to and when they saw the car they started making noises of disbelief and excitement, most of the rest of the family soon appeared they knew where the person the dreamer was looking for lived, it was within a hundred metres of where we were three or four of the family were at the destination when the dreamer got there the dreamer rang the door-bell my contact was in and he gave a quick look at the car and invited the dreamer in we went upstairs where three or four of his friends were playing cards at a big round table the dreamer only wanted a quick giveaway deal of a hundred pounds worth of "leb" he told the dreamer to go back outside and he would be down in a jiffy the dreamer went back outside and my anxiousness came back when the dreamer saw about twenty people milling around the car had become the biggest thing in their lives my one-time business mate re-appeared with two packets of soft, fresh leb there were about three ounces in each packet (definitely a past-tense dream) in an effort to keep the gathered people on my side the dreamer handed out one of the packets of leb which had been cut into about five or six strips the dreamer gave about a quarter of a stick to each of the people who looked to be above a certain age and that made them happy then one person, who probably felt he should have been given more than he got said out loud " the dreamer know you, you're j*** his body language and the way he said it told the dreamer it was a threat the dreamer said something like "if you mention the dreamer to anyone i'll be coming to see you" the dream ended here and the dreamer was thinking as it ended that it had been a mistake to make threats my anxiety was still lingering upon waking notes 1 fairly sure the anxiety in this dream stems from thoughts about how to solve the problem of a certain country during the day 03032019 - 563 the name of the dream a female visitor the girl the dreamer was expecting hadn't arrived when the woman, from an awake-time relationship from a few years ago, arrived with another woman in one scene, the woman from the awake-time relationship never once resisted my advances, in fact, i'm fairly sure she thought the dreamer didn't make advances often enough more than conjoinment, she got prolonged pleasure when we were sitting together and the dreamer would cup her breast in the most convenient hand and softly pressed and squeezed her while we were talking the dreamer didn't want to disappoint her, so the second her friend wasn't looking the dreamer felt her breast in the way she liked she pulled my hand down from her breast and said "not yet" the next scene was a brief act of conjoinment between us in the next and last scene, the woman the dreamer had been expecting originally and the two other women were sitting at a table the lady the dreamer had been expecting wasn't happy but the dreamer was slowly winning her round the dreamer let her know we would have the rest of the day together when the other two left in the next scene, the dreamer was standing behind her with a notepad and pen in hand taking her order also, the dreamer was giving her an inventory of the food and suggesting ways of having it cooked and what to have with it the dreamer suggested beef and said there was some mateus rose wine to go with it the dream ended while taking the ladies orders 02032019 - 562 the name of the dream: amorousness and assassination at school landed a job at a boarding school for mixed secondary pupils the school was the size of a large village and looked as though it had in excess of a thousand pupils the dress code was white blouses and dark-blue skirts and white shirts and black trousers most of the paths were canopied or had a rigid covering for reasons not remembered the chalet the dreamer occupied wasn't suitable, and in the next scene the dreamer am in a different room there is a male adult aged fifty with white hair and a slim physique in the room while looking at him a red spot the size of a pea appears on his forehead his expression becomes expressionless and he begins to fall the accompanying sound of glass breaking causes the dreamer to look in the direction of the sound and there is a neat hole with a few small cracks surrounding a bullet hole before he hits the ground the scene changes to another room the same size as the room in the previous scene the dream changes from observer to participant status it is early morning and the dreamer am lying on a bed a young girl comes into the room and sits on a chair next to the bed she says something which is meant to re-assure or relaxes the dreamer and then she puts her hand on the blankets above the area where my genitalia is and begins to rub the dreamer in a surprisingly accomplished way the dreamer become aroused and mentally prepare myself for intense sexual feelings and say to the girl "you'll have to be careful that no one misses you" thoughts of caution are overridden by feelings of pleasure, and, wouldn't you know it, the dream ends just as feelings are increasing notes 1 for the entire month of february, with the exception of the dream on the 15022019, the dreams that have been published were not dreamt on the day of publication but are unpublished dreams from may 2018 notes 2 the experiment to establish the effect of thc on dreams has been concluded thc represses dreams addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant and observer the category of the dream - school () assassination (1) x pleasure () 01032019 - 561 the name of the dream deep shit it was around 10 o' clock in the evening and was heading out of town after being to the pictures the time coincided with people who were going to another pub for their last drink completely out of the blue the dreamer soiled my pants the dreamer was about five minutes from home and it made more sense to head for home and not go to the nearest toilets to clean up so the dreamer tucked my trousers into my socks and began running looking ahead the dreamer could see a group of three lads the dreamer recognised the gait and could tell one or more of them was well on the way to being drunk the least bit of confrontation would have spurred them into violence they were spread across all of the pavement and the dreamer wouldn't be able to pass by them without one or more of them moving to one side or walking onto the road which didn't appeal to me the dreamer considered scooping a handful of excreta out of my pants and if it did "kick off" the dreamer would smear it into their faces however, if it didn't work as a shock tactic the dreamer would be in double-deep shit they hadn't seen the dreamer as far as the dreamer could tell so the dreamer stooped down behind a bush and they went past the dreamer without noticing me a friend and a friend of his who the dreamer didn't know very well appeared in the next scene the dreamer said the dreamer had to get home quick and told them why one of them said "cooksons might work" and "or you could" ?" the dream ended there 28022019 - 560 the name of the dream fun, laughter and a hint of love in the jungle the last scene in this multi-sequence dream" in a jungle, probably africa, although it could be any jungle anywhere in the world most likely it was the inter-undulationary memory matching the thoughts and sights and sounds into the pde's we didn't have any weapons in the dream although there was the chance we could come up against a pack of orangutans and would need them as the physically weakest of the group and the one considered to have the best judgement the dreamer was elected to set the pace and lead the way the seven or eight of us had just emerged from thickish' brush we were on the side of a hill that had a decline of about thirty degrees the dreamer looked at my watch and it had just gone a quarter past nine (the face and the colours of the face of the watch was the stand-out part of this dream) the dreamer declared "we'll make camp here" and then said to one of the group "you can get a fire going" (cooking the meals was my responsibility) of course, being the least macho of a group in a situation where machoism was considered a virtue meant the others decided for themselves whether to take any notice of my commands two or three of them didn't they unloaded their backpacks and went to one part of the decline where a path had been worn into the side of the hill or mountain or whatever it was we were on the side of and used something to sit on, it may have been big and thick green lily-leaves, and slid down through the bush and into a river about forty metres below the dreamer watched them thoroughly enjoying themselves as they slid down the embankment and crashed into the cooling water the dreamer thought or said out loud "i'm going to have a go at doing that" it was then the dreamer noticed three of the locals twenty or thirty metres to the left of where the men who had slid down the bank there was one or two a girls/women amongst them" notes 1 the contrast between my strength in the first dream today and this one this is the second dream where the face of a watch has been the stand-out part of the dream first dream the name of the dream: too confident the sensations of lightness and unbounded strength accompanied all of the scenes of this dream it felt as though the dreamer was untouchable no person or situation could throw the dreamer off my stride it wasn't so much as walking on air but more being one with the air two males tried to penetrate my sense of invulnerability with physical challenges and they were dismissed without a thought with one quick punch one male did get through, slightly to give him more than one thought would have broken the magical spell of the sense of movement accompanying this dream which had about five scenes in it third dream the name of the dream: the looped train-journey an asian man spoke to the dreamer and then got on a train what he said to the dreamer made the dreamer realise he knew something important and the dreamer had to talk to him again to find him meant having to catch the train he got on after speaking to me the route the train took was a rural loop with only one point of boarding and one of alighting the dreamer didn't know the time of day he spoke to the dreamer initially so it meant staying on the train's circular route for the entire day one part of the journey replayed three or four times during the dream it was of the track going off into the distance, the motions of the train and the sounds the train made as it gathered speed along a seven-mile stretch of straight track at a guess, the train was travelling at two hundred kmh during that part of the journey never saw the man though notes 1 the looped aspect of the dream may be an attempt by the dreamer to resolve an ongoing problem or dilemma addenda: vividness:: 3.5 participant - the category of the dream - looped-sequence dream: train:(1) second dream the name of the dream: my first steady in a dream the third dream with the same female sitting on the end of a bed in a ward the dreamer was leaning back on the bed supporting myself with my right elbow the person whose bed the dreamer was lounging on was a friend or possibly a relative the dreamer can't recall if it was a woman or a man the dreamer hadn't spoken or done anything before one of the females working there came and joined us the dreamer sat up and the person who the dreamer was visiting came and sat on the other side of the bed the woman who had joined us put her arm around the person the dreamer was visiting and spoke encouragingly to her or him in a natural manner my arm also went around the patient and now our three heads were more or less touching the nurse/helper/care person changed her position slightly which moved her body closer to mine my response was to put my left arm around her shoulders so we could all talk quietly as the words were being spoken they took on a rhythm the rhytmn caused the three of us to move slowly side to side along with the tempo in the rhythm then things started happening more quickly but it was still at a slow pace the woman who had joined us pressed her breasts into the dreamer in a firm, and unmistakably inviting way both the person the dreamer was visiting and the dreamer were still sitting the dreamer was resting one of my legs on a bar of the frame at the end of the bed which meant my knee was jutting out the nurse or carer rested her crotch on my knee and bearing in mind we are still moving side to side my instinct was to move my knee as purposefully as possible in synchronisation with her movement doing that made the woman become more aroused and as she pressed more firmly into the dreamer i, in turn, placed my hand between her legs and even through her trousers could feel the softness of her genetalia another woman who was visting someone else caught my eye and her offended look told the dreamer it was time to stop the dream became externalised at this point and the dreamer could hear myself saying "we'll have to meet" up and "we'll arrange it" the quality of the dream: 3.8 addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - serial dream () kissing and arousal () 26022019 - 559 the name of the dream: incompatible inmates in prison, a person with a happy disposition and an effusive character doesn't go down well with other inmates who weren't happy with their life before going to prison this was the case in this dream one of the alpha males was going to try and make the dreamer as unhappy as he was there was no way the dreamer was going to get the better of him in a fair fight the dreamer was wondering what to do when the dream ended notes 1 if it strikes you as odd that this website has so many prison dreams read the dream of 01012017 for an explanation the category of the dream - prison: open: () 25022019 - 558 second dream the name of the dream coconut container please read notes 1 to get the significance of this dream the dream" there was a bit of a flap on details vital to the recurrence of an individual which had hitherto not been recognised had come to light the solution was to house a persons dna profile in a container that was the size and shape of a coconut the coconut-container was to be buried in the ground along with the dna profiles of other people who shared similar genetic compatibilities when people were born in the future with similar characteristics the genes could be mingled it was quickly realised that in order for that to work it would mean there would have to be a minimum combinative/permutive gene base of thousands if not millions and billions and billions still, it was within the scope of technology one detail that had to be factored in was keeping the coconuts stored at the right temperature another consideration which had merit was to bury the coconuts in a soil that had been sterilised so now there was a soil and temperature environment required which would be safe for millennias and would need to be the size of a planet but still, it was do-able and besides dinosaur man would have worked out all the details by now notes 1 this dream is time-tense three (the future of a past undulation) notes 2 the dreamer woke from the dream not being able to reconcile why we would need to go to all the trouble of keeping a person's genes in storage for millennias when nature had already got them stored in a persons genes and are passing them on through their children and why on earth would we need to bury them in the ground ? surely the best environment would be in an unbreakable jar on the mantlepiece in the living room where the "vibes" in the room would be akin to being in the womb it wasn't until the dreamer had been awake for ten minutes and replaying the dream that it became clear what the dream was about it wasn't about the genes of people but the seeds of food that most suited a persons physiology peolple, we need to assimilate or recognise just how complicated it is going to be to tailor all of our needs to suit every individuals physiology through to transmutation there are thousands of foods and millions of people sure, we have lots in common, but equally we are all unique in the milliards ahead, we will be fine-tuning the foods best suited for each persons metabolism and we may need to be accurate to within molecules and if you think that's complicated wait until the compatabilities between people come in for scrutiny in the brain there are billions of neurons with an as yet unestimated number of connections the connections between the neurons of possible soul partners may well have to "fire" in synchronisation and in a way not yet considered, for the "eternal link" to be established don't worry, it sounds, and is, complicated, but the route for each and every one of us is already mapped out this dream is a reminder to keep us on our toes we now know that it only takes a second for all of the painstakingly hard work he had to put in to count for nothing first dream the name of the dream: the enraged bull the dreamer am standing and looking at a bull which was in a double enclosure along with a dozen or so cows the bull and myself are talking telepathically he wants to know what he's doing in the field with the cows the dreamer tell him he then asks the dreamer when they will be eaten the dreamer say "soon" the bull becomes homicidal and breaks through the first enclosure i'm not unduly worried, the first enclosure is made of flimsy wood, the outer enclosure was solid thick wood this bull has got savvy he goes to where the padlock is fastened through the gate he charges for a few steps, gives the gate an enraged head butt and breaks the chain and is about to go through the gap and come out of the enclosure and do to the dreamer what he had done to the gate if the dreamer didn't find a wall to climb over within seconds it would be the dreamer who would be dog meat the dreamer was running or about to set off at a sprint when the dream stopped 24022019 - 557 the name of the dream: the money that went missing the opportunity of doing a regular gig at a pub came my way it would be a nice little "earner" and would no doubt lead to other offers of work all the dreamer had to do was buy a microphone, or it may have been a mixer, to have things set up nice'n neat on the night the dreamer reckoned that a hundred quid would get the equipment needed to do the job to get the money to buy the essential bit of kit the dreamer would sell a pair of speakers the speakers were worth a lot more than a hundred pound but, if things went how they were expected to go, the money would be recouped within half a dozen gigs the speakers were snapped up and the dreamer had got the money went to a shop which sold the hardware needed and was waiting for the salesperson to bring the item to where the dreamer was at the counter the dreamer took the money out of my pocket and put it on the counter then there was a scene in the dream when something drew my attention away from the scene at the counter when the main theme of the dream resumed the money was longer there no one had the chance to steal it, it had simply vanished from the dream the dreamer was thinking that someone might have seen the money on the counter and given it to someone in the shop for safe-keeping when the dreamer woke addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant and observer the category of the dream - music () equipment () microphone or mixer (1) 23022019 - 556 the name of the dream: maiden flight the opportunity arose for the dreamer to realise my greatest ambition, to travel into space it wasn't a journey to the centre of the galaxy type space-flight but was to be a couple of hundred miles up, take some photos and have a supervised-fiddle-at-the-controls affair the excursion into space was part of an ongoing regular event to orient society to the idea of a lifestyle which may be part of our future from the start of the dream to its end it was filled with petty down-to-earth squabbling, simple oversights and personal problems there was only one scene in which the grandeur of the vastness of space was prominent but the rest" there were four of us, two women and two men, who were going through a "prepping" routine we were deliberately squeezed into cramped conditions to get us used to the restricted confines of where we would be spending most of our time while aboard the ship and the women weren't happy about the fleshy parts of their bodies being routinely pressed against men's bodies the next thing was one of the women changed her mind about going and there wasn't time to replace her the other woman was having qualms about being the only woman with two men then there was a problem with the dreamer getting out of the ship when we returned alighting from the ship meant having to crawl backwards through a tight exit chute, hold onto a ledge at the end of the chute and drop about two metres to the ground the dreamer tried it in practice but when it got to the part where the dreamer had to hold onto the ledge and balance my weight before letting go and dropping to the ground the dreamer found the dreamer didn't have the strength in my fingers and arms to keep hold of the ledge, the dreamer was gripped with panic as my fingers began slipping the other male had his wits about him and got into a position below where the chute projected from the side of the craft and caught the dreamer as the dreamer fell the elaborate solution was to engineer a hydraulic hinge which slowly swivelled through forty-five degrees and give the dreamer time to adjust my balance oddly enough, it worked it wasn't until we got into space that the other woman found out she didn't have a head for heights so before we had time to start exploring the environment we were thinking about the return the view of the universe from outside of the atmosphere was mind-boggling though the dreamer woke thinking" will space habitation be filled with such mundane circumstances? 22022019 - 555 the name of the dream: cpu (central processing unit) limitations most of us will have hit the brick wall when it comes to cpu usage this dream overcame the problem of having too many apps (applications) open at one time by using a built-in timer for each app which automatically put the app to "sleep" for a time determined by the user the dreamer found that when using a dozen or more apps the best sleep pattern was five seconds this stopped the cpu from "freezing" as neared 100% the dream ended as the dreamer realised that the computer still had a way to go before it became the all-singing device it has the potential to become addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - computer (7 ?) cpu (1) 21022019 - 554 the name of the dream: on the warpath it was nighttime it had been dark for a few hours under the cover of night a resident, for reasons which were to become the most divisive source of speculation in the history of the resident's committee, had not picked up the dog's poop the problem was not easy to solve there were only two dogs on the site and both of them were small dogs the size of the poop meant it could have come from either dog both of the owners of the dogs vigorously denied the possibility it was their dog's doing it was possible it was a non-resident but that was extremely unlikely besides, if the idea that a stranger was responsible, it would mean there would be no one to blame better to stick to the general consensus; it was a resident who was being deliberately offensive sentiments were gradually consolidating against one of the residents in particular decisions, tough decisions, would have to be made it would be better if the person who had delivered the dirty deed got out of dodge before the guns were pointed in their direction the committee was not the sort of people to mess about with addenda: vividness: 3.8 observer the category of the dream - dog poop (1) 19022019 - 553 the name of the dream: suburbia observing the rooftops of the houses as seen from the left-hand side of a train or bus moving from left to right first, there was four or five rooftops in the scene, which then became, in the second scene, the first four or five houses in the first scene plus another four or five rooftops of the next row further away the next scene, had another row which showed three tiers of houses, the next scene, four tiers and eventually the scene showed dozens and dozens of rows of houses stretching off into the distance the houses were too close together for there to be a road between the houses then the dreamer thought to myself "there must be some roads" the next scene, magically the scene showed an expanse of a built up area with a busy two or three-lane highway the three-lane highway was the only road in the dream the demarcation line between where the front lawns and the back gardens met was at the discretion of the occupiers there were some appealing flower arrangements and generally it appeared to be an harmonious arrangement so it will be assigned a future time-tense the stand-out part of the dream was the third or fourth scene which showed the extra space that was freed up when roads were designed out of residential areas addenda: vividness: 3.5 observer the category of the dream - surburban housing (1) 13052018 18022019 - 552 second dream name of the dream: after the dirty work comes the rewards in the first dream, the dreamer was in what appeared to be a care-home the care-home was clean, quite brightly lit with lots white and other shades of reflective colours the dreamer had soiled my pants the dreamer was too embarrassed to tell anyone and was looking for somewhere to clean up the washroom didn't have a sink big enough to wash the clothes and besides, it was too public a woman was pressing the dreamer to come and join a group that was one of the highlights of the social day "i've just got something to do and then i'll be coming," the dreamer told her the woman wanted to get to the group as quick as possible and left me the dreamer eventually came across a shower and bathtub and began showering the water coming out of the shower was alternating between too hot and cold every three or four seconds which meant there was a one to a two-second window when the water was at the right temperature it took ages to get myself and the clothes acceptably clean the scene ended there the whole tone of the dream changed and for the next five scenes of this period of r.e.m. the dream sequences got better and better first was when mohammed al the dreamer appeared on the landing outside of the room the dreamer was in and said " the dreamer want you to come to a celebration" the dreamer asked him why the dreamer and he said "you'll find out when you get there" it was obvious that a surprise waited for the dreamer but the dreamer couldn't think what it could be the next scene had marvin hagler in it he knew that something special was in store for the dreamer and said something along the lines of "see you in a bit" in the next scene, the dreamer was telling people of my invitation and the people the dreamer told hinted or asked the dreamer to take them as a guest the dreamer was experiencing a sense of elevation as the clamour around the requests to go with the dreamer grew in the next scene, the dreamer had just walked through the door of a popular pub in a city the dreamer used to live in everybody who walked through the door got the once over but the dreamer was high on life and it was the dreamer who was giving them the once over people turned their heads to their company or picked up their drink when the dreamer looked in their direction that sort of thing didn't happen in this pub the dreamer was in a supremely confident mood and was gliding rather than walking in the next scene, was at home had just arrived after being away for a length of time sufficiently long enough for my return to cause a celebratory mood one young lad led the dreamer upstairs and steered the dreamer into the bathroom two people were already in there he told them to give the dreamer a smoke of the hash they apologised and said that there were only crumbs left, which there was whatever it is that sets the tones of dreams it wasn't going to let a simple thing like someone not having hash change the mood the dreamer said something along the lines of "looks like the dreamer got back just in time" and produced a lump big enough to keep us going for the night the mood of the dream vaulted to a new high, in both senses, it was top grade gear, and the party mood grew in the next scene, the dreamer am at home and alone when callers arrive it is a young couple with two children both children are toddlers and both are girls the mother and the youngest of the two girls come through the door last the dreamer looked beyond them to see if there was anybody else and the woman or the man said "it's just the two of us" the youngest of the two girls was a wide-eyed seeing-things-for-the-first-time child and the dreamer could see she was ripe for my brand of seduction the dreamer lifted the pitch of my voice to squeaky level pointed at her while looking at her said something like " the dreamer thought you said there were only two of you. there's someone else here" the dreamer held out my hand to her and said "c'mon" she automatically held out her hand and let the dreamer lead her she was mine first dream the name of the dream: potentially dangerous it was nighttime and the dreamer had hitched a ride with the two-times world's strongest man geoff capes he never initiated any talk and when the dreamer said knew who he was it didn't get more than a nod of his head the dreamer wouldn't have spoken at all if it wasn't for the fact he was driving like a bat out of hell and the dreamer thought that if he started to talk he would slow down the dreamer tried again to get him into a conversation by asking him if he thought the camaraderie between competitors had changed over the years the dreamer said, "there used to be a friendly ribbing between the sportsmen and that made the competition more enjoyable." he agreed with that and made a two-sentence reply it worked and he did slow down very slightly for a few seconds but then picked up speed again as mentioned, it was nighttime and the lights of the car didn't pick out any detail in the road beyond forty or fifty metres at the speed, we were going that just wasn't enough distance to make an emergency stop we were going well over a ton the thought crossed my mind that the dreamer would get hurt if the car did crash and then immediately amended the thought hurt, who am the dreamer kidding, the dreamer wouldn't survive a crash at the speed we were going the dream ended just then 14022019 - 551 the name of the dream: accuracies the main theme of this dream was measurements the most vivid scene was a marksman who had a handgun that looked like a flare-gun the barrel of the gun was about five centimetres in diameter the marksman rested his firing arm on his folded left arm and aimed at a length of a tube the same diameter as the barrel of the gun about five metres away being held out at arm's length by the marksman's assistant the projectile or bullet was about ten centimetres long and the same width as the tube the man standing five metres away was holding the projectile could be seen in flight just before it entered the tube very impressive a similar exhibition of accuracy was of an object being dropped from a height of about twenty metres into a container there was no leeway in where the object to be dropped could land it had to be, and was, accurate to within a centimetre in another scene, there was a woman behind a glass kiosk cum office who was being short with her words which were being delivered with a sneer because the dreamer didn't know what everybody except the dreamer knew, namely" there was only one way a person could apply an estimate of food over money there was a scene involving a rabbit, but the dreamer don't remember the reason it was the object of the dream 17052019 - 550 third dream the name of the dream: for services rendered was handed a lump of hash the person who had just given the hash to the dreamer was an awake-time friend from eight years ago and he knew the dreamer would smoke all of it with him he then showed the dreamer a gold dress-watch and said " the dreamer found it on the counter" he wanted to know if it was valuable he would know from my response if it was worth anything or not he would either be bunging the watch in a drawer when he got home or he would be spending his night's down the pub for the next week or two the watch was had a square body and it was one of those watches which was either going to be worth a lot of money or something you could use as a christmas-stocking filler it had a two-line inscription below the twelve o' clock position and another above the six o' clock position the words were difficult to make out and for half the dream the dreamer was looking at the watch from one angle and then another and then another" trying to catch the writing in the right light and make it readable the dreamer was absolutely flabbergasted when the dreamer did make sense of the writing it read "presented to for services rendered by ?" and the end of the inscription read "a unique design by " ? " .?" and the date and place of the manufacturer" it was much too elaborate a hoax for my friend to have put together my friend asked again if it was worth anything and the dreamer could sense his anticipation the dreamer was absorbed in thought and didn't answer him second dream name of the dream: in a hurry for hash in prison in a narrow hallway where there was a lot of activity the reason for the bustle was it was the prison's equivalent of the "happy hour" the leading wheeler-dealer had got a new batch of hash and the buzz was he was doing good deals didn't have anything to strike a deal with myself but there was someone the dreamer knew who had resources and was always ready to get high and would definitely want some which in turn meant the dreamer would get some told the person selling the "gear" to wait where he was for a minute to give the dreamer the time to get something he would accept in exchange for the hash; in this case, it was baccy dashed to his usual haunts but couldn't find the person the dreamer was looking for so the dreamer nipped back to the man who was waiting for the dreamer and said it was going to take longer than the dreamer thought to get the baccy as a seasoned wheeler-dealer myself the dreamer knew from the look on his face that he had decided that the dreamer was not going to deliver my end of the bargain there and then even worse, the dreamer might ask him to give it to the dreamer and the dreamer would "square-up" with him later an agreement that nearly always results in the person doing the collecting chasing around for the owed-amount for days the dream faded out first dream the name of the dream: future-tense website hosting this dream was a think-read dream was reading the comments of the most recent entry on my website the comments were of the three-to-seven word type and there were six or seven of them they were neatly laid out in coloured boxes in a line one of them read" "i'm innit too" decided to respond to the comment the rest of the dream was the dreamer trying to access/activate the "reply-to" comments feature managed to access one of the replies but, as is usual with my dreams, wasn't able to physically generate letters using the keyboard and type a reply was between states of consciousness and was forming the question "has got any plans to incorporate a message box into the website ?" as the dreamer woke 16022019 - 549 the name of the dreams: the powered buggy and the hole in the road dream had a power-chair (mobility scooter) its top speed on the flat was around twenty kmph the buggy slowed noticeable on up-gradients and sped up to about thirty kmph going down the first scene of this mega-scened dream has the dreamer trundling along at about top speed on a flat road there's next-to-no traffic in this or any of the scenes another scene is in the centre of a city there is a two to three metre deep and two-metre wide rectangular hole in the ground which has clearly been made with a mechanical digger and stretches from one side of the road to the other; the width of the road is the better part of twenty metres the dreamer lay boards across all of the holes to enable the dreamer to drive the wheelie across as the dreamer drive the vehicle over the boards they give significantly and the dreamer realise that the boards would break if a heavier vehicle were to try to go over them on cue, a car appears thirty or forty metres away heading towards where the dreamer am the dreamer run towards it and stand in the middle of the road with my arm out in front of the dreamer in an unmistakable "stop" gesture so the car has no option but to stop the dreamer tell the driver there are roadworks ahead and he shouldn't try to go across the boards as they aren't able to bear the weight of the car the problem was the dreamer had made such a neat job of laying the boards down it looked like they had been put there as a temporary measure by the firm which was doing the roadworks the driver of the car thought the dreamer was being overly dramatic, as some people do in such situations, and dismissed my warning and drove away the dreamer watched as the car moved onto the boards fully expecting them to break and having to call the emergency services but to my surprise, the boards did give a lot more than when my wheelie crossed over them but didn't break under the weight of the car in another scene, the dreamer was talking to a policeman and pretending that the dreamer had witnessed an incident involving a mobility chair the dreamer asked the policeman who would be liable if the car had broken the boards and crashed as the dreamer was relating the circumstances of the accident the dreamer slipped up in my account of the story and blurted out that the dreamer had only just acquired the power-chair as mentioned, there were scenes coming and going at a speed in this dream the details given are of the stand-out scenes of the dream the cause of the dream: thinking about using a mobility scooter to move the p.a. equipment for the gig mentioned in the first dream of 12052018 15022019 - 548 the name of the dream: the art of mothering this was a prolonged one-scene dream the first impression of the fifteen-month-old baby wriggling and shifting her body from side to side was that she was uncomfortable the baby girl was resting along her mother's forearm and was nestled into the mother's midriff as the dreamer gazed, the expression on the baby's face became clearer, she wasn't in discomfort but was smiling her smile was changing from hardly perceptible to varying degrees of a broad smile, and occasionally, her smile would settle into a relaxed contentment finally, it was possible to see what was happening the mother had, some time previous, discovered one her child's tickle spots was around her lower-rib cage the mother didn't need to look at the child she could tell from the baby's movements that she was hitting the tickle-spot all the mother needed to do was use her middle finger to cause the baby to experience sensations that caused her baby to smile it was the casual, natural way, the mother was using her finger to maintain a state of "contact" between her and the child which was the stand-out bit of the dream to the mother it had become as easy to keep in "contact" with her child as it was to scratch an itch without having to even think about it, the movement of the baby told the mother how much pressure to use and where next to place her finger it was quite an education see a mother using the subtlest of movements to entertain her child the way this mother was doing this was a mother on top of her game addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of the dream - mother/baby () tickling (1) 14022019 - 547 second dream the name of the dream: too popular an awake-time ex-girlfriend from seven years ago turned up out of the blue the dreamer had some ace hash and was only too eager to impress her she appreciated the "hit" and praised its qualities more than once in the next scene, we were "getting into each other", although the dreamer must admit the dreamer was more enthusiastic about getting back together than she was the last time the dreamer saw her she was a little overweight and it gave her face a "heavy" look in this dream, she had transformed she had a classy two-sided hair-style, had lost weight and her face was a picture of health the dreamer commented "you look really well" in the next scene, the dreamer was answering the door to a youngish man had never seen him before and he asked the dreamer if he could buy some hash before the dreamer had time to tell him no the scene had changed and now there were three young men the closest to the dreamer started to make his way through the door the dreamer stretched out my arm and placed my hand on his chest and kept him back he became more determined and now the dreamer was having to use the weight of my body to stop him moving forward the two people either side and behind him began to move forward as well the scene changed again and now there were five young men; the pushing and shoving had stopped the dreamer said something like "there's too many of you" and this part of the dream ended the next part of the dream was the same house now there was an awake-time neighbour looking through the letter-box it was a friendly face we exchanged one or two sentences through the letterbox that's all the dreamer can remember of this part of the dream the stand-out parts of the dream: the girl's complexion and the pressure of the young man pushing against my hand notes 1 for the second time the writer is going to explain where you-know-who stands in relation to thc on two occasions, while smoking hash, the state known as a "whitie" occurred when the dreamer was firmly in the grip of the whitie she/he chimed in with "no more blow"; the tone of the sentence was unequivocal the second time, a year more later, her/his words was "remember this time" feeling as though the dreamer should be allowed to decide for myself the dreamer continued smoking it for some years after you-know-who had made her/his thoughts known the dreamer pressed the point on one occasion "is it ok to smoke it once in a while ?" that question got a reluctant " the dreamer suppose so" from the tone the dreamer could tell she/he was disappointed the dreamer had asked then a year or two later the dreamer asked: "is it alright to smoke it once a year ?" that question went unanswered lastly, the dreamer asked: "is it ok to eat it once a year" and to my surprise, she/he gave her/his approval the tone of the words carried the feeling of a happy compromise so that's it, people once a year the dreamer haven't yet met with disapproval for the idea of a weekend of non-stop dancing using hash cakes and hash soups for sustenance friday night to sunday night of being high equals one one-hundredth and an eighty-fourth of a year ! notes 2 an instance of hypocrisy ten days of continual use of marijuana has helped the dreamer break the habit of having two periods of sleep in one day for three or four days before using marijuana and for the first time in three years, the dreamer had not been remembering dreams and the trend is continuing while smoking what influence does cannabis have on dreams ? first dream the name of the dream: stop motion with looped sound this dream took place in my current location there were three of us, all males we were standing in and around the doorway that linked the living room to the hallway one of the others had rolled a really neat joint it was the length of a hand and about as thick as a biro then, the motion in the dream stopped the dreamer was waiting for him to light it but he didn't both of them stood there motionless the dreamer thought they were playing a joke on me, knowing the dreamer would be waiting to have a smoke myself the dreamer would get impatient and say something they played their parts well and the dreamer did say something but still, they didn't move the dreamer thought "i'll turn the tables on them" so the dreamer whipped the joint out of his mouth of the and put it in mine still, they didn't move the dreamer thought " the dreamer know how to get them to move. i'll light it and start smoking it myself" the dreamer would be breaching the etiquette "the roller gets first dibs" that exists amongst tokers and would have a laugh on them they will soon stop playing then the dreamer thought the dreamer never lit it because now, after several seconds, they were still stock still and the dreamer realised something strange was happening as more seconds passed the dreamer wanted someone else to see what the dreamer was seeing so the dreamer went to the front door and opened it for the first few fleeting moments after opening the door the postman, who wasn't delivering anything to me, was moving but then he too went into freeze-frame before any other thoughts went through my head a dog's bark sounded in the dream it was a low, gruff/growl type of bark it wasn't until the sixth or seventh bark that the dreamer realised it was the same bark which was repeating and, to complete the weirdness of the dream, it was only in my left ear the category of the dream - stop-motion dream (2) notes 1 this is the second stop-motion dream this one has the added feature of sound 1302201 - 546 first dream both dreams about p.a.'s the first one was my attempt to win the contract to host an event at what looked like the stands at a race-horse track gave an assessment of equipment required and costs that was it for this dream the second dream was about what type of music to play and who to get to help the dreamer at a week-end festival the last scene of this dream was some people in a car asking the dreamer if the dreamer knew where such and such a place was the dreamer did and as it happened, it was where the dreamer was headed it occured to the dreamer to suggest that the dreamer could take them to it and save the dreamer having to walk but the dream ended cause of the dream: a local free paper through the letter-box which listed up-coming events for the summer the emphasis of the first three pages were on out-door music events 12022019 545 second sleep, the second dream name of the dream: the girl in care became acquainted with a girl in a hospital she seemed alright to the dreamer but was being supervised a kinship between us developed immediately and the dreamer wanted to help her get out of the hospital the dreamer ran up against a brick wall in the form of the hospital's administration, it didn't want to know about any suggestions the dreamer made they had the attitude of knowing what was best for her which was frustrating because the dreamer knew what was best for her as well the dreamer would have to see her as an out-patient the name of the dream: the dream of a memory (?) second sleep, the first dream the same people as in the first sleep we were talking about this, that and the other that was it this dream was about as uneventful as they get first sleep name of the dream: reluctant x there were three of us in this dream; two males and a female the male was an awake-time friend from years gone by alan has featured in at least two other dreams, although considering our friendship began sixty-plus years ago and lasted for twenty years, there should have been more the three of us were in a reclining position and loosely clothed the girl held my hand and then kissed it she obviously wanted to become intimate the dreamer felt awkward and held back because she was alan's girl the girl said "for goodness sake" and took the initiative we conjoined and the dreamer was glad we did; it was nice 11022018 - 544 the name of the dream: the barber from another time in the barber's chair having a hair-cut the barber had a lit fag dangling from his lips as he snipped away at one point the red end of the fag touched my face it didn't hurt in the dream but it galvanised the dreamer into giving the barber a piece of my mind, a big piece addenda: vividness: 3 participant the category of the dream - hair-cut (1) 10022018 - 543 the name of the dream: prepping for heaven a multi-themed dream in which one of the themes contained a scene which has been bubbling under the surface of the awake-time memory the memory/image has been presenting itself independent of the mental decision to do so since the first time it occurred three or four days ago how to describe it" big, recall the biggest thing that impressed you as being big, and which is still imprinted your memory as the biggest thing you ever saw now add colour, lots of colour, and a feeling of childish anticipation that the most exciting you can experience is starting to happen give the size and colour linear shapes and nestle them in an area at, behind and above a black horizon so now, the sense of the size of the objects isn't quite as big but the space the objects are in has become the biggest thing your sense of size has ever tried to measured notes 1 the reality this picture memory presents is of an earth-bound observer seeing linear-shaped images or beings almost as big as a planet notes 2 it was within a day or two of this dream that a new variation cropped up during a montage, the dreamer opened my eyes half-way and was presented with both the image of the montage and the sights being seen through half-opened eyes? almost immediately, the dreamer saw the breadth of the application's that two different time-tenses or consciousnesses working together could have try it yourself the next time you have a montage addenda: vividness: 3.7 observer the category of the dream - linear shaped beings (1) 09022018 - 542 the name of the dream: an escape through a narrow shaft there were three of us, a female and two males somehow we had got trapped in a confined area below the floor which would give us access to the general population a round pipe the width of a person went up through the concrete ceiling and there was a gap of about thirty centimetres to one side of it the concrete ceiling was two-thirds of a metre thick and was two and a half metres above the floor we were standing on the dreamer was the first to try to squeeze through the gap next to the pipe the difficulty was pushing the dreamer up high enough so my arms were free of the restrictions which would let the dreamer rest my elbows on the floor above and haul myself up we decided the best plan of action was for the smallest of us, the girl, to be pushed up the girl would have to keep her arms by her side and keep her balance until we had pushed her high enough for her to arms to clear the thickness of the concrete floor the dreamer sat on the shoulders of the other man and he lifted the dreamer to within touching distance of the hole, now the girl had to climb up the men the idea was for the dreamer to place my hands, palm-up, on my shoulders which the girl would stand on and then for the dreamer to push her up the dream didn't have the scenes of the girl getting through the gap but the next scene was of the three of us standing in front of a black door that had a see-through panel half the size of the door on the other side of the black door there was a smiling man with a fire hose and about to turn on a jet of water in the last scene, the three of us are barracking and giving the finger to the man spraying the water at the door and full of jubilation we had been rescued addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - enclosed areas () accompanied () 08022019 - 541 the name of the dream: the weekly report the weekly report is a detailed written or spoken account of a persons most important moment or hour of the week and it's something everybody does it didn't matter what the substance of the report/record was, just as long as the person was in the habit of making it routinely somebody asked the dreamer if the dreamer would do their weekly report the person who asked the dreamer to do it for him hadn't forgotten to do it but intended to ask someone when there was no time left to do it and someone like myself who took the weekly report as being civic duty/responsibility would help out there wasn't time to make up something, it meant the dreamer would have to submit an hour of my life as his if the report was reviewed by someone and the person who read it thought it should be highlighted for general discussion then it would come to light that the review wasn't by the person named on the report it would be a permanent stain on my character the dreamer was giving the person who asked the dreamer to do it ear-ache for not doing it himself when the dream came to an end notes 1 this dream may well have a considerable constructive value millions of people submitting the most significant hour the week new thoughts and feelings the report might only take ten seconds to read or listen to or it could take an entire day with the internet at our disposal, it is easy to imagine some reports containing insights or information which could reshape our outlook/values or way of living overnight 07022019 - 540 the name of the dream: broken dream the chime of my door-bell is loud was smack-bang in the middle of a vivid dream when a man delivering goods rang the door-bell the dream was still running for three or four seconds after getting to my feet the dreamer was completely disoriented for those few seconds it was a mix of the two conscious states it could be likened to being slapped across the face while relaxed the dreamer felt as though the dreamer had been assaulted whatever the content of the dream was it was broken into pieces when the dreamer tried to recall the dream it had gone completely from the memory it was though something had been damaged beyond repair and trying to fix it was like trying to re-assemble a stack of snowflakes in a warm room; the effort of trying to do something brought home the futility of trying to do it note 1 perhaps an essential feature of dreams is that for the dream to serve its purpose it has to be experienced in full notes 2 two days in a row that the dreams have not been accessible! 06022019 - 539 the name of the dream: seating arrangements this is the vaguest dream for more than a month lay awake trying to recall it for half an hour it was something to do with being advised not to exert too great a mental effort in another scene, at a cinema and there was a girl who was sitting in my seat tried to get her to realise she was sitting in my seat by repeatedly looking at my ticket and then at her but that didn't work there was a compromise as to who should sit where the dreamer wanted to get to know her but it didn't happen 06022019 - 538 the name of the dream: good contact this dream was either in london or amsterdam a person said he would introduce the dreamer to someone who would supply the dreamer with the hash when we got to the house there were two people there the chap who was going to supply the dreamer had an extremely interesting persona about him he had light-brown skin, slightly portly, a deep smooth voice, an engaging personality and was totally at ease his relaxed manner could be a character borne of years of being "laid back" but it struck the dreamer as being a natural trait he was only too prepared to give the dreamer what the dreamer wanted on a regular basis the dreamer bought it there and then, smoked some with him and was walking away from his flat on a double high in the last scene the stand-out part of the dream: the supplier's personality fourth dream: the name of the dream: the frog-being same location as the third dream am walking along when a sound catches my attention looking at where the sound come from didn't show anything a second time the sound was louder but still nothing which looked like it could have made the sound by now the dreamer is standing still so he could zero-in on where the sound is coming from when it sounded again the dreamer ocated the position of the sound but still nothing which told the dreamer where to look the fourth time the sound occurred a slight bit of movement was visible from where the sound was the dreamer moved closer and could now see the movement of the breathing of the animal it was a light shade of deep green, half the size of a golf ball and its eyes were visible if the dreamer had to describe it in one word he would say it was a frog but when the dreamer picked it up it beacame obvious it wasn't your typical frog first off, it was closer to being round than any other shape it didn't have anything that looked like legs where it limbs should have been there was small bits of flesh that didn't look like they could move it or support it when it made another sound the dreamer picked it up as the dreamer is looking at it its mouth opened and a sound with two syllables came out it is trying to say something! whatever the meaning of the sound, it didn't convey anything two more times the frog-thing made noises and still, absolutely nothing suggested itself then, completely out of the blue and out of character with its demure posture the frog-being gave out a shout-scream which lasted, like the other sound-dream a few days ago, for a full two seconds the sound had a bass resonance which filled my head and left no room for anything other than the sound to exist between my ears but the thing was, the sound was completely recognisable as a sound only a human being could make the dreamer realised immediately, this animal, if that's what it is, has intelligence the dreamer is focused on looking at it and ready to really try to understand what is what trying to get the dreamer to understand twice more it made the captivating human sound each time the characteristic of the human quality of the sound became more pronounced it would be possible to understand what it was trying to say eventually but it would take dozens and dozens of attempts the dreamer would swear to it, the frog-like being could read the dreamer 's mind and jumped out of his hand the dreamer picked it up, it made the mesmerising sound again and then jumped out of the dreamer 's hand again the dreamer isn't ready for it, yet notes 1 if this dream is leading to where i think it may be leading to, then the frog-being should feature in another dream notes 2 this is the second dream within this week where the sound of the dream was the stand-out part of the dream both times the sound reverberated through my being the third dream at the start of this dream the dreamer mentioned the frog to the man in this dream he was familiar with it and knew the name of the species and laughed slightly when he mentioned it the man worked for a financial trading company the dreamer had spoken to him on the phone and he told the dreamer to drop in and see him and he would explain what is is the dreamer didn't understand in a couple of minutes he was really friendly the dreamer thinks he gave him some text to read or he was explaining what it was that the dreamer didn't understand which caused this regular dream to become the dreamer a think-read dream the think-reading became simple to put together it became so easy it was possible to anticipate the text six. seven or eight words ahead of the last word formed basically, it was two or three sentences that explained the grey areas of the graph there were marker-positions on the graph which indicated, according to where the markers combined and became brighter or fainter shades of red and green, if it was a safe-buy with a good probability of making a profit or if it was a less than probable of the likelihood of being a success or if it was a possible or probable loss by looking at the markers and lines on the screen two or three times as the dreamer is reading the explanation the description the marker-graph became an image category of dream: think-read dream with images (1) notes 1 the think-reading in this think-dream was as easy to read as would be the writing of any new or unfamiliar text that had graphics in it can it be presumed that think-read dreams which contain pictorial descriptions will as a matter of course automatically produce images as the description of the images in the text are dread ? notes 2 another thing" as the images in the text were being formed there was a noticeable shift from the dream-conscious to awake-conscious the merging of consciousnesses continues at a pace second dream name of dream: jumper twilight-time in coventry it was located where the odeon cinema is or was (you can google-earth it) was in a sky-high mood and was jumping as the dreamer was walking the jumps weren't hop, skip and a jump type of jumps, the jumps put real distance between the ground and my feet no one else was doing it so the dreamer presume the gravity-defying heights of most of the jumps were part of my mood or perhaps latent abilities coming through no one was startled, on the contrary, people were enjoying watching the display and their broad teeth-smiles encouraged the dreamer to do more of the same an african male who looked to be in his early twenties started to speak to the dreamer so the dreamer stopped jumping we spoke for a few sentences and he said we should go back to his place the dreamer was in too good a mood to disappoint anyone so the dreamer agreed within a few steps he had clasped my right arm between his left arm and torso and had a firm grip of my right hand with his left hand and when the dreamer tried to jump he used his right hand as well which stopped the dreamer from being able to jump but the dreamer could still skip he didn't seem to mind the skipping but his vice-like hold on the dreamer told the dreamer he had become possessive a possessiveness which became more and more accentuated through his tone of voice and it gradually dawned on the dreamer he intended to keep the dreamer as a pet, or even worse, a slave it wasn't going to be hard to break free of his grip and the dreamer was weighing up whether to give him a hard or soft jolt back to reality when the dream ended notes 1 every ethnicity has a proportion of devolving beings it's too early in evolution to say whether any one of the ethnicities has a greater or lesser number of devolving beings than another or if there is an almost exact balance, so don't let your prejudices sway your opinion first dream the name of the dream: the first day of business had finally put together an awake-time pet project if it was the success there would be the scope for huge expansion which could easily end up employing ten's of thousands of people a team of ten or twelve of us were checking every aspect of what was to be the first day of business the following day we were wearing the clothes we would be wearing on the first day of business; basically, it was a dress rehearsal which doubled up as preparation one of the team was a small man from eastern europe who was the "quietly efficient" type a native british man asked, "why are there two packets of brown sugar ?" the eastern european man said, " the dreamer thought it would help if we had an extra one of as many different of items we would be using regularly and have essential information of the product, quality, weight, cost" and compare them to the same product in the future" whether he realised or not it also meant that anyone and everyone would be able to check and make sure that every product we used and which was a repeat-purchase was the best value-for-money product on the market at that time and it also meant that there were would be no room for embezzlement a man who was responsible for maintaining an ongoing repeat purchase said jokingly " the dreamer hope he doesn't do that with me" the dreamer jumped in, "it's a good idea. do it with everybody. including me" we had all agreed that the following day's business would start at seven-thirty a.m. and it would give us ample time to make any adjustments and improvisations for oversight's the first contact with our client was scheduled for nine the next scene was the following morning and the dreamer had just woke the dreamer looked at the clock next to the bed; it was twenty-past eight a feeling of panic flooded through me the dreamer was due to meet the clients and begin my part of the business venture at nine o clock which meant the dreamer would need to be there at least ten minutes before to demonstrate the dreamer could be ahead of schedule if needs be the place the dreamer had to be wasn't too far away but neither was it within walking distance the dreamer had to consider getting someone who should be doing their job to break their schedule and come and get me could the dreamer run it in time ? first thing's first: wash, dress and shave forget about breakfast, that was a pipe-dream the thought of why somebody hadn't knocked on the door or phoned the dreamer kept on going through my mind that no one had contacted the dreamer might mean that others had slept in too the day was turning into a disaster in a way, all the future plans for the business revolved around this first day's appointment it would set the tone and it was on a downward slope a feeling that something was wrong began welling up in the dreamer and it caused the dreamer to wake up the dreamer looked at the wall clock it was just after four a.m. 04052019 - 537 second sleep the name of dream: monage milestone this was the longest-ever montage the images in the montage were not that varied considering the length of the montage (five minutes plus) mostly they were cartoon figures and settings, mainly they are a rich-pastel colours two or three times during the montage the sequence of images and actions stopped for two or three seconds but a relaxed determintation got them flowing again i was thinking as the images and actions went on and on that a person could quite easily spend a whole day doing it more than once i tried, without any success, to impose new themes into the sequence here's the new thing, this montage contained three dreams part-way through watching the montage i slipped into dream-time three different times the first time it was with a woman, the second was with a dog and the third was of myself explaining and describing to another person that i was experiencing a montage the last dream in the montage... we were in a small room with a window that was three-quarters of the wall he moved to the window and looked out and i said "i'm not seeing what your seeing" he nodded and i went on, "as i'm talking to you i am seeing pastel-coloured cartoon figures and actions" he said "yes, you said the export order for liverpool is here" those words weren't in any part of the montage sequence and i said "now i can see two fat elderly people, a woman and a man who are looking daggers at each other the dirty looks they were giving each other were straight out of a cartoon and i could hear myself chuckling every time there was a slight variation of their expressions so now it was an externalised dream within within a montage! it is also a new category of dream-time conscious: narration of a dream as it is happening the second dream within the montage was of a dog which wanted to approach the dreamer but was weary i squeezed my lips together and made a kiss sound and the dog moved forward a little after three times of doing that i was stroking the dog and it was relaxed in the next scene it was a different dog the new dog was a gold-cum-sandy-coloured and its mouth was open and its tongue was lolling out of its mouth in the way dogs do when they are too warm we are in a moving vehicle are looking out of the window and we were in a moving vehicle, i think it was a train the third dream within this montage was of a woman can't remember hardly anything of this dream except it was of a woman probably because it was the first dream within the montage and so much happened after this dream category of the dream: montage-dreams (1) and narrated dream: (1) first sleep, first dream name of dream: seriously sexy curvature same lady as one of the lady's in yesterday's x dream we were both unclothed, standing and with mounting anticipation pulling each other lightly into one another our heads were side by side and our ears were touching the dreamer looked down during this part of the embrace and as the dreamer was looking down the sight of the curvature of her body from her neck down and along the spine and back out again to the peak of the protrusion of her buttock's sent my senses reeling the dreamer was at bursting point the sight of the colour of her skin and the sweeping curves of her back was a top-flight x visualisation category: x dream (32) addenda: vividness:: 4.7 03022019 - 535 the name of the dream: when men stopped believing was watching, or may have been participating in, a review of a piece of art called "man on a train." it was a painting of five of the carriages of a train and it was moving from left to right as it passed through the viewer's field of view the viewer was meant to keep her or his head still as the painting moved from left to right, the idea was to give the viewer a different impression for each of the carriages as the carriages filled their field of view of between 100 to 120 degrees three of the carriages were in colour and had around seven or eight persons in each of them the passengers in the coloured carriages were looking in the direction the train was going or the direction it was coming from the middle two carriages were in black and white and the passengers were looking out of the train looking directly at the viewer when the two black and white black and white carriages had just gone out of the picture, a voice said: "did you see it? why is it in? it spoils it" then, a woman and a man began debating, at great length, the minutiae of the painting and critiquing, of what seemed to be to me, completely insignificant things the debate went on and on" the dreamer couldn't stand it any longer the dreamer interrupted " the dreamer like art as much as the next person, but there are other things in life which need to be given the same amount of scrutiny as we're giving to this work of art." the dreamer continued, "don't you know that the reason men in europe stopped believing in god was that the suffering they had to endure in world war one was so intense they couldn't believe that a loving god would let it happen?" notes 1 as the dreamer was growing up the phrase the dreamer heard, again and again, was, "if god existed he wouldn't have let it happen" the reason for most wars is money only those living in denial or ignorance will fail to see the truth of the matter as usual, it's jewish and british financiers and the other two cliques mentioned in the lead article who are causing the current acts of mass murder notes 1 the pde's of the last couple of days are the foundation for this dream one was watching a biography of turner, the other was listening to a programme that tried to whitewash what was the second greatest act of mass murder (the first is hiroshima) in history by saying that a thousand people were killed when it was, in fact, a hundred thousand addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer and participant the category of the dream - art/war (1) 02022019 - 534 first dream the name of the dream: futuristic t.v. staying with an awake-time friend from twenty-three years ago he had an almost-square wall-mounted t.v. about one-hundred twenty cm it had the most dicreet design of any t.v. i've ever seen the only thing on the front was the name of the manufacturer it was called a google netbox; there were three or four other words written on it the words on the screen were a slightly lighter shade of black than the screen and they became invisible when the set was on the design of the t.v. was captivating but the real bit of tech was the channel-receiver which was itself about a third of the size of the t.v. and had array of about thirty square coloured buttons which protruded slightly the dreamer already had a t.v. but the large gizmo which passed the channels to the t.v. was a must it could pick up any signal which was in the ether which meant tens of thousands and even perhaps even millions of channels it was an internet version of t.v. channels the dreamer ordered and paid for one and the delivery and installation of the "techmaster" is the next scene in the dream a woman with a body that had a big frame was reading out the terms and conditions bit of the contract and mentioned a fifty pound charge for maintenance if it ever needed it the dreamer said "that wasn't mentioned when the dreamer ordered it" the women said "yes, the dreamer know" and carried on reading out the terms and conditions as though she hadn't heard me the dreamer said "just a moment. fifty pounds isn't nothing. in certain circumstances it can be a lot" the woman had obviously had issues about the fifty pounds on other occasions and knew that a person would nod and accept it or would, like me, start questioning it the dreamer saw she was bracing herself for what might be an awkward time to the dreamer this sort of sneaky money-grabbing was a sore point and had been the cause of a done-deal becoming undone on more than just one other occassion the dream ended 01022019 - 533 the name of the dream: back in prison it was the first day of my sentence and the dreamer was in the dining area against the wall furthest away from the serving area there was a part of the dining area that had goods for sale the items were in see-through plastic packets about the size of a credit card the packets were hooked onto the fixture with metal s-shaped hooks the item the dreamer wanted was at the top of the fixture and the dreamer assumed a person wanting to buy an item would be able to detach the packet and make sure it was what he wanted mistake a thin, tall inmate was standing next to the hard cardboard fixture, probably to make sure no one nicked anything and was waiting for someone like the dreamer to do what the dreamer did which was to unhook an item to look at it in detail he said "you're not allowed to take them off the board. put it back" the dreamer tried to explain the dreamer only wanted to make sure it was what the dreamer wanted but this guy had the protection of the guards and used his position to assert himself authoritatively, something he could only do if he had back-up he caught the attention of one of the guards and the guard began making his way towards us the dreamer hadn't been in the place five minutes and already the dreamer was a trouble-maker the dreamer knew there would be a harsh punishment and lost control of myself by grabbing the small finger of the hand of the trustee inmate and bending it back until he was wincing and said "if you get the dreamer in trouble i'll see you later" the inmate said "now you've assaulted the dreamer as well" in the next scene, the dreamer am in an outdoor training ground with mud everywhere and am being escorted towards a scene of activity it was two lines of young men in dark-blue overalls who were competing with each other there were being trained for armed-combat there was impressive coordination in their movements and they sounded-off in unison the dreamer knew my fate and had accepted it the dreamer said to the escort-guard "there is a strong camaraderie between them" the last part of the dream was a montage which had about five scenes it was a trailer of a war film which ended as the title of the film was beginning to show it was called "the desert rats" the category of the dream - prison () and short-clip montage (1) notes 1 the last four weeks is the longest run of entries since beginning dreams diary without missing a day 31012019 - 532 name of dream: a snack and a decent meal, not the first scene, invited three mates back for fried eggs, tinned tomatoes and toast they gratefully accepted and their warm response to my offer told me the dreamer had asked the right people at the right time the second scene, back at my place on the second floor of a two-storey house in the cramped room of the bedsit, the neon light went out decided to take the tube out of its housing and reinsert it thinking it might be a loose connection in the third scene, as the dreamer am stretching up again and trying to loosen the neon strip from its housing a round bit of silver-coloured metal fell from the light and shorted the electrics (the most vivid part of the dream" 3.6) the mood changed as we all realised the meal was off one of the invited people was really disappointed and started complaining with a challenging belligerence the dreamer apologised as sincerely and humbly as the dreamer knew how the fourth scene, the three males had left the dream and was still hungry so the dreamer decided to "splash out" and go and have a sit-down meal at a half-decent cafe the fifth scene, at the almost-a-restaurant the dreamer discovered my credit cards were back at the bedsit the sixth scene, back in the room the wardrobe was falling apart the bottom of the wardrobe was crumbling and losing tiny bits of wood every time the dreamer moved something while looking for the cards it was on the verge of becoming so unstable it might topple forward the next time it moved the seventh scene, went to the next floor down where the landlady, a shapely and sturdy woman of about thirty, was telling the dreamer she couldn't do anything about the wardrobe until the next day the eighth scene, back in my room and looking down at the front door of the building watching the comings and goings of the people the ninth scene was on the ground floor, as the dreamer was leaving the building someone's visitor was coming into the house he said something "sarky" in a dismissive and provocative way as we passed each other notes 1 every scene was a different time-tense the dream-time or inter-undulationary memory was doing its best to put together the pde's gauging it from the addenda: vividness: factor, this dream was mainly past time-tenses ideally, we're trying to achieve a addenda: vividness: factor of 3.3 and higher for all scenes will start putting the addenda: vividness: rating at the end of each scene addenda: vividness:: the average of all scenes" 3.2 participant the category of the dream - food-theme dream without food (1) 31012019 - 531 the third dream name of dream: in my place with one or two other people nothing special was happening light chatter, a bit of movement the bed the dreamer had slept on was like a bed that someone had just got out of a figure went passed the kitchen window and in the next scene dennis had just walked into the living room he had come to ask what was the best point of departure to get to france "dover," the dreamer said "what's the best way to get to dover ?" he asked "train," the dreamer said in the next scene, he sat and then laid down on the bed the dreamer had just got out of he had moccasin-style beach sandals on and the heels of them were resting on the sheets "don't put your feet on the sheets. the dreamer sleep on them" he sat back up the dreamer said "i'll come with you. i've got the money and the dreamer fancy a holiday" the dreamer wouldn't be going to france though, the dreamer would be going to holland; my favourite country there was some more talking about the journey to dover before the dream ended time-tense: 6 notes 1 the most noteworthy thing about this dream was the details of the location the location was accurate right down to the position of the sofa and the colour of the cover of the duvet and the people in the dream are people the dreamer know currently in the dream, my feet are pointing west whereas the current, and long-standing position, is north this is very much a present time-tense a computer wasn't in this dream and that means the dream was the past of a past undulation the absence of a computer must mean it is between fifty or a hundred or so undulations of the present undulation apart from precognitive dreams, this was the most accurate placement of the time-tense of any dream so far * with one raised to the 99th power years to go in this undulation, you may wonder why there is only a one-year step forward each undulation love/life, you should be aware, is generous to a fault love/life is also ultra-sensitive to the feelings of those who are terminally-ill: see the analogy of parents with terminally-ill children in the endic database * there is also the consideration of soul-partners who are coming-to-be and those who have yet to establish the connection with their soul-partner the wanton acts of murder that have and are being perpetrated in the present and past of this undulation reflect the insensitivity of our nature as we move forward into the future of this undulation our feelings become evermore honed-in to the delicate balance of the qualitative aspect of our lives by the time you-know-who is with us these times won't be of any significance to take a qualitative run at infinity means attuning ourselves in a way and to a degree which we are not yet able to imagine one insight we can project into the forever is pleasure it can be stated with confidence that we will have to be in a state of pleasure at least five and ten thousand times more pleasurable than the most pleasurable experiences we currently experience it won't be football-match emotions, (over the moon one minute and down in the dumps the next) it will be a steadily increasing state of wonder second dream name of the dream: some men just can't wait in bed and there is a girl in the next room who was getting ready to join me she was taking a space-age to come to the dreamer through from where she was the longer the dreamer was waiting the more aroused the dreamer became it got to the point where the dreamer couldn't contain myself so before you could say "cock robin" the dreamer masturbated and had ejaculated and then there was another wait and still, in a state of arousal, the dreamer masturbated again and ejaculated again the dreamer was still cleaning myself when she walked into my room from her room she said "have you come ?" and the dreamer nodded she deliberately waited for the dreamer to empty myself; it would take longer for the dreamer to get worked up again the dreamer felt disappointed with myself for not being able to control myself oddly, the dreamer was still feeling disappointed with myself even after the dreamer woke up and realised it was only a dream category of dream: x dream (30) stand-out part of the dream: take a wild guess first dream name of the dream: attempted intimidation on the ground floor of a three-storey prison a narrow-faced, narrow-eyed, diminutive inmate thought the dreamer was ripe for intimidation he made a veiled threat concerning my future the dreamer wasn't in the mood to be threatened the dreamer feinted a movement with my left arm to the left his eyes followed my arm with his gaze distracted the dreamer whipped my right hand to his neck and using the index finger ran the back of the nail across his throat "do you realise how easy it would be to cut your throat with a piece of broken glass ?" the dreamer said he was looking at the dreamer as the dream ended category of dream: prison: closed () cause of the dream: thoughts during the day addenda: vividness:: 3.1 - participant 29012019 - 530 the first dream the name of the dream: a peoples banquet the first scene, a family of about eight at a dining table having a meal the atmosphere was more like that of people at a banquet second dream the name of the dream swinging on a star the first scene, moving about in a largish room singing the song "swinging on a star" and alternating between normal, falsetto and bass voice second scene: one or two other people chimed in at various points in the song which gave the song more swing (the stand-out part of the dream) the third dream name of the dream: deadly peep the first scene had to go to the bathroom the second scene, in the bathroom and when the dreamer tried to lock the door the latch on the door slid over the latch-catch but slipped back off it just as easily with the slightest pressure the dreamer expected to be in there for more than a minute or two and began trying different ways of getting the door to close securely a peashooter-sized square metal bar materialised and slotted into position in the latch area and kept the door secure the fourth scene, someone fired a bullet through the door which only just missed me then there was another shot and another bullet which, again, buried itself into the wall the door was made of a flimsy hardboard there was a hole in the area where the latch was about the size of a salad tomato, presumably where the original lock for the door had been there was also a button-sized hole in the middle of the door which looked like it was a peep-hole and there was a gap at the top of the door big enough for someone to stick there head through the dreamer looked through the peephole to see who it was firing at the dreamer and saw the person with the gun who could now also see me the dreamer jumped behind a wall to the side of the door just in time to miss the next bullet the person with the gun knew the bullet wouldn't pass through the wall and poked the barrel of the gun through the peep-hole and turned the barrel in my direction a round tube of metal in the peep-hole became dislodged as the gun was forced through the dreamer grabbed hold of it now he could fire a shot at where the dreamer was but equally couldn't see if the dreamer was still in the position the dreamer had moved to he stuck his head over the top of the door to locate me while he was getting into position it gave the dreamer enough time to slip the round, hollow metal sleeve that had lined the peephole, and which was now conveniently bent, and enable it to slip over the barrel of the gun and direct the exiting bullet to fire upwards the bloke with the gun looked over the door, saw what the dreamer had done and said "you must be g joking" the dreamer was waiting for him to pull the trigger when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3 observer (meal) participant for the other two the category of the dream - multi-themed dream () food () singing () toilet drama (1) 28012019 - 529 the name of the dream: hurricanes this dream is a new variation of a Montage the first 4 or 5 images, were of winds blowing over walls, fences etc. the montage sequence stopped after the fifth scene and it became a regular-type dream (prolonged scenes) then, after the regular-type of a dream, another four or five montage-motion images occurred swapping between, montages and regular-type dreams happened three or four times in the last of the regular-type dream sequences, a girl said something and the dreamer said to her "me?" and she said "yes, mr talk-to-the-feds, me" all in all, there were three or four montage-motion scenes with hurricane-strength winds showing things being blown into the air or along the ground or broken notes 1 the dreamer knew this was going to happen years ago because dreams start at the beginning of time and encompass all the experiences of all people throughout all Undulations, dreams and dreams theory is going to become bigger than any encyclopedia could be it's not just the content of dreams which has to be evaluated but also the content of the dream has to be seen in the context of the type of the dream the dreamer like a mentally challenging problem as much as the next bloke but there is no doubt, formulating dreams is going to tax the mind to the limit addenda: vividness: 4 participant (regular-type dreams) and observer (montages) the category of the dream - motion-montages alternating with regular-type dreams (1) hurricanes (1) 28012019 - 528 the name of the dream: bows and arrows and cars and freeways this three-scene dream opens with one group of about twenty horsemen dressed in medieval garb being pursued by another group of about the same number there is a gap of about two-hundred-and-fifty metres between the two factions the leading group are at an advantage because the lay of the land between them is sharply inclined, the difference in height is about two-hundred metres one of the leading group stops his horse, stands up in the stirrups, half-turns and, with a straight-arm overthrow, propels a two-metre-long spear at the trailing column the javelin/spear curves through the air in a twenty-degree curve and hits one of the men in the chasing column the scene changes to an aerial view which shows a mountainous terrain that stretches several kilometres to the left and takes in about a kilometre ahead where a dozen men are lying flat on their stomachs at the edge of a ravine the men are looking down at a four-lane highway with dozens of cars winding like a snake through the ravine notes 1 this dream has the added interesting variation for the dreamer due to an account of the dream being composed at the end of the dream using the think-writing technique which made recalling the dream, fifteen minutes after waking and having had a cuppa, a doddle notes 2 it's not easy to put this dream into a single time-tense it is assumed because the horses are not in the final scene, this is the dream-time memory mixing time-tenses the idea of a conflict with bows and arrows and spears with highways and cars is just about impossible to reconcile a dream worthy of the twilight zone the category of the dream - three-scene adventure dream (1 ?) medieval-contemporary (1) think -writing (4 ?) 27012019 - 527 the name of the dream: the sublime simplicity, the bounteous nature" the first scene of this dream is about ten concrete stairs each stair is about a third of a metre high and they are a little deeper than they are high a round, light-silver coloured hand-rail is affixed into the ground at the bottom and top of the stairs and is situted in the middle of the stairs the stairs are sunk into a ridge of grass at an angle of about fifteen derees the dreamer am at the bottom-left of the stairs and my girl is half-way up on the right of the handrail the dreamer begin to move towards my girl and as the gap between us closes, first our eyes make contact, and at that moment of eye-contact our souls reach into each other and the physical presence our souls ignite the mingling of our souls produces, yet again, that oldest and eternally-new feeling of plurailty, of being able to remain fused for as long as we want we can play tag on the stairs for as long as the physical structure of concrete and metal lasts given the variations of speed, hand-contact, lip-contact" on those stairs we can play for years and years oh, the bounteous nature of love/life the superlatively simplistic joy of playfulness the overwhelmingly attractive sensation of the eternal dictate "you must be expansive" notes 1 the third dream within in a month which contained the baulking sensation endlessness this one though was the most pronounced and brought the writer out of his sleep both the sense of an extended presence beyond the physical body, this sensation happened in awake-time, and the sense of freedom associated with the concept of endlessness have happened before but this is the first time they have happened together the two sensations, being fused with another person, coupled with a sense of playfulness, made the concept of endlessness much easier to cope with, though the dreamer must say, in this dream the dreamer still found the sense of endlessness mildly overwhelming and it was that feeling which woke the dreamer up addenda: vividness: 4.1 participant the category of the dream - sense of freedom (4) sense of playfulness (1) sense of endlessness (3) 26012019 - 526 the name of the dream: gun-threat the first scene, set in an open prison returning to the barracks-style dormitories from the dining room a pleasant looking young lad about ten-centimetres shorter than the dreamer sides up to the dreamer and makes a threat which isn't threatening in tone, it's more like a suggestion the dreamer was looking at him and thinking about why he had said it my first thought was that someone had put him up to it and whoever it was wanted the dreamer to hit him so they could start a fight with me he then made another threat and pulled a gun out of his jacket pocket the gun was made of black metal and oozed death (the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer was so angry that he had threatened my life the dreamer took the gun from him and quickly thrust it into my pocket if the dreamer was caught with a gun in a prison the dreamer would get years added to my sentence the dreamer had to get rid of the gun without delay the dreamer walked passed the row of dormitories to my right and straight out of the prison the second scene, in town and heading for a large store my intention was to drop the gun into the pan in one of the toilets in the men's room but that had drawbacks the third scene was walking further away from the centre of town, thinking only of putting more distance between the dreamer and the prison as the dreamer was walking between a footpath that separated two rows of terraced houses, to my left there was there was a crater-sized hole which had seven-feet deep murky water and had thick green foliage on the bottom and around the sides, perfect for disposing of a gun threw the gun into the water and heard the plop as it broke through the surface the plop sound was a lot louder than the dreamer thought it would be and so the dreamer looked up and around to see if the sound had caught anyone elses attention it had, a woman sitting outside of her house, to the right and a storey above the pool of water, looked to where the sound had come from but didn't see anything and looked away the dreamer was satisfied it wouldn't be found in a hurry the dreamer was wondering if my fingerprints would still be on the gun after days or months of being in the water when the dream ended notes 1 the gun in the dream was due to a vivid picture of a gun in an episode of columbo the opening scene of prison is due to the continued feeling of oppression of the society the dreamer live in the woman in the chair may be a random factor addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - prison () open () guns (1) 25012019 - 525 the name of the dream: confusion at the penultimate stop was returning from a day out in exeter the last but one stop the train made before it got to my destination (plymouth) gave the dreamer the opportunity to finish the journey by catching a bus from outside the train station got off the train and the confusion began the name of the station was different from the one on the map no one the dreamer asked had heard of the station the dreamer thought the dreamer was standing on the dreamer couldn't leave the station to check the bus route because the dreamer would have to surrender the ticket to get out of the station the pressure was on if the dreamer got back on the train, the next stop might not be the destination the dreamer thought it would be the people on the platform became assembled into groups of thirty or so and were becoming as confused as me first, one group of people walked one way then a different group moved into where the first group had been another group of people were coming up from the far end of the platform the train would be pulling out any time now the dreamer was alone, confused and everybody else was confused in groups it had the potential to get worse the dreamer woke up before it did notes 1 think this dream was caused by being in a quandary about what, and what not to write, while composing an entry in endic earlier on in the day addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer the category of the dream - pde-influenced (1000 ?) 24012019- 524 the name of the dreams: the magicians and the stretch room had become friendly with two male magicians who lived in the same building the dreamer had just moved into the first scene, the three of us are in their small flat when they tell the dreamer they are professional magicians, the dreamer ask them to show the dreamer some of their tricks they showed the dreamer several different acts the one which impressed the dreamer caused the dreamer to start, and the dreamer remember recoiling slightly it was when one of the young lads stood to the left-hand side of his mate and stretched his arm around his back and produced a card from behind the other boy's ear it was the speed at which the card materialised which took the dreamer by surprise it was so quick it looked as if it came out of the thin air the two lads became interested in my profession when the dreamer told them the dreamer was a d.j. they were enthusiastic about doing music events, and when the dreamer said the dreamer would let them use my equipment and show them the ropes we began planning in earnest in the next scene, my girlfriend was with me, and the dreamer ask the lads to show my girlfriend the tricks as the trick of pulling a card from behind the ear was happening, the dreamer watched my girlfriend for her reaction she too was taken aback and showed it by recoiling a little when the card materialised the next scene, the dreamer am in the middle of moving my furniture and belongings into my room already in the cramped room is a single bed, a two-seater settee and a table and chairs the two lads are, with great difficulty, bringing up the steep stairs a fold-down, metal-based three-seater convertible bed in the next scene, the three seater bed has found a home and one or two other seats has joined it at this point of the dream, the dream becomes externalised as the dreamer count out loud the number of people who could sit if needed" it was thirteen or fourteen the dream reverts to being internalised again, and now there are two distinct sides to the room with enough space for someone to walk along between them beyond the furniture, there are sections on both sides of the room which have weight training apparatus and shiny metal frames with weights the room looks to be at least twenty metres long and six or seven metres wide the magicians' addenda: vividness: 3.4 observer the category of the dream - magicians (1) the stretch room addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 observer the category of the dream - changing perspective in same-theme dreams (20 ?) room-size (1) 23012019 - 523 the name of the dream: a hint of piousness two men, looked like they were from western indo-china, were taking questions from a live audience the reply to one question from someone the audience was: "it's only people who believe in jesus who will get to heaven" notes 1 there's a point made elsewhere in endic that's worth a second mention back in the late 1980s, the writer became involved with church-going christians what became noticeable straight away was the fact that not one of them was living within ethical parameters the answer given in the dream should have been" "it doesn't matter whether you believe in jesus or not. as long you never commit murder a place in heaven is assured" addenda: vividness: 3.7 observer the category of the dream - christianity (3 ?) 23012019 - 522 the name of the dreams: ethical eating and unthoughtful parking the food dream is only partly remembered the theme of the dream was about applying ethics to eating the dreamer can remember a pot of food with parsnips in it and there was quite a lot of emotion about the issue of eating ethically notes 1 this dream throws up the notion that some vegetables have greater ethical content or value than others if this is the case, then there will be a formulatable index which denotes the degrees of ethicalness between vegetables notes 1 to begin work on a list of the "ethicalness" of vegetables will mean ascertaining the date of the emergence of each vegetable a new field of study/research" the tabulating of the evolution of vegetables second dream came out of the house and fifty metres down the street the dreamer saw there was a white refuse-collection truck parked in the resident's car park, it looked like it had come off the production line the day before there was no space between the top of the truck and the bottom of the concrete floor separating the floors of the car park; the concrete floor may have been the foundation of the apartments above the car park my sense-impression, which are usually correct, was that the driver of the vehicle had the latest model of a refuse-collection truck and had a highfalutin attitude which allowed him to park wherever he wanted the truck was blocking the access of free movement of other vehicles in the car park which jiggled my sense of reasonableness the dreamer decided to do something about it it was a struggle to squeeze over the wall and get to the driver's side of the cabin the dreamer could just get my hand to the door handle and managed to open the door and as the dreamer squeezed further into the cabin the dreamer held onto something to pull myself in further the something the dreamer held onto was a lever which caused the tipping container to start rising the dreamer realised the dreamer had unintentionally initiated a potentially serious outcome and could feel the panic welling up inside the dreamer which was growing when the dream ended notes 2 there's no doubt in my mind that this dream was due to not to stray thoughts during the day but thinking some seriously unhealthy thoughts about the people causing so much of the disruption in the world food dream addenda: vividness: 3.5 observer the category of the dream - food (15 ?) ethics (1) vehicle dream addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - vehicles () parking (1) 22012019 - 521 the name of the dream: dorothy and the seal the first scene, going up the stairs of a large four or five-storey block of flats someone the dreamer know was concerned about someone they knew and asked the dreamer to look in on an elderly woman called dorothy after getting to the top of the stairs the dreamer walk along two narrow hallways with doors every three or four metres in the hallway where dorothy lived there were two elderly people in a huddle gossiping the dreamer knew the number of dorothy's door but asked the two elderly where no. ?was as a way ladies as a way of saying hello in the next scene, i'm in dorothy's living-room and before the dreamer can say hello to dorothy the dreamer was amazed to see a full-grown seal spread out on a deep three-seater settee the seal was the size of a person and looked a lot heavier, at least fourteen or fifteen stone the seal was looking at the dreamer intently and it seemed the seal was waiting to see what the dreamer would do next the dreamer reacted to the seal the same way the dreamer would to a toddler" the dreamer pointed at the seal and started in with the baby talk" "whose the little person then? what's your name? what are you doing here? the seal was delighted, it looked like it was laughing without making any sounds the more the dreamer pointed and spoke the more excited it became the seal began swaying backwards and forwards, lifted one of its flippers and then rolled over and lay on its back the dreamer knew the position; it was the position cats and dogs take when they want their stomachs to be scratched or tickled or wanted to play the dreamer went for a soft scratch the dreamer looked at Dorothy and said, "am the dreamer doing it right?" the look on her face suggested the dreamer wasn't and the dreamer said: "will you move my fingers in the way the dreamer should do it?" she came over, laid her hand on my hand and the dreamer bent and moved my fingers in synchronisation with hers the dream ended while we were gently moving our fingers over the seal's stomach area notes 1 this is the second dream of dorothy within a week notes 2 composing and publishing dreams has, again, become the most time-consuming activity of the day and consequently, the dreamer have taken the easy way out and omitted composing dreams which didn't have quality, or interest or entertainment or" it appears that dreams diary is taking over my life, again dreams theory's implications and applications are thought to be more significant in the long-term than quantum theory has proved to be to date as mentioned elsewhere, it is the single most powerful tool for bringing Soul Partners together using dreams theory to bring couples together was also the prime reason for starting a dreams diary back in 2009 if things go as they could/should, by the end of this millennium we will have enough free time to spend a minimum of two hours each day exploring and merging the two states of consciousness notes 3 the stand-out part of this dream was the eye-contact with the seal as the dreamer approached it it exuded intelligence and had the most human-looking eyes of any animal of any dream to date come to think of it, the dreamer can't think of there being this much clarity with human eye-contact in any dream surely there should be lots of dreams with people, especially of the opposite gender, where the eye-contact is the stand-out bit of the dream ! possibly the shape of a human being triggers neural connections which inherently have a "connectedness" in them which isn't there with non man-shaped beings addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 participant the category of the dream - animal () mammal () seal (1) and human (female) relationships () dorothy (2) 00002015 - 520 the name of the dream: the golden retriever (one of the lost 100) someone's child had gone missing the dreamer went to look in a wood at the edge of the village as the dreamer neared the wood there were half a dozen small bushes in one of bushes the dreamer heard something or saw some movement and went to investigate peering into the bush the dreamer saw a golden retriever with five or six of her new-born puppies the mother of the dogs became lively, got up, ran two or three metres and then ran back she done this twice more before the dreamer cottoned-on; she wanted the dreamer to stay with her puppies the dreamer stooped down, that signalled to her the dreamer was staying she ran off and disappeared into the wood within moments of the dream she re-appeared out of the wood and stood still it was obvious to the dreamer she wanted the dreamer to go to where she was, which the dreamer did when the dreamer was close enough she ran back into the wood the dreamer only had to follow her a short distance before the dreamer arrived at where she was with the toddler once the golden retriever had done her motherly duty she ran back to her puppies notes 1 will ask you to bear in mind that this website believes that dreams are composed of the memories of actual events of past, present and future undulations with this in mind we have to assign animals with the qualities of human beings at what point do we draw the line between instinct and intellect? 21012019 - 519 the name of the dreams: over-priced delivery - smut t.v. two consecutive days when the dream was set in a mega-store, think it was the same store as in yesterday's dream a sixty-five or seventy-five-inch t.v. was on offer for 350 pounds it was within my budget and so the dreamer began the process of buying it in the next scene, couldn't see the brand name on the t.v. and when the dreamer asked a female assistant the make of the t.v. she said "panative" everything was going swimmingly until the t.v. was in the box and ready to be taken to the car the t.v., when in the box, was, the dreamer realised, was too big to fit into the car a female saleswoman suggested we take the t.v. to the car and see if we could fit it in two saleswomen helped getting the t.v. to the car, but as the dreamer thought it was too big to fit into the car any which-way the dreamer asked for it to be delivered and was told the delivery would cost 100 pounds so now the price had become 450 pounds and it was no longer a bargain price and decided not to buy it the scene of the dream changed to being at home but the theme of the dream remained the same" the t.v. a live audience gave out an anticipatory "ooooh" when the show's host announced "here's the picture we've been waiting for" the dreamer had to concentrate my ability to focus to see the image on the screen and after a couple of seconds of dream-time a man with his trousers pulled down below his waist was showing his "knob" to a female celebrity it was completely tasteless it had been shown merely to break ground in live t.v. shows there was then another four or five montage-type scenes of male and female genitalia, none of them had appeal and so the dreamer turned the t.v. in my mind off and woke up shop dream addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.3 participant the category of the dream - large store () shopping () t.v. (1) home scene addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3 observer the category of the dream - home () watching t.v. (1 ?) genitalia (1) 20012019 - 518 the name of the dream: feeling the pinch first scene, it was first thing in the morning when the dreamer entered through the large glass doors of one of the high street supermarkets it wasn't a fly-by-night, here today, gone tommorrow, company but one of the long-established national brand-name food chains to my left and on the floor, laid out and covering an area of about four by four metres were what looked to be two or three hundred small glass jars, all the same size (about ten centimetres in heighth and five centimetres across) were jars with screw-on lids just in front of the glass jars there were items which were too big to fit into the jars most of the items not in jars were in see-through packets one of the items noy in a packet and too big to be in a jar caught my eye and the dreamer bent down and picked it up to take a good look at it when the dreamer was standing up and it was in my hands the dreamer saw it was a mobile telephone the phone was a stretched oblong shape, typically thin and cream in colour the phone had a small white price tag cellotaped on the front with the price written by hand, it was 32 pounds as the dreamer was looking at it one of two men in white shirts standing nearby approached the dreamer and said, nodding to my right "you have to take it to the pay-desk over there" the phone was an absolute bargain and anyone who was thinking of buying or upgrading a mobile would have snapped it up it wasn't my style though, it was long enough but it was too narrow the dreamer put it back on the floor and while bent down picked up one of the jars which had five or six rechargeable aa-sized batteries my guess was they had come from a packet which had come apart again, it was another snip of a buy and was on the verge of walking to the cash desk with them when the thought that they weren't new but might have been used and then returned, crossed my mind it wasn't beyond the bounds of reasonable and legal selling practises for a firm to sell something as new without stipulating it wasn't the dreamer put the jar down and went off to buy what it was the dreamer had come shopping for, food, the dreamer think after the above dream there was a single-scene it was, the dreamer am reasonably sure, of myself notes 1 when the dreamer , for one reason or another, gets the feeling that a scene is of self, it shall be categorised as a "selfie-scene" dream there was a liitle movement in the scene so it wont be categorised as a pic although there have been several of these "selfie-scene dreams" over the years that did look like portraits of self (we can assign still pics of self as "selfie-portraits") as with the majority of other "selfie's", it isn't clear cut it is of self, however, as they are "stand-alone" scenes and pics that are not in amongst dreams with scenes, the dreamer don't know what else to call them it will have to be left to the dreamer to determine whether it is self or not as with other selfie-dreams and pics they can be flattering or downright grotesque, the one in this dream sequence was "acceptibly" me addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer the category of the dream - selfie-scene (5 ?) 19012019 - 517 the name of the dream: miss penny it was known within the second second of the opening scene of this dream that miss penny was an oligarch "plant" miss penny had gained notoriety within the last year and in this dream, she is into the half-hour after having had her "15 mins" miss p's claim to misfame is that she had, with the blessing of the "garch's" (an abbreviation of "oligarch"), been given carte blanche to criticise "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" through the mainstream media one of the words she had used in her one-line attack of the show was "trite" which, mysteriously, had produced a wave of indignation which threatened to set fellow man against fellow her refusal to recant left deep scars in society, which are still reverberating in the time-tense in which this dream is set miss penny herself was a slight young lady, six-and-a-half stone tops, and about five-feet-four she has the complexion of a person with ginger hair and wears her jet-black hair tight and swept to the back of her head she had been briefed that she wouldn't get what she wanted from the dreamer and her mission was to find a way into my life and create havoc even though the dreamer was aware of her motives the dreamer decided to let her into my life and bed her as quickly as possible the intention was to turn the tables and get her to join the dreamer in my purpose in life, so the dreamer invited her to come back to live with me in one scene, the dreamer knew she had done her homework when she asked the dreamer to fetch an amplifier (she indicated the size of the amp by holding out her arm with her flat palm facing down at about half a metre from the ground) from where she lived with her last boyfriend, saying it was the only thing she wanted in another scene, although she had an intense and determined attitude she gave the dreamer a genuine smile when the dreamer said "if you're not careful i'll start calling you miss prettypenny"; alluding to miss moneypenny we were beginning to understand each other notes 1 this dream was a fun dream the dreamer took too long to get this dream typed and the humorous feel of the dream has been lost notes 2 the dream was the result of watching twenty minutes of the film "the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy" before going to sleep addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - women () relationships () 18012019 - 516 the name of the dream: the sure-footed toddler on a sunny summer's day outside the flat of where the dreamer used to live before where the dreamer live now, there was a steady procession of people the dreamer knew walking down a flight of fourteen brick stairs in all, there were four groups of people known to the dreamer who walked down the stairs and each different group was a different scene of the dream it's unnecessary to give an account of the manner of the way each group of people made there way down the stairs, suffice it to say, a few lines could be written about each group which would distinguish the personalities of one group from another the last group to walk to down the stairs was a family of four, two adults and two children the youngest of the children, a toddler of two or three were ahead of the rest of the family she was much too young to be allowed to walk, though navigate would be a better description, down the stairs herself and the dreamer felt angry that her parents were letting her try each tentative step she took could have been the one before she lost balance and fell and hurt herself, which the dreamer was expecting her to do on any of the fourteen steps it wasn't until the thirteenth step that she momentarily lost balance but managed to rectify her imbalance and took a confident final step onto the level ground addenda: vividness: 3.8 observer the category of the dream - friends/acquaintances () toddlers () 17012019 - 515 the name of the dream: the down-side of generosity had made a really good contact of a hash-dealer he sold the dreamer about four ounces of best quality hash in strips of half-ounces the hash was brittle so the deal had about half an ounce in bits that had broken off the slab as he was cutting it up when he was weighing it out made a gift of about a quarter to a respected tough guy not to gain favour but to let him know generosity could have had a good effect (he was one of those types of people who see generosity as a weakness) so the dreamer knew straight away who had told the ruling criminal-class who sent two or three of their clique to dispossess the dreamer of my bit of good fortune the dreamer was living in a first flat on the first floor and had fallen asleep in a little buggy-hole which wasn't where a person who was looking for another person would look it was the sounds of the flat being trashed which had woken me the dreamer peered through the door and there was a smart-dressed burly african bloke who didn't know where the dreamer was heading my way behind him was the bloke who was turning the place upside down, not because he was looking for the hash but because trashing people and places were his nature the dreamer kids you not, this guy had the build, and the character, of the cave-troll in the film "the lord of the rings" he would have searched the dreamer in the same way he was searching the flat he could and would have searched the dreamer by tearing the clothes off my body, causing the dreamer no-end of broken bones, cuts and abrasions the dreamer was in deep trouble but woke up before he got to me notes 1 this dream came about because of the impressions the film "atlantic city" made on the dreamer before going to sleep addenda: vividness: 2.8 to 3.1 observer and participant the category of the dream - drugs () hash () 16012019 - - 514 the name of the dream: the male kerb-crawler it was late at night, after pub-closing time the dreamer was about thirty metres from antie g's house and was aware that there was a green car keeping pace with the dreamer about ten metres behind not sure what age the dreamer is in this dream but i am fully aware of the situation in the next scene, the dreamer is indoors with auntie g and telling her about the car in the next scene, auntie g is very animated because she can see the car is still prowling up and down the street, the dreamer tells her to call the police the dreamer wants this bloke caught and decides to go back into the street and keep him around by pretending to be interested in him long enough for the police to arrive at one point the car has stopped and the driver has decided to come and talk to me at this part of the dream, the car has become a green 5 cwt van the dream ended here notes 1 this dream is the result of thoughts over the last few days there was an awake-time situation when something like this happened the dreamer was seventeen or eighteen it was about 1 a.m. the dreamer was on the way home from a dance in the city centre and had about another mile and a half to go was walking along on the left-hand side of the road a car with three men, all a bit on the burly side, pulled up alongside me as in this dream, the dreamer knew exactly, could sense, what the situation was it was seven or eight metres to a junction just ahead of the dreamer and the pavement the dreamer was on was about three metres wide, so the dreamer didn't feel hemmed in the man in the back of the car asked the dreamer if the dreamer wanted a lift home knowing what the situation was the dreamer politely declined by saying "no thanks, i've only got a hundred yards to go" the man in the car didn't want to take no for an answer and persisted in as friendly a tone as he could muster to persuade the dreamer to get into the car the dreamer could see he was looking the dreamer up and town and weighing up if he could get out of the car and abduct me as mentioned, the dreamer wasn't hemmed in and knew, being a bit tasty at the four-hundred metres, that he could out-run him if he did get out of the car the dreamer figured that it was unlikely they would pursue the dreamer in the car a car doing a u-turn at a junction in the middle of the night with a young lad "running for it" would draw too much attention to them if another car or person came along notes 2 over the years the dreamer have wondered what would have happened to the dreamer if the dreamer didn't have the presence of mind to see what was happening and had fallen into the trap the dreamer have no doubt it would have been a life-changing or life-ending outcome see also homosexuality addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 participant the category of the dream - perverse sexual practices/urges (2) 14122017 *dream occured 14012019 15012019 - 513 the name of the dream: dare-devil flyer, kitchen-cleaning and a montage this period of r.e.m. produced two themes and a montage two small groups of three or four people within thirty metres of each other in a level field which was about six-hundred by six-hundred metres the sound of the engines of a light aircraft got steadily louder and became more laboured as it got louder it was obviously descending there was a thick low-level grey cloud about one-hundred and fifty metres above the ground as the sound of the engine of the plane was at its loudest and it seemed as though the plane was about to break through the cloud and crash to the ground the sound of the engine lessened and the plane began to climb eventually, the sound of plane softened, grew quiter and then couldn't be heard after a few seconds of silence the same sounds that we heard originally began again this time though there was a sense of apprehension the sequence of sounds happened another five or six times and because there was no way of anticipating where the plane would crash each time the sound began again our apprehension intensified and by the last sequence we were gripped by a sense of fear kitchen-cleaning two of us were in the kitchen where the dreamer currently live my attention was drawn to some dust that had become black because it had been there for so long a quick rub with a damp rag cut though dust and showed a clean, white ledge some more areas that needed cleaning became part of the dream and as they were cleaned the kitchen got brighter and brighter notes 1 kitchen-theme from memory, this is the third dream of my current location montage the first one or two images were, the dreamer think, of me if the remaining four, five or six images were of the dreamer they weren't of the dreamer this lifetime like the increasing nature of the aeroplane theme, with each new image the dreamer became bigger, more muscular and by the last image (some of them had movement) muscles were still evident but the dreamer was vearing on being grotesquely obese addenda: vividness: 3.3 observer the category of the dream - flying () aeroplane () kitchen-cleaning addenda: vividness: 4 to 4.4 participant the category of the dream - hygene () domestic () montage addenda: vividness: 4.2 observer the category of the montage: physique () torso () 15012019 - 512 the name of the dream: how not to carry heavy items three of us were full of enthusiasm to do a gig it meant having to carry an odd-shaped fifteen-kilogram speaker and an even heavier orange amp with no carrying handles to the venue with a gig in the offing, nothing was going to stop us from getting there and making a good job of it both of the other two men were stronger than the dreamer so the dreamer had the job of carrying light sundry items" leads, mic, etc we hadn't gone fifty metres when the person carrying the amp was complaining it was too heavy and awkward the strongest person swapped items with him, he wasn't phased by the weight then, via the magic of dreams, a shopping wheelie materialised in the next scene of the dream we tied the two heavy items onto the wheelie and the problems were over for the two bigger guys when they discovered that with each of them pulling one of the handles of the wheelie the weight was no longer an issue the bag the dreamer was carrying was starting to feel heavy though" the dreamer woke up thinking about whether to buy a lightweight, ultra-efficient sack-truck for eighty pounds the same as the one a man coming out of a shop in town in awake-time about six months ago let the dreamer move about addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant manually moving heavy items (2) 14012019 - 511 the name of the dream: the job seeker desperately needed a job and was methodically going from business to business along the high street of a busy city centre trying to sell myself after trying a dozen or so businesses hadn't had any luck the same two reasons were given for not employing me" either the dreamer didn't have any experience in the type of work the companies specialised in or the dreamer was too old decided to try one or two more places before finally calling it a day the next door the dreamer walked through was well-lit and had about twenty cubicles, ten on either side of the oblong room, separated by a single sheet of a chest-high glass plate don't remember what it was the companys' service or goods were after speaking to the person who started the company, a patient, friendly man, he too said the dreamer was too old for the job and that should have been that as the dreamer was getting up and leaving the dreamer proposed that the company could do something unusual with regard to one of the things he had said during the informal interview when the dreamer was out of the building and a few steps down the street the dreamer realised the dreamer had left something in the building the dreamer had just come out of and turned around and went back to pick it up the stocky man in a white shirt who had interviewed the dreamer was now standing and further into the room my parting remark must have tweaked his imagination because now he was overly polite and keen to hear more about the suggestion i'd made the dreamer realised he would employ the dreamer if the dreamer could expand further on some of the details of the idea while explaining to him he motioned to someone to come over to us and listen to what was being said the final scene of the dream was the dreamer saying "so the dreamer should be here tomorrow at the same time, ten-thirty ?" he nodded and the dreamer woke up to the thought that the dreamer had been job-hunting all day but it was still mid-morning notes 1 this dream was due to one of the hundreds of repeating memories of awake-time experiences which assert themselves every now and then for no particular reason the dreamer can put my finger on the awake-time experience this dream was based on an occassion when, as a teenager living in london, the dreamer was so desperate for money/work the dreamer went methodically from retail shop to retail shop in a street of retail shops trying to, and eventually, getting a job by by referring to a prestigious clothes shop that the dreamer used to work for there's also a funny aside to this awake-time experience which will get a mention if there is another dream which has the same theme as this one addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.9 participant the category of the dream - job-hunting (1) 13012019 - 510 the name of the dream: the creative camera-man, agricultural innovation and nonsense banter the first scene, a slow zoom-out sequence which lasted about three or four seconds of dream-time the opening shot showed a length of rail-track which went about two-hundred metres into the distance as the field of view gradually pulled back to within ten metres of where the camera was the scene revealed first, the legs, then the legs and buttocks and then finally the legs, buttocks and the head and hair of a smiling woman in a skin-tight leotard leaning over with her face upside down smiling into the camera the camera-man was attempting to be artistically creative as well as suggestively provocative the second scene, another observer scene which showed eight to ten furrows in the ground was unable to determine the width of the furrows but they went off into the horizon the furrows were being hewn out of the ground by an unseen bit of technology from overhead that was causing the soil to become dry and was making little dust-devils the statement" "the phelps award for the most significant contribution to food production in history" accompanied the scene the third scene, there was an air of expansive good-naturedness in what looked like a thirty or forty-seater cafe with a group of four, five or six males sitting near the entrance-door and the dreamer was at the far end of the cafe about five metres away the males had or were trying to "rib" me good-naturedly, the dreamer hit back with something along the lines of "a deflated football would be able to challenge your intelligence" one of the lads gave out with a flabbergasted laugh and came back with something like "how can a person make sense of that" there were teeth smiles all round addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.5 participant and observer the category of the dream - three-scene dream (18 ?) 12012019 - 509 the name of the dream: tea and toast there were three or four scenes in this dream it had been decided that the toast that had just been made from a newly-opened loaf of bread was too thick and too brown, certainly not worthy of a connoisseur of toast perfection was achieved in the last scene of the dream it was a slice of thin white bread that was still a little soft and white at the edges, lightly-buttered with a hint of salt in the butter, a light-brown centre and as hot as the piping hot tea that accompanied and complimented it notes 1 two food dreams within a few days addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant and observer the category of the dream - food () toast () 11012019 - 508 the name of the dreams: the food organiser and tripod vehicles the location looks like it is the mess of an army barracks able to cater for more than a thousand people it is an all-male institution, possibly a military base it is time for a between-meals meal of cheese on toast the food on the eight or so plates already prepared and ready for eating looks like small pancakes the first of the diners are starting to trickle in and have put a plate of the food on their tray and are sliding the tray along a counter to where the drinks are the chief caterer is wide-eyed with apprehension he isn't going to have enough food ready when the flow of men is at its peak the dreamer have a bread-cutting knife in my hand and start cutting the bread into slices at a rate of about one every two seconds the dreamer say something along the lines of "keep the bread coming!" the chief caterer sees it will be possible to have cheese on bread ready for everyone and is looking at the dreamer admiringly as the dream ends second dream this dream is of vehicles in a mountainous area most of the vehicles are regular-looking vehicles which have the driving and seating arrangements of a typical car there are two or more of another type of vehicle which is mounted on a silver metal tripod and has wheels that look too small the tripod supports are about three metres tall both types of vehicles are jet-propelled there is concern that if the vehicle ahead of us accelerates the exhaust from the jet engine will reach us addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.6 participant and observer the category of the dreams: food () and transport () 10012019 - 507 the name of the dream: practising what you preach living in a bedsit and was in bed waiting for my girlfriend to arrive in the next scene, in bed with a girl but it wasn't the girl the dreamer was expecting the girl and the dreamer were chatting and getting to know about each other we were kissing intermittently and talking about our respective regular partners at one point while kissing and chatting she asked why the dreamer was here with her and the dreamer said the most absurd thing" "if the dreamer wasn't here with you i'd be rock climbing" she thought it was funny and it changed her mood the dreamer decided it was time to introduce some serious pleasure into the proceedings and began to practice what the dreamer advocate" pleasure without conjoinment it was obvious she hadn't experienced as much pleasure before she was gyrating and thrashing about so much the dreamer couldn't keep in contact with her the dreamer stopped and waited for her to become relaxed again when still, the dreamer rolled back over onto my left side and felt for her only to find the dreamer had finished dreaming and was alone in bed feeling an empty space notes 1 twice in one week when touch-pleasure activity has been halted because the sensitivity has been too intense notes 2 the first dream when the writer has actually practised pleasure without conjoinment in a dream see also the art of pleasure (28102018) addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - x touch-pleasure (1) 09012019 - 506 the name of the dreams: a sensuous stomach, the little girl and the stretch and sway a few of us had seen the possibilities of converting an underground bunker into a dance club and tonight was opening night as the club was underground it meant the sound of the music wouldn't reach the street and it could go on all night in the first scene, the dreamer was there first and was testing the room for acoustics and resonance and was adjusting the treble, middle and bass frequencies while dancing to a compilation of my favourite dance tracks in the second scene, there are about five of us for some inexplicable reason, the dreamer only had a bath towel as clothing the towel went from my waist to my shins; it didn't stop the dreamer from enjoying dancing though and the dreamer tried some new dance moves in the next scene, there were about a dozen people in the club and an atmosphere was becoming noticeable in the next scene, a young girl walked in with a three-year-old toddler the dreamer caught the toddlers attention as she passed by when the dreamer pointed at her and said "hey, she looks funny" the tiny-tot responded straight away with a teeth-smile and a started laughing the dreamer kept her laughing for a prolonged period with a few more quips before the scene ended in the next scene, the dreamer was with an awake-time girlfriend of thirty-plus years ago she had fallen asleep while sitting on my lap on a settee and was lying flat on her back along the sofa the dreamer had the urge to feel her stomach, so pulled up her blouse or cardigan and rested the palms of both of my hands on her mid-section as her soft stomach moved up, the frailty of her body became apparent and when she breathed out my palms sunk into her body and it produced a really sumptuous feeling (the stand-out part of the dream) she woke up with a start, thought about what was happening, and relaxed again as she realised it was just the dreamer at it again enjoying touching a female notes 1 the new dance moves were from the pde's of two days before when, while doing stretching exercises, it occurred to the dreamer that some of the movements of the exercises could be incorporated into a dancing routine (the stretch and sway) addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 participant the categories of the dream: music/dancing () children () sensuous touch (ber) (3 ?) 08012019 - 505 the name of the dream: too sensitive it was the first time in bed with a new relationship the lady was a little apprehensive but willing to experience what was an important aspect of her life we became conjoined relatively quickly and within a second or two of dream-time the young lady was telling the dreamer to stop, which the dreamer did think the scene changed, then again, almost immediately after conjoining, she told the dreamer in a frantic voice to stop it happened again on the third time we conjoined her jerky, involuntary movements and panicky voice told the dreamer what the problem was she was new to this type xual activity and her nerve endings were being stimulated for the first time the intensity of the feelings being sent to her brain was overwhelming her notes 1 this dream can be incorporated into the art of pleasure LiNK TO PLEASURE DREAM we can undertake an appraisal of the "life-length" of the pleasure receptor cells in all areas of the body and act accordingly maintaining the sensitivity of the pleasure cells is undoubtedly achieved by applying the "gentle touch" the pleasure receptor cells in the lips may well be tied-in to thoughts and sights and the lips could still be developing addenda: vividness: 3.3 particant the category of the dream - x () informative () 07012019 - 504 the name of the dream: stranded in rural land there was a group of seven, eight or nine of us in two cars and we were at a roadside cafe stretching our legs and having a drink and a snack before setting off on the final part of the return journey we might have been coming back off holiday or it could have been a day-out, either way, there was about two-hundred miles of road to go our group made up the bulk of the people at the cafe the dreamer was the youngest and most sprightly of what was an assemblage of an evenly balanced mix of genders and was regarded as a youngster a stranger, not sure if it was a female or male, and myself became friends when it was announced the dreamer would make my own way home it generated an air of apprehension among my colleagues and one or two of them pointed out it could be a mistake ever-ready for something new to happen the dreamer disregarded their resrvations and assured them it would be alright my companions got into the cars and the serious, almost grave, look on their faces as the cars as they pulled out of the car park was the last but one scene of the dream in the last scene, the dreamer discovered the person the dreamer had struck up a friendship with lived locally and she or he would be walking back home and, one by one, the options for getting back home by catching a bus or train, or getting a tax the dreamer to somewhere with public services were dashed and the dream ended as even the idea of stcking my thumb out and hitching a lift seemed futile notes 1 can pinpoint the sprightly feel and the sense of apprehension (the two stand-out parts of the dream) in the previous day's experience's (pde's) addenda: vividness: 3 participant and observer the category of the dream - location/settings () rural (5 ?) 06012019 - 503 the name of the dream: the celebrity dream it was a blisteringly hot day just about everyone was wearing a skimpy t-shirt or was bare-chested (alas, no women in the dream) in the next scene, the dreamer was in a bodybuilding gym as big as the ground floor of a department store and it was kitted out with every type of mechanical aide, weight-stand, bench, rack" imaginable it was much too hot a day for working up a sweat and that was probably the reason why there were so few people (about fifteen) in the place however, the most dedicated, or is that the vainest, of us, are doing the occasional rep of this, that or the other with maximum weights arnie, of "i'll be back" fame was doing squats, he looked absolutely enormous (one of the two stand-out visual scenes of the dream) we swapped comments and watched and critiqued as we each done a leisurely rep now and then the scene changed, the dreamer am sitting down in what might be the carriage of a train but the seats are facing each other with the access-aisle for the passengers between the seats at one point the dreamer look across the aisle and see a man sitting on the floor between the legs of a man sitting on the bench-seats the man sitting on the seat is leaned forward with his head above and apparently resting his head on the head of the man on the floor at first glance, it looked really freaky, like one body with two heads, one attached or growing on top of the other the dreamer saw the opportunity for a fun photo for the photo, the dreamer imagined getting behind the man sitting on the seat and resting my head on his head in the same way his head was resting on the man sitting on the floor a picture of what it would like popped into my head" the dreamer had pulled the hair at the sides of my head out sideways and had a broad teeth-smile, the person sitting on the floor had a fun-smile on his face and hid his arms from view, as did the man sitting on the seat the man sitting on the seat was wearing an off-white mac and his clothing was dishevelled, it was columbo, again (22122018) it would be a great fun-photo via the magic of dream-time, a sophisticated, multi-functional camera (the aperture dial and film-speed and the other features on the top of the camera was an equal stand-out visual of the dream ) was resting in my hands asked a passer-by to take the photo and the dream ended as the dreamer was trying to explain, without success, to the passer-by about the settings of the camera addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 4.2 participant the category of the dream - celebrities schwarzenegger (1) falk (2) 05012019 - 502 the name of the dream: the website had been developing my website for some while but was still discovering and experimenting in one scene, the dreamer left lots of blank lines between the top half of the text and where the text began again the blank spaces were big enough to contain two or more pages of text in the next or another scene, the dreamer was reading an email from the providers (wordpress) of the website their programmers had discovered a new and significant way of utilising a page with large gaps or spaces between the text with new features and had got the idea as a direct result of coming across my website with the large gaps between passages of text they were so pleased with what possibilities had opened up the letter told me the dreamer could have any and every feature that was or would be available for their products and the dreamer could have as many pages and .com names as the dreamer wanted for free, for life 04012019 - 501 the name of the dream: the modern vintage bike was surfing the net when the dreamer came across a bicycle made from modern materials but had a vintage look to it and it captured my imagination the bike had a basket on the front and a basket on the back the triangular frame had a light metal alloy green plate which filled the gap between the tubes of the frame the pedals were thick and the bike itself looked "chunky" although the weight of the bike was the same as the bike the dreamer has in awake-time (one of those bikes you can lift with your little finger) the person selling the bike was asking one-thousand pounds but was prepared to take my bike in exchange for the one being sold the end of the dream was the dreamer in a state of dejection as the dreamer realised that swapping my bike for the advertised one was a monumental blunder the bike i now own didn't have any gears (the bike the dreamer had to start with had twenty-seven gears) which effectively made it "unfit for purpose" to get the performance of my original bike from this new vintage-look bike would mean having to spend more than the value of both the bikes combined the longer the last scene of the dream lasted, the more depressed the dreamer became it was a relief to wake up and find i'd had been having a bad dream notes 1 the previous day's experience's which caused this dream are clearly remembered addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - bicycles (1+) 03012019 montage approximately fifteen to twenty different themes female nudity and furniture are two of the themes still remembered as this is being typed three days later addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 4 observer the category of the montage: multi-themed (4+) 02012019 - 500 the name of the dream: a good giggle the laughing part of the dream began about a third of the way into the dream to begin with, it was a soft titter that grew and grew and grew until it became a noisy and unstoppable giggle that woke the dreamer out of the sleep although the dream produced a nice feeling, the dreamer was still feeling tired and went back to sleep, and now, some hours later, the dreamer can't recall what the dream was about addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - externalised () laughing () 01012019 - 499 the second dream the name of the dream: wasted fried fish arrived at the bus station with half an hour to spare was feeling peckish and with more than enough time to eat a meal it follows that the second scene would be of the dreamer in a cafeteria was sitting on a bar-stool style seat with my elbows resting on a narrow shelf about a third of a metre deep waiting for someone to come and take my order in the next scene, i am giving the waitress my order of fish and chips the waitress was writing the order when a man sitting near to the dreamer said, "you can have this fish" the dreamer looked to where the man was sitting and could see the fish on his plate it was a shade of amber and crisp and fresh (the stand-out visual part of the dream) the dreamer was about to ask the waitress to strike the fish off my order when another voice behind the dreamer said: "you can have mine as well" his plate too had a tasty-looking fish on it, only not as big as the first one the dreamer was about to have a banquet for a few coppers the waitress admonished the two men in a friendly manner and said something along the lines of "we don't allow that" and went out of the scene with her pen and notebook the dream ended there addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - food () fish and chips (3 ?) first dream the name of the dream: unappreciative it's not just the brick walls that stop a person dead in their tracks when walking while in prison; in prison, brick walls come in many varieties those of us who find "a pleasure shared is a pleasure doubled" will be able to identify with the sentiment when it comes to having a "toke" sharing your weed in the nick is something of a status activity it says to others that the "system" hasn't completely got the better of you and it also allows you to demonstrate your generous nature the two lads who were enjoying the benefits of being "high" weren't my best friends in prison but, as mentioned, a pleasure shared" the "session" had been going on for an hour or two and, eventually, we had smoked all of the blow the two lads asked if the dreamer had, or could get, any more when the dreamer said "no" they got up, and without a "thanks" or "goodbye", left me at that moment the "feel-good" factor from the hash vanished and a sense of betrayal took its place it felt as though i'd just come up against a brick wall notes 1 in recent days the dreamer had spoken to someone who was aware of the situation we all find ourselves in and had chosen to live in, and for, the moment the attitude the person had toward the dreamer was reflected in his parting comment it has played on my mind for the last few days and is the cause of this dream notes 2 the underlying cause of most, and maybe all, of the reasons people choose the here and now over the future, reduces to one thing, not being willing to put in the effort of acting ethically addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - prison () closed ()hash () attitudes 31122018 - 498 the name of the dream: strange sounds in the shadows no sights, but a quiet, occasional, pop-cum-crack sound, was the first scene of this dream the light of a bedroom or kitchen window or perhaps it was the moon, showed two figures, a woman and a man, just ahead and walking towards the dreamer on the unseen path that ran along the end of the gardens at the back of the houses of a terraced street, was the second scene the third scene had more light and allowed the observer to see thirty or so miniature chihuahuas two or three metres ahead; from their formation, it was obvious they were on leads a mini-situation was averted by reaching over a gate to the left, lifting a latch and side-stepping into the garden the woman or the man commenting on my actions being sensible ended the dream addenda: vividness: 2.2 to 2.8 participant the category of the dream - four-scene dream () people and dogs () nighttime () 30122018 - 497 the name of the dream: the madam met a girl and invited her back to where the dreamer lived l lived on the first or second floor of a building on the corner of a junction the rooms the dreamer occupied straddled both sides of the junction which meant the dreamer could see the junction and one street from one of the rooms and the junction and another street from the other room a new relationship was going well and the girl in her mid to late-twenties became a open-ended guest within a few days she began mentioning her lack of money was a problem for her and somewhere in amongst the suggestions that came to the fore as possible ways for her earn some money was the idea she could "go" with men a friend of mine became involved and he "went" with her to find out what she would and wouldn't do they spent a few hours together and he proclaimed that she was o.k. with "straight" x and oral x but that was it at the end of the dream, the dreamer was feeling slightly jealous of my friend that he had "explored" her because the dreamer hadn't "been" with her yet the dream ended addenda: vividness: 2.9 to 3.2 participant and observer the category of the dream - relationships () female-non-intimate () male friend 29122018 - 496 the name of the dream: a civilised prison this prison had a relaxed regime which allowed the inmates a large degree of self-determinism and gave us complete leeway in terms of activities the rooms for the prisoners were two-man rooms on either side of a long hallway morning call was a woman and a man with heavy shoes walking along the corridor (the clump, clump, clump of their shoes had a resonating effect which got through to a sleeping-persons unconscious state) the woman had a forced upright walk and wore victorian-style clothes this dream wasn't set in victorian times though, the corridors and rooms were brightly lit with neon lights the dreamer was awake and had thrown back the blankets and lay on the bed wearing just my underpants the woman looked into the room and looked away quickly when she saw the dreamer wasn't dressed and the dreamer was looking at her the dreamer woke myself out of this dream as the dreamer was on the third or fourth line of the chorus of the song "he's back in town" by the rockin' berries, the dreamer was in fine voice addenda: vividness: 3.9 participant the category of the dream - externalised () prison () 28122018 - 495 the name of the dream: the bike accident in the company of an awake-time friend of a long time ago the scene changed and in the next scene he is driving away on a compact motor-bike the view of the scene was from above, as though on a hill, and about two-hundred metres away (probably an observer scene) too late to avoid a car that had turned sideways a dozen or so metres ahead of him, he hit the car the momentum of the bike took the front wheel up the side of the car and smashed through the windscreen and became lodged in the window-frame on driver's side in the next scene, the dreamer was on the scene of the accident the driver of the car was taking a defensive attitude about his part in the accident while my friend lay injured it was undoubtedly his fault and if he knew my friend he would have known better than to try and lay any of the blame on him my friend had an acute sense of fair play as well as the ability to put people twice his size out of action with one punch the dreamer let the car driver cement himself into his skewed version of the event knowing that he would be paying for it one way or another when my friend had recovered addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.5 participant and observer the category of the dream - friends and associates () s (2+) vehicle accident (4 ?) 27122018 - 494 the name of the dream:a gig mentioned to the proprietor of a new business that some entertainment, the dreamer had music in mind, would be an attraction and could boost the business he must have had the same thought himself because he agreed with the dreamer immediately he was also in agreement with my suggestion that the dreamer wouldn't ask for payment unless the business was going at least as good, and a little better, than he hoped we agreed that the arrangement should happen straight away, the evening of that very day it meant there were only about six hours to get everything set up, but being used to doing "rush jobs" was nothing new and there was, in fact, ample time and the dreamer could take my time within a scene or two of the dream it dawned on the dreamer the amp and speakers weren't within walking distance which meant someone with a vehicle would have to go and collect them, now the pressure was on the first person the dreamer turned to had the character of someone who could and would be helpful providing there wasn't anything which could and should have been organised but was overlooked the dreamer gave him the keys to my place and he left the dream within a scene or two, he was back with the equipment two more people who had an effusive nature came to mind and then appeared in the dream both of them loved to dance and it showed in the next scene of the dream when there was a sequence of just their feet and legs as they danced in free-dance style to some music as they danced there were two or three occasions when their feet and legs were in synchronisation (the stand-out visuals of the dream) there was a small area just in front of where the equipment would be, which was more than big enough for more than three people to dance before the gig started we could practise doing some synchronised movements one person could start a dancing pattern, first one, then the other, could slowly meld their movements with the first and second dancer we could invite people into the stage area to dance with us we could give prizes for the most original movements we could video the occasion the ideas were coming thick and fast, the gig was "on" addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant and observer the category of the dream - business () music () 26122018 - 493 the name of the dream: the christmas-day dream a young girl asked a question about reality, one question led to another and it produced a monologue along the lines of... "a position or point is infinitely small and exists only fleetingly as a moment of time and changes in position from moment to moment. only exists once in a fixed place of the mind after which it becomes a historical fact. a permanent place is the next point of an endless sequence of points. infinite distance reduces any place to something infinitely small. the where of infinity becomes the when of time and vice versa. repetitive experiences are approximations. notes 1 this dream occurred during the day on christmas day in a short sleep brought on by eating a heavy lunch and too much wine addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - philosophy (1) 25122018 - 492 the name of the dream: literary achievements this think-read dream starts" youtube urgently needs literary agents to assess submissions for the book of the month prizes" and continued" this months award for best programme goes to quick-draw there were other sentences related to the above sentences but have kept to the most relevant info notes 1 after writing this entry into the dreams diary decided to check to make sure there wasn't a programme called quick-draw, and wouldn't you know it, there was not only was there a programme but it had been devised by google; don't consciously remember seeing it at any time there wasn't a book of the month club offering prizes for literary achievements the category of the dream - think-read () youtube (2) 24122018 - 491 the name of the dream: pre-world war i the dreamer housing estate in the second scene of this dream the dreamer was walking through a district of a town that was built of dozens and dozens of streets of terraced houses the dreamer was looking for a house where the dreamer had been before but couldn't recognise the house from the front and had got used to walking along an unkept metre-wide path that separated one row of houses from the next at the back of the houses still, the dreamer wasn't sure exactly which house it was but knew the dreamer was within four or five houses of it then, the woman of the house appeared in the dream and we walked another couple of houses along the path to her house there was a fairly steep declining path that ran from the gate to the back door of the house in the next scene, we were inside the house there were three or four people in the room it was the kitchen but it was also where the family spent the day and it had a couple of lounge chairs the home was bare of trimmings like pictures or ornaments and the dream must have been before-t.v.'s. because it didn't have a t.v. someone asked out loud if anyone had a cigarette paper the dreamer got mine out and handed one to him he said "thanks" that he had to say thanks for a fag paper seemed wrong and the dreamer certainly didn't want him to say it again so the dreamer put the packet of cigarette papers on the shelf above the fire and said something like" "will leave them here" the atmosphere in the room changed the family were a notch below being hard-up but as is often the case with people who haven't got anything they didn't want charity the dreamer realised the dreamer had touched a raw nerve and diffused their feelings by saying "in fact from now on everybody puts their tobacco tins on the shelf and leaves the lid off the tin off so anyone can help themselves whenever he or she wanted one" everyone saw the humour in it and there were teeth-smiles all round addenda: vividness:: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - poverty:() humour:() 23122018 - 490 the name of the dream: missed the bus in unfamiliar territory and decided to catch a bus a bus appeared over the brow of a hill seventy metres to my left on the bus, the dreamer asked the conductor for a ticket to " .? hill he said he didn't know where" ? hill was ( the dreamer knew the full name of the destination in the dream but it has slipped from my memory as i'm tying this) the dreamer said "surely you know if the bus stops at " ? hill or not" the conductor suggested the dreamer ask at the ticket office across the road the man in the ticket office told the dreamer where the bus stop was and the dreamer turned and headed out of the building as the dreamer was going through the door the dreamer saw the bus the dreamer wanted on the other side of the road, it was pulling away addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - transport () buses () 22122018 - 489 the name of the dream: columbo's car this dream starts with two of us on the move in a car the car didn't just look like the car used in the t.v. series columbo, it was the car in the television show, only it was in mint condition the second or third scene of the dream was of the car itself at a standstill next to the curb (the stand-out visual of the dream) we were using the car to transport electrical equipment to potential buyers the dreamer woke from the dream to hear myself replying to the other person in the car who had voiced the concern that we were overstocked "we can always hire or rent the equipment or we can bring more people into the business as salespersons" the dreamer said notes 1 this dream was the result of watching an episode of the t.v. series columbo in which the car has an unusually dominant part in the story-line of the episode (season 2 or 3) notes 2 this dream is a challenge in placing it within undulations this dream is a challenge in placing it at the where and the when within undulations nothing suggests that the writer will be located in north america within any of the time-tenses close to the undulation we are currently in perhaps the stand-out scene of this dream is as an observer if so, this, in turn, gives us an insight as to the sheer scope of the dream-conscious embracing as it does all duplicatable experiences at every point of evolution from a mono-cell to transmutation (7 ^9 to 1 ^100 years !) addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 3.9 participant and observer the category of the dream - visually-stimulated dream () t.v. () and externalised dream () 21122018 - 488 the name of the dream: x dream yummy addenda: vividness: 3.8 participant - the category of the dream - x dream (46) threesomes (2+) 20122018 - 487 the name of the dream: the premiere the first scene, a cinema with a few hundred people watching a film the film was a docu-film with a story-film which incorporated the main ideas of this website it was part-narration which swapped into action/drama sequences every now and then the latest technology of synchronising voices to lip movements was being used to give the appearance that the actor's and narrators were speaking in the native tongue of any language the audience and the original cast of the film were english-speaking to make sure we were getting the effect we wanted the people in the film had been given the latest technological treatment and were speaking in a foreign language with english subtitles the subtitles had been artistically synched to match the words of the foreign language so the words on the screen formed as the words were being spoken in the film in the next scene, about forty of us were in a brightly lit coach (the stand-out visuals of the dream) the dreamer was eating a packet of crisps when a young girl said "eating crisps and smoking is not a good example for youngsters" my reply was "if the worst thing that everybody did was eat a packet of crisps once a month and smoked half a roll-up every couple of hours we would be knocking on the doors of paradise" addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - technology () films () lip movement/sound and language transposition 19122018 - 486 the name of the dream: the abandoned boat was walking along a quay stopped and looked at a small boat it looked abandoned and the more the dreamer took in the detail the surer the dreamer was it had been abandoned clambered on board and headed for the cockpit it occurred to the dreamer it had been abandoned because it wasn't seaworthy and then the thought occurred that it might sink no sooner had the dreamer thought that than the boat started sinking, fast it was sinking from the back first and before the dreamer knew it the cockpit was about to go under it would be futile to try to get out by swimming down and then out the water was now at chest level and the only way the dreamer could think of getting out was to smash the cockpit window then an open window in the cockpit came into view it was small but it would be possible the dreamer took in as big a breath as the dreamer could manage and made it to the window the exertion of climbing through the window used up all of my breath and the dreamer thought "i've had it" the dreamer was taking in a deep breath as the dreamer was waking addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - my own death (2) drowning (1) 18122018 - 485 the name of the dream: el calimante this dream was mother and son as the proprietor's and mainstay of an ordinary persons restaurant for plain-food cuisine mom was chef par-excellence and the dreamer was washer-up supreme between us we had produced a niche in traditional meals like stews, sausage and mash, pie and cabbages etc. and were sitting pretty at the lower-end of middle-classdom all of the scenes of this dream were 3.5 plus in terms of addenda: vividness: there were two scenes of mom looking very appealing the scene of her that sticks out is of her standing still, almost at attention but with her formal posture broken by her left knee which was cranked and gave a look of repose her hair was closely cropped and a little dishevelled which gave her an "every woman" look her shoulders and hips were nicely proportioned and all in all, any mans gaze would have lingered, very appealing indeed in another scene the dreamer was walking the walk of a man with a sure-footedness that had strength to spare the dreamer felt the dreamer could have walked forever another scene had a serious-minded man listening to my words very intently as the dreamer explained why the sky had the hue it had "the bomb was eight-hundred meg" the dreamer pronounced and he then became gravely concerned the militarists were playing at being "big boys" again and had detonated the biggest atom-bomb ever in the persian gulf but life would go on notes 1 the name of this dream is not of my making it was a voice from an unidentifiable location as the dream began notes 2 the reader will be able to put the causes for this dream together were the reader to read the three latest updates at addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 4 participant the category of the dream - multi-themed () walking () mother () kitchen/restaurant () politics/world affairs 17122018 - 484 the name of the dreams: the music-less music festival and something to eat got to the site early was amongst one of the first few hundred to get there picked my spot about thirty metres from the front of the stage and near to the side where the stalls would be no sooner had the dreamer put a really neat and perfectly symmetrical joint together, lit it and taken the first drag when a professional scrounger stretched out his arm in an "give-me-a-toke" gesture he had no chance you might think the dreamer was being mean but when someone is looking for a hand-out of the first smoke of what was going to be a day to remember it sorta spoils the vibe he stood there becoming more resigned to having to wait until the dreamer was good and ready to be charitable the dreamer didn't like having to make him wait and about four or five drags later the dreamer said "when you get up in the morning you like to wash and dress before you do anything else. well it's the same with me" a few drags later when the smoke was half gone the dreamer handed it to him he had accepted my point of view and in an acknowledgement of my outlook smiled in satisfaction as he accepted it in the next scene, the field was jam-packed with thousands of people the dreamer had left my spot and had gone off to get a drink or something to eat and by the time the dreamer got back to where the dreamer had been sitting there wasn't space for someone to sit down in the last scene, the dreamer was away from the main throng and moving further away still when the dreamer realised the dreamer hadn't heard any music in any part of the dream the music-theme dream changed to a get-something-to-eat dream it was evening and a brightly-lit corner shop filled the dream (the stand-out visuals of the dream it was a shop the dreamer visited regularly it was my favourite haunt for food because it sold both sweets and savoury foods in the following scene, the dreamer am in the shop and after making a friendly remark asked the woman dressed in white behind the counter for her spiciest food she scooped a watery tomato-based ladleful of soup from a stainless steel container in amongst half a dozen other containers and moved the ladle close enough for the dreamer to dip in my little finger she was smiling confidently and was expecting the dreamer to nod with enthusiasm after the dreamer tasted it unfortunately, it wasn't spicy enough, in fact, it didn't taste spicy at all my disappointed reaction to the food infected her and she became disappointed the dreamer was still going to buy a fair amount of food but the dreamer was feeling her disappointment when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.7/8 participant the category of the dream - two-themed dream () taste () food () festival and food () 16122018 - 483 the name of the dream: a fair wheeler-dealer lived in a community of about two-thousand people a small building which was purpose-built for communal purposes was being used on this occasion to sell unwanted items to the general public the sale was winding down and there were only a handful of people left a young lad of fourteen or so with ginger hair stood on his own in the middle of the room and his face was flushed (the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer went to him and asked if there was anything the dreamer could do he opened a large carrier-bag and showed the dreamer the contents they looked to be completely worthless a half-metre piece of wood, two pieces of foam, one thick the other thin, folded in two and another item that looked to the dreamer like a crossword puzzle in a tatty box he asked the dreamer to go outside with him in the next scene, his parents were talking to me they explained he had bought the items on a whim and had wasted his money and could the dreamer refund it the parents were being as civilised as they could knowing there was only a slim chance of the lad getting his money back the dreamer hadn't sold him the items and realised the lad was in the doghouse for being daft enough to be persuaded to buy them in the first place and his parents had made him try to get his money back, which was why he was red-faced with embarrassment in the first scene of the dream the dreamer wasn't the sort of wheeler-dealer who would sell a child rubbish and felt awkward that someone the dreamer knew would the dreamer gave them their money back and the father of the boy asked about one or two specific items he wanted the dreamer said: "things are coming and going all the time. we'll have them sooner or later" addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - embarrassed people () young boy 15122018 - 482 the name of the dream: the tenacity test the dream opens with a disabled teenager of about seventeen at the top of a steep mound the mound was very steep, about 75 degrees and about fifteen metres from top to bottom the mound was a testing ground which was used to test a young mans determination or strength and it was also something a young man had to do if he was to copulate with an extremely appealing young lady of about seventeen a person had to go from the top to the bottom of the mound by steadily slipping down the decline by holding onto strips of a rounded material on either side of the mound the strips of cloth were too small to grip by hand so a person could only use the tips of their fingers to bear their weight there were a couple of scenes of people going down, one of the was of the disabled lad the scene the dreamer was in had the dreamer about two metres from the top of the mound and pulling myself up the dreamer knew the dreamer could, and did, manage to get to the top there were then three scenes of the naked or partly-dressed girl she was the epitome of healthy sex; fresh-faced, slightly sweaty and eager for the next male she was as insatiable as she was attractive alas, the dream ended before there was any contact between us addenda: vividness: 3.7/8 participant the category of the dream - physical exertion () 14122018 - 481 the name of the dreams: prison and the threesome foursome these prison dreams have become old hat (tiresome) and the inclination is to not enter them in the second dream, the dreamer had persuaded three girls in their mid to late-twenties to come back to my place for a "romp" the ladies were still in their work clothes of white blouses and dark skirts in the next scene, the three of them are sitting close together on a deep settee (the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer spread out my arms and hold the two girls at the end of the settee and leant forward which took the three of them into a reclining position the dreamer leaned into them and kissed the girl on the left on her lips and then done the same to her friend/workmate next to her and then went to kiss the lady on the other end only she had left the dream the girls were receptive to my advances but as the dreamer began unbuttoning the blouse of one of the girls but they were being coy and made the dreamer woo them by asking the dreamer questions to which the dreamer had to give seductive replies as the dreamer was answering them my thoughts were of the girl who was no longer in the dream and the dream ended as my priority became to find out what had happened to the missing girl addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - kissing dream () 13122018 - 480 the name of the dream: the archery and gun club and the gun-only club the first part of the dream was at the archery and gun club the dreamer got a score of two, one was the highest score, for archery and three for gun skills the second part of the dream was the gun-only shoot got a score of one for that there was the talk of getting the dreamer to apply the skills in some sort of serious situation but don't remember the details the stand-out visuals of the dreams were the colours of the jumpers in the first dream it was an all-brown outfit with a button-up top that stopped at the bottom of the neck and in the second part of the dream it was a grey jumper with a red and yellow band all the way around the jumper at chest level note 1 awake-time instances of dream-type events (2) fairground (1) cousin jim and self (1) this dream brought to mind an instance of an awake-time experience the dream-type outcome was when my cousin and the dreamer was at a fair when were ten, eleven or twelve we had a go at the pellet rifles where you had three shots and had to knock down three ten-centimetre sized metal-shaped men with three pellets to win a prize cousin jim knocked down three of the metal-men with two shots the dreamer only knocked down two with my pellets and jim came to the rescue and knocked down a third figure with his unused shot and we both won a prize a few minutes later we had a go at the coconut stall where you would win a prize by knocking a coconut off a stand about five metres away with bags with beads in them the dreamer knocked the coconut off the stand with two bags jim hit and dislodged his coconut with his three bags but it didn't fall yes, you guessed it the dreamer knocked his coconut to the ground with my unused third bean-bag and we both walked away with a coconut in both cases, one or the other of us could have been refused a prize but back in the day there was a little more good-will floating around it's the sort of thing that only happens in dreams all together now in the key of f#" row, row, row your boat" addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - archery and gun () 11122018 - 479 the name of the dream: the return of animosity the opening scene has the dreamer talking to a mountain of a man somewhere during the conversation he realises something about the dreamer which was in the past, which the dreamer thought had been resolved and the dreamer had forget about someone, however, wasn't satisfied with letting bygone's be bygones the mountain-man knew the man who was dissatisfied with the dreamer and the last the dreamer saw of the mountain-man was of his bed-sized back receding into the distance as he hurried off to tell the dissatisfied man and when he had left the scene the last scene of the dream was of the dreamer feeling uncomfortable as the old feelings of animosity returned notes 1 this dream springs from earlier on in the day when a male showed hostility while we were talking addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - emotions () angst () 09122018 - 478 the name of the dream: solid energy a new type of energy was discovered it was situated outside of the galaxy, it was black and solid and it followed the contour of the galaxy from an indeterminable point to the left of our view of the galaxy to its centre and it was roughly the shape of a jagged-edged elongated teardrop it was so powerful in its raw form that everyone who tried to harness it killed themselves it occurred to the dreamer that it would respond to a particular approach and a quick test proved it did the dreamer kept the secret of how to apply the energy to myself and was wondering how best to use it when the dream ended notes 1 this dream was caused by thinking about how to represent the presence of the energy in picture-page "new habitation" observer and participant addenda: vividness: 3 the category of the dream - technology () energy () 07122018 - 477 the name of the dream: the baby in my arms it wasn't my baby, it was the baby of a male acquaintance the dreamer didn't rate the father, his life was more important than the baby's and the reason the dreamer had the baby in my arms was that the father didn't have a clue as to how to hold and comfort a baby that needed attention for one reason or another the father had passed the baby to the dreamer when the baby began making complaining sounds the father couldn't appease the baby and it made the father look incompetent as a father, which he was the dreamer seated the baby in the crook of my right arm so that the weight of his upper-body was against my bicep and his head was resting between my shoulder and pectoral and my forearm and hand was supporting him at the front which allowed his legs to dangle free (standing-holding-baby position no.1 ) the position let the dreamer stoop and swivel and swing and rock the baby and the left-arm was free to make a baby meal or whatever in the final scene of this dream, the mother and baby were locked in eye-contact and as the dreamer moved closer to the mother we could both see the outside of the baby's lips were turned up very slightly exuding a subtle smile of satisfaction addenda: vividness: 3.3-7/8 participant the category of the dream - babies (8 ?) 06122018 - 476 the name of the dream: my scientology dream this dream was a single long scene set in an office that was staffed by about eight or nine women had walked into the premises off the street out of a sense of curiosity the dreamer walked throughout the length of the office looking at each of the women as the dreamer did so but not one of them looked at me the women didn't pay any attention to the dreamer at all, it was as though they hadn't seen me all of the women were either tapping away at a typewriter or looking at a screen eventually, one woman did respond to my presence when the dreamer asked if anyone had read the bible or the dreamer might have said: "has anyone got a bible ?" she had a mildly confrontational tone but it didn't cause the dreamer to react in a like manner and her tone softened and became helpful when she spoke a second sentence that suggested where the dreamer could get a bible nearby the dreamer walked out of the building and out of the dream thinking it wouldn't be too difficult to introduce them to the truth about what life is all about notes 1 this dream was produced because of the thoughts the dreamer had during the day when thinking about a documentary about scientology the bit of the film which stuck in my mind was of a couple of the women in the film who had been brainwashed into the doctrines of the cult/clique the dreamer could tell that had they not become involved with the movement they would be normal and genuinely attractive young ladies this is one of the lesser problems we have to deal with addenda: vividness: 3.4/6 participant the category of the dream - scientology (1) 05122018 - 475 the name of the dream: the gully was walking along a gully that was about a metre wide there were no signs of dampness at all in the next scene, there were patches of dampness in the next scene, there were patches of dampness and the occasional small puddle in the following scene, there was a continuous trickle of water about half the width of a credit card then, the trickle became a stream about half a metre wide at this stage of the dream, it was still possible to carry on walking along the gully although my shoes were getting wet and muddy in the next scene, the dreamer am having to wade through the water and the thought occurs to the dreamer that the dreamer should get out of the water onto and what had become an embankment glancing over my shoulder, the dreamer see a surge of water rushing towards the dreamer and before the dreamer can wade my way to the embankment it has reached the dreamer and now the dreamer am having to swim to get out of the water the force of the water is making it difficult to get to the bank and another glance in the direction of where the water is coming from shows that before the dreamer can get out of the water an approaching big swell of water, which will overwhelm and submerge me, will be upon me a state of panic begins to grip me sure enough, the swell of water reaches the dreamer before the dreamer can get to the embankment but luckily it pushes the dreamer in the direction the dreamer was headed the tips of my fingers just manage to grip onto a solid rock above my head on the embankment but the force of the water is preventing the dreamer from manoeuvring into a position which will allow the dreamer to pull myself to the right and up the water has become cold and my fingers have lost their flexibility and my body is becoming rigid something tells the dreamer there another wall of water approaching and if i'm not out of the water before it gets to the dreamer i'm a goner the dreamer can't pull myself up and out of the water so the dreamer let the flow of the water lift my body to the left and up just high enough for the dreamer to cock my left leg onto the rocky embankment the dreamer now have to try to bring my right arm into a position that will enable the dreamer to get into a lying position, then a kneeling position and crawl away will the dreamer make it ? a sense of accomplishment says yes but the dream ends before it actually occurs addenda: vividness: 3.2/3.6 participant the category of the dream - life-threatening () water (3 ?) 03122018 - 474 the name of the dream: the stretch taxi it was around pub-closing time and was headed back home about two miles away was feeling hungry decided to get a tax the dreamer to the nearest indian takeaway to where the dreamer lived and walk the rest of the way don't remember phoning for a tax the dreamer but in the next scene the dreamer am climbing into the passenger seat of a tax the dreamer next to the driver as the dreamer got into the taxi the dreamer saw there were two more sets of seats behind the front seat and they were occupied with females and males, so now there are six of us in the taxi in the next scene of the dream, the tax the dreamer is stopped and the drivers seat is empty someone opens the door next to me, gets in, and pushes the dreamer into the drivers seat, so now i'm going to be doing the driving the dreamer look back at the passengers and see there are two more seats at the back with two women in them, so now there are eight in the taxi by now the original feeling of hunger at the beginning of the dream has become the dominant aspect of the dream and the dreamer wake up with a craving for a curry meal and begin making plans to order a takeaway later on in the day notes 1 this dream is obviously a composition of different Tme-Tenses (as are many of our dreams) that the dream-time conscious can string together experiences from different time-tenses across Undulations indicates just how powerful, and useful, this emerging faculty will be when we start using it as it is intended to be used 02122018 - 473 the name of the dream: the runner has a sweet-treat left the house in almond tree avenue for town don't remember what it was the dreamer had to do in town but whatever it was it had to be done in a hurry just missed the bus the at the bus stop at the bottom of the hillmorton road and decided to run through manor house estate and try and pick up the number 21 bus at the bottom of the hill leading to the shops at bell green there wasn't anybody at the bus stop which told the dreamer the bus wasn't due or had just gone then ran up the hill and got to the shops at bell green only to see the bus the dreamer wanted was pulling away from the stop (the strength the dreamer felt in my legs while doing the two bouts of running was the stand-out feeling in the dream) there would be a few minutes before another bus felt a pang of hunger and decided to buy something sweet from one of the shops in the shop, the sweets and biscuits were near the cashier's till checked my change before buying anything expecting only to have enough for one bar of chocolate and became slightly elated when the dreamer saw there was large gold coin worth half a pound and two silver two-shilling piece coins, a three-pence coin and about five two-pence coins, the dreamer was rich there was a bit of a queue waiting to pay and the people waiting were standing in a line in front of the shelves with the sweets and biscuits the dreamer asked a woman to give the dreamer access to the shelves and she tutted because it meant she had to move backwards from the till bought two bars of chocolate and joined the back of the queue the queue shuffled once or twice and as we neared the till my attention was drawn to a large red and white pack on the bottom shelf the pack was the size of a six-pack of crisps and the dreamer recognised them as penguin's marshmallows (the stand-out visuals of this dream) chocolate-covered marshmallows were among my favourite sweets the dreamer didn't think the dreamer would be able to afford them but the dreamer had never seen marshmallows in a bag that big and was curious to know how much they cost to my utter surprise and great joy they were marked, in thick black writing, as twenty pence the dreamer had paid twice as much as that for just one of the bars of chocolate the dreamer decide to buy a packet and when the dreamer picked it up the dreamer saw there were twenty marshmallow cakes in the bag that was it, the dreamer bought two packets and when the dreamer had the two packets in my hand the bags of biscuits were even bigger than the dreamer first thought, they now looked to be twice as big as six-packs of crisps the two packets of biscuits were too conspicuous to carry as they were, and is the case with dreams, in the next scene the biscuits were in a half-sized dustbin-liner bag and the dreamer was heading for the bus stop while waiting for the bus the dreamer opened one of the packs of biscuits and started eating one as will be known to those of you who like chocolate-covered marshmallows, the way to eat them is to get to the marshmallow by tonguing away the outer shell of away the chocolate and then sucking out the jam before starting in on the white the bus came as the dreamer was eating it got on the back seat of the bus (those of you who can remember the two-person operated double-decker buses will remember they had two three-seater seats facing each other as you got on the back of the bus) the conductress gave the dreamer my ticket and when the dreamer had paid for it the dreamer reprimanded myself for not buying a return ticket and saving two or three pence the triple-sugar treat of jam, chocolate and marshmallow was almost sensuous (the stand-out taste in the dream) as the dreamer was looking around to see if there was a child to share the marshmallow experience with the dream ended participant addenda: vividness: 2.9 3.4/5 the category of the dream - running () taste () food () sweets () 011212018 - 472 the name of the dream: sweet dreams are made of this there are five, six or seven of us and we are joined by another person and he leads us into a disused factory which he has made into his own domain the min the dreamer hanger-shaped building is about fifteen metres wide and thirty-five metres long and six or seven metres high and is set in an area of other disused buildings that are bigger and smaller the scene, when looked at fleetingly, makes the statement "abandoned" it was the sort of scene you would look at for a second and would instantly forget about once it was out of your field of vision whatever part of the scene you looked at was either a shade of black or brown and it was surrounded by overgrown brown grass, overturned and rusted water tanks and broken pallets the person who had made the building his project had cleverly, almost artistically, kept it looking dilapidated from the outside by using planks of wood which had been roughly hammered into place to hide a gap in the side of the building we had to wrench the wood away and squeeze through the gap sideways to get in and then the plank slotted firmly back into place when pulled back into place from the inside inside, the building must have been an engineering company that used it for making goods that needed lathes that used lots of oil because there were still patches of oil-stains on the walls and on the floor one-third of the length of the building had been cleaned up and was being used by our host for cooking and sleeping the rest of the floor was smooth and shiny out of sheer impulse the dreamer pretended to be waltzing with an imaginary woman one arm was around her imaginary back and the other arm was holding her imaginary arm out in front and leading the way the floor was so smooth it was possible to slide when swirling musical sounds which complimented the movements came out of my mouth the other men joined in the fun and now we are all dancing and singing and smoothly sliding music, a subtle accompanying music, gradually replaces the sounds coming from our mouths our movements became even more fluid as the music fills our conscious and we are whisked away to a place where only dreams are permitted the dream becomes a timeless experience that has no description then the music fades and finishes as the orchestra ends this particular melody the music is ready to begin again but at that moment between when the music finishes and is about begin again the dreamer awake completely relaxed but disappointed the dream had finished but knowing this dream is as good as it gets, for now addenda: vividness: sight 3.2/3 sound 4.3/4 participant the category of the dream music () dancing () 28112018 - 471 the name of the dream: the vowel song in a secure prison but there was a noticeable level of camaraderie it was ablutions time and everyone was expected to be efficient with the time at the sink otherwise the last people in line wouldn't have enough time to do everything that had to do be done the dreamer broke into a higgledy-piggledy vowel song a melagatawny, gronamotory, rigidiliry oh and an elimedeery, tugidumumsy, abigromeasy hey with a... there were about five or six lines in that vein the men didn't deride the dreamer or object but the dreamer could tell that some of them couldn't muster an upbeat feeling and pick up on the "vibe", most did though there was another scene, where the dreamer was at a small and deep sink made of stainless steel dipped my hand down into the sink and pulled out an assortment of eight or ten pieces of shiny stainless steel cutlery (the stand-out bit of the dream) the cutlery was all the same design but some of the knives had a slightly longer blade than the others was trying to think of what applications the knives with different lengths of the blade might have when the dream ended notes 1 the happy mood accompanying the singing part of the dream was the result of doing my sums earlier on in the day was aware that the singing was externalised for some of the lines of the song it was also the first singing dream for quite a while addenda: vividness: 3.3-3.9 participant the category of the dream - prison () closed () singing () externalised () 27112018 - 470 the name of the dreams: pedestrian priority, the tree that fell and the drummer who didn't love music we were a gang of five or six builders's/labourer's who had been charged with making a busy roundabout with five roads leading to it more accessible for pedestrians at peak traffic-times, the pavements became choc-a-bloc with people who were waiting for a break in the traffic so they could cross the roads it meant widening the pavements and putting pedestrian crossings with those black and white poles with a goldfish bowl shape and size flashing lights on top (whatever happened to them ?. they were eminently practical in that both pedestrians and drivers could see them from a distance.) we were about to start modifications on that part of the pavement, which was most in need of being broadened, when the theme of the dream changed" two of us were in a big garden which had a large tree that was growing at the bottom of the garden next to an imposing solid wood fence that separated the house from the street beyond the person who the dreamer was with was in charge and it was his job to figure out the best way to trim the tree of the branches which were hanging over the fence without disrupting traffic he had the idea that it could best be done by pulling or pushing the tree so that it became tilted and make the lower branches easier to get to; the dreamer think he thought the tree would rest on the fence the tree had other ideas it must have had shallow roots because the wire that was slung around the trunk of the tree at about two-and-a-half metres from the ground toppled the tree completely on the first tug of the wire and the tree crashed into the fence shattering it into splinters the tree narrowly missed a person walking along the pavement from left to right in the dream but in the next scene of the dream the problem was the traffic was blocked and cars were starting to form a queue on either side of the tree the man who had the idea of tilting the tree stood there mortified it was the end of his reputation and career no one was hurt but that wasn't what had turned the man into a statue the emergency services would have to be called it would be an item on the news and it would be the source of ribbing for the rest of his life how could an intelligent person make such a monumental blunder ? the dreamer could already see the funny side of it and began laughing out loud and that set the tone for the next dream" two of us had been practising on our guitars and had reached the time when we're ready to incorporate a drummer and become a group we both recognised that a drummer could make or break the would-be-group and we were in agreement that we wouldn't compromise the quality of the group merely to begin performing via the magic of dreams, or as luck would have it, about a week before there had been a dream (not published) in which a young man with long black hair had really impressed the dreamer with his ability to get the dreamer nodding and ready to dance with the beat he could generate with just his tom-tom's a bass drum appeared in the dream there were six or seven people in the next scene, the dreamer turned to my partner-in-music and said, "this is the person the dreamer was telling you about" we were telling the drummer that we really rated him and would love to have him join us the drummer decided to play hard to get and feigned disinterest eventually, he became rude and began talking to one of his friends as the dreamer was talking to him the dreamer began smiling a broad smile which let the drummer know he was throwing away a great opportunity and he would live to regret it he knew he would probably regret it but was enjoying disappointing me the dreamer was still smiling broadly when the dreamer woke notes 1 people enjoy disappointing me addenda: vividness: 3.2/3.5 participant for all but two of the scenes the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (27 ?) 24112018 - 469 the name of the dream: a fresh start the dream starts as an observer looking down at a room about ten metres in width and seven metres in length the room has six or seven chairs and two or three tables in it the tables are too low and small for ease of use and may be the reason why there were only two or three people in the room the practicalities of the room were someone's afterthought there was a largeish kitchen that looked like it could cater for several dozen people's and there was also a door at the right-hand corner of the room the dreamer went scouting the door led into a village-hall-sized building which could hold more than a hundred people, just right for bingo or a dance found some tables and took them one at a time into the "lounge" area in the opening scene now people could pick up and lay down cups and plates with ease it did the trick and in the next scene there are seven or more people sitting in the lounge and on hard chairs supping drinks and conversing a few more homely touches and the room was fit-for-purpose no one stopped the dreamer from going to "work" on the big main room and in the next scene there is a p.a. on the stage and chairs and tables along two of the sides of the room and, most importantly, there is some serious socialising going on amongst the people who are content to let the dreamer take charge of organising the entertainment in the next scene, there are four or five people, girls and boys, cuddling and kissing to the left of where i'm sitting one of the girls, while looking at the dreamer as i'm looking at her and her friend who is being more than just friends with a male, puts her and inside the trousers of a male who is necking with a girl sitting on his lap, and begins to masturbate him; the dreamer get up and leave the girl had done what she did to let the dreamer know that what she was doing to her friend's male companion she would do to me alas, her act contained more xuality than affection i'm nobody's idea of a prude but her act wasn't in line with my idea of a relationship and the dreamer got up and left in the next scene, the girl and the dreamer are in bed and the girl is listening to the dreamer talking it is one of those monologue scenes" "in order for us to have a relationship we would have to move away from this area. the dreamer couldn't have a relationship with you and stay here. the thought of looking the girl and boy in the eye with them both knowing you had masturbated the boy while she was kissing him would be too difficult for me. it would mean we would both have to change our jobs. as we lie here my overriding desire is to hold you and kiss you but there would be no point in becoming more involved with each other unless you are prepared to start afresh with the dreamer somewhere else" " there was more to the monologue that is written above but that's the essence of it happily, the girl also wanted a fresh start to our relationship as the dream came to an end notes 1 there is a difference between group love and group x if you're treading the evolutionary path then your imaginings as to what group-love in heaven entails are as good as mine linear shape, we'll keep it simple and project we're all Equilateral triangles means that when we touch it can only be either the points of our triangular selves or the length of one of our sides which can come into contact with each other we'll indulge in a flight of fancy and say that when points touch that is a kiss and when sides touch that is the equivalent of present-time conjoinment it makes good common sense to imagine that we make contact as a "block or group" whilst experiencing the endless variations that straight-line-action in endless space contains the word lust carries the connotation of self-indulgence self-indulgence is not a characteristic of love join with the dreamer in distinguishing the difference between pleasure-for-self, and then practice by putting one, some and all other beings before self the rewards are mightily great addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.4 observer and participant the category of the dream - relationships () female () 23112018 - 468 the name of the dream: the interview this dream played out in sync with the transition from dreaming to waking had placed an ad in the local paper asking for anyone interested in becoming involved in a discotheque to call at my place the dreamer was asleep when a caller rang the bell at about nine in the morning the dreamer dragged myself to the front door and let the person, a lad about nineteen, through the door the dreamer answered the door in a long t-shirt and black underpants and seeing it was a male didn't rush to get dressed and walked ahead of him into the living room in the next scene, we are both sitting in the living room and it is a bit dark in the next scene, the dreamer have just put a spotlight lamp into a bayonet fixture in the ceiling and turned it on by a switch on the wall the filament in the bulb slowly started glowing but even after a couple of seconds it still wasn't glowing white the dreamer looked at it and said "don't rush yourself" and had to wait another two seconds or three seconds for the bulb to light up the room the dreamer started the conversation with the visitor/applicant" "are you familiar with computers ?" "yaw" he replied in a drawling way the way he said it didn't tell the dreamer if it was a yes or a no so the dreamer asked him "is that a yes or a no ? " "yaw ! " he said again, in exactly the same way still more asleep than awake the thought, "either this guy has got an attitude problem or is lacking communication skills" crossed my mind either way, he wasn't the sort of person who would be any good for the job the dreamer never said anything else and came out of the dream while thinking about how to disassociate myself from him addenda: vividness: 3.3/4 participant the category of the dream - strangers () 18112018 - 467 the name of the dream: luxuriously-warm in a stark environment the dream opens as a single person is taking in the sight of a dome-shaped cavern about fifty-metres high and about the same distance ahead in the next scene, the dreamer am in front of a small stall waiting for someone to hand the dreamer a large cup of coffee while waiting for the coffe music begins playing out the music has a beat and the dreamer begin to move and sway to the song and eventually lift my feet and do a couple freestyle movements at the end of one of the freestyle movements that encompassed a one-hundred and eighty degree turn, a girl about my size has deftly placed herself in a position so that at the end of the turn we are face to face and almost touching we begin dancing smooch-fashion but in an energetic way in the next scene, we are back in the cavern the cavern has got more detail in this scene there are high ridges of rock which seperate one part of the cavern from another in one of the distinctly seperate part of the cavern there is a small area that is slightly elevated and it has seating and floor-lounging cushions where a person can stretch out in the next scene, the dreamer am seated close to the floor leaning back at about forty-five degrees with my thighs bent also at about forty-five degrees relative to the floor the girl who joined the dreamer in dancing in a previous scene comes and sits astride the dreamer with her back resting on my thighs the girl, an african girl the dreamer think, has coffee-coloured skin her hair is styled in about forty ringlets that reach down to her chin and are level all the way around her head the dreamer stretch out my legs so now they are at about twenty-five degrees and simultaeneously straighten out my upper body which causes her to be more in a lying than a sitting position we haven't yet spoken a word to each other she puts her hands around the back of my head in response to the dreamer cupping the back of head with both my hands we nestle into each other, first cheek to cheek and then our faces are burrowed into each others neck with our lips resting on each others necks but not kissing for a while we hold that position it is while are lips are touching each others skin that a warmth that the dreamer have never felt before washes through my body and mind while wallowing in the feeling the girl breaks away from the dreamer and speaks for the first time "? (someones name) will get half of the money and you will have the other half" at that moment it was a completely inappropriate thing to say it broke the magical moment and the dreamer had to try to regain it the dreamer needed to do away with any notions that money would have anything to do with our being together the dreamer said, and could hear myself saying as the dreamer woke up, manner " the dreamer have got, and can get, as much money as the dreamer will ever need" addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - love relationships () african (3?) 17112018 - 466 the name of the dream: think-read dream: bizzare incidents of unintentional deaths was reading an article in magazine, or it might have been on the web, about people who had ben killed unintentionally there was a list of about ten instances of people who had been killed in the most unlikely of ways and friends and relatives were trying to get an official acknowledgement of their deaths the first was a man who had been whisked up into the sky the man was an amateur meteorologist who had attached a device which measured an aspect of the low atmosphere to a sturdy length of metal wire which unwound from a very large fishing-reel-shaped drum this account of a bizzarely unlikely circumstance was the only one of the ten or so instances in which visuals accompanied the description of the incident there was a sequence of three or four one-second videos, each a zoom-in of about a second and which began where the previous sequence left off, of the increasing shock and disbelief on the man's face as he was vaulted upward the remainder of the video sequence showed what happened a low-level, supersonic, secretly-developed jet capable of about mach 5 at about one-hundred metres had snagged the wire and the man had somehow become entangled in the wire the video also showed an orange/rust-coloured vapour trail left by the jet which dispersed within two or three seconds of it leaving the jets' engine there was another two or three-second visual recording which captured the jet as it had gone past where the ametuer meteorologist lived it showed the jets's vapour-trail going from being over where the man lived to dissapearing beyond the horizon in about one second it had come and gone too fast for any of the detail of its shape to be visible it was the latest bit of "kit" and there was no way the military-structure was going to acknowledge it existed another incident, was of another man who had been seen running for his alongside a hedge life as a wheat-thresher was about to scoop him up along with the wheat there was a reason why the man's death had not been acknowledged the dreamer think it was something to do with a legal point which made the farmer responsible the other accounts of unacknowledged deaths in this think-read dream were equally unusual in their own way one which wasn't in the dream and sticks in the writer's mind was of an american husband and wife who had a deadly quarrel and it led to one or the other of them trying to kill his or her partner using a shotgun the couple lived on the third floor of a seven or eight-storey block of flats that had been built along the high street of a town or city the person who pulled the trigger of the shotgun missed the person he or she was aiming at and the shot went out of the window a second or two before the gun was fired a man had decided to end his life by throwing himself off the top of the building he was precisely in line with the window when the gun was fired and he died from the gunshot wounds before he hit the ground the circumstances of the incident were such that the law didn't consider that the person who pulled the trigger had committed murder however, unbeknown to the sucidee the owner's of the building had put up a suicide net the day before to prevent people from using the building to commit suicide the person who pulled the trigger was guilty of murder notes 1 there were times while think-reading the accounts of "bizzare incidents of unintentional deaths" when the writing became smaller and smaller and it got to the point where it dissapeared completely and visual content formed this is the first think-dream for more than four months is this to be the new format for think-read dreams ? visuals taking over when the writing has laid a sufficiently comprehensive descriptive foundation and then the dream-conscious can then generate images notes 2 the dreamer think this dream comes from thinking about unintentional murder during the day people still do not yet fully understanding the consequences of taking life no doubt, coming generations will ponder the circumstances surrounding unintentional murder in detail the grey area is where reality is, for evermore, furnishing a greater quantity and love/life is adaping to that increase in an enviroment which contains The Principle of indeterminacy consider, the three of p the dreamer and the endless numerical sequence which follows pi the universe is the three of p the dreamer and the straight line is the endless numerical structure 3.141" addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.7 observer the category of the dream - think-read dream which produced visual scenes 11112018 - 465 the name of the dream: folders the dream begins with a pot of oxtail soup being cooked or heated put some pepper in it and it noticeably enhanced the taste/flavour decided to make a note of the fact and the next scene of the dream is of two folders the folders were a different colour to the ones we are familiar with, they were tinged brown yet again, the sticking point was physically typing the letters at this point, and for the rest of the scenes of this dream and right through to the end of the dream, the awake-conscious became more prominent by concentrating on the words on the folder, all the words on the folder/s had one or two-word descriptions, it was possible to change the words on the folder and subsequent folders but the words in my mind weren't the words which showed on the folder when a new folder materialised in the dream continued attempts showed an increasing number of folders in the last scene, there were about eight folders the dreamer woke from this dream xually aroused notes 1 why the dreamer should wake up from this dream feeling xually aroused is a complete mystery: there was absolutely nothing in the Pde's which could have brought this on the thinking is" procreation, is a part of the mechanism by which love/life realises eternity's mechanistic command "increase numerically" remember, reality calls the shots and we have, yes have, now and forever, to expand reality is not concerned with the qualitative only the quantitative in order to obey eternity and experience endlessness in a qualitative way sentience had to become love and that, in turn, meant attuning and organising itself down to the minutest detail to the characteristic's of inanimacy it has still yet to be realised what the ordering of the minutia of the detail entailed for you-know-who this dream is thought to be a step in the ordering of love/life's procession postulate 4 the more we order or align ourselves to eternity's command the greater will be our feelings of pleasure (see also The art of pleasure) notes 2 even when the first formulations began more than thirty years ago the idea of increasing numerically was inherent in the writer's outlook and the avoidance of taking life became the number one priority addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - computer () folders (2 ?) plus-food () oxtail soup (1) 11112018 - 464 the name of the dream: "o the dreamer you" had a pair of cockatiels in a cage about two-thirds of a metre in length and depth and about a metre high had decided to take them with the dreamer and go to a pet shop and actually see what food it was they liked to eat before buying it had tried porridge, bread and making a mash with different ingredients but they didn't go for it the pet shop got it right first time they got stuck right into some small grains of something or other in one scene the dreamer was walking along and had to put the cage down for a reason the dreamer can't recall as the dreamer was stooped down and was fiddling around with a fixture attached to the cage a bus pulled level with the dreamer and opened its doors without realising it the dreamer was stooped down next to a bus stop and the driver had assumed the dreamer was waiting for a bus not wanting to make the driver feel awkward for being considerate the dreamer got on the bus, plus catching a bus was a good idea as the cage was too big to hold comfortably without it knocking against my leg a mild wave of panic gripped the dreamer when it occurred to the dreamer that the dreamer didn't have enough money to buy a ticket the dreamer pulled all the coins the dreamer did have out of my pocket and was relieved when the dreamer could see there was more than enough to pay for a journey there was a prolonged scene when the dreamer tried to separate the coins and keep hold of the cage at the same time it became time-consuming so the dreamer held out all the change in my upturned hand and let the driver pick out the right coins the next scene was one of three stand-out scenes of this dream, as the dreamer made my way nimbly between the seats of the half-full bus to two empty seats on the right half-way down the carriage and as the dreamer got level with the seats the dreamer swivelled and turned as the dreamer lowered the cage into the seat next to the window both the cage and my bottom touched the seats at the same time in the next scene, the birds were leaning into each other with their feathers puffed up, the temperature was below what they were used to in the next scene, the dreamer put my finger through the bars and tickled the back of the neck of the male to my surprise and utter delight, he turned his head through about a hundred and ten degrees and without looking directly at the dreamer said "o the dreamer you" the dreamer began letting out chuckles the dreamer knew cockatiels could be fun but this pair was going to be real company the dreamer looked up and around to see if anyone else had heard what the dreamer had just heard on the opposite side of the bus, two girls were getting ready to get off at the next stop one of them was almost standing upright and looking elsewhere but the one still seated had heard it and was looking at the dreamer with astonishment and wonder the dream finished there and the dreamer was still letting out chuckles when the dreamer was awake a truly delightful dream and the first laughing dream since 10082018 addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.7/8 participant the category of the dream - chuckling (1) animal () dinosaur () birds () cockatiels (1) 10112018 - 463 the name of the dream: the wanderlusterer in her in the company of two or three other aunts mother announced her long-held secret desire to see the world as the dreamer was the only male in the room it was pretty obvious it was my cue to respond my suggestion was to do the travelling in a three-quarter or one-ton two-berth van we could raise enough money to get a van and convert it into a mobile home if we both sold our furniture and other home-fixtures mother was becoming more animated as the planning and suggestions of bringing it to fruition took shape the whole idea and the chat of what we could do and the scope and variations it would throw up took the planning to a new level it was definitely "on" within a scene or two, we are kitting out the van and only a week or two away from "hitting the road" in the last scene of the dream, the dreamer turned to mother and said "you'll need a skill" addenda: vividness: 3.1 participant the category of the dream - mother (5 ?) 07112018- 462 the name of the dream: an oligarch by nature an acquaintance mentioned the dreamer to someone who was the head of the local crime syndicate in the first scene of this dream, i'm sitting in a car next to the driver, the head of the syndicate, and there is another person in the back seat the driver is talking to the dreamer in a casual manner his comments and remarks are specifically designed to get the dreamer to reveal my character and views on certain topics and people the dreamer must have convinced him that the dreamer could fit in with his set-up because in the next scene of the dream we, along with someone he knew, and a couple of my friends he didn't know, are at my place he is checking out my friends he was disrespectful of anyone who didn't have the same values as himself and in particular he thought nothing of people who didn't have an assertive attitude and even worse he thought that people who had a physical disability shouldn't be allowed to live this was bad news for one of my friends one of my friends in the dream, an awake-time acquaintance up until two and a half decades ago, was as bright as they come tragically, she had been left for dead by a hit-and-run driver when riding her bike while she was studying theoretical physics at m.i.t. she was in a coma for eight months and when she became conscious again she was seriously, and permanently, disabled not that his majesty knew her story in the next scene, the girl showed the dreamer a red scald mark on her hand (the expression on her face when she showed the dreamer the mark on her hand was the stand-out part of the dream) while she had been making coffee he had deliberately poured scalding hot water on her hand his majesty was seriously bad news the dreamer knew that if the time and place presented itself he would find a way of "doing away" with her this guy had to be reined in it was while thinking of how to go about it when the dream ended notes 1 this dream came from thoughts and the feelings accompanying the thoughts during the day it was while the dreamer was wondering about the character/nature/outlook of the chief british oligarch the chief of the oligarchs is the person who gives the go-ahead for the assassination of high-profile people the dreamer gleaned a little of his personality the day or the day before princess diana was assassinated one of his connections who was keeping him informed of princess diana's public comments (by this time she had left prince charles and was pregnant with her partner and didn't have much good to say about britain) told the chief oligarch what diana had said publicly "you'de have to be crazy to live in this country" in the silence that followed the message of what diana said the dreamer sensed his presence he was about to give the order to assassinate a historically significant person diana was pregnant with the heir-apparent to the throne from a british point of view, this was, arguably, the most audacious assassination ever why did he give it ? the sense of identity of both the chief british oligarch and the chief russian oligarch's (the only other oligarch-type structure with the same sort of clout as britain and russia is the group named mj-12 or majestic 12, in america, read HERE and listen Here) is the same" their sense of identity is, first and foremost, the land they live in and preside over to the oligarchy, to insult the character of the nation is taken personally princess diana might as well have said "you'de have to be crazy to have children in this country" the implication which comes from this is the person who presides over the country is mad the idea that he might not be a full shilling hit a raw nerve diana didn't understand the mentality of the oligarch structure and it cost her her life the dreamer was up and about in the house with the telly on the night diana was killed the dreamer stopped writing for a moment when the news flash said "princess diana has been in an accident" and wondered just how bad it was a few minutes later another news flash came on and said "our reporter is at the scene and has spoken to princess diana and she complained her arm was hurting" the dreamer thought "oh diddums. you've been in a car crash and your arm's hurting. you should be grateful you're not in excruciating pain" ten or fifteen minutes later the next news flash said as coldly as dead fish "princess diana is dead" it was obvious from the way it was said it was a statement of fact she had gone from a hurting arm to being dead it was the comment about being crazy that signed her death warrant they are insane but don't tell them to their face addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.9 participant the category of the dream - bad people (11 ?) 06112018 - 461 the name of the dream: a game of cricket it was a formal game of cricket in that we were all in white but the field itself didn't have defined borders and there weren't any stands nor were there any spectators in the dream the cricket field was bigger than usual and it looked as though it was set in an area of greenery that had trees off to one side about sixty metres from the centre of the pitch the dreamer was in an outfield position about thirty metres or so from the wickets the batsman played the ball too far to my left for the dreamer to stop it from going past my radial position relative to the pitch which meant the dreamer had to run further away from the pitch to get to the ball the ball was heading for the rough grass at the boundary of the field and if it went into long grass the dreamer might not be able to find it and it would be game over a maximum effort of sprinting got the dreamer to the ball as it had just gone over a one-metre incline and before it went into the "rough" on the other side of the incline the effort of the thirty-metre sprint took all the strength out of my arms and the dreamer could only manage to throw the ball about twenty or thirty metres towards the pitch the fielder closest to the dreamer anticipated the dreamer wouldn't have the strength to throw the ball all the way to the pitch and closed in on my position and was in just the right place when my throw landed on the ground in a perfect pick-up, swivel and throw he got the ball to the wicketkeeper one step ahead of the batsman who was looking to get as many runs as possible and had thought he had time to get the extra point when he saw my weak throw it was jubilation for our team and the dreamer got most of the credit notes 1 the first dream about cricket clearly remember thoughts and images of cricket during the day addenda: vividness: 3.3/4 participant the category of the dream - sport () cricket (1) 04112018 - 460 the name of the dreams: aggrieved and happiness am in a prison where a visitor has the visit in the prisoner's cell mother was visiting the dreamer and the person who shared the cell was in the dream also within a few seconds of dream-time of my mother being in the dream a notorious badass entered the cell and went to the far end of the cell and slouched into a semi-lying position at the pillow-end of the bed mother was standing by he was an awake-time lad from senior school days and he was a genuinely fearless person on one occasion he took on the second toughest boy at school who was also another fearless and bigger boy who knocked him down about five times but he kept on getting up whatever other characteristics he had you had to respect his dogged determination not to be beaten he knew that my mother would have brought treats for the dreamer and it was reasonable in his mind that he should be part of someone's generosity the dreamer woke up feeling frustrated within half a minute had fallen back to sleep and the next dream washed away the undesirable feelings in the previous dream had just boarded a bus and immediately to my left was a baby boy of eight or ten weeks in a pram the moment our eyes made contact he went into an open-mouthed broad smile and he stretched out his hand to touch me it was my own baby boy who had featured in a dream from three days before which had contained good feelings addenda: vividness: 3.1/2 participant the category of the dream - prison () closed () mother (1) 28102018 - 459 the name of the dream: a threesome the first scene, in amsterdam a young girl, seventeen or eighteen, latched onto me she was a typically exuberant teenager; excited with the newness of life and, like so many young and happy girls, she had lots to say her extrovert nature made her appealing and the dreamer was perfectly happy to let her into my life she wasn't, however, a girl the dreamer wanted a relationship with but that wasn't a problem for her a scene or two later a young man about the same age as the girl was asking passers-by for money it didn't take long for the dreamer to recognise he had character problems, he came across as being "slow" after handing him some money the young girl and the dreamer walked on in the next scene, we are walking along at a casual pace and he is talking to the young girl immediately it was noticeable that his personality had changed for the better he speech was no longer hesitant and the expression on his face had gone from being lost and forlorn to enthusiastic he and the girl were getting on like a house on fire as they exchanged a to and fro of words and mannerisms there were a few more scenes and as they played out the girl and boy were becoming evermore friendly it was a joy to see them engrossed with each other; they had become an "item" we went from place to place, a coffee here, a gift shop there knowing the dreamer had brought them together produced a deep, warm and wonderful feeling of satisfaction a beautiful dream notes 1 if a simple situation like this can produce such pleasure for the writer what must it be like for you-know-who bringing into being couples who will be together forever and will be becoming increasingly happier the longer they are together! you will be forgiven, if, like me, you feel a little envious of her/his creative abilities addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - matchmaking (1) unintentional (1) 27102018 - 458 the name of the dream: the art of pleasure 27102018 this dream is set in a future time-tense dreams diary has reached the stage when visualisations accompany all the dreams there is still some way to go before the accompanying visualisations are wholly accurate but a dreams diary in this time which doesn't give a fair visual representation of the dream just doesn't get viewed on the internet my own outlook is simple" women lead the way in the experiencing of pleasure and men won't achieve an increase in their experience of sexual pleasure before learning how to generate greater feelings in the females for the female, the act of conjoinment has the added pleasure of the accompanying sensations that only women know" the feeling of accomplishment of being able to produce more life in the concrete form in this dream, the dreamer have a three or four bedroom set-up it is my pleasure to instruct women on how to produce the greatest pleasure for a woman without conjoinment my "set-up" is geared for introducing this approach into our lifestyle very early one morning the dreamer can hear one of the lasses moaning in pleasure as she is practising on herself while watching the latest pleasure-dream video showing what a male should be doing to bring out the maximum feelings in her it causes the dreamer to become aroused and the dreamer decide to make a video of myself masturbating without ejaculating to the sounds of a female masturbating now read... the Art of Pleasure notes 1 this dream was not an act of indulgence, it is a dream for this time because everyone has to be aware that a minimum level of pleasure is necessary to embark on straight line action (it is the case that none have insights into the totally overwhelming sensations that occur when the mind is exposed to endlessness. take my word for it people, it will cause you to baulk) that the acclimatization to pleasure is being introduced at this time will give you an insight into just how great our feelings of pleasure will have to be in order to "buffer" or "cushion" ourselves to the exposure of endlessness we have to begin imbuing ourselves with a feeling of pleasure now and it has to increase exponentially for the next 5000 million years ! acclimatising ourselves to permanently-increasing levels pleasure is something which has to be approached in a purposeful way the dream marks the beginning of the process notes 2 both sexes have, in the writer's experience of x, yet to learn how to produce large volumes of prolonged pleasure in the opposite sex without conjoinment it has not yet been formulated but drawing from his own experience the writer suspects that oral sex is not one of the practices we need to incorporate into the art of pleasure the sensations accompanying ejaculation expend "spiritual" energy and it has to be measured (it may be finite in its application throughout earthly evolution and even through to Transmutation) addenda: vividness: 3.4 - the category of the dream - timed-to-occur (100 ?) x dream (40 ?) participant 25102018 - 457 the name of the dream: lost love a big bed, very big bed, a bed that was too big was the opening scene of this dream we had been "matched-up" and it was our first night together it was her effusive excitement for life that made her a beautiful girl every moment was the pinnacle of existence and it generated the next new moment the circumstances of our relationship were that we should become parents, it was expected of us and the people who had matched us up expected our relationship would be consummated on the first night and the public were also being kept informed of the details of our relationship her personality was such that it was a joy just to see her living and experiencing life to conjoin would have changed her mood and consequently changed her personality and that was something which was unthinkable the dreamer was content to be in her arms and within touching distance of her essence we fell asleep the dreamer woke in the very early hours and began subtly moving her arms and body to bring us closer she awoke and her personality had changed she was no longer the ray amongst all the other rays of light but a discontented child the dreamer had woken her out of her sleep and it caused her to become moody, almost hostile the dreamer couldn't believe the dreamer had turned her into the person she now was and there was nothing the dreamer could say or do to make her go back to the way she was she got out of bed and left the dream in the next scene, the alarm had been raised that she had gone off on her own and the dream had become a manhunt for a missing person the dreamer went looking for her in the busy metropolis and the next scene of the dream was of the dreamer standing at the top of three shiny metal escalators two of the moving stairs were bringing people up and the middle one was a down escalator the next scene is the dreamer having got off at the bottom of the down-escalator and looking into a throng of people and realising there wasn't the slightest chance of finding her in the next scene, the dreamer am walking along a quiet road with a slightly burly african man alongside me he turned and looked at the dreamer and said "she loves sex. she lives for sex" it began dawning on the dreamer what had gone wrong all the dreamer had wanted was to basque in her personality without realising that her personality was the way it was because she was living in a state of continual anticipation of the next sexual experience * only you-know-who has a complete understanding of the interplay between the sexes addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.7 the category of the dream - the female personality (1) participant 23102018 - 456 the name of the dream: multi-themed dream living above a shop the entrance to the shop had a very narrow door went into the shop and there were three or four men dressed in khak the dreamer uniforms waiting for me the men were politely disposed and their uniforms were braided and had badges and patches indicating rank and achievements they wanted to get to know the dreamer and began talking about the characters in greek mythology was out of my depth and was listening mostly although the impression was they expected the dreamer to chime in with comments and remarks as they went into depth about why the greek writers had given one character certain attributes and why they had been given the names they had after a few minutes, the dreamer brought plato and socrates into the discussion the men didn't want to talk about them and the conversation changed to the dreamer and what the dreamer wanted and liked to do one of the men offered the dreamer a "teenth" of hash, which the dreamer took and realised at that moment they were there to do my bidding then another man gave the dreamer a "quarter" of hash and waited for the dreamer to say something this segment of the dream ended and a sequence of scenes involving a stately model of a rolls royce began the car was in dire need of several jobs needing to be done to the bodywork, it looked a wreck but drove like a "roller" should there was a prolonged scene of driving and thoroughly enjoying it the theme changed again and now i'm in a sturdy, very sturdy, rowing boat the small river or big stream could barely accommodate the boat there wasn't a tiller and it was being steered by the current of the water the river/stream began narrowing and eventually became too small for the boat it grounded alongside a smooth extent of grass which filled the field of vision to the left and right but had a block of flats and a winding road about a hundred metres away in front of me as the dreamer began to pull the boat out of the water three young men in a much smaller boat appeared in the dream and they were intent on being a nuisance they deliberately began obstructing my way with their boat the dreamer wasn't in a mood to be intimidated and purposefully and aggressively began banging my boat into theirs as we pulled our boats along and as my boat was much sturdier they quickly realised if they wanted to intimidate the dreamer it would have to be at a personal level and my no-mood-to-be-pissed-about look was enough to end the confrontation in the next scene the boat had been pulled about thirty metres, don't know how the dreamer managed to pull the big rowing boat at all, it must have been made of a strong but light wood, the dreamer looked back and could see the boat was gauging fairly deep tracks into the smooth grass and had completely ruined what was meant to be a communal area for the residents it then occurred to the dreamer that the reason the three men had tried to obstruct the dreamer was that they knew the boat would churn up the grass it meant having to spend hours and hours to get the gouges out of the grass and the dreamer had still yet to get the boat onto the road about fifty metres away without making any more marks in the grass it was a dilemma that the dreamer couldn't overcome there and then and was probably the reason the dream ended notes 1 you-know-who has laid the rules down for the dreamer concerning hash she/he is perfectly happy for the dreamer to use it once a year i've stretched it into a friday night to sunday night weekend notes 1 on money dream haven't checked the database but it's possible that this is the fifth picking-money-off-the-floor dream if so, this is the first dream that has accurately referred to other dreams of the same type in awake time, have found many individual one-pound coins but have only ever found two one-pound coins within a few metres of each other one was on one side of the road and almost immediately after crossing the road, a few metres after picking up the first coin, the dreamer found another one on that occasion my friend let out an "oh, what" of disbelief addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.6 the category of the dream - a multi-themed dream () car, boat and men in uniforms (1) participant 22102018 - 455 the name of the dream: kissing dream the sincerity, more so than the sensations, of the kiss caused the writer to dwell on it for some time upon waking and made him forget the bulk of the dream before it the scenes of the dream which are remembered begin when a lady and the writer were on a bed and naked except for our underpants the lady was lying on her back, waiting the dreamer straddled her and leant over her so my forearms were taking the weight of my body the dreamer clasped her head with the palms of my hands which kept her head still her body stiffened perceptibly as my hands held her head still and the dreamer then lowered into the kiss as the dreamer rested my lips on hers the contact of our lips sent messages to the brain which signalled that a minimal movement of the lips would produce the best sensation the kiss gradually become more energetic and the dream ended about five seconds of dream-time (= x's 5 or 10 seconds of awake-time) later as our lips were slowly, and only slightly, pursing and unpursing notes 1 checking the database shows that this is the first "just kissing dream" for eight months and my life has been the poorer for it one of the thoughts that occupied my thinking upon waking from this dream was that the reason for the absence of kissing dreams containing non-sexual pleasure was that my outlook had hardened over the last eleven months and had passed the point of constructiveness thinking further brought forward the chronology of events that matter over the last year and pinpointed the specifics probably the most disappointing thing to have happened and which caused a lessening of my estimation of your characters was the failure to respond to the dream of (16022018), when the daily entries were suspended in an effort to get you to respond to the lover's will via a dream again, a lack of conviction that you-know-who knows best prevails also, the dream of (23092018) had been playing on my mind and was troubling me it was the only dream the dreamer can remember when women had demonstrated hostility towards me while reflecting on these points, one thought led to another and eventually a "yes" filled my mind as it was being considered that things are happening as slowly as they are because you-know-who is letting it happen (see analogy 3 ?) but should the dreamer consider that the effect my sentiments are causing is bringing about equally adverse effects in another respect (my note 35.2 x's" ) the decision was in the hands of the lover the reply was (my note 3 to 2) it has been determined that things should happen thus the sole remaining survivor of a genetic line of those countries of the central powers in world war 1 priority goes to those closest to the end of child-bearing differentials 1: length of time as combatants 2: per million of the current population" country a: one hundred survivors country b: ninety survivors country c: eighty survivors country d: seventy survivors country e: sixty survivors rotation period 1: country a: ten, country b: nine" etc. notes 2 my ref (poster 1) notes 3 it is unlikely in the extreme that even the most vindictive of the devolving of the british oligarchs would sanction the murder of these women (note, russian oligarchs) if things are as it is believed they are there are contingincies in place for punitive action notes 4 see also the "art of pleasure" from a dream on the 17052018 and scheduled for publication on the 27102018 notes 5 it should be clear by now that the subtlest and most profound communications coming from the lover come through in dream-time notes 6 are you still insisting on doing things your way ? addenda: vividness: 3.5 the category of the dream - kissing dream (35 ?) participant 21102018 - 454 the name of the dreams: the chess-player playing a game of chess on an electronic gizmo the gizmo had switches in line with the squares of the screen-board which enabled the player to change the postion of the piece forward or backwards pushing the switch forward moved the piece forward and pulling the switch backwards brought the piece back; the switch probably had a left/right move capability but the dream was centred on a single forward move a forward move which the dreamer couldn't make because, again in a dream, physically moving something with the fingers was frustratingly impossible the more mental effort that was put into moving the switch the greater the frustration became the dream ended with a mounting sense of frustration notes 1 there has got to be a reason why this particular problem, not being able to cause an effect in a dream via finger movement, keeps recurring it is currently thought that it is because the dream is in dream-time and the determination to move something in a dream, although enacted in dream-time, is coming through an awake-time command/impulse the difficulty is one of evolution we have yet to master the art of being able to use our awake-time abilities to complete a dream and, even more radically, will only be able to do so when we are able to affect an awake-time event through the dream-time conscious ! there are indications that such abilities will be active within a few million years addenda: vividness: 3.6 the category of the dream - chess game (2 ?) electronic (1) participant 15102018 - 453 the name of the dreams: riches, poverty and a little boy who found a friend 1st dream had just been presented with a cluster of silver items encrusted with gems the dreamer had to cup my hands together to hold them all at the same time was still taking in what it would mean to my lifestyle when a smiling face held out another handful of assorted silver jewellery for the dreamer to take and before the dreamer could appraise those someone else had entered the dream and was bringing even more items 2nd dream this dream sequence was set in russia two or three houses of the meagrest design with two or three impoverishedly-dressed people standing in the foreground they were the picture of dejection they were oriented to the fact that things weren't going to get better the dreamer couldn't help but feel sorry for them 3rd dream in a building that looked like a mall but was almost deserted a boy of seven or eight was standing on his own looking for someone or something he was obviously unsure of his surroundings; the environment he was in was just too big for him to grasp he saw the dreamer as the dreamer was moving closer to him and his demeanour took on a resigned characteristic he had no choice but to surrender to whatever reality it was the dreamer would present to him the dreamer spoke as to him as the dreamer would to my own son and within a few exchanges of sentences he knew he was safe the dreamer suggested he go to the cafeteria about thirty metres away and ask someone there the dream ended as he was walking away with a gait of confidence notes 1 this dream encompassed extremes and a constructive ending; a well-balanced set of dreams and the reason for entering it into the diary addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.8 the category of dream: a mixed-theme dream (50 ?) participant for first and third dream and observer for the second dream 12102018 - 452 the name of the dream: the high jump was looking at a screen (it might have been a t.v. or a computer or a phone) the scene was of a typically-tall high jumper, thin but with the muscles of a body-builder, a wedge-shaped torso and wearing a skin-tight leotard; he also had long hair he was standing at about fifteen metres from the bar at an angle of about three to five degrees from the centre of the bar the field of vision was from about three metres behind the bar and took in the run-up area but none of the stadium or other competitors, if it was at a stadium or a competition a voice said "a new world record" the athlete sprinted for seven or eight metres, slowed his sprint almost to a halt by stubbing one of his feet and then picked up his speed and was still speeding up as he planted his foot for the jump he was square-on to the right-hand side of the bar as he started to rise the stand out part of the dream was the way every part of his body seemed to roll over the bar as he rose and the way his body slithered like snaked down the other side one way a person could keep that close to a bar without disturbing it was if the leotard had heat-conductive properties and the bar was cold the skin could feel the coldness of the bar in the same way we can feel the coldness coming from of a lump of ice as we reach out to touch it the dreamer woke up to hear myself saying "that's some jump" addenda: vividness: 3.4 - the category of the dream - athletics () high jump (1) observer 07102018 - 451 in the early evening, upon waking from the second sleep of the day, as the transition between sleep-time and awake-time was occurring the dreamer felt a presence in the dream which left the scene of the dream and accompanied the dreamer into awake time distinquishing between the two different states of consciousness, and, specifically which state of consciouness the presence belonged to, wasn't possible a sense of total relaxation and calm filled a second or two at the end of the dream and persisted as a diminishing sensation for ten or twelve seconds into awake-time it was such a deep and pervading sense of relaxation the dreamer was able to wallow in the sensation for half an hour feeling the same presence in dream-time and through into awake-time is a new experience that a person's presence can stradle both states of consciousness is intriguing to say the least this is the second time it has happened in recent days and it is why it is being noted obviously there was no one in the bedroom there are at least two possible explanations 07102018 - 450 the name of the dreams: my hole in the ground and generosity was living rough, the dreamer mean really rough it was a hole in the ground about the width and length of a double bed; not even high enough to stand up was lying on my back trying to get to sleep there was a hole about half the diameter of my head wide and about half a metre deep directly above my head through which the dreamer could see the dark night sky the hole in the ground was also the local hot spot for the insects who were coming through the hole above my head in ever-increasing numbers a stone about a third of the size of a coconut was my insect-repellant but the insects were coming in faster than the dreamer could kill them the theme of the dream changed and now the dreamer had just given two men who were down and out of luck a few hundred pounds the girl who the dreamer was with wasn't too pleased about it as it meant our plans for an extravagantly good time out had just changed the dreamer felt good about being overly-generous to the two men though and there was still enough money left for us to have an enjoyable time ourselves the dream ended notes 1 the first dream was caused by eating an extremely sugary lemon meringue cake just before going to sleep the second dream was the physiology having recovered from the excess of sugar and producing a normal dream for the first dream vivdiness 3.4 participant the category of the dream - food-influenced dream () sugar () insects 04102018 - 449 the name of the dream: bananas in syrup this dream was set in canada there was a sombre air to the dream to begin with as it was expected that the dreamer would want to set a serious tone to his visit there were important issues to be dealt with but the moment was hijacked by the need to be appreciative of life and enrich it with music a castanet and/or a very soft brushing of a cymbal set the tempo the dreamer began softly repeating a three-word mantra in synchronisation with the rythymn the people in the dream picked up on what the dreamer was doing and began to improvise within a few scenes the song had become a rousing subtlety and longer it went on the more it lifted the soul the feelings it produced would influence the decisions when working on the serious issues the song was still building to its peak when the theme of the dream changed to a man driving a mobility scooter he was deliriously happy so much so it lifted the heart and produced more feelings for an appreciation of life but without the connotation of beauty the song contained notes 1 the thoughts and feelings and sights and sounds during the day which produced the scenes for this dream are clearly remembered and it's quite possible that the order of the scenes in the dream follow the same order of the thoughts, feelings, sights and sounds as they occured during the day notes 2 the melody and a description of the structure of the song is being witheld the dreamer is going to try and reconstruct the song in the dream in awake-time addenda: vividness: 3.7 participant the category of the dream - music () canada (1) 27092018 - 448 the name of the dream: the magical music ball at the computer the screen showed a music sheet with seven or eight notes along with it below the line of music, there were three balls and each ball had about thirty facets the facets were hexagon-shaped, alomost, but not quite, like the pattern on footballs one of the balls was twice as big as the other two and it was this ball which caught the attention four or five of the facets were a glossy black and the rest were shades of light-orange when a new note was added to the line it sounded and at the same time the balls reacted to the note by changing the colour of one of the facets which affected, to a lesser degree, two or three of the surrounding facets if the melody of the composition was enhanced when a new note was added the principal black facet of the biggest ball was affected and its a shade of shiny black took on a clearer, crispier shade of black the other facets of the ball responded as well but much less perceptibly the two other balls changed similarly notes 1 the dreamer think the idea of the programme was to turn the black facets into other colours the quality of music can be considered to be a purely subjective experience however, the writer's experience with music and the commonly-shared response to certain melodies tells a different story" there is an objective beauty/appeal in music notes 2 one of the distinctive characteristic's of mammal man-shaped beings, along with hair and breasts, is our feel for and love of music music is our baby may explain why this so another time dinosaur man-shaped beings "baby" is colour addenda: vividness: 3.8/9 participant the category of the dream - music () composition () computer ()the name of the dream 23092018 - 447 the name of the dream: the academy was going through the induction process of an academy the first thing we were given were short easy-to-remember names, mine was up/down there were a dozen or more males in a queue receiving cardboard-wrapped electronic instruments the two or three people before the dreamer had been given electronic devices which all seemed to be video/audio equipment the objects varied in size and shape and they defined the specific type of work we would be doing the device that was placed on the counter for the dreamer was more than twice as big as any of the other instruments from the bits of it that were visible it was obviously sophisticated and the dreamer could tell from the way it was placed on the counter it was heavy the dreamer said to the guy behind the counter "trust the dreamer to get the heavy one" and he said "you've got an important job to do" after taking it off the counter and walking for a few steps it began slipping from my grip there was a feeling of panick for a moment realising that if it dropped to the floor the dreamer would have completely blown my "cred" the counter was just inside the door of a brightly lit cafeteria-style mess hall with a eight or so tables and each table could seat between six and ten persons the girls had already been allocated their devices and there were two women sitting at the table where the dreamer had to sit the girls were dressed in dark-blue skirts and jackets, a white blouse and air stewardesses-style cap/hats, the men were wearing dark-blue trousers and white shirts immediately after sitting down there was an air of animosity eminating from the women the dreamer knew what the problem was" notes 1 ladies, the dreamer am pissed off do you think that life got to where it is by sneaking around ? do you think that life pick and chooses who it wants and doesn't want to spend eternity with ? love/life has the most embrasive, magmanimous nature imaginable when love/life realised it had achieved an endless and unimaginably desirable state it's one and only desire was to share it moving forward to this undulation" the writer stood on a street corner on the same day of the week for two years handing out flyers conveying what love/life had achieved every saturday for most of those two years the dreamer kept on thinking that this saturday would be the saturday when a woman who understood what was happening and realised the signifiicance of what was happening would present herself and help the dreamer to get the word out to others the dreamer could have accomodated thousands of women over the last quarter of a century if only you had the courage of your convictions but look what happened without exception every one of you went into secretive or coveteous or clique/group mode if there's one thing that turns love/life off it's the mentality that a qualitative, eternal life, is something that is for "special" people all are called, none are chosen it's not the dreamer who's not cooperating, it's you addenda: vividness: 3.9 participant category of dream: ? 21092018 -446 the name of the dreams - flying on my feet and flying in a helicopter the dream began in a building that had about five storeys the dreamer was on the roof and began to make my way to the ground there were two flights of stairs between each floor and the stairs had thirty or so steps the steps were narrow enough to grip the handrails on each side of the stairs the handrails were made of a smooth wood after descending down one or two flights of stairs it was realised that by pulling the bottom of the sleeves of the top the dreamer was wearing down and covering my palms it was possible to slide down the stairs and further it was possible to regulate the speed of the slide by adjusting how much of the palm was covered by the sleeve heads were turning as my speedy self seemed to others to be flying down the stairs and by the time the dreamer had reached the ground floor, which turned out to be the concourse of an airport, the dreamer had developed the knack of transferring the momentum of the slide to the soles of my feet and could slide in a straight line and in a curve for a few metres after coming off a flight of stairs in the final scene of this part of the dream, which was one of the two stand-out parts of all the sequences of the dreams in this sleep, using the momentum gained by the hand-slide it was possible to give the illusion, to people who hadn't seen the hand-slide down the stairs, that the dreamer was floating by merely pointing my feet one way or the other a great little dream another theme of a dream in this sleep was to do with a helicopter a helicopter was up for sale at a price which the dreamer could afford after paying for it the dreamer could fly it away, which the dreamer did the helicopter was surprisingly easy to fly and there was a long sequence in which the dreamer put the chopper through its paces in terms of manoeuvrability and speed and quickly satisfied my desire to fly a helicopter there were then a few scenes where the dreamer was sitting in the helicopter on the ground with the instrument and cockpit lights turned on notes 1 this dream came from thoughts and feelings during the day specifically, a loose and light feeling in the legs which enabled the most comfortable and natural walk for more than twenty years which bolstered the belief that there is a happy ending for all of us there was an x sequence dream in this sleep but have left out the details wishing to present the other dreams as "boys own" dreams also, it should be recognised that the leap in the improvement of walking has come about as a result of applying the suggestion which occurred in the dream of 30062019 when you hear the expression "just a dream" you may be being deliberately misled by those who are attempting to subvert the newly gained knowledge coming through in dreams and dreams theory addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.8 participant category of dreams stairs dream; body movement () stairs (1) helicopter dream flying () helicopter () 14092018 - 445 the name of the dream: an appreciation of life was visiting relatives it was a balmy day, when the temperature of the skin and the temperature of the air were the same took a baby out of the house, went to the bottom of the garden and had just laid the baby on the ground near a person-high privet hedge the boy-baby was about ten months old and was dressed in a grey jumpsuit both of us were lying down; the dreamer was lying on my left side and the baby was on his back the dreamer reached over his body and put my right hand under his back so now he was slightly on his side and began smoothing his back with long, slow, strokes he was looking at the dreamer in an appreciative way the dreamer began talking to him after a sentence or two the tone of my voice stirred emotions in him and his look showed it contained admiration the dreamer continued talking" "if these moments was the final moments of our lives we would have experienced life to the full. life can do this. it can produce times when there is nought else which can be added. this now is our past and our future. we have fulfilled life's destiny" notes 1 this dream came from two different experiences during the day the first was the sense of accompishment after composing a dance track made up of the parts of half a dozen different songs and the second was the thoughts and feelings which came about while watching and thinking about a programme which portrayed the effects of the asteroid, which brought about the demise of the dinosaurs, for the twenty-four hours following its impact notes 2 it was originally thought that the asteroid which ended the reign of the dinosaur class of beings was an attempt by devolving beings to destroy the world it is now thought that it was evolving dinosaur man-shaped beings who could guage precisely how to end the reign of the dinosaurs without killing the species of mammal which would give rise to us the thought that evolving beings would cause such wide-scale destruction to life was resisted for more than twenty years we, mammal man-shaped beings, will have to make a similar decision do we assume that the ten-thousand species of mammals will become extinct naturally which allow the next class of man-shaped to emerge within a relatively short time or will we find that the natural demise of mammals will not happen for thousands of millions of years and have to inerfere with a natural order ? addenda: vividness: 3.7/8 participant the category of the dream - babies () 09092018 - 444 the first dream the name of the dream: the giant computer printer it is a society in which, when a person's words are thought to be of value, they are given a computer and printer which prints out what they write the paper that flows from the computer is ridiculously big; about the size of a broadsheet newspaper and each sentence is spaced a metre from the previous one the sheet of paper went from the back of the computer, ran along a conveyor belt and when it is about four metres long the person writing is expected to tear it off at the far end with a deft flick of the hand the dreamer was new to the machine and a man was instructing the dreamer on what buttons did what my problem was the dreamer couldn't flick the paper and make it tear cleanly or tear off at all the instructor advised me, or it occurred to me, to use my left hand the dreamer did and the paper tore off cleanly and the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - computer () printer (2) second dream the name of the dream: my girlfriend's willy it was the first day out of the hospital for my girlfriend she had just had a sex change and was keen to see what she's looked like compared to mine in the next scene, we are standing over the bowl in a toilet cubicle making out we were two males having a pee neither of us passed any water but she was delighted to see they looked the same in both colour and size in the next scene, we are still standing but hers wasn't visible although her pubic hairs were and she was emanating an air of demureness that was enough to arouse the dreamer and the dreamer moved in front of her, put my hands around her back and cupped her soft, sensuous buttocks and pulled her into contact with me addenda: vividness: 3.4/5 participant - the category of the dream - x dream () sex change (1) notes 1 there's a nobel prize in psychology ready to be awarded to the person who can make fruedian-sense of this dream notes 2 am assigning both of these dreams to the present of a long-gone past Undulation notes 3 about one-in-ten dreams that are remembered aren't being entered 05092015 - 443 the name of the dream: warmth in the winter this dream took the dreamer back to days as a youngster when the cold of the winter wasn't noticed due to the body's ability to generate the heat it needed to function there were four of us, two girls and two boys we were on foot and we were going from somewhere to somewhere else it was winter and hard snow and ridges of ice had fromed on the road we were walking along the road was a country road which was empty of traffic it was either christmas day or new years day the first scene and the stand-out scene of the dream, was of the four of us walking abreast we all had thick overcoats on three of us we wearing dark blue coats and one person had a grey coloured coat we were in holiday mood and for some reason the dreamer was in a sky-high mood and was feeling over the moon addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - winter females and males () christmas/new year () snow and ice (1) 03092015 - 442 the name of the dream: the man on stilts a one-scene dream a man on stilts walked in an area with quite a few people in it my first impression was that he was a showman he had the broadest smile a face was capable of forming as the dreamer was watching him the dreamer realised he wasn't wearing the smile of a deliriously happy person but his smile was that a comple and utter nutter and that he wasn't on stilts but had a deformed body with legs twice as long as his body like the being at the 2 minute mark of This video addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - odd-shaped man-shped beings (1) 02092015 - 441 the name of the dream: the prison visit for the first time in a dream about prison the dreamer am a visitor and not an inmate the person who was the inmate was an awake-time acquaintence from twenty-five years ago he was on a serious charge but he wasn't guilty of it the stand-out part of the dream was when he was talking about why he was being framed for the crime and the dreamer was convinced he hadn't done it (don't know what crime it was he had been charged with) and the dreamer was the only person who could help him get released notes 1 the Pde's of this dream are clearly remembered if there's any justice in the world the people behind this person's incaceration will be brought to book addenda: vividness: 3.5 to 3.6 participant the category of the dream - prison () closed () visitor (1) 01092018 - 440 the name of the dream: what not to eat before going to sleep in the centre of a city was on a push-bike that had a home-made trailer fixed to it on the trailer was most of all of my worldly possessions was on my way to do a disco had just got to the top of a slight incline that curved to the left and was picking up speed when something caused the bike to stop and threw the dreamer off the bike wasn't hurt but whatever it was that caused the bike to stop wasn't obvious put the bike in a recess by the side of a building and went to the point on the road where the bike stopped there wasn't anything which looked to be the cause" no hole in the ground, no bump in the road, nothing the dreamer stooped down and checked the lie of the road for an unevenness, again nothing something had caused it and the dreamer stooped down again and double-checked for any sign of anything it was a mystery, the dreamer was perplexed had a job to do and would have to try and figure it out later and so went back to where the bike was the bike wasn't there, it had been nicked it was a complete disaster everything of importance was on the trailer" music equipment, video equipment, computer and storage devices, phone" there wasn't anyone in sight the dreamer had been robbed, but good woke out of the dream feeling thoroughly depressed notes 1 for a half-hour after waking the thought the dreamer why the dreamer had dreamt the dream was on my mind checked the pde's and attributed the dream to a decision to put money before principles on a certain matter settled on that as being the reason; there wasn't anything else that came to mind the only other thing that could bring about a feeling of depression like that was food and the dreamer had only eaten" then it dawned on me a two-sausage sandwich, pork sausages, twenty minutes before going to sleep was the culprit it was the first time the dreamer had eaten pork sausages before going to bed for years there's definitely something about pork which is incompatible with our physiology have still got about forty pork sausages in the deep freezer they are going to be used as a breakfast item for here on in the physio/mental effects will have less of a detrimental effect in the morning have whittled down chicken meat to once a month or less, pork is getting the boot eventually addenda: vividness: 3.3/4 participant the category of the dream - food-influenced dream () meat () pork sausages (1) 28082018 - 439 the name of the dream: applications was using a spreadsheet to amend information there were between one hundred and two hundred vertical columns visible in the spreadsheet in the dream by expanding the information in a dreams spreadsheet, and this is probably true for any type of spreadsheet, accessing specifics became a doddle by simply inserting a column in between or before another column with the new reference or references in the dream it was locations and running the spreadsheet had between twelve and twenty lateral columns of categories between the date and the dream-time length of the dream it became necessary to add a one-character reference to the coumns of categories which gave the distance in kilometres there was a feeling of accopmpishment in the dream when the spreadsheet had been expanded and the new column made referencing a specific dream that much easier notes 1 not sure how to make a spreadsheet available for a visitor wanting to sift through or find information in the dreams diary via a spreadsheet this dream makes a dreams spreadsheet a compelling neccessity for both author and reader it will materialise sooner or later notes 2 this dream is the balancing of personal and shared information during the day came across a tutorial which explained how to synchronise songs with different tempos had been trying to find out how to do it for years the discovery of the information, via a youtube tutorial, has given the dreamer enormous scope for mixing and composing tracks this dream is love/life balancing personal and shared acheivements addenda: vividness: 3.7 partcipant/observerver ? the category of the dream - informative () sharing () 24082018 - 438 the name of the dream: four in a bed arranged (paid) for three young ladies to have an afternoon sex romp two of the girls were awake-time acquaintances from the recent and not so recent past who had been sexual partners in awake-time and the third was an awake-time friend of one of the others was in bed and undressed first and asked the girls to join me in the next scene, the girls were in the bed and on the right of the dreamer but weren't undressed pulled a blanket or sheet over us and began undressing the girl next to the dreamer (this is the fourth x dream with this young lady and she is officially in an episode dream) don't know if it's the same with all men but the dreamer get sexual arousal from undressing my partner in the next scene, the two of us are naked and the dreamer am on top of her and resting on my elbows we never touched each other's genitalia and the dreamer was reaching readiness by gently rubbing my crotch against hers it took a bit longer than usual to attain conjoinment and the dreamer when the dreamer had the dreamer said playfully "aah, there you are" there were two or three scenes of wonderfully sensuous kissing while conjoined (the stand-out part of the dream with a addenda: vividness: rating of 3.7/8) this dream was great and with another two ladies waiting it was going to get better in the next scene, the dream went to pot two or three males, they may have been co-tenants but they certainly weren't friends at that moment, were in the dream at the far end of the room and were making remarks they had enough respect for the dreamer not to come too near the bed but the only way to keep everyone happy was to suggest to the other two girls that they take one of the other men as partners the dream ended before the suggestion was made notes 1 the second serial dream both serial dreams are of women can't think of a better theme for repeatedness addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.7/8 participant the category of the dreams: x dream () three females () and episode x dream: (1) (c) 22082018 - 437 the name of the dream: the man with x-ray eyes didn't remember the first scene or two of this dream which showed the whole room and the total number of people in it was at a table with five or six women playing a game of strip-jack naked some of the women had no clothes left to forfeit and the dreamer wanted to get the girls who still had panties on to lose them a bit of dream-magic came into the dream which allowed the dreamer to see through the table and see who still had panties on there were five or six six scenes of the girls crotches and it turned out that only one player still had hers notes 1 this was close to being a montage perhaps this is a new category of montage which bridges to a greater degree the awake and dream-time consciousnessess notes 2 it is also possible that the dreamer am an observer in this dream/montage which in turn poses the question whose memory is it ? the question opens speculation as to the nature of you-know-who x-ray vision is well within the scope of, on this occasion the lover is a male, his abilities attempting to nail down his character is a hopeles task and those who try to will have made the mistake of assigning one characteristic to a being with endless characterstics it can be confidently stated that the simplest broad-brush assignation to apply to her/him is that she/he can only bring an increase of the quality and quantity into being the writer has no of memory's of straight-line action to pass on to you mix overwhelming freedom with playfulness and you'll be on the right track notes 3 the third dream in a row which has a high addenda: vividness: rating (more than likely it will happen) how time drags when waiting for something good to happen addenda: vividness: 3.7/8 participant/observer ? the category of the dream - dream-montage (1) female genitalia (1) 21082018 - 436 the name of the dream: mr pinky the first theme and the two, three or four scenes of this dream were about a neighbour the neighbour was immobile and over the past few years it had been a challenge to persuade, cajole, encourage, berate" him into regaining his mobility in this dream the dreamer had managed to infuse in him a renewed determination to get on his feet and the last scene of this dream-theme was the feeling of gratification as he got to his feet and was moving about enthusiastically with the aid of a push-wheelie the theme of the dream changed and the image was that of a face on an object the shape and size of a half-radius mantle-clock the clock and the face was the same colour, a striking pink the face became animated and began talking to me it asked the dreamer to consider my own experiences of life and appraise/evaluate my wrong-doings then, incomprehensively, its face became still, unhinged iteslf and receded into the back of the clock and was replaced by a face which slid into the place where the previous face had been and it became a fully animated in its facial expressions and eye and mouth movements it was a little unsettling to realise it was a being which could take any form it wanted but the dreamer was more intriqued than anything else the were no inflexions in its voice everything it said was said in a matter-of-fact way then, a second presence made itself known in the dream as the voice was asking the dreamer to consider all of my actions a scene of a man who looked really happy about something was occuring to the left while looking at the scene of the happy man the voice said, "a self-confessed murderer" was the dreamer supposed to make a connection between the actions of a self-confessed murderer and my own actions ? it's certainly true that i've done a few shitty things that are wrong, but murder ! the dreamer am, and always will be clean a thought or feeling occured to the dreamer and without moving my head my look darted to where the face was it (a he the dreamer think) was scrutinising me the dreamer was becoming suspicious of the motives of the face notes the addenda: vividness: of this dream indicates this will happen there are many adjustments we have to incorporate into our thoughts about the future becoming linear in form is difficult enough to come to terms with but the idea of a being that can be the shape of a pink, half-radius mantle-clock ranks as on of the most bizarre forms of reality imaginable the writer couldn't have thought of it, it could only occur in a dream addenda: vividness: 3.9 to 4.1 participant the category of the dream - fore-warning ? (1) 20082018 435 the name of the dream: doughnuts, vaping, crazy stairs and a portable organ the first part of the dream was set in exeter can remember the details of the narrow streets had a five-octave portable organ in a black bag that had straps which enabled it to be carried by hand or over the shoulder the with the dreamer and it was causing all sorts of problems the organ was just too big to be carrying around in a small town centre which was jam-packed had to dodge people while walking and turn it sideways every few steps to avoid knocking into someone there were a couple of times in the dream when the dreamer wondered why it was the dreamer was carting it around had a craving for jam doughnuts and there were three or four scenes of different shops bought three or four doughnuts in one shop the woman at the counter was friendly and handed the dreamer a white paper bag with the doughnuts in them and they were polished them off in record time the taste of the warm jam and sugar was on of the many stand-out features of this unsually vivid dream but still the craving for more was asserting itself not wanting to reveal my weakness for sugary things bought the next bag at another shop and they satisfied the craving it was a couple of scenes before it was realised the dreamer had not got the organ with the dreamer anymore and it would mean retracing all the previous scenes of the dream to find it the theme of the dream changed and the dreamer was on concrete stairs with iron railings couldn't get my body to turn the tight corners of the stairs and got stuck a six-foot four awake-time buddy of thirty years ago appeared in the dream and showed the dreamer how to contort my body around the corners of the stairs the follow-on scene of this dream was the apartment at the top of the stairs it was a large room with eight of us in it can remember taking in the layout of the room and the people and how spacious it was and feeling envious that the dreamer didn't have accomodation like this which could seat about twenty people in comfort four people were sitting on a sofa and chairs about five metres away and four of us were sitting at a table to my left was a petite girl of about twenty she had porcelein-coloured skin and looked like a doll she was wearing a tight fitting, loose-knited white cardigan she was determined to engage the dreamer in conversation and got my attention when she showed the dreamer an e-ciggie shaould had bought that very day there was a bit of conversation about the merits of vaping and then the dream started to become externalised "when the dreamer first bought one there was the decision of whether to get a twelve-strength vape or a three-strength. (the dream became fully externalised during the next sentence) the dreamer tried a six-strength tobacco flavoured liquid but it was too harsh and the dreamer settled for a fruit-flavoured one, it was rasberry the dreamer think." awoke to the sound of my own voice, again addenda: vividness: 3.4 to 3.8 participant the category of the dream - multi-themed dream (25 ?) food () sugar (2 ? ) 12082018 - 434 the name of the dream: inhuman was explaining to an awake-time acquaintance how easy it is to degenerate within a lifetime the man in the dream said it wasn't possible that he would do something wrong for any reason" my point was that it happens little by little my view was it was possible to go from having unlimited courses of action to increasingly restrictive ones the thrust of the reasoning was" once a person associates with people who have accepted into their thinking or lifestyle uninhibited activities a person can be influenced by that person the dreamer was trying to present the circumstances through which a normal person can be persuaded into justifying doing things they wouldn't normally do for instance, a woman or a man who has the responsibility of a family cannot consider the idea of giving up their duties to the family and letting them fend for themselves it is more likely that a woman or a man who works to keep their family will say and do things in the course of their work which will ensure they can continue to work and keep their family even if it occasionally means misrepresenting the goods or services they represent the conversation in this dream was due to the dreamer saying that a stage of devolution is a cannibalism addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - cannibalism () conversation (1) 12082018 - 433 the name of the dream: the easter parade was one of about twenty-four thirty and forty years old's at a regular meeting place where we hoped to meet the boy or girl of our dreams it was part of the routine that at the start of the evening we would separate into our genders, twelve in one corner of the room and twelve in the other one at a time, we would walk into the centre of the room and with as much style as we could muster turn completely around, in the same way, fashion models do on a catwalk, and then give a three, four or five sentence presentation of ourselves when we had all presnted ourselves we would go into the lounge area and socialise when it was my turn, on the spur of the moment, the dreamer decided to do some completely out of the ordinary and not do a poised walk and give polished mini-speech but instead took three or four quick steps to get the momentum do a running head flip/spring it was something the dreamer could do as a teenager and do it on the pavement to boot, it should be added, so doing it on carpet shouldn't be a problem the run-in steps were a bit too strong and the dreamer nearly lost my balance when landing on my feet but the dreamer knew the effect had been achieved when the dreamer heard a few ooh's then, finished it off with "my name is john. let's go, babe" in the next scene, the dreamer am rifling through the bottom drawer of a metal filing cabinet looking for the file with my particulars in it at first glance, it looked like there were more than a dozen stiff, brown paper folders but after lifting three of them out there was a box the size of a folder and half a metre deep with about thirty chocolate easter eggs all the same size and wrapped in different coloured crinkly foil addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream - female relationships () easter () 10082018 - 432 the name of the dreams in this dream the dreamer am waiting for a lady friend there is an elderly gentleman in the dream and we are in an upstairs room it was daytime and the dreamer was arranging the room ready for her the first thing was the bed, it needed to be neat and clean the elderly gent was in the room and the dreamer was going to give him a tenner for answering the door and telling when the girl the dreamer was upstairs when she arrived the dreamer wanted to be in bed ready the dreamer told him what was going on and he as quite intriqued with it there were two beds in the room, a single and a double originally the single bed was going to be the bed we would be in but then it seemed a better idea to use the double bed next to the window the dreamer drew the front curtains first but it was still too bright so the dreamer closed the curtains at the back of the bedroom when the dreamer turned around the elderly gent was lying down on the single bed he was talkative and alluded to being in the room when the girl was in the room the dreamer was thinking it would be better to drop the keys to her from the upstairs window and was about to give the elderly gent the money and tell the him to go when the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.3/4 participant the category of the dream - pre-date activity () bedroom (1) 10082018 - 431 the name of the dreams: christmas merriment and new year's eve christmas merriment with the exception of the last scene, all of the scenes in this dream had lots of people in them in one scene, the skin of my face crumbled off when the dreamer rubbed it and the skin underneath felt ultra smooth which made the dreamer feel young again in another scene, my laughter was so intense the dreamer had to bend down and rest my weight on my right hand to stop myself from falling over in another scene, the person with the dreamer was walking five or seven metres ahead, not because he was embarrassed that heads were turning because the dreamer was laughing but because my laughter was affecting my ability to walk and he had to be somewhere and the dreamer was making him late in another scene in a shop, someone introduced the dreamer to a well-dressed man who took himself seriously the dreamer was in no mood to be serious and as the dreamer got within hand-shaking distance of him the dreamer done a pirouette on my right foot, lifted my left arm, folded it across my face and stooped down so he had to lean down to reach my hand to shake it in another scene, the dreamer was making with the one-liners as the dreamer was handing out lots of two-folded sheet that presented ideas, serious and humorous, through christmas-themes wasn't laughing in the above scene but was in a sky-high mood in the last scene, billy connolly, looking distinguished in a two-tone dark brown outfit that matched the tone of his skin, walked into the room the dreamer was in and had a ready-to-be-merry look on his face notes 1 a crying dream and a laughing dream within a few days of each other ! both laughing and crying dreams are something of a rarity that both types of dreams should occur within a week does seem to have significance that this dream and the one below are tied in terms of differences and similarities seems coincidental except the dreamer don't believe in coincidence addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.7 participant - the category of the dream - laughing dream () christmas-time new year's eve this dream was on the eighth of this month (didn't have time to enter it on the day) it is the afternoon of the 31st everything to do with the music was set up and a quick test of the sound system produced one of the clearest sounds of any dream with music (the stand-or most vivid scene of any part of the dream) there was an air of expectation that this party was going to be especially good it was going to be held on the first floor of a pub if the capacity of the room was exceeded then people could still be part of the party in the downstairs rooms where the sounds would still be clear if all the rooms became full people could stand and sit outside, where a quick check told me, the music would still have its feel of presence people were popping in throughout the afternoon and making sure the evening's celebrations were going ahead that people were checking the event was on told the dreamer a lot of people would be coming notes 1 the quality of the sound of the music in this dream is due to the re-mixing of a song during the day before this dream when, as a result of trying different settings on the equaliser, a harmony of women's voices on a song the dreamer had listened to many times before became audible to the dreamer for the first time addenda: vividness: 3.7/8 participant the category of the dream - music () new year's eve (1) 09082018 - 430 the name of the dream: the "roller" - old enemies become friends three people came to the dreamer wanting help with something or other it meant going to the car in the next scene, there were three cars in an area that could hold four cars the three people were bowled over when the dreamer went to my car the car didn't stand out amongst the others at first glance it was only when my car was in full view that even without knowing the make of the car it was a dream car it was a dull grey-blue with one or two discreet lines of gold (the stand-out part of this dream) the front was slightly sloped, like a porsche 311, but the back had linear lines to its shape the interior was equally impressive, a brown and yellow colour-scheme it oozed class notes 1 this is the second time this car has featured in a dream (didn't make a record of the first dream) it is also the second time people who had always shown animosity in previous dreams are now friends addenda: vividness: 3.7/8 participant/observer ? the category of the dream - car () rolls royce () 08082018 - 429 the name of the dream: at the flick's the first scene shows three of us, males, having just taken our seats at the cinema the number on the tickets had us seated at the far right of the right-hand aisle about a quarter or a third of all of the seats in the cinema were occupied there wasn't anybody within ten or fifteen seats to the left of us and nobody else in any of the rows in front or behind us as would be discovered the person who allocated our seats when we bought our tickets at the ticket office had deliberately put us away from the bulk of the other cinema-goers didn't know about the others but il liked to sit at the front and at the centre of the screen it was decided we would move to the centre of the screen which would put us in amongst the bulk of the audience we found ourselves sitting next to three or four girls on the left of us a short time after the dreamer realised my right arm was pressing against the girl next to me she was wearing a short-sleeved garment and the dreamer could feel her skin (the stand-out part of the dream) it wasn't a "manoeuvre" by the dreamer and my apology to the girl for leaning into her was sincere in a gentle voice, she said "it's alright. the dreamer don't mind" the dreamer knew an invitation when the dreamer heard one and said "well, in that case" and laid my arm on her arm and clasped her hand she spoke again, "i'm with thirteen of my friends" and indicated with a movement of her head to a row of seven or eight girls sitting in front of us the dreamer was in a light sleep and woke up at this point addenda: vividness: 3.2/3 participant the category of the dream - females () cinema () 06082018 - 428 the name of the dream: a narrow outlok am in the house of a family of four, five or six otheir outlook of life has two facets, money and sex this family has no interest in art, fashion, fun, sport, politics" they are not a happy family, consumed as they are with acquisition or indulgence a possible point of friction between the eldest lad, a burly twenty-year old, and myself was easily overcome by handing him about fifteen silver coins of different values the moment he had the coins in his hand he turned and walked away from the dreamer without saying anything i, and the point of contention, no longer existed there was a scene with the lass of the family more unharmonious moments, have forgotten the details the stand-out part of the dream was the way the burly bloke instantly changed when he saw the coins the dreamer knew there wasn't more than a few pounds but until he had counted it an unkown amount could be a lot addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - money () silver coins () the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the content of the dream will occur in a future awake-time Time-Tense participant means it is something you have experienced to be an observer in a dream means it is something you have witnessed the category of the dream is for evaluation and reference 04082018 - 427 first dream the name of the dream: sorrow despite the uncompromising stance this website takes toward beings who chose not to join with love/life the recognition of the loss it produces, does, on occasions, reduce love/life to tears this dream was one such occasion once a being has chosen not to join with love/life it becomes a non-remedial circumstance the lover deals with it by placing himself in the position of experiencing the final stages of non-existence alongside those beings you and the dreamer will, now and then, find ourselves dwelling on the ramifications to both parties the emotion which accompanies the realisation of the loss to love/life was the origin of tears of sorrow of sorrow addenda: vividness: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - the mistake () second dream the name of the dream: the photographic studio the letting agent or sub-letting agent was eager to let the room and was agreeing with everything the dreamer said it was a first-floor office and the letting agent was giving the dreamer the go-ahead to drill holes in the wall and have discreet parties among other things it was obvious he needed to unload the tenancy agreement onto someone as a matter of urgency and the dreamer was his life-line he was almost breaking out in a sweat still, it suited my requirements and of course, he was absolutely certain when the dreamer asked him if it was big enough to be a photo studio he dismissed the idea of it not being big enough with a derisory gesture addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - business () photography () the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the content of the dream will occur in a future awake-time Time-Tense participant means it is something you have experienced an observer is something you have witnessed the category of the dream is for evaluation and reference 03082018 - 426 the name of the dream: blow the blow, the dreamer got the girl the dream starts in someone's living room the place looked more like a squat than rented accommodation there was a couple of lounge chairs but that was it of the half dozen or so people in the room, three were sitting on the floor and another was sitting on the arm of one of the chairs the dreamer was standing my reason for being there was to "score" some weed in the next scene, the dreamer had about an eighth of green and put "one" together it was rubbish everyone was smoking it though and there was ne'er a muttering of complaint from anyone, they actually seemed to be getting "off" on it the dreamer looked at the fella who had got it and he had a false smile on his face and we both knew it was weaker than wet straw went to the bathroom to get to the bathroom meant going through the room where people slept there were two mattresses on the floor one person was asleep and a girl who was awake got to her feet when the dreamer walked in she was wearing an above the knee dress and the hem had five or six saw-teeth cuts evenly spaced around it she stood just inches away from the dreamer and was tapping my shoulder and resting her hand here and there as she was gesticulating while talking in the next scene, we have our arms around each other and are swaying slightly as though smooching to a song the dreamer suggested we go to her place or my place but she didn't reply within seconds of dream-time, the dreamer said "we'll be more comfortable at my place" and she said "we can do it here" the circumstances weren't ideal but i'd got the girl blow the blow notes 1 the girl in this dream is fresh in the awake-time conscious she may have been in a film or is someone the dreamer met in the last few years and made an impression on me notes 2 some people do get a "high" from ultra weak grass the dreamer got about 5lbs of it from a plant i'd grown no matter how the dreamer tried to smoke it never gave the dreamer the slightest "buzz" gave it away one girl had about 2lbs of it and the next time the dreamer saw her she still had most of it and was aglow with gratitude addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.3 participant the category of the dream drugs () grass () and female () relationships () 30072018 - 425 the names of the dream/s: in prison and out of prison the first dream was in a russian prison it was a barrack-style prison with about six barracks it was my first day the dreamer took it on myself to get things organised for the entire prison, cooking, recreation, washing roster" only to find everything was already fully organised down to the finest detail the prison was didn't have any of the trimmings that went with a western-style open prison" no t.v., table-tennis, magazines, shared visiting room it did have a strong sense of history in particular, one man was a legend he had been a champion of the causes of the injustices of the past when the prison was new and the old soviet regimes imposed austerity and rigid discipline the man's legacy was a series of essays written as a diary the sentiments in the papers still set the tone for the camaraderie that prevailed in the camp/prison the worst thing a person could do was denigrate or criticise his character or writings much of the prevailing prison way of life was based on his utterances second dream was being myself in the city the dreamer was born in there was a semi-celebratory atmosphere throughout the dream there were two scenes when the dreamer bumped into an old friend from my twenties in both scenes, he was friendly and smiling in every other dream with this person in it he had shown his disappointment/disgust with the dreamer by not talking and giving the dreamer hostile looks the discord was of my making a stupid contrivance to end a long telephone conversation we were having because a person in the room with the dreamer was becoming impatient because he couldn't speak the dreamer told the person in the room with the dreamer to knock the door and excused myself from the telephone conversation to go to the door when it would have been completely acceptable to say there was someone in the room with the dreamer and the dreamer had to get back to him the person on the phone picked up on what the dreamer done in another scene, a young man deliberately bumped into the dreamer so he could speak to me in a scene in a pub, there was a paper with my name on it on the counter the slightly stained paper was the copy of the menu of a meal the dreamer had ordered so long before the dreamer couldn't remember it back in the day, it was the procedure of the pub to get the customer to sign the menu of the meal they had ordered in another scene, the dreamer visited a music shop that sold musical equipment and disco lights the coloured lights going on and off in sequence was the stand-out part of the two dreams addenda: vividness: 3.2/3 and 3.6/7 particpant the categories of the dreams prison () open () and home town () steve (5) 28072018 - 424 the names of the dreams: first impression and survival of the species first dream started a business have acquired the premises for a business but there is no office equipment, no desk, no business name, no chairs" just a bare, carpeted-office space about the size three living-rooms not even sure what the business is there is a half-radius recess in one of the walls become obsessed with putting one or a bunch of flowers in the recess and go off shopping for a vase and flower/s in the last scene of this dream the dreamer was walking through an enclosed market looking among the stalls for that perfect combination of flower/s and vase then, the first adventure dream for many a month began the world was in the grip of the latest news rising sea temperatures will cause a deadly gas trapped in rock thousands of metres underground to expand and seep through to the surface the gas is so lethal just one or two breaths will be enough to bring about the demise of a person there was then several short scenes there was a consensus that there would be large underground caverns and finding ways of finding them was the best option for survival in one scene, a chasm opens up which leads down to the bowels of the earth a small party of five or so people are needed for the daunting task of descending into the chasm with the purpose of searching for underground caverns which would be suitable for habitation at the bottom of the descent, an energetic river or lake of lava is visible and is clearly telling us death is waiting for anyone foolish enough to go near it in one action scene, a daring plan of free-falling most the way down before opening parachutes and using the hot air updraughts to get far enough below the surface was suggested and was acted on gliding down through the air was the stand-out part of the dream someone, it may have been me, was narrating the probable scenarios which would be the consequences of the changes to the eco-system and the plans we could take to survive" "some could live by eating animals and vegetables whose natural habitat was underground" was one of the suggestions "people would fare better in small groups, a dozen people would be optimum" was another "three or four families comprised of three or four people" was yet another there was a calm air of confidence that many would survive in the tone of the narration and it made people feel secure the suggestions for averting the accompanying effects which would be caused by the gas went on for a while longer and were still forming in my head for a while after waking addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.6/7 participant category of the dream, adventure dream (3) natural disaster (1) 24072018 - 423 the names of today's dreams: the ferry incident, the oriental family, the artist the opening scene was an aerial view of a vessel from about two-hundred and fifty metres the first impression was that it was a small ferry-sized ship that was dumping a container over the side the next scene was twice as close and the detail showed it was a ferry that was lisping and a vehicle was slipping off the deck and into the sea the next scene was closer again there were four or five vehicles and they were all in danger of going over the side the dream then changed and became a family of six that had just got out of a car the dreamer was describing to someone what the dreamer was seeing in the dream" (the second day running that the dream was being described as it was happening) "one of the children is chinese" then, in the next scene" "one of the parents and one of the children are chinese" and in the next scene, "both the parents are chinese and one of the children is chinese" and finally, "two of the children are not chinese" the dreamer think the dreamer was a reporter giving an account about a family of survivors from the ferry incident the next dream was in a hospital ward with three or four beds a woman was leaving or she had just come in and was showing the dreamer two of her paintings one of the pictures was a4-sized and the other was half the size the bigger of the two paintings was quite good and the dreamer asked if the dreamer could buy it the woman was pleased i'd asked her to sell it to me, took it as a compliment, and was thinking about selling it to me the smaller of the two paintings wasn't as appealing but the texture of the canvas and the brush strokes stood out (the stand-out part of all the scenes of all the dreams) the subject of both paintings was clear in the memory during the dream and for a few seconds upon waking the dreamer was looking forward to giving a lengthy description of them when typing the dream but, alas, the details faded from the memory within minutes it is thought that within a few years the "rapid-fading" of the memories of dreams after coming into awake-time will have diminished so when you read these entries they will "come alive" and will seem as real to you as you read them as they were to the dreamer when the dreamer dreamt them the addenda: vividness: of the dreams: the ferry incident 3.1 the oriental family 3.7 the artist 3.4 to 3.9 observer participant participant the category of the dreams: disaster () ships (1) families () oriental (1) painting/s () female/s (1) 23072018 - 422 the name of today's dreams: montages - dizzying displays the first dream was about alligators the four-legged monsters were albinos they exuded menace the dreamer was outraged that society allowed them to roam freely it's almost as if they were the keepers of law and order killing whoever they wanted there were one or two safe areas where their bulky bodies couldn't enter but the safe areas were only good for an emergency a bit like a matador who has to take refuge behind a shielded area when the bull has got the upper hand there were several scenes every one of them contained the threat of death the last scene was the worst two of them, side by side, had just appeared and they personified homicidal tendencies thinking about this dream when the dreamer was awake it struck the dreamer that this dream pretty well sums up the situation of the way more than just one or two societies are structured a clique of killers free to kill anyone they want and chewing up people as a matter of course was feeling more tired than usual after this dream and decided not to get out of bed and lay there letting the tiredness dissipate there was then a dream in which the dreamer had to meet a woman at a coffee bar in a mall and give her some clothes that needed altering there was one scene of a close up of her face it showed her depth of character a serious woman who knew men but had never loved one or perhaps she had loved and lost woke from this dream still feeling tired and maintained the sleeping position then the first of four different themes of montages began the first theme was of males in the nude and i'm happy to report there wasn't one which displayed male genitalia it was an exhibition or a celebration of the magnificence of the male form sculptured bodies of every shape and colour sleek without being overly muscular mostly, they were in a reposed position they were all relaxed, confident, proud" then it was the women's turn again, there wasn't any genitalia on display there was only one nude female in the entire sequence of more than twenty images the sequence was portraying the versatility of the female man-shaped being her artistic gentility her persistence, full of grace the contentment of beings who know they're on the right side of life the dreamer then lapsed back into sleep and another dream it was the woman alterationist again she was informing me the dreamer had won a million pounds a male from the company who was awarding the dreamer with the money wanted to ask the dreamer some questions he wanted to know what the dreamer was going to buy with the money the dreamer got the feeling if the dreamer didn't give him the right answers the dreamer wouldn't get the money then the woman alterationist in the dream started asking the dreamer questions she wanted to know what was running through my mind at that moment the question triggered another montage (the Oligarch's, particularly the russians, are well skilled in manipulating a person while dreaming) this time the theme of the montage was of interior designs they were all of a modern, clean-lines, mainly pastel-coloured furniture and design scheme as each new image presented itself the dreamer was describing what the dreamer was seeing to the woman as the dreamer was describing what the dreamer was seeing the dreamer could hear myself saying it in awake-time (one of the distinguishing characteristics of montages is that they happen in awake-time) the dreamer said to the woman "have you ever hypnotised anyone before ?" she didn't say anything this montage sequence was unusual for the different angles of the pictures and the zoom-in panning within the still images then the theme of the montage changed and it became shapes of almost abstract form and my narration of what the dreamer was seeing stopped there was nothing identifiable it was like a close-up photograph of the corner of a picture frame you knew it was part of something you would be able to recognise if you could only see all of it the images went on and on couldn't make heads nor tails of a single image-sequence was on the verge of halting this montage more than once what was my mind doing ? in total there must have been more than a hundred image-sequences in the four different themes the two stand-out parts of the dreams and the montages were the two white alligators at the end of the first dream and the detail and motion in the zoom-in and panning of the decor-theme montage this is the first time there have been dreams and montages within the same sleep the new things just keep on coming the addenda: vividness: of the dreams 3 to 3.6 participant and observer the category of the dreams: animal () reptile () alligator (2) and female () alterationist (1) the addenda: vividness: of the montages 2.8 to 4 observer the category of the montages: the male form (1) the female character (1) interior design (1) unidentifiable inanimate objects (1) 22072018 -421 the name of the dreams: a chance of l'amour on the dance floor three of us at a dance it was new year's eve although that wasn't apparent at the start of the dream was only familiar with one of the other two males, "the man from iran" as the dreamer used to think of him we had been dancing on our own up until the part of the dream when the man from iran mentioned we should try our luck with the ladies the iran man pointed out there were four girls sitting at a table about five metres from where our table was the dreamer suggested we walk from where we were across to the other side of the room which would take us past the four young ladies if the dreamer went ahead of him by four or five steps he could see which, if any, of the women, gave the dreamer a looking over and the dreamer would do the same for him on the way back we walked across the room and when he caught up with the dreamer he nodded a couple of times which meant that they had looked at me we were standing still at the other side of the room and the dreamer thought to ask the man nearest to the dreamer what time we would be able to catch a tax the dreamer until this was to give the impression we had walked across the room to speak to him in case the girls were still looking our way and he said something along the lines of, "not to leave it too late" we headed back to our seats and as he was walking past the four girls the dream ended notes 1 here's something i've started doing recently you may want to give it a go as well when you think of something, say a time when you went to a dance, try thinking of a time when you went to a dance in a dream it doesn't have to be a dance when you last played with some children" ate a meal" walked the dog" watched the telly it will stimulate the dream-time memory/conscious and may make remembering your dreams that much easier (add to this observation to the entry "how to remember your dreams") hope you're keeping a dreams diary it may have a use in a thousand years from now notes 2 thought about dancing and the man from iran during the day addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream dancing () accompanied male (1) 22072018 - 420 the name of the dreams: an abduction and the standing high jump two of us are on our way to see someone we are walking on the left-hand side of the road moving away from the point of view in the dream about ten metres from the house a dark coloured ten-cwt bedford van comes to a sudden stop the back doors get flung open and two men jump out and grab the person to the right of me one of the abductees said something cynical as they roughly but efficiently bundled my companion in the van 2nd dream there was a small crowd of all males in the ablutions of a senior school or barracks a competition to see who could set a new record for the highest standing high jump was in progress there was a silver pole that went from the floor to the ceiling shaving foam was squirted on to the top half-metre of the pole the person who went before the dreamer generated a round of approval with a jump that was about the two-hands length from the ceiling it was a good jump but the dreamer felt sure he could beat it bent my knees and breathed in and out hard two or three times and sprang up my upward movement was halted when the thick link-metal strap of the watch on my right-wrist caught the side of a sink "my watch got in the way," the dreamer said was looking down and positioning my feet ready for the next attempt when the dream came to an end notes 1 there was nothing in the Pde's which points to the cause of either of these dreams dreams which don't have their origin within a day or two before the dream are being viewed thus" pre-Transmutation experiences are attached to the reality of the Universe the universe is finite the universe is a mechanical monster indifferent and without quality the number of different realities which can happen is finite (see Poincares Recurrence Theorem) all of the different realities of the universe have been experienced (see Terrible Love) there is only one optimum way to attain transmutation approximating that optimum route, to within the accuracy allowed within the Principle of indeterminacy, means assembling the atoms, elements, compounds, molecules, dna etc. to be in the right place at the right time for the duration of time needed to attain transmutation (a minimum of five-thousand million years) the right place and the right time is reflected in dreams (see Precognitive Dreams) optimally, the dream should be desirable for all characters in the dream and the dream should happen in awake-time upon waking this suggests that awake-time and dream-time should be of equal length it also indicates there is a gradual shift towards dream-time taking place abduction addenda: vividness:: 3.2 participant/observer ? the category of the dream - abduction () male () pole-jump addenda: vividness: 3.4 participant the category of the dream - competition males () standing jump (1) 21072018 - 419 the name of the dream: a no.2 - call of nature was having an argument or was being forceful in making a point to someone when a dire call of nature made the dreamer run like mad for home within a dozen or so strides the dreamer let out an "oh" and my bowels took charge and let go of the unwanted matter upon waking the dreamer felt myself thinking the dreamer had done a no.2 in my sleep the dreamer hadn't but within a minute the need to go to the toilet was dire, as it had been in the dream notes 1 this is the second dream where the dreamer soiled myself in a dream the first time though there wasn't the need to go to the toilet upon waking notes 2 the dream conscious is obviously connected to the awake-time conscious can't remember ever having to go to the toilet as a matter of urgency in awake-time and dreaming about the experience that night it's still early day's in dreams theory but have the feeling that it's safe to say the dream-conscious precedes the awake-conscious postulate 3 the experiences of the day are assimilated and ordered by the dream-conscious before being passed to the awake-time conscious (precognitive dreams) add postulate 3 to dreams start page addenda: vividness: 3.1 - participant the category of the dream - a call of nature no.2 (1) 20072018 - 418 montage a new type of montage (Mixed-Theme montage) approximately eighteen images most of which lasted one second or longer all of the pictures with the exception of one image had faded from the memory before the entry was written the one which is clearly remembered is of an exceptionally healthy-looking, shapely body with a slight tan notes 1 montages occur in Awake-Time conscious to date all montage sequences are observer only addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4.2 observer the category of the type of montage: mixed-theme montage (1) history 1990 the first time it happened it wasn't a fleeting image but a prolonged image of the bedroom it was quite startling to see something that clearly with the eyes closed, almost as real as an awake-time image it unnerved the dreamer for a few seconds it happened three or four times within a week or two sometimes there would be more shelves in the bedroom than there actually were or the room would be slightly longer or wider but it was unmistakably the bedroom it wasn't realised at the time but it is now believed that this is a dormant ability which became activated along with other abilities following the Quantum Shock 19072018 - 417 the name of the dream: running late had to make a train journey and arranged to meet and talk to as many different groups of people as possible on the way the people would be in groups of three to five and would be in spread along all the carriages of the train managed to join the train at the second stop not everyone knew what the dreamer looked like and as the dreamer went to my seat and passed people they were looking and talking in a dejected mood they assumed the dreamer had been let them down what would have been a relaxed five or ten minutes with each group meant to make amends the dreamer would have to put on a "show" and was mentally preparing to be effusive and witty as the dream ended addenda: vividness: 3.4 - participant the category of the dream - train () people () socialising (1) 18072018 - 416 the name of the dream: the china connection am a millionaire in this dream decide to put a million pound into a heroin drug "sting" had made the first contact with a chinese supplier the next step, getting the drug into the country, was more dangerous it involved a british contact and straight away the deal felt like a double-cross was imminent it meant telling someone the dreamer knew what the dreamer was doing in case the dreamer was arrested for the crime somewhere along the line it was decided that a letter explaining what the dreamer was doing should be left with a commissioner for oaths or a solicitor then there was a chance that the oppressors would become aware of the precautions and make it a matter of national security and the dreamer would be framed was still trying to work out the best way to cover myself when the dream ended notes 1 this dream was the result of thinking about the destructive effect of heroin in places like britain and america during the day (see link 1 and 2) link 1" governments importing drugs link 2" governments importing drugs addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the caregory of the dream: drugs () heroin () 17072018 - 415 the name of the dream: the con job went to the pictures on my own at the cinema the dreamer got into an argument with one of the employee's about how much the dreamer would have to pay the manageress, miss tekla, was summoned miss tekla recognised that my complaint, about an offer the cinema had made in an advertising campaign of a reduced price for tickets on a certain day, didn't specify which screen, of four or five different screens, the offer applied to was a valid complaint and offered the dreamer free sweet and savoury food items to offset the misrepresentation she was over-generous with what the dreamer could have to eat it didn't take the dreamer long to realise that the cost of the consumables outweighed the profit/loss of the price of the ticket the dreamer pointed it out to her and suggested that the dreamer would waive the offer of food if the dreamer could have a seat in the front row (my favourite place for watching films) and pay for the food a front-row seat would be the last of the seats to be taken and as it was unlikely the cinema would ever get a capacity house in the afternoon it made her decision easier miss tekla saw the economic sense of it and agreed the dreamer told her a friend was joining me, which he wasn't, and could she give him the same concessions she had given me she said yes the dreamer got on the phone and told my friend that if he could get to the cinema within fifteen minutes he could get in for nothing he got there in time we were settled into our seats with our sweets waiting for the film to start and feeling dead chuffed to have beaten the system when the dream ended 16072018 -414 the name of the dream the scary spider (not) was looking at an inanimate yellowish something through a magnifying glass when the dreamer noticed a bit of movement got a fine-pointed bit of metal and lifted the yellowish something to see what was underneath it it was a spider got some tweezers and was going to try and pull the spider out into the open and have a good look at it when the grippy part of the tweezers got to within in a body's width of the spider it made an awful screeching sound the dreamer pulled the tweezers away thinking it was a warning sound made by the spider to a possible threat i'd never heard a spider make a sound before and wanted to hear it again again, as the end of the tweezers got close to the spider it made a high-pitched screeching sound but now the dreamer could identify what the sound was it wasn't a warning to a perceived threat but a spider-scream of fear the dreamer called someone into the dream to hear what the dreamer was hearing the sound was unmistakable it was a scream of fear a cowardly spider ! soon there were several people gathered listening to the sound it made the scene changed, gravity was in charge of my movement and the dreamer was past the point of no return of being able to stop myself from lying down when someone threw the spider onto that part of the couch where my back would come into contact with the cushion could feel the weight in my body and the dreamer was too tired to sit back up (the stand-out part of the dream) the thought of the spider under the dreamer didn't bother the dreamer and began drifting off to sleep to be on the safe side, just in case the spider hadn't been crushed by my weight as the dreamer fell on it, the dreamer moved my body around a bit that should finish it off, the dreamer thought addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - animal () insect () spider (1) 15072018 - 413 the name of the dream: vying for love there are two men who want the same girl and the girl is undecided the girl says the best way to find out who is the best man for her is to go with both men and the one who makes her feel the best will win her heart either man could do whatever he wanted but there would be no x (conjoinment) don't remember who went first but when the dreamer was with her the dreamer positioned her so that my left hand could cup the back of her head and with my right hand loosened her upper-body clothing and exposed her right breast and while using using my lips and tongue to stimulate her nipple the dreamer massaged the various parts of her gentalia that have pleasure receptor cells with the palm and fingers of my right hand there were several scenes, each scene had variations after six, seven or eight scenes the girl said she had chosen me the dreamer noticed the other male, he looked utterly defeated (the next dream was almost a replay of the first dream) it may or may not have been the same woman and it may or may not have been the same boy it was the same situation" one female and two males again we competed for the woman's love on several different occasions this time though the dreamer deliberately lost addenda: vividness: 3.5 participant the category of the dream : x dream () there was a dream yesterday about strangulation it wasn't entered because it was a stand-alone dream of three scenes which didn't relate to anything it occupied my thoughts for most of the day as the dreamer tried to understand why it occured it wasn't until after it was thought about in the context of today's dream that it made sense the name of the dream the lover's love the degree of the lover's love this dream is an insight into the lengths the lover went to to ensure he always comes after everyone else in every circumstance be it on earth or in heaven it has been arranged, to within an hairs breadth, that it is impossible for anyone to "out-love" him regardless of what the conditions, circumstances" are 14072018 - 412 the name of the dream: celebration the world is going through a major upheaval for the good the majority of people are listening to the events as they unfold on the radio first, there was a pronouncement of historic significance, then a song with upbeat lyrics and an easy-to-remember melody was played after the song, there came another decree from another part of the world the dream went on like that for five or more scenes between every song the spoken word told of yet another historic change in one or another country, sometimes there were two pronouncements the overwhelming number of the population was caught up in a fever of celebration notes 1 this might well be D-Day it was a vivid dream which means it is more than just a possibility it is something which is going to happen the dreamer woke to the sound of a song of the type being referred to in the dream being played in a car out side ! ? addenda: vividness: 3.8/9 participant/ observer ? the category of the dream D-Day (1) 13072018 - 411 two different themes in this sleep the first one was to do with messages and whether to use a visual or audio format the second theme was an altercation between a group of people who were going hunting the hunt was abandoned when the group couldn't agree on what size the bore of the guns should be 11072018 - 410 first dream a dream about a dog: animal () mammal () dog () second dream the name of the dream: greys two greys and myself in a room about the size of a living room one of the greys was lying on a table, she or he was seriously ill the other grey was standing nearby watching what the dreamer was doing there were twenty-four wooden pegs about the length and width of a big cigar the pegs looked like the pawns used in chess but without the base or the bails used on the top of wickets in a game of cricket the pegs were evenly spaced on a wooden frame which had four tiers and there were about five or seven centimetres between each peg in another scene, the pegs had been moved and the dreamer was counting out loud the number of pegs in their new position (the stand-out part of the dream and it was externalised) there was a bit of hesitation at number twenty-three (for some reason the number was a crucial aspect of the diagnosis as it revealed the competence or degree of the severity of whatever it was that was afflicting the patient) before the dreamer saw the last peg and said with a confidence that implied a remedy was possible "twenty-four" notes 1 this is the first ever dream about greys it is one of the cornerstones of dreams theory that the content of dreams are events that have, and, depending on the Time-Tense, will happen again the events of this dream, will, therefore, not happen for centuries or longer it is certain that greys of the dinosaur-class of man-shaped beings and mammal- man-shaped beings will share the same timeline for many thousands of years into the future it is possible the greys in this dream are of the mammal-class of man-shaped being addenda: vividness: 3.8 participant the category of the dream - greys (2) mammal/dinosaur (?) 10072018 - 409 second sleep, the second dream the name of the dream: the conga there was a dream about placing an ad in a paper before this dream the accompanying rhythm to this dance dream was" da, da, da, (then up a pitch) da/da da, da, then" da/da, da, da, da, da,, da" da/da, da, da, da, da,, da the dreamer was aware people were looking at me the dreamer wasn't being exhibitionistic the rhythm had gripped the dreamer and the dreamer felt compelled to move to it there were four or five different scenes in the last scene, a man stood in front of the dreamer and brought the dreamer to a stop he said something like" " the dreamer can see what it is you're dancing to" notes 1 this dream wasn't as good as the dance dream of 08112017 but, like that dream, the dreamer woke up in a great mood that's four feel-good dreams on the trot on more than one occasion in awake-time the dreamer have, spontaneously, broke into dance steps while walking i'm going to assert that there is a connection between music and feel-good dreams for the past few days when the dreamer was at a loose end and without the motivation to do something purposeful, the dreamer composed "rave riffs" composing original riffs and modifying existing ones means listening intently for minutes at a time to the same patterns of notes and beats we should note that all forms of desirable experiences (a devolving being gets "pleasure" and gratification from acts of violence) originate from the experience of straight-line-action prior to straight-line-action, it was a state of indifference we will probably find that appealing feelings we get from melodies, beats and rhythms are at the edge of the cross-over point between non-destructive indifference and the endlessly variable structure contained in straight-line-action there was a village in medieval england that danced non-stop for two weeks it is going to be revealing to discover whether x dreams or dance dreams are the most numerous type of dreams my ref ( addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of dream: dancing () solo () outdoors () first dream the name of the dream: three under a blanket it was nighttime, it may have been closer to dawn than dusk, and it was mild weather the dreamer had joined forces with a girl unknown to me we were settled under a quilt or blanket with a bit of a view of the town we both had accommodation but neither of us suggested going to each other's place within a scene or two, another girl joined us and she too got under whatever it was we were using as a blanket the late addition to the trio was interested in the dreamer and the other girl became less prominent in the dream as we got familiar with one another the dreamer let the newcomer know the dreamer was interested and put my left hand on her upper-thigh she responded straight away by turning on her right-side and swinging her left leg over my legs and resting her leg across my hips her bare thigh made contact with my genitalia (the stand-out bit of the dream) the dreamer wasn't wearing trousers, and she immediately pulled her leg away she was obviously wanted x but it was happening too fast the dreamer put my left-hand between her legs, the dreamer was lying on my right, and she reached over and started to fondle me the dreamer asked her if she wanted to go and get some breakfast she never replied but the dreamer sensed she did the dreamer started to ask her what she wanted to eat but my voice sounded gruff so the dreamer cleared my throat and woke up to hear myself saying something about mushrooms and bacon notes 1 these x dreams, the dreamer have noticed, often occur in clusters of two or three or more as unlikely as it seems there may be a connection between music and x have made a mental note of the possibility addenda: vividness: 3 to 3.5 participant the category of the dream - x dream () threesome 2f () outdoors () 09072018 - 408 the name of the dream: three in a bed on this occasion, the young lady brought a companion with her normally that wouldn't be a bad thing this time though it was a male the dreamer knew the young man and it wasn't a problem nor was the dreamer offended when he went first the woman's personality was her most attractive feature and she knew the dreamer liked her she also knew the dreamer wouldn't mind waiting she was lying on her back with the other male on her right-hand side with the dreamer on the right the young man was either asleep or trying to get to sleep lying on his right-hand side the dreamer was lying on my right-hand side and looking at the girl who was naked her face, breasts and genitalia were flushed red she looked really healthy (the stand-out part of the dream) her prepuce and clitoris were up close to her belly button and the dreamer could see the marks her trouser-belt had made just above her belly-button she suggested the dreamer should begin and the dreamer said "i'll let you rest for a while" she replied she had to go at five o`clock (it was four o`clock) the dreamer said again that it would be alright if she had a little rest it took the dreamer by surprise when she said "it's alright, the dreamer can do it sixty times in a day" the dreamer felt as though she was exaggerating or bragging and said something along the lines of "and the dreamer thought you were my girl" the dream ended without foreplay or coitus notes 1 this is the fourth, fifth or sixth x dream with this girl, although this is the only one where there was no pleasure in it this young lady features in more dreams of all of the serial dreams and of all categories of dreams, which is heartening the sequence where the dreamer was admiring her healthy body will stay fresh in my mind for a while is there a female in the history of the world whose genitalia extended to within two or three centimetres of her belly-button ? can a woman do it sixty times in a day ? it seems excessive to me addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 4 participant and observer the category of the dream - x dream () threesome 2m () indoors () 08072018 - 407 the name of the dream: the seven seas approximately seven scenes in this dream each scene conveyed the depth and breadth of the water covering the earth in one scene two men were waiting expectantly for the dreamer to join them all of them except for their feet were visible in the scene from where the dreamer was observing to where the men were standing was about thirty metres behind and to each side of them was an expanse of smooth grey water that touched the horizon in all directions in another scene, the sea showed its menacing character energetic thirty-metre waves crowned with wild, white horses ready to buck anything that tried to ride them in another scene, a submarine the size of an aircraft carrier was making out to sea the sea had been conquered first from above and now this, the stamp of authority of the will of man-shaped beings to best the indifference of the forces of nature each scene of this dream had its own unique character which produced a feeling of excitement the other scenes were equally impressive but they faded from the memory quite quickly addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 4 - observer - the category of the dream - at sea () 07072018 - 406 the name of the dream: the two of me a two-scene dream in the first scene of myself, the dreamer looked glamorous, appealing and highly shagable in the second image the dreamer looked exactly like the dreamer looked the last time the dreamer looked in the mirror" the opposite of above notes 1 i'm sure there must have been more images during r.e.m. but this is all that is remembered from this sleep addenda: vividness: 4 - participant and observer - category of dream images of self (2) 06072018 - 405 the name of the dreams: out and about - in the house wanted to add two bars of soap to the essential-items-to-have-in-my-backpack "survival kit" didn't have a box or container the was just the right size to keep them in went into a bookshop where the dreamer was on good terms with the owner who would have an assortment of boxes of about the size the dreamer needed he got the dreamer a box of exactly the right size within a minute in another scene, the dreamer was in the library looking through the two-volume compact version of the oxford english dictionary (can associate this dream with a recollection during the day) there was another scene where the dreamer was sitting on the brown and cream coloured linoleum-covered floor of where the dreamer used to live the room looked spacious but the spacious look came at the price of no seats or a table 05072018 - 404 the name of the dream: the dreamer should have known better there are valid reasons to incorporate a serious approach to rest and relaxation into our lifestyles in this dream, the dreamer am using my skills and instructing women on how to lay on their backs with their arms folded across their chest with legs slightly raised a gentle massage around the neck area complimented a feeling of well-being what was a genuine and sincere attempt to maximise the body's ability to replenish itself at opportune times during the day soon took a different turn it was as much the woman's fault as much as mine let's face it we're locked tight into a pleasure cycle 04072018 - 403 the name of the dream: folder issues, again am at the computer and trying to organise files within folders could double-click the folders and get access to the files within the folders o.k. but the files in the folders had radio buttons which made a change to the content of the file each file had five or six radio-button options which would, when clicked, cause a black dot to appear in the centre of the radio button just clicked (the stand-out part of the dream), and automatically change the written content of the file without having to double-click the file and change it by re-typing it the difficulty was in remembering the name of the folder which had been accessed and why it had been accessed in the first place one radio button changed the content in the file from "a film about natural people" and another button changed it to "a teenage couple change the events of witch mountain" (don't remember the exact wording) clicking different buttons produced sensible changes in some instances but not in others notes 1 as mentioned, the difficulty was remembering the name of the folder which had been accessed and why it had been accessed in the first place currently, and as it has been from the beginning of think-read dreams, the limitation is in the recalling of the written word and the associated thinking addenda: vividness: 3.8 to 4 - participant - the category of the dream think-read dream () folders (2) files within folders (1) radio buttons (1) 03072018 - 402 the name of the dream: the lengths women will go to aliens have landed and people have gone into hiding a group of about twenty of us have holed up in an abandoned building the size of a bowling alley in the next scene, three or four girls join us and explain that the aliens are choosing couples who can continually copulate to join them one of the newcomers wants the dreamer to be her partner and find out if we could maintain conjoinment continually there was an air of futility to it but at least we would be enjoying our lives the girl the dreamer was with couldn't go on after a couple of hours and one of the girls that had come with her took her place it was while the dreamer was with her that it occurred to me the dreamer hadn't actually seen an alien or an alien spaceship and the whole alien thing was a ruse concocted by nymphomanics it was while the dreamer was going through the motions of x with the second girl (externalised dream) that the dreamer woke out of the dream notes 1 the dreamer completely misinterpreted the original entry addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream x dream () second dream the name of the dream: health and fitness again as with the previous theme, there was a singular measure of a persons standing in society" their fitness one exercise, in particular, was used as the yardstick to measure the health of a person" pull-up's behind the neck the dreamer went down a flight of stairs in a spacious open-plan building and at the bottom of the stairs was a pull-up bar anyone who went down the stairs was expected to use it it meant having to jump up to grab hold of it a step or two before the bottom of the stairs people stopped and watched if someone was using it the dreamer found the first two times the dreamer found it difficult and knew people watching thought the dreamer was sub-healthy on the third time, the dreamer found that thrusting my chest out allowed the dreamer to bring other muscle groups into play and made the exercise easier in the last scene, the dreamer had full and glistening muscles in those parts of the body employed by the exercise addenda: vividness: 3.2 to 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream muscularity (2) 02072018 - 401 the name of the dream: the whatsit standing at the entrance/exit area of a shopping mall with two other people we had a see-through tube shaped like a matchstick man without the head about the size of a toddler the tubing was about ten centimetres wide and had different types of liquid in each of the five segments of the tubing we were trying to collect donations from passers-by to spend on the development of the device the bulk of the dream was a scene where the dreamer was explaining the usefulness of the device to two shoppers notes 1 spent twenty minutes after waking up trying to figure out what it was that thingy could be used for addenda: vividness: 3.5 - participant - the category of the dream devices/inventions () see-through objects (2) 01072018 - 400 the name of the dream:here and there sitting on a chair next to the dance area at a wedding reception the speeches have finished and the dj plays the first song the song is sam cooke singing "twistin' the night away" several people go to the floor and start dancing it's a slippery wooden floor which allows the dreamer to do an almost full circle turn with one good twist/thrust of the hips a bit of carpet half a metre by half a metre is on the floor by my feet it is just big enough to stand on and when the dreamer do a hip/thrust it has enough momentum to spin the dreamer around twice then, there are three scenes where the dreamer am dancing with girls the scene changes completely to country terrain and the dreamer am looking for the girls in the previous scenes to get to where the dreamer think they are means going through a wooded area the trees have thin trunks and are growing too close to each other to squeeze through the only way to get to the other side of them is to climb to the top of the trees and go from one tree to another at the top of the first tree, when the dreamer attempt to get to the next one, my weight causes the next tree to bend and the more weight the dreamer put on it the further it bends the dreamer then discover that if the dreamer put all of my weight onto the tree it bends into the next tree and getting from tree to tree becomes simple at the edge of the mini-forest, the last couple of trees have thinner trunks than the others and the dreamer am able to cause one of them to bend down to the ground by pushing against it as one of the girls comes into the scene the dreamer bend it down so that the top of the tree is almost touching the ground in front of the girl the girl is impressed with my little manoeuvre and the dreamer am climbing down a tree to go and join her when the scene finished addenda: vividness: 3.3 to 3.5/6 - participant - the category of the dream dancing () wedding (1) and trees () climbing (1) 30062018 - 399 the name of the dream: winning isn't the be all and end all the second fastest four-hundred-metre runner in the country missed his qualifying run to secure a place in the national squad for the olympic games the form book showed he was indisputably the second man for the squad and would be in with a chance of qualifying for the finals as well as being part of the four by four-hundred relay team his reason for missing the qualifying run was perfectly understandable and everyone agreed the reason for missing it should not disqualify him from taking part in the games and he was going to be given the opportunity to do a solo run which would be the official qualifier the dreamer was at the track as he was limbering up and it occurred to the dreamer that if he had a pacemaker for the first two-hundred metres it would help to produce a better time he was in agreement and there was nothing in the rule book which said we couldn't do it he was in the lane behind me, the dreamer was in lane three or four he had overtaken the dreamer by the time we came out of the first bend and he was slowly pulling ahead of me a little voice in my head said "lengthen your stride" the dreamer did and it dramatically increased my speed so much so, the dreamer was catching him up and the dreamer realised that the dreamer would catch him up by the time we reached the second bend and it was obvious to the dreamer that the dreamer was going to win the dreamer liked and admired the other man and felt it would be wrong to beat him and decided that breathing down his neck would push him around the final bend and down the home straight in a faster time the dream ended before the race finished notes 1 this dream was the result of thinking during the day that lengthening my steps while walking might improve my stability in walking something the dreamer will try when the dreamer go out later addenda: vividness: 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - running () athletic track () 29062018 - 398 the name of the dream: a girl montage there was a two-themed dream before the montage sequence but that was quickly forgotten as the moving and still images began it was an exclusively all-female show with asian-girls/women featuring frequently after about thirty images the dreamer realised it was going to go on for a long time and relaxed into it at one point the sequences and images were so absorbing and clear the dreamer realised my mouth was wide open in amazement and in an act of vanity recomposed my face it was predominantly but not exclusively x-themed there was a rapid change of themes for parts of the montage with there being about four images's/sequences for each slightly different theme notes 1 it was only a few days ago that the thought that the dreamer missed not having montages occurred addenda: vividness: 3.5 3.9/4 - observer - the category of the dream Mega-Montage () x-theme () 28062018 - 397 the name of the dream: proof of Pde's during the day a faulty fire alarm sensor in the flat where the dreamer live sounded three times indicating there was a smoke or fire-threat when there wasn't one in the dream, a fire alarm, the same sound as the one in awake-time, sounded three times throughout the dream notes 1 this is proof positive that the previous day's experiences are a main factor in the forming of the content/themes of dreams 26062018 - 396 the name of the dream - an underhand sales-pitch in a small town which only had four or five shops in its high street one of the shops sold mobile phones the dreamer needed a phone for someone else and in the next scene a salesman is singing the virtues of a phone it was matte black and had everything a modern phone should have and one or two new features which made it a good buy the dreamer decided to get the new phone for myself and give the phone the dreamer was using to the person who needed one it was a done deal until the salesman gave the dreamer the phone he had been showing the dreamer as the phone the dreamer would be buying the dreamer wanted the model of phone for sure but the dreamer wanted it in a box that hadn't been opened the salesman tried to fob the dreamer off with the phone he had been demonstrating and nearly broke down in tears when the dreamer insisted that the dreamer would only buy a phone in a box his emotional ploy nearly worked and it was touch and go for a scene or two of the dream as the dreamer started feeling sorry for him in the end, the dreamer didn't buy the phone and decided to give the person who needed a phone one the dreamer no longer used addenda: vividness: (3.1) - participant 25062018 - 395 the name of the dream: controversy there was a controversy about whether the account of an event of historical significance given by a book was correct or if a film that portrayed the events slightly differently was right a highly charged emotional debate was being televisd which was becoming a shouting match between people who were noted for their level-headedness the issue was the use of a weapon which had caused the loss of a lot of lives in another scene not related to the previous scenes the dreamer became introverted when it was revealed that the dreamer had a secret crush on carole king that went back to my early teens observer in the first scenes 24062018 - 394 the name of the dream: the shortcut was headed for home in the middle of the night there weren't any ghouls or vampires about but any time which could be shaved off a nighttime trek which didn't have any people or sights or sounds in it was enough of a justification to find a way to shorten it decided to take an established shortcut of mine, which took a steep climb, three hundred metres and four or five minutes out of the return route the only drawback was climbing over a two-metre slatted wood fence not an obstacle for an athletic, full of life, twenty-something-year-old person like myself upped-and-over'd the fence in the blink of an eye and landed in thick, mushy, squelchy mud didn't see that one coming all of a sudden the shortcut had become a negative gain it would take five or ten times more time to clean my clothes than was gained by taking the shortcut could see the ground under my feet this scene was in shades of black, darkest brown and grey my sense of smell let the dreamer know that the two or three centimetre-deep mud the dreamer was wading through wasn't honest to goodness natural mud but was a really obnoxious smelling animal excreta looking ahead the dreamer could see it went on for fifteen or twenty metres but it never occurred to the dreamer to go back, the damage to my shoes, socks, trousers and my sense of being clean and kept had been demolished then the dreamer knew why the poo was there the person who's property the dreamer was on had decided to piss off those who were making a path through his property in the same way the dreamer and others were pissing him off by not giving a second thought to his sensibilities of his land being trespassed upon the dreamer suppose it was as good a way of any of getting people to give him his due consideration putting barbed wire on the fence would have been completely inappropriate anyway, the dreamer waded on and opened a gate which would get the dreamer back on the public ground and my jaw dropped to the floor there was a man four or five metres in front and to the left of the dreamer and another man ten or twelve metres in front and to the right of the dreamer and they both had shotguns or rifles the man closest to the dreamer had the rifle under his right arm with his hand taking the weight of the gun half way along and under the barrel which was pointing to the ground his left hand was in his jacket pocket and he was the picture of standing relaxation the man furthest from the dreamer also had the rifle under his left arm his left hand too was under the barrel which was also pointing at the ground but his right hand was on the trigger-housing guard and he could, the dreamer had no doubt, have his firing finger on the trigger before the barrel was levelled at whatever it was he intended to shoot they looked like what they were" professionals neither man said anything or moved the dreamer knew what was wanted of me the dreamer started walking forward but not at either of them when the dreamer was a couple of metres past the man on my left him he began walking at my pace two metres behind and two metres to the left of me the manner of the arrest... that there are two armed private security guards, meant they were going to make an example of the dreamer and the dreamer would get a stiff sentence the thought that two armed professionals would shoot a trespasser dead didn't strike the dreamer as a probability, in fact as the dreamer thought more about it became clearer" this was to be a "show trial" justice would be done in a fair and measured manner, the last thing they wanted to do would be to shoot a person dead for walking through someone's private property the man ahead and to the right of the dreamer reached a one and a half metres high wrought gate, opened it and stood back to let the dreamer pass through it and as the dreamer did he said something in a friendly manner that clinched it they would definitely not be shooting anybody three metres through the gate the dreamer ran for it there was no way two middle-aged men with rifles were going to catch the school cross-country champion and county representative in the four-hundred metres the dreamer had managed to lose them within seconds of dream-time no sooner was the dreamer savouring the satisfaction of having got away when the next scene introduced another person into the dream who was also intent on "taking the dreamer in" the dreamer didn't give him chance to corner the dreamer and got away from him although he did almost catch me now the dreamer felt the dreamer was free and clear and was on my way home the sense of being free and clear perfectly complimented the ambience of the night initially, the temperature made this dream feel like it was happening on a summer night then the temperature began changing with every cognizant evaluation of the temperature, it dropped noticeably soon, the night air was a degree or two above freezing then it went to freezing, then to below freezing and then it started to become uncomfortably cold and then it became a cold-snap a few snowflakes appeared in the dream then the snow got thicker and then thicker still, it was difficult to see through it then the snow was being pushed by the wind then the wind got stronger and stronger, now it was a blizzard at the height of the blizzard, the scene changed first, a few drops of light rain and then, like the snow, then the rain went through three, four or more changes until the narrow concrete steps the dreamer was walking up had a torrent of water eight centimetres deep gushing down them the temperature wasn't a factor in the rain scenes notes 1 about twenty scenes in the weather-theme dream which makes this an epic dream first epic dream for a while that's two lengthy dreams in two days addenda: vividness: 3.1 to 3.5/6 - participant - the category of the dream epic () weather (1) 23062018 - 393 the name of the dream: embarrassingly raunchy it took twenty minutes to understand why, when this website advocates/promotes a gentle, sensitive and prolonged state of pre-ejaculation pleasure (those moments immediately before the pleasure explosion), these types of x dreams occur it is because the films of females viewed (for the purpose of research) engaged in x always seek to experience the eruption of ejaculatory pleasure the dream 17052018 is to be the introduction page to an entry which will be called "the art of pleasure" over the coming years, we will endeavour to introduce the three main forms of pleasure into our lifestyle and set the trend for coming generations 22062018 - 392 the name of the dream: wow ! was surfing at the computer and had just joined a written livestream conversation judging from the length of the script, the chat or conversation had been a going on for many minutes before the dreamer joined it there were just two people type-chatting as the fast-flowing script was making references to other people and websites the dreamer became immersed in the conversation when a name the dreamer was familiar with came on the screen and another familiar name showed within two or three sentences the livestream didn't have a scrollable chat-box but the computer in this dream had on its left side a four or five centimetre-wide, grooved roller about as thick as a thumb built into it, which could rotate the roll of paper with all of the conversation of the livestream on it backward or forward here's where it gets complex" because the dreamer needed to scroll back and reference previous comments the dreamer was no longer abreast of the latest remarks of the livestream and then, via the marvel of the inter-undulationary memory (Notes 2), the written livestream conversation became voices so now the dreamer could hear what was being said and carry on checking the references on the paper roll then, the dream went into completely new territory when the reason some of the names seemed familiar was because they were phrases and words of mine then the dream took another new turn" the dreamer was no longer someone who was being talked about but the voice began talking directly to me it wasn't a friendly voice everything he said spelt doom and gloom" the police wanted me, my accommodation was burning, the dreamer had better do this or that or else, my possessions were confiscated" i'm not sure if the dreamer said it or vocalised the thought in my head but i'd had enough of this unseen person whoever it was and became defiant the dreamer began waking from the dream and as the dreamer was waking and even when the dreamer was fully awake he was still berating me it was a full four or five seconds before the dreamer got my bearings" had fallen asleep while listening to radio plays on a memory stick plugged into the telly the t.v. play settings were set for "play all" the play the dreamer had been listening to as the dreamer fell asleep had finished and had gone through two or three more plays before the one which woke the dreamer up the recorded volume of the play which the dreamer woke up to (woke the dreamer up ?) was much louder than the one the dreamer was listening to when the dreamer fell asleep loud enough to penetrate dream-time and affect/influence/merge with the dream notes 1 for reference" the play the dreamer woke to was Fahrenheit 451 and the dreamer think the influence of the play on the dream began somewhere between sixty-four minutes and forty-three seconds and sixty-six minutes and twenty-seven seconds notes 2 it's possible that the external sounds caused or at least influenced this dream addenda: vividness: 3.7 (the sight of the paper-scrolling mechanism) - participant the category of the dream externally-influenced sound dreams or merging awake-time sleep-time conciousnesses (1) 21062018 - 391 the name of the dream: fighting over nothing this dream came about as a result of stray thoughts during the day occasionally a string of five or so stray thoughts asserts themselves" was in a shop and bought something, a shirt the dreamer think the dreamer bought the item from the only shop in town that gave a coathanger with a purchase for some ridiculous, reason coathangers had become impossible to get when the dreamer paid for the item the salesman brought out a bag of coat hangers from under the counter and was going to give the dreamer one there were forty or more wire coathangers which had be come tangled and ten or thereabouts of wooden ones the dreamer didn't expect to get a wooden one so the dreamer took about a dozen of the wire ones the salesman told the dreamer to them back but the dreamer refused and said something like "you've got plenty. what does it matter" when the dreamer refused he called security and they took them off the dreamer and said they might be pressing charges in the next scene, the dreamer was outside the shop and the salesman was walking towards me he face was contorted with disgust and the dreamer said something which made him hostile he was going to hit the dreamer so the dreamer kicked him in the crotch and he looked nauseous with pain the dreamer said, "do you want the dreamer to do that again ?" he was well past the point of wanting to do anything and he shook his head in a manner which conveyed total defeat notes 1 there was another dream with violence either before or after this one in both instances, the dreamer was in the wrong catch those stray thoughts within the first sentence or two they will foul up the content of your dreams addenda: vividness:: 3.3 first scene and 3 for the second - participant - the category of the dream - stray thoughts: () man-to-man violence () 20062018 - 390 the name of the dream: technology troubles two or three men had called on the dreamer where the dreamer am living now there was a disruption of world-wide communication systems the cause of the problem was beyond the atmosphere of the earth and out of the scope of the means to repair it the men who had called on the dreamer were hoping there was a remedy of a theoretical nature which hadn't been envisaged at one point the dreamer asked rhetorically what time it was as the dreamer looked at my wrist watch the dreamer couldn't see the face of the watch clearly so the dreamer turned the kitchen light on there was a lingering silence of four or five seconds while we all waited for the neon tube to flicker on notes 1 addenda: vividness: (see below) represents the Time-Tense of the dream the addenda: vividness: rating indicates the likelihood of the dream happening in a future time-tense of awake-time a rating of 5 would be a dream that is as clear as a summer day and is most likely to happen again in the future of awake-time whereas 2.5 and below are events that are less than likely to occur in a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - business () photography () the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the experience will occur in a future time-tense participant means it is something you have experienced an observer is something you have witnessed the category of the dream is for evaluation and reference addenda: vividness:: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - technology: () problem/s: () 19062018 - 389 the name of the dream: larger than life a one-scene dream of an office the office went off into the distance as far as the eye could see it was well lit and it followed the curvature of the lie of the land it reminded the dreamer of the time when the dreamer was five and the family went on a holiday to the seaside and the dreamer saw the the sea for the first time there was an air of anticipation of seeing the sea the person driving the car said "we'll see it when we get to the top of this hill" as we went over the brow of the hill the land fell away and joined an expanse of greyness bigger than anything the dreamer had ever seen or imagined; it was bigger than the sky the impression of the image of that moment is still fresh in the memory as my mind was presented with a new perspective of size this office was like that at the furthest point the office looked to be dozens of kilometres away the office looked as though it occupied the entire surface of whatever it was it was built on like my first sight of the sea, it could quite easily have gone all the way around the planet addenda: vividness:: 3.8 - observer ? - the category of dream: size: () office: (1) second dream the name of the dream: a crowded bus got on a bus, went upstairs and sat on the front seat within three or four stops the bus was full up and the dreamer could feel the person next to the dreamer pressing against me the pressure of the person seated next to the dreamer was increasing when the dream ended addenda: vividness:: 3.1 - participant - the category of the dream - bus-travel: () pressure against the body: (1) first dream the name of the dream: intellectual property a think-read dream about rights of ownership it went along the lines of" "the automatic removal protocol (a.r.p.) of content has been completed all material which is listed in the a.r.p. has successfully been removed if you wish to add content belonging to " ? (the name is forgotten) you must now re-submit an application to access " ? content" the message went on forever notes 1 when the dreamer woke up from this dream it brought to mind another think-read dream which seemed to be a prequel to this one and the dreamer spent seventy-five minutes looking for it in the database couldn't find it the dreamer know the dreamer had the dream within the last couple of months but the dreamer must have decided not to enter it into dreams diary not entering dreams, for whatever reason, can bring about the loss of vital understandings and formulations with applications which would have enriched our circumstances the more this website tries to streamline or condense the methodology of dreams theory the more the dreams demand to be expanded addenda: vividness:: 3.3 - the category of the dream - think-read () copyright (1) 17062018 -388 second dream the name of the dream: with friends like that we were four males in a room it was another smoke-in four familiar faces and a relaxed atmosphere out of the blue they jumped me the dreamer was disoriented and incapicitated from the first blow the dreamer think they were robbing me it caused the dreamer to wake with a start addenda: vividness:: 3.2 - participant - the category of the dream - violence () first dream the name of the dream: the tennis coach was having a game of tennis on a hard-court with someone who was new to the game as is the way with games the idea is to bring out the best in the person you're playing that's the way it was in this game don't remember if it was a girl or a boy the dreamer was playing but the dreamer do remember they were enjoying the game notes 1 this dream reminds the dreamer of an awake-time experience of a game of table tennis it would have been easy to give the person the dreamer was playing an humiliating defeat but that wouldn't have been rewarding for either of us instead, the dreamer was determined to get a good game going it meant using different speeds and angles to place the ball at the limits of the others persons ability to get to the ball within three sets my opponent was causing the dreamer to stretch it could have been a game of ping pong but become an energetic game of table tennis addenda: vividness:: 3.4 - participant - the category of the dream - games () tennis (1) the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the experience will occur in a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - business () photography () the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the experience will occur in a future time-tense participant means it is something you have experienced an observer is something you have witnessed the category of the dream is for evaluation and reference 16062018 - 387 the name of the dream: a con job the opportunity to make oodles of money came my way the dreamer could be the advertising agent and sole booking agent for short-term holidays and honeymooners the location was a "lake" with fishing and boating facilities the dreamer had struck gold it wasn't until the dreamer went to take photo's of the "resort" for the advertisement that the awful truth of the situation revealed itself" the lake turned out to be a stretch of water a hundred metres by three hundred metres the near-side edges of the land next to the water was churned up and the far side was a uninviting, if it was accessible, wheat field the boating had nothing to do with sailing but was rowing boats in a state of disrepair the accommodation for newly-weds was the upstairs of a dingy mini-hanger with a corrugated roof where the rowing-boats and paddling boats were housed but the at-the-door stalls and nearby-hot food restaurants were, in legal-speak, accurately described a mobile food van with sandwiches, tea and hot dogs was within a few metres of the hanger and the restaurant was a fish and chip shop a hundred metres away my job was to take photo's that fitted the worded description in the advert if there was any come-back yours truly would be the whipping boy notes 1 this is the way people who extract money out of people by misrepresentation get away with it as long as their description of the goods or sevices are "legally" accurate, as would be the case in this dream, they are not con-men notes 2 this dream takes the dreamer back to the time when, as a budding photographer, the dreamer agreed to do a weekly glam photo for the local rag on the third week, the "editor" (an ex-employee of the times) wanted the dreamer to ambush a male client of a call-girl set-up at the designated time and place (a hotel room in the afternoon) the dreamer was to be in the wardrobe of a hotel room with camera ready and when a prearranged signal was given the dreamer would burst out of the wardrobe and make with the flash photography the dreamer was game to start with but it dawned on the dreamer that someone who could afford an expensive call-girl would probably have the money to hire a couple of thugs to call on me if there's another dream about a photography con of some sort i'll tell you, in an aside, of a really funny incident about what has to be one of the most brazen attempts by a man to get a woman to pose in the nude 15062018 - 386 the name of the dream: mixing time-tenses five or six of us had just watched a film as the dreamer was wondering what film to watch next the dreamer thought it would be a good idea to let one of the girls choose the dreamer decided to ask the girlfriend of latest pair to join our little group the dreamer was about to say "" .. can choose what film to watch next" and realised the dreamer didn't know or had forgotten her name so the dreamer thought to get the film list on the screen and her name would spring to mind in the meantime as the dreamer began looking at the screen for the folder which contained the films the dreamer realised the storage disc which had the films wasn't attached the computer the dreamer was searching my memory trying to remember where the storage disc was when the boyfriend of the girl the dreamer intended to ask said "we'll have to go after the next film" it was three or four thoughts later that the dreamer realised the dreamer couldn't find the storage disc because the location the dreamer was in was not my current time and location but the time and location of thirty plus years ago when six of us, three couples, would gather for a weekend of films and smoking ! notes 1 this dream gives us a bit of an insight into how the dream-time memory works the dream was the result of the dreamer thinking before the dreamer went to sleep that it would be possible to have a private film club where the dreamer live now and had spent five minutes or so assessing what the dreamer would have to do to set the room up for half a dozen people the idea of having a home film club sprang from the dream 12062018 it is assumed that the dream of 12062018 is a future-tense dream another dream with this theme will make this a serial dream the category of the dream - mixed time-tenses: () film club: (2) 14062018 - 385 third dream the name of the dream: beauty is in the sound of the listener was walking along a wide path which went through a wooded area the sounds of amor off to my left and out of sight drew my attention as the dreamer listened the sounds took on a special quality which reverberated through me the dreamer knew the the dreamer must know the woman who was producing those sounds the dreamer waited for the couple to come out of the bush they came out and the dreamer followed them to the end of the path the couple split up and the woman went to the right and the man went to the left the dreamer didn't see her face but the colour of her hair was fixed in my memory the dreamer thought the dreamer had lost her when the colour of her hair seperated her from everyone else in the crowded scene the dreamer began moving toward her and when the dreamer was about four metres away she turned around to speak to someone she wasn't anything like what the dreamer thought she would look like in fact, to the dreamer she was unappealing she must have qualities which a person would find very appealing but the dreamer knew she wasn't for me second dream the name of the dream: the run in a rural area running along a two-lane "a" road that twisted and turned, went up and down and only had short lengths of straights there was no sensation of movement in my legs the effort was in keeping the speed at a constant rate which would enable the dreamer to follow the line of the road at top speed while avoiding the sparse traffic and occasional push-bike the distance covered in the dream was three, five or seven kilometres the speed varied between thirty and seventy kilometres an hour with the average speed closer to sixty than fifty notes 1 this dream was the result of thinking the dreamer may regain full mobility the experience itself has to be a future time-tense and the low addenda: vividness: rating suggests it is a long way into the future notes 2 the longest run in any dream so far addenda: vividness:: 3.2 participant the category of the dream - running () road: () first dream the name of the dream: kiss, touch and go a girl likes the look of a boy and wants him to kiss her if she likes the kiss she parts her legs and invites the boy to touch her if the boy's touch is more pleasurable than the kiss they arrange to continue enjoying each other notes 1 this dream was shorter than usual for a pleasure-dream it is thought this dream is a scheduled dream, i.e. a dream timed to occur now it is from you-know-who to people in general and is meant to introduce the idea that pleasure can/should be organised do the dreamer need to say the "touch" part of the dream was the most pleasurable part notes 2 this dream is also tied in with the dream of 30052018 (scheduled for publication in about five weeks) the connection between that dream and this one will be obvious notes 3 it is to be my privilege, ladies, to show you what you will look like a few million years hence none of the films produced about extraterrestrials even hints at the state of mind that accompanies evolving beings it is an intense sense of well-being which produces physical characteristics which will blow your mind the person to person contact this website had with three females of the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings some years back was charged with a sexual connotation their wondrous and appealing sense of well-being has a cheeky, very cheeky, fun-filled approach to sexuality the three females who "dropped in" exuded this cheekiness they left the dreamer lying on my back with my legs spread open with nothing covering my body my sense of their frame of mind was "wait until we get our hands on you" contemporary mammal man, you had better start adjusting your outlook to women she has a lust for more life at least twice as great as yours keeping abreast of her evolution is a non-stop endeavour of "catch-up" more than being physically fit, a male has to have a "fit-for-purpose" outlook of life that compliments the character of females addenda: vividness:: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - pleasure without conjoinment: () * the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the experience will occur in a future time-tense addenda: vividness: 3.3 participant the category of the dream - business () photography () the addenda: vividness: of the dream indicates the degree of likeliness that the experience will occur in a future time-tense participant means it is something you have experienced an observer is something you have witnessed the category of the dream is for evaluation and reference 13062018 - 384 the name of the dream: comfortable in a room about four by three metres it was a home cinema set-up the sscreen was about two metres wide and one ond one-third metres in height and was fixed at headhieght to the three-metre wall the only light in the room was the light from the screen there were'nt any chairs just bean-bags and cushions the bean-bags were big enough for people to sit in and the cushions ranged in sizes from a metre square to a third of a metre square it could accomodate fifteen people in comfort most of the people were people already in the room and the film was about to start when the dreamer entered and went to my "reserved" position a metre or so from the back wall "my" position allowed the dreamer to lie on his right side with a cushion behind my back and against the wall there was a girl who had inadvertantly encroached into part of "my space" it meant that when the dreamer was lying down with his head propped in the viewing position her thigh was under my head she didn't like the dreamer using her leg as a cushion and kept moving her leg to get the dreamer to change my position the dreamer was having none of it, the dreamer refused to budge from his well-established viewing position another girl came into the room and laid down and positioned herself so that her head was level with my waist she positioned her cushions in such a way that the dreamer had to lift his left leg up so there was no weight on it and when her ccushion was in place the dreamer became even more comfortable and to top it off she hooked her left arm under my right leg so that her hand was resting just above my knee the girl who was originally unhappy with my position must have seen what the new arrival had done and realised that if anyone was going to change position it would have to be her she compromised and put a cushion under my head the dreamer said to her, "that's really comfortable", she didn't reply it was perfect, the dreamer is so comfortable from head to feet he could feel hisself going to sleep the film would be starting any moment but hadn't started when intro/end-credit music started playing and was still playing when the dreamer was fully awake note 1 here's a nice little touch... the dreamer went to sleep while listening to a ninety-minute radio play the music at the end of the play in awake-time coincided with the beginning of the dream in dream-time ! it's conceivable that in another time in another place the dream-time film that was about to start in this dream becomes a dream-within-a-dream category of dream in a future time and place altogether now in the key of c major "scene by scene dream your dreams see past and future blend - (sung to the tune of merrily row your boat) 10062018 - 383 the name of the dream: maximum security in a maximum security prison there was no free association with other inmates other long-term prisoners became trustees and delivered food which meant they could, and did, do small favours like getting a pencil or passing a message to another inmate which was highly forbidden a corrupt turnkey would, for a price, smuggle out a letter or make a phone call it all hinged on the prisoner not to reveal who the inmates and prison staff were if anything came to light if a trustee was discovered to have broken the rules then the much-prized ability to move around the prison with a fair amount of unsupervised freedom would be taken away and he would be re-categorised as a "tier 1" prisoner in and be in virtual isolation for many years after if a prison guard was implicated then he would lose his job and the other prison guards would make sure the inmate suffered to the breaking point it was the tacit understanding that a breach of prison protocol automatically got the prisoner a bloody beating for incriminating a guard the dreamer desperately wanted to send a letter and had got hold of a pen from a trustee the dreamer hadn't been careful enough and was caught with a partially written letter a guard came into my cell and asked the dreamer who gave the dreamer the pen "i'm sorry sir, the dreamer can't tell you that" and said the same thing when he asked the dreamer who the dreamer was going to give the letter to the next and last scene of the dream was a view at a distance of about one hundred metres away of the ground-level prison with a red, smokey curtain-plume that looked like it was a liquid, (blood) rising from the entire area of the building notes 1 this dream is the result of watching bouts of bloody boxing during the previous twenty-four hours addenda: vividness:: 3.7 - participant for the first two scenes and observer for the last scene - the category of the dream - prison dream (7+) closed (2+) 30052018 - 382 the name of the dream: the art of pleasure 5 and the outlook for pleasure the unusual content of this dream was when our motions stopped and we spoke of things unrelated to what we were doing and how our resumption of movement after speaking complimented the emotions in the speech at one of the pauses, for about five sentences and the longest of all the spoken parts of the dream, as she was talking the dreamer saw how she was feeling and got an insight into what it was she liked the dreamer doing most she spoke quickly so as to finish speaking and continue and without realising it the way she positioned herslf ready to re-conjoin told the dreamer she saw the dreamer as being hers and a lifetime of pleasure was ahead she liked the momentary talking but more than that it was when the whole of the body was steeped in the best of sensations that the purpose of a woman and man in union touched upon and became what was previously in the realm of the transcendental for some men the most rewarding aspect of x is seeing the sense of well being it produces in your lover notes 1 this dream lasted for about forty-five seconds of dream-time which translates to more than five minutes of awake-time the longest x dream so far if this trend continues awake-time experiences may well become to dream-time experiences what dream-time experiences are to awake-time experiences 29052018 - 381 the name of the dream: another drug-deal dream found out that a friend of 30 years was back in town got to where he lived and was in his flat in the next scene there were two strips of carpet in the room, which formed a cross one of them was furled up in the middle, so we grabbed the ends of the carpet and straightened it by pulling it in the next scene, another acquaintance made at about the same time was in the room with us and was whetting our appetite with the promise of a good grade of the blow he could get hold of there and then he went on to say that if we wanted, he could get some cocaine, which was an even better "hit" than the hash the person whose flat we were in was enthusiastic in the next scene, another person who the dreamer didn't know was in the dream and wanted some as well we had to buy a minimum amount of eighty pounds worth the dreamer had enough money my friend didn't have any money, as usual, and the latest addition to the dream had sixteen pounds the person who was getting the drugs didn't think it was a good idea when the dreamer suggested the dreamer would pay for the tax, the dreamer and all four of us could go together the bloke who only had sixteen pounds wasn't prepared to part with his money unless he could go along, so the dreamer suggested the dreamer would cover his money he was happy with that the dreamer hadn't seen the acquaintance for quite a few years and knew if the chips were down and he needed a fix, he wasn't beyond diddling the dreamer out of his money and keeping the dreamer waiting before repaying me the dreamer wasn't prepared to give him the money unless i could go with him, but he explained it wasn't possible my answer was to give him twenty pounds, and when he returned with the drugs, the dreamer would give him the money to get the rest he was umming and ahhing, and the dreamer felt something wasn't right i began complaining, "all i wants is a smoke", "i'm happy with hash", "it's my favourite drug", and "i've tried all.." was still complaining as i came out of my sleep stood up and straightened the carpet addenda: vividness: 3.2/3 28052018 - 380 name of the dream: a bank holiday monday at the computer a lead article said it would be the hottest day of the year, so the dreamer decided to head for the beach at the coach station, i was informed that the coach stop i wanted was a hundred metres away at the coach stop, the notifications board told the dreamer it was the right stop but didn't have the times of departures a helpful woman said she would get a timetable from an information kiosk the leaflet gave the times but not the departure point; the woman told the dreamer the coach he wanted was on the other side of the road at another bus shelter on the other side of the road, there was still no information about departure times another helpful woman suggested the dreamer ask a bus driver the coach driver the dreamer asked happened to be the driver of the bus the dreamer wanted and told the dreamer the bus would be leaving in two minutes from across the road arrived at the seaside and bought some milk and chips i tried one of the chips, and they were too hard a hundred metres from the beach, a woman was offering passer-buyer's sample chips they were delicious, so the dreamer bought some the beach was choc-a-bloc with people, so the dreamer settled for a patch of grass overlooking the beach after a couple of hours, the dreamer headed back home at the coach station, the dreamer had to walk the length of the station three times before finding the boarding point; it was set aside from the rest of the numbered departure points the coach left the station, and a few stops along the route, two young ladies were holding up the coach because they couldn't use their credit cards to buy a ticket the driver told them to get off the bus the dreamer could see they were upset, and the dreamer asked the driver to ask them if they wanted the dreamer to lend them the five pounds they needed the girls were visibly relieved and promised to give the dreamer the money when we arrived at our destination, where they could access an atm when we arrived, the first atm wasn't dispensing money the next nearest machine was fifty metres away the girls got the money, but as a ten-pound note we had to try four different places before we managed to get the ten-pound note changed end of the dream notes 1 the above wasn't a dream but a condensed account of what the dreamer done on this day the actual dream for today was a three sentence think-read`dream the sentences were long sentences, really long sentences it was someones review of how great a book was it was boring, boring, boring it would take ages to write it into dreams diary and so it was decided to do something different hope you didn't mind 27052018 - 379 second dream the name of the dream: reversal and ascendancy of traits in the frst scene cc and the dreamer are heavily laden with shopping and fall through the door of a pub inside the pub and before settling at a table the dreamer pick up a menu to see if it has food that the dreamer want the pubs fayre was more than adequate but then the scene changes to a supermarket the dreamer am on my way in and cc is on her way out we have words and cc goes through the exit doors while the dreamer head into the supermarket within a few steps the dreamer remember the dreamer owe her twenty quid and dash back out and see her loading her shopping into the back of a taxi the dreamer opened my wallet and picked out one twenty pound note from others (the colours of the notes is stand-out part of the dream) and hand it to her in the next scene we are seated facing each other on a bus cc is wearing a lilac thick-thread button-up blouse and a dark purple skirt (the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer form the sentence "that outfit really suits you" but doosn't speak it notes 1 in awake-time the dreamer am the most able-bodied and she has the clearest mind in this dream my mental processess are sixes and sevens while she is fully able and mentally in charge notes 2 this is the fifth or sixth dream with cc in it before categorising dreams there was a serial dream of her the dreams being referred to are in the "lost one hundred" dreams which may yet surface the stand-out part of the dream: the two-tone outfit second dream name of dream: should have been an x dream in the company of a male in a room above ground floor in a house of bedsits the dreamer leave the room, to go to the tolet the dreamer think as the dreamer close the door behind the dreamer a girl opens her door to my left her door is at a right angle to the door i've just closed with only five centimetres of wall seperating the two doors merely being outside of the door places the person in front of the other persons door so now there is less than metre between us it was one of those occasions, i've only had two or three of them in awake-time, when a sexual connection occurs is made at the moment of eye contact like magnets, without thinking about, without willing it we were physically embracing my hands were everywhere except in my pockets and likewise she was was exploring and responding another friend of mine came calling and the first we knew of his presence was as he was squeezing passed us the dreamer said to her "let's go into your room" the dream ended before she said anything 26052018 - 378 the name of dream: measured passion-unmeasured passion for the first time in a dream the dreamer am an elderly person there were three x scenes in this dream two with young women and one with an elderly lady the dreamer had not taken into account the effect energetic x would have on an elderly lady and she was not stable on her legs the last scene of this part of the dream was of the dreamer going toward her as she was about to cross a road notes 1 it will be another four, five, six or seven years before the dreamer get my strength back and vital physiological systems are at an acceptable level between now and then it will have to be instructive-x (non procreative see first dream and notes of 17052018) notes 2 the opening scene of this dream was of the dreamer having to get out from under a large metal frame in a room of a house being demolished and being pushed into a crusher the scene repeated three times although there was slight variation in one of the loops the category of the dream/s: x dream (33) and looped-sequence dream: (2) confined space:(1) addenda: vividness:: varied between 3.3 to 3.8 notes 1 it will be another four, five, six or seven years before the dreamer get my strength back between now and then it will have to be instructive-x (non procreative see first dream and notes of 17052018) see first dream 17052018 25052018 - 377 second dream name of dream: beethovan's class a man is explaining or teaching a class of children (?) the story-line of a song the song is laid out on a three-metre by one and a half metre blackboard with the words of the story written under the bars and there are four or five bars in each line of music and there are three or four or five lines the narration/explanation is in three or four or five or six-word sentences and each sentence fits one bar of the music the music may have been transposed from orchestral to non-orchestral instruments at one point in the dream the teacher says "this is where/when/what beethovan" there was at least four sentences/bars of music that the dreamer can remember being explained in the dream although the words aren't remembered the tune didn't stick in my memory either notes while this entry was being composed it triggerd the memory of a film the dreamer watched umpteen years ago two scenes of the film are clearly remembered the one which has relevance to this dream is when beethovan is explaining to a colleague the story which accompanied the music while he was composing the muisc as it was playing in the film something about a man going to the rescue or to join the love of his life did all of beethovan compositions routinely have a story line ? category of dream: music: classical: beethovan (1) the addenda: vividness: of the dream: 3.7/8 first dream the name of the dream: intracies all the dreamer can remember about this dream is that the theme was about intricacy 24052018 - 376 name of dream: contrivence this dream is in current time; time-tenses 4,5, and 6 circumstances are such that certain information pertaining to the recurrence of people is being kept back organisations who thrive on secrecy know something is being held back and are using devious tactics to find out what it is the latest attempt is to make out that the bit of knowledge they want and you need is getting to certain people of my choosing by coding it into file names of content which the dreamer post regularly they hope that ordinary people will come up with incorrect interpretations which are relevant to their lives and that will put pressure put on the dreamer to affirm or deny what people have incorrectly construed the aim is to get enough different plausible possibilities of what the information is and present the ones that are most alarming in one scene, the latest favoured "decoding" showed a picture via the mainstream media of a file name that looked something like this "Lk0te-6" which became three sentences of a believability the more outrages the interpretation the more likely people were to hold onto it there's nothing the controllers know how to do better than feed your fears notes 1 this dream is the result of thinking during the day about an awake-time situation which is in fact causing the cessaton of the continuation of genetic lines many people have been caught in this net because of an unenlightened understanding of the delicate, wispy nature and the solid concreteness of the substances love/life has to use to incorporate immortality into a our finite corporeal selves if and when it does become public knowledge it should, if nothing else, bring about a more comprehensive insight and an appreciation of both the frailty and strength of the substances that we are comprised of and more than that, the incomprehensible determination of the lover to share with us a reality that she/he knows you want 17052018 - 375 first dream the name of the dream the art of pleasure 4 this dream is future tense dreams diary has reached the stage when visualisations accompany all the dreams there is still some way to go before the accompanying visualisations are wholly accurate but a dreams diary in this time which doesn't give a fair visual representation of the dream just doesn't get viewed my own outlook is simple" women lead the way in the experiencing of pleasure and men don't achieve an increase in their experience of sexual pleasure before learning how to generate greater feelings in the females for the female the act of conjoinment has the added pleasure of the accompanying sensations that only women know" the feeling of accompishment of being able to produce more life in concrete form in this dream the dreamer have a three or four bedroom set-up it is my pleasure to instruct women how to show men to produce the greatest pleasure for a woman without conjoinment my "set-up" is geared for introducing this approach into our lifestyle very early one morning the dreamer can hear one of the lasses moaning in pleasure as she is practising on herself while watching the latest pleasure-dream video showing what a male should be doing to bring out the maximum feelings in her it causes the dreamer to become aroused and the dreamer decide to make a video of myself masturbating to the sounds of a female masturbating notes 1 the art of pleasure (new page) this dream was not an act of indulgence, it is a dream for this time because you all have to be aware that a minimum level of a feeling of well-being is necessary to embark on straight line action (it is the case that none have insights into the totally overwhelming sensations that occur when the mind is exposed to endlessness. take my word for it people, it will cause you to balk) that the acclimatization to pleasure is being introduced at this time will give you an insight as to just how great is the feeling of pleasure we have to be immersed in order to "buffer" or "cushion" our exposure to endlessness we have to begin imbueing ourselves with a feeling of pleasure now and it has to increase exponentially for the next 5000 milion years ! acclimatising ourselves to permanenty-increasing levels pleasure is something which has to be approached in a purposeful way the dream marks the beginning of the process both sexes have, in my experience, yet to learn how to produce large volumes of prolonged pleasure in the opposite sex without conjoinment it has not yet been formulated but drawing from the writer's experience it is suspected that oral sex is not one of the practices we need to incorporate into the art of pleasure the sensations accompanying ejaculation expend "spiritual" energy the dream was a "timed-to-occur dream" the art of pleasure pleasure is put into three categories 1 pituitary pleasure 2 the pleasure of x 3 the pleasure of laughter/smiling ~ pituitary pleasure pituitary pleasure is considered to be the superior form of pleasure when a persons is in a certain frame of mind and thinking along cerain lines (propitiously/magnanimously) the pituitary gland releases chemicals (details link here) into the brain and it produces a feeling exactly the same as the feeling accompanying ejaculation the writer has experienced this twice it doesn't leave you feeling drained and it can occur seconds later and seconds after that and seconds" the quality of the deeds which follow this feeling become enhanced for reference and incorporating into the pleasure page" x pleasure (details" ) also relies laughter/smiling pleasure 16052018 - 374 fourth dream name of the dream: the baffled patient being tended to by a nurse in a cubicle in a hospital the dreamer was wondering why he is being given the "once-over" the nurse who was also a mind-reader tapped the side of a see-through tube with a mouth-piece at one end that gave the tube the look of a snorkel "we're putting a hole in this" she said was trying to figure out what she meant as the dream ended still trying to figure it out twenty minutes after waking third dream name of the dream: the selectee's six people had been selected what we had been selected for isn't known we each had our own self-contained accomodation the accomodation was already furnished the dreamer had been there for a while and had familiarised himself with the mod-cons in the living room and is opening and closing drawers and cupboards to see what is in them in one compartment, in a thigh-high, half-metre-wide cupboard was a large, stiff, brown envelope the envelope had pictures and a concise description of the skills and interests and other bits of information after looking at them for a while, the dreamer picked up an old-fashioned style phone connected to a screen half the size of a laptop that was within arms reach and dialled the number of one of the women selectees the dreamer was looking at her on the screen and said to her, "I think i know what why we've been selected" in the next scene, the two of us are in the dreamer's living room and is telling her what he thought was going on "we've been selected because between us we have a broad range of abilities" "we have technical, cooking, writing, inventive, artistic, social, organisational, manual and other traits necessary to be self-sufficient." there was more conversation for half a minute or more, and then the woman left the dream the dreamer was thinking of what changes to make to the accommodation when the dream ended and, for a little while, went into awake-time while thinking about it second dream name of the dream: reprobative behaviour in prison a typically claustrophobic prison environment; low light, sparse and dingy" it was my first day it was evening before my processing had finished a tolerant and talkative turnkey showed the dreamer to his cell it was a three or four-bed cramped cell he was talking to the dreamer while the dreamer became oriented the dreamer needed to go to the toilet he was told that it was outside of the cell and to the right the dreamer walked out of the door and, without thinking, closed the door behind him it wasn't until the dreamer went back to the cell that he realised what he had done the dreamer didn't feel the need to tell the turnkey that i was going to get someone to open the door and went straight to where there would be another member of the staff in the next scene, another prison guard opens the door and the dreamer goes through it first to the left of the door and hard up against both the walls was the first bed the white of the sheets caught the dreamer's eye he looked down and was surprised to see two men under the sheets they were naked with one lying on top of the other the man on top jumped out of his position at high speed and went to the furthest point away from the door the repercussions were going to be scandalous the dream ended the category of the dream - prison: closed () first dream name of the dream: there was more at the beginning of this dream than what is remembered it starts on a football pitch the game is between nottingham forest and another team which isn't identified in the dream the play of the ball is at the bottom-right corner of the field around the corner flag one of the players deliberately puts the ball out of play to gain the advantage of a goal kick the referee cites the player for unsportsmanly gamesmanship and the offending team is deducted a point the loss of a point takes the team from being one point ahead in the championship race to being level-pegging the team isn't too perturbed although there is a sharp drop in the feeling of the players and supporters that winning the championship was no longer a sure thing the game part of the dream ends there and in the next scene of the dream the dreamer goes from being an observer to a participant the dreamer is at a computer and is filling in the details of the size of shorts he has been using and what size the dreamer requires for the next dozen or so games while filling in the form, the dreamer realises it's possible to keep the ones he used and get a new pair without having to hand back the ones he had it was the dreamer's chance to amass dozens of pairs of shorts and hand them out as gifts or raffle prizes or make a few bob from selling them to accrue lots of pairs of shorts meant changing the dates on the shorts last used the different sizes for each different date meant changing the dates and back-dating to double-up on the number of shorts the dreamer could claim for the dreamer would have to do it several dozens of times then, for the first time in a dream, the obstacle of clicking the pointer of the computer on a box on the screen became possible this was the longest part of the dream, and it required more concentration than the dreamer had ever been able to muster before in a dream the dreamer managed to keep his concentration focused on what he was doing (bear in mind that there were figures to remember and what boxes the numbers would have to go into) for at least twelve to fifteen different scenes on the computer screen this dream was elevated into the epic dream category - epic dreams... dreams with seven or more scenes with the same theme the dreamer doubts he could have done it in awake-time! a breakthrough in the application of applied concentration in a dream! it must have triggered something in the mind because the next part of this dream was great fun the dreamer is on a train and in a carriage with less than a dozen people in it my mood is such that no matter who the dreamer talks to it causes them to smile all the dreamer wants to do is make people happy and feel good it came easy the highlight of this part of the dream was when the dreamer asked a girl if she would like the dreamer to sit in the seat on the opposite side of the carriage and one row in front so we could talk without the dreamer having to raise his voice the girl was up for fun but nothing else she quipped something about my hair soiling the white cover on the headrest and spoiling her view if she wanted to look to her left in another scene, the train was entering a station as is the case with large train stations, there can be several sets of rail tracks which crossed and melded with other tracks as the train was slowing, it was about a kilometre or so from the station itself a line of about fifteen faces attached to bodies were standing on a moving platform without sides the platform slowly catches up with the train the dreamer is in and keeping abreast of us for a few seconds before it started receding among the line of people on the sideless, moving platform was a cheeky-looking young girl who looked like she deserved to be out-cheeked, so the dreamer stuck his tongue out her the scene changed again to the dreamer standing on a platform and asking a member of the rail staff what platform and time his train is due the dreamer made a mental note of what he said but decided to double-check what he had been told with another member of the rail staff when the dreamer got to the platform category of dream: epic dream (3+) 07052018 - 373 name of dream: frustration 1 my wife was unwell and it was causing complications with her second pregnancy she was on her way to receive specialised help the dream starts on a train with two female escorts and self in the carriage of a train used exclusively by the hospital we are heading for the dreamer's wife and a third female escort are in the adjoining carriage but neither my wife nor the third escort feature in this scene the dreamer had just received news by mobile phone the news was crucial information about our first child it was felt that the news about our first child could affect the mental state of the mother which in turn could/would boost her physical state the entire dream revolved around the dreamer trying to explain to the two escorts that his wife's mental/physical state would change for the better if she had the news the escorts argued that the condition of the mother was finely balanced and the dreamer was refused permission to speak to her at all the escorts were adamant that whatever it was that the dreamer had to say would have to be relayed to his wife by them the dreamer was equally determined to pass on the information his-self as it concerned circumstances that are only known to his wife and the dreamer would be able to inject subtleties of tone and meaning at certain points the women escort's were wearing their "our word is final" hats and either wouldn't or couldn't see my point the dreamer tried two or three different ways of presenting his point of view and finally decided that the only way he could get access to his wife was to wait until we got to the hospital even then the dreamer might have the same problem the only thing the dreamer could think of was to get legal representation before making the call the dreamer prepared the point of view as briefly as possible each time the dreamer had formed a one or two-sentence presentation of his rationale a counter-argument formed in his head the dreamer's reasoning was sound but it wasn't more valid than the opposing reasoning that happened three or four more times and was still happening as the dreamer came out of the sleep notes 1 the overriding tone of the pde's was positive, more so than usual (my ref. take-over), so am not looking for an answer in the pde's for the feelings of frustration in this dream it's possible to take the view that there was one particular, fleeting moment during the previous day which formed the content of the dream but this website holds the view that the reason we have dreams, and more importantly, remember our dreams, is so we can evaluate them and continue to do that which brings about dreams we find desirable and identify and remove from the pde's those experiences which produce dreams we find undesirable it is easy to recall momentary sights being featured in a dream but momentary sights/thoughts/emotions.." aren't usually remembered as being the cause of the theme of a dream this website holds the view that unless the content of the dream can be assigned to particular sights/movements/thoughts/emotions etc." that occurred the day before the dream then the content of the dream has to be assigned to something other than the pde's we have to consider the possibility that, like precognitive dreams, a proportion of dreams are timed to happenon a specific day this is a mechanistic interpretation which is moderated by love/life's ability to act out of accordance with inanimate reality (see axiom 3) 03052018 - 372 published out of sequence name of the dream: four in a bed two of the ladies were in their element, as the dreamer was, but one of the girls wasn't the dream was completely satisfactory apart from that came out of the dream and was playing it over in awake-time adding a little here and there as the dreamer went back to sleep now the dreamer was in a room about three by two metres the room was an ablution with four or five sinks and a drinking fountain, one of those water-fountains that have a toggle at the side of the basin that can be moved sideways or up and down and at any angle but it had to have downward movement to get the water to spurt it was while on the third or fourth swallow that an "ooy" sounded out it couldn't have been any louder without waking the dreamer out of the dream it resounded off the bare, granite walls and the solid concrete floor and shook the dreamer right out of a relaxed dream state into a state of attentive-awareness then the scene changed, there was a large, stocky man in dark clothes who filled the door frame and he was not happy it wasn't until the moment when the door was opened and the dreamer saw the man in a uniform that the dreamer realised it was night-time and yes, he's in prison again it was the middle of the night the night guard had been doing his rounds when he came across my empty bed and was put out that he had to open and close doors to find me the dreamer had to be careful how he reacted if the dreamer said the wrong thing or didn't move in the right way the guard would make an entry into his log and it would mean misery of one sort or another if the prison governor had to spend time adjudicating a minor infraction; but more than any of these things, the night-guard had been officious and had used his safe position to address the dreamer like a dog that was in the middle of pooping on the doorstep in the dreamer's book, he had just been verbally assaulted but how to get back at him without getting into more trouble? the dreamer looked around slowly and said in a quiet purposeful voice "where am i?" the guard didn't respond, he was weighing things up the dreamer then asked, "who are you?" still the guard was silent, he had bought it, almost the guard said, "c'mon" a few steps along the corridor he aske, "which is your room?" the dreamer wasn't going to fall for that the dreamer was looking from left to right and slowly shook his head with uncertainty every time he asked, "this one?" after asking the dreamer three times he opened one of the doors and motioned the dreamer in "this is your room" he stated the dreamer looked around the room, made out like the he was thinking for a few moments and said resignedly "i'm in prison" the guard said "yes" the dreamer waited for what seemed to be a long enough time "i can't get to sleep, i haven't slept for two days" then, "i've been a sleep-walker all my life", the dreamer lied convincingly, and continued with "it's been the cause of more trouble than anything" the guard was becoming human again and the dreamer could see he was ready for the full treatment "in case you're wondering what i'm in for it's handing out papers in the street calling the government liars and murderers and i was charged with libel" the guard hadn't come across a real-life cool hand luke before and was looking at me intently the dreamer asked him if he could give the dreamer a smoke in the next scene we are in his night-office if the dreamer played his part and things went well there could be a cup of tea to go with the fag the category of the dream - prison () closed () and x dream: (31) notes 1 of x dream it is a sad fact that the writer is getting more pleasure from his dream-time x dreams than he is in awake-time the pleasure of x is a whole bookful of knowledge on its own for starters, the level of pleasure that is associated with x is almost at a minimum at this time compared to how it will be again, pleasure is a state, a state that increases five and ten-thousandfold while we are man-shaped it doesn't stop there the next time you engage in x try to imagine... you are in an incomprehensibly intense state of pleasure and are minding your own business enacting straight-line-action when you feel a level of pleasure in your back greater than anything you have known before while still moving forward you spin around to see what caused it and there's nothing there you spin back around again, still moving forward, and see another mathematical entity a little way ahead of you and the mere sight of the mathematical entity produces an increased sense of well-being you have just experienced loving fun coming from a more seasoned straight-line practitioner playing hide-and-seek or, you are moving in a straight line experiencing a state of pleasure when your feeling of pleasure becomes even greater still still moving forward you turn around to see what caused it and there's no one there you have just experienced mysterious love (a more seasoned straight-line practitioner dropped out of the fourth dimension touched you on your back and popped back into the fourth dimension) the most seasoned straight-line practitioner of all knows more ways of producing pleasure than there are quons in the universe... playful love with a small amount of mystery playful love with a large amount of mystery mysterious love with a large amount of playfulness mysterious love with a small amount of playfulness playful love with a large amount of mystery and a larger amount exciting love playful love across five dimensions playful love with exciting and bold love across five dimensions playful love with exciting and bold love across six dimensions exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love across seven dimensions exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love with five entities across seven dimensions exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love with five entities across eight dimensions exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love and playful love with twelve entities across eight dimensions exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love and playful love with twelve entities across eight dimensions exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love and playful love with twelve entities across eight dimensions while turning on a vertical axis exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love and playful love with twelve entities across eight dimensions while turning about a vertical axis while tilting slowly forward and backward exciting and bold love with a hint of blissful love and playful love with two groups of twelve entities across eight dimensions while turning about a vertical axis while tilting slowly forward and backward see also heaven and permutations 02052018 published out of sequence the name of the dream: breakfast in my head was in a queue at a cafe in a railway station and had ordered a breakfast of tomatoes, eggs, beans, bacon, toast and tea there were a couple of people in front of me the queue shortened and when the dreamer was the next in line to place an order the dreamer dug into his pocket and brought out all the money therein the dreamer looked at the coins and realised that he didn't have as much as he thought there was not going to be enough to pay for the meal while counting the money and hoping the coppers might add up to the better part of a pound the dreamer saw a fifty-pence piece on the floor as the dreamer bent down to pick it up another fifty-pence coin came into view as the dreamer picked both of them up the dreamer became aware that the man behind the dreamer was exuding a condemnatory presence in the next scene, the dreamer is trying to juggle the money, the dreamer now has four pounds something, to get as many of the items of food as he could was still trying different combinations of foods to fit the money when the dream ended the category of the dream - money on the ground (4? 5?) cafe (1 or 2) 01052018 - 371 published out of sequence second dream name of the dream: the restauranteers four of us, two women and two men, are having a night out at a classy restaurant we men had decided to live beyond our budget and spoil the ladies the evening would take every penny we had the restaurant was very, very popular and had international standing; the best service, food, and drink available without being exclusive most if not all of the tables were four-seaters with about three metres between them we had eaten our meal and had hours to go before people would begin leaving for home when it occurred to the dreamer that a little impromptu entertainment might be a good idea the dreamer suggested an off-the-cuff, mini act to his friend he was up for it so we stood and positioned ourselves at the point furthest away from the closest seven or eight tables which gave us ample room to move around he began to speak in ye olde english style the dreamer doesn't remember word for word but it went something like this... "you, terrible knave that you are, have besmirched the good name of my family" the dreamer responded with, "and you have a misguided opinion of yourself - were it that you had a good name to sully the dreamer would not deem to speak unwell of you. your very accusation is unfounded and the dreamer does believe you speak with a mischievous intent" he came back with" "the mischievousness is not mine but yours. it was you who saw my wife with envious eyes and with lust in your body and did seek to possess her very soul" "your words have summoned outrage within me", the dreamer began "it is well for you that i do not have a sword about my person, for if i did you would feel the flat edge of it and it would find not your shoulder but your backside" the dreamer continued, "what haughty claims you have for you and your wife. it is because i am man of principle that i speak not of rumours that abound in nearby villages and towns of the escapades concerning a couple who leave morals at home and seek to make charlatans of unsuspecting maidens and lure decent men into the ways of the ungodly", he continues, "tis true you wife has a wholesome body and a wily wit. it is you who does not deserve the title of gentleman for having turned a goodly woman into an impish nymph and has lured her into a trap set by the very devil himself", and continues, "i am of a mind to bring you to book and speak of you to clergy and sheriff "the reason i do not is to keep out of harm's way the minds of children who would hear such things" "it is well that none of what is being said here will reach their ears" it went on like that for another ten sentences or so and by the end of it a small crowd had formed a circle about us the scene changed, the dreamer is on his way to the bar or toilet when a small, full-bodied young lady wearing a tight black dress was teeth-smiling at the dreamer as we approached each other as she passed she said that she liked my speech the dreamer thought it was an invitation and said "i could make myself available and do it in private" the dreamer felt confused when she said "no thanks" the next scene was at the cashier's desk near the entry/exit doors the dreamer was headed back into the restaurant and decided instead to pay the bill on the way out the dreamer took out his wallet and handed all of the money in it, thirty pounds, to a man who handed it to the cashier he never said thanks or gave the dreamer a receipt he thought the dreamer was giving him a measly tip the dreamer became a bit panicky if my mate couldn't cover the bill our reputation would be mud the dreamer said to the cashier "i'll pay the rest of the bill on the way out" the dream ended there 29042018 - 370 second dream name of dream: confusing times another dream i thought had been forgotten but following the success of remembering the previous dream i persevered trying to recall it, and did woke up and looked at the wall clock; it was 4 o'clock in the next scene is in the kitchen area when a woman and three or four children came through the front door and into the living room/kitchen the next scene, the woman was folding up washed clothes and the children had made the place their own the dreamer was flabbergasted the dreamer had to ask, "what are you doing?" "mrs ?'s housework" she said while continuing with arranging the clothes mrs ? was the next door neighbour the dreamer queried "why are you doing it here?" "mrs ? isn't in and your name is point referenced" she said matter of factly the dreamer knew what she meant if, for whatever reason, mrs ? wasn't at home the dreamer had volunteered to accept the shopping or medicines or anything else it was the sort of thing the dreamer would offer to do but couldn't remember actually being asked the youngest boy was about seven years of age and eager to be friendly the dreamer had a bit of fun teasing him and tricking him with a play on words and he loved it his deep-smile-reaction to the dreamer's word-play was the stand-out part of the dream a childrens radio play was coming through the t.v. the screen was displaying a colourful still picture which suited the theme of the play and the dreamer began listening to it his-self it was an entertaining story with children character actors, the dreamer became immersed in it it was the longest part of the dream and when remembering the dream initially, the dreamer had focused on remembering the details of the story it would have made entertaining reading the play went on for a space-age and there were things the dreamer had to do the dreamer said "i to go out at five o clock" one of the children said, "it finishes at four o clock. it will be over in a minute" the clock was at four when the dreamer had woken rather than say it's not four o clock the dreamer would let the person realise their mistkake for themself the dreamer said "there's a clock on the wall. what time does that say?" when a voice said "three o clock" the dreamer became confused trying to figure out why the clock was an hour wrong to start with then the woman said "we have to leave at five ourselves" that done it the dream had become too complicated to cope with and the dreamer woke notes 1 there was a point during this sleep when the dreamer woke up to the sound of an adult male voice introducing a childrens radio play the writer started listening to the play and thinking it was a quality production the dreamer had listened to bits of the play several times before due to falling asleep while listening to a narrated pre-historical programme which comes before it on a continouous loop on a usb (the t.v. has an "auto off" facility which is set for an hour) will use the childrens play to "crash out" to in the next sleep and report anything worth relating happens in that dream notes 2 did the dream-time conscious intergrate ongoing awake-time stimulus to the dream or were awake-time and dream time "cooperating?" notes 3 there was also another dream which had elements of both conscious and sleep-concious states in this sleep again, it was while trying to click a part of a computer screen to get a different page to show on this occassion the awake-time conscious came to the fore and the dreamer managed to press down on the device which would command a change of page, which it did and then the dreamer slipped back into dream-time the determination to apply pressure through the fingers to get the computer to go to another page in dreams is producing some unusual coordination between awake-time and dream-time the conclusion is that dream-time conscious needs to be able to work a computer for reasons that will reveal themselves during this millenium 29042018 - 369 first dream name of dream: what! three females and no x in line with most dreams recently, the dreamer thought he wasn't going to be able to recall it until, after trying twenty or more times to remember the dream, a quick flash of a memory told the dreamer it was there and it was just a matter of coaxing it into awake-time ten or so probing thoughts later it began presenting itself it is walking and sitting-on-the-grass weather it is set in exeter in the park with the statues in it near central station the dreameer is in a fabulous mood and it is as though the dreamer was the person who had discovered walking seamless movement without being aware of any sensation in the legs a day when there is a ready-to-smile smile on the face a day when it feels as if nature itself is in a good mood one young lady and myself traded glances and shared the same smile the next scene was back at her place she shared her accomodation with two other women, all looked to be twenty-ish' think they may have been grads or post grads my good mood was still playing out the dreamer captivated their imaginations and attention by answering their questions and remarks with simple reply's that hinted intelligence but mainly portrayed a man in love with life and people and especially women the girls started to take the dreamer seriously, too seriously the darting looks to each other as the dreamer spoke and when the dreamer caught them stealing quick look's at my crotch the dreamer knew where it was leading one of the girls was noticeably less good-looking than the other two; a lady who men didn't automatically take a shine to she emanated the air of a woman with a history of unsatisfactory relationships she had to try to make herself wanted by men, not something women are happy doing to make all three of the girls accessible, to what to the dreamer be would be a fantasy-reality, the dreamer would first have to win the affections of the woman who had been least successful in her interactions with men fate threw the dreamer a life-line, she had a two-year old daughter in the next scene the mother was presenting the dreamer to her daughter for the first time the three women and my first-time-encounter with a two-year old child! if ever there was a test designed to guage a mans character, this was it, it was make or break time the little girl was dressed delightfuly, bushed dress (the type that has white padding and makes the skirt flare out) and a bow in her hair it was easy to like her she was in front of the dreamer sitting on her mother's knees her fists were almost clanched, as is the way with very young ones the dreamer put his forefinger in one of her hands and cheated a little bit by gently scratching her palm with my nail she grasped my finger from the pressure of her hold the dreamer could judge how much movement the dreamer would be able to make in her whole arm the dreamer gave, what would seem to be to the toddler, a hearty hand-shake, and while shaking it said in a soft, fun way "my name is john. how do you do?" she didn't back away or change her expression my next move was to go for her ribs or the side of her neck or her toes" if this went right the dreamer was set up for at least a year the trick was not to rush things" notes tie-in smooth walking with last heel-squats an the firmness of the steps the following day 28042018 - 368 second dream name of dream: a contemporary building and historic buildings can't make heads nor tails of this dream * an open-air sports field with the usual sloped-tiered spectator area running around it and a wooden fence enclosing it not all of the stadium was visible in the dream that part of the stadium which was visible, about forty-metres, was stacked with collapsable, wooden-slatted chairs about two, three or four metres high and went to the top of the enclosing fence in the next scene the dreamer is on top of the chairs unfurling a white thin canvas with about two or three metres of the chairs still to be covered along the length of the chairs in the next scene am lying on top of the chairs looking down at a wild-west, one-street town with about twenty or thirty buildings the dreamer is "casing" the bank in the town and assessing the best way to rob it the dream changes to a think-read dream and the message is "if you find a bag with money in it its because the dreamer succesfully robbed your bank but left some for you" still in the dream, the dreamer was trying think why the dreamer had written the message there was then a period of composing and re-composing the message then, the composing of the message gave way to the dreamer slipping in and out of awake-time and dream-time as he tried to remember what it was he had done during the day that caused the dream about the stadium was it an awake-time construct and the dreamer was awake when the dreamer was in fact still dreaming? still dreaming, the dreamer settled on the thought that at least he had a dream and was maintaining one of the longest runs of recording a dreams on a daily basis it wasn't until the dreamer came to the computer to make the entry that the dreamer realised this was the second dream of the day category of dream: dream-time/awake-time (1 ?) notes over the last couple of months there has been several instances like this when the dream-time and awake-time have become indisdinquishable if nothing else dream theory is paving the way to us getting used to the idea that the two apparently different states of conscious are more connected than we realised and, most radically, the dream-conscious is the "parent" state of the two types of conscious ~~~ first dream name of dream: the incident in the hospital in the reception area of a hospital with an awake-time acquaintence of twenty plus years ago not sure why we are there the dreamer didn't need treatment nor did is long-time acquaintance we may have been there visiting the person with the dreamer was talking to two female members of the staff one was admin the other was a nurse or doctor the dreamer occasionally looked at them as they were talking but was mainly looking elsewhere the tone of their conversation changed the dreamer thinks one of the ladies said something demeaning to his mate or he had said something which caused one of the girls to respond with a quip which was slightly derogatory she said something like "what do you do then?" he didn't respond to her remark but instead went straight for her jugular and said "how many lives have you lost?" the woman was hurt and stunned my ears picked up and my attention became fully focused on the chat he pressed her, "c'mon. youv'e saved lives. how many have you lost?" the women weren't going to take that sort of remark one of the women picked up a phone and asked for dr birch things had moved into the area which breached hospital protocol the dreamer was thinking of telling him to apologise before it got ugly the dream ended there 27042018 - 367 name of dream: burly busker saw a biggish' girl walking along a street in the centre of town she had a back-pack which looked liked it weighed a good twelve kilos and a guitar slung over her shoulder her clothes were all-purpose and of the army-style; loose trousers and flak-jacket with boots in the next scene we are talking one bit of conversation led to another and when she mentioned that her portable p.a. wasn't quite loud enough in the next scene we were back at my place with the dreamer showing her an amp and speaker set-up which would meet her needs the wire which connected the amp to the speaker looked like it had been cut into with a knife, it was a clean cut when the dreamer man-handled the wire it broke in two there was a sturdy screw-in connection about the same size as a house bulb which connected the wire of the amp or the guitar to the speaker it didn't take long to get the wire ready to be soldered to the back of the two-point screw-in connection she was helping with moving things around and when she positioned the speaker she felt its weight and her face told the dreamer it was a lot heavier than she expected the dreamer mentioned that that the weighed about twenty kilo's and it might be too heavy for carting around she acknowledged it was too heavy for her the conversation changed and the dream became an externalised dream and after saying two or three sentences the dreamer woke to the sound of my own voice, again the stand-out part of the dream: screwing the bayonet-style connection into the speaker the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: have never come across an amp or a microphone which had a screw-in connection do they exist? 26042018 - 366 name of dream: introspective nymph x-dream details withheld 24042018 - 365 published out of sequence second dream name of the dream: will the last person in the dream please stop talking don't remember the beginning of this dream which contained the details of how it was that an ex-boxer and the dreamer had come into the money we are talking about what we could do with the cash at first we considered buying the place where he was living and doing it up he became enthusiastic about the idea of starting a cafe it wasn't a bad idea and had plenty of scope the dreamer went on "one" at this point of the dream the dreamer could hear his-self talking the dream had become externalised (a person near the dreamer would hear what the dreamer is saying) "we could run it ourselves" "we could get a friendly, chatty type of chef who would be on friendly terms with the rugulars" "we could keep the food simple, mashed potato, peas, pie and gravy" "we could could have a small menu which offered a variety of more elaborate meals" "we would need a drinks licence" "if it became succesful we could go nationwide" "what would you want to do if it took off?" the dreamer then realised the person the dreamer was talking to had left the dream the dreamer is talking to his-self in a dream, yet again first dream the name of the dream: a knight in dull armour living in a protected or sheltered accomodation a middle-aged woman, who the dreamer was attracted to, asked the dreamer to write a petition on her behalf and send it to a tribunal or commitee which would present her reasons for having access to her daughter her reason for being in the type of accommodtion we are in is because she had become addicted to cocaine and it had ruined her domestic life my reasons for being there was also drug-related but not because of using drugs the dreamer had supplied heroin the dreamer hadn't explained his reasons for being in the housing unit but but told her it was because of heroin and let her assume the dreamer was also an addict it was easy to read between the lines and understand what had happened in her life a glamourous and exciting personality found herself in a humdrum lifestyle with a possesive husband who had tied her to the home through the responsibility of a child her husband had manipulated the domestic scene to keep her in the house the woman and the dreamer were considering what would be the best reason to give to the tribunal as the dream ended and the dreamer awoke to hear his-self saying "why don't you speak to them yourself ?" the category of the dream - relationships () notes 1 second day running that heroin has featured in the dream the reason for it being in this dream is, it is thought, because after yesterday's dream the dreamer had thought about the afghan war and weighed up the possibility that the war in afghanistan was a ruse by the militarist's of america and britain to get the heroin and woud use the money from selling it to their own population to further their militaristic ambitions 23042018 - 364 second dream name of the dream: music, cronyism and heroin the dream starts with the dreamer at a bare, wooden, four-seater table in the restaurant area of an empty nightclub the dining-area had another fifteen or so of the same type of tables alongside of the dance-floor the dreamer was tapping away on the keyboard of a laptop in the next scene the dreamer is in the same place and reading a newspaper the club was still empty only now there was music playing two or three songs had played and each song was as good or better than the previous one the dreamer hadn't heard the songs before and wanted to know who was singing them and the titles of the songs so that he could add them to his own collection the paper the dreamer was reading was the daily mail and wouldn't you know it, it also happened to be the same paper that was sponsoring a competition which wanted to know particular personal snippets about some of the members of the bands there is 1.3 million pounds in prize money and at 10 pounds for each correct answer it would mean that a one-hundred and thirty-thousand contestants would win something notes 1 one of the drawbacks of dreams is the speed at which they become forgotten the details of the words in the think-read aspects of both sequences of this dream stayed fresh in the memory for several seconds after the sequences had finished it's beginning to be the case that dream-time memories are slowly becoming more accessible to the awake-time conscious in detail and quantity notes 2 the sequence of the dream with the songs playing must have been seven or more minutes of awake-time if the scene with songs in it represents one-third of this dream then the total awake-time of all of the dream of this sleep must be close to thirty minutes of awake-time this means the remembered part of this r.e.m. must be more than half of the total r.e.m. for the sleep coupling this with the dream in the second sleep accounts for most of the entire time adults are in r.e.m. in any one sleep (one to one and a half hours) which is about half of the time a baby dreams for on average) check r.e.m. for lengths of time and if a trend of r.e.m. lasting longer is occurring and/or can be established notes 3 some of us have noticed that the top 40 has over the last ten years has undergone a major change youngsters born into this type of "popular music" now think that songs that don't have a melody, which means you can't sing along to them, and which you can't dance to, is what pop music is all about the reason the songs haven't got melodies any more and don't always have a dancing beat is that bands who perform the songs that get into the charts do so because they have friends in the pop and music industry who make sure that it is their mates who get promoted and publicised and not those who are more talented (cronyism) giving friends jobs and positions instead of giving the jobs and positions to the people with the most talent is called cronyism and the oligarch-controlled countries are built on it and it is also the reason why we haven't got a decent football team it won't be realised by most people that the silky-smooth voices of melody-less songs have the appealing quality they have because the artist's are taking heroin and or cocaine heroin and pop stars goes back to the 'eighties many a no.1 hit song made it to the no.1 position of the charts because of the quality of the singing-voice which accompanies the use of heroin more on the use and the consequences of heroin, who is supplying it, how it gets into the country, what the money is spent on" another time notes 4 isn't it just typical of an oligarch-controlled country handing out a small basket of essential items to one in every five-hundred people and the recipients of the baskets basking in the warmth of their win and momentarily thinking how great life is the instance of a village in russia a few years back which had suffered a natural disaster and was completely demolished sticks in my mind meanwhile, the bulk of the population continue to scrape by first dream name of the dream: a changing world one of, if not the, most influential dynasty of the banking structure was giving a day-by-day account of his month-long incarceration as he was speaking his words became translated into think-read form there were five, six, seven or more clearly readable sentences at the end of his account of being in prison he didn't get abused or receive harsh treatment when he was locked up he did however fully understand that he would be in prison for life if a compromise wasn't arrived at he had resigned himself to the possibility of spending his life in the prison that had tiered-landings as is the style of many prisons the world over it was while he was relating the last days of imprisonment that the dreamer began recalling and narrating his own period in prison somewhere between realising that the person in the dream was finishing or had finished telling his experiences of being in prison, the dreamer started recalling and narrating a period of his own imprisonment the experience the dreamer was recalling was not of this lifetime but of a past time-tense when the dreamer had been in the same situation as the man in the first part of the dream and was being held as a bargaining chip my recollections were also being re-formed as a think-read sequence notes 1 the crucial point of sleep-time-cum-awake-time experiences occured for the fourth or fifth time in last month or so immediately after waking and trying to remember the dream and thinking it had been forgotten, the dream came to the fore when re-tracing the latest awake-time thoughts that led seamlessly to the beginning of the dream, or, while thinking in awake-time the dreamer became immersed in the dream the dreamer was trying to remember the sleep-dream came from awake-time thoughts while going into sleep-time memory both themes were of the same nature again, sleep-time and awake-time are fusing together also, this type of experience is re-affirming the outlook that the dream-time conscious will replace the awake-time conscious as being the "master-conscious" in the fulness of evolution also of late, memories, mostly pleasurable, of dream-time conscious states are becoming the dominant memories whenever the memory is tapped for details that the sleep-time conscious may be superior to the awake-time conscious and become the "full-time" conscious was the most radical thought that came from that flurry of insights and thoughts which began ten months ago re-tracing awake-time thoughts immediately after waking promotes access to sleep-time memories (add to how to remember your dreams) this dream began with one of the historical banking families' being interviewed or it may have been a narration by him to a biographer and without realising it at first it became a continuation of the writer's awake-time conscious relating his own experiences of being imprisoned by the same people who had to yield their grip on the world of finance to get one of their own back one-quarter of the content of this dream was narrated and translated into think-reading in awake-time 22042018 - 363 name of the dream: conflict of outlook was earning money by manipulating the local stocks and shares in properties specifically, the prices individual landlords and small associations of landlords are asking the dreamer carved out a niche in the market when he saw the opportunity to start a service which offered a no-advance-fee for tenants who couldn't afford to pay an advance and deposit for a flat if the dreamer covered the advance fee and deposit for the first month by being selective about which property or properties they should live in, it was possible to make the value of the assets of one property in particular go up or down and move money from one company to another beforehand there was one landlord in particular who didn't like the fact that his livelihood was determined by the dreamer mainly because the dreamer didn't want him because he had an attitude problem toward life 21042018 - 362 the name of the dream: self-portraits seven or eight pictures of the dreamer's face in most of the pictures, one or two had noticeable movement in them and were recognisable as myself two or three, though, certainly did not look like the writer, at least not in a way the dreamer has seen himself in a mirror in this lifetime, nor is the youthful complexion of the face of the writer something i expect to see in this lifetime the pictures that didn't portray how the dreamer looks now could be of different tenses of time also, it's just possible it was you-know-who if it was, then another possibility has opened up, except for a handful of pictures, the pictures pages referred to as "personal picture pages", which the dreamer thought were him, could be you-know-who - see notes 1 dreams diary is in such a state of flux it seems unlikely that it will be complete in the current millennium unless we interact with d-man before then notes 2 when a person starts reading this dream diary for the first time, for accuracy, read it from the first to the last entry for fun, read it lucky-dip style, i.e. your girlfriend's favourite colour is green you both guess how many times the word green is in the dream diary you use the find button in the browser to discover the answer if your guess is closest, you put your feet up while your girlfriend or boyfriend makes a cuppa category of dream: mini-montage: self (1) 20042018 - 361 second dream the name of the dream: someone out there had just purchased a new programme for the computer and was looking at the options before running it there was a complimentary programme which came with the main programme as the dreamer reads what the extra programme can do, its usefulness begins to reveal itself it could hone in on any part of the main programme and fine-tune it to the nth degree the main programme itself was a tool for fine-tuning applications the extra programme took efficiency to a completely different level it gave the computer the means to raise the accuracy of any other programme installed on the computer well beyond the specifications that came with the original programme the "add-on" was more valuable than all the other programmes on the computer put together it was like someone had taken the latest bit of space-age technology and bundled it in with a typically handy programme by mistake not only that, there were four copies of it the programme was in a visual form it was a triangular tube with rounded corners along one side of the triangle was a dark metal corkscrew, along another side was a ball in fluid and on the other, the dreamer thought it was a scale with a red dot of light when using the programme the three different mechanisms changed the pace at which they moved from imperceptibly slow to too fast for the eye to distinguish imagine being able to select one letter from a document and saturate it in whole or in part with as many pixels of any colour and make the letter turn on its axis while making it glow and dim as it increased and decreased in size as the letter took on each hue of the spectrum in incremental steps or randomly as slowly or quickly as you wanted in the next scene, the dreamer is with two acquaintances and is beside his-self with excitement, showing them what it could do the dreamer said, "iv'e had this sort of thing happen before" "the member of the staff in the company responsible for designing and publishing a web page had added to the page an overly generous offer and made it available on the internet for a few seconds, knowing that at the exact moment, it was made available, there was only a one in a million chance that someone might also at that same moment click the download after purchasing it" the dreamer went on to tell the guys in the dream of two awake-time instances about five years apart when the dreamer came across two significant deals in awake time, but when the dreamer went to buy them for the second time, the page no longer had the offer on it although the url was the same first dream the name of the dream: not if i've got anything to do with it this dream is in a large village of about a thousand families a meeting of less than half a dozen people is underway to form policy it was believed that the dreamer would want a key position in the administrative/policy-forming committee someone suggested that certain aspects of the admin structure should have an elevated or privileged position that outlook, already envisaged by a few people who assumed that they would be making the crucial decisions, opened the door for self-interests one person said, "it will be us who make the final decision" the group/clique mentality was beginning to take root the dreamer's hackles are up the dreamer said loudly and demeaningly, "who's us?" when there was no reply, he asked again, "who's us?" the dreamer was determined not to let the group/clique mentality take hold someone was "hushing" the dreamer in an imploring way as the dream ended 19042018 - 360 x dream details withheld 18042018 359 name of dream: running for his life with the exception of a wood or forest a few hundred metres to the dreamer's right, there was nothing but an ocean of knee-high, beige-coloured grass in every direction the small group of people the dreamer was with had gone without him they had overlooked the dreamer was still sleeping when they packed up camp and continued on their journey the dreamer could see where they had gone they had left a path in the beige-coloured grass, so at least finding them wasn't going to be a problem it might take hours of running to catch up with them the dreamer was about to start running after them when a movement to his right caught his attention a mild panic took over the dreamer when he saw what looked like a stegosaurus running towards him it was more than two hundred metres to the dreamer's right, but there was no mistaking its size or intention, the dreamer was to be his next meal, or perhaps the dreamer was in what the animal thought was his exclusive territory either way, death for the dreamer is the most likely outcome in the next scene, the path takes a long wind to the right and merges with the wood or forest about four hundred metres in the distance the dreamer can leave the path and run through the shin-high grass and take a substantial amount out of the distance to the dreamer's right and two hundred metres away from where he is, the dreamer can see a large animal moving toward him the animal is moving towards the dreamer faster than the dreamer can run the animal, which looks like a stegosaurus, is going to let the dreamer know that he is a trespasser and he will be treading on if the animal can catch him if the dreamer follows the path the people took, the animal will catch him before he can get to the protection of the trees the trees are too dense for the animal to move through the animal, too, had weighed up the situation he began running for the dreamer the animal calculated he should be able to get the dreamer before the dreamer could get to the wood or forest the dreamer had only a moment or two to make the decision a straight line from where he is will take the dreamer to the edge of a wood or forest the dreamer can see a large animal which is running alongside the wood due to the angle the dreamer is running at, the animal could catch up with the dreamer within four hundred metres in the next scene, the animal was only a hundred metres away now the dreamer can see what it is it is a stegosaurus but without any blades on its back (the stand-out part of the dream) at a distance of a hundred metres, its size took on a new perspective; it became threateningly big, and the dust it was kicking up told the dreamer it was heavy the dreamer could have been wrong about its intentions, but it didn't look like it wanted to be friends (the dreamer has probably strayed into its territory) the trees in the wood are too sturdy and too close together for the animal to follow me it was just a matter of ten seconds before it had caught up with me by changing the angle at which he is running toward the wood, the dreamer lengthens the time it will take to get to the wood, and because he is moving faster than the animal, he has given himself another second or two the dreamer knows just how perilously close to the beast he will be the dreamer is cutting it too fine for comfort in the next scene, the dreamer is in the woods and on a path that looks like people have made it, although this path doesn't look like it is hardly ever used came to an animal gate/grid, only this one was much more intricate than the one we see in our fields it was a two-stage grid/gate made even more complicated by the first part of the grid, which, like a see-saw it went down when the animal stood on it, and it became level when the animal's weight was in the centre and then lowered as the weight went through the far end of it the gaps between each of the bars of the grid are too close together for an animal's foot to get wedged into, but what was the purpose of the design? if that wasn't bad enough, when the see-saw bit of the grid gate was low enough for the animal to step onto the next part of the grid gate, there were two narrowish plates it had to walk along to get across was it to ensure that only animals with a certain level of intelligence could use it? an animal, which looked the size and shape of a donkey, done the first manoeuvre but was having difficulty placing its hooves on the plate of the second section of the grid gate the dreamer tried to help by guiding its legs onto the plates, but the animal shunned my attempts to place one of its feet on the plate by jerking its leg away from my grip when the dreamer got hold of it the category of dream: animal: (40+) dinosaurs: (5+) stegosaurus (1) donkey or mule notes 1 the first dream sequence is past tense unless, of course, dinosaur-man has dinosaur zoos the size of counties or countries * the name of the name of dream: nighttime de ja vue there were two of us, both males we are in grizzly adams's terrain thick forest with tall trees and a fair amount of bush we were prospecting for gold, although the word prospecting is a bit misleading the dreamer had some "insider information" the dreamer was the only one who had the precise location of where to find what was going to be a lifetime "payday" the info had been passed to the dreamer by a reliable person who knew the dreamer would do the right thing and give him a share there needed to be two of us, so the dreamer brought another person in on the venture after the first day of trekking, we had set up camp for the night and were around the campfire and in high spirits before we had considered bedding down for the night, two other men showed up they have twigged or have been told that the dreamer knows where to find gold one of the new men had an arrogant air about him, and the dreamer knew he would double-cross him if he got the chance in the next scene, it is the middle of the night the dreamer had a stick as heavy and the shape of a metal pole the dreamer went to where the cocky late-comer was sleeping and began beating him with it the noises he made woke up the others when everyone was awake, the dreamer got the person he hit to agree he would do as the dreamer said or else he agreed in the next scene, it was night again, and it was the same setting as the night before first, it was just the original two of us, and then the two men from the previous night showed up at the same time as they had the night before only this time, the arrogant male wasn't so arrogant the dream was a "looped" dream when it was realised it was a "looped" dream, it meant tonight, in the middle of the night, the dreamer wouldn't have to beat him so hard to get him to agree the last scene of this dream shows the expression of the man hurt by the dreamer, only now he has a defeated and forlorn look the dreamer had a hunch that he may know he was in a loop as well cause of the dream: known but not revealing it the category of dream: looped-dream: (1) 17042018 name of the dream: ending copyright accidentally discovered a way to remove the logo, photo and brand marks from web pages it opened up all sorts of possibilities was applying it to one company in particular when the dream ended 16042018 - 358 third dream the name of the dream: think-reading can be pleasurable at first, and as is common with think-read dreams, it was stopping and starting when forming the sentences, which is a bit of a labour quite quickly, it became easier and easier to read, and eventually, the sentences were forming as fast as the dreamer could read them then, at the very end of the dream, it seemed as though the forming of the words and sentences and the reading of them were simultaneous it seemed as though the dreamer was re-reading his composition it was a think-read dream about someone who had written a book was think-reading a review of the book the review went into an explanation of the author's life experiences and explained that the author had been peer-pressured into writing the novel the circumstances of the author's life, the way he is expected to deliver artistic works of art in line with family tradition and how his yearning to be an ordinary person gives the novel a unique and insightful perspective this think-read dream was a pleasure to read it is the first time the writer has got pleasure from think-reading in a dream notes 1 it was calming and satisfying to be able to think-read the writing even though the reviewer used sophisticated literary skills it may be there is a library of books available to the dream-time-conscious so when we want, we can change from box montages to line montages notes 2 will check the tenses of time of think-read dreams to discover if they are mainly future tenses of time if they are, then our descendants are destined to re-write their previous literary works the category of the dream - think-read () books (1+) second dream name of the dream: a menacing person a wimp, who knew that the dreamer knew that he had the backing of violent friends and family, tries to intimidate the dreamer with the threat of violence didn't hit him but threatened to, and that was enough to bring on the wrath of his clan a coward who is brave with a crowd to support him, and it must be said the writer has come across women who used their aggressive family to get away with intimidating people, which is a particular type of cowardice which brings out feelings of despicability in fair-minded men sure enough, people came looking for the dreamer and at their first attempt to do "justice", the dreamer only managed to keep out of their clutches by a whisker by taking an unattended push-bike and peddling for it like mad his connections went even further than the dreamer realised; the police are on my case as well was in trouble and felt it was a matter of survival it didn't matter where the dreamer went; a person or people on foot or in transport would appear in the dream in another scene and still on the bike, three men in a car came up from behind when the dreamer was waiting at a busy roundabout drivers had to swing around the dreamer, and the dreamer was causing problems, but it would be the dreamer who got hurt at least this way, there was a chance the dreamer wouldn't get injured if the crew in the car behind got their hands on the dreamer, they would have to mess the dreamer up as badly as being in an accident to maintain their reputation in a later scene, a policeman was talking to the dreamer about a petty point in the law concerning riding the bike hadn't done anything wrong that mattered and was puzzled over why he had pulled the dreamer over the conversation had been going on for a while before realising he was keeping the dreamer in one place long enough for the people looking for him to block off any way of the dreamer getting away again this time, there was no way the bike was of any use the dreamer had to "leg it" like the devil was after me had slipped their clutches once again the "hunt" was still on when this dream ended aside was in my early twenties and at work when the dreamer came across an awake-time version of the wimp in this dream the first time anyone spoke to him, he would exhibit a genuinely aggressive attitude, which made you think he would become violent to the point of being homicidal if you upset him this little rat, as the dreamer soon found out, went a step too far he exhibited his genuinely violent bent with women as well (if there's one thing that rankles men, it's men who hit and bully women and children) the staff of the company shared the tea room, and after the dreamer had seen him performing his act twice with females, it seemed the best thing to do was not talk to him, which the dreamer didn't he was like it with everybody except the administrators of the company it didn't matter who spoke to him, he gave out with a truly menacing attitude big guys, small guys, young women, old women, they all got the "treatment" there was one chap, a mini-sized hulk and an irishman to boot, who was unintimidatable and even-mannered and who rebuked the little nasty the little rat fell as silent as a priest contemplating god the dreamer realised his violently dominating characteristics were natural, but he had no courage decided what to do first, the dreamer sat near him and asked him a question as expected, the rat turned on his vicious character and rebuked the dreamer the dreamer feigned submission and fell sheepishly silent later on that day, the little rat had to speak to the dreamer he spoke in his nasty mode the dreamer looked around to make sure no one was looking and gave him a sturdy heel kick in the shins his jaw dropped to the floor from that moment on, he could never be sure that someone he had succesfully intimidated would not turn on him third dream the name of the dream: the shoe wheeler-dealer in the company of my peers, friends and friends of friends someone mentioned he liked the style of my shoes the shoes were black and white without being garish and were latticed-leather on the upper-front the dreamer thought they were pretty neat as well the dreamer liked them so much the dreamer wishes he had bought more than one pair it was a bit of good fortune that the dreamer just so happened to have the other shoes with him and realised the potential of a profit was in the air in the next scene, there were at least three boxes of the same shoes being examined by the people in the room money was being exchanged" the dreamer was in wheeler-dealer mode cause of the dream: i bought two new pairs of shoes recently the boxes they were in are still in the living room, ready to be re-used for storing other items 15042018 - 357 the name of the dream: good news from the doctor with a dream-time buddy we had the day planned the first thing to do was to go to the doctor's surgery buddy needed to go and it was going to be a quick in/out at the surgery, the doctor had finished with buddy, and we were moving toward the entrance/exit door when the doctor enquired about my health the dreamer said the dreamer was o.k except for a long-standing malady, which the dreamer had learned to live with the doctor, a genuinely caring and world-weary man who could adopt an air of superiority, knew what my problem was and asked the dreamer if the dreamer was still feeling any pressure in a particular part of my back the question was the key factor in diagnosing whether the dreamer was improving or not the dreamer said the pressure had moved from one place to another he said "oh. whereabouts ?" the dreamer said it had moved up or the dreamer may have said down, don't remember which he asked the dreamer to tell him exactly where it had moved from and where it was now it meant having to pull the shirt out of my trousers he was placing his fingers here and there, and the dreamer was saying a "bit higher", "to the left" the doctor then needed to touch the area around my hips in the next scene i'm standing in my shorts and socks undergoing a full-blown examination after a while, the doctor pronounced that my condition had now reached a point where, with the proper care and guidance, the dreamer could be one hundred per cent better in next to no time the dream ended here with the dreamer feeling in high spirits cause of the dream: thinking about my physical conditiion during the day addenda: vividness:: 3.2/3 - the quality of the dream: 3.8 - the quality of the sleep: 3.4 notes 1 in awake-time, i haven't got a regular doctor the way the dreamer look at it is, when a person registers with a doctor a person has, in that act, admitted into their thinking that something might go wrong in their life how much of what goes wrong in our lives goes bad because we think things may go wrong? how much of what is wrong with us is formed by what we think and do? 14042018 - 356 name of the dream: joining consciousnesses the dream was about three dogs when trying to remember the details of the dream after the third scene, the dreamer began having difficulty in recalling the first three scenes, so rather than lose the first three scenes, the dreamer decided to type what the dreamer could remember in case the three scenes that were fresh in my mind faded completely typed the first two sentences easily enough but when the dreamer got to the third sentence it wasn't making sense with the first two the dreamer put the third sentence first and put sentences two and three as sentences one and two now the dreamer was having difficulties in remembering and composing while trying to put the written scenes in a different order to what they happened it finally started coming together when the dreamer started think-reading what the dreamer had written and began composing it in think-write style however, the think-write technique was not of the type of think-write dream of 18012018 but in the style of a think-read dream of 15092014 the dreamer had spent so much time trying to form the wording and the order of the scenes the third scene had slipped from my memory altogether the dreamer abandoned trying to put this dream together feeling dissapointed with myself the dreamer concluded that unless there is another dream in the next sleep of the day, today would be the first day without recording a dream since the 28032018 tried to rationalise why the details of dreams are so elusive and what can be done to avoid it from becoming a regular thing after some time in awake-time, i realised the dream it was the type of dream that was the dream, not the scenes of the dogs a little smile formed as the dreamer thought again about what he has known for many years, as much as anything else; in you know who's eyes, i'm a tool it's possible that the dreamer furnished the thoughts that caused the theme of this dream, but the real cause is, i'm sure, that the dream was scheduled to appear about now notes 1 three points 1 believed the dreamer was in awake-time and at the keybord from the moment i began to type a record of the dream 2 stradled both dream-time conscious and awake-time conscious for seven or eight thoughts 3 on our way to transmutation awake-time conscious and dream-time conscious become fully inter-changeable category of dream: timed-to-occur: think-writing in think-reading style (1) 13042018 - 355 the name of the dream: prequel to x with miss x this is the second pleasure dream with this unknown lady this dream may become a serial dream (three dreams) neither dream contained x although in both dreams we were both unclothed a slightly longer-than-usual pleasure dream the first scene was a kiss that lasted for about three seconds of dream-time in the second scene, we had re-positioned ourselves she was lying on her back with her right arm under and around my neck with her hand resting on my chest her left arm was at her side or resting on the left side of her body the dreamer was lying slightly lifted on my left side with my left hand under her head with my elbow taking the weight of my body and poised, ready to rest on her if she pulled the dreamer down we began another kiss the dreamer took the lead and refrained from pushing back body when her hips began moving up and down instead, using two, three and four of the finger-tips of my right hand, the dreamer was pulling up and gently letting go of her left nipple; my lips and tongue would have been the best "tool" for that motion, but the night was still young the sensation of the kiss and the feel of her nipple was something to be savoured at that moment, it would have been an excellent time to conjoin* but, as this website is hoping to convey, the purpose of pleasure is to acquaint and imbue our physiology with ever-increasing levels of pleasure not sure what, if anything, went through her mind when the dreamer didn't conjoin her movements in response to what she was feeling were a natural consequence of the situation, a built-in stimulus-response mechanism put there by you-know-who the second kiss was most of the dream, between eight and twelve seconds in dream-time (don't forget, in awake-time, ten seconds is at least five, six or seven or more times longer than dream-time) in the third scene, we are touching but are not pressed against each other she said, "i want to be with you for a while" she was referring to the relationship can't remember exactly what my reply was but it contained the words" "take our time" she then said something else which the dreamer couldn't remember, and the dreamer replied, "why is something wrong? " the dreamer woke up as he was saying, "why, is something wrong? notes 1 conjoinment occupies a special place within our consideration of pleasure we can begin to separate the building of pleasure via non-procreational sexual activity and the explosive pleasure of synchronised ejaculation in conjoinment the sensation of pleasure is part of the "toolkit" of an evolving being we have to learn why we experience pleasure and how to use pleasure to make more of it the sensation of pleasure is set to increase by five and ten thousandfold before we transmute feeling that much pleasure permanently is necessary to cushion what would otherwise be a stupefyingly overwhelming sense of freedom (the word endless and the experience of endless are two completely different things) notes 2 it looks like the categorising and formulating of dreams will not be completed in the writer's lifetime people are invited to copy and paste all pages related to dreams and dreams theory, put them into a database and have a go at categorising them it will be one of the things the writer has to "catch-up" with at the start of the five-hundred-year epoch which follows the current one-thousand-year epoch the database/s which the writer refers to most one-thousand from now will" p.s. keep a copy of the current Database addenda: vividness:: 32/100 participant the category of dream: pleasure: () kissing and finger touch: () non-conjoinment: () 12042018 - 354 third dream the name of the dream: a double-catch a catch-the-frisbee dog contest is in progress it wasn't just a dog-catching-a-frisbee competition the dogs handler was to catch the dog with the frisbee at of the heighth of the jump with the frisbee in the dogs mouth someone who was practising it in the practise area and didn't catch the dog right and the dog got hurt cause of the dream: often think of playing with a dog doing frisbee-catch participant - the category of the dream - animal: () mammal: dog (13) frisbee-catching (1) second dream the name of the dream: street-walker in the local gym had enough equipment to cater for about ten people americans are in town and are scheduled to drop in and see what facilities the gym has was doing a shoulder-width-and-heighth straight-arm hold barbell exercise three americans came in and the dreamer lost my concentration on two or three occassions and either bent my arms or had to lower the bar most of the time was doing the exercise right, and when it was done right, my shoulders felt immensely strong in the next scene was out and about in town and felt so much strength in my legs while walking i could adopt any one of two or three different gaits was impressed by my ability to change my style of walking and was still trying new ones as the dream ended the stand-out part of the dream: the feelings of strength in the shoulders and legs the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: this may be how the dreamer would like to feel or how the dreamer have felt or how the dreamer will feel cause of the dream: pde's: a continuing drive to regain strength and mobility and thinking about the american political influence earlier on in the day participant - the category of the dream; health: strength: () - addenda: vividness:: 3.4 the quality of the dream: 3.7 the quality of the sleep: 3.7 - the name of the dream: street-walker third dream the name of the dream: a dance and a death the first scene was at a dance in the company of three or four others, all girls, i think second scene, on my own in a pub a girl came into the pub and began asking questions about one of the girls who was at the dance in the previous scene between the first scene and this scene, the girl had died the girl asking the questions was ardent in her quest to find out what had caused the girl to die and wanted any information which would satisfy her feeling that someting unusual and possibly untoward had happened the dreamer said, "the dreamer was with her just before she died and she didn't seem to have anything on her mind" the young lady in her middle twenties didn't say anything thinking it might make her feel better the dreamer said "she was enjoying herself at the dance" the girl never replied - (can't make head nor tails of the reason for the second scene 11042018 - 353 name of the dream and references: my sister's playful brother it was the prodigal sons' homecoming reception not sure where the dreamer had been but the dreamer was back it was going to be a semi-formal affair the dreamer is chatting to an acquaintance while the reception room is being set up there was a long table which would have a delicacies and drinks along the lenghth of it and there was a stage furthest away from the entrance door the dreamer would be relating my adventures and achievements in snippet-form as people walked along the table picking and choosing what to put on their plates second scene my sister turned up and had some fantastic news she had become engaged to ? (can't remember his name) he was a prize he was a celebrity in his own right and, it must be said, occupied a more celebrated position in society than i the engagement became more of a talking point than my return the dreamer was fond and proud of my sister and she occupied a special place in my life but she had stolen my thunder a little ribbing was in order when she was within earshot of the person the dreamer was talking to, the dreamer said just loud enough for her to hear, "don't ask her about ?" the momentary look of consternation on her face told the dreamer she had taken the "bait" the man caught on to what the dreamer was doing and played along it was only as the dreamer deberately made light of the value and sanctity of marriage and how it was overrated that she began to think the dreamer might not be serious about what he was saying, but she still wasn't sure in the next scene my sister and the dreamer had moved away from the table and we were away from the main body of people the dreamer could see that she was still a bit concerned and she had decided to ask the dreamer what the dreamer thought about her new realtionship the dreamer couldn't stop himself from silently laughing, and my body was jerking in the way it does when a good belly laugh is in progress my sister had formed the question she was going to ask and had said half of it before turning to the dreamer and delivering the pertinent last few words of the sentence the dreamer had to put my fingers to my teeth and pretend to be scraping them so she wouldn't see the dreamer was fit to burst out laughing id'e had my revenge and it had ran its course my sister realised she had been "had", and her face became a wonderfully relaxed teeth smile that carried an admiration for the male sense of humour and a tinge of weariness from the moment the dreamer had penetrated her cacoon of bliss to the end of the dream the dreamer had been the jester-joker of the gathering and the dream was one long parade of smiling and laughing when the dreamer woke the endorphins were gushing through my body and the feelings lasted for minutes after waking the stand-out part of the dream: yvonne's teeth-smile a participant category of dream: pleasure () humour/laughter (1) addenda: vividness:: 3.8 to 4 the quality of the dream: 4 the quality of the sleep: 3.7 10042018 - 352 second dream name of the dream: dreamt the dreamer was making leek soup and was tasting it as the dreamer was making it the stand-out part of the dream: the taste of the leek in the soup cause of the dream: a physiological need/desire for soup? or it might have been throwing away a fair-sized container of leeks the day before participant - the category of the dream - food: (6) taste () leek soup (1) addenda: vividness:: 4 the quality of the dream: 3.2 the quality of the sleep: 3.4 first dream the name of the dream: unsuccessfully trying to organise folders on the computer and woke up frustrated at not being able to single left-click a folder and drag and drop it category of dream: computer () notes 1 this is not the first dream that has caused a feeling of frustration because the dreamer couldn't left-click and drag and drop an item on a computer screen with this dream and the dreamer think with at least one of the others it was for the same reason not being able to drag and drop in this dream, the dreamer has the sensation of pressing his forefinger after the dream has ended there may be a good reason for feeling frustrated the capacity to exert pressure through the fingers into a dream is either a faculty that does exist or is not yet developed the frustration is like a child who becomes frustrated when being shown how to tie a shoelace or eat with a knife and fork he knows it can be done but hasn't yet developed the coordination to do it 09042018 - 351 name of the dream: first theme think-read dream the dreamer gets a notification from youtube that has has been given a "strike" for a breach of copyright because it is my second strike, my account will be suspended was cursing and fuming at first but then realised it wasn't the end of the world had already given up on the world's first 24/7 live channel devoted exclusively to e.t.'s making a difference after the cursing and spitting thoughts and feelings had faded, the think-read message changed and became a first-aid tip to apply to birds with broken wings (another dream of a bird with a broken wing 20112017) the category of the dream - think-read: () youtube: (1) it then went from a think-read dream to a normal-type dream it was night-time as the dreamer turned from the path that ran alongside the road onto the path that led to the house, the dreamer saw a bird about the size of a pigeon, it might have been a pigeon, standing just in front of the outside door that led to the garden it was alive but was standing motionless there was a gap of about ten or twelve centimetres between the bottom of the door and the ground through the gap, the dreamer could see the legs of a cat which was walking back and forth from one side of the door to other side the door the cat could smell the bird and was moving about waiting for the bird to come under the door the cat's movements had alerted the bird to the precence of the cat and was in a dilemna the bird was out in the open and wanted to get into the relative safety of an inconspicous area the dreamer moved towards the bird the bird considered the dreamer threat and tried to fly away it attempted to fly over the garden gate but crashed into the wall just below the top of the garden gate and fell to the ground as it was trying to fly away the dreamer could see that one of its wings wasn't flapping correctly and that was the reason it was in the predicament the dreamer realised it was my movement that had frightened it and stopped still hoping it would calm it down after ten seconds or so, the dreamer started to move towards the bird again and again it tried to fly away and crashed once more it would be easy enough to catch it but what then? then, the hints about healing birds with broken wings in the think-read came to mind in the think-read part of the dream, a splint is mentioned it occured to the dreamer that if the dreamer put a thick elastic band about its body it would keep its wings still until the dreamer could get it a to a vet the following day the dream ended here notes 1 it was only yesterday when someone stated that in the notes of the dream that the following dream that this website has of a bird would write an aside about birds and now, here we are only a day later with a bird dream! (see the aside below the notes) the stand-out part of the dream: reading the think-read message a participant the category of the dream - animal: dinosaur: pigeon (1) addenda: vividness:: 4 for the think-read dream and 3.2 for the ordinary dream notes 1 it must be a possibility that the thoughts about writing an aside while writing the account of yesterday's dream affected the content of the dream of this sleep to think otherwise will mean having to consider that some dreams are "timed" to occur or one type of dream will "trigger" similar themes see aside was in the habit of taking some brown bread with the dreamer when taking a walk along the path which runs alongside the river exe the pigeons would eat just about anything but it was noticed that brown bread made the birds eat with a hint of frenzy the dreamer would take about a third or a quarter of an eight-hundred gram of bread with the dreamer on the walks usually as the dreamer walked along, the dreamer would break off a fistful of bread and squeeze and rub it in my hand and let the bread fall through my grip as it broke down into small bits it amused the dreamer to see the birds take a few beak-fulls of bread and then hop or flutter to the head of the trail of bread it wasn't as much fun to throw a lump of bread down and watch a free-for-all scramble this way was much more civilised and everyone got some on this day the dreamer decided to try something new holding the bread in one hand the dreamer broke off tiny bits of bread with the other hand and pressed them into pellets about the size of small peas again, as with the previous method, there was a bit of a scramble to start with but very soon it turned into the hop and flutter style this new way of feeding the birds meant that it took a lot longer to drop the bread usually it would all be gone in about fifty metres but this new way kept the food going for three to four hundred metres occassionaly the dreamer would glance behind to see the hopping and fluttering because it was going on for so long the dreamer didn't look back as often as the dreamer would normally the bread was nearly all gone when a woman and a man walking in the opposite direction said in a quizzical and amused way as they were level with the dreamer "what's going on here then?" it was just the dreamer feeding the birds in my own peculiar style, the dreamer thought the dreamer smiled and looked behind and looked at what they were seeing and saw a picture that has become a fixed memory the birds weren't hopping and fluttering but had become fifty or more birds walking as though out for a liesurely walk occasionaly, one in every two or three of the birds would pick up a bit of bread without changing its direction or the pace it was walking try to imagine it... fifty pigeons over an eight-metre distance walking in single-file it's the sort of thing that only happens in dreams all together now in the key of c major, "row, row, row, your boat gently down..." 08042018 - 350 third dream name of the dream and references: wordy two was a contestent on a t,v. show a woman and a man hosted the show not sure if it was for a prize or money or prestige each contestant had thirty seconds to say as many different words as possible the dreamer went about it alphabetically: "darling, do, dollar, don't", fever, forever, friends", rat, ratchet, rattle." was given a score of nine out of ten and was leading was dead chuffed with my performance and did it some more after waking up cause of the dream: i was talking to someone an hour earlier we were trying to remember the names of film stars, and the names of the films we thought were their best performances one way of recalling the names and words of people, places and things you used to be able to remember at will is to go through the alphabet, lingering on each letter it does work second dream name of the dream and references: wordy two of us was looking through a phone book looking for the name of someone cause of the dream: probably the same reason as the previous dream first dream name of the dream and references: group-hug daytime and out and about a cat, which could have been grex (13022018), appeared just in front and to the right of me the dreamer thought it was grex and stooped down and pulled the front of my jacket or shirt out in front of the dreamer at about forty-five degrees to the floor when the dreamer did this with grex in awake-time, he recognised it as an invitation to climb up the dreamer and onto my shoulders either this cat wasn't grex, or his character had changed so the dreamer tried saying something to him, which the dreamer also used to tell him in a squeaky voice; the dreamer said, "where you bin'" he appeared to remember it and let out a soft miaow the dreamer put my hand on the back of his neck and gave him a nail scratch around his ears, which brought him closer, so now he was nestled into my knee the dreamer put my other hand on the other side of his head, and we were now hugging in the next scene, another cat, a black one (grex was also friendly with a black cat back in the awake-time day and the dreamer would get back home and find the two of them huddled together: got a photo of the two of them in this position) was next to grex the lengths of the two cats' bodies were touching each other, and the dreamer was soothingly finger-rubbing the neck/ear area of both cats at the same time it was a feline-human group hug just then, from the left of the scene, a dog about the height and length of the cats but twice as stocky and was within a body length of us the dog had seen what was going on and decided to get in on the action herself or himself this group hug was getting too popular in the final scene, it was the four of us, and the dreamer heard a woman's voice say, "Look at that" the stand-out part of the dream: the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: a participant - category of dream: animal: mammal: cat (5)- addenda: vividness:: 3.7- the quality of the dream: 3.8- the quality of the sleep: 3.4 location notes 1 when the dreamer has the next bird dream, there's a little aside that you will find endearing there's another little awake-time event to relate the next time there's a bumblebee dream and if the dreamer ever dreams about a bull, there's another unusual thing which happened 07042018 - 349 second dream name of the dream and references: drag and drop this dream was about how to get a parachute to open automatically there was an app on the computer or phone which allowed a person to link the height a person wanted a parachute to open in the event of having to bail out in an emergency there was a recommended minimum height at which somebody should set it, although it could be overridden the code on the app is set to the automatic programming built into the parachute, which will cause the parachute to open at the specified height the dreamer had been using the app, or it had been in use for a while, and it was a standard, though not compulsory, part of an air-travellers package when they bought an air ticket the dreamer was on a flight and had just dragged and dropped the app on the phone into the parachute app, which in turn caused the parachute pack to blink a light and make a sound, which confirmed that the parachute was programmed the dream then got a bit confusing the dreamer was going to have to use the programmed parachute and was wondering what height to get the parachute to open, but to do that, the dreamer needed to know what the terrain he would be dropping into if it were mountainous, it would be set at a height that can be overridden if needs be the dreamer seemed to recall that something had gone wrong with the parachute height-opening programme when a Concorde flight had to ditch also, at this point of the dream, the dreamer became aware of being in free-fall and realised the dreamer was in a dream and did not have to worry if the parachute didn't work the stand-out part of the dream: looking out of the window of the plane the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: don't yet understand the importance of flying/falling dreams cause of the dream:? time-tense: an observer and a participant category/s of the dream: flying/falling (3) awareness dreaming (2) addenda: vividness:: 3.3 to 3.7 the quality of the dream: 33/100 the quality of the sleep: 36/100 notes 1 being aware of being in a dream as it was happening is highly unusual for the writer the writer believes there are benefits to being aware of being in a dream this belief will be borne out if this type of dream starts to happen more often being aware of being in a dream will enable a person to steer the events of the dream first dream name of the dream and references: 06082015 and 05082014 and 18082014, 21092014 and 27092014 and more in one scene, it was a spacious jungle or forest with trees fifteen or twenty metres high, but that was all nothing happened i don't recall seeing any living thing in another scene dogs, two dogs are in a wooded area one was a doberman, and the other was a dog with a sturdy build when the dogs saw each other, the hair on the nape of their shoulders stiffened, and they ran at each other, snarling the moment they got to within pouncing distance, they dropped their aggressive manner and became friendly another scene was of a t.v. show which highlights the lives of two famous personalities of years gone by one was an establishment figure, and the other was jimmy jewel he was leaning forward on the edge of a lounge chair with a cigarette in his left hand he was ultra-relaxed and super-confident the t.v. programme is in black and white in another scene, it is after pub opening time was wearing shorts and walking with a strong step one or two shops were open, and I decided to get a quick bite of something felt through the cloth of the pockets of the shorts for my credit card couldn't feel the credit card in any of the pockets and began running back to where the dreamer lived to get the card in the next scene, the cards magically appeared the sight of the blue of the card was the second most vivid colour in any of the dreams next scene: now going in the same direction as the dreamer at the start of this sequence a well-groomed brown horse and rider passed the dreamer, going in the opposite direction the horse and rider looked like they were practising a dressage routine then another horse, a black one, going the same way as the dreamer passed by don't remember seeing a rider on it next scene: at the digs of where the dreamer lived before where he is living in the dream they were crummy, run-down digs that people accepted living in them suggested this type of accommodation is standard went in through the always-open back door and up to the second floor next scene: i walked through the door of the room where i used to live, expecting to see my two old buddies the room was now a girl's bedroom there were four girls in it the dreamer knew two of them the two young ladies the dreamer didn't know were uncomfortable with a male having come into their room while they were dressing for sleep one of the girls the dreamer knew felt the same way and said the landlord wouldn't like it if he found the dreamer in the room the dream continued, and we chatted casually in the next scene, one of the two males the dreamer had come to see was in the room with us we were talking about going out for the night the following day he asked the dreamer if the dreamer had clothes that would be suitable for a night out the dreamer said the dreamer had casual jackets and dress jackets the dream ended somewhere here the stand-out part of the dream: Jimmy Jewel sitting on the edge of the chair, leaning forward with a cigarette in his left hand, exuding confidence and charm what is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? cause of the dream: unable to assign any of the pieces to this dream category of dream: multi-themed dreams () - addenda: vividness: the quality of the dream: low 3's to high 3's- the quality of the sleep: 3.2- location notes 1 have just searched the database to see if this is the first multi-scene dream with different themes it isn't one similarity emerged immediately have yet to formulate the causes and meanings of the vast array of the content of dreams assuming some headway is achieved, the dreams diary is to be used for reference purposes for coming generations 06042018 - 348 name of the dream and references: this appears to be a one-scene dream two young men were asking if the dreamer was still looking for musicians for the band they knew the dreamer was forming the dreamer said the group was formed and it didn't need anybody else one of the males said in a challenging way that he and his mate should be in the band, inferring the dreamer should dismiss members already in the band and let them take their place the dreamer tried to put him at ease and said, "there's plenty of talent around; you won't have any trouble getting members for a group" he replied with something along the lines of "yes, but you'll be able to get it organised better than we could" was a bit non-plussed the dreamer was supposed to break up my band and start a new band with these two young men can't remember any more of this dream, if there was any more to it notes 1 yet again, another instance of the memory of awake-time thoughts and dream-time thoughts and memories continuing to merge the dreamer knew he had dreamt just after awaking; there's a "sense" of the dream being there the dreamer was trying to remember the visual content of the dream but couldn't bring them into awake-time recalling the most recent thoughts was what brought the dream to mind this may be the way for those of you who are trying to remember your dreams rather than trying to remember the visual content of the dream, go over your most recent thoughts and see if it works for you notes 1 this dream is a continuation of one of the lost one-hundred dreams from a while back; it is one of the dreams of the lost 100) this is a serial dream but because the other dream isn't in the diary it can't be given the status of a serial dream serial dreams are significant, quite probably important or significance the significance will come to be known eventually first sleep name of the dream: a kiss and a cuddle and a whole load of trouble first theme was visiting a family the dreamer hadn't seen for a couple of years towards the end of the day-long visit someone suggested the dreamer should sleep there for the night everybody agreed to it the daughter could sleep with her sister and the dreamer could have her bed the dreamer was nestled into bed and starting to drift off when the girl whose bed the dreamer was sleeping in came into the bedroom and hovered over the dreamer, asking without asking that she wanted to get into bed with me the dreamer shuffled about a bit to make room for her and let her know the dreamer knew what she wanted, and she slipped in beside me to let you know, i'm not a complete letch - the dreamer didn't want x but felt more like a sincere exchange of embraces between two people who appreciated the simple joy of sharing their feelings some clinging embraces and savoury kisses fitted the bill perfectly second theme outside a court or tribunal where a genuine misfit of society has just been sentenced his crime was one against society as a whole, and it stirred a sense of revulsion in ordinary people a gathering of a few hundred people wanted a greater punishment for the man than the one which the court or tribunal had passed down third theme it was evening and the dreamer was returning from somewhere or other as the dreamer entered through the front door, i noticed a car pull up to a stop about forty metres away on the other side of the road it struck a chord with the dreamer because the dreamer got the feeling it was the same car that had passed the dreamer at a snails pace about a hundred metres from the front door as the dreamer was almost back home in the next scene, there was a heavy knock on the door the dreamer suspected it was the driver of the car, and the forceful knock told the dreamer to be weary the dreamer opens the door slowly, and sure enough, whoever it is, he tries to push his way in the dreamer is braced as he opens the door and can resist the initial pressure the person is stronger than the dreamer and is gaining ground in the door push, so the dreamer has to use his back to press against the door that way, the dreamer can pass the strength from the pressure the dreamer is getting from his legs and brace them against the wall on the other side of the hallway it was a stalemate but the dreamer couldn't keep it up forever and it came down who had the greatest resolve to get the upper hand the dreamer would try to bluff it the dreamer shouted, "go and get dave", to a non-existent person and then again, "get dave" that did the trick the pressure against the door lessened and then stopped whoever it was knew he could get the better of the dreamer, but an extra, unknown person was something he hadn't bargained for causes of the dream: can place the three different sources of the thoughts which caused these three dreams from the previous day the first theme was the result of thinking about women in a different light as transmutation looms ever larger in our minds, a determined resolve can only be achieved by incorporating the subtle recognition that eternity has to be approached with love you/we/ the dreamer can't barge our way into eternity it means digging deep into our character and laying the foundation via the understanding that the glue of love is the only tool we have, and it's never too soon to start practising it the second theme was the result of thinking about two particularly nasty criminals of recent years: crook and tobin third theme was the result of trying to think who it was and what they wanted am referring to the two people who knocked, insistently, on the front door in the middle of the night within the last month or two an observer in the second theme and a participant in the other two - addenda: vividness:: 3.3 across the board - the quality of the dream: 4, 3.1 and 3.4 the quality of the sleep: 3.3 after waking up from this dream, i initiated a montage sequence, which became a new category of montages, mixed themes montage (1) 05042018 - 348 the name of the dream: struck up an acquaintence with a woman she was slim, fair-haired, as tall as the dreamer and smartly dressed we went back to where she lived we were feeling each other out she wanted to know about the dreamer, but compared to her, the dreamer was a lot less interesting in fact, the dreamer wasn't sure if he was up to her standards she was sharp-witted, and it got in the way of her femininity from my point of view she was very appealing to the dreamer, and so the dreamer let her ask lots of questions about me the dreamer was lying on my front on the floor, turning the pages of a newspaper the woman made a joke which made the dreamer laugh on the front page of the newspaper, there was a photograph which took up most of the page the photograph was of a woman who looked like the woman the dreamer was with the dreamer had turned several pages of the paper before the dreamer realised the woman on the front page and the woman the dreamer was with were the same person at that moment, the dreamer looked up at her, and she answered the question the dreamer was about to ask it was her on the front page she is a police woman dressed to look like a woman who the police are trying to find the dremer became aware of another man in the room the dreamer thinks it is her husband, and they were seperated but are still on amicable terms he didn't mind the dreamer getting to know his ex-partner, but between him and her overly confident manner, a relationship between us was becoming less likely the stand-out part of the dream: the photograph of the woman on the front page of a newspaper cause of the dream: during the day, the dreamer was lamenting over not having struck-up up a meaningful relationship with a woman, any woman, over the last thirty years a participant addenda: vividness:: 3.8 the quality of the dream: 3.5- the quality of the sleep: 3.5 notes 1 i can't remember a woman making the dreamer laugh in a dream before this dream 04042018 - 347 name of the dream: two women, ice cream and cars with two petrol tanks evening time out and about with a local man went into a shop to buy an ice cream, but the shop didn't have any the local chappie wanted to buy a car which must have two petrol tanks we went into another shop the shop did have ice cream again, he asked about buying a car which must have two taps for the petrol the dreamer asked him why a car needed two taps he said something about it helping the car to keep its value there were two women in the shop who were interested in us joining forces for the evening the local man was hesitant he had a girlfriend the dreamer didn't, and it looked like the dreamer would have to go with the women on my own someone suggested the pictures the women were happy to do something as long as we ended back up at their place the dream ended there a participant category of dream: addenda: vividness:: 3.2- the quality of the dream: 3.3 awareness dreaming (1) the quality of the sleep: location 3 (windmill road) notes 1 yet another dream when the thoughts and circumstances of the dream merged with awake-time thoughts, and the dreamer tied in the thoughts and circumstances of the dream with awake-time thoughts before realising they were two different conscious states it is becoming clearer that the two different conscious states are linked dream memories and awake-time memories are to be associated with one another in the same way we associate events we witness and which become memories as being the same as memories of events we participated in 03042018 - 346 second dream name of dream: awake-time tactile in a dream there is no doubt in the mind of this website: dream-time can house the same desirable experiences as awake-time probably even more so the stand-out part of the dream: the feelings transmitted through the pleasure receptors of the skin the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: a furthering of the conjoinment of the two states of consciousness cause of the dream: thoughts about women a participant: category of dream: x dream(29): addenda: vividness:: 4.4 the quality of the dream: 4 the quality of the sleep: 3.4 time-tense: every tense ~ name of the dream: dilapidated housing, a bottle of water and fine art a run-down house with blocked toilets and seedy management this part of the dream is externalised it was while talking to a plumber who realised just how wrong the house was and suggested to the dreamer to report it to the health and safety authorities the dreamer turned to him and said, "i could make a fortune if i rented out some of the rooms where i live" it would be the hotel royale compared to this one" in another scene, the dreamer was being interviewed to do the artwork for the label of a bottle of water the colour of the label was orange in another part of the dream, there was a collection or a presentation of a montage of artwork the pictures in this bit of the dream were as fine a collection of fine-art as iv'e ever seen delicately done, extremely detailed, colour and black and white the stand-out part of the dream: the colour of the label on the bottle of water an observer in the artwork sequence and a participant in the other scenes category of dream: externalised/water (10)- addenda: vividness:: 4.1 for the art pictures and 3.7 for the interview sequence, and 3.5 for the other two scenes, the quality of the dream: 3.8 overall the quality of the sleep: 3.4 notes 1 there may or may not be a connection to the water-theme sequences in this dream, but when the dreamer woke up, my mouth was dryer than other times when iv'e woke up with a dry mouth 02042018 - 345 name of the dream: close to true love category of dream: x dream (28) 05042018 - 343 name of the dream: struck up an acquaintence with a woman she was slim, fair-haired, as tall as the dreamer and smartly dressed we went back to where she lived we were feeling each other out she wanted to know about the dreamer but compared to her the dreamer was a lot less interesting in fact the dreamer wasn't sure the dreamer was up to her standards she was sharp-witted, and it got in the way of her femininity from my point of view she was very appealing to the dreamer and so the dreamer let the her ask lots of questions about me the dreamer was lying on my front on the floor, turning the pages of a newspaper the woman made a joke which made the dreamer laugh on the front page of the newspaper there was a photograph which took up most of the page the photograph was of a woman who looked like the woman the dreamer was with the dreamer had turned several pages of the paper before the dreamer realised the woman on the front page and the woman the dreamer was with were the same person at that moment, the dreamer looked up at her, and she answered the question the dreamer was about to ask it was her on the front page a police woman is made to look like a woman the police were trying to find the dremer became aware of another man in the room the dreamer think it was her husband and they were seperated but were still on amicable terms he didn't mind the dreamer getting to know his ex-partner, but between him and her overly confident manner, a relationship between us was becoming less likely the stand-out part of the dream: the photograph of the woman on the front page of a newspaper cause of the dream: during the day the dreamer was lamenting over not having struck-up up a meaningful relationship with a woman, any woman, over the last thirty years a participant addenda: vividness:: 3.8 the quality of the dream: 3.5 - the quality of the sleep: 3.5 notes 1 can't remember a woman making the dreamer laugh in a dream before this dream 04042018 - 342 name of the dream: two women, ice cream and cars with two petrol tanks evening time out and about with a local man went into a shop to buy an ice cream, but the shop didn't have any the local chappie wanted to buy a car which must have two petrol tanks we went into another shop the shop did have ice cream again, he asked about buying a car which must have two taps for the petrol the dreamer asked him why a car needed two taps he said something about it helping the car to keep its value there were two women in the shop who were interested in us joining forces for the evening the local man was hesitant he had a girlfriend the dreamer didn't and it looked like the dreamer would have to go with the women on my own someone suggested the pictures the women were happy to do something as long as we ended back up at their place the dream ended there a participant category of dream: addenda: vividness:: 3.2- the quality of the dream: 3.3 awareness dreaming (1) the quality of the sleep: location 3 (windmill road) notes 1 yet another dream when the thoughts and circumstances of the dream merged with awake-time thoughts, and the dreamer tied in the thoughts and circumstances of the dream with awake-time thoughts before realising they were two different conscious states it is becoming clearer that the two different conscious states are linked dream memories and awake-time memories are to be associated with one another in the same way we associate events we witness and which become memories as being the same as memories of events we participated in 03042018 - 341 second dream name of dream: awake-time tactile in a dream there is no doubt in the mind of this website:" dream-time can house the same desirable experiences as awake-time probably even more so the stand-out part of the dream: the feelings transmitted through the pleasure receptors of the skin the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: a furthering of the conjoinment of the two states of consciousness cause of the dream: thoughts about women a participant category of dream: x dream(29) addenda: vividness:: 4.4 the quality of the dream: 4 the quality of the sleep: 3.4 time-tense: every tense ~ name of the dream: dilapidated housing, a bottle of water and fine art a run-down house with blocked toilets and seedy management one part of the dream was externalised it was while talking to a plumber who realised just how wrong the house was and seemed to be asking the dreamer to report it to the health and safety authorities the dreamer turned to him and said, "the dreamer could make a fortune if the dreamer rented out some of the rooms where the dreamer lived. it would be the hotel royale compared to this one" in another scene of the dream, the dreamer was being interviewed to do the artwork for the label of a bottle of water the colour of the label was orange another part of the dream was a collection or presentation; it was a bit of a montage of artwork the pictures in this bit of the dream were as fine a collection of fine-art as iv'e ever seen delicately done, highly detailed in both colour and black and white the stand-out part of the dream: the colour of the label on the bottle of water an observer in the artwork sequence and a participant in the other scenes category of dream: externalised/water (10)- addenda: vividness:: 4.1 for the art pictures and 3.7 for the interview sequence, and 3.5 for the other two scenes, the quality of the dream: 3.8 overall the quality of the sleep: 3.4 notes 1 there may or may not be a connection to the water-theme sequences in this dream but when the dreamer woke up my mouth was dryer than other times when iv'e woke up with a dry mouth 02042018 - 340 name of the dream: close to true love category of dream: x dream (28) 01042018 - 339 name of the dream: the manipulators at aunt g's in the company of three or four women and two or three men the dreamer was the person in the spotlight my girlfriend was unhappy with me we had only recently struck up our relationship, and she felt the dreamer wasn't as forward as she expected or wanted her sense of a meaningful partnership included kissing and petting and words which solidified my commitment to a long-term relationship she was misconstruing my lack of passion as a signal that the dreamer didn't want her it wasn't that at all the dreamer felt comfortable with her, and she was, in my mind, the woman the dreamer would be spending my life with my true feelings would become known to her as time went by a woman and a man friend, or they may have been relatives of my girlfriend, were showing a little hostility towards the dreamer, and the dreamer was considering going on the offensive when the dream ended cause of the dream and notes: during the day, i had been recalling the situation/circumstances of a relationship when i was in my mid-twenties a very attractive young woman did, to my complete surprise, accept my advances and agreed to have a date with me the dreamer couldn't believe my luck she was exceptionally attractive and had those personality traits: obliging, somewhat demure, a permanent gentle smile that we men find so appealing and the physique of a model to boot she wanted the dreamer to meet her family before we had our first date the dreamer arrived at the house in the living room, the dreamer met her father and brother but there was no mother the two men were hostile towards the dreamer, and the dreamer could see the girl was uncomfortable they were spitting out dismissive and contemptuous jibes and remarks from the very start there was a violent undertone to them they didn't frighten or intimidate me the dreamer was confused what was even odder was that physically they were like chalk and cheese the man was fair-haired and slight, and the son was bulky, much taller, with black hair and the more hostile of the two (i have come across this chalk and cheese, father/son pairing more than once since the seventies) the ten-minute encounter with the father/son pairing left the dreamer with the impression that the father was utterly dismayed and disillusioned that he could have fathered such a miserable creature, and it had changed his outlook on life there is no way the dreamer could make sense of it it wasn't until a child-swapping case was uncovered in south america, that a plausible explanation surfaced bearing in mind just how sinister the acts of devolving beings can be, child-swapping is one of their lesser crimes how this beautiful girl could keep her attractive qualities living with two men like that is one of three reasons the dreamer keeps on returning to our brief time together the dreamer can't remember what happened on the first date but when we met on the following date she was insistent, and the dreamer does mean insistent, that we go back to my place she let the dreamer know just what she wanted when we got there when back at my place the dreamer went out of the room for a couple of minutes and when the dreamer got back she had stripped off and laid there in black underwear fair coloured skin, blonde hair, an out-of-this-world physique, a magnetic personality in black underwear" it was an awake dream by the time of our third date, a few days later, the dreamer had changed lodgings and we were sitting on the sofa watching the telly within a few minutes, she told the dreamer she had met another man she wanted to be with the dreamer remained calm and composed and asked her if she was sure she said she was we walked the seven hundred metres to her home while we were walking the dreamer was talking about this and that but she didn't want to talk she responded to what the dreamer was saying with nods or quick yeses her body was rigid as though she was bracing herself for something she looked troubled; something was wrong it was her manner and gait as we were walking back to where she lived that has stuck in my mind another thing comes to mind as this is being written when the dreamer first met her, she was with a friend her friend, it is now realised, was her "handler" the reader should know this person's gene has been *****d about with, used and manipulated for the last two thousand years they have peculiar mental and physical characteristics and are easy to spot note 1 in the last week, the sharp distinction between thoughts and sights in dream-time has begun fusing with awake-time thoughts and their accompanying mental imagery in the latest two dreams after this one, the train of thought has included both time senses, and the dreamer is unable to tell you where one ends and the other one starts a re-defining of consciousness is occurring the blurring or merging of conscious states has given the dreamer an idea for a little experiment if the experiment produces the results they may, it will be a breakthrough in accessing or opening inroads to inner-self 31032018- 338 name of the dream: out-passioned it's kinda intimidating when the woman's sex drive is greater than the man's i'm not complaining; i hope it doesn't swing too far in the woman's favour cause of the dream: the endless fascination/appreciation of life's ability to bring more life into being a participant category of dream: x dream (27) addenda: vividness:: 38/100 the quality of the dream: 40/100 30032018 - 337 name of the dream and references: the riches of a poor family was visiting a family with four girls all under the age of ten the mother was quite a slight woman and liked to wear dark-coloured clothing she saw the children as her treasure and guarded them with a diligence that only women have she wanted to share them but was very cautious about men her husband had left her, and, like most well-adjusted women, she wanted a man in her life the girls were typically loving and innocent of the ways of the world and regarded males as something wondrous the children and the dreamer took to each other the mother didn't realise just how much enjoyment the dreamer got from the company of the children the dreamer didn't find the mother particularly attractive she wanted the dreamer to show her affection and let herself relax in my company the dreamer decided he would become involved with her the mother and the children were preparing to go shopping, and she gave the girls an equal amount of pocket money of about one pound fifty the dreamer gave each of them a little more a participant category of dream: serial dream addenda: vividness:: 3.3 the quality of the dream: 3.7 the quality of the sleep: 3.4 notes 1 this is the second or third dream of this family, which makes it a serial dream the family is a family the dreamer used to board with in london in the 1960's second dream x dream it may have been the same woman as in the first dream it was evening or night-time and it was the first time we were going to conjoin we were outside; it may have been a beach the woman was letting the dreamer lead she had no idea of what to expect the dreamer thinks women like it that way; they hope it's going to be that type of x, which fulfils all aspects of what can happen when a couple wants to enjoy each other typically, men tend to expect women to enjoy them enjoying the woman it occurred to the dreamer about seven years ago there's a much more rewarding way of intensifying the pleasure/enjoyment of x for both the woman and the man the dreamer was going to introduce her to my "the woman's pleasure first" philosophy this was going to be my pleasure in a way women aren't familiar with we were both still clothed: she was wearing three or four garments, and there were two or three on me the dreamer lay on my back and manipulated her onto the top of me within a short time the tips my fingers found their way under the elastic band of her trousers" the stand-out part of the dream: the first touch of her skin inside her trousers notes 1 the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: x dreams are meant to be tactile cause of the dream: thinking about women during the day - a participant - category of dream: - serial dream/x dream (26) addenda: vividness:: 4 the quality of the dream: the quality of the sleep: 3.4 third dream name of dream and references: a mixing of consciousnesses (h4) this six or seven-second dream happened in awake-time the dreamer had just woken up was still feeling very sleepy and began thinking about a fairly recent relationship my thoughts took the dreamer into a bed scene; it was part memory but mainly mind-embellishment the dreamer was awake, and the dreamer wondered if my partner was awake as well the dreamer asked, "are you awake" and she said, "yes" then the dreamer said "give us a kiss" and she rolled over and our lips automatically found each other the kiss lasted for a full five or six seconds, and it could have gone on a lot longer or led to something else it was though, just a kiss that the dreamer needed at that moment when the sensation of the kiss had filled my senses, the dreamer started to pull away, but she was still in a kissing mood, so the dreamer pressed back into her lips, laid my hand on her bare hip and kept contact with her skin with my hand as the dreamer relaxed back into a sleeping position she could have touched my hand and the dreamer would have responded but she didn't and the experience ended there category: kissing dream (15) 31032018 336 name of the dream: out-passioned it's kinda intimidating when the woman's sex drive is greater than the man's i'm not complaining; i hope it doesn't swing too far in the woman's favour cause of the dream: the endless fascination/appreciation of life's ability to bring more life into being 30032018 - 335 name of the dream and references: the riches of a poor family was visiting a family with four girls all under the age of ten the mother was quite a slight woman and liked to wear dark-coloured clothing she saw the children as her treasure and guarded them with a diligence that only women have she wanted to share them but was very cautious about men her husband had left her, and, like most well-adjusted women, she wanted a man in her life the girls were typically loving and innocent of the world's ways and regarded males as something wondrous the children and the dreamer took to each other the mother didn't realise just how much enjoyment the dreamer got from the company of the children the dreamer didn't find the mother particularly attractive she wanted the dreamer to show her affection and let herself relax in my company the dreamer decided the he would become involved with her the mother and the children were preparing to go shopping, and she gave the girls an equal amount of pocket money of about one pound fifty the dreamer gave each of them a little more notes 1 this is the second or third dream of this family, which makes it a serial dream the family is a family the dreamer used to board with in london in the 1960's second dream x dream it may have been the same woman as in the first dream it was evening or night-time and it was the first time we were going to conjoin we were outside; it may have been a beach the women was letting the dreamer lead she had no idea of what to expect the dreamer thinks women like it that way; they hope it's going to be that type of x, which fulfils all aspects of what can happen when a couple want to enjoy each other typically, men tend to expect women to enjoy them enjoying the woman it occurred to the dreamer about seven years ago there's a much more rewarding way of intensifying the pleasure/enjoyment of x for both the woman and the man the dreamer was going to introduce her to my "the woman's pleasure first" philosophy this was going to be my pleasure in a way women aren't familiar with we were both still clothed: she was wearing three or four garments, and there were two or three on me the dreamer lay on my back and manipulated her onto the top of me within a short time the tips my fingers found their way under the elastic band of her trousers" the stand-out part of the dream: the first touch of her skin inside her trousers the significance of the stand-out parts of the dream: x dreams are meant to be tactile dreams - the cause of the dream: thinking about women during the day third dream name of dream and references: a mixing of consciousnesses (h4) this six or seven-second dream happened in awake-time the dreamer had just woken up was still feeling very sleepy and began thinking about a fairly recent relationship my thoughts took the dreamer into a bed scene; it was part-memory but mainly mind-embellishment the dreamer was awake and wondered if my partner was awake as well the dreamer asked, "are you awake" and she said, "yes" then the dreamer said "give us a kiss" and she rolled over and our lips automatically found each other the kiss lasted for a full five or six seconds, and it could have gone on a lot longer or led to something else it was though, just a kiss that the dreamer needed at that moment when the sensation of the kiss had filled my senses the dreamer started to pull away but she was still in a kissing mood so the dreamer pressed back into her lips and laid my hand on her bare hip and kept contact with her skin with my hand as i relaxed back into a sleeping position she could have touched my hand and the dreamer would have responded but she didn't and the experience ended there category: kissing dream (15) 29032017 - 334 name of the dream: was the manager of a shop or office sitting with the awake-time girlfriend of an awake-time acquaintance of many moons ago she was dressed in blue and was preoccupied with what she was doing she took a package out of a bag and unwrapped it there one or two packages wrapped in see-through polythene which contained two or four ounces of marijuana inexplicably, in amongst the marijuana were a couple of bolts and two or three metal sleeves for use with a squat stand, which the dreamer had been searching for a couple of months ago the dreamer hadn't found them at the time of this dream but why they should be part of this dream isn't understood she may have known they were mine but she re-wrapped the parcel with the metal items, and when wrapped, the metal objects chinked every time the package was moved in the next scene, her boyfriend shows up she was so upset that he had managed to find her she started crying the male asked the dreamer to get some take-away food from a shop nearby in the next scene, the dreamer was back with the food, and it was just the male and the dreamer in a kitchen area the male didn't want to talk to the dreamer and was walking away as the dreamer was speaking to him the dreamer asked him what the dreamer should do with the food and still he didn't say anything the dreamer was wodnering what was going on with him and the dreamer an his girlfriend when the dream ended the stand-out part of the dream: the sound of the metal in the package the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: sound is becoming more prominent in dreams will assume that it is dreams becoming more detailed 27032017 - 333 name of the dream: the sermon in the room the first scene there were three of us the dreamer was explaining the mechanics and consequences of a persons decisions and actions in the second scene there were four of us the person who had joined us had a position of responsibility in the community or society he was having difficulty in recognising how his decisions had more of an effect on himself than it did on others someone had told him that there was a person (me) who could explain it he was sincere in his approach to listening to what would be said it would be the right thing to do to explain the main points to him in a deliberately slow way the dreamer began" "everything we do becomes a part of reality" the monologue went on for more than a dozen sentences, and there were still three or four main points to cover after the second or third sentence, the dreamer began coming out of sleep and was listening to the sound of my own words by the seventh or eighth sentence the dreamer was fully awake but continued talking the dreamer wanted to know if the dreamer could say what it was the dreamer wished to say in awake-time by the twelfth sentence or so the dreamer realises other points need explaining, but they would not be in chronological order, and i would have to backtrack which would confuse the issue next time this situation arose, the dreamer would begin "before there was a time before there was anything" cause of the dream: formulating the story of us during the day a participant category of dream: same-theme same-sleep-serial-dream (3) addenda: vividness:: 3.5 the quality of the dream: 3.7 the quality of the sleep: 4.1 notes 1 serial dreams are most relevant when they occur in different periods of sleep this serial dream in the same sleep has relevance what the relevance is hasn't been identified yet 26032018 - 322 name of the dream: you slept last night most of the occupants were settling into their homes on a new housing estate even though it was still in the finisheing stages of being completed there were mounds of rubble to be collected, most of the tradesmen were still there fitting and painting doors and window frames, and there was also light construction equipment still in use, mixing concrete it was alive with activity as people were getting to know one another, and the children were engrossed in exploring their new environment the women were making their mark one group of women had become the unofficial official commitee they are pointing out to the workers and their husbands what colours they want and what chores to prioritise one woman asked a man who believed he knew what it was he thought should happen, in what order and why to explain his views the man gave a responsible four or five sentences reply which covered the main points the women had already agreed was the priorities the man's ideas finished with" and made eminent sense the wordly-wise woman who led the women recognised the man's good common sense and acknowledged his understanding in her way she said, "you slept last night" notes 1 the intuitive feel for and an understanding of life in women is to get greater sway 25032018 - 321 the name of the dream: is dancing a trait of heaven? i was at a shindig, i think it was a wedding reception, with mainly middle-aged people they were having a good time dancing to the birdie song, the bump and the hokey cokey the song let's twist again began playing it was an opportunity to get a group vibe going with my left hand, i held the hand of the person who was at the end of a loosely formed line and with my right hand, i had the hand of a girl, hoping she would pick up on what the dreamer was trying to do in the next scene we were all in a circle but our movements weren't in sync with one another the dreamer began chanting "left hip, left hip" "whilst thrusting my left hip in rhythm with the beat of the music and was still doing so as the dreamer woke up 24032018 - 320 the opening scene of this dream was of two lions at a distance of about thirty-five metres in the second scene the dreamer was in a seated reclining position one of the lions was now a dog with a huge face not unlike the face of a bulldog but without flappy jowls its head was as big as a lion it opened its massive mouth and grabbed my right arm and now my right arm, all the way up to the shoulder, was in its mouth it was trying to get more of the dreamer into its mouth, and the dreamer knew if it got my head into its mouth, it would probably try to bite through me the dreamer must have been expecting something like this to happen because the dreamer had a pistol with the dreamer, and the gun was in my right so now my right arm and the gun were inside the dog it was the lion-sized dog or me the movement of my wrist and hand were not restricted so that the dreamer could point the gun in a wide arc the first shot didn't phase the dog lion in the slightest, so the dreamer pointed the gun down and pulled the trigger the dog gave out a death grunt the dreamer knew it was fatally injured it didn't try to eject the dreamer, though the dreamer would have to fire again there was movement from the dog, and it made it difficult to cock the gun after what was the most extended sequence of the dream, several attempts of trying to pull the hammer of the gun back, the dreamer managed to fire again and the lion-dog relaxed its grip of the dreamer and i pulled my arm out of its insides then it was its mates turn this lion-dog was much younger and looked more like a wolf it was still big though and it done the same thing as the dog before it opened its mouth and put my right arm into it with much more skill than the previous dog there could be no pussyfooting around with this animal the dreamer fired the gun immediately it died straight away 22032018 - 319 name of dream: a good catch with an awake-time acquaintance of twenty-plus years ago we were in an area about two metres wide and roughly six or seven metres long we had a soft ball, and the game was to get the ball to touch the wall behind the person the rules are a player couldn't bounce the ball off the sides, or the floor or the ceiling of the room, and the ball had to be thrown under-arm because my under-arm throw was stronger than the other player the dreamer was scoring twice as many points he was a trier if nothing else as my tally grew he became more determined and placed some good balls the fact that he was younger than the dreamer by a generation told me he should be winning that he wasn't winning spurred me on the dreamer was toying with him and was laughing more and more as he started getting sweaty, but he had no intention of giving up have you ever seen the determination of a child giving it their all? the dreamer was laughing out loud as the dreamer woke a participant category of dream: physical games (3)/externalised dream addenda: vividness:: 3.3 the quality of the dream: 3.8 21032018 - 318 name of the dream: three's lovely company this dream should have gone on longer the stand-out part of the dream, all of it the category of dream: x dream (25)/ references: x (b2)- addenda: vividness:: 3.7 the quality of the dream: 4- the quality of the sleep: 4 20032018 - 317 name of the dream: killer whale in the swimming pool it was party time there were two rows of lights from the back of the house leading to a large swimming pool the dreamer got into the pool and then under the water to see if the lights were visible; they were when my head was above the water line, the dreamer saw a killer whale at the far side of the pool; it seemed to be stationary it didn't give the dreamer cause to be concerned; after all, killer whales are supposed to be friendly Suddenly, i lost sight of it now the dreamer was on edge the dreamer needed to see it the dreamer dipped back under the water-line but still couldn't see it it might have been coming at the dreamer from an angle the dreamer was too far away from the side of the pool to get out of the water before the whale got to me the dreamer stuck his head above the water, took a big gulp of air and went back under the surface the dreamer would be better off if the dreamer could see it coming after a few seconds of dream-time my lungs were ready for more air what should the dreamer do? the longer the dreamer left it, the greater the chance the whale would be on the dreamer, but the thought of it catching the dreamer unaware from under the water if the dreamer stuck my head above the water for more air was my greatest fear my lungs were at bursting point the dreamer felt myself take a gasp/gulp as the dreamer was waking the stand-out part of the dream: the air running out when under the water a participant - category of dream: animal: killer whale (1) - addenda: vividness:: 3.4 the quality of the dream: 3.1 the quality of the sleep: 3.9 notes 1 first-ever dream with a killer whale in it 19032018 - 316 name of the dream and references: the house next to a road with a ten-degree slope the ridiculousness of it it was all wrong but there it was neither the house nor the road should have been there from twenty-five metres to the left of the house to the start of where the road began its decline on the right of the house was a two-lane, asphalt road from the top of the road to a t-junction at the bottom was more than a hundred metres it was unlikely a person could walk up the steep, and there could be severe repercussions for someone going down it if they lost their balance to the right of the house, a winding road weaved its way off into the distance and looked like it would join the road that branched to the left of the t-junction about five hundred metres to the left the house was isolated there were no other buildings of any sort along the access road the asphalt road crossed the front of the house but whether it connected to other roads somewhere to the left wasn't in the dream the person who chose to live there must have had a lot of money or a lot of influence or both to have it built 18032018 - 315 second dream name of the dream and references: snowy isolation was in isolation not sure if it was a prison or not but the dreamer wanted to escape from it the prison was in a forest or at the edge of a forest outside there was snow on the trees and the snow was thick on the ground there was no chance of bribing the guards to help the dreamer escape, i would have to do it in a roundabout way it was a cunning plan: the dreamer had to bribe the right people to get the dreamer a fish and chips meal the people who the dreamer approached were big-stomached men who liked food themselves and could sympathise with someone who wanted their favourite food over and above everything else and would be less likely to think of it as being part of an escape plan the dreamer had convinced the two men involved that fish and chips were something the dreamer missed more than anything else in the world, and he would pay handsomely if he could only have his favourite meal of fish and chips arranging the meal cost the dreamer a small fortune the food couldn't be brought into the building without other people knowing about it, so the dreamer would have to eat the food at the edge of the forest, which was the nearest place someone could deliver the meal the dreamer was waiting at the edge of the forest when the bright lights of the car delivering the food lit up the night the dreamer thought they were the lights of a car which had come to take him to freedom the stand-out part of the dream: the fish and chips in my hands the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: on the verge of being free cause of the dream: a news item a participant category of dream: prison: isolated (1) addenda: vividness:: 3.6 the quality of the dream: 3.7 the quality of the sleep: 4 second dream name of the dream and references: mice in a store a neighbour from six years ago asked the dreamer to pick up a lightweight raincoat that was being altered from the store where he bought it a few days before got to the three-storey store and went up the escalator to the first floor on as the dreamer was going to the collection counter, a couple of children aged five or six were making excited sounds about something as the dreamer got closer the dreamer could hear and see what they were excited about there was a mouse with a dark fur and complete with whiskers under the bottom shelf the mouse was straight out of a child's picture storybook its whiskers were twitching, and its eyes suggested an intelligent awareness the dreamer would show the children that mice were friendly the dreamer produced a nugget of food about the size of a pea, bent down, and held it out near enough for the mouse to get without having to come out of the cover of the shelf the mouse took the morsel and delighted the children when it began tucking into it within a second or two of dream-time another mouse appeared but the dreamer didn't have anything to give it so the dreamer held out my finger thinking it would come close and let the dreamer stroke it it came close alright, close enough to bite into my finger the scene changed, the dreamer was walking out of the store with the raincoat and there were two uniformed police officers, a woman and a man, checking the items people were taking out of the store the dreamer made a joke about something, and the dream ended with the sight of the two smiling police officers the stand-out part of the dream: the face of the first mouse a participant category of dream: children/animal (1) addenda: vividness:: 3.4 the quality of the dream: 3;7 the quality of the sleep: 4 17032018 - 314 name of the dream: think-read targeted programming this think-read dream appears to be a memo or a summary of a new programme or stratagem being used to collect information about popular trends and interests for ever-greater control or manipulation by those who seek ever-greater control of the manipulation of people the message is two sentences long or two short paragraphs and is a memo or explanation on the usefulness of spyware for the shadow government the programme is designed to gather information on what people are downloading, want to watch and find exciting or enjoyable without putting their identity at risk the programme will gather information on what people want or like by viewing material and assess, using the mojo, what it is they find enjoyable in the area/s of entertainment/media and use the resulting information to deliver a systems programme to deliver appropriately modified programmes it will send the most enjoyable programmes via its delivery system and, probably and most importantly, see the effectiveness of the programme as it relays modified information to the general population the gathered information will enable the production of another programme, which, through its mojo, will list programmes other people will find enjoyable and then use the response to the new programmes to develop more effective programmes to find the most suitable programmes to play with other programmes that will, in turn, release other information and programmes that will get/find what it is that people want to download to present them with enough information to cause them to sift/desist disallow or destroy enough dreams about programmes on the internet for people to download programmes, films etc. was, in fact, a very subtle gathering device which people would undoubtedly use to get the film-music-programme book-photo information they wanted with the slightest bother to facilitate the manner/way in which to the people enjoy their lives this will enable them to deploy their own programmes/mojo's to distinguish between what people do enjoy in their lifestyles to gather information which someone can use to deploy/activate other programme/s which will introduce enough programmes to furnish/further their goal/s and achievements and to have enough power and perhaps people, to prevent/allow enough people to enjoy providing entertainment for consumption dreams about advertising or promoting the means through which the controllers of society can manipulate people through a programme which ostensibly, no, does make their lives easier, but only because it will enable the people who manipulate other people more effective ways of doing it notes 1 this message could have been word-for-word, but the dreamer has been remembering dreams without having to take notes over the last week and didn't feel it was necessary to have a voice-memo machine to hand when waking up 16032018 - 313 name of the dream: uncle les on the telly entered a house with an awake-time friend of more than thirty years ago in the living room, there was a woman, two men and a dog with longish dark hair the two men looked too alike to be anything other than father and son as soon as we were in the room, the dreamer said: "hello, remember me?" the younger of the two men got up from lying on the floor and sat at a table the woman and the man were in lounge chairs, and the t.v. was on the woman didn't respond to my question; in fact, none of the people in the dream except the dreamer spoke in this dream the dreamer went on, "i came round and took some photos of the family a few years ago" hesitantly, the woman leant her head forward in a partial nod she didn't remember the dreamer, but the dreamer was so familiar and friendly with her that she knew that she must have forgotten something which she shouldn't have forgotten, quite possibly for the first time in her life, and the dreamer could see she was concentrating on trying to recall the time the dreamer was referring to the dreamer extended his hand to the dog, and it came to the dreamer, and the dreamer began to give it the ever-popular dog treat of a slow itch-cum-massage behind the ears while the family were looking at each other and the dreamer and back to each other with a curious-to-know-who-i-was smile on their faces the dreamer looked around the room, hoping to see one of the photographs the dreamer had taken and jog their memories while looking around the room, the t.v. caught my eye on the screen is uncle (my ref L) being interviewed my uncle looked like he could be another brother or father of the men in the room of the people we were visiting that was it when doing the photographs for formal occasions people would often ask the dreamer to come to where they lived and take family photos in their home surroundings it was while the dreamer was trying to remember the function which my uncle had attended and introduced the dreamer to other members of his family that it began to occur to the dreamer that the dreamer hadn't been to this house before i'd never met these people or seen them before until somebody invited me into their home how could that be? why had the dreamer knocked on their door along a street with hundreds of doors? most uncannily, why was the home the dreamer called on showing a film of an uncle who looked like he was a member of their family? now it was my turn to become confused and the only things i could think of to say were lies "i thought i'd pop in and say hello" "i would take some photos but i haven't got a camera with me" i could hear more lies coming from my mouth as i woke the stand-out part of the dream: uncle L on the telly what is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? cause of the dream: i thought about the uncle in this dream about three days ago participant - addenda: vividness 3.5 - the quality of the dream: 3.7 the quality of the sleep: 3.7 notes 1 we're into deep analysis here my uncle was alive on the t.v. in the dream i had visited uncle L in the hospital a day or two before he died thirty years before this dream we both thoroughly enjoyed a double ice cream cornet having thought about him a few days before this dream why did the dream-time memory not serve up this dream in the sleep on the day the dreamer thought about him? do we need to consider that the dream-time memory "stacks up" memories and presents them in the broader context of the pan-undulatory memory? if that is the case an examination or appraisal or analysis becomes a highly complicated process will opt for the possibility that the pan-undulationary memory has so much material to align it orders/presents memories in a different way to our awake-time memories we might have to start thinking that the themes of dreams or the quality of dreams are being "spread out" as evenly as possible within our lifetime or lifetimes for an entire undulation, or perhaps they are presented as averages of "packets" of the experiences across millenniums or even across all undulations? the coming forty generations will have the opportunity to evaluate over the lifetime of many persons the connectivity of dreams; be prepared for revealing surprises about ourselves 15032018 - 312 name of the dream and references: an organiser's buzz there was a definite buzz brewing eric burden was ready to do some gigs would a local newly-emerging voice be interested in sharing the stage? the dreamer had heard another local talent singing recently, and he was good enough to be a star in his own right organising the where and when of a concert had fallen on the dreamer, and it would also be necessary for the dreamer to bring the three of them together for a first meeting, which would be the making or breaking of what had the potential of being something of national interest in the next scene, two men and an awake-time friend with a heart of gold from some years ago but was no judge of character had brought the two men to my local hangout, a busy tea, coffee and snack cafe, to talk about moving my belongings fifty kilometres within a sentence or two of the conversation, it was apparent these two men were capable of picking up my goods and making off with them all they had to do was to con the dreamer into trusting them to do the moving they were skilled at a con and were doing a reasonably good job of giving the impression of being men who were negotiating the price of a day's work by asking the dreamer the amount of space the items would take up, how much it weighed in total and other relevant information but their real skill was the way they managed to divert my attention by haggling in a completely genuine way about the price of the day's work; it was wholly believable what con men and crooks don't seem to realise is an honest man has a character which recognises looks, sounds, gestures, poise, etc., which aren't in his own character as the dream neared the end, the dreamer heard himself saying, "i might bring someone along to give us a hand" the dreamer said it to give them the impression the dreamer would be hiring them the dreamer got their telephone number but had no intention of ever speaking to them again the stand-out part of the dream: the buzz accompanying the idea of bringing a quality event to fruition cause of the dream: recent thoughts of doing something similar a participant category of dream: music addenda: vividness:: 3.3 - the quality of the dream: 3.6 - the quality of the sleep: 3.4 14032018 - 311 name of dream and references: insistent entrant second successive prison dream this prison was even more lax than yesterday's prison it was so lax the dreamer had managed to smuggle my girlfriend in for a few hours the dormitory-type barracks had eight beds either side of the room and the dreamer was sleeping down against the wall furthest from the door the scene changed, and the dreamer was at the door responding to a knock and asking who it was who wanted to come in the person never answered but the door started to open it was, as mentioned, an easy-going place but not so easy-going that it would tolerate non-inmates from coming and going whenever inmates wanted the dreamer had to stall the would-be entrant from getting in long enough for my girlfriend to get dressed the door started to open again and the dreamer put my weight against it so it didn't open more than a couple of centimetres the weight of the person against the door ceased, and the dreamer whispered loudly to my girlfriend to hurry again, the door began to be pushed open and the gap was almost big enough for the person on the other side of the door to get their head through, which is what he tried to do the dreamer put my hand around the side of the door and made contact with his head he was making an effort to push his way in and for the longest part of the dream it was a push and shove battle of determination the scene changed, and now it wasn't a girl that was in the room but a long-time male acquaintances the dreamer told him to get out through the window and the dream ended as he was doing so the stand-out part of the dream: my hand pushing back the head of the would-be entrant what is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? cause of the dream: this oppressive society participant - category of dream: prison: open () addenda: vividness:: 3.7 the quality of the dream: 3.3 the quality of the sleep: 3.6 13032018 - 310 name of the dream and references: prisoners plan a wedding in a "soft" prison shared a cell with two others, and we became friends when they found out what the dreamer did for a living, they asked the dreamer to do the music at an up-and-coming wedding their release from prison was imminent, as was mine, and we spent most of our time going over the details of the wedding day as the day of our release and of the wedding drew near some of the details would have to be finalised when they were out of prison which meant they would have to contact the dreamer and let the dreamer know what song the bride wanted to dance to when they led the dancing after the meal they were going to leave the choice to the dreamer and the dreamer suggested "stay as sweet as you are" sung by nat "king" cole or "can't take my eyes off of you" by andy williams we were still beavering away with the plans as the dream ended a participant - category of dream: weddings (3) prison: () the quality of the dream: 3.7 - the quality of the sleep: 3.8 notes 1 wedding day themes have featured frequently over the last couple of months if memory serves there have been three or more in the months before this one 12032018 - 309 name of dream and references: the uninvited wedding guest at a wedding reception but not as a guest or relative walked into a room next to the room where the wedding party were having their meal a woman guest twigged that the dreamer shouldn't have been there and started making an issue of it the woman detective summoned the equivalent of a bouncer if it had been an awake-time situation the dreamer would have left and that would have been that in dream-time though, it's not that simple things seem to either work out wonderfully or the situation degenerates into a full-blown drama there were lots of people coming and going and the dreamer mingled in with the crowd the dreamer ducked into the room where the main body of guests was and went to the far side of the room the dreamer needed to become one of the invited and had to merge a man was struggling to get the small pieces of onion floating on top of a bowl of soup into a ladle, so the dreamer offered to do it for him with a deftness which wasn't born of practice, the dreamer got fifteen or twenty bits of onion into the ladle the dreamer was wearing dark trousers and a white shirt and the man who the dreamer had helped with the soup said thanks in a way that told the dreamer he thought the dreamer was part of the hired help, and that was my cue to get chatting the dreamer stood with my back to the door so anyone looking for the dreamer would see the back of the dreamer chatting with a guest and wouldn't guess the dreamer was an intruder the dream faded second dream the name of the dream: the hair-hat was browsing in a shop which sold all manner of things a woman walked in wearing dark-themed clothing and a hat which looked like it could be her hair, it looked like it could have been her hair which looked like a hat, and that was where the appeal was a person would have to look for a lot longer than they did to figure out if it was her hair or not getting noticed is half the battle, is it not, ladies? she alluded to her head and asked the sales-person for another hat, one like the one she was wearing the headgear did suit her; perhaps complimenting her face would be a more accurate description it was white on top and merged unevenly into black about halfway down past her ears the hat went down her neck and tickled her skin where the neck became the shoulder she was dead chuffed with the effect it had and wanted a second one just like it the dreamer knew the feeling; the dreamer had clothes and items which were suitable or unique in one way or another and bought a second one observer/participant? - addenda: vividness:: 3.6 the quality of the dream: 3.7 third dream the name of the dream: an embankment, a shopping trolley and a brightly-lit supermarket it was night-time i don't remember much more about it than that 11032018 - 308 first dream the name of the dream: grammar was being interviewed or coached on how to write an application for a job there was one scene where the other person in the dream said something about using a noun at one point while the dreamer was writing category of dream: grammar (1) second dream a brown horse and rider are viewed from the side and above the horse was doing a bit of dressage in an enclosure of about fifteen metres by fifteen metres the horse approached a marked line about two metres at the farthest part from where the dreamer was viewing the scene a horse with its rider was approaching the far end of the enclosure a voice shouted a command and then a person on the ground made a signal with his arm and the rider of the horse gave the reins a gentle tug and the horse, with the subtlest movement i've ever seen a horse make, moved its whole body ninety degrees into perfect alignment with a line on the ground and came to a standstill it is a real horse and a real rider, but the impression is that of something mechanical, and when the movement is complete, it looks more like a still picture or a classical painting third dream it was a crowded, slightly claustrophobic, all-male environment it was the ablutions area of what might have been a barracks or a penal institution there was a feeling of oppressiveness one person was keeping a vindictive eye on me the dreamer had to go to the toilet and when the dreamer had finished there wasn't any toilet paper the dreamer had to get off the seat and crouch-walk a couple of metres to get some the dreamer could feel the evil eye watching me the stand-out bit of this dream was wiping my backside fourth dream was in a restaurant or up-market cafeteria ordering a meal i have to send a message fifth dream for some reason, this dream gave the dreamer the feeling he was on board a ship the stand-out parts of the dreams: the seamless movement of the horse and wiping my bum the significance of the stand-out part of the dream is that animals can make movements every bit as aesthetic as humans, and the soft feel of the excrement as the dreamer used the toilet paper an observer in the horse dream and a participant in the others - category of dream: multi-themed dream addenda: vividness:: the quality of the dream: the quality of the sleep: 3.4 notes 1 have yet to formulate the reason behind multi-themed dreams perhaps all dreams are multi-themed, and i/we don't remember all of them 10032018 - 307 name of dream and references: a ticket to japan on the phone to japan getting the prices for a flight (i had been on the phone with them earlier in the dream) the line was poor quality, and the conversation was taking three times longer than it should have taken the quote for seats for the flight was two-thousand two-hundred i am not sure how much but the original price had been less as soon as the dreamer had got the quote the dreamer ended the call cause of the dream: thinking about japan during the day second dream name of dream and references: invasion of the viruses was in a stationary car there were more vehicles on the scene than people most of the traffic was at a junction fifty metres up a seven-degree incline just off to my right a woman was walking from my right to the left across the car park which was about half the size of a football field for no observable reason, she dropped to the ground before the dreamer had time to think about what had caused it another person further to my left also dropped down and then another and another, people were dropping everywhere the dreamer noticed that none of the vehicles had crashed or was crashing and concluded it was an airborne virus the dreamer looked to see if my window was closed and reacted quickly when the dreamer saw the door was open by five centimetres or so the dreamer was sitting in the car wondering what the dreamer should do and where to go when the dream ended the stand-out part of the dream: the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: the cause of the dream: a prolonged sense of security during the day notes 1 there can, of course, be airborne viruses which could cause people to drop down as they were walking along but as far as i'm aware such an incident as the one in this dream has never happened 09032018 - 306 first dream name of dream: the london bridge incident there were six or seven of us standing on a corner in a built-up area next to a bridge which connected the two sides of a river more or less across the bridge, a squad of soldiers were walking alongside and in front of an armoured car they had rifles and were coming to quell a potential take-over of authority, which the dreamer was leading the dreamer made a sweeping gesture with my right arm to the men behind the dreamer which indicated they should a make a sideways flanking manoeuvre to the right of me we weren't going to get the better of guns; we would have to out-fox them second dream name of the dream: slightly nervous bloke on the bus sitting on the seat next to the aisle on a bus there was a smartly dressed man in his late twenties with a good complexion and a shaven head near the front of the bus he was standing and trying to do something he looked up and then looked at the dreamer and immediately looked away when he saw the dreamer was looking back at him the dreamer knew that he would look at the dreamer again as soon as he thought the dreamer wouldn't be looking at him he was angry when he glanced at the dreamer within a second or two and saw the dreamer was still looking at him name of dream: the fag paper cheque near a railway station and wanted a cup of tea the dreamer had plenty of money but it was all in the bank the dreamer was confident that he could persuade the person who could give the dreamer a drink and that he would get money, but he wanted something more than just my assurances the dreamer got out a cigarette paper and wrote some of the details of my bank account on it he accepted the paper as he would have a cheque category of dream: multi-themed dream location: london 08032018 - 305 name of dream and references: meter-cheater had found a way to cheat the electric meter managed to amass about thirty pounds of silver and was explaining to a couple in the dream, the girl was a neighbour from ten years ago, how to do it they were hoping the dreamer would give them some of the money the dreamer was going to give them some but the dreamer was stringing it out because if the dreamer gave it to them straight away they would go out and spend it and the dreamer wanted them to make the dreamer a cup of tea in the next scene, the dreamer looked in my backpack for the jar with all the money in it to show the couple how much money the dreamer had made (the jar in the dream was a jar that the dreamer had been using for something over the last couple of days in awake time) but couldn't find it which was a bit of a blow because now the dreamer didn't have the money to go and do some spending the dreamer said the dreamer would have a smoke and get going the dream ended cause of the dream: probably thoughts about money 05032018 - 304 name of dream and references: meal on a train we were four men on a train we were at a slightly larger table than on today's trains the table was covered with a white cloth we were talking although what we were talking about doesn't come to mind we were alone in the carriage sitting next to a living-room-sized window the scene changed: two of us were at another table on the opposite side of the carriage and sitting next to the door adjoining the carriage the other two men had also changed their seats and were now at the furthest point away from us and still seated on the same side of the aisle as when the dream started we were about to be served a meal we had to have tables-for-two as it was going to be an extravagant meal and we would need a lot of surface area in the third scene, there is food on the table and i am talking to the waiter about what drink to have the dream ends here 04032018 - 303 name of dream and references: unassigned 1 the setting for this dream is in an era when there aren't any mod-cons we have, fridges, cars, mobile phones, t.v". but there were flying machines albeit made of crude natural materials like rock and clothes made of hemp there were, however, plenty of skulduggeries, deceit, and the acquisition of wealth and people control by violent methods two brutus-type agents of the controlling clique were trying to get the dreamer to reveal how it was the dreamer was making so much money the dreamer knew what was happening and was trying to confuse them by getting complicated about the way the dreamer did it the dreamer had to be careful, if they thought the dreamer was holding back information or worse still misleading them they would resort to torture they are going to kill the dreamer as soon as they get the information but they know if they kill the dreamer without getting what they want, it would be the worse for them we were flying through the sky in the rock contraption, and there was a rock computer in front of me it had a keyboard with about fifteen keys on the keyboard and the dreamer was telling one of the agents what to type in the "computer" didn't have a screen or any leads coming or going from it it did do something, though, because every time someone pressed a key, it made a mechanical sound it struck the dreamer as being a toy abacus it occurs to the dreamer the machine isn't doing anything its purpose is to fool the dreamer into revealing his methodology the two men tried to fool the dreamer into thinking it could send messages again the dreamer had to be careful if the dreamer said something which let them know they weren't fooling the dreamer, they would use force after two or three attempts to make contact didn't work, the dreamer said, "we're not going to get through on this; the communications network must be out of order" the thugs had no conception of the phrase communications network, and the dreamer could feel them getting frustrated it would be so much easier to use force the dream came to an end cause of the dream: thoughts during the day notes 1 as you should be aware, this website maintains that everything which happens in dreams is something that has occurred in awake-time to make sense of the details in this dream, we have to bring into our thinking the idea of undulations once we do things which don't make any sense in any way, they start to assemble themselves for instance, disentangling beings who have allowed themselves to become life-takers from those who are oriented to reality (go out of their way to make sure they don't take a life) goes way, way back try to imagine one person knowing how to provide every family or every person with an atom bomb a limited form of thinking would understand it would spell doom you-know-who, having carved out an endless desirable existence that will continue for eternity, will go to the ends of the universe for as many undulations as necessary in an attempt get waverer's to understand what it is that reality has to offer 03032018 - 302 name of dream and references: barking dog gets the back of my hand had to go to the shops there were shops within a hundred metres of where the dreamer lives, but they didn't have certain items essential to my diet it meant going to the next nearest shopping area a kilometre way although the dreamer was in familiar territory the dreamer had to ask people where the bus stop was the first person the dreamer asked gave the dreamer directions, "go up that road, turn right, and the bus stop is along on the left just past the garage on the right" (in a dream, what you need to hear when asking for directions is "keep walking and you'll come to it") "keep to the left until you reach the junction, then cross the road onto the right-hand side. walk along until you see" " forget it the dreamer got lost the dreamer didn't know where the dreamer was, the dreamer had to get my bearings or the dreamer could end up going down the hole with alice a busy junction came into view it meant walking up a hundred-metre incline and bearing to the right when the dreamer got to the top of the hill the junction was no longer in view but there was a busy street visible between the houses which looked like it led somewhere looking along the road the dreamer was walking on the dreamer could see it had fewer buildings in it the further the dreamer looked that was another journey into the beyond there was only one option: the dreamer took it i push open the gate of the house next to where i am standing and walk up the garden path level with the back of the house was an outhouse or brick garage or something which closed off any means of going anywhere other than between two brick walls to get to the street after a few steps, a thigh-high but not bulky, dark-coated house dog was on my case the trick with dogs in a sitution like that is to keep moving but not pick up your walking pace and offer the dog the back of your hand there was, of course, the chance the dog would grab my had but to stand still and say "good boy" does, on occasions, infuriate them the dog was on home ground, and the dreamer had invaded its area; it had to be macho it began barking fiercely and moving along with the dreamer still, it didn't attack (two dreams on the trot with dogs in them and in both dreams, the dog's bark was audible, and that's after umpteen dreams with dogs with no sounds of barking! dreams becoming more detailed?) the old, "give the dog the back of your hand" counter-attack tactic had worked again on the street and down the hill to my right was a busy out-of-town shopping centre buses, people, pedestrian crossings, and high buildings, the dreamer was back in civilisation i didn't know where i was, but just about anyone could tell me which bus to catch to get back to; where is it i live?" * there were two or more scenes in this dream which followed the same pattern of going from one unrecognisable location to another, but you've got the idea there was also another dream in this sleep which came before this one it was a different setting with conversation and emotion the last scene of the dream before this one meant going out to buy things and have assumed the second dream is a continuation of the first albeit the content of the first dream was so different to this one this might well be a "twinned-theme dream" the stand-out part of the dream: the dog barking the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: an increase in the auditory content of dreams? cause of the dream: thinking about what shop to buy this month's groceries from earlier on in the day participant category of dream: animal: () category of animal: mammal () category of mammal: dog (11) name of the dream: barking dog gets the back of my hand 02032018 - 301 first dream the name of the dream: walking the dog evening: was on my way somewhere an elderly gent who wasn't very mobile and lived in a block of flats about fifty metres from where the dreamer lived was on the grass outside where he lived keeping an eye on his dog the dog was small, a bit bigger than a pekingese the dreamer offered to take the dog with the dreamer and told him the dreamer would be back in ten minutes (i think i might have been on my way to the shops again) he was pleased and agreed the scene changed and it was now about a hundred metres along the road the houses were a mix of semi-detached and terraced houses with gardens for a stretch of about five or six houses every garden had a dog in it the dog was in in dog-heaven as it went to and fro back and forth from garden to garden; there was a noticeable spring in the way it was walking a dog in one of the gardens began barking (the first time a dog has barked in a dream) time-tense: 9 the quality of the dream 1.1 quality of the sleep 3.9/4 cause of the dream: offering to take the dog of a man, who couldn't leave the house, for a walk a few days ago participant category of dream: animal: () category of animal: mammal () dog (11) second dream name of dream: wafer and cream evening, nearly home on the way back from somewhere fancied something sweet there was a shop about fifty metres off the route home that would have some the dreamer entered the shop it was a lot bigger and brighter than the shop the dreamer had thought of went to the counter and asked the woman serving for something sweet to eat she suggested a soft cream she showed the dreamer a tub with cream-coloured cream in it the dreamer said it looked nice and she replied "they're really nice with wafer-strips" she produced a vivid beige-coloured wafer about the size and shape of a twelve-inch ruler she let the dreamer eat a bit of the wafer but not any of the cream the dreamer dug into my pocket and brought out all the change a quick look at my hand and the dreamer could see it was mainly coppers and not enough the dreamer said, "i'll be back in a bit" and turned and walked away briskly notes 1 postulate 3: a dark dream is because it has been experienced fewer times across all undulations which means a bright dream is an experience frequently experienced across all undulations does the notion that a dark dream is older than bright dream bear out? the stand-out part of the dream: the sight of the wafer participant - category of the dream: food (5) ice-cream (1) addenda: vividness:: 3.5 quality of the dream: location 3 third dream name of the dream: sociability at the social club was in a working man's social club it was a typical working man's social club large, long rows of tables reasonably close together, one large bar, a high ceiling, an air of amiability" in the first scene, the dreamer had just entered the room in the next scene, the dreamer was moving between two of the rows between the tables as the dreamer was walking along the dreamer was having a two, three or four sentence exchanges with different couple's and individuals as this part of the dream progressed my replies to the sentences got shorter and shorter until eventually, it became three or four-word rejoinders the responses became witticism or wisecracks the dreamer was on a roll; every rejoinder produced a teeth smile the dreamer was on an endorphin high and rising the stand-out part of the dream: the feeling of well-being in the last scene cause of the dream: a feeling of relief following the decision to stop trying so hard to get things moving participant - category of dream: pleasure () humour: () spoken: (5 ?) addenda: vividness:: 3.9/4 the quality of the dream: 4 01032018 - 300 name of dream and references: newton's class think-write (2) black and white (1) a blackboard with sentences the blackboard more or less filled the field of vision the sentences were variations of the way someone can form sentences there were four or five sentences on the blackboard someone completed three of the sentences on the blackboard but can't remember what they were the detailed part of the dream was a sentence which read," where/when is time prevented/invented in space the words invented and prevented were in boxes in the sentences on the blackboard the person trying to complete the sentences was an african man he said, "newton should have asked, when in space should time be invented?" notes 1 this dream is a variation of a crossword think-write dream, and because the blackboard and the writing were in black and white, it suggests it comes before the first entry/instance of this type of dream 28022018 - 299 first dream name of dream: the man in the stocks in a town centre three men were in medieval stockades one man is raised, so his feet aren't touching the ground a contraption around his upper body was supporting his weight a crowd gathers to watch them being freed one man was freed only to be re-trussed with a curtain of chains he implored, begged, wailed, and pleaded for it not to be done in the last scene, his hands and head were in the stock again, only now he had the weight of the chains to bear as well in the last scene, a close up of his head and shoulders, he had become determined and it showed on his face he would endure the pain, abuse and humiliation, but one day, he would be free time-tense: 9 quality of the dream 2.8 quality of the sleep 3.6 the stand-out part of the dream: the look of determination on his face in the last scene the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: some men can muster a resolve that transcends determination notes 1 these twinned-dreams are becoming regular many years ago, the dreamer remembers reading that the mind thinks in extremes balancing experiences and facts may have been an early form of reasoning second dream name of dream: getting ready to dance at a gig with about eighty to a hundred people the stage is elevated by about one and a half metres i am standing on the stage to the right it looked like your typical village hall there were four musicians it sounded like they were tuning and testing their instruments the only sound the dreamer could latch onto was the drums in the next scene, the dreamer was sitting and slapping my knees to the beat coming from the drummer one of the musicians began plucking a note in time with the beat, and within a short time, the other instruments were accompanying the beat instead of the drummer the dreamer began varying my slapping beat every fourth bar by putting in extra slaps and off-beats then, the musicians began doing the same with their instruments the audience had started listening to the sound and were standing bunched up in front of the stage we were on the verge of getting people dancing when the dream ended don't remember seeing anyone dancing at any time during the dream 27022018 - 298 name of the dream: chopsy in a narrow'ish corridor in what the dreamer thinks is a maternity ward in a hospital a woman, someone the dreamer knew, was standing next to the dreamer holding a baby of a few days or weeks or months old we were standing next to a window which had a radiatoris that was in a recess underneath the window she said to the dreamer, "i have to go to the toilet" the dreamer eagerly took the baby from her i had the baby in my right arm and could feel its spine was bent more than i thought was comfortable for the baby, so i straightened my arm, which in turn straightened the spine a bit the dreamer leant into the baby's face so our cheeks were touching, and my lips were touching the corners of its mouth the dreamer opened and closed my mouth at a rate of about twice a second while making a sound that sounded like someone eating to my delight the baby, without opening its eyes, done a reasonable impression of what the dreamer was doing and once in the middle of the duet made an mmm sound the sound caught the attention of three small children to my left the dreamer said "who wants to kiss my baby" the dream ended as the children were moving towards me the stand-out part of the dream: the touch of my lips on babys' cheeks 25022018 - 297 in a room with one or two other people an older man with a walking stick is walking slowly from the far side of the room to the door a metre to the right of me he looked grim someone said something, and he replied, "very aggressive" he took another step, lost his footing and fell flat on his face with his face still buried in the carpet, he said, "very aggressive" 2nd dream came across the opportunity to earn some cash while surfing jumped to a new page in the browser and went to the favourites bar to press the symbol (avatar), which would open the page and give the dreamer access to placing some money on what was a sure investment tried three, four, five times to highlight the symbol and click it but it wasn't showing was trying to figure out why the dreamer couldn't see it when the dream ended 2402018 - 296 name of dreams: everyone's dancing - the caligula template doing a gig at an unused office space on the ground floor the room was about eight by eight metres there is a slightly elevated section about two metres by two metres which was where i am there were about twenty mature teens and they were all dancing the music playing wasn't a particularly great track to dance to, and that they were dancing to it told the dreamer they wanted to dance it was going to be a cinch to keep these people dancing the room was too bright there were a dozen or so white pygmy lights of about 40 watts peppered above the dancing area got a chair and positioned it under one bulb, which looked to be twice as bright as the others asked one of the lads to hold my legs as the dreamer stood on the chair the dreamer meant my legs but he took it to be the legs of the chair when the dreamer stood on the chair it felt rock-solid and the dreamer felt safe the bulbs were the bayonet-bulb type and should have been easy to remove, but the dreamer struggled to get it out when i removed the bulb, it dimmed the room noticeably, and a cheer went up the stand-out part of the dream: seeing everyone in the room dancing and the solid feel of the chair the significance of the stand-out part of the dream is going to get people dancing one way or another, and i have been feeling a bit of the strength coming back into my legs of late second dream the caligula template this is the second or third most depressing dream ever the last dream, which brought about these types of feelings, was the dream of 10122015 this dream was in shades of grey, with no colour whatsoever that on its own is a good enough reason for it to be an entry the first dream ever in shades of grey there is also another reason why this dream occurred the choice will be explained in the next entry or soon after that the dream the person dictating events is in a reclining position and is relaxed a despot whose cruel pronouncements are issued in an indifferent way he was utterly indifferent to the suffering that would occur as a result of what he said he must have been born like it a natural psychopath a child had been born, and balancing life is accomplished by ordering a reduction in life "five to the pen" was his response to the news of the birth of a baby the pen, the dreamer found out, is a compound where they keep wolves in the next scene a naked, fully pregnant woman, was being dragged along the ground by her hair she was not resisting she was crying in the most heart-wrenching way and that was where the dream finished the stand-out part of the dream: the feeling of depression the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: see the next entry the cause of the dream: see the next entry notes 1 the only dream which had no colour before this dream was a nightmare as a child notes 2 the dream is named the caligula template because caligula comes across as being the best example of a psychopath the film caligula will give you an insight into the brutality and depravity of the roman empire there was nothing romantic about the romans 23022018 - 295 name of dream: a cry for help working on a building site my co-workers were an amiable crew, and things were o.k. heavy equipment is demolishing a building and its foundations to enable even sturdier foundations for a more significant building the old foundation and twenty metres of the earth below it were in a mound to one side of the site next to the hill of excavated earth and concrete was an earth removal container which was two to three metres high and twenty to thirty metres long, and it was almost full the dreamer walked around the front of the container and slowly started up the mound of rubble to get to the top of it as the dreamer was about two metres up the side when a section of the mound loosened and, in the way of an avalanche, slid to the ground, taking the dreamer with it it pushed under the container but had enough room to crawl out then, yet more of the rubble came loose from the mound, and it was enough to wedge the dreamer under the container and out of sight it was a dire situation and the dreamer knew the dreamer was in danger and shouted "help me" which woke the dreamer out of the sleep quality of the dream 3.1 quality of the sleep 3.8 the stand-out part of the dream: being pinned under the container the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: the dreamer thinks it's the dreamer asking you to help the dreamer to help you cause of the dream: thoughts during the day category of dream: emotional stress (20) 22022018 - 294 name of dream: categories of dreams in a queue of about thirty people people were looking at the dreamer and smiling someone laid their hand on my shoulder and squeezed it in a friendly gesture then, a smiling someone tapped the dreamer as they went passed then a hand squeezed my buttock, and the dreamer turned around and was relieved to see it was a female then another female with no sense of shame grabbed my crotch it didn't hurt so the dreamer didn't stop her her manoeuvres were, the dreamer assumed, an embarrassment to others so the dreamer led her around the corner of a building where no one could see us the scene changed and the dreamer was walking along a busy street there is a man in his late twenties, a lady who is incapacitated and a young boy of four or five or six the man was struggling to cope with the two of them the dreamer picked up the young lad and placed him on my hip, facing me we had to go up a steep gradient to cross a dual-carriageway when we were on top of the steep there were four or five railway tracks we had to cross i nearly lost my balance once or twice, but we got across the tracks alright we then had to cross a dual-carriageway it hadn't occurred to the dreamer that there would be traffic on it it was a bit dangerous but no one beeped their horn or had to swerve or slow down after getting across the road, we had to go down another steep to get back onto the streets the man thanked me we were going in the same direction so the dreamer walked along with them as we were walking the boy started tugging at my clothes he wanted to be carried the man was happy to let the dreamer give a helping hand again the dreamer sat the youngster on my right forearm and lifted him to a little above waist height with him facing forward, and his left arm was around my neck as we were walking my steps were out of sync with his balance and the effect was he moved forward from my body as one leg stepped out and he came back toward the dreamer as the other leg made a step he was looking at the dreamer as we were walking and twice as his face got to within a whisker of mine he leant in a little further and kissed the dreamer on the lips quality of the dream 3.8 quality of the sleep 3.9 the stand-out part of the dream: being kissed by the boy the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: a young boy may want to show his affection with a lip-kiss notes as a youngster, i can't remember being kissed by a man, and it's undoubtedly the case i never wanted to kiss a man it's one of those things in picture page " the dreamer love you" you-know-who looked like he was going to kiss me again, i don't care WHO it is, i don't CARE who it is, the dreamer doesn't like being kissed by men, and that's all there is to it 21022018 -293 re-defining: awake-time dreams and sleep-time dreams today's dream was a seven or eight-scene dream set in amsterdam this entry though is not about the dream it is the three one-scene dreams that followed three short periods of sleep after waking upon waking and making voice-notes of the dream in amsterdam the dreamer continued watching the film the dreamer had been watching before going to sleep the night before still a little tired, occasionally i let my eyes close while watching the film on three occasions, the film the dreamer was watching, a black and white film, was replaced by colourful one-scene dreams as the dreamer woke and then drifted back into sleep three different times the dreams varied in length between two or three seconds and three to five seconds of sleep-time (multiply the seconds in sleep-time by a minimum of ten seconds to get the awake-time length of time) the sleep-time sequences of the three one-scene dreams today lasted long enough to take in the detail of the scene, which isn't usually the case with montages however, box montage sequences do have the same lengths of time attached to them as sleep-time dreams it may be that there is a constant time value for both sleep-time and box montages, which is in the process of being recognised notes 1 one of today's dreams is yet another testament to the different types of conscious states eventually becoming indistinguishable or fusing with each another i was out of bed and had taken two, three or four steps to the door before i realised i was responding to the situation in a dream 20022018 - 292 name of the dream: an inspector calls had upset the oligarchs past the point of their ability to tolerate me the dreamer could get evicted, and it would put an end to the dreamer airing anti-national sentiments the dreamer will be talking to people on a soapbox on a street corner the grounds for eviction are on the flimsiest of laws using my abode for the dissemination of information which could mislead people the laws which protected a resident's right to accommodation were much more staunch the dream begins with the dreamer in the hallway behind a barricade of furniture and sturdy items and keeping them in place by leaning and pushing it's going to take a while for the bailiffs to get it the dreamer phones the police a flat-hatted inspector arrives, complete with an upright posture and a conductor baton under his arm he listens to both sides of the argument he moves ten metres away from the door and makes a phone call he is getting legal advice within a couple of minutes he pronounces that the dreamer have the right to remain quality of the dream 3.5 quality of the sleep 4 the stand-out part of the dream: the inspector arriving the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: support cause of the dream: wondering what the inner-clique of the oligarch structure expect of the dreamer during the day second dream name of dream dream: a cat with eight lives standing at a bus stop which was on a busy dual carriage way there were seven or so other people there as well the stop was the one before an international airport most of us were looking in the direction the bus would be coming from a juggernaut passes by it is no more than ten metres past where we are standing when the sound of its air brakes, accompanied by the sounds of metal under strain, fills our ears we turn and look and see the lorry shuddering and juddering to a halt it stopped in an impressively short distance the dreamer stooped to look under the truck the dreamer didn't know what the dreamer expected to see it was a pleasing sight; it was a white cat sitting in a haunched position with its tail lying along the length of its body the dreamer started walking to the back of the lorry rubbing my forefinger and middle finger against the thumb and making squeaking sounds by sucking air through my pursed lips it was moving towards the dreamer and was just about in touching distance when the dream ended quality of the dream 3.7 quality of the sleep 4 category of dream: animal: mammal: cat (4) 19022018 - 291 name of the dream: buidings in the dark was with an acquaintance from fifteen years ago, and he takes the dreamer to his latest hangout, an abondened castle at the top of the castle, there was a steeple with small ledges that got narrower the further up it went at the very top, the ridges weren't deep enough for the sole to take the weight of the body the dreamer tried to get my big toe to take my weight, but it couldn't accept it and the dreamer lost my footing and balance, and the scene changed as the dreamer was slipping back down the steeple in another scene, the dreamer was in what looked like an abandoned warehouse and as the dreamer made my way to a window to get out the dreamer saw a partly rolled large cigarette and picked it up and finished rolling it in another scene, the dreamer was looking for the person the dreamer was with at the beginning of the dream the dreamer heard his voice coming through a hole in a small broken window and was looking for a way to get into the building when the scene changed in another scene, the dreamer was at an open window which anyone who wanted to get into the building could have used to gain entry in the next scene, a young male propped a board against the wall next to a window frame that didn't have any glass, giving the impression someone is in it in another scene, was walking away from somewhere with another male and each of us had one arm about the shoulder of the other every scene in the dream is dark 18022018 - 290 name of dream: job dispute i don't remember much of this dream i am furious because the person i thought should have got the job didn't get it cause of dream: thinking about jobs for people during the day 17022018 - 289 name of dream: gold and silver afoot the third or fourth dream of this exact theme and the first scene it is evening, i'm on my own and walking along a streets a glint of colour draws my attention to an object on the ground a closer look and the dreamer can see it's a pound coin when the dreamer bends down to pick it up other coins are nearby the coins are a mixture of pound, fifty pence and twenty pence pieces; there may be some ten pence and five pence coins as well ten or twenty steps along and it happens again only this time, there is more than one pound coin and there are one or two fifty pence coins but there aren't any five, ten or five pence pieces it goes on for five or so more scenes so now, instead of seeing just one gold coin when the dreamer stoops down, the dreamer sees two or three coins and when the dreamer stoops to pick them up, there are even more gold coins with two-pound coins amongst them at the end of the sequence of these scenes, the dreamer had between one hundred and two hundred pounds the dream changes scenes a girlfriend of more than twenty years ago is in the dream we are walking in this scene, it's not a pavement-next-to-the-road scene but a metre-wide tarmac path that cuts through a football pitch-sized, slightly muddy grass field that links one stretch of pavement to another the tarmac path wasn't in the original design plans for the estate, but because people coming from a different direction had hewn out a path across the scenic-cum-playfield as it took sixty or seventy metres out of the walk from where they were coming from to the shops they are going to the local authority has to come up with a solution to the resident's complaints that their children's play area is turning into a mud-bath at first, it is the two of us walking along the eighty-metre long tarmac path and the dreamer am telling her about what's been going on in my life we are walking and talking when the same thing that happened at the beginning of the dream starts happening again i tell her to watch what i'm doing when the dreamer see the first coin the dreamer point it out to her and then bring her attention to the other coins nearby which she hadn't previously noticed there are a couple more scenes of seeing and picking up the coins; by now, it's almost exclusively gold coins the dreamer explains to her that it appears to be only the dreamer who can see them as there are other people in this part of the dream who see the dreamer bending down and picking things up from the ground because as they approached us from behind and then overtook us for reasons unknown, they couldn't see the coins the conversation was still about money the dreamer told her about my recent financial dealings on the stock market and how the big financial institutions always come out on top because of trawling" tactics and asked her to evaluate whether a countermeasure which had occurred to the dreamer looked as if it could work the dream ended there time-tense: the pound coins have the edges of the new ones that only recently have been brought into circulation, which means this dream is a present time-tense dream it could be the present of a past undulation it could be the present of the present undulation - there was a mini version of the dream some twenty-plus years ago when the writer bumped into his most valued friend in the centre of town within a few steps of our walking, i saw a one pound coin on the ground and picked it up my friend said something along the lines of "that was a bit of luck" we carried on for a few more steps and then crossed the road to get to the other shops within a few steps, the glint of gold caught my eye another pound coin was just inches away from my foot well, now we are hovering between very unlikely to twilight zone took advantage of the situation, and within a few steps, i exclaimed as i pointed, "there's another" one my friend let out a sound of increduility there wasn't another coin, of course, but two one-pound coins within twenty steps! it's got to be worth a mention quality of the dream 3.7 quality of the sleep 3.7 the stand-out part of the dream: the scene with the first two-pound coin the significance of the stand out part of the dream: wealth is a state of mind if the writer had all the money he wanted, he would still be writing this cause of dream: the recognition earlier on in the day of the sentence above 16022018 - 288 the most important think-read dream name of dream: the garden the last line of today's think-read dream was, "this dream is not a new dream, it is the way new things can happen" this think-read dream was a no-frills dream no pictures, no people, no sounds, nothing at all it was as if the person who wrote it didn't want anything to detract from the message the message of eight lines didn't make any sense at all, and the dreamer was ready to forget about it when the dream of 24102017 came to mind the word garden was used in that think-read message, too in both the dream of 24102017 and today's dream, the meaning of the word garden was used to convey a state or a meaning or a purpose in life are the two dreams connected? the message seemed to be a long, very long, odd type of proverb it told the story of someone who had introduced "new things into the garden" that enriched the garden, and this dream also points to the consequences of not introducing new things into the garden the line doesn't introduce new things into the garden "can not go to the toilet" (there are a few interpretations of what that could mean) was also in the message the message made the same point repeatedly: new things need to happen the words "dream", "garden" and "new things" was used once or more than once in every sentence the words "go to the toilet" were used twice notes 1 who's writing these messages? where are they coming from? what time-tense did they originate in? are they from self to self? are they from you-know-who and timed to occur at this point in time? if they are from the lover, they have come from time-tense 3 or 9 for application in time-tense 5 14022018 - 287 name of the dream: the adventurer and a box montage (the first) the dream that came before waking up had some cool special effects in it was walking through thick, lush grass which came up to my shins in an open expanse of the countryside the green plant life was so fresh it looked wet the impression was no one had walked through it before me something in the distance caught my eyes and the dreamer started running towards it after about ten strides the dreamer ran out of ground and is falling through the air while falling a river or stream eight hundred or more metres down comes into view the scene is similar to the cheddar gorge, only the gorge in the dream looked twice as deep, and there was thick foliage everywhere instantly, the dreamer knew the dreamer was a goner no sooner did that thought occur when a thick bush about half as big as a house and growing sideways out of the cliff about thirty metres below the dreamer came into view, and the dreamer landed in it to get to the cliff face meant breaking branches; the dreamer can remember the effort of pushing and breaking branches the dream went from participant to observer at this point, and now i'm in a rock cave looking at one of its walls the wall turns into squares the squares dissolved out of existence before reaching the ground a young man wearing a suit and a shirt with the top button of the shirt undone and a tie which was slightly dishevelled steps through where the wall had been he was an adventurer his sense of adventure gripped the dreamer, and some exciting things began after seven or eight scenes the dream became like a fairy tale and the dreamer knew he would have to remember it for dreams diary after waking it took thirty seconds to get the voice recorder ready for use and after dictating up to the bit of the dream when the wall dissolves, i couldn't remember what happened after pity about that i do remember it had a sense of fantasy the stand-out part of the dream: the wall dissolving the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: the dream has become a new category of a dream fantasy-reality (now categorised as weird and wonderful) category of dream: weird and wonderful (1) notes 1 thinking about the dream and what the awake-time circumstances would have to be for this dream to happen in awake-time are being held back until we get going explaining the details in this dream will be presented when people are in a receptive mood, and for that, we need the right atmosphere a box montage follows the amazing dream woke from sleep still feeling a bit sleepy changed position in bed a couple of times and relaxed a regular montage began after a dozen or so scenes the format of the sequences, all of which had motion, began showing in a rapid/runaway style the sequences became too fast to take in the format then changed from single pictures to groups of pictures the pictures are in square blocks with about eight pictures across and eight down they are all the same size, hence the name box-montage ( pic 1 ) well, it's one thing to have a one-image-at-a-time montage, but this new format was like giving a child the keys to a sweet shop first of all, they were all in colour, and all had motion it was possible to view one "box" then go to another, look at that, and then go back to the one before i didn't probe to discover how long each sequence would last, but the dreamer didn't exhaust the flow of the pictures when you've got fifty or more films to watch, you want to take a quick look at each one before deciding which one to view, which is what the dreamer did after two minutes or thereabouts, the assembly of films had other sequences forming at the corners and the side it struck me that i could go on with this for hours so i turned over, opened my eyes, and looked at the wall clock to see what time it was it was still early nothing was pressing to do so i rolled back into my previous position ready to indulge myself closed my eyes and went to continue where the dreamer had left off less than a minute before i couldn't summon the images, though it felt like i had been robbed still, the sequences before i opened my eyes are fresh in my memory, so it would have to be re-runs category of dream: box montage (1) * it was only a few weeks back (04122017) when replays of montage sequences were the latest cool faculty of the dream state a week later (09122017), the latest and greatest new faculty was the freeze-frame, and now this how many new faculties are there going to be? * notes on the box montage was unable to get the freeze-frame option to work in this box montage, nor the replay it was possible to zoom in on some of the films, though again, the semi-sleepy state comes over as being the best frame of mind to be in to bring montages into being another consistency is the awake time sense of time that accompanies them and further, the post-sleep state of consciousness is the time when montages are more likely to occur so, upon waking and without opening the eyes is the best time to try it 13022018 - 286 name of dream: grex it was evening there were three characters at the start of the dream a young boy of eight or nine, a cat with a thin fawn coat, and the writer the boy was dawdling didn't want to get authoritarian with him and decided to lure him into walking at my pace went into an off-license and bought two small bars of chocolate while the boy and grex waited at the door while inside the shop, three young adults join the dream grex had been frightened, and the dreamer could tell it was the twenty-year-olds because of the look on their faces; they were looking smug you've probably seen the look" a slightly sadistic smile that people who delight in intimidating people exude they lost a bit of their composure when they saw the dreamer might take them to task, but they weren't overly worried; it was still three onto one besides, there was the youngster and grex to think about the dreamer picked grex up and placed him around my neck with its back legs hanging loosely over my left shoulder and its front legs draping down my front-right side with its head brushing against the side of my face the dreamer gave the boy one of the bars of chocolate and said "we can get another one when we get to the next shop" grex was comfortable now, and the dreamer could sense he was his relaxed, care-free self again we were starting to move away from the front of the "offie" when a friendly person the dreamer didn't know that well but well enough to have a friendly chat with came up behind us he was a sturdy peaceful man with a satisfied-with-life charisma he was, like me, something of a loner his calm, confident manner disturbed men like the ones who had picked on the small boy and most despicably had delighted in frightening a cat men who like to dominate other men are pretty standard but happily not that numerous; the balance is tipped toward peacefulness one or two of the men make the mistake of using aggression his response to violence toward himself put pay to the lead aggressor when, with one blow, he knocked all the aggression out of him; they had never heard the maxim "never rile a peaceful man" he had to demonstrate his defensive prowess twice and both times it was with bully men with the reputation of being the type of people you kept away from if you did find yourself in their company, you had better know how to kowtow his "one-punch and it's over" status was legendary, particularly amongst the bullies it was my chance to make the men who had got a kick out of taking on a boy and a cat feel like the small men they are the man who had just joined us was walking in the same direction as we were the four of us were ten or fifteen metres from the shop when the dreamer said something that was designed to make the man who had just joined us stop and turn around and look the dreamer could almost feel the bullies at the shop squirming as they thought the dreamer had just told the peaceable man what they had done and if that wasn't justice enough across the other side of the road walking in the opposite direction to us was another no-nonsense man whom everyone respected the dreamer told the man who had just joined us that the dreamer had to give him a message and would be back in a few seconds the dreamer crossed the road, said hello and some other things to the man, then pointed down the road and said something fitting like "be careful if you go in that offie; there's a woman in there who will eat you alive" the dreamer took a look at the three offending men as the dreamer crossed back over the road they were dawdling participant category of dream: animal: mammal: cat (3) notes 1 grex is german rex the dreamer bought the german rex for a bit of company in 1988 it didn't take long to realise it wasn't like other cats as in the dream, the dreamer would lay it across my shoulders when the dreamer went out and about usually, for safety's sake, its front paws would be in my right hand and its back legs in my left it was completely content in that position it would follow the dreamer just like a dog among the memories of it is the time we went to the park in the dead of night the dreamer took a torch with a tight beam as the dreamer shone it here and there, both grex and myself would take in the scenes the torch highlighted we climbed trees together that night the dreamer could walk it on a leash and had got him to respond to a whistle when his meal was ready friends and neighbours were well impressed notes 2 what has got the dreamer wondering is why, when the exactitudes used to ensure that all the random events which could change the course of history and evolution are so carefully woven into our lives, the exactness of events from undulation to undulation aren't accessible to the sleep-time memory perhaps they will be let us consider that the moment of conception for dreams and dreams theory was 2009 (see the origins of dreams theory) and its birth was october 2017 october 2017 was when the notion occurred that the sleep-time conscious is superior to the awake-time conscious and is slowly coming to the fore our human selves and the awake-time conscious are nothing more than the means through which we enter into a necessary stage of evolution the more we practice using the sleep-time faculties, the more accurate will be the chronology of the information therein 12022018 - 285 name of dream: the return of the alligator it's been a couple of years since the last crocodile dream all these allagator dreams have a menacing feel to them in a two-storey house which has been converted into bedsits the dreamer was in friends room who lived on the second floor, the dreamer was on the first floor there were three or four people in the room when the alligator came through the door it didn't seem to see anyone else it came straight for me the dreamer jumped onto the bed and was safe for the time being it appeared another two times in different scenes of the dream, and both times, the dreamer managed to thwart it the dreamer was more than just a bit unhappy about the way the owner of the reptile had given it the freedom of the house there was every chance it would catch the dreamer unawares the dreamer had got into the habit of opening the door the dreamer was about to through and peer into the room the dreamer told the person who had brought it into the house that if he didn't get rid of it, the dreamer was going to take action the dreamer had already formed a plan to get it to put its head over the bath and kill it by thrusting a half-metre hunting knife through its throat and into its brain the dreamer had become homicidal towards it the dreamer knew it would be gone eventually the matter still hadn't been resolved when the dream ended woke from sleep and had a mini-montage of women in wedding dresses cause of dream: had to be stray thoughts, or did it? notes 1 the contrast between the dream and the montage is worth a mention are both sleep sequences and the montage something of my own making? or is the montage of my making and the dream not, or is it vice versa? to begin making inroads into answering these sorts of questions a new entry called "the rate of change of evolution and devolution from undulation to undulation" is being initiated see dream: 23022024 11022018 - 284 name of dream: nervous dog an awake-time friend of some years ago had a golden retriever as a pet the dog is traumatised it had been mistreated and is still carrying the scars the effect was the dog was nervous about people the dreamer tried to coax it to come to the dreamer by talking to it but it didn't come to me when the dreamer made a move towards it moved back then, when the dreamer moved back, it came forward a little i offered it the back of my hand to sniff. usually offering the back of the hand works for timid and aggressive dogs alike, but again, it backed away time and again, it came forward when i withdrew my hand then i stretched out both arms and invited it to come to me in the same way as someone would to a toddler or a crawling baby that done it when it was close enough i put my left hand on its chest below the dog's chin and ran the nails of my fingers down its spine and it produced a quivering of the dog's skin the dog was acting normal and proved it with a lick category of dream: doggy dream (11) 10022018 - 283 name of dream: a prison of the future a person only attended this prison if they wanted to the prison was a low-ceiling building along the lines of a large hospital ward it had beds which were arranged like a hospital ward as well but with a lot more distance between the beds the prison houses prisoners who have committed a minor crime, and they only need to be reminded that they had done something wrong and sleeping at the prison is an acknowledgement by the person of having done something wrong my crime was teleporting an item from its place of origin to where the dreamer designated it without taking due care and attention to the place where it was going the item was a bag of chips the problem was the device which received the item made a bit of a bang when the item arrived if you knew an item was coming it wasn't a problem, you knew what to expect, but if another person happened to be nearby it could give them a bit of start it's a bit like letting off a banger too near to someone on bonfire night 09022018 - 282 the name of the dream: message from a goldfish notes 1 the notes are being placed first in this dream because there is a tendency not to read the notes after reading the dream that's o.k., but this dream, it is thought, has an urgent message which needs to be evaluated the dreamer can't remember the last time he saw a goldfish nor is the last time the dreamer heard of or spoke about a goldfish remembered neither can the dreamer recall ever reading about a goldfish, seeing a film with a goldfish in it, or seeing a photograph of a goldfish the point is, there is no reason that the dreamer can think of why a dream with a goldfish in it should occur a dream that seemed to have no basis for being dreamt about is not new to this website what is different about this dream is how the message is communicated the dream... was about a half of one metre away from a fish tank, and looking into it almost immediately a goldfish like the one in the picture swam from left to right across the front of the fish tank and then disappeared from view behind some ornaments soon after, it re-appeared from the left and swam out of view again, only this time it was moving more slowly and seemed bigger when it returned for the third time it was swimming slower still, almost in slow-motion and it was as close to the glass of the fish tank as it could be the image of the goldfish filled my field of view over a four or five or six seconds period of sleep-time, the goldfish moved from the bottom of the fish tank to the top those few seconds became everything as the goldfish moved slowly up the front of the glass and closer to me, its mouth was opening and closing in a slow and deliberate way as it was as close to the surface of the water as it could get, the dreamer realised it was gulping for air it turned slightly to the left as it reached the surface; at that moment its movements looked that of a whale which has come from the depths of the ocean to draw air the dreamer looked into its eyes, and believe me, people, it conveyed its feelings to the dreamer as meaningfully as an animal ever has it was unmistakable, it was gulping slowly because it was dying from a lack of oxygen, and it was asking the dreamer for help an empty fish-tank tank replaces the image of the goldfish in a tank as it was at the beginning of the dream the dreamer kept looking expecting it to re-appear and see again what the dreamer had just seen but it never came back the stand-out part of the dream: the moment of eye contact the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: see notes 2 notes 2 is the writer reading too much into this dream, or do some of the writer's dreams have significance for us all? assuming it has significance, what is the significance? most of those familiar with the k-t extinction event will hold the view that the prime factor that brought about the demise of the dinosaurs was the cloud that blocked out the sunlight long enough to stop the growth of plants once the plants had stopped growing, the dinosaurs that relied on vegetables for their food had nothing to eat and began dying, too then, when the dinosaurs which relied on vegetables for their existence died, the dinosaurs which ate the dinosaurs which ate the vegetables had nothing to eat and died too , imagine the sudden loss of all vegetables in our lives, no bread, potatoes, rice, corn the same thing happened with the fish the sun's light didn't reach the oceans so the plankton began dying and when there was no plankton the fish which ate the plankton died and then the bigger fish which ate the smaller fish died and so on this website hasn't searched for information to link this dream with the possibility that if the seas where the goldfish originated, or are currently most abundant, do not have sufficient oxygen, and if there isn't enough oxygen in the water, and something isn't done about it, then the loss of one particular genetic line amongst the population of the goldfish will die and it will have ramifications which affect the quality and/or quantity of the lives of all man-shaped beings that's your job a job which needs the question, "has this dream got ramifications for us all?" to be uttered where it matters 08022018 - 281 name of dream: james smith, the 2nd this dream is set in africa an awake-time friend from a few years back is with me we are standing at the top of an open-cast mine the mine was shaped like a shuttle-cock and was tiered the tiers had been made into standing and sitting areas it could accommodate four or five hundred thousand people there was music playing, but whoever had set up the p.a. hadn't done his homework, and the music sounded like it was coming from a pocket-sized transistor radio or a mobile phone i said to my friend, "we could get this place humming with a bit more organisation," but he wasn't the slightest bit interested; the dreamer knew why the music stopped and a voice came through the speakers a male voice is reading an essay or monologue it is introduced as a song by james smith the second, an african man it began" "words are the second most important means of communication we have; language is the first" it was meaningful and captivating and the dreamer tried to think-read it so he would remember it, but it was too difficult, besides it was satisfying to listen to it it had made its way into my psyche the stand-out part of the dream: the words of the speaker the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: the souls of all men contain goodness 07022018 - 280 name of dream: my baby's safe i have entrusted the care of my to the wrong person he had a heroin addiction and both he and the baby were living in squalid conditions the dreamer took his baby from him and started for home it meant going through a railway tunnel there was a narrow ledge against the wall of the tunnel; it rises half of a metre above the track and is a third of a metre wide not being fully physically able, the dreamer would be taking a chance and would almost certainly hurt the baby if i lost my balance and fell a woman entered the dream and when she realised what was wrong she gladly offered to take the baby through the tunnel if she lost balance and had to drop onto the tracks, she was sure-footed and didn't fall over when we were through the tunnel we started talking and she walked along with the dreamer as the dreamer made for home i explained the situation, and the dream ended as i said, "everything will be alright; eventually, there are always few bumps along the road" 06022018 - 279 name of dream: party-goer's and friends at a bus stop in the twilight hours there was a bloke already at the bus stop when the dreamer got there we started a chat he said he was going to a party and wanted to know how to get there i said that i could take him there and could the dreamer go as well he didn't exactly jump at the idea and hadn't committed himself when his girlfriend came into the dream he told his girlfriend what the dreamer had said she looked at the dreamer giving the dreamer the up and down and then asked the dreamer my name there was umming and ahhing before either of them said anything else the dreamer said "what sort of music will it be? "the girl asked "what sort of music do you like?" the dreamer said, "carl cox", she said "who's carl cox?" a little demeaning was in order" the dreamer said "if you don't know who carl cox is, i'm not sure i want to go"; i think they realised it was tongue-in-cheek demeaning an awake-time friend from years before comes into the dream the two people already in the dream realise that it now means if i were going with them yet, another person would have to tag along the scene changes; it is still early evening, and we are at another bus stop! his name was alan (see also in dream 16122017) and we got to reacquainting ourselves the girl and boy party-goers are no longer in the dream; i am in conversation with alan we had settled that he could sleep at my place and were still talking when his awake-time girlfriend from our teen days entered the dream she was a pretty little thing, unassertive and desirous of having the right man in her life for all her life she had found that person in alan it meant that the dreamer would have to stay with another person for the night, but that was never going to be a problem on the way to my place, the dreamer was talking twenty to the dozen, and at one point, the dreamer said something which concluded with the dreamer saying his girlfriend's name it wasn't until the dreamer had to say her name that the dreamer stopped dead, and a slightly awkward, empty pause occurred for all of us of the three of us, alans girlfriend seemed affected most i could, of course, remember her, although the dreamer can only ever remember ever speaking to her once compared to her disposition, the dreamer probably seemed brash. still, she thought the dreamer should have remembered it the dreamer said "give the dreamer a clue" she said something which referred to colour, and the dreamer said, "hazel" not getting it right didn't help things, and she made a dismayed sound the dream ended just after that second dream name of the dream: getting the feel of it in a living room with a lady the conversation touched on health that was my cue to mention the benefits of exercising at one point the dreamer suggested she had a little go at doing an exercise she said o.k. the dreamer produced a dumbbell that weighed a couple of kilograms, i showed her how to do a seated one-arm shoulder press and suggested she do three of them she had a go but was struggling the dreamer gave her a few tips and coaxed her into doing another two when she had finished the dreamer apologised for pushing her too hard but she was genuinely pleased with what she had done and the dreamer could tell she was feeling the blood rushing around in that part of her body and liked the feeling category of dream: weight training (5) 05022018 - 278 name of the dream: extremes of societies i was found guilty of not paying a bill the sentence was death after the sentencing, the convicted person leaves the courtroom, and the sentence is turned into a life sentence the next scene is a busy reception where people are re-sentenced again there are dozens and dozens of people in the reception area who were sentenced that day three men in a cage looked apprehensive and angry the looked like they could be mudrerers someone gave out the latest sentences to people at a glass-partitioned office, and everything was happening fast the sentences were being reduced from life in prison to various amounts of years in jail to months of imprisonment to community work and fines the dreamer ended up with three months in prison cause of the dream: probably the continuing thoughts of today's injustices notes 1 the shock value of the extreme penalty" hmm devolution starts with a relatively minor thought containing injustice for someone see death-outcome assertions 04022018 - 276 name of dream: double standards two men, putin and a celebrity were lying relaxed putin was on his front, and the other male was lying on his side almost at a right angle to putin their faces were about a third of a metre apart the unknown male leant forward and kissed putin on the lips putin had the same satisfied look on his face before and after being kissed the dreamer said, "you bastard", the dreamer said it twice "typical", the dreamer thought, "one law for the lawmakers and one for the rest of us" cause of dreams? 03022018 - 275 name of dream: lost (2) on a bus i thought i knew the road the bus was on, but some of the surroundings weren't right if i were where i thought i was, the bus would turn left at the t-junction two hundred metres further on i asked the driver if the next turn was right or left he said, left, and i said that's alright, that's where i want to go it meant the dreamer was only six hundred metres from walking through the front door as we were approaching the t-junction, the bus turned left in the next scene, we were in a bus depot, and the dreamer didn't know where the dreamer was there was a bus behind the one the dreamer was in, and the dreamer thought it was the bus to get on to finish the journey as the dreamer approached the bus, a man got off and asked the dreamer to "wait over there" as the dreamer was walking to where he indicated, a man in a grey uniform said to the dreamer, "where are you going?" emphasising that you didn't like his tone of voice, so i replied, "going to get some information if that's alright with you again he asked the dreamer a completely irrelevant question, and the dreamer said, "what's it got to do with you?" the dreamer was getting uppity by now "he said "if you don't tell the dreamer, I'm going to take you down" the dreamer completely lost my cool and shouted in my loudest, steady voice, and it reverberated from every acoustically reflective material for thirty metres, "down" paused and saw him cringe and then again, even more vehemently "down" he shrank and made off like a rabbit and was still accelerating at twenty metres as the dreamer finished him off, "you're going to take the dreamer down", but by then, he was in amongst other people who wouldn't know who the dreamer was shouting at a wannabe authoritarian had bitten the dust my situation wasn't any better the dreamer was in a strange place, and it looked like the dreamer was going to be sleeping in a waiting room the dreamer was becoming concerned, and as my concern compounded and was looking for a solution, the dreamer realised the dreamer was in a dream and woke up notes 1 that the dreamer knew the dreamer was dreaming before the dream ended is relevant 02022018 - 274 name of dream: mini-montage children's gallery a montage sequence with twelve or fifteen different pictures the pictures were children's themes the pictures were drawn using single lines; there were no "filled-in" areas each picture was instantly recognisable a house, a tree, a bird" the colouring was in pastel it could have been a set of pictures which someone was presenting to a publisher for approval to accompany the words of a book a picture on one page, the writing on the next you must have seen this type of format for a child book and know exactly what the dreamer mean q 3.5 - qos - observer - addenda: vividness:: 3.8 the stand-out part of the dreams: the simplicity of the drawings the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: can life be simple? notes 1 wouldn't it be great if the technology in this dream was available to us now? we wouldn't to have spent years studying art each one of us with our own unique style, dreaming up pictures that no one else would dream of each person conjuring up pictures worthy of being put on display it would take umpteen lifetimes merely to browse through them all the future is coming, and it is unstoppable 01022018 - 273 first dream name of dream: mechanics unknown you've seen the film here's the dream including myself; there were four people in the dream: a girl and two other males the dreamer was sitting close and listening to one of the young males who was talking directly to me: he looked like he was in his early twenties the conversation had been going on for quite a while the scene changed, and it went from the dreamer sitting and listening to the dreamer standing and moving the dreamer was two metres to the right of the male and moving slowly further to the right the dreamer was looking at the person the dreamer had been talking to and could see he was still in the same position as when we were talking within less than a second of dream-time, the dreamer could see that neither he nor the other two people in the dream were moving they were stock-still, completely frozen in time their absence of movement didn't take the dreamer by surprise or phase the dreamer in any way; the dreamer was at ease; the situation seemed natural this was obviously not an experience that was new to me the dream ended there, but i knew the dream could have continued the stand-out part of the dreams: the last scene the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: a glimpse into the future category of dream: freeze-frame (1) cause of the dream: ? notes 1 the three females who "dropped in" on the dreamer a few years back (transmutation) were at a stage of evolution ahead of the people in this dream the ability to move amongst people without them realising you're there is less than sixty-five million years away ! second dream name of dream: perfect kissing position while out running, i came upon a girl with her friend in the next scene, it's just the two, and we are sitting on a wall in the next scene, she is behind the dreamer and squeezes the back of my neck, and it sends a shudder through me the dreamer said, "that sent a shudder right down my spine," and then said, "do it again" this time, when she squeezed, the sensation was so intense the dreamer had to pull away and leant forward she kept her grip, and it caused her to lose balance, and we both ended up on the ground next to one another our faces were just inches apart we were in the perfect position to kiss at first contact, her lips were tight but then loosened and softened, and the kiss lasted for about eight or ten seconds of dream-time the dreamer suggests we meet again, but she didn't seem enthusiastic in the last scene, the dreamer is standing, and as he starts to walk away, the dreamer says, "i'll see you later" addenda: vividness:: 3.4 the stand-out part of the dreams: the kiss category of dream: kissing dream (14) cause/s of the dream: a person's continuing desire to experience pleasure notes 1 there was quite a bit more at the start of this dream, but the recording was garbled third dream name of mini-montage: 3-D girl there were about ten pics of nude and flimsily clad women in this mini-montage two linger on in the memory one seems to have become a fixed memory the one which is already fading was an overtly aggressive stance that was so blatantly provocative of sexuality that it intimidated me this woman had made herself into a sex war machine sex was a battle she intended to win there may be a man somewhere who could take her on, but it isn't me the one that appealed most was the nude her genitalia was the healthiest part of her body; it immediately caught the eye it seemed as though her major labia was in 3-D while the rest of her was in 2-D it almost seemed as though it was a separate entity if that's on the outside, then what's on the" the dreamer wanted to explore" amazing cause/s of the dream: a person's continuing desire to experience pleasure notes 1 for every woman, there is a man who is perfect for her 31012018 - 272 first dream name of dream: baby in prison a man is walking along the second-tier landing of a prison he was carrying a baby in the crook of his right arm with the baby's body lying along his forearm and its head resting in his palm the atmosphere of this scene is dark and foreboding the stand-out part of the dream: the feeling of oppression category of dream: prison: closed: () /babies: (1) cause/s of the dream: the emotional content accompanying thoughts during the day second dream name of dream: regimental prison (1) in the first scene, the dreamer was sitting on the end of a bench against a wall with a dozen other men we were wearing thick dark-blue jumpers and darker trousers in the next scene, we were standing in a line in what looked like a gym, and again, the dreamer was at the end of the line in the third scene, the other men were doing something energetic while the dreamer stood there watching the instructor came over to the dreamer and said: "why aren't you running" the dreamer said, " the dreamer can't run" the instructor said sarcastically, "why are you crippled " and the dreamer said, "no, disabled" the instructor asked a couple more questions and realised the dreamer was not a disabled person he stood there with his mouth open not knowing what to say the dreamer knew that the dreamer shouldn't be there and now so did he he was going to have to leave the men and take the dreamer somewhere and get it sorted out the instructor was annoyed that someone had not done their job and wanted, but didn't, to give the dreamer a dressing down and lay the blame on me the category of dream: prison: closed: () third dream name of dream: in the arms of my baby it felt as though the dreamer was carrying a heavy burden it felt as though the dreamer had been carrying it all my life the dreamer entered the room where my girl was lying down the dreamer walked over and joined my girl lying down, and the burden came with me in her arms, there was some solace the dreamer said " the dreamer have missed you" notes 1 it is those who have known great things who feel wrong-doings most acutely 30012018 - 271 name of dream: x (d) simply superb it isn't easy to convey the intensity of the feelings in this dream when both the woman and the man gave more than they received there was nothing more we could have done we had fulfilled the contract between the genders cause/s of the dream: thoughts during the day notes 1 changes are occurring the feelings in dreams are becoming more accurate than the memories of the experiences of awake-time memories we know from the 12112017 dream that the inter-undulation memory is more accurate than the awake-time memory in all likelihood, we can confidently speculate that the inter-undulation memory is more accurate in respect of feelings too it is thought that this is because the inter-undulation memory has more experiences to draw from within our lifetime, we should be able to place the tense of time of most of the dreams accurately at the moment only one in fifty dreams have correct placings notes 2 the writer has now reached the point where he can induce this type of dream it's come at the right time there's absolutely nothing happening in awake time now, how to make the dreams longer or seem longer 29012018 - 270 first dream name of dream: diamonds there were three of us, two men and a third person the dreamer couldn't see standing between the person the dreamer could see and myself, and we were standing in front of a woman the woman was talking but for some reason, the words weren't reaching my brain her voice was loud enough for me to hear what she was saying but i couldn't divert my attention away from the visual spectacle of her jewellery every bit of my conscious state is fixed on what she was wearing my brains had shut down the other senses so our eyes could focus on what it was we were seeing this woman, whether by design or not, could hypnotise a person into just looking what captivated me was the diamonds nestled into the net-weaving on the front of her cossack-style hat her eight-centimetre long earrings with three diamonds in each earring and a necklace with a mans hand-sized elongated v-shaped design around her neck i've seen large, expensive diamonds on the fingers of women that made you look at them longer than you did at other jewellery, but these were in a different league the unnoticeable movements of her head that were occurring as she was talking was causing the earring diamonds to move slightly and made the diamonds flash and glint and drew a person's attention to them; but it was the diamonds in the hat had the most effect after looking at the spectacle for about eight or ten seconds of dream-time, i glanced over at the man on the right of the person standing next to me (never did see his face) every time the dreamer looked at him the dreamer began laughing whoever it was that conceived or discovered or designed the outfit knew the effect which they wanted to create, and it had the desired hypnotic effect the way his eyes were going from hat to necklace to earrings over and over and the stunned look on his face made the dreamer laugh louder every time the dreamer looked at him, and the dreamer was laughing as the dreamer woke from the dream the stand-out part of the dream: the light coming from the diamonds 28012018 - 269 first dream name of dream: lion-dog a dog was the first scene of the dream it was on the lawn outside of the front of the house (location 2) the dog looked about one year old it was well built especially around its chest, like a doberman but with shorter legs and a slightly longer body it had short, thick, smokey-grey hair over all of its body except for around its neck the crop of hair around its neck was mainly on the top of its body, and anyone who saw it wouldn't have said it was a tuft of hair but a mane the dreamer immediately thought it was an unusual breed of lion, and the thoughts and feelings associated with lions accompanied the first impression its movements though were unmistakably dog and when the mind had time to take in the dog's movements it would go back to being relaxed it was the initial first impression that everyone would have which gave it its uniqueness it would draw looks, comments and interest wherever it went should anyone be startled when they first saw the dog, the feeling would be replaced within a second as she, yes it was a female, emanated her retiring disposition smokey and the dreamer would be the latest buzz in the hood second dream name of dream: mom's treat it was either mom's birthday or it was that the dreamer was flushed and wanted to give her treat invited one of her sisters and a non-relative who the dreamer knew would be welcome to both mom and aunt and began mentally arranging the night out first, we would have a drink at a pub near a picture house, and then we would go to the cinema and then have more drinks with a nosh-up, did the dreamer mention the dreamer was flushed afterwards with about hour to go before we had to go into town the dreamer went to the house of the friend of mom's to bring her back to where mom and the dreamer lived the dreamer waited while mom's friend got ready and it took five minutes to cross the green which separated the two estates to get back mom and the dreamer lived as we turned the corner, our house came into view there was a medium-sized removal van that somebody loaded from the side and parked outside the house with household items, some of which the dreamer recognised was surprised before the dreamer became suspicious and exclaimed: "what's happening here?" the dreamer knew something wasn't right and whisked out the phone, called the police and explained the situation the police said to stay where we were until someone arrived the police had arrived and were listening to the dreamer when the dream ended third dream name of dream: the changing tide was walking from somewhere to somewhere and passed by a large group of people smiling and in a jubilant mood they were outside a court that had just made a statement which was in favour of ordinary people the judgement meant that people as a whole would be protected from arbitrary claims by companies who, and let's speak plainly, are, as usual, feathering their own nest at the expense of decent ordinary people was handed a sheet of paper and was reading the relevant sentences, and the dream then turned into a think-read dream the important sentence was, 'the court believes the rules are imbalanced' we now believe they should be changed" the stand-out part of all three dreams: the smiling faces outside the court the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: thoughts during the day that change is occurring category of dream: doggy dream (10) - mother dreams (12) externalised dream (7+) happy-ending dream 30 cause/s of the dream: notes 1 could tell from the sound of my voice as i said, "ay up, what's happening here?" that it was externalised 27012018 - 268 name of dream: house arrest first dream first scene, all my gizmo's and most of the electrical devices that were in continual use are confiscated and all that's left with is a portable t.v. that had a forty centimetre screen and a stereo system with twenty-centimetre high speakers then, there was someone checking on what the dreamer was doing whenever the dreamer did something different as the dream changed scenes, the room began to fill up again with even better items than the ones that were there before, and the dreamer felt that the dreamer was back in control of my life and was in a position to dictate what happened in the outside world notes don't know what the dreamer had done to be getting this sort of treatment possibly it was a time when the society was a lot more oppressive than it is today this is the sort of situation the dreamer could imagine being in if the dreamer had been born in the russia of today which means this dream was the past of a past undulation or even the present of a future undulation second dream name of dream: think-read (16) computer (4) at the computer when a message comes through on the screen the message read, "the programme was not installed because it is a danger to the computer and can cause irreparable damage" note 1 this message is the first the time have read the message on the first read third dream name of the dream: the delivery couple at home (location 2) when a lounge chair is delivered it was delivered by a man and a woman wearing matching clothing; the dreamer got the impression they were married a conservatory has been added to the back of the house it was as wide as the living room and the same length seeing it in the dream for the first time was the stand-out scene of all three dreams the french doors in the original part of the house blended perfectly with the design of the conservatory, which now gave the house an even more spacious feel to the conservatory in one scene of the dream, the dreamer volunteered to make a cuppa' and went to the kitchen the delivery woman was standing in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen, so i placed my hands on her hips to let her know i was there and expected her to move to one side the delivery woman put her hands over my hands and pressed them firmly into her the dreamer had never seen her before, and it was unlikely the dreamer would see her again the dreamer couldn't see where it could lead as the person she was working with was her husband the stand-out part of the dream: the impression of depth of the living room and conservatory what is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? 26012018 - 267 name of dream: air display and a think-read (15) about cream pastries two lines of jets with about ten or twelve of them in each line in one scene they swooped down and headed towards a hanger the hanger was somewhere between five hundred and seven hundred metres high and two or three hundred metres wide at either side of the hanger there was a slightly flattened semi-circular chute about one-third of the width of the hanger both rows of the jets disappeared momentarily after they entered into the hanger and then, still in formation, re-appeared out of the top of the chutes in a nose-up position in the next scene, a close-up of just one of the jets fills the entire frame of the movie the jet had just emerged from the chute with its nose pointing up the pilot was keeping the jet stationary between falling and rising, and it remained hung in the air for a long moment if it weren't for the colour of the exhaust flames changing colour very slightly it would have been a picture the jet then slowly lowered itself, tail first, back into the chute everybody watching was stunned it captured the imagination, and it was so impressive the buzz was it was alien technology the dream changed scenes and went from the air display to a stationary aeroplane on the ground the plane was the size of air-force one, maybe a bit bigger there was a screen on the side of the plane which was displaying messages the screen looked as though it was part of the plane as the dreamer began to read the message the dream turned into a think-read dream the dreamer nearly got the two-sentence of the message in one read but slipped up and had to go back four or five words and amend one word before the whole message fell into place the message was, "the negotiations are in recess, and the two parties will now take a break and enjoy some ***? pastries, five of the world's royals regularly eat ** creams and pastries" the stand-out part of the dream: the nose-up stationary jet and the coloured message on the side of the aeroplane what is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream:? category of dream: air display (2) cause/s of the dream: jets were in the pde's notes 1 the harrier jump-jet can/ could hover if you have seen a harrier jump-jet you will have noticed that even in stationary mode there is a noticeable wavering the craft in this dream was perfectly stationary in the nose-up bit of the dream that was what got the buzz going here is a clip of a harrier jump jet 25012018 - 266 name of dream: it's my tune someone had brought legal proceedings against another person for using the melody of his song by changing it slightly and calling it his own the tune was catchy, and at one point, a string of notes made it sound like the original a hit sometime before both the original song and the second version were played in court the person who changed the song had done nothing more than lower every single note of the original song by one half of a pitch and change the tempo a little the person's legal counter-challenge was still being argued in court when the dream ended the dang of it was, the modified melody sounded much better than the original and would probably be a bigger hit than the original apparently, that is a valid legal reason for counter-challenging the original category of dream: music (30) 24012018 -265 name of dream: short stay moved into a new area and had the choice of two schools to go to the one the dreamer chose was a boarding school that had extensive grounds and several hundred pupils the problem with large schools is that to organise them properly, the organisation becomes a dominating feature of the school, and such schools have an impersonal feel; this one was no different the dreamer was in the dormitory, which was white everything with a small suitcase that had a new pair of light-grey suede shoes and a shaver in it it was an open-plan dormitory that had about two hundred beds in it, which the dreamer assumed slept the entire year/age group the dreamer came into was talking to somebody a few beds away from where mine was, and he told the dreamer it wouldn't be safe to leave my shoes in the locker and suggested somewhere then a lad with a trolley came into the dream and was putting sheets and blankets on the beds, so the dreamer went to make my bed up the scene changed, and i discovered my shaver was missing the scene changed again and the dreamer is holding my watch, the dreamer distinctly remembers the make of the watch, it was a timex, the dreamer seemed to recall a hair-spring was poking out of the side of it i took the metal back off it and then separated the glass front from the rest of the watch, and had a go at fixing it made a right muck-up of repairing it, and if it wasn't beyond repair before the dreamer tried to mend it was now between one thing and another decided not to stay at the school and started gathering my bits and pieces together on my way out of the grounds, a member of the staff sided up to the dreamer and tried to counter the reasons the dreamer gave him for leaving the last scene of this dream was out of the school area entirely and in the high street looking for a shop to replace the missing shoes the stand-out part of the dream: looking at the watch the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: category of dream: school dream 5 notes 1 there were at least two more dreams in this sleep thought the dreamer had made notes on one of the others but couldn't find them if the dreamer did 23012018 - 264 name of dream: short stay moved into a new area and had the choice of two schools to go to the one the dreamer chose was a boarding school that had extensive grounds and several hundred pupils the problem with large schools is that to organise them properly, the organisation becomes a dominating feature of the school, and such schools have an impersonal feel; this one was no different the dreamer was in the dormitory, which was white everything with a small suitcase that had a new pair of light-grey suede shoes and a shaver in it it was an open-plan dormitory that had about two hundred beds in it, which the dreamer assumed slept the entire year/age group the dreamer came into was talking to somebody a few beds away from where mine was, and he told the dreamer it wouldn't be safe to leave my shoes in the locker and suggested somewhere then a lad with a trolley came into the dream and was putting sheets and blankets on the beds, so the dreamer went to make my bed up the scene changed, and i discovered my shaver was missing the scene changed again and the dreamer was holding my watch, the dreamer distinctly remember the make of the watch it was a timex, the dreamer seem to recall a hair-spring was poking out of the side of it i took the metal back off and then separated the glass front from the rest of the watch, and had a go at fixing it made a right muck-up of repairing it, and if it wasn't beyond repair before the dreamer tried to mend it was now between one thing and another decided not to stay at the school and started gathering my bits and pieces together on my way out of the grounds, a member of the staff sided up to the dreamer and tried to counter the reasons the dreamer gave him for leaving the last scene of this dream was out of the school area entirely and in the high street looking for a shop to replace the missing shoes participant the stand-out part of the dream: looking at the watch the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: category of dream: school dream (5) cause/s of the dream:? notes 1 there were at least two more dreams in this sleep thought the dreamer had made notes on one of the others but couldn't find them if the dreamer did 23012018 - 263 name of the dream: money/wealth 11 two of us are going through items in a box or bag the items are small in size, nothing bigger than a golf ball every item had value the more we rummaged through the box or bag, the more expensive objects we discovered the dream ended just after we came across a gold trinket it was the size of a thimble and had chinese writing on it it also had a number on it it was a different colour gold to the other gold items, it looked a deeper shade of gold and felt heavier it also looked ancient, and the dreamer sensed it had significance in the chinese culture we were both infused with a sense of having hit the motherload the stand-out part of the dream: the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: category of dream: money/wealth cause/s of the dream: see notes below notes 1 there has been a bit of a run of these types of dreams lately i think this dream stems from a sense of financial security which has taken root in recent months unfortunately, a sense of financial security carries with it its terrible twin, a sense of economic insecurity a sense of financial insecurity is, of course, a tactic used by british and jewish financiers to infuse a sense of insecurity in the lives of people who don't see the merit of accumulating wealth for its own sake people in a position to distribute wealth evenly are self-motivated there have been dreams in which there was great wealth for everybody great wealth for everybody is not a difficult thing to achieve it does, however, mean that the natural fair-mindedness toward other people inherent in evolving beings isn't allowed to flourish a flourishing society has its roots in the outlook that we, as man-shaped beings, are an extension of eternity the only thing which eternity expects of us is that we follow its lead and incorporate expansion into every aspect of our existence the unhappiness in our and other peoples lives is brought into being by people attempting to exist outside the realm of reality second dream name of dream: persistent pussy was lying on the floor in the living room there was at least one other person in the room although the dreamer couldn't see who as i was lying there, the cat licked my face i found it distracting so i rolled over the cat came around to the other side of me and licked or attempted to lick my face again i rolled back over onto my left side again the cat didn't walk around the dreamer this time but jumped over the dreamer and headed for my face i put my hands on my head and shielded my face with my forearms the cat jumped over the dreamer two or three more times, trying to figure out how to get to my face first, it tried pushing its head under my arms and then tried prising my forearms open by pushing its head through them and then got determined and started to headbutt its way through my forearms the other person in the room started laughing at the cat's antics participant the stand-out part of the dream: the head butting what is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? cause/s of the dream? category of dream: animal: mammal: cat (4) 22012018 - 262 name of dream: high in the air in a basket i read a bit of news which described how easy it was to travel between countries in a basket using helium without needing an aeroplane-sized balloon it wasn't expensive to do; it was dirt cheap it came down to being prepared to be adventurous i would take the water raft and water wings in case i had to ditch in the channel apart from that it seemed pretty straightforward a scene or two later, i had the journeying basket, but my ideas of a glamorous ride were dampened when the basket was in front of me it was a lot less glitzy than imagined, and the sight of the helium-filled canisters around the side of the basket made the dreamer realise it was a bit of crude kit a bit like a boy buying a toy plane that could soar above the houses in the advert, only to find that a wind-up elastic band powered it there was only one scene of flying, but it was right up there, really high up in the air but apart from that, there wasn't anything else about flying in the next scene, i am in a bank, and the cashier is weary of me then the dreamer was outside the bank, leaning back against the wall, i think i was waiting for a transaction to go through i woke up to the sound of myself singing "return to sender" i thought about elvis presley for a minute before getting out of bed and making a cuppa, which the dreamer drank quickly, and then made my way to the computer and typed this entry now the dream entry is done, the rest of the day is mine to do as i please the stand-out part of the dream: seeing the cylinders around the basket What is the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? category of dream: flying/falling (1) 20012018 - 261 the name of the dream: lounge in a car the family were in the car and on their way to the holiday destination the car was full somehow, seven people, two adults, two teens and three children, had managed to fit into the vehicle a fair amount of the holiday time will be travelling, thirty-six hours! the car was too noisy; even the youngest was complaining next scene a different car; now the sound of the car wasn't a problem but it was way too small and everyone felt cramped up someone had the idea of taking the back seat out and putting in a wooden frame next scene that did the trick the car transformed magically into a small living room now we were seated along both sides and the back facing one another, and everyone could lean back with their legs stretched out the holiday is underway the stand-out part of the dream: the last scene of the dream the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: a happy ending category of dream: travel dream cause/s of the dream: i haven't got the foggiest idea notes 1 can't see any significance at all in this dream the only thing the dreamer can think of is that the mind wanted to express it was satisfied with the pde's 18012018 - 260 the name of the dream: crossword think-write 1 the name crossword think-write is used because as they are being composed, a selection of words appears in a column of four or five 1 x 3 rectangles part one crossword think-write dreams are messages "from the dreamer to you" think-read dreams are messages "from you to me" or think-write is a message sent and think-read is a message received when composing a crossword think-write message a selection of words becomes visible in a column when forming a thing-read message, a person "vocalises" a word in her or his head and the word becomes placed on the "write-line." part two crossword think-write messages column/s every column in this dream has four or five one-by-three rectangles every column was above or below the write-line but not on it there were columns to the left and the right of the last word on the write-line there were columns several words to the right of the last word on the write-line and in one scene, there was a column several words to the left and below the last word on the write-line i think, but not entirely sure, there may have been an empty column or two somewhere above the write-line as well the columns were coloured every column had four or five words in it ~ there is the scope for crossword think-write dreams to become extremely elaborate see matrix mechanics ~ the dream was at the computer searching for a vital bit of information which the dreamer didn't think the dreamer would get an answer to but got the answer straight away at that moment, the dreamer felt a surge of gratitude toward the provider of the information and decided to post a sentence of praise the think-write crossword message was going to be "it was "*" who provided the solution, but the dreamer doesn't want to mention the company's name because they get good enough publicity as it is notes 1 after waking and after three or four attempts to remember who it was who posted the answer the dreamer gave up trying to recall the name the dreamer couldn't see any point in making the dream into an entry because the part of the dream which is a crucial part of the dream; the provider of the information, wasn't known it wasn't until i had been up and about for about an hour that the applications of the dream dawned on me (also read the p.s. of notes 2 in the dream This Dream) notes 2 there was nothing in the pde's which pointed to the cause of this dream it is concluded it is you-know-who moving things along the reason for this dream is that crossword think-write dreams are a new and valuable tool again, it won't be until other people start posting their dreams and allow everyone the opportunity to cross-reference their dreams for continuity, compatibility and commonality and discover if crossword think-write dreams are a constant and constructive aspect of love/life in the same way as dreams that are less than desirable are associated with stray thoughts, unsocial attitudes and destructiveness are connected notes 3 as this is being typed, an application for crossword think-write dreams has presented itself example... you post, "i had a crossword think-write dream last night that said, "jayne, i lost your phone number; it is important that i contact you" is your surname smith? jayne smith has a think-read dream from the person who had a crossword think-write dream *my reference name is john 10 21 57 11022015, which means twenty-one minutes and fifty-seven seconds past ten in the morning of the eleventh of february two-thousand and fifteen** (see Time for Time) my chosen name is googoled it is expected that the current time format we use will change when we begin interacting with d-man it is thought that d-man will have the age/time of the universe accurate to within one million planck times this, in turn, brings up the question, at what time does our dependence on the universe stop? and/or at what time does the reliance on quons for our existence stop, assuming we no longer need quons for our existence after transmutation? notes 4 when the momentum of change is underway wordpress will have to host a few thousand million free websites the stand-out part of the dream: the colours the significance of the dream, a new faculty for use in dream-time category of dream: crossword think-write dream cause/s of the dream: see notes 2 above second dream name of dream: merkel and me 1st scene on the continent, and my documentation is being checked 2nd scene in a police station the most casual/relaxed atmosphere of any police station i've been in was being questioned politely by angela merkel 3rd scene angela merkel taking one or two delicate puffs of an electronic ciggie 4th scene reading three or four a5 sized sheets of paper folded twice and three or four cards 5th scene i searched for a card three times but couldn't find it came across an official-looking note that had "fled the scene on it" and became anxious 6th scene a wallet with seven or eight different slots/pockets and three compartments there was a two-pound coin in one compartment and the dreamer could feel another coin in another compartment which took three or four attempts to find it was a fifty-pound coin, which meant the dreamer was rich (i think there was a fifty-pound coin in another dream) 7th scene lying with angela merkel i am not sure if we were naked, but both of our shoulders were showing and they were bare she was softly, very softly giving the dreamer meaningful soft-kisses on my cheek the stand-out part of the dream: 7th scene the significance of the stand-out part of the dream? category of dream: kissing dream (13) cause of the dream: not known notes 1 this is the thirteenth kissing dream in the dreams diary thirteen is my new lucky number ! 3rd dream the name of the dream: stray-thoughts dream 50 this dream was all bad feelings and hostility the stand-out part of the dream: none the significance of the dream: to remind myself to keep my thoughts in check category of dream: stray-thoughts cause/s of the dream: stray-thoughts notes 1 how sleep can contain a tender love scene one moment and change to this type of dream hasn't yet been formulated an hour after writing the sentence above the thought occurred" a constructive dream, a love dream and a destructive dream the constructive dream cancels the destructive dream and we are left with love! 17012018 - 259 name of dreams: u.f.o.'s - sky-high car ride first dream a car and its passengers fell from the sky there were three occupants in the car when it was taken into the sky the occupants of the car came out of the sky ahead of the vehicle and landed or were lowered safely to the ground (see e.t. lowering people to the ground here) the event must have been announced beforehand because there are several crews from the media filming the event from the ground the three men who were in the car were not scared about what had happened and were full of smiles and enjoying the attention they were getting as soon as they were on the ground there was a film of the event, which included the car coming out of the craft and the men coming to the ground the whole thing was as solid as a sighting could be and would convince everybody who would see the film of the existence of extraterrestrials the stand-out part of the dream is the happy mood of the men as they are interviewed the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: evolving e.t.'s and ourselves are compatible category of dream: u.f.o.'s cause/s of the dream: i had been thinking about looking on the net for new sightings and posting them second dream name of dream: money 10 three of us had come into possession of two suitcases with money and valuable possessions in them the money is neatly arranged, and the bulk of the cash has money bands around each wad there were about ten wads of money in each suitcase that had money bands around them, and each wad had fifty notes of twenty pounds the unwadded money looked to be about one-tenth of the amount of the rest of the money the stand-out part of the dream: counting the unwadded money the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: unsure category of dream: money dream cause/s of the dream: thinking about money and how much the dreamer would need to complete five projects currently being mulled over third dream name of the dream: ten in a bedroom think the occasion was a wedding the bride and groom must have been a trendy couple because people had come from near and far to be there people who couldn't get back home on the same day are offered somewhere to sleep one of the persons who offered sleeping accommodation said they could sleep eighteen people the arrangement was nine women would sleep in one room, and the men would sleep in another the scene changed in the dream, and the dreamer was now looking at the room where the men would be sleeping the room could sleep nine people alright, but it meant two groups of three men would be sleeping in the same bed, and two other men would be sleeping on a mattress on the floor what didn't look promising was that the room was big enough to house the beds and the mattress only if the beds and mattresses were touching, and the dreamer mean touching in the scrunched up sense the scene changed to the evening when the beds are occupied as is the case with pre-planning, it looks great on paper, but almost inevitably, something unforeseen crops up one of the men, or it might have been his partner, had decided they didn't want to be separated and so now a woman was sleeping in the room the scene changed again" the partner of the woman vigorously jumped out of the bed the man who was on the other side of his partner had made a "move" on his wife or girlfriend and he was going to do something about it he said, "let's settle this outside" the dream came to an end 16012018 - 258 name of dream: organiser 5 had landed the contract to be the site manager at a shallow, open-cast mining project, which would have forty or so men working on it for three, four or six months had presented myself at the interview for the job as a modern-looking, fair-minded and innovative manager at the interview, my new approach justified the company accepting a lowering of profits to ensure they fulfilled the contract on schedule and avoided penalty clauses, and the proposals would stand the company in good stead for future contracts by ensuring that when the word got out that the company gave the best working conditions there would never be a shortage of applicants for future business what clinched it for the dreamer was the proposal that the wives or girlfriends would be able to accompany the men there would be the two accommodation sites one accommodation site would be for the women and the other for the men the sites will be separated by about five kilometres audio/visual communication links between the two sites a four-day working week (monday through thursday) on thursday nights, the men will go to the women's site for the long weekend sleeping and entertainment for both sites during the week and more detailed planning for the long weekends water, food and cooking arrangements drinking only on thursday night, friday and saturday termination clauses for employees who didn't keep to the rules wives and girlfriends of the men with the knowledge or experience of nursing and emergency procedures would be giving their partners an edge when applying to work for the company i was thinking about how to include children for a few minutes after waking stand-out moment: at the male camp, assessing where to start the organising the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: as the cause of the dream (below) category of dream: organisational cause/s of the dream: thinking about how to organise a venture of similar complexity during the day 15012018 - 256 name of dream: x dream - can't wait we were three couples going out for the evening it was my job to pick the girls up from their various locations, and we would all meet up at the rendezvous had collected the first girl, and we were waiting at the home of the second young miss, who was making a few finishing touches to her appearance when the first girl came over to the large seat and sat on my lap she placed her hands on my chest and under my jacket and then slid her hands over my shoulders, which caused my coat to fall off my shoulders she said, "you're so handsome", and then said something else of a complementary nature and then pulled my head forward and gave the dreamer an extra long kiss a good snog never hurt anyone, so the dreamer got into the swing of it that was my mistake; it was as though someone had fired the starting gun, and it was a race to the finish her hands had loosened my clothing, and before the dreamer could stop it from going any further in a way which didn't seem like a rejection to her, she had my genitals in one hand and was unclothing herself with the other while my senses were reeling from the sensations of her in the cowgirl position, the dreamer felt a twinge of embarrassment and awkwardness the other young lady came to my rescue and, with typical female diplomacy, threw a blanket or sheet over us it was supposed to be a night out and amour after some women can't wait either an and or of time-tense: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 qod 3.9 - qos 4.1 - p - vividness:: 3.7 stand-out moment: under the blanket or sheet in the last scene significance of the stand-out part of the dream: most pleasurable category of dream: x dream cause/s of the dream: thoughts and feelings during the day notes 1 there was this one time when the dreamer was on the dance floor with a new-found girlfriend at one the city's most popular dance clubs the music stopped while a couple of bouncers came onto the floor and removed a couple who had got carried away they had removed the clothing that would get in the way sometimes love/life can't wait 14012018 - 255 name of dream: derby-copter at my auntie's house (g) on the lawn at the front of the house was a bullet-shaped gadget that was the size of a two-person bobsleigh, and like a bobsleigh, it was hollowed out it was as makeshift as something could be it was a garish green, and it looked like it was something straight out of a soapbox derby of an early disney film the dreamer had watched as a kid in the next scene, it was flying about three hundred metres away, a hundred metres up it made a terrible racket, and i thought, "it's noisy." then my auntie said, "isn't it noisy" in the next scene, it had just landed in the front garden only now, the helicopter blades were prominent; there weren't any blades on it in the first scene the dream ended there stand-out moment: the colour of it in the first scene category of dream: unassigned cause/s of the dream: unknown notes 1 it's as likely as not that the three scenes of this dream aren't in chronological order but were put into a logical sequence by the dream-conscious what brought this dream about in the first place? it's possible to connect the sound of the helicopter to a helicopter which flew over the house a few days back the colour, the shape of the device, the sound it made and my auntie weren't part of the previous few day's experiences between then and now, though if the stand-out feature of this dream is the noise, that could explain it, but why would a four or five-day delay before the dream-conscious presented it to the present-time conscious? even if it was the helicopter sound, what connection or relevance has it got? the only thing which presents itself is if the dreamer draws your attention to the noise of the helicopters that used to wake up large swaths of the population at the last place the dreamer lived as helicopters flew just above house level whilst pursuing a joy-rider or car thief the police would wake thousands of people out of their sleep whilst pursuing a joy-rider or car thief; there is a disproportionate response to events here it wouldn't surprise this website to find out that the use of helicopters in the middle of the night, which wakes thousands of people out of their sleep, is a deliberate ploy done to make people feel less well a tired person is a lot easier to control than an alert person! which makes the relevance of this dream an alert notice of the subtle and sinister methods used by The Oligarchs to maintain control of what people do 16012018 - 254 name of dream: organiser 5 landed the contract to be the site manager at a shallow, open-cast mining project, which would have forty or so men working on it for three, four or six months had presented myself at the interview for the job as a modern-looking, fair-minded and innovative manager at the interview, my new approach justified the company accepting a lowering of profits to ensure they fulfilled the contract on schedule and avoided penalty clauses, and the proposals would stand the company in good stead for future contracts by ensuring that when the word got out that the company gave the best working conditions there would never be a shortage of applicants for future business what clinched it for the dreamer was the proposal that the wives or girlfriends would be able to accompany the men there would be the two accommodation sites one accommodation site would be for the women and the other for the men the sites would be separated by about five kilometres audio/visual communication links between the two sites a four-day working week (monday through thursday) on thursday nights the men would be transported to the women's site for the long weekend sleeping and entertainment for both sites during the week and more detailed planning for the long weekends water, food and cooking arrangements drinking only on thursday night, friday and saturday termination clauses for employees who didn't keep to the rules wives or girlfriends of the men who had knowledge or experience of nursing and emergency procedures would give their partners an edge when applications to work for the company were being assessed was thinking about how to include children for a few minutes after waking stand-out moment: at the male camp, assessing where to start the organising the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: as the cause of the dream (below) category of dream: organisational cause/s of the dream: thinking about how to organise a venture of similar complexity during the day 15012018 -253 name of dream: x dream - can't wait we were three couples going out for the evening it was my job to pick the girls up from their various locations and we would all meet up at the rendezvous had collected the first girl, and we were waiting at the home of the second young miss, who was making a few finishing touches to her appearance when the first girl picked up, came over to the large seat i was on and sat on my lap she placed her hands on my chest and under my jacket and then slid her hands over my shoulders which caused my jacket fall off my shoulders she said, "you're so handsome", and then said something else of a complementary nature and then pulled my head forward and gave the dreamer an extra long kiss a good snog never hurt anyone so the dreamer got into the swing of it that was my mistake, it was though someone had fired the starting gun and it was a race to the finish her hands had loosened my clothing and before the dreamer could stop it from going any further in a way which didn't seem like a rejection to her she had my genitals in one hand and was unclothing herself with the other while my senses were reeling from the sensations of her in the cowgirl position the dreamer felt a twinge of embarrassment and awkwardness the other young lady came to my rescue and with typical female diplomacy and threw a blanket or sheet over us it was supposed to be a night out and amour after some women can't wait stand-out moment: under the blanket or sheet in the last scene significance of the stand-out part of the dream: most pleasurable category of dream: x dream cause/s of the dream: thoughts and feelings during the day notes 1 there was this one time when the dreamer was on the dance floor with a new-found girlfriend at one the city's most popular dance clubs the music was stopped while a couple of bouncers came onto the floor and removed a couple who had got carried away they had removed the clothing that would get in the way sometimes love/life can't wait 14012018 - 252 name of dream: derby-copter at my auntie's house (g) on the lawn at the front of the house, a bullet-shaped gadget the size of a two-person bobsleigh it was as makeshift as something could be it was a garish green and it looked like it was something straight out of a soapbox derby of an early disney film the dreamer had watched as a kid in the next scene, it was flying about three hundred metres away, a hundred metres up it made a terrible racket and the dreamer thought to myself "it's noisy" then my auntie said, "isn't it noisy" in the next scene, it had just landed in the front garden only now, the helicopter blades were prominent; there weren't any blades on it in the first scene the dream ended there stand-out moment: the colour in the first scene category of dream: unassigned cause/s of the dream: unknown notes 1 it's as likely as not that the three scenes of this dream aren't in chronological order but were put into a logical sequence by the dream-conscious what brought this dream about in the first place? it's possible to connect the sound of the helicopter to a helicopter which flew over the house a few days back the colour, the shape and the sound of the device weren't part of the previous few days' experiences between then and now, though if the stand-out feature of the dream is the noise, then that could explain it, but why a four or five-day delay before the dream-conscious presented it to the present-time conscious? even if it was the helicopter sound, what connection or relevance does it have? the only thing which presents itself is if the dreamer draws your attention to the noise of the helicopters that woke up large swaths of the population at the last place i lived as helicopters flew just above house level whilst pursuing a joy-rider or car thief the police would wake thousands of people out of their sleep whilst pursuing a joy-rider or car thief; there is a disproportionate response to events here it wouldn't surprise this website to find out that the use of helicopters in the middle of the night, which wakes thousands of people out of their sleep, is a deliberate ploy to make people feel less well (don't underestimate the vindictive nature of devolving beings) a tired person is much easier to control than an alert person! which makes the relevance of this dream an alert notice of the subtle and sinister methods used by The Oligarchs to maintain control of what people do 13012018 - 251 the name of the dream: a lion being shot in africa from where the dreamer was looking the dreamer could see two hedgerows about two metres high separated by seven or eight metres of grass the hedgerows stretched away into the distance as far as the eye could see about sixty metres away and between the hedgerow, there was a brown african bull resting on the ground with its legs folded underneath it a lion came into the scene about twenty-five metres away from where the dreamer was and was walking in a very casual manner toward the bull the dreamer pointed at it and said, "lion." a man with a rifle appeared to my right, took aim and fired a shot the lion, still moving casually, turned its head, looked at its hindquarters, and then started walking towards us the dreamer had a moment of panic as it looked as if the lion was coming to get us after a couple of steps in our direction the lion changed direction again and carried on walking the way, and in the same manner, it had been walking before being shot the lion took another three or four steps and then slumped to the ground the way it fell to the ground told the dreamer it was dead stand-out moment: the casual manner of the lion category of dream: unassigned cause/s of the dream: unknown notes 1 a lion fatally wounded doesn't react casually after being shot perhaps it was in more pain before it was shot perhaps it was at the end of its life and was about to die anyway second dream name of dream: x dream: reunited (my ref. b) a friend of mine took the dreamer to the house of a friend of his unbeknown to him or me, the partner of his friend was an awake-time girlfriend of mine from some years before the dreamer never spoke to her during the time my friend was there when the person who had brought the dreamer got up to leave the dreamer followed him to the door and said "i'll catch up with you later" and turned and went back into the living room it was apparent to the dreamer she wasn't satisfied with the relationship she was in and the dreamer needed to find out if the looks she had been giving the dreamer meant what the dreamer thought they meant they did, and within seconds of dream time, we were undressed and conjoined about fifty seconds of dream-time later, the sound of the back door opening caused us to separate the dreamer headed upstairs for the toilet two or three steps up the stairs, the dreamer knew the dreamer had to go back and get my clothes had gathered the clothes and was going back up the stairs when the dream ended stand-out moment: a long, moist kiss while conjoined category of dream: x dream cause/s of the dream: thoughts about women during the day notes 1 the ex-girlfriend and i were separated by circumstances beyond our control (i'll tell you about it sometime) at the time we spilt-up our relationship was very much an ongoing one we suited each other down to the ground she was the only girlfriend the dreamer ever had who had a sense of humour she didn't make the dreamer laugh out loud but her sense of humour regularly brought a prolonged smile to my face and as is the case with smiles they produce endorphins she used to enjoy the dreamer "ribbing" her, which the dreamer did routinely we only ever said "no" to each other once the time she said no to the dreamer, it rattled the dreamer and although the dreamer tried to hide it she knew she had "got" to me within a day or two, the dreamer got the chance to give her a tatse of her own medicine it was a night at my place films, music, food, and marijuana by an open-fire the dreamer felt terrible, but it had to be done she had gone out of her way to make herself look appealing on the night" clothes, just the right amount of make-up, and she was in "that" frame of mind with "that" look in her eyes the look on her face when the dreamer said "no" affected her more deeply than expected, and the dreamer nearly buckled it had the desired effect, though, neither of us said no again notes 2 it is agreed that it is the woman's prerogative to say no, however; when a woman says no, she has to live with that decision a male isn't obliged to accept an invitation of "yes" after the female has said "no" notes 3 very few people understand the writer's position on gender of mammal-man-shaped beings, it is only he who can be either gender at any point in time throughout evolution that he manifests as a male is because males are, generally speaking, bringing up the rear in terms of evolution it is the writer's "lot" that, of mammal-man, he is always "bringing up the rear." as we edge toward Transmutation his feminine traits will emerge and he will become a "her" again it is slowly being realised that women are ahead of their male counterparts where it matters most, in their disposition to love notes 4 there was just one time in my life when the dreamer said "no" first it was at a community centre for teens a girl a sent her friend over to tell the dreamer she wanted to go with me i looked over to where she was i knows a "wrong'un" when the dreamer see one i shook my head the girl who sent her mate over to the dreamer made a gesture and said "f" off then" what do you think, ladies? was my judgment proper? was my "no" justified? 12012018 - 250 name of dream: plant 1 came across a young man who was down on his luck while the dreamer was out and about we got on together, and the dreamer invited him back to where the dreamer lived in the very first scene of us back at my place, he became confrontational there followed seven or so more scenes, and in each scene, he was provoking the dreamer into becoming violent in one scene, he wheeled a motorbike into the flat the dreamer was in a controlled-anger mode and said "the first chance the dreamer get i'll be throwing that out of the window" he wanted the dreamer to strike him but the dreamer knew what he was trying to do and wasn't going to fall for it in the last scene of the dream, the dreamer said "it comes down to which one of us falls asleep first" his expression told me the dreamer had out-foxed him stand-out moment: the last scene of the dream cause/s of the dream thinking about someone the dreamer had befriended recently thinking about the antagonistic nature of the oligarchs and what to do about it notes 1 three awake-time mega-montages followed this dream the theme/s of the montages wasn't obvious 11012018 - 249 name of dream: bed dream 2 in front of a computer screen there was a red dot the size of a lower-case letter o above a rectangular section which had instructions which took up more than half of the screen the red dot was throbbing and was waiting to be clicked clicking the red dot will be taken as an invitation or offer to win or try or buy a product the product was a luxury single-bed the dreamer barely looked at the writing in the rectangular area and clicked the red button the scene changed, and the dreamer is in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night with a bed that somebody had just unloaded off a delivery vehicle there was light coming from somewhere, and the dreamer could see he was at the bottom of a lane that had a steep'ish gradient the dreamer began to push the bed up the hill after half of a minute of dream-time of pushing and stopping and pushing and stopping the dreamer realised the task of going up the lane was beyond the dreamer and the dreamer would have to leave the bed the next scene was the dreamer in a building sitting outside of an office with its white venetian blinds closed waiting to be seen by someone before anyone saw me the dreamer needed to go to the toilet the last scene of this dream was of the dreamer soiling myself the sensations of passing excretions was so real that as the dreamer woke the dreamer felt the bed stand-out moment: the effort of pushing the bed category of dream: multi-themed dream notes 1 that the dreamer felt the bed as the dreamer was waking will tell you how real the sensations in dreams can be this dream brings to the fore the opportunity to assess the conditioning we instil in ourselves to accommodate the body's need to expel waste as things are now as babies. the thought processes needed to pass solid and liquid excretions aren't yet part of neural configuration for that to happen, we have to refine our diet so that waste isn't ingested in the first place the indications are this can be achieved within a handful of millenniums notes 2 this is the type of dream which makes people think that dreams are insignificant what have dreams like this got to do with anything? i'm looking forward to other people sharing their dreams online shortly it's going to be educational and fun sifting through each other's dreams pairing up with your soul partner could happen for some within this lifetime, and a dreams diary, it is believed, will become instrumental in bringing that about aside: moon/star this may be nothing before settling into bed to watch a film for half an hour before going to sleep the dreamer checked the Live Stream Channel to make sure it was streaming there are four screens on the stream the bottom-right screen is a live feed from a camera which shows a sky/land/sea area of about one or two kilometres wide, two or three kilometres of depth and about twenty to thirty degrees of height there was a large white object in the upper-left area of the screen couldn't identify it by looking at it on the computer screen so the dreamer rolled up the blind and looked out of the window it was a quarter moon pointing to the right about one moon height below it and slightly off-centre to the right of the moon was a bright star they were the only two objects in the sky! (have never seen a sky with just those two objects before. highly unusual) being a staunch believer in u.f.o.'s (have seen one) the dreamer looked at it for a couple minutes ready to do a screen capture just in case nothing happened though second dream name of the dream: numbers failed to dial urgently needed to make a phone call it was my number i was trying to dial i could remember the numbers of my phone, but the numbers on the dial pad of the phone i had borrowed to make the call weren't laid out numerically it was after five or six attempts to remember where the numbers were on the dial pad after locating them and then recalling the location each time a new number was tapped in that the dreamer became frustrated and gave up notes 1 yet again, a dream where the ability to use numbers with ease was lacking i assume that dreams with numbers, that have been occurring in recent weeks, is the dream-state conscious "cutting its teeth" with numerics name of the dream: who's the boss? was presented with a charge-sheet the charge was "the dissemination of seditious, illegal and libellous information" had been handing out flyers levelling all manner of accusations against the oligarchs for several days in the middle of town the heinous crimes, the dreamer maintains, that the oligarch structure was perpetrating are cannibalism, child sacrifice, swapping babies in maternity wards, adult gang-rape of minors, and the spreading of diseases" (in the same way as war is good for business for weapons manufacturers so too is ill-health good for the drug companies) the dreamer had hit a raw nerve, and the people committing the crimes decided to do something about it the dreamer was in an interview room in a police station there were three, four or five men in the room, and they were "leaning on me" the men were probing for a weakness in my character or an angle which would get the dreamer to recant they meant business the dreamer realised the dreamer had only one way out was thinking about how to make my initial response believable when the dream ended notes 1 during the day, i had been thinking of how to present crimes being enacted against humanity by the oligarchs to ordinary people * name of dream: x dream - sight and finger sensations 1 a two-scene dream in the first scene, my girl was standing at the furthest point away from the dreamer in a room about six metres by four metres" waiting the dreamer got up from the couch, walked over to her and held her hand and led the way back to the couch she lay back on the couch her eyes were closed i had my arm under her neck and leant down into her, and said: "let's kiss for an hour" within a minute or two of dream time, i said: "let me touch you, i won't hurt you" she never said anything just after the dreamer began to touch her the dreamer glanced at her face her face had an intense, sensual look that was most noticeable around her mouth and eyes, which were still closed at that moment, the sensations of her came through my finger-tips and the sight of the pleasure on her face produced the same sensations in my head of the pleasure she was experiencing (empathetic x sensations) the dreamer woke up at this point, construed the dream and made it continue for another twenty minutes stand-out moment: the sensation of touch and the look of pleasure on her face notes 1 one thing that always gets the dreamer thinking is that regardless of the frame of mind of a woman or girl is in she is always receptive to kissing notes 2 for a male, the pleasure-receptor cells cover about one ten-thousandth of the surface area of the body for a woman, the pleasure-receptor cells cover one five-thousandth of the surface area of the body on the way to Transmutation, the pleasure of x experiences will intensify ten-thousandfold for males and five-thousandfold for females as transmuted beings, we will enter the heavenly state with those feelings of pleasure described above the feeling of pleasure described here is the minimum physical state needed to begin the experience of the endlessly expansive character of eternity notes 3 this point will be repeated until you are fed up with hearing it; getting to heaven begins and ends with keeping abreast of the writer ethically for the next five thousand million years name of dream: haute cuisine 1 at an exquisite restaurant was at a table and in the company of a couple of ladies dressed up to the nines, bejewelled, and wearing their hair up the women were wearing light-coloured clothing, and their posture told the dreamer they had been to a finishing school their confidence was somewhat misplaced they weren't that good-looking what tipped the balance out of their favour was their teeth-smile their teeth were evenly-spaced and symmetrical but their teeth were just too big the food, however, was perfection one of the dishes put in front of the dreamer was on a clear-glass boat dish about three centimetres deep, twelve centimetres one way and five centimetres the other it was a two-layered creation dark-white on the bottom and snow-white on top the top looked like folded white tissue paper it was going to taste out of this world, but the intricacy of the weave of the top layer kept my gaze on it, and the dream ended before the dreamer tasted it stand-out moments: the teeth-smile, the haute cuisine food in the last scene notes 1 i am not 100% sure why some people like to flash their teeth when smiling name of dreams: x dream - in a hurry - winning ticket the second consecutive hurried x dream unlike the previous dream, both parties were satisfied with the quality stand-out moment: the final part of the dream notes 1 why there is an urgency in both dreams is not clear it may be that in one respect time is running out second dream name of dream: Ravel's Bolero was at a table in a public place as i was reading and writing, bits of ravel's bolero were sounding out of my mouth on occasions, the dreamer was adding to the melody by stuttering an extra few notes the notes complemented rather than detracted from the tune someone nearby heard the variations and began a conversation third dream name of dream: winning ticket in the dream, i woke out of my sleep an excited somebody was telling me i had won a monetary prize on a scratch card the dreamer had to verify it and went and saw a woman who was asking a small gathering to check their numbers for the number ninety-three on the third line down on their scratch cards it was in my numbers with more than a bit of enthusiasm, the dreamer pushed my way through other people, who were disappointed not to have won, to where the woman who was asking people to check their tickets was standing and thrust the ticket at her she looked at the ticket and said "yes, it's a winning ticket" the dreamer think she anticipated what the dreamer was going to say next and before the dreamer could ask how much the dreamer had won she said "we just have to wait to see if the person who has the number ninety-three in the fourth row of the ticket makes a claim" the dream must be a future time-tense because, with the twiddle of a nob or two on the tablet-sized screen she was holding, the woman organiser showed the dreamer the asset's of both the woman and myself our assets were neatly laid out on a five or six-step display about a metre and a third high and eight metres or so wide a quick comparison of our assets showed that the dreamer had, by far, more assets than the woman, and only a stingy, greedy, money-grabber would begrudge the woman winner the prize at that moment, the dreamer could see the amount of the prize money on the screen of the tablet it was forty-eight pound it was going from bad to worse why had i been woken out of my sleep for a measly forty-eight quid? it was more likely i would pay someone fifty pounds to make sure somebody didn't wake me out of my sleep stand-out moment: the picture on the screen of the tablet showing my assets they were impressive notes 1 perhaps there is a moral somewhere in this dream it's something to think about for the rest of the day name of dream: improvised song 5; rub-a-dub eight or nine two-line impromptu lyrics sung to the tune of "rub a dub soldier" i'm just a rub-a-dub soldier, trying to keep the music alive music makes us feel young as we get older, keeps the spirit alive looking forward, never over the shoulder, to a destination, do we ever arrive? i'm just a rub-a-dub dubbing, keeping dancing alive singing is a way of romancing, sweet tunes keeps love alive can see other people coming, it's the start of a vibe we're all rub-a-dub soldiers, a part of the music tribe woke up on the seventh or eighth couplet notes 1 was awake from the third or fourth line onward name of dream: into the heart of postulate 1 the significance of this dream lies in both its location and time-tense the time-tense underpins the efforts of love/life across many undulations, which encapsulates the present of the present undulation (time-tense 5) the location in the dream is not a location which exists in time-tense 5 this dream exemplifies the endeavours of love/life and epitomises or sums up the trials and tribulations we are currently experiencing and will continue to experience for many undulations to come at this point in time this dream has a slightly oppressive feel to it the oppression in the dream reflects a limit of love/lifes capacity to indulge devolutionary trends and practises at the expense evolutionary trends and practises your attention is drawn to the despair love/life feels as it "closes down" or "tapers off" those circumstances which permit beings with death-outcome realities to practice being themselves the dream itself had four or five scenes the most relevant one is where the dreamer is running at a sustainable pace from place to place, delivering a message running in the dream occupied most of the dream second dream (second sleep) name of the dream: dream-state mate 1 i got a text from a girl whose phone text name was "boys from brazil" the text read" "where can the dreamer find you ?" stand-out moment: as the dream ended, i realised it was a "follow-on dream" notes 1 the original dream took place in a large and crowded bed and breakfast; there may not have been a breakfast the dreamer was going from room to room, opening each door and calling out a name, i can't remember the name i was calling out one of the doors opened into a single room in the room was a girl sitting on a bed next to a window she looked lonely the dreamer went and sat next to her and she responded to my presence by leaning into me x followed; my girlfriend and i felt we did it too hastily, and we both felt it was unsatisfactory or could/should have been better the dreamer took her number and remembered her phone name because it was unusual the name she was using was also the name of a film which didn't have any connection to her or us, which the dreamer could associate with it notes 2 this dream is a continuation of a dream from the second or third of this month i didn't make it an entry because the original dream was an x dream with so many infants on the receiving end (currently, eighteen thousand children dying each day) of the realities brought into being by those with death-outcome assertions in their souls, it occurred to the writer that his x dreams are, to a person who is suffering, inappropriate however, this dream is a new variation within the dream state and needs to be on the record notes 3 with trillions upon trillions of variations of experiences so far enacted, it shouldn't be a surprise to realise that there will appear to be an almost endless variety of new experiences within both the dream state and the awake state the reader needs to bear in mind that the experiences of undulations are finite the point that experiences with finite values become bland within the context of eternity is made elsewhere it is though, the individual who should note the critical point that the experiences of undulations are nothing other than the means to an end that said, the experiences we will be enacting throughout this undulation are/have been tailored to be the run-up leading to the forever newness embodied in straight-line action and our experiences throughout this undulation can be considered as part of the conditioning or preparation we have to undergo to acclimatise ourselves to endless variation the name of the dream: comfortableness can be complicated the whole of this dream revolved around the variations which came from making modifications to an adjustable bed an awake-time neighbour was interested in buying an adjustable bed the same as the one the dreamer had purchased a week or two before the slats of the bed were made of wood and didn't have any degree of flexibility if the constructors had used different materials, the wood slats could have been changed for semi-rubberised slats to provide further comfort through flexibility eight or more changes were suggested as improvements and with each new suggestion a different scene occurred in the dream showing the bed with the latest changes keeping abreast of the changes was quite difficult for each new suggested change, it meant rolling back the design features, which could be three, four or five modifications in effect, it meant having to re-design the bed from scratch every time someone introduced a new idea the difficulty was re-summoning the pictures in the order they would look with the new changes added the degree of difficulty in bringing the pictures to mind was akin to a think-read dream but with images and not grammatically correct wording surprisingly, it was easier to recall pictures in sequence than it was to remember the word-sequence of think-read dreams stand-out scene: the ease i could recall the correct sequence 01012018 - 248 305 the name of the dream: warming technology 1 two of the dreams last night featured a cylindrical object about half a metre tall and approximately the width of an average-sized clenched fist in one dream, it was a portable heating device anything combustible could be dropped into a cylinder, and the device, which didn't weigh hardly anything, would convert it to white heat at the bottom, there was a slide-across flap that went around half of the width of the cylindrical device and was about seven or eight centimetres in height when the flap was open enough, the heat came out of the opening to make toast or marshmallows, and if the area it was in wasn't much taller than a person and not more than a couple of metres wide, it was efficient enough to warm four or five people in an impressively fast time this dream is in a small courtyard which has three, four or five-storey buildings surrounding the courtyard on four sides the courtyard itself was not more than five metres across people are gathering, as this sequence ends 2nd dream: name; sound technology 1 in this dream, the cylindrical object is a portable p.a. and a music player my girlfriend and the dreamer were enjoying being the centre of attention, which is what we became every time we turned on the device on this occasion, we were sitting in an empty part of a large cafeteria which could cater for a couple of hundred or more people the nearest people to us were fifteen to twenty metres away we chose a popular piece of music and slowly and subtly increased the volume of the music while balancing the volume of our voices so both were at the same volume it didn't take more than seven or eight seconds for heads to start turning in our direction this is what was drawing people's attention to the music and the voices of my girlfriend and the dreamer in the dream they could hear what we were saying in a normal tone of voice twenty and more than twenty metres away! notes 1 the trick to playing music that people twenty metres away can hear without it being obtrusive is to have high-ohm speakers The dreamer first became aware of the merits of high impedance speakers when the dreamer was about twenty-two the dreamer was friendly with a sixteen-year-old boy called julian, and we both lived in muswell hill in london shortly after becoming friends, he took the dreamer to his home we went to his room it was sparse but had style he turned the music on, and the dreamer became confused the dreamer could hear the music only too clearly but couldn't see where it was coming from all the dreamer could see was the stereo system, a deep alcove with shelves which had books and a t.v. on them there were two radiators, one on either side of the room, and there may have been a picture or two on the walls after eight or nine or ten seconds, the dreamer had to ask: "where's the sound coming from?" he pointed to the radiator nearest to the dreamer and said, "there" the vast majority of you will be familiar with what a speaker looks like, but very few of you will be able to visualise an electrostatic speaker will let you delve into the technicalities of them for yourself the thing about them which is relevant to this dream is their clarity and their ohmage typically, professional speakers are eight ohms, electrostatic is sixty-four what does that mean? in the summer, when the french doors to the garden were open, and the family were moving between the living room and the garden, people would comment that the sound of the music was as clear at the far end of the garden as it was in the living room the beauty of high impedance speakers is that the volume stays the same at greater distances away from the speakers, even when the music is being played softly the dreamer bought the speakers from julian a couple of years later for 55 pounds dreams 3 and 4 only vaguely remembered the first is an x dream the second had something to do with deciphering notes 1 an x dream only partly remembered! i must be getting old 31122017 - 247 304 name of dream: x3a there has been a dream which has been trying to assert itself for the last week this dream seems to be it it concerns the whereabouts of a hundred or more dreams for the first half of the year 2015, which, for the life of me, i can't locate one dream in particular, the carmen dream, is needed for reference i gave up looking for them a couple of weeks back and re-wrote the carmen dream from memory this dream gave, in tabulated form, the location of the dreams the name of this dream was the stand-out bit of the dream x3a seems to be significant, but i haven't got a clue what i'm supposed to do with it the saga of the missing dreams continues 30122017 - 246 303 the name of dream: taken by surprise/one-scene dream was mulling over what area of my life to enhance by investment had recently spent several hundred expanding my wardrobe i recently spent more than half a thousand on a freezer because the dreamer became convinced that blanched and deep-frozen fresh veg was healtheir than two or three days old veg (it is the case that blanching and freezing food on the day it is picked keeps more of its nutrition than food which isn't blanched and frozen for two or more days after being picked) of course, the way to go is for a master-class level of organisation which presents food for consumption when food is deemed to be at its most nutritious (as it stands, the profit margin drives the primary considerations in the presentation of food) had also recently spent half a thousand on an adjustable bed there are noticeable gains to be made when the quality of rest between work-outs is taken to the extreme it was noticed that the degree of recovery is more significant when a reclining position replaces a seated position with the feet raised position, and further, those times when reading and writing are necessary, which takes up most of the writer's time, adopting the reclining with feet raised for computer activities added even greater repair and maintenance opportunities i also spent more than half a thousand on dental work in the last six weeks although the work was satisfactory, i allowed myself to be persuaded that teeth should conform to the current standard look of semi-circularity tom cruise and guy pearce are two people whose teeth are of this style the teeth are o.k., but they're not me so the dreamer decided to have my teeth re-worked only this time, the dreamer was going to insist on having the style of teeth which is my natural look it was the day of my appointment with the dentist the dreamer walked through a door or two after entering the building the reception was in front of me, but my sight was drawn to a dental room where a composed and fetching girl in a dark blue and white sat ready and waiting for the dreamer rosamund pike it wasn't who the dreamer was expecting to see, and it completely disoriented me what was she doing in the dream? why the dreamer was so unsettled by her appearance in the dream is a mystery but it has to be related; the dreamer was slightly panic-struck so much so the dreamer had to end the dream, which the dreamer did by blinking (this is the first time that the dreamer has ended a dream by blinking) origin of the dream: the theme for this dream was founded in the pde's but drew its imagery through the inter-undulation memory the theme for a dream can also come directly from the inter-undulation memory although the reasons for this happening are yet to be formulated dreams appear to originate either from pde's or are presented to the mind as information (as in the case of pre-cognitive dreams) notes 1 why was the inter-undulation memory used when there was ample present-time imagery to draw from? there may be an answer if r.p. has dreamt of being a dentist 26122017 - 244 302 name of dream: think-read (13) dating-service 1 came across the phone number of an awake-time girlfriend of days gone by thinking it might be possible to rekindle our relationship, the dreamer rang the number the girl who answered the phone called herself sugar it turned out the girl the dreamer expected to talk to had given her number to a dating agency due no doubt to her popularity with the men, who were cashing in on her popularity the dreamer asked the girl on the phone how it worked she gave the dreamer the name of the company it came up straight away when the dreamer typed it into the address bar there then followed the most comprehensive set of choices of anything the dreamer has ever come across every conceivable variation which accompanied a choice is presented, and every variation of the choice had variations which themselves had further choices stand-out moment: towards the end of the dream as the options of options kept on repeating there are at least two different causes for a dream 1 self-stimulated (pde's) 2 life-stimulated (presented to the mind as information), as in the case of pre-cognitive dreams notes 1 as think-read dreams go, this one was easy to read despite the never-ending run of options it was producing notes 2 this dream has pointed to a way of bringing together Soul Partners this dream has also presented a new format for a dating site 25122017 - 243 301 three different scenes of rectangular screens there were two or four in one scene, six or eight in another and about a dozen in another the screens were displaying information about the person's physiology the information was coming onto and going off the screens too fast to read the screens were monitoring in the minutest detail the changes to the person's metabolism as they were eating notes 1 this dream is thought to be an aspect of refining as we make the transition from man-shape to linear form your guess is as good as mine as to what changes we experience as we transmute into linear shape for sure, there is no eating in heaven perhaps this dream is giving us a nudge to start thinking long-termthe category of the dream - food (1) there are at least two different causes for a dream 1 they can be self-stimulated 2 life-stimulated (presented to the mind as information), as in the case of pre-cognitive dreams 24122017 - 242 300 name of dream: ocean water 5 there are three of us about two kilometres from the shore in a dark grey, unfriendly sea one person thinks we can't make it to land and believes he is going to die; he might be injured the other two didn't feel it was hopeless and managed to persuade him to try the water was slightly choppy and was making the swimming more difficult, but not enough to stop us from making headway about a third of the way to land, we came to a breakwater wall the wall was a little less than a third of a metre wide and was only submerged below the sea by a finger-length we were able to stand on it we were walking along it when the sea began to get choppy the waves were strong enough to make standing and walking too tricky, so rather than chance losing the support the wall was giving us, we decided to get back into the water and feel our way along the wall we came to the corner of the wall we could now see exactly how far it was to safety it was still a full kilometre, and the chop and swell could easily change at any time, and we were tiring we were not, by any way of looking at it, out of danger stand-out moment: the resonance of the wall the dreamer kicked the wall as the dreamer scrambled onto it and could feel it was under tremendous pressure and might collapse pde's: probably thoughts about our current situation notes 1 20122017 - 241 299 name of the dream: doggy-dream 9 was at the home of an awake-time friend, and his dog was looking extremely unwell the dreamer watched it climb into the second drawer of a column of drawers and could smell the ill health of the dog, and it smelt like death the dog itself probably didn't have a concept of death but knew it was experiencing the worst state it had ever known the look on the face of the dog was that of a very old man stand-out moment: the look and smell of the dog as it settled into a sleeping position 19122017 - 240 name of dream: a night out 1 it was evening and the dreamer was on my own seemed a good idea to go and socialise, perhaps find someone and fall in love went to one of the more popular drinks and dance places it had a low roof, two and a third metres or so there were one-metre-wide round pillars spaced evenly at about three metres apart it looked as though there was thirty or forty of the cylindrical columns there was a wooden collar that went around the pillars at a little below chest height the collars were deep enough to rest the elbows on against two of the walls and forming an l-shape, are comfortable-looking sofas which could set three people it was mainly males in the drink and talk area, and they outnumbered the women by three or four to one still, it was pretty early, and the ladies wouldn't want to get there too early; it might give the wrong impression the dreamer got a drink and went and sat on the comfortable seating next to the entrance doors, which led to the dance area the lounge seats were, unbeknown to me, exclusively for the women the dreamer started getting glares from the men the dreamer could see something was upsetting them but was entirely in the dark as to what it might be the longer the dreamer sat there, the more people turned to look, and the dreamer could see some muttering going on among the men as they looked at me the dreamer knew trouble could flare up, but the dreamer assumed someone would come and tell the dreamer what he was wrong before it got to that stage someone came over, all right, three someones came over they thought the dreamer was deliberately provoking them and weren't about to engage in dialogue they were ready to wade in as the dream ended 18122017 - 239 the name of dream: going by train to a music festival my girlfriend and the dreamer were at a cafe at the bottom of fore street having a meal before we went to the train station and caught a train to birmingham to go to a glastonbury-style music festival for fifty thousand people my girlfriend had never been to such a big music event before, and she was wondering what to expect the dreamer tried to explain" "imagine a triangle with one point at the cathedral green and another point where exe street is nearest to the river, and the third point is the bridge outside now imagine the triangle is full of people. the music will be as loud as a disco. there will.." my attention turned to a car which had just pulled up outside of the cafe it was a futuristic lamborghini-style car, but it was a four-seater a couple got out of the car and came into the cafe they became involved in the conversation my girlfriend and the dreamer were having the dreamer was raving about the festival when the man of the couple said something, and he and his partner got up and left just before the couple went, it crossed my mind that it might be a good idea for the four of us to go to the festival in the dream car perhaps the man had picked up on my thought, and getting up and leaving was his answer" "you got no chance" stand-out moment: flashy car pde's: nothing comes to mind 17122017 - 238 the name of the dream: multi-themed dream 100 a right old mishmash of themes in this period of R.E.M. can't remember all the details of every one of the dreams or the sequence they were in, and quite possibly, every one of the themes isn't remembered four of us are on a formal night out in plush surroundings the women are dressed in white, and the two men are dressed in a black suit with a white shirt things are going swimmingly when the tone of the dream changes, and one of the men becomes concerned that something has happened to his wife or companion he began relating to the dreamer what sounded like a conspiracy against him and that the disappearance of his wife was an attempt to coerce him the next scene involved an awake-time friend from some years ago he was explaining there was a chance of exposing putin as being a heroin addict, which would weaken russian influence and credibility on the world stage and predispose the collapse of the Oligarch structure second dream a think-read dream (12) it was from wikipedia it was a request from wikipedia for a donation the dreamer is currently donating 2 pound a month as i began reading it, it became apparent that it was a request to increase my monthly debit in this think-read dream, it was possible to predict and replace the words because the message was already apparent before the dreamer had finished reading it "external factors have caused the dreamer to leave the computer for today" notes 1 the phrase "awake-time" and the phrase "dream-time" are states of consciousness it is becoming clear that the two easily recognisable different states of consciousness will, on the way to attaining transmutation, be routinely inter-changeable it is reasonable and sensible to consider that in the same way that our current state of consciousness is the more prevalent state, the polarisation of the two states changes so that the dream-time aspect of consciousness becomes the dominant state of consciousness while the awake-time state becomes less accessible, with the eventual outcome that transmutation becomes defined as that moment when the awake-time state is no longer a part of our consciousness as we begin experiencing timelessness notes 2 is wikipedia in such dire straits that it needs to appeal to people who are already donating, and if so, is it because the average person finds wiki the dreamer to high-brow to be of any use to them? if that is the case, then wiki might want to consider a different or new presentation of the vital knowledge it shares with us wiki is undoubtedly a valuable database of knowledge it is also undoubtedly a fact it is just too formal for the average person it was niels bohr, alone amongst his peers, who recognised the need to express knowledge in a way that ordinary people could understand who knows, perhaps ordinary people would respond to the request for a donation if they could grasp what it is that wikipedia is sharing p.s. here's an interesting little twist went to the mailbox late on in the day yesterday after posting this entry there was an email from wiki that had arrived the day before the mail apologised for having sent the dreamer a letter asking for a donation when the dreamer was already donating the error was due to wiki having two email addresses for me if the dreamer had read the mail before going to sleep, which produced the think-read dream, the dreamer wouldn't have had the think-read dream and wouldn't have written notes 2 there will be people who read yesterday's entry but will not read this p.s. and will consequently have thoughts and opinions that need to be corrected! will leave things as is it may cause a pause for thought for someone, somewhere, sometime 16122017 - 237 298 name of dream: doggy dream 8 afternoon in a city centre there weren't many people about for a large city in the next scene being in the foyer of the cinema, and again, not many people in the next scene, i'm at the sweet counter, deciding what to buy decide to get three or four inexpensive single items and not one large packet of something the next scene is in the park, lounging in a lying position a golden afghan dog is a few metres away this afghan dog didn't have long hair, though it had a tuft of hair that covered its throat; otherwise, its coat of hair was about the same as that of a golden retriever it was an attractive dog, standing still; perhaps it was looking for its owner or waiting for its owner to come or call it Two or three people beckoned the dog to them, but it didn't respond the dreamer held out a three or four-centimetre stick of pink candy and drew its attention to me it made its way towards the dreamer, and as it was almost close enough to get the sweet into its mouth, the dreamer broke a small piece of the sweet off and put it on my chest the dog tongue-scooped it into its mouth and waited for more done the same thing again three or four times, each time putting a bit of the sweet on different parts of my body the dreamer put a piece on my ear, and the dog licked it off and continued to lick my ear at that point, the dog's owner appeared and stooped down close to me the dog's owner was a woman she dressed fashionably and had film star looks she had been watching the dog to see who it would go to, and whoever won the confidence of the dog would be the person she would give herself to in the next scene, we are kissing in earnest, and we are both thoroughly enjoying each other my friend alan is nearby alan was an awake-time friend from childhood we first met at junior school and would become inseparable as teenagers he was exceptionally good-looking and was a magnet for girls there were only three or four occasions during our long friendship when the dreamer bested him for the attention of a girl the owner of the dog was so enjoyable to kiss it seemed the right thing to do to ask her to let my friend kiss her as well she agreed, and the dream ended second sleep first dream x dream: (23) s second dream name of dream: teeth 1 can't remember if there were any scenes or images about this dream before or after this dream sequence as it is recalled, it was a single image with only the minimum of motion in it it was of the head of a girl/woman she was in her early twenties she was smiling a teeth-smile she exuded an air of confidence and happiness notes 1 my ref: diagram; teeth 1 15122017 - 236 297 the name of the dream: x dream (22) notes 1 although the memory of x dreams retain their freshness in awake time, the accompanying release of chemicals which relax the body isn't present when awake it is thought this is because, in dream-time, the physiology is already in a more relaxed state can the two different states of relaxation be coupled? 14122017 - 235 name of dream: doggy dream 7 an awake-time friend asked the dreamer who or where would be the best person or the best place to look after his dog for short or long-term periods the dreamer opened a browser and began looking was reading out to him what looked like the best of the services i expressed my doubts about most of them, and i suggested it would be better to ask someone he knew who would look after the dog for him he had been waiting for the dreamer to say it "how about you ?" he asked the dreamer let out a resigned sound; the bloke on the phone had been waiting for the moment when it would be appropriate to suggest i dog-sit the dream phased out slowly as the dreamer was speaking, "start a website where other people like you want other dog lovers to help each other to dog-sit" woke to hear myself saying, "or call it share-care" stand-out bit of the dream: being "had" notes 1 was still feeling tired when the dreamer woke up laid in bed for an hour and more, waiting for the tiredness to leave my eyes during that time, the dreamer tried four, five or six times to get an awake montage going had given up and went into a sleepier frame of mind, and that was when images began forming* the first sequence was a zoom-in of a squirrel eating with the food in its paws it was too real to be any time other than the now** the images would be coin-sized in awake-time as extremely small as the sequences were, they had such clarity they could have been zoomed in on ten times and still would have been as clear as clean stream water the depth of the detail was such that it could not have been recalled to the memory, and got such detail the fact that this sort of imagery encompasses non-man-shaped beings gives us an insight into what to expect with solid (for all-undulations-to-come experiences) five thousand million years hence (see Wholly Empathetic) if the dreamer had reached out to touch the squirrel, it would have reacted the dreamer was aware that it was mindful of me the images formed on a white background, and initially, they were white with shades of off-white to mid-grey there are five or six in total they all had motion in them, and three or four of them had delicate spots and touches of one, two or three colours *it is mentioned elsewhere that a relaxed frame of mind is more likely to induce montages, and this experience reinforces the experience that a semi-sleepy state is a way to produce them **postulate 1 of the (12112017) has now got company postulate 2: the more vivid the images/sequences of montages, the more firmly imprinted they are into inter-undulationary time eventually, we will discover if this postulate can be applied to dreams second dream name of dream: think-read (11) grammar 1 started think-reading the message/info i read it once but missed something and couldn't make sense of it went back to the beginning and started again nope, i still didn't get it after the fourth or fifth try, the dreamer was becoming frustrated why is the dreamer unable to read it? another try, only slower this time slower there was an "a" tucked in close to one of the words it had a comma or a semi-colon, which wasn't anywhere as noticeable as it should have been the dreamer then realised it wasn't a message or info, but it was a question so the dreamer took another run at it but got stuck again then the reason for still not being able to finish the question became clear: "there was a "b" with a semi-colon or comma, again not easy to see immediately after the b now it became apparent" it wasn't a single question but an either/or question the sentence was "is it" a, it isn't the tear in your eye that hurts when you cry but the hurt in your toe when you stub it or is it" b, it isn't the tear in your eye that hurts when you cry but the hurt in your toe when you stubbed it" stand-out bit of the dream: finishing it notes 1 *in the dream, it wasn't isn't, it was were and something else, but i can't remember exactly how the sentences were worded notes 2 where are these dreams coming from? they are as much for yourselves as for me notes 3 the message coming from this dream is" there is a level of mental effort required to make our way this dream was an exercise in concentration during a dream in dream-time! 13122017 - 234 the name of the dream: little detail 1 woke up, thought about the dream, fell back to sleep and when the dreamer woke for the second time and tried to remember the dream, only two wispy recollections are all that presented themselves one was to do with dancing, and the other was a sense impression which implied happiness notes 1 it would probably have got a high three for quality 12122017 - 233 296 name of the dream: finding the rowley's was in a built-up area of the town in dream 2 to visit people the dreamer once lived close to the dreamer was about to knock on the door when a woman the dreamer didn't know came out of the house the dreamer asked her: "do you know where people who used to live here have moved to? she did; one bit of conversation led to another, and she suggested we go indoors the friendly woman said she had four children, and during our talking, she asked what the dreamer did for a living the words "an architect" came out without the dreamer having thought to say it beforehand don't know what made the dreamer say it; it just came out in the next scene, her husband, a girl of five or six and a boy in his mid-teens were in the room with us the family were expecting another young man, but he never showed up in the dream the husband asked the dreamer a question about architecture it became embarrassing for everyone as it became clear the dreamer did not know the atmosphere became awkward, and the dreamer wished the dreamer was somewhere else amid my deepening discomfort, the young girl peck-kissed my cheek it didn't make the situation go away, but it broke the intensity of the moment in the dream, and the dream ended moments later stand-out moment: the face of the woman at the start of the dream name of dream: an uphill struggle at the bottom of the road that goes from spon end to the large green where the fairs are, or used to be, held was on what looked like a foldaway bike with two gears in the first gear, it would mean peddling like mad to maintain enough momentum to keep the bike going without losing balance, and in the second gear, the rider would have to stand on the peddles and use both the body weight and muscles, again just to keep the bike going forward fast enough to avoid coming to stop it doesn't matter which method of peddling is used, so the dreamer swapped between the two styles for most of the dream; it was maximum effort finally, and with a sense of accomplishment and great gratification, the bike got over the brow of the hill, and a level expanse of bright greenery spread out invitingly before me stand-out moment - the sight of the greenery 11122017 - 232 name of the dream: thoughts about food 1 in a high street fast-food cafe was ravenous and eating the food too fast someone at the following table commented on it in a way that the dreamer was meant to hear the dreamer could have ignored him but felt a rejoinder was appropriate it led to a prolonged conversation the dreamer pointed out that the way a person eats reflects how hungry they are and went on to demonstrate how a person could eat in a refined way if they wanted to, even though they were starving he saw the dreamer could out-refine him in table manners if the dreamer wanted to, and his companions sat silently, which the dreamer took as a sign of acknowledgement that the dreamer had proved my point the lad who first spoke was smarting the dreamer could see his attitude toward the dreamer was veering towards hostility, and the dreamer saw that when they left, they were standing twenty metres away on the corner, waiting for the dreamer to come out the dreamer was feeling uneasy as the dream ended second dream name of dream: only the wise i am in a house of a family from the indian sub-continent who had emigrated to the u.k. the eldest son of the family was something of an entrepreneur he had come up with a way of copying the first line of a web address and reconstructing the product or service of what it was that the people of the web address offered he gave the dreamer a demonstration from a url of about twenty characters, he reproduced a solid object of considerable complexity it's potential was evident, and he had impressed me the dreamer gave him the web address of my website, and i could see he was in a state of perplexion as the dream ended 10122017 - 231 295 name of dream: camera dilemma trying to make up my mind whether to buy a movie camera that takes single frame shots or a still shot camera that takes movies both cameras fit into the hand just right, so there's not much to choose between them there the still-shot camera is lighter but is limited to ten minutes of movie-making, and the quality of a movie is acceptable but not as good as the camera designed for movies the movies of the movie camera are as good as they come, but there aren't as many features with which to modify the still shot as there are with the camera designed for single shots the single shot camera isn't as expensive as the movie camera, but the movie camera has a slo-mo capture and replay option there is the option to be decadent and buy both cameras but that would be too indulgent the salesman has got his eye on the commission factor and is subtly pushing the movie camera, and that automatically pushes the dreamer toward the still camera the movie camera looks more professional and will impress would-be clients. still, the dreamer won't be able to soften pictures and make a woman look more attractive." the dream was fading to an end, but the dilemma was ongoing second dream name of the dream: an inconvenient convenience living in a bedsit on the second floor of a two-storey house the landlord had decided that it would be a good idea to put a steamer outlet pipe in probably so he could put in his advertisement in the paper that the kitchens had a steam cleaner for added hygiene and cleaning pots and pans and convey the impression of an all-the-mod-cons establishment to potential tenants in theory, it wasn't a bad idea in all the kitchens in all the bedsits in the house, it meant running a pipe from the water radiator to the kitchen sink it wasn't until the conversion had been done that the dreamer saw that the pipe from the radiator crossed over the workspace to the left of the sink and effectively made a third of the work surface area redundant the surface area that was left had enough space for a plate and certainly not enough for two occasionally, the dreamer would need to dine with a lady she wouldn't have been over-awed to see the dreamer serving up her dish on a plate balanced on the top of a pan the thoughts of other inconveniences were coming to mind when the big body blow hit the dreamer could tell the tenant in the next room to the dreamer was in his kitchen area from the unique sounds of the kitchen that were coming through the cardboard walls he used his new mod-con and the dreamer jests, not when i tell you it was like being next to a train in the station as it let off steam it was that intrusive it was going to cause all sorts of problems you wouldn't be able to use it if your adjoining tenant was asleep if your adjoining tenant wanted to piss you off, he could justify using it in the middle of the night because he wanted to heat a milk drink it would justify the landlord adding more to the rent." another dream that ended unsatisfactorily this one is going into the dustbin of the past pde's: not stray thoughts but unconstructive ones notes the money-minded amongst us still have the backing of the police and the courts to ride slip-shod over ordinary people the writer is living where he lives now because, in the last place he lived, the problems portrayed in this dream were actual you can hear your neighbour going to the toilet; you can hear your neighbour farting, you can listen to your neighbour's telly, you can hear your neighbours arguments it's the same old story: use cheap materials to shave twenty thousand pounds off the cost of each new habitation built for ordinary people living in england twenty thousand times two hundred thousand is four billion pounds per year going into the bank's pockets each year, and it's even worse in america people are being housed in illegal accommodation the law is clear on this point a person should be able to generate thirty-five decibels without the sound being intrusive to the adjoining houses as this country gets poorer, the problems start mounting, and it gets to the point where people decide to start pushing back they could reclaim their right to an even distribution of the wealth by bringing civil lawsuits against the councils who are hand-in-glove with their legal counsel who are hand-in-glove with the architects who are hand-in-glove with the banks who are hand-in-glove with the politicians who are hand-in" which would force a rebuilding of much of this country's housing the money-minded may well try to introduce laws as a result of this comment of a dream and make this possible tactic illegal know this mr and mrs money-minded british and jewish financier you've very nearly ridden this country into the ground, and a groundswell of discontent is rising do it peaceably 09122017 - 230 294 name of the dream: in a rush the first scene is in a car on the dual carriageway which circles the outskirts of a biggish city don't know why i'm in a hurry but something is propelling the dreamer with a sense of urgency being in a rush is working against me first, the dreamer don't get off at the right exit then the dreamer go past the exit the dreamer should have taken, and then the dreamer has to go around a large roundabout three times before the dreamer get my bearings when the dreamer do get off the dual carriageway the scene changes now i'm a couple of kilometres from where the dreamer wants to be and have to catch a bus catching the bus isn't a problem but paying for the ticket is the dreamer digs into my pocket with my left hand, grabs most of the loose change and brings out of my pocket so many coins the dreamer has to keep my fist tightly clenched to stop the change from slipping out of my hand the dreamer must be holding onto something with my right hand because the dreamer presented the change to another passenger and asked him to take enough out of my fist to pay the fare as the man is taking one coin at a time, the dreamer can feel the change loosening in my grip and is expecting the bunch of coins to collapse, as a fistful of marbles held too tightly would do, and spill to the floor the man taking the coins is aware of what could happen if he isn't careful and is doing an excellent job of imitating a surgeon removing a foreign object from next to the heart he had almost got all the coins when, on what was the last coin needed to pay for the ticket, two pennies got loose from the rest and fell to the floor the dreamer said, "i was going to give you a tip for your help but you've blown it" he took it in the spirit it is spoken and was smiling as the dreamer woke and heard myself saying the sentence above * within two seconds of being awake and lying there with eyes closed there began another, the second, in two days, mega-montage (the chances are there will be even longer sequences than these. will see if they can be counted in future sequences) the first and most extended sequence of the still and motion images were the same with respect to the colour of the clothes people were wearing without exception, they were all wearing red tops and white skirts or trousers it went on for at least one and a half to two minutes of awake time as with the last montage of this length, 04122017, there were more than a hundred and it was possible to perpetuate the sequences although the dreamer thinks the dreamer "maxed out" at the end of the last sequence when brown colours starting appearing unlike the previous long montage this montage was in awake-time with this montage, it was also possible to freeze images (yet another new feature in montages) pde's: can't remember anything during the day which would have caused this dream notes 1 the time tense for the montage is thought to be a mixture of all the tenses of time time, but this is another question to be answered in the future 08122017 - 299 293 name of the dream: nowt queerer than folk this dream is in a society where much is tolerated, perhaps too much it starts with a man called taff and myself taff is a burly man in his late twenties and looks a little like a strongman called gary taylor taff prefers men to women and, wouldn't you know it, i'm the object of his affection no, change that i'm the object of his carnal desires in the first scene of this dream, he's standing close to the dreamer, and his face is within centimetres of mine he's wearing tight-fitting clothes the t-shirt hasn't got sleeves, and his whole appearance declares his orientation to life: flesh of the body his needs put decorum to one side, and his continued badgering to persuade or convince the dreamer we are meant for each other is becoming bothersome at this point in the dream, another man comes into the picture and is within three or four metres of us this moderates his insistence and the dreamer take the opportunity to end the talking "there's another man who loves you" and then sealed it with "i'm in love with a woman" the cushioned blow is enough for him to accept my rejection, and the dream ends as he's seven or eight metres away and moving further away, still notes 1 homosexuality, it must be mentioned, represents a specific point of devolution second dream name of dream: happy hols 1 living where the dreamer lived before where the dreamer am now there was a knock at the door the dreamer opened the window next to the door, and a man asked to see (an awake-time girlfriend who was a regular visitor) the girlfriend must have been expecting him because before the dreamer could turn around and call her, she was at my shoulder she had a bath towel wrapped around her that covered her above her breasts and was clutching money in her left hand the dreamer could see she was holding two ten-pound notes and two or three one-pound coins as she leaned across the dreamer and handed the money to the caller through the window she said: "i'll give you the rest later" in the next scene, the girl in the first scene, her friend and the dreamer are sitting on a train in the seats to the left and right of the aisle nearest to where the carriages were joined the girls were sitting opposite each other to my left the friend of my girlfriend asked, "where will we be staying when we get there ?" the dreamer said, " the dreamer don't know" both the girls paused in thought; the dreamer carried on" "we'll get off the train and see which street looks the most inviting. we'll walk along the street, and when we see a restaurant, cafe, or a pub, we like the look we'll go in. When we come out, we'll buy a piece of paper and choose the name of a guest house we like the sound of. every moment will be a new adventure. today, it's britain the next time it's" " the friend of my girlfriend stretched out her arm and leaned across the aisle to touch the dreamer on the shoulder in a gesture of affection the dreamer took her hand and kissed the back of it the girls were crackling with delight the dreamer didn't feel too bad, either pde's - quite possibly thought of the ex-girlfriend third dream name of dream: day-dream 1 was walking through town and christmas was all around to my right was a children's carousel with several youngsters enjoying the ride the song accompanying the ride was "last christmas" by wham and had a good beat, good enough to make the dreamer feel like moving to it there was a girl of five or six three metres from the ride watching and dancing the girl hadn't yet learnt to sync her body movements to a rhythm, and only one leg was lifting as she disjointedly bobbed up and down how she might look wasn't on her mind the music had taken her over and she was part of it she stopped suddenly as though something was wrong, something wasn't right, something was missing she then darted to where a pram was and started moving things around, and, the dreamer must say, she was doing it with haste after six or seven seconds, she had hold of something and rushed back to where she had been before and held it out at arm's length before her it was a rag doll about a third as big as she was she now had a partner to dance with notes 1 a male might not see the female perspective here enjoying life without someone else just isn't possible 07122017 - 298 292 name of dream: heisenberg's proof the dream started with the words "heisenberg's proof" on a white background a volunteer was hooked up to electronic equipment, which is in a console on the far side of the room the room itself was pretty large all of the room wasn't in view but what the dreamer could see was roughly thirty metres high, thirty metres deep and thirty metres wide there was a windowed console at the far side of the room, which was raised close to the roof there were three screens which were closer to the ceiling than to the floor and they were evenly spaced from each other by three or four metres each screen was rectangular and about three or four metres high and four or five metres wide don't remember seeing anyone the equipment could show the images a person was seeing in the dream as they were happening in the dream the equipment could also interact with the images of the dream and insert images which became part of the dream, which the dreamer would see as being part of the dream the experiment was to establish whether the dreamer was familiar with the content of the dream the volunteer was dreaming of cameras one image of a picture the dreamer was seeing in the dream was too dark to see in detail, or it might have been darkened as a part of the experiment an aperture feature was introduced into the dreamer's images of the camera if the dreamer used the newly installed feature to brighten the picture, it would demonstrate they were familiar with the workings of cameras the feature introduced into the dream was transparent, and if it was used a red dot of light came on at the left-hand side of the rectangle the image the dreamer was seeing was closest to the dreamer and was about four metres away when the dreamer adjusted the introduced aperture feature it proved that the dreamer knew about cameras another different test was carried out on a different aspect of the dream, and that, too, was proven notes 1 werner heisenburg, in conjunction with niels bohr and max born, were the three people who formulated Quantum Theory between 1900 and 1925 following Max Planck's discovery of The Quantum of Action in 1899/1900 werner heisenberg will always be remembered for "the principle of indeterminacy" the principle of indeterminacy is now, deliberately misguidedly, called the uncertainty principle; see "who discovered relativity" notes 2 this dream means in a future undulation, heisenburg becomes famous for something other than the principle of indeterminacy notes 3 this dream may well be an invitation for someone to change the time tense of this dream from one or four to five it is also possible that more than one person may think of an application in the event of that happening the date of each submission will be attached to the submission 06122017 - 297 291 name of dream: the sultry swede was on the last but one leg of a european tour not sure if the dreamer was alone or not after enquiring at the ticket office about train times was told the ticket had to be obtained from a representative of the swedish government and was given the address the dreamer got to the address but it didn't look at all like it was anything official, anyway it was the right address don't remember ringing a bell or knocking on the two and a half metre high glass doors, perhaps there was someone monitoring a camera which showed the entrance somebody, don't remember if it was a female or a male, came through two other smoked-glass swing doors a metre or two from where the dreamer was standing on the outside of the building, opened the front doors and beckoned the dreamer in as the dreamer was walking through the two inner-doors the perspective or rather the angle of view in the dream went from a straight-ahead view to a down angle view the first thing the dreamer saw was the shoes, and particularly the ankle-strapping of the shoes, on what was obviously the legs of a woman slowly, deliberately so, the view began to move up her legs and then showed her crossed legs and then up to the split in her dress which showed about a third of her thighs the scene then changed to her face she was wearing a cat-mask but it didn't have whiskers or a smile/grin the mask covered most of the front and side of her face, the dreamer think the hollow of her cheeks were showing, her forehead was showing and her eyes were sparkling with life the dream ended notes 1 got to thinking" which part of the brain/mind presents these images/scenes and why did the old noodle serve up a view/perspective/angle of a women's legs that was straight out of a hollywood film that was, blatantly, meant to seduce ? the long, drawn-out up-the-legs sequence didn't stir any emotions especially, the eyes were much more captivating so why did the dream emphasise these characteristics of the woman ? after several minutes of deliberation, the obvious answer presented itself it was you-know-who producing and presenting her/his self she/he, who you dare not speak of in public, is having fun with us the manly-shape is the first shape with eternal qualities; it is however well past its sell-by date the really difficult scenarios have been played out the worst of the suffering for both her/him, and us is now, and forever, behind us you-know-who is gearing up for the good times when death is no more and all that's left for us to do is to love in a fun-filled way the dreamer first became aware of her/his playful nature when Cherub was presented a couple of years ago the writer can still feel the lover's presence in that mini-movie clip now and it has been asserting itself, little by little, over the years yeah, the dreamer know, it will be another five thousand million years before she/he's with us but when you're enjoying life you know how quickly time passes perhaps this entry will lighten your mood and give you an insight as to what the future has in store for us 05122017 - 296 name of dream: psycho bully 1 in custody, again it wasn't prison though it was a young offenders institution in a dormitory which is claustrophobically small my bed was the furthest from the door against the wall and the closest to the door, one of the inmates was looking at the dreamer with murderous intent he was one of the top three of the institutions most violent prisoners and he was thinking about what he was going to do the dreamer as he was listening to someone standing to the left of him talking into his ear the someone was a trouble-maker but of the passive kind the dreamer had pulled him up about a bit of mischief-making he had instigated and he didn't like being told off the dreamer knew there would be no use in trying to talk to the psycho, in his mind the dreamer was already condemned, for him it was now just a matter of where and when to vent his natural violent tendencies it was a tightly controlled establishment and had been designed or modified to minimize the chances of violence flaring up there were only a few places which were blind spots from a security point of view one of them was on the way to the ablutions it was a small ninety-degree zig-zag about two metres long in the next scene we had all gone through the zig-zag and the dreamer was the last to go through because he was the last in the order as we filed out sure enough, the psycho and two others were waiting as the dreamer come out of the zig-zag two of them moved out of the area, they just wanted to make sure the dreamer would be where the psycho could get me, after that, it was a fore-drawn conclusion what the ending would be, and now it was just the psycho and the dreamer in the dream i lifted my arm and thrust it out straight with my fist clenched and my finger pointing at him the gesture was unmistakable, it said: "you" it was like waving a red flag at a mad bull he came at the dreamer in a rush my plan was to get around the second corner of the zig-zag far enough ahead of him to be stooped down as he turned the corner i would rugby-tackle his legs, something the dreamer could do well at school, and take it from there the dreamer got around the corner ahead of him but didn't get down into a crouched position because one of the prison officers was dashing down to where the dreamer was my guess is the prison guard would be aware of which of the inmates to watch most closely and seen the potential aggravation psycho was not so stupid as to attack the dreamer with a guard as a witness the dreamer was safe and the dream ended the time-tense for this dream is an and/or for 6, 8 or 9 pde's: thinking about devolving man-shaped beings notes 1 this is the second time within a few days the dreamer have been in a life-threatening situation and someone has come to my rescue there must be somebody up there who likes me 04122017 - 295 name of dream: strictly adult first thing, if you're a parent with youngsters this website is out of bounds for them from here on in the dream was watching a sporting event the dreamer had downloaded from the net when part-way through it another video started to play the dreamer was a bit annoyed at first (a bit of malware has infected the computer and ads are hijacking just about every page the dreamer visit) it was x material and so the dreamer took a few seconds to look at it and then began what was the longest-ever run of a montage sequence it totalled dozens and dozens, quite possibly a hundred and fifty, and then something happened which has never hapened before" the dreamer was able to rewind or go back and look at a previous image/sequence the image/sequences rolled on and they were as varied a bunch of x scenes as i've ever seen at one point in the flow of images and sequences (the length of time of the image/sequences varied between one second and a quarter of a second of dream time) the detail of the visuals became too dark to see clearly amidst this deluge of image/sequences, there was a half of one second of a still image with the words "stryker presents" " the montage continued" the pictures were going by so quickly now some of them were just impressions then the words "what's the second greatest pleasure" appeared momentarily then more sequences then again "what's the second greatest pleasure" and still the seemingly endless run of image-visuals kept on coming then again for a third time, another message appeared which read "styrker and" (can't remember the name) presents" " by now the dreamer was wondering what it could be referring to the dreamer thought it was going to say bestial x or anal x or child x as the imaging continued a long message showed which had too many words on it to read in an instant the dreamer began to think-Think-Read it (it was the most difficult message i've had to think-read for quite a few months) as the slogan appeared time after time (it appeared briefly about seven times) the dreamer managed a word or two here and one word there between the movie/sequences and, with the new faculty of replay, eventually managed to string the sentence together it read "the second most pleasurable thing is the act of murder or the accomplishment of killing" and then began a stream of moving and still images of various types of murder of both sexes of all ages the dreamer think all of them were acts of individuals being killed, no pairs or groups the computer playing up thoughts about the dream referred to in notes 1 of the second dream of the the entry of 27112017 and, of course, women notes 1 this website is going to keep reminding its readers" dreams are comprised of actual events notes 2 you've only got to remember the atrocities i.s.i.s performed when they began running amok (drugs, the group/clique mentality, weapons and a wad of money will turn a testosterone-fuelled young man dissatisfied with life into becoming murderer) to realise just how easy it is to do and how recently it was, to believe that this dream is founded in fact 03122017 - 294 288 name of dream: an echo of christmas a brief acquaintance from the past turned up out of the blue at about this time of year he was in a subdued frame of mind, the dreamer got the impression he had turned to the dreamer reluctantly or at someone else's behest he spent most of the day with me during that time the dreamer was assessing what would be of most use to him and getting things ready for him to take with him when he went he never asked for any money and the dreamer never thought of offering him any the dreamer couldn't get over how subdued he was like a man who had accepted a fate he didn't want whatever it was that was preoccupying him it didn't lessen, on the contrary my last sight of him, which troubled me, was of him turning the wrong way out of the door which led to a brick wall it was if a brick wall was more inviting than an open path as laden as he was with gifts and useful items the burden he was carrying was greater by far 02122017 - 293 name of dream: story/saga 1 in the last scene, the dreamer befriended a young man who was down on his luck we were discussing what we would have to eat and where to get it from when the dream ended not sure if this dream came from the pde's notes 1 a story dream is a dream with the same theme and which can last for most, and perhaps all, of the time the brain/mind is engaged in dream sequences this dream continued with the same theme for three different periods the periods were separated by two brief bouts of awake-conscious and finished with the dreamer hearing myself speaking out loud as the dreamer woke the scenes in the dream varied in lengths of time one, in particular, lasted for what seemed to be more than half of the whole dream within this long period, a whole saga of the same theme played out (imagine a film which didn't change scenes for twenty minutes) this dream is a new category of dream for the time being, they are being called story/saga dreams as their purpose becomes known, they will probably be re-named notes 2 it's now an hour since the dreamer woke, and all the dreamer can remember of the dream are vague impressions from one bit or another how we're supposed to remember the contents of something which lasts for twenty minutes, i've no idea perhaps it's the adage of "practice makes perfect" routine being thrust at us notes 3 the thing that's becoming clear is that dreams theory is a big, big subject there's no way the dreamer could have a family and a job and devote as much time to uncovering what's in the old noodle as is presently possible it may be the case that to make sense of dreams; we will have to cross-index the types of dreams with more than forty different types already identified, there will be more than ten raised to the fiftieth power (10x1 ^50) possible variations to cross-check! and if you're wondering what the number means, it's telling us there are millions of more ways to categorise dreams than there are stars in the universe i hope you like a challenge second sleep name of dream: mountain bike ride 1 three of us had just finished a mountain bike ride the two young men were younger than the dreamer and had been friends more than twenty years ago we arranged to do it again in the next scene, we were ready to do it again, but one of the other two hadn't shown up we set off it was a thick brush with just an outline of a trail, and it was more challenging than anything the dreamer had done before in the next scene, we had to do a drop-jump of about one and a half metres it was the most challenging manoeuvre the dreamer had ever tried the moment of hesitation and the drop and the landing was the stand-out part of the ride the dreamer fully expected to get a bruise or worse the other rider was out of the scene, and the dreamer wasn't going to get left behind and make him come back, as that would have blown my cred the dreamer managed to lift the front of the bike sufficiently as the dreamer went over the edge, and it was just enough to make the bike land on its back wheel the bike hit the ground with a bump, and my crotch hit the seat of the bike, but, wonder of wonders, it didn't hurt, and the bike stayed on two wheels in the next scene, we were off our bikes and talking the other rider looked at the dreamer with a serious look and said, " the dreamer is getting a weight for a few hundred pounds (he was talking about hash) the dreamer was interested and asked how much the dreamer could get a quarter of it for, and he said, "ninety pounds" he said something about keeping it to myself, and the dream ended favoured time-tense pde's - thinking the dreamer would like to go for a ride on the bike sometime (still have a mountain bike and regularly think about going out on it) 01122017 - 292 name of the dream: skinny's skinny four different scenes where all the clothing the dreamer was wearing was a cloth, zipper bomber jacket and if that wasn't bad enough, it wasn't zipped up it wasn't an attempt to be provocative, nor was it because the dreamer wanted attention it was a natural, innocent act of an adult with a child's mind the reaction of the people who saw the dreamer was slightly reserved, but none were concerned in the last scene of this dream, the dreamer is in a room, and a girl is there she looked and then looked away and moved her right hand, with fingers open, to her eyes and said politely to put more clothes on favoured time-tense 2 qod 3.1 qos 3.3 - p - pde's: no pde's that the dreamer can put my finger on notes 1 the chances are if a baby isn't schooled and the climate is correct, the only thing they would wear is shoes second dream x dream (21) pde's don't blame the dreamer because the dreamer feels the need to fill the endless space notes 1 the first dream that the dreamer can remember is when the dreamer forgets the details of the x dream because of thinking about another dream 30112017 - 291 name of the dream: insignificant dream? spot looking at myself in the mirror and seeing a boil-sized spot on my forehead pde's: during the day, my hand automatically went to an irritation on my forehead notes 1 the next time the dreamer went to the bathroom and looked at where the irritation was there was a pimple the size of a pin-head notes 2 this isn't the first insignificant dream entry notes 3 after thinking about it, this one-scene dream does have significance i'm a cooked-meal man four out of five of my meals are meat and veg (my veg-to-meat ratio is about three to one) a look at the diet diary (uploading the diet diary sometime next year) will show an imbalance in the ratio of cooked meat and veg meals to non-cooked meat and veg meals over the last week or so notes 4 being a film-goer, i can't help but notice that more than just one or two of the big-name film stars have developed wart-sized spots on their faces this will be due, the dreamer is pretty sure, to the chemicals used in foods to flavour, colour, and preserve the foods and thus enhance the profit margin time and money are significant factors in our lives; there are, however, bigger ones, and with a whole world of things to do, allocating time to buying, preparing and cooking food isn't always the priority it should be incorporating into our lives the twice or thrice daily mundane task of the seemingly insignificant act of eating will slow the tempo of our lifestyle and bring us back to realising the importance of taking the time to eat cooked meals as a way of life it takes up more of our time, yes, but the time scales you are becoming familiar with will bring about the realisation that it only takes a second for a person to change their time-tense from one to nine shopping, preparing, cooking and eating food are excellent ways of making us reduce the tempo of our lifestyles and avoid the type of catastrophes that often accompany the frantic pace of a money-first outlook it will also ensure that those handsome faces on the silver screen will be blemish-free notes 5 this dream scene brought to mind another insignificant dream from the last few days in this one-scene dream, there was an inviting-looking savoy cabbage although iv'e seen better-looking savoy cabbages in awake-time that an informative dream, which is what the dreamer thinks it was, has presented in the dream state a cabbage which the dreamer would have considered inferior to those seen in awake-time has caused the dreamer to believe (because of postulate one in dream 12112017, the savoy cabbages the dreamer see in the awake-state might be over-fertilised to get to the size they are if that's not the case, then the giant, brighter cabbages in the awake state are actually of a more recent time tense and have not been around for enough undulations to become a permanent part of the inter-undulation memory this makes sense when the cabbages the dreamer had seen in the shops and had thought about during the day before having the cabbage dream second sleep name of dream: claustrophobic situation on the inside of a large store next to the entrance something had prevented a bottle-neck of people from moving into the store about fifteen semi-burly men were wearing white shirts who were blocking access to the rest of the store the dreamer couldn't get past the men, and the doors didn't open outward trying to push them into the store only made matters worse as it caused the mini-throng to go back, which caused the dreamer to have to stoop down so he wasn't pressed against the door all the dreamer could see from my lowered position were the legs and back of the men's torsos there was a moment of mild panic as the dreamer tried to stand up and realised the dreamer wasn't going to be able to the slightly panicky feeling intensified as the crowd of men lost ground to whatever it was which was causing them to bunch up, and they edged back onto the dreamer by about a quarter of a metre if the men directly in front of the dreamer crumbled to the ground there would have been hundreds of pounds of weight lying on top of me pde's: this dream is easy to pinpoint used dumbbells earlier on in the day to do dumbbell stoops and in typical fashion the dreamer used too much weight the dreamer didn't get the breathing in and out in sync with the movement, and at the bottom of the movement, there was too much pressure on my torso for the dreamer to be able to breathe in the dreamer was on the verge of dropping them and taking a breath in 29112017 - 290 name of dream: a nightmare of a child a girl of five or six she was on a sofa in a sitting position coming out of a sleep as she was waking she peed herself the urine jetted from her body in a stream she was sweating profusely, and her fringe stuck to her forehead she looked at the dreamer and spoke a sentence the sentence was a question which queried whether she was different it was as though someone had just come out of an anaesthesia sleep and wanted to know if the operation had saved their life then she was asleep again notes 1 the stand out part of the dream was the heartfelt manner in which she spoke it was as if she thought the dreamer could make one reality or another for her this might be the time to remind ourselves of the characteristics which can endure forever in the forever there probably isn't one adult person who has retained the characteristic's they had as a five-year-old anywhere in the world yet that it is what it takes to merge with eternity the ability to change realities in a moment an open-mindedness which can embrace a new happiness the ability to absorb new thoughts and actions in an instant complete flexibility to be in one state or another to get to where we seek to get means complete trust in every other person the thought of self before others won't exist the simple act of giving without receiving, which children find easy to do, will have become the norm this is the gist of what we have to become that two adults arguing in the presence of a child can cause such a severe reaction gives us an indication of just how poor our understanding of ourselves is 28112017 - 289 288 name of dream: xh2 x dream (20) notes 1 the problem with x dreams is that they occupy the mind upon waking and, not for the first time, i've forgotten the dream that came before it 27112017 - 288 name of dream: travelling man was between countries and in the centre of a city and needed to buy something to eat decided on a takeaway meal and ordered one from the biggest roadside van i've ever seen three people were working the stall the person who took my order was a woman, and we got into a friendly bit of chit-chat the meal was nearly ready and it was time to pay the dreamer dug into my pocket and brought out all the money in it and soon realised there wasn't enough to pay for what i'd ordered not that it mattered. i would have enough in my wallet when the dreamer opened the wallet there was just one ten-unit denomination note in it and that wasn't enough either then the dreamer remembered the dreamer had four ten denomination notes stuck to a thick piece of paper in amongst my paper items it took longer than i thought to find the folded sheet of paper and when unfolded, the notes were stapled to the paper the dreamer attempted to prise the staples open to free the notes, but the notes started to rip at this point, the dreamer began apologising to the woman she remained amiable and unconcerned but the dreamer was starting to feel the pressure the dreamer suggested paying by card, but the smile on her face loosened, which told the dreamer that wasn't an option the dreamer asked if there was a cash dispenser nearby the woman's expression was changing by the moment a slow, drawn-out shake of her head meant the dreamer had to come up with something else business etiquette demanded a sales-person should be friendly whatever the circumstances; she was, however, becoming a different woman and was looking at the dreamer in a different way the dreamer knew the look she was beginning to suspect a con the dreamer had a chequebook the dreamer asked her half-heartedly, "will you take a cheque ?" the dream ended there in fade-out fashion notes 1 this dream is not untypical of the writer's awake-life experiences there are quite a lot of these types of incidents that could be related perhaps an "odd-memoirs" page is something for the future second dream name of the dream: compromising situation 2 in the bookies a man in his late twenties walked past the dreamer and said to another man standing within a metre or two of where the dreamer was said, "be standing by the door" within a second of dream-time, one of the two of them then said, "will have the shotgun" there's no way the dreamer could not hear what they were saying the dreamer became implicated one of the men looked at the dreamer and said, "we want you to stand there", as he looked to my left the dreamer knew the man who owned the betting shop, and he seemed reasonable enough the robber's wanted the dreamer present just in case the shop emptied a bit and the dreamer being there would make it look like a typical day and wouldn't ring any alarm bells in the head of the owner of the shop who was very much security-minded the shop owner would have reason to be even more security-minded than usual on the day of the robbery the robbery was going to take place on what would be the biggest sporting day of the year and lots of people who wouldn't usually bet on anything would have a little flutter on one or other of the sporting events the dreamer turned to one of the men planning the robbery and said " the dreamer won't grass you up but the dreamer won't be here" they started threatening me that was their mistake the owner of the booking shop was more vigilant than the dreamer realised and read the situation he suddenly appeared from behind the partition between the shop and office and was striding towards us holding something, it looked like a heavy metal bar, spitting and cursing obscenely as he was getting nearer the owner of the premises was something else; the robbers knew it, but the dreamer didn't he was as tough and fearless as they come he had long black hair and looked as solid as a statue his walk had an unstoppable gait to it the robbers knew the only way they would be able to stop him was with a gun the robbers left the building before he got to them in the next scene, all three of the would-be robbers were on the floor outside of the shop it looked like they might be dead notes 1 the entries over the last two days are jumbled up a bit one or two of them should be for the twenty-sixth although the record will now show no entry for the twenty-sixth will have to leave them as they are because the dreamer can't remember what the actual order should be the mix-up is because there was a dream on the twenty-fourth which was going to be an entry then changed my mind but didn't erase it from the other entry on that date and published it before the dreamer realised what the dreamer had done the reason for bringing this up is because this second dream in this entry is related somehow to the one which wasn't published the dream not published was named "compromising position" it's similarity to this dream would be plain to see and was a lot more grave somebody told the dreamer to do something and if the dreamer didn't a girl about ten or twelve would be murdered we have to keep in mind that dreams are not fantasy events but memories of experiences, albeit as often as not, from different time tenses the dream being referred to may yet find itself as an entry 25112017 - 287 286 name of dream: xh time-tense: 1 or 2 or 3 or 5 or 6 or 7 or 9 - qod 4.5 - qos 3.7/8 - p pde's: thought about her notes 1 this dream was so sensational the dreamer spent too long thinking about it upon waking and forgot the details of the dream before it notes 2 the nervous system has to be considered as being dormant at the moment we're so immersed in an unethical lifestyle the capacity for the nervous system to deliver qualitative experiences to the brain is, to all extents and purposes, not needed notes 3 and this was with a woman the dreamer didn't get on with! second sleep name of dream: unexpected guests was expecting a group of youngsters for a confab about an idea the dreamer had all at once, everything changed when eight or nine mature adults in informal but tasteful attire came through the door and were ready for evening entertainment the dreamer became confused how did they know somebody had planned something? where were the youngsters the dreamer was expecting? those questions and more would have to be another time in the next scene, they were all in the living room in a buoyant mood, and some of them were looking at me there was no way out of it; it was time to become the host "would anyone like a drink?" the dreamer asked, looking at them but not looking at anyone in particular one man, slightly burly and expensively but tastefully dressed in a country-man style, said in a semi-jokey way, "have you any neat bourbon ?" he said the name of the brand but he might as well have said something in mandarin my blank look told everyone that the dreamer didn't worse than that, the dreamer had been expecting youngsters; the most vital thing the dreamer had was a four per cent proof malibu mix, some babychams and a couple of dozen cans of soft drinks and even worse still, the only thing to eat was crisps and peanuts my mind was racing; the dreamer would have to go to the "offy" then, the dreamer would have to rustle up something decent to eat it would mean leaving them there while the dreamer went shopping When the dreamer got back the dreamer would have to do some cooking this wasn't going to work the dreamer couldn't think my way around the situation but forever the tryer, the dreamer heard himself saying to one of the ladies, "what can the dreamer get you ?" as the dreamer was waking up 24112017 - 286 285 name of dream: drive through the night, drive all night the first scene of the dream was taking the cover off the bike and seeing the controls and gauges between the handlebars the next scene is motoring along at a steady forty or fifty kilometres an hour on a single two-way road which was wide enough to be a dual carriageway the road was completely clear of traffic, which was my idea of driving heaven (driving at top speed at every opportunity wasn't my style. the dreamer much preferred the easy-rider way of riding. if the dreamer found myself on a long, clear, and a more or less straight stretch of road, my idea of speed was seventy or eighty kilometres an hour. that way, you could still take a look around as you were riding without the road throwing up some unwanted surprises) within a few seconds of dream-time riding a police car in a recess on my side of the road and facing slightly towards me, but could have easily, with a slight swing of the steering wheel, started at speed in the same way as the dreamer was going if it had to, gave a quick flash of his headlights to get my attention the quick on/off of the lights didn't suggest he wanted the dreamer to stop but equally, he could have argued in court that it did the dreamer resigned myself to being detained ( the dreamer was driving without insurance) the dreamer started slowing and as the dreamer got to about within fifteen metres of the police car the dreamer could see the policeman was half-in and half-out of the car he shouted, "are shorts the latest fashion now?" his remark/jibe didn't concern me, just the opposite; it meant he didn't want the dreamer to stop the joy of the ride was over however and within less than a second of dream-time the dreamer was back to where the dreamer was when the dream frist started now the dreamer was thinking of how the dreamer could go for a ride at night on a road that wasn't likely to have spot checks and things the dreamer turned to the computer and brought up a map of the area the map showed a twenty to thirty-kilometre radius of where the dreamer lived the detail in the map was the second most stand-out part of the dream and if the dreamer had wanted to make it the priority point of the dream the dreamer could have concentrated on writing the names of roads and areas and the colours in the map don't know if it's the same for everybody but the dreamer finds if the dreamer doesn't put the minutiae of the dream into the awake-world description as soon as possible after waking, it fades from the memory the most stand-out sequence of the dream was after the picture of the map was gone, and the next scene of the dream started playing out as mentioned, was on the computer and with a quick click of the mouse and the map was replaced by six or nine yellow/amber-coloured folders, the like of which we are all familiar with within a second of dream-time, one of the folders had writing on it don't remember what was written on it but as the dreamer scrolled down more and more of the folders had something written on them then the folders had pictures on them and then the pictures became picture-posters the one which caught my eye straight away was a poster folder with two sentences, one sentence on either side of the folder, which spread like a snake from top to bottom of the folder and read "drive through the night" and "drive all night" the dreamer didn't click the folder open because the artwork and the captions on the folder poster told the dreamer everything an all-night rider would need to enter rider-heaven was in it the dreamer couldn't believe that someone with a love for riding a bike had experienced his joy being marred by police checks, as had happened to the dreamer in the first scene of the dream, and had gone to all the trouble of making an easy -to-read map for fellow and female bike riders the dreamer carried on looking at what other goodies were available and the next one the dreamer stopped and looked at was one which had a japanese man with a stern look on his face and the caption read "why the japanese like to die riding" the dream ended as the dreamer was looking at the following picture on a folder the caption was "the next sexiest thing" retro (or regrade) smoking" the picture was a semi-clad female volubile the letch in the dreamer was asserting itself the name of the dream: drive through the night-drive all night time-tense have decided not to time-tense each scene the reason is every individual has it in them to change the time-tense of the dreams here at dreams theory for instance, as far as i'm aware folders which have pictures on them don't yet exist not being a computer specialist, the dreamer wouldn't know if it's possible to put writing or pictures on the outside of a folder which the dreamer assume would have to be an option when creating a new file folder if it is possible, then the person who introduces it will have changed the time tense of the scene with picture folders in it from 1 or 2 or 4 to 3 in the years to follow, there will be many opportunities for people to change the time tense of the scene of the dream if it's a one-scene dream, then the whole dream will have had its time-tense changed the new ideas coming through dreams theory are not copyrighted, nor will they ever be subject to legal compromises any person who develops or initiates the use of anything coming through dreams theory knows they have made their mark on the future for all time, and they will always be part of that future indeed, any person with an eye on the future will be satisfied with immortality instead of a payment notes 1 if had woken one hour earlier this sleep would have been four periods of sleeps and five dreams in one day which would have been a new world record for me the speculation now is, how many times can/does/will the writer sleep and dream in one day for this lifetime notes 2 it wasn't until the policeman shouted, "are shorts the latest fashion now?" that the dreamer became aware that the dreamer was wearing shorts which brings up another point "people from the awake-world are needed, in many instances, to forming the contents of a dream so now we have both states of consciousness affecting the other my belief is the inter-undulation conscious is greater/more enduring/more constructive/more inventive than the time-conscious we'll know for sure when we're interacting with dinosaur man 23112017 - 285 284 i have had three dreams in two periods of sleep so far today think-read (10) all three were low quality, but the sleep quality was high (every cloud). one was right on the verge of the dreamer being violent towards three anti-socials who had blatantly ripped the dreamer off one was to do with accommodation in which the dreamer had to lie to avoid admitting to a breach of the house rules second sleep a think-read dream on the computer in which the dreamer uncovered the log of a type-chat which showed the chat of someone pretending to be the dreamer to get access to my funds will probably be having at least one more sleep and with any luck, it will put these into the rubbish bin where they belong third sleep name of dream: back to school this dream began with the dreamer as a competitor at a weight-lifting competition remember seeing the score i got and think-reading some of the details, but that was all of the detail that i remembered of this scene in the next scene, i'm at home setting up an olympic barbell with weights was using about ten or twelve small weights ranging from half-a-kilo to two-and-a-half-kilo the dreamer loaded the bar with about three or four kilos on each side when the dreamer lifted the bar it felt unevenly balanced so the dreamer put it back down a quick look at the weights revealed that there were indeed different weights at each end of the bar the dreamer began to change the weights and noted the dreamer needed to take two one-and-a-quarter kilo weights off one side and add one weight of a different weight on the other side the dreamer began to add the total weight for both sides of the bar to divide the sum by two and simplify the numbeer of weights needed to two weights, one on each end of the bar the dreamer began to add the total weight of the weights on the bar together "one-and-a-quarter plus one-and-a-quarter equals..." "two-quarters equals..." "one-half-kilos plus two one-kilos equals..." "five minus two, one and a one quarter equals..." "one and a half plus one and a quarter..." it was no use; the dreamer couldn't work it out the dreamer woke up after half a dozen attempts to make the numbers make sense because the mental effort of doing sums in my head in a dream is too strenuous! it was draining the dreamer mentally the dreamer was becoming mentally fatigued in a dream! it was more restful to be awake than it was to be asleep! comments on back-to-school the dreamer has no idea of how many of you who dream regularly have think-read dreams a two-minute read of this dream - - will convey how difficult it is to successfully compose two sentences of a think-read dream for the first time the chances are think-read dreams are a necessary part of discovering one's self it's not just possible but more than probable that information necessary for understanding our spirit will mean some of what we need to know will come through in written form lately, think-read dreams are becoming commonplace in the writer's dreams and have become easier to read (practice makes perfect) now we have to learn to do arithmetic in dreams! it's back to school for all of us pde's - have been watching weight-lifting competitions downloaded from the internet on the t.v. regularly for the last week or two notes 1 you may get some satisfaction from knowing that whatever else the dreamer may be when it comes to doing sums, i'm a complete dunce: see aside below) perhaps the dreamer becomes as good at doing think-read sums in dreams as badly as the dreamer does with addition and subtraction in awake-time notes 1 it was the first day back at school after the summer break and the first day as a second-year junior the teacher was q and a'ing us on fractions she came to me she wrote 1/2 on the blackboard "what fraction is that ?" she asked the dreamer thought for a long second "a oneth", the dreamer replied "no, try again," she said "a second", the dreamer replied "the expression on her face became quizzical "try again," she said "a twoth," the dreamer said her face slumped in dismay and she turned to someone else 22112017 - 284 283 first dream name of dream: bespoke accident was the passenger in a car and we were out in the country the road was narrow and became single file as we drove over a hump-back bridge, about ten metres long we were more or less off the bridge when the sound of a motorbike filled our senses the dreamer swivelled around to take a look and saw a scrambler dirt bike on the bonnet of the car behind us the biker must have driven the bike up the boot and over the roof of the car because there was no space on either side of the vehicle whilst on the bridge the biker was testosterone-driven, and nothing was going to stop him from going where he wanted to go the bike finished its manoeuvre, landed on the road and had just passed us when the scene changed in the next scene, another biker like the first one had a man trapped into his bike somehow, a man got his leg, which was showing his bare leg up to the knee, and this was the stand-out scene of the dream, trapped through the front wheel and between the spokes of the bike without his leg being cut, scratched or grazed was trying to work out how it would be possible for that to happen when the dream ended name of dream: bespoke accident notes 1 contrary to common thinking that dreams are a series of jumbled-up images which don't have a place in the "real world" dreams are snippets of realities which have happened in past undulations and will continue to happen in this and future undulations the second sequence of this dream is baffling it's possible that if a bike like the one in the dream landed with enough force and the spokes of the wheel were made of a very supple metal, the wheel would momentarily bend and cause a gap between the spokes large enough for a leg to fit through you have a go at thinking in what circumstances a leg would be in that place at that moment the spokes of the wheel were mishappen the point that must be considered is that every conceivable circumstance or set of circumstances that can happen has happened! welcome to his terrible love second dream at the kitchen window when mom passes by the dreamer can see she is in a hurry she is on a mission to a woman-only meeting to support a popular member of the community who has been disproportionately punished for saying something or doing something against another woman in the community the woman she has wronged is not a well-liked person, but she has a core group of supporters who think an aggressive attitude in a woman is the way to tackle problems, be they communal or personal the dreamer can see there is a steady, and growing, stream of women going up the hill to the meeting place who want to make their feelings known this is the chance for the women, who, it must be said, outnumber the supporters, the woman with an aggressive outlook on life by three to one or more mom was in fighting mood and was no mouse when it came to taking on other women or other men come to that the dreamer could see she was about to strike a blow for fair-minded women, and nothing was going to stop her from having her say She knew the dreamer knew she was on a mission and gave a hurried smile that contained a genuine feeling of pleasure when the dreamer said, "any chance of a cuppa' ?" name of dream: mom on a mission notes pde's: scarcely a day goes by when my thoughts don't linger on mom notes 2 currently, there are plenty of women with an aggressive attitude 21112017 - 283 282 reading a review which was comparing one type of sound system to another there was no competition, really the one who got all the best press completely overshadowed its competitor without naming the companies involved one of the systems was called the feathered model name of dream: think-read (9) p.a. systems notes 1 another easy-to-read think-dream the third easy-to-read think-dream in a row! 20112017 - 282 281 was at home with my mother we both heard a clatter in the kitchen the dreamer went to find out what it was as the dreamer opened the door to the kitchen there was another flurry of sound a white-feathered bird with a broken wing in obvious distress looking very frightened my mother suggested it should be put out of its suffering the dreamer said, "i can't do it" notes 1 again, nothing points to why this content found its way into a dream second dream an army of ants was on the move they weren't in a charitable mood notes 1 unable to pinpoint why this dream occurred third dream a film was in production on the set was a strong man called big z he was amused that his role had a scene in which he took a tentative puff of a joint he wanted the fame the movie would bring, so he complied notes 1 no pde's for any of these dreams there are still a lot of things the dreamer doesn't understand about the theory of dreams i am not sure why these dreams happened name of dream: cabbage 1 a one-scene dream which showed a savoy cabbage on display in a box with other savoy cabbages the one cabbage that caught my eye was the one on the top of the others pde's: have been unable to find a large-leaf, dark green and firm savoy cabbage for ages and was wondering if and when the dreamer would find one which was how the dreamer thought one should be this dream showed an acceptably decent one notes 1 this dream wasn't entered on the day it happened it wasn't until the cabbage mentioned in notes 5 of the dream of 30112017 that's its significance was realised it's now thought that the dreamer is being pressed to enter every dream, regardless of its content or theme there may be some dreams coming shortly that won't be received gladly by some people 19112017 -281 280 first sleep first dream with a friend from some years ago and his three children, and the latest addition to the family standing outside a small shopping area waiting for mom to return the latest addition to the family started crying, and the baby's milk bottle appeared from somewhere the dreamer was getting ready to do the honours when mom showed up mom gestures to the dreamer to pass the baby to her the dreamer had the bottle in my hand by now and said to the mother, "do you want the dreamer to feed her?" hoping she would let the dreamer give her the milk feed mom shook her head in a way which was a definite no the baby stopped crying as soon as she was in mom's arms mom loosened her clothing and began to breastfeed the baby category of dream: baby food notes 1 as of this entry, this website believes that its dreams are not, in the main, the result of its pde's someone else (shhh) is at the helm notes 2 also as of today, memories are put into two groups 1 inter-undulation memories 2 present tense memories * further, we shall hold the view that memories and consciousness are the same notes 3 this dream is you-know-who telling us breastfeeding is the way to feed the baby! in case there was any doubt second sleep first dream category of dream x dream (18) notes 1 not all x dreams are top-notch experiences this one may well be a warning second sleep second dream category of dream think-Read (8) "the authenticator app is causing the jpg file to switch between programmes twenty times a second it can gain access to... this issue is known all the best, the gang notes 1 the four points in the dream are the ones that have stuck in the memory until this point (one hour later) this was the second-ever longest think-dream of all the think-read dreams this was the easiest to read notes 1 before publishing this entry this website will follow the advice in this dream i will finish it later and let you know what happened (00:42 20112017) 17112017 - 280 279 a neighbour and friend from secondary school (my ref; b.l.) was much bigger than the dreamer but was a little envious of my gymnastic abilities each year males of the senior classes chose their best exercise on the vault and performed it in front of the whole school my friend simply wasn't agile a handstand was beyond him whereas the dreamer could do a short-arm over the long-vault in the dream, my friend was in the shower and sink room the dreamer walked into the area where he was and he said "watch this" and he done a forward somersault from the standing-still position he performed the movement with impressive height but unfortunately his momentum threw his head forward when he landed back on his feet and he bashed his head seriously hard into a sink the dreamer knew better than to try and say something sympathetic to someone who was experiencing a lot of pain and watched him fighting back his anger to do something violent to take his mind off how he felt notes as is becoming commonplace with my dreams recently, there was nothing in the pde's which points to what caused this dream perhaps a rethink is necessary to understand further the mechanism of the causes of the themes in dreams what's the word, ancillary? alternative? preferred? discard? notes 2 there were five different dreams in this sleep only one dream was entered because the time is needed to complete the dreams database for referencing as soon as possible 15112017 - 279 278 three dreams and a Mini-Montage first dream an x dream (17) in a tent in a garden second dream money dream third dream an old acquaintance and health issues mini-montage (women in red/pink bikinis) notes the dreams were, as usual, (3 to 3.5) in terms of the clarity of the images the mini-montage, by contrast, was as clear as a film on a screen Also, the awake state was fully present during this mini-montage also, after the first sequence of the montage, there was a degree of controlled-imaging possibly the next step in controlled imaging is to be able to do it in the middle of the day between the furthest points of one sleep and the next if and when midday controlled imaging has been accomplished, the question is, what are its applications ? if it can be called into action in the middle of the day it will have unlimited entertainment value perhaps we have yet to realise that all the arduous work is over, and it's time for a life of recreation! 14112017 - 278 277 was at a big arc-shaped bridge in a built-up area, probably london was talking to a celebrity about the politics of what was happening in the country the dreamer said, "did you know that only three per cent of the country's surface area is built up?" he replied, "i want to think about things in my way" the dreamer felt he knew what was what with the politics of this country but was reluctant to do anything about it and with that, he made off with some haste thought about a three or four-sentence conversation with a young man a couple of years ago in the brief conversation the dreamer brought up the point that the refusal of the government to build on the land and tried to defend it by saying that most of the land was unsuitable the dreamer countered by saying "i'm talking about houses" notes 1 in notes 2, from the third of this month, the dreamer said he would have to enter every dream regardless of whether it seemed significant or not that still holds but the problem is some of the details in dream contains explicit x material of some very well known people, in this dream it was ray winstone in isn't the case in this dream, but it does mean that dreams theory may never be complete if it ever gets to the point where vital understandings are unable to be shared beacause of embarrassment to others then this reason for not making a dream an entry will have to be put to one side notes 2 that people with a privileged position in society would rather keep their lifestyle than speak the truth is a constant source of irritaton to this website ordinary people aren't compromised in this way and are thus able to remain more closely aligned to the expansive nature of life the dreamer spoke to an elderly lady, a staunch royalst, who didn't try to deny princess diana was assassinated but rejoined by saying, "the queen didn't have anything to do with it" people know the truth but are too scared to say anything 12112017 - 277 276 was outside the house where i lived throughout my teens (when first recollecting the dream upon waking, the dreamer got the impression the dreamer was walking towards the house, although after replaying the scene a couple of times, the impression was that the dreamer was an observer) it was undoubtedly the house the dreamer lived at for more than two decades, except for one detail: a window about a metre high and two-thirds of a metre wide the bottom of the window started about half a metre from the ground if the house has a window in the place described, then a person looking through the window would have seen the front door, the stairs and the door to the living room there was a teenage boy at the window the dreamer recognised the boy as someone who was in the same class as the dreamer in school (my ref; c.t.) the teenager had a piece of 4 x 2-inch wood in his hand, and as the dreamer looked at him, he drew it back and smashed the window in the next scene, he is at the front door of the house he was deranged, which meant my family were at risk in the next scene, he was sitting on the sofa, and my mother and father were sitting in the matching armchairs on either side of the sofa i glanced at my parents and said, "didn't you hear the window breaking?" if the dreamer didn't say it out loud, then it was a loud thought because my parents didn't say or do anything i grabbed both sides of the front of the teenager's jacket with my right hand, pulled him towards the dreamer, and said, "What the hell are you doing ?" the teenager didn't say anything but was looking at the dreamer without any concern the dreamer realised he wasn't aware he had done anything wrong and that he was mentally disturbed and further realised that my reaction wasn't going to be constructive i put my right arm under his head and my left arm under the joints of his knees, lifted him and laid him on the sofa the dreamer thought he said something at this point in the but can't remember if he did nothing in the thoughts of the pde's points to this dream not the teenager from school or a teenager on the rampage, no thoughts or sounds of breaking glass, no thoughts of the parents, no thoughts of something related to the house, nothing notes 1 three possibilities, 1, watched a t.v. programme about a killer psychopath the day before the pde's, which would make this a delayed-theme dream if the theme/contents of dreams are going to be linked to experiences from days, months and years before a dream, the value of the interpretation of dreams of this type will become unconvincing 2 it's a plant by you-know-who, and the significance of the dream will become apparent in the future 3 this is a new category of dreams not yet understood notes 2 17102014 - 276 275 on the off-chance that the people who are now living at the house in this dream have made some improvements to the house and put a window in the same place as the one in the dream, the dreamer google-earthed it lo and behold, there was a window there, albeit only half the size of the one in the dream at first, the dreamer was amazed but then noticed that the people living next door had done the same home-improvement so had the occupiers of the house next to that, and then it dawned on me the window had always been there! the dreamer must have looked at that wall with the window in it from the same angle as in the dream ten thousand times over the decades, and equally, the dreamer must have looked through it just as many times from the inside of the house so, dreams theory, postulate one inter-undulation memories are more accurate than present-tense memories this postulate makes assigning time tenses more accurate and optimises the quality of a situation or circumstance 08112017 -275 274 dance the mood fantastic they don't come much better than this a sunny summer's day in the precinct in the centre of the town it is a two-tier precinct when the architect initially conceived the design for the precinct, he imagined spacious, uncluttered access to every part of the precinct with plenty of room for people to manoeuvre with their large bags of designer outfits and such in this precinct in this time, mature teens had turned the precinct into a socially oriented gathering place shopping sprees were incidental to the overriding impulse to meet new people and enjoy life in places in the precinct, there were clumps of people who were shopping, but overwhelmingly, it was the youth culture which gave the precinct its character the teens were the people who were leading life, and the dreamer was one of the responsible teens and, boy, on this day, the dreamer was humming with vibrancy there was a melody somewhere, it might have just been in my head, which had a beat which was causing the dreamer to tap my thighs and lightly, almost imperceptibly, skip and sway swinging to the left, slowing and then picking up the pace lightly slapping out on the beat on my thighs, on the walls, on the glass of the shop fronts, occasionally expressing the beat on the side of the bag of somebody's shopping the dreamer was on the second-tier now and was headed toward a cafe with outside-seating when the melody and beat diminished and very nearly, but not quite, faded out there was still a song in my mind, but that was almost washed away as the dreamer neared eight or ten girls in summer clothes five or six of the girls were seated, totally relaxed and smiling that smile that only women who want and can give more life have but it was the three or four girls who were standing who channelled my concentration there was one who was breathtakingly good-looking she didn't stir the emotions; she elevated the spirit it brought out in a person the recognition that true beauty was an elevated position to which we all aspire she was something which life produces in tiny quantities too many of her would make the rest of us feel inadequate, unsubstantial still, my mood hadn't changed, and one of the girl's friends standing next to the beauty caught my attention she was a plain beauty, or did she seem plain by comparison? it didn't matter; the dreamer knows a good thing when the dreamer sees it, and when she looked at me, the dreamer knew we would be suitable for each other the dream ended with the dreamer carrying me on my way, as the dreamer had before encountering the girls dreams don't come much better than this 1 a noticeable improvement in movement during the day 2 was thinking about he-whose-name-you-dare-not-speak and how his femininity comes through in women 3 the dreamer spoke to on the bus a couple of weeks ago a young girl notes 1 because my recovery back to mobility is a long process, the dreamer is acutely aware of the slightest improvement, which causes feelings of jubilation and, in turn, gets blown out of all proportion in dreams 2 femininity can be the biological mechanism through which love/life implements eternity's command to increase endlessly the beauty in this dream epitomises love/life's multiplicative nature in mammal man-shaped beings 3 the young girl on the bus is the plain beauty in the dream since that brief encounter, the dreamer has realised it was an opportunity lost to implement an idea from more than a year ago yesterday, it was prominent in my thoughts, and the dreamer resolved not to let a chance like that pass by again other notes there were three stand-out moments in this dream the beauty, the plain beauty and the opening sequence with the exceptionof the "fade-out" at the end of the dream, which was about one-tenth of the whole dream, it was all stand-out it was while wondering what women in the far-off future will be like that it occurred to the dreamer that the dreamer hasn't yet had a dream that takes place in space get ready for some stand-out space-dreams 06112017 - 274 273 a tired john and a concerned relative the dream starts with the dreamer waking from a sleeping position and feeling tired, very tired the first thing the dreamer sees is a mature young man looking at me the male is either the brother or a son of the woman i'm in a relationship with he says " the dreamer can go and get you a black leather mattress or if you don't want that the dreamer will take you home" he talks in a no-nonsense manner, and his tone of voice and look tells the dreamer it's time to make a choice the situation is i'm sleeping in the living room and he doesn't like it people in a relationship sleep together he's too sensitive towards his mother/sister to ask questions about the sleeping arrangements but knows something isn't as it should be the dreamer was touched that he would take on the expense and go to the trouble of getting a new mattress and said, "you would do that for me" and then, "give the dreamer a minute to wake up please" the dreamer was waking from the sleep as the dreamer heard myself saying the last sentence before the dream ended, there was a final picture or scene of the dreamer looking at himself in the mirror the dreamer had dark bags under my eyes and looked unwell (this is the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer doesn't remember looking that unwell in this lifetime notes in the first scene the dreamer am participating the mirror scene, the dreamer now realises, was as an observer this is the first dream the dreamer is aware of when the dreamer is both a participant and observer in the same dream! pde's tried resting to the fullest extent during the day to see if lying down all day was beneficial this dream tells the dreamer it's not too much rest or inactivity during any given day is not what we can/should be doing there is an optimum minimum/maximum movement/rest ratio for every individual it is time to start tieing dreams in with Metabolic Maintenance to get a more accurate picture 03112017 - 273 272 this dream was about a scoring system a dark-coloured ball displayed the value of the thing being scored in a thin transparent square container that had liquid in it the container was about three diameters of the ball in width and five ball diametres high; the container/s could have been any size the liquid in the container was responsive and could, very subtlely, change colour the ball rose and wavered and fell in the container as its rating rose or fell in the second scene, there were three or four of the transparent containers which looked as if they were joined together my attention focused on one container in particular, probably because it had the most movement in it inside the container, there was a light-grey small, wispy column which changed its shape, like smoke in a still room the light-grey column of the smoke-shaped liquid was about the height of a ball, and as the dreamer looked at it, the width varied from one-seventh to one-sixth of one ball's width time-tense 2 or 5 it doesn't seem likely that the technology being described here will have been developed within the writer's lifetime the only way it could happen is if the d-man class of man-shaped beings begin sharing their technology with us (see lead article) the pde which brought this dream about was the scores at a weight-lifting competition the dreamer watched on the telly there was argy-bargy about whether the referees had got some of the scorings right or not in the programme, the decisions were close calls but it is the case that life can be meticulous about the most insignificant thing notes thinking about it, a scoring system or any situation with severe consequences, which had a qualitative attachment, would be helpful when decisions are based on measuring devices which are too crude to measure a difference thinking about it further, a liquid substance which reacts to the presence of consciousness seems feasible (see the act of observation) notes 2 wasn't going to make this dream into an entry, but like those times when we throw something away only to find a use for it later, all dreams, regardless of their seeming insignificance, will have to be entered if it's in a dream it's there for a reason! this dream thing is taking over my life! 31102017 - 272 271 time-tense quality of dreams's 1st and 2nd 2.9 participant inter-undulationary dreams two dreams first dream first scene was making my way along the walkway alongside a canal or a river the ground was uneven, and the dreamer was laden with a collapsable wheelcahir and a couple of bags the dreamer had to get up an embankment to get onto the road the dreamer couldn't have done it on his own, but the luck of the dream would have a family with two young boys the dreamer told the boys the dreamer would give them a pound each if they would get the chair up the slope they jumped at it next scene was at a railway station still had the chair and baggage, and the family from the previous scene were also still in the dream the platform was narrow which made the station look busier than it was the train pulled in it only had two or three carriages and was on the track beyond the track that our platform was servicing people started letting themselves down onto the track next to our platform and going to the train it started something of a stampede, and again, the dreamer promsed the lad's money if they would help the dreamer get my things onto the train several peolpe had boarded the train and some my belongings were on it or were about to put on it when the train started pulling away everbody started shouting; the dreamer was shouting the loudest a guardsman showed up at the back of the train and was gesticulating and saying something couldn't hear his words but he managed to convey that another train was coming for us second dream had got out of the car with half a dozen presents the presents were mainly big ones it was my aunty's house, and relatives from another part of the country or another country had arrived the guests were a family of four or five with one or two children and a new addition to the family the dreamer was excited because one of her guests was an old real-life girlfriend the dreamer was going to marry as a teenager she had broken up with her first husband and had started a family with another man twenty years before, the real-life situation with my ex-girlfriend things were not going how she had expected in the real-life situation going back to a year after we split up she was at the same aunties house in the dream and looked glum the dreamer found out later that the man she married, a canadian she emmgrated to canada with, didn't want children and it was causing a lot of friction my entire family clan were staunch supporters of "the get married and have children" outlook on life back in the dream the dreamer walked through the front door and said something to make my prescence known the dreamer walked through to the back living room and went in the ex-girlfriend's new addition to the family was in a pram or cot that had a partial overhang, and the dreamer peered into where the baby was when the dreamer looked back up from the pram my ex-girlfriend was standing there looking at the dreamer intently the look was unmistakable and the dreamer was thinking the same thing this could/should have been us the dreamer asked her if the baby was a girl but she didn't reply the dreamer spoke to the baby and could see the baby respond with an open mouth smile the dreamer said to the ex-girlfriend "it looks like she's smiling to me" again, she never said anything but looked at the dreamer even more purposefully and the dream ended the realtionship with the woman of the child in this dream broke up through circumstances outside of my control and the dreamer often wonder what our lives together would have been like the woman of the child in the dream was the very first female to make a real impression on me the dreamer was five or six or seven and the dreamer remember the instance as clearly as any memory the dreamer have the dreamer was with my mother at a bus terminal in the centre of town, and she appeared in front of me a bubbly blonde talking her head off blonde hair, blue eyes, pink skin, red lips, white teeth and full of life the dreamer had never seen anything like it at that age there were no connotations of sexuality attached to either of us she became my first girlfriend when the dreamer was sixteen, and we were together for about a year we were ready to, but never did, conjoin * tried the imaging when falling asleep, as mentioned in the entry for 30102017 - 271 (270) met a woman who invited the dreamer to a party she said the dreamer could bring friends the impression the dreamer got from our short conversation was that the party was a no-expense-spared extravaganza highly formal but with the promise of every acceptable form of adult entertainment the organised entertainment would go on for days and days and we would be expected to expand on on the scope of what happend by improvising with variations and off-shoots of the activities by using our talents and imaginations to enrich it the dreamer got the impression the party would be open-ended if, indeed, it was not already in progress, and my invitation was to make it even bigger or replace people who couldn't maintain the pace my invitation was for the following day managed to find three girls who wanted to come with me arrived on the grounds it was a stately setting with a wing annexe to the main bulding the dreamer joked to girls as we took it in, "the dreamer was told to use the servants' entrance" while waiting for door to open two or three more couples showed up one of the men gave the dreamer the impression he and the woman he was with were pretending to be part of my group one of two large doors open and we go into the main buiding the woman who invited the dreamer was standing there with a board in her hand she said "john, the dreamer said you could bring ten people and you have brought ten people" she nods in approval and writes something on the board; it could have been a tick against my name the dreamer notices a highly polished oblong table with seats touching each other there were four in line on either side of the table, and three or five hugged the curves at each end dream ends * awake with eyes closed and thinking about the dream when a classic montage begins a burst of more than ten different sequences they happen so quickly that the dreamer doesn't have time to take in the details of most of them the two or three that gave up their detail showed individual girls all in white and dancing only one sequence lingered long enough to for the dreamer to recognise the situation" they were ballerinas what the dreamer thinks is happening with this dream is we are moving into another gear with dream theory this dream is laying the foundation for increasingly more sophisticated themes and intricate connections the dreamer believes this dream may be the first of an episode or serial dream or a reference point for another or other dreams you-know-who has lined up for you and are designed to draw you into the dream state we can expect to have to begin linking dreams and themes together and if the wedding photos dream (Ref) is anything to go by, dreams will be linked over years and decades 29102017 - 270 (269) first dream met two young girls the dreamer had captured their imagination and was going to show them the "ropes" the dreamer had to go home for something and the girls came with me my mother was in the house; she weighed up the situation and stepped in she began an argument in front of the girls and it was enough to scare them off the girls left the house and the dreamer was fuming the dream ended with the dreamer saying to mother "you and the dreamer are officially at loggerheads" dream 3 in a shop that was a house that had been converted into a mini-market the ceiling was high enough for five or six shelves the highest shelf was one and a half metres up which would have bee too high for a smaller person to reach there were three or four rows of shelves but they were too close together when there were only a handful of people shopping it was practical enough the problem was, when it was busy, as in this dream, getting from row to row was one long "excuse the dreamer, please" the dreamer had done the shopping and was almost at the front of a queue in a line of about ten people the dreamer had to move the bags of shopping from my right to my left to give people leaving the counter room to walk out, so the dreamer stepped to one side of the queue and re-arranged the bags and as the dreamer was doing that, the queue shuffled forward and filled the space the dreamer had created when the dreamer moved again, as in the second dream, the dreamer became livid that the entire queue was in the frame of mind which cooperated in taking my place was more than the dreamer could swallow the dreamer waited for the person being served to finish and gave the bloke who had been the person behind the dreamer in the queue a wild look he saw the dreamer was going to confront him and let the dreamer get served first the dreamer woke out of the dream at this point feeling tired * the dreamer spent a full twenty minutes figuring out what it was in the pde's which had caused the two low-quality dreams eventually, the dreamer pinpointed it as being a long minute of stray thoughts the day before it took another few minutes to implement a series of thoughts which made the dreamer raise my tolerance to devolving beings and was mentally relaxed my eyes had been closed since waking and the dreamer was still in a semi-sleepy state and ready for more sleep as sleep beckoned a montage began the first two or three scenes, the dreamer realised, quite quickly have become undesirable ones if the dreamer had not made an effort and resolved the problem of what caused dreams two and three to happen the rest of the montage of images took on pleasing forms and movements * three points here" 1 it takes but one thought to initiate a stream of thoughts once a train of thought begins it tends to follow the quality of the initiating thought 2 montage sequences are most easily initiated in a partially sleepy state if we are to make meaningful progress as we begin the transition into an awake dream state, the body needs to be relaxed, and the mind needs to be at peace 3 usually, the writer enters into sleep while thinking about things he will now try imagery as a "lead-in" to sleep it was successful ! three clear images with motion a person hasn't just got to be relaxed and peaceful a person has got to be near to the point where they have "let go" of the ability to control their mental activity * third dream this dream was a high 3's in terms of quality a marked increase over the first few dreams the improvement in quality was undoubtedly due to the re-positioning of tolerance mentioned above this dream was on a sunny day in a field with short grass there were four to six groups of people with three, four or five people in each group it was predominantly groups of families the first people the dreamer came into contact with were three young boys the dreamer said to the young boys, "if you can tell the dreamer who was on the throne when queen victoria was alive you will win a hamper as a prize" they gave the correct answer and the dreamer told them where to go and get the prize from the dreamer asked a woman with children a similar answer-in-the-question question she got it right as well and won a hamper * the dreamer woke from this second sleep feeling more refreshed and relaxed than any sleep for weeks or even months the moral of this story is, of course, to keep those Stray Thoughts in check * it is now thought that this last dream is an "undulation hop" an undulation-hop is a dream which comes from a different time sense to the previous dream or scene this possibility means the mind/brain is even more sophisticated than we have previously thought the only way this website can see how this might be possible is if the brain/mind can fractalise experience dreams theory is getting more and more complicated it should simplify itself after this initial "starting phase" notes there were five dreams and a montage in this sleep, but the details of the first dream are not remembered 28102017 - 269 (268) two x (15 and 16) dreams and a car dream the street where the dreamer lived for the first five or six years was on an incline and at the bottom of the street is a t-junction for a few hundred metres to the left and right of the junction is a row of houses the houses have a one-way access/exit road for the residents the access-road is necessary because just a metre or two from the access-road is a busy dual carriageway the dreamer turned right at the junction, the dreamer thinks he is on his on my way to see a family who used to live two doors from where the dreamer was born and he moved because they had more children than that house could accommodate, and as the dreamer was walking along the pavement of the houses that run parallel to the carriageway someone the dreamer knew stopped in his car scene two we are driving on the carriageway a police car appeared behind us and is flashing its lights the driver of the car the dreamer am in started accelerating and kept accelerating the sense of acceleration and the powerful thudding of the engine was the stand-out part of the dream before the dream ended we were moving at least one hundred and seventy-five kilometres an hour notes the only thing in the pde's which might have caused this dream were thoughts concerning cars because of this thoughts are being assigned as the major factor in forming the theme of a dream there's another entry from a few years back which lists the things which were then considered to be the major factors in the forming of the content of dreams it may be revealing, when there is a database to tap into and find it, to discover if thoughts were thought to be the major influencing factor then too 26102017 - 268 (267) kissing dream: (12) a quick kiss got chatting to a girl in a shopping mall or it might have been a large office we were standing at one point in the conversation, she said when she got home there was a programme and a film she wanted to watch it sounded very much like an invitation the dreamer let her know that the dreamer was interested by referring to another film which had the same actor which the dreamer said was worth watching she became even friendlier and the tone of the conversation became relaxed the dreamer suggested getting groceries for a meal on the way back to her place she was saying something in reply to my suggestion when, as smooth as silk between two of her words, she leant forward and kissed the dreamer without breaking the flow of what she was saying her expression didn't change as, while or after the quick kiss and the dreamer didn't see it coming it was a natural spontaneous show of her feelings it was the stand-out part of the dream a natural, strong bond had formed and it was going to be a long-term relationship * usually in a kissing dream the sensation of the kiss is the stand-out moment in this dream, the sensation of the kiss was only incidental to the emotional sense of happiness 25102017 - 267 (266) laughing dream (pool table) there was a dream before this one which was also humorous have forgotten most of the details though this dream" there were three of us, all males, playing pool it was a good-natured atmosphere with lots of banter when someone played a good shot one of the players would say "he relies on flukes" or "i'm glad the dreamer don't have to rely on flukes to win" the trick was to reply with an equally sharp remark "it's funny how opponents usually say that when they know they're losing" or "you do realise you have to pay up even if all your opponents shots are flukes" it was my turn to play a shot" it was a difficult shot and the dreamer didn't expect to get it nor did the other two there were three balls clustered around the bottom-right pocket the dreamer knew the theory that needed to be applied to make the pot but it was well beyond my abilities all the dreamer knew was that it was a slow ball the dreamer made a slow deliberate stroke which sent the white ball down the table at a snail's pace as the dreamer watched it the dreamer had a feeling" the dreamer started walking, following the ball down the table not daring to really think it would do what it could do as it reached the contact point with the first ball it was barely moving the dreamer moved in closer to see what would happen the cue ball seemed to go into slow motion the dreamer was mesmerised the dreamer got closer still the dreamer bent over to within half a metre of where the balls were and placed my hands, one hand on the left-hand side of the corner of the table and the other on the right-hand corner of the table, and leant over into the table my position at the table blocked the view of the balls from the other two guys to my sheer amazement, the result the dreamer knew was possible but never thought would happen, happened, the cue-ball knocked the balls perfectly and the dreamer made the shot it looked even better seeing it through the eyes than it did in the imagination it was one of those moments in your life when you realised you had "it" in you do world-class things the dreamer stood up and turned and looked at my two mates expecting them to be nodding with ackowledging with what was a superlative act of precision but they were looking at the dreamer with a mixture and disgust and disdain then the penny dropped" they thought the dreamer had helped the ball into the pocket with my hand teasing remarks were an acceptable part of the game but using your hands ! it had lowered the game to below an acceptable standard it would have been hopeless to try and persuade them the dreamer began laughing at the irony of it the dreamer was the only person who would see the best shot the dreamer would ever make the more the dreamer laughed the more disgusted the other two became and the more disgusted they looked the more the dreamer laughed the dreamer woke up still laughing hard * this is the fourth or fifth laughing dream this year a few years back two or more laughing dreams a week were the norm an appraisal of the pde's revealed the thoughts, feelings and actions which caused this laughing dream they may start to become regular again 24102017 - 266 (263) think-read dream (7) this think-read dream began as a dream and continued through the stages between deep-sleep to being fully conscious if you ever find yourself in a think-read dream you'll come to know just how laborious they can be they really do tax a person's ability to concentrate to continue, eventually, the writing in the dream stretched out to about two-hundred and fifty to three-hundred words it was part of report which done a study of couples and procreation in brief, it found that nearly all of those who planted their seed in the "garden" were successful in their attempts to create life whereas those who viewed sexual activity as "happy hunting grounds" were only successful one time in ten the words "garden" and "happy hunting grounds" was used often in the text the dreamer was reading in the dream and are not terms that are familiar to the dreamer in the context they were written if there has been a study of couples as mentioned above and the terms mentioned are used then there's an interesting interpretation which can be attached to this dream if such a report doesn't exist then this dream can be assigned to a specific time-sense * this was the most elaborate think-read dream to date it's with a bit of an apology that this website has to declare that its most prominent dream-theme is x dreams the reason for so many x dreams is because this website is acutely aware that our numerical value, when viewed within the context of eternity, is appallingly small further, no matter how many of us there are, it will always be an appallingly small number the expression "the more the merrier" in no way expresses the situation in which life finds itself there is a primal driving force which underpins our existence and which is compelling life" you must, forever, be increasing the dominance of x dreams reflects our position again, view life not as a by-product of eternity but as an extension or continuance of eternity second sleep a three-girl dream in this dream, the dreamer is entrusted to look out for the best interests of three girls they were all in their early twenties with that demeanour which men find attractive and typically they trusted men my lifestyle was a bit hectic but by and large handling this type of situation as well within my scope they were getting ready for a social evening and they all wanted to bathe there was only one bathroom but it was large enough for the needs of the three girls the dreamer was organising everything which would be needed to make the evening's activities a success inexscusably, at one stage the dreamer became totally absorbed in one specific part of the organising and forget about the girls the dreamer was a full twenty minutes out of sync when the dreamer remembered that the girls didn't have towels and the dreamer hadn't shown them where the towels were by the time the dreamer got to the bathroom the girls had finished bathing and the bathroom had got too cold for comfort they were wet, didn't have the means to dry themselves down and were looking despondent the dreamer turned the heating on got the towels and made my exit hoping as the dreamer left that the girls would not let my mistake affect their enjoyment of the evening 23102017 - 265 (262) the dreamer was given a supervisory order by the courts it meant travelling fifteen kilometres to the people who were doing the supervising it was a sunny day and when the dreamer got there the dreamer had to go around to the back of the house it was a fenced garden a young male man, who was also under a supervision order, was at the gate to let the dreamer in we had taken a couple of steps into the garden and the young man said "the car isn't working" that meant it would be a great inconvenience for getting back home there were four elderly people sitting at a table and looked to be having a good time one of the two women looked at the dreamer and said "that's him" as the dreamer was walking the twenty metres to where the four people were sitting the dreamer could feel my walking becoming more deliberate (this was the stand-out bit of the dream) it dawned on the dreamer that the four people saw the supervision of people as something of an event and it produced in them an air of superiority the dreamer also realised that the car was working and inconveniencing the dreamer was something the dreamer would have to like they were going to "toy around with me" and the dreamer was supposed to take it the dreamer was forming a verbal attack of them in my head when the dream ended 22102017 - 264 (261) was living on the first or second floor in perfectly acceptable accommodation in a block of flats the dreamer went to a neighbour to ask for some coffee he was dressed in slightly formal casual clothes there was another man in the flat he gave the dreamer a quick look of polite recognition and the dreamer was forgotten the man who opened the door was congenial enough and some sentences passed between us a girl walked into the room she was slim, veering toward gangly she was wearing a tightish two-piece dark suit and a white shirt or blouse she had the mary quant hairstyle that was one or two centimetres longer than the original style and the bottom of her hair splayed out all around her head except for her forehead she was wearing glasses that were fashionable the dreamer didn't think that she was my cup of tea she spoke a couple of sentences to the man who opened the door to me on the third sentence, in response to something the man said, she mentioned a male and broke out into a prolonged and delightful chuckle with a startling immediacy, the dreamer knew that whatever she was on the outside it was housing a fabulous personality and the dreamer had to get to know her was waiting for my chance to join in the conversation when the dream ended 20102017 - 263 (260) there were two dreams which were remembered in this sleep both had a holiday theme to them the second dream is the one of significance there were three sequences two of them were aerial views and the third was looking down but at street level at first, the dreamer thought it was a holiday resort but then realised it was something much grander there was an air of excitement with lots of colour the two sequences which stand out were the aerial scenes the first one looked as though the scene was being viewed from a mountain-top about three kilometres away looking down onto a promenade in this scene, the view took in about eight hundred metres of the sea there were hundreds and hundreds of people along the promenade with the greatest concentration of people at the departure point where a boat which looked like it could ferry about two hundred people at a time was accepting boarders this scene also showed the boat which had previously departed and it was about five hundred meters across the bay the second sequence looked like it was being seen from a satellite it showed the entire expanse of water between the departure and arrival points and five kilometres of the land of on either side of the water there were three boats like the one in the first scene at an equal distance from one another at various points of the crossing all three boats left a two-boat-length wake as they were moving the dreamer would say they were moving at fifteen to twenty kilometres an hour the destination point was bustling, almost a bazaar the dreamer got the sense it was somewhere in southern europe although, depending on the time-tense, it could have been anywhere the view being described was a 24/7 live-feed which was the, or one of the, most watched live-feeds in the world the thing about the dream is that there wasn't a two-way flow of the boats all three of the boats in the aerial scene was going one way this, again, depending on the time-tense, has been and/or will be, the most orderly migration of people in the history of the planet this could mean the boats were being made on the side of the water people were departing from and being used for a completely different purpose afterwards thinking about this dream two days later, the boats could be used for children's playhouses this dream opens up yet another point to take into consideration when formulating dreams" this dream could reasonably be seen as any class of man-shaped being" dinosaur class, mammal class, the class which follows the mammal class or any of the classes of man-shaped being which are scheduled to emerge over the millennia and milliards to come first dream met two young girls the dreamer had captured their imagination and was going to show them the "ropes" i had to go home for something and the girls came with me my mother was in the house, she weighed up the situation and stepped in she began an argument in front of the girls and it was enough to scare them off the girls left the house and the dreamer was fuming the dream ended with the dreamer saying to mother "you and the dreamer are officially at loggerheads" dream 3 in a shop that was a house that had been converted into in a mini-market the ceiling was high enough for five or six shelves the highest shelf was one and a half metres up which would have bee too high for a smaller person to reach there were three or four rows of shelves but they were too close together when there were only a handful of people shopping it was practical enough the problem was, when it was busy, as in this dream, getting from row to row was one long "excuse the dreamer please" the dreamer had done the shopping and was almost at the front of a queue in a line of about ten people the dreamer had to move the bags of shopping from my right to my left to give people leaving the counter room to walk out, so the dreamer stepped to one side of the queue and re-arranged the bags and as the dreamer was doing that the queue shuffled forward and filled the space the dreamer had created when the dreamer moved again, as in the second dream, the dreamer became livid that the entire queue was in the frame of mind which cooperated in taking my place was more than the dreamer could swallow the dreamer waited for the person being served to finish being served and gave the bloke who had been the person behind the dreamer in the queue a wild look he saw the dreamer was going to confront him and let the dreamer get served first the dreamer woke out of the dream at this point feeling really tired * the dreamer spent a full twenty minutes figuring out what it was in the pde's which had caused the two low-quality dreams eventually, the dreamer pinpointed it as being a long minute of Stray Thoughts the day before it took another few minutes to implement a series of thoughts which made the dreamer raise my tolerance to devolving beings and was mentally relaxed my eyes had been closed since waking and the dreamer was still in a semi-sleepy state and ready for more sleep as sleep beckoned a montage began the first two or three scenes could, the dreamer realised, quite easily have become undesirable ones if the dreamer had not made the effort and resolved the problem of what caused dreams two and three to happen the rest of the montage of images took on pleasing forms and movements * three points here" 1 it takes but one thought to initiate a stream of thoughts once a train of thought begins it tends to follow the quality of the initiating thought 2 montage sequences are most easily initiated in a partially sleepy state if we are to make meaningful progress as we begin the transition into the "awake dream-state" the body needs to be relaxed and the mind needs to be at peace 3 usually, the writer enters into a sleep while thinking about things he will now try imagery as a "lead-in" to sleep * third dream this dream was a high 3's in terms of quality a marked increase over the first few dreams the improvement in quality was undoubtedly due to the re-positioning of tolerance mentioned above this dream was on a sunny day in a field with short grass there were four to six groups of people with three, four or five people in each group it was predominantly groups of families the first people the dreamer came into contact with were three young boys the dreamer said to the young boys "if you can tell the dreamer who was on the throne when queen victoria was alive you will win a hamper as a prize" they gave the right answer and the dreamer told them where to go and get the prize from the dreamer asked a woman with children a similar answer-in-the-question question she got it right as well and won a hamper * the dreamer woke from this second sleep feeling more refreshed and relaxed than any sleep for weeks or even months the moral of this story is, of course, keep those Stray Thoughts in check * it is now thought that this last dream is an "undulation-hop" an undulation-hop is a dream which comes from a different time-sense to the previous dream or scene this possibility means the mind/brain is even more sophisticated than we have previously thought the only way this website can see how this might be possible is if the brain/mind has the ability to Fractalise experience dreams theory is getting more and more complicated it should simplify itself after this initial "starting phase" notes 1 there were five dreams and a montage in this sleep but the details of the first dream are not remembered 18102017 - 262 (259) was lying down recuperating or recovering from something a medical carer was near an emergency call came through for my carer, but he couldn't go the dreamer decided the dreamer could do something the dreamer was on my feet and making for the destination the carer couldn't go to as fast as the dreamer could run the dreamer remembers having to hold onto the sides of a car parked alongside the road of a busy pedestrian street and squeeze past three or four people to keep the momentum going the dreamer broke into a sprint, and that took the dreamer about fifty or sixty metres to the edge of a significant drop which was too big to jump down looking down, the dreamer could see the ground the dreamer was standing on covered a historical structure which had a sizeable wrought-iron gate which must have been hundreds of years old If the dreamer were careful, it would be possible to lower me onto the top of the gate, and if the dreamer could keep my balance, the dreamer could bend down and get a grip on the gate. it was slightly dangerous, but the dreamer managed to do it as the dreamer was scaling down the gate, which was about three metres high, there were people on the other side of the gate, and it looked as though they were tourists looking around the structure, which the dreamer assumed had historical significance when the dreamer was on the ground, the dreamer broke into a run again and was weaving my way around various impediments which prevented the dreamer from running in a straight line to my destination the dreamer was moving at a pace when the dream ended * the previous day's experiences which caused this dream was the feeling the dreamer had as the dreamer was part-way through a new and expanded exercise routine of squats and deadlifts, which were the most intense the dreamer had done for two or more years and made the dreamer feel healthy my forearms are still noticeably bigger fifteen hours later! 17102017 - 261 (258) in a reasonably busy city-centre was returning to the corner of a junction where the dreamer had left flyers on a fold-away seat with a sign that read "free: take one" so people could help themselves when the dreamer wasn't there everywhere the dreamer looked, there were uniformed men every fifteen metres or so standing at the kerb the uniforms were black or navy-blue trousers, black leather or synthetic shiny jackets and peak caps with a glossy peak as the dreamer walked past one of them, the dreamer could hear his voice clearly His voice had a distinctly german accent, and he spoke in a confident tone. in the next scene, the dreamer was talking to someone about the contents of the flyers 16102017 - 260 (257) sister and self at the bus stop it was the first day back at school, and we had got to the bus stop an hour before we needed to we were exploring the stream that runs alongside the road someone said someone is running amok and damaging the cars in the car park at the front of the pub acrossthe road from the bus stop we could see from where we were that it wasn't someone but something it was a tube-shaped life-form that could turn itself inside out its outside was grey, and its inside was brown it had a nasty character and was putting big dents in the cars every time it bashed or jumped onto one of the cars in the next scene, we were back at the stream again, and the dreamer sensed it was time to catch the bus and made my way up the incline from the stream to the bus stop just in time to see the bus turning the corner of the road fifteen metres to my right by the time the dreamer had got over the metal barrier that seperated the path from the stream, the front of the bus was passing me the dreamer noticed the number of the bus the number of the bus served the district of the area our family lived in before we moved to the location where the dream was taking place in the dreamer shouted out, hoping to get the bus driver's attention, but he didn't hear me we had now gone from being an hour early to being late a relative or someone who had our interests at heart offered to get us to where we had to go * two odd things about this dream the first was the thing-being will assign the animal as coming from some stray thoughts during the day the second was the number of the bus which was clearly out of the time-tense cum location of the dream as this dream is being written, the number of the bus we are waiting for is clearly visible in the mind's eye why did the conscious conjure up the wrong bus when the correct bus was obviously on tap? the thinking is that the time-tense of dreams may have a lot more significance than is curently being given to them the time-tense factor may be the key to figuring out anomalies in dreams, such as the ones in this dream, and may also be a break-through in understanding dreams in general there doesn't appear to be an easy explanation, so it will have to be a complicated one the creature is primeaval a dog-sized tube-shaped being with a destructive nature must precede the dinosaur class of being a mobile being without any limbs must have come even before any of the creepy crawlies in the insect world the caterpiller which has legs at the front and back of its body but none in between and can rear up on its back set of legs, is the closest of any creature which comes to mind thinking about it further, there are tube-shaped creatures in the sea that have the shape of the creature in the dream the evidence which supports the origin and evolution of life seems reasonable so, you-know-who realises he can bring into being others who can experience the qualitative state of straight-line action to get to the point of transmutation, the act of earthly evolution is necessary after having attained their man-shaped status, some man-shaped beings make the decision not to maintain an ethical lifestyle an ethical lifestyle, in absolute terms, means aligning oneself with the characteristic of endlessness to act in a way which is not endless is contrary to eternity, and eternity cannot accommodate it an unethical lifestyle "constricts" the form of being and prevents life forms from progressing to the point of transmutation furthermore, constriction becomes restriction, and restriction eventually becomes self-destruction the process of the unravelling of the man-shaped form brings about shapes which weren't necessary to achieve the man-shape odd, easily-recognisable, non-man-shaped forms don't happen until milliions of years into the future of this undulation link to 14 shades of grey so, how does this way of looking at things help us understand the creature in the dream? how can a creature that lives in the sea be bashing cars about? reference to a similar-looking creature (pecognitive 22042016 15102017 - 259 (255) time-tense first dream the whole of this dream, which lasted for about ten seconds of dream-time, was the feeling of being unwell it took just a few seconds after waking to realise what produced it the last thing the dreamer ate before going to sleep was a heavily laden ham sandwich second dream a girl in her mid-teens had a rabbit as a pet the rabbit was animated in a way the dreamer wouldn't have imagined was possible the girl was taking great delight in watching the antics of the rabbit third dream in the dentist's chair can remember the dentist's face his serious look, and his determined manner can see the syringe in the dentist's hand as he comes towards me the dreamer sees the syringe going into my mouth didn't feel a thing * a reminder, people, if there's any pain in a dream, i've only ever had one, you need to identify the cause as a matter of urgency * i have had a run of animal dreams over the last ten days didn't enter them into the diary because they didn't seem to be significant 13102017 - 258 (254) on a skateboard in the city centre the smoothness or gracefulness of the movement was determined by a person's alignment to their attitude to life, mainly whether their outlook contained equality for other people the reverence for life gave the board momentum and propelled them in direct proportion to the skateboarder's love for other people a single soft push of either foot could take the person on the board for a hundred metres regardless of the gradient of the ground the movement was virtually mind-willed in another scene, three of us are in a car on an extensive road, the equivalent of a ten or twelve-lane motorway an american was driving a limousine-sized car the dreamer was in the back seat and was pushed hard to the right of the car as the male driver attempted to go fast and keep the car accelerating on a long turn to the left the driver realised he hadn't got the smoothness of the turn correct and had to decelerate to an unacceptably slow speed to keep the passengers from being shifted around in their seats in another scene, the mindset which produced productive outcomes came through when writing a person's descriptions flow more expressively through the pen when the writer has the well-being of other people at the forefront of their mind 11102017 - 257 (253) set in the west of the u.s.a. an established settler, previously one of the original pioneers of the west coast, was dedicating his life to helping new settlers through the mountains, which, for one reason or another, might claim the lives of "greenhorns" on this occasion, it was a family of three a doctor, his wife, and their elderly teenage daughter in a small green canyon, there was a family of lions the settler decided to draw the big cats away from the family by sending a horse into the canyon once the lions had eaten the horse, they wouldn't need to attack the family the horse was sent into the canyon and drew the big cats out the lions, however, must have developed a taste for human flesh and ignored the horse and began to stalk the family the lions were a lot more skilful at hunting human prey than the guide realized, and in the next scene, the big cats had out-manoeuvred the settler, and the family of big cats moving in for the kill the settler, himself as brave as a lion, knew what he had to do he went to the doctor and got the doctor to fill a syringe with a narcotic or poison and, with a sacrificially creative act, snatched it off the doctor and pumped it into himself he said something to the family just before the drug took effect and then steered the horse toward the lions the last scene was of the guide slumped over the horse, heading toward the lions * the pde's of this dream are remembered as you familiarise yourself with your dream content, the chances are you'll only find merit in writing into your diary those things which have a constructive use to other people 10102017 - 256 (252) decided to go on a holiday on the spur of the moment was travelling very light no wheelie or backpack just my cards and pound coin in my pocket the dreamer lives near the train station and only needs to go one or two stops on the bus to get to the station got off the bus along with two older women and asked them where the train station was one of the women pointed and started giving instructions on how to get there the dreamer interrupted her and said, "oh yes, the dreamer knows where you mean." in the next scene, the dreamer was crossing the road where the dreamer had just got off the bus as the dreamer was crossing the road, the dreamer saw a fifty pence piece to my left the dreamer picked it up and thought, "i've got twice as much money now as when the dreamer left the house." the holiday was off to a good start the dreamer woke out of his sleep and was thinking about the dream for five minutes and then went back to sleep, and the dream continued i was now at my destination, holland, the dreamer thought the dreamer had got friendly with a woman, and we were both staying at the same place my room was directly in front of us when we got to the top of the stairs the dreamer went into my room, put a small packet on the bed, and then went straight back out to where the woman's room was she was at the opposite end of the ten-metre metre corridor the dreamer didn't see where her room was but knew the dreamer could find it the dreamer was at the other end of the corridor from my room and, the dreamer was just about to walk through a door to a different part of the floor when the dreamer saw two men go into my room the dreamer hurried back to my room, and as the dreamer approached the room, the dreamer could hear the two men assessing my status they were appraising if the dreamer was worth robbing at another time the dreamer walked into the room and said, "get out, and don't come back." the two men bustled out, and the dreamer was thinking about the situation when the dream ended 09102017 - 255 (251) was living in a tent someone accessed my computer and hacked a business deal from it given my circumstances, it was worth quite a bit the dreamer thought it was the girl living in the tent next to me she denied it, but the dreamer is convinced it was her she wasn't going to admit it, and it looked like there was nothing the dreamer could do as a parting shot, the dreamer said, "this is going to come back on you." * there were more scenes after this scene 05102017 - 254 (250) a three-episode serial dream! the first episode was five days ago the second episode was three days ago the third episode was yesterday the subject of the dream is an all-white shih tzu dog in the first dream, the dog was a companion to a street beggar the beggar's clothes were worn and dirty, and he didn't look the picture of health the second dream was in the same place as the first dream neither the beggar nor the dog was in the scene, but where they had been squatting, there was a stain of what might have been blood or poop in the third dream, the dreamer had gone past the place where they had been in the previous two dreams and was on the corner of the street ten or fifteen metres from where they had been as the dreamer turned left at the corner, a young indian lad was trying to befriend the dog the young lad picked the dog up, and we went back to where the beggar and dog had been in the first dream the lad put the dog down where the stain was the dreamer thinks the lad wanted to re-familiarise the dog with sights and smells it knew and would accept the boy, but when we got to the place where the beggar and the dog had been squatting, someone had been on the spot for a little while and the old scents were gone, the lad tried to pick the dog up it avoided the boys attempts i pursed my lips and sucked in, which made a kissing sound the dog looked to where the sound came from and was looking at me while the dreamer had its attention, the dreamer bent down and massaged just behind its ears the dog didn't pull away, and after a few seconds, the dreamer stood back up, cupped my hands and presented them to the dog the dog recognised the gesture and jumped into my cupped hands, licked them once or twice, and made itself comfortable the young lad was no longer in the scene, and as the dream ended, the dreamer realised the dreamer had a contented dog for a companion notes 1 this dream has got the dreamer thinking how deep can/does the interaction between time-conscious and inter-undulatory consciousness go? new entry, two consciousnesses 01102017 - 253 (249) today's dream, an externalised dream, is more of an informative dream in this dream, the writer was explaining to some people how life arrived at the point we're at now the dreamer woke up in the middle of a mini-monologue before this universe was the way it is now, there had to be enough mass we can work out how much mass accrues each undulation it seems to be the case that life remained attached to mass until the maximum amount of mass reality could contain, the 3 of pi, was arrived at there is, for instance, the formulation that decrees that if the mass of the universe is a certain amount, then the universe becomes locked into an endless cycle of expansion and contraction, which lasts for one raised to the four hundred powers of years for each cycle that particular scenario, we now know, is not the fate of the universe, but we have to consider that life remained attached to mass until the endless numerical structure of pi was reached there's probably a whole new area of understanding as to what happened before there was enough mass for what we would recognise as a universe to occur, which did not collapse back in on itself through this entry, it is hoped some of you will begin to get insights as to the length and depth of the lover's experiences through the 3 of pi notes it's also possible life can only increase the number of individuals by returning to its "roots" is the heavenly state life discovering and orienting itself to the charecter of the straight line? 30092017 - 252 (248) some people become very sensitive when the dreamer calls someone a devolving being and asks the dreamer not to be so straightforward about it this dream was an instance of it * every single person who is devolving chooses it the loss of someone's life by natural causes is hard enough to come to terms with a life lost through an accident will plaque those close to the person killed for the rest of their life when a person we know is killed intentionally, it produces violent feelings within us which may never entirely subside the person who takes the life of a child, knowing, in the light of genetic theory, what the consequences are, should be openly admonished there are many not yet aware of the information on this website however, most, if not all, of the heads of state of most, if not all, of the countries of the world know what you, the reader, are acquainted with or are becoming acquainted with go and tell the parents who have had the life of one of their children snuffed out deliberately that they shouldn't get angry about it or better still, try imagining it happening to one of your children what would you say? 22092017 - 251 (247) name of dream: the bretheren this dream will be our reality within a few millennia on either side of this point of time in a future undulation in this future, there is a brethren of families when a couple discovers they are to become parents, the couple is transported off-earth and joins all the millions of other couples who have passed through the same point in their relationship this dream begins with my partner discovering that she probably can't have children her despair is compounded because she knows the dreamer loves to be in the company of children, and it may spur the dreamer to find another partner her world has ended it wasn't sympathy or pity or a type of empathy which steered me the simple, plain fact is she was my girl the dreamer couldn't even think of being with anyone other than her the thought of leaving her wasn't in my mind, nor was it how the dreamer felt until this point of our partnership, she hadn't realised just how deep my feelings toward her are that the dreamer thought more of being with her than of being within the brethren made her see the dreamer in a different light she was amazed and became overwhelmed with joy the dream then became a sequence of scenes of love and passion one scene, in particular, made the dream memorable, and it is the scene which has spurred the dreamer to enter the dream into the dream diary about half the way through the sequence of scenes, through a natural impulse to please me, she was moved to organise and prepare an extravagant formal night in it was will be a minimum seven-course meal with drinks it must have taken days of planning and organising the dreamer was standing at the back of a room which had a higher-than-normal ceiling in the middle of the room and just off-centre, about four or five metres from where the dreamer was, there is a two-person table the proportions of the table in a big room gave the table an added feel of intimacy it was a small table, hardly big enough for the main plate, a side plate, the drinks, and the drinking glasses to go on the table, which was covered with a white cloth that almost draped to the floor for a moment, the table looked much too small, but that was how i, a man, saw it the dreamer soon saw how my girl, a woman, saw it the smaller the table, the better it meant we would be closer to each other on the table, there was a small bouquet furthest away from where the dreamer stood was the kitchen door my girl came through the door carrying a laptop-sized square cake which looked like a tier of a wedding cake she was also carrying a look of assuredness, and she had an air of contententment her long dress was light beige, and the cake was white, and there was an adornment on the right side of her hair which was quite fetching it struck the dreamer it could be a wedding-day meal it further struck the dreamer just how much the dreamer meant to her my love for her deepened in that moment the scene changed the cake and the meal were no longer relevant the meal was abandoned we were standing next to the table, embraced and kissing in our formal clothes, sealing our deepened love for one another * this dream brought about the understanding that there will be those who, as the profound implications surrounding procreation become understood, will find themselves in the same position as the girl in this dream it brought to mind those women who refused the opportunity to accept the writer's offer to conjoin with him over the last thirty years, knowing who he was eternity encompasses all time and all eventualities the worst is behind us let your mind dwell on an earth where the brethren are a reality we know that with each new undulation, things here on earth get better and better and better as we unwrap the future 05092017 - 250 (246) in a room with marylin monroe the dreamer had a thick wad of one thousand denomination notes which belonged to her gave her four of the notes she was concerned that the dreamer was keeping the money told her she could have it all but was trying to persuade her not to take it all as the dream ended 25082017 - 249 (245) was in a room that had a small bar the room has a dark green or blue freckled carpet (the carpet was the stand-out feature of the dream) there were no more than five or six people in the room all the people in the dream were females the room was about ten by ten metres two people were at the bar; one person was behind the bar serving, and the other person was standing on the other side of the bar talking with the barkeeper two or three other people were more or less evenly spaced about the room, standing against or near the walls the music playing had a beat which caused the dreamer to start dancing after three songs, the dreamer was still dancing within twenty or thirty seconds of dancing to the fourth song, the dreamer noticed that my movements had become more fluid, and one of the ladies came near to the dreamer and began dancing too this was the first dancing dream in which my movements weren't spectacular or noteable for one reason or another my movents were only slightly better than the movements the dreamer can currently perform will now incorporate a minimum of ten minutes a day of dancing into my exercise routine 12082017 - 248 (244) serial dream in yesterday's dream, the dreamer was getting ready to go abroad and had bought an air ticket and went to the city where the flight would be departing from in today's dream, the dreamer was in the city where the flight took off from there was an altercation or argument about something, and the dreamer wouldn't be able to catch the plane in the dream, the dreamer remembers thinking, "i've lost ninety pounds of airfare" 19072017 - 247 (243) here's an intriguing little dream this dream from a few days ago wasn't made into an entry when the dreamer gets a present i've no idea who gave me the present the present was a mobile phone the phone was about the size of the one i'm using at the moment, a galaxy 5 the phone in the dream was heavier than the one i'm using, and it's primary functions, the volume control and the on/off switch, were easier to access; it also had rubber grips positioned on the sides, which allowed holding the phone in such a way which enabled the main controls to be accessed very easily in the dream of a few days ago, the dreamer used the phone and spoke to the person who sent it to me not all of the details of the brief conversation are remembered, but what is remembered is the request to send them a photograph of me in today's dream, the dreamer received a call on the phone it was an elderly female who spoke in a faint voice which was slightly croaky she said, "what's it like?" it was her way of saying, "we haven't got a photo of you yet." the dreamer knew what she meant but decided to misunderstand "it's very sexy" she didn't answer, but the dreamer heard a mature male voice say, "he's talking about the phone" the dreamer recognised the voice and realised who the woman was there was something which didn't quite fit in with my understanding of her situation, and the dreamer was trying to think of what it was and think of what the dreamer should say to her original question when the dream ended * this dream may very well be you-know-who filling in the gaps to an assessment of my interpretation of what's happening with the two types of consciousness as laid out in the dream of the sixteenth of this month you should be aware that to you-know-who, the dreamer is very much a vessel to be used they will use the dreamer to get a thing done in a way which produces a "most love/life" situation in as fast a way as possible after finishing this writing, the writer will phone the people in today's dream and report back 17072017 - 246 (242) in this dream, the dreamer holds a prominent status in the world of money some years ago, a real-life acquaintance asked me to buy the latest super-sleek aerodynamic skateboard and also ask for the entrance fee to take part in a prestigious skateboard race we were at the track where the skateboard race would take place three or four of us were standing at the starting grid there was a decline of about twenty degrees over a distance of a couple of hundred metres to the first banked corner a skateboarder would quickly get up to forty-plus kilometres per hour by the time they reached the corner we had two of the latest designs of racing skateboards with us, and we unpacked them the person who was pressing the dreamer for the chance to take part in the race was given a skateboard and showed us his skill it wasn't at all what i had thought it would be he made a mess of taking the corner and was giving the reasons for not having got it right he was banking on his association with the dreamer to let him take part in the race and not because of his merits as a racer his abilities as a class racer existed in his mind and nowhere else the dreamer had a go on the other skateboard the way the dreamer could steer the skateboard with deft shifts of body positioning was superior to his it crossed my mind to be an entrant myself the dreamer was conjuring up a design for a protective suit and helmet in my mind as the dream ended this (youtube link in here), the second video viewed showed something very similar to the motions in the dream 16072017 - 245 (241) a group of four or five people were talking about the merits of smoking marijuana in one way as opposed to another there was a consensus that using liquids to cool the smoke was the best way to go at one point in the conversation, somebody said that the best quality of weed was in wolverhampton and that a new technique for smoking it using a comb was the latest and greatest way of getting the best effect was waiting for the person who mentioned it to give a detailed explanation of the new technique when the dream ended note 1 over the last few days, the thought that combining the consciousnesses needs another appraisal has been prevalent in the thinking for some months now, the determination to make sleep a pivotal part in the development of combining consciousnesses conscious development has, and is, being evaluated and practised specifically, time-conscious should be regarded as a mere mechanical enactment throughout earthly evolution, and the combining-consciousnesses contain most, if not all, of the experiences and knowledge needed to achieve transmutation there may be more scope for the development of self through dreams than through time-consciousness 13072017 - 244 (240) in the kitchen cleaning up after a meal when a member of the staff came into view she began talking to the dreamer as he opened the window the girl speaking was rosamund pike, who played a lawyer in the film fracture. she told me i was one of the people selected to move into a luxury block of flats she was quick to mention she was also going to be carrying on her job there as a carer she came came to the window she was in a playful mood, and while the dreamer was talking, she grabbed the ends of the curtain and wrapped the curtain around my head as a head scarf, which covered my hair and tucked it under my chin she was getting no end of pleasure out of teasing me the dreamer tried to ask for details about the new accommodation, but she only wanted to be playful and didn't answer the questions 04072017 - 243 (239) in the house lounging on the sofa with the girlfriend she was more inclined to non-procreational x than procreation decided to steer the destiny when the time was right, the dreamer asked her if she would like the dreamer to get her something to eat she was genuinely interested the dreamer began suggesting what to cook, and she nodded most enthusiastically when somebody mentioned roast potatoes the more i could imprint my decision-making as being suitable for her, the more likely it would be for her to go along with the dreamer when he suggested that other people's lives were more important than ours and the dreamer would get the desired result 03072017 - 242 (238) the star of this dream was a young, petite black cat the cat had three or four patches of white hair, which accounted for about two-thirds of its surface area there were two of us tickling the cat someone was tickling its neck and ears, and the dreamer was using my nails to tickle its stomach the cat was experiencing a delightful rapture the cat had the look of someone laughing but wasn't making any sounds (babies do the same thing) it was feigning resistance to the tickling by pawing at us without its claws drawn the dreamer stopped the tickling twice to see its reaction, and both times, its facial expression changed to one of reduced pleasure, and the mock resitance with its paws stopped both of us made comments about the unnaturally human characteristics it was demonstrating category of dream: animal: mammal cat (3) the thing about this dream is that usually, with a dream of this quality, the dreamer would be able to remember the pde's which caused it * a new faculty of the brain has emerged in the last few months it's in the very infancy of its development, and it isn't sure what its applications or uses will be this exciting ability is being kept back to let you know that because the knowledge herein isn't getting disseminated with a passion and is thus delaying the changes necessary for us to move forward, the writer is not letting you in on everything he knows two can play the secrecy game! 2nd dream there was a buzz that e.t. activity in the form of craft was happening over the grounds of a stately home out in the sticks armed myself with a camera and a video camera and went to check it out there were indeed three of four u.f.o.'s doing their thing a few hundred metres above and around the grounds the activity was about as unspectacular as it comes, and even though it was possible to capture good pics and film of them, it was just about the slightest "viral" evidence the dreamer had seen someone mentioned that exotic water snakes had populated a river that runs through the grounds in the next scene, the dreamer was alone in a two or three-berth rubber dingy with an oar and video camera filming the snakes again, the water snakes were little more than large leaches, and the dreamer had decided the whole thing wasn't worth the effort the river was wide but shallow then some artificial, remote-controlled, fancy-looking droid/craft appeared and began manouevering in an eye-catching way the next scene was a conversation with a girl about the elgin marbles ( they were going to be split up and distributed around the world so that lots of people could see them in the next scene, the dreamer puts forward the same idea for the sumerian tablets the girl in the dream said she thought the greek stones were more significant, but the dreamer got the impression she was just being argumentative the dreamer woke up to hear myself saying, "the babylonian culture is of much more significance than the greek civilisation" 21062017 - 241 (237) four of us are going to the races there was going to be an air display as well the dreamer is keen to see if my ability to predict a winner extended to horse racing, and I secretly hoped that a U.F.O. would show up at the last minute, someone announced that they had invited a friend the dreamer had a mobile phone or tablet which had a programme that listed the original four of us, and the dreamer quickly amended it for the extra guest the programme on the device was very elaborate it gave an accurate profile of any person based on a photo of them and their size and weight we were talking and appraising the information it displayed about the newcomer when the dream ended 18062017 - 240 (236) it is the beginning of a new relationship the young lady and the dreamer were relaxing on a double-seater sofa watching the telly she was becoming anxious that we hadn't kissed her talk was not about the fact we hadn't embraced, but it was edging around it in other ways the dreamer felt utterly relaxed and began explaining to her why it wasn't necessary to become intimate the dreamer woke from sleep while speaking the third sentence of why i was "taking my time" "we are going to be in this situation many, many times; let's wait until both of us are sure we want our relationship to be unique and will endure forever 16062017 - 239 (235) on a single-decker bus with a friend and a friend of my friend we were fifteen or sixteen and had on school uniforms we are wearing white shirts and grey trousers, and i think we wore dark blue jackets it was daytime, and judging by what the other passengers were wearing, it must have been spring or summer there looked to be fifteen people on the bus my friend and I were sitting on the left-hand side of the bus i am in a creative mood and decided to do something daring with a certain amount of skill, i whipped off my trousers, folded them, hung them on a hand bar on the back of the seat in front, and waited for other people to follow my lead i sat there in my shirt and tie and white underpants, feeling quite comfortable with myself a glance at the expressions of the other people on the bus told the dreamer they thought it was acceptable and they were thinking about following my lead everybody's expression changed from being mildly pleased to gaping shock when my friend took his trousers off and, with the presence of mind to stand up, pressed against the side of the bus facing outward so his back was facing us, revealing his bare bottom of course, it would be a male who decided to copy the dreamer, but he hadn't done it to shock people but merely because he had picked up the vibe of good fun and wanted to be part of it he was embarrassed, but the need to feel part of the fun had overcome his reservations almost immediately, everyone on the bus realised what sort of person he was and that he wasn't being deliberately provocative the dreamer began laughing, and it got harder and more complex, and everyone else started laughing too notes 1 the dreamer can't remember ever laughing this long and hard in a dream before, and there are only two instances in awake time in which i laughed longer and harder the dreamer laughed so long and so hard that he became too weak to stand and had to drop to all fours and crawl away from the source of the mirth as i was having difficulty breathing in this is the first dream as a teenager if i'm not mistaken, this dream is set in the now of a future undulation 15062017 - 238 (234) a complicated and intriguing dream with almost nothing to reference to any part of it except a type of elevated freeway the freeway-type construction was way up in the sky; it was half a kilometre wide and disappeared over the horizon to complete its construction, we have to imagine what future features it would have the means of applying what we thought the near future would be was done by standing in front of a console the console was receptive to a person's thoughts and feelings it was while the dreamer was appraising just how sophisticated and how monumental the task of construction was going to be that the sleep ended big, massive construction is something dinosaur-man has experience of we know they can build objects hundreds of thousands of kilometres long from this bit of evidence the off-earth habitation is going to be huge it may have to accommodate two hundred thousand billion (200 000 000 000 000) people! the next major step in our progression into the future is when we team up with our man-shaped dinosaur cousins 06062017 - 237 (233) outside of a house when a car pulled up with three or four people in it in the back seat of the car was a girl about three years of age the young girl looked distressed and was on the verge of crying the car door opened, and the dreamer went towards her with my arms outstretched to pick her up she backed away from me but responded when the dreamer said something which put her at ease in the next scene, we are in the house the family was there the family comprised of the mother, a girl about ten years of age, the girl of three who the dreamer had taken out of the car and a boy of thirteen or fourteen the mother had no control over the two eldest children and did and said nothing to moderate whatever it was they wanted to do the girl of three moved toward the boy, who was sitting in an armchair as she was directly in front of him he stood up and knocked the girl over the girl was more disappointed than hurt his callous nature was more than the dreamer could stand the dreamer jumped in front of him, pointed my finger in his face, and said, "if you do that again, you and the dreamer are going to fall out" the dream ended notes 1 the pde's that formed this dream are well-remembered as is usual with the writer, there was a full range of emotions during the day, but the sense of injustice between males and females was the dominant feeling perhaps i'm not doing enough to bring to the attention of men the cause and effect of the chauvinistic attitude 05062017 - 236 (232) at a neighbour's house two young girls came to the house after a night out one of them had left the dreamer a letter from her previous visit the dreamer had read the first line and skimmed over the rest of it, picking out words here and there it was telling the dreamer that she didn't think there was any future for us reading between the lines told a different story my reply to the letter was full of emotion and left her in no doubt that if we were to give it a go, ours would become a relationship which somebody could only dream about was still composing the letter when the dreamer woke 01062017 - 235 (231) been having 3.5 qod's regularly lately they would make enjoyable reading, but dreams theory is taking a back seat currently 27052017 - 234 (230) was on a bed in a bedsit with two male companions chatting about things the other half walked in with a tray that had tea, biscuits and sandwiches on it the drinks and food were laid out in a caring and neat manner we were well impressed the tray was laid on the bed, and as one of the other males moved to get to the tray, the tray started sliding it was sheer good luck that my sudden movement to stop the tray from coming to an abrupt halt and the things on it from spilling over didn't cause an even bigger mess than would have happened if the dreamer hadn't moved notes 1 i've no idea where this dream came from at a guess, it was an uneventful thought day, with the most crucial being a thought along the lines of... "the dreamer needs to slow down a bit" 24052017 - 233 (229) was regaining the ability to move around normally slung a camera tripod over my shoulder and went into town to find photo opportunities it was early morning, and there weren't many people about set the camera on the tripod, panned it arou24052017 was regaining the ability to move around normally slung a camera tripod over my shoulder and went into town to find photo opportunities it was early morning and there weren't many people about set the camera on the tripod, panned it around and noticed that people were avoiding getting caught on camera soon, it was typically busy, and the dreamer decided to stand at a corner between two buildings where the dreamer wasn't so niticeable and started snapping away the scene changed it was hectic now, and the dreamer was just another person in the crowd a dog was standing still just in front of me t had longish black hair, and it looked like it had some of the setter breed in it it wasn't with a person, and it had a lost look and conveyed a sense of wanting to have direction the dreamer stooped down and motioned it towards him with my hand and some friendly sounds it came to the dreamer and the dreamer now had a dog this part of the dream ended as the dreamer was thinking about what to get it to eat in the next scene the dreamer was the entrepreneur with a banner pinned to a wall with the words "the youtube interviews" in red and black the camera was "rolling" and when the right face with the right gait came along the dreamer engaged them in conversation 22052017 - 232 (228) in a street crammed with people the dreamer was looking for someone in particular the dreamer was looking along the street in one direction, but it was hopeless there must have been several hundred people in just a one-hundred-metre span the dreamer turned and looked right and immediately spotted a green, long-peaked cap about thirty metres away it was the person the dreamer was looking for the peak cap, the main feature of the dream, is remembered from the pde's again the dreamer am unable to interpret the dream perhaps the dream hasn't got an interptretation but is just a reflection of the pde's 20052017 - 231 (227) tonights dream was as good as yesterday's was bad it revolved around an app for mobile phones the app was a square which had squares or lines on it and almost filled the screen depending on where somebody touched the square was touched, it returned information which included features based on the users personality a query which had an amarous "feel" to it would give results with amorous content the "feel" feature of the app came from the touch of the finger two people featured in the dream in succession, the first was bob meuller and the second was paul schofield during the day the pde's featured news stories concerning bob mueller but, and this is the reason this dream is being entered, paul schofield hasn't been in the time conscious for decades while looking for images of both men on the internet the similarity of the facial features of both men, as younger men, became apparent if their lives hadn't run concurrently, the dreamer would have surmised that the person in the dream was the same person at different times in their life at this moment the dreamer am unable to make the connection why paul schofield featured in the dream it is thought that at sometime in the future of this undulation when the intricacies of dreams are fully understood the reason why paul schofield featured in this dream will have an answer the next dream is very busy, and the dreamer is just another person in the crowd a dog was standing still just in front of me it had longish black hair, and it looked like it had some of the setter breed in it it wasn't with a person, and it had a lost look and conveyed a sense of wanting to have direction the dreamer stooped down and motioned it towards him with my hand and some friendly sounds it came to the dreamer, and the dreamer now had a dog this part of the dream ended as the dreamer was thinking about what to get it to eat in the next scene, the dreamer was the entrepreneur with a banner pinned to a wall with the words "the YouTube interviews" in red and black the camera was "rolling", and when the right face with the right gait came along, the dreamer engaged them in conversation 22052017 - 230 226 in a street crammed with people the dreamer was looking for someone in particular the dreamer was looking along the street in one direction, but it was hopeless there must have been several hundred people in just a one-hundred-metre span the dreamer turned and looked right and immediately spotted a green, long-peaked cap about thirty metres away it was the person the dreamer was looking for the peak cap, the main feature of the dream, is remembered from the pde's again, the dreamer is unable to interpret the dream perhaps the dream hasn't got an interpretation but is just a reflection of the pde's 20052017 - 229 (225) tonights dream was as good as yesterday's was bad it revolved around an app for mobile phones the app was a square which had squares or lines on it and almost filled the screen depending on where the square was touched, it returned information which included features based on the user's personality a query which had a romantic "feel" to it would give results with amorous content the "feel" feature of the app came from the touch of the finger two people featured in the dream in succession; the first was bob meuller, and the second was paul schofield during the day, the pde's featured news stories concerning Bob Mueller, but, and this is the reason this dream is being entered, Paul Schofield hasn't been in the time conscious for decades while looking for images of both men on the internet, the similarity of the facial features of both men, as younger men, became apparent if their lives hadn't run concurrently, the dreamer would have surmised that the person in the dream was the same person at different times in their life at this moment, the dreamer is unable to make the connection as to why paul schofield is featured in the dream sometime in the future of this undulation when the intricacies of dreams are more fully understood, the reason why Paul Schofield featured in this dream will have an answer 18052017 - 228 (224) what a shocker of a dream two murders, blood and intense rancour i am not entirely sure what caused this dream an extremely violent film, (the thing) stray thoughts or the blood in lamb liver it is probably a combination of the three 17052017 - 227 (223) second sleep the stand out bit of this dream, which appeared out of nowhere it was a great bit of punk music with a noteworthy melody easily a no.1 it had the soul of the clash and the melody of a pop song of a different genre it wasn't a song in my collection, so i asked someone, "is it the anarchists or the archaic's?" it wasn't a tune which was published, but it has existed and may find itself in the punk genre of the 70's in a future undulation another indicator of the improving circumstances of future undulations x dream (14) 15052017 - 226 (222) the standout bit of this dream, which appeared out of nowhere, was a great bit of punk music with a noteworthy melody which could easily become a no.1 hit it had the soul of the clash and the melody of a pop song of a different genre it reminded the dreamer of another band, and the dreamer asked, "is it the anarchists?" and "is it the archaists?" it wasn't a tune which was published, but it has existed and may find itself in the punk genre of the 70's in a future undulation another indicator of the improving circumstances of future undulations second dream x dream (13) 13052017 - 225 (221) in the kitchen cleaning up after a meal when a member of the staff came into view she began talking to the dreamer, so the dreamer opened the window the girl who was speaking was rosamund pike, the girl who played a lawyer in the film "fracture." she told me the dreamer was one of the people selected to move into a luxury block of flats she was quick to mention she was also going to be carrying on her job there as a carer she came came to the window she was in a playful mood, and while the dreamer was talking, she grabbed the ends of the curtain and wrapped the curtain around my head as a head scarf which covered my hair and tucked it under my chin she was getting no end of pleasure out of teasing me the dreamer tried to ask for details about the new accommodation, but she only wanted to be playful and didn't answer the questions 11052017 - 224 (220) adventures in dutchland was in a queue in a shop with four or five people in front of the dreamer waiting to give an order for something to eat the person behind the counter said, "next customer please", and when no one moved forward, the dreamer thought the people in front had given their orders and were waiting to collect them the dreamer went to the front of the queue, and before the dreamer could give the order, the girl behind the counter said, "look at this, someone's too important to wait in the queue" the scene changed to a hotel where someone was putting together a bong after one or two people had had some of the bong the person who put it together suggested to the dreamer that we go another place the dreamer had the feeling he wanted the dreamer out of the hotel so he could come back after we had left and could rifle through my belongings and nick whatever he wanted the dreamer woke up as the dreamer figuring out a plausible way of excusing myself from going without making him aware that the dreamer knew what he wanted to do second sleep this dream seemed insignificant and the dreamer had forgotten it then, unusually, without any prompting it came to the fore an hour after having forgot it and for this reason it is being entered the dreamer was adjusting the sound of the stereo equipment there was some interference at the top end of the sound spectrum it turned out that the interference was due to the radio not being tuned in finely enough to the frequency and was producing "hiss" and some light crackles there was a fine-tuning feature built into the radio that could be adjusted by a knob on the outside of the housing there was a transparent panel at the front of the mainly wood radio, which allowed the fine-tuning mechanism to view the optimum position the mechanism looked like the arm of a record player with a wood or metal wedged-shaped part which was flexible and could be seperated from the rest of the arm at the tip where the stylus of record players would be it was the size of a baby's nail and about four millimetres thick and looked like it was wood the fine-tuning worked by turning the knob on the outside, which in turn moved the wedge-shaped wood tip seated just a little back from the tip of the arm onto what looked like a metal slope the more the knob is turned, the further up the slope the wedged-shaped tip went bending back as it was being moved further up the slope it reminded the dreamer of a shoe horn, only on a much smaller scale the slope or slide-slope was about four centimetres wide and a little more than twice as long as its width at the top of the slide-slope there was a flat platform the size of my thumbnail for the wedge-shaped tip to rest when the tip of the wedge is on the platform it was bending back at about forty-five degrees to the head of the arm (there may have been an angle on the very tip of the wedge but that might be my imagination) when the wedge was on the platform proper, a green valve-sized bulb began to wax and wane the slightest adjustment of the knob produced a significant increase in the brightness and the quality of the shade of green the light gave off the first adjustment of the wedge changed both the quality and the quantity of the sound, and the light grew a second adjustment of the wedge produced a sound of such penetrating purity people living nearby began complaining about the volume even then, there were still three or four crackles of interference each second, and the light was low it was as the dreamer began to realise the potential and the applications of the device the dream came to an end quality of the sound and the quality of the light three-themed dream 10052017 - 223 (219) second sleep two themes both had to do with the internet the first one was the comments on a viral post it was footage of the images of the outside of the spacecraft of a human mission the thing was the images were coming from the reflection of something in the craft and were indiscernible the colours were vivid and mainly purple it was something significant; the visible movements were not earthly the comments were furiously attacking the like vote being assigned to the uploader of the film and not to the person who gave the uploader the movie in the first place the second dream was to do with the stock exchange polish residents were seething that the polish zilotti could be traded against the euro when it was the polish people who were paying for a run on the polish currency that was losing its value at a disastrously fast rate first sleep got friendly with two friendly males my age we went back to where they were living rough it was an underground setting with just enough room to sleep for three or four people they had cardboard on the floor, a radio, and that was about it after a while of light-hearted comments and observations, the dreamer decided to "hit" them with genetic theory the dreamer began with just one assumption; the dreamer can prove to you there is life after death" they gave the dreamer that slightly blank and slightly interested look the dreamer continued, "in the same way, you can only flip a coin twice before either heads or tails comes up again" and, in the same way, a dice can only be rolled six times before the same number comes up again, so too it is with our genetic combinations the number of ways our genetic combinations can be assembled is finite there is a maximum number of ways the nucleotides can be put together as life continues, eventually, all the combinations will be used, and the same combination of nucleotides will start coming up again using just that one assumption produces an arithmetic proof of life after death it is similar to poincares recurrence theorem which is a well established in science the dreamer carried on, "now we have to add the condition that for life after death to occur, we become parents and our children become parents, and their children become parents and so on indefinitely into the future" so, for life after death to become a reality, we make one assumption, and the assumption carries the condition that we create life and not destroy it the dream was ending as the dreamer was saying things like, "now the dreamer has to go and find more people to talk to" ~~~ it will come to be realised that to take the life of another is to take the life of oneself strictly speaking the destruction of life applies only to children theoretically, it's possible to live a life of abstinence from murder, and once it is agreed that children are the holiest of holies we could go on to play games of war as parents you won't believe what has happened in undulations past as all possible scenarios were played out 09052017 - 232 (218) my stepfather was going to accompany the dreamer on a journey about two hundred kilometres upcountry he had three cars one that had different coloured doors looked like it wouldn't pass its m.o.t. but ran quite well a black one which looked o.k. and ran well and a classy one which looked great and ran superbly the dreamer was trying to explain to him that the dreamer would be better off using the black one because the car with two different coloured doors was more likely to be stopped the dream ended without the issue being settled 08052017 - 231 (217) what would have been a delightful x dream if my partner wasn't so noisy 07052017 - 230 (216) insignificant dream the only bit of this dream remembered is to do with shirts and jackets there was a clothes rack about two metres long, and the dreamer was trying to decide which shirt went best with the jacket he was wearing in the end, the dreamer settled for a rough-cloth green shirt but wasn't entirely happy with it 06052017 - 229 (215) first sleep first dream a man with a violent nature the dreamer met more than twenty years ago was on my case because of a casual remark he was becoming more and more intent on causing the dreamer grievous harm as the dream ended second dream all my valuable items were in the pannier bags of a push bike the bike got a puncture, and the dreamer left it about a hundred metres from where the dreamer lived it crossed my mind that it might get stolen, but I needed to get home and get to sleep in the morning, the dreamer went to where the bike was to find the bike was still there, but the pinion bags had gone there were six or seven youngsters in the scene, and the dreamer said, "eighty pounds reward if anyone can get my bags back" when no one showed any interest, the dreamer said, "no, make it one hundred" 05052017 - 228 (214) third sleep a new type of dream: grid selection this is a mind-willed selection the dream started with a mixture of single-shot images, then single-shot in slide-show fashion, and then it became a three, then four and then twelve-grid selection of photos to choose from: the dreamer awoke to full time-conscious the dreamer was at various stages of time-conscious throughout this dream and became fully time-conscious as the dreamer was trying to manipulate a non-existent cursor with a non-existent mouse to select one of the images to see it as a single picture and awoke tapping my thigh, thinking my finger was on the mouse where do these and new faculties lead? a next possible step is to choose whether to have still or motion montage sequences to view in magnificent detail there may also be a theme-grid faculty twelve types of dreams to choose from" beach party, sport, x, etc also possible is a montage slide show with hundreds or thousands of different themes to choose from in groups of twelve the limits would then be the time a sleep lasts within which to choose and experience a particular theme that is, assuming that the time-conscious is an endless experience, which we now know might not be the case so, how quickly does the timeless consciousness become a full-time reality? the combining-conscious states may well have a much shorter time to combine than had been thought up until this point these dreams may well be the result of thinking about the current states of mind the most evolved beings of the dinosaur class are in now, which the writer has access to via a visitation from three females of the dinosaur class of man-shaped beings within the last five years it was while recalling the visitation earlier on in the day the writer gained an insight into the conscious state of what this was and which caused him to baulk (link to the word baulk) this, the third of three montage dreams in three different periods of sleep on the same day, appears to be rushing the inactive abilities of the timeless conscious into life with one raised to the one-hundredth power (1 ^100) years to work in my thoughts are" "how can there be a rush to do anything?" the answer may be that life has only five thousand million years to bring all beings into existence, and the evolutionary/devolutionary process has to occur within a certain period there is no leeway in the sun's cycle first sleep x dream (11) and a montage of couples any of the scenes in the montage sequence would appeal to companies which want to use a tasteful/artistic representation in their ads this dream had so much pleasure in it, a new entry in endic will be created to explore the expanse of pleasure capable of being experienced by the man-shaped being through and beyond x new endic entry pleasure 02052017 - 227 (213) a new category of dream alternative realities to the pde's there were six, seven or more variations or presentations of the pde's, which the timeless consciousness brought to the fore they weren't exact in detail of the pde's, nor do the dreamer think they were meant to be or could be the dream sequences could be easily associated with the pde's the purpose of the dream sequences was to present the pde's as they could/should have been there was one scene in particular in which a stirringly poignant response would have been achieved had a slightly different set of words been said in a somewhat more sincere manner so now dreams can be used not just to evaluate the pde's ranking in terms of their absolute position to the optimum alignment to love/life; now we know dreams can also show the alternative realities which can be achieved this type of dream may be related to pre-cognitive dreams if there is a connection, it will eventually show itself 01052017 - 226 (212) at a popular nightclub the dance floor was full the girls spontaneously created a round space in the middle of the dance floor the girls wanted the boys to go into the centre of the space and continue dancing the girls would choose which dancer most suited their style of dancing and would partner up with that boy that was my cue to do some fancy moves the dream came to an end as the dreamer was doing one of my original fancy moves qod 4.1 qos 3.4 p 10 made a successful visual programme for the internet and had gained considerable cred because of it the dreamer couldn't quite figure out why it had become so successful the origins of the endeavour were examined, it turned out the video, which somebody forgot, was nestled in an obscure file which the dreamer had forgotten about it was in a file called "teddy bear", and the dreamer was beginning to realise before i looked at it, there was going to be something about it which had a childish appeal the dreamer woke up before seeing what was on the film this dream was due to thinking about the child-like nature of evolving, e.t. during the day 28042017 225 (211) was in a strictly controlled environment, but it wasn't a prison there was an air of supervision which we didn't try to breach about a dozen of us, all males, were herded into a t.v. room the front seating was two brown, plush, triple settees with a matching single-seat armchair in between them i found myself sitting on the triple-seater furthest from the door, sandwiched between someone friendly and a lanky, surly bloke the moment the dreamer relaxed into the settee, the deep comfort of a well-made piece of furniture made itself felt the dreamer thought to myself, this is the style of seating in which money works its way out of the trouser pockets my keen sense of good fortune asserted itself casually, the dreamer positioned myself on my left side and gradually worked my hand between the seat cushion and the back cushion within a couple of movements of my hand, the dreamer felt a coin the dreamer could tell it was a pound coin every time the dreamer repositioned my hand, the dreamer came across another coin it didn't take long to explore and gather all the coins the dreamer could reach without my probing hand being felt by the people on either side of me another opportunity presented itself when the person to my left fell asleep and leant into the dreamer, which justified the dreamer standing up, which in turn meant he would relax further into the area the dreamer had been occupying now, the dreamer could sit on the floor and stretch my right arm into the empty part of the settee and search between the cushions in the left-hand corner in a perfectly naturally relaxed position again, almost immediately, the dreamer found more coins the dreamer put them in my pocket, and the problem now was to keep the coins in my pocket without them clinking and alerting my fellow opportunists to my having money in the company of men who have no money, a few quid is worth going to a bit of trouble to acquire now the dreamer was on the king's throne with my business acumen, the dreamer would be a top wheeler-dealer with a rosy future as the dreamer woke up, the dreamer was searching my pyjama bottoms and trying to figure out where the money had gone 27042017 - 224 (210) in a busy cafeteria with a partnered-couple we were waiting for the service a manageress caught our attention from a distance and asked us to pay at the till the dreamer said to the couple, "she thinks we have finished; she doesn't know the piled dishes on the table are from the previous customers" i woke to hear myself saying in a loud voice, "we haven't started yet" 26042017 - 223 (209) two people the dreamer knew had a drug dealer mate the three of us bought an ounce and had a smoke the dreamer got pally with the dealer amd asked him for another ounce the other two people weren't in the next scene in which the dealer produced another ounce it was a different type and the dreamer rolled another and the dealer said " the dreamer can let you have it for thirty-five quid an ounce" it didn't take the dreamer long to work out the dreamer could set up a decent network and shift a few ounces a week the dreamer took a drag of the joint the dreamer had just rolled and felt a wave of pleasure it was quality gear to boot the dreamer asks, "what is it, afghani?" the other person didn't reply the dream was ending, and the dreamer felt dissapointed to find out it was a dream 25042017 - 222 (208) in a changing room which had row after row of cubicles my view of the cubicles was a slightly elevated one, which allowed the dreamer to see the extent of the layout it looked to be twenty or thirty by twenty or thirty they all had black curtains or doors and sides this could be something which would be in the ship of yesterday's dream there were less half a dozen people using the changing rooms which meant it was almost empty the dreamer wake from the dream at this point still thinking about what was what 24042017 - 221 (207) this dream was set at sea the dreamer was in the water next to a metal-hulled ship it was bigger than any ship today the deck of the ship was at least seven oe eight stories above us and we were making preparations for a race or a pageant three or four of us were assessing where and how to hang a thick rope along the side of the ship to attach decorations there was a lull in the activity, and the dreamer decided to lounge horizontally on the water using a buoyancy suit and revel in a warm stream of water coming from the depths one of the other men came over and asked the dreamer what the dreamer was doing and told the dreamer to get away the dreamer told him what the dreamer was doing and he explained that the warm water was a constant stream of sewage that all ships of this size flushed as a matter of course i took a good look at the water around me and realised what it was the dreamer was wallowing in, and had shown my ignorance of the way a ship works the dreamer was feeling pretty stupid as the dreamer woke up second dream there was a group of people gathered around neils bohr someone asked about max planck's' quantum theory neils replied, "the road which led to a general acceptance of his theory was", and the dreamer chimed in, anticipating his last word, which we both said in unison "bumby" 23042017 - 220 (206) nearly an x dream second dream there was a group of people gathered around neils bohr he asked about max planck's' quantum theory neils replied, "the road which led to a general acceptance of his theory was", and the dreamer chimed in, anticipating his last word, which we both said in unison, "bumby" 22042017 - 219 (205) a think-read dream (6) a charge-sheet in the form of a single sheet of paper a bit smaller than a4 size had been posted through the letterbox the dreamer had been carged with stealing a cabinet and the papers therein the dreamer couldn't make the writing read as a single, smooth-flowing sentence the dream ended as the dreamer was still trying to read the writing without having to go back to the start of the letter/sheet and read it all the way through without having to think-read it into a coherent whole applying the roney analysis to this dream means a society has and will re-exist in the past or future of a past or future undulation or will exist or has and will exist where the most serious crime is a relativity petty 26042017 - 218 (204) two people the dreamer knew had a drug dealer mate the three of us bought an ounce and had a smoke the dreamer got pally with the dealer and asked him for another ounce the other two people weren't in the next scene in which the dealer produced another ounce it was a different type, and the dreamer rolled another the dealer said, "i can let you have it for thirty-five quid an ounce." it didn't take the dreamer long to work out the dreamer could set up a decent network and shift a few ounces a week the dreamer took a drag of the joint the dreamer had just rolled and felt a wave of pleasure it was quality gear to boot the dreamer asks, "what is it, afghani?" the other person didn't reply the dream was ending, and the dreamer felt dissapointed to find out it was a dream 25042017 - 217 (203) in a changing room which had row after row of cubicles my view of the cubicles was a slightly elevated one, which allowed the dreamer to see the extent of the layout it looked to be twenty or thirty by twenty or thirty they all had black curtains or doors and sides this could be something which would be in the ship of yesterday's dream less than half a dozen people were using the changing rooms, which meant it was almost empty the dreamer wakes from the dream at this point, still thinking about what was what this dream was set at sea the dreamer was in the water next to a metal-hulled ship it was bigger than any ship today the deck of the ship was at least seven or eight stories above us, and we were making preparations for a race or a pageant three or four of us were assessing where and how to hang a thick rope along the side of the ship to attach decorations there was a lull in the activity, and the dreamer decided to lounge horizontally on the water using a buoyancy suit and revel in a warm stream of water coming from the depths one of the other men came over and asked the dreamer what the dreamer was doing and told the dreamer getaway the dreamer told him what the dreamer was doing, and he explained that the warm water was a constant stream of sewage that all ships of this size flushed as a matter of course the dreamer took a good look at the water around the dreamer and realised what it was the dreamer was wallowing in. and had shown my ignorance of the way a ship works the dreamer was feeling pretty stupid as the dreamer woke up second dream there was a group of people gathered around neils bohr asking about max planck's quantum theory neils replied, "the road which led to a general acceptance of his theory was", and the dreamer chimed in anticipating his last word, which we both said in unison "bumby" 23042017 - 216 (202) nearly an x dream second dream there was a group of people gathered around neils bohr they are asking about max planck's quantum theory neils replied, "the road which led to a general acceptance of his theory was", and the dreamer chimed in, anticipating his last word, which we both said in unison, "bumby." qod 4 qos 4.2 (201) a think-read dream (6) a charge-sheet in the form of a single sheet of paper a bit smaller than a4 size had been posted through the letterbox the dreamer is charged with stealing a cabinet and the papers therein the dreamer couldn't make the writing read as a single, smooth-flowing sentence the dream ended as the dreamer was still trying to read the writing without having to go back to the start of the letter/sheet and read it all the way through without having to think-read it into a coherent whole applying the roney analysis to this dream means a society has and will re-exist in the past or future of a past or future undulation or will exist in has and will exist where the most serious crime is a relativity petty 21042017 - 215 (200) sitting next to the aisle in a coach the seats were three deep, and there were two girls to the left of me the dreamer fancied my chances and was making with my best smile the girls looked at the dreamer with some disdain my expression was asking why one pointed to my feet and said, "your feet smell" it took the dreamer by surprise the dreamer certainly didn't think so the dreamer put a couple of them inside my shoe and rubbed them against my sole the dreamer smelt my fingers and was embarrassed to find they smelt the girls went back to ignoring the dreamer, and the dream ended 20042017 - 214 (199) this dream was brought about by thinking during the day what it was that the lover experienced in the initial stages of moving from the three of pi to the endless it was as though two vast sheets were spread throughout the extent of space one had an orange colour, the other didn't have colour it was more like a grey mist but was solid the two were in proximity to each other, almost touching there was a sense of resignation or commitment to the toil ahead, or was it from a weariness of something past? a settling feeling occurred while making an effort to make more sense of what it was that was being observed as the dream ended similar feelings have accompanied other efforts to understand the experiences of his evolution which is what the dreamer think this dream revealed well beyond the scope of mortal experiences other various points of his evolution have been glimpsed over the years, this dream was considerably more contemplatable, though 17042017 - 213 (198) this was one of those weird ones was at the sink washing food ready for cooking a worm the thickness of the lead for mobile phone earplugs and about five centimetres long fell out of something it was about to disappear down the sink-hole when it made a sticky substance in no time at all which stuck onto the metal of the upside of the sink strainer the dreamer couldn't see where it was for a moment and thought it had gone down the drain the bottom of the sticky substance had formed into a small globule the size of a pea as the dreamer went to loosen the substance off the metal with my finger so it would get washed away, the worm emerged from the cocoon of viscous and tried to get out of the sink the scene changed and the cocoon shape changed into a short cylinder the chamber was being used in a in diagram to explain that space couldn't have holes in it, but it could have chambers through which something could pass but would automatically loop back to where it started from immediately it emerged from the far end of the chamber the diagram itself was part of a visual indexing system that will be incorporated into an all-encompassing index an idea that is calling out to be created 16042017 - 212 (197) walking on the pavement of a road that was on a ten or twelve-degree incline someone, it might have been me, shouted "u.f.o." looking up, the lights suggested it was a u.f.o., but as it went overhead we could see the fuselage and cockpit of a plane before a sense of disappointment could set in another voice said, "look" and everybody looked up and saw a craft not of earthly design but it was low enough to see inside and it did have man-shaped beings in it before anyone could say anything else a display of craft filled the sky the dreamer was taking in the movement and shapes and colours as the dreamer woke x dream (11) 15042017 - 211 (196) was in a small function room it could seat about fifty people, and there was a circular area about five metres across, which was for dancing it had cheap, glitzy furnishings which looked expensive there was a low-hanging chandelier everybody was there but nothing was happening it was apparent music was missing but the dreamer didn't have my equipment as the dreamer walked past one lady, i heard her say, "he can be entertaining" that was my cue to be "on" the dreamer took a run and jumped onto the chandelier in a way which caused it to start revolving in a circular motion just inside the dancing area as the chandelier circled the dance area, the dreamer let go with one hand and started blowing kisses to the ladies with the other hand my gaze met the eyes of the different women in my line of vision as the dreamer circled with one woman, the dreamer didn't blow any kisses but pursed my lips and moved them around in the way one does when savouring an excellent food or taste that got people laughing so the dreamer dropped to the floor and began a "routine" first, the dreamer began shadowboxing with the chandelier, which was now swinging back and fort i turned my back on it and let it knock me over when it swung back at me the dreamer then turned around the room and began an impromptu remarks session with everyone one at a time the theme in this two-dream sequence had to do with sounds there was a consistent danceable rhythm which was coming from an unidentifiable location the dreamer stopped trying to figure out where it was coming from and began listening to it in earnest the rhythm had a tune buried in it, which was easy to predict and go along with after building a bit of a song and humming along with it, the tune/rhythm started changing, and very quickly the dreamer realised it wasn't a tune at all but it was the repetitive sound coming from a machine nearby as the sound became apparent, it lost its harmonious quality, and the tune wasn't noticeable the sound was going to go on and become a nuisance and would have done if the dreamer hadn't decided to re-form the machine sound back into a tune which became pleasant to listen to again the dreamer woke out of the sleep, and it got me thinking just about any inanimate sound could become qualitative if a person's mindset was so disposed 01042017 - 210 195 two dreams, and both dreams were arguments in the first dream, the dreamer was arguing with max planck in the company of four or five people he became more and more irate the more the dreamer insisted his constant was one raised to the minus forty-third power he was almost shouting, "90, it's 90" the dream ended in that tone the second dream was about a key the dreamer couldn't find my front door key the dreamer went to an office where they kept backup keys the person who could give the dreamer a spare key told the dreamer they didn't have one because it was a security issue the dreamer kept pressing him that he did have a spare key, and he explained that the dreamer had the only spare key because it wouldn't make sense from a security point of view if someone else had one the dream ended as the dreamer realised he was right and suddenly remembered where i'd hidden my spare key 13042017 - 209 (194) second dream the ground was saturated, which meant navigating around the edges of a field near a river all my possesions were in a cloth bag about the size of a dustbin liner the dreamer had to leave the bag hidden in amongst some bushes as they were making it too difficult to walk the dreamer managed to get where the dreamer was going both dreams were about possessions! first dream living in a society where there was a sharp divide between have's and have not's the dreamer slotted in at the bottom of the have's a mark of my status was a full-length crombie coat it was the evening, and the dreamer went to the cinema; it was almost empty someone was sharp enough to get the dreamer to leave my coat in the cloakroom the moment the dreamer was in my seat, the dreamer knew the dreamer had made a mistake and went to get my coat back the dream ended as the dreamer was looking for the person who had the coat the dreamer had the feeling the coat ws gone 12042017 - 208 (193) interviewing michael johnson after a new world record had been set in the four by-400 metre relay a re-run of his team's world-record run was shown on the stadium screen he was animated stand-out part of the dream was the clarity of his face and the depth of the stadium 10042017 - 207 (192) a woman with a round, deep cut about the size of a thumbnail asked the dreamer to stop the bleeding there was quite a lot of blood coming from the injury the dreamer knew how to stop the bleeding; the dreamer could use a tornequay and apply pressure to the wound the dreamer said we needed some clean cloth to apply to the cut, and the girl asked if the dreamer had any tissue paper the dreamer gave her the tissue paper but knew the wound needed a skilled person to treat it the dreamer was thinking of the quickest way to get her to the hospital as the dream ended 09042017 - 206 (191) the dreamer posted a cynical video of a plane crumpling up and gave the title "human technology" before the dreamer had time to post the second one, the dreamer was under a relentless attack of vitriole that radically diminished my standing as a good guy the dreamer realised the dreamer had goofed big time and was retreating under the criticism the dreamer was in big trouble and was thinking about how the dreamer could get out of it for thirty seconds after leaving sleep and had a noticeable feeling of relief when the dreamer realised it was a dream this is the sort of thing that happens when, regardless of what the circumstances are or how justified my feelings of despondancy are, i allow myself to think the worst about people 08042017 205 (190) this dream was set in at an olympic games-type sporting event the different sports are spread over an area of about fifty square kilometres another person accompanied the dreamer while we were watching one event, a trio of chinese persons who were associates of the person the dreamer was with and with whom the dreamer had become friendly were a kilometre away watching a member of one of their family competing in a sports event the stadium screen showed the results of the events in which the threesome was most interested were displayed on a screen; it showed that chinese athletes had won the dreamer knew they would be celebrating big-time, and the dreamer had the idea of looking at them and seeing just how jubilated they were through some powerful binoculars within a short time the dreamer had picked them out and could see them in the stands of an open arena the stand-out* bit of this dream was the clarity and detail when seeing them through the binoculars *it has to be mentioned that a new faculty of the mind is emerging namely, the "stand-out" part of a dream, usually by clarity of vision, sound, movement, etc., has taken a firmer place in the visualisable imaging faculty was it mentioned as first occurring? years ago and has over the last month become more available to the now-conscious state this particular ability has a distinctive character, it has a severe or sombre or no-nonsense feel to it it is considered to be love/life in "business" mode" 06042017 - 204 (189) another holland hash dream went to a party with a male friend at a house only to find a queue of fifty girls standing in a loose formation of two's the dreamer was told to form another queue at another door at the same building the dreamer can't figure out why he was chosen to stand apart from the queue that was already formed as the dreamer looked around a line of people two or three abreast had formed behind the dreamer and the dreamer realised the dreamer was the start of a queue to another party the door opened and the dreamer led the people behind the dreamer into the building and upon to their own the dreamer was getting the music organised, and the joints were being passed around as the dream ended 05042017 - 203 (188) this dream was at a baseball game in america the dreamer was watching the game from the sidelines with two other people the depth and clarity of the details was the stand-out aspect of the dream the ball floating off into the distance and the colours of the uniforms of the teams the dreamer said, "must have been amazing for spectators to have seen babe ruth hit the first infield home run" my companions were duly impressed that the dreamer knew and felt that 30032017 - 202 (187) in a city-centre it was heaving, and there weren't enough retailers to cope with the demand there were queues for everything in one of the queues at street level, there were a family of three just ahead of me a girl, six or seven years of age, and her parents the parents found the child excess baggage for their lifestyle and were making severe comments to the people to whom they had to apologise when the girl sought their attention that they could have the child if they wanted her the child seemed amiable enough, and the dreamer was wondering what it must be like for her to know she wasn't wanted by her parents in another queue in a multi-storey store, the family of three were there again and had been served and had moved away from the pay area as the dreamer was about to be served, the woman at the till realised the family of three had left something of theirs behind those of us who heard what the check-out woman said looked around for the family, but they wern't to be seen within a few seconds, it occured to me that if i could find the family and ingratiate myself with them, i could accompany them back to the counter, the girl with them might get friendly with the dreamer, and her parents would make it so the dreamer could have her as his girlfriend the dreamer would gradually warm to the idea, and we would come to an arrangement which resulted in the dreamer taking the gitl into my life the family had left the shop, so now it was a near-mission-impossible task to find them in the crowd of the centre of the city when outside the shop, the most elaborate movements of any dream i've ever had began first, the dreamer picked up speed, and, at at guess, i'd say the dreamer was moving at an almost constant rate of about fifteen to twenty kilometres an hour the dreamer was weaving and swerving and gliding, occasionally coming to a dead-stop for only an instant as the dreamer bounced off one foot or the other and changed direction at one point, the dreamer was running through a grassy area where people were siitting and munching and drinking on seats on the grass thirty or so pigeons were pecking at scraps and foraging as the dreamer got near, they all flew up into the air in different directions the dreamer don't think the dreamer could have slowed down even if the dreamer wanted to, and the dreamer was in among them before they could get above my head height, and some were only a few centimetres into the air with amazingly subtle movements, a slight tilt of the head, a dip of the shoulder, a bend of the knee, minute side-steps, a bay hop," and ne'er a feather was ruffled at another place, an extended curved walking area, the dreamer must have been running with my body angled at thirty to thirty-five degrees as the dreamer leant into the curve, slowing only marginally the dreamer eventually came across the family again and was thinking how great it was going to be for dad again when the dream again three dreams remembered one was a day out, which involved catching three or five different buses the destination has been featured in at least two other dreams over the years with one of the connections, the bus driver was downright awkward and were words exchanged in another dream, there was a snake which was eating another snake and the third dream is too vaguely remembered 26032017 - 201 (186) the theme of this dream revolved around a machine/device which pressed studs into shirts the type of stud, coloured, patterned, precious metal would make it more fashionable or expensive the studs would be used to clip other clothes or adornmennts to the shirt and give it versatility the dreamer was selling the idea to someone who had the money to invest in the machine the dream ended with the dreamer wearing the shirt with an add-on fluffy overshirt, which enhanced my shape. and the dreamer was feeling chuffed with myself. and the dreamer woke to hear myself explaining to the person who gave the dreamer the loan that it would save the dreamer no end of money over a lifetime 25032017 - 200 (185) my girlfriend wasn't talking to me the dreamer didn't know what i'd done wrong, and the dreamer stubbornly refused to ask it was my fault, i felt she should tell the dreamer what it was we tried to carry on as normal the phone rang, and she calmly and pleasantly said it was for me the dreamer was too tired to get out of bed, and the dreamer thought she would tell the dreamer who it was or would take a message the dreamer assumed she, in turn, thought the dreamer was childish and refused to respond to anything he was part of she put the phone down and went out of the room from her point of view, it was a snub. Too many she started singing a farewell love song the dreamer got the message and started singing it back to her she left the house, and the dreamer was thinking about how the dreamer should go about making things up when the dream ended 24032017 - 199 (184) 2nd sleep my friend and the dreamer were in a home environment two young women dressed in clothes which were expensive and fashionable and fitted them like thin leather gloves that enabled us to see the shape of their fingers called on us and asked us back to where they lived my friend and the dreamer ummed and ahhed about it for a long, long time and eventually decided we would we got out into the open, where there was a black stretch limousine the women sat in the driving compartment, and we were in the lounge the woman driving was making it her mission in life to impress the hell out of us by driving at break-neck speed without crashing she held the curves and the corners like an expert the dreamer couldn't hear the engine but could tell from the way people were walking ahead and going in the same direction as we were turning around that either the engine and or the tyres were under a strain we arrived at the plush apartment block, and the driver side-swerved the car into a bricked area, which the car could only fit into if it were in sideways, and came to a stop the dreamer was duly impressed we got out of the car and realised we were parked in a bricked-designer flower bed the woman had indeed been driving like a bat out of hell, and we had only got there by the grace of god the dream ended 1st dream (the dreams might not be in the correct order) the dreamer was an inmate of a prison the dreamer worked in the clothes shop my job was sweeper-upper the dreamer was the bottom of the pile, and the other inmates didn't pay any attention to me the dreamer would take whatever was on the floor back to a large table, sort through it, and keep anything that could be reused, such as buttons, zips, strips of cloth, etc. the dreamer must have been doing the job for some while on the table, along with the boxes of buttons and cloths, were a writing pad, a radio, an open book, which the dreamer read a few lines of in the dream, some loose change, a mobile phone and other items the policeman who had arrested me, i don't know what i had done to be in prison in the first place, came to see me he had come to gloat he had a mocking attitude to his speech, and the dreamer knew not to react, which was what he wanted "how are you?" the dreamer asked. it took him aback, and his expression and tone of speech changed immediately the dreamer told him the dreamer had settled into prison life and felt the dreamer could do the sentence and wouldn't make another mistake like the one which got the dreamer imprisoned he had to acknowledge the dreamer would probably be alright and was still standing there looking at the dreamer as the dream ended 2nd dream the staff of a prison kept a notebook of events one guard showed his notebook to the inmates so they would know what he thought the prisoners should know about him on one page, the book had four five lines in it in this little notebook is what the dreamer knows in this book is how others know you you and the dreamer is this notebook category of dream: prison: closed: () 3rd dream kissing dream: (10) this dream started as an x dream and turned into a kissing dream 23032017 - 198 (183) two dreams remembered the first one was to do with hash the second was in a cinema which was also used for dancing; both dancing and film-watching could happen at the same time it was a hot spot which was renowned for couples finding severe and long-term partners the dancing area was in front of the screen and stretched across the length of the screen, which was about twenty-five metres wide and projected ten metres in front of the screen everybody but the dreamer was dancing within the dancing area; the dreamer went to a darkened area to the side of the screen not being used, while the friend the dreamer was with stayed close to the screen at the edge of the area the dreamer went into the dreamer went into the area at the side of the screen because the dreamer only wanted to dance and the dreamer couldn't "let loose" in the designated location without taking up too much room it is times like this when the dreamer wishes things had gone as they could/should have gone twenty-plus years ago; then dreams like this would have been simulated via the graphics and motion team who would be skilled enough to produce images and short films as they are generated in the dream, the dreamer was able to move my hips an entire half of a metre around the x-axis (left to right) of their body and could bend my knees and get about ten to fifteen centimetres through the y-axis (up and down) there were some "standard" fancy moves as well but the "hip swivel" was the stand-out part of the dream which caught the girls attention the dreamer was enjoying the dancing too much to start talking as you should be aware by now, this website believes that events in dreams come from real life; time-conscious events so this happened at a future point of time in a past undulation or it can happen at a future point of time this undulation 20032017 - 197 (182) 2nd dream for my reference 191 ufo entry 19032017 the first dream was the dreamer trying to help a struggling taxi-driver driver make more money had to resort to unethical methods to do it 19032017 - 196 (181) two thoroughly depressing dreams it didn't take long to figure out what caused them in the first one, a female and two might-makes-right aggro merchants waltzed into my flat and headed for my phone to make a call the dreamer beat them to the phone and began a defence of my corner by warning them that their attitude and manner would backfire on them if they didn't show the dreamer some respect the dreamer said it in such a way that it made them hesitate the dream ended with them still braced for violence in the second dream the dreamer was with a girl and we were in a dark, watery underground cavern two or three men, one of whom had a chest as solid as a rock, knew we were there and had come to claim us the girl was in full view and they began moving towards her the dreamer was out of their view behind a part of the cave that jutted out, and the dreamer tried to take the short, burly one by surprise and hit him with a solid piece of something or other, which made contact with his breastbone the dreamer might as well have hit him wth a three-foot-long toilet roll it didn't phase him one iota he didn't even look at the dreamer as he said, "put him to use" in the next scene the girl's hands were bound and her face was one of total defeat the dreamer had been stood in a shallow pool and was being used as bait to attract predatory fish the dreamer was thinking stray thoughts for a full five minutes after waking 18032017 - 195 (180) serial dream before writing about the dream some comments from december until now dreams didn't post entries weren't posted for a few reasons it was also thought that people were more likely to rally or respond to the situation that people were more likely to rally or respond to the situation if it is wrapped in celebration and happiness as opposed to being motivated by the sheer urgency of it the dreamer tends to do this: throw myself into a course of action on what seems, at the time, to be a good idea which will get things moving so, motivated by this latest idea, the three months before christmas were spent solely on getting the "worlds first intercontinental live-stream internet new years party" organised and by the beginning of december, entries into the dreams diary had stopped there were to be three parties spread over the christmas/new year period a momentum would be generated, which would lead to regular rally parties the dreamer would gradually introduce the "ethical message", and within a year, there would be enough pips amongst you who would become noticed nationally, and the love ball would have begun rolling we would be converting people into pips at every new party things would have taken a new direction as we all recognised that the future that backons is full of non-stop, fun-love, playful motions with the knowledge that it only ever becomes more so any life-loving person would have jumped at the chance of such a lifestyle as it turned out, despite the initial enthusiasm of people who were invited, only two people turned up for any of the parties; they arrived so late that the dreamer had begun packing everything away so what had happened? several factors" people would rather see the dreamer disappointed than happy" people are fearful of associating with the dreamer beacause it throws the spotlight on them and draws the attention of the people who will kill for the flimsiest of reasons" men resent me" women cold-shoulder the dreamer because the dreamer won't go with women who haven't got the sense to recognise the ethical nature of life and wont change" the people who want things to stay as they are, increasing wealth for themselves, which means decreasing wealth for you, division between factions, wars, reducing health care, etc., are dancing with glee the dream two women came into where the dreamer was and presented the dreamer with a blue paper folder with about frty pages in it the dreamer began reading it and realised it was a script for a wedding film play or tv programme upon waking and thinking why the dreamer had dreamt it, the dreamer realised it was the entire script of the wedding album the dreamer had received through the post in the dream of 12032017 13032017 - 194 (179) staying at a plush hotel it was so expensive the dreamer was struggling to pay for two nights got friendly with the second bush president he was trying to make out he was an ordinary guy the dreamer discovered he was making an arms deal we were talking in his room and the dreamer levelled with him and told him squarely "your family is in with the people who manufacture arms" he became embarrassed and didn't say anything in another scene, the dreamer was carrying a flat, robust metal briefcase which was too heavy to carry without changing into a style of walking, which meant having to take it while walking sidewards carrying it down a long flight of stairs in the hotel was a feat of strength the dreamer laid it flat on its side and the dreamer could then let it slide down the stairs the dream ended as the dreamer was surfing down the stairs on the briefcase the category of the dream: hard work manually moving heavy items (1) 12032017 - 193 (178) second sleep the comments preceding dream entry 18032017 have caused the dreamer to re-think about what it is the dreamer should be doing with my life it seems that the dreamer has to change the outlook of expecting historical events to occur any day now and concentrate on relaying insights and thoughts for this and the coming generations for the next thousand years, which will enable equally important progress to happen regarding the workings of the mind this dream today makes me think i should resume my dreams diary with a flourish and see where it leads an initial thought is that there is more information from combining consciousnesses than there is from just time-conscious the future we are moving into has already happened in the present of a future undulation, with very slight variations of what events do occur over the next thousand years already there, waiting to be tapped into through combining consciousnesses for the dreamer, this means relative isolation it now makes sense why picture page easy isolation is the first, and probably the last, picture for this generation this form of isolation is as easy for the dreamer as the isolation depicted by the lover should circumstances change, the dreamer will, of course, change to embrace them first sleep the dreamer is a wedding photographer one day, a hard-back wedding album came through the post the dreamer opened it expecting to see the wedding day photos of the couple who sent it i thought that the people who sent it wanted the dreamer to use some of their photos in my portfolio, which potential customers would think were my own, and i, in turn, would get more business and then pay the sender a royalty when the dreamer opened it, there weren't any photos in it at all but what looked like a written account of the wedding day those of you who have dreams with writing in them will know it's a bit of labour to read while sleeping, so within a few seconds, the dreamer had dismissed any notions of using the writing, and the dream ended over the next few days, there were several dreams which didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason to them, and the dreamer didn't think they were worthy of being entered into the dream diary between this dream and yesterday, some of the dreams kept surfacing while in the time-conscious state, but because there were no entries to refer to, the dreams were gradually fading from the memory 10032017 - 192 (177) 2nd sleep it should have been an x dream walking between two rows of eight or ten nubiles with that smile on their faces 1st sleep on my own walking into town something caught my attention, and the dreamer looked up, more or less directly overhead it was a cloud-grey flying saucer which was camouflaged to some extent by grey cloud about it it was round and about three hundred metres across and was slowly spinning about its axis the dreamer got excited and began cross-waving my arms and shouting to it the dreamer was making so much noise other people looked up and saw it, too the other people started shouting and gesticulating half a dozen of us are calling and waving lights underneath the spaceship started blinking, which caused us to make even more noise that, in turn, drew more people's attention; then, the clouds around the craft began forming a round pattern around the craft and the clouds started turning in synchronization with the craft the dream ended there with everybody feeling an air of satisfaction 04032017 (176) this dream is all about movement the highlight was a standing jump that vaulted the dreamer fifteen feet into the, and when the dreamer landed, the dreamer seemlessly began doing street dancing second dream the dreamer was making with the one-line quips and raising a few smiles a toddler of two or three years of age was sucking on a milk bottle that looked like it had a fruit drink in it the dreamer opened and closed my mouth in goldfish style, my way of asking a toddler for some of the drink the girl holding the drink had a round close-cropped hairstyle and she would have looked like a golliwog if her hair hadn't been ginger a couple more scenes passed, and the ginger-haired girl approached the dreamer, holding out the drink bottle the dreamer didn't want any of the drink, but her act of generosity couldn't be declined the dreamer sucked in a mouthful of it and gave her the bottle back, and she walked away the drink had the cosistency of and tasted like srambled egg i covered my mouth as i spat it out into a waste bin category of the dream: food (4) scrambled egg (1) taste: scrambled egg (1) 3rd dream the dreamer boarded a crowded train with people getting on, getting off and struggling with their luggage it was orderly chaos as the throng thinned out the dreamer noticed a baby in swaddling clothes on the floor the dreamer asked a woman who was carrying a baby if it was hers and she said "no" as she shook her head there were three or four other women there, and they were looking at the dreamer and didn't indicate it was theirs the dreamer picked up the baby and dashed off the train the platform was as crowded as the train was the dreamer decided tyo keep the baby and was thinking what to tell people so the dreamer could keep it p - 10 - qos's 3 03032017 - 191 (175) kissing dream: (8) qod 4 - 3.3 - p - 10 02032017 - 190 (174) a game of table tennis is underway a big girl versus a medium to small-sized boy/man the girl was getting murdered; she didn't stand a chance the dreamer asked to play the male the dreamer was in top form and put the three first serves past him as though he wasn't there the game became serious, and the people close to the boy went into a huddle they decided to play dirty a petite, big-busted girl in her late teens wearing a nipple strap and skimpy shorts which showed some of her buttocks and inner/upper thigh appeared at the table the dreamer lost my concentration, and she started winning we had to retaliate a couple of virile young men who looked like film stars with the bodies of adonis with over-sized members wearing semi-see-through skin-tight white mesh outfits joined our side we started winning was waiting for the counter-move from the opposition as the dreamer woke over the last few months, memories of experiences in dreams are becoming as, and more vivid than, time-conscious memories and experiences! embellished 2nd dream kissing dream: 01032017 - 189 (173) in an accommodation with two young women i'd had a relationship with one of the girls in awake-time some years ago and the dreamer regretted ending it but in the dream the relationship was still ongoing in the dream she was reserved about the relationship and didn't want to go on with it her friend did want us to continue, though and said she did she was experiencing pleasure as we were lying close together as the dreamer was gently fondling her breasts (the fondling was the longest part of the dream) the dreamer had to do something for my mother, and it meant leaving them the dreamer told the girls to treat the place as their own, which pleased them as they could tuck into the food, bathe, etc., and the dream ended as the dreamer left the apartment knowing the dreamer had won them over and was looking forward to being back with them * could be a theme for a film here the film starts as in the dream the man wakes and decides to do the things he did in the dream to get back with his girl successive dreams lead to greater and greater desirable outcomes in real life, and eventually, we're left wondering which are the dream sequences and which are the awake scenes 27022017 - 188 (172) second dream the elements of this dream are "a piece of paper with a song on it" and "a tatty-looking machine twice the size of a sandwich box which would play "my father wrote the song" my father was either split up from my mother or was dead" my parents were of different ethnicities the machine and a tube necessary for playing the song was missing a person bought the machine without him or the seller realising the tube was not with the machine" the person who sold the machine wanted it back", the dreamer sympathised with the buyer" the dreamer knew the words and melody of the song" the person who bought the machine wished to the tube as much as the person who sold it" the tune had the potential to be a money-making hit" the dreamer told the buyer since he now knew the music he didn't need the tube and the song was legally his" the dreamer woke out of the sleep as the dreamer was trying to sing the song out loud when fully awake and thinking about the dream, a series of thoughts flowed concerning taking the oligarchs to court over the illegality of murdering princess diana if the prime minister knew of the assassination, then he was an accessory to the fact, and if he didn't, the oligarchs were accountable the thought of initiating a legal challenge comes from watching the first youtube video on the comments page first dream was doing nothing in particular at a friend's house his girlfriend walked into the living room with their daughter that was my cue to make like an entertainer one of my set pieces was to go into iggledy piggledy talk:" diddley ink poink tink, googly ding tok nok it brought a straight, broad upper-lip smile from the child and an involuntary hmmph from the mother in the next scene, we were watching an ad on the telly for a popular theme park the camera did a panorama sweep of the park there was a long queue for the most popular adult attractions the dreamer woke up to hear myself saying, "that's a three-hour wait for that one" 26022017 tender x dream (10) 25022017 - 187 171 two-scene dream first scene my best friend and the dreamer are at his house he was bigger than the dreamer and got enormous pleasure out of trying to get the better of the dreamer in a wrestle against the odds it was always the dreamer who got the better of him whenever, the dreamer was in command of him, the dreamer would let him know by drilling my forefinger into his ribs or some tender spot, which made him wriggle like crazy and make him give in his dad was looking on and was smiling broadly in the second scene, we were in a shallow sunken bath in the nude with our girlfriends he and his girlfriend were happy with each other but my girlfriend was asserting her will by not snuggling up to the dreamer because the dreamer wouldn't comit myself to her wishes (i'm too much of a gentleman to say what it was) 24022017 - 186 (170) a new type of dream," extensive dreaming there were eight or ten different dreams in a complete reversal of trends in this seies of dreams the dream most vividly remembered was the first dream in the first dream, the dreamer was underwater and moving in a type of motion that seemed to be mind-willed the motion through the water must have lasted as long as the rest of the dreams put together as each dream ended, the dreams were categorised in a word-indexing fashion by length of time and type, and seven or so words gave a satisfactory description of each dream (an interpretation of picture-to- words programme) in the last dream the dreamer was being pusued by a giant fish with a humongous teeth the dreamer had a plan to let it get the dreamer in its mouth and then activate a spring-activated extendable device with spear tips at each end and a large round collar a metre or so from the pointed ends, which just happened to be handy, and which would stop the jaws from closing the dreamer was in its mouth and waiting for it to stop trying to close its mouth when the dream ended which, for each of the dreams, details 22022017 - 185 (169) this dream was about technology the first thing to do on the computer after getting up was find a music track, and by the time the dreamer got around to entering the dream into the dream diary, the memory of the dream had faded the dream is about entering find queries in a way that the search results give all the information needed after pressing the entering in keywords second sleep two dreams remembered in the first dream, the dreamer is deemed to be the best person to organise a meal for about a dozen people it pleased the dreamer to know that somebody recognised his talent, and the dreamer was busy arranging things when the dream ended second dream an acquaintance of some years back gave the dreamer some clothes the clothes enhanced my physical appearance and suited the dreamer perfectly the person who gave the dreamer the clothes in the dream had given the dreamer a pair of trousers in real life many years ago the trousers he gave the dreamer twenty-plus years ago gave my legs a shapely look the dreamer wore them to death and felt the dreamer had lost some appeal when they became too ragged to wear anymore the dreamer was thinking how the dreamer could reward him when the dream ended first sleep x dream (9) the memory of the tactile sensations in x dreams is becoming more prominent in the memory than the memory of the tactile sensations in time-conscious 19022017 - 184 (168) building structures from a multi-rectangular structure that took form as my will created it, the structure became ever more sophisticated and as lavish as the dreamer could imagine. and then the dreamer realised it could go on into infinity it became overwhelming and woke the dreamer up notes 1 this dream was another step in willing images to form while partially time-conscious another ability which manifested itself a week ago was the ability to project cartoon sequences but only in a simple form (beano comic style) and only in black and white but with moving images the thought arises, "the mind's ability to will realities can manifest itself in both a time-conscious state and timeless conscious (flat space) state 18022017 - 183 (167) on the run from the police again in a rural area i think the dreamer got away this dream is the result of making a cynical remark on a film uploaded to youtube (it's official: the denialists are the loony tunes) 14022017 - 182 (166) violence in dreams a dozen or more of us were on a submarine in a thick fog with calm waters, preparing to repel attackers the fog was so thick we couldn't see past the end of the bayonets on the back of our rifles the dreamer was in the front line and command the dreamer told everybody to lean forward and probe for the attackers with the point of the bayonet it worked without seeing the damage we were inflicting the attacker's were repelled this dream was probably caused by watching a series of violent films 11022017 x dream (8) 10022017 - 181 in tonights main dream the dreamer is a boxer it was just my opponent and me we were ready to be announced to the audience my opponent, a five-foot-six muscular african, was giving the dreamer the look the dreamer felt confident and was trying to imagine how my biceps looked compared to his when the dreamer woke up 09022017 - 180 (164) 1st dream three stand-out scenes in this dream one of them was about my hair some men are sensitive about losing their hair i'm one of them (one of the distinguishing features of mammals is their hair) in the dream, the hair i've still got is crunched up it gave the appearance of a full head of hair, albeit with the hairline high on my forehead what was striking was the similarity in the style of my hair and the style of the hair in one of the pictures of the lover i haven't analyzed these three dreams yet (it looks like i've got to give more time to dreams. a more elaborate interpretation and explanation of dreams is, it seems, being prompted by you-know-who) another scene had the dreamer doing some fancy footwork while dancing the thought has occurred while making this entry that the origins of some dreams aren't in the pde's but are of combining consciousnesses further, the writer's dreams aren't always generated by himself but by you-know-who the third one is personal (rhho) p.s. the picture pages which aren't going to be presented will, either further on into this undulation or at this point of earthly evolution of a future undulation, be yours to appraise 2nd dream it was a summer evening the dreamer was about a thousand metres from home the dreamer was driving a motorbike the dreamer was driving it illegally (without insurance) the last set of lights before getting home was against me as the dreamer came to a stop there was a police car and a policeman was motioning the dreamer to pull over the policeman sternly told the dreamer to get my front indicator light fixed the dreamer said he was sorry and that it had done the trick he moved away from the dreamer to go back to his car 08022017 - 179 (163) the dreamer felt as though the dreamer was not accomplishing anything and was trying to organise my life a friend of twelve years ago wanted to show the dreamer something and asked the dreamer to go with him in the next scene, we are at the entrance to a field on the opposite side of the field and about a hundred metres away, the dreamer could see four or five adjoining areas, each about five to seven metres wide and separated by canvas, where different events would be happening at the nearest one to me, the dreamer recognised an orange extension lead and knew it was mine as the dreamer looked longer at and into the section where the cable was, the dreamer could see an extensive table things are so arranged to enable a p.a. and my d.j. decks and other accessories for a disco the dreamer then realised my friend had initiated a mini-glastonbury, and it was ready for use the dreamer became elated there would be enough room for a six-foot screen and enough space in and in front of the open-marquee-style area for more than a hundred people the dreamer wouldn't need more than five hundred watts, and as night fell, the disco lights would create an atmosphere the dreamer was pleased beyond words with my friend, who had shown initiative to make the dreamer happy and was thinking of him as the dream ended 07022017 - 178 (162) this is the third dream this week with the same dog the dog is a large mongrel it is large enough to stand on its hind legs and use its forelegs to hold onto me, although its grip isn't substantial, about my chest from the back of me it is on a lead, and the owner encourages it to go to me in this dream, it didn't just grab the dreamer about the chest as in the previous two dreams, but this time, it grabbed the long hair on the back of my neck and attempted to pull the dreamer back the dreamer managed to free my hair from its teeth, and i knew the dreamer had to do something a bit on the violent side to get it off me the dreamer jumped upwards and backwards so that the dreamer landed on the dog as we both hit the ground the dreamer thought the dreamer had hurt the dog as the dream ended * there was nothing in the pde's of the previous few days that could be assigned to this dream the dreamer could probably figure it out if the dreamer go back to lying in bed and thinking about my dreams before opening my eyes 06022017 (161) x dream (7) 05022017 - 177 (160) the dreamer was sleeping rough a refuse collection company which had a lock-up area in an industrial estate where they kept household items until recycled let the dreamer sleep on one of the mattresses for the night for 10 pounds the following day, the dreamer got day work in a cafe washing up and serving tables the dreamer got 20 pounds for the work, and with the extra 10 pounds, the dreamer could have a shower and get some clean, recycled clothes the dreamer had to wait until a security check by a vehicle with a spotlight had checked the compound where the dreamer would be sleeping before going into the compound the dreamer could still see the spotlight of the security vehicle sweeping another area as the dreamer was settling into a sleeping position, and the dream ended 04022017 - 176 (159) the dreamer was living in the west country it was a summer day, and the dreamer decided to go to london for the day the dreamer took fifty pounds spending money with me on the tube on the way to the centre of the city, the young man next to the dreamer began a conversation before he got off about five stops later, he handed the dreamer two pounds and fifty pence and said, "give this to one of the women in the carriage." it seemed the sort of surprising random act that the dreamer would do, and it seemed a natural thing to do the dreamer stood up and walked down the carriage, looking at the faces of the women for the face which seemed most likely to accept the gift the dreamer had got to the end of the carriage before seeing the woman who looked like she would accept it the dreamer explained why the dreamer was giving her the money as the dreamer handed it to her she was bemused and a little flustered but accepted the money as she gradually realised the gesture didn't have any other motive than for someone to be on the receiving end of an act of generosity from a person she had never met and would never meet this was the first theme of the dreams in this sleep 03022017 - 175 (158) feel-good dream the dreamer was standing outside where the dreamer lives it was a narrow building squashed between two, three or four glass-fronted offices or shops it was a sunny day, and the dreamer went on a walkabout the dreamer felt good, and my mood kept improving there were two scenes while the dreamer was walking when the dreamer began singing the dreamer felt good 02022017 - 174 (157) the dreamer gets a cat that is at the end of its days as a kitten i put it inside my jacket, but it was trying to get down to the ground in the next scene, the dreamer was holding a black lamb which was twice the size of the cat two animal dreams in two days! the same dream entered twice; amend 01022017 - 173 156 doggy dream a black and brown dog latched onto the dreamer while the dreamer was out and about the dog kept on disappearing" over a fence, down a street but reappearing every half minute or so and stayed with the dreamer for a few seconds and then was off again 28012017 - 172 155 bumped into a girl from my school days whom the dreamer fancied she had above-average good looks even then but she had become wealthy and it suited her she agreed to come back to where the dreamer lived and said hello to the family back at the house, the dreamer ribbed her and she took it o.k. we were considering going out somewhere when the dream ended 25012017 - 171 154 i woke up this morning and tried to remember the details of the dream I'd just had but couldn't pinpoint any particular part of it on the third or fourth attempt at trying to remember it, something highly unusual happened a dream from two or three days ago started playing out (the dream from a few days before was nothing special, so the dreamer didn't make it into an entry) then, suddenly, the dreamer realised, the dream was an extract from a film the dreamer had watched one or two days previously the dream the dreamer remembered was from a film the dreamer had watched the day after the dream! what is noteworthy is that this precognitive dream was about rest we are capable of dreaming about dreams we are going to have and not just about awake experiences we are going to have this tells us that anything we can experience is ready and waiting for us it is evident every conceivable variable that follows any experiences of doing and being has been ordered into the most outstanding quality and quantity of experience at any given moment throughout the entire finite circumstance of Lov-Len what is brought to your attention is this, in a future undulation, world war one and world war two do not happen what is thought to be the optimum solution in our current history won't be relevant in a future undulation likewise, what is thought to be the best solution now can be improved upon and will be improved in a future undulation this "rolling out" of experience can be applied to our current situation when a connection between a flurry of thoughts shows itself it suggests to the dreamer that we're on a "roll" this same "roll" occurred when composing auditoriums* in choices a few days ago as the option of choice, three was thought about as a run of several details unfurled and seemed to be begging to be there are things about this option which cannot presented (devolving beings are ready to thwart love/life's endeavours) the dreamer does not understand why a dogged determination to get things done is adhered to when somebody can achieve the same result quicker yesterday, another option presented itself, and we will be given choices in the next two or three days p.s. dreams are being entered as usual in dreams diary, but i'm having to save time where possible to get other things done (the website is a mess at the moment, as is my bedroom and living room) i'm prioritising rest and sleep for the next few years to regain full mobility 24012017 - 170 (153) qod 3.7 qos 3.3 - p in a function room which could seat two hundred people, but it seemed empty with just the twenty or so people who were in it it was a jewish group, and they wanted to hear what the dreamer had to say within ten seconds, the dreamer felt confident enough to present myself my tone was an encouraging one, and the people listened carefully they responded to my continuous flow of ideas, and the dreamer decided to go into detail the dreamer had a blue folder which had fifty or sixty sheets of a4 paper in it there were only four or five blank sheets; the rest were all the main points people generally found interesting, and they could have been more organised on a few occasions when the dreamer tried to reference something, the dreamer had to skip to another point, or the dreamer would have revealed my lack of preparedness the dreamer quickly outlined four or five of the most popular ideas and noticed the people were discussing and commenting between themselves as they heard them the reaction of the people told the dreamer it would be o.k. to take the proceedings to another level there was a small unused table to my left the dreamer moved the table and a chair to a central position in front of where they sat and said, "let's start getting organised" the dreamer asked them, "how often can we use the room? can we do any catering here? is there a p.a. system? Is there an internet connection?" the dreamer opened the folder and got out a blank page "we aim to try and change the direction of history by 2026; this gives us one hundred and eleven months we'll use the first three months to lay the foundations for the following one hundred and eight months we'll meet once a month for a critical appraisal of what's happened during the last month and see what happened and what didn't happen, why what we wanted to happen did happen and why and what caused some things not to happen" the dreamer sensed it was time to ease the pace the dreamer continued, "how long can we stay here for now?" and someone answered, "three hours" "good. right, we'll break the time into six half-hour segments to show you it's not all work and seriousness for the first half an hour, we'll get to know each other the second half hour, we'll start outlining what needs to be done, and we'll do the same, alternating between work and play for the rest of our time together now" the above is the dream as the dreamer remembered it six or seven hours after the dreamer woke (more computer problems), and the order of the scenes of the dream is incorrect when the dreamer woke, still full of the desire to organise, i turned sideways while still in bed and picked up a pen, swung myself out of bed, picked up the notebook and started writing some of what i'd said in the dream 23012017 - 169 externalised dream was in an unused or abandoned snooker hall another person came into the scene and was making the dreamer explain what the dreamer was doing there the dreamer is sleeping rough and gets in through a window the dreamer was explaining in an apologetic way the mood became calm, and the dreamer began giving the man an idea which could make the snooker hall make money the dreamer suggested he turned the snooker hall it into a pool hall and to get it started promote a winner-takes-all competition regularly the person who could win two games consecutively against five, seven or ten challengers would win the money the man said the same person would win every time the dreamer said "there's a lot of talent out there as" and went on to tell him about a real-life professional pool hustler the dreamer was friendly with for a few months he was so confident of winning any game he would go into a strange bar and tell the people playing at the pool table he could beat any of them, and he would make a bet without the money to pay if he lost talk about living dangerously this one time his opponent had put him in an impossible position and the outcome of the game depended on the shot the cue ball was against the edge of the table just a few centimetres away from the bottom right corner pocket the ball he had to pot was hovering over the middle-right pocket, but it was in behind two balls which didn't have enough space between them to get the cue ball through if he had hit the two balls in front first, he would have lost the game, and he would have been in deep trouble before the dreamer tell you how he did it have a little think to see if you can figure it out if he were only a millimetre out, he knew he would need an ambulance so how did he do it? he hit the ball with precisely the right amount of down-stroke, sideways spin and forward momentum to make the ball jump onto the felt on the top of the table (if the ball had touched wood, the ball would have been out of play, and he would have lost) and it rolled down the table on the felt, came off the felt at precisely where it had to so it would land on the back and top of the ball he was aiming for with just the right amount of forward momentum to push the ball he needed to pocket backwards and into the pocket and then carry the cue ball forward with enough momentum so it didn't get pushed back into the pocket by either or both of the balls which would land on i could hear myself telling the man in the dream that new talent was coming through every year, and a previous winner couldn't enter the competition a second time as the dreamer went out of sleep 22012017 - 168 the dreamer needed a lead to show someone a video a woman who lived a few doors away had one, and the dreamer went to where she lived to ask her for a loan from it before the dreamer could knock on her door, another door opened, and my mother came out the dreamer is taken aback she had never looked so unappealing there was nothing in the pde's which referred to mom possibly meat-influenced (pork sausages) 21012017 - 167 new category of dream: a montage of self it wasn't until the last photo that the dreamer realised the pics/sequences were of myself the dreamer doesn't look anything like the person in the pics/sequences the dreamer of these images is a lot better looking than the writer does these portraitures were/are obviously of a different point in time of this and or a future or past undulations there's hope for the dreamer yet 20012017 - 166 was at a live performance and after the act the dreamer was talking to one of the band mentioned that five of us were forming a band and were ready for doing gigs he said he would be interested in being our agent, and we arranged a meeting there were five in our band, and in the next scene in the dream, the six of us were sitting on a bench in a small room, and it meant leaning forward to see the face of someone who wasn't sitting next to you at one point the dreamer asked the agent-to-be a question he didn't reply when he didn't reply the second time the dreamer leant forward to look at what he was doing and realised he wasn't there where had he gone, and why had he gone? the dreamer felt obliged to say something "i'm not sure we needed an agent anyway" "besides, i've heard the band he plays in, and they're not all that." the dreamer continued, "there's no reason we can't do it ourselves they say, "the latest trend in bands is for the group members to do everything themselves" "i'll be in charge of the female fan club and someone else can do the male fan club" "they say that the best way to build up a good following is to have affairs with the girls" "it might be a good idea to have some girls dancing on stage while we perform" "i'll put an ad in the paper tomorrow and interview the applicants" "it will be best to have young girls" "their bodies will be more supple and they'll have more energy" "we can have them scantily dressed, so i'll get girls who have firm, largish breasts and shapely bottoms" "long hair is more appealing" " the dreamer woke up listening to my increasingly lecherous monologue four or five sentences later 19012017 - 165 the dreamer did a favour for a young woman she was so pleased she was going to reward the dreamer with x the dream never got to the x scene, but the conversation and the emotions leading there were superb a total understanding of one another's feelings demonstrates our ability as people to have experiences that enhance our characters to new levels notes 1 the dreamer can't imagine how these types of personality traits exhibit themselves enacting straight-line-action the dreamer can't wait the wholly empathetic feelings accompanying this dream gave rise to the most satisfying sleep in recent memory 16012017 - 164 second sleep forgot the dreamer was making the music for a woman's party she was too polite to say anything so she caught my attention by appearing topless briefly about forty metres away got to the party but couldn't stay and showed three or four people how to use the dj decks to change the music first sleep three of us, all men, were having a drink at the local one of us suggested getting some chips to eat on the walk back home the dreamer wanted home-made chips and suggested going back to my place both of my friends hesitated the dreamer produced a full-spread newspaper with about a hundred pages from somewhere, which contained just about everything a mind could want to reference and began looking for an example of how the dreamer did them someone mentioned women so the dreamer looked in the entertainments pages a montage sequence began which showed a woman fondling a man with each new picture/sequence the man got bigger and every new picture/sequence showed his privates in more detail the dreamer doesn't find the sight of a vagina or penis anyway appealing to look at, unless of course, it's my own, and this thing in the moving picture paper library was as grotesque as they come penis's and vaginas are sorry-looking things at the best of times on this occasion, it looked uglier with each new photo/sequence the dreamer caught sight of the man's face at the beginning of this montage sequence; it was terry thomas i moved on from the article the dreamer was reading but realised i had to go back to the entertainment section for women and entertainment it was while the dreamer was looking for, but couldn't find, the female entertainment section again without thinking reading through each new category that the dreamer became frustrated and the dream ended 15012017 - 163 sleep within a sleep waking up from a sleep in a dream which was itself in a dream the dreamer awoke into a dream, and the dreamer found myself located in exeter it was a dingy room with a high ceiling in the dream, the dreamer woke up to the dreamer had to go out but couldn't remember any more of the dream 14012017 - 162 2nd sleep ultra formal dinner party for the worlds most famous and the mover/shakers a modernistic predominantly wood and glass three-storey spacious building set in its grounds the mall-sized palace had been built on sloping grounds, so the entrance was a level below the ground floor it could accommodate thousands of people people had been arriving for days before the main evening the dreamer was one of the early arrivals the dreamer went through the foyer and started to climb an open semi-circular staircase to the first floor a young woman dressed formally had fallen asleep on the stairs and was lying on her side on the third step on the first floor there were some guests talking about the guest-list and the dreamer heard a young man say "it gives his name but doesn't say who he is" dream ended there qod 3 - qos 3 13012017 - 161 new category of think-read dream (5) a think-read combining-consciousnesses dream which had vague, smokey-type image sequences which seemed to be trying to adhere to a straight line as they formed and dissolved as the words became apparent, the images faded the message was, "for last year. your site has been ad-free and of the best quality; we now have to reduce the quality of the stream, or you can accept ads" this is almost certainly from a past undulation (see the roney analysis) qod 3.5 - qos 4 - p 12012017 - 160 half a dozen or more of us were part of a smuggling gang taking money through the turkish border we were all wearing black suits with white shirts and black shoes and socks the border search was a pat-down of the upper body and a hand squeeze of the ankles the dreamer was last in the queue, and there were two more to go through the check before me the dreamer had to prepare some scampy shorts of a trio of female singers for the laundry and was keeping the border guards waiting the border guards were becoming impatient and motioned the dreamer to come forward for the check the dreamer was nervous because everyone else had taken two notes through in their socks, and i had put three or four in mine the dreamer smiled cheekily as he shook the last pair of shorts and laid them on top of the other two the dreamer felt relaxed the dream ended there across a middle-eastern 11012017 - 159 a double-deck game of three-card brag discarded two cards the dreamer could have had a prial of aces but chose an ace, two three running flush the dream finished before the cards were turned 09012017 - 158 type of dream time-tense 6, 8 or 9 first dream in this dream, i'm a passenger in a stationary car a man, the driver, jumps into the car he has just come out of a bank after robbing it he starts the car and drives off in typical getaway fashion the noise of the engine of the car is startling so now he's driving like a maniac and causing everyone within hearing distance to turn and look the dreamer tells him to slow down and not draw attention to us he's still driving flat out as the dream ends qod 2.5 2nd dream a girl the dreamer sees on a fairly regular basis in real life asked the dreamer if she could borrow a pen the dreamer tells her there's one on the table she writes something and gives it to someone not visible in the dream she then comes back to the dreamer and cosies up to me she runs her hand along the side of my face tenderly the dreamer let out a little giggle and play coy she decides not to take it further i'm thinking of what it was the dreamer should have said or done as the dreamer wake up third dream type of dream: see time-tense - time-tense 5 here's a new variation fell asleep while watching a film the central character of the film the dreamer was watching when the dreamer fell asleep was a woman playing a profound role in a drama film in the film in the dream, the woman is cast as a fun-loving person, the opposite of the drama i was watching when i fell asleep what i'll do now is look to see if the dream sequence was from another film and if it wasn't then the dream sequence was from an awake-time experience of events that happened in a previous undulation but if it is her in another film then... made a reasonably extensive search to find a film in which the girl plays a happy-go-lucky role couldn't find one 08012017 - 157 in this dream, the dreamer is transposing a song to events it is set in a factory the visual was a zoom-out of workers at their various machines each of the machines the operators are operating makes a different sound which was incorporated into the song as the zoom-out brought them into sight time-tense 1 or 4 - qod 3.3 qos 3.2 07012017 - 156 in a vehicle an african woman was having trouble stopping her child from crying the dreamer stretched out my arms in a come-to-me gesture it took the little girl three steps to get from mom to me i sat her on my knees, facing me, and put one of my fingers in her palm she closed her hand and held onto the finger with a surprisingly firm grip the dreamer could feel she needed changing she stopped crying the moment she was seated and was smiling within a second or two the stand-out part of the dream was the sensation of her hand gripping my finger time-tense 1, 5 or 6 - qod 3.7 qos 3.3 06012017 - 155 a tired john and a concerned relative the dream starts with the dreamer waking from a sleeping position and feeling tired, very tired the first thing the dreamer sees is a mature young man looking at me the male is either the brother or a son of the woman i'm in a relationship with he says, "the dreamer can go and get you a black leather mattress or if you don't want that the dreamer will take you home" he talks in a no-nonsense manner, and his tone of voice and his look tell me it's time to make a choice the situation is i'm sleeping in the living room and he doesn't like it people in a relationship sleep together he's too sensitive towards his mother/sister to ask questions about the sleeping arrangements but knows something isn't as it should be the dreamer was touched that he would take on the expense and go to the trouble of getting a new mattress and said, "you would do that for me," and then "give the dreamer a minute to wake up please" the dreamer was waking from the sleep as the dreamer heard myself saying the last sentence before the dream ended, there was a final picture or scene of the dreamer looking at me in the mirror the dreamer had dark bags under my eyes and looked unwell (this is the stand-out part of the dream) the dreamer doesn't remember looking that unwell in this lifetime methinks this isn't/wasn't the dreamer, but you-know-who he's filling in for the dreamer rather than having the dreamer experience those things which would demoralise me time-tense for first scene 3, 6, 7 time-tense for second scene/picture 3, 5, 9 notes in the first scene the dreamer am participating the mirror scene, the dreamer now realises, was as an observer this is the first dream the dreamer is aware of when the dreamer is both a participant and observer in the same dream! pde's tried resting to the fullest extent during the day to see if lying down all day was beneficial this dream tells the dreamer it's not too much rest or inactivity during any given day is not what we can/should be doing there is an optimum minimum/maximum movement/rest ratio for every individual it is time to start tieing dreams in with metabolic maintenance to get a more accurate picture 05012017 - 154 two dreams and controlled-imaging two new developments occupied the writer's thoughts upon waking and caused him to forget most of the details in both dreams he does remember the content of the first one, a violent one the second one, an x dream (6), was as good as the first one was bad a good one and a bad one in the same sleep is itself something of a novelty the dreamer can't recall it happening before* have initiated a database for dreams about twenty entries so far have started with the earliest dreams and am working toward the present now that dreams theory is the priority project it should be available by spring the new development brings into being a new category of imaging the imaging faculty is called "controlled imaging" it occurred while trying to stimulate a montage immediately after waking it was discovered that the imaging centre of the brain/mind can produce an image with any content i tried it with three different types of subject matter and produced varying degrees of success the degree of success may not have been due to the order of the imaging, but between the imaging and the second discovery, which was also occupying my thoughts, i forgot the order of the images the new realisation may be more critical than the image-controlling faculty, and it is straightforward to prove or disprove and will be verified or disproved within a week" test the origin of controlled imaging goes back to "startled" we should note that the original things on this website followed on from the comprehension - this is the third time within a week this theme content has been present three times does seem to make it essential in one way or another time-tense ? second sleep was in a lively urban area, location 2, where five or six groups of teenage girls were all listening to their favourite music the dreamer tried to organise a full-blown disco, with the dreamer as the mc, but they preferred to listen to just one or two lines from each of the songs they liked after trying unsuccesfully to get them interested the dreamer gave up and the dream ended first sleep montage dream yet again, the old noodle has tapped into an area of experience not even concieved of this dream was a demonstration of what we are physically capable of sometime in the future there were or five or six completly different ways a supremely supple body can manipulate its limbs one of the sequences had a man standing on one leg while the other one was rotating like a windmill only at what must have been three or four circles each second the last one was of a man who didn't have any shoes on and could put one leg over his head and the other one in a position which enabled him to twist one or both arms into a position which didn't allow at the first look to tell where the rest of the limb started and because of his convoluted state it wasn't entirely clear whether his legs were attached to his shoulder or if his arms were attached to his hips the other sequences were equally impossible to attain for the contemporary man this was a dream about dancing, which had occupied my thoughts during the day, musing about how agile and mobile the dreamer might become as the limitations on my current inability fall away 02012017 - 153 kissing dream: (11) (my girl and her three sisters) time-tense 1, 3, 4, 7 - struck up a relationship with a girl about twenty-one we were comfortable together, and she was just my type fairly early on in the relationship, we were sitting together on a settee, not designed for lying comfortably her three sisters were on the far side of the room, seven or eight metres away my girl was unusually forward and was giving the dreamer soft peck-kisses around my neck and gradually moved to my cheeks and finally my lips the dreamer was mindful of her three sisters but they didn't seem to notice we were there so the dreamer started kissing her first on her lips and then on her face as she had done with me it was while kissing first her face and then back to her lips again that the dreamer realised the softness of her lips and the softness of her skin had the same texture whether the dreamer kissed her lips or face it felt the same (this was the stand-out part of the dream) of course there were no protrusions on her face but if her face did have protrusions the shape of lips and if my eyes were closed the dreamer wouldn't have been able to tell if the dreamer was kissing lips or protrusions we broke away from kissing, and her three sisters were looking at us and smiling a pleasure smile that surprised and slightly startled me one of the sisters said "you can live here if you want" in another scene one of her sisters was going through a door next to where the dreamer was sitting and stopped and said "you don't have to break the law anymore now" the dreamer woke to hear myself saying "what is it i've done" * there was a raunchy scene somewhere in this dream sequence, but i am unable to place it chronologically without going into detail," the dreamer didn't realise women could be so genuinely concerned about the health of their man's genitalia * after waking from this dream, the dreamer had a quick dip into montage territory and was delighted when a new form of montage occurred you've probably seen a drawing or writing on a screen without the hand or pen being visible as the picture was taking shape it was a mini-montage of that type of imaging second sleep x dream (6) first sleep alas, the sound being sought occurred before this recording started this sentence, at fifty-three minutes and forty-eight seconds, was, "is there a trick to getting rid of dandruff?" came immediately after an image sequence of dandruff falling like fine snow from my hair the memory of the image sequence was triggered when the dreamer heard it while searching for the baby-talk perhaps the one image sequence was the whole of the dream note the breathing pattern becomes noticeably different when entering the dream state this means, if the assumption is correct, there were at least two other dream sequences unremembered 01012017 - 152 was in the dingiest, most depressing, dungeon-type prison ever oddly the turnkeys were sympathetic one, in particular, stuck his neck out for the dreamer, but the chief officer overturned his suggestion, although the dreamer got the feeling he didn't want to it should be recognised that these frequent prison dreams aren't the result of the dreamer feeling guilty about things i've done this type of dream is the result of the oppressive feelings that come from living in an oligarch-controlled nation (what it must be like in russia, the dreamer shudders to think) the situation isn't helped by men, and women, who will not speak out and say it like it is (home page) it's yourselves who are putting distance between us not me category of dream: prison: () closed: (1) 31122016 - 151 first sleep had to pick up some money for a job done at the house, two young boys were using a long, thin bit of flat metal to scoop coins through a small gap at the bottom of the door they looked up at the dreamer and thought they were in trouble they didn't realise the door was open and were even more non-plussed as the dreamer opened the door by the handle the money was stacked in piles of 1 pound coins, fifty pence pieces and smaller denominations the dreamer picked up the pound and fifty pence coins and shoved the three or four other stacks of coins into them second sleep was in a small room the moment you took a step into the room you were up against the bed there was a single bed and a dressing table about a metre long and half a metre wide against the wall, which left about another half of a metre gap between the bed and the dressing table on the bed was a polar bear the size of a stocky young men and looked like it weighed about two hundred pound from its movements, it was a youngster the dreamer didn't feel threatened and wouldn't be frightened if the dreamer had to share the bed with it when it was time to sleep however the dreamer knew it would be just a matter of time before it became hungry the dreamer had shepherd's pie in a white porcelain bowl about half the size of a fruit bowl, put about an eighth of it into the lid of the bowl, and put it near the polar bear the dreamer doesn't think the polar bear even saw the lid portion and went straight to the bowl and woofed it down in about three gulps the dreamer offered the bear something else in a mug, and the stand-out part of the dream was the movement of its nose as it sniffed at the contents in the cup first-ever dream of a polar bear 30122016 - 150 epic dream what a dream! an x dream (5) that contained responsibility participant 28122016 - 149 a baby in the family a real-time teenage best friend and the dreamer were chatting away as we were walking back to where the dreamer lived the dreamer unlocked the front door, and my friend entered first and enthusiastically said his hello's a chorus of shhh's resounded through the room "the baby's sleeping", my mother said, looking towards a baby cot the dreamer woke up wondering whose baby it was participant 27122016 - 148 montage sequence (with one exception, all images were black and white) this montage had four unusual characteristics compared to other montage sequences. 1) it happened before going to sleep, and the dreamer was fully conscious. 2) it was black and white. 3) the images and movements were blurred or undefined. 4) there were at least fifty images/sequences (more than double that of previous sequences) the thought has occurred that because montage sequences contain more consciousness than dreams it may be a natural ability which can be brought into the conscious state at will what the purpose of such an ability is isn't known yet or has yet to be developed in a way which has purposeful applications 25122016 - 147 montage sequence hadn't slept for twenty-eight hours and was feeling tired the moment i closed my eyes, a montage began this montage sequence was different to other sequences in that every image/sequence was in a frame (imagine the taskbar of your computer twice as thick and is on all four sides of the screen) specifically, what this experience has highlighted is the very slim margin between the awake state and being asleep spectator 23122016 - 146 most of this dream is planning a robbery with an accomplice he had come across a metal wardrobe-size safe in the government dept he worked in it was oligarch slush money which wasn't on the books if the money went missing a full and proper investigation wouldn't be possible which upped our chances of getting away with it in the next scene, we opened the safe and were amazed at just how much money there was and how we were going to transport it in the next scene we were having some friends over for a meal our guests were on their way and the dreamer was standing at the cooker doing the cooking which was two large pots of sauce, one white and one brown the dreamer was still thinking about the robbery and kept getting the feeling we were going to get caught my girlfriend came into the kitchen and let the dreamer know the sauce needed more of something or other in it the dreamer phoned the guests and asked them to stop off somewhere and buy some chips 12122016 - 145 was at a train station with another person the person, the dreamer, was with hardly spoke at all the dreamer thinks he had a mental disability we had a choice of which train to catch the train which was going first was leaving more or less straight away the dreamer decided to get on it we tried to get to the platform but there weren't any stairs to get to it as far as the dreamer could see it meant having to cross some tracks on foot the thing which made the dreamer decide not to try to get across the tracks was that the line looked like it hadn't been used for years there was long grass growing between the rail track, and the platform we had to go to was deserted the buildings of the platform hadn't been in use for many years so the dreamer decided to wait where we were and catch the later train it meant we had time to get something to eat we were in a busy cafeteria which served a cooked meal there was hot pork still on the bone, and it looked delicious two men in white catering attire we were ready to serve us one of them could see i had my eye on the pork and said, "how do you like your pork?" the dreamer said, "large and succulent" he cut off a sliver of about 12 ounces one of the men said something to the person the dreamer was with but his reply didn't answer the question the dreamer spoke on his behalf and said something which made the men behind the counter smile another question directed at the person the dreamer was with, his reply didn't make any sense at all the dreamer jumped in and quipped, "do you know what century you're in?" four or five people laughed out loud and the dream ended there 09122016 - 144 embarrassment in dreams was in a small accommodation with an asian woman the dreamer could tell she liked me, and the dreamer leant forward to give her a quick kiss as soon as our lips touched, the dreamer became ravenous and went into a full stiff lip press she was taken aback for a moment but soon responded in a similar fashion it was her who then went into overdrive and reached down and held onto me the dreamer began pressing my pelvis into hers in an x-rhythm before the dreamer knew what had happened she loosened my clothing and hers and conjoined us the sensations were as good as usual and this dream could have gone on to a natural conclusion but after half a minute or so another woman's came from the right of me it was a friend of the woman, and she causally spoke to her, and the woman the dreamer was embracing began talking to her in an equally relaxed manner the dreamer was mortified the situation got worse when a mans voice sounded at the back of me the dreamer immediately stopped everything and went to the nearest corner of the room and buried my face in my hands it was the most embarrassing moment of my life the dreamer was thankful for the nth degree that the woman the dreamer was embracing hadn't let my trousers fall to the floor; that would have been the end of my sense of respectability forever the dreamer would never have been the same again the dreamer kept my face hidden under my hands and was shaking my head and letting out the occasional sound of disbelief the conversation between the three of them continued, and it was apparent they had taken the situation in their stride the dreamer had to get away but didn't want it be an unsociable exit i began waking, and for some eight or so seconds, the dreamer was still feeling the embarrassment to the extent that i ducked my head under the quilt to keep my face hidden i can't think of what pde's brought this dream on the chances are the origin of this dream is something much more subtle 13122016 - 143 x dream (5) participant it should be mentioned that most, if not all, of these types of dreams have a wholesome nature where the writer is the participant 10122016 - 142 a dream about e.t.'s and ufo's it brought the reasons for people being so reluctant to talk about the evidence to the fore upon waking, i considered doing something about it the thought of listing the film studios in the forefront of portraying aliens as killers over the years and coupling that info with their links to the oligarchs and the oligarch structure began to form 07122016 - 141 secretive goings on the dreamer had become accepted as a valuable addition to a group of personnel who were part of a government "black ops" set-up in one scene, there were three operatives of imposing physical stature dressed in black; they looked like they could cause some serious problems someone set up an isolated area and the dreamer arrived there with one of the operatives who was the spitting image of lou diamond phillips we were waiting for someone and the dreamer was out of the car looking for them a car sounded its horn, and we both turned to see someone who wasn't part of the operation sitting in a maxi car he had deliberately drawn our attention to him and sat facing away from us indicating he didn't want us to approach him the man was seriously concerned someone he didn't know was ahead of our game and must have known what was happening the dreamer realised the man in the car was letting the dreamer know he was on my side the man pulled away from his stationary position and waved his hand in an acknowledging way as he passed by us the operative was stunned how could the man in the car possibly have known he would be there? he was expressing his disbelief at the situation when the dream ended the category of the dream - secret services () celebrities () philip ou diamond (1) 06122016 - 140 an undressed young woman who looked like she had just got out of the bath moved closer to the camera of her computer clasped her hands and said "i'm looking for a firm relationship" 04122016 - 139 3rd sleep the dreamer was in the company of friends we were talking about an up and coming visit of relatives the husband of my mothers younger sister was to be stopping with us, but no mention of his wife the dreamer exclaimed, "does that mean iris is dead?" the dreamer woke from the dream at that point the dreamer had sent but not received a christmas card last year the dreamer thought one of them had died at of this writing, the dreamer still doesn't know 2nd sleep 1st dream in an aunties house (g's) x was in the air someone said, "in a while" it took a while, and the dreamer began looking for her i tried one or two rooms but couldn't find anyone the dreamer went upstairs but still there was no one anywhere the dreamer shouted out something hoping she would answer a sound from downstairs drew the dreamer back down the dreamer opened a door, and my mother was sitting on the toilet she said, "a bit later" the dream ended 2nd dream was walking from the bus stop back to where the dreamer was living (location 3) the dreamer had a grey dog with the dreamer who was just out of the puppy stage (a real-life dog from 30 years back) he didn't seem to want to walk so the dreamer picked him up after half a dozen steps, he was struggling to get out of my arms the dreamer put him back down again but he seemed to be having trouble moving the dreamer thought he was ill the dreamer bent to pick him up again and noticed a few blobs of poop near him, and when the dreamer looked at him again, he was letting it all go doggy bags weren't compulsory back then, and the dreamer began cursing at myself the dreamer looked for something to put it in there wasn't any paper anywhere the dreamer was becoming impatient; this wasn't something the dreamer wanted to have to expend time and mental effort on a plant with cabbage-sized leaves came into view which would do the job even better all the poop went into one leaf, and the dreamer dropped it into a drain next scene the dreamer was another forty or fifty metres closer to where the dreamer lived there was a two-tone brown piece of wood, which was about two inches square, just ahead of me the dreamer did a little shuffle to get me into position to kick it onto a lawn a metre or two to my left the dreamer put no more energy into the kick than was necessary to move it a metre or two, but when the dreamer kicked, it took off and went about thirty metres and nestled into a position in the wall which seemed to be made for it as it was symmetrical to the wall and complimented the colour of the wall if that wasn't enough of a surprise when the dreamer told someone nearby what had just happened and drew their attention to it the dreamer noticed the wood had landed perfectly flush into a position in a gap between the first and third of three other similar brick-shaped objects which were there for decorative purposes the dreamer said to the person, "you couldn't do that again if you tried", and "it would take a million years to do that", and was thinking of what else to say when the dream ended third dream was on my own in what looked like the stoke area of location 146 the dreamer was walking along a busy row of shops in what seemed to be early evening the dreamer was taking in the sights and sounds and then, for no apparent reason the scene of the dream changed the dreamer was now in entirely unfamiliar surroundings, and the dreamer had a quilt wrapped around my unclothed body the surroundings were spacious apart from a building to my left, it was a distant horizon in every direction the dreamer was standing at the edge of what struck the dreamer as being the car park of a motorway cafe or the customer car parking area of a small mall, except there were no vehicles the dreamer saw a group of five women standing and talking about thirty metres away and walked towards them as the dreamer approached them, they began dispersing the one who was closest to the dreamer was finishing her cigarette and walking away from the dreamer as the dreamer approached the dreamer said, "exscuse me, i've lost my bearings, can you tell the dreamer what area i'm in?" she said, "america," and after a slight hesitation, "your'e, not him." the dreamer said, "not who?" she said "moses" at that moment, the dream began to make sense the dreamer said, "how about jesus?" the dreamer walked to the door where she had walked through to the left of that door was another door the dreamer decided to go thorough that one and not the one the woman had walked through it was the men's room a man, 6 feet eight if he was an inch was facing the wall the dreamer said, "does the dreamer look like a reasonable person?" he said something with an american accent and the dreamer didn't understand a word of it but the tone of voice told the dreamer not o speak to him again back out in the open, the dreamer decided to go to a police station and let the police disprove my story that the dreamer had been abducted by good-guy aliens and put in america for a purpose how were people going to be able to explain how the dreamer had got through customs, was in england before appearing in a car park, and point them to my website" ?" this was going to be fun qod 3.8 qos 3.8 01122016 - 138 new category of dream: kaleidoscopic environment head/torso/arms/observer montage dreams this dream had about seven different picture sequences they were all women in the act of giving or receiving x the man wasn't evident in any of the sequences, not so much as a finger the two sequences most vividly remembered are of a young woman in the cowgirl position her movements were what a girl enjoying dancing would be making not backwards and forward but left to right sideways turning, more in the fashion of the "twist" dance by complete contrast, there was a frail, pallid-looking woman on her back was unresponsive as the thrusts pushed her back she was either in a deep sleep or dead does the mind think in extremes? this dream may have been the mind encapsulating all of the possible realities we can experience not too difficult to assess what the pde's of this dream was a woman the dreamer spoke to in the street a few months back said that men think about about sex every two seconds now, there's a woman in need 30062016 - 137 name of dream: carmen three things in this dream that have characteristics that to your attention it was bizet's carmen for those not familiar with the song, you can treat yourself to it here - there were twenty or thirty people in this dream we were in a circle and began to shuffle in a slightly stiff manner when the song began then, when the chorus began, we began to move more fluidly and started humming along with the tune each time the chorus came in, we began singing in harmony with it our harmony was at a different pitch to the song we then started to ad-lib the words of the song and, believe it or not, the sound of the performers meshed with ours, and the song took on a more appealing sound it was beauty in music there may be those who scoff at the thought of the song sounding even better than it does this is a dream-time reality; people dreams are where your most daring fantasies can/will come true the most relevant aspect of this dream was the chance to gauge how long a dream lasts for those who know the song will also know the song lasts for four to five minutes this was the first time it has been possible to get an objective comparison of the difference in values of the sense of time in dream-time and the sense of time in the awake-time if this difference between dream-time and awake-time holds for all dreams, then the difference in time values between sleep-time and awake-time tells us that dream-time passes at least ten times more quickly than awake-time experiences if the dreamer didn't know the song and based on how long it lasted purely on the dream, the dreamer would have said the song lasted for twenty to thirty seconds! either an and or of time-tense 1 or 3addenda: vividness:: 3.6 tenses of time: stand-out moment: the harmonies the significance of the stand-out part of the dream: our ability to appreciate beauty in any form category of dream: informative cause/s of the dream: ? 26052016 - 136 holiday with my brother in amsterdam 22052016 - 135 epic dream 2 within the first few seconds of this dream, the word love sounded out the sound of the word conveyed the stamp of time the word love could have been the first sound a baby made (possibly the baby hadn't cried when she took her first breath or had just learnt it as her first word, or perhaps it was a spontaneous and simultaneous collective sentiment [a sentiment so powerful it took on form], that emanated from two or more babies (it would be a challenge to a film director to portray this scene) there was an air of efficiency but also a professional detachment from what was probably a hospital the dream had the dreamer at a dozen or so different places, walking along corridors, walking up stairs, standing and sitting in rooms at about the tenth scene, a single note of what sounded like a sitar resounded throughout the building gradually, in very subtle ways, the air of detached efficiency started to change first, the lighting became softer, and then people, without actually saying anything, became more amenable there wasn't the detached air of professional efficiency there was previously people slowed as they walked past as though they wanted to stop and speak the single note sounded again and again, and subtle changes occurred the lighting became lighter, the building looked cleaner, and the women's uniforms had style again, the note played, only now, the lapse of the time between one note and the previous one had shortened the dream continued; "every time a note sounded, the intensity of congeniality improved, people walked with a more relaxed gait, smiles became more regular, little touches of cooperation, the tone of people's voices took on concern, compassion, friendliness, interest" eventually, the notes formed a melody the melody matched the new mood caring dominated the drive to accomplish love had taken residence there the dream ended this dream could, with the right director, be a great film 22042016 - 134 serial/episode dreams this is the third serial/episode dream of the writer's unillustrious life the first episode of this serial dream (a one-scene dream) was the day before this one in the one-scene dream, the dreamer is standing and looking down at a rectangular, see-through, malleable plastic container that has a removable top to it the contents were visible the objects in the plastic container were about five centimetres tall and about two and a half centimetres wide at first look, the objects looked like mushrooms, only the stalks were noticeably hyperboloid in shape (pic 1) and at the bottom of them were what looked liked thick white/grey roots the cap of the mushroom-like objects are grey/brown with four or five red spots on it the cap of the mushroom-like objects stuck out from the stalk by about a centimetre my first thought was that they were sweets the dreamer took the lid off the container to smell it to confirm it had sweets the dreamer doesn't recall if it had a smell or not but decides not to eat it that ended this one scene-dream ~~~ the dream the next night started as the dreamer had just gone through the front door of the house where the dreamer was staying it was a two-up, two-down house, and the dreamer had a bedsit at the back as the dreamer walked through the hallway to get to my room, on my left, the door to the flat at the front of the house was open the dreamer looked in and saw a man looking at me the dreamer stopped and stood and glanced around the room there were two men one had a pair of earphones on and was busy adjusting knobs and switches of audio equipment, and the other, the man the dreamer saw first, was holding a microphone and, as the dreamer was about to find out, was hosting a radio competition the man holding the microphone invited the dreamer to be the challenger to the person who was on the other end of the phone i've won a few real-life competitions in my day (the last one was over the christmas season, just gone that one, the dreamer won a handsome sekonda watch) So the dreamer fancied my chances. What did the dreamer have to lose? it was a three-question competition, and the winner would be the one who got all of the three questions right it seemed the quiz lasted about three seconds in this dream, but we're timeless-conscious in dreams, and it could have been three minutes anyway, the dreamer won easily, too easily for the quiz-master he was one of those sorts of people who's got a bug up his a when it comes to intelligent assess with an air of smug delight, his smile had broadened, he was the adjudicator and his decision was final; he pronounced the challenger on the phone was the winner (this dream may be linked to a real-life phone-in competition the dreamer was in back in christmas time of 1968. in that competition, the dreamer didn't win outright but was level with my competitor at the end of the quiz. the host had to choose the winner, and the dreamer was the loser. the dreamer felt i'd got the short end of the stick then, too) the dreamer looked at him with disgust, and he was loving it i'd have the last laugh though the time would come when he would need a stand-in challenger again he'd come knocking on my door and i'd tell him to shove it) at that moment though, the dreamer was well mift the dreamer turned away as quickly as the dreamer could so he wouldn't be able to boast at the dreamer fuming and went into my room the dreamer went to the other side of the room and emptied my pockets of "bits and pieces" onto the top of a table the dreamer turned around and immediately noticed that one of the mushroom-like objects, from the dream the night before, was on the other side of the bed within a second, again, in timeless-conscious it's hard to tell, of the dreamer staring at it the mushroom-like object began morphing it became a five-centimetre cat it was sleek and had the body of a cheetah, although it had the face of a kitten it began to walk along the bed towards the dreamer (it is at times like this: the dreamer wishes the dreamer had an expensive computer graphics program and the skill to use it i'm not going to attempt to describe its movements the movements of the animal were out of this world it wasn't flying or anything like that; its movements were expressions of being, happiness, freedom, etc. the dreamer stood fixed, trying to make sense of what it was i was looking at the dreamer was very slightly nervous; this thing could be or do anything it wanted the man who had hosted the radio quiz was standing in the doorway his teeth smile was bearing down on me he let out an ordinary, quick laugh amazement, awe, disbelief" yes, but laughing, definitely not the dreamer did start laughing, though, and woke to the sound of my laughter (this is also the third laughing dream this year) ~~~ the movements of what i'm going to call a being are fixed in my memory the time will come, the dreamer hopes that there'll be a little help on hand which will enable the dreamer to share some of the things the dreamer have to share those of you who are new to "dreams and dream theory" are missing out by not tapping into your timeless-conscious there's stuff in there that will broaden your view of life and even enrich your life ~~~ this one-scene dream may be a "setup up". i.e. the one-scene dream episode of this serial dream sequence was contrived to arrive at the second scene "setup by whom?" i hear you asking take a wild guess this explains why the dreamer didn't win the phone competition and the out-of-context smile of the quiz-master ~~~ hopefully, this is the first and second of what will turn into a multi-episode, and if it carries as much significance as the dreamer thinks it might, it may turn into a multi-serial dream we know from other episode/serial dreams they can span years ~~~ this dream has opened up new thoughts regarding evolution" the writer has assumptions regarding how evolution occurs, i.e. all classes of the man-shaped being (summary: extended version. part 8) follow the same pattern: primitive fish, amphibians, and several stages of quadruped it's possible that within the next two or three hundred or two-three hundred thousand or two or three million or two or three hundred million of the hundred thousand million classes of beings scheduled to emerge over the next five thousand million (summary: extended version. part 8) years will go from a sophisticated "vegetable" stage to the quadruped stage missing all the in-between steps ~~~ over the past three months, dreams and dream theory has been neglected and i've got out of the habit of remembering and recording dreams perhaps this is the time to start anew, and as the dreamer gets back into the routine of remembering dreams, the dreamer can tell you how the dreamer did it, and it should be the same for you but these dream entries take up masses of time to convey putting this and the other entry together has taken three to four hours! 31122015 -132 the name of the dream: the friendly green lizard in a room with another person a small green lizard about twice as big as the giant newt in a fish tank nearby was scurrying here and there the dreamer stooped down so that the back of my hand was resting on the floor and offered the palm of my hand to the lizard the lizard accepted the invitation, and it ran onto my hand, up my arm and stopped on my shoulder but then jumped off and onto the floor almost immediately again, the dreamer put my hand close to the floor so it could run up it and made a squeaky sound to get the lizard's attention it not only got the attention of the lizard, but the lizard mimicked my sound almost precisely as it climbed onto my hand, up my arm and onto my shoulder again when the lizard was on my shoulder, the dreamer made another sound, only this time, it was more of a soft cluck it duplicated the sound yet again, and the other person in the room darted a look at the dreamer, and we knew the lizard had intelligence but, as the first time, it jumped back onto the floor almost straight away the dreamer then realised the lizard was looking for something to eat the dreamer asked the other person in the dream to use two jars to make a flour paste while the dreamer attempted to coax the lizard back into my hand the other person made the paste, but it was much too watery, and then the theme of the dream became two men trying to make a bread paste for the next couple of scenes, and the lizard was no longer in the dream when the dream ended notes 1 this was another dream that was above 3.5 in addenda: vividness: it looks like only dreams that have a high level of addenda: vividness: are becoming worthy of becoming an entry into the diary this trend isn't just my choice vivdiness 3.7 - participant - the category of the dream - animal () reptile () lizard () green (1) 30122015 - 131 two types of consciousness in dreams if movements and visualisations in dreams get any more sophisticated than this, this website would like to hear about it however, it is not the incredible motions and sights in this dream which make it worthy of note it is because, in this dream, the dreamer got closer than ever to being able to form the content of the dream while in timeless consciousness admittedly, it was towards the end of the dream (the "crossing-over" point between the two states of consciousness); however, the ability to affect the dream's content was marked and distinct. there were, at least two separate occasions when consciousness went from one state to the other the implications, if taken to their logical outcome, have fantasy-level implications another step has been taken in crossing the bridge of the comprehension of the self we are entering a world where time and timelessness co-exist we can use the comparison/analogy with the quantum theory the quantum character of substance is the timeless consciousness, and our everyday experience of reality (classical mechanics) is time-conscious our time-conscious can, and does, affect events at an atomic, and even at a superficial molecular, level (see the act of observation) it is beyond dispute that the pde's affects the timeless conscious the dream itself" sequence one* a sickeningly smug religious man, wearing a black habit with white trimmings at some of its edges and a large black skullcap, was, at first, standard size but became the size of a finger-puppet when the dreamer attached two or three string cables to him which were highly responsive to my touch the slightest touch sent him one metre one way, and then he swung back, with slightly less momentum, to more or less where the movement began he became life-sized again and was still maintaining the composure of self-righteousness, which is what the dreamer was trying to change the dreamer mind-willed him to finger-size again and gave him another, slightly more energetic push when he was life-sized again, he agreed with my way of seeing things (it will let you work out for yourselves what the pde's were for this part of the dream) sequence two was at a computer or a game console the dreamer pressed something or toggled something, and the screen came to life, and a video sequence began the sensation of movement was immediate and fast, too fast still, before it unsettled me, my mind focused on the shapes and colours the dreamer was on a roller-coaster ride, but it wasn't a carriage, and it wasn't on tracks couldn't see the shape of whatever it was that was transporting me indeed, it may have been just a mind thing it was a roller-coaster ride through a tube the surface area of the tube was now the screen, and it became a rapidly changing display of kaleidoscopic images that were continually changing; some stayed formed long enough to take in the detail the roller coaster movement went at a slope down, slope up, slope sideways, twisting up, down and sideways, turning as it was twisting up, down and sideways, slowing down, speeding up, and always at a break-neck speed it was a saturation of patterns and colours, predominantly orange it was taking the mind to the very limits of its ability to perceive the volume of input of motion, shape and colour then it stopped, and the moment it stopped, the desire to experience it again filled the senses sequence three the dreamer was back where the dream began, at a computer screen or game console, when the cross-over between states of conscious states occurred it was possible to re-enter the roller-coaster reality twice more as a result of the dreamer wanting to, while in a time-conscious state in this time-conscious stimulated dreaming sequence, the motions and colours weren't as intense as the original however, it was still okay, like eating another spoonful or two of a sweet pudding after becoming sated it happened again on the second attempt again, the detail and newness of the experience deteriorated the dreamer knew the dreamer had crossed back fully to time-conscious as the dreamer was trying for the third time comment we have to open up to the possibility that this type of dream can happen as a shared dream and, who knows, perhaps as a group and as a collective shared dream notes *because the dreamer didn't get to the computer straight away after waking, i can't be sure which of the first two sequences came first the third sequence is in the right place 24122015 - 130 intricate graphics in dreams this dream is an entry because of the highly sophisticated pictures and visual sequences it contained the reasons that caused the dream are known we don't need to go into those what has to be thought about is the ability of the dream-time conscious to produce such complex visual content this is the second dream with this type of visual content; the first was on the 15102015 we're entering into a new dimension of abstract form (e.g. linear-shaped clouds) the puzzle is why the dream-time conscious feels the need to introduce to the awake-time conscious completely unfamiliar content when everyday visualisations could do the job just as easily the first thought is we are being exposed to another aspect of reality one which is as equally important in the understanding of self as quantum theory is to understanding physics is the timeless consciousness the underlying character upon which the time consciousness is built? physicists found themselves questioning the credibility of their discoveries as quantum theory was formulated "can nature be as strange as the experiments indicate" (werner heisenburg) the answer, we now know, is yes picture page furnace place falls into the category we're talking about for now, the dream-time consciousness is assigned as being the underlying character of the awake-time consciousness: the consciousness upon which the awake-time-conscious rests or is built 21122015 - 129 externalised /laughing dream these dreams are becoming too much listen to this the first half of the dream was a replay of a dream from between five months and two years ago unfortunately, the writer didn't make it an entry for dreams and dream theory if it had, it could have been accurately analysed and purposefully used does the idea of spending half your day worrying about sleep and dreams seem like a waste of time? for some reason, dreams and dream theory seem to be high on the agenda of love/life in that, and this, dream" got onto a single-decker bus/coach the bus/coach, almost immediately, started going too fast within a couple of seconds (sleep-time), it had got out of control and careered off the road and into a circular tunnel, which went under another road and became wedged between the sides of the tunnel managed to squeeze out of the coach via the front door and began walking towards the other end of the tunnel, which was about thirty metres away the entry/exit to the tunnel to which the dreamer was walking was at ninety degrees to the tunnel itself and was quite steeply sloped, and the light of day was reaching into the tunnel - this is the end of the old dream the new sequence begins here, to the left of me is a budget-film crew (sound man, director and cameraman) they were filming a crime movie two men were having a fight against the wall on my left the bus that had crashed had drawn two athletic, have-a-go-type women into the tunnel to do their christian duty they bounded into the tunnel and stood for a moment, looking around to see where they could be most helpful i couldn't help myself; i shouted, "stop it, stop it, stop fighting." it worked the two, very healthy women pounced on the two actors fighting and stopped, in double-quick time, what they thought was a real fight as they were wallowing in the satisfaction of a job well done they began to realise that they had interrupted a filming sequence and it didn't take them long to figure out who the culprit was in the next scene of the dream one of the women made a hasty exit from the tunnel and the other one, wearing trousers, was slumped in a squat position, trimming the skin off the ends of her fingers with her teeth the dreamer got the impression she was on the verge of coming over to the dreamer and poking the dreamer in the eye for making a fool of her now, the dreamer had begun silently laughing the moment they had started moving, at speed, toward the two fighting actors my amusement was growing, and every time the dreamer recalled the expression on their faces, as the embarrisng truth dawned on them, it became stronger between looking at the girl with a disgusted-at-herself-for-being-so-easily-duped look on her face and recalling the expressions of the women (an awkward bemusement) at the moment of realising what they had done, the silent laughing had turned into involuntary noisy tittering and chuckling it got to the point where the laughing was interfering with my physical ability to breathe a final glance at the girl showed she was becoming infected by my laughing, and it was starting to make her smile the dreamer woke up at a point of the laughing fit where the dreamer was not breathing in enough to feed my body with the air it needed to laugh the dreamer was laughing hard for a full minute after waking, and it took another minute or two after that for it to subside completely (still chuckling a little as i'm writing this) this dream was the result of what the dreamer thought was witty and amusing writing in a chat room on the internet yesterday this entry points out the timeless conscious mind's ability to turn or use a semi-disastrous event as a prequel for a bloody good laugh we need to learn about and develop the faculties of the timeless conscious there's so much good stuff to unearth in it a quick read of this article provides the scientific evidence of the benefits of laughter the above corporeal interpretation explains laughter as the pituitary gland releasing endorphins into the brain methinks it will, eventually, lead to laughter tied into the timeless-conscious perhaps a straight equation of a numerical increase or enhancement of love/life this is the 3rd laughing dream this year 19122015 - 128 time conscious/timeless conscious dream got back into bed after going to the bathroom and was waiting for sleep to claim the dreamer again after a couple of minutes, the dreamer began to feel more awake and realised the dreamer wasn't going back to sleep the dreamer couldn't figure it out" hadn't laid down during the day before and watched a film, as is typical for me had put twice as much effort into weight training than usual had been more active than usual about the house had gone to bed early (10 pm) usually, that would have guaranteed a whole night's sleep or, as has always been the case until today, would have fallen back to sleep within seconds of getting back into bed after coming back from the bathroom the dreamer was miffed it would mean the dreamer would be too tired to go through the whole day without having a sleep which means my sleep routine still wasn't settled after coming back from the bathroom and before getting back into bed had looked at the wrist watch on the table" it was just after 2 am after about 5-10 minutes, as the dreamer started feeling more awake, it was noticed, through the cracks of where the curtains meet, the street lighting was brighter than usual curious as to why that would be, the dreamer parted the curtains and had a peek it was the daylight! it was 8'o clock the dreamer had dreamt the dreamer had woken up gone to the toilet, had the unmistakable sensation of the cold bathroom floor on the bottom of my feet, looked at the watch before the dreamer got back into bed" the cause of the dream? fell asleep the night before watching the film dark skies in the film two people had been "tampered" with and their waking and sleeping states had got mixed up o.k. my mind latched onto the idea of not being able to distinguish between awake and sleeping but the sleeping mind can so fully convince the awake mind of a different reality! you had better start accepting it, people" there are going to be more twists and turns marrying the time-conscious and the timeless-conscious than there are in figuring out how we got here from nothing 10122015 - 127 externally-influenced dream woke from this dream feeling drained, sluggish and more tired than before going to sleep it was the most violent dream the writer has ever had close to being a nightmare three scenes of apparently wanton murder its only saving grace was there were no children involved a dozen or so people were burnt alive by some liquid fuel a hose was jetting out a fountain of fuel at any and everyone who came near me there were some genuinely horrifying images in the dream, and they were still occurring as the dreamer awoke feeling ill feeling defeated that i'd had stray thoughts sometime during the day, the dreamer began going through the thoughts and feelings of the previous day there were one or two thoughts that weren't entirely "wholesome", along the lines of not feeling too annoyed by the idea of homosexuals not gaining access to the future but nothing of a destructive nature which would produce this type of dream then it occurred to the dreamer that the last dream that was violent happened more than a year ago it was brought on by eating too much ham the food the day before this dream was typically low in meat, so it wasn't the food then it was thought it might have been a combination of food and thoughts (i had eaten some corned beef for the first time in several months), but that didn't make enough sense lay there for a full half-hour or more trying to isolate the cause of the dream and eventually gave up, thinking it was one of those dreams that had yet analysed at the very moment the dreamer took that decision, an image sequence popped into my mind, and the reason for the dream revealed itself fell asleep watching a film (automata), which had a scene of a man-shaped being doused in a liquid and then setting fire to itself the scene lingered on the eyes of the being as it was burning, and it conveyed a sense of melancholy it was clear" this was an externally-influenced dream comment usually, this type of image sequence wouldn't have affected the writer in the way it did over the last week or so, since the entry of stray thoughts, the writer has kept his thoughts and feelings in line with the underlying thrust of life, an ever-increasing quantity and quality of life honing in on inner-self produces, for evolving beings, a more relaxed and wholesome feel for life any increase in orientation to more life will produce a change in the person's conjugate position when the change is sufficiently significant, it will re-position a person's temperament to the degree it will be affected more quickly by life-reducing circumstances, such as what happened to the writer because of watching the burning sequence in the film the point is that violence through the media outlets is depleting your children's feelings for life and consequently your chances of making it into the future 05122015 -126 informative? dream reference: dream 05122015 was trying to steal some toothbrushes from the counter in a store toothbrushes, six or seven assorted individual and coupled items in each package a mixture of items", toothbrush and re-usable/disposable wet shave razor", two different types of toothbrushes, one soft, one hard, a packet of four (all soft) and two or three individual packets of mixed items by the same manufacturer (blue and grey design/colour and sleek/modern looking) had my hand hidden under a cloth and was slowly inching my hand to the items the dreamer wanted and was succeeding next? dream first scene a public playground from seemingly nowhere, a steady white/blue beam of light, about thirty centimetres wide, emanated from two feet above the ground for about a second near the wire on the inside of the playground second scene within a second or two, a blue/white pulse light, like the green pulse light in the original film war of the worlds, again seemingly came out of thin air from the same place the beam of light came from the dreamer knew what was happening:" two kids had got hold of the invisibility cloth (although in this scene it had become big enough to cover the two kids) and were using it to have some fun at the expense of grown-ups one was holding a hand-held gun which shot the pulse light, and the other was operating a mounted-cannon gun which was emitting a steady beam new scene a small group of people were gathering around but kept their distance (most people publicly deny the existence of aliens but secretly harbour thoughts about them and weren't going to take any chances" ) a young woman who was more curious than afraid was approaching the point of emanation of the light next dream first scene was at a cash machine that had a small slit in the brickwork a metre or two away from the cash dispenser had stashed some money there previously and was retrieving it people thought the dreamer had got the money from the machine but couldn't figure out how the dreamer had got so much money out of the machine (the limit was 250 pound, the dreamer had hundreds and hundreds) next scene a queue had formed hoping they would be able to do the same next dream standing at the end of a tight alley where the dreamer left my push-bike overnight second scene a male person (had been wondering about a person in real life and real-time, and if he had joined the "force" or not it turned out he had because he was now using a push-bike) couldn't leave his bike where he wanted to because mine was there he couldn't see the dreamer because the dreamer was still invisible woke up as the dreamer lay awake thinking about this dream the dreamer recalled another scene in the dream (associated with the two-scene push-bike dream sequence) of the dreamer looking at my wristwatch and noticing the time was two minutes to six on a wild speculative hunch the dreamer decided to check the time in real time which prompted the dreamer to get out of bed it took about two minutes to get dressed and look at the wristwatch it was precisely 5 a.m., not 6 a.m. as it was in the dream this may or may not be significant, but there is an imaginative idea forming that synchronization between dream time and real-time will have implications and applications related to "getting connected" this dream is entered because of the possible application of sleep-time and real-time for use in getting connected and also because it is another one of those dreams in which packeted toothbrushes of the same colour and design had featured in another dream in the last year, and that dream itself was based on a real-life incident from at least eight years previous to this date (i looked through the image pages of blue/grey toothbrushes, no matches) ~~~ this entry has taken 3 hours to get to this point have still got to colour the words and re-read it and probably change it it's going to be closer to four hours than three before it can be published this entry is typical of how much time this website spends on dreams and dreams theory for each entry we're now at the stage where the time it takes to keep abreast of sleep and dreams is going to take up half of the day and it's demanding greater attention 02122015 - 125 stray thoughts dream this dream wasn't a quality dream it didn't take long to figure out what caused it while composing the new page, stray thoughts the writer allowed himself to dwell on disastrous thoughts and feelings towards devolving beings anything less-than-loving content has been removed 25112015 - 124 laughing dream externalised dream this is only the second laughing dream this year time was when the dreamer was having two or three a week the point is more important than the details of the dream itself the point is this dream was the result of following through with my suggestion of doing and thinking things for the benefit of other people it does work the most influential factor in producing enjoyable dreams is not to allow "stray thoughts" into your view of people stray thoughts (thoughts which contain a reduction in the quantity or quality of life) are counter-productive to pleasant dreams for the simple reason that reality demands, yes, demands, of us that everything we do, think, etc., embodies endlessness that's all there is to it, and that's all there is to it sweet dreams name of dream: crumpets and photographs in accommodation of an average size was eating crumpets two or three uncles were there and were looking at the food got the feeling they wanted some and went into the kitchen and started toasting another four or five second scene it became a full-blown-blown gathering of the clan with twelve men, and the room had got bigger third scene was back in the kitchen opened the fridge to find another couple of dozen crumpets and a dozen scotch pancakes had materialised fourth scene back in the living room where everybody was eating, and there was an atmosphere of celebration a large oval silver platter with twenty or thirty slices of beef had come from somewhere bread and other items were needed to make it a proper buffet-type meal left the gathering and went off to go to a nearby shop for the food fifth scene was outside, and the surroundings were unfamiliar to me, it was going to be necessary to catch a bus sixth scene was in a street that was curved and sharply inclined there were buses, and it was bustling with people it occurred to the dreamer that it was going to take too long to get the food and get back to the family gathering in good time seventh scene i was walking along another street when a voice to my right said, "hello john" it was someone the dreamer didn't recognise standing at the entrance of an open-front shop which sold assorted up-market knick-knacks he was smiling eighth scene he raised his hand to offer the dreamer something, and the dreamer saw what looked to be a 20 pound note the dreamer could see the zero, but the dreamer couldn't see the two he handed it to the dreamer, and then the number became clear, but it wasn't a 2 but a 3 a 30 pound note was a sure sign of prosperity he could see the dreamer still didn't understand who he was or why he was giving the dreamer money then he said, "Thanks for the photo." the dreamer said, "have a good christmas," and then realised it was christmas; as the dreamer started waking from the dream and realised i was dreaming, i heard myself say, "or should the dreamer say, "a merry christmas" ~~~ again, as is becoming the writer's waking routine, with eyes closed, lay still in bed thinking about the dream after half an hour, the pieces started to fall into place." in another dream, a year to two years ago, the dreamer was the official photographer of a wedding in that dream, the man who gave the dreamer the 30 puund note in this dream asked the dreamer to take a photo of a young man (a real-life person who had been a regular caller to my home for over four to five years, 15 to 20 years before) in the dream of a year or two before, he was not the father of the young man but the lover of the young man's mother the man who asked the dreamer to take the photo in the dream of 1 to 2 years ago thought the young man epitomised what he thought a decent, clean-cut, well-balanced young man should be and was proud to have become involved with a woman who could produce such a fine example of manhood and he regarded the young man as his son in the dream of one to two years ago, there had been a gap of 18 months to two years between the wedding and the man receiving the photo the time gap was because the dreamer could never remember to give the photo to the young man to give to his step-father the man who wanted the photo had resigned himself to not getting the picture and had formed a poor opinion of me he was shocked when it turned up, and it restored his belief in people he had wanted to show his gratitude to the dreamer for some years, but, like the dreamer with the photo, the circumstances had never presented themselves until today's dream! analysis/interpretation comment the crumpets were the result of the dreamer thinking how much the dreamer had enjoyed honey and peanut butter on crumpets the day before, but that's the only one of the pde's of this dream that the writer can put his finger on this is in sharp contrast, or perhaps the complete opposite, of yesterday's dream the complicated bit is how a dream from more than a year ago should find a conclusion in this dream the one factor that may explain it is that the writer began practising his dancing steps with determination the day before for this dream for the first time in more than fifteen years and was pleased to discover he had still "got it" this dream has produced the outlook that dreams aren't just the influence of the pde's it should be considered by the reader over the years and, incredibly, over a lifetime more than just a little bit of satisfaction was derived from this dream that dreams can be this sophisticated bolsters the view that dreams are a portal to understanding our inner self quantum theory opened the door to understanding the physical world, and its applications are still only in their infant stage dreams and dream theory, it is boldly conjectured, is going to be as big a breakthrough in understanding what the soul is and just what the relationship between our soul and our human selves is as quantum theory was in explaining the workings of the inanimate world -possibly a necessary prerequisite to becoming a pure soul it is evident from the outset of dreams and dreams theory that it would become a "biggie." it looks like it may become even more significant than was first envisaged category of dream: serial dream/externalised dream "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious means" something to say when you have nothing to say 23112015 - 123 two -themed dream: humorous & inventive first dream in an enclosed area about four times the size of a sqaush court two men came in, followed by two women both the ladies were beautiful the first of the two men who came into the area moved out of the squash court the second of the two men was a burly, well-dressed and serious-looking chap second scene the dreamer was in a comfortable chair one of the women sat opposite and close to the dreamer, the other one was two metres to the left of her, and the man was to the back and left, observing me the woman closest to the dreamer exuded a nervous apprehension The dreamer asked her what her job was. She said, "The dreamer works for the media." the dreamer said, "so they know where you are then" it dissipated her anxiousness, and she visibly relaxed; the other woman smiled and moved closer the dream ended there there is not much in this dream to write home about i am making this an entry because it was possible to pinpoint every thought of the pde's that formed this dream the first of the two men who entered the dream was an acquaintance from some years back who let the dreamer down on something quite profound and who was in the doghouse had thought about him during the day the second man represented the establishment had been thinking over what the outlook of the oligarchs was and how best to nullify their influence the point of this entry is to make you aware that it is possible to understand why you have the dreams you do"; the most influential thing which forms the content of dreams are your thoughts of the pde's the second dream is way too complicated and time-consuming to go into in detail these few sentences alone have taken more than 90 minutes suffice it to say it was a business venture - had a woman in it (no, not xul mores the pity) was set high in the sky going into the details of dreams is a feat of concentration it took almost two hours of thinking about these two dreams to recall every detail and marry them to the pde's lying there after waking for two hours with eyes shut did produce some other insights into dreams through going to have a drink (coffee) and will then add some more to why do we dream 22112015 - 122 two -themed dream: humorous & inventive first dream in an enclosed area about four times the size of a sqaush court two men came in, followed by two women both the ladies were beautiful the first of the two men who came into the area moved out of the squash court the second of the two men was a burly, well-dressed and serious-looking chap second scene the dreamer was in a comfortable chair one of the women sat opposite and close to the dreamer, the other one was two metres to the left of her, and the man was to the back and left, observing me the woman closest to the dreamer exuded a nervous apprehension the dreamer asked her what her job was. she said, " the dreamer works for the media" the dreamer said, "so they know where you are then" it dissipated her anxiousness, and she visibly relaxed, and the other woman smiled and moved closer the dream ended there not much in this dream to write home about am making this an entry because it was possible to pinpoint every thought of the pde's that formed this dream the first of the two men who entered the dream was an acquaintance from some years back who let the dreamer down on something quite profound and who was in the doghouse had thought about him during the day the second man represented the establishment had been thinking over what the outlook of the oligarchs was and how best to nullify their influence the point of this entry is to make you aware that it is possible to understand why you have the dreams you do" the most influential thing which forms the content of dreams are your thoughts of the pde's the second dream is way too complicated and time-consuming to go into in detail these few sentences alone have taken more than 90 minutes suffice it to say it was a business venture" had a woman in it (no, not xul. mores the pity)" was set high in the sky going into the details of dreams is a feat of concentration it took almost two hours of thinking about these two dreams to recall every detail and marry them to the pde's lying there after waking for two hours with eyes shut did produce some other insights into dreams through going to have a drink (coffee) and will then add some more to why do we dream 19112015 - 121 humorous dream one scene humour in a dream is nothing new for this website this difference in this dream is that the joke was on me i can't tell you the specifics of the humour, except it was two people who were at ease with life, more so than myself at the moment the penny dropped, there was a non-plussed moment for the dreamer, but it immediately changed to a feeling of appreciation of being out-humoured in a way that is one the hallmarks of my sense of humour this dream is the result of realising during the pde's there are people out there who are on the train and don't know it 13112015 - 120 feel-good dream first scene at the start of the dream, there was a baby bear in a small room it was in a semi-frantic state, looking for food the dreamer picked it up and left second scene was in the company of six or seven other people, and the bear was the centre of attention third scene i took the bear home and let it run around the house big mistake fourth scene every time the bear moved, it broke something or knocked something over fifth scene magically, a sturdy thirty-foot-tall pine tree and a cave appeared in the back garden sixth scene the dream ended as the dreamer stepped out of the back door and into the garden a feeling of satisfaction swept over the dreamer as the dreamer realised that between the simulated habitat and human company, the bear would be pleased ~~~ have had a run of enjoyable dreams this last week it has prompted this entry the dream itself was caused by watching the last third of the film monsters inc. (i had watched the first and second parts the two previous nights. the dreamer crashed out while watching the film) the enjoyment of the film transposed itself into a dream where both the bear and the human got what they wanted the enjoyment factor of dreams over the last five or six-day is the direct result of following my advice and not allowing "stray thoughts" to figure prominently during the day by stray thoughts, it means thoughts which do not contain life-enhancing outcomes for other people regardless of who they are or what they've done it has led to this consideration, and because it's such a radical thought, it may be rescinded at any time the part of the brain where the dream takes place may not be the digestive system of the soul, the analogy being used to simplify the reason why we dream, but it may be the you consideration the gratifying feelings in this dream weren't as great as the feelings while watching the film but then again, there are plenty of instances where the content of the dream was far greater than the conscious experiences on which the dream is based so to determine with greater accuracy which of the two possibilities is closer to the truth, i.e. the dreamer in us is more accurate than the conscious self or the dreamer, in us is a barometer of our conscious selves, a little experimentation is needed what this website will do, and if you're in the position to do it, you do it too, is, on the run-up to christmas, maintain or instil in ourselves a wholly "others are more important than self" attitude and without spending less than the world wage on yourself, follow it through in deeds what the experiment is trying to establish if our dreaming self can be more enjoyable than our conscious self id, person, essence, psyche, soul, spirit, you, the writer is in a unique position to define that part of the person which remains constant in the eternal sense it's not just memories in the same way that a person who practises playing the piano develops flexible fingers, and those characteristics become part of the genetic structure which, if continued through successive generations, would result in even more deft skills so too it is with practising ethics the more it is practised, the more those traits which produce evolutionary progression manifest themselves once more, the characteristics and abilities which lead to more life aren't an intellectual ideal but the natural order of the state of being notes the implications of this are that in the dream state, we would have to be able to communicate with each other and move together this website has no experience of doing this externalised dreams make communication possible, but even then, it's a one-way thing other ideas that led to insights about things that were previously thought beyond our range of understanding started in this unwieldy state will let this idea run for a while and see if it takes us anywhere 06112015 - 119 woke up today feeling completely refreshed and relaxed and lay there luxuriating in the feeling began reflecting on the dream i'd just had it had so many new sights and variations in it that after an hour of thinking about the dream it dawned on me that an interpretation/analysis of dreams will mean having to organise the content of dreams into many distinct groups and categories the need to make this entry galvanised the dreamer into action and got the dreamer out of bed in the dream, a game of ja the dreamer, aka the dreamer, was being played not in a court with a cesta but with a cap on a flight of stairs with what could have been a small but heavy ball-bearing that would cause an injury to either player two mineral stones, one was oval/round, predominantly black with white streaks, and the other was cube-shaped, predominantly white with black streaks a class of spider insects about the size of a grasshopper but with a body the shape of the spaceship millenium falcon with an "i'll attack you if you try anything with me" and the dreamer wants a friend" character all its own a group of avant-garde thinkers led by myself some of us are convinced that making money from the mineral stones is the best way to go, and some want to make a name for themselves by exhibiting the friendly spider the game of ja the dreamer, aka the dreamer, was undoubtedly the result of watching a bit the film " tron various thoughts during the day can explain some of the other contents of the dream, but too much of this, and many different dreams, aren't understood 28102015 - 118 informative dream first scene the dreamer is employed as a dogsbody in a factory although the company supplied a sweeping brush, i brought my own into work because there was more demand for brushes around the factory than were on tap, and it took the pressure off the dreamer having to wait or hunt around for one there were two or three people in particular who let their resentment of the dreamer get the better of them and had hidden my brush, knowing it would cause the dreamer problems being me, the dreamer went straight to the people who the dreamer was sure were behind it and asked them where it was they shook their heads and were ready to get angry if the dreamer accused them of doing it looked in all the places where someone could hide it and ended up back where the dreamer had left it the people who had moved the brush were looking at the dreamer with an air of sly satisfaction that their dirty deed had succeeded in causing the dreamer to become flustered the dreamer had no choice but to use a company brush second scene the dreamer went to get a paintbrush, only to find the last two brushes were screwed together in such a way that it was utterly impractical to use them it was the end of the working day by now, and the dream ended, and the dreamer woke still feeling annoyed and frustrated interpretation/analysis being honest, happy, and having an open disposition with a flair for originality doesn't go down well with some people the thoughts and memories during the day which furnished this dream are remembered the dreamer never left the house during the day and spent most of the day at the computer several things went exceptionally well exercises seemed unusually productive came across four or five perfect songs i had never heard before, and they brought a compilation of disco songs together beautifully ate three hearty meals" zeroed in a little closer to getting a 3d programme to render a more life-like depth to the picture, and for the first time, the cloud backup system proved its worth when the dreamer found a registration key which saved the dreamer having to buy the programme again also, during the day, the memory brought up a conversation with someone a few years back it was this relatively short period of reflection that dominated the content of this dream a person is trying to bamboozle the dreamer with misleading comments and statements on one occasion, being in an open and well-disposed frame of mind, the dreamer followed through on his comment by asking him two or three questions in quick succession, which brought the incorrectness of what he had said to the fore it laid the lie bare, and he became sad and moody you will know what the dreamer means if you can think of a time when you were in the presence of a parent telling a child something and when the child asked questions (they have the knack of getting to the heart of the matter by asking a few "why" or "how" questions) are refuted with a "don't ask so many questions" reply as we create circumstances where honesty and openness become the norm, the bullshiters of this world will become uncomfortable at not being able to lie or get out of a situation they have created by becoming angry and violent these people will feel as out of place in a peaceful environment as a quiet man does in a war zone we've still got a ways to go, yet main point that so many good things happened during the day, yet the central theme of the dream was dominated by a mere fraction of the total time of consciousness, causes the writer to conclude that the psyche has to address problems before it can engage in enhancing itself this dream exemplifies the situation humanity is in the good stuff will happen once we overcome the things holding us back. see note the spirit, soul or essence of the person is housed in the brain the body sorts out the food via the digestive system dreams are the extremely subtle mechanism the psyche uses to bring out the compatibilities and incompatibilities of the previous day's experiences inadequate food will cause salmonella and can make a person feel very ill evil thoughts, feelings, etc., will cause bad dreams and can produce nightmares and night terrors, which are equally awful in another way note 2 the test of a correct theory is that it explains and predicts at the end of the day, reflect on the main thoughts, feelings, images, etc., of the day and see if you can predict whether the dream/s you are going to have will be desirable or not 15102015 - 117 multi-scene/multi-theme dreams first dream a group of 300-500 people wanting to be friendly was slightly apart from them trying to avoid being the focal point started walking to the right of the people 2nd scene was as far right as the dreamer could go and couldn't go any further because it was at the edge of the sea 3rd scene there was a green, plastic-coated, 15 feet high, chicken/rabbit mesh fence which was there to prevent anyone from falling over into the sea about thirty feet below 4th scene everyone gravitated to the fence 5th scene the people at the front put their fingers through the mesh and let their weight rest against the fence 6th scene the weight of the people caused the fence to give way 7th scene most of those who had their fingers through the mesh kept a grip on the fence as it gave way but eight or so people fell onto the sand without knowing for sure it looked as though some were injured 2nd dream in a built-up area the buildings were sturdy, castle-like and looked as though they had been there for a long time 2nd scene was crossing a bridge over an impressively energetic river there were two young ladies in front of me the river was turbulent, and the water was washing up against the buildings where the water was swelling against the buildings it was forming into sideways-funnel vortexes 3rd scene there was an air of awe as the water began defying physics as it began sculpting itself it produced giant holes and recognisable images of real-life objects as it flowed tumultuously 3rd dream: kissing dream waiting to be served in a shop with three or four other people 2nd scene a man and a woman were doing the serving a man who had just bought something was quietly talking to the person he was with he has just realised that he has been given more money back in his change than the amount payed for it although he didn't bring the discrepancy to the assistant's attention 3rd scene the same thing happened with the next customer when it was my turn to get served the dreamer asked for two bars of chocolate and paid for them with the largest denomination note the dreamer had thinking the dreamer would get even more back proportionally to what the dreamer handed over, and the dreamer did the male assistant knew what was happening and wasn't worried about it the dreamer was trying to understand what was going on at first the dreamer thought the female cashier was mentally challenged a concentrated look at her told the dreamer that wasn't the case 4th scene the dreamer was with the woman in a room, and we were looking, more than talking, to each other it became apparent she wanted to be more than just acquaintances she lent back and pulled the dreamer on top of her, and we started kissing after five to ten seconds of very enjoyable kissing the dreamer stopped and was trying to understand what was happening as the dreamer woke category of dream: kissing dream (7) analysis/interpretation most, but not all, of the significant points of the elements of the third dream sequence were thoughts/sights and feelings during the day not all of the thoughts during the day which produced the content of the dream are remembered for instance in second dream second scene, the presence of women suggests the turbulence in the water was the result of turbulent thoughts the dreamer had during the day concerning women without knowing what the thoughts were, it's a safe bet it is along the lines of a continuing theme of troubled thoughts concerning women that has been going on for more than 20 years the details of those thoughts have to do with non-interaction a hardening of this resolve will occur in less than three months if." the events of the day are, in this person's experience, the principal cause of the content of the dreams we can comfortably assume the reason we dream is the same reason we eat and breathe, and love is a guide to attaining optimum quality and quantity dreams, we can provisionally postulate, can be likened to the digestive system we aim to assimilate evaluating the experiences of the day before and, like food, the better the quality of the thoughts, feelings, images etc., the more enjoyable our dreams are" so our goal is to have laughing, singing, kissing, flying, etc., dreams for the entire period, r.e.m. the postulate above is the initial basis on which dreams and the theory currently rests 15102015 - 116 multi-scene/multi-theme dreams first dream a group of 300-500 people wanting to be friendly was slightly apart from them trying to avoid being the focal point started walking to the right of the people 2nd scene was as far right as the dreamer could go and couldn't go any further because it was at the edge of the sea 3rd scene there was a green, plastic-coated, 15 feet high, chicken/rabbit mesh fence which was there to prevent anyone from falling over into the sea about thirty feet below 4th scene everyone gravitated to the fence 5th scene the people at the front put their fingers through the mesh and let their weight rest against the fence 6th scene the weight of the people caused the fence to give way 7th scene most of those who had their fingers through the mesh kept a grip on the fence as it gave way but eight or so people fell onto the sand without knowing for sure it looked as though some were injured 2nd dream in a built-up area the buildings were sturdy, castle-like and looked as though they had been there for a long time 2nd scene was crossing a bridge over an impressively energetic river there were two young ladies in front of me the river was turbulent, and the water was washing up against the buildings where the water was swelling against the buildings it was forming into sideways-funnel vortexes 3rd scene there was an air of awe as the water began defying physics as it began sculpting itself it produced giant holes and recognisable images of real-life objects as it flowed tumultuously 3rd dream: kissing dream waiting to be served in a shop with three or four other people 2nd scene a man and a woman were doing the serving a man who had just bought something was quietly talking to the person he was with he has just realised that he has been given more money back in his change than the amount payed for it although he didn't bring the discrepancy to the assistant's attention 3rd scene the same thing happened with the next customer when it was my turn to get served the dreamer asked for two bars of chocolate and paid for them with the largest denomination note the dreamer had thinking the dreamer would get even more back proportionally to what the dreamer handed over, and the dreamer did the male assistant knew what was happening and wasn't worried about it the dreamer was trying to understand what was going on at first the dreamer thought the female cashier was mentally challenged a concentrated look at her told the dreamer that wasn't the case 4th scene the dreamer was with the woman in a room, and we were looking, more than talking, to each other it became apparent she wanted to be more than just acquaintances she lent back and pulled the dreamer on top of her, and we started kissing after five to ten seconds of very enjoyable kissing the dreamer stopped and was trying to understand what was happening as the dreamer woke category of dream: kissing dream (7) analysis/interpretation most, but not all, of the significant points of the elements of the third dream sequence were thoughts/sights and feelings during the day not all of the thoughts during the day which produced the content of the dream are remembered for instance in second dream second scene, the presence of women suggests the turbulence in the water was the result of turbulent thoughts the dreamer had during the day concerning women without knowing what the thoughts were, it's a safe bet it is along the lines of a continuing theme of troubled thoughts concerning women that has been going on for more than 20 years the details of those thoughts have to do with non-interaction a hardening of this resolve will occur in less than three months if." the events of the day are, in this person's experience, the principal cause of the content of the dreams we can comfortably assume the reason we dream is the same reason we eat and breathe, and love is a guide to attaining optimum quality and quantity dreams, we can provisionally postulate, can be likened to the digestive system we aim to assimilate evaluating the experiences of the day before and, like food, the better the quality of the thoughts, feelings, images etc., the more enjoyable our dreams are" so our goal is to have laughing, singing, kissing, flying, etc., dreams for the entire period, r.e.m. the postulate above is the initial basis on which dreams and the theory of dreams currently rests september 26092015 - 115 in a block of flats where the dreamer used to live and a too-young-for-me girl insisted on a kiss the dreamer began making a meal of it and she said, "don't be greedy" the dreamer said, "don't limit yourself" category of dream: kissing dream (6) inerpretation/ananysis again, the qualiy of the kiss was the stand-out aspect of the dream upon waking the dreamer began remembering other kisses and comparing them the most vivid kiss that presented itself was an awake-time kiss 35 years ago elsewhere in the dream diary, the quality of kisses in dreams seems more real than awake kisses this entry changes that opinion it is closer to the mark to consider the feelings of touch are more or less equal in both states of consciousness 22092015 - 114 music in dreams first scene was at a train station when an impressively large train (it looked as tall as one of those double-decker trains, but it only had one tier) came in as soon as it had come to a stop the engine revved up and the dreamer could tell from the sound it was about to start moving (this train was keeping to a time-table measured in seconds) the dreamer ran to the front of the train to tell the driver to wait until the dreamer got on second scene the train driver is sitting relaxed the deep rumble of the umpteenth thousand-horsepower diesel engine made its presence felt i could tell the train driver had gunned the engine to make the dreamer hurry up the dreamer said something to him and he said something to the dreamer and we both relaxed the dreamer asked him if he wanted a cup of tea he said yes and the dreamer went off to the buffet to get it third scene as the dreamer walked through the first carriage, the dreamer saw it was full of mainly smartly dressed men then began to rib the dreamer, and the dreamer hurried on to the buffet carriage fourth scene ordered the tea and took a sip fifth scene (second dream?) was in a built-up area in london, the dreamer thinks; there was a town hall the size of the albert hall sixth scene was talking to a young lad who told the dreamer he was a singer/songwriter and was asking the dreamer if the dreamer had any suggestions as to what to do to make it in the pop music world the dreamer asked him to sing one of his songs he sang seven or eight lines, and the dreamer was utterly blown away the first four lines of the lyrics were full of genuine emotion and when he started to sing the chorus lines the quality of melody vaulted onto another plane the difference in quality between the lyrics and the chorus was moving (a bit like the change of melody in the song "poker face") only in the dream both the melody and chorus were better ( the dreamer tried to sing it into the voice recorder of the phone when the dreamer woke up, but what was in my mind and what came out of my mouth was as different as chalk and cheese) seventh scene we were in a pub with other members of his band; he asked the dreamer if he had any suggestions it occurred to me i could roughen the style of the singing for the lyrics (something like bankrobber) and got one of the group to do a harmony instead of double tracking his voice eighth scene the dreamer was sitting on some stairs in the pub, looking down from an elevated position the group began doing a number and asked me to suggest how i thought it should sung the group looked up at the dreamer with a look that didn't show admiration the dream ended there 09092015 - 113 music in dreams had done the dj'ing at a party everybody had gone a few of us were lying down and drifting off to sleep i left a compilation of songs playing the sounds filled the whole building. and was considering turning the volume down the music playing was good enough to want to listen to and kept the dreamer awake and listening the next song was of a completely different complexion, but again, it had a mesmerising quality and kept my attention the third song, like the previous two, was a completely different style of song it didn't have a melody to speak of but it did have a feel to it which produced a sense of admiration for the singer who had projected his feelings of love into the song looked over at someone across the other side of the room who had also been kept awake by the music and was looking at the dreamer in appreciation of my choice of music the dreamer smiled back at him as the dreamer began to wake up the realisation that it was the individuality of the different artist's which had given the songs their appeal interpretation/analysis thinking about heaven during the day was the basis for this dream one of the things that will keep you thirsty for heaven is the insight which will reveal the scope for the limitless expansion of individuality which heaven holds for every one of us see also the roney analysis 6/7092015 - 112 unremembered dreams there was another episode dream that was going to happen for these two days left it too late after getting up and they slipt from the memory "i don't have dreams" is a common reply to the question, "how often do you dream?" as surely as a person breathes, they dream to remember dreams start by saying to yourself after waking up, "i am going to try to remember my dreams tonight" try thinking the thought a few times during the day and then again when you put your head on the pillow as you enter into sleep if you do it over days and weeks, it will come dreams happen for a reason understanding what the reason is and, more importantly, why you have the types of dreams you do will result in a greater understanding of yourself 04092015 - 111 was sorting out what belongings to keep and which ones to throw away in a large (3 feet by 5 feet) black leatherette carry-all was a 5-piece set of percussion instruments, each in their own smaller bag decided to keep the three smallest bags changed my mind a few seconds later and decided to keep all of the items within a second or two began walking with a feeling of frustration because i didn't have the presence of mind to be able to figure out where to put them have entered this dream because it raises the question, "what are the limits of a dreaming mind?" 03092015 - 110 name of the dream: kissing in the flats two scenes category of dream: kissing dream (5) the memory of the quality of kisses in dreams isn't less than the memory of the quality of kisses while awake redefining the word abstract is necessary in turn. the words conscious and subconscious come in for a re-examination the fact that we can and do experience in dreams those things we experience while awake tells us that the abilities of the brain, to a large extent, and, most remarkably, are capable of exceeding the conscious functions while dreaming (select precognitive dream/s) opening remark concerning the consciousness in the dream state 29082015 - 109 externalized dream (singing) a jingle bells duet with a child and mother looking on interpretation/analysis the thoughts during the day which produced the three main details of this dream are clearly remembered episode dream 27082015 - 108 it was the same opponent and the same hall as yesterday's (26082015) dream this time, though, we had a choice of three different swords ranging from a light, easy-to-wield sword and another one slightly bigger or the same one used in the previous contest the dreamer chose the same one as the first time the contest wasn't a re-enactment, though the content of the first dream is due to thoughts during the day about how to deal with devolving man-shaped beings who had an intractable bent for killing this, the second dream, was the result of thinking about the first dream during the day this is only the second episode dream the writer has had the first, as a child of nine, was a wholly enjoyable dream in both instances, the content of the dreams was brought on by thinking about them during the day 26082015 - 107 first scene was in a small hall a serious altercation led to a duel what the dreamer thought was going to be a fight to the death with a large, brutish opponent changed into an exhibition of killing skills second scene had a large, heavy sword the opponent and the dreamer were eight metres apart the winner would be the person who could get to a block of wood next to the other person and chop it in half third scene cut through the wood in three swings of the sword and beat the opponent first scene: in an unfamiliar house with six or seven people, three women and four men; two of the women were african 20082015 - 106 time in dreams. first scene: it was a hot sunny day i looked at my watch and saw that it was two minutes before 12 a.m. went into a pub and bought half a pint of a guinness shandy the second scene is outside the pub and out of the pub's premises on the pavement with the drink; the drink is in a dimple glass. third scene: i took a sip of the drink, which was refreshing two males in the dream became belligerent and the dreamer began looking for a way out of the situation. fourth scene: right on cue, at three minutes past 12, a bright white double-decker bus enters the dream. fifth scene: the dreamer got on the bus and was chatting happily with someone on the bus when the dream ended. analysis/interpretation. first scene the dream lasted 5 to 6 minutes of awake time (thirty or so seconds of sleep time) during the day, i remember thinking it was the warmest day of the year and got dressed ready to go out alas, by the time the dreamer was free to go out, the weather changed to cool, and so i stayed in the crossroads junction was near where the dreamer grew up during my early years (family connections meant the dreamer visited there 20 or more times a year over the following decades) this specific road junction has featured many times in dreams over the years there must be a reason why this real-life place occurs so often in dreams second scene the glass was vivid in the dream don't understand why the glass was such a dominant feature of the dream third scene since the dreamer can't remember a particular instance of a satisfying drink during the day of the dream, the pleasing taste of the drink may reflect a physiological need for a drink during the dream fourth scene: the white bus must surely be equivalent of a knight in shining armour coming to the rescue fifth scene the outcome of life is a happy ending. in the writer's experience, as often as not, the content of dreams is formed by the thoughts a person has during the day of the dream and still, recognition of his sacrifices goes unmentioned three-scenes dream 16082015 - 105 first scene: on a settee was with a female acquaintance of 20+ years ago her intentions were the same as mine she knew the dreamer well enough to be able to "play me" she diverted the moment by talking about where she would like to live resignedly the dreamer went along and we got talking about the pro's and con's of living in one place or another second scene" the dreamer was sitting on the floor, and the following "diversion" became about what to eat another conversation about food began the dreamer got enthusiastic about the topic and became engrossed in it third scene was back on the settee when the following "diversion" was on the topic of holidays the dreamer began to go into the details of getting a holiday organised when she realised the dreamer was playing her game, the dream ended this woman was one of only three or four women the writer knew who had a sense of humour interpretation she's often in my thoughts, so it follows she'll be a regular "visitor" in dreams the theme of this dream is the result of a real-time experience we shared the dreamer often thinks about how the tables turn on her she was less than happy about it upon reflection, it's not a man's prerogative to say no, and the real-time situation should have been different 10082015 - 104 sounds in dreams: (latent beauty? was in a town or city needed to make some money went into a pub and talked the landlord into letting the dreamer do the d-jaying it went o.k. and was chatting to a customer about the merits of music a song was playing, which was a perfect example of what the dreamer was describing the dreamer said, "take this one "it's just the right pace, the lyrics express deep feelings, the harmonies are exceptional, and the pitch is just right" at that point the dreamer started listening to it properly my appreciation of the song reached a point where the dreamer thought, "what's this one called?" then, "who's it by?" it was in my collection of songs but the dreamer couldn't remember who sang it a track this good would generally be right at the forefront of my memory the dreamer began looking through the lists of songs to refresh my memory of who it was the dreamer looked for the lists, and it started to dawn on me the dreamer didn't have the song interpretation/analysis the confusion of the situation caused the dreamer to wake slowly when the dreamer was fully awake the dreamer was still trying think of the name of the group who sang the song it took a full half minute for the dreamer to realise it was a song i'd never heard before the dreamer went to sleep while watching a film aah" that's it, the dreamer thought, the music was in the film i started watching the film again from where i'd left off it wasn't in the film this is the first dream i've had of outstanding quality of music which i've never heard before where did it come from? the closest to it in terms of quality is along the lines of songs by the delfonics this one though was more accomplished by far and penetrated the soul a lot deeper where did this sound come from? 06082015 - 103 multi-themed dream first theme: it is the evening, and i am socialising in a pub and smiling at good-humoured banter" someone rushed into the pub, saying a monster was on the loose and was making its way to the area sure enough, within a few seconds this nimble seven-footer with an extraordinary large head and a menacing look was visible through the windows and was heading to the door of the pub everybody, including myself, panicked and ran for it the monster man came into the pub, and everyone was trapped the dreamer hid behind a wall in the pub and was expecting him to get to the dreamer eventually then the words of the person who first raised the alarm played through my head again, and the dreamer realised it was a hoax the monster-man got to the dreamer and realised the dreamer knew he wasn't a monster, and things started to get back to normal second theme: the thought of a new way of making money through a new technique in photography and so printed off mini-sized and a4-sized examples which the dreamer stuck on walls in public places and started to make some dosh third theme: went back to the home of two ladies x activity clear plastic bag by the side of the bed with tiny fish swimming around in it one of the women said they were food, so i tried them they weren't unpleasant to eat even though they were alive as they were being eaten fourth theme" was playing football in a park with a cat the dreamer was in goal, and the cat was doing an excellent job of using the flat of its paw to strike the ball and was scoring as many as the dreamer saved the last paw/kick made the dreamer stretch the dreamer dived to the right and just managed to push the ball away with my right hand under where my right hand made contact with the ball it touched the ground and landed in some fresh animal muck went back to the house where the dreamer had been in the previous dream theme and used the fish like a soap, rubbing them between the hands to make a lather fifth theme" in an auditorium with an audience of five or six women was giving a lecture cum demonstration of xual foreplay with a young woman who was wearing just a skirt and lying on her back was still giving a demonstration when the dream ended this dream was the direct result of thinking about multi-themed dreams while composing an answer to a question about multi-themed dreams asked on a q and a forum the details within the dreams are various thoughts and influences during the day have any of you watched lifeforce? 15062015 - 102 was revisiting the family of a previous dream (date" ?) a family the dreamer used to board with in london in the late 1960s the family had five or six young girls; the eldest was ten or twelve to the girls, the dreamer was the centre of the galaxy, and they were gathered about me one of the girls handed the dreamer four or five pennies puzzled, the dreamer asked her what they were for she said, "the last time you were here, you said you would marry us if we each gave you a penny." my mind paused for a moment as her words caused the dreamer to become the person the dreamer was when the dreamer was her age feelings the dreamer had forgotten about filled my being and awakened that gone by time as a boy water welled up in my eyes, and tears began trickling down my face the unhideable love of childhood had stripped away the accumulated years of the dreamer "growing up" a mixture of uncontainable happiness and deep regret the dreamer felt her love the love the dreamer, and most of us have lost 09122014 - 101 writing/(informative dream?) the dreamer is acknowledged as being the person who can lead humanity into the future was in a largish room that had a floor-to-ceiling window which looked out onto an expanse of greenery about 80 metres wide and a hundred to two hundred metres long many people were milling about outside the greenery was inclined, and at the top was a building or buildings the dreamer was in the presence of a group of about 14 people the people were the behind-the-scenes movers and shakers of world policy they were listening and watching what the dreamer was saying and doing as i began writing to give away what is desired for self is to give to self; to share with others what is desired for self is to receive from self woke up as was beginning the third sentence interpretation/analysis it may be worth noting that this dream breaks a succession of love, x and kissing dreams they indeed are some of the special effects of love/life (let's hear it for the lover) 19112014 - 100 while speaking to someone yesterday (19112014), they mentioned their dream from the previous night as she was talking, the realization occurred that in the absence of influencing thoughts, images, etc., in the day, emotions become the dominant content of the dream emotions are considered to be of a lesser order in the table of the experiences of the human condition now we can introduce the idea that dreams are "tiered" in the writer's experience, the highest tier is the runaway experience that accompanies a comprehension of space the lowest order is the feelings that went with the only nightmare the writer had (as a child) which in turn prompts the need to highlight the sensitivity that goes with childhood the worst feeling ever experienced by this person was the result of the emotional content of parents arguing this is another example of how interaction produces results the writer knows you think that with the knowledge presented so far, you know all you need to know in one respect, and one respect only, this is true in terms of improving the quality of our lives," we have only scratched the surface of dreams 02112014 - 99 (first think-read dream 2) externalised/two-themed/think-read (informative ?) dream first scene, lab set-up the size of a large classroom between six and nine people in three tiers standing in an off-set line formation facing toward a pulse gun which could detect the heart and fire an unseen packet or bubble of "physio" energy the gun is used for the treatment of the heart in the second scene, the dreamer turned side-ward to discover if the detector could still locate the heart at that angle it couldn't and hit the person behind the dreamer who needed life-saving surgery next dream, i was think-reading an article about the way the body ejects viruses it was a highbrow wiki-type article which needed a dictionary to look up the definition of every other word the mental effort in forming the sentences got too strenuous and eventually woke the dreamer out of the sleep the theme was about expelling viruses anally the gist of the article was the inter-dependence of the workings of the body and, specifically, the importance of the role of the excreta in the isolating of the virus the crux of the article was the chemical substances or the substances in the cells which play the crucial role in surrounding the virus and keeping it isolated interpretation/analysis i don't know if this dream has an application in the awake conscious or is just the result of thinking about the workings of the body/heart during the day wouldn't have made this entry in the dream diary if it hadn't woke me waking up in the middle of the night while the dream is still in progress is taken as a "prompt" from you-know-who his attention to the heart marks the end of an attempt to incorporate dementia into the sphere of priorities for this epoch 28102014 - 98 thought/food/conversation-influenced dream: first scene, in a built-up residential area thought the dreamer had become trusted by a man trafficking in drugs but was unaware of his treacherous motives next scene was given a mission to track down drug-related criminals who were holed up in thick, brittle bush the bush was so brittle and spikey it was necessary to wear a special protective suit next scene, moved stealthily through the thicket and found the two men next scene, the moment the dreamer saw them, they moved out of their position, and the dreamer realized they knew the dreamer was there as they moved away from me, the dreamer sensed that something terrible was going to happen to me in the next scene, unbeknown to the dreamer, my movements are being tracked, and i am being monitored by others who are fighting the war on drugs there was a violent, fiery explosion this explosion and the way the men died was the most brutal and horrific vision of death i've ever had in a dream next scene: back to the original scene and the man, not in the picture, at the start of the dream the man was being assassinated by three or four men who were pouring dozens of bullets into him with automatic rifles again, although the dreamer couldn't see the man being shot, it was clear it was a bloody and brutal execution interpretation/analysis of the violence in this dream is that the dreamer is sure the violence in this dream is due to eating ham 26102014 - 97 this is the last of the routine daily entries it's time to give our attention to the heart hopefully, what we have so far in dream theory is enough to get the ball rolling will continue to enter new dreams that have something important in them informative dream: the first scene is set in africa, and i am talking to an african girl/woman who is about nineteen her attitude toward the dreamer was that she regarded the dreamer as she did with all other people: just another person she saw all people the same way, as a separate part of self that embracive acceptance of all people that goes with childhood the natural tendency for an immediate friendship with any and every other being here was a woman who didn't see a difference between a man and a woman next scene, bought an expensive diamond ring at an affordable local price next scene, we were sitting talking and the dreamer gave her the ring she laughed thinking it was my sense of humour next scene, the dreamer expressed my feelings by leaning over and kissing her on the neck my lips are slightly parted and without thinking about it the dreamer touched her neck with the tip of my tongue that was the moment her thoughts changed the moment of magic when two people make that transition from two people in life to two people in love the dreamer was no longer another person among many my feelings had touched her in that way, which produces the thoughts and emotions which we describe with the word love it can come from the woman or the man the time and the place is one of the marvels of his terrible love try to imagine how it can be that love/life can arrange events so that two people can be brought together from a vast array of seemingly random circumstances how could events in heaven possibly be translated to events here on earth when the people who are affected by the events had never met before? it's easy to imagine someone suggesting to their best friend that they come around to sunday lunch having already invited someone that their best friend had mentioned they liked and that from that initial meeting love blossomed, but how could you do that from another place without either one of them having met before? further, how could you be sure that both of them would exist at a point in time through thousands of millions of years of murderous events? this is the basis by or through which soul partners make the connection to each other in the first instance next scene, we were thinking of how we could be together permanently she was part of a national darts team that played international games her team is scheduled to play a game in france shortly it was the opportunity we needed; we could get together in a culture we could both identify with next scene, we were near the top of a wooded hillock that overlooked her village which had about five hundred people in it the villagers were being shot at by a group of armed invaders at first it was a slaughter the villagers gradually became organised and began fighting back effectively there were a group of armed villagers on the hill near where we were who were preparing a flanking manoeuvre looking down into the village it is evident that the tide has turned and the villagers repel the invaders some skirmishes going on the other side of the hill a stray bullet hit my love interpretation/analysis: for some years now, it has been the writer's intention to write an entry explicitly addressing the problems that accompany people's sense of identity the entry, called identity, responsibility and happiness, inspired by neils bohr, appears to have found its natural place and time here two of the leading causes that furnish the divisions which allow wars and hatred to flourish are nationality and ethnicity many years ago, it was realised that a persons identity is tightly bound up with her and his (mainly his) sense of national identity identity is so thoroughly ingrained into a person's sense of identity that the mere mention of not seeing oneself as a being who belongs to the country they live in has a treacherous tinge to it "for king and country" is, and has been for many centuries, the rallying cry when mustering a fighting force it is currently being successfully reinforced via the oligarch-controlled mainstream media for a day or two count the number of times the word british or england is used on british t.v. programmes, and you will get the picture and understand why it is that britain is the most unequal society in the western world it's not just this country, it's all of them even the handful of countries that aren't controlled by the oligarchs do it it's the same systemic creeping death that has found its way into every country in the world via the old testament through the notion of unintentional murder there is some relief coming through the european union which is successfully ridding the continent of the nationalistic outlook which whips up divisions but even here ethnicity is a closet issue the problem of identity has its roots in the absence of a person's ability to compare the finite numerical value of individuals against the overwhelming and incomprehensible reality of endless space the realization of how thinly spread out life is within the infinite will produce the recognition of just how appallingly few of us there are what people see around them in the world is the complete opposite of our timeless, eternal reality over-crowded cities, self-serving motivations, people ready to snuff out people's lives at the drop of a hat" it's a complete nightmare the extremes are being pointed out in an attempt to bring about a thought or two in your mind that the here and now is no more than a moment or two of the greater reality awaiting those who choose it this dream itself is the second one in which an interaction with an african woman has contained insights both the first one and this one have in common that aspect of character which is so appealing it borders on fantasy all of the five ethnicities have their fair share of devolving beings, and it will serve us well to keep in mind the bigger picture of evolution before allowing ourselves to form outlooks that favour one over the other any thought which reduces the stature of other beings will lower your standing within love/life the frame of mind that will keep you on an even keel should be along the lines of recognising that the frailties and foibles between one type of man-shaped being and another came and come from the mistake - we live in linear time and it's not possible to turn back the clock however, it is possible, through repetitive practice, to rectify those things that contain the unreality of non-existence the more often you think the thought that all man shaped beings are/were invaluable the more you become part of the forward thrust of life by taking responsibility for your thoughts and identifying with all other man-shaped beings, the happiness this fleeting time-reality contains will produce the feeling for life expressed in this dream 25102014 - 96 two-themed dream: first dream, first scene, had won second prize in a lottery or competition the first prize was a party-sized trifle my prize was an unimpressive-looking concoction with a marshmallow or a soft biscuit cake stuck on the top of it mine was in a fridge second scene, i opened the fridge to have a look and took it out it was in a pyrex-type jug, which the dreamer had to tip forward to get it out from between the shelves the contents of the jug swelled toward the angle of the tip, and the biscuit thing started sinking the dream came to a welcome end second dream, first scene, had been out and about for a few hours and arrived home (the place the dreamer used to live before the dreamer lived here) where an acquaintance and his son were waiting for me the dreamer said, "have you been waiting long?" and he said, "ages" in the second scene, inside the flat, he says, "is ? looking for you" the person he referred to was trouble third scene, was closing the windows and drawing the curtains so i could give the impression of not being in the acquaintance made a jibe along the lines of, "no point in looking for trouble" fourth scene, the details of this scene had faded by the time i got around to writing it 24102014 - 95 dreams and dreams theory: the beginning, straight-line-action related dreams: first scene, an impressively big structure that was an assembly or gathering area it was also a launch area it looked to be four to eight square kilometres it had a skeletal look to it, as though made of girders there were small and large groups in every part of it second scene, it was the beginning of a weekend or a week-long activity every group was preparing and discussing how to maintain motion that could be sustained indefinitely in a qualitative way the dreamer listened to the reasoning of several different groups the predominant theme was mathematical it was agreed by all that it had to be a straight line in the third scene, one group thought that the best way to sustain motion was to have an intertwining, like a rope although it could work in theory, when someone tried, it had lumps or knots in what should have been a seamless or smooth formation finally, people tried launching themselves from the structure into the surrounding zero-gravity environment fourth scene, another group used the straight-line action approach but had problems because they were using a mechanism other than love-motivated reciprocating actions it occurred to the dreamer that initiating motions with the attitude of just wanting to be might have merit the dream ended without the idea being tested interpretation/analysis: the sense of space and the intensity of the feelings associated with the application of the various mechanisms of motion were the stand-out features of this dream there is difficulty in employing the roney analysis to this dream 23102014 - 94 two-themed dream first theme, first scene, what looked to be a cinema had been converted into a dancing arena there was room for fifty or so people to dance down in the front it was pretty busy; more than a hundred people in the second scene, there were about a dozen people (all women) already dancing at this point in the dream the dreamer was raring to go and was the first male to start dancing the third scene became an exhibition; some of the moves were jacksonesque (we do need to present these dreams in animated comic-strip form to do them justice the dreamer became the whole show within half a minute second dream, first scene: four of us (all fair-haired males) were on holiday and had arrived at our destination second scene, we are in a shop buying something to eat we settled for baguettes with white meat in the third scene, a boy of four or five was given a baby-sized one and stole the show when he looked at his and said, "boy baguette" we all felt a warmth and liking for him in the fourth scene, the dream changed its feel about here we were out of the shop, and a menacing predatory dinosaur came from between two streets and made its way towards us the fifth scene, the dream became jumbled up, and there were other scenes which are too vague to recall 22102014 - 93 two-themed dream: first theme, first scene, the telephone rang it was my eldest auntie she said she was coming over couldn't remember what it was we had arranged to do in the second scene, we were waiting for someone an uncle arrived (not her husband) was having a polite conversation with my uncle, but i could tell he wanted to know why we had gathered the dreamer then realised my auntie hadn't said why she was coming to see the dreamer; it was just a casual visit, and there was no reason why the uncle had to be there dream ended second dream my mother was at the door with her belongings her items were in a flat travel bag that must have been the better part of three metres long and a metre and a half high there was tension between her and the person who brought her the driver was agitated because he was compromised into carrying an item he didn't want to transport was paying the cab fare when the dream ended 19102014 - 92 externalized/informative dream? two men are playing a game of billiards the winner decides who is to be the most knowledgeable or whether essential issues should be decided collectively (democratically) we see the game from a slightly elevated view from the spot' end of the table the first stroke made the red ball go into the left-middle pocket, and the white ball rolled toward the same pocket the ball got as close as it was possible to get to the edge of the pocket without falling in i woke up to the sound of my own "oooooh." interpretation/analysis: how do we arrive at the answer when the right decision is unclear? answer: what produces the most significant increase in quantity and quality of life? 18102014 - 91 informative dream? first scene was observing a man in an elaborate overall that covered his hands as well the man in the overalls is suspended by a fine network of fibres that look as delicate as a spider web the breast/nipple area of the overalls had finely engineered conical-shaped nozzles that could release a tacky fluid when the wearer of the suit brought the nozzle into contact with the delicate weaving they were suspended above in a free-fall position the overalls also had the exact mechanism on the fingers of the overalls the finesse of the engineering on that part of the hand which released the fluid was much more sophisticated than the breast/nipple mechanism while watching the operator manoeuvring, they came into contact with the web-like structure with the nozzle of the hands of the suit and the whole network of fine strands lifted in response to coming into contact with the tacky substance the second scene, in contrast to the first scene, which somebody did with high levels of concentration and with serious purpose, this scene had the same sort of atmosphere as you would expect at a fete everybody was having a good time, and there was an abundance of smiling faces a woman was in an ordinary type overall, which, like the overalls in the first scene, had liquid-release valves around the breast/nipple area the fluid release mechanism on the woman's overalls was a purely fun thing, though, and it became apparent why people were laughing and smiling when a man tried to suck out or drink some of the liquid from the crude mechanism around the breast area, and it went all over him interpretation/analysis: now, if we take the roney analysis seriously, then what we have here is a bit of future technology this is the more purposeful side of dreams and dream theory you are now asked to consider whether the interpretation put on the analysis of dream content has any merit, relevance and application in our lives now or in the near future when we get going, WHEN we get going, dream analysis will be presented in an animated comic-strip form 16102014 - 90 dreams and dreams theory: the beginning, same-theme dream first scene" was out cycling in the evening it was an ordinary bike, but there were two of us on it the dreamer was doing the peddling in the second scene, stopped to ask instructions from a couple sitting and having a drink outside of a pub and got an awkward response the third scene was heading out of the built-up area towards the edge of the city the bike suddenly slowed because the brakes were defective the front light was very bright and lit the road like a spotlight there was something wrong with the linkage of the braking system, and the bike slowed again the fourth scene, i sat back on the seat to do the peddling (i was standing-peddling up until now) and could feel the passenger's (i don't know who it was) p000s digging into my coccyx in the fifth scene, i got to the area where my aunt lived but didn't know the number of her house had to go through the back garden where clothes were hanging on clothes-lines to get to a door to ask if anybody knew her in the sixth scene, a teenage girl answered the first door the dreamer tried, and when the dreamer asked her if she knew where the person the dreamer was looking for lived, she said she didn't know but said her mother might know and asked the dreamer in seventh scene, there was some conversation and the young girl said "you've got bad breath" the dreamer said something apologetic and she said "i'm a nurse. the dreamer can make it better" she told the dreamer to lie down and pull the front of my shirt out of my trousers she lay down next to the dreamer with her knees close to my head and started kissing my stomach the dreamer responded and started massaging and squeezing her buttocks eighth scene, she could see her mother through the legs of the chair and thought it would be best to get her involved the dream ended interpretation/analysis the sameness of this dream is the aunt in the dream although she doesn't make an appearance (because she died a decade or so ago ?) will have to start an index reference for dreams 15102014 - 89 first scene, wandering around coventry late at night with nowhere to stay second scene, standing in the street looking up at the football stadium and thinking it looked less impressive than the dreamer remembered the third scene, up in the stands behind the goal-keeping area, taking in the structure and thinking it would be possible to have a musical event using my p.a. equipment fourth scene, bedded down and went to sleep fifth scene, awake and looking around sixth scene, four or five people were going past the dreamer on the way up to the commentary box they saw the dreamer and were curious about what the dreamer was doing there but weren't alarmed or bothered about the dreamer being there the seventh scene, was in the commentary box with them and asked one of them if there was anywhere the dreamer could have a wash he pushed a door open, and there was a washroom with the sink visible the eighth scene, i was more or less finished washing when one of the group said, "how are you off for money ?" the dreamer realized he was going to offer the dreamer some and the dreamer said "if you're trying to tap the dreamer you're out of luck" someone laughed and the dreamer woke up 14102014 - 88 was trying to get people interested in a prototype emergency food pack for use in death-hunger hunger-situations it consisted of dried potato, several small whole potatoes, a plastic sheet about two or three square metres, a tinderbox or matches, a collapsible spade, a small cooking pot and salt the idea was to plant the potatoes, which would be ready for eating by the time the dried potato was used up the plastic sheet was for collecting water overnight via condensation interpretation/analysis can't think of what it was that caused this dream 13102014 - 87 delayed-theme/two-themed dream: first theme, first scene a woman of a large family was having difficulty organising a meal for her family helped out by buying an extra large grill/oven which could cook two lots of burgers at the same time second scene, the dream ended as somebody placed them on the cooking tray, and there was going to be more than enough room to do the meal second dream, the first scene was approaching a small gathering of people clustered around someone who was proposing something radical in the second scene, jimi hendrix was in the crowd and wasn't getting any attention the person's proposals were so revolutionary it made jimi hendrix's impact on society seem insignificant i said, "i can remember when you were radical jimi" the dream ended there interpretation/analysis: first dream, the oven/grill part of the dream was from tuesday last week when it was necessary to have two separate cooking dishes to cater for seven people second dream, earlier on in the day, was programming the recorder to record several of next week's programmes considered recording a programme about jim hendrix but decided not to 10102014 - 86 thought-influenced dreams: first scene, in the city centre of a town where the dreamer used to live had two parking spaces for a business that supplied peeled potatoes my prowess at peeling potatoes was so good it had become a successful business was talking to someone interested in knowing how the business got started in the first place second scene, i was holding a large potato in my left hand and one of those t-shaped peelers in the other was having difficulty peeling the potato with it, the dream ended interpretation/analysis: during the day, i had been thinking about a comment someone made earlier on in the week about the importance of the potatoes the dreamer had supplied for a meal the most authentic aspect of this dream was the potato in the second scene; the colour, the shape, and the memory of it have as much reality as any potato that i recall from a real-life experience 08102014 - 85 speech-spoken word-influenced dreams: first scene, explaining to one person in particular in a group of three or four people about the features of a pen the dreamer told him the dreamer had been trying to buy a pen for the last few years which would always write when you used it pens the dreamer had bought would need coaxing into use if somebody hadn't used it for an hour or two it meant running the pen frantically over a part of the page to warm it up the 'must do' something about this moment came when the dreamer had to fill in a form to get a reduced price on an item as usual the pen needed warming up but there wasn't any paper to hand to run the pen across it wouldn't do to use the form, and the dreamer stood there feeling and probably looking stupid while trying to think of how to get around it determined to get a pen that done the job, the dreamer had spent 30 pounds on one pen and a similar amount on another was about to spend even more on another told the salesman what was what, and he suggested a pen the shop had in stock i bought the pen but wasn't overconfident it would do what i expected later on in the day, went on the internet to find a pen that claimed it would always write the pen the dreamer bought in the shop earlier on in the day was a toshiba, so i went to their site first two or three searches at the website and the pen the dreamer had been looking for over the last half dozen years came up on the screen it wrote upside down, on wet paper, in zero gravity and at -20 degrees below freezing the jam on the bread was the price 12 pounds for ten pens with a free retractable pencil pen and 12 refills, a lifetime of pens for just over a tenner not only that, the pen can cut through hair from someone's head in the second scene, someone fetched a length of wire the width of a human hair everybody was thoroughly impressed dream ended there were several themes in this dream but this was the only one that revealed its details interpretation/analysis: this dream was the result of explaining the virtues of the pen to a group of four or five people earlier on in the day when they were about to play a game of scattegories applications: we are now at the stage when we can begin to use our dreams to our advantage we know that dreams can inform us what experiences during the day caused a problem we know that thoughts produce the theme of a dream we know that talking about something in particular can form the theme of a dream we know that reading about something can produce the theme of a dream example of an application, a parent wants a solution to the problem of why two of her children are "always fighting and squabbling" it will need to be a sincere and genuine attempt to get a solution the parent thinks about it during the day the parent reads about the problem on the internet (try this link ) the parent talks about it to a friend the parent writes the details into a blog or reads about other people with the same problem 05102014 - 84 fleeting-thought/two-themed dream, first theme, first scene: i was composing a new layout for the home page of this website and was having trouble getting a word to link to a particular page the second scene managed to get it to work by using a word with more letters interpretation/analysis: this dream formed from a single, fleeting thought during the day possibly the most important thing about this dream is that the thought was remembered a stand-alone thought mixed in with all the other thoughts and feelings and sights, sounds, tastes and smells of hundreds and thousands of sensory inputs during any day if you have difficulty in assigning the reason for the theme of a dream this may be the reason why the question is, "why did the dream machinery latch on to this particular thought and make it the theme for a dream?" new category of dream: fleeting-thought-influenced dream second-theme, first scene: at the home where the dreamer lived in my junior and teenage years had nearly completed putting together all the components to make a barbecue just needed a board about twenty-five metres squared to level a bit of the ground; there were some comments second scene, the wood had appeared, and the barbeque cum party was underway the third scene was the last to arrive and was having trouble getting into the garden using the entrance at the side of the house used the board to enable access to the garden interpretation/analysis: i am unable to put my finger on the reason or cause for this dream 04102014 - 83 recurring dream, same person, same theme; xual: interpretation/analysis this is a recurring theme/dream because i'm at a loss as to know what to do about marlene there's no doubt marlene has symptoms of dementia the uninformed consensus is that it's a deteriorating condition with no chance of recovery. however, that's by no means written in stone, quite the opposite; except for three or four separately identified types, the prognosis is bright there are at least four proven prognoses for other types of the ailment links to articles read so far with this particular problem i'm stuck on how to contact her brother all the dreamer knows about him is that his name is john take into account nothing happens to the writer by chance every single little thing that happens in his life is there by design it wasn't just chance that marlene was standing by my door on that day at that time there's more going on here than a chance encounter although the writer considers the heart as the number one priority for all people it may be we're getting involved in a secondary priority think about it and respond if you're inclined to 95 minutes R.E.M.types of brain waves 03102014 - 82 same-day influenced dream first scene was deleting entries from the website on u.f.o. which didn't seem to carry much weight in the second scene, after deleting 4 or 5 clips, i had a look on the internet to see the new sightings the third scene is of every new upload of a ufo the sightings were more impressive than the last, and the final one was as dazzling as a carnival i realised that my input to the u.f.o. scene was no longer needed, it had an impetus all of its own interpretation/analysis was working on the-web-page-to-be `red giant` and had been looking at sun/space photos one photo in particular reminded the dreamer of a u.f.o. sighting and got the dreamer thinking about them e.t.'s are going to figure in our lives in a significant way very shortly as is to be expected, the oligarch-controlled media barely mentions them the oligarchs, with monster-sized egos, can't bring themselves to acknowledge that there's something more influential in life than themselves 02102014 - 81 two-themed externailsed dream first theme first scene was in palm tree avenue, which is within a couple of hundred metres of where the dreamer lived between the ages of 6 and 18 30 to 50 people were holding a political meeting on a small green nearby david cameron was doing a reasonable job of defending his corner for people living on amounts more significant than the world wage second scene i listened for a while and then chipped in with my two-penneth made my point sarcastically, "don't you realise?" the dreamer said to the gathering at large, "what is the cost of sending children to a public school? it's a thousand pounds a week then there are holidays the children work hard at school and deserve a holiday during the school break we like to get away from it all and find the seychelles an excellent place to relax" a few people started smiling when they realised what the dreamer was doing second theme first scene at the alterationist's in exeter was lying down on a pile of paper second scene the alterationist's son came in with his beautiful girlfriend third scene there was a conversation between the males while the father repaired something his son was wearing fourth scene the father had seen the couple out of the building and returned to the room where the dreamer was still lying down he was pleased about the way his son's life was going and was singing yellow submarine the dreamer picked up on his good mood and joined in sang the chorus line twice and woke up as the dreamer was singing it the third time interpretation/analysis first dream small crowd, david cameron seen his smiling face on the telly, without the sound on, a lot over the last two days second dream: alterationist reset my mobile phone, and his was the only number the dreamer wanted to keep and had been thinking about young girls and boys both dreams had feel-good endings comment i can't tell you what a relief it is to be having normal dreams again (see analysis/interpretation for 28th september 2014) 01102014 - 80 kissing/x dream: first scene and second scene, forgotten the third scene, kissing with a difference, a little difference that made a whole new world of difference in the fourth scene, we were guests at the house of a famous person the dreamer was embarrassed that the dreamer wasn't wearing clothes that suited the surroundings the famous person put the dreamer at ease, and the dreamer felt comfortable about having x category of dream: kissing dream (4) interpretation/analysis: you'd better believe it men, women out-passion us by at least two to one they need the opportunity to do it their way there were one or two scenes before the memorable part of the kissing dream the stand-out part of the dream was the kissing itself as much as i'd like to share this dream experience in total, it would be bad etiquette to reveal another person's inclinations it is the case that where there is both kissing and x within a dream, nine times out of ten, it always makes for more enjoyable kissing this dream was also an informative dream; it was sensational x dream (4) an added aspect to kissing that vaulted kissing into a new realm can't think why it never occurred to the dreamer to do it it is thought that the reason why kissing holds such a special place in the feelings between women and men is that kissing is represented in the heavenly state as the sensation that is produced when physical contact occurs between two beings and stimulates a feeling for more life in a numerical sense if this is the case, then it is indeed the subtlest of mechanisms that take the time equivalent of 1 ^ 83 000 years to reach a crescendo the explosive sensations we experience through the act of x may be related in some way to the explosive ideas we attach to the big bang although the assertion "this time we do not stop" suggests the big bang came about for a different reason in terms of trying to understand what the beginning and the end of the mechanical nature of the cyclic nature of love/life is, it seems likely we haven't even learnt the basic structure of the language of love in its broadest sense, and we're trying run before we can walk or tell a joke before we can talk when attempting to formulate these matters still, it's not a hanging offence to think about them, and who knows what such speculations will throw up 30092014 - 79 short-term consecutive-theme dreams, first scene, was sitting at a table next to the dreamer was another man at least half as big as the dreamer again it was part of a formal introduction to a religious cult we were at the lowest point it was possible to be within the hierarchy of the organization; more specifically, the person next to the dreamer had superiority to the dreamer by a matter of hours or days his manner was friendly, and although he was bigger than me, the dreamer felt the dreamer was on par with him second scene: an air of anticipation is growing as senior figures within the group are expected any moment third scene, three men dressed formally appeared and seemed separate, distant from me fourth scene, in a different place and it was just the other new guy and the dreamer in a spacious area the dreamer wanted to talk to the three men who had been in the room in the previous scene immediately, the mood and feel of the dream changed the dreamer had opened a holy door, and the total weight of officialdom was making itself felt fourth scene, the dreamer wasn't allowed to talk to them; the dreamer wasn't even allowed to talk about them the reprimands were coming thicker and faster as the dream ended interpretation/analysis, both today's and yesterday's dream had secrecy and structured authoritarian themes still reeling from the previous seven days of the oppressively rigid encounter's from both the police and hospital staff how severely such attitudes affect a person is relative to that person's disposition or outlook on life how good or bad the world appears depends on an individual's sensitivity or feelings for life depending on how many days, weeks, months, or years the same theme lasts indicates the sensitivity or feel an individual has on that specific facet of life 28092014 - 78 delayed-theme/consecutive-feel-good/informative dream a genuinely delightful dream (with a dash of poignancy) that makes the dream state what it is: a place where there are experiences better than the best things we can experience in our conscious state first scene, reading an article in a paper or magazine about a teenager who had come up with a way of measuring the polarization of light (see delayed theme further on down the page) the lad was the son of a farming family they lived in a rural area and lived a more or less isolated life the young man dreamed of being someone else somewhere else he had heard or read about the difficulty science was having in establishing how to measure the polarization of light and the wavelength of light at the same time in the second scene, he devised an apparatus that consisted of a photon emitter and a photon collector plate the collector plate was transparent, and it enabled an observer to see both the position and the shape of the particle/wave in the third scene, he is overcome with joy a young man with no distinguishable achievements had answered a question that had baffled the best brains in science it was the happiest moment of his life he now knew that even though he lived what was a drab life, he could quite quickly realize any of his dreams if he wanted to in the fourth scene, he is filled with unbounded happiness the first thing he decided to do was to fly the crop-sprayer aeroplane he knew he wasn't supposed to fly it until he was a year or two older, but that didn't dissuade him up in the air in the plane, his thoughts were soaring way above the height the aircraft could fly he could do anything his thoughts were sweeping and soaring, but the plane couldn't do what his thoughts were doing, so when he put the aircraft into an impossible manoeuvre, it crashed analysis/interpretation delayed theme" took a book to read (quantum reality) on the train to exeter on the twenty-fourth read and re-read a couple of chapters that explained polarization in an attempt to come up with an easy-to-understand graphic definition that can used in the entry-to-be on polarization informative dream: the contrast in the types of dreams between the violent dream period between 21092014 and 25092014 and yesterday's dream caused the dreamer to re-think what it could be that had changed i now know that ham and, specifically, the blood in ham are responsible for the violent dream period! it had occurred to me, because of another violent dream (21042014), that the thoughts and feelings associated with marlene weren't the cause of bad dreams and had been considering eating a large amount of pork to test the theory this dream has convinced the writer that although i may try the pork test (eating ham for two days and then pork for two days), there haven't been any other significant changes in my life that would cause such a big difference to the content of the dreams feel-good theme x dreams are all well and good, but this is the type of dream that lifts us above and beyond the mundane the very stuff of the spice of love/life, never knowing what new angles or directions our thoughts and experiences will take us always and forever surprising us always something new and exciting and inspiring and rewarding and uplifting and... the spur that drives us on with an ever-increasing momentum the heavenly state is, beckoning, beckoning, beckoning the poignant bit, the writer was reminded of the time he read a one-paragraph item in readers digest about a man in spain his wife had just delivered their first baby into the world he was so happy their first child was a boy that his heart exploded, and he died of happiness! the sheer poignancy of it the poignancy in this dream didn't tarnish the overall quality of the dream there doesn't seem to be any other reason why the story would mention the crash, though perhaps it was a local rag it also brought to the fore the magnificence of his sacrificially-creative love 26092014 - 77 two-themed dream /kissing dream/x dream (3) first theme, first scene was in a cafeteria that could accommodate 50 or 60 people and was looking out onto a golf-course-sized lawn men were running around, and the dreamer heard a voice say, "now she's gone into?" second scene, marlene comes into the cafeteria; she has a sweaty face and torso we saw each other and moved towards each other third scene, we embraced and had one of those soft, supple lip kisses that lasted for 5 or 6 seconds in the fourth scene, when the hospital personnel are a few feet away, the dreamer whispers, "we'll be together soon" category of dream: kissing dream (3) analysis/interpretation: this is the most apparent and most straightforward analysis/interpretation i have had a child could put this one together second theme first scene x second scene x analysis/interpretation now, this is more like it this is how dreams should be: pleasurable, enjoyable, moreish, and repeatedly desirable it is worth mentioning again that of the experiences awaiting us in the heavenly state, pleasure hardly figures at all there are much, much more fantastic feelings than pleasure when enacting Straight line action read the link and try and get an insight it must be the sexism in the dreamer, but i find myself intimidated when the female is showing greater passion than the dreamer during x both themes were with marlene it occurred to the dreamer while thinking about the situation with marlene that in an ideal world, the problem would be to have alternate days with marlene and the days in between with a different ladies; tragically, the people who currently control our lives are too oriented to death to embrace life see oligarchs -'s.html 25092014 - 76 first theme, first scene: seven or eight of us are at a woman's house there was an even mixture of women and men second scene: it had whittled down to five of us, and another person left third scene: there were now four of us, and the dreamer fancied the woman one of the men was a real-life person from twenty years ago the other man was a sturdy, muscular thirty-year-old he became awkward with the dreamer, and his manner had a threatening undertone the person from 30 years ago decided it was time to go fourth scene: he became belligerent with the woman, who, the dreamer had just discovered, was his current or ex-wife or girl-friend fifth scene: he started making threats sixth scene: the woman looked at the dreamer and formed the sentence "call the police" with her lips seventh scene: two or three men come through the door one was a real-life person who was a no-nonsense tough guy; he pointed as he was striding to the troublesome man and said, "get out" eight scene, the aggressive man didn't move, and then the no-nonsense man hit him twice in the head there were headbutts and more punches, and eventually, the troublesome man was subdued analysis/interpretation: i don't remember having so many dreams within a few days that had violence in them was in someone's house the day before yesterday, and someone had filled a usb stick with 100 films for him they were all this year's films the dreamer had a quick look at ten or twelve of them to see if any of them were worth adding to my film collection every single one had extreme violence in it they weren't fringe films with unknown actors; they were the latest offerings from the major studios, with all the top names taking lead roles to this, we add the latest news items" violence, violence, violence it seems the whole world is caught up in violence this website has a theory about this, which means the major film studios are in on the conspiracy or have been caught up in it without realising it, or this person is deluded and paranoid second theme, first scene, was relaxing by the river where the dreamer used to live had a green plastic bag with me second scene: found a yellow plastic bag with items in it the dreamer recognised as coming from a stately house a mile away third scene, walked with the bags to the grounds of the mansion and came to a steel cattle gate which led onto the estate proper the dreamer saw three or four people on the other side of the gate and recognised one of them as someone the dreamer didn't want to see third scene: i was now at the house itself and could see that some sort of event was ongoing or being organised fourth scene: i was in the house itself and was explaining my presence to a couple of people the dreamer was hoping the items were things they valued and would think it appropriate to give the dreamer a reward no such luck (mean gits. only got money to spend on their mates) fifth scene, they had become suspicious of the dreamer and thought he had stolen them so he could claim a reward and called the police he thought he had caught the dreamer out when he said, "watch where that woman goes" the woman went through a door, and the dreamer said, "she's gone into the kitchen" he said ", how do you know which part of the house she went into " the dreamer explained that he had gone from room to room when the dreamer first got there looking for someone to talk to about the items the dreamer had found" end of the dream analysis/interpretation: relaxed start to dream, mini-treasures, big-house, activities (was thinking about organising an event during the day), looking for a hand-out?; both dreams had the police in them (still thinking about marlene) 23092014 - 75 in the first scene, a young boy and i are climbing up scaffolding that is attached to the side of a cliff the cliff was 100 to 120 metres high there were four or five workers with about seven tiers of scaffolding below us in the second scene, about two tiers from the top, we went into a cave and made something to eat the third scene, when the meal is ready to eat, the dreamer says, "this meal needs potatoes; let's get some" fourth scene, the dream ended when we had gathered everything together and were walking along the cave away from the cliff-face analysis/interpretation: yet another dream with the beginning missing am thinking that the beginning of dreams holds the key to the interpretation of them the spoken bit of the dream was probably due to thinking about a meal that is on the tuesday-lunch-club menu for today i looked on the internet yesterday to see what ingredients are in chile con carne after looking at the ingredients, i thought, "there need to be some freshly-cooked vegetables with it" the first vegetable that always comes to mind with the dreamer is potatoes analysis/interpretation: young boy, cliff-face, scaffolding, workers, climbing up, cave meal, spoken word 22092014 - 74 pain-dream: in the first scene, i went into a hi-fi shop in town to ask for advice about an amplifier the technician who could answer the question asked the dreamer to wait while he did something second scene, there were two of us in the shop now, and the owner of the shop came in wearing a suit and started talking to the other customer third scene, i had another call to make while in town and decided i could do it before the technician got back it was a blisteringly hot day took off my shirt and wedged it in an out-of-the-way space on a shelf fourth scene, the dreamer is wearing a vest under the shirt the dreamer opened the door of the shop and intended to let it close behind me the dreamer launched himself off his right leg to start sprinting the moment the dreamer did that, a sharp pain started in the area below the knee the momentum of the launch at the start of the sprint was significant enough to make the dreamer continue taking steps fifth scene, every step produced a seemingly more significant discomfort than the one before it was twelve to fifteen steps before the dreamer came to a stop, and with every step, the dreamer heard myself making a whoo, whoo, whoo sound (keep on meaning to set up a microphone over the bed to find out what sounds in dreams are externalised) the sixth scene, i was propping myself against a building when a girl/woman appeared and said, "i know your father; what's wrong?" the dreamer said, "i don't know" seventh scene, pulled up the trouser leg to have a look, and there was a small bloody gash with a yellow colour just below it in the area of the funny bone was about to pull the trouser leg further up to look at the knee because that was the pain was worse when the dream ended analysis/interpretation: pain in a dream is new to me it was real enough for me to look at my knee when i woke up to see if it had done something to it when the dreamer was sleeping amendment: on the sixteenth, i went shopping with marlene she liked ham, so we bought two of those wafer-thin packs of ham that people put in sandwiches and a pack of mini-sized gammon steaks when marlene was taken from me, i put the food in the fridge thought the dreamer may as well use them up today, and over the next couple of days, the dreamer pigged out on them this, the dreamer is now sure, is the reason for this dream and the dream on the 25092014 analysis/interpretation was the original entry used to explain the cause of why there was pain in this dream the only way to explain this is to associate it with the thoughts and feelings that have been swirling around in my head because of what happened with marlene if this is the case, then as evolving beings, we're not even allowed to have recriminatory thoughts or feelings it's the nature of reality reality can only accommodate things that have endlessness wishing or wanting something not to exist that can exist is an unreality 10x1^100 years is the most time-reality that love/life can generate every conscious entity can endure for that length of time if they want to devolving beings are to be identified and observed we should no more bear ill thoughts or feelings towards them than we do with a dog with rabies or an insect or a virus they are to be identified and grouped and quarantined or at least separated from evolving beings in a way that doesn't allow any form of contact in short, a thought that breeches reality by wishing to reduce its length or time (the endless straight line or universal time) is going against reality which in turn produces consequences hence this dream shop in town, technician, another customer, shop owner, hot day, taking the shirt off, attempting to run, sounds in a dream, girl/woman/speech, coloured wound 21092014 - 73 multi-themed dream, first theme two scenes in bed with a couple who were established partners too xual to detail second theme, several scenes in the living room of a family who were struggling to make ends meet thought it would be appropriate to offer them some money the last of the scenes I remembered was giving one of the grown men a fiver (I had about fifty pounds in my wallet, and it was in a time when a fiver was an amount that could buy a family its basic needs for a week or two) the third theme, the first scene i was travelling abroad in an impoverished country (again, it was an earlier time in history) was trying to get back home, and the nearest i could get to make it home was to catch a train to france second scene, i can remember saying "parie, parie" to a porter in my best squeezed french in the third scene, he conveyed to the dreamer that the train i wanted stopped at the platform i was standing on fourth scene, a massive train thundered into the station there was nothing to indicate where it was going, and the dreamer became hesitant about getting on it the train was gone before the dreamer could change my mind and board it fifth scene, the dreamer was left alone on the platform with no one else anywhere to be seen fifth theme, the first scene, was in yet another train station something was amiss, but i can't remember what second scene, a fast-talking, smarmy and too obviously cunning con man was trying to lure the dreamer into going with him or going along with a suggestion the dreamer sensed he was bad news and declined the third scene, when he realized i wasn't going to be fooled, two of his mates suddenly appeared, and they intended to rob the dreamer using violence fourth scene, the dreamer kicked him in the groin, and he still had his con-mans smile on his face as he was crumpling to a heap fifth scene, a small crowd of locals came from behind the dreamer and set upon him with sticks and began beating him violently over his body sixth theme, first scene, yet another impoverished country (by now, any semblance of affluence was gone) the dreamer had no money, no belongings, the dreamer was destitute first scene, was looking away from where i was out into an expanse of a semi-industrialized area second scene, a young urchin with a winning character and sincere smile warned me of an impending threat to my life third scene, he looked to a bend given the expanse and indicated that was where it would come from fourth scene, he jumped off the elevated walkway where we were standing and ran across about a forty-metre gap to a line of decaying buildings and disappeared through an opening, and the sound of roaring began fifth scene, the dreamer looked to the bend of the view and saw a low wall of white water coming sixth scene, it was easily strong enough to wash the dreamer away, so i ran to the point in the buildings where i last saw the boy seventh scene: i found a gap just big enough to get through and got as far as i could into the buildings eighth scene, the water arrived and was lapping against some stones a metre away. the dream ended there analysis/interpretation: sexuality, money, lack of money, people, travel, trains, foreign countries, bad people, good people, violence, poverty, water, unsatisfactory ending 18092014 - 72 emotionally-based / two-themed dream the first theme, first scene, an indian person had invented a cylindrical-shaped strimmer that recycled the energy of the machine as it was using it and had solved the energy problem the second scene, another invention (I am trying to remember what it was. I will put it in the entry if it comes back to me) the second theme, the first scene, sitting on a two-tier concrete step there were about twenty-five kgs of two or three-inch screws scattered around where there are two of us came into possession of about one hundred pounds worth of marijuana had the idea to hide the marijuana amongst them if a correctional officer happened to appear in the second scene, in an open cell in an open prison, the people in the cell, all african, were amazed at the amount of money i had made in just a few hours one said, "you must have had a rush on, "the dreamer replied, "as soon as the cell door opened, everyone flooded in." the third scene: organised a game of cards for five people and thought it would be a good idea to have a woman in on the game we were playing cards when a bottle of mango chutney became the main content of the dream the dreamer returned to another cell, which was another card game, only this card game was reversed in terms of gender (four women and one man) there were a few sentences of good-natured banter the dreamer left their cell, and as the dreamer was going back to mine when someone in my real-life (an authority figure) said to the dreamer," is there a woman in there? " the dreamer said, "yes," and she said back, "you could get in a lot of trouble over that" the dream ended the odd thing about this dream was there was nothing that happened during the day that could be even remotely connected to the themes of these dreams on the contrary, except the first three hours of the day, which were extremely rewarding emotionally, the day is filled with feelings of frustration and defeatism and a determination to get around what was a body-blow to me, but more urgently, the degradation to the life of someone else however, two aspects of the dream could be related to events and thoughts over the last two or three days the first three or four hours of yesterday were unusually satisfying, and it is thought that it determined the tone of the dream however, why was there no visual connection between the most rewarding part of the day and the themes of the dream? a new category of a dream, an emotionally-based dream analysis/interpretation: indian man cylindrical strimmer, concrete steps, a large number of screws, marijuana, an open prison, money, african men, a cell card game, mango chutney, a women's card game, the real-life figure being referred to this month came about because of eating ham as the last food of the day the second dream happened because of eating a larger-than-usual amount of beef as the last food of the day it isn't remembered what the food caused the first original dream some twenty or more years ago, but it has to be assumed that the similarities of the dreams are too similar for them not to be connected that the meat of devolving beings can cause undesirable feelings in dreams wasn't considered before this month the dreams were of pieces of food being regurgitated, which were causing a mild choking similar to the reaction the body's mechanism employs if a person tries to swallow an amount of food that is too big for the throat the interpretation of these dreams is that consuming the solid tissue of devolving beings too close to going to sleep, as commonly experienced with cheese, does not suit the physiology 15092014 - 71 the first think-read dream name of the dream: think-read dream 1 first scene in the centre of a large busy town looking for a sign that points to the railway station second scene having a confab with a railway employee about buying a ticket third scene a woman in the same situation as the dreamer (we both missed the last scheduled commuter service, and we would have to use the employee's transport-home train) fourth scene slept during the journey and woke to find a message on the seat next to me could only read the message by "think-reading it" one word at a time the first word was your; when the dreamer read that word to read the next word, it meant using a word that made grammatical and contextual sense before it could be read (in this instance, it was luggage); the next word could be is/was/has, etc. if the sentence wasn't making sense, it meant going back to that part of the message where more than one word could be used to form a grammatically correct sentence and then trying different words until the right one had been chosen the next word revealed itself in both grammatical and contextual sense while reading/forming the message, the dreamer can remember thinking, "why is it in the luggage office?" and "how did it get broken?" i realised i could go back to the note/message and ask the question, "how did it get broken ?" the message began forming itself, and eventually, it all made sense the note read, "your luggage is in the luggage office because the hand strap of the large black bag broke as it was being handled, and the contents spilled out, you can collect it from there until 1 a.m." think-reading was the most extended scene of the dream, and it took bleedin' ages to compose the think-reading became a real chore, and it may have been the case that the task of think-reading was becoming so much of an effort the dreamer concluded the message so the dreamer wouldn't have to keep on think-reading when the message was fully formed, the dreamer felt relaxed the dreamer would eventually get the luggage back, i woke from the dream analysis/interpretation in the centre of a large, busy city train station/journey with a woman in the dream one-word-at-time message (second time recently that a message has occurred this way in a dream) missed the last train from birmingham to coventry 12092014 - 70 type of dream: tactile-informative (physiology) this dream started in a spacious underground station was asking an african man for instructions to get somewhere he told me the exit i wanted got to the start of the exit and was taken aback by how steep and long the incline to the street was there was the intense sensation of gripping the hand-rail as i got toward the top of the steep, i only just managed to pull myself up the last half metre a woman with a young baby in a pram was standing at the top of the exit, anxious to get into the underground, but she could see it would be unsafe to try and get the pram down the dreamer told her she shouldn't even try it, and the dream ended the sensation of gripping mentioned was so intense it was on the verge of waking the dreamer up this is the second night running the dream has had an incline in it analysis/interpretation: the sensation of grip was linked to weight training earlier on in the day (had to grip a dumbbell more firmly than usual to do a particular movement) pushed myself too hard and stretched a muscle or ligament or fibres, and breathing was uncomfortable for the rest of the day the grip aspect of the dream enabled the dreamer to identify the reason for it: the steep incline, the underground, the african man, the woman and the baby note keeping the time spent on dreams and dream theory to 2 hours an entry (times up for today) 05092014 - 69 thought-influenced dream there was a gigantic spaceship hovering in the atmosphere, displaying a stream of writing along its hull am on the ground with other people the writing was in two tiers and was running as a ticker-tape style information read-out of events that were going to happen eventually, the dreamer twigged on to what was happening love/life can copy and paste actual events the people in the spaceship can tap into periods in the future but can only experience and portray them in written form the implications of their abilities were too startling and too stark because the dreamer could interpret what was displayed the dreamer was assigned with superhuman abilities and elevated to the position of a deity because copying and pasting leads to understandings that increase knowledge, which in turn increases the quality of life to a degree which is sufficient to enable us to continue along the right track of evolution for the foreseeable future it resulted in the choice for this person to ascend and leave earth and the evolutionary process behind once and for all for this undulation the dream ended when somebody declined the choice to ascend, preferring instead to continue to interpret and implement the lifestyle which the intricacies of copying and pasting had opened up to us the basis of this dream is a decision taken earlier on in the day it anticipates someone else's decision, due shortly, and it is also influenced by thinking about the lifestyle we will be experiencing in the gathering place this entry may lead to an insight into the lover's abilities and highlight the futility in, and the consequences of, trying to steer the course of humanity's history when that course does not contain an increase in the quality and quantity of love/life in the same way that you and i have at our convenience the means to copy and paste words, pictures, moving images etc., that convenience is available to the lover in real-life situations over significant periods involving a few or all people the outcome of the decision mentioned above is already known to the lover contingency planning has begun in case it does happen if it does happen, the writer will explain in a little more detail the way the lover uses this person notes the thought keeps occurring that there is something beneficial or essential about being aware of the start of any dream sequence what's the first thing the mind/brain does to acquire images, thoughts, etc., to become part of the consciousness/memory faculty? can it be something simple like a fundamental sine wave that grows in complexity? 31082014 - 68 two-themed dreams both dreams had x content someone might think that a normal person wouldn't have this many of this type of dream there are good reasons for it the next 1000 years can take many different courses (schrodinger's cat) day by day, the best one is being replaced by the next best one the lover has done all that he needs to do to let the best one happen women not yet connected to their soul partner instinctively know what it is, and men will acquire the instinct, too by indulging the second and third parties, russians didn't want to join the european movement seventy years or so ago, nor will they in the future, while the third party are even more entrenched in the past than the second party) you're going over ground the lover has already covered over the next one thousand years, the incompatibilities of outlook, which are in the genetic coding, will manifest themselves as physical disorders for which there will not be a remedy (precisely in the same way as there is no way to get beings who are murdering to change their outlook either) the new habitation will only constrain them, not change them the worst possible future is that there will be more people with untreatable conditions than healthy people these types of dreams are the way love/life keeps the hope of the best of the possible future alive 28082014 - 67 sitting in a car there was an air of expectation was waiting for someone or for something to happen a white cloud or a cloud of white smoke filled an area about the size of four or five houses fifty metres in front of where the dreamer was it formed into a twirling pointed funnel and started coming towards me it looked menacing, so the dreamer scarpered ~~~ there was a lot more to the dream than is in this entry had forgotten most of the details by the time i entered it into this page because something else happened during last night's sleep for the first time in almost thirty years and for only the second time in my life, i was woken up by my own snoring both times, there was a quality/depth to the sleep that gave the dreamer a feeling of being rejuvenated the dreamer lay there for an hour, savouring the feeling for every second the dreamer lay there, the dreamer could feel the tiredness in my bones seeping away this sleep was brought about by finding the perfect way of doing dead-lifts which enabled me to do fifty without any real effort or strain wasn't keeping notes of what was happening in my life thirty years ago, but weight training was part of my routine then, too will assume that it was the same thing that brought about the same type of sleep that caused the dreamer to snore the first time it happened the dream itself was due to thinking about the situation in Gaza one day, they were at each other's throats; the next day, there was an extended cease-fire; the next day, they were at each other throat's again, a rapid-kill-no-kill, the start-stop situation is to be expected when devolving beings get going 26082014 - 66 three externalized-laughing dreams the first dream was of the dreamer lying on a bed in a room that had microphones on mic stands and one or two japanese people tending to technical things this dream was the result of thinking about how to use the dream state to further our understanding of how the mind/brain works and, precisely, to capture the externalized content of dreams the second dream started with a tense situation over the ownership of a pedal-bike it was undoubtedly my bike, and i had caught the person who stole it red-handed the thief dashed out of the scene, and the dream ended there with the dreamer feeling rankled that he didn't get the bike back the third dream, again, started with antagonism; in it, the mother of our child was angry and frustrated and refused to resume our relationship another man related to the woman was there, and obviously, he took her side realizing i was on a hiding to nowhere, i left the next scene didn't have any details that i could remember a baby six or seven months old was making happy baby sounds, and the dreamer responded with like sounds that went on for four or five exchanges of sounds i realized that the baby and i had something in common the scene changed to a different place where my mother was there with the baby my mother was trying to convince the dreamer that it would be for the best if the relationship with the mother could continue the dreamer became vehement and made three or four points saying why the dreamer didn't want to get involved the final point made was the most determined: "don't want to, and that's it. don't mention it again" my mother said, "it would be for the best, though", and i softened my stance my mother was like that she had a character "deformity" that made her try to bring couples together she was forever match-making she loved people being in love the next scene was with the baby, and we were doing the sound-swapping thing again it reached a crescendo of reciprocation the dream ended with the baby looking at me with a broad smile on his face, and i woke up laughing (second laughing dream this week) the eye contact of that final moment of the dream is one of those aspects of a dream that gets etched into the memory notes: each of the themes was the result of thoughts, which i clearly remember having, during the day, the bike" it would be an idea to record the sounds when sleeping "the mother/child relationship" remembering a particular interaction with a baby by and large men don't "get off" on babies (their too busy being manly) when you get into it, you will realize that babies need as much, if not more, attention than toddlers this person is famous for getting a six-week-old male baby laughing a long, loud, intense guttural laugh a maternity nurse made no apologies for not knocking before she rushed into the room she thought there was a stranger in the side room when babies are lying on their back on a flat surface, try putting your cupped hand under their head this person found it gets a positive reaction 25082014 - 65 externalized-laughing dream, five-themed dream 1/ a twenty or more storeyed building: open-plan glass structured: waiting for a lift: in a dilemma about something 2/ multi-room in a stately house: clothes theme 3/ large room with an open fire 4/ in a low-roofed enclosed cave with a coal shale floor: claustrophobic feeling at first the dreamer is on his own and has a claustrophobic moment then, another person is in the dream the dreamer goes out of the dream, the other person remains trapped and says, "i'm insane", and the dream ends 5 large store: in a sky-high mood with an old acquaintance from 30+ years ago walking-cum-floating movement when moving from place to place in a great mood, but it is misconstrued or resented and is taken as being flippant and disrespectful an old acquaintance walks away from me have a fawn jacket in one hand and take it to the old acquaintance who is now lying down on a masseur's couch the dreamer says, "is this yours?" he says, "no" the dreamer says, "it should be" the acquaintance nods the dreamer leaves the jacket on a peg by where he is lying down, and i go on my merry way woke from this dream laughing before opening my eyes while trying to probe the details of the first dream, a sudden muffled sound woke me up in a start notes: first and fourth dreams are separate or distinct periods of r.e.m. is the last dream or final r.e.m. period the mind "summing up" all of the r.e.m. or dream periods for that sleep? 22082014 - 64 thought-conversation-influenced dreams this dream was set in amsterdam struck up an instant friendship with a chinese man and mentioned that the dreamer wanted some soft, fresh, moroccan black he decided to let the dreamer know about his illegal drug supply operation and took the dreame rto where the organization operated from he showed the dreamer around the building and then took the dreamer through to a room where a woman and man were doing something important he said "this is" and this is" " they were faces that were familiar to the dreamer and the dreamer said " the dreamer already know them" the chinese man look astounded and said to them "what kind of fool do you think the dreamer is" for some reason, it was the kiss of death for the woman and man and they both looked resigned to their fate the dream ended there every part of this dream came from thoughts, memories and conversations during the day can't figure the ending though 21082014 - 63 unassigned categories of dreams this dream opened up in a self-serve cafe on the first floor of a building in a built-up area the dreamer was in the queue when someone close to the dreamer said something which had to be written down the dreamer stealthily took a pen from a man's shirt pocket to write it down the man was so impressed with the deft way someone took from him he got friendly and began a conversation it turned out we both had music in common the scene changed to a hall where music was playing he was in the process of organising a musical event but didn't have the right equipment for what he was planning after assessing his equipment, it was clear he didn't have enough wattage for the venue this part of the dream ended with him being pleased that the equipment the dreamer had would enable him to go ahead and hold the event the scene returned to the cafe where a man who claimed he could levitate was going to give a demonstration the scene then changed to down in the street where the levitation was taking place it turned out to be a genuine act of levitation, which impressed us all the scene went back to the cafeteria where a fuss about whether we should eat the meal and then pay for it or, as the owners wanted, pay for it first and then eat it suddenly, a wall of water higher than the building we were in was rushing towards us someone said, "what is that?" a hazardous situation had developed the dreamer remembers moving away from where the water would be crashing through the large glass window as it broke through the window, the glass smashed into large and small pieces and caused fatalities the water quickly filled the cafe, and in the next scene, the dreamer managed to keep on top of the water the only way out of the situation was to take a deep breath and swim to the end of the cafeteria, where the water was still coming in and get outside and above the water to breathe as the water was swirling the dreamer around, the dreamer took a deep breath and was just about to duck under the water when the dreamer passed that part of the self-serve counter where the sandwiches were the dreamer grabbed a sandwich, took a big mouthful and immediately thought, "this is a bad idea" i realised opening my mouth was going to affect my breathing the next scene was back in the street outside the cafe, where someone else made the claim he could fly and was about to do it he took off and moved straight up and away and returned at the angle of an arc everybody was thoroughly impressed, and we all applauded and cheered i woke up at this point, but my eyes were still tired i was laying there with my eyes closed for about three to five minutes and fell asleep again for a couple of hours, during which time had another dream the dream was with my second eldest brother we were using a magazine as a frisbee the first few flicks made the pages flap wildly, which is what you would expect if you threw a magazine across a room, but that soon changed, and within half a dozen tries, we were getting the gliding effect then we were getting a semi-permanent hovering effect, then a new movement for the frisbee" a hovering stall-before-fall effect the magazine frisbee was hanging for an unusually long time at the pre-stall-fall stage am sure if the dream had gone on the splayed pages of the magazine, it would have taken on a life of its own and begun to fly gracefully notes: nothing in this dream happened during the day perhaps a new category of dreams is needed 20082014 - 62 word/conversation/thought-influenced dreams the contents of this dream" arnold scwharznegger, manfred hoeberl, two films and politics there was a two-hour window in which to discuss politics and political strategy one of the films was half the way through when the confab began the conversation lost its momentum and changed to deciding whether to watch the film that was showing and talk afterwards or talk then and watch a movie later analysis< the two films were the result of a chat with someone about actors and films the personalities and politics was the result of thinking about them notes: it is becoming easy to recognise what generates dreams, and it should eventually be possible to use the abilities of the brain to instigate solutions and insights (see precognitive deterministic dreams) the writer will be maintaining his stance on not associating with people who are not living within ethical parameters a broad range of themes was part of today's thoughts why did the dream settle on these three it could be that these were the most productive to the writer from a conjugate position of love/life point of view 19081014 - 60 two-themed dream/thought-influenced dream there were half a dozen or so people in a very elaborate spaceship there was an air of anticipation as we readied ourselves for an encasing procedure that would give the spaceship the ability to endure for an unlimited amount of time someone voiced reservations about the long-term effects it would have on us the process began, and the noise of the encasing had the sound of permanency the dream stops there and is replaced by one of an x nature the first dream was brought about by trying to understand what the physical composition of evolving beings is while composing page four of the entry "the mistake" earlier on in the day 18082014 - 59 multi-themed dream/film-influenced film the first theme was something to do with washing clothes, but i can't remember the details the second theme, the ukraine/russia crisis, was over, and i was on a train on my way to russia with an attache case full of money and expensive items that were going to be used to help people who were having a hard time making ends meet got off the train in a city where the hardship was obvious the very first person the dreamer tried to encourage to organise things saw the contents of the case and took the dreamer to a group of nationalists who weren't happy with the way the crisis ended and were looking for a way to find faults with my motives i was feeling invulnerable and was not prepared to compromise the way somebody used (they weren't going to use the wealth in a way that benefited most people) when they realised the dreamer wouldn't budge, they decided to take the dreamer out of the equation and dropped the dreamer off the top of a fifty-storey building the dreamer fell through the top of another building (they had watched the last ten minutes of the empire strikes back, (anything skywalker could do") and into the next scene this dream sequence was in a classroom where there was a discussion about the value of different people in society (i had been thinking about how equality and work could be married several times over the last few months and thought the solution could be "time-for-time" the lecturer was maintaining that some people were more important than others a debate began the debate ended when the dreamer proved my point by using an analogy between boys and men the lecturer left the room smarting and quipped, "and you're a boy" the next scene was a high-speed pursuit (again, i watched twenty minutes of a film earlier with a car chase in it) the dreamer was chasing a suspect we both had super fast cars eventually, the suspect drove off the main road along a dirt track that ran alongside a field with twenty or thirty-metre-tall plants in them the suspect's car had crashed and overturned, but there was no one in it the dreamer became aware of a substantial black object in the shape of a wide bullet that looked like a spaceship the top half of the spaceship morphed into a giant alien who was ready for trouble realising the dreamer was out-gunned, the dreamer backed off, and the alien-cum-space ship took off assessment: all the leading visual aspects of the dreams," the clothes, the ukraine/russia crisis, being dropped off a building, the debate, the time-for-time idea, the car chase and the alien ship can be joined to thoughts and images during the day the attitudes interwoven throughout the dreams are attitudes the dreamer holds the way the dream ends, in two of the remembered dreams, there is a concessionary ending in one, it was a fantasy-film ending 16102014 - 58 dreams and dreams theory: the beginning, same-theme dream, first scene" was out cycling in the evening it was an ordinary bike, but there were two of us on it the dreamer was doing the peddling in the second scene, stopped to ask instructions from a couple sitting and having a drink outside of a pub and got an awkward response the third scene was heading out of the built-up area towards the edge of the city the bike suddenly slowed because the brakes were defective the front light was very bright and lit the road like a spotlight there was something wrong with the linkage of the braking system, and the bike slowed again the fourth scene, i sat back on the seat to do the peddling (i had been standing-peddling up until now) and could feel the passenger's (i don't know who it was) p000s digging into my coccyx the fifth scene got to the area where my aunt lived but didn't know the number of her house had to go through the back gardens where clothes hanging on clothes-lines to get to a door to ask if anybody knew her in the sixth scene, a teenage girl answered the first door the dreamer tried, and when the dreamer asked her if she knew where the person the dreamer was looking for lived, she said she didn't know but said her mother might know and asked the dreamer in seventh scene, there was some conversation and the young girl said "you've got bad breath" the dreamer said something apologetic and she said "i'm a nurse. the dreamer can make it better" she told the dreamer to lie down and pull the front of my shirt out of my trousers she lay down next to the dreamer with her knees close to my head and started kissing my stomach the dreamer responded and started massaging and squeezing her b000000s eighth scene, she could see her mother through the legs of the chair and thought it would be best to get her involved the dream ended interpretation/analysis the sameness of this dream is the aunt in the dream although she doesn't make an appearance (because she died a decade or so ago ?) will have to start an index reference for dreams 15082014 - 57 two-themed dream had a raft of things to do first thing today, and by the time the dreamer got to the computer had forgotten the details of the dreams there were a few days on the trot during the past week when a certain satisfaction accompanied the detailing of the previous night's dreams as they were written immediately after waking, should we make the analysis of dreams the first order of the day? happily, this person is in a position to try it let's see if any constructive happens 13082014 - 56 film sequence dream in an underground, but nothing that fits into my experience of them, that was jam-packed with people there wasn't more than a metre between the elevators, which extended to the edges, both in the depth and the height of the scene the elevators were arranged diagonally to each other the depth showed twenty or more elevators, with the ones furthest from view between forty and eighty metres in height there were four or five people abreast of each elevator and toe to toe assessment" this is the first time the writer has had the feeling there were too many people it looked like there were about one-hundred thousand people in the sequence applying the roney analysis to this dream suggests there has been a poor organization of large numbers of people in undulations past there are at least two interpretations of this dream; the one favoured is there can only be too many people if the organization isn't right 11082014 - 55 a tender love dream in a room with two women and a man accepted an invitation to cuddle from one of the women, and the dreamer immediately suggested we kiss the kiss was surprisingly forthcoming, but i felt the togetherness should be toned down the woman felt differently, and it meant having to steer her feelings into a less passionate state Having done that, we continued in a way that allowed tenderness to dominate our feelings, and they could have gone on indefinitely. things continued like that for the rest of the dream, which ended when my hand accidentally brushed against her nipple, and it brought out her procreational instincts, at which point the man in the room came over to us and suggested we stop 09082014 - 54 a loyal champion of the cause was making the case to an audience that the writer has done all he needs to do and need not involve himself any further (with current affairs) the writer wasn't sure, but he felt that somebody could do something the writer is in a quandary on this point this dream is a direct result of that difficulty this dream that may recur 08082014 -53 two-themed dreams x dream (2) i've had some graphic x dreams before, but this one takes the cake the images and thoughts generated the first theme of the dream during the day the news today was the most death-filled five to ten minutes of news the writer can remember watching (they move with great fury for they know their time is short) mixed with the images of c-clip (my reference) the thoughts surrounding the news contained the understanding that someone would replace the lives lost via love/life, and the replacing of lives would be more significant, and the lives would have immeasurably more longevity the dream itself was ten to twelve different scenes, each one lasting between a half and one and a half seconds of dream time the scenes were much too xual for a description; suffice to say, when it comes to love/life and reproduction, love/life does it with a passion driven by a hunger for more life that would make death-oriented beings hang their heads in shame the sequence of images stops and is replaced by a lying down view of the dreamer, i could see my left knee and a woman's right knee a metre or two beyond our knees was a nude male who began talking about his x habits within a sentence or two, it became apparent that he was homosexual and rancorous emotions surfaced in the writer when the woman next to him insisted on listening to what he had to say the theme of the dream changed to a gymnasium-sized room where there was excited talk about someone special who had just joined us the buzz was he could levitate suddenly, the person was sitting in the lotus position in the centre of the room immediately, he rose into the air and descended again but in a less-than-steady way he looked like david blaine the writer had seen the illusionist do a fifteen to twenty-centimetre levitation trick on the telly umpteen years ago and thought then he had used helium or something akin to it to do the trick, so the dreamer challenged its genuineness again, from the lotus position, he rose and descended, only this time it looked much more real then again from the lotus position, he began lifting, and suddenly, he gained speed, went out of control, bounced off the ceiling, then off the wall, off the floor and was on his way toward the ceiling again when (there was a microsecond break here, again) he turned into a bumble bee the bumblebee was flying erratically and from person to person someone said, "he's scared someone will hurt him." the bumblebee landed on my hand, walked a bit, and then flew off the dream ended there nothing stands out as being the cause for prompting this dream, though it makes sense to think they are related. hmmm 06082014 - 52 the dream opened up with a fierce fire in some residential buildings the fire, image-influenced dream content was not from a news clip but from a film the writer watched before going to sleep (disruptive events so easily influence life-oriented beings it's a wonder there's any happiness at all in the world) within a second, the scene changed to a conservative cabinet meeting where the cause of the fire was being discussed it took a humorous turn when one person started to explain how he knew from personal experience how difficult it is to clean dustbins (where the fire began) using cumbersome protective gloves; it then got even funnier the cabinet leader, a very attractive version of margaret thatcher, had been born in an up-market maternity ward in a posh constituency, but it came to light that she was conceived in the working-class town of barnsley the meeting then became very serious again as a damage-limiting cover-up story became the main topic of the meeting the writer was in the process of making up a comically flimsy excuse for such a severe breach of etiquette when he woke up 05082014 - 51 thought-influenced dreams sometimes a meal will cause the writer to sleep during the day." the first theme of this multi-themed dream was christmas eve in the dream, i woke at midday and got a bit panicky because it was going to be touch and go whether the dreamer could get into town and buy a bottle of whiskey and be back in time for the beginning of the festivities the second part of the dream was about a friend the writer had in his teenage years who was more interested in wooing a girl than anything else and a friend of his who was a budding guitarist who was more interested in being friendly than he was being a musician the third part of the dream was in the kitchen of the house the writer grew up in the kitchen had been expanded and could now seat ten people and had become something of a meeting point for people a young woman was proudly showing the results of the very first vegetables she had grown (flat beans) these three themes are the result of three distinct thoughts that the writer remembers occurred during the day one about christmas, one about the adjoining kitchen where he currently lives and one about spending more time doing musical things it may be that the other details in the dream were associated thoughts that surrounded the distinctly remembered thoughts, which determined the main themes in the dream in which case the main factor in determining the content of dreams may be thoughts 04082014 - 50 was in a meeting where a children's party was being organised the entire dream revolved around the details of the logistics of the party, what was needed, how many, where to buy them the dream ended when the adult organisers had done everything and we were getting stuck into a page-sized steak sandwich this dream was brought about by a conversation during the day when a committee i belonged to came up in the conversation i am reasonably sure it was the use of the word committee and the thoughts and feelings associated with the committee that are the basis of the dream 31072014 - 49 couldn't figure out why the dreams over the last few weeks were less enjoyable than usual it wasn't until yesterday (31071404082014 was in a meeting where a children's party is being organised the entire dream revolved around the details of the logistics of the party," what was needed", how many" "where to buy them" the dream ended when the adult organisers had done everything and we were getting stuck into a page-sized steak sandwich this dream was brought about by a conversation during the day when a committee the writer, belonged to came up in the conversation i am fairly sure it was the use of the word committee and the thoughts and feelings associated with the committee, that was the basis of the dream 31072014 - 48 was baffled couldn't figure out why the dreams over the last few weeks were less enjoyable than usual it wasn't until yesterday (310714), when the writer didn't watch any news and had a typically pleasant dream that got the writer thinking, and then the penny dropped the news over the last few weeks was mainly about gaza with the accompanying explosions it was recognised and mentioned in the dreams diary entry of 11062009 that fireball-type explosions unsettled the mind and affected the quality of dreams (no dream in this database for 11062009) it must be one of the "lost 100" - a hundred dreams got lost when moving files about in a new computer even without the visuals of explosions, the non-stop barrage of murder and unnatural death presented to us every day by the oligarch-controlled mainstream media will cause mild depression in life-oriented people (this is well-known to the oligarchs) the news format of the mainstream media is a mixture of death and sport it's the ancient roman outlook of life (a devolving beings future) to those heading that way, love/life does not salute you're love/life tragedy a permanent poignancy in an otherwise joyous mathematical function ordinary people, do yourself a favour and give the news a miss this website will keep you appraised of what's happening through the ukraine entry) when the writer didn't watch any news and had a typically pleasant dream that got the writer thinking, then the penny dropped the news over the last few weeks was mainly about gaza with the accompanying explosions it was recognised and mentioned in the dreams diary entry of 11062009 that fireball-type explosions unsettled the mind and affected the quality of dreams (no dream in this database for 11062009) it must be one of the lost 100 dreams even without the visuals of explosions, the non-stop barrage of murder and unnatural death presented to us every day by the oligarch-controlled mainstream media will cause mild depression in life-oriented people (this is known to the oligarchs the news format of the mainstream media is a mixture of death and sport it's the ancient roman empire outlook of life (a devolving beings future) to those heading that way, love/life does not salute you; you're love/lifes tragedy a permanent poignancy in an otherwise joyous mathematical function ordinary people, do yourself a favour and give the news a miss this website will keep you appraised of what's happening through the ukraine entry 20062014 - 47 had the same meal as the last meal of today as the meal on the twenty-first of april 2014, to establish if the less than desirable feelings in that dream were caused by an unusually large amount of meat i had a dream, but i don't remember it! 01052014 - 46 externalized dreams the dream began with someone in a small group asking the dreamer what the dreamer thought was a hypothetical question my answer was, "if a person suggests something, is it fair to accept what the person says 20062014 had the same meal as the last meal of today as the meal on the twenty-first of april 2014 in an effort to establish if the less than desirable feelings in that dream were caused by an unusually large amount of meat i had a dream, but i don't remember it! 01052014 - 45 externalized dreams the dream began with someone in a small group asking the dreamer what he thought was a hypothetical question my answer was something along the lines of, "if a person suggests something, is it fair to accept what the person says as being true?" (i wasn't going to enter this dream into the diary to start with. it was a few hours before it was and by then the precise wording of the question had been forgotten) the dreamer said "yes" the next scene was of someone the dreamer had known as a boy/teenager, and he was walking away from where he lived in the next scene, the dreamer is upstairs in the house where he lives a cat was miaowing outside a bedroom door it was apparent the cat wanted to go into the room so the dreamer opened the door and let it in with the door open the dreamer could see the friends mother by her bed and the dreamer said sorry for intruding she immediately asked the dreamer why he had testified to her of having done something it then became clear why the opening scene of the dream was a matter-of-fact type question: my answer was meant to be used to incriminate the friend's mother the externalized aspect of the dream began as the dreamer started speaking, "just a moment" i said, "i didn't know that the question you asked was going to be used to incriminate someone" (at this point, the dreamer realizes he is becoming conscious but finished the end of his sentence) "if i had, my reply was going to be used in a court of law, i wouldn't have answered the question or would have qualified it" notes 1 the cause of the dream... that day someone brought to my attention a newspaper headline it was about max clifford the person who brought the story to my attention said he was convinced he was guilty because he was the sort of person who would do something like that for the first time in many a month, i read a tabloid it's wasn't too difficult to understand what was going on max clifford was the only person who had the character to mention my existence on the telly it is the courage of his convictions which has brought about his predicament (there are a handful of people who have demonstrated the courage of their convictions) they, through their progeny, will find more life this undulation) some of you will be aware there has been a spate of prosecutions of sexual crimes against high-profile people in recent months ken barlowe is the one that most people will have heard about he was persecuted through prosecution because he had the audacity to voice the fact that a person's disabilities were/are brought into existence as a result of them doing things, undulation after undulation, that reduce the quality and or quantity of life, time and time again this touched a raw nerve with the british oligarchs there are many amongst them and their families who have mental and physical disabilities while you control the media and can use the resources of a country to persuade, bribe, induce... people to do and/or say what you want them to do there's always enough people to do the oligarch's bidding the oligarchs know that the mere mention of a sexual crime will condemn that person when the accusation comes through the mainstream media too many ordinary people, being lazy-minded, believe everything they see and hear on the telly the tears shed for the loss of the original ancestors of today's oligarchs were shed many, many undulations ago the lover tried and tried and tried to get them to see what that they were doing was wrong and what the consequences would be he suffered in ways you can't imagine" until, literally, the end of the universe understand fully the following points, the mental faculties of the "original sinners" were working perfectly there was nothing in the environment that could harm them there was no external reason at all that could have given them the cause to choose non-existence perhaps they just wanted to be different from everyone else (see also the mistake) for the record, the oligarch structure putin heads is the most powerful in the world, and putin has a significant role in forming its strategies (this website is pretty sure it was he who formulated the rationale that convinced people close to and far from the writer that it is, inevitably and ultimately, a doom and gloom no-hope outcome for everyone other than the writer) he is wrong! israel's netanyahu and britain's cameron. (the second and third most influential oligarch-controlled countries in the world) do not originate strategies i wasn't going to enter this dream into the diary to start with it was a few hours before it was, and by then, the precise wording of the question had been forgotten) the dreamer said "yes." the next scene was of someone whom the dreamer had known as a boy/teenager, and he was walking away from where he lived in the next scene, the dreamer is upstairs in the house where he lives a cat was miaowing outside a bedroom door it was apparent the cat wanted to go into the room, so the dreamer opened the door and let it in with the door open, the dreamer could see the friend's mother by her bed, and the dreamer said sorry for intruding she immediately asked the dreamer why he had testified to her having done something it then became apparent why the opening scene of the dream was a matter-of-fact type question; my answer was to be used to incriminate the friend's mother the externalized aspect of the dream began as the dreamer started speaking, "just a moment", i said, "i didn't know that the question you asked was going to be used to incriminate someone" (at this point, the dreamer realizes he is becoming conscious but finished the point) "if i knew that somebody intended to use it in a court of law, i wouldn't have answered the question or would have qualified it" the cause of the dream: that day, someone brought my attention to a newspaper headline it was about max clifford the person who brought the story to my attention said he was convinced he was guilty because he was the sort of person who would do something like that for the first time in many a month, i read a tabloid it's wasn't too difficult to understand what was going on max clifford was the only person who had the character to mention my existence on the telly it is the courage of his convictions which has brought about his predicament (there are a handful of people who have demonstrated the courage of their convictions they, through their progeny, will be offered more life this undulation) some of you will be aware there has been a spate of prosecutions of sexual crimes against high-profile people in recent months ken barlowe is the one that most people will have heard about he was persecuted through prosecution because he had the audacity to voice the fact that a person's disabilities were/are brought into existence as a result of them doing things, undulation after undulation, that reduce the quality and or quantity of life time and time again this touched a raw nerve with the british oligarchs there are many amongst them and their families who have mental and physical disabilities when you control the media and can use the resources of a country to persuade, bribe, and induce" people to say and do what you want them to do, there are always enough people to do the oligarch's bidding the oligarchs know that the mere mention of a sexual crime will condemn any person when accused of a sex crime is made through the mainstream media too many ordinary people, being lazy-minded, believe everything they see and hear on the telly the tears shed for the loss of the original ancestors of today's oligarchs were shed many, many undulations ago the lover tried and tried and tried to get them to see that what they were doing was wrong and what the consequences would be he suffered in ways you can't imagine" until, literally, the end of the universe understand fully the following points: the mental faculties of the "original sinners" were working perfectly there was nothing in the environment that could harm them there was no external reason at all that could have given them the cause to choose non-existence perhaps they just wanted to be different from everyone else (see also the mistake) for the record, the oligarch structure putin heads is the most powerful in the world, and putin has a significant role in forming its strategies (this website is pretty sure it was he who formulated the rationale that convinced people close to and far from the writer that it is, inevitably and ultimately, a doom and gloom no-hope outcome for everyone other than the writer) he is wrong! israel's netanyahu and britain's cameron (the second and third most influential oligarch-controlled countries in the world) do not originate strategies 24042014 - 44 precognitive determinism this dream is a picture dream there was another image before the main one, but it wasn't dwelt upon, and the details faded quickly from the memory the picture in the dream was of chips; there were twenty or so of them in the picture what caught my attention was the colour of the chips; they were much browner than the ones the writer usually makes. the next day, i decided to have chips and make them the vivid golden-brown colour they were in the picture dream when it came to cooking the meals, it meant cooking them differently to get them the same colour as they were in the picture dream it was more straightforward than i thought it would be the writer's approach to eating is to let his hunger lead him to when he eats, and as the need for food increases, it determines what to eat the meal was home-made fresh bread, chips, mashed swede, chicken pie and gravy the meal was every bit as enjoyable as usual, and yes, the chips did have a more-satisfying-than-usual quality this person is only now starting to take dreams seriously enough to get "with it" and let dreams influence his waking state in a way that dictates his motivations (see precognitive dreams) people who don't regard dreams as anything special may find this alarming someone pointed out that the average person probably didn't regard physics as being particularly relevant to their lives either the knowledge that has come from quantum theory in the last hundred and 40 years has opened up pathways in the neural structure; it has changed our way of thinking so radically the views expressed before its discovery make our previous ideas about reality as outdated as a flat earth is going to reveal more about what is essential in our lives than quantum theory ever will this is the most intellectually rewarding situation imaginable a mechanism whereby previous events and actions that can enhance the quality of life present themselves before doing the same or similar things pre-mechanistic determination! the writer has acted on the content of dreams before; this dream, though, is the first that is recognisable as being from the self that is for the self the applications are immense pre-dream-pooling of the previous night's dreams before making decisions of profound importance may have merit it was mentioned some years ago that there was some frustration about there not being memories of past experiences what's emerging far-surpasses that limitation memories from previous undulations that can guide us on our way now! wow! things are taking off like a rocket, let's hear for the lover it seems that what's happening is in the vein of the roney analysis, and the more we act on our dreams, the greater the benefits will be see also the roney analysis - 21042014 - 43 (food influenced dream?) two different dreams both of them had ill-feeling in them the first was in a house watching a large-screen telly that was hanging from the ceiling there were four birds in the room, cockatiels? one of them was very unhappy about being there and was exuding an air of restrained belligerence and defiance a big black predatory bird in flight came onto the screen, and the unhappy bird became uncommonly frightened i am not sure if the frightened bird thought the bird on the screen was real or not, but it acted as though it was and flew to the dreamer for safety but was so frightened and unhappy about the situation it was in that it bit into my foot between the big toe and the toe next to it there was no sensation to the bite, nor was there any feeling in the second bite immediately afterwards, the scene changed to where the dreamer was about five metres away from where the first scene took place and was standing looking up at where the bird that didn't want to be there was sitting on its perch, shaking with fear the second dream walking down a street where the dreamer once lived there were eight or nine of us of mixed ethnicities, and we were happy with each other's company went to a shop for something and joined the queue of about twenty people someone who had been a friend for a long time came over and was looking for trouble and began to goad the dreamer into striking him so he could retaliate with greater force the dreamer felt intimidated and was trying to figure out why the friend was doing what he was doing it then became clear that he was a closet racist and was venting his hatred on the dreamer for mixing with non-whites there was nothing in the day that was the reason for the content of this dream the cause of this dream may be the diet for that day not being a big meat eater (a quarter to one-half of kg per week) an unusually large amount of pork meat (one hundred and fifty grams) for the main meal of the day might be the reason for this unsettling dream it will be easy to test this theory will keep to the usual amounts of meat for three or four weeks and eat the same meal again 15042014 - 42 a taste of freedom) whoa! usually, the writer wakes up from dreams in a semi-sleepy state this dream was the first that has jolted him wide awake there was nothing, no images, feelings, etc. that preceded it there was a dark, featureless slumber, then there was a white/blue-light/space which drew the conscious into it as it was being looked at it took on depth, and the depth began expanding in all directions of the one hundred and thirty degrees or so image (vision ?) the attention became focused at the centre of the image as it began increasing in depth the thought "the endless" occurred, and then, suddenly, things became dramatic throughout about three or four seconds, the endless took on a new perspective as its depth deepened in a smooth but fast way until the depth became a tangible quantity, which caused the mind to baulk as the reality of endless depth diminished the individual identity of self and forced it to withdraw as it realized it was experiencing something greater, so much, much greater than its ability to encompass the dream lasted a second and a half of sleep-time, but people, you had better believe" it is going to take every minute of the evolutionary process to adjust to the endless in a way that allows a continually-expanding state of mind to become part of our conscious there have been two experiences that were notable for their sense of space/movement/freedom before this one the first, another dream as a child and the second, while fully conscious, is mentioned elsewhere on this website both of those had both wonder and appeal this one, however, was mind-expanding, and it is the writer's delightful privilege to pass on to you one of the features of the heavenly state this dream experience was similar to the quantum shock, although it wasn't as sudden from "normal" self to a different mental state faster than our current mind processes can willfully perform applying the roney analysis to this dream/vision leads to the conclusion that all of our desirable experiences of previous undulations are re-emerging as evolution takes place what is also new is the idea that the endless void of space can, subjectively, be turned into a colour-rich environment 09042014 - 41 the roney analysis - precognitive dreams preface to the "roney analysis" in a nutshell, the roney analysis is saying that the images and sequences in dreams can be from any time tense" far, far off into the future, right to the very end of time, and at any point in the past, all the way back to the beginning of time imagine a caveman or cavewoman having a dream of looking through the window on a plane and now try and conjure up what sights you would be seeing a million years from now when you're living in a space station that has two-hundred thousand million living on it the roney analysis the dream that triggered the thinking it was nighttime, and i was looking at a cluster of four or five lights way up in the atmosphere another person came into the dream and wanted to know what it was the dreamer was looking at "u.f.o.'s" was my reply, and he said, "no, they're not" when he said that, the group of lights turned into about twenty lights of different colours, and it became apparent it was u.f.o.'s the dreamer dashed to the house to get his camera, and when inside, people were rushing about "there are u.f.o.'s in the sky at the front of the house the dreamer said, thinking it would get the people rushing about to stop what they were doing and get interested in what it was the dreamer was excited about a voice standing on my left shoulder said, "take a look out there", indicating with his head the dreamer could see at the periphery of my field of vision he was indicating the back of the house as the dreamer moved to the window, a bright white light started to get brighter and brighter, and the dreamer realised the light was coming from a huge spaceship that was coming down to the ground the dream ended there with the dreamer in a state of resignation that e.t.'s are much too advanced for us to do anything other than accept that they are superior to us in every meaningful way" technologically, altruistically, responsibly" thinking about this dream made me wonder", where did the images of the lights up in the atmosphere come from? does the mind have the ability to generate images that fit the dream, or is every conceivable image, thought, emotion, etc., that can exist in reality already there in the brain in the form of an adjustable template? this, in turn, produced the notion that the content in dreams may be jumbled up in terms of time, and further, they could have come from the experiences of previous undulations, as is suggested to explain precognitive dreams thinking about my dreams, every single dream i've had, and i've had some bizarre ones, could, when thought about in the context of a love-length, exist in actuality, so now the following possibility has to be entertained everything that occurs in dreams has already happened the odd and baffling sequences in dreams are the mind drawing on experiences that have already been enacted or witnessed in previous undulations! the seemingly random generation of images, motions, etc. that occur in dreams is the mind using the experiences we've had in past undulations! the mind presents the aptest image available from our experiences to the dream sequence, albeit the aptest content may be hundreds, thousands, or even millions of years before or after now! this, in turn, means the brain contains the memory or can retrieve or construct or reconstruct any of any individual experiences from that initial moment when their own unique experiences began* if so, then dream theory, and especially the analysis/interpretation of dreams has taken a completely different, radical turn interpretations of dreams based on this theory is referred to as "the roney analysis" whether the memories of the mother or father or both are passed on to their children or if memories are truly personal (can't be passed on) or only certain types of memories can be inherited or..." is not a priority for this website but knock yourself out 15022014 - 40 laughing dream the first dream this year that woke me because of my laughing in a picture house that only had seven or eight rows of seats on either side of a central aisle there were four or five of us men who had arrived late, and our wives were in the front row, and all the other seats were taken the dreamer got the attention of my wife and smiled at her, and she waved, which in turn had a knock-on effect on the other wives, who then all turned and waved to their respective husbands what was funny about it was the short distance between where the men were standing and the front row (three or four metres) it was the same circumstances and the same sort of wave a toddler gives to someone who is within a metre or two of them it made the dreamer smile, and i decided to capitalise on the moment by saying something which caused another childish response and everybody, except the women, realised what had happened and started laughing two points here: the sense of distance that a child, and to a lesser extent, women, have is different from males why that is so is to do with the attitude of a person or outlook on life" the more attuned a person is to life and other people, the more distance there is to reality again, children and women are leading the way this dream was the result of the day being an "other person day" (spent all day working on things that were for the benefit of other people) this is an externalized dream 13092013 - 39 dream within a dream never had one of these before someone is staying with the dreamer, and while we are sleeping, the dreamer dreams he is explaining something important to him was talking out loud in the dream within the dream (speaking out loud in dreams is quite common for the writer), which woke up the guest, and he began talking to the dreamer about the points made in the dream when the dreamer began reiterating the points in the dream within the dream, i woke up alas, it took three hours to iron out a problem with the computer and by the time it was working, i had forgotten what it was i had said out loud in the dream it may be linked to some unusual mental activity in the last week (i will go into what that is if it continues and can figure out what it means) 12082013 - 38 loving thoughts-laughing the last time i laughed this loud and long was in 1978 (while awake) it was that laughing when you have to force yourself to stop laughing to take a breath it woke the dreamer out of the dream, and the dreamer played the scene over half a dozen times before it didn't make the dreamer laugh out loud any more the funny scene involved an acquaintance of five years back he was at my home and was using the computer for something or other the computer itself was a desktop that had three screens, like a woman's bedroom mirror, and each screen could work independently of the others or in sync with either or both of them i programmed the computer to respond randomly with a vivid picture on one of the screens when it was not in use, and the other two were when he began touching the keys, a 3d black and white picture jumped onto the right-hand side screen and took him aback as he overcame his disorientation, he saw the funny side of it and started having a laughing fit that caused him to lose control of himself, and he slipped off the chair and onto the floor as the dreamer took in the event, he saw the funny side of it, too, and started laughing as well am currently in the process of buying a 3D t.v. and during the day, had been thinking about what sort of effects the dreamer could expect when it was installed also, earlier on that day, while at the computer, i had a series of humorous thoughts concerning a screencast which had a love theme the moral of this dream must be to think loving and happy thoughts 18052013 - 37 insignificant dreams i got a couple of new saucepans while cooking with them, i used a metal knife to move the food around in the pan as i was doing so, the thought occurred that the knife could score the bottom of the pan, so i began using a wooden utensil the dream that night was of the dreamer looking into a saucepan that had deep scores along the bottom why did the subconscious reaffirm a decision that had already been taken? possibly as a validation that a correct decision had been made, or a future dream where the previous day contained thoughts and actions that were not so easy to resolve would be validated or invalidated via a dream or is it that the content or theme of a dream reflects the most significant thought/action of any given day (goes to show how uneventful the writer's life can be), or neither of these two interpretations 16042014 - 36 externalised dreams are dreams in which the dream's content can be observed by others (movement, talking, laughing, singing, shouting, etc.). externalised dreams happen to the writer regularly why does it happen? the initial thought is that in the fullness of time, there will not be a distinct difference between being awake and being asleep (it is known that we do not sleep in heaven) the conscious and sub-conscious merge the things that can be experienced in dreams that can't be experienced in our waking state (flying-type acrobatic feats, etc.) will eventually become natural abilities it looks like it will start to happen within a million years or so externalised dreams are to be viewed as latent abilities beginning to emerge the emergence of these latent abilities will begin when our dreams produce content that both the dreamer and those observing the observers are considered desirable 31012013 - 35 what an incredible dream the first dream of its type, an adventure dream 29012013 - 34 had been thinking throughout the day about which points to put in the entry 1st july 2013 three dire consequences are inherent in the issues in this dream, and only one that promises hope the dream was of a flood there were four people in the dream: a child who had drowned and was floating on top of the water and a man with a child who was occasionally sinking and was on the verge of falling below the turbulence as the man and the child got to within arm's length of the boat, he shouted that there was another child who needed saving the dreamer informed him that the child had already drowned, and we both started crying as he passed the surviving child into the boat the water was gushing into the boat, and we both started bailing the water out with our hands as it became apparent that we were saving the boat from sinking, the dream ended the interpretation of this dream is that regardless of whether the points are written or not, there are half who can be saved and half who can't 12032013 - 33 a food-influenced dream in a prison cell with a dozen other men who didn't like me rancour, hostility, resentment, that'll teach the writer to eat cheese before going to sleep 31012013 - 32 what an incredible dream the first dream of its type, an adventure dream 11122013 - 31 had been thinking throughout the day about which points to put in the entry 1st july 2013 three dire consequences are inherent in the issues to be written, and only one that promises hope the dream was of a flood there were four people in the dream: a child who had drowned and was floating on top of the water and a man with a child who was occasionally sinking and was on the verge of sinking below the turbulence as the man and the child got to within arm's length of the boat, he shouted that there was another child who needed saving the writer informed him that the child had already drowned, and we both started crying as he passed the surviving child into the boat the water was gushing into the boat, and we both started bailing the water out with our hands as it became apparent that we were saving the boat from sinking, the dream ended the interpretation of this dream is that, regardless of whether the points are written into the web page or not, there are half who can be saved and half who can't 31102012 - 30 informative dream what a strange dream small cluster of shops in a one-street town centre (similar to plympton, possibly based on the visit there) the dreamer found a large wad of money but did not assert a claim to it the dreamer felt that he should have made a greater effort to acquire it in the next scene, in an area of coventry (spon end), a wind blew a silver purse decorated with five or six rows of evenly spaced beads on both sides and another object into my grasp the small purse contained a silver latch key, a gold-coloured 2 pound coin, and another coin (the 2 pound was introduced in 1998) made an effort to find out who the key belonged to and returned it to the female a fruitful relationship with amorous feelings began ~~~ earlier on in the day, it was realised who would win the american election i am pretty sure the money in the dream was the winnings from a bet the dreamer was thinking of making and using the money to pay for a visit to holland the writer took the thoughts of what he was thinking of doing to bed with him that night ~~~ the intended bet was wrong in three ways, it would have been hypocritical an entry on a web page earlier in the day promoted doing the opposite of what the dreamer was thinking of doing it was also a personal indulgence or loveless act it was based on insider knowledge it is worth pointing out that when a person accidentally spills some water or stubs their toe or drops something or when there isn't an external cause for the mishap, it isn't the lover telling them off or punishing them it's all to do with reality the thought that precedes or accompanies the accident is an unrealistic one that is, it can't be expanded into infinity ~~~ the 2 pound coin and the new relationship was the alternative outcome for not using knowledge for personal gain after waking and thinking this dream was one dream that would be unfathomable it became obvious what the meanings associated with the dream were it was the decision not to place the bet 14082012 - 29 for the first time in a year or two woke up laughing from the dream (was laughing so long and loud it woke the dreamer up) it was a singing/laughing dream that was brought on by a continual desire throughout the day to make a concerted effort to get something in particular thing organised for other people 22072012 - 28 food-influenced dreams this was the second dream of this type within a month another dream with this content occurred some years ago that there was such a large time gap, and the fact that it is remembered suggests it needs to be investigated the poor quality of the dreams this month occurred because ham was eaten as the last food of the day the second dream happened because of eating a larger-than-usual amount of beef as the last food of the day it isn't remembered what the food was that caused the first original dream some twenty or more years ago, but it has to be assumed that the similarities of the dreams are too similar for them not to be connected that the meat of devolving beings can cause undesirable feelings in dreams wasn't considered before this month the dreams were of pieces of food being regurgitated, which were causing a mild choking similar to the reaction the body's mechanism employs if a person tries to swallow an amount of food that is too big for the throat the interpretation of these dreams is that consuming the solid tissue of devolving beings too close to going to sleep, as commonly experienced with cheese, does not suit the physiology 13022012 - 27 there were three distinct dreams last night the memory of the thoughts that caused the themes for the dreams during the previous day are still clearly remembered there was also some strong emotional content during the day the emotional content during the day was greater than the emotional content that accompanied the thoughts which prompted the dreams it is concluded that thoughts are more influential in a person's life than emotions the dreams one was sexual the next was a world where everyone was rich beyond belief the third was a world where our man-shaped dinosaur cousins were as visible as clouds in the sky are multi-themed dreams only ever a manifestation of desires? this will be borne out if it is a common experience amongst all people if multi-themed dreams that have undesirable content are commonplace, then it is reasonable to assume that the person needs to evaluate their outlook and lifestyle see dreams and dream theory upon waking and thinking about the dreams, a new realization occurred, which is going to make bringing soul partners together a lot easier than had been thought however, it does mean worldwide cooperation (the writer is not going to encourage the group/clique/cult mentality by putting essential information on this website when the vast majority of the population doesn't have access to it) more life available this undulation and only seventy visitors a day! it's sheer madness 12012012 - 26 listened to the news earlier in the day in which iran called israel liars and israel called iran liars for some minutes after, the currently held view of evolution and devolution was overridden by a whole gamut of possibilities other ways it might be happening the dream that night is set in the most profound, densest jungle scene that the writer had ever seen, dreamt or visualised all manner of deadly creepy-crawlies were out for a kill the emotion in the dream, which was initially a mild form of panic, was quickly replaced by a determination not to allow killer instincts to gain sway when the determination to beat the killer instincts had established itself, the threat of danger and the creepy-crawlies faded, and the dream ended this dream highlights the delicate and subtle nature of love/life how a calm mind that lets its imagination run amok will pay for it the lesson learnt from this dream is to keep thoughts and feelings towards all man-shaped devolving beings as generous as possible the lover is giving such beings as gentle and as gradual an exit from existence as circumstances and reality allow 1st september 2011 what a great kissing dream 02092011 - 25 although there were no conscious thoughts during the day of the previous night's dream, this night dream was with an african woman (the writer knows that the lover has no qualms about using the writer to experience certain things with the sole purpose of them being relayed to yourselves) the sensation of the kiss in this dream was almost, but not quite, as pleasure-filled as the night before what was different, though, was that the second scene of the dream was of us being about 3 metres apart there was an air of mystery about the woman that is still playing in the writers' mind the atmosphere was recognizable as a look into the character of the lover himself ( don't overlook the fact that negroid mammal woman was the first extension of the mammal man's soul partnership and, as such, is special. in the same way, a first child is special not more important or favoured, just special the dream didn't highlight love or pleasure it highlighted an air of mystery it was more of an insight into the depth of the range of experiences that await us as individuals as we probe the infinite the character of love changes into a completely different thing in the far-off reaches of eternity NOTES it should be noted that although we are individuals, our individuality is a part, or rather an extending part, of an individual part of the lover himself each individual person is a result of love in heaven and love on earth 22092011 - 24 a triple-themed dream the first theme is of being in a car, with very few other vehicles in the dream it is thought that this was a knock-on effect of mulling over and extending an entry in politics; the three-party interpretation, earlier on in the day that addressed the problem of the car in our lives the second theme is trotting up a flight of stairs in a sprightly manner no doubt an expression of the desire to be able to move normally ( a desire which won't go away ) the third theme this is one of those dreams that remain personal the writer doesn't want you to know just how unhappy he is with the way you are dealing with the current state of the affairs of the world 18092011 - 23 recurring dreams dreams with the same or a similar theme the reason we have recurring dreams is that there is an important issue to be resolved they recur to prompt us to pay attention to them and make necessary changes to find the solution example: a person dreams of being in an ocean or in or by a water environment regularly on one occasion, the surface of the water is smooth the smooth surface of the water is a reflection of the dreamer's emotional state, which in this example denotes the dreamer is calm in another dream, some days later, the water will be choppy or turbulent this denotes a change or in the dreamer's feelings about the subject matter that caused the dream in the first place the recurring theme of the dream will be because of circumstances which could be work-related or money-related because of a relationship, a moral or philosophical dilemma, or one of a thousand other possible sets of circumstances it is for the dreamer to identify what is causing the undesirable feelings in the dream and resolve it by adopting a different attitude and then acting it out in real life until the water in the dream is consistently calm turbulent waters and the attending feel-bad emotions brought on by an incident or experience, not of the dreamer's making, i.e. a physical attack or experiencing a violent attitude or an upsetting news report in the media or" the list goes on, should be easy to identify how to resolve circumstances forced on us is a social/political problem in the first instance living within ethical parameters is the solution see also the dreams and dream theory entry by lola noble and the writer notes: consistently calm waters in the dream and the accompanying feel-good emotions denote there is no issue to resolve is there a reason why it is water and not wind or terrain? 02092011 - 22 although there were no conscious thoughts during the day of the previous night's dream, this dream tonight was with an african woman ( the writer knows that the lover has no qualms about using the writer to experience certain things with the sole purpose of them being relayed to yourselves ) the sensation of the kiss in this dream was almost, but not quite, as pleasure-filled as the night before what was different, though, was that the second scene of the dream was of us being about 3 metres apart there was an air of mystery about the woman that is still playing on the writer's mind the atmosphere was recognizable as a look into the character of the lover himself (don't overlook the fact that african mammal woman was the first extension of mammal man's soul partnership and, as such, is special, in the same way a first child is special (not more important or favoured just special) the dream didn't highlight love or pleasure it highlighted an air of mystery it was more of an insight into the depth of the range of experiences that await us as individuals as we probe the infinite the character of love changes into a completely different thing in the far-off reaches of eternity although we are individuals, our individuality is a part or rather an extending part of an individual part of the lover himself each person is a result of love in heaven and love on earth 01092009 - 21 what a great kissing dream category of dream: kissing dream (2) 09072009 - 20 the origins of dreams theory you would be right to think that being in touch with you-know-who has endless advantages the downside is he is a hard taskmaster, and he expects the writer was prompted a few days ago ( 2nd june) to start a dream diary but made the mistake of thinking he could do it at his discretion he won't let the writer think of anything else until this is underway there's something important to be conveyed, sooner or later (it would be foolish of the writer to try to fathom what) from the start, it should be known the writer usually has love/kissing/sex dreams an analysis of all the details will be necessary for an interpretation, and for this reason, you may want to keep the dream diary away from minds that are too young, and while you are at it, keep them away from those bloodbaths and murder news stories that are shown regularly before the watershed hour of nine p.m.; they're guaranteed to produce less than desirable dream content, and further, screen children's programmes that have fireball-type explosions in them they have an unsettling effect on a calm mind and alter the theme and the overall quality of a dream The effect of fireball-type explosions on the mind will be known to some, but not all, in films and TV. industry, they wouldn't be there if there wasn't one or more persons in the chain of the production of the movies or programmes with a death outcome assertion finally, start your dream diary, and in the not-too-distant future, a blog site will be opened up, and we will compare and dissect the meanings of what the content of our dreams means and make sure we agree on important points 04072009 the writer has concluded that he should make getting back to health his priority not being able to move as he is used to doing is affecting what he thinks, and it is creeping into the things he writes also, the amount of time needed to prepare a new entry (a seven-sentence entry can take the best part of a day) is clashing with his fitness recovery plans 04072009 - 19 the writer has concluded that he should make getting back to health his priority not being able to move as he is used to doing is affecting what he thinks, and it is creeping into the things he writes also, the amount of time needed to prepare a new entry (a seven-sentence entry can take the best part of a day) is clashing with his fitness recovery plans if things go as the writer thinks they can, he believes he can be doing those things he was doing fifteen years ago within a year and some of them in six months (turning the corner in sync with the economy) if anything of significance needs to be relayed, an entry will be made in the usual way if things go as the writer thinks they can, he believes he can be doing those things he was doing fifteen years ago within a year and some of them in six months (turning the corner in sync with the economy) 2062009 - 18 there are at least five states a being can occupy the least in terms of quantity and quality is that as a devolved being a devolved being goes from being a mono or multi-celled entity to an inert life form in the shortest possible time in which that change can happen the inherent ethical bias that devolved beings had took trillions of undulations to lose entirely and cannot be reacquired for those who are losing their ethical bias, between now and next year is the final chance in all eternity to change their state from being a decreasingly quantitative/qualitative one into a state that is becoming increasingly quantitative and qualitative there are some who will not take the opportunity they are to be considered insane 12062009 - 17 1st dream a highly graphical x dream (1) upon reflection, dreams with sexual content won't be analysed it is now thought they are meant to be for reference 2nd dream the writer, as a close friend of a person being groomed for public acceptance, was asked to influence the remarks he might make at an interview that would define his career; alas, the interviewer coaxed the interviewee to use the word (either dead or ?), that was to be avoided, and his career as an establishment figurehead was finished the writer thanked a panel of 5 or 6 people from the establishment, who had deeply disappointed expressions on their faces, for allowing the up-and-coming personality to continue with his career as he and his close friend walked out of the room, and the dream ended this is a two-themed dream 11062009 - 16 a typically enjoyable kissing dream with a slightly amiss moment i woke up for half a minute or so, then went back to sleep only to have another even more sensational kissing session with a different person one of the many intriguing aspects of dreams is the almost indistinguishable emotional feelings between them and memories of actual events the quality of kisses in dreams is always of a stand-out quality, whereas in real life, that isn't always the case stand-out kisses have the advantage in the mind of being of reality and thus can be repeated, but then, there are recurring dreams which can also repeat category of dream: kissing dream (1) 11062009 - 15 the closest the writer came to being able to make himself get out of bed and start doing things while asleep was when he was six, seven or eight and willed himself to continue the satisfying dream from the previous night it wasn't just an "i'm glad this isn't a dream" type of dream in awake dreams, there is a level of control through which the dreamer can introduce into the dream whatever content is desired there's no sleeping heaven somewhere along the path of evolution the need to sleep/dream will no longer be needed incorporating the subconscious into the conscious (it may be the other way around, i.e. the awake-time conscious becomes incorporated into the subconscious) is, without doubt, a significant transition of evolution one of the writer's interactions with e.t's. suggests that able to manipulate/merge the conscious and sleep periods it is safe to say that for most people, some dreams do have a moreish quality try revisiting a dream you enjoyed and experiencing it again 09062009 - 14 on the underground, asking for directions and looking at the maps for a place called? pde's (previous day's experiences) earlier in the day, i had problems finding a website of the same name the connection is too obvious to look for any other meanings, but why the underground and not rooms in a house or drawers in a sideboard quick index 06062009 - 13 5/6thjune 2009, only partly remembered all dreams, whether desirable or undesirable, should be remembered desirable dreams tell you that the previous day's experiences were in accord with the love/life, and you should continue with the attitudes and activities that produced them undesirable dreams tell you that you were out of accord, or were subject to events that are out of accord, with love/life and should take steps to change yourself or the external factors that caused the undesirable dream 05062009 - 12 in a room with two men they had all of the writer's belongings and were treating them as their own the dreamer asserted himself and began collecting all the things together except for a power tool and a couple of weight-training dumbbells, which had been modified to suit their requirements the dream ended at that point the larger of the two men is known to the writer (a couple of dozen conversations), the other the writer had seen for the first time only a few days before both have a bullish disposition in real-life the meaning attached to this dream is don't allow yourself to be intimidated by size or attitude (there's an effective way of dealing with bullies it completely decimates them and causes them to change in double quick time notes 1 a common feature of kissing dreams is the sensation of the fullness of the lips 01062009 - 11 precognitive dreams precognitive dreams are the dreams that perplex people a precognitive dream is the result of the experiences of previous undulations there is no experience, there is no set of circumstances or events there is nothing that can happen, either desirable or undesirable, that has not already occurred throughout a love-length in previous undulations all the variables that reality can contain had to be factored, through experience, into the evolutionary process so that evolution could be completed by the ethically oriented and the ethically orienting to predispose the conditions to enable the act of one times one to continue for eternity everything you have experienced, are experiencing or will experience has not only happened before but is destined to happen over and over again throughout a love length, for many undulations to come the worst things that can happen have already happened the best things, those experiences which contain the most excellent quality and quantity, have already happened for googoled beings however, with each new undulation, the quantity of the quality is increasing an increase in the quantity of the best thing which can happen intensifies the feelings of the previous best thing which happened, which makes the latest experience of the best thing that can happen even more desirable it's not just a win-win reality it's an increasingly win-win situation let's hear it for the lover ~ animate, inanimate and the variable the variable is the compounding of a person's personality traits the inanimate universe doesn't vary from undulation to undulation the electric charge of the electron is always the same you and the dreamer, however, are the complete opposite; we are forever changing the innermost part of our being is slowly accruing a qualitative energy every time we do, think, say, produce, reproduce, induce, share, disseminate, create... we becomes more firmly embedded into the fabric of reality the trick is to do things which contain an increase in the quality and quantity for others the sad truth is when a person does things that reduce the quality or quantity of life for others, the effect on others is temporary, whereas for the originator of the act compounds into ever-greater acts which produce a reduction of the quality and quantity which the person who brought them into existence has to experience the writer's precognitive dreams began in his late teens the first was a plane crash with the loss of many lives the writer regarded it as a coincidence but couldn't forget it the second, the mid to late 1960s, was the images of oriental faces in great sorrow with rubble buildings reduced to rubble in the background the night before an earthquake in china 1972 - 10 the third was while on the way to work one day when the writer suddenly realised the surrounding buildings and the driver were part of the previous night's dream he turned to the driver and said, "i dreamt that we were driving to work in my dream last night, and i turned to you and said, "you've left the handbrake on" the driver looked down, and the dreamer followed his gaze; we were both more than just a bit surprised to find that the handbrake was still on the fourth was in 1974 it was a helicopter crash with the loss of lives a two-week stint as a labourer on an oil rig had come to an end, and the writer was due to be helicoptered to the mainland for two weeks off the helicopter crash dream of the previous night didn't happen, but the writer was curious about it he bought a newspaper and scanned the headlines, and sure enough, a fatal helicopter crash had occurred the fifth was in 2007 it was when the writer went into a shop to pick up an item that was paid for, and the shop assistant became flustered when he couldn't find an accompanying item that went with the main item the writer was watching the salesman becoming a bit irate; it triggered the memory of the previous night's dream of the salesman behind a counter in an agitated state, looking for something the writer mentioned the dream aspect to the salesman the writer isn't sure if it relaxed the salesman or not the last time it happened was in 2008 it was while cooking a meal as the writer was about to put a piece of food into a hot, oily frying pan again, it triggered the previous night's dream when, in the same surroundings, a food item is placed in a frying pan, and the fat energetically boiled over the writer initially thought not to take any notice of the contents of the dream as he felt he would be taking things too far if he began acting on his dreams then, on second thoughts, i gave in to my caution and, knowing that if nothing did happen, i would have crossed a line of reasonable behaviour so reservedly and at arm's length, he placed the food in the frying pan the amount of oil that jumped out of the frying pan wasn't as much as that in the dream, but it was still enough to make a visit to the hospital necessary so that's three dreams that didn't involve the writer directly and three that did the writer believes that the reason why these dreams happen is to give him credibility then, when he has a dream about something that has significant ramifications that concern everybody, he will be taken seriously 07062009 - 9 you would be right to think that being in touch with the lover has endless advantages the downside is he is a hard taskmaster, and he expects the writer was prompted a few days ago (2nd june) to start a dreams diary but made the mistake of thinking he could do it at his own discretion he won't let the dreamer think of anything else until this is underway there's obviously something important to be conveyed, sooner or later, (it would be foolish of the writer to try to fathom what) from the start, it should be known the writer usually has love/kissing/sex dreams an analysis of details will be necessary for an interpretation for this reason, you may want to keep the dream diary away from minds that are too young while your at it, keep them away from those bloodbath and murder news stories that are shown regularly before the watershed hour of 9'o'clock they're guaranteed to produce less-than-desirable dream content further, screen children's programmes that have fireball-type explosions in them they have an unsettling effect on a calm mind and alter the theme and the overall quality of a dream the effect on the mind of fireball-type explosions will be known to some, but not all, in the film and t.v. industry they wouldn't be there if there weren't at least one or more people in the chain of the production of films or programmes with a death outcome assertion finally, start your dream diary, and in the not-too-distant future, a blog site will be opened up, and we will compare and dissect the meanings of the content of our dreams and make sure we agree on important points 12062009 - 8 first dream a highly graphical sexual dream second dream the writer, as a close friend of a person being groomed for public acceptance, was asked to influence the remarks he might make at an interview that would define his career alas, the interviewer coaxed the interviewee to use the word (either dead or...?), that was to be avoided, and his career as an establishment figurehead was finished the writer thanked the panel of 5 or 6 people from the establishment, who had deeply disappointed expressions on their faces, for allowing the up-and-coming personality to continue with his career as he and his close friend walked out of the room, the dream ended interpretation/analysis R.E.M. types of brain waves - june 2009 - 7 a precognitive dream is the mind/brain drawing from the experiences of past, present and future undulations precognitive dreams are the dreams that perplex everyone there is no experience; there are no set of circumstances; there is nothing that can happen, either desirable or undesirable, that has not already happened throughout evolution in previous undulations all the variables that reality can contain had to be factored in, through experience, into the evolutionary process so that evolution could be completed by the ethically oriented and ethically orienting people furthermore, because of the mechanical nature of the undulationary process, it also means that the mathematical function of one times one will be able to function forever without a breach in its function ever occurring again (see the mistake) everything you have experienced, are experiencing or will experience has not only happened before but is destined to happen over and over again throughout a love-length for all undulations to come the variable is the person's response to the truth an individual's response to the truth will increase the quality and quantity of more life-outcome realities, or it will decrease the quality and quantity of life-outcome realities although the qualitative aspect of life has been experienced before, throughout the entire period of a love length, an increase in the quantitative variable is new to love-life, eternity and the person or persons who choose an endless existence (see Ethical Parameters) the difference is that the worst thing that can happen has already happened, and the best thing that can happen is an open-ended scenario within the context of eternity, any finite goal that can be achieved will be achieved the last thing we want is something that comes to an end, and that may never be fulfilled experiences that are the same from undulation to undulation, with the variable already mentioned, and are, in the writer's experiences, there to produce insights into events that have happened in previous undulations and are less than desirable and can be avoided now that dream theory is subject to public scrutiny; it should start a trend that makes taking dreams seriously an acceptable point of view 25052009 - 6 the content of dreams thst dreams serve a purpose and that an understanding of what that purpose is will result in an enhanced quality of life the content of dreams 1: colour 2: motion 3: emotion 4: shape 5: sound 6: touch 7: taste there is a division in thinking here some maintain that it is possible to experience pain in a dream pain in a dream is not in the writer's experience the experience of pain in a dream may have significance the initial thought is that a person who feels pain in a dream may be changing their conjugate position if it is the case that pain in a dream represents a change in the conjugate position of the dreamer, they can be aware of this possibility and take steps to correct their lifestyle the content of a dream was initially, for the writer, formed by his mental activity during the day, but external events can influence the content the feel-good content in a dream is a direct indication of a person's perception of life it is thought that it is not possible to have a feel-good dream that contains murder, torture, rape etc. if such circumstances do exist, they are to be assigned as being a serious breach of an individual's attunement to love/life a person thinking and acting by love/life can expect regular feel-good dreams the more intense the feelings of love the person has, the greater the feel-good factor of the dream will be it's a great way to start the day, to wake up from a dream laughing 25052009 - 5 dreams and dream theory that dreams serve a purpose and that an understanding of what that purpose is will result in an enhanced quality of life dreams diary archives 25th may 2009 this is going to be one of those entries that will keep getting bigger and bigger and bigger who cares if they dream or not does it matter anyway? a show of hands, would you rather wake up smiling or laughing with pleasing memories and feelings or feel less than as good as you know you can feel? 12052009 - 4 delayed dreams an event which occurred sometime before, days, weeks and even years, and which becomes the central theme or sub-theme of a current dream see also informative dreams it was evident from the beginning that dream theory was going to be a big one that was going to grow and grow the completion of this theory is not going to happen in our lifetimes isn't it typical of love/life to package the expression of freedom, the realization of aspirations and the experiencing of seemingly unfulfillable desires in a tiny fraction of time we call r.e.m there is little doubt that one of the more significant advances that will occur during this millennium will be an understanding of ourselves insights will flow from dream theory, which will seem like revelations our perception of reality will slowly adjust to the surreal nature of straight-line action as it does, the distinction between what we are experiencing now in dreams, assuming you are enjoying your dreams, will, as that ever-looming, larger reality takes root in our soul, and the distinction between the unconscious and the conscious will merge (you do know there's no sleeping in heaven) whatever it is that makes rem necessary in our lives at the moment, it will be superseded as our spirit matures those wholesome and delightfully enjoyable experiences in dreams will become part of our waking state, and the distinction between the dream world and the natural world will become entwined dreams and dreams theory is destined to have a significant contribution to our knowledge of ourselves as quantum theory did in the understanding of physics 25022009 types of dreams - that dreams serve a purpose and that an understanding of what that purpose is will result in an enhanced quality of life we will put dreams into two groups: 1: remembered dreams and 2: unremembered dreams unremembered dreams will become the focus of our attention in the years to come there is a division in thinking here some maintain that it is possible to experience pain in a dream pain in a dream is not in the writer's experience the experience of pain in a dream may have significance the initial thought is that a person who feels pain in a dream may be changing their conjugate position if it is, in fact, the case that pain in a dream represents a change in the conjugate position of the dreamer, they can be aware of this possibility and take steps to correct their lifestyle the content of a dream is, for the writer, initially formed by his mental activity during the day, but external events can influence the content the feel-good content in a dream is a direct indication of a person's perception of life it is thought that it is not possible to have a feel-good dream that contains murder, torture, rape etc. if such circumstances do exist, they are to be assigned as being a serious breach of an individual's attunement to love/life a person thinking and acting ethically by love/life can expect regular feel-good dreams the more intense the feelings of love the person has, the greater the feel-good factor of the dream will be it's a great way to start the day, to wake up from a dream laughing 25th may 2009 notes the combinations and permutations of types of dreams run into the hundreds of thousands perhaps dreams will come to represent points of transition from universal reality to straight-line-action reality in a future environment, unremembered dreams may become a reason to see a doctor 10052009 - 3 informative dreams a kiss before waking last night (11th may 2009), the writer dreamt of an acquaintance from more than 20 years ago the woman, not someone he had or wanted a relationship with, had, in the dream, taken on facial and personality characteristics that were so appealing that the writer had to respond to the desire to kiss her the thought of kissing her did occur to the writer all those years ago, but for reasons that elude him now, he didn't the events in the dream were tied in with a film (leaving las vegas) i watched before going to sleep while watching the film, it crossed the writer's mind that a woman's facial characteristic's and personality traits were, and are formed to a greater measure than previously thought through her experiences with the opposite sex had the writer given in to his curiosity all those years ago, the woman in last nights dream may well have become, albeit only by a small degree, more womanly as the dreamer moved closer to her, at the moment our lips were about to touch, he woke up waking up with an unfulfilled feeling when it could have been a fulfilling feeling! we can learn, and heaven knows, there is much to learn over the next 5000 000 000 years as we learn from our own experiences and, in particular, from our dreams dream no. 2 the name of the dream: who was the mother? as tough as they come, even as a baby we are in and looking around a house that is entirely run down it looked like it had been bombed doors missing, walls with holes, open stairwells with no bannisters baby is single-minded in respect of going where he wants to go he didn't want to be played with or cuddled he wanted to explore the surroundings and nothing else we are on the second floor he crawled off the landing and fell two floors onto the ground oddly, he landed in the same position as he fell, on his hands and knees it appalled the dreamer to know that he had been left alone in a place where he could kill himself baby cried for a second or two, the cry sounded more like a cry of disappointment than of pain he recovered and continued crawling out of sight i made off after him, vowing never to let him hurt himself again addenda: vividness: 3 - observer - the category of the dream - babies (4+) you-know-who (3+) 2nd dream the name of the dream: baby and me with the exception of the cot in the middle of the room, the room was bare the baby in the cot out a cooing sound there was no mistaking it it was the sound of someone calling out the dreamer replicated the sound and ducked down out of sight before he could turn to where the sound came from he cooed again and again; the dreamer changed position before he could locate me that happened a couple more times before we made eye contact his blue eyes studied me this is the epitome of a baby every man who liked to have fun with a baby could relate to this baby vividness: 3.3 - participant - the category of the dream - babies (5+) dream no.1 the very first dream the writer can remember was when he was ten or eleven his parents bought a children's encyclopedia of four or five volumes of all the images in the books, it was the image of the andromeda galaxy that impressed the young me so much so it produced a dream with a scene of movement that exceeded the speed of light as it took the dreamer from the right-hand edge of the scene and part way towards the andromeda galaxy it was the sense of space that imprinted itself indelibly into the writer's sleeping conscious it is also the very same sense of space the writer gets today when he contemplates the immeasurable and unimaginable extent of endless space as is going to be realised, the emergence of the dream-time conscious is an integral part of evolution