websiite an Url is a unique location on the web and in which a person or persons can share ideas, facts, fiction, art, ideas etc. in written or any communicable form there should be more than just a few of you who are seriously thinking about the idea of re-existing heaven is no longer a whimsical comment which parents use to pacify children the idea of life after death is very much alive and growing... the idea of recurrence is taking hold in america the hollywood film company warner bros used the idea in the film jupiter ascending in 2015 the changes over the next thousand years are going to be a lot more radical than they were between 1000 a.d and 2000 a.d. we are now in the position to leave not just our worldly goods to our children but also our thoughts and feelings our lifespan's should be at least one hundred and fifty years by 3000 a.d. and, unless i've missed the mark, most of that time will be spent socialising think the future, be the future permission to copy this website in its entirety and modify, personalise in any way a person wants to is automatic (keep a copy of the original though so that i can continue where i leave off) the more advanced societies and computer manufacturers should be incorporating a website into every computer fairly shortly or at least ensuring that, like a health service, the cost is factored into the running costs of a nation, enabling its citizens a lifetime website as part of their rights trans-generation websites for daughters and sons for the forty generations between now and 3000 a.d. it's just a matter of time before it's voice-command, hand-held, 24/7 live streaming and holographic screens for everybody to start your first website... a free website from Wordpress https://wordpress.com/start/user or at twenty pence a week One.com is easily affordable this website comes from them you can talk to them yourself Here and you can get an idea of what you will be able to do with your website below https://www.one.com/en/product