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MULTI-THEMED DREAMS two or more distinct themes within one period of rem
24th september 2011
a multi-themed dream can be looked at in two ways 1 where the contents of the themes of the dreams are not undesirable... the mind can sift through more than one issue at a time 2 where the contents of the themes of the dreams are undesirable... the person is not living within the natural boundaries of love/life and should address her/his waking mental and or lifestyle activity where there is a mxture of both desirable and undesirable content of the themes of the dreams... ?
NOTES AND ARCHIVES 24th september 2011
this opens up the possibility for triple themed, four themed etc. where does it end? it doesn't it may be that the third rule of life "take it easy" applies mainly or exclusively to physical movement mental activity could be different or the opposite