dreams andream theor   

                                                d r e a m s   d i a r y      

26092014                                                                    two-themed dream            

first theme

first scene

7 or 8 of us were at a woman's house

there was an even mixture of women and men

second scene

it had whittled down to 5 of us and another person left

third scene

there were now 4 of us and i fancied the woman

one of the men was a real-life person from 20 years ago

the other man was a sturdy muscular 30-year-old

he became awkward with me and his manner had a

threatening undertone

the person who from 30 years ago decided it was time to go

fourth scene

he became belligerent with the woman, who, i had just

discovered, was his current or ex-wife or girl-friend

fifth scene

he started making threats

sixth scene

the woman looked at me and formed the sentence "call the

police" with her lips

seventh scene

two or three men came through the door

one was a real-life person who was a no-nonsense tough guy

he said, pointing as he was striding to the troublesome man

"get out"

eight scene

the aggressive man didn't move and then the no-nonsense

man hit him twice in the head

there were head butts and more punches and eventually the

troublesome man was subdued



don't remember having so many dreams within a few days

that had violence in them

was in someone's house the day before yesterday and

someone had filled a usb stick with a 100 films for him

they were all this years films

i had a quick look at 10 or 12 of them to see if any of them

were worth adding to my film collection

every single one had extreme violence in it

they weren't fringe-films with unknown actors

they were the latest offerings from the major studios with all

the top names taking lead roles

to this we add the latest news items... violence, violence,


it seems the whole world is caught up in violence

this web site has a theory about this       which means

the major film studios are in on the conspiracy or have been

caught up in it without realising it or this person is deluded

and paranoid

second theme

first scene

was relaxing by the river where i used to live

had a green plastic bag with me

second scene

found a yellow plastic bag with items in it which i recognised

as coming from a stately house a mile away

third scene

walked with the bags to the grounds of the mansion and came

to a steel cattle-gate which led onto the estate proper

i saw 3 or 4 people on the other side of the gate and

recognised one of them as someone i didn't want to see

third scene

was now at the house itself and could see that some sort of

event was ongoing or being organised

fourth scene

was in the house itself and was explaining my precence to a

couple of people

i was hoping the items were things they valued and would

think it appropriate to give me a reward

no such luck (mean gits. only got money to spend on their


fifth scene

they had become suspicious of me and thought i had stolen

them so i could claim a reward and had called the police and i

was being scrutinised by a detective

he thought he had caught me out when he said "watch where

that woman goes"

the woman went through a door and i said "she's gone into


he said "how do you know which part of the house she went


i explained that i had gone from room to room when i first got

there looking for someone to talk to about the items i had


end of dream


relaxed start to dream


big-house activities (was thinking about organising an event

during the day)

looking for a hand-out ?

both dreams had the police in them (still thinking about

marlene     )

110 minutes


types of brain waves   
