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that which is thought to be right and that which is thought to be wrong in terms of behaviour
26th january 2011 |
if there wasn't any life or thought/consciousness or any type of experience then the notion of right and wrong couldn't exist in the first place therefore, excluding those who chose not to exist ( the mistake ) , we can all agree, can we not, that the basis for examining whether what we are experiencing is right or wrong is, in the first instance, being if the above rationale makes sense to you then whole world of experience and arranging our experiences so that everyone agrees what is right and what is wrong is as easy as eating pie right is that which allows what we think is right to continue and conversely wrong is that which does not allow what we think is right to continue or right is not allowing things to exist which do not let us continue to do those things we think are right and wrong is allowing things to exist which do not let us continue to do those we think are right therefore the first , the very first , behavioural trait we have to live by is not to bring into existence anything that can bring about an end to continuing to do things we think are right...
the first thing a baby has to do to continue being is to breathe * the second thing a baby requires to continue being is food and water ** the third thing a baby has to do to continue being is to be able to excrete superfluous food and water *** * the quality of the air of a baby's first breath will be a priority when planning the new habitation ** sleeping/dreaming comes second, third or fourth. it may be different from baby to baby and if so there is a reason why there is a difference *** in the calculable future as our knowledge of diet permits us to refine food and make excretions unnecessary our anuses eventually seal up ( the absence of an anus will be one of the physical ethical traits that demonstrates genetic compatibility for oriented and orienting beings during love-lee, li-len and lov-len ) the fourth thing a baby has to do to continue being is to be able to crawl there are only a few things in a typical household that can prevent a crawling baby from continuing to be stairs, electrical outputs, the fire... again the planning stage of the new habitation will foresee all of the possible dangers the fifth thing a child has to do to continue being is to walk this is where the planning of the new habitation will take the cooperation of all people...
ETHICS the practicing of love
imagine a lifestyle where everyone is putting everybody else before themselves not in a competitive way but as a natural tendency it doesn't mean if ten people want to play a game of squash and there's only one court no one ever plays because everyone is putting everybody else before themselves it does mean that when a life-enhancing notion occurs to you, you'll find yourself applying it to others before yourself ( genetic theory came into being while trying to think of a way of inspiring people to raise their feel for other people ) try imagining it you can imagine it and then it's just a matter of practice makes perfect over a 1 ^100 year period alongside those who have already trod the ethical path before you