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all dictionaries in the world contain the notion of deliberate misrepresentation or deceit in their definition of lying

equally and perhaps even more destructive are things ordinary people genuinely believe to be true...

spare the rod and spoil the child… you’ve got to be cruel to be kind…you always hurt the one you love…it’s dog eat dog world… do unto others before they do it unto you… shit happens…

it also exists in religions

the old testament has god as being jealous and vengeful and telling people to murder people

it also exists in science…

a particle can be in two places at the same time... parallel universes… a cat can be alive and dead at the same time… sometime in eternity we will be able to walk through a wall... a space ship going through a black hole

they will all serve to make it difficult to recognize and apply the truth

as a general guide... anything that doesn’t increase the amount of life or the quality of life is wrong

go to it people



















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