for a one click look up of words you don't understand click the link

pink means pay to use    music, music, music, music...


anti virus programme

anvilstudio: sound composer

audacity: sound recording

audio-visual effects


cbs: video news

computer weekly: computer and internet related items

computer words and meanings 1

computer words and meanings 3

computer words and meanings 4

computer words and meanings 5

cnn (cable news network)

codec 1

codec troubleshooting


encyclopaedias and dictionaries 1

encyclopaedias and dictionaries 2

encyclopaedias and dictionaries 3

encyclopaedias and dictionaries 4

encyclopaedias and dictionaries 5


 fahrenheit to celsius converter

firefox browser

flat universe

flat universe 3

for films music etc. search for what want you through the pirate bay then download via utorrent and play films with the media player classic 

(after clicking to the page you will need to translate it from hungarian)

and play music with media player 10. for playing ram format discs on the computer...  LG ge20 £35

fox: news

google web site

google earth map

inflationary and expanding universe

internet news website 1

internet news website 2

list of search engines for finding films, music, tv shows etc

world wide internet television...

nature: science and medicine : web site/page provider. £20 per year

out-in-the-open government

rotten tomatoes (film reviews)

science daily

science fiction films list

scientific american: science

skype:  internet telephone

snapshot (for taking photographs of the page on the screen)

the whitehouse website


weight conversion calculator



windows internet explorer

windows media player 10 and 11

world population clock



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