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31st corn beef sandwich and milk potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a half of an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a half of an orange liquids on average each day are... 1 pint of water (with meals), half of a pint of tea and three quarters of a pint of fruit juice bread home-made 30th potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a half of an orange home baked puff pastry and chutney dip steak pie, home baked puff pastry and water 29th potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a quarter of an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a quarter of an orange 28th home baked puff pastry, chutney dip and a of cup of milk potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a quarter of an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a quarter of an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and part of an orange27th potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and a whole orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and part of an orange bar of chocolate 4 frankfurters, hot sauce, sweet sauce and water the stomach wasn't happy with the combination of hot and sweet sauces 26th potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and part of an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and part of an orange 25th potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and part of an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and part of an orange porridge potatoe, cabbage, steak & kidney pie and half an orange 24th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange * 23rd potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma 22nd steak pie and tea potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma steak pie and water * 21st potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma 20th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma
potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma 19th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma 18th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma bar of chocolatesteak pie and milk 17th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie, frankfurter and half a satsuma 16th bowl of porridge potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma 15th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma 14thpotatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a satsuma home made bread with spread and tea * home made bread with spread was the last meal of the day and it was noticed, not for the first time, that the sleep was more restful than usual home-made bread not only tastes nice but it can give an indication of what foods our physiology needs or doesn't need the writer noticed some years ago that eating only home-made bread and butter with a cup of tea produced a slight sheen on the face the obvious conclusion is that the oil in the butter affected the complexion of his face on this occasion a soya spread was used, not butter a spot on the face, the first in a long time, was the result the writer will try different combinations of foods with home-made bread in the years ahead and post notes of the effects 13th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange home made bread with spread and tea 12th home made bread with spread and tea potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange 11th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange 10thfrankfurter sandwich steak pie and half an orange potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half an orange 9th steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine * 8th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine steak pie and water potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine
7th 3 jam on toast and milk steak pie and waterpotatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine6th potato, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potato, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potato, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine5th bar of chocolate potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine 4th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine 3rd steak pie,1 slice of bread with spread and a cup of fruit juice potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine potatoe, cabbage, steak pie and half a clementine * 2nd steak pie, toast and milk steak pie, toast and tea steak pie, cabbage and potatoes, half of an orange steak pie, cabbage and potatoes, half of an orange 1st steak pie, cabbage and potatoes, half of an orange 2 bars of chocolate steak pie, cabbage and potatoes, half of an orange it has been mentioned that a person should try as many different types of food as possible and let her or his desire for a food be a guide when deciding what to eat when a person throws a ball the brain does a complicated differential equation of the balls' trajectory and coordinates the movement of the ball through the brain with the arm "yeah, so what" believe in niels bohrs statement... the act of observation cannot occur without the thing being observed being affected by the observation ( the irreversible impression every act produces in the fabric of reality... ) and couple that with the lover having trod every aspect of human existence whilst developing the nervous system and let the thought "he knows, to the molecule, what is best for me" and trust your own feelings as to what to eat pregnant women can attest to this an excellent example of this happened to the writer not too long back the above diet diary has been the same for some years now and there was a time when, out of the blue, the diet seemed to be missing something as it was thought about... a veg, a fruit, eggs, fish... nothing seemed to ring a bell then, three or four days later while still trying to identify what it could be, it jumped into the memory it had been more than thirty years since last eating it yet the physiology remembered it and to the writer's surprise it was still available in the shops no doubt in the not too distant future if the current diet is not comprehensive enough for the writer's lifestyle another food urge will present itself keep on loving stay with the lover the benefits are wide and deep it's the "yeah, so whatter's" of this world who have long since abandoned love who don't benefit form the lover's experiences and are suffering the consequences as result |