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firstly, remember the purpose of metabolic maintenance... to be able to practice love for as long as possible

practicing love in its fullest sense means being able to walk 2-5 kilometres a day

this training discipline is being developed with that in mind

it is envisaged that people will be able to keep a stimulating physical lifestyle going all the days of their live's and fulfil our motto... "to be growing the day we die"

for some this it will mean growing for 70 and more years after passing the current physical peak of around 23 years of age

pace yourself, start the first few years at a snail's pace

a pace you feel you can maintain

you need to be religous about your routine

you should look forward to doing weight training and not find reasons for not doing it

overdoing it will cause fatigue or injury and take the enjoyment and challenge out of it

don't go at it like a bull at a gate

it should take 10 years to get to the next phase, hereinafter referred to as the 2nd stage

it is suggested that getting into the practise of slotting a period of 20 minutes three times a week into your lifestyle before starting to use weights

for the first couple of years three times a week for 20 minutes read up on it, talk about it, watch videos and do research and get different opinions and advice

familiarize yourself with axiom 3 and think of how it can be applied and what the different results that will flow from the various different techniques that it occurs to you to try

this advice will let you experiment with the various ways of doing weight training and, more importantly, get you into the routine of perpetual growth


the pattern and criteria of growth-for-life has yet to be formulated

weight of sinews, tendons, muscles, ligaments,

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