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table of vegetables and fruits throughout the year

this months months seasonal vegetable crop... leeks, savoy cabage





potato, green cabbage, runner beans, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, green cabbage, sprouts, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, green cabbage, carrot, steak pie and fruit pie
potatoe, green cabbege, sprout, carrot, steak pie and bread
fruit pie
potatoe, green cabbage, runner beans, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, sprout, steak pie and bread
bar of chocolate, sweets
potatoe, carrots, leek, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, green cabage, peas, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, runner beans, carrot, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, green cabbage, sprout, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, green cabbage. leek, carrot, steak pie and bread
steak pie and tea
potatoe, green cabbage, runner beans, staek pie, bread
potatoe, green cabbage, carrot, steak pie, bread
potatoe, peas, carrot, swetcorn, steak pie, bread
potatoe, runner beans, sreak pie, bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie, bread
potatoe, carrots, steak pie and bread
bag of sweets
potatoe, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, carrot, leek, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, reunner beans, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, runner beans, steak pie and and bread
steak pie and milk
potatoe, steak pie, bread, fruit pie
potatoe, leek. steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
sweetcorn, peas, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, white cabbage, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
steak pie and milk
potatoe, sprouts, steak pie, bread. fruit pie and custard
potatoe, leek, steak pie, bread, fruit  pie and custard
potatoe, carrot, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
bar of chocolate
potatoe, runner beans, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, carrots, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
fried parsnips, green cabbage, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, leek, steak pie, bread, fruit  pie and custard
potatoe, carrots, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
fruit pie and custard
pie and tea
potatoe, leek, steak pie and bread
potatoe, carrot, steak pie. bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, leek and steak pie
bar of chocolate
potatoe, sprouts, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, runner beans, steak pie, bread and fruit pie and custard
potatoe, carrot, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
green cabbage, fried parsnips, steak pie, bread, fruit pie and custard
potatoe, runner beans, steak pie, bread and fruit pie and custard
potatoe, leek, steak pie and bread
fried parsnips, green cabbage, steak pie and bread and fruit pie
potatoe, carrot, steak pie and bread
steak pie, beans and bread with spread
potatoe, carrot, steak pie and bread
potatoe, carrot, steak pie and bread
2 bars of chocolate
steak pie, beans and bread with spread
potatoe, sprouts, steak pie and bread
potatoe, leek, steak pie and bread
steak pie and tea
potatoe, carrot, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, sweetcorn, steak pie and bread
steak pie and tea
steak pie and tea
chips, steak pie and bread with spread
green cabbage, fried parsnips, steak pie and bread
potatoe, carrot, steak pie and bread
potatoe, swede, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
17 pence of sweets
steak pie and tea
potatoe, carrot, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
steak pie, bread with spread, tea
fried parsnip, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
sweet potatoe, carrots, steak pie and bread10th
potatoe, runner beans, steak pie and bread
potaoe, cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, leek, carrot, steak pie and bread
potatoe, leek, carrot, steak pie and bread
a few sweets
potatoe, leek, steak pie and bread
steak pie and tea
steak pie
green cabbage, fried parsnip, steak pie and bread
potatoe, leek, steak pie and bread
potatoe, white cabbage, steak pie and bread
potatoe, carrots, steak pie and bread
potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie and bread
wede mash, steak pie, bread with spread, milk
potatoe, sprouts and steak pie



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