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table of vegetables and fruits throughout the year
may 31st potatoes, cabbage, steak pie, bread 2 jam doughnuts potatoe, peas, steak pie, bread 30th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie steak pie and tea corn flakes leek soup and bread 29th potatoe, cabbage, steak pie potatoe, cabbage, steak pie 28th potatoe, peas, chicken pie, bread potatoe, cabbage, steak pie, bread 27th potatoe, spinach, steak pie, fruit crumble, single cream potatoe, green cabbage, steak pie, fruit crumble, single cream
24th beef sandwich and milk cabbage, potatoe, steak pie, fruit and cream
beef sandwich and milk cabbage, potatoe, steak pie, fruit and cream cabbage, potatoe, steak pie, fruit and cream 22nd cabbage, swede, carrots, roast potatoe, yorkshire pudding, beef slices, bread blackberries, single cream
cabbage, fried parsnip, steak pie, bread potatoe, green cabbage, chicken and mushroom pie
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