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the movement used to get a person ready to do the squat
this movement is still used by the writer do it for anywhere between 1 and 10 minutes at a time for a total of 20 minutes every other day arms as straight as feels comfortable with the palms flat against the wall so that the bottom of the palms are at the same height as the shoulders there is plenty of scope with this movement and it is recommended that the variations be explored try keeping the body upright, then try leaning in a little so that some of the weight of the body is transferred to the arms and somewhere along the line try pushing, either through the legs or through the arms, and bring the muscles of the arms and legs into play try lifting legs to different heights experiment to find the style that produces the effects being sought ( giving the heart a helping hand ) it will be noticeable as feeling more relaxed and comfortable when sitting there is also plenty of scope as to the pace of the walking motion and for how long it is done for aim for being able to do it for increasing periods of time ( the writer has a stopwatch pinned to the wall )
don't make the mistake of keeping the body rigid, the body should sway from side to side as the weight of the body moves from leg to leg ( will post a video clip eventually ) keep the head up and be aware of which parts of you feel most comfortable and try exaggerating them think about what could be done to take the strain out of those parts of the body that don't feel comfortable keep in mind that it should be enjoyable
the thing about this movement is that it is the reverse of the natural heel/ball foot contact mechanism when walking naturally in this movement the weight of the body lands on the ball of the feet, as in sprinting as the writer has recently discovered, it may also be the bridge to being able to run
an appraisal of the positioning of the venous valves needs to be undertaken to discover what the advantages/disadvantages are of this movement from the blood-flow point of view it needs to be mentioned that the heart is the weak point in our physiology and because it is it is also the most important