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the most recent picture

( april 2009 )

at the time the writer was feeling anguished

our situation was too serious for anything other than the most urgent action

it seemed that the prevailing mood was too relaxed and as the writer dwelt on that feeling questioning why things are the way they are and having some doubts about the lover's reasons for allowing them to exist that this picture materialized






it is necessary to correct the line... and how he would look if he were here with us now... in picture 5 of picture pages 3000 

this is in fact how he would look if he were here with us now





perhaps future picture pages of " how he would look if he were here with us now " will be a historical picture file of how he looked as he was actually living through the equivalent of the stages of social evolution that the man shaped being experienced on the way to ordering itself into a life oriented society

that is... his experiences of these times in past undulations, when he was actually living through the equivalent of the phases of social evolution

what appears quite acceptable to us today would produce this expression

not happy one minute, relaxed the next, concerned the next... permenant consternation

estranged is the only word that describes it




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