(someone saying something will happen at a specific time; notably decades or centuries ahead)
in the normal course of events a child will go on to become a parent
(on average 2-3 children)
a child was murdered in the year 2000
between the year 2000 and the year 3000 between 80 and 120 people
who would and should have existed will not exist
further... all the ancestors of that child's particular genetic line will
not see the light of day again this undulation
let's say that this particular genetic line began 2000 years before the
child was killed
between the years 1 a.d. and 2000 a.d. years is 160 generations
the people lost between 1 a.d. to 2000 a.d. is between 240 and 360
so now the total number of lives lost is between 320 and 480
and it doesn't stop there
genetic theory is not yet fully formulated but let's say that a typical
genetic line today will persist for 1000 000 000 million years into the
the total number of people who have been robbed of their god-given
right to live is closer to 1 000 000 than it is to 1000
1 000 000 people who would have existed have had
their right to live extinguished
and that's not the end of it either
all acts that are happening here and now this undulation will happen
again many times over in coming undulations (again, this is another
aspect of the endless sequence of lifes progression into the future
which has yet to be formulated)
let's say there are 1000 undulations before there is a change in
the conjugate position in the circumstances which in turn changes
the number/s being discussed here
the number of live's lost from a single act of murder now vaults to
1000 000 000 !!!
this web site predicts that by the year 3000 murder will be
re-classified as mass murder
see also crime
to see who is doing all the killing see the three party interpretation
. . . . . . .