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 quantum mechaincs



classical mechanics ( analogue )

that by throwing a marble at the moon a tiny but calculable shift occurs in the moon's position and that every marble thrown will produce a similar shft until a trillion marbles later an observable shift is noticed





quantum mechanics ( digital )

that no shift occurs until the trillionth marble has been thrown and enough energy has built up to cause a shift






classical mechanics ( analogue )

that as the sun's mass dissipates ( four million tons every second ) its gravitational pull on the earth decreases accordingly so that a gradual increase of the distance between the earth and the sun occurs micro second by micro second





 quantum mechanics ( digital )

that no change in position can occur until a minimum energy exchange

( planck's constant or a multiple of it )

has taken place

see also the flood










have a go at thinking of an example yourself



click the link to read more about quantum mechanics



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