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googol10 ^ 100
googoledTo have lived for lived for 10 ^ 100 years without engaging in death - outcome realities .
googolierA person in the act of becoming googoled.
To become googoled means that person has to live without taking life for a love-length (10^100 years).
And possibly having to do it 10^100 times in order to instil traits that will endure forever.
The first law of physics is...
energy cannot be created or destroyed . Energy is an aspect of reality. Reality is eternal . Of the beginningless . Of the endless .It is not possible for
energy to be uncreated .It can change its form . It can change its characteristics . It cannot be taken out of existence .
Life/consciousness is an aspect of reality . Of the beginningless . Of the endless .In order for
Life/consciousness to experience endlessness it has to follow a precise path ( evolution ) .To take the
life of a person, and most specifically a pre-pubescent person ( child ), is to bring about the unreality of non existence and, in the case of a child, alter the course of that persons lineage into infinity .The consequences to the person who takes the
life of a child are more severe than they are for the child that has been murdered .The first step in attaining endless
life begins by living in a way that does not contain death-outcome realities .A lifestyle that is desirable and that
reality can accommodate forever is the purpose of life .The do's and don'ts of living in accordance with
reality is the spiritual aspect of life and is called googoliers . genetic theory Genetic theory is the introduction as to how love/life can bring an individual back from the " dead ".Unlike religious ideas it doesn't rely on belief or faith .
Genetic theory is the conceptual framework through which we understand the mechanism that explains how the individuals immortal soul ( unique genetic combination ) is generated and kept in perpetuation .The tragedy is that although continuity of existence is available to all and is as easy as eating pie to attain very, very few actually achieve it .
Why ?
Because reality cannot contain non existence .
And as it is about to be learnt the vast majority of people, in deed or in thought, are living in a way that contains the outcome of the unreality of death and the changes needed to bring themselves into line with reality is just too big an ask .
The real tragedy in all of this is not the suffering
the lover (the first to be on the receiving end of devolving beings attempts to bring life to an end) endured trying to get all to heaven.Nor is it the suffering that devolving beings experience on the way out of existence.
Nor is it the suffering innocents experience at the hands of the devolving.
The real tragedy in all of this is the loss (felt most of all by
the lover) of those beings who didn't make the effort and fell short of attaining heaven and have diminished the quantitative aspect of the quality of the heavenly state for everyone. ethical parametersTo avoid doing things that can prevent you from getting to
In todays world there are four ways that people bring about the
abstract circumstance that is death .1 violence. War, acts of terrorism, assassinations etc.
2 The car.
Thanks to Moses (
The Old Testament. numbers: 9-29) over the last three thousand years the idea that if you kill someone when you didn't intend to you’re not responsible has become an accepted outlook.It doesn't matter whether you mean to kill a child or not.
The outcome or result is the same.
The child’s right to more life (
genetic theory) has been ended and even more horrendously consequential thousands of people who would have existed have also been robbed of their right to exist.
Every person who has killed a child, with or without intending to, has committed mass murder.
Further it has become permanently embedded into the fabric of reality (
quantum theory) and is destined to occur (with a slightly varying degree) every undulation unto eternity.Do you really want to have the scar of being a mass murderer attached to your soul for all eternity.
The onus is on the person who creates the conditions or circumstances to recognise what could happen before they do something.
3 overspending .
4 the group/gang/cult/clique mentality .
If you decide that you want to join with
love/life in its eternal quest the first change you must make , if you have to , is to free yourself from any association you have with a group/gang/cult or clique .Of all the ways
murder is committed this is the most pervasive and insidious .It is the way that the bulk of the murders in 1 are committed . It is all of the reasons the murders in 3 are committed and runs like a sewer through the murders that occur in 2 .
If you’re convinced that the things you are reading are to be taken seriously then you will dissociate from any group or cult or clique you are part of .
Groups, cults and cliques that have a record of
murder are... Christianity... Judaism... Islam... Mason... Hindu... Sikh... Oligarchs... Royalists... Nationalists ( be extra careful of those who talk up the national pride, the national stature, or anything that is said that makes you think that your country is the best or better than others ).Knowingly or unknowingly these people are playing the nationalist card (the key card in the oligarch's armoury) . Without it ordinary people aren't so easily persuaded to go to war .
And of course ethnicity .
Don't allow yourself to believe that your ethnicity , like your country , is the best . As will be explained in detail in the future , in the eyes of reality none are greater or lesser than the other. Ethnicities are another aspect of
reality . An extension of love/life .If your'e convinced that the things you are reading are true and to be taken seriously then you will dissociate from any group , cult , clique or gang you belong to .
The time limits for our
evolution are fixed. Written in stone. Non variable. Reality always has the last word.The chronology or timetable (this is the writers personal experience and must be considered as the maximum amount of time, within the overall scheme, that any individual needs to make the all-important changes in their own lives . If it happens that you decide to begin re-
orienting and take someone's life between the time you take the decision to change and completing the change then the likelihood is that you could have done it quicker but used this timetable as an excuse for not changing as quickly as you could have done) for orienting or re - orienting yourself association... immediately
violence other than in self defence... 6 months to 12 months
the car... 2 to 4 years
overspending... the variance of house/rent , food , utilities , etc. in different parts of the country/world makes this a complicated issue.
If we assign the writer as being the
conjugate average of the prevailing circumstances then your income should be a minimum, and a maximum, of £215 per week (give or take 5-10%).This is enough to pay for the fixed costs of rent, local taxes (council tax), the national health contribution and water (assuming you don't have a water meter) and the variables of food, energy, clothes etc.
It's still not clear if a persons decline begins with a thought, a feeling or an action.
One thing is for sure... if you scoff at these thoughts and immediately dismiss them it is more than just possible the decline is already underway.
There are those for whom living on this "world wage" would be like living in poverty.
There are those for whom living on this wage would be like living in the lap of luxury.
And there are those who are living within these parameters, don't think that god exists, and are living perfectly happy.
They are the ethically orienting.
However what is not a variable is the maximum finite resources the ecosystem is able to provide at any given time.
The politics of wrong-doings in the world are not of your making when you are living within these ethical parameters.
It's a good feeling to know you are not part of the worlds problems and that feeling is heightened even more knowing you are also part of the future.
parameters can be seen as an acceptance of responsibility and once you begin to incorporate them into your lifestyle by the time you have adjusted to steps 1, 2 and 3 you will find that the spending-on-self issue will become a matter of responsibility too. You'll be surprised how far ethical money can go.Adherence to this philosophy of
life will place you in a permanent position in evolutionary terms.Not to mention the feel-good value that it brings about knowing you have a future worth having.
These constraints on behaviour are called
ethical parameters .If you are already living within these parameters and are happy and healthy then you occupy an advantaged position in
absolute terms . Love, Googoled.Related website...