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you and your soul partner have achieved fulfilment and enter the state called heaven








9th september 2011

in the not too distant future the writer will make a clip of some of the simpler motions that occur in heaven

it wont be possible to convey the emotional or mental state

because it is transcendental ( outside of the range of human existence ) there are no words that exist to describe it

suffice to say... you want it









25th august 2011

it is currently thought that it's a squaring function which brings about fulfulment for soul partners and/or gaining access to the fourth dimension


1 ^ 100 years x 1 ^ 100 years is the time it takes for life to get into the fourth dimension

1 ^ 10 000 years x 1 ^ 10 000 years is the time it takes for life to get into the fifth dimension

1 ^ 100 000 000 years x 1 ^ 100 000 000 years is the time it takes for life to get into the sixth dimension

1 ^ 16 years x 1 ^ 16 years is the time it takes for life to get into the seventh dimension

1 ^ 32 years x 1 ^ 32 years is the time it takes for life to get into the eighth dimension

1 ^ 64 years x 1 ^ 64 years is the time it takes for life to get into the ninth dimension

1 ^ 128 years x 1 ^ 128 years is the time it takes for life to get into the tenth dimension

1 ^ 256 years x 1 ^ 256 years is the time it takes for life to get into the eleventh dimension

1 ^ 512 years x 1 ^ 512 years is the time it takes for life to get into the twelfth dimension

1 ^ 1024 years x 1 ^ 1024 years is the time it takes for life to get into the thirteenth dimension

1 ^ 2048 years x 1 ^ 2048 years is the time it takes for life to get into the fourteenth dimension

1 ^ 4096 years x 1 ^ 4096 years is the time it takes for life to get into the fifteenth dimension

ad infinitum…


























in the table above the number 1 ^ 16 means there are 16 zeros to be placed after a 1


for the sixteenth dimension 8192 zeros after the 1

( 1.e+8192 means add 8192 zeros after the 1 )

1.e+16384 seventeenth

1.e+32768 eighteenth

1.e+65536 nineteenth

1.e+131072 twentieth

1.e+262144 twenty first

1.e+524288 twenty second

1.e+1048576 twenty third

for the 41st dimension there has to be a million million million million million million zeros added after the 1

and that's powered zeros not your ordinary common garden variety

getting a feel for the infinite ?




















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