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3rd february 2012
why should such a simple mechanism as putting others before self produce such impenetrably mysterious, unpredictable and appealing experiences ?
it is because it is everything reality is not the eternal is simplistic love on the other hand is an abstraction by comparison supremely complex and sublimely subtle crafted across undulations ( at least 1 ^30 ) and time scales yet to be comprehended ( 1 ^ 100 x 1 ^ 30 ) years mysterious because of the mixture of love and life-appreciation unpredictable because of the unique characteristics of each individual appealing because of the newness each change of thought, motion and emotion produces
the foundations have been laid all we have to do is build upon them
27th october 2011 zero, time and the straight line, are the beginningless an the endless bound up in a pocket of time that lasts, at most, for a planck time
we, being what we are, can't experience that instantaneous reality
our reality is, and always will be, separate from that three cornered foundation of reality
it may be that the desire to share heaven, which resulted in 1st generation, is to be considered as the coarsest act of the thing we call love
it may be...
what is known for sure for now is that love is an endless mystery that is forever deepening and unravelling
unpredictable, mesmerising, enticing, fascinating, entrancing, alluring...
it is an absurd contradiction of the mechanism that gave rise to the instantaneous eternal scenario
the heavenly state exists outside of terminal time our destiny is an increasing qualitative state in limitless time
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