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may 2013

 the first thing a person needs to know about god is that he never, ever, ever takes the life of any living thing for any reason whatsoever

 try to take in this point... he is a part of reality and as such cannot cease to exist

 a being that cannot cease to exist in a reality that cannot cease to exist cannot think in terms of something ceasing to exist

 he can no more will something out of existence than you or i can will something into existence

 by something it is meant a mountain or a sun not a smile or a sentence 

 like a house-builder... they do not make the matter that makes the bricks

 the bricks are made of substance that is of reality 

 the universe, like a brick, was/is not brought into existence by wishful thinking, it is brought into existence by using materials that are already there 

 the three things that science knows are "there" are... length, mass and time 

 you and i are made out of these three things and all the wishful thinking in the world cannot take any of them out of reality

 when a person allows into their thinking the possibility that something that is made out of these things can be taken out of existence they have entered into  the realm of unreality

 when a person kills a person in a car "accident" they haven't taken the things that make up that person out of existence they have only re-arranged the things that make up that person 

 the vastly complex structure that gives rise to consciousness can't, like a house, be rebuilt in a few months

 it takes thousands of millions of years of loving craftsmanship, through a precise positioning of the where and the when of atoms, elements and chemicals, to arrange reality in such a way that make your existence possible and those unique course of events cannot be duplicated again this undulation

 before a person engages in actions that can bring about an end to a persons ability to become part of a reality that can endure forever (heaven), the person who brought about the destruction of another person had to have within their own mind the unreality that reality can cease to exist

 reality didn't put that thought there

 the thought that reality can cease to exist occurs in a persons mind as a result of a person exercising that most magnificent ability of creativity... free will

 it doesn't happen as a result of thinking it just once

 a person has to become obsessed with the idea over a great period of time before it takes form within the genetic structure 

 free will, in the normal course of events, will give rise to thoughts and ideas which produce realities which contain within them action that increases endlessly 

 all that is required of you is that you exercise your free will

 your individual characteristic's live in, and is expressed through, your free will and it is this individuality that makes heaven what it is... the experience of motion that increases in desirability the more it is enacted

august 2010

he looks twenty five

is unbelievably good looking

he looks like he could be either a woman or a man

in fact if he had a woman's hairstyle you would probably have to think about whether you were looking at a man or a woman

it's his torso that gives it away

he is utterly incapable of putting himself before others

he has a shyness beyond anything you've ever seen in a child

he hasn't got a long white beard and long white hair

he hasn't, wouldn't, can't take life in any shape or form whatsoever

will be with us in 5000 000 000 years

26th november 2010

the lover...

is the beginning ofeternity *

is the definition of love

is, or probably is, man shaped

brought the universe into being

cannot cease to exist

* the co-composer wouldn't let the writer use the phrase " co-eternal "

entry by buck mchugh and the writer


of his character...

it wasn't until an unimaginably desirable qualitative state was arrived at that the need to share arose

the writer is sure as it's possible to be that the lover isn't capable of being angry or violent or selfish or jealous or vengeful or any of those things that can in any way reduce the quantity or quality of life

we need to keep in mind that he is co-eternal with all of reality

is a permanent physical entity, or possibly amathematical function, not able to cease to exist

as a part of reality, the notion of non existence isn't part of his outlook or constitution

reality can't not be and this fact of physics is as obvious to him as are the noses on our faces

an attempt or inclination to reduce the quantity of reality would be an exercise in futility and since those emotions that could give rise to circumstances that contain the impossibility of not being they, quite simply, do not exist in him or for him

the qualitative aspect of our experience of reality can be regarded as a continuation of an infinitely extendable aspect of the lover in flat space

further, the qualitative feature of experience can be seen as a peculiar characteristic which accompanies our expansion into an infinitereality

a reality which cannot accommodate anything that cannot be extended into infinity

if you are doing things that contain finite possibilities you're trying to do the impossible


 august 2009

the mathematical function of 1 x 1 ^

with his surreal good looks, scintillating character, and the ability to experience infinite quantities of every facet of reality that is desirable you can be forgiven for thinking that you would want to be him

what needs to be realized however is thatthe universe isn’t brought into existence by wishful thinking

it is brought into extence by the lover interacting with apeiron

a nervous system and a physical make up that has become the very definition of refinement and sophistication over a 1 ^ 83 000 year period is rent asunder in the mechanical process of the creation of a universe at the beginning of each new undulation

you lot are alright

he’s the one who cop’s it

he’s the last person you want to be