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see d-man



4th - 7th october 2011


the phoenix lights section

film, photos, artists impressions, eye witness accounts, original cam footage, cgi film, tv news coverage, computer analysis


eye witness accounts, footage



phoenix march 1997

adjust your thinking, these craft are BIG


original footage of that night


considerations... their technology is 65 million ahead of ours... they have remote control down to a fine art...


an artists impression of the shape of the 1997 craft


the phoenix lights (the film)



artists impression

                Image of UFO approaching           


more original film of the 1997 sightings


an artists impression of one of the objects in arizona in 1997


footage, eye witness accounts, computer graphics


artists impression


what the governor of arizona saw that night


two photographs of that night

Phoenix5               Phoenix1

adjust your thinking, these craft are REALLY BIG


original footage




eye witness's account of that night


artists impression



a computer generated film of that night in 1997





artists impression


the official denial

(don't be too critical of them. the chances are if your job was on the line you would lie to keep it)



artists impression


the tv response





artists impression


an " out there " view 


the 2010 sighting



endic index

picendic index

endic quick index

picendic quick index