21st october 2009

there is heaven 

before heaven  there is lov-len

before lov-len there is lie-lee

before lie-lee there is lov-lee

before lov-lee there is the new habitation

before the new habitation there is political change

before political change there is personal change


the decisions we take are, to a greater or lesser degree, determined by the information we have on which to base those decisions and the difference of opinion between life oriented beings about what to do is because of this

there are limits of time as to how long we have in which to act

in terms of optimum conjugate positioning our time was up 10 years ago

for man shaped beings the absolute limit is when the sun enlarges into a red giant and makes life on earth impossible

(although the lover can never lose consciousness he, like ourselves, is subject to the laws of physics and is subject to change)

between now and the end of the world In 5000 000 000 years time there are up to 100 000 000 000 different classes of man shaped beings who have to go through the stages of earthly evolution and who are as equally important as we are

the best we can do now is stop a calamity becoming a crime against humanity and there is only two and a half years to do it in

although the best is hoped for the worst is being prepared for

to that end this is a another last desperate attempt to rally life oriented people to take their destiny into their own hands

the number of people visiting this web site over the next two years will indicate if it stands a chance of succeeding or not

some people alive today do not know there is a heaven and for whom life on earth is seems like hell

all people should know there is a heaven

before heaven there is...


to keep us focused on what has to be done all future entries will be kept strictly to things that need to be done or known to take us to achieving our goal

the next entry will be on the 17th november

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