ASTEROID: rock that may be the size of a grain of sand or a beachball or a house or a school or a city or a country which may or may not have an orbit around another body

METEOR: an asteroid that enters the earth's atmosphere

METEORITE: an asteroid that reaches the ground of the earth


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column 6

16th february 2013

this years asteroid event which happened on the 15th february 2013 has prompted this entry

on its own the event would have been a great bit of news (except for the injuries)

what was just too unlikely was that another asteroid (video 8) "just happened" to be passing closer to the earth than any other asteroid in recorded history in the same twenty four hour period

nothing happens for a hundred years and then two rare events of the same type in the same day !

much too much of a coincidence

so what meaning can be attached to it?

this website offers this interpretation...

the pre-historic asteroid collision was not a random event

on the contrary it was very much by design

65 million years ago, after 150 million years of dinosaur-dominated animal life on earth, one species evolved, possibly from the troodon species, which took on the shape of a man (hereafter referred to as d-man)

this species eventually evolves to the stage where they become able to perpetuate independent of earth

on the way to becoming sophisticated enough to be able to perpetuate independent of the earth d-man was appraising all the accumulated knowledge they had gained during their evolution and they realised that life, the universe and the man shaped being are part of a much bigger picture


they came to realise it is possible to understand every aspect of reality/existence

it is also possible to understand every nook and cranny of the man shaped beings character and composition

to their utter amazement it dawned on them that the man shaped being has the capacity to continue evolving and take on a completely different form

a form that is true to the eternal nature of physical reality and can thus endure for eternity

then came the rub

there is another, demanding, aspect to the man shaped being aligning itself to reality and enduring forever

because reality is endless to become part of reality everything that is done, said, thought etc. has to contain the feature or characteristic of being endless

it was all too obvious to them that many of the things they were doing did not only not contain an endless aspect but their lifestyle had inherent consequences which were taking them away from reality

to realign themselves to reality meant a root and branch reorganization of just about every aspect of their societies

as they began to adjust to meet the conditions of reality it was found that some amongst them found it too difficult to incorporate reality into their lives

it didn't matter what evidence was presented

it didn't matter what logic was used there were those who refused to accept that they had to live within the realms of reality

the differences between those who felt it was worth following their instincts to seek a way of life that conformed to the natural order of things and those who didn't want to make the effort became so bad that they started arguing and the arguments led to fighting

the fighting became so intense that some of them realized that if the fighting didn't stop it would lead them all to total annihilation

so rather than not exist those who sought to live by natures rules decided not to fight anymore and try to live with those who saw things differently to them

to the total dismay of those who had decided not to fight to a standstill, it was discovered that those who do want to fight do so not because they object to what others think or do but because fighting is what they like doing and within a generation those who didn't want to live within the realms of reality started another war

those who sought to live within the bounds of reality couldn't understand it

why does something that is part of reality not want or is not able to remain part of reality?

the truth of the matter becomes clear when one amongst them lays the facts out...

reality is not open to interpretation

it has specific parts

there was one part of reality in particular which was a cornerstone in the make-up of existence

from the beginning of time this particular bit of reality existed in accordance with reality

it's the partner in the complimentarity of the when and the where (see summary)

this particular part of reality is a necessary aspect of reality and exists so as to be able to answer one of the four questions that can be asked about reality (see summary) 

in time it became a shape which reality could accommodate (see the man shaped being)

the man shaped being eventually became able to initiate its own movement

as long as the movement it chose to enact had an endless quantity to it, it could do it forever

this bit of reality tried or experimented with different types of motion

the forever motions that this bit of reality could experience were infinite in quantity but didn't have quality

in the fullness of time it came to fully understand the composition of reality

it discovered there was a motion it could enact which contained both endless motion and had a feel of quality

more than this, the feeling of quality that went with this new motion actually increased the more the motion was enacted

immediately the yearning to share this unimaginably desirable state arose

again, acting within the confines of reality, it realized it could share, and thus multiply this state of motion 100 000 000 000 times, by dividing itself that number of times

first generation was born

this newly discovered state of a perpetual motion affects everyone who experiences it in the same way... more beings must have it

in the rush to bring more beings into this newly discovered reality everyone overlooks the possibility that some will not want it (the mistake)

d-man now has all the facts and understands exactly what has to be done

those who don't want to experience straight line action have to be separated from those who do

those who do want an this endless state of quality, and will do whatever it is they have to do to get it, are called evolving beings

those who don't are called devolving beings

it is easy to see the difference between the two different types of beings because of the things they do and say

throughout the last 65 million years evolving d-man has been honing its ethical nature

in the process of practicing an endlessly enduring way of life they have developed the ability to sense each others thoughts

the ability to pick up on someone's thoughts causes a quickening of the progression into more advanced states

d-man quickly comes to understand all the why's and the wherefore's of our evolution and have known for at least a million years what would happen during the course our evolution

they know who's who and what's what

for some time now they have been preparing for our integration with them

the gathering place is ready to accomodate all those mammal man shaped beings who can live within the realms of reality

which brings up to date...

the most well known asteroid event must be the one which happened 65 million years ago and killed all of the dinosaurs except those that weighed less than 20 kilograms or so*

at the time the dinosaurs were flourishing

the really big ones were thriving on an abundance of vegetation and the predators in turn were thriving off them

in all likelihood if the asteroid event had not happened dinosaurs would still be walking the earth today and we wouldn't be here

a little time before the pre-historic asteroid event a new type of plant emerged which just so happened to be ideal for those animals which we ourselves rely on today as a source of supplementary food

it is not too big a stretch of the imagination to admit into the formulation of earthly evolution that the new type of plant is but one aspect in an unimaginably complex arrangement of millions of factors over a 10 000 000 000 year period of shifting conjugate positions

specifically the new type of plant arose to accommodate the evolution and devolution of mammals

the events that have happened, are happening and will happen here on earth were, in the first instance, laid down by the lover in the form of the maximum and minimum conjugate positions love/life can occupy during the course of earthly evolution

more specifically, as soon as the first man shaped beings had arrived at that point of their evolution which enabled them to perpetuate independently of the earth, the evolution of the next class of being (the mammals) could begin

it is to be understood... regardless of the time that could be made available to those species of dinosaurs which were still thriving at the time that d-man achieved independence from the earth none of them had the potential within their genetic structure to reach the level of complexity of a man shaped being no matter how long they might have existed

d-man would have put two and two together and would have reached the same conclusion... a new class of being (the mammals) were ready to begin their evolution and it would be less humane to allow the dinosaurs that were still flourishing to maintain their dominance of earth-bound life as it would prevent a new man shaped being emerging from the mammal class of beings (ourselves)

but what could they do about it?

what has to be borne in mind here is that as ethics becomes a way of life to us the decisions we make will, first and foremost, be weighed within an ethical framework

for instance.... if there are two people dying of the same malady and there is only the means to save one of them it will be thought of from a love/life point of reference

that is by appraising it from the point of view of quantity and quality

it can safely be assumed, without even needing to take into account the quality of life, that given the choice between millions (maybe even thousands of millions) of years of life for non man shaped dinosaurs and the indefinitely large amount of life that would flow from a new class of man shaped beings the judgement would be in favour of the man shaped beings

the second point to bear in mind is that our man shaped dinosaur cousins are 65 million years ahead of us

it's thought by many that technological achievement is the thing that separates advanced beings from backward beings

this is not the case

what separates us from the animals is not so much the fact that we can interact with the environment in a way that is to our advantage

what counts most of all is our ability to feel for one another in a way that makes us want to improve the quality of other peoples lives when we see that our own lives contains a greater quality of life than that of others

now, and it is understood that this is going to be very difficult to do, imagine that the outlook of wanting to improve the quality of other peoples lives has been part of our character for more than 50 million years

imagine that you've never known pain

imagine that all you've ever known is feeling well and happy and that everyone else around you is in the same physical and mental state

imagine that you live for a million years and that genetic theory is fully understood

because the mechanism of genetic theory is known you know from an early age that death is but a transitory phase

your parents tell you it is just a matter of months between losing consciousness in one life and regaining it in another

your outlook is one that doesn't contain the notion of a life that ends

further imagine that your life is filled with activities which produce an increasingly intensifying feeling of well-being

 it is part of your thought patterns that you know your future will only ever get even better than it is at the moment

finally, for the purposes of this entry, you're told that soon you'll have lots more friends to play with

with the added enthusiasm, which accompanies the anticipation that something monumentally exciting is about to happen, you help with the preparations to accommodate the new friends who will be joining you, a bit like christmas eve going on for years and years

when you ask your parents what will your new friends look like and how many of them will there be and where are they now your parents are hesitant

to explain to you where they are and what they are doing would mean having to expose you to acts of mass murder and all the things that are not part of any reality you have ever thought of or heard about

this is why we must, if we want to experience a lifestyle better than anything we can imagine, get ourselves sorted out in double quick time



column 5

25th february 2013

points to keep in mind...


d-man is 65 million years ahead of us technologically

when it comes to applied physics it would be easier to ask what they can't do


evolving d-man is 65 million years ahead of us ethically

their feel for other evolving beings is god-like


they do not have any tolerence for devolving beings

see videos 4, 7 and 10


as it is with ourselves so too it is with d-man

there are those who can't take the life of other man shaped beings and there are those who think nothing of taking the lives of other man shaped beings

those who can't take life do not have anything to do with those who do take life


they have the capacity to read our thoughts at a distance

there are no secrets that groups, cults or cliques here on earth have that they don't know about


d-man has no qualms about destroying equipment used to manufacture any item that contains death outcome realities (video's 4, 7 and 10)

it may also be the case that d-man is prepared to go a lot further than just destroying military-related infrastructure if that's what it takes to enable evolving mammal man shaped beings to get on with evolution

you know if it's d-man behind a destructive act or not because the circumstances would make a death more like than not given the circumstances

the door being blown in and the collapsed wall in video 5 (1'40"-2'10") could certainly have killed someone and how come there wasnt so much as s singed hair in the...

column 4

16th march 2013

video 12

after watching this video the question that entered the writer's mind was how could von braun know 40 years beforehand exactly what the oligarchs plan was and the exact order in which they would implement it ?

the answer is just too much of a stretch of the imagination

will have to let you come to the conclusion for yourselves


true to the prediction of von braun russia announced on the 14th of this month that a missile of one megaton will be constucted and placed in space within three years (the article below says five years)

column 3

26th february 2013

video 6 at 15 seconds: a rectangular object can clearly be seen coming into the picture from behind the meteor

the rectangular object can be seen slicing into the meteor and causing it to fragment (it looks like about one twentieth of meteor breaks away)

it is thought that the interaction between the rectangular object and the meteor occurs just before the sonic boom

its purpose was to lessen the intensity of the sonic boom

there were four or five secondary sonic booms which can be heard at the end of video 3

these were the sonic booms from the pieces of the meteor that were broken off by the rectangular u.f.o.

it was not intention to destroy the meteor completely

it was a demonstration of just how precisely events can be controlled

the u.f.o. chipping away a bit of the asteroid is d-man telling us if they hadn't chipped some of the asteroid away the sonic boom would have killed someone

the asteroid event is a clear warning... if the russian oligarchs don't stop what they're doing they can expect more disruptive-to-their-infrastructure events

8th april 2013

this web page is a diary of events in russia that may or may not have been engineered by d-man

further, the other asteroid (video 8) was another part of the warning... this is what it could have been! 

had the chelyabinsk meteor not been whittled down in size the sonic boom would have caused greater injury* (video 1 at 3'10 seconds) than it did (incidentally, who is that person? what's his job?)

*the most serious injury was a woman who suffered a fracture of the spine

again it must be asked who was the woman and what was her job? did she have any children? how old was she? how serious was the injury?

it will be of concern to some that e.t. would cause any injury to anyone at all for any reason

people who are worried that highly ethically oriented beings would cause injury to any of us for any reason are the same people who aren't worried that their lifestyle is causing or contributing to the majority of the 20 000 infant mortalities each day (see ethical parameters)

for this entry to make sense and for the ethical nature of e.t. to remain unblemished there must be no murders

on this point... if it does get to the stage where e.t. starts to destroy russian infrastructure as the only way to get them to change it is well within the scope of devolving beings to use a "black op" ploy to kill someone and claim it was a result of what e.t. did to slur them, make people fearful of them so as to get the necessary public support to go ahead and build weapons to "defend" themselves (the only thing a person has to fear is not being able to stop doing things that result in the death of people. see ethical parameters)

it may be, from the point of view of e.t.'s who are ethically oriented, that there's little or no distinction between man shaped devolving beings and devolving beings who are no longer man shaped

this website maintains the belief that the man shaped being has to be revered

the writer knows repentance is possible

how about it mr putin, mr hollande, british oligarch and others of the oligarch structure

are you still in touch with life enough to see what's being offered to you?


this year's asteroid event happened at chelyabinsk

chelyabinsk is in the urals and in the 1960's the urals used to be, and probably still are, the place where the latest generation of armaments are built and it is also the place where top secret nuclear research is carried out

certain parts of the urals have a permanent thick blanket of cloud over them which makes satellite surveillance by the u.s.a. impossible

this is the reason why chelyabinsk was chosen for secret miltary research

of course the u.s.a. is doing the same thing and they too have been given similar demonstrations of how easy it is for their weapons to be nullified or destroyed (videos 4, 7 and 10)

this is a main reason why the existence of e.t.'s is denied

were the militarist's to admit to the existence of e.t.'s and start to talk about them openly it would very quickly lead ordinary people to understand that the real fear of the devolving beings amongst the militarist's is that they don't have the technology to kill/stop e.t.

the difference is that the russian military/industrial complex is not under government control whereas, so the writer is led to believe, the american armaments industry is under government control

e.t. is letting the russian oligarchs know that if they continue with weapons research and development and keep blocking evolutionary progress for evolving beings there are going to be consequences (russia is the country where we start building the new habitation)


one thing that the majority of people don't know about the oligarch's and has to be taken into account... the assassins in the oligarch structure can only get into the "killer's club" by committing a murder or a simple murder (if anyone tries to leave or expose the club they can either be exposed for the murder they've committed and/or assassinated)

actively devolving beings now know where they stand and are not going to go quietly

the only card they have, other than repentance, is to use force to hold their population's hostage (in the same way the banks are currently holding the majority of populations hostage. the banks are of course joined at the hip to the military/industrial complex)

another thing to consider is... the reason their deception is so successful is because the inner circle consider anyone other than those who are necessary to maintain the oligarch structure as dispensible

the smaller the inner clique can be kept the more efficient they can be

you will hear the testimony of the speaker in video 12 of when she went to russia to find out for her self

none of the people she spoke to felt the need for weapons to combat an alien invasion

the most senior person of the people in the military she had earmarked to have a talk to was not availble to her

that person was a member of the inner clique of the oligarch's

the smaller the chain of command the more effective the inner clique



ethically oriented e.t.'s do not commit murder whether a being is devolving or not. it is, however, possible that they would commit simple murder (there's one reason why this might be the case... it may be that the definition of devolution has to be expanded to mean "an indelible genetic characteristic or configuration that only worsens". consequently no devolving being ever repents. it's possible that repentance after murder has occurred was purely for the lover's peace of mind. repentance was the lover leaving open every possible door that leads to more life. d-man will know if is the case or not)

if this possibility isn't the case then evolving e.t.'s never takes the life of a man shaped being

27th march 2013

it is now understood why the state of repentance exists once murder has been comitted

it means that d-man never takes the life of another man shaped being

column 2

13th march 2013

video 11

ask yourself... do you feel threatened by this video ?

the beings operating these objects are fun-loving, life-loving and want to be given the opportunity to show us how much they love other evolving man shaped beings

the deceivers are going to try and make you think that they're murderer's (see oligarchs and conspiracy)

column 1

14th march 2013


the strongest argument against the idea of a man shaped being having evolved from the dinosaur class of beings is that there is no evidence of their existence

in the 1960's when the writer was working in a hotel in london he had a one-off chat with a woman archaeologist who told him that the skull of a dinosaur man had been found

(the woman could talk to a nobody about it as it was unlikely it would go any further. to speak out publicly would have... see (oligarchs)

within the first few months of the writer being active on the internet he spoke to a man (the man didn't know anything about the writer) who told him that the remains of a civilization millions of years old had been found and that it had been blown up

this is what ordinary people don't realize... the oligarchs and the third party are devolving beings and it is their nature to lie and deceive and cheat and murder and...

they think it's the way of life



*it also appears to be the case that the weight of the survivors of the pre-historic asteroid event was conditional on them having a connection to birds

there is some significance in that but it is not known what it is


those familiar with this website will know that it has as one of its cornerstones of knowledge the idea that not only did one land-based species survive but further they were man shaped and further still they became technologically advanced enough to inhabit space and continue to evolve in accordance with the greater destiny awaiting all beings who recognise the ethical nature of love/life


earthly evolution does however have the drawback of being a discontinuous or "jerky" mechanism (undulations)


the difficulties d-man had during earthly evolution were a lot more traumatic than those we have gone through


if you're a devolving being you're not going to like what is going to be inferred in this entry

however, time has run out and there is no more leeway for devolving beings (see 1st july 2013)


we are now beginning to see and understand the lover's handiwork


it was obvious to the writer back in 1991 that d-man had a hand in the pre-historic asteroid event

at the time it was thought that it was a signal to nature that the next phase of evolution could begin

some years later, when the writer had entered a frame of mind which saw no hope for contemporary mammal man, it was thought that the pre-historic asteroid event was perpetrated by those descendants of the most devolved man shaped dinosaurs

this entry is the current interpretation and, hopefully, the last


what does concern the writer is that the asteroid event that killed the dinosaurs flies completely in the face of maxim 1

after watching the last day of the dinosaur and animal armeggedon: panic in the sky it is hard to marry the outlook of a loving d-man and the suffering inflicted on the earth-bound dinosaurs when a relatively simple and humane way of bringing an end to the dinosaur species is available

it's as though d-man conceived of the most intense way of causing them to suffer as was possible

this is something that the writer will need to ask his counterpart when communication between us eventually happens
