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the purpose of training                                                                                          notes on the squat





4 x 25 vertical back heel squats (22.5 kg-45% of bodyweight)

11 mins

blood pressure... 110/78/71-125/79/111


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 31 minutes

blood pressure... 125/82/63-116/75/93

 again blood pressure is lower after traing than it was before training

 so, it seems fair to say that movement is a necessity for optimizing blood pressure see the heart NOTE... was lying down for an hour before training


4 x 25 vertical back heel squats (22.5 kg-45% of bodyweight)

11 mins

blood pressure... 114/77/65-120/77/93


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 32 minutes

blood pressure... 130/79/66-120/75/104/86

notabably, blood pressure is nearer normal immediately after training than before training

teaspoon of cod liver oil


1 x 75 1 x 75 1 x 50 vertical back heel squats (22.5 kg-45% of bodyweight)

15 mins

blood pressure... 120/78/76-124/84/104


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 32 minutes

blood pressure... 109/73/69-118/89/101

teaspoon of cod liver oil


1 x 67 1 x 73 1 x 25 vertical back heel squats (22.5 kg-45% of bodyweight)

14 mins

blood pressure... 132/84/100

vertical back

verical back but very shallow (30cm)