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the purpose of training                                                                                          notes on the squat





standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (25kgs. 47% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 33 minutes

blood pressure... 101/74/65-130/80/103


1x107, 1x50, 1x50, 1x50, 1x50 heel squats-25 kgs-35 minutes

blood pressure... 117/73/64-122/82/114

as with free standing heel squats... push up through the heels and hips

what makes it easier to do is pushing the pelvis forward and locking the knees at the top of the movement

if it's not hard enough use less of the heel (still without letting the soles of the feet touch the floor)


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 36 minutes

blood pressure... 109/75/61-128/81/87


1x134, 1x50, 1x50, 1x55, 1x50 heel squats-22.5 kgs-36 minutes

blood pressure... 104/78/67-134/81/113 


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 33 minutes

blood pressure... 109/74/60-125/70/101


1x105, 1x50, 1x34, 1x20, 1x21 heel squats-22.5 kgs-32 minutes

blood pressure... 103/76/70-146/76/112

 the diastolic pressure didn't move! possible reasons... see notes blood pressure


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 32 minutes

blood pressure... 108/81/66-125/82/108


1x72, 1x79, 1x75 heel squats-22.5 kgs-25 minutes

blood pressure... 111/76/72-///


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 30 minutes

blood pressure... //-121/75/97


8x42 heel squats-22.5 kgs-34 minutes

blood pressure... 114/77/59-/144/75/110


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 30 minutes

blood pressure... 114/79/66-121/72/97

 the diastolic pressure should is lower after training than before !


8x42 heel squats-22.5 kgs-34 minutes

blood pressure... 113/77/69-/129/80/119


standing military press (7kgs) rear lateral dumbbell raises (3kgs) upright rows(7kgs) standing tricep dumbell extensions (3kgs) barbell shrugs (22.5kgs. 45% of bodyweight) 8 sets x 12 reps for all exercises - 31 minutes

blood pressure... 117/75/67-124/77/94

the mini injury definately due to overworking the right leg


8x40 heel squats-22.5 kgs-31 minutes

blood pressure... 103/79/72-/118/83/128

a two day rest between one session and the next enabled greater repetions in a quicker than expected time

 will try a two day on two day off routine for a while and see what happens