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7th february 2009 

 taking the life of a person after that person has become a parent


at the bottom of every murder there is an abstract postulate or assertion


the assertion or postulate had to exist in the person before the murder could occur

no assertion . no act


there are at least two types of unwanted postulates or assertions

1 death-outcome

2 degradation-leading-to-death


all assertions have at least two aspects

1 strength

2 structure

e.g. " jump off the cliff "


each aspect is a variable

" jump off the cliff "   " fly off the cliff "

" jump out the tree "   " fly out the tree "


all postulates were originally in the form of a thought

e.g. "if i had as money as i wanted i could do whatever i wanted"

and becomes, across the undulations, a simple-sentenced genetic structure forming earlier on in the life of the person every new undulation and eventually turns into a three word sentence

e.g. "starve 'til dead"


this is a degradation-leading-to-death assertion



the strongest postulates and assertions will be able to accommodate all other lesser

postulates and assertions

e.g. the postulate "drop dead" can encompass the assertion "jump off the cliff"

but not the other way around

jumping off the cliff will not necessarily result in death whereas dropping dead must


a weak assertion cannot encompass a stronger one

a man who killed in self defence does not want to share a cell with a child murderer

a child murderer does not want to share a cell with a cannibal

cannibals have to be isolated


there are at least two ways these abstract postulates or assertions become part of the person

1 inherited

2 self - instilled


across the undulations all postulates, whether death-outcome or degradation-to-life reduce to a simple structured thought/sentence


the indications are that death-outcome postulates or assertions can form very early on in life

any time after the brain is capable of forming structured sentences


all postulates were originally in the form of a thought


it is believed that the forming of new degradation-to-life postulates will not occur in the right environment

(the new unnatural-death-designed-out habitation)



a strong death-outcome postulate/assertion

e.g. die 'til dead

can be neutralized


space dream evolution is able to accommodate neutralized death-outcome postulates and assertions

because of their finite nature death-outcome postulates and assertions cannot be sustained within reality beyond the end of the universe

( 1 ^100 years )


the prognosis for all unwanted assertions is the same...

millions of years in a safe, friendly environment


the only reason a person will fail will be if, then as now, she/he doesn't make that crucial little effort and keep it up long enough


it was the source of unfathomable despair to the lover and is the source of continuing disbelief to the writer to see beings who had the chance to become part of the unimaginably good, and make it even better, throwing it away because of ethical laziness

(original sin)


testing for the neutralising and eradication of all postulates and assertions is a routinely easy chore

(yes the writers chore)

if it's not then it's just a matter of more time

there are time constraints but they are in the 100's of millions of years and longer for those who need it

more than enough time for everyone who makes the effort to instil themselves with the necessary ethical characteristics to last for a love-length

it is completely wrong to think it is a no-hope situation


the abstract formations that give rise to murder, simple murder and compound murder are/were formed in the first place, it is concluded, by allowing abstract and degrading postulates a home in the mind

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