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the wealth of the world divided by the population



15th octotber 2011

the ecosystem is able to provide the necessities for the health and happiness for everyone up to and including that time when the population reaches 100 000 000 000

in 1989 the writer checked at the reference library to find out how much food was being produced in the world

enough food was being produced to feed twenty million people

yet here we are with a generations worth of improved technology and can't even produce a third as much food as we could 20 years ago !

the reason people are dying an unnatural death because of hunger is quite simple... beings with a death-outcome-assertion within their genetic structure rule the roost and unnatural death is a natural consequence

see the three party interpretation

and for a more detailed analysis of the affects of bad world management


15th octotber 2011


it will always be the case that unnatural death will happen when resources and or manpower are used to produce goods and services for things other than maintaining the health and happiness of the maximum number of people the ecosystem can accommodate at any given time of earthly evolution

in terms of manpower and resources the most unnecessary goods and services are... the car, military weapons... the list goes on and on

this is the reason the writer can't live within world wage as can be seen from his finances

it's the responsibility we have as evolving beings to look out for other beings

in the case of devolving beings it is our duty to provide as great a quantity and quality of life that can be provided without letting their way of life bring unnatural death to our own



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15th octotber 2011

the wealth of the world is almost $78 000 000 000 000

the population of the world is 7000 000 000

every child, woman and man should be getting $11 000 each year

$210 ( £135 each week ) (€155 )

a family of four should have a gross income of $450 ( £550 ) ( €630 ) each week

currency convertor/calculator

the " world wage " is the understanding that the ecosystem is disposed solely for the purpose of enabling man shaped beings to arrive at an ethically oriented , numerically sophisticated, point of success

and that the ecosystem itself is a complex structuring and balancing of millions of factors

the ecosystem will be providing the necessities for maintaining the health and happiness of 100 000 000 000 people by the year 3000

the differences in size between people means that food, energy requirements, clothes and other necessities can't be standardised

but most things can

one thing is clear... the worlds wealth/resources are limited

for one person to have more than another person means that someone else, somewhere else, has to go without by that amount

what's actually happening is that the ecosystem's capacity to provide for everyone is being ruptured by individuals and nations who are putting themselves before others

( the opposite of love)

it only took 100-200 self-centred men to bring about the recent financial collapse

it was the get-rich-at-other-peoples-expense mentality that predisposed the conditions for the breach of wealth distribution that caused the banking collapse

never mind that millions of lives would be adversely affected or that deaths would ensue as a result

what matters to the psychopaths

(those indifferent to the feelings of other people )

who permeate the financial strutcure, is that their needs are satisfied

it's the lives for money equation that has existed for thousands of years and takes hold through the group/cult/clique mentality

it could happen because of the more-money philosophy that most people hold and governments encourage

in short...

it's death outcome assertions asserting themselves

when it is examined it will be found that there is a connection between those who find an unglamorous job unappealing or the thought of having to exert themselves in manual labour repulsive with those who need amounts of wealth which nature cannot extend to all people

further, the concept that competition is the driving force of progress exists in the minds of those whose feel for all people isn't properly developed or is degenerating

the writer remembers more than one person saying that war is necessary for progress

deolving beingsreally believe that war produces improvement

as it will come to be realized a love oriented motivated drive for improving or enhancing life is a vastly superior driving force for producing progress

it is thought that the conjugate positioning of love/life for this time contains a work/wealth ratio

until the new unnatural-death-designed-out habitation is built

( it will probably be 200 years before they are all built )

today's injustices will continue albeit as a diminishing circumstance

take note generation 3000, those who refuse to implement the lover's will may find themselves occupying this point of time, or at least..., in the course of undulations without end

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