the purpose of training notes on the squat notes on the deadlift
november 29th 10 reps x 10 sets heel squats (20 kgs)
27th 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs)... easiest yet 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) 25th 10 reps x 10 sets heel squats (20 kgs)
23rd 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs) 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) 21st 25 reps x 4 sets heel squats (20 kgs)
1 x 20 sinlge-leg calf raises 19th 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs) 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) 17th 10 reps x 10 sets regular squats(20 kgs)
1 x 20 sinlge-leg calf raises 15th 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs) 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) 13th 10 reps x 10 sets regular squats(20 kgs)
1 x 20 sinlge-leg calf raises 11th 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs) 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) 9th 10 reps x 5 sets regular squats(20 kgs) 20 reps x 1 sets regular squats(20 kgs) 30 reps x 1 sets regular squats(20 kgs) 1 x 30 sinlge-leg calf raises 1 x5 25 sinlge-leg calf raises 1 x 20 sinlge-leg calf raises 7th 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs) 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) 5th 10 reps x 10 sets regular squats(20 kgs) 1 x 30 sinlge-leg calf raises 1 x 25 sinlge-leg calf raises 1 x 20 sinlge-leg calf raises actually enjoyed this work-out could feel it was just the right amount of effort with the subsequent amount of gain 3rd 1 x 100 deadlifts (20 kgs) 10 reps x 10 sets standing military press(10 kg) |
in an attempt to quell a "niggle" in the right knee changed back to the heel squats. now the niggle has moved the left knee. will lower weight for squatting and see what weight permits strict style heel squats without any problems 22112014
today (07112014) after another "easiest yet" workout, which had the same, although the beneficial affects weren't as noticeable as those on the 5th, it produced this train of thought... the most significant things that have happened in the writer's life are there as a result of his terrible love
the way they got there can best understood by seeing them as the conjugate positions love/life is left with once all the possibilities that could lead to the writer either killing someone accidentally or on purpose or by being killed accidentally or on purpose have been removed from the equation
once the writer's ethical orientation was safe there was enormous scope for the lover to introduce short and long term strategies which all had the same outcome... an increase in the quantity and quality of life
there are a dozen or so easy-to-see strategies going on in the writer's life
some, if not all of them, stretch beyond the writer's lifetime
the one being brought to your attention concerns weight training
the writer "met" the person who introduced him to weight training in 1983
if we hadn't met weight training wouldn't have been part of the writer's life
the result of weight training back then was an increase of two stones in weight and the end to a seasonal bout of colds but nothing else of note
have been pondering the purpose of weight training and trying to assess its place in the overall scheme of things more acutely this year
two pictures were presented in reply to two questions which were specifically related to the affects of weight training
the first one was the result of asking what the long-term affects of weight training would be to the way i looked
the picture of how i would look was an improvement on the way i do look
you can imagine my delight when a few weeks ago the way i look was much better than the picture i had been presented with earlier on in the year
the second picture was the reply to what shape i could expect to become
it was not the shape of a man in his early seventies
although the picture is clear in the minds eye how it related to me wasn't until this month
the point of this mini monlogue is... three weeks ago, again to my joy, muscle mass appeared in a place where the picture being mentioned showed it would
better still is the finished product of how my own physique will look in a few years time
this is being mentioned so when the shape being mentioned is recognisably realizable it will be presented ahead of time so you will all come to understand his ability to use the writer in a way that is beneficial to everyone, female and male alike
with the aid of dreams and dream theory have concluded that implementing the motto of metabolic maintenance (to be growing the day we die) can best be achieved by using the maxim "keep within your comfort zone" (being able to control the way you breathe out during the maximum effort of any exercise and being in control of your facial expression i.e. not grimacing, wincing etc. during the maximum effort of any exercise)
don't let your pulse rate go above 120 beats per minute
use weights that allow you to do the greatest number of reps within the time you decide is optimum for you (for the writer's it's 20-33 minutes)
this enables him to work up a sweat or "the tingle". see below
a mild tinglng sensation in the legs the day after the workout on 04082014 has produced two realizations... 1 a minimum effort is required to produce a tingle. 2 the tingle is not a muscle thing but a bone thing i.e. bone growth not muscle growth
goodbye sweat, hello tingle?
on the 11th may 2014 the affects of the previous days exercises produced an intense warm tingling sensations in the legs
the writer has only experienced this same sensation, in other parts of the body, 3 or 4 times before
it has opened up a completely new outlook/approach to metabolic maintenance
will pass on the results of the new outlook/approach when it is obvious what, precisely, caused them and what it means
see also heel squat