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a show of hands 22nd march 2012
the anthropic principle 20th march 2012
summary (long version): part 8 17th march 2012
metabolic maintenance: weight training; the heel squat 7th march 2012
perdition/devolution 5th march 2012
summary (long version): part 5 5th march 2012
summary (long version): part 4 2nd march 2012
summary (long version): part 1 29th february 2012
the triangle 29th february 2012
dreams and dream theory: multi themed dreams - dreams diary 13th february 2012
the mystery of love 4th february 2012
picture pages 3000 31st january 2012
the why, the when, the what and the where of existence 29th january 2012
summary ( short version ) 23rd january 2012
eternal love 23rd january 2012
distance, area and volume 18th january 2012
d-man: meet the bad guys 14th january 2012
dreams and dream theory: dream diary 12th january 2012
types of love: cellular love 4th january 2012
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sound encyclopaedia & dictionary
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priority no. 1: the most important person in the world
quon ( simplify to the shape of a triangle and include phi )
eternal life ( transfer theme from voice recording )
no choice
genetic theory/soul partners-getting connected: idd
games room
the top and bottom of society
a place called where
space and linear shape
types of encounter's
unnatural sex