capital letters = link 26052019/16052017/07052017 picture pages chronologically: 2 the motion sequence above is about two years old (2017) and is the second earliest insight we have of the origin of Life the picture has three distinct parts... 1 a white ball of light (the decimal sequence of Pi ?) has a vague resemblance to a tadpole 2 the round brown/black-hued circle is thought to be the result of endlessness having established a position 3 a dense black outer surrounding (endlessness) the white light crosses from one side of a round brown/black-hued circle in about half a second before it reaches the opposite edge at the other side of the black/brown circle it is thought that the brown/black circle is the total of all mass the mass is an agglomeration of planck times planck-times take on characteristics when they are in proximity to other planck-times the proximity of one planck time to another planck time gives rise to different characteristics the movement in this sequence/picture is thought to be consciousness it is currently thought that consciousness has the inherent mobility of faster-than-light speed formulation 2 the time it takes for the white part of the sequence to cross from one side of the black/brown part of the picture to the other side is being reinterpreted as the actual speed it is moving at and not the assigned time as in formulation 1 the size of the brown/black part of the picture is approximately 3 to 5 centimetres across 3 to 5 centimetres is the infinite density of mass picture page "The first" becomes "picture pages chronologically: 3" formulation 1 travelling at the speed of light it takes about one second for the white ball to cross from one side of the circle to the other and for this reason, the black/brown ball is calculated to have a diameter of three-hundred thousand kilometre (one raised to the thirty-ninth Power (1 ^39) Planck Lengths - a thousand trillion trillion trillion) this bit of animation should be a smooth movement it will be depicted accurately eventually the picture gives off the feel of a person wrongly imprisoned and trying to escape from this animation it can be conjectured that consciousness had to enact slower than light-speed motions and exhaust all of the realities that mass can give rise to before arriving at a massless state... ongoing * previous this is an attempt to understand why and how something came from nothing there obviously is an answer to the greatest mystery of all but getting to the answer takes us on a giddying merry-go-round the components of this conundrum are... beginningless-endlessness-infinite-finite we have to think about non-sensical sentences like "nowhere is everywhere", "nothing is everything", "everything is one thing" "an infinite one" the formulae which have produced the best results in the past are Occam's razor coupled with what makes the most sense what makes the most sense? it makes the most sense to think that nothing would give rise to the simplest thing and not a complicated thing the simplest imaginable thing which comes to mind is Position two questions 1 "why did nothing give rise to something in the first place?" thirty years ago it was eminently sensible to think the reason was because "nothing cannot be" 2 "in an endless nothing can a single position have meaning?" "can a single position be the relative of an endless everywhere?" at this point, three thoughts present themselves for consideration 1 2 3 Possibilites, probabilities and actualities ongoing... previous (notes) it might have something to do with the endless having an expansive characteristic or "can our existence be the nothing starting over?" "are our own endeavours nothing more than a mere mirroring the characteristic of endlessness?" what makes the most sense? the starting point, for this website, was thirty years ago it was then just a matter of adding the discontinuous nature that Quantum theory proposes and say "nothing and something share reality through a mechanism or partnership of being and not being" this state of affairs was recognised by mathematicians who proffered a Mathematical Theory which indicated "that nothing and something is swapping places at a rate of one raised to the minus forty-third power times every second" or, reality is in a continuous dance of being and not being as bizarre as this state of reality is it gave an answer to the initial imponderable and we were no longer in the position of having to answer the even bigger conundrum of "how did things get there?" this website was bolstered by this achievement and that should have been the end of the story but then two things happened the first was when it was realised that the Universe is finite which in turn meant that reality is a "localised" event thirty years ago it didn't make sense to think that reality ended at a specific place the theory worked best if the extent of the something was, like nothing, endless the second was when Pictures starting presenting themselves in the mind's eye while specific questions were being pondered the pictures gave this website the unfair advantage of making sense of why things are the way they are, and how a form of being occurred connecting the pictures and the known facts are proving to be a to and 'fro of "that explains that, but it contradicts that" and "if that interpretation of that picture is correct then it can't be at that time" and similar contradictions the answers are coming but not in a way which ordinary people find easy to appraise it is now thought that the answers may more readily settle into the minds of people if this website describes, as it goes along, both the pictures and the rationale for thinking the way it does in full detail motion sequence 1 this motion sequence is about two years old and is the earliest insight we have of Life's origins the picture has three distinct parts... 1 a white ball of light (the decimal sequence of Pi) 2 a round brown/black-hued circle (mass) 3 a dense black outer surrounding (the nothing) the white light crosses from one side of a round brown/black-hued circle in about half a second before it reaches the opposite edge at the other side of the black/brown circle the bit of animation should be a smooth movement it will be depicted accurately eventually the picture gives off the feel of a person wrongly imprisoned trying to escape picture page 3 of Picture pages 3000 is the last picture we have of life's imprisonment the brown/black circle is itself encircled by a dense, impenetrable shade of black which goes to the edges of the picture the edges of the picture aren't defined the brown/black-hued circle is interpreted as the three of Pi and as the Complementarity of motion and immobility, the white speck of light is the endless decimal sequence of pi and the black which surrounds the brown/black circle is the nothing pi is very much a living entity in this picture it may best be visualised as a white tadpole in a petri dish the size of your palm the quickly-hobbled together video at the top of the page isn't as artful as it should be but will give you something to toy with this picture implies that the universe is what we call mass and it was originally perfectly round ongoing... previous it is also used to in its entirety, the picture is viewed as the Complementarity of sub-light speed/faster-than-light speed anything that has/had a beginning and has the characteristic of endlessness it appears that there is a subjective endlessness and an actual endlessness Space/eternity/nothing is the actual, and Linear form is the subjective it means reintroducing Time back into the formulations from a numerical point of view, it may go something like this... within the numerical structure of Pi, which gives us the straight line, there will be strings of repeating numbers which transcend not just human experience but also the experience of a linear reality life's experience of a curved reality transmutes to the experience of a linear reality linear reality transmutes into an experience which makes linear reality seem as different as curved reality did/does to linear reality since it is known that life's experience of reality was two-dimensional before it became three-dimensional we can reasonably surmise life was one-dimensional before it became two-dimensional now the thought arises "could life have gone on experiencing a curved reality through infinite dimensions?" and if it could, why did it stop at three? the answer may be that it is the repetitive nature of Circularity which gives rise to experiences becoming Bland but can't the same be said of linear motion? quite possibly it appears that there is a subjective endlessness and an actual endlessness... *** previous examples... The Universe had a beginning and comes to an end but recurs endlessly the universe is described as an infinitely recurring finite reality the phrase which sums up our existence is... "an infinity of finities" life had a beginning but has no end (see the Story of us) the basic properties of the universe are finite and permanent |